The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 22, 1849, Image 1
eta: " WOrstaceiratt." 11. G. nIPSTRAD, Editor mod Proprietor. " Ito et=l „ :=l;ttrt lowan, art . poid, TlTtoonto diadem mod t;t 4 o PO:NM to ret.tott anon. 10. No Magna, (taNt:%., 12.0.121Ve711., Yr* a2berquent 0.11,22.. .222., 2 Ifttrit=4Z ". 17121171;x ° 17 . 217011 neatt, 2. .. 2 . 22 .^ , .." ,en2o DM OF CHILDHOOD. The pleasant day. Chtldhoad, flow swillly have they flown. Lilt, rowan flowers in the wslchrowil. When Autumn wont. have hleern; They're None, the,'m vne forever, They will no nntre return, Thongh mentor, hokls then. on the heart !Ake soften In the tin. - The happy day hfMood, When Innereare glee op With gentle linger, timed the heart To mane wild and (me ; They'm gone, they're gone forever, fake rivers to the main, Their dancing wave* of joy and mirth Will weer mturn again. The hely Jaye of Childhood, Ere evil thoughts came mow. When in the heart moil. was tumid. And en the cheek no letr They're gone, they're gone forever. Like foot-prints on the there. Welled cot by time's micelle... WitYPI, They will return no more. The plennant. Italy. happy llnyn, Idre'rinnly Idniernin Where urn ,our urnyny, Of Ann ere sionmvr, • • Thnngh enner dinunle 88nnn corny, : Ye ha And mernorr ken,. nit le. 1111110111 i alter or p t.n. when a kmemeking at OIL nmir of my cell oweke me. I heard the toned no though 1,X17.117T10N, io Inv dreamy, forzoull” moments before I tens auly agrako: and my liot seonntion tont By m MMa talam Wtst Ilmaw. monk' time whieh a weary mean foie at In BlammkwommlrM )laxazitte, in no ankle roomed ; I winked to mimmmo 011. In a entitled los Ilevenat, porportimkg to be writ- minute after. the him on Ille outside of my ten by Polon who has been banged eon cc milkn,mn were drawn: a tur.mkpy, earning now alive. The writer comfort, that he a enroll lamp. followeml by the molter olthe wan moilty of the net for witielm Imo quit . j,ni so n the e t ett n. m i e , em o o m e d. I l oo k,' —ann stenea the partiemalary of hie nrre.t. : op; a Rhombi, likmm the sl opt, elemom ie committal to 'Seagate for trial. amid his con- ity. like a phials, irk n Imth of lee eau vietion of the oriole at the tilt II 111 V 1'14.441,41, 1 11,,,,1, me erMll4l one elammee wan moni tor ihdr Ito then ',encomia to mimmovilem "lent z„ r , „.„o „„,„ ,ni Jr I „eel-, what were his nommationn after re...Ovin e mhe cuem to yleep zmkin: Iw to 01,181.1 , 4111 of my awful peritonea of death. After imaimmti'mg siomatimom In tonching colors, the interview lin hod m• vain the momter to kne, in with Elisabeth Chao, to whom lie war oilmalnemi hot stramin two it is tittle for yon strongly attneheml, he tiots imroceoln with te rine ” hi, narrative; "Tire elmapinio token nto how I ham pans "ft wm no four o'clock inthe afternoon sit time night, and proposed that we thoulml when Elizabeth left me, •1141 Alen she de- join in prayer. I gathered myself up and parted, it women on lime bonnet. in tins remained seated en time /IWO of the bed world war at. an coml. I roold have wished !place. My teeth chattered, anml my knees then and there to bare nii.,: tik7" . z t Y • kromehmoi tonothum 111 44,11.11 if moytelf. It wen I had done my last act, and drank try last barely daylight, awl as the cell nmor stood draught of life. Hot as the twilight new open, I 0 , 111111 tee the 'mall paved court be in, my dell was coil anml damp, and the yowl; the morning was thick and gloomy,l evening wm dark arid g ionmy anel I had ten a nlow lot Ym Wed min wan coming' no fire nor an, condi, nithongh it wan in down " lllt noven o'clock, II ' the month of January, nee meet] covering nab] tiro reamer. I jot, inuttcreml to . warm me, reel imy degree, my spirit. an entreat, to be lett /II .lIC nod the hist weakened, nod my heart sunk nf the deno moment I had Omit ri ntionter to live! ' late wretehemliemse of morn mhimme around me: I trio' t m mako anether observation anti gramlnally—for what I write 111,4 V 011\11' WIIIM the matter HIM leaving the cell; hut be the truth—the thooghtn of Elisabeth this time l eoulml not get a word not ; my and what would be her fate, began to give tongue etnek to the roof of my mouth, nod, way before • sense of my own nituation.— 'my apeech newton! gone. I mane two dems- Thia W/R the first tinte—l cannot tell the i perste efforts but it woulml not do: I could ',Dunn why—that my nand had ewer Seen not utter. When they left me, I Dever itself upon the trial that I hod, and no I re- atirrol fron trio place on the bed. I was petted on lbs terror spreaml over kne, alumni benumheml smith col& probably from the In ars instant, though it were that my veto ahoy, and at the unacenntonemi exposure, Scene was jest pronotneed• and that I had anml I sat Penticton together an it were, to not known, really anti seri...sly that I t 01 1 ,41 keep mo tell warmer. with my aims folded , to die koforel had Pat mottling for 24 hones ' across mny locost, atoll my head hanging There was food which C roligiomm gentle- down, shivering ; and my body felt as if it man who had visited me had sent from hin were mte t, a no n m ht tome, that! mention. two table, bat I enniml not Ingle it, non Inc to move tk. 4 , T stir. The dot wan break when I looked at it, Orange fancien dome iirp nollow toil 114MVIIV. anti the light stole' over me. It Was runty food, net emelt an try degrees my dungeon showing me was served to the prinoners on the jail.