The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 15, 1849, Image 3

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Mth Congreis--2•1
/1111111.1".. March,
Sunni—Mr. Dallas rose and delivered on
impressive and eloquent valedictory addrem
and retired from the Senate Chamber I 1
On motion of Mr. Benton. Mr. Atehleumn ,
was unanimously chosen on President pro'
tem., of the Senate.
Mr. Atehinson took the Chair and re-
turned thanks.
Mr. Welmter offered • remlution, re-
turning thanks to Mr. Dallas. for the able
ined inifemtial manner in which he had din-,
clear4ed his official duties. It was adopted.
The bill making Fort Covington, Mewl
York, • port of delivery was passed.
Mr. Berrien presented the credentials of
his colleague, Ifni. C. Daemon, Senator
thud from the State of Georgia.
Mr. Miller, front the Naval Committee.
reported an amendment appropriating SI;
800 to refined Commodore Wilkea for ea
pewee of sails brought by sailora for al-
Wand illegal punishment.
Mr. Hale opposed the remandment, and, beard of Cougrese ray
log the Court costa of the friendless ember?
Mr. Atherton opposed it as a private
claim. It was rejected—yen DI. nays 10.
The Senate then took up the Post-Office
.Appropriation Dill. Mr. Niles moved to
amend, by engnating the bill reducing the
rates of postage. and Axing uniform rates
VW all distances.
- Mr. Atherton opposed thlk es inenngru.
out to the bill, an amendment was rejected
--lean 20, nays 20. Bill passed.
The General Appropriation Bill, returned
from the House, was then taken op.
Mr. Atherton moved that the Senate in
let on its amendments no lotion to Cairo,
nia, and disagree to the House male - nem
A Committee of Conference was appoin
Mr. Walker, in justice to Mr. Shields,
the Senate and the coneunits, move.' to re
fer the credentials promoted to the Jodi-
Mary Committee to inquire into hie eh gihil
Mr. 3fangum avid thin woe renature
as the action of tide Cmgre,
bind theneat.
II ,cse.—Thu li one went i C anorin
tee of the Wh do, Mr. i.l el,.
Chair, and took rip thn Sr•iite ,
wants to the Civil and ltipl emir 11,11
Mr Vint ar t.. nevon.l e'
Cilit , irni.t and Nen M r.
iorial won merit nni, , n.bnont, by n•ta..h.
norm .vrr ont nos
ken by tlleo, and dreided in the ne,aric..
—yeas 99, nos 96.
Aftera mem, Mr Weotworil, a mi..
moved the Wilmot Provisoa. no an0...1-
The Chair ruled it not of ./e.l, Mr
Root apeeled from the drririon, and the ;
vote no ...raining the Chair stand'—. s 1 to
94, the Chair are tie casting sr, and
decided it affirmatively.
Mr. Schenck morel to strike nut the
Senate's amendment respecting tin:Califor
ia boundary. the words Rio Grande
Carried by a vote of 9:1 to $l.
Mr. Rockwell, of C ,nneetirme m- v.'lat.
amendment, limiting the Provismnal el cry
moment of the new Territories, to - cootie-
we sin tow.the after the rising of the ncs.
miens manner rrpelliell. AT.II 114.
to gee. Adopted ; rev Os
The Committee then rejorted the Sen
t:get rmbetet res.meting the new terri
tories as amended.
The Committee then roe, and the Chair
woe reported that the Committee I.f Po
Whole had agreed to wone and diva ;cool
M others of the Senate'. eat enamendm
The Home now proceeded to a Ole
amendments, and the bill, as amended, wan
sent to the Senate.
On Mr tialey's radio*. the House took
the bill granting the right of ”y to the.
Mobile and Ohio Rearmed and passed it
The resolotion from the Senate forninh
leg 240 monies .of the American archives for
the member., to present to the literary in
atitutirm of the I ' ens missed
The Zoos took up the Senate. amend
ment to the Kinesola Bill, striking nut the
obtuse for the bill to gn into effect nn the
but had not acted on it when a
wimp from the Senate wee received, rav
ing that that bay di..greed on the amend-
Menu to the Civil and IMPlomatie Bill. A
Committee of Conference was granted. Ad
Saturday, Ranch 3.
Sea ere—After the usual preliminaries
Mr. Atehintee promoted the eredentieln n
Mom. K. Morns. Senator elect from Me
Rampshire; moll Mr. Bright them of Mr
Wltitemeh, Senator dont from Indiana
The hill previonoly reported, prnvidin
for the coinage of gold dollars and doubt
eagles. we. taked up, considered, amend
The joint mainline eathorisinothe
pilatioa and translation of eneh laws as I
ware in fare. in New Ma:ice and Califor
nia et the time of their acquisition by the'
United Slates was passed.
Mr. Douglass moved to take up the
Hones bill for the establishment of a terri
torial government in (•airn/lan The ma!
Son ems disesteem) by "timers. Douglas,'
Better. Musk ..d thoolio, after which the
yeas snd rya were ordered on the motion
go mks gm and Mood. yeas tb, nays 25. }
Tb. Bill establishing &sae St. lago,
Tense es a poet of entry was peseta.
Om =Aim of Mr. Uederwood. the Sen
ate took op lb. bill creating the Hama Pe
=which was discussed by Messrs
Devitt, Webster. Berrien sod
Dowse le earmark and by Memo Allen,
Hunter. Mile% Diabtonl Ml'
orosain am
I• oppooltim.
