THE DEMOCRAT PIONTRONE, PA s "reamer&SY, relmuirr. 28.11449 --- Le The clisogr in our ptililieitimit chit ie tolati poly this o nek. It wax mode in 11110 A ut to pub. limb thy tiounly .tuterto.nt, (mu. ti inn 10 the month of 1. 1104'0111,W then of the ,totote. 6 • Tonorrotottodato our troot tt. 0, tt.N. I. targrooily dim...month .1 ottro I. 1•• 1.1 tho Pine,t..lll,( the ,rt 1'..1.1. It .1 r ...r 41 14 not,. 6. Itootteon to dot owl It. tit m 43, Gov. Johnston 1111i1 the \ nun). Our nr.glihor ht.., ann.. into now Is eh n. I i no— or nor ho o In morn. on Gorr riehonon h Ilfronelo 4 on II hal noon 14 fie. We are worry rotor tor,lohnr sh Omit al n for we are ..I:pree mI. 1114: r , .1- 111.• tally gl. Vel.pool. 1,1 1• . , lit I =MI lip ~.~1 I union. prod owl oyr porw w.•ow for. •-'• flr, 3,1 po , r we proof for 111),S1.11111., , all •% rc than w... .1.1 ,‘• rom • by Mr. Irotllrr, of I.l.arrto , but or,vli tlr• fmr.. Irs rl., I'ollllil b. ur 11, to kdl a 'lb., n,,bbor ban ibalneln, era. di i.III a 1,, Ills on., b aro a a b. , In o n .b•al, bb • In. Oen of 11. Pil./11 . 1i d bath .enot rue ht,y, ,” .1, stiflielent io • irisl WI,. 11.11, limo, 1 , 1 se the 1111,1111..111.11 if 1.. I. .n another • .11111111 ef , I=l lion ..(Iho North Ilrom. 1., I. toomple tom I.y a loom. .....I 101 l ok Mem. clear let, Mr ~ 1 1 Jig frig wigof b. ,01-1..,11. 01. rovimoill lii I.i. 111.• 1 11 , i1x. .41.11 li Flu. may on. tilthglialme.. he 111 , II • elorapparnierl VC.• ors r Went air, Orme. 1.11 tidoro I.1•1:11111 11 , 1 no 1 golg, Mow 74, I tior 111,1111 log rr.rt 1A I:., bap fur 11011 111. 11,-to 011143 /IMMO 111 rill,. rr.gicm .114 innate in m• in. r .1. are nrntrairrt..l no Nil. If hp tine, why dm, he It to rotplt Mt NI! toot berm, OP loom• IV 0 0141 n Ixll nn that 11. th thY on. TO Jr• pp. rLpt they tottuber 1,,,10rt10 tho o,l*rlt tio• VIM litany!. tho pllof ,11, - , t• zopts to mow 110 Motto for ill, moot, 010 ll= been taken Isl.. n15..1. In, \1 hl ne len nr, them, lo r.wpoti iln. 1.11 in ....wen. 0. tee n . Eit 11. • nr. mire ref.. n . the pn....1 1 .111.1..51ee.1 in. Ire In El lo 111:1111,.. Ina 'aril. und N Nom to.—Th.. port, cooksono o t00...500n& ewe 1..t. 51n sorollor• of of rooms% i o k.l I lko IN. Coviscos to. Prosoloso 1nd....1 st D.,00k "'hooks coooniosion ill about ssopsr... Tn.. fr.. tender Ihr I 111. 11 Ilk lodge eery tropoolfully stool., locos,l%+ kw foolinp. are .1,4. woke/. ss rko. nos Mere Overlook., c0n50.!.....0t .1. to .110, Con) it,lsson. Wo 'noels is. I. kr Its frospoot', iolks d sst by okkr , ' . lt kr Coons roodolois• for liar ..nou. .1 the os 1;1110......k.0. pleriono. No moo kook.. o 1.11.1 141.1 Os Nonh dos. Ho. r The wise:ten. of Flo. T 0 , ,, Rae m nthoo trenbly under she re....rgain lon too u.o km ego, end make. nit 01l of r, and ;motnt.. nt no, I...nten ralln, r oTI the oruiltty . names h. on In. tonn :e1... so. eat/ enllnl Wary. e Let eon filo! j eh. won, 11, the stny.l. , l . ono not that a 11101.1 NM, l'Ark.lloll 01 pont when you 4.1 , 1,11 oti ntir tr ey yll.l, thattt see wak! W Onto. offht or mit( e• Yon only know , ono. If di felon, tut ev.mbody not etot stdl know ti 'oho (aloe. nil eopreoully as the ponmonl. fro, 11. MM.. it n Ant ernitrodeetion. V. no. 'or'., thol. If yon tonal ynnr.elf sot yea loose not mare magorky atm t milr.Ler,l ynnnifm the .a, breath! 110111/1131111 far m the 3d (Sew London) 1,„„ R na l r 1111.0.1,1111. w dcraledly the mow popular, „ „,„„,„ . Ibmwerat so that rederal.lmnel Stale. and Wads „„ ."le'R"Snxyfind rate chance of Mina armed. The d . barkt on „„d I. now in. by John A. Rockwell, N big. are recortunend blot lo Puvreasor flonol6ch .P p t co otlretcd the ncaw Plalallri• he will T.' . 1 .?" ", to Bailie Pe, ton, Rad to Gov. Crittenden bacon. he kwww , 11" 0 ".":' 6.6 h". u wr bur .h 6 l pot to Cowin...di, peweiving that it wm likely le momem mrreadered all preiemium. • (be • troublesome affair. Po my Ike postom •••• ••• • •••••• . *—Th• Taw. R.o l ' Pasta. Bea. —A easseepsadent sf the Masan Manses ornae M al len far a saki.. Poe NO. bbtOsaab PAPP' top Pim is • member d Iha Leibiatate) gape t 4e, aml lakiaga " .IP. Th. pnto fin Ow ire at two milliesa formal. bole. sehleb have rammed the lastly la Pd. whig Wei Ibr yame lb at PO yea's^ ks. Ilow moeh11.4 ., 111:1:1:71 St II In *Mae, soar te l mete. PIPPVI." " P '"'" "4 foyer. .41 ".. k? joArZthaeo4 le I. eaesely , leas eaW *ad The n..d Ow Puma, 4raNtie• w IriNpold cletham 144111 he tel am la hie *eat hi - • late a reavreile mammal. bearever ermine may led.? • be the retest Q The that Wymrag ROMA briar Om Tn. Den., lam—The metrarteet ramie at drat ..Femora J the retirameat of be leaner edam. pew, Oradea by E. T. Smyth Illoglearalath bee Wm. YMmo, rtra. rat* rarafth M.AL. le P. S. br.• received. It F the ao doe weerar Wow/ma, g . 1. , who wYI Mldhh • ...Mee to Melly me op aral made MA. We whit Ito ea t. eralett the o Wyerathe Dentateet,• alhetM Iw towed* praprieter peal& wee Tame of thrall lO MHO a week. or $5 • peso rrNlecb tee N•rok Foraner. 1 Letter tram - c ot . Ai . mi ..... k . _..m.,,,,.,,,,,,, 0p... „.. ~,„,,,, 7, ~ , h, „ ger. speedily interpree. a new element of vie - 'tl,,, Alps .teusilily to erWunmorl 11,mrge. N „ ttlt Benet, Canal. Ile did not stand ~,,, ~,,„ „, p„ , p,.h. t.-,, thie, .. 0 i, n ,, ... ,, e , .. ,,, n i ~N , ,1 i , , ' , i 0 , . .n, ' , i` , . , , , " ,, 1 i ... , ,' , ' , 7 . h° ,,,. .',- .. 