The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 15, 1849, Image 2
• TITE DEMOCRAT. IIONTSOIE, PA Tlearadlay, Mart*, 14.111411, -------- Leek Mt Apr Cousterflelle. The earboudado Aroma! of Saturday hem the • the day lest week a persist was /unwed in niladelphinlor paring it 852multerfed 611 an the Hank of Suripirhanth, .0 Mont.e. Mince then we hove wen several which have been put ettlatoon tit the galley below rho. place. Ws tan. slenwend that on Fridley the nd Institut, during the ex,cittintt at Warshaw, over 4100 were peeped- A person rrodent at or neer Pittston trupliented. has meat trtk. for parte. unknown. The rottiv urn it lo•asily d,.,011 The pinto ts on dler than the ,iiinnr—wgnatorre beery—with wordfi o re inend or the Gri, ton both the right end It.ll 11.. toles ttorto wormott in anbenthee is else given Ow New Toth end Philedelphin p.m.., and those j in 00 dkeeb.wre and Toot-mule, einititerri tin on the and Brisk haring been peened In all of those pli.ft samultaneendy. Our citizens emit. lo n tirefuti • Geom. TaySer'i IVe were ult.. sousnott 'oungelf In the leek roma; nn itniete on this eohject whi n the follow. 'I ing from the New Yet V:lobe of Saturday thine under our observation Mgtbmnog on , w . .ttinietith; &snatty. and being Po forcibly and lucidly written, no pee it in preferenet toe ihr num cogitate.. "The Jaen/nerd which te h %kluge denominate ten Innuguntl, read in final of the Curntol, et Wash. inn.... on Mondsy, would not be wonky of ne. or comment tenni it not for the fact that if, ppm, • wth held by the ear...motional Preident or 11 United Stotts. It hos no e!nounm to the dimiity or impormuee of • .fore paper, h ern.. it coon. not • single denten. or intimation al la the great durations of publin pulley whiit now am.. MI growl notion. Some the sweetie< her boon obs , rv. eel, no man has taken the rottlkof that high office with.. marking.m the pokey which ho meant to Tommie. Eiwn Illtimeonk emmoutee Nailed a plan, with holdnene aml rourage.. the platfono, npou whish nap woold hayo woad had the) n. 4 onconntervil John Tyler. n Toylone will i• hook to the practice of troy. ertmodit midst the clirllest Prekid , dre" Popp.. ha doce he find in 11, moddr s eroa agitated w Ili. rla,• of the three Preo. &Ida. - Nilr6e One of prenent day' Dunn! the brio of the first President the not...lion of t 'am th. depsdoneni., And the p dpi'. war:mainly directvd to 111, fOrll.l/01, and p.rftwoon of the ow tent of government which woodd folly ocean' wah ' the ponciple• of the Declaration, pratoulgated and ilwriso .1 by tha glorious rraollo of the Devotion... Piping the terns of the second l'rweident, the ephit of inmrawbylind Imfot tonotely berm..w , prevalent that the people when Ow oppontinit, offonlowl thsin in I ROO to wpm)... 1t,,. and Adoon..tration. The third presidential ten. wool ....pit.. for ratahlisliind lb. noremni• sit tip., 'mid reptiblican Iwon . which neither the llnifish I nes the old Fed.dotists hoe.. Iwo obi.. in shrike During the lime of the earliest Preenlente," there wee no p.m y or 'drool. rt. wa of oinking toriffl lows otboerweut exclusively irou to rosuitfacturen,l them won no combination of drapers.. lYddr /a simlomh "body to <ll,lllOll Ma people with • Monied Motn.n.s, sh ould withdraws dim, teolehroln. there was' no party in ail Man wood,. Innen, there Joys thorn were no bankropt goowla desired the distriliolmniof the pnreerd• Lc lend. among fits ors. Oorne. ereerr .oroorttles of moor lots .untry watroot then filled with mw rain. ahape vaittrartors, who wantril to Pali It upon government contracts fat internwl amprovementa • , and, law of nil, great., it. impedance, the,,. were no di speradms to he finintl.,at that day. whop dared to threati n the din.lotton of the Union, If they were not permitted to enslave the row earth.. from the Rio Grande to the Pacific (Mean! N.., M the. moments.. questions Were agitation in; j those day.. and why is General Taylor allowed. in P tha snow of h's ranter. to inside the Antony. rktple with eipreanions ritnteimod eneh monster- I otir lo no l 0. thou threw inunnees. he lemon a. 11101 he wig endcovair to conform to the per of Washington. the firl of l'residente We molly. hope that tha fuleonte flattery of the Mdse-wafting w %Whigs has not operated with ...II nn influente open Gen. Taylor, no to ramie his In imbibe the idea that the people will ever hod him as t nod Wm/king-ton." The* tllnel rims. rm., immortal ^ nein never hrooled of any of hl. deeds—Lot his !wends and cogent, 01 1 11 r.. 111.1 1•1111,n • hundred."' more Marmot then any' tot]. Ito no Vets rt by lll.jor Brent, end no attn..- of,'. prem.., de, It. la furth,r allowed ..y : o Cloven by the body of the peep!, under Mc penitence dm, int ndrnieln, omen ehresql It devotedto the wolf., of the country, nod net to the Sup. Part of any pereire'er section. or any local mtere ve et rely ,form tins lily mum the deplore I hove beretende made, and modem any Axed deters.. eta. to maintein. to the extent of lov aNI,lp he Government in da originel purity. noel to adept as the bone .r my public pohey, thew meet repobli. an doctrines wh.elt aor,stma the strength of our national exoterece. - Wth the aoleetion of ouch men mo and o Pante . Erviet, Cl.l ten audJahosen—ktiNs momenu to many noesoures of dm...collie engin, be fee the o trelfas. a( the reentry'" le there me o particular molten° m o local inferrer revolt-4 for, by inviting Imo th. eetonet sash Yet e.heblem .