Io ine. tits bill ISM
Ildr. Jammu Davie gamed its a bemnt
eagle wawa;
Mr. Alin dieted that it
1111 611, a
The urelleatisle of She.... Boole. of Jo.
Moo, omol Cow of leratigea, were -
Isl. Mr. Ciess leek the oath, items
pled Ms mat ter the mot of the soak..
TM sillgrneleilmt by any W. oftet
ipo MN •••ol • Territorial Gomm
enseg I.
Xineanta wee swelled on the bill
Mer ef Jebel llnerle, pa ...g
mmo/04T of
ooto• pus 11
M. NW* tionoiro — Th. awe Imo
. ou et Ms Noose.
lolio Mho . V. H.
11e1miso omarioi upoo thr
Imor of eastwiy illoo Gourd
1111, sod omoooded Yet ewe= lot As
dip l• 111 ma 11 eolook •• oak Ills•
The General Appropriation Bill was re- i
ceived from the House, with amendments.
Mr. Panic, of Mneeeehusetts, moved the
appointment of a Committee conference,
with a view of ,purging the bill of every
I proposition for a California Government.—
Mot entettained.
An exciting debate occurred in comma- i
Son with this subject between Messrs.!
Calls, Tomer, Howland end Allen.
1 Mr. Foote protested against proceeding,
as thirterm tad expired.
Mr. Cameron raised • 'mint of order during •
the dimassion, when Mr. Foote shook his
fist in the face of Mr. Cameron, and 'the'
latter struck him. The parties were eepo- I
irated by Mr. Fitepatrick and other Sens-
torn. I
Mont 4 o'elnek, Mr Bright moved that'
the Senate iecedelronm its irial amend
ment, and thus get rid of aU its diffieul-
ties 7
Mr. Douglas made an earnest appeal te l
the Senate in few. of grewting to Calif.-
a government, depicting, in strong col
ors, the evil ecinsiquences of permitting the
question to lie over until the assembling of
the next Congress.
The debate wee further continued. and at
ten minute. peat gm a ode was take .
the caution to recede from the S n enate
amendment, and decided in the affirmative—
yeas 3S, nays 7.
On midi. of Mr. Di:, the Senate took
up the bill to extend the revenue lows over
California, which led to an aiiimetril &ham
. in which Meson. 'Toler. Maxis, of Moira
, chusetts, led others participated. Finally
d At 7 o'clock on Sonde} , morning, tl,
Senate adjourned.
, House —Mr. Ashinun moved tn so.-
• pond the rules, in order that he might sub
I It • resolotion aislinvirinn the lmt of tli
- ' late J.IIII Quincy Adams, for which it,,
membene hod subroilsol, bi he placed ii
, the
ISpea M
ker'. room, and elm to pay the ex
, panties of Mr. King, the artist, r hrinirio
i.. the bust to Weshingtnn, and putting it rq
in the place dedanotill
Mr. Juics, of T e nnessee, obj, ct. il to th
e, I cusisinsion id the rid!,
~, Mr. lin mcll hoped the rcsolitti. wool
be irineorli•d liy striking oast so much as ic
. Mod to tie px•im• lit of Vl.if 11,, II
.. would prefer pnyingTheiii oast of his on
1. ii .Deck. ile never- wished xi hear the nista
, oi Addinx meuii omit in the Hall il. COMO.,
~ {l.l .11.11 ni diel , •
~. I Mr At i te, tic
• , veil 11. 0.04,1/1111,1
, Tit., re. rotl.. woe i him pasacd, the v. t
st.rodi I;e2, in) s I
The • the. took up the Siereate's
anieritorteol s the Yost flaws ltur, w.tetr l r
rre.o ago .1 t,
ruotoon .ot Mr the II ,use
I auto thto C tee tot toe Whole. nod
took up too Light flown, IS4i,
me.cil to, and io.ported to the House by.
'toe Choi, luau, our
Tire 11{, Wne thee resented the eumdCra
tic.. el t h e Mooe.ada Territorial Dal, at the
'point where it sea B suspeaded Co the presi.
s night. The, eas and trays were ordered
owe gar, ,wiul the Iloase recede nom
', making toil go el- I
ett. i 04111.1•14 /O. 0,10 BIWA '
In:,, ini3s
So the bill pa... 4 in a shape which will al
low Presidoot lk to mass the app nit
, went o. dioeta
I Alter s ..... e torn spent in the I ;
unimportant bide, the It wee took up the
ongrosseol bill to establish a Dram+ 31ort
' at Now York, which into pre t. 4
In lice OVW•log ter V 1111.41, from!'
nine Citron soi e 1'400144 , 1, 04 tin, C41114)4,
~ l die Dal, top n ted m let the Commit..
tee oad been hoable to agree, and asked to
be discharged
Mr. Artist in enured that the House insist
uto indeed/to ut
Mr. M. Cleruarol moved :hat the llorisel
recede, and, on usotoor of Mr. %V entwortit,•
the questi ft was put, wall the House
de from its autesodineat': arid the trite .
r Laing takes by yeas and ratys, the motion'
. preteiletl. by • veto of yeas 111, nap
ho the Mouse receded.
1 Tod brought the Walker amendment
before the House again, when siotaten and
loounter-inoti ~,, s, 'depositions to adjourn,
a and everything else of a contused nature
now succeeded.
