Important tottssaere et Ousel. I Great Scotch Medicine I i • Arnastimutl . I.sall eustained, we may except to see in al cu r ril iNG Em poitium . iggrlrslfitnaTlVl, 0111.1, ( a lebtellen (lin. •ll ge.. I very few years vihible signs of improvement.' otitattl;47 l'.l;lllatlglemelet .. r - - in the cultivation of i n and gardens, tbe , . ve. 2; 11ohnd NII ref, N.l'. 9 .),Y,,,,9;99,..:..9.i.:7..:1,....17961:!:79:i9.47:9i1 ,-.. 4 . .T. 1.09 z .., , . , 4. ~ .f tit.. , . , Ari p.... ... i „ x 6 . 4 60 . 74 „, Wariettel , Chao. improvement et 14,4, in the plaoting o i d,, ~ , , ....„,,,,„,,,„,„,„„„„. , „,„,„a „ h thn r s het. r ith..7 .1 4 ~.,„ stohs.oentheut. Ito c,...., , . at.. Cuhotrakoa.-We are by nature ' misted for aeciabilifY and ... k V i l ' ggg° r in r gat ili . r :n 6 ,l "4 ,n rr t. ' ht gennde.raildt'atralel' O ' ca h t u n ' o d s: ;!--"= ';•.;.;',,,iric'74r,',;,7'''‘•,,:•,,T,,r7..4.,',7r„,,•',11,•:',,„•,',..:,,,r.,:,7 ~,r.. ,",,, ~„, ~, ~,‘, ." . .. , i.t . ,7:: , i , ..t. ,:2. ..: z. „ t „d 4 ,.. ..: : ...... 1 ~..,..- ~ , s,_ ,✓, 1 1 .10, . x •04; ,,v , .:4 ili v :h . h ‘j 1 07 ft ,, 2,, 4 1) , 7 ti ' toes * ner Y r c ,:::l ° ,, n t e lt. h „try, f 'l,tr g , d g ',7•,. . illi s l o t., l i ti .. ll .fi er . rgl ,p7,: . ' ,on- -, ' n el . " . . r i;1 . : 1 ":. 7 nre . : 7.4 '`,` ' ' ''' "' ''''''''' V: 11 7" : ' 1 t ' l " l ' ' ‘ll.;:ll:!;"tt'Llltisi..,74lo,l: l'ila te 1 ' f: , --' - , 1 : .. . .. s., , may be 100ke..1 111.:ST et - snow WORK. WEATEMN NEW YORK A..... 1 " ° ' ..1 i 4 be th° .'""' g " f ' d uo n as the natural consequence. The ' e.t.a ...onto.. t„hit a hrth ; , ol, o ,, ottiizsot , tt, • h, ; . ,„ t , ,, ‘ 1 , ..t . t. , , , ,%.,ti„,,,,,.i.,,,0,,,,=5,...,,,,,,, , . a., , ~, r. ,.1 , •-, COLLEGE OF IIEALTII, that can be ' • ° late ea. other. en 'Z'..`ni''V n tral7.l:ra t ;.:„Te 7.., it: ohhi . i .%.,..,;', ,„ ~„t , „„, s','i.' • :, 't 0 t',....,, eine,. „r terta,hot ' - • '''' .-....:'•' 4 ` i r i.-- - ". ‘1 '' ', e .4 P.. a PP"Vi".' " . "! °"°'' h i ' , , !members whuld stimu .. id 0.:,,,,,,z.,,J,d.,,...,,,,,,„, 4.,..,....,....,,......,.._.t, ~,....„ ..,, ~.,.. ~,., ...,..,,,.., ~,.„,,,, ~.., ... ~ler , ~ ~ ~,,: INW Mair•Ntrel. MOM* N. r• eel 1 rme I^P uon ooeup mad. Ult. G. C. VAUGHN'S 3 long been °anti eml pa by many, as a dull ~„r i n g ,; enteral cause. would be Ihonnn looked ~,.., ,,h , ,:„,.„,...,,..r.,,,r.,.,,,,,,,,.,,,„7......?... o v . ..,.,.,,,,,,,,,,„,„, ~„„,,,, ~,,. apidbusinesa, requiring but little leerni°6 nit°, and their eff_acts aseertamed. Thus it, ," . . 1. 1 . '... : ,.`v"ig .: 1 1,,. • '• 1: c m g . 0 " . ...” 0 " fiii r ig„_ .' ';',„,,14'.,,.., ~',,,,,,,,,,‘,. ~,,.,,,„„,„„„„„, ~,,, , ,„7 „ , ., , I L IVegelable. Lltboatripde lehlere. mental exertion ; but the facts are en- the former and the farm would go en en- r.a NU' 'v.. toov .1- gt ttn,,,,,,ttvh 't co ..."'"*".'• .... g' g The Edinburg "striker.' Tv ~,.,,r 5 ,..., . 7.7 . :,t. : .. : , : , „:I , :‘ , ..—.., ~. ely the reverse. His succese dependsro,„g ,ffdher. Fano. ,g ‘.......- ,- .7.,^;',1;..,17Tr;::::11122:1,."."47..7:::. .......,.. ~, 4'r.........0 —...........-.....-r - ~,, ...„,r."A,"...7,Wn:r..nn`,T,;;,; K.., „ ''''''''''''''' ' ' ton the aubtle and refined agencies a na- ALL OVER T J fa UE 'II,ORLD. 4,1 4‘ 11 .4 7 ". ..T.1. , 0 ,, 0-o ' l 00,, an„ ~•0,0, ~, .00 , 0 , -. . .., orn 0,-. '" '."."........' '..