• Prem., Crawford, Johnsen sod We asselude st present, by remarking, thin to . IN. half.rehnun widens there to net a wed ono ae. his futon moth,. Why kw he not frankly declared to an lotelligent, confiding people. tamps e Imp ar recent" by which he is Sto be gemmed t All la leg to seMeeture. to moat gayness, te the. dieted. of ha secret whist& It is 11111 ed with raven... and ambiguity, &emit nelboMatiso vekkh he hm mateted Istreand. Pfeerviline lM 'WM, part of Order...—nee selybbor of the Regiene, as we expected .ad pre amid. Wanner to delhad Gnier..r Jebesteah neerse 1. MINIM.. W Nash Wersch Castel 11l presented to the Howe by Mr. PIO., wed wee*. hue the seownersy. W. born hr ehonordesee and endwity le lbw bachbgal et What nee We to pens • woke% soplewoot, and owespltted lash. W. however, WY la Mei es ha addlos a little pendeloww, If we Ilhanonor. 10. nude us Mc hat her We Wlleedery Is ewe. Ow traverneee donlindkallord. • IL:1‘ The nom ths. mt, Whops, to We Woos Weed. a Wegbrernewn Ins ehenwed by Cos w Tray het. Tam North 111 1 rumelh—Mr. Lletle. Th. Not. Branch Canal tell was token up . the Ihouse on Setuntey. on moan of Mr. Little. when Mr. Ball. Whig menthe, Ilorn Eno. meted . emend it by substituting IN its Weed the smell ner tell, indentieW with that formerly propene! by Mr. Lane, and which' was drawn up in •c nema 1 of Whig and one or two iee.e Dememetie mem tars, to meet the approbation of Dor. Johnsen This amendment wee ad... Wed ha Me.. Ball, . I.ITTI.E end Fuller. with great vehemence. end, accrued by Menrs Schoonover, Meyer. and RN , re• with eq. sy-l. when it wee adapted—oyes l on, bye 44—Mr. Link and.. caber Demorael (i) rating in the effiraudire, every other Denwer*Fl preeent voting in the negative! Mr. Little, we notice, undertook to j.ify inn double mamma. ate Whiggery in a eel speech, and N. to be very suye. upon the Drmocratic pm, which hoe nnenimously denounced hie Nia cin., when., deriving thee he . did not coe to the House to repreeent the mon, but the intemr este of I. conotann.: If the latter tees truly his object, then hee he Fp.y mirepprended thew loathe. He need not longer getter himself, or try to romance other, Net lino romadernhir onion of, his eonWiturmle° appmve ha smell note wk.,. or hie nankin to the liability principle in Bunks. Sash a net the ease, tut he will yet, we opine, tram, lto his sore. We hive conversed a ith s great any Democrate in this connty on tli and l ha sonnectin with it. and here yet town tto•Fro lime who don not boldly condemn and den t ' both. Whet hiecomas... in M'yontin, not, sty, an we di, notpreteml to judge ; but beta,.,.., , enured that the Dennic-ney of thismirbenno. who !gave him tnom peeped,' by hundreds don he ipt rotes in Wyman:. here done wan him, and Witt I surrender him In the ear of the memorable" Th ir- :' teen' who rop.ed Bill John.. Belief act. Hie truckling end pundenng to • %Vhig Governor. ii nit 11'11.n...berm of the Logiehtlitre. ato the Into • de,ee dee...lige, and evar,cliere among Demo- . eynts will roll down tiere fill , head the revere... • repolumwou. De made his nett hod, honorer. end if il• fade it filled with thorn, he mast not Romeo. Having consummated hie Penawa to hat petty sn his ennatintente. we thrst he feels relieved. His ansrmy foe the completion of the Not firmich canal as no justilicanon. IN canes /rope lI humeehamea am as anatona for the completer of dint work as he i but they ere unwilling to we . rift. e what roof more consequence, and partuorlarl ~ afar AIII ia hot nereshary. Ile was ander lin rem ,; prlr.n.. to +lmport Hall's amendment. If it ha pawed without her sumout.then it would hare beer at Ins option to thport thp 101 l as:moulded or sot , nod he would have lo „Iroma etene. If l:, erne , Johnston and the IClnge .her all their proftemon and t aporings, chose to defeat her North 0,1,1 esthplenon melon owl, a scheme no Roll, no tacked to it. • 1.3 let thew take the respooshdty 1 . The support of the ocrembreenl. however. shows„ sneh alternator, on the ...Indy proves his cent, torn wlth the Whig. to have been rehethry. • The qucenou on the passage of the 101 l as amend ed has not yet heen minor. The Cabinet. It wenn dolt tame of the President's advt.., rosy@ the Evening Post, drscovered, before the name i of Zr . . ,D,.. dew trot avie wasreLlirnto ow . the n tS . e t, net t e . , t , h .k, . atth: ionic. tang he helped to matte, mail the term ex. rove kw which he teasel...ed. Another arrange mend, therefore mods far the Home Department. and the post ia assigned to Mr. Ewing. of TO , 1 The Post Odle. Dept 1111 l mat is morn In 11,. rel. lamer, of Vermont. ..Arose arcenoon to the Cohere, elthongh we believe he he not delicrent in liminess talent, does not add to it any pndicular lustre. An I now nemso ..we moth Ire espect from him • ' ........ 5a..........c eortahrenea reent no the noo then we should hare .....—....1 nom stso arc , re Imo.. neet re in thew appoint. h. the new adroliontrottoo the dace ..., ft have the completer...a The Preto. , nt Iran Stlininapp. Clayton roan Delaware.; /ohm on from Mar, land, Cron-font from Geom.. and repot. hem Vargo., rigatoni Meredith from l rosins) Noma. Ewing from Ohm. and (lallamer; from Vermont, gate the Wave hOldeig mate. a ma. 1 loony of Rye to three. The complamt ham long ; Moth that by far the greeter molder of posts in the rimy, the army. th e burn., are fllled bran the I faunlike of the planters The etellteethen of the ; pre adonhostration nosy he regarded.n • wet; of pledge that thee melon is In controde through I the nest four years. and that are are not no raper( to owe anc tong Ithe on equal donclottron of the panto Mikes long the cravens of &direr. per bonen( the Timm. donne Denelat Tat loth time. We de not onputc to the members. , Ile nrw run. net any design. or putpnws name blarneeds than those whieh inane other; ml It natural to wippow that thew soo men ther!. gentlemen a dl he mo Aielined m beworr entombs:eons and Illees upon their monition, with where merits the, nor well nroponewd and whom they feel an nolloinnon to oblogo, than to therble themaelrea , with event.....l-4 the eletels or moors (int the pep. loonnorth. __ To,hee tin A e 1.0 . !