0`, ,,, 7 ,, r ., ' , /vre and st . rire will .. lie whirl to the non, during the state trials lout unto Ir. le- tie or, Ar IS mild, to thwet the Executive, l'in. erns,wris or the North Branch, we are , 'soon to t••.o • to nens b slotted . . ',nee mei lest 0 ft. 111 th.t. t tr- • , ~ „d 101) 101111,11 11111.0ay reign, (new. Let tod obi... 1 than that bt r. mar the !fed li••• 1. , .. ii.• voted l'or • nod honored him, and 00. 0; tie tn... • ••Its 0 .f f• . 0 ." . • „lion I ...• the bII tit. .1 the now, Iputioderpossi. EX.., n/ ••71.• Me.pat,owr Dr.nor,or"-- d,.' ,rd. of ....,.I irm.limily. %hid. m I.• renal. the r9n.olatbility of withholding the tuv. pubheaus in I'..h, slwithl Ithm, st mid by him, whether at thictuationa and doing., . one tons o Ilia the t • . pn•st 0.4 to the eao,lll.l‘. thority of the Government, end the pride, The thlfereecesfietwcen the I: nod Mo. taid“..l 01.14 or secretly. IS '.Ar RE° I "H'W 0 lion of our lawa, trona onr brethren in that bile te..l the .reefi of the Line only added )Ira It said he made the minority report Innw In. il in a fair open co., ape st amahrrl I obverts IT to, psi', of the ell. ELIAS tr VOIISII t ' • ~,pre nes, Ile Teuton.... of If rentesenon. OP nisi . 111. a eorrothstsb 01 sf i0n..., Whom )ou ore. • _ far country, rest npon the shoulders .of the tool to the dame which hourly mew in in- at hit GNI, ill9l/IVIIiIOI. Ile did not refer w . de , w1.....ft• r lot it, beep debuts. MI by pleanfl to sill.. °ll 0. II /010W1/ Democrat," "has ...L t ...., Ift tee , frith& of Precdrin. They havo the tnajori- tel. itV The unearth Per eettitte rid i.f the 1110 to the lart that the retire made by the . . . ~ , , thrums theists tend foes, the to. upou it ether- [dons pie the honor a bnthette.......Y 1... °•; .. Iteikultwr - ty in the ilouse-they rept', scot the great prop„sitions of A. Bateau to 0019,0 the geuthaean front Adams was not signed by i,...,. d. „ i,„ „ „„„ r , j,., de d I, a we, 0, , dc, „ ~,„,,,,,,,, r „,,,,,,Thi,/,, r.,,„,,,,..„„i,,,,,,,,,, .„ ,.. .. , , n, ,. 1 , 1 2 , , , th , 1,f ,,, ° ;;°;:7 ,, ..0 3:' ,, d , ° 1 ,0 . r ° ,,..17 , ,"',7,:. ,„, °1. ,' , . 4 " i tt iy taidrit.Y of the ~..try-theY are :ermined Nationnl .tc,enthlt. was rutty defeatc„l by 0 11110 fie 611 1010111ity of the G ot rogtee. the . pei.ple or e.lifo r til a sin 1 New 311exi- tiazwv ninj„rilt :, Il i a over Mt:, 1 Mr. Eslileiimu then addressed the House nat • :01 Thin 0 .10 though , bY .... In 1.., • II . Ithe I rounder „Tst If n •• Northern man " ow 11n,lc„ no, e too p r om' wen, ts or from ilt• ~,def a i tett the us. nugning.•tindionsorscon.'Northent Pons, botnia ts lira plusteof my Ism. lb int or .1....N. , w l'erk and l'ine ., be o"' -. .... , 1 . .." 111.0.1 ." ..I.lbee . s thoe 11,1.1 vote a greater tranquility Ito. iot (14...ritinto to the bill, and quoted ii i ,s, those Thritories the Ere,„l„to n Mel, „heady pev,4lhd, 'Soil „stream, no hare to an- the attnitai message, to show that taking the suler the tote opon . tr• as adopts. by stole of at.. no d n. 1,,,,,, the two. r days of th y I& b.,. f„...„ ebtreetl . :re srs./ rt ether. r/”t...i.. , 1 . 1 ,....,... A " r ” . ""r s " . , exists there-thev have Henson, 'Justice. tioance that the strroggle passed if with- whole of it tomether, the Governor was not ej. „„,,,a0.,,),,ti, naant tontina.tlatarethellotw iwno ; and air r.. wen. .t len to my chows. I eauld "., t . • 11- MI " I: ""I'' N '' .. " humanity, the Civilization of the Ay.r. the oat ~,,, rtal stole. Numerous arrests were 'in of the completion of the North 11 0 1010 , 11 01 gr. Lion. it was then mwtpon,d for wadi to ..amid ma r. maim or them Igor the ____. ',m on , , 'tights of )tan, nod the SIIIIIIIIIIOI 111 lieriv- 1„,w,,,,.",,,,,L, i lira onto in the way proposed by" the bill. Inn lon, t ~.Irs hone,. r. I hats. Ow hint- It. n.lsed. ..nnir........t. -That the 0/1 011 their side. La them act, thot. - Pet fti the Nsti„titti Assenddy, on the 2tlt h 1 Mr. ( I ,,er said, some had made the en.- 17,.. " , " 17., ' :::. ‘ V . 0 . .1, ' ,,: ' ,: i d ' f ,' ,.• ' ..; '',. , r 7.1. ' 1: .1 7 .. 1. :: ', 1' thrrugt. tho Mils ; send them to the Senate. silt , the al ioider of tee inbrior announced Ipressbm, ',save me from my friends; twill ~ lwl lnn , n. ll It' . I ' 4 ' e . add„ I.e. - nor Of OW ',O.', 10 , , i mok reneniil In the i a „,. .'. I. I•I . • +bri be no ern. hol. e erib L ora 0 hot, I .....v ....die rninntelt.inna in, hinod „ 0wn ..., ~,,, , ~,, ~,,, ..,,, ow ..,,,,,,,,,,,. ~,,i , ,,,, , ,,,i aiiii, if tiii,, iiiiiiy ,iiiii4iiiiio thero i, the that he had been directed by the Ftelideot ',take eine 1.1 my ettetaies," and it Certainly 11 , , , 0 1, , 0, di ,1 ,e, az 0;;; 1 , 111 ti ~ tbs + O'''. WO , 11/I , liilt, 111.1 , 4'. ~. ~,,,, , ~., :.,. . .„„I ~,,,,.. , ~.. ~, ~,. ~,,.,.. 1 ~., .. ~,,,,,,“ ~,,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,, ~.. ' 1::17 r ,17 pro, '"- ., " :!:,, ‘ „ ' , " ,:% ' : " ,7,: . !:,17,: ; ,..... ' ,;:i . , ;. ; ' :::: . " :::::: 1' . T:i n . d . ... , ,, 1 7:: . . h ; 1 1 , g , :;; t r : . : 1 ' , . 0 .... 5 t . 1 :: a I : . rig i i ,, , Ti a b ta fl k h.::, ,l f o t l l ., ic Ilepohlie t „ present a bill ngninet was a wine sa l ing. Ito read tho jud gem : n hen delivered, and made up his g '' r 1,11 . 1 " ' 4 ' 111“1 111" 1.111 ' o r 'h .. ..I .s ° ' a CO 011111. 