Moraine to amend the Walker amen.l-1
went in a isriety ut way. were acted drool
Niee iodate of order were raised Ad die- i
' 31r. Morehead moved to amend Was
'ides asocinlinerit by leasing the Texas;
r boundary undecided. Tills was adopied,
de by a vote of yeas Att, amtd math
hubbub and uproar.
g~Mr. Giddings palmed over to the h ome
cnlie situ a the House. where Mr. Meade
le 'jammed his gut in Mr. Giddingi face and
collard him. The combatants went, hew
!ever immediate' se sanded.
ever, ram to e y eIL , •
Mr. Thompson. of Indiana, made • pa
ogic appeal I. all parties to mettle this
n ar
jotting question Ia brother.. Ile pro-
st e t it ''' . t7 " tte 171.7 :I hori sing
territones for the time being.
The que•tion on Mr. Thunspeon'samend
went to the Walker amendment as. thee
mho. and delided-ryeas 111, nay. 10b.
I Mr. Pettit moved to reenshke this vote
!and vehemently &Downed the amendment
!adopted to lie Civil and Diplomatio Bill
.o irrelevant and rnalapprupos. He de
iellared the elon-bed been mopped fur tha n
last meaty minim standing at /fleet,'
minutes past eleven earn. At twelve, he
engrain mem adjonn, eine die,
',bettor thie bill ie palmed or not. He east
• porkpie Joan, of old. bad stopped tbro
sleek, gt some more *Arian baud. Ito
talked oe vehemently. aad wonl y_iithl the
floor te embody fur may stmrptmr. /lc Pet.
s was celled to order toy enema members,
bat the Speaker deckled he .odd
The deoirion of the Speaker, however
• wad enameled by the Moose, mad Mr. Pet
' 'tit °embalm" by selling for the qwestion oA
Mr. Walker's nosndment es wow am.
Inn it me mann I. the sermstive
by • vole d—pos 107. say. 104.
j I The He then minded from .0. one
" amminerste, rd t h e bill waa wet te
.1 Mr. Talmadge neared • monation My
leg the Aiwa sad nem of 411 NNW
-I 0011411111•Ukie et MHO isel, whin was shop
Per an hear atom Mears
N is
MI Hill, disiared the
jam wf Pamela Modkimm.
Om neliem mageall.
fight 'omitted between Johnson, of Arkan-
MI, end Fieklin, of Illinois, at half part
two o'eleck, in which Mr. Johnson inflicted
severe blows upon Mr. Firklip, canning the
blood to flow freely. They were separated
end Mr. Fieklin wee led out of the hall
,Mr. Gentry alluded to the means that
bad been used to defeat the General Ap-
Ipropriition Bill, and condemned the fae
;Donuts, saying that their names would go
down to everlasting infamy.
Mr. Tamer mid he bad acted commie.- ,
xi ou ay i n v o ting againetethe Senates,
andment, prodiding •government for the
new territories. The lord. of the lash were
'the Veal Ihethodstn, and therefore the charge
lot traitor bed do Ming for him.
Meseta Henry and Levin also made
At twenty minutes of serer; Welnek the
Hower wan inforated that the President bad
; signed ti e General Appropriation Bill.
' The II Kure being new reedy to adjourn,
'Mr Winthrop mode a beemiful widress,
in which be thanked tber-member• for the
kindness and rot ; extended to Tim. If
f, he had given offence he caked pardon. He
'made tar allusion to thin as the most event
t ml period in our history—the !material ems
pines in the world tottering, while ours alone
e stenda firm, and coneluderl by praying for
God's blessing and the perpetuity of our
Extra Sesellen of Ole seissite.
r ;
°; WaYittlion' Mare% Mt, 1149.-.-The
Senate met to-day in open amnion from
' ;12 to quarter pant 1 n'elork. Mr. Done
' lass raised a privileged treetion, molten
' ding that General Shields lately elect
. Senator from Minnie, chord , ' be sworn in
gaye rise to some delude and wa
agreed to. The nvele elected Creator the
vont froward to the Clerk's desk and Rile
heir, duly qualified. took his seat Th
oneeti rn ellMbility me. referred to aSe
leet Cemmittee
,„ A resolittien wen &dented to .alert Stand
ins Committer.. to-morrow. Sonatran Mil
o kr and Atchison corn. ',pointed a ermnrit
; tee wnir noon the President A m e e
Id sax , tone then reeeiyerl from Preeirlen
, Tador by the bonds of hi. Private Seem
to tory Col Bliss. after which 'the Sent
went into exceotim erosion, an wan under
mirlo4l, on the following nominations, whir
under the lobo, lie over.
John it. Clayton, of Delaware, Secretor
of Qtate.
to Wor M. Meredith. of Penn, Secrets
of Tea ;owe
• T ,, . ' II Eu ine, of Ohio, Secretary of
do. II me Priortment.
Win 11 Pr.l PPpPp of Va., Secretary oft
the Nev.
Jae do C, Ramer, of Vermont, Postmaster' s
General. I
Geo. 31. Crawford, Georgia, Secretory of`
War.. 1
Beverly Johnson, of 31d., Attorney, ,
General. —
Washinzton. March 7.—The Senate as
sendilnl at noon. and on motion of Mr.