—We inn. OW an S^ttrrthtY tight loot • noon named Corinin, , m.d,ne In Warn, Bradford calmly. in • rag.• drove his cattle. annibenrog semi. 17 heed, nn hi Mm. vehtch imonntly fired. lie nevi • Pri , ited In he hen, kited tie cd hie children o lone • ho, eta Irmo It: nil the other 17y rent old) • ent di to he hen, nil then took vementry pie r nee npen Inn e.ti hr' molting hiewn threat. He had had 41.1TienIty troth hi wife (win with one or two children had left lent inn* flays hefore,) entt was in the habit of "treeing it. ether then Much, ' no crini• eau be oreigned for th• red,.4 Indic Whir. It et not A* had been en • lain Air sine elsymr.mvi4. m the orevirtener. 111* hada &mid_ ter nikling rn Owego, whin he went afire ea fhantday, pretending to her Mai her mother was • very mirk end deired her to cane hew. which she did) hat finding her mother libretti Inwood Of she whammed onne evil design. and Hooped while her Undid. parrot was patting np hie oak In the tint. The lathed.. Weser Wit thouin hove not learned. v. Another amnotteifid attempt we. In W 4th (Woteinor) dWttel, Maimaole ahem • member.( Coypum ee the fildi ie. Mr. Navy, Ins Piellee, leek, ale* 500 vend m eterirkr ewer Ye Owe mileometers. Italihme. 14111.1•011.1. lad Thelma Whig. Cr Me. Ilocemeaaiose ate piastre le an. int hem linked by the Dintoarrodeo members if the 4fiYotwd Oen awe Be rime !holden ee ere ea eemeleal stier hie redneeeeli tem sikdal loam, awl hae arteeptet eau h numbs The medal tolloho, oweielrie 1011. oonownwl. Monona V. R. Ileateee..—fiker. Thome Ihno oprinnod In C. Nownimi. Dowoown, te fig Ik. moray. in do V. 11. Snow* owo•Wooll y the ownwnetlon d leery Inhows. Whim who e. Wit Y ongniowiesi in lAloh anhhwo. PCOMICIPCICATED.] MM. " Mein r . —Ssuce the recent battle bet woven e Yankee Sul.. Toni Dyer,. a.- ..Oen has been earned an by...rat of the New Yoh papern, pro and can... to the rotht of the ;Governor to grain conditional pardon. to pet.m leoavicted of criminal offences; &e. ; It is well known to tn. of ;one bade. robe- WY. that Sullivan wan convnoted in the State of New York, for hi. participation in the fight bet lateen Idly and Mtoy,st Iliwite,a, North River, Sept. lel% and which was ended by 31*Coybt, i dropping dead in the wog. Sullivan woo seconder one of tbe pang, and under the canytetion in the ; ease, was sentenced to several yearn impriomment ; uthe petaitentlary. Subeequently however be , was pardoned by the Governor of New York upon; lA, awes* condition, that A* rhombi never opoin' Ae en,ged In any prate fight waer directly or ; indirectly. By doe deb with 111 er belt.. broken ; tine coedit.. and hence the ...en above al.! laded to. Ire rellltitt Iva., it ffifipensdbin very 95. 1 on Imo been de , adeirby the Supreme Court in in Floret'', rose," at Mande/phi., Dee, 1141. ; %Seeley Knoell under • conviction of murder In the ; second degree, bed ben enutenced to the penileb I nary far theterm of IR yet II woe reptvmented to Goy.. Doter, that the mt.; vin a . nutane at the time the net woe committed, ; rind 10. frieiian Oen. offered to take him home to; Ireland innuedtately upoe which the Coven.; Vented him a Inh Andon, eon the ext.. condi. iron that be he tab n dlr. from the peotteutiortv n beard the which to to convey bat out of then ottntn” &e The came came before the Conn , upon flatten.. Corp., and was alined by able I 'ettniewl. The opinion of the Court as deliveved 'by Sergeant. Justwe. After reft.ns to the law natal ive to the roaan. involved, the opinion pro. I , eurdo—o A pardon, therefore. being an to of welt I .1 nature an that by thecos.. Inn it may be; tn. any conditron. it has the PIMP nature and op. , ' :en.. in Perrot !yaws, 1111.1 It feline:B4AM (kelt (Torero., miry annex to a pardon any candfation l , whether p lent or wiboequent not forbidden by,, nd law, and tt lee upon the .grantee to perform IA apolgoen. If he dote at, in case of a conditio h !precedent, the pardon dorsal lake effect; in ea te l of a radian subtenant. such a the one her on tos. do pardon be c ome. null , and if the conthan , • not mrfornal the ortiol , widen. wan. in tel I, ;Igor and luny be ea into effect. The pm on ;wooly or a...1.n of fir itting such pardons, or o el the !none and condom,ns annexed, out reel at the Executioe,a whom the conwitution entrat tthe antlffAVA.efol Wass Sergeant'. Rep i p I% hether this will so hold by thecoons of on h l no lure hooter in Stolle. WA case, remain& to be wen ne panted the, can catch bm , ',lnch Ike yet the, y have heel; liable tato. Bet though the cone cite should not be recognised as eurartry, let nvt, gaol h, uo, of argument, and acre to feral mow of your Nov York brethren of the pea. on carrying on thew die niaen Lex. I Yr . % Cailiooville donkey. over the tegnottire lot a flootonisn“ pokes him long eat into the tat I Register where he brays and Wm al tr. bee..e we published the procewlonp of the :If:rest Bend Plank Rad Mooning week before lea with an eagle dialayed over theta . ' ae t Ileum ' trot the rienmerat when publishing the proceedinge ler tony publk mime...binge. He mecum* no of hay , mg" gone over to the Comm Bend mate body sod breeelon,“ and aloft other Map not neeetary .; to OTCUOUTt. Mar keeweighted! We venture to ; eau no ether •Imitat, notch lea pewee. hes lade 'the dowevery ! If ht I ead and heart had been rrloger of truth sod eeln.e than him braying. 