° 0., ' ,,,,,,. E,„ , ~,!,„„,„ ~,„„„ ,Z,„„,„ „, 1, , , Heeve In Cattle. uao re. Too nderawa the prioeildee whit+ ha ulti,s I• at the foundation, so that he csnoft C , nbcr ion the. aided by their own exernon, to I„.a .a. orate kr te ° ° ° . . The Eatery Depertosent ..Woo their natural effect is a matter re- ironic. Thu first to. I ever haw tne Ells- ~ ,,t,,,,„ ,: . ,, ~, ~,,, ~,,,,,,_,,, ~,,,,,,„, ~,,,,,,,,,..,. L , , , , ..,.... ::, , , ,. ,,,,,„ ~., ~. , ~.., ~,,,,,..,...,t. r ~ „., . . 7;1;, ..r.......;...„..:::.,,.,,:,.,i;;,,,c,.,,, In al . ~ ~F. , ~,., ..,„, ..„ 0, ~„. ~, ~.,, ~,,.,,..,,,, manta search • and practieal eats° was lour years since, when a valuable or.; ...v...., ~;..,,,r. i ve5 , ..,....v...;,....,c0ma era r „I;;;.. 1. ,;„„„.. ..,„ „.. ;; .7.. • WIN , Ir. • Iran a, tine., ” 4 l I L - .L. ; . e . L. L L L.LL. . / LL.e,LLLL Cii;reirniSenr;:at Farman have, by Aggngfion t abors horned bull was affected. I first ob- fi:•:.tri,•,:•,•;•,•'",."` g• -.” . ',,lg above vane. ar Pea. M..' Ire.. ' "'''.'",' ' ' l"' 'r 7 !' e 7 . : e ‘ t::::!:;.?.1. ° 1•::'.7.1...!.:',. ....:".;;:.=•:«l"',;:::.=;'.tr.::;.',t7,."'::::,',' MTHOR TO , NeVRAO LE . Id practise, acquired more a th. knowl- sorra ia about eundown one evening, Am ~.i :, h 0. t ., , , 1t ., 0.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„ ~ ~..,........,... ~,,::::, , , x :,:,:::,, , ,,... .. ~,;.,,......,,,,...‘, ....,,,,,, ~,,...d. „,..,.n,,....,..,„.,..,,........,,,,...,‘,.n.,....,.„, ~ 7,,.. ,„ , ~‘,,,...,...,,‘_,,,,,.,,.,,.. ....... :...,,L,: 7. Ig'• . "' d I.'" d o ne more W hiring about 'h"Y "'""'"t stab l ing the tattle. ''.."'"'"':t..'2l'r.:l,l',.•'./°'"''''"....'"'""!'"'""' 1g,...:,=,':T.Y,',:::;:': , : - .:; , :r ,,, 5 r :•:. , .":v4 .. z;ii q-•;;"';:;:::V::::::•'.'!,1:;:',.,..',;:,:.;:';'..':i.::,"7:i::;:;;:i; ;:',..!;"..:';',..:,":".=: r vv:::::...' ,',:, ....L: ', 0 hi g h m a te o f civiliaff. wine , re now The pe.sons then in the yar I could not. ac- 0g0vg;,,' ,, , , h, „„k r, , ~,,, ~,,, . ~,,,, ~,,,,,,,,, O. than they have credit for. ereinig t e.. for ur explain the cause of the swell-, a7 .e..,,n,ete., han Inne On.enrienl.lie lat • 14 2 .hellee lnn,. e , LL LL,LLL r„,„. L ' . 0„ d . . early ago. Those who ,ed appearance of the anneal. I went to :•,• , ' , !;; ; ;• • •,! . .,7t%„:7,,g1y,,,,,;,,,.;,‘,,,,,,, „,, ..•,,..!, , ~,:...;‘, , , ..4r;..,....,,,1.....,...!;,................1„.....,L, ~,.y:,.1.11.'%,,..T1(1,11.„!!!:„..711:.1.1,N1I.:!::.. ' :. " . " ; :ir. c .dened Me shepherd et de... 1 , , the house and 'non tt 4to the books, atel : len.. thou,lt Owe , . re peen p. ln;el L ',..;'; L aLftwennel tre few ela leet n... In On l nen! nleee. 11.• .n. .. nen. 111e...d, ;need and cultivated their fields; built dihcovcred it WM the ° lioove." The rem- , ,„„,,,,,, •. g• • , ".' '''' . "l,. a' Z ''''‘ ...."'i:'''''''' ''''‘" "7";1:.!: Zi;',,,'„7:ilit'e.Zi: 'r".;stn7.i'i,::"..irt:',,rth= vitii';'Zitt . :•!!'=:r• 'ri" '''','' '''''''''" " ""''' '.. '''''. 01111 PA, es tabliabed permanent reaidenceo I edics recominended were not ingredients I . „ I -J., i t, , te ,. ..1,..han. coo 5ht.v .. ,.. ,,,,, v4. eo int. , ,, ,, ,, , t 50 ,.... , ta , , , i , ,t, ~,, ..... ~,,,,,, ~.,.., . ~.. n.,, ,, ,, , ~h ,0 ,, , ,,,,,, , ,.. , ,,,,, ,r.,, , ,, , LL , ~ L L / L., .. m . e I e cere 1 ..,,,,,,.... liel 01111•4 and possessed their propert) in• , whieh the farmer keep, about. him. About.l„=„ll,',',',.,°„;,re„ tr,r;,,,;,„... , ...:,:,,-;,;n7,,,, , .:, , ,,,;,; t , r,,...,; 1 „..;:,, , , , , , ,•,,. ~ .,.,; , . ..,,,r, ,•,.. f1 ,...,,:.. 