Ultb Congress-2d Session. 51 e finite". from the Pt st Office Commit- I cholera . ie wiring targ . them with fearful' tea, , r , o , ft, ~,.., ~/ , o t t , take n a l ,I inortali.y, evil it w um oo a consolation to W•Balatt.... Feb. 213 . 'thin ncesiou in rilation tire matt, of stop- thnir fric.ide to know that they are tog Ban ATM.-Mr. Bpruanee presented the , ping the Sunday tnaile Ads peed. I eonstitiitionalir .M.letstials of the Hen. John Wailes, elect- Mr. Collamer reported a resolution twin std • Senator from lb°l* .l. of Dd. ... , to ' the Committee on Public Loads, declaringl 111 POSTSCR . fill tbs vacancy emulsion. by the twig.. 'it inexpedient to grant lands to the 8 Um of the Hon. John 111 Clayton. :in which they an located, for the purposes, -----,----- Mr. Wailes, after being duly qualified. ,of internal improvement. Lies over . ;President Taylor's Inaugural. took his seat. s .'" ' Mr Hodsmi from the Committee on : After the eonsidention of the morning w n , a no d 3hoes, submitted • tariff report.' we received due rWedoesd..y• memo, • copy business. the Senate resume d the consider- bawd upon the sameprinciples on the tariff o r t h e N. N. w on o f yem er d ae eniminn e the in. talon of the General Appropriation bill. r i 1 , 42. alternation proceedomo of I Imola), and Prendent . After • few }}marks by 31c Douglas, I 31r. Nichols eubmit led a minority relent Ta, tors address We hare only morn forme la. Mr. Dayton 'rat the euggestion of sever- , upof, th e limn: le, Both wenn.. were ro ar , h ,„ „.„ i r. „i„ rh h„, on , roe ., e r l ee ., an d al Senators) wisdified hie amendment. "'Melt bud on the table, and ordered to be print- that 'Wren', it wilt be found a reefers pees of .was loot; and the question being taken up- co p inen-conomonaliem, winch may be mine to mean on Mr. Walker's amendment, it was adopt- The Lill lir ridi hor examining and re- ~,n o or ~,„,e „„ ,„ eara „„..„,„, rer i„,„., std-yeu Si). nays 27. funding the duet. l o laaid on R ood destroyed The pmeessan reaehed the Eastern Portico of the After debate and action upon several teL by the fire of 1 , 15, in New York was taken carnal at 1.1 o'clock, whieh was densely thronna ational amendments to the bill, of no gel- ~ p nod panned •:th IM.Mturt, 11.1..,n the reendent sleet debtered oral interest, adjourned. Sundry private hill ' sere pissed, an wan ha whirr so and was thilltfied by taint Jus„ce Horse-The House, in Committee of , e l an the ftin,nta territorial bill. the Whole on the state of the triton, Th '''' ** ''''""' " ''''''''''''' d ''''''' mined the consideration of the Lill to en- i h n f ran ki ng gr i v ik, A,' I ,„, .. a t ta m e. P p. , . v e n i:c or thr n ' h o n. . e s , ::::ll , th o e , o• ,.. nwt , e ir ch A an ,, rbe ion r .. % !I .; toblish • Territorial Government for Upper t h e rote hor „ o rekon hr ye , „ , at , aaa. l ie. ' .rem. The Posed. nt :het wan ec ho turd to the Gelifornia, a resolution having been adopt- I The bill for the appointment of l'ommis • b, he Ca Pr...dent and the t r ice Prenient std, tq terminate the debate thereon at 12 , ,,,,,,, r„ run the m ea r,, e „ h , „„dooy line. eaten!.. , o'clock tomorrow. was next taken up and debated by Messrs ,th . . , 1, di. E. I IIiI I I Pi' 41..1 Mr. Mlitart• of Michigan, addeerned the Truman Smith, Schenck, Stanton, Haralwn, I The Arise.. t Or.eitke in ...PP.', of the P"'"°' of C"." Ash men, Woodward and Weller, afterwards ' ' Elected by the American people to the rase to legillate for the Territorial, and to adopted. Adj. I highest Ake known to our laws, I appear eadode slavery therefrom. I * here to take the oath pear ribed by the After fartlaer debate upon the question Thereday, March 1. ' atilution ; and, incompliance with the time of elswet7, by Menlo. fteyte, ft o m, Enos 8 . -After the usual amount of um honored mosteim...to address thee who are of Maryland, Lyode, Mullin, Venable, firer- imported business. 31r Dodger rag, red a o no ...s e am e d ley, Moran Palfrey and Boyden, the Coin- , a ba t hof resoluti 0000 s from Nio th Cariboo. The eoubdotire arid nopeet Clean by my mitten rose, and the Nonce adjourned. and Mr. Green a batch of anti-shivery and ...may Mt, ill caling ine to bi• the rank - antidlogging-in-thionevy rtsolivii . from Inegisorati• of Heiaddie holding • a high rank Tuesday, Feb. 27. ft I Ille ace... Tooled the latter eith Ilia en t ong the nations et the north, haw b.