1 woh folenhad and bittern.... we 17.W " Tto ". 711711; relf —' -eo:cet " ted "". to 7 - fret that the Wren", Who,. ha pro growling and bask ine rot noir area for oared weeks pat in the vain egbrt mentor. from us tome r,pke of him. Bring entirely too wall game fee its to grate ammonotent moon or advertise, we knee paid net attention to hom, which. m seem., haw made him null more ma lognent. We noltre he continues his a-de:Tabor I recoup, and may de to till for all of We ere near taffoled by meatteloa or nomie-ot ones :Monaca no Deams.—Ex.Ftenetor Illannega.l of Indiana. woe nominated by President ronk'n few 1 minnow bnfore the adjournment. as Minnow tel Hera, and lenntraiately otosnimoonoly confirmed by the Pao.. It is underunod tad Moe appointment nee denoted h, Gen. Tnylor and hie friends, no lea not, awe of whom ,Webster, Mangum and Bee. arenoirdly ' d Mr. Polk, and awoke ha • from n round deep, to importune hum for the ONO, atom. ll 111 • oirange morrment, *lnch - Ire are at aM. to emnprehend. flannegan has been the' not apple In knotale of the Noah mete the sle. • eery cattvorensy aria. and notably this appoint.i meat le hat rewanl. 'roe Lto ;vont totwt.—The Labia,. of this! VIM e -entente. thi 1. Stene is ague. iiiikenng the Lire's. , Law Th Ilotow a in.. do,, ago • he a eery shwa sae. pale ed a big for ihe unlimited Wean., oral , annlina ol who anit pax n eennia in In graduated cc , ranting to Ilr amount of 1141.4. 1104 14W, 11111 1144.0,1 • by iinpoene a pretty heavy 14X, to apply • to te' of inn, Ismer, nab ea neer. Porter. Ike., as well iie Innen@ and "mime, will meetly n unguent the revenue &nerd& horn earh seamen 'rota (*.Kr." .44414 AT WV/111,111314.—The N. T. now of says: The Limrpool. Captam.Ckindee. arrived Xi 4144/44 t ine with 4011 pamentrern 411 hating died dicing the pewter. and many when ore sick. We hear Mm the Health •' earn, has prenouneed it the eltelera. The newel sad crew ere deemed at Quarentine. A bey whe came op to the Maynel eine. thi• morning bent Qoaraniitte, brought word confirming the existetwe of the chain. A despatch (dicial) woe expected from Dr. Whiney. wheaten reporter Jell the Hall.. • nuboripent dates ceadlrm Mc report, leaving ae dimbt that the edrehira haa smile made ha appear awe in the venally either tidy. Tim W 41441111. F.1120 , ..—A paper el Oda tide Imajeet M. ceneneeneed In New Twit City by Illalognun t Crean liablaben—J•are J. Napo being edits, The &a camber is dealanly the bed Ipsoira 1Y yrknit..a p.h.d1.1 two ha. I ever atoned eel talk. ••4 IS.. Wilma a( wbat rive i• to be, gam wawa et • wan animal& pa pea 11 la itt M pubbalud winwthly. each N. (. watch •• mach natter ow any Wan *gnu pa& beano& at Shwa • year faretisk. myry, $/1 11 twelve mph, arid $lO be twestplare Adker Ithryptian & Cm" Mama NM N. Y. My. CY We nivel 10 Fora Oat Ping /maw 014 ma, t lbw leper Onath Y NW( liwaginrly ■ at Cada& IS Halt Aim ßianahardi,worker of Gwen haw &a 17111 awl at Now ela nlday bath ea hi ..y bra ham 01. On Tam Counts-rein looraeo. The N. V. Evening Foot clean an aroele Ma !national of O. n. with this .dace, wimp tee revon-. mcud to all I/pm/craw Paoklesten in dna county,. and to feet any ether 'One pond, however. we mat not mud ki tonne, on which thy President hat spoken plainly. •• Bo' far." he •• gamble to ha ioromned. I f @hall make honeety, capacity, and fidelity, itidis peneabie pre-nautili.. .0 the benowal of offlee, and . the about, of other of Meer quintes ehall be , deemed eultiment cause for removal." In ogee, therefore, of a remand from - Me; nitin the party be dontilute of either honesty, espatity or fidelity IT* obtain an office, then, every applicant meet I seek to easvion the Preeident that the preicent in-. eminent ie deficient in one of ghee! We wend intla• all alike holden, therefore. to effect an immediate ineeraiire upon their eharee. ten. The epplicanto for elliee are euftletent to fly every piece WIIIIIII the gift of the goversouipezi ir the &multicolor,/ been amventnfr dhring die le , eight yew., and a a.• preeent incumbents are truly ion capable or faithful, it will be of wrvice to them now to be able to move it" luTire Dinette sae Cour..l—Many of our read. ere onhie vicinity will no detail. be pleased la leant that the "Better.. eelehretod an ono of the lest' rorvpe of vinaliets in the noon, are insult to pay lour Village another v:oit. The time when we hat / net teamed. but presume It I VIII vi 'Min a very ' few days They nag in Carbondale no Alonday end Tweed, evening., and ha Providence on Wed-. needep evening. From them they may come di- petty here. Thew who Hennes' la their charming. mune - three years ago will oeed no ioviratan to lettend their Innen. at their approaching visit. and thew whodhl WC had cenainly better Take Tee l and tont.out..• A AI n Esveorates.