Mango.. of North Carolina, a resolution
mos ad, , hnol, ophoiming without • formal ,
.te do. nand at:11111111g C....IIDitIMP. tom- I
Mr e .... 0. ,hoes-it ..i. made • i ernmal I
eahl.inanon ieco Moe i lio lan , disgraceful ,
connoter nit,. Senator toner ii, of Po. in
the 2 4 ,nate chamber, oi. Satunlav last, ail-
" that slight biome hod been ex .
~h.nted H. regretted th e viola • of lion'
1 dignity of, I he Senate I
The affair woe then eel-ably settled he
, torn n the parlie, .1 hng Esocutite Sec
is then held and Pre-iilent Tador's.
t I •aliniet toiniipsdie s wore all confirmed in.
[ he c loom pre, bilis!. puhlialied. •
1 11 - a4hinzton. March, 5.—A resolution
' was retooled authorising the Vice Presi
' dent to fill vacancies occurring in the Board
of Regents of dm Smithsonian lllSilillie.
A resolution was also adopted,method
, sing the mleet committee appointed to es
. smug into the eligibility of Gee. Shields
(ill hold a seat in the Senate, to Pend for
persons mid papers. A paper releting to
the subject was presen'ted I.y Me. Walker,
and referred to the select committee.
i Na nominations were sent in to-ilar
[ The crowd is rapidly thining off althinigh
!there is. large consomme of strangers front
i all harts or the Union.
v., Plinid..rt'e fondly took formal pos.
g o u of t h e While House to-day &mit
t official node.. has been given that the
Molt will only receive 1 ishors at steed
hours on cement tIA• of the week
Washinglo., Illaroh. 9.—No begin.,
o r hove..., was tranceeted to-day, sr d
• no further nominations has been sent in.
Adjourned to Monday.
Washington Ilhrth,lo,.Theeelect eon.-
mitt. of tbra---M Renton. Chairman;
Feld._ Mason, Web-ter. Petrie—have
naanimonaly agreed to retort on Monday
that Gen Shields ham no nght to. seat in
the Senate.
Thomas L. Smith, formerly Register in
the 11. S Tromso's Dep•annont, hu bean
re-appointed. in plus of Mr Grab.. '
Meyerds ante u Saeratary of
War until Judge Crawford men.
An order has been Maned by Smendony
, Meredith, to warted. who was manyed,'
', and lA...panted, ender. the sulatiniatra
ti. of Mr. Polk; aka th. r.aou for en
, alto"ti.
' General Tayinr, and his daughter, Mn s.
BIM& neared the oaken of the army, in
• full uniform, to-day. bemidememnrde of oth
er panonsm. of both gaze..
111 , .nd Mrs. Mary Mini to tender de. germ
wham ledsateals se their Mead. he the visit
awl magable sad loam awes** air** a.**
• *hew* awl synth* at Wed.omity, Mani. 7.
May Ile Who annals* the breatenwesa Ow.
• to n wad www, no dawns al a dlsi.le, ha*
samelhatty W pwintal, .anal lei* the Mow
.• lap or his het thew Weber edY.p r bra prapla.
Appollimilornit at
r 0 Wows., ord. "Kebab ea
01.1.1011....•• MI Sl.n Ma WihWww.
Ito can senate 6 esiolll9hathlW Ora WI.
-I M. ..eta' can 11111180-11 at sosardlotal
Mimi; *St ono 1105..160 orlY ••••0111.1
I :F o r*" Wood= 01••••••••/
.... em
len leonst, Mpt 1111•• mom mem, Iwo •it
•••••,.....w Mob .I.lla. Maim a/111*
an palbolVanisemosiOft 110 ••••••I
10....••••••101. If NANO.
By Rev FL RlP,liteartiqh. 31.411 1 111111..... , t0
311 , 1 lax.. Lima MILE I.l\o Mayer Lake
• "...••••
Ai , Ad... was probably One old. admen in the
comity an. in the Slate, the tams of lets de-
Hewa as • native of kleusachaucts, when
he migrated but • few year,. ago in Ada calmly
spend th e wmactder of hiada}• arab hie eon. He
had served hol canary and peril wah meat tem Oa several
commute of moment during the Revoke- I
noway arm, and Shea). loved et with • true, fervid j
Wootton flee habits were peculiar in many w
spreea, brunt eaduatheqs, aged!, tempera., and
uniform, free fromearoimerat, oilde or pane., to,.
which, am doubt, hee uointernepted mental and
' r
health gad veer.. a, II es extraordenaw
lenge} ity, le m • rem degree , attrebutable.
ocemparne he wets a„dnc.neck, erred so rotten ,
was Irt ph} oral co 00000 totiou, that ofwe some be
i ha. woepletcel .1111. 1 . 011 /1 year, has ho made,
and toil made. • pats of shoes a day. In punk
he acquired hale.. ef• teethe, and reflection, ober h
eontesued to increase wqh years. and whsle •
stored his mind tech creel- vanety
• Informatron. HI. dteposMop woe excembogly a
/ nubble and eheneful, sad his *oval demeanor crew
a Rod companionable It releCkate mmimrm
he ve as • rmversalm, beleeveng on 1.0 arestitottest
0.11 dem,' n hie h Ilred has spoken by the month
•• of all hie holy Cropbel•since the world began,"
C which sentenced he embneeed nmre than half •
f eeoted} ago, without ewe hat mg Leah A preach.
rd. sod teeth n 4 other inslmelo , than the
Hes moral walk We. wougulo..lfeireumapect and
I... Wary. He mewl, el hat meal menterrupted
!health, year ithrl Row of aprets alneost in the 1t.,,
gradually foam.. about his
lefo flowed rug) away like the &Polio, th e
11.141.1 nye oldie totting son. }Cow
, :brume. Inand w !Alma mega.., /O. Mob. Mrs Re
, en.... of notate Sober Cerwieddge,
Iler lam scheme. which wale one of great bedil}
sager... etas Inoue with the acorn.. and redo
, roman, allege characterized the life of
g Although often and wrorely toed the furnace of
MIN.., having followed to the vac • rhubmd.
wven children. smeral grand children and maoy
err other near mid dear relateve.
hen d , .et
lays hes hand ago. wen a victi.
the Imo is felt severe}}. by a to& male of the ler
, mg. As a caber. she wee judeciou. and affic
tomate, .................. tender redeemed*.