1,, MOO' ,10 , ,1, I , era ,00,i 011i7OO. NI 1.. nos h the Totheusibilite, if it plea, of tlefeelitl4 The Assembly bad olready. enacted to. !teettt nu to the I/Toupee...l,ton of the Ex , .., 0. 1,, 0 .11 11r...• II it .II pass tea ts - .... • a•thl..ator.lll. , befatthf..l lathe tn.. ' , Tore. , . 111111. IT , t r ... T+llor and Ht.. arr.,. at IVaslone- the b 11l "f III:' i'''l Id'. 0 "/ nil i'nlllinf t ere penpinef milli tin view too reptiont TN- renthe . and he honored hint for the . ''' '''''' . '''' ''''' ' I. ''''''''''' mar " """ Th . I ' o ' l ' ef S " ".." " " ,' '', ' , Me ' . hn". . "'''' '. t.. "” r " . " .." mots ""." .•' It ''".. It. ' ' 4 ll.en.thttbe fro. net Tertithties. bee•te`e nod remove dangers to, 111:wining I„ outolio ' ugh which be tented his ~,, g e l 1, „ 111, Ito this 1,1111,1,11 nm, h... ronfent..1110011 1 1101 ,00111 0 11 .1 11 • 1 11:I'°n`• .."...•',..' I Ips f dens., 111. 1., , I , rd' ~ v.... 1.., ....1.1.• it moth, send Slavery there! aoeietv 11overnmevt had ordered a 1111111- 110. lin nod „Apr measures. Ito had I. 1t... , ,1 0 , 0 "I 0 ....; Io .. ''',''' '';') o; no . ;',,,,,;'''' ''''''''" ; ‘'''''''' ' ''''''''' „den nil o , 0..00' 0 , 11 '0; eO , ;Lit , our ..... I 1 ,. o' e , o'l . 0 The l'rosi. is no net ,t , f t 1 molly towards Le 01 eltit„ to be e 1,,, I i ,ton - captal and' ...versed nid, the friends a this measure ~. 1,.. , .... pr's., lild I,,ks to k•oh ot•Inl• to •I t• harees•er ItiLIIII. I" Ii" ''• ."' ", “'.''"` • 110 011.10 0.14. Solr, is hoar tt . the %, loth. w.II any Teed ~,, of the c, otiitr3, billowing on , me the deportment., nnd deootniced the I 111.11- i nod the I rie. 11 , .1' the I lorernor, and every s .....1 d, 1,1.1,4 , ~, i ,, 1 - .1.0. 'dm 11.1 , 10, 10111110 . I On!, 1, II °OW 10 . a duo n,th .loch I ~,,, ~.... ..,..... . i., , d. , 1 i....r... . 1,. I. ~... „...,...., , „i„, i„ra,„ , restrietiosts two, whielt ders Id the trilottods ' r..thoneld it a recommendation. • „old i, hen „Ist ~,..1 nod tout „„htid,., 4,0014 0.1 0,....1t 1,0,1, lon sir. duo lc mocrted a. ~ „, m , „ .. lt ma- ititto--thle ti at confidence .conlib Mr. C....per theo proceeded to show that ~ .., . „r , 11,. d 11, Lii,l.l .1,01 ~,, 0001011 so •.. Ti,, N,,,,,,, , ,,, te,a , ,, , ,,,,, , r' ,, oani , " f'''' C ''"''' Gov fliiiisoni of do. °°"." ha" ' ° •` '. l . "'''' "IT on IT°"4 l l.'l ' ' ' r ' l ' lll' ' ll7llen f 'll:: ' 'l'll 17 " f. / .ll' ; B:l'll" ' ' '' ' '' 'ln ° '7lll-' ' ' , Ito rels-ed whilst , liihs were i.i.rutitted to' the (31001•11101 . , in his •mes-age, recotomen '"""-- '"' - ' Y''' ' S'''"'''' ''''' '''''' n ' '''Y h ''''''') 1, 0.10/001/11100.11 00101.. 10 ...rob, of 11. n• n•I Terri,. ie., to, nil! the VI then, man be. ' ~ They I. pe t ,' „ fn.', 11 • 1 .1 th. f.. e F led 11, „,.,,,, i „j„th,.. o r n 'no o n on,c o to .` 11 . . 1. 1 . 1 . 1 .• I. ' 11111 ' s " lll ' .° " ° *l'ator' Nesbit 110 „n> a ,,,,,,,,, e1111j01111 1 110 ,1 It is no to t nhielt the s, l ,iithivn Ittendews . ',vet ovnont emilktill , w „,„1, „„ „„„ n o, ,„ 1 1,,, N,,,,,i, Ito'„, h . i p ~,d„, In ~,,,k, 1150 .d...g. 1 . 111, man' loch caw gem rally loco lawn rxttis tine, to nhieli esi, n hip., etlatn, it, it, existence 'T.. tth.l a half millions already expen.icd -,,,,- sone ri..‘ll) lel no obps-th.g. and n 'deli _ __ _ . __ . ,10 111 ortifitilli• Ilia ,liii this wa, not pilling ~, would he hail. II It, 1111111 \ 1•41/111S ~r 6.. I.latillal. &Tie St DIM ITEM. ih,, d,t,,,,,,,• hh oh, G 0 v,...) did South itself - Nati,,,,,r , L',..” 8. 11,,I• •1....... ~...... It txl. it.....“ I,l' 1111110101 1110 '0 ,11 , 1011011. II 0011 Id soot ..... ' ,----,-- -- - - - --„ I w ~, n dr... rh......; '...... , 0 tt Oh. ~, t 1., •I• hi , tl. it nth osr the reeurd and won I . the II." , ror • +1.. , •." . 4 ' I e." :est Oh .. othobt.... of. tit, Is T englestors to t...- lb,. stn. e.:,,,, , ,,... -Th. , ilsows, .. s Arrival of the Camb ria , mr , st.,, I. , p odd,. ~f ~... f 1„...„ i„ it., -hunt I hew I ittettel. oil ther. %Villiatn. F. . mo.n ha or ten".. etog'w , nr 1, 1141 . 11 . 1 ' 'Ti,e stenni..hip etnadt :gibed at I Falb 1„,,,.. In ' . e „f hi. „.,„ „1,.. 1„. „1. dolo„ton- Mt I hel , er said he begged par ' '''''' '' ''' '' " '''''''''' ''''''' '"" T......................'." '''''''''''' ''' ''''''''''''' I ' os ' ''' ''''' .'"'''""'"' 'II" '''''''' ." ' l ''' . '''''''• "" l''''''" to, N 8 .1111 WVIIIII,IIII. 1.0.1, 111114,S 110111 10.1111 011 1110 1110111 110010 I. hi , Ir, II- .1.." I I" . `''' ll . l I .' l. ` ll,l l i.e Exeeotiyo so. 1....t5 , r tad . 1 out no' 00t0dvd. 1,11 .. 1 ewe, tont 0,,,,,,a„ 1e,,,,,,a. aoe a iaeh we leo, ai; ~ , i 00. ie.... 10 0 ~,,,. of an s I.f .11... I I --• ,r, - ... .. - . .'• ,1 s 1.,,, ~.I ,ii,,. i„ i„. \ „it!, th,,,„.... tli• I in. intend -IL' 1“...1. Il i ,he '.l root - .t 'too! ; I ' , ";' ,, '""' , ''''' , '" ''''"l''''l . '" len., ...... tried ~.. ii........rit,ne sh..„, 00,,, 011 it..,,,,a ral Ibtli mt.. , opt, be e M 0 0°,0 . , . r. ei" -1-...""."' '''' '''''''' ''''''''. "1"4 ' ' '''' ."' 1' 1.1.1 ' 1..1 ''' I.ll' n''''ll 11 ' .1 ' 1 ' . 1 ,, ‘l, it 01. 1'.1. • tit 1 hi' Oar ..1.1 Ineek ito the her." .. - . .. ... ... - -._.-. . nee, dal' , 1,111, 4,000, 0111/4 Ix,: ~,,,i corm,. tug „ „,,,.„, i, „, „„ ~,,,, „ i,„.i, , ~,„, ~, ~ „„ h ,„,, ~ 'ht er,...l . ing ,not c 1 ~Tt.,, te ,.... ~,,„.