—Thee papneton o the N. Y. Ran MVO lakinelneanire• m pm Up 0 teloompli from their alike to iVecinngton, Eknith: end Ent to Helen t their own expenes, and for Muir own nehnive use. It will con 1143.000. .., v- ---- Tue Fserens' AND Mffeweerics' Don , DILL, AND INDIVIDD•A LIA4II.I7,—Th loomm ittoe on banks in the House of Rep ,. rmentative a after a laborious investigation . of the subj., et, prepared • model bank bill ~!embracing the individual liability principle, of and various other salutary reerictions, .., which wee adopted by 4 majority of the ~ Ht.., come few Whig. voting for it. Tloc ' Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of Philadel• P: phis—the little United States Bonk 0 „,.. modern times—having more pomp., nom , „ Y , ' friends and more money to spend than sty ) 'of I n little monster., woe put forward as , a pioneer to break down the barriers at ., tempted to be erected by this model bill After a two weeks struggle in the House, YI the model bill was engrafted on thin bank, and it was returned to the Senate. That body struck out the individual liability sec tions, and weakened the force of numerous other ealutsry reatrietinns in the bill, and returned it to the Rouse for conenrrence. , When it came bank to alto popular branch at the legislature, the bank had an for et - , I traded its line of operation. as totin op with it varietal collateral question, which „I members had deeply at heart, in order to paralyze the efforts of those who favored i tt ' i r e o rte r ly . "t r 'r et i . i lite an t d es t t in ynre aw on r •7lrer i rn . adherin g to tho in di vidual liability sections, will be i found in our Legislature proceeding., where ' t the eorentinient was loot In ono form 45 to , .47. end ill ajeter 43 to 43. a The trublie ;gam en: hems. belong• of a effolnlf from • principle which wo presumed had been well establiehed by being engrafted on the cher -1 tent of some dozen bank bills, palmed within the last three nr four year. We deplore three votes as the time evidence of faltering) i on this subject in the Democratic ranks, AA, , as indicative of a state of things 'Odell trust I inevitably lead to the permanent h.j.try ”1 . our people.—Demorratit Union I We nonce that Mr. Town, ee mond, voted for 'memo, the liability promple, and that Mr.i iLittle eno...olodzed” tha nine, and at another tuna I voted *gam* in] Cadden Eseesitedi. 1 Jam... Caddell. the murderer of Daniel Gallen. ger. woe pi/won ed in Wilkes/wee en Finlay week. So now lAiaerne ran Nor it to /woo thot ehe hnr hung one moo. Coddealrower weir so erected hr , ' the evert! se to came her death within the nex t ` . dot. Two 'cretin,. for enthuse oni , en mowe' ono! The Fite. Mr. Pendergast. of Carhondel rend the following at the execution: James Cmidan went* me to mention that i.e thanke all persons who were kind to bim. Ile wishes to be at wen with all men, and hopes he is at peace with and.— r 1 He, from his heart, sincerely forgives all y persons and eantesily asks c those whole he may have injured, in forgive hint lie en "; lima all young teen to avoid bad ameciates "i and intemperance, which at-peceent he an eider. the prettiest anent in the pathway of • lean. It has been the sal, maw of his / V' present tutoring Ile return" his wannest thanks to hie Clergy, hie Lawyers the Sher-' it and the Jailor, he now asks non an to! :pray the him. that (led in Infinite ' gontinees, and through the moths of Jesus „Christ, may hare mercy on hi. coal. A Tribute to.reveldecet Peak. , 1 h Thr N. V. Nam , a sestrai paw with Whig! oympothioo oaf/ Waning, woolly. ham she f allow sail Whale to ProOdoel Polk : Jamas K. POLIO is no longer Pmaident of the United State n hie Execotive canter' , is closed, end 101 l of weariness we doubt ' o not, as well as ham, be mime to the calm of private life. Ile an probably say from the depth. of hie conviction, "uneasy le the heed that wars a moat," for though on neared, the chief magatrae of the Union, Es clothed with • power aad surrounded with rapossibilities more teal and weigh ty than •oy crowned king's. Ma Polk's administration is %delft%) marked en the bleary of the eation—asik of it to letters of light, that eannot easily in awed. - He has reamed aa asd bold amuse, and with IA exeeptios ofa few ammo le which kis judgment wee over ruled by unfaithful eerrante Auld inuidulnd polltielanA he has puma the erdeaf with doe the hewn. That ba was °peafowl In the treaty. le dieters. ownetioned by tie Senate we rincerely believe, but he was apoodtiou tint rendered "unities Kil l" : Is regard se ale am territscieA tie mint har HAI sky awl elhadrest wwwwww, heilseted by tie greet piek•penies Coe- ;, gam a took a Maly Ameriesu 1,1 7 Ha egmr.-Ite did he weld deed Is mowed jN mad . • Nn noon and no administragj on was sere more asaailool, and re ue, vier arldeied noire, 01190.36.0 the great destiny or the Union The United States were oever in a noire proud, p. ocelot and itrespertme 1,11111111.11 , than at present, and the r miring ex-Pt I. 'dent, may potty look back with grati6 ;a lien to his Nor years executive toil. In the quiet of retirement be eon review Ids laborn , and rest serenely upion their recollection. The new administration hag to auspicious field before it, for which it may in a mesa. ; ure thank Mr. Polk anti his able cabinet, and we trust that any carom on the part of hiipredeeenor will teach General Taylor to avoid the same Honor and peace be with those whose measure of office in full, who arc no longer the guardians of the public eal. , 011eettag between nem. Caw and Tatter. Gen. Can caw ores Geo. Taylor rharily after h.s a r il s sal a t Waahmona.altd the merits, of %hew 'tliallnthehed men ,a repreaelited to bane heel, of !the most agreeable and happy char....•r. A ear ' reaparideut of the Herald goer the following tie renown or it. Gen. Cass, accompanied by Senator Pits gerald, came the office of the hotel and, quired of our friend Willard if General Taylor VMS receiving compel,. 'He was! ; told he nos, and asked to walk' up to his; apartment., which he arTorditigly did.—; General Taylor, at the moment, wax ant ed, speaking to a gentleman, and did not at first perceive General Cass's entrance. Up. on I aroma round, ha t oneo recogoixed him, and coming forward, grasped his visitor's, hand in both his own, and .hook it most cordially, General Cam apparently being equally friendly. Gem Taylor.