• welfare of her children, Wore whom the wt an
exempt.. w miler of their 'emotion. As a
I. owned.. she ern. keel .ead oblegeng. eller ready to
, hdp Deed And pas pref. sod follower
11l lee. , Chao. ve bole Ole as far I wars la one
. .011 .11111 111 e l'n rl4 . }enon Church, she mho},
re- wl leer prefewon he all II oelde, L!lmrsient walk
to reed oar. meteor lint leer theds which were many
g _ and reer ere a, all ended , end har one •• op
I more for herreelf a tend founthetion akoneet der 04. -
1W ream" she fineshed h er erne.. yank pey,
entered upon the enjoyment of lbw e tetrad life;
rc scented in her th rough the merits of the Saviour
whma dee had ernhoseed as a
t h e that acne
or forsake.. 010.0 "rho put thew 1111.1
. . •
1n8ee 1 ..,. tbrlo
_Mo. n.•
'l,l4nes 3,11.1111t,5, ellmt
By thn ellteenve n l.rq. circle ar
reline. and ...ids. are ealleik, nws. deeply to
I nflictions 1.1 is. keenly thai berea. n.. and
brothers and sisters area.. ROO. railed to law of
`the bitter cup al Had , and a child DA' atted
days is lett Dcser to
ad • Moth. • ot, a ,
MC•her * ......lenws. and ad.... hhe has ue. I
Her morn it. .1 rem. Her honer wow where un- . '
I dela dwell.
May God bless the moa
.Mnn.. 3111. y theirs he the
• ash. he
ps. of the Gawk ..apart and sendoff
the. ander this their
Her funeral was at. tided ora the Cdh at the Hsi-
Ifouse a. Dente n. and a denim..
I pre...d by the Writ, LL M. Al
r •- tri •
' -
it! ". I NI
t id • ...c.c. skt. '
ati H .
se •• Wen,. J. 1.1.; 12
IN fore per boob. 01, SS. Al
ny per
Pt. 1.10 peorbun<l. S is. Rye, oto
..1.1 Snoil
111: lE '
UPI I .to 11 Jo p.n. Son n
12., Ti0 ". 4 7 : 7 1:. °' :Zit •
RI Pont pre lb, 23
t I
t:trjtLitrrir:e IlatrVl Z ift:C•Z:oZert.;
10t.... tut welt
74' .
- : To Farmers t Darpoon
•basica acre... inc. .leht ar sm.., I
toleyt n ' irro zior
on. to Mr Intro. oluelli mob. It ponteelly ready*
Thensdnerlee 15at...4 In rod. thy ...ow urn
s11 , 0•111.e•Rae lein,sytxtre merle... wh.c.c.tdwrice
we trrdeinew 3 eitt.ber ne
171;e n"
tn,t, il4nreftl tOisperntune Isiamist saWiSe Oss nolo . InOi
rneen, It .. nww
.1111.0. n. tonti toult.v %waken MO ors.
boteroullk it
mins non volor4 .01 ir
• iorlaber There 11 , hen
MO. errs.
Oilne loody the e'en=too
Llz toneik atr lnt .r . a. tn.
WM D. llat CII.
• . Ma rrow. Ms* stk. ISO
olt - 8 - 'r; 41
, •
At Auction,—A"‘l=
011.1... 5141 41 , 21111.—* 12
I Yoke; Oxen. 5 T .. rnr- di..
I rag, I Yearling Cat.
2 Venlig, Mfr.,
. 44 • ~ 1 4 1
1y 4444 (241154 24444 f.
.rir 424, en. 124214121441•22 a n wor•
r 1152221
At Auction.--11:13?.=:fitial
, 3 Yoke of swielmi diem.* pros W4l.
If Ale Vent. from I 1. 3 r e** 41—.• doh. ht.
ALW of ad StormA. •
I ••• e Yea. of Ow,
I Terw ' renal/ Irsa—e., Nor.
Af. /Re v . menet Coss. you ; Ihreela.•4l
411ov, Ihypnew l / 2 24 2 / 5 4221140211454 at-
Min 4224•4 2. aortae.
24 440, 44 024 1544 med 4•11.1
1 4 me 40.4
Adminlitrators' Beb.
1irt i .. .1 = 151 4 •=cr a e.224111222 :. 45. 2..
0r p =2112544 so 244/ r.uar ok..l
• , j i rm
e To, r eono aka N.M., I Owen.
at hole -..o e m...emememmeoloweser.lorte
Oa eaalW sr..* ••••••••• am • .011
Inemenoll.senl v . _
EMIKIMPMe ahrtles.. l
e V Mo w
ewe* lee.