7. ,,,.., t. , , ,,,,,..,,,,,, 7 ,.....,,.., ,Tr .....,......L.L.....4. LLL t .,,,LL. .....,,,.,.....„... ~ ...,...,r, ~, ~... ~,, .., .. tlto let I ntitled t wareo the name of fathe Bret rmers. And aa ,lo were fully : ll ok at my bull. and rolled him swelled to: _._ _ ~ i _ tny s ehonto„...tmet.....,e,..htatt.n n ....go- '',' i t -,.,...,,,,,ht ivilization cannot as in a wilderness an alarming size I then Nought my man- !I 11 lltliN pi us ...•.;....-..,..... ~:T.,..,,0.,.;;,..,:-.-;:rx,;;!:;:tmuz ;', - . - :.%,',..!....;.?=;:.=;;.::,;:..1;1t . 1:17:z.,.;:! , - ---.......... „ • ~—,—.... .0.. .. . nlinally, this may justly be Coll•idered, thet as ager, an Irishman; and on seeing the ttai- ' ::,t;'..; 'WI" , ' i!."„::•!.;',..:'`,',..2.;',higeZ,1,',7•474t"•"`••"°"".."••••° '''. .''''' ire to lON.rd,, civilizatitio. with all ite' mai. ht. asked mo if I had a bottle of get, t in, 01.1.. ran., Ile 110 000 BOTTLES. 7;f:',77.....Z,r,T,:'=.1',:'"...7::":;..7. Melilla. benefit. Andjust so tett aa ag- or . apple-jack." I brought hen a bottle , Illikko.n V.g .1.1 " M ' al.f.e. , 7:',..4“,;',:•,;,','•': r, ';;.;;;;;;.;.,..: '4',' ;;;;;•, •%;"„;;;,:,„„ n ,m. .., n4n., molter° has progrmeed ; keit 10 feet Immo or goA Ro l land. Ho lod the bull out by The Kit Font!y Redly, ea er (nneen , ler:tea/ ~,,,,,,,,,,,„, ~,, .. , ~__. ...., „....,.. ..„, entv.Ler..4(77.:::,•,,,,,azz.....,;::.,t..,,.„.;...,.,, ~,..,..t irts mid sciences and refinement progress- ' the chain, affix. to a dog in his nose, tied toe° e V el•lnlneLlllnll;:l . l: L l , :n .L irn:n r l L e LL e!. L .:ne , L. :" , ..: L. 74'' -' ' ''''' l'r ll.l".. '' ''' ' ' 7, 11 . ; 37. 74n•V: L L.7 . 1• na L i • r00m...t00. ;!:,;;. i ,,,7,,,,f 5 „. 01, aud . fester. All have boo. d. , p.nd• 'on about a yard a ropo,figok hint to alt ee, ' ,, ' ,, °;:`, , , , ,g , Z.,,..""' ff g "''' 1 ... hoe, th„ hi 1 ,h1 , :• : , •,, ,t2 h r0.„...t . ;: i emz , z, v .. .,,, • „„,.„,, • ,,,,,'„.,,,,•,•,„.'••,'„'„;„',',','„,..,1;,;',..„,7,1t . :',',:;;., v .,.. r ovv .r . zpo u.. 7 1, ..,,, —. ~. . int on the farmer P. their food, Rini 00. .4 ii,,,,,0 hi. b o .dra w ly ~,ek.lly, _ e , .71..7,7 7 ., , ,1177,,,...,, , ,,:% . ,.. •'' P ner.mle l'alle. h.... rne ihe 1., le. len... .....".* ''.." 4 "..."" ' " ''' he raw materials with which they aro by t h attoon g ih e opt over a pojecting ,t,•;,Mv:,,,,,,....,17,!.,::,•,,iLt,:•,n,,,, _ " g " ttit ,3,',.., h ' ,„ ~, „„„ t „,,,, „ 0 „,„,„ t t e L itt ;ar x,. ,, , n7,i .. :,.. , , , :. ~,,,,,,, , ~ , ,, . : :., ,, :i so t„ 44.4. t limb. I poured the contenta of the bottle „.., 0n....,... n n o o th..o tat a a i n.. ) .., 7 ,..,„1„ stoot ...nesse' Pah. killer. D or f, od a 1,,, proem the , down his thrust. nud in two hours be ea. ;',7,•,;,:',„,;•;,,... ,':,';',',;', ,:,,;;;;;;„,::,.,,.:.;,.;,:g!:14%;,:. 1,—,/, r , pu ~,, ~,„ 1 1/, /(e aril, Avo/th ra ~ lm 74,tr . 1. , ...... .. 0 acquired • • great. antount , • of 1d... , e Illircly idiot, d ln one tffter ca. I ad- ,n , t, . n t enn 1 ne„ in e. r .n. . 4L atra,! . ..ty„. „ .,4,,...1 L .' , ne,..,:n ie .:L in, „,„, , „ /,,,„, ~ ;,.,,„ o it, .4.1, h... ~,„. L L ..-. L. , ...... LL 4'... L 1= 7 ;. 7 ., 1011. founded on natnral prittelphs RS well onittis'erett apple spirita, and nileneedea 111 , :;.: , , , ,r,,r1.:„,..,;,, „.,,, 1 , : ,:,!,:.:„1,.. , ,t,, , ..