—Ah, General, how do you do 9 lem very glad, indeed to see you. Gen. Cass (who, it appears, did not 'know the President elect by sight.) Thank you General. lem very glad to see you . . • (shaking hands all the time.) By the way, • General, you bad the adv•Mage of am (al ,, lulling to his recognising him first.) That's - twice you've Mid the advantage of me! „ (This was void with great drollery and ea. the General and ea cry one present „., to t laugh heartily.) g l Gen Taylor —Yea. that'. true; but you c know the battle's not always to the ir , rig, . oh? i. Gen Ca I IR. —Th.ity tt a lack (Laugh ,f ter ) lion do yon rrei sir r Gen. Taylor —W.II: pretty well, thank ) Inn,,x, ent that I knee too or Oro, sibs qort• in, that', all; I anappa.... that's Imre. . I, 0 a:Mena...nee, haw, ver, (n, k ..vid. 1.0- ly unintentional hitron , eo the mmt int .. indents Ignfiliter, in ai In ola!• 1 ea ra la ar Cu , , , joined 11.1 heartily on any me When he t could get his face straight, he continue4the emennation ) a Gen. Case.—Ah, aieq; I aie.Mry I warry to hear it; hereylid rehapproa? ' , I Gen. Taylor.—At Madison. You see , Ii the Indianians felt a little lan. 0100,0ann ast . my remelt, and mated me. pay,./duanlft visit. Of c.w.o. I complied, to show 11,011 a I had no feeling against them. Well I got on board of • small boat at Madison to go I to Frankfort, and when about tostart step _ ped out the .loon, which was Inilliantly , lighted up, to speak ton friend. It. gym' • large black trunk had been planed in the 1 postage, and in the transition fame tha f ly% flir t ßret ;bins I kmw, I thought both m ,,,,.„ ..., ....... ano an nay ram were stove in [laughter.] —l'm nearly well now, how.) 1 ever. Gen. Cass.—l Oct very glad you are,l indeed. General allow no to ...Imo wry . friend, Ms Forgerald, of the Senate. , 1 Gen. 7'aylor —(ehiskiog hands)-11ow) de ym do, sir ? very glad to nee 3ou li Itloo.k I have had samecaorespoudenee with' scot be'ore ? 1 Mr Fitsgerald amenteal. Gen Cary— I wall .1 , , myself the lion- ur a, o ' calling on you again Gcniu al. Good 1 m dating. Gen. Taylor —Po roll again, and often 11 I shall always he happy to eve % au Here they both shook hand. again, and i Gen. Ca. retired. . In the pa.aange a gentleman met Gen. ' Ca. anal remedied— )l-ell, General, in all the antes where 1 1 ;stumped it, you gm the vote. 1 Gen. Casa. flaughinsl--Well. mi. AMA. I 11 am very ma cla obliged to you Lot I wish • you had stumped it in two or three ann.! ' Moire ilMild Nemo. —l , i. Novellas been received in Haat., which • will tend CO revive sod give new for. to , f the California exeitmnent. A Mr. Melbas.' !Ilosnelitrio ;o re 'erten'us on lin ~ . ..mime ago reported'.. on his way fro o the gold region., has arrived in Moulin, con - firming the mint eatravagant roomy, touch • ing the quantity and purity of the trewiure - Ile thinks that not less then twiner Nut t' ton, of dollars will bn gathered the first lyear. Ha brings with him among other I specimens, a piece of gold weighing six oun ces, valued at $9O, whieli was putehneed `of an Initial, shout the time of the first die corer, fur a red shirt. Ile also bring. an -I.IICIIIIC documents relative to the finding la pier. of pure gold, weighing nor twelve pp undo. It was taken from a placer near t h e , Itatlialas, by an Indian named Truant°. in time month of October 1840, weighing twelve land one quarter pounds, avoirdupois. This remarkable piece of gold is almost entirely free from dust and MAIN 00 its surfers; it leverages in darkness shoot g of on Melt; ' in parts it is more than 1e inches, and is still in the Onwersion of the finder, who has been offered Sig 50 per on., notwithatanding the highest mice at Angelo is $lO par no. ' Moat SW person, it war codealated, wonki winter at the " dry diggings" aloe.. On Juba and Feeder rime great preps.-' does wen wed* for wintering. Homes am conatmeted and supplies ctonni, bat • molt) of provisions for the coming semen meter:hurt morri . r . amo. .... At o du ... ba pp.. a se ..ig t d tl e: gings"-150 homes humblest. emoted, no.- strewed Giddy Okla end hopes Notarial,- of • essefortabk Mow, Upon the Middle F or k s r ta. newly discovered " distglalf." the worthy eitieme of Dryoliggine-ville are employed almeet 1P men, it is said, I. 'l mining, and with eery fak Teel diggers are mostly of the Otago mrs. , ' no.. Prom 115 to 11 esteem per day la the Stated yield. The goM le ledge led ex- intently besetifig. quite fire from teed am! [ lobbies. The meal proem of miring it is by throwing up dykes aed tenting the wow bee he Armonk ae draining porticoes of gie sierm's bad. la Tie eddies of lbe ran INIMMINMEMMENEMIMMEMINEM r 'strente it tan be seen in great ohm donee,' , and at a .1, pth of 25 to 3.1 feet in molly $ pieces II oohing lot g , Id has been gent.- ..illy given up for SI, soanon. The water e is odd and Jack bleb's, regular in los awe , 1- nie liens. Very little gold would be gath n - ered elter the conduenceinent of the rabic—' w Num York Sun. ; .1 Lgter European Newt ; 1 . The Steamer America arrived at Boston, . on Friday with Liverpool advice. to tha , ,j.j 24tb Fulfrnary, We take the follosiing I o eumenary of her news from the N. Y. Sun.! —., IL oneneree and trade continue 10 impruys I ~ ,in England, but the English Funds are I womewhat degreased, notwithstanding the, !increasing abundence of enreeytch was I of a low rate of interest. ' There is plenty of employment in the/ r manufacturing districts, and much activity Cotton had advanced id , with heavy f sale., but a re-action subsequently took 1 - place, and about half of this advance weal - I lost. The grain markets were dul(at • decline. ' . The fall in wheat,was 2d. a 7.1. per bushel, j in Boor I3d to N. per Laird, in corn rid to I' Is flee tocrter. , I The Caleornia fold Meer rages nit!, ins I . Con violence in England end on the I j Continent, among all Olassi P. It is said ' 'the French Government has dispatched an I engineer to Calithrnia to surrey the g. 4. 