- Tuesday, . .-The wennittee to not rote ., spiny me with the most profiniol grati- Meurer Taylor and Fillmore of their elev. The hill for lb...lift:meta of New il•mle i tude ; Lut, whin 1 reflect that the accept tion reported that they hail done their duty o u ro dn ... ern , 1: ... , ri I anee of the offiec st hid. their parti r slity hoe 3lessre. Jefferson Pla, is, John Davis, arid Mr Ilent.in reported a bill hr the gn at Istowii .1 r e, the discharge of the most keyed, John." meth appointed • Ceti.- Central Railroad from St Louis to the Pa• ardums dab 11, and involve.. weightiest thaw to Irk. arrangements for their re- u rg e. obligati..., 1 ono cons. ions that the peel aption in the Senate Chamber on the sth The hill for taking the 7th enfants was tbon which I have been • •111 . 11 t.. IV. t 1 ~,,, gh inst. for the inaugural ceremonies. Pen taken up, end opposed virsoninsly los sufficient to satisfy the loftiest ambition, is The general spppration bill was next ta- m i . caikonnn an , an,:a „tar further ilishiii,iii:rininnnnieni in, fearful ie,ninnnnniihiride, - ken op. An amendment increasing the he Messrs Westentt. 'lodger, Butler and 11ni.g.4. hones.% ii. the w it h o u t of My salaries of Mini ttttt to England, France 'Linter. t on waition of 3lr Brew.. was laid ma do ties, I shall root lie without able co and Russia was submitted, discussed, but on the taw . operarion The I•gielative and jonlicial not acted upon. The Naval l'ension and the Fitt ifieation brenelies ot the govertinient present promi- An amendment appropriating the sum 01 appropriation lolls were both taken up arid n int examples til distinguished ei, it attetio /100,600 to defray the mileage of members re ,,,,,, t, .„d tort and experience ; and it shall was adopted. Tkie Army Appropriation hill Wannest ire , ....lessor to ...11 t o ..., nahannee in Another. her an outfit in addiii"" to the woke .rap. Mr. Italilyrin often il an amead- the ta s Ezeeire Deparloicnte individuals m ' ltir l f '''' the C '' d ttt f r I" I ''''', Suud- inent ...tending 0 e benefit of tire aril of whose talents, integrity, and purity of char wick I slan d s was tekete.i Yeas ji mays habeas e epos ti, tI t. initahitants • f Calif,- anew will furnish ample guarantees for fly 38. rte: wool N. in 3lroiee , ioly, that Ito ciiiixtins tairlotul and hot...ruble toi rfermenee of the Atwitter. aSl.r"lirialintff Vilitiii" ear I if - th e re uh..itlil lei trit.l 10 martial, Ira except triode to Ire I,llllllliitelll , their charge charting the papers of the I ite t•i, , rw no , rnio , oo i rho nom, fro „, k.• hror)in w,o, 00,-,..i.1e ..I am. • 1,..,.,, I,,in, ..,,, Washington, and a like slim tqpelose the , nryr , orr or. the ... m i. , . ' do what. we is right, 1 lope to exec... olil- F•Para of the Inc ' jinn. . 31 envoi, "'"" . 1 " 7 3lr !' ire toad' • yea Geri speech weritly, impartially, and for the best inter mitted and carried- Yeas 22, nay A I!. against the amendment. Ile, nth ri it 00 eats, or the ..our the manifold duties de- An'thefo aPPf"Pfiali"lf s 3 '"' to pay r f', altelition ino,oinitint. a latent num hie,ons v.-lied ups me In the discharge of these arthin earn...b.... 4 in a ,', 4l 3,i ni ff °, "" .tempt to enalole hlark slaves that may he. duties, my guide will he the constitution Tyl , or too do." ) . "f On t••''''"°°. •''''' taken there to °lain, their liberty under a' which 1 this day wirer to . prwerve, pro- Presideot of the United States, created , writ of . horn ... r., op ., lbc aciarac „ ic I tent. arid .14,..1. ., rune sensation, but was gaily agreed t... remarks gamer ht personal towards M.. For II e interpret•tion of that instrument, Another, for purchasing 17ailin • Gallery i t , rhirrro e I shall Lo .k to the derision, of the joidieial or Indtio l lb"lbu'''• •l• ." °° l. ° ""'' ""t °°- ilr 31ancom won and reminded Mr. Foote trilmnels e-tel.'is' id by its authorit., end 1 weeding $ 30 , 6 . 30,3, mitnall3 - ra'" that Fir r. e . were a little too personal to the praetii vot the gout:wawa under the I rise to • debate. which was not vloyed at ,i„ F.... e. mi afar ~..ii i.i m i , earlier l'residents, who bedsit large • share the hour of ailjoarnme.S. Mr Dal le in rose owl said hie self re- in its birmation hoes...