. HMI*
ellarek .1 IRLIA Vs AYER A..
A• 11111•0 0 ,01. 0 P•Selyall. •Ur• .M••• MIA
slse rot
l er ostkuilon • male, ilbx• aperral woronlislon are
vs.r.brrenv .Plo,llleryans• ..I.Heseal to senors. l
" =:7I=X.A . V ' Ne '. e"l:
, ' , ` aga r .:;:, HAI ~/enno /wheal. is pleosaro.l
rltuenel. ..1 from the perue.' erfortolnor of
Roosts. WI han able awl
vel experlenneAleulnereors
..a 3• 1110,1 or reoltAvz orser•s
••••..y,•••••710R. Anf Oa r Rook. 4
5 OV
.neal• ttttt MadlnvisAllsre I4Alir will be fur.
o '" • ' 1Z;;:e ' r , I ' s Vint ere.l7. t k o
Ern r Mer • nam'l V 1,, Y. yoIOO.O.
rmlvellla, Yank 5 ,
The Eagle Foundry,
n kr II AMA.
7,74 . ,c , :n.:,:.,,...,„,. •
n bare re, 0.1 . Ore bent of one... Ztalklng l e ra•
nnttnefy7f b• • ' bol ' a usa.
/Administrator's Notice. '
eeakw eel/ Le
. '. ..4•71:171134. A ; ""'"' 14 . 11 V I=timin r
Susquehanna Academy.
Antheoetle and Or
" In I 0 a I or 0 • A I m es..
Veerrevlar.=V norezn. 4
. .rn
Mwanew Maerk iltbllrlll
• NO
Moot... Yank 7. t V R. CHANDLER t CO:
For Rent.---1T;;;..7,7=';'''7.7:4,1.7:
^ kutek.eeen •11, mied ~ a. a.•nml It•Iln.
• Intit •ern .11. • W a "I.J ,
Dunne, non 11.. IJr 11 le. Hle ,arl
It •
Auditor's Notice.
,• litrt"l4llVOTot:.(7l:ll.•7='..rr:
x 1 e
.•In en rramlese ao 1 to,lll. inn A. - 4mo. of Cnnn bus
fon. Evoke. er eke leo •tel teoele• et nel.aee
"' wr
J'~ll DI mire.
O. B. 40071131/
erootorals Grocer & Dewier Iw
N nu lf•
I ":::!;':1,'N"."%:r"""""'"'" V-
moot orm;tt;... ri.4. in. a .
Tnule at ...v. matbregritteuttromnoutatsu
. Z.77,: • 7,nrt r 0 V:tlt . trti n tdlVoi rr' lt """.
dm... to , tamo uruMoos sma Ilnweire c= n-
2. Pao. 2.odMhoorts tot. erup t ')
100 do Tea, otabruclug 40 Mgeront
g orl . x . r .. :artruce of ttarrou &
100 'do Marlarrol. - 111.. WS.. % ward
Fort. Trim, Shad. Sexind•
d. T :Vi g rn •lrbut. Fmch at,
do trolttes
1. do
30 do rnme
t axleadeent, & other Num
Al do do
Sugar & 31olorrog.
23 at Nn 1 & Palo Soap,
214 . do Gre. Malabo, •
do loom,. and Orange;
, do Pruno, &c..
25 do ip,.
3 1 1 orders promptly ratorldrd
lane& Ilettraies • Gmn% Estbare.
Lsolbrop 0. Sollrbury
, WO , Lla=n7ro:lir foutlt tlma. to 111
tr . 4710 . > " 1.:r5 ' . " 0774Fi.,4, • :;,?:,i 2' ) .• 14i
[LT 7,11 ton la mood
~,,, sr.
rt7;o 7 :Xetttt .'"
aur mor tato, tom r n b
t . "' ,llorlr.t=iir P era:
800 ns canal.
rsurtr go.. al
li ~ m
atm 111111rLIKV"
Going to Callibmlal
eat otoomalrow
" •"'""
Farms For Sate. -
7 4 =".:.
C - ,— .- . - 11:,:f,..t.
tyst tonn—ttitlF tont.l low
... ITonormo thi4VM49. To. man Ft n•ott.l. ota,
oat •••• a T.. tttttt ...tottivottott . •totout
tie otAtll il.d.oo+ ttr otTrot. t...lotat toot. 0tT.Z....
TIM Ott, ton tn. 0t....—...... harm, nom. Twit..
7. ‘ Irmo.. NT of •
Ml.7f. .10w toittomit.,:o!,,jrnit,N 'v...T.
34011t0m, PT. 30, ito3 1 LINIARTON i .133ay.
. i T0r . • • •= 1 . 1.1*,71.1•...... ollTrd in
"n nu TIT ITlototto,
1 .......... Tr* at TAIIIILLT.
:ii:14,...1t =,•••11•11Tol To
dope. tilm
I, • INT at tofTWßlttel =AM
• MTN.. et 0.,. brim, TNT PITT Ina ntle Ttlet
••., r,...311101414R • VIO.
At Reduced Prices. '
jE. 11. 1 = 1 .:... - -r.r. •..1.:7'.! * -.7' l ^ --
I =Tr so a 1...•
.. 11= .. 1..ea
tt.l4l.l.~ll,o4.76l , l•Morepowllagas
111...1 . 101.4.11, VW.
rteltrarl= " .."....'