— the Atop ntmyke wall awl the die.olate. It wan tent tin me lameante I wan to die to- 'plod fl or ; fool Oration as it 1,4 1 11,it. , 1a1, morrow, and I thought of the hewn I.f the I mond not keep myself from noti Inc Amide and Inman of the air that were pain- 'Olean trifling timings, ti gh pmerditiot mom perml for alanghter. I felt that my own 'coming 111.11 me the very neat montent. I sensations were not at they ought tic be at notionsl the lamp which the turnkey had ' tbie time, and I holies° that for • while I left on time floor. anml wine!c woe bunion: WY Insane. A sort of dell humming noise dimly. with n mink, being elogged with ' that I Gould not get rid of, like the boating the cm mill :toll bad sir, anml I thomight to my =aounded in my ear.. And though • self, en ik 11, that kn ttttt ent. that it hail mmt dark, sparka of light scented tom/once been bitumen Mlll l e 111 e eight before. And before my ayes, awl I could recollect noth- :1 Immked at the boom, naked iron bed frame I bag. I tried to my my prayer% but coulml !that I sat 031; nod the heavy stuns on tire' p only nmolleet • word here and there, and door of the dungeon, and at the scrawls then it seemed to ofe that these were bias, and writing upon like wall, that hnn been phemies that I was uttering: I don't know . drawn by former prisoners; arid I put my what they were. I sonnet tell what I aeid ; hand to lily own pulse mei it was an slow, end thee on • sudden. I felt an though thin that I could not feel, though I tried tin! Laser was union ; and that I would Rot make ins self feel it n that I WIN going to gay there to die, and I jumped up, and k g.. In the midet of this, I heard the ' , embed at the hmo of lb. mil window chime, in the ehapel dock begin to strike,: with • fame that bent them, for I felt.. if end !thought: Lord take pity on me •1 I had the streligtb efallen. And I felt all wretch! It could not be three-quarters af era the lock of the door with my ebouller, ter seven yell The el.& went over three *Meer .1 knew It wm fl•lod with hoe. quarters ; it chimed tits fourth quarter, sad, and staler than that at. ehereh: end I Amok eight. They WINN in my sell before groped about Ike very wells, and into the I peresired them. They found me in the i semen of my dengeos—tboegh I knew place and lath, paters they bad left we. vetyw.ltlflbsday Moak that it was ...Whet I have further to tell will lie In' maid three feet tblek, and that if I meld, • very mai nompaes: my reeolleetions as. have pared 111= • aerie* Small. , Am very minute up to (hie point, bat sot at all dm eye of I had,. Memo of Mt- so sate rsmentbow what oesurred nfterwerd. wiping. Led, in the midet ofall ski. saes- I mantel, recollect very clearly bow I got dee. a Abilene oesse over me as if! had from that roll to the Iness-rome. I think swallowed poiton: and I bad feel power to twnewithered see, dressed In blaek, nip-, reel to the Ud plata, rebore I sank anon in ported me. I know I tried to triee when a swoon ; bet tilln did eel Imt--fer my mw the muter and his people emm, late' bad swam slued with we, end I dreamed my deepen, bet could not." —between eleeping and waking—that It "In the prase-mom were the two miser- ' was toliNight. and that 1 111 mhetb hod 'owe able wretchee who were to Mier with me :I bask as elm premised, and they refused to —therwere bound with their ems behind' admit bet. And I thought it snoWed hem- than sod their bawds together; and went Oy, tied that lbe streets wore offered' with lying amen a bench, hard by, until I we. sba if .10i • white Amt. and! now bar msis. A stesgre-looking old sae, with, toW—tyliOr le the ftlitre new and In lb• tido white hair, whew.. reeding to one ofj derbies, at tie prison Os When I mune thus came up, and said something. That teieyeelf I wee Mulles and bresthlem we would mobreee,'—l did not distinetly Is • agsele in two, - 11weei At. fleyeleber's b e st a d.