-A Lill was reported. and shin epee t would orevent Lim from reply Mg to Ti the example of those illustrious a- oared by Mr. Ureeley, plying to each ins- Oro. po. to annul trio ri , iiiiirinii trims 1 ehnll Many. doter. with reveren ce; 1 tier nit fievefeate"' t"ffit"f3 a fat. "' L ' id Ila : r -The eissidi ration of lie Indi- and especially to his reample who was, by on the table. I . en appropriation hill goo, resume,,. ard the on any tides edm rather of Isis country " The California government Lill mat then ;101,0.. 111/011 it, St I irli nl.l •I a r nailing T o .... ~,,, thud the army and navy of the taken np in c o mmittee, Mr. proeren er„,ke char, ter eiiittinued till the Lour i,t r. i ess Unit, .1 Stan e ; with the ads iee end conaent during ti. how Mr. Sawyer of tdoi o then __ . ... 1 „.. „ oh of the Senate, to make trim,. and apionint moved to emend by striking ,out the 12th o rn 0e , e ,,,,,, u hti„, th e eonsideration ..f andessailers and other offitiere ;to give to Benda. which conteine th e 'Andy', of the the Judie ,r bill was rosionied and the Sen- Congress inf. renal ien id the state id till. Wilmot provieo. Ile *poke his fire thin- ete wand.. ets die ussoil 10, Messrs. VIII. Cid in, and nim ~,, mend PIP II measures as he nick contending that it should be left with to,. , r , ~,,,,, sr , r ,i ~„,„ e , 4 p„g ~k rho n porter. to be emll.lasary ; snot to taker ii. people of California and New 31exiiiio to s . rare this the laos shift la taithlully exerts- Whethee dlinverY should raj.' ... 1 ." 'h . .' tratilternist Odd General smith. 1,..1,- 'IL, .... are the tor it important func, territories or not. A series f alai &moos Nn' h ate h.'. " " i.th'n'i in I el.'" that tii. s ei wowed to the Pri sidtint by the of various pular& wire aubeeowently • ffen- Gene. al Snot"b iY r,-01, 4. w' •ii 1... got. ne 1' n-titoti ~ min it no, be expected ft, ed by 31ssns. Meek:land of 511.1. , 31.. r. e rtes .wai t t'l ~ ited Stott • Inns I 0,011 to tellt • 0 dints ilie prioeiplen aim h M L Y " I. Nl' ' 31 " d" ' d ra ' 3 '' ' u. "" ' l' .- . 9 i' '' ' l "i ' ' " 1 ' "n ' 1.1-Linear- a ill i iiin Imo. iti their i xisinliets. ass, !lode all aid I i reel. y of N V , nil n „ 4 4 ,, 0 , , r _„, nr i,,,, ron nr no r0,, , ,,,r,0,., CI, , it by the loi dr of floc peoplriitaler and others, which were discus,eil loy tin . n i . fir; , , . ur , ~ -,,, .1 , •,,,, ~, •,- I , r- ~h'c . , I i ,,, - iI oi as-, rte . w that iii, allinenntratlon ...old .. t".", floe " .1 "" t a' "i" u " '" 1.i.'"".. 1 ' " ''"' f..' ''' . toe' eh. lie iley end to the witidare 01 the, wind° ewe- Theado on 31r. Itieston's bill was then eiff Leerre apt t ' o il . what lie -.' • he tr., via I to t tote - pertic- Ink... orb.. it ma° ''''/•° 4 . 1 : ; 5 ° °° "" .i . l well; aid ire suPP c:' hiot 'net bon , ef `"otior. ....or s, mins. or mod. I. sal interest, I tin. , aminahutit. Letitia been agi red to, tl 0 wan node, the °rile". on ash the :seise, du, reflex the di elareiirts I have heretobire' Ult r a roes and repaired 11 e bill t • the of the g seni rent-Otherwise difficulties „,„;4,...„4 r ,,,„ lair. Icy s ore ! d e r e ...M att i ~,, bore, when it was urdeted to Le vans. , pay e „ a „,. , a„i may c , ape , inc is ac act. to mahlaiti, to the cat. wt. army ability. the for • third reading. Mr Meade 01 \' a in, tor foreigner. a s "r will h I ci no- ILovernment in it, original purity, And to wand to lay the bill open the table. Iran nserio.a in l * .litiir.ii. They 0 11 rhino adopt vas the basis of my public agile, those , 86, nays 127. thith, r ti , in all I awe of the err rid, end g geat republoian di. trines which constitute The question on the peewee of the 1411 under the impression that tI e, ha, ean un- t h,. ~, ,i., /f our o eft oro d coiefe nee , I sou then put and decided to the •Ifirmative. nonyti rat's. I 1.13 to lake gold where, r l ~ r..,,n.. la th , %tiny anonat, ht:, , Yea. 12ft nays 91. they, no fool it. as leech and as iimiondi• pima with ea mui h ri so my aeon. w rine The bill for the establishment of a brane . ii , j c pn y a , . p i s e r ,,,,, „f •,lie 1'...iii.,1 Starr- ere stoop he it . /1 , 1 11 1 11,..1 . ....,,..,,... 