„ , ,Tzj.1, , , ,, ,.:„-,. , 47..,,,.,,„., .. z, .. : ,, , , :..:, : ,:i r,,,,..... , , x . .., ~...,....,,,, r„ 1=7.1 ..,,..,:...; 7 .,..„,............, pravtieal experience. Still OPT have , caring the atutnal. I bhlieve it will be et- , 1 f,::, tt , . 2 • ,,a: .. : : ,, th , : • ;11 ,, a , , , . , .. , :x,%. r, , , T.g0,..t:!,0: , 41 . 1ng,,,, I i0n ,...„,...0.„1-oht „ ' Inn conee 4 .4.4siln: leen enntentod w ith 1,..1, 0 1,,,ti e e g oea tinn : foot.' in all nann , MO in • remedy almoet '..._.,,,,,,,,,,,,1.....,,,ez. n•..... l. ..1.-11/..- ..,, T , , .. aonl, la, On e...,.4 ..n .,...e (1--.... n .- , a. Lm Holm sagallo S l a swaat °Silas V assalls I always ts bo gggdy Ig‘gure d. A PL AIN 1 1::',,i7ii'Zi;:a :=ii„i';‘,'4.l;::::',..t. .. , % , ;;.• , •==. , .: ,,. ;n: „ ..•.0tt0 httatts.=- t iai.....i . .:: . ..i'...'f,,,„47,7...." . ' -,•,. 0 h.e lia. like them prefiWd by keep- t r ~,,,,. ng • journal or weot tot their °pertain. t We bare tie. apirits hill] good rctult., ;T.., , t „, o „. th „4„.,t,..,, ht th th ot .......nott o. h et -', ,, t , t ,, ,t , ,'„,i , ' , ,, , , tt . 0, , :•: , itth , t,..-s• .OP . a•len lne-ll := 7. • . 7 , : LL.L. L L. znie L r LL n . e rt. merchant and mantaaeturer lintno fit to' in cases of httove; but in the incipient - : , , ,,t 0, 0. , , ,h0r h ,r0,, =. ,t t. ,; . ,: t0 , ..z;. , , ,., a: r t ,. . , „= „ Lt, , , .. , • ~,,,,,,,,, , ~-,,!,,,,,,,,,„.„„,,,,,,,,„,„..,,,, a,„...,„,,,,....':1t, I;eir books, the elect protitil Or In.. nl all ala,e. we have alkatten, as 111011 lion. in '„',',. ~,, ... n ',ea.. len nella unerearnel en. I. nee, l:Ll•nl vi . 1 .,,,,...1 , ... n .e f L a I n e Llr niee,, L:L e LL t I ..e L nI, ;: . L . L I LLI :L e , nli , M l , == . 7,r.' L l,:!L. L =t:Lr. L rlll".."`... I"”" 7,::.:7 , heir nporatinne ; and know ereetl, the the ertiele referred to, a better rented. , - ' , ' , ..,; , ° , ,ig,',','' . .,',:. g•, , ,,',.. ,, 1,!,:h,•,,,:, , , , ,:‘, 1 ,;:,': • •g1,•,..,•:.., ~ , , t , ! • e „,...„,„ . .,„;,,, r,',„,.... , ..;`,.• •••• • , - nr n y n ry imp. , ninnl, ON. the 1,:,, a -('.f /lie (AMA Of T rOlt FRAUD' To Mother. L '', • 7: L .: ......'::..'::::::'•','::;:'..:1: -,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , :."7,;:.=:7,;7,=.T:;',:.:',..•,; '':;'.•, ',..', ',7.:'," ,:':. ~, . 1 n' e,:; ' , 7., " , ' ' Z ' , :!—,,,..... ~, .t. , Pr..... ' '''. '''' " I "' l '' ' ' l " ''' "; ''''' ''' I ' I • XXX.'!:XXXX . I ' I ' ;X.X . .. X " nX:::. X I ' llX ' ll r hn! ! .:7 11 * -X7 . in : ' I l ''''''' : ''" V ‘ i '' " r'''' ''''''''''' "' ''''' rq"."ll%""Vt''l:lll'"‘X.Z " ..% '''''ll.l.:''''" .' ''... 'fl '''''''''' "'U.' ...'''' '.''' '' ''. '''...-.- '''''‘' ' ''.....'.-, ... .:.'; ~....'''' ... ... . ...... --' .'...'.' '' %. ‘. ". 1 " .1 " ! '11', '' ' ' . ' •X 'IX r Xr.X . =:,.. " 1: . :XX • iX " ..t .. .:'.1i.„. rli . !..,:t-174 ' i• XX:4;7:: • ::: ' " ' X ' :IT: :=I • X;IX '' X=. X• ,-' ll ' ' .1 ' l ' .. k . ' ;' • :;l[o4 " ;:l ' ' ,X rr . , ',...7,V:.- - ,;;,.. .•,',',;.'.`,','.',':;.' ''.• • •••!•,!. -• •• •• ••" ' •'••"--""^ '''• '"" "'"""' '''" Weakly Children. " l ' . " l:"l ' i"i. ' ' 1.. " , .2„ . ,. ‘ ,,; " ‘„:,?;:: , '" ::; ' , ' „i..• "'" '"''''...., ..""..... .