„„1 ;;;I: . . • ) , • , 1n lutiunoulo, Provandtileik. illiill.n it nl A.ll h. :g . 1 ,. . . „ :1 :, .. , g . • .„,...,,,,,,,i‘„,,r.:,,,,,,,,„•,,..:....,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„:.,,.,,,,n,,•:•1, ...• .rnt inninark , .1.1•1 imig..• 01 ma got,. i 1...• ‘,.„ v ,„,, ,„.,.. . n ... i „.. , p , ,I . „ 1 0 , ~, th . . 11.„..,, 11. in ii.tillux t • rti .1.,',1.., tt.:ll t hence It l i .. , 11 . ,ti•l ll.i :rt.., in... 1 1., I [in 11" ' .'" ' —"• 1 ‘ l• 19.-Ohio I, g - tt.e11,,..1. ”, ~ , . : -,...t...,,,i.,1,.• c..,,,,.. ~,,f ,"I •,' .•••' Inn. , " PI , or I.• •inn no ... "P.'. .r .n.....r.....--.11.• ........••• '. ••• `sii , ' , l•• ".' 4 r . • ~ ."1. h ., 1 t. N . '" Y . •T• . ..,. 5... _ . n ~......,....., ~.,.....,.., ..... ~... . i,illt,), 1/2.,1,11 , , Pew,: ylt an ia—Pilnpret ilk i, ~.1,1” o NI. s ir.. in, th, r t.. raid n inns v•'•••• ••II ......' frrn d hold, r. tr•rt.d .••I , P '... '.. '' ' ' ln li . ‘ 4.lliitiCi Vial , it . W CM, it \S, jS Ikl the tiny ...I Ow I'. minim., but t.• all . I 11.. "1.. C ' 1" --- i 'l .. l r, ' ' , l "" .k ,', n. ," i r 1 be t ,. 11.1 :7 n. ; ..1, . 0 ..11 H... ~.„,,„,„.„,„„„ „„„ ,„„ ~,,„ , i ., , , ~,,.,..... ~,....... ..,,,.., ._ __ __ ........I 1).i..r 4 .............. nr ~. nowt. thereof en, lig F,„, ~ , ,•. „, , „ ,• ,„ , Y. CO .1 , r. `,. SEN ‘T. it - Th , I. , , , mlrOurp of lin4 importn , i. e. Iti lit , lll, ..,vr, dei '.." • ' ''' 'l' • ,' . ' ' 6 " . ''''' ''''' '''' '''''' .."' '''''. '''' fu{- ~n I . . k . . . " .• , ''.....'",.;.. ''' . I 'l .P.' , 11, isl ,, Vt.i: ... pi ••• 1.. i i h :, :t.,1, 1 , ,.. , , 1 , 1 ; , , , , g , . L1 i . k. ,.,::. 1 ., % . 1. 1, : t t , 1 . 1 ; ..: , t i r e r r et , 0 h x , ir i1 30 , ' er ' ,., ',', ‘, ,,:', , ::, :,...:, ;,...P.,,„..;;;;, ,„;: n .',,,',.:1 1- ,.. ~.,,nr.. no Frith., ri.r.... , in , ••• WO. +. a WO- Inellt, ~f tunic inns tint i, it , mid. bit..‘• " II " "'' "' ti " '''' "'". .."' (* "'I ' r " I " ,ti s ...nl7er tii II:. L V1 ,: : ,,• I I * ll * t . I .‘ L .' S r l * ' ' * ~ ~ ~. ,„. ,r...,, 1.,.‘,.,. n ~k, i ~..., ~,a., ~ ,„.„ ..., ... r pr : „. 0, .....,,,,,,,, ..., n. ,........ n : nn,. , ,„,. gt . i ..,...., ~....i nr „r i b,. g,,,,, s i g,.„ „, ~,,,,, ....„, in , , , ,,i . ,.. c .110 n l.n, .......,... lw '1..1,1 1,,, ~ t..1,11nt it w....t int • 11.rr.i...a.. ' . 11 i 1 cnl. '‘O.l '... ' t'hertd - 4.1 . •t. in nil. r ..I . tl.•• I' aim, t. I', ,11.11 11.1 '"'---." ‘"1 '.-- tk . . . .. .. - -...- ~, " '"" ' " """"" " "—"•"." '" ".." ". ."' '"'."'• ''''." "":. ''''"g'• ''''' '''''" I'm' ~- ." " '''in "I ''' —, ju.' ' 111 "' Ni ~1.. „ 1 tl„ 11„„„. „I Pyrrx,„&ti„, ''. ' " 1 " - • -'' r i i i . '• tti . i. it t l'l n ' i. t ` i `ii' l l .t.. l ",,t li " .lit tii! . 0111.itt. Ntr.iti —,llll.itil . .t . hiiiiii... Fri ,. soir it. 1tr....1.15tii11 , ., it is itt.iiii., il TI,, .t.,,d, 1111, 11. i , .al Hea I. th, .;..,..”.•,, f ,-,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,;,, Ti ,, , ; ,,, • ,,, a , ....w y -''''''''' r'"'"'"''""""". i '''' r. ' "'"' ' s i'li" ' '''''''''"' '' ll i"....”'''' ', ''"' ' `.ll " i i , n ' ..i "" .11..1 1 ' "".^^.."1. ' s I'` tittirkiit i., iiiiiii.l.tili, intirt.,tritt,,, wt.! . \111.., i ''' r i "i'-' "I"i' ' •"'''l it ''' " ''''''' ' . i I lii- •t i l 11, - IN, ..i.t.tiol lt , solutions pm ,or .1. °owl for Ow ....y. 1 .iirt ~. 1. %mit, Titt , .. f . ..4- ' '''' " t I". I . '''' '"'' . I ” ' I. " I " '''''' "" "' ' 1 1 1111 ti, tie:llas 1 . 1i181i..11 ,i. twit i... ti ii ' '''' '''' ''';'.' i' . ."'. ' ''' "1/ ::' '' . • II I'S'.. I. I , .• li.' .i ;1 ,,. ! 111 ,1 1.. , id I 3011.liii ol reeritl. tiy ~ " i , DPI , . r• - t 'No rriiitt 1.1 oit die ith Imilloi 11,1 h., .II , i11.1 . :1 I, NV, 11.1 11111. t tI 4 . 1 t I. t . N 0 n‘ 1., ..•' Imo 1.. il .• a.l it xiii,titip. 11,e ... - . oil I.i. 1 :id i.1i... , Hip ....,1 Es., lit ' , ill - n i ;, , ; , ;; I i ;., , „ I , .. , ,1 ., :4 r A 1,.. , 11,1 - . r......trtt , llt Ilk , ...,...111. tkl in 11, i . 1 . 11 , , 11. 1 . 4.111411451..1..111.,41.11 . 41., ~..,„4,,,,......,,„.,,,,. of .114.1, 1t.•1........ ei ...I i., li, .. 3.1‘ ,. .. 5 ii. ' , ~ _.,,.. 1 1 41111010 \1.,. .irtiril li i . t ittii i 11, .v.,..,,,,.• , ),..,.1.) 1.• -, .1.- ~ ~, ~,, ~‘,,, 1 ,i , ~, ~,,,,, „4 , ~ , ,, ,,,g 1111. 14114 It. .It. 'atilt 111.4. a 1111. lin hi, I, t•Si. 1.11.1 g 111..1 1 1111t1,1. 411' 11.., Mo. , n ,, r,! ,, A u....1 ,,, ..14 ,,, ... a . , . h . "...°, M ' l s' ,i.„ ' 4. . „.,.,3 ‘ „ 5 in 1,,,,,,,, v.,. 41„,,„1. jr... ti;.; t; 4 6 ,tt 0.,. 1 ,, ~,i ~,,.. 1 1 , ~,. :, r.t1,41., .1.. .1111 . I It. ilir...itt.llimis .it ~„..,,, „,.,„„ ~,,,, , h„,„ „i, L , a 1,„„k, . ,i „ - Iliad.. Plitt " , i ;, : tit. it ti,li•i,lti ti 1.. 14 •1I t .1 1/11..1•411 1 0114 . re ' ~ ~, I , " , ", ',' `"'". '''' ''''' n '. 4 " .. " - I n .., .1 . 1114. Is II to .IP tia .1....hfin,.., , _. 0...., Ititi.rittlirr 1, ittillt .... a f.,. :,,,..,,a,, , i. P...,,1.,,...... ~, .31, „...• , ~, ~ ~ , . ~, ~ , ~,., 1 0 1,.... 0., I. 1: , 0i,; , 1 „ :: „. 1.,. , ... ,, ...1 , 1 . : . .:4 , 1p . • , , , ... , ;1:::: , , : r i . ....1 .. .1:;... , .. 1 rLi; :,::::,:, ;:' „:., u.,„:„...„„ Ilk ~, 1.1.„„„„,1„... :n ?:;1 . 1 , ::: :::: .. :1 , "..k ,,, r , 7 , 1r .r ..... „ 0 4 , 11: i... ..:: i: 1 ::::: ..t , ::: . 1 : . ;.t.t 1u,11 . , 114,,,..., a tel, .1 ti,,, apart :lost lii.