7 ...,. of the U. 8 Mint at San p ease i ne ., fait- If thin mill 1114,6 , permitted, to ~,,, lot, pow .. ' fii: Tllirr 3 , .nit ' 4a, ar. .:,z.,... - ...."..:,:', .°.;i'l'; fond., Wee tithe. 0 1. and kid dr"...ffaini thenler not uociptivi eaT ix tire might to be hhowirte or Camino, shall mense the 'penal ut- The New Mexico tenitnrial bill was then publi-hi d. and world wiilepubbrity given to nine. is dm Eseruen. Ulm up in committee. Mr. \'i ton of it g. _ w. , , 5 ,,,,,,,,,, G , , ,.. . As Ameneun freeform. we ration but nmpw I of.d an amendineed, gi, in the aide- &se in au 'Army .0 ...sod the Wer th , rrf end I • I bm• 111 me ,sr time .... mat of the b military qinistion to the Seel Carer \L PI NI/111116,7.-A short time a ro . e t r f: o l u r ' ro ' a rrr i , tri t l orno„oe of ronnny. on. , rho oeno. , area . Cuss Mr Greeley made • alma'. nines we mentioned that as attempt was by- a t ~,,„ ra j,. bpi., w a m enarea , to ahem,. lean In oppwition to the amendment, on the ina asnle in Michigen to repeal the law ...news alls3etio WI. fornen mamma I ground that the majority of the Supreme elsolishing f'spital Punishment in them State In and e ue ire erceennithigGovemmints, it near Conn Moro el•rebuklers. Mr. Toombs of: as the p u r re d .1,... ana t r ....,,,,, for. inaena n not h ir .. .h i se our awry. Tnaiwzrer i. lz, Ga. mad. • vehement spoon in opfosirim , rows since its passage. We pereeive that r r er t ,:rt.'„, a r„ enoer „ rad , orp ,,, me prim, eke le the bill, replying to the remarks of Chin alleged inerease of crime is now de- spa of mean., and eta. WI, the abstain sfi Flamm Vinton and Breslin with mach an. nied by counter tor titione item other eitizetim religion, d reel us to the contemn, Opencefid alai , friendly Mamma with all other Po. . q.e easily. Mr- Selmeek ef Ohl. ePtisied 3 fei -s sew lisi, for losnnee, from the city or .... hoed d .. ... . Vintuesuneedment. The commune then Detroit, stating that the records of the en " ' "' se' rebirth a conern.% "' n . .....llam us if..... 11 .°1. 1 " 1 P.T.... Adjourned. court of that ...booty phew that ...victim ... no ,. grona g, ~.d n ...,,,,, , o „„,,, ~,, .„.. --.. and unislinient now inveri•ble follow mum- piss Aida, may mu wale by Irae armor; Wednesday. Feb. 28. der ;.• whereas, previoue to the tainting law etulammitt% tonn ii • i, kri .i xots iiiii.iiiiri hke l i, e.0.m.-A oneemookstim yes receie- . and since the State organisation, no eon- • nee rummer, rind npheld Irs their strew, to en. ad from the President transmitting. in oho-' victim of murder hoe ewer been eammitted'a ann ...„, „, n , of k ona ma r go ngiang Lakin , gloom to the .all of the Sonata. • list of Al with impunity. The memorialiets dent that : synaillt, to ur the tnotimi of nothprioa with hale. no-, crime has incensed he and the Btate's la the ni card i ori i of ii rac in .ii imilz ... reta i tient dug dm nod Jae • het oan tberweinmedieint proper f.portion. and ask that the present 7, a _, i _ i ____ . ._•_,•_ e f.ind , . feint. baring the for Minstar. Two thermal law shall hove as fair an experiment t as the ;,;^ .7. - ,......;=.7, n ,' ..• , , , ^... ...,=: i1t,...„„,, inittnfre ordered to be entail. galln. has had. As Capita Punishment impose Selman. and novae thaw. Ma ate aa a! bin / 0 . 0 by the 000 no .b.... is now abolkhed in Michigan, tre hope the is pan. to be mama I ma at• tams, 1 aslik of • territorial government in legidet n es mill glee it a fair tad • th at i t capeetty . eaill:ftt...tp , e k sea e le ,.. y ‘... wert r es Odiffieult. was reed tow. and . 0 . 0 . 1 t o may be rired to the satinfaetiou of the ;IT: aaaanira i emai 1 . ., nrigrar r n a a": the Omatere os Tambora*. great majority of the Immunity whether r a p manum p la shah be ny nay to recoranend M. pm... 1 airyrke. , Bin ..e tiles sub ebolitios Is miff, yea or rya -Sat . ' web earsouoliewal nwasoinre la t anam. n may: token ad MI madames, to irbkh Par, .be neo.u7 •mod proper maestro eseeesageossa, tea Media was mad, an so. 1 aad mammas wale areal Wears 4,1 yeoman., . , I amannee, aad arrodietaree 1 . ham. ow ay. , / owed ie salirively. Tha amedment tar' zr Jan Mae Brad. and Ids pre ...... ~„...,., ~ ..,,,i. ~, e. ..,,I, ~,a,,.. Egthe imahmeet seder the llesirs the press, now and then, e. keen 11- anointment en the maim ema u maim. • nat , am Masao mat, he been Ina Muslin or Mt - Prim's" prefemional, mamma,. 