• " ..00, " • o ' oo, . ;eater practice; while the termer, tor t ie ^ tent of proper records, has In guess at a]; l his. While tbo into thinks he has made , - - 11 improvornent, another donbis it, and . I ~,,,,, ;.au determine with certaility. hop,. , not ant e thots, it is tote, have been obtained My. ; 1i.`,',.,', cientific men ; individuals too, have deter- :to e ined important facts by actual experi- ; tent; all which have been, am are coot in- ; :t ally publiehed; and are doing witch good. Bank lid from nome saute, the great meteorV:7 mutton farmers are not profiting by theec.; 'Re üblications, as wo could wish. It it be- i no reed, if they would tow itocietien, keep a; t o oral, and try the experiments for them- I tin Itches, noting profit and lots, they would', r t ;l: caddy adopt the moat useful Myra* e- It,,"":; neut.. ; Ji 'VI e formation of Farmers' Clubs, .echo I o be the most natural way. to entice the One inprovement made and published to be; ':, enerallt adopted ; and to make improve- ; tents themselves. They could, by a 8.1811 La conttiliution front each member, purchase; ; the latest works ; [iv the journals as that are p ablished, the reading of aide!, would I, e: , mail -ally beget a spirit of inquiry. Each; 4 . trod' ho envious to possess se much infor- , matien as his follow. Time a degice of use- ; l; t 1 rut competition would spring up, both as to' acquisition of knowledge and tee prat-tit:al I t ,..., application AIN Mix It is well known that farmers generally, , iimi are unwilling to pia their idea. on paper = Zany of us who learned to write a tolerable I A. hand while at school, have paid KO little .t-, A. tention to it tine°, as not to Lave amiiiirtil 0 , an easy business hand; or the ability to; put our thoughts on paper intelligibly --; l This cannot be well dime without some ex- f , perienee and practice. They should at; lant, be able to write intelligibly' 0 matter.; relating to their ocoupatiou. To du this.; the mind, ex well as the hand, needs ; some training and practies Whenever wo snake a tool or implement with our haod, we i have the thing as it is, to I ink at ; if it does not suit, wo eon try a second or third time, until we get it to answer the purpose ; The tame rule will apply to el...putting our. thoughts on paper, we cannot tell how, they veil read until we make the trial; and ; we should keep tryinguntil we sueceeil tolerably well. This will do much towards, training the mind to correct and systematic i habits of thinkin;;. Let each member of the club, proem* a good sired blank bath : commence, say in l the spring; write down all matter: which re- late to the operation* of the farm, via:: :Cumber of acres, the soil, manner of tit- I loge, iptentity and kind of manure ; the lintel ~, or seeding of all kind. of grain anti vegeta.; • blee, quantity of seed per acre ; the silos-;sal tion of the land, as to wet or dry ; making; ci suitable, entries during the the , :;:; weather, the growth of crops, whether doing: t: well or not, and the probable cause ; the l'i. time of barenting, yield per acre; if good ti. or poor, the probable cause; the time of : c selling, the priori high or love. A. memo- i:: random somewhat obailar, as to the stook; ,1' the disease widish they sea attacked, if any, : e the remedy used; and the effect. Let an , easel neatest ha kept of the outgoes sad . t and incomes, and a balanee he -it 1 at the and of ash year to ascertain eau- 1 aes it their •ffeets ; and be not afraid 1 of writing to mach. By this course they would soon retake