{ Ii w ... oink ottllot awl knew thet 1 11 was • "The greet dilleelty that! had wile Is Mem Nei I hod. TM of the keep from IblUng I bad tbeu g ht that theee NEW 'NM* 11110.11* onto. ateweete *add Yen bees el of Any and wiewely le Wok is wen Of Ow better, bet IMt nefildwg daft; bet eel, Y:Ws' ' I) ll t i ro * /II *or* VOLUME VI enrol of thus world, but to bend, nu> ;thought's to that to come, and to try to !reconcile my soul to heaven, trunring that my sins, though they were - heavy, under re pentance. might hove hope and mercy— When he was gone. I ditl find my self for a little thole more collected and I sat down again on the bed, and [knight. seriously of I m y f s t e , I neealled to my mind that I had !but a few hours more. at all event.. to live —dint there won no more hope on earth of , escaping— and that it was or least better i that I should die decently like a man Then T tried to recollect all the tubs I ev er heard *bout death by hanging. that it ' was Inc tile sennstion of a moment, to give no pain and no on to twenty other strange ideas. By degrees my bead be gan to wonder and grow unmanagable I put my bands tightly to my throat. as , though to try the senration of strangling; limn I felt my arm at the place where the cord would bare to be tied. I went through the fastening of the rope, the tying of the hands together t but the thing that I felt , adverse to was the white cap muffled over , my eyes and fare. If I could avoid that, the rest was not so very horrible! In the midst of these fancies a numbness seemed to creep over my senses. The giddiness [ that I had felt gave way to dull stupor, [ which lessened the pain that my thoughts !gave me, though I still went on thinking. The church clock rave midnight; I was insensible of the sound, but it reached too irolislirletly, though coming through many closed doom, do. from a far distance. By and by I saw the objerts before my mind leas clearly, then partially, then they !erre gone altogether. IMI adeep. :trD UV', E,ltrirmintrz, bicrletalltapra, Mgrancrz, Etats ,instrzalta. MONTROSE, PA., THURSDAY. MA_RCH li, 1849. a weakness, as though my heart was sinking ',iron. If you are prosperous they are to I . under me. I cqulti just make a motion, ;share your proaper , ity; if otherwise they that the obi white haired moo should learn lore to comfort you. ' me, and 11111.0*18 interfered and sent him, And indeed I have observed, that a man ; away. The pinioning of hands and arms 'falling into misfortune. is more apt to tr ims finished; and I heard an officer whis• , tricot: his situation In the world than a sin. per to the ellamplain that all was readv.-- gle one; partly beeaule he is more stinsala- As we passed out, IMO of the men in black ,lent to exertion by the nooe.iitien of the: held a ulnas of water to my lips, hut I helpless and beloved beings who depend. could not swallow. ; upon him for aubsistence: but chiefly be- I "Tlll, was the last moment, but one, of cause his spirits are aaothed mud rehired, full perception, that I had in nlife. Ire- by domestic endearments, sod his aelf-ress mm ! member our beginning Tao g to forward pent Itert alive by finding that 'though ell through the long arched passage which led 'abroad a darknen and humiliation, yet I ' from the press-room to the scaffold. I saw tthere 1a still a little of love at home, of. the lamps that were still burning, for the which he it the Iles light never entered there ;I heard the, {There., a single men is apt to run to quick tolling of tho bell, and the dead vein, waste and Relf-neglect ; to Caney laymen of the chaplain, reading as he walked ho. 'lonely and abandoned, and his heart to fall fore us to runs like some deserted mansion for want " • I am the resurrection, and the life: he 'of an inhabitant.— Washington frying. that believeth in me, though we were dead, I - -- shall live And though after my akin worms! Treating A Cake Actively. destroy thin toodf, 3et in any Rosh I shall I are nod,' I no )01. AMC, a. 0. . „ I kit once more: and saw! •I felt r transition from the dim, clots, not lamp. I , lighted aublerrancone pa.sage., do the open platform, and steps at the foot of the sad- I Fold, and I saw the immense crowd blacken- i ing the whole area of the street below me The windows of the shop. and ' houses to the fourth story, choked with gagers. 1.1 Pal. Si. Seprilehre's church through the yellow kg to the diatanee, and heard the pealing of its belle. I recollect the cloudy, misty morning, the wet that lay open the , kaffold. the huge dal& mass of buildings, the prison itself that rose beside, and seem- ' ed t cast d shadow, the bold, recall bre°tn that, as I merged front it, broke upon my, !face. I see it all now—the horrible land- I ' crape before me The acallolil, the rain,: faces of the mnbitudes, the people clinging to the home top.: the smoke that beat heavily downward from the chinkies t the waggons filled with women„atanding at the inn opposite : the hoarse ring that ran through the eroyril rime appeared. I cor er now en many sbjeets at ttttt ie, PO plainly. ! nod so distinetle in all tny life, as at one glance; lint it lotted only for an in.tent. " From that look, end from that instant, 111 Out ,weol, ift a blank. Of the pray ers of the chaplain, of the featetting of the fatal cool, of the petting on the cop which disliked, of my actual execution and death. I have not the slightest recol lection. But that I know thatsuch omen toners must hate taken ),lace I should not have the smallest consciousness that they 'ever did on. I read in the daily papers an. , account of my beltscrior at the sentfold; thm I W1W1...W1 myself with decency, but . with firmness; of my death, that I neemed to Me almost withent struggle. Of anv or thone even. I hmo MI6 been able by any exertion to recall the most distant remora- I brance With the first view of the scaffold all my recolleetion ceases. The next eir- I contatance, which, to my perception, neemed to follow, is having awoke, an if front sleep, end found myself in. bed, in a hadsomo chamber, with n gentleman, jam I Bret opened my eyes.) looking attentively at me.' I had nty senses presently, though I did not speak at once. I thought directly that : I had been repriced at the scaffold, and: ,had fainted. After L knew the truth, II theught I had an imperfect recollection of haring found, or fancied myself, m in • i dream in some Mt angepleee lying naked, and with • mace of flattens floating nbout 'me; but this idea certainly presented itself, 001 10 me until Toes informed of the fact, that it had occurred; • The accident to which I owe my ex ',drive, will have been divined ! My con- I dition is a strange one. lam • living man I and I possess certifleates of both death and burial! I know that a coffin filled .-ith stone, with me name upon the plate, ; boded in the chnrch-yard of St. Andrews , Holborn. I F.N . fro. the window the on. ' drouted hoarse that carrird it ; I was wit• one to my not funeral. My damages, however, nod I treat my (11111110., are Over forever. Thaulo to the bounty of the ex , radiant individual whose benevolence had , reroguised the services which he did me for a claim upon him. I am married to the . woman whose happinesa anti safety proved no last thought, no long an I....mann remain ed with me, in dying. And lam about to I rail on star voyage, which la new only • sorrowfitl one—that parts me forever from my benefactor. The With I I have often had onwsion to remark the ' flutittide with which women sustain the I most overwhelming reverses of fortune. . Them disasters which break down the spirit! I of man, and penetrate hien in the dest, seem ; In call forth all the enmities of the miner ' no. and give snob intamddity and thirtiesl to their ehameter, that at times it approach- , ; es Co soblimity. • I ! Nothing gm be mem touching than to' !behold s soh sea tender femak, who had ' been all weakneis and depeedeges, and slim Ito trivial roughen. while treading the pm; ' ' perms paths of life, suddenly ride, in toms I Ito be dm eomibrier of her husband ender miefortune, sea abiding with uselniebleg araness, Me most bitter blasts of sdverelty. , As the vim whit& has log twined Its gnash! hliage and beeu lifted by it map Intrados will, when the Ugly phst lathed by the themiertolt, din ground it milk . earessing tendrils, sad bled up Its Asthma' I bough! 1 to it is beautifully erdered by I Prositlessi that mink who Is 1b...,. idependent end onament of sees is his hop pier hems, should be Ws easy sail ..t0.., when ',igen with males 'slimily; wad hi 11 herself into the regret remises of, his . nature, tenderly supporting the drooping 1 , . Wad, and binding up the blokes beset. I wee ones egstelsting a Mead who had aroma him a blemdeg family, belt to gether la the stmegeot aftetios. w I ran wish yea se betterlea," ankl he with mg tbeihmit, "Noe is him a wife ma all- I wee once sent for In great heat% to at tend a gentleman of respectability, who*. wife—a lady of intelligence and regnement —had dimovered hint in his room, lying senaelen on the floor. On arriving at the house I found Mrs. H Vent distrem a mina. " What& the matter with M. H—T" I asked, on meeting his lady, who was in team and looked the pieta., of distress. " I am afraid it'. apoplexy." eke replied. " I found him lying on the door, where he had to all appedtance. fallen muddenly from his chair. His face in purple and though he breathe*, it is with great diffioulty." I went up to see ms patient. He liad been lifted front (ho 11,nr, and was now ly ing npon the bed. Sure enough, his fare wee purple and hi. breathing labored; hat somehow the symptoms did not indicate apaplery. Every vein in his head and Into was tinged, and he lay perfectly stupid; but I still saw no clear mdi mtions of approach ing congesticn of the brain. Ha;ln't he better be bled, doctor?' aelted the ensioun wife. " I don't know that it is nunnery. I re plied. I think if we lot him alone, it will pan off in the course of stew hours." " A few hours ! Ile may die in half an hour." don't think the 0111110 I. eo dangerous, mann " Apoplecy not dangerous !" "I hardly think it apoplexy," I replied. " Pray. what do you think it is doctor Mrs. Pl—looked anxioutly in iny free. I delicately hinted that be might ribly have been drinking too much brandy; but the positively and almost indignantly " No, doetor, I ought to know about that," she