1 . 1.. mot ma and a crin e.: , Ila le • aspirate MD. 'the mad- at. The hem on rowed the tio Es. !...._•........ ~ ••A da. . ... .e....m. owl I* a toasponay , pros tells he thin may : -e Whim Jolts bed i riff., .....„ ..... „, c,...... ..,,,. I . .11 ' ere up gar .-, awaited lb swam le the Perm. ! ma th a m agalaaaa amen an wawa by the mth.: Me. Oh meseri to links se rtlerste' Own et Wrideres leg mesh, Is the sun.. on inane Mem sad was mama era. , same es Mos mad abysm of providleg omm Medan the emtitaimay or he ' moulie__,.,ps.7_____„_ .. _. 1 0 . 0 ,..1...• Is.* , rasemerna hr Ws sem beriarbs. ' Ire et' eils Sire lady' werrts, he ' ~=.„,,7:,..=,,, 4 -7 . ....,....„ . 1 Mr. illeirses raft ie eeriihsa le lb- ter "err to adders Ode rhalial. ft . 6,,,,,....d a re a a ririef gm. v... llez end to bar et as Seeders side oil Teesy, of the bona emun the hoportare I rish der b. lb. parimma anon dm him the s• maim. Mr. Jame, eft of an end, desisiee. .. I real set ban re arr. le sr arm atria. la pe ,g., r " eipeasetell Mr. Welker * . mad- !patrol, yojar Jam" pail Jobs, -to ' ..• 4 rfe....-- . 1.t.......•:r7,..! r ma. Mr. Pike milled M e spa& matte , arab epee lids Inetto l ter the rat =, „T„ „ r=,,,= ... milk 1,..... ea ••••••••• Ulla smell I retry and Padre@ tint ! her embed I. moylotion. I onapstolate yea., lakerelt imiselsogpw. The akin as mama/ hem the .bob Met, aterwrer I have hod imam=d; I == f = le .orb Ihr Meer Mar sed 1.14pe, Aar Mho Oa boner to airier bells the Overt. The lie waist ifilsosis wee denial by • 1 . 1 . Of ...a br sire P.P..iti 10 . 0 . 001 . 0 . 100 lortir . usrntbs . l " mamo•• • er......2 err 211, r 111. Thdbill me Mien pm podia I. Minale berm prat atvia i e...... ear bs• led We sem roll ' id mi aai• ike ..padiy mid. m 6.. te the sew win err ee aim lay rawly, eg r IMI R ater -A twee Mfr wee repertid by dmib she see re et (demeree, lir rem e resereesese by mama and m ''''" l in """"'"l. ' bY ."" de" ' " "- I Luau FgtrturrVieraarmite. tempts to wow., the butemearmlarh too pf,... ~.._ __... _.... --....-.... .. marks onwadable difference* of apeman : by the promolgation and preemie ofjust and bbeml min-1 The Eagle Foundry, mule* ad by an enlarged patriotism which Mad IS am Whin mum, alameem term au krp•of selumerledge no limas bat them a oar ma 'ride Atmentali . . Me X ;threWlfollthe h... spread republic. I ero tremors. Me beet ..ai Itortam s 5. . --- lunar. IllooleMin COw aMmte. sad ening air Webb,. The Senate adjourned m meet at nom lesnum i ase ......, inn. wi ni ...Wm/ M...0w mm . reine. That end be Me daily how of meeting dm ... ..Z . ,.............. n. .1417 ..' . nng Ike Semen. Gen. Shield's ease nth e that , .. --- I banns*. after the Cabinet nominations. Thi n : ie m ine i l iu m niam„h,. ree.,,,on of the 1 Administrator's Notice. mrsaben of the Cabinet Mr. Meredith is sunken A L „,‘ ,. .741. •.. 1......,,.....,.......,, t. :1 4 ,r=1=4 of for the Nome Department i end Mai is, being in- ~.,- -i te, a. all innotia wimp a........ 0. mu , ennui:de to the Mow. Ilepenment , le talked of as me In menet thalami, toter..., ol th e Treamry.—..V. V. den, Tuesday. ....L ... JONN ADAMS, Mb., Toe TARIFF . Qt; v5111”..—%% 7- c have re-! Susquehanna Academy. °efeed the report of the Committee of Ways re smv , t o ..wa r littiAtatai..yufeafari:mr . s.z: and Meane of the House of Representatives ° at Washington, on the subject of the tariff.: mut vl'''` ,, fv`f wl• ..... but we eannot make room for it. In regard wo " ... '"'"' *° " ° `'or so to manufactures of cotton from abroad, the aostfoff s e mitten Oda • specifie duty of from' I , o:;. ° ;=savivr:4,btl e v o .• off twenty-five to thirty per cent, on the usual prices is neceasnry ; and the duty on 'boot lens ought to be between thirty end fifty ,A)() r!„.' per rent, specific. The result to which thel 'ft...mt.-u5...7 , v v 00 : um:mice° hat arrived is, that medium du- ••• ror ron ties, between those provided by the present tariff and those of the act of 1612, should , wsv_r be w softl : innmsed on all foreign importati?es. This :=11:=111 ° , ^ 41 . 17,==,,t." . .. •"°: report is the forerunner of a high tariff, vt•lsrl wst r LATHROP movement in the nest Congress. Auditor's Notice. 