L or , ••••••••• 1.10 robmit al
I VIM rar41? " 1:: r k " Viv a Vi ir
• H ...... re..W.= : sap
Ca. IWIn. en
ir IMI •• 11 . .=I 1 . 1 I: , Om. IlioralraTC.,
. ly=l‘ , ll=r r
KW 4 1•
R. A. IPournv,
/111 . 1: 4 01Mee‘
GEO. Btiowia,
7.1.8 1 77,
Great Bead Pa
New Daily Line of Stages
• .:4 r l-7 o
Bellweenllleintrese &Great Bead.
',IXI „
1=17.t.;:t1t7t7;,::',•% xr.'77:41:1
i"l,7:= "°";;. ,
• r",10 11461,/k •
Weed Wanted
‘ ,„„, :t , few Won.. 11 dehaere.l.l.. ot,ll 1111
:10:11, " 1:;: s =73:7: ' Vt:\ ' ;:1 M.
1- 4 .—.1 25 for rree 1L . ..av0w,. .11. la
ot P tr,= ' :o a r ''''''''''''''
4...11 , e. I. Po+T t n
Valuable Property tor Sale,
• 411r.madl le at.t,lffilislna seen" alma...
Tar --1
1: NEW al STORE.
TA , .00 doer rem. ,f V. S.
rt=7:17.117,T. —"""
The oullseelber apre1,...1 die k of 114,0"(
114.1‘ RR L PAC a.1.11ek,a41,.. k. vroum mkt
put, lagra awl
t e njal " Vainl77.l%. " = " all7:4=;4l7:2 " ' Mar
Ir•tr u / tIIIZ.,XI . 7I:Vr ca
X47111 . T . ee
aio, of paryer 11,1er.i•arcral. Tie
' Ter """:•••"'"-:;--
p 1..,
ua, era aaaa raalmoat I N LET
ta t
i •
- •
V=Zilrg:rt . :7:rtl77:67ll•l:: " ‘"
T P Pt
New Goods.
1",;= .
C". 7,;:: : rz. "rttgr, "4
To 11/311 LADZEM. I
OTZLll..": , :r . ..•=;=ZrATo u roono at
Nene* Now la pow Wow •graldwowilworet-4.1
aso.”*.t.m. WNI FIST 1 Cov
TAU:1,741; •lVr'7"
C ""
- -,41:14""
•^' """ "
Ti the 'Millers of the Eitaie of K. H. Rost,
Vt1.1,1111,W ROM ase d" := 4. lllnravya 4.11.•
;=k.ll.l7leot r rt ' o:
li=r:721 •• 81111;417e7aV•17,:: . ow •• •:el:•171: '• 411 . 1::
p . • I "". .it at,l7MI thr Ilgoes• W Rawat 101
ea. to. nahaaa 7.1.474 , 74rn
ti "
"" VraTar
a I
t • ei ' ltt s' areo. ••• • r "••••• '' .1 . 111•41 • 11r:77 "
New Goods--at Turrell's.
. .
1r.7,72:,,1T:;=7::.:1n: - .::::.^:7,-,:; .
enema.. curd. 1.v.1t rldes ••111.1., An. •11 , ..... 1•••••11.• ;
awl rm.- *saw. . .....1.•101..4 ...................• 1
Med. , .......1. 1., , 1•..1. , ,,,,,,,....1..... , _
UM/4%4M••••1,. . %
. O
.. .
*I . , e,
owv..r 1:
ALV4I-1• 0ft1h , ... 11.11.,1n5, • me monsrmest 4
V.. 1..... •... nii. a . .1, 4* ...1 , 0..
t.... 1....7. 1.0 41 ..” ,, A.'. Ina wooers. vs some, all al
.. IV,. at 4.4 ••••^ 4 . .•1 1 1•
11.0n0r,..... 1.1 WEL 1 . 1'111M.L... ,
t= =::.^rll= - 47.t - rxtr.
•,. g.,,,,,,,,,.• ~......1.4 14 •••••••84 lb ....
Ws met.l , .1 ba.• ,r,../10.1.... ,
G.., •••10, rt... dal. she•••• NI. woe. lasi
OA MHO. a ••,... , 11.• la • ..157... •
yearn .• a* •• .O.IP , .... ••? 1... h.. 2.7.
or 00 , ......11.0 n••• Cm.. t• I/.. .1
'ltor 1.1 am. idi .....t.....•• , ..../ '
,1.1“ ...draw .• M.O. 1 . 1310, lbw. or *OA* .
.0.1. 6111.4•4 OW. 1 , • , .• Mad out epaml4l.,
Vies ot,=7 tfrelfr """.
T 0 WI l i thilit4 . 4= 6 =
""" ralawile Iftillosesk •
er•pr.,••••=elm, ••• ol di. b raced bort .
. 0 •••••••••11• .• ma ...• 1/. Om.. mob
1,, •••1111•=1,41101.•11•111.1,.• b •10 .1.
" atter MN goli X. V. 14,.! Y. 1,1
~ 11,•5tar . 5 ..... = . ,% . „: .
0.. 1,.... I. 111•M,..1 0
...1..•••4 gr ARO ...I
dlorla lob. .1”.• 7•1 ,
. fillarrnarilke•
Tir=eilitr - f" "SW
Al the bc..l rice. 1.1. POST 4. Ca
Jan 17, 049.
FVTL1tir .. 7.41 , ==.•1011...... - 4
Itrott!'": "31::.t.1.1:114.4. Alt
tree, 0.41•44•• ••4I ,144m...•*•itlittlitd.