continued. Depend upon it, DM disco.n is more deeply seated. I ana nue Ihe bed better be bled. Won't you bleed him dilator ° A few ounceo of blood taken from his erne may give liM to the now stag nant circulation of blood in hie veins. Thus urged, I, after souse reflection, or-! tiered a bowl and bandage, and, opening a vein from whit o the blood towed freely, j relieved him of about eight ounces of his eir- I °tasting medium. Bet he still by as be- I fore, much to the distress! of his poor wife. Something else test be done, doctor," ; she urged, seeing that the bleeding had !accomplished nothing. If my huslmad is ' not guiekly relieved he mustdie." ". f seemed, a. and urged ago edi sad " had bone tar me the adoption of some more active mew ; tires for restoring the Piet man to ennecions !nem One proposed mustard piasters all I over his body, another hie immersion in hot I water. I suggested that it would be well I to use a stomach pump. Why, doctor ?" asked one of his friends. Perhapa ho ha. taken seem dryly.," I replied. “Tnipemdble, doctor ?," said the wife, he ham been home all day' and there is no drug nf any kind in the house." " No brandy ?" I red to euggest again. °No, doctor! No epirita of any kind le the house," replied Mrs H—in an eon ded tone. I visa not tbe signaler family physkiaa, and had been culled to meet th akreni g emergency beeaune happtn:d to be the nearest to the dwelling et Mr, H —Feeling my politica to be. dillealt , one. I ingested that the family physician had better be called. Bat dor delay, doctor," maid the Meet. No bane rehl remit from it, be amend, '1 I replied. Ilot ray mord did not amen dome. How ever as I was Arm in my realistion iot to do mai snare far dor patient eatU Dr. It— came, they bed to eaberit. I MANN, to mak. • eall of impala.. I. tbe imigibea bond, bed prepared going, to be book by dm time Dr. 8. arriard; bat Ore Moodie of the ebb reen woad set war me to leave room. Wide Dr. li—oure. wo Worded aside for IWor wiestes, awl I govo hin sty dews of tie sad deist what I had 15.., owl why I had kw* It. We Woe prowseded to tbe bold& ewer Wind.— There vas dm or approsoltiog eswookowwww •• Don't yes Mak bis-hast sughl le be gavel ..aUl.w.dr seed ibe MI6 au 'may. - &Dr, B—though wromeat. sad Um mkt To" by mOOO. he • WWI sod am , for s boob Ey blister, fofflir lubus I bl itall late tie 11100 of Dr. imam Ho woo porfloody ewe sod w ont. 'Mood to bin my amble dos gaol dm mak of Moused mold do. SA bo spoke sooldloosly of do look soil odd It unlit NO fob me do 411==e honed Mir svsy lbs g . / ....k a de IsssasY .l .......mi tint , beit i rs i.k 'a w e s - e n ; datum tubes I. sous of the true Tie tree wee sow in blares, flimming near 01.1. enmsell, sad the lower coneeqeently dilli es& la poem. This is the nap . le Umber tree of the entaley, bin . eat son both board. nod shinier/ sod Is the phicipal timber Mena lia the milli hi. mft, nil easily worked, waning away too mainly to he used for goors. It lieges in have ail the ,darabnity whieh eneieetly gave the eyprees 'es Ma eelebrity. Nate whieb have been exposed to the weather for three quarters _________________________ of a century (since the foundstinn of the thereto, with which 'Mr. H—wes affected glitetal llemseir riiimiens) now oe morke of decay in the to a high degree. mosi The barber came. The heed of Mr H UPPER CALIFORNIA: d ulcet and are now ed into beers se post. for private bendier. le Cell i—wan shaved; and Dr. 8--applied j ...., _ ' ea. rens VainfONT. . foreia this to,. is rolled the pant (ho blisterblister with his Own Ands. whin ern- I It is the king of trees. pletely covered the scalp from forehead I. (Continued.) 1 Alining the. oaks Is a haOdsomp lofty / occiput. . . evergreen neck., specifically dinette' hom ; .. Let it remain on for two boon, and then ' Cm. , v0..,.... 9 9 •ofth.o.f IM IC.Y of 3 ......1 dine of the lower grounds and i it • wehe wt . o f t h o ott g ooti d,,,,, t w oi r w ig ' ,Fresectrro.—aetween toe Sanainnenta rap' e , rd .„,„......„. .., r ..,,..,_ ~..,,r. Dr. S. ..)... , ley and the coast, north of the bay of So n p ho I :4i ~o ow„ th et wbho 'r'd t ' ,. ...T. .._ .. .. ke. ....1 ... 1 w to ei. pre nen fer o t , h l e o. n . nst fro h t b in i11 .. .a . ..,..;,: . ::: — .:::: , n„ „ o e h ee ld no n tu ,,,,,,, a . 6 „k tir e , Francisco, the eountry is broken intn moan- o n , weed t . eed end e i • . tted m ri ..". I tain ridges and rolling bills, with many ve2. it in wommi III." - ; drod feet high. !tin of the blister, don't feel OneluiT i Sett -1 sibiliir d w no ll t l e lm a rc w eto w red ; b r , a l. h or m . fvo. D... • . fe t.,.. rti1e ... 