0.r a ...r00m an Sr. Jou a y e There I T.Mnizlzljt,:t.r.z...orol ma. • large fire at St. John's N. 8. , on fiff— it,otriaist. caomosij Mmola3 night—the particulars of whiell I hare been received he Telegraph. It orig- .solftfcm lwrifsemin.4 anti, ts,toriOrOft‘sllgy-. instill near the hex.] Of King street, in J. . and G. Cawreffee's ware rocm. and burning r:,,,z.,n; 1.11::lr, southerly, destroyed mery building to the utti, r.en ' 111.11714 effuoty market house in King . . Maitre, WITCH it nor .14%01 Ito the west. every building O. 0. covrzurir on that side of King street as far down all • brick building of 3lessrs. Burnham was ~,,,,,, consum fiy ed, and here the conflagration 'cos i happily d. The cupola of Trinity me Canal Swi.e.. 1. I Con tw e lve chttreh was burnt off, and fell to the ground, f badly injuring three personv.—Biagflumfon Iris Feb. 2g. Mr Cloy IVa•lting.t.at e!,respond vet of the Jrrsey ('lty Sentinel, a Tttl.or pape much 1 fear the appearanee of Henry ! Administra tore t Sale. cky ie tI Neretc. Ile etill Ims pow . d " : 1 . P r : WAS 110,er known to h•tgise la• sea-0., The cptestion is, will he sit tamelyenem, and se- ; t •• •••, A al 'lies., in the appointment. ' have opposed Lin, in the late canvass. I lh r... c.a.,. • vntrown. think If he do e'. he will x•murdh show a great ehanue or elmraet..r. On the eon- mention itrn, if he toloptx with the !siwatere or the Droweruts, would not the # A tit TTEXIIrI.II.. # • lotion tt avid e..n•ontient proepetity of the , - - whig parq he in clanger • It '.:::;!....1 , 7.:::.!.`,1=;.7,t!:!':;,:".'„";;,7".;',117...10T: ~...la.a.taria.e at 10 te../ralt A %, We hear from private .11• Call that M. 2 Yoko of Oxen, Taylor, the wife of President elect, has , 1 Three years old been constantly ill, Intl confined to her! 1 Seed Horse, apartmente, sieve her arrival at Baltimore , 1 Yoke of 3 years tad St... She doe. not expect to go to Washington 7 Two yeah oils, with the President until after the imago - 2)11) Bushel of Oats. ration.—N. Y. Err. Punt One 4..ara enajit..o halal.. wad artz ,, VzOrly., i ' Vot';:7l.l The Time to Subscribe. I CGOTTEN, To Our Friends Im lan Country. U. I). INDUCEMENTS To CLUBS! ! .011 AN.. 1111 . 161111.111, Y .ham NO 1 AA manila.. rattan, The al.l6hera th. D..ty 1 = 1 :1. 7 .7.74 , 74:i.nt:1n4.-4.'t:,,,:::17: cry . 7 : 11 =; 11 . 1 Z.: 71 est.+ wa• to far .tome,. Tm " So " . "'" S " 1116 WEEKLY MIMS. "meted and van... al Green & • ••••s et.onY•aa ranlly)aereal plat* 11.sok. too do Markeret. nrad , aunt. .11 •••••1 • tat . •ea Fiett.Trtett. Rue.. tahn& !bomb anti 'famtroes.ll4l•6ol, Mem &r. goat SM , . and fly Irerk. 100 do Pie. 1 and I Heron& h."' .-eirt:7l7,:. "X; 4:17. d" . aly a • .le . rha.ot, ainn ' 100 de Groottd Spire, Tke.emtatteme. the Newt aro %la,. DA titre am ar. 30 Mt 13tane Got..rer. 4.1 .Io Broad, Modem, & other .04111 '• 311 aat•• 1 d. .h all ri.eh I 35 do 13..•1 rals,Jimap t ..ther mmrer. n. n0.e. , ...” to make a... 2llll do 11mma 3130 them Al do le mono null Oramrem ::;V: 747; and all4apeta will.. an.., owe. at the etal .91. l obi r. Carona. &e... •""*"' diiioardertl.l„pl r r m, :t N••flethlmya. egate: •• NEW FIRM. --, Fanners 1 grebnalre General Exchange. School Directors Bleating. I.lllltrop it Sallabory . rZt..:!..'r,,t7::,7,1:z.":,',:.;;;;"..,%';::...!'4„r74.1,z!' WT.Y:.7„;,...7ra`",;!!•,.7111.;!:',Z2.111!:',:t . , Inintmo^ on Piton, the INry ..r M ....I. vi 10 o .I.* .elly ...b lert Ow 1n.i..rt..• .I . r re..., nt ,muls• .% i.. Alt p,,...• n.., - e.....,... th ......ni m a.. ."1" ... ......".^... 01 ......• .."....r.. la.. • : , 1.•• • ...,... 11/1 411 FT INES. Pees.. . a ...,ni .I. , ,,rtmeet whit • c.te lye roa. both :thu.d . . IFOIMEIRT. :. /ME 111 - N Mt it, Doh.. tn.. RIM RIM T n. ...re re 1 t1 " 17. 1.1 . .. t hji . itt!..1.1,17t0 er,ht t. r.r-% i; th• the IFY•t Itertltt Ithu nvent P •••• .....,....;, - ,...i.,.......1 .1. : 7 ;fa r;;Z:Arg--:Cilifornia!---A ..... t. . , . -.....,„p 11 '' 4 ‘'-- - k .. '"•'7"" .. 1,.. - ;:::r.".; A ,--- 1.r. 7 ,121" - "" • V .;` :;.=. ! . ..2.4",.:=1.n=....r.....—. ~.,..., ~..., 'looms crimp. - ---, -- • - ,,, "gm.t=r; ... i . .. „..„....., ..-.......,.....-. , -.0..2-- -. ..,„ ~...c ,-........ ..- ---..-•--..--.'- ~i. „,..,..,... ; ,L,,,,,,,..,..,.......,,....,... . 7 . '"""'•••.....'"'":71. -- ......— . ... zt . ~,....n.„„,„,,,...,......,.. -......:÷.,..:1. yi.N. 0w... 4 V^1 ' .... La. ,r.b.7.l:7.