P AAA% t, w0.A11.,../ hA 7......11....1.111•41
..;r --- „r"'.." . : — "' — " •• •" — '
r.. , ...... , ... : -.4.4" .:m=l'4=l
1.1-lA..n=zezzir, ."=.l", "Tr.
.........V.Z•ntlren.,' , "".:l7
~ akzatrir 2,17i1111111611
;1...11L1zr,:.7....11:71.r.' - ZrZt.o.2:,
I° =,'.'‘"!': - ,,1... -- -, — 4
. 1
• , raystaallarepte Pala,
-37:530 acano.
IA `XI: ,',;," ;'""'''''''';4• ~' ''''tl, a!"
Far Caps at Foal i —..-•
i A 4.4.0 wa•AA of all A.M.* et Polo mid 011.0
a.{ 0 7 , rva..,.........41747==.,
Railroad, Freight and
• , r.r.z.•.-..-nr.......---......—...---,....
ltr= ris item] N 0.1177,114.114444 lAA aw*
' ' =: : ,:. : 54 . , =er.g :"...:'l.l=
H... r./.. the 11141.1 Aier I.4.rntletto
nel lutetall. ta In ...If. Am..
oteat Arad, Join A 941 ,1
AO 1 A , MA J OR
--.-.-. -
. ...11 ~.....14.-- 4 '....t..- _-
:I I
:I •
~,, 1144.411.1... aTea1t,..441441.• It" them la AAA.,
. „ .
ore do.r ....era . a red,. 11.1..... Wm. be
qatroraZio7: ''''''''''''' ...*
.„..,..,..... Dob.
i 4.1.1 . 1=. '" 7.1..r=r.r.'•=14 :Al
Jell . coal art . ./ lot ra em Irae b.. Rebabtag
.....b. Net. sad noel neoll4.4lre ••./..
I Now. Day IbrilAl..
'Fresh Arrival of New floods.
1 .....i...e...h......t: .6...M.i . ..::01.4...4....
Atr ..""" ".. iisArrt RM..
inr6l.llV MD at LAS, Dal ...O. ID
......... D.41217 . .. e.
..1=•=1:7747.1 - ..^: rh,r,t; Li - ira!'
WWI 001 MS.
~..,,1 0 .0 . .... Ds Undy. • .....•
....OW . rt: ' "..."'
" • i LVA II CO. '
. Fresh Groceries.
Jute Wellata at Marmara
• CMITT.T.Z.T. =41,.... * , """; "......•
...z. a 1.... tvaaa.a.:..talaa.....m.
r..., 1T.a.Z.7.....;,,5tr,,.." ' , .......7...7.... to
smearieb—ell .I .0.01.. be tablera.rely A.
in ' lLyn4=trpDt:...l " ..."
7.1 lIL
Wlt "' Zy, tr .." '"."."..
Mal? .
tr,tr••" -- ;',',:::47• 4 *•. ,
• u n zt1=7. ........, ....... 7 ,......• .r..."....
IIIZZI.VM7=`-''==' , •,•"*T;
• Nu....
.. Pos. lab. . beatie. ... ey•
are. ..... Mt .. acMiti a saw
Now Clock and WWI
ItlaPAlßtata itirrAnamoUlaiewr
k ,:... , .......... woo boo D 0... Vba
..-=`,.....= =
1...... tort la teybrot DM la ems Apalr totov
. NV g•=rir:ll, " " r
.*""......". Y.Y.
t . ear De arr.. my. at IV bar:rieraitea • • :11 ,' .1.
1 3:::='... .MI
Mee.." ....
mote In hav rod t :art= ar= ...
Vat bore. a ...roe
'; =l....resrot=r ~`;.,1.77 a1r....'..74
.........-... •
- i , ";=.:^-rzt,t. ral - "" --, -2 . 2 .r,•,'.VL" .
a i 1 Dt.a. De.. In . OD* ma. proiala ha Ow
y . 1=2 . 1= 7 1.1 trtVoao "" t ro . eart=
awe over.. *Wog to bant at
mew apose,
Crockery le mu were,
OA IMO Clain Wllll,
DAMAO & lecconteemeasvi .
TIN X Wilk lls NE, WA
X salue. Si‘s.
TIM= •"::: - .441,==== . 2
~ ..r re* nntui A.., . :
Breed Chan, Casoimrft. &Wool., Vellkap.l.6
eirer:,;l2r/fteLle a , =l'd=
Ma t pr. Tr••rfirl i r IA" alle . or ,
prr LAMA, AP*. Ihp
1 A rop /my mmo., Al
Weft it•
r*. Mod. AM f.
v., nil NW/. livid 11,....
. :
R. Rice, nakite. MO. Yore. la&
A,r . m " 7 . 614 W 1 N WW I
St i ll " :d r rGior
Co., ..* 'woo, box. 11. .
it.e... m 4.1.
~ ....1. ow ikard.. 4. l•=••• I •• ma •
. - = se ill=
tier prp•••••••••••."TM
110.•••••~1•0. .o.lord oditi
=:M1••• 5 ,....r a.
rwow*. ••• am, rrroat,•••lldr Ix ..
t1e:i .6 403
1.....•1p5••• • 41111“••• Oilbaz
ii=imarro 1. =kw
ir.:....m a wzr.c." . 4.,
`701=1"" REMY ibn,