• I k . % M,l , I i , NI.I ...II •... loot 1 , .d. li. , ;1 tt , ; ~ ~,,.. ~,,,,;;,„ ~,,, , 4 , ,,,..,,, i jilt,tlc cir it , Hut it .I.i. ii iii 4 1...,4 .4, :111. IV _I . 1. 1 ,1 4 ..'ll I M t'. i . I . Ohl '; „;;; , ,; ,t.. tt; t; ~, . „,tt , ' " l''''' '''' "'"' '''' '''''"""" ""' """'"'" '''' '"" t" '''' 't "' '4" ' ‘"‘' "''''''' "'."' Ow . ki,:k . 'l rlt I ,lIIN, In, Mt ii.,41, 5.1 . ,. 11, ,„11 . .... ~, tfi .„ 4 . i . ..1 ' U.', `t. t,, j, 'I 0 it: . h /11./ . Li" .. 1 . , ‘. '' ''' r' ".. '" ' .' ... h. S'...' • . '' .' ." 4 ..n ,11, , d iii.. 11.... .4. ithil .1 i, lit .. tot, of ii,ot XI. ..‘,,,,,,,,,,,., .... m.,. n,,..,, ,, ,, , It . 1. t hal, ./ I i litit,.ix. Itati.mii.iii.itt Its I.lr_ral It. `li I ' I. -Mill. I .11.1 • 11.1. 1..• 14., 1. • .101 ~,,,,.. " 1 , ,p,, ~,,ati v e,. 1......111...... 4 1., 41011. OW .41 :...1..,- ~,,* .t, ,--, lEEE - Plank Road Convention 1. ;; ; The (.11..waeg, nm W ti ;;; 'A III.• i1:1111,. I: Isrow..ll. th" I r,11.,.• 11. . nom, Miff. y. n,,xlx of lire, 11. riJ nri.l ‘gootry 1. , Id nr tholrrxrw ofJorotol. 114.1.1 x, o n,r Jx 24t11 1/1., 1111.1.111 ~... „ ~ ~ ~,,,,,, ~.., ~,,,..„, ~,,,,,„ „.., „...,,, ~.. I/ .11 - I . I I N, Ilcf . "me ,nronolt, .1 Pre rode•olie noel le. an. tine r,,. J torn \,,, v., Cato.... 1 / 1 - I aeon, co, 114 nine r0...el mob re Imo-toner. , .. . .., „,.. .. ~ ~ ....., ~,. ~ . oleneor flo - ow. el .• Ille neon, e , on luck..., ''''' "" " ' ' ' " ''' • ' ' - v 0... rc caienc. r:,.., Baldwin. Ent,.„ 110 t. ee duo alreol oh il ea otre 100, t eterna. A frmer co , . „ ~ . . , .. , ..... , 11 . 4 mar. ot e.. , a rec. eel flee non!. er n am, el .."... ""'" " n '" .." . "' .""" • 1 lee rootoon.treolooteefenol there. , et aeon. opeetne hold hold.. elder ...; lee..fal t01...w00 loft. ar,talt ono , ~., .., ~„„ r ....,..„....,",„„,,, , .„ „ . ... r . , ~.. ". " ' "'" ..l. ' " ' . ' '. r. Look. I n el3to in. M Ilello en. WM.., la a rd., 0... hose. nee peril., nark tend herodlold. ofe- . ii Itoleln en, lIN e.le, r. W. to . Broolle ~ 1 Mon, 3. ... 1 I ' ' '''' ""..."" '''.."."' 1 " .... " 1.. '"' Bread,. N. hea, .3one o Carona, Joen. e (4,11.. E. . ;,.. r,..,1, dot, den flever aforegerneer . lineal, and John II .101noton dd, 1 - 1., ele. roe In , tn.,. fee .....ry no no. onennen ..,,..... 11 1111/111111, nen r a Waal olecoero. throne - ,1, ""''''''."" ‘..""' ""...".. ' 1 " . " .4. ' ". flow • Iteureenne,Col. I' Look. leadrirel ine. feellon prow le : in oe I, ord. 11. , non. en of W" ee ledr, . h. p „ ..... ................ , ....... Ilona lope esentonee. II hrere... ,In. •otere ete id Ceneepollanoa Cann,. ,a, • 1., I her malign. sAlor ii. 0.11, le. pe.c.refertel and fur, nee ref,' dr. leo'. d• ....le loleahleonl. de- s , . rel tem, fe. re. oe reeedl, ........ol e orro. . and lele. e ."......... H . ^' 4. '.• h.r".•.' ...w ee . .... . n rol, onorrepre de el tre..e.or.. 1... reonodo o on en e. r e .. Provis in them, been ' broogld to n &Wee •atiditek... and O...MAT:a free tt ad., Ito ti i. n. noti, a . h.,a ~,, 6...„ ...,,r, ......,... ~.. Lail or olee do. deo , ..1 ...Mei led. 11 , Ira. r. Ole.. to.eol eel ell. cooed On aelentodeon ni Ilar vote ,i n ter House, the . weithl Itaye tiax-ed sytiel. Id, base determined to .11.1...1.1. „ill ii, e &LI I . ) , tik.i 111 ellem oe flee; •ened !wroth re• N. r Nook onel Ern Mal Ild.eel onno elver e.0.m.. 1, 1 . nr n,..rol.olffeilo r d fortiori! v, nii.l, ere 1 1 . k. prebaild , pi eleox the of . flh ete it lie .' I ''' "."."' ' L.'. .. . 1..,.. '.""..1. ' W.. "" ."'rho ' ' ''''' !" ..' . '" !I' '''' " I ''' . ' piebal•lv haw. 1........... , 114,...t in the Se. no .• distant pt. .1 than Ile, j ...lit! 11.... end on, no Ito ;leer. roe, 'I 10. ...omit- ............... ....... „..... .... "j ". ... ''' " 1'" ""'"'.' '''' '" s TI f ' il I ll ' Cr vi ., "elc c.- neticipat , el bell de 11.0 • 10...,ing „r r.t... ~,, nold Ile, floo roll, , e 5.... f. d e., el Ile, o, e L.., N. l'i '• , In ---We lots, mit., mi.. 11.4 .11 g gp./11.. iN. ,KI 1.1.111,..1 . 1.111. figleipt, unitecl, null delerrifined : its moo. mo•nl. ....Idol l• ...V.' ih• . I Illh - 1". I' '' I ''l " 'l' . Ade. it. tit ...tota F.• to the lid li Dee 31.- 111 " "" ''' ." A"" ‘"‘" "n" n ''' " v" -- m.5.,,a,,,,1.,. he I. .fo oneeneado loot ie mond. neut. wen• end pro pore a fer a... 1 .11,00 T 1... ht Den sir Den, I,j. lel Dein., It. ; th... Idol .a.,.,„, ~,,,,,,a,. ,), ... ~ „It AI „„., , ~ I. , ,i , ,, ~A, „,,,, ..,,,,, Th.` 11. low rem reset td Nen... ets. Th. lased ........di tee the ...... er nide inn...- , n „:,„., ~,.... o . .„.,,,,...„„, ~,, „ „ n ~. ~.. .... ... ~$l., . , 1 ett, nd 11., roe., co non o . y e a:dee. '1111 " dm timi imi id . 1 . 1. if it had prok d K .. l; , ...,.,.„.1 . , I.'„lki. .1.,.1. 3 .... odor in ti 11. loe no. lido to e,• nr Ille , 4;lia ea Ile Id. mill , I ~..,.. Fool. lel Indian. in (he oje.noity of I e, no, ileing, hatl ideved tent the large fav o r I- i. .i ham I. en appoided it, sit. teed •lir .......1 to the la _ efone• erII o Ilee.o•rited . . ;i • !v 5 ..... „i.e. c,., .i.,. ~r ~,,,,v aing ' ' ' .. " ' ' V."' .""" "" '"'" "' 6". "' ""' ''''' . !" :" ' ' ." '''' " "" ,‘ .. r. "i':' "7, 'I . ~ t ,t. ti.. At Li ienn IN. Tie were in favor ,a It p.,,k, ;,..,,, a,, itrifisi. ... nen d . one' oho n. oh rod eoll leo eno o , i . ll . Milli-tot in Moo m` id'i i. ere feel in Ille; top a I ; riWwitini al ,i, ~,, .„ ........ ... 1 ..., ..r ix.