7a111• 1 ) . .e. th. and, irte, Ly jS. the result. ; fealty with oak, • d immediately along the. Anther rentaikable tree of these weeds , After we loft, tbe friends stood anxiously !owtot Pietweie op. , mkt. hook. ...I is sailed in die I of the ; around the bed on which the el& man In;; .bnviil Unbend forests, having a greater , woo b two, It inn n a1f.2" .1 . soisstsl I though the blister began to draw , no sive mi.t7 a tr..... nod 0 7 . ..kn011) . • kW large, thick, soil gimp digitate leaves. the 1 of returning conamousnen Aimed them- 1 Vine thee tin thibeled rnion of the ttwo k ood , 000 t... . dat.i. mor.d. oat solve.,farther than an ornesional low moan, i oimm rem". Limon. Pule all. utitelY a nu i np n ... e d. nod et ... deaf ookod or an uneasey toning of the um. For , io emu of stony mile.. with • "/". pearance, am if. the hark hod been strin:e P i / t wo hones the beroieg &hem penned the !Ilmwth of wild to lho emdmim of •I - .4 I n j n , „ en ens, lb. wood I. botaii.. 'Mader skin of Mr lii—be bead, and wa.' am , merY Ohm T anm I" Me 1.M.• P. I very heavy, hard, and close grained; it 1. !removed. It had does good unite. Dress- of rm. nod beflmoing of JOY. we teem' ~n i d a t , ... nu , n so d „d os ed . d ins, woe. t h e ,, npp i n d , tupp o e d nod so -' here a climate amiably different from that thowe wwwweted. ntitt eetewpw r io o r y f irmt" high j pealed again ; but Mill the sick man In in Jof ilm rmmmmito ' Ol Mb •kw mil" 'mt. plish. This tree was found by us only in in deep stupor. 1 being mock eooler and Moister. In clear the ... nein .. tun .. wwwwwea " f w I °lt has done no good. Hadn't we bet- j 'Nether. the ommion wem rk• 4... , of feet in diameter, and wen about e lly reel I ter send for the doctor ?" mounted the M. rmk7 "mond.. in Migoet• ineuent m o b. and oeoL followieg cold clear nights. In , •-•& few eeetteeed dower . wen. now ohow. I wife. that part lying nearer the roast, we found , Jost then the eves of H—opened, and , in throughout the forests, and on the open `he Inked with half stupefied surprise from .h. ommion mmethom . 1.1 .......1 . ..." litig. shrub. were flowering; hot the bloom with chilling wind.; and fop freqnently en not vet general. j fan to hes of the anion group that sur rounded the bed. . elms rolling up over the ridges from the i on ,h'i 45th Fehneero , e ,, a ... wed he 'Whet in the mischief. the• matter r H.- Timm •""maimm mt..' •••"i°l4 md the mese nem o n ...A...ensue. p oi nt ei continued until noon of the next dn. They .lo.i ,, , , hetwioy. o.tee.,..trintsog.h.o.ore reintwo Pi t.dahow. ,he at length aid. At the nom nine feel , j o g . Wong. 0 0 0 so,joO ObOOt hi o h oo d , h o are not dry, but wet misti leaving the face nanny covered as by a drizzling , soutitenterly etorm, continuing with heavy I placed his hand nth., heavily thennm." of. 'h. ram. This sometimes MM. rust in wheat nnd etnjetent nine foe eeeeeet lye. 1 " Heaven. and teeth! What ails my , hood?' ~.... within its influence, but vegetables 0n ,,,. , thi . time 0 . . en . ~... ~.... ' "Foe merer's nice keep quiet," mid the ' fimmiM •"d °Mil" •Mfmrdim•T M••• wam 53 teg. at sunrise. 56 iteg.s at 0b.... 1: t or t , , w i t h glad tears toning iim• her face J I learned frt. C.pi,,j,, g,,,i t y,. n t unident n , ,57 deg sat noon, 54 deg sat 211. in din at Bodeea, that the winter month. make • !" Yon have been very ill. Them, there, „ ed. . en d e h e ep .„h e nenth u n d y. • D en % alaightfoll PG.olll—rainy day. (general; 01 : the n: ll : 7a? t 5 :1 .3 on tl:e tT . l o th' e s' t a o 4 u t. 1 1 t 'e t i 'n e kidns fogs t woo d ' s a g n . : 7 1 . 17 " . ! say a word, bet lie very still r . warm showers) •Iternating with mild " . aml: j ‘1, ;: e 11 . 0 .. t m . y .T he h al. , It H fLe v ls en a: i n f nd sca4d . cd h: i ,7,ltfe„..__. pleasant weather , and pun . tnint end the thennowenee wee en an d0,,....41 . ,. much preferable to t i ne a flier, dep. below ehe otdineey tentiweenetw _ ot.. ' Sarah! I don't understand this. And my 1 w.h..., MI. f o r nod MT.% ...Wm.. ' ', in t'. sing at 9 o'clock to 59 deg. Theme fog. . arm! What:. my arm tied op in this Way ' 'nitre Prem. dutin.the Erm_. l ...._l. 4 _,_ ° '_,t .. prevail alnng the coast during • peat put foe?" Inn mig• the ommtn Pod. m. °•7 di.- 1 of the slimmer and autumn, but do not crows De quiet, iny dear husband. and ny•llmeahlY wa. , ..ho ridges into the interior. This tactility explain st all. Oh, he very quiet' pearl °I.IIIfI PmbIMIP MMe fnIF• 'ri n g m is celebrated for the excellent.. and great 'life depend. upon it." earlier along the coast (eau in the interior.; doe of he eogetehie , ( .. r ,,, ene the kith ; ir de. isl_ nen k h.& upon o n , p ol e .' where. donng the interest between the pinto nod min.,/ with which, for thin • j from whiebehe had risen, and caned his eyes mi. ',",• M. Ig." . ",___ml M...... •••I' . ' I T_ n __Fl ° 7 - reason, it Fin for many yen, simptied thei. to think. He pot bin hand to his head, and , em, "'m e m u , ~.n m••••ibmb ma ",/ a .° as d'"' ;whopping which visits Monterey. A feu* felt it tenderly all over, from Lennie to tem . i ..".•.°' r .." •••• l r r 1 2 . 2 . ,...1.e'r m • , Mm Mi n 'of pale colored° et tbe foot of the mon ple, and Irons nape to forehead. ' I." ......"