1, region, for what warp.° dint eat appear. I A considerable increase is reported in the I number of mates of Cholera in England, i I Scotland and 'relate', Let the mortality by I I Ithis disease is far below that produced by the influents. whichprevail• d a year or two I since in the it ' I. Islands. I ' I We observe that something Ike stability , ' riot manifesting itself among the hale politi- I: I s and I isionary theorist. of Paris —l' The National Assembly has agreed to die- I, . • . • sobe r and will be autnirseded by a new .4. smokily, to meet. in May, President Napo ~ loon and the Republic are rot eh ing hop,- , tent aecensinus hi their hat nt 'helots, whil d the Red Iteinthlieaue and the ner.• ,;.dent 11Detnoerats nee dwindling awn). Busini, n end Trie "i l d 4c7cb ' 3 " ll . n r i:t ‘ r l ;. '"F thrioich 1.. di n . i o R o .. „, l . ln. ti tzt pig..i. p e r. ei l l , , h i . n , for d i : n A i s: . ~.,:: i b1 , ,,... i a e,, w , .. i , ..ti ling a temporal Prener runt head of lim it:lntro 11. This lo ks Ike no i-11 , 1 ds. wont o' I. ' the i Islets ol l'i ;nee, nod n ma, tle • I d, - .. ial of RiTtilihea ism le .1, it It Ili , ma i h .1 I• .., Pod ,he /I holdiewo• 1.1 iod .I.- o non ledge its sister lleptibli, ot 1i ,, 1,1•1% fr - ,nt previonsly ae omit nog arid stile. , b g its nets. .1 A Republic won estaldhlied at Rme no el the Stli or February Alth .... ell the t. °l rina authority nt the Popeis Dins totalh abolished, the new Republie guaranteee to him the integrity MIA indepehdenee of his , spiritual power Other pane of Italy are sympathising will; the repuldi s an s „I 1,,,,,,,, fr ,, 14,11113. 1110 jog tit...lurid G.I. 1111. livirtki.lie, I i the Deena Duke was !ermined to Islll/. ,with his life. In Sardinia, as lot Dere i n , been no symptom of fraternity with the Republic; but it seems highly probable ~I that all Italy and, and perhaps Naples and Sicily, will rally under the banner of Rome. ns It!:Virintiteitij','Abtrnatl'lt: I • li ; I ,, a r :t: ‘, 3 , :kr:i. ,:a A . : n u ni s it ir .,: i s a:, ,ft ß i ::: i s er s ' i Gi a n h ißa:; . ;:a ne r E i s a ,: r, a l : ;n: i :d z :I: ra t i i i:i ., - - f , Holland is represented to be attached to it, Sovereign, who opened the Chambers on the 14 mo th February. tiovistorics I. •vo boon gained over the 1 Austrian. by Do Hunger's. Meantime • an A ont rim] loan or slat . , million Muir, hp, ibeen ne,..tinted. with the pr, ratise of Ile , - din cold to aid in path , g it. while i ,is d.] to be inovi..g dons, hey thepe into I , Tr, s,l, oda. 11. A11.4'10111 r 6, bite, to take I, '.ecarity for the I duo ! 1 A C.mgresa of nations is aseembling at Bru,vir lo settle the dispute beta-eel Nitplei and—Sicily, and an Auetri. Ant , hammed", has arrayed in Londnn, to solicit the attendance ,of an English delegate at , thia Congress I Eoaland in said to hare pr rooted again.. • Itiheian tieetipation of the Turkish prov of Moldatia shil Widlachia. The' Spanish %Dist ry has ilesland that no phi,- ..Gm has been made for the purchase m Cube. Shit n ,intry of Spaniards w. old' ever listen to snobe prop...Sion, and thaw ' - Cuba rill always remain port of tile,Spanish Monarchy!" ll' ' 13 prime. has again ennrynered the • , refractory Indians. Thu city of Moult. - has surrendered after a wselets bombard went. An Indian fort containing eight hundred thousand (1) pounds of powder - wet blown up by the English mortars, ro t salting in horrible devastation. The at.. rldei, however, j ail! holds out agaitet the AT d , A greet merrily of money prevail. at Contort, business being confined principally to barter. .r last•no.—The •ffsirs of !rebind here orenpio.d. usual • 'kegs portion of the thus Parliameot since the ...ion 4 , 411- meneed The necessity for the contiou ance of the suspension of the Ilebees Cor s pue Act but been admitted by overwhelm- leg majorities, and even the ultra Irish t' menden; have mile but • feeble resistance .:to it. passing the Cantons. The bill will ft' pass the !louse of Lords with little or no opposition. The additional grant of 000 for the relief of the Melt poor has aka linen saaetiormd, but has given rim to tt, .verist of debates, all hinging' arm the . question of ...hat I. to done with !rebind I" Whilst however Ilia slow peewees of !lotionleg's i I. aiming at giving partial relief to the starving penple, the state of the coun try in men; Maria& maims deplorable ; indeed appenestir worse thaw et any Amer period. Tb. prisons and work hotness are' bllnd to replethos—reports of deaths from etanetion are to be found neordel in all the local papers. Tha eleramnee of the lummetry and of emigration ere a. moire m eves. The sleek, of provielsou see pions dared in all quitters. Cathobe ekagalo ere being about and the dem beano of the Ro ms Cathitlio Aim is very greet ; bolted smithy and misery OM. universal in that unhappy eouotry, the etnedition of which Is without walla, in the bleary of the . work Mr.l'holrCi u saw hmamerahlo vise booing4ya, Masiasmatani ha roam. one Me Juno my olloonfloof, ously exhibited hie party feeling, by dap. ping his hand. at soma of the gentimeols of conned. klr. Meagher appeared' in court by habeas retain to give evidence, and was loudly applauded. Allen the senior judge, Ball, had charged the jury, they retired