the habit of putting their theaghts is a syasmatte wry- At the end of sash year, (Mee papers maid be presented to the slab, and examined by • committee ; std all matters worth ramem berinp, pat into • madman{ report ea en sorta..lly this searet• somparisen meld ' be male between the dillhwanl mama wrestles& and the best seal& im be adopted, By this It la believed every portant provement windd coos beams pastel; errors would be dstesial sad elhandomd. Committees seal be appolatal to make mats red atembadene of, a Important . muclan, and report. The praddleg ester should unseal alms; tee mas tery maid aormepied with xi sedates i =mad be made le the stagy mai garden and a wader, sir ma- Mat Inatirtanos, padded. AU lido beteg time by the ' thrum la Moir ewe my{ mold mate a slat of tihy, and glee them madam in themaires, sod tea mesh to the impirmamal of that and am, well SA their Imam {Wherever each a model, le /trend sad Pemoxyl*Genl. r ......r,.. N.I. .., kn...., T:ii...i..:... " r1 , - i.; ~.!:r...g:•';'."*., : . ~..,„.. ~--- ,',. g„.„..„. , ;r, rronit. 1.4. . l ' :, .',',•, * • ',: . ":47."':,, . ntmov. 4 Illortido. 1.., , :),, .I:4 4 .7 . 4•Tu t ro n** : * ' II " I.l. "*. non. '*** * N . 'M.... 4 ~ .11 , ~ Poe.., 4 • - Olontgooloty ro . pu, , llarn. Mt otl.llo. gow , GENNEAL , ineihombeind. tl , Mononitlltoll. ~: 1 13. , P.n.,. ser,ri. "on, 11•nP1i.... * /1.4•J0 l'oe d 4 14.1. J. ~ W. Jranll, i twooly, Wyomind. lu. ~trash" i re.. .. " , ,'"* .***. .Dole * "" ' "*'• ' "***' l ,*‘ ;l . New Work. ;;:.:.4.4:11:,'... " ;•:..'....1.: ~..,, ..„0,...,...... r ........... A.......... , Nulamillider. Fire 4,, Thief Proof I kesi, .7 : 41.V,T12: ;""' • 2;11 , 11: 1 4 ,,, ,, it ~,,' ;,,,,.,','" ""' t 4 i4t: r 4. V:!', ' '''' ~., . cr, , Nooloto., dor It Moot. Po'neopolo• 1.1. I:tr.::;;TA , V,4: 1r,,„14.7V - ,,",.i1a.t„ ...,.........•.. 1,,,....V:0gj0, re, * ,•71:1=7:.• • •=1; 1..:Pa1r .. ~T„7,2,,„.,.- ' • ~„, ~ r Etkultore.o. .1.11101,1.1 Not... do .1.::' , ?•:::.T: , ; , :`` . '„i1iV?...7 . ,,".1,!Z"""'"' ,- ''''' - - ' - ;... - ;'"gr• zr . ;;":;..„.:',,,....„....,.. ' ''' .-- kg . ',, : ',„,,,...:17. 1, .1. r, 1'.. : . , F , 4- „. 1:: "i'r,".7.:71r2.;,':':;"V.':, ....... uu r ..10...,, 1, , '7..'n',l . kn ,. '•"' ... y,:..'.;;,.',..,"..''.::::.."„;::::!.;',;..„' „ ......nt , 7 , : r . ~'..;;;: ..„... g , MI .4 N wow 1 for a , twllo. d,, Voltowlt VIM, on. ern., do , l.tonom oath., :1. 'lM*,*j..*;l*.::,:*t*.*•ert*lV*;;;;:l.**•;=7. * 4 ** , ' ;„ .;. j Jo. ~,,,,, VI JTSO4 . 1t..., a Tnhen. I. 1t.1 , , . V. J ,`,,d 11-tv lx,ltotanjout °Wet Leo. Co, dr, ' T()VES ! a‘ .h......... d" .• A • do Os. rt. Non 0,17,v7..t, ' * .I.onoto4t oodot„ *. n P",ri!,:' l'ffl';:;,..':!7:;:11:.".`'72:7:!;:1: no .r........... a01gran i y......e..... • ...., ...P . oux.O~ Jo Pn NM a V...rum k . a 1.,. Plan, NEW GOODS. 00.,....... ~....... u.. Watertown. 'kir..., N 0..., do HENRY ISURRITT no ••r J J,Joille. de,,Y.t. ~,..4, 44 4 ,i 4 , , ,,,,,,,,,44,... ~,.,,, ..,.., Note... do!Yrommitlo, '1: loVdn ' r t:47.l•Td:l9.l " •7l.7l7;:: ,* o=r;:f ""*** *" 1.0. J••. 