‘ gmwt"..." i r r . ,..: • ! . .1P •m ". , tains in this vicinity, is noted for the pest "Is it • blister ?" he at knigth asked. jr•er!.l . ,-" 6- &I') ... m mr." etta bi " . "'",. '' 'llllO and height of the trees. I ennored " Yes. dean You have been very ill. ! I ," M.. , Mr. mrm d m t __," l .? Mm. M, M. 11.! one wbieh woo 275 feet in bright and Men We leered for your life," maid Mrs 11--. I My fmil ^P.m omolnortit•t.t,..„•,,n o o, °. j feet in diameter, three feet above the ben. affectionately. "There have been two pity- j A.g"mi ' m i n g r " ..... . y tn. ° """ ^ g "" I Though thi• was distinguished by the gnat finenee of the northwest. winds: a sheet, not it, slain. in attendant..." g n, other surrounding pee, were but 11--chiaed his eyes again. His lip. l i n _L•M".• bokod.,_. l ".",'"u.'"lng . 61, 1.ilitale inferior in eke and Mill taller. Their I moved. Those mania were not much .di. ?L.... 4 timm,...",(,h. fa, o f enlonal height and massive lbulk give en fied bv the whimpered words that proceeded m• m• ",. M7 ,!, M• r• m • ° M. M et ,.7""M • m " of inundate to the forest. tnengroin. i hey mount earn soonest. ,7, ."" .... boat ,_.— .; f 1 , ..,use ...we .a.we ware. m . d erm s ,,o la , nrangely in • chord.. or to oars polite end , T•miill rm.". ( ho. mm. m n. "n" • I Inds. and prefer moist mils and meth hill retinal After this he lay for Immo time I hr..'" .. (ho sod. and "get"... g m. , side.. In situationo where thny an . pro- I rapidly to perfectiim. "i n e T tj Ohtened with tipnPle..l% I neppeue me dr, T . he mo r. ntrziL Jty n lic t i o a a n li tn e p ui nsee fo z i. t th . e . n t t tml y eh r t 7 7.p ik e.; ° P o m r l o il e Mg oo r p "a h h 7 m bo t t 74 . .: he then said, internetively. - "Ye., done. . replied hi. w ir e. .. I r,,,, n d :the . sommer adra .. nee . s,. elmer _along . t . hej ep "' m pee t e h e e o m eh r ti e•helmeemree;litht.., growth. 3,, iyjo o tneenet m e upon ' h e s een. no h ap . 1 northern COY( Rlillll. tne in nonce or the , Theo 5h0ne.,.... et opeowd,og ohm., with foe- j large ' r branches, and an apparently broken i „ ening L' : , tun . o tfue fon , fee.. IS we. fogs, or where the land is sheltered by yen Inc, and in the main Talley. of etreams ! wt .., ;....t. providential that I dilemma.' I when I did, or you would eertainly have 'mid moons of M. hill., / mma of tkmm ,.l The rain atom dosed with Febnary. Idled." we. ne sootimmol7 ......,"„_ 1 gro w t h _.. _ __° . 1 nod the weather beetle:ln line on the Ist 1 H—sbut him eyes and muttered nome- mt.. Mir rmli.dif Iffmmi m".• imm•mm 'of Man+ we rammed our progress along I thing with an air of impatieace, but its they wom miod 9 .; do. hes. slf nod ds.s s ja n ___„"Y I the coml. Over tbe Woof the roman be- Inimble wail not understood. i Ponothig V0mm . .. 1 1 • me n imm ^,_ ,P n " . " Union Santa Onsm and Monterey, an around Findieg him eirt 0 ( roogn *h.& ned; • 1 4 ""`"" , and "" n ' an mann " "g m ' 1 the plue of St. Jobe. th. gm*. which bed t a h. lng h t il o h lose their volume, nod draw up late i he . tn .,. dew , by the „ ego „ wk .., ou. I relative. retied. and the an wan wan left I I alone with his famii. ___, ____ jab., was now every when, springing up ; " Sarah," he mild, "why in Ileaven's I , . . This ° "" a "",. Pa'a of d " """ a """ a l,lowers began to show their bloom, and in name did you permit the doctors to butcher!. mimliJ gmmtent ...IP n itpim meth , t h e „m op , of th ...... i . b0 .„. 4 ._ „.. me in this way 7 I'm laid up for a week It° ••• Mmgm. bm.dmj (dr de g-) with I Saline. -lain. 'a -lain of sons- III-- or two, and all for nothing." j many bold etreams falling dined, Jen the J tn knot , : .. -4 , by r t ,,,.. 8 ., i . -, ~. Ilk ; ) —. 4,-;i "It wee to save your life, deer." I oats were then feet thigh, an well headed, " Save the"— I The country ken= the bap of Sem bo do . 6 ,„ of mem.. that ... D d irring ... tbnia ..., da .d ys n. t w o : . nra w ieell i.„ in . Frontier° eat MOW: y ey ;L: ln so th a. i. :a:tw o : :: .......y. to k e o li b o -e q - o e c o h t ! E o Th wy e rtd o ' g d d e opoo tee d t it o ee po Z t '. .!i part of Jemmy, 1840, a few Aruba anal With. mutt , e ff,,,,,, a k.,.. 111_._.h.C.01.11111 1 / 1 1100 already in bloom on tbe Panay 1, 42 ,„ toot 0 , , ,,,, th . " . ...... 1 I. nish , 7 1 , the mean temperate., was 44 s h t b ill eri r .. teLth a i n i.. dhan Th dn o lnd m intr i. pe ....i rfec h tl i y . l . . h r . , or Am M o ... g lo , m4 were the Califonis ' yo deg. ni eene h te. 55 d,,,, at lii. t'. ...- f le ace to the wall, muttering in a low, 0 "? et- Intr. nod Imm°Mht. ".. e gT i. • ing, 60 deg. at noon, 02 degas 2 in the nt yoke— ' Me sth of F.l ' m ml I f " mil m. "Y ' afternoon, 57 deg at 4, and 53 deg. at no m ' mt. At the sante boon, the dew Point wan "Too bad! too bad 1 in bad !" , Arab. and . _ , plants in bloom, in , the ma . I h a d no , ne ,,,d i n m y gut non my last m . ""10i",.., ....mg_ n ''''!