=Zi;Z: j r..:=4,...11',. I N. II 0.1 . .. V P • n " ; X:: --ft , -,'-"," --"-"". QOi➢~ to Calitbrola! ''''.„.. . 5.. 1:::: „......... n1 IA PR: . D . A . 1 . : 1:::: , ~...,.........4 ......... .15 ..". . O. show.. 'wet,. ...Ty ....y. 1 Ne 7, b.* mow. by 11. ....—....., . .L ., ~.... i...... a a r ...... .......... ........................... ... ew .41ratt ' lr. Irlnve Mem.. nnry 00.. ....,.. ii.remist mom ......, ... .. '"."..*''''''.Ca."...."'"''' ''''' i'17:"V0"...'"7'- C.-0.- 7 = -N.----- -v.- a owe.. j i„,:,;:„.„74: ebb , ..t....., 1,2: j ,r,,,z=. ...Le 111011 . 1..1r It NEW Agval•fe Poir,imr eo.; ..,...............„..; 5.=.........,.....,.......,......v....c.. _ _ ---------' i 0.......... f,:taz. aVrrli4V`.x. ....... Or% Md. Omer Mw, Mb run... •• 4 Ihnet•••••••• derkama. I Id nr "4 : ** 91 =Mr s 't• al r. _ •dr ..1 Idd• I 121 Peek Me*, dd.*. 7, MK " " • r d Mtn. dd nom do •4t .1.131,!'• t't;: I.l * ='•trao., It Ea de Modem, Id •IS . 1 1%1••=nro: . dd. der do, Pmed••• .0.014 New reek htlM larket, Need ‘, ft dd. ...dn. dem* e• 11.1., wolf.* limp add mires •t Fad Cs. rerfyf rwr, ••f 1b • imtnme• ode. dd.. oar MI d• 'mi.-Mit ;•• • ma per pow, MO *0 add adlis gra.. • Mr. AU lbw edim.11••+••• •pmdidd "7 ••••Itl ." 7 " .0.6.•••••111 et Am ell• slB4llllml If 1.•••• Nod, Awl IddEb•—•.• ••• *op" Ow. MI Non With• 411 M. Iltodind C.. F•l6. WY, el w 1441.6.444 of b. Mho, Bum. lloolmm. us of Elam Illmoold E.. mg 44 46 14 44 6 to lidismarr. se *ohm 44444 , 116444id0r0 of I low Nallhos aim" Ammon liorm, ll* Mb you 41, low op. 0" = " 41 " -.1% Ar l iiMa r " . oriorr - sAIS - 'l,l ' Notiov--0.97.,F„•=, v`•'"lirr.l - .14*::=1.77 7 "*. irht".• " 1•001..11. Davis' Vegetable Pain Killer, • T1.="71",..1 4 ....7, NA Iwo ......./01,..ildtasy M. 0.. Yam womenol .• .1. Om., 0.1.. Iwo". finlnls ' 4.•l " =gri= 11.1.1... a. oft t , IS X. git= .I.l=fftym.i.riar =int roc *l. ..M. .1. no re. , Junin= -•:= Wm.* ..1•1 .I.l*. Pmr.-11111‘.111, AI, Itry,ori 1 irldr, sal —.. WU" I—, mi a...v..** Fame Fat Salo. • ,&••••••4•4 Wm Oa 4. WI A* iiMe.-.11.4 4 min se.l. •••1141011141•Pfe bows 4.4.• 111% gl• ••••—•eb "" =::: 11.• Yuma usgran•4ll•o. 4•4 •.••••Nelme fbollemmembl bor ... Vll=== mol=7=o, —..t=l. Yr Yowl V dr rep *or o.q4b• 01/ J. 1.1111 6 1, Mawr. =Zoo. NI, 140.1 IIIMASTOI4 411 ST. • MRM iEZMM==::= 11141.111WU1, ELTTORNIBT ELT :ACP, Great Bad P. New Daily Line lit Stage! Between Illeatrese &Great Dead. ...„„„o .r . PT we- .a.. eve, iv... aa:lreal:ts:Z=V.lZa4 "."' rea..ll N.. re. um. even 4. r, lll,l=l7,Zwe &rod ma Me vrivat Cu* Cameral M. accommodating ...vv. ano rate tome rre employed tM this route, and Ma pmr.dmen Mod, Mioir mile their hag pleat. , J. 9.1.1 i A ‘IOIKIAti Jr CO Wood Wanted, °ASH peitl I. Wool delver. Ode emu el.. SI 110 per clod .1110 p. fen ttee hard lhao I feet hene. e.g. up at the Steam 31111. AL4O-61 VI Pyle, Houle. ne wood will te , , hen at • to be suree•letoto . Ote ..re reelllee or len prie. goal Worel Mop,. wooled le chop tot the the day , now, Valuable Property for Sale. 1tt:.7.4 6 47-= maid ye, , hist If not wrshi by the IN a Mel.. It will b< mt. kw • tem. of ears. NEW OSP STORE. MR!EMBIE! pun-A..4 on nu. stunaon uf public lu ifolf il.ll , awl. well orlertefl m Ann In. lath an aaata 140 A, •10 , 181.. I =74=r7!1: l Ztr '" Z rio ' ;14 . 1; r"."'" " The eti.•.rnhr• at..u.llte•h•nu the vtahlin that he will Ye, ir:et.. the ta . rn.t r 1141 1 .1.13" 2 . l..htnn, Jaen, I 11,11. PIANOS ! PIANOS Mel n,N Y 4 Y tt, NeLnlu. owl ..clic.... Inalltut., """""; New Goode. QOM'S m1y.11.11.al flan. Trawl awl .11 Ia.ON to. .1.1%.1a,a la. al I. dm. nom a! J LY. CHAIRS. riZ:r.7.11.1:47; TO TEM LADIES. 012.7.1:: , :Z:z7;" . A=a7111V.Z"Mr11 a.m. Now In your :or /1..r0d aannOsolnl—enll ha and we then. x rm." • co T•stn.s:4.7°--- ~~.~.nl 1 L M R, . N~ Ne.M; Nrl—tl.nk lIR~D P74=.:7l: . "'^'" ""'" "nni To Ike hrlllere of the helkle-of B. derrisrd. • ET'gr„7.,!P':!;o7.'r of owls owl, awl every .a.••••• 14,••• DA; "" ' am 1.e.! G- M Ow 'mpg. MrYY Mlle II 11..111, .11 al..mllnlM immineen Mlbe fiat* 1.1 0.. at any may nall TIM. TAXI MON. ( 1 : 11,11 ~.111,r Ye.. •011 rem nod _ _ PAR & WINTER GOODS. . ri rm. ' . wa'"blt 13"4".74.27 - ...!: Y '.;:741.r=" New Goodii---at Terrell's. 1111.;117.;= 747,T.:r • ::renrn:tZt!Vtiti a n=,%l74:;=Tli mod Ihmey craws., oil rm. o•lmegis, 00,0 a. 00,. ata 4 . 