to their room to consider their verdict, blh, al. though locked up on f e night of the 21st, 'theco u ld) following morning, Mr. Duty, meantime, being sent back to prison, until the 7th of April, when he will spin be tried. The Immumentratlem. Wnlifillno,olll, Marsh 5, I The doors of the Capitol were thrown open this morning at 10 o'clock, and the 'ladies' gallery of the Senate Chamber was !immediately filled with ladies,' to the ex. rebut!. of the lords of creation. The re. porter* gallery was oleo filled to suffecatin ,n 'the occupants preening and struggling to ob. tain situations for themselves. Thousands were forced to Mire without obtaining en. trance. The published programme Or the : ceremonies gives • correct idea of the pr. cue dings as they actually occurred. The Senate assembled at 11 o'clock when a resolution was adopted that &aster Atchison take the chair. The new wee , bore note then as ore in with the exception 'of Gen Shields, A resolution was adopted referring his credeotials to the Judiebuy 'Committee. Mare. Fillmore and Dallas entered the' cheniinT Amin in arm. Mr Atchison swore in the new Vice Presidret, who took the chair aad debrellieft not eloquent address. . All the 'Judges ,1 the supreme Court nod about lorry member s of the Dip/made corps,. including the attaches came in drat necUpyil., Vino. seat., in the area at the left of the Vice President, and the latter at the right bred. Then followed limn. • Dilettanti°, John,. and Toney of the old Cabinet, and took mats in front of the Di ,. plon•aric corp.. l e l At this time • scene of confusion coasted ~ tiro con.comeme of a lady fainting In tho 1•8 . 'gel, The moo .1 it as en demo she could nnt be giet met e but ...on recovering, she re mieed her seat and witting.] the rent of [the ,•ereino. fr ism non nearly 12 o'clock, but the . •I'r• si•h•ot an d vs-President had not ap ,• rosined. and the omit,' began tn he ansinus a • .outo n• the galleries.-- •Ca d, I make their appearance until • st o'ebek. T s• ha-bleut soul Ex -Prmident mate in the, and ....mph d pith Mr Dell. and Johmon. the crimson arm-chain in „ foot of the ,eretory's table. I'r,-Neat Tailor marred into amen., tbni with Chie , Jew. Tinley and Judge „ end mom atter, in aciordance with . pre, ill. arrangement. proceeded in pro em to the emtern whom the in , normal mbleem ear d•livered. erowd inthe square was inimenee, probabl. eseceiling ten thoueand. The eliceringAga unbounded. Salutes were shin limed beibre end after tho delivery of the adders.. The Vim President and Senate returned r to the Semite chamber, amidst great cheer ing. On motion of Mr. Bright, the Jails hmtror " fixed at 11 o'sdali 0.11 moms r me On motion of Mr. Dayton tha Senate ad _ jonthed. Mr Meredith remind the Penneylvenis delegation this morning at hit Hotel. T. Ex mints: or Pr — smtitt — eron.—Ws lone° knew an artist, who deeiared that he Mil made up Ins mind to paint like Raphael .; sod there no doubt (hot he told the truth, sea he wm • sorry ',sinter Mier all. A nor ' elkt might sit down at his deck with • Orin ' I resolution or giving the world • pork of do tion very whit as good es the best things ray Gagner, and with all him efforts might not produce anything worthy to he plated lalrene the Myeterions Chief by Woodworth. 0 requires something more thang In tentions to make a Washington ; nut ood re quire. more than • mere act of the wilt in ,a poet to write as wonderful dramas as Shah epeere. or in • mull., to prod,.. • works rivalling the Apollo Belvidere. Wathingtho's eharacter war not ntemly that of the man of action ; he combined with • it, in • certain degree, that of the Hollow l'h.; b. imik larm and Comprehensive %Wm sir thin .; his judgment, in public matte. um ripened by • long rearm of ob servation or ooblio life; what ho could snot do himself, fo p r want olemsetimi or minute k militate, be Wu} able to do by agents wise- Iv abeam and he en • • !! !Iv elto.n anti ho mild decide intelligently eoneerning the manner In which they bad performed their tract. One of his moat re '• I msrirahlo characteristies wan hta upeity in relenting for offices ofibsbigkatrapa ' sibility the most competent men. • I So for an we can judge, General Taylor's attempt to imitate the example of Wssibtg ton has not succeeded very well thee hr.— !' The painter who take. up his pencil foe the first time et the age of sixty, wish a de _ torgination to feint like Raphael, will not gone equal this great exemplar lit the brat o pirture that roman from his easel.—Ese . ning Post Care. Klan'. TRnAlVllSll.—According to the Springfield Republiean, two men, named Martin and Samuel Shaw, of Palm er, in Masseehnimits have • I cave oe Snake TIM, near the obi Itnetne road a sealed bottle containing a letter porting to have ken written by Capt. Kidd the celebrated pirate, rerealiog brga site of wealth. The letter is bid to bear l innets agree* statiquity, mei mete of the ehnewileet ma l e tM Golnity, believe la lb ti and mean to smug is loidtheg er the treseare—arente Peat. hutalktioo j Cebieet Niehreerc—The Peeretaij of Mete, the Secretary of tie Treanor. the Secretary of the Navy, the Secretary for the Hate DefinfiaNni, the Postmarter Oa of the Milted dieldoei eS wink lba preteribed mei ef dim we Theneley morniinp, and forthwith remolded to the discharge of their onerel beam— The New Sceretery of War (Mr. 0%1404 bed not arrived in WeithingW en nine* day emning.--tbolip New, sir The Be, Zeta Deb% • tarp man near Pitineedt, N. El, has lime feral • miler of the mender of hie wife. The mar do wee ammetued eerier • Bethel gat ep and anted es by the murderer Went. A& um,* UAW ado et obi Oar.