„.. tea rude - I n di.. "'" 1 ' "I ' I m " .l.6!.. ""'''"" e !" * " * " ! ..;e 1 .....r...111. onions... „ow mi. (.. . y„.., snit United Slate.. 611.1!11 "' .‘ ll ' C 11.1 " 1 " ..I. h. I " . "... ni• neer,. tedotafothr i nOltnittlt.g deprede -• lin.. Pa . •I the.dh the and ell,. r......:. P re n" . ".. 4 nr r " . "" " Dot there was de!, ! Tl e D..° in- The visages of the ciAer t t . . ethnic taken lie .v. not making en nit.. on .i,„„.. „„ t i . „ i„,.........„, , c chi.„..„,„ r ...• k ..• . ''' ugh, bin km. ' , tn.& ini........ ,den 11111, 6 11. h, ~,l r,.y.11,.„,, , ,:. ~,,,,.,,,a flew, Committee to report alio. the Ranee as when mho Nina. a i-aikel the I:set:wise 3lr . 1 01,1 ~......11 fr.. K.. ~,,„„„ „„, . 4 e 3.„„.„ F„ ~„ the ~.. 1.." ".. " 1" 4" 47!" '''''''' ''''' ‘ 1 S l:::: *1" "I "'"I "'""'"'lY I''''' ' """... Intel , bills-the e ''' mittee prompth . obeyed Idde r inking. re fret.. Imlia ham Le el 11`. I loi 11118`,1, ..t . t IV` thOefllo.B, /nal e,..i„d ~, N., , , ,,,, , ,, , ~, ~,,,,,,, ..,,,,,,, from Tux _•,l I'd' 8... had fink tol nt Seel., Fe mitt. the kite.. ~ .1. 1 ,, 1 1 1. 1" , • ," '' ; ' . 1 . 1 . 1 ,1, ' 1 1 . 1 7. 1 . , 1 . C . 11 ,7 1 ,.. 1 .., '' Z.L " , ‘,.. 1 1 17 . 1 !:'! ,„ t . : 1 . 2 1 . 7 , 1 ,, , ,. .: , 1 , 1 ., :....... ,. .. p r . .. r.. .. , 7 ,.. 7: 1 ,. , ;;•;',..0;;; , .. , -and dna was an eml of it. Th.. r.ienoln iviv...l, bat is wholly deinid of ...ere! in. ~,.. n n t I.( a r, e . g ...., „ h.,,,,. of the Proviso were at any time n0m.... bred eel: , W. it "'II 1 " "? "IvII"a "I" "! lion ...tering ni....1 off.. The Repub. The eseiteinent created in Ink rope 1., the late:nage eOlll.l nutke it? Tllll 1;...1. " 11 ' 1 ' newt iteli. ate( the pedal thus of Texas to i' '''''' '''" 'I" '''' " "'l ' '''''' "d". "I "'" r‘. "'"'"'"l "" """'"' "" a 'h " .... " . ‘' " 1 " . ..... enough to compel action; but certain strafe. " 1 ' " m "'-' 11 ' '" "'"' 111 ' . • 11e. Ie II1111 "" e ' , 1 7,. ' : 11 ' 1' ; ' ,., '11 ; ' ,; " , '"'" ,' ''''' i, ' ; 1 , h1 , 1 „; ' ,..T.T. 1 : 1 . ‘ ..7..,!.. ` ; gist., of influence and eensiderati. ~,, con. ce ,„„ c t. „. the bountlices lie f .. x font. in .... el,. Ile 1)1r U. i eotild 104 lefolidr . e. ~.4„,,, r ..„.. „. 3 . 1 ,,,,,i.,„ , N o . ~,,,,_ len. II SI, Smith, Dishier Attorney had '''''' ''''`' r. " ... """ 1.1 ''''' `'.' 4.° b ' ll h " ... he eef e N• l oVlo tot!. ,Vre..,:ex7l ' d . de ' ve ,' rl the Noma. oend friend to bank all ettemptx to bring the Callnerlein linel W.W.11/It allle•folo eI, Nloefe Mot floe 11, 1801111 N1,43,1°1,4.1 ono 11,io 1 in 1..... ...1 h. ~” 1... A...trona. a ni. a ...:- owe I , Meter.. ..nd (min the tired hills under ennaidenition. The ardor of the nmce by Om last packet omen mere arm.. • 1 e .....,. „LA. in his heart hewax opponed r , „,,,,,, ~,,,,,, ~, .18.1. 401.11110, It. 'its the rc.orintrliot. aro - ..f enter oleo and the ne„spato. if i it Ihe report of /lie minority, whirl. - ' ' 'l.4lhe''''" lod '''''''''''''' 1 1. 74 1 11.• ed. to aM, pot nleen„oar :owl 4I ol I ••" ji.."4 I.n. , ' • Wi r. ‘" : " e""kl.l l "fr' .'nUti'"".""' "'h it ' '. Il 3. li ' l . 4 ' • •N • . I N „ Anna it;iTiittir Txt conarn.--- ..• ...its by efit...a 1., grant . . . , .'' '' r.- tactician. tonne, their art.; eadin. brotight again teemed wit i nettees.. l n.. ...I. 8 Oi telelltre. that I. 1. n t In ad d 1,.. in t- • ' This now lit. waslolWaslully epereted yes 0. ....I ,n,...ded la dn. Level.- ,c r 0 " ,, n a : 0 1' ..V . ,: " .. ''''' ' l''''. "'"' t'''' ''''Y ', . Le I • • 4.. t . ClOllll2Ol . 144 ith this nroyentent, 31t. C...., had dime gloat in-1 his hattery to bear • ( onservattsm gen . upping 1{ 41 it urt rs in / tot . ! ~ ~• ~.................. of hest... T 1.,.. One,. all fin. ordlenna; .111 whole no. 10n... In depreteinto egititti n, iservittly, to wide-1..111cm. region. .1„„,.., at. th e it t neen,c. 11,, oh. i ;,,,, ... It, olay fpm tiii. City to Newburg. The - ,', ~ .e dh , , ''''' ,0,,,,,,, .. The 1.... " ..... " ''''' 4 "."............. he ... ....1., por e enviiinconfion." The confidence of the tt,j,. no longer on LI Dorado, but a vier- itor i neyor holice.ol that that line, ninety- I i.... are up from lloneedale west to Lakes , '.. .h. I. z .'. 'co ....en... , los.. ` " ,', ' ,1",1', ' . 1 4 ' r ' Z; "' „ ' . ' „ ‘ , ' ,', ‘ „ " ,, t ''. ' ' ' '.l„` '' ,7";', r ,t," l .' ' ,: " ." free State Repro...lndic. ill I I i; s 4Nie and t all at between llonceilale and .nett ant /or AMP terra iron, the confitmed atakenent.tour tilde. ion,,, erode! be completed won- ,N. .., _ . .±.f ,t , ' , _ , ~,. , “ ~_ __.„ _, . M . r . 1 " 1.1. ' . 1 '• t ' ,1 " , md 'V. , ' .... 4 III." ;memo... r ni 1 .. P.A it a l t a 6 1 ,;,:.,: r .ru„„: a. impaired; and the 14enath device for id mineral...kb iti the I Ndifort in Lilly neele fait money. Illc underdm,o it. ~.,..,,,,. N .a . i . ii . r . g o .: 5i ,, i 1 ....0 u w m e m o, Ly i t i. u ., .. e y k o l h e o n . a .n os I. I. e. Is ... .it.l bs o rile /./. coo.. ten toner nod env Na r York and Ern. Itol Moot ilea rolloging the cuntrlokorsy by a State or- leaving no doubt but that all immense tide the meant, whence profits were ..kitnatoly to a til . :l , it ' etit lino of I. ,‘ .l..craphic eoi:rti n unication •... n.,.... de. 11!,,.,, wa hilt ed lea - Mrreol Ile le. rood' cod...oat ell. lente•tahle In new go o kotj o n, wee, new element of ilistrunt of emicratinn stint.. towards that,guarter, be derised In mere than romp...ate (~, other 111•81111 ..1031inili mid dissension. T. result was, that the 'rho Lank or E,,k„,, .