11/011, oei.t a. al Ona, yea gi .. 1:470171 * ,0111,01,tt Yyl a• yanks* a* la 14,Nr• •1•4 0:0 , ad am, la a imary. as, ay Mao, ay. lanataar 0000.0 to ma a al. mama O 0 ama 11.0,a, aas Pa la ay& arty, ear, maas, al yaw 11.0 alyme.• *amortmoso al 1t667.1"...... 4 nms buy, • as• ••••,..4.A. .te1t.,81.484 •tr. An.. tow leemonas In ow, ell or nns. te. •40{. , Nano, 1.1 11• ILL 11111111 ELL. GOLD! GOLD! GOLD! 101 J. 1 1 1•58.1...•.1•• 11. modu1410 , 11.dol•W hew, 1100.1.6 con=.• Car* Ned 11:0•1111*/ 114=latot • •.1, aWiliadlo=f 0.6, riot, 44.1.4. .•• -, 1••• 4110,1adody Mara sr, rat.....• • s Alm Se Yrrl ••••....1. M. ulor•••••••1...b -/Mr, old •••• own is Fort wit. am . w ••• ••••••• 16111 le Ha, whet .• ke Jo* Me. helm ar . molbh. Imola be. nel /•••1•1• Amt. /sot Owelin I 0.4 • .011.-11,•• rimbeeew•••, To the Pablio.—Er.4l,l2= ra,==4".ll=: OM atm, liodmin. We sal bow 6.LM. rim .• mow One. V.OR Ck.k. •••••••= " = " rele le N a. sal le W. lam Ibe amp um .1 11. Y M . Om et No _ ye I war Mgr tlim=dlE• lialerale de a, 11.. =MS WM*. 11eM•14E me...berm bop of dm.. ow, ••••• MN warm Se rm. M. Tgram—sw , P CASH PAID FOR WHEAT, A 4 the best prism - I. I. POET 11. Cs. Ju.l7, 1849. New York and Erie Railroad. Tatt....ay• rue..., at 7 • N. gems*. Wenn re.....,11.•• .1111=trl • Trawat• r.e• u. 53131011. 611.**7. 7, ,T0r1t..14m I 1•60 " AVALItr,:". V" m•rea?. 7l : ° ' , Er— A1TZL,1,,—.:12;111.r....."4:1: .1 LT . 0101. MONTROSE SALOON, • C. ints and tilk• lato Ida .11 thm• a meaele• *I • • '•'"". ""' " no r. NOM RAO, 1,11 *. Is W... ig; ;1.321::"..e" ft* Wo soles co Yr 116LT.Ltl'ir 2171251101 011;17,111;•=, : .~ : Mo o WWI =my lbr enouverm. Maxi 1.41. rhisiaoter•pie Wlly T=7 , 17.!1:11";"'""1•17174471,7 110! FOR NEW GOODS Via N. York di Erie Railroad. J. =W. wen*. rawle..aorelle!= r•I paha le poae pmr, Nei now MIRY. be Jetee* aedter.".. • Ilieleeelem, ewe oat emeleeeehl Ivy ellts .""W the eeteny. Ile Ivo 11. retrieve i• adsr " lnete Nest owe,•• leeee aorsey et ChM*. Capp amens, Rat sssss s Primo, Al perms. Lenaper, Greeerieo, nturp , rsdurod pm., awl .1 b. sold al • vow, soda Joao, 21.1110. 273 , 7167.0 ZACEIZEI. A .1...rr nM.N a" -wr,rgArrm PM.' C.p. ate Cast t °fan Jr. nir 1111 l Cy+ DAYTON. CLARK. di CO'S Railroad, Freight and COMMISSION LINE - • 11 1/ArTON, 1 . 1.A1111. neva. D. rid, Jen. Mb. IRO 11. 1,..10140N. NEW ARRANGEMENT! L Vann ra.snitally I. ten ...Maw allow J. UTLI Ar I:e'm p."'"" '"*"" J Ate. STOVE, TIN, COPPER & SHEET-IRON eara.simirat fun., sLs an Agar no. al •I , Ms,lrr • noir, aLtra Isslawl• keep drossolosally hassrl • larva sar a, Cards*. Par. Pkwer Iros ware. a.miptio. an a 41.6 •PI as. Lse (a* at mod", ma vsly lora plee• Oise on awe and us. ran. as Ale germ Siessernr. Orr 11.011414 Fresh Arrival of New Goods. RlTn Mrn .rxl Meal. la. RAD l'arga=l7l.l:a4.l44: :=1:7.4.441.2t%.Ht. all of O. *II be mid tbr 14, ba"... art! Nar MM NENTLET It READ. RN ELRV.-A • ;tit' cu. Y.P 44:71:: ;211 4 1114 . 4 4 : • 01.0.. --is This Way, Gentlemen I• Ilityetrt tot /...Itlen t ,emlbeletteetitutt.enlellhite rwlri 127:11.s %lits 7 : 1 =1.1:1 " trert " gtenr ". twine time att the tilmnieet Net.. been,* pity VH":112"... ................ wool he ::triT N Z Zla= , l7l: . t.7l " • " l=e t e tot he het tt • sir heal. wane totlithe; bettlo Y MI try tyt awl,* Jan', I. MP D'AZCZ 1 .1 , 1:74:1:47'4`4717r..12 YVITLIET • MP. - _ • Fresh Groceries. Jost irceellinild se Tannin% I elarerlier I rja :n,er 6.14 4 41.2 , 15.. Virerga% . : I r0Z4,1 entra t.". 6 ." • ."; Mr ."' " 012:11,==="--wara- Lemlefie Premon.irk ,of Saetkos,nnax Ltiiir+- 4 •*#•r4htiliii UPrall LerriPM,l4.o.o...l4tV, mod Y. Itoleke I. droarly.B4 TIIIIIIIILLI Nevem fir. MI ems nee. Yaw ft—Neseer. Iftes ye. =re I lIIMIPANIIIIIIIG IMITAINLICUMMT New Cloak sad 1114011 - ........vz................. ... , ....... I itri a ( cir rot err Yr or r %moor Arr. fir, Nom r ...of Is Ira on* mg* . a . a . ..elee. lbw Ha wore tolog . radiz: ZI dr r •VIM• Ire re roar rry no* ri ror =l:trar d ri :4"" =Von2l: Mr re or MA Ida* W o w. Orr. r lor ye or Mr. or .• morreirr mil 11,..... ..e......• mir NEW GOODS . lof LT03116 dmift 1 1•10.11•NOMI tie 9 " TA " it "l ":4 — iiirtrommatuipt,. WOO= di 111110.11MORMAIT • g in r i n i gNMl A a. a , owe, ite.'••• Oes