11.1.1, do Putnam Voonty, tr=tl.,. It Dry Goads, ineliediup a splendid selertain as.. sra.s Y. '" 11. n' . .I. al C'ashinerrs,3bislin 1)e Laines, silk Ph. 111,,, elo /i.e. 11... n. .K.eoti.ody, It. * striped, plaid and fancy A1par t1117=L......0, 1 11 1:=4,..p , . eon. I 'nlnr,rli cloths and ..a. .a., wo Pte.. mutt, • G./ Id Plaids, I.'renrh .1 I=r4"' *, Judfdll. moat, English Ghtg ...rd... dj. • . hairs, and a large Ta rr...M.lT., ,alloy. do T.........., it. '"" 1117,::;11 , :::,; ZP,74 24 tidy of Itirq, and common . calicoes, Rich Plaid and Net, ao ....T. . rtiro Illy do Square and Lang Shall., Bonnet eel- ' =L: ,, , , g. , , ~ ~; ;;;7„,-;;;;;::„,, d eels. Sat . ins, Balboni., and Poser, Gimps 0...n0,1 n t.......i, 4,WoltriJoy, * '. and Fringes, Broadelothn, Fiiii erZZl:tit=4, .1:::,1::-.:g. ~ ry Cassi -errs, Saiinrits, Flapnels, I ‘I'I" .1 ratil 'l rrx- 74 .-z• a -:::---ltzr7.,--..„-....,-r--- ...---.. ...... ... a,„„„... reeekor, worarare, In 010V4114 ...MVO. f• . de Vddllomodoent, .1., lbws mt., A Wart nom., Jo sod 81.1. Med. Mare. Clock. 1L4.1,, . rot. ocalety, a. Batas and Shoes, Paints and Nwry,ow Jorooy. I OP, Medicines, Sleiok Shoe.. I Plops en. erelro, to which he would in- Onninote. man, por V •••• offlidorn.r .. 174 , ....X.1.....1:..... ,,,,,,, .. ... , . ,, d'' . • :2...= rani. Ana, Annan, / , p : .... .. .............. ~.. Oncinol Wog Oanonr, do: 4. 11. Int on Innor . or . notir. non. r.nn *Wynn. n•rmor, 4 domor. meaty. 4' 8 . ning• .... ... 1 tent and rce..... 7...8r. 11 .hL.4.--..-.i, .NEW GOODS ! noon Ileood=ra 1.. e., &Intim, 1=..... "." ".. i AMR& TIIIRINELL, -ll• , ===uo, ...z.arr.walso:o.ko. WiiiiIIWNSUONW. Ml= 4 Iron, go i •norr noon -.nylon leanononn..-ell= .. 1 WY In on onwody Or I. nwh,Onw..... NW. ap rir7Er. 4'444' wwo Wri dr.. pro n . Illy ...Amex mg to down la eon so WIN" U"lrinnol n ,Ilannit a. Medicines ...i.u t pu., ... 'm a ' ; ,frer. • 9'..11.7. 4-- --r, ;... . ~ Wotan, Joironw, 811 nor llpmas "." : l P•rinaLry,r moo 7. r Illisolasi horrnmoroto. B.r/ring_ Do.. Tn. 1 nitEirisi owisn 4. inns do on, Cimino Lyra for lkehol w.:11 . 00 Arts. N kd W. a. A. e Ors, imoomas. • 10mmr.1."4. Wean. Yenhoo N.*... 0e...1 r. .;•;1 do p0.1;;W....b4.............. 10 .... ..;;.....1/1118.ano. ,i, . =tern . ran ...-......................"....../...... - ' W,11........ lON. .. wain i rli. = ing s b ox. s. yawls' 4:4=11.:.= ormowlngt. An .I.• • =roandwo am gonna ...........nno . Milsgron AI • non lons on tn.., moo On h. on inn 1.1. or Ins. nanny Inn. no• I nv .. r ......Sr.... twit thlt 1 ilizi= w ti ll.ct 11. Work. Prstko t i ttiti q Souk ' '"'' ' „, aro„, au I 14 w 1114 art 11... Decter Veurseetter Int cents' ....I. with nponok al • Imo 4 , h,::'...•,. 17h . .1.:=.17 . ; , ..iti. '" =:::::. • f' ' ' ''. • 7 '•‘ . ;;" , „' - ';`;' . 7 ,-„', -.:-.."7: — .. ":; .... 2: . :;:.'="r• r.,_,"=.1:11 i „ it . t .;„. ,, ......,t,...7:: .. 17r. ...,.... the ••-•.• ..konoe In •htillen In the knoll ow Oke of orbs. , Oink kith . OA, oklstho the moo 4.. r 6.4, owl, & ••••••••11.•..... nsanly•—bi •••••• m Mbar Jokhookotn 1.. It wall ••• • '"lVZ.o77=4:4:ll;:rLt"eltrettl I. • IO Me. *PI :lilt ;=4 Ark ! !":%,744:. rat..«..r. Phdholelk"—Pkot tor, ••oko—p.m.tool of Pew. Wok Man. and . :ll= In t .• la am Vatol Rack In art rc.. +1F,W 7 1.7. — A - wid;7"tidr7:l7 -- . - M l :4 4-M7:...T.«, LT; 1 .ISM Er575E"...1.1: 2 4:11v:.: '..; tar. : . T . . ......,......... z= ...,=,....., 1 Tww, w Dedkv A inns, k ikAlloc Aria • N.A., ; pre.MAT . J MANIA lAwkie. CM kw Asibms• AAA M. mil Nye raker. a eene.vkike• Women a 1 Afok•••••• Jo 6.1 A' ourik kW*. A* kA MI *wan imonerkii• kW •Ayesyikmlye•Aar. I.+ Ank...nalskAo. ad 7..7. le um. *on Akm looked.lak. *ado neekkod awl PA *a Al Mk Dn. wager AIM mk spa.. IllaNkko, lA* sed Mau. , , °."