„.„„,„ d„ Ind the expendittire. and ,8 `.... forward .al nun Ile i_. est. ihn ekes to Newburgh 'That ", "ur '''''' ''''''""'"" "" fee b"'''' fa t friends If the rrovi. became ..spi- exhibit any pnrtielllot feature worthY ni the tind inatt. and Ile., 1 . . e. Ille Aol ill River near Chtskill, from ' ' ' s'" r--"" "." l' 'my '''''''''' "" "6 7 ' ' ' o ".. k ." :! . . ' [.. l''' .", I"" to nn .. l . ' .7.i h r 7, 1 ,..,,,i ". ''' I .ve and almost enneluded note. Money enntinuen identiltd, mid first mended it in hi......„, Mc. (I...hed g . • Mee/meek Dill to Iluthr Hill. The at ... ''' """- '' ' ' '.'"*. ''' l ' . '''"'.. .'" "" e "'' . lnc . n0 ‘ 0c r ,........a.,... ' i. r M . . i i , :7,-,,1..! i nt ;',.. 7 .4 s ' d a ' ijr . th n o el ,l7.7t, "' cdo . r.e ' . w.. , " ' , I '‘ '' '''''''".,.... '," e "oe... 4 Piank 110.4-11.... et a .41 re voluted mod woad, aeon gook; lon to let the 4431 hills have becn readily diseounted as the gentlemen would Inc „ e d an( th e ,is ninon.; 2. l . l feet, and the bight of the mg Co. ~,,,, mite Vllll 114 I . llSt tile n spondl.ility 111 " 1 " 1 lilf itiyvv 1, I S- 111 feet; 31 '. Yo Cor te alone,fearlul that, if called up, lb e low as 2 per cod. "1 "1." 11' ". '1" ' "11' 1" 'he N ' '''' "'"'11. '''''''' "''''''. '''''P.'" "'''''''''''.l 'l ‘ I.l ' ' III 'I. I'II hl he unequal to Incl. isn.-Chatlca C. !Nay ha. been on the Governor! It they had done roe ~ meth wan the contractor for this lbw, and the 0 ,„ 34f . ti.., M." F 3. motion'' hound no do, le, o,e; v.-me . r ho nu.° ''.° .... "T"...... " '" "' '"."" ' '''"' " Ateorkholebre "ea ....,.... It. ~... 04.. in .... the task of Mantling by them, brought up bal., the Gunn oat a Inn bill, would have 11,11 mote thian the (I...ernor "I.' ' 11,11111.1,1,1 . ii,,,, the viva , . 1111,1111 ' hil l ,'' ' l ' '' m "• ' ' . 1 "" .1 " 11.1 " ""'"'' l ' 1 " an nee......5. 0.n.0.... 1... 4.. 1 .1.1..... n..- It was n Wei • rery depression-aground- and is to take his trial at the present tern. thxin.d. N, D .aid he 1.01,4 her,...... dire etii. by Mr. 1 .1 S. Thompson. It is .... ...., .. ii 0.3 , el . 1 . 1 oel.`i, elan M not nen, :noel n. cooleteol to re roe, oe re fano a M 1•11,01111, 1 00 . po„io. i. l .ll " St 011'elii new life was infiond under the Crean and I lovereelsiont Social! v ; non Onoolee r wniii.l net for himself. with- 1,14. 11 . 1 ' 1 '' . 1 • - • Y• Y ni 6 .4 , ''' 111'1'1' ' 1 -1. ' •'1 'll ''''''''' ”I"""lll."`'''''d ''''' '''''''''''" ''' 'l'lllen''''' I.'lll 4 " . "."". Man the ' , lke of Freedom 1..- 11 .? ti - eevite. Ant. Thie coarse was •tholight adi bat ent whim( load her &reline. for its ;id.' 11 'sl b-11111 ; “ 11' 11' "I'"'''' ''" 7, ""'"" ". '''"''"" l '"'" l '' ""'"" '" '"" """'''' rw 1 -f N II ." 1 :j 'II me of by the Inn officer., in co,eiptcace of the Nh. BAD Nl.llB .111111881VOSOMIE118.-Gen. 1 , even.. ar a entai bread,. ;norm. lin. Snowball. . . nn° . * eiv ..1 1, itv , . 1.11- ~..,,ty n a n d ~. h.,„.. „, 'l r. 11..1,11„.....] 1.„ might h„..„ I,„„„ ......'o t, r . el , :r.ylo is said to have written • letter n . " . .' . '' ',......".". '''''' ``" ....." •,/...". River a. thiee fin, or 1.181118, i lOW that-the re. , entucky, Starkwcather of New littrk. demurrer 10 tirli was goittlenian in this city, wherein ho "'" "' '' '" ''''' . 1 '''""'".... ' I " . e.g....4 and ee......... Ilex" "...., ~ ......non. • 4 •lofonde Meeklionel ~f Stiehl., and others, who. do prisoner neon the Idll found at the last isfied with making t lie explenntinn ha had! . “,,..., „...,„ „ b , ~,,,,,.„ i ii . 1 , hi ., It . "". 'I". ' I. '''""'''''' ' 'i""l4'"r. ""'"' *".l'."'"'"' '' I"' e"'""Y """.• . " "''' '.4 r ul. " ntgllnleente and appeals, in thou.:lves, and con ~,, issi„.. iie ~trendy mole. Acting without reference Lei r ii k ,„,...,.....". , nr , ~,,,......k . .. T: ,: yb , Th., an , ', r owan,. in ro e o w,. 0 ,,,, f.,„,,,,,,, ill 60 reap.. the received from the h has been recommended b., the Lord the 1:et...re1.... ilk favorite e....rse 01 ... 1,, There will not. T. ono tame for en IW of woe fultne.nea taro Plunk Road lola,. 11.11 M.o , that all all well Lient , Tnnt to renew fora limited period the gentleman froui Adams, but that gentleman I e ,,„ b,,,,,,,,,, „„, „,,,,b 0 „.„, di....„/....1 Dead and Manna, entire.. no Moo port, mad Whigs and Duinntorots, 'dove State and free aspen - ion of the enema core , . net it. Ire - .14 excuse him it he enuld not go with i w iii . . ii , ii mh i' i . , „‘„,.... b„.. e . r b r i .4. I ' l ' be ` 1 " 1 "” 1 ` 11 ` 4 w " he11 " 1 ' 1! .14 " r"' one men, .man to the rescue. laud, and the bill Ini.alreadi be en read the Idle. 147 1 a1e II . „.• Now, then Li the liiito fer action. Lot first time in Moo Dome ..I re tame... In regard to the majorityreport,!implacable enemies fur life attributing their h wan; failure teen{ cause but the correct one, vier mho fortnnerow7.l . r ' ltrreetZ .d ilit.r "'” ta entin i'' , l n. there in, nu More delay. Had Geo. Tesler FM aNfll -Then. is very nlti.,licsa from rea.l k. toe adonial nit of every nam ; e . , e '.. l'.. ' theta iinalifirations and want of mean.... teal neoriabli net, he and they non herby are lain Within I. entrenchments at 31.mterey,.the continent of important... or general in- of the ......mittce, except ono ...ex the . T b„ ~„„.