_ . " n e m .. ,.P",, j. •• • ."7. et 42 deg.o, 48 deg.l. 62 dog lit 54 ding, i mneenn i nn o f 11—". titans.; neither bad !he, Mem_ n o...ltem,' Mm the "..?'", '"'',:' """ .52 deg 9 51 deg 6, and the quantity of Do j etor 8----, although housed • very ee- ' mmm i mm m r . " . •e"Me..f . r:tl - 0 ,7, - _^ , 27, moisture in a rutin, Ana of ilk, 2.283 g.... .osordlnary mode of treatment. The facts !gm.. nod .Pnng .. k, ... -- : .T.:•.-- - 3.9.2 gra., 4.720 in.. 4 972 gr.. / 4.972 of tbe ease were thin : than in the plat.. Aimst the non,. or 4 ,-- gr . . . . . . . ~ OM 4.008 gr.., reepretinly. 11— had a weekoesr He mould not Fob... '7 1 "Sb" Me g mm•fm• M 11 "wr . The weather remained bright sad pleural': sod Y" . " tb " ' is " an a"'" ; fop sometimes covering (he rnountahs at M bl " . "' e " de , Ninth*, but going elf in a few nom. These tte p, wi a na k er ,... .troa . dri im nk th wit h ho h lt if bli o ni ; i , " k r• imp .. ll :3' 4„ : ...Hy m e m. ' , ern ...riga nnd paned at this,lLe: g .b o thmd ..ioh in t...i Fe o hm g 1 2: oo h t e m e r et 7 f l " M ek , i ons spent' amount's., sallerbeted; but he-• md Me/. by tolmmid".. nod bo. by good I i .1 hwdo ,„ the , e pe on nets and other gums...brain an. j 11 ".fl ot ilu tetie j' Ini ffi'd . to Uj tn i"j te h nn t la u s t te n , trte I “ Dell"Sir'''''' ti.. of . . ; . 11 1 a Fo . b e : j need n't' f t " hin e ry " o li ver ej t thj lliel k r . a n on. " lith'u nen" .""l eed ' ln - I fell. Al lan his hinds urged him to shot mmY min/ d•Y.. 0 . 10 .• . 9 " I gm I i o n , Lio n , ..4 ...,,,,, ot iw r o W o r t ; o Ti oto , the erratum in the eel- ' 1 ru hi"" if if to o til n aheti l'"' neeee rw- woi . " id d' ent in i gi i.". ve , b 'j im d li k. . ".4l. °M 4m M irt•l•rh""• mi " " Y "'"h..M..Chokill ' 'j' eree ir“" ef thei .'k eert . si rren d' whid .'".. ., stutrilia.anl ithiladtb Ho Itsd no Foul wen fos • fowl Fm•im Th• "" n• a ' n ". - - tot to , or w ; blighted by their ebillimmer bent te the days--partiadarly .D. as hie oesehman kept 1 IsY Pr Ilt. doweb -- ol." so t Y *" I and by their fuer sail greeting in that w oo, to w hi s k b o w w wi tt y.* tw . I FebrouT. Im. fdl_deg• IM m t. .. .. H . Desseedleg iota the weliey ef the San baw d „ d i gll o d fk. Id. i. ,Franeisee—frern the 1391. an d t :Z e n: ....... nwe ud t h ot a too t a w , w w w‘ tw in abide" lit ••••••• ~.."•,..„m k. _,.Me hom mi tnt. ow . Y . Joeydo, (Mareh litik) we fend Ann • bottle brught en the supposel apoplexy. ssissidal. II Stri t I ,sr, li ti ,_ s _ s t , __O_n , mum tomperature and the eeeetry troth- Derail pee right in his node of =....^....,... .." ei1.."17 —. rid In the Sorel Malty of adrimannll @prin. or men nom ity aum emirate. Images the risme after ell, god did we of I . The rue wee egr h: as th a t it ,Itt& a t,h o pm , W: f tweel ra.....i eed enere . i. th l i deze ir t the hater , Me obeyed beer epee Idembendden with es a` as : 00 . ;,...... _ o ___ .... ___ __,. _ ww. I two q . 1.11 ft w t . ot kow . w g t ww , — the . _eug . emsan Tbe tain o.e betweee d .... 5.............1 v be emir nester. A Laa a "" ..... r• san ...`""l a.• " wl7, h = b eeiva na ssa. by the blister had and "is l i • h" lals " ' ow l" o Ca th :l nemadi a d el " beehe'e 'eel' ib" beepera idi tre i' wes ",ol".". der. : at Inee m ed del : =17.".'" ha r" so" ilk n"'' t 4 1. um. Am.. dil ded. t altd fir am = ‘ 1 "" *I" " he" ' truth leaked esi—es lab owt aseeetales IPOINI woodad with wino varieties wdolio ohms od s_w w , moodn .1 11.. et gem zed in leMil i p . rile eik a lmiii , liiin.. II Ile inn Ski Obey Us* anytlft Meek, wider le ear. = ll— esteelei a." a llteu lmn tie k tite b' eltreg ...dem sflosso (Ailoslhima imay ) ...ana ler *on= . 11- 0. mused Our. ry --- lie - eeperier the sad Mu% were then epperuil ef the mese If Ha oo „.. a llmas id ......" elssmi th. sins wray .i.d.. wideb a le turleri s.ol.. h4 1 . 1"2 2. t00 r" 4 4" INeeselo-eiseeeuerilisr Om" PIZ Feed alinenia MO II It ow "ea embed flarbore Seel be disserres. Above two lambed hell leet • frequent Wee I IS A' hail I wait ewer kar et ask set a rtMr. int iboy .51 Weir 'Gewgaw I • .A Probe Arius—Doss ha wort. I wish =lsm is Ma pedloik IMO WWII tSI die of a " soiskiews iiiiimsisr.• I Why is • eleggyauts hem Ake hiyit &sew be is (NNW. bl BMW, , NUMBER 1L Mama Reeic—TharpeopEr er *b eanie U. mileeitethei Osier* ler pleeke in the anetranka of reedle, eat*. se It dam tee *Whim O. *thaw is sew ban WM lam PO,ll Vll.Sis Wanking - tee empty; Is rick. Dwp immoy. Tie amass% ere la* Se rued st per yolk er WI 20 lad fmno per Oak The err et • ONO real .111100. Tux llttet Dow it ittmor.—.l2 two me woe "ei Is Qs Math graMes peZ;r: Yet ' i l ty thatosit I. mot • 1111 k toy, glom tt tin ..5..- bow Ihr Is It to Hasloses barber r “lio. Oil pm Mow my mme euJubr Why. I sommt 0 IL” -TUN gum km he It lit. BackeVe Yam" TM Mlemialing Awl I Me Is dee bs r45..401 'male Una rime Ileum It le sWt. same.