."'" :2=TAIVAA Iratais ' l Illor. ilersett4 C.- lititrael , IA '"...-. ov evw ov CII/01.1111 I, Int•IJI•Am• Ode Mob ••• F • . 1* Way Irom es hal • .1 Me •••••4 rowor *ft& we the Aillsoftraattenr Buse', lapenvorl • r 111.10.1. l.qs neu, II••• Wald, • ilUntna, Pm. ••••01 Maw. 11•• *Wok Iles, and abed er• boast 1.11, •010••••• Yr now roomer sal ehoppmess. ut...OW 1h0n....1.••••11ft Mate Nam• la post ;ray * . .4191,0.1.1, auk eb•••••••••1•• •I•• t•••• • W. , . 0., OMNI I• *dam., tr Am..., I RlCUtir I. turri CM. SUPPRIIMRIONIS. Nix Wean; Affe ~„._ r"" t". "."""""'" " '"' "" "'"""" 14111.151 , 1 RILL NI , N MYRIPI 4 . le. • • t•••• 7 ;•.! """""''''''' INIT.11 . 1 . 111;11 NOT. tilt %lb VI) 0110 1 . 1. TO • - - , •t • tr• ot ut R. 11 or An • The Grated Purgative, 111.1 4 7 ". HT , • 'r7;;;;,!:?. • • --- • • y 1 no.' • .• n •'s an 1 i " =:lZini . 071=11VIIni•ri7•74:•;=• • fv • in laying innia e. enin In in Elre , •ny niy that Dreadtal Cough iri, ' ll:ll= '''""' " "" r '"` " "".""."'" "'"" " ' • ~.=".;'",'..7.: rZ I7 - % : * * ":71112; Z: 7 =:: 4l ;r=. , ek ""41=1::, 'alLt;.V, lin ;"""" • Mann. 1 rain dy i.en' -" —""" Uk n. inn ly inn Isheroast re ~111.11ealhav ihalinate. " - ""","' ,r.zr •u. iorAurti er.m x R ~N~ a ll n •, l iulnM I w dlr. bad ...Me fsf at • iM• leaf urn sin& Inn ninil lin. • Muni woe . wefeal • s i ", • hd.eurtil 1r m '.raln 4 . = ein.ienii.lllll....,,Y.Witnen. 1. men I. Manna, yrnieli It ...Ter POW. rt.".747g.t:V=.71,1„.V.r.:,;r= I ....tea lON*, mai 1r.... ed brood atte.tlhe Introdoeml them .Itone, 100 IN; ett. tt t q t . emtermoNlo,ll..korektre.o••••••.ll NitTlNkmersN nI 4 A .... tn .,. ". "7.7 S. 11 . 7•1•77•1= !!: • 1.71. A. 4 W.. a.. 1 gee, A n Ad u m, • w. •in 0t. , / woo& IT • Wail( .. 1.111. awn*. ,IVA, • `"* - Z4l" . U... and rem I " • * Vitro lei we me•e• swot. Mx. ary .."" iir 11:= 6 11 '..nIr,PIwIrM.AM Tents and! Olo.OIT• r7-k-r-or.1^1"1 - 777111 •OnsUltamestedet• ••••*.. 4/r.. tr 11. 1:= NO 3111INEll AI&FAT. . 0 10.1itit.V ANI) sFyst-rt• 1.11.1114. I,lllllllllrria.v RE11.11A1:11, 10:1111:1TV 01' '1 . 116 P1T1,31. A CERT %IN REMEDV ati, ,rato, ' MUM :111 MEMMM =M=I ,„..:7,,"` Hop. 0%. trIPION puma( FALL GOODS. XX:iMattgtta.: t rolly ad. llsom Ilor awe .1r phire, mg. or,. or" OA. NI 11* to . ‘11.417. IMMO.* . 7 1 . 7 . 70 ..1. 7 0 , 7 V. O. eil.lll/1.1111• 00. IDIF IND ::: NAKSAIPAKILLA.. T6e mm 4 th• World I :'.•7 - 7.: , .:".t"..!::• ,- t. , awl ••••• 0.......511.....e.1:11.•1141* amen "/ 1.• • 11 ..... ^ " 1. ^ .ll . 11111 ". 11 *NM. mew. 161. Oa. ovate.. ova./ be Ives kr . rs sad St . r 1fx05 . 742 .... n e " .:, liasZ:ll 4. : rssfi.• "" &gin bets NM OM 11,1•011. 4,11110 NYE • Taw —I ..nly ptur Ma.;••••••.• '77•••••"1,2""7:c•I'717•7:Zr:tri,fo.•:."1. :7. ..• A • • •471.11 :::" • !owl II ea. ono WY is oath 11 • • "" es P:wer Qom. tpr. ' s.‘ ~ ..,.. ~.. ~.. ~:~r7a:... n„N M: ' A-, - f,' \\__ S . -- ----' ..iv.,._,Q.:,0*. .lerof•lnt Cooped,. ;7. ' ar' . 11:=;.. " .X:::::; :7* Tigre. 4 . 1.1 .. •••• ."' -;:•; • ells 7.:%r; ," ...1111111-1. atPl= .*. atle Er . F6171 ttem , :=LVAVILICrS w:4 obely e Up. P. 'Maori "*, Xonl. So* wsra, Iftlibmee V. K. , 111 Mane Ma.. . ASINIf ; sod Inr Oa* ri vociorair theeeemot 11.101.1 west I= l Minds PM lie Mee& inns Oopy map • mime podlsetrOW WA& MGM = . " Mot rorlrla i r il lo salt...p.m ernmol ale ibt
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