„ ... b ., „„...,,b ab ~,,g, ...1.. 0 .. n1iv denn'd I. 1,... ._,......._ ,, ...=,. ...._,_ng a the bottle of Baena Vista wouldlnever hare tenni, except as it regal& France. ha- gentlemen from Mono. It wan handed to I b „ , ~,,,,,,, ma t s „„,,,, 4, l b, b., rr 1 4.„1 '''''''''''"l". t... 7..„„'"'"„,"' ...."'..,„ been fought and won. Crockett's maxim 1 medietely after the sailoor id the Niagara, lim i 31r. B.; . a pelt of a report , . "'l '''' and cod of Ids mottn.rv." 'r end not mauler trio tita iiihno. '" er rest ' ne " ed 'i. th o -- .. -- ..i... -• I. full of good asam-- .. First be ,. thee yen !intelligence was received in England, that synopsis of what the report wee to be. ,,,,E„, ,j,„ ...did., ..1. w hi p ....k.: . .... i . am eight, and th. go ahead ." Let us the breach between the Assembly end the Mr. 11 , said, in conversing with his friendste whether be voted for or imainet me 8.41:•14:. a t : t he.1 " .... " 1 1. 4 Mi. c.v..' have Prompt and deeielvo action in the i President had widened into a fmtrful golf. an to the North Smoak he understood it 1 ihi...i.....i.. ... .. d.b.a....10.. ri.,.. 1* tr„ tr " ' ". „.. i ....... ‘"*...".".1 ...... 141..... .. U .; Haan-in .feet will be felt at the other' A real or slam plot wan diadem.' to the wan not to be a party question, and that; ...i T ii ii...i ii ... ig h ....,.,,, g . a 1 b.... Mgr tO the {melon,. Wien of schwa ...,........isod of the Capitol. I Freneh Ministry, and for a few days Paris at the next session we were not to !pear ~..., n o ... do n; h... i ..... h , ibid. eneoUnely member.l Now 31exleo needs a government-she I. again meowed the appearance of a helm as - that this w a Whig measure, and that tie' J.... ~ii . i.ii, ...h . ... .........1 et. ii.,, On eels. it enw nwelewl-• lbw. fromglavery-abe tubs to he preserved' mimed airy. The targets were occupied by people wore timed for it by a Whig . 4.4.- ' dependent. His honor wills friend. will Tl"' II“ ' " " ' Mu ' 'IL *" ll ', V•• •• • ,_„ b• • rime. Give her • free Government. Cali -1 nol fewer than 811,000 sou; and General mtretion. And while, meld Mr. li,, we wont 1 not v ... 1 w i th h i m i ... th i ii .... ii. .. a ••••••"•"•"'" •P" 14. ' - `'''' "• " . -...2" . ..1...._ ... , foray all, made a Government-a strong Chaeryrnier plainly intimated that the lind trying to make thin undermined, Heed IMAM c ••*•or . " • "'•'''"' """ - l a - Temsaria Governwit-Alm.• ..1••• Ilia democrats hare no right to dad Bldg Nee.. • eernatd mayor a reemietim mkt te m I too, is freelltmericade that wan attempted to be raised, was matt that-we would not do it, if it w bb hi. ii.- N , x m iii h h , D i. m ...h • hem mimosa by that (Meow. Metradeantesal and mita to It• kept lbw Why delay 1 i woubil he the signal for a general slaughter. were net the wish of the Govern.., and that eteetimp remiathwr the "tsar_ . 6 . ~ ....n.....[ The time for aethx. km come. The four Whether tbe - fled Republica. were ear -' .. the alsamt insuperable objectinne" of the lODIVIDVAIL LlAllLerr.-Wo erwliwil d... ot.leg mt. tem... 4 howe 1 ...b. b( tho meth wee I ...e ng th e i r he- , rind tar unprepamtd to Imps with the el- Committee to en ineream of the State debt to ootio. tr....h....ien Of Mr. 111 . 7?sl- Ma hil mob Dew. , a .. • , , ~,_ ; lag bathe auto Mat worwtry-it butte lbw.; .t hat military eaneerted-oortain it it , were evereome by the resommendetion 0f.1„.h, of w„..../.,,,i, tio. yfrome, on J1M ...11:.7.....,Caaaaa.4,Z "ara imb, b b, aaaa l . afta' a aan --- ww Government ; property and life are with- that Per. far • I. w days trembled on the. the Nemeth/a. Mr. B. .1 , 1 i.e not not' day 1.1, it...mowed the individual liability cm. c.....,„„,..,......, h„.... pi., " 'nut protee i tien,Ann where 6 . .4 when thee verge of a new revolution ; the lame of" going A lot that part it teeth without con - , frown, into t h a e b. r t er of a goal comps.) Celammat. to w. oak,. 0....0.,... o n , G, a ,,, aro most, lop° ed. filevennldem es wee whieb °an 4.bted, ea Marshal, molting the 0, ....• 110 , Mr. Flo Mewelyi -the Whiga, a. usual, opposing it, mot s.. Hd . . a p.p.., tee it nerndipte W.W. I ' las nonotiarekoldere, me pinkie( their way 8, 41 0 .. 4 ... 4 . 0 1 ,001,4 6 .... Path to !...k.d te"kn ew if he .•••••••016' . 441. withstanding all their profeasions in favor liw " wU , rrheWel hY .Whi Centrum be., anew into the PerionT, and; nnhne 0,..4. m bring tap a Aron' disdains of the Army °flannel Mention Ine the. oo.rhtion 41 , tha'.,f bi.k ref..; Spore the eleetion.--Pents, m I„ m sow 11,,,1 , 1 whop). would „, 111„.1, 1, 11.114• 111 il/111V.IILI, ild/11 fax unl , , . - - 'll., 1',..,,,:h pl 1, Ow ~ t 1,..p :.1 a ,a,..,..,....,.t p...h.,1 eh... h. 1 . , ..,I t'...,t .1 Tit,. ttt tt u tt, tti o w tt,.. i tt o ., i ta , I ." ' b.." ‘ P"."- t' P"'t"." "tP.t "" .'" "P" .I.ahr that. t'a. 6..,...-3,1m.a 1,,,.. 1.,. id. a ~ 1 ,,,t ha. 11,, , sahmith.,l 1., th, I:NV.I, tt t , . t i t. ow ~..w tti t .t ,tot.t, t "... at" ttt.t. " t tn. ' . tj."."" u" ."."."". P t ' . ~i' e.titliitistg Ebel, to4l il. vilalk . 101.1, ....... 11,. it ,t , •1:1.11‘ , .1 Ow ,1,:.1,1, II at . t ~.,•,,,, ~,,,,, "111, , , ,„ _„,,, -_. ._ :0. '''''''."".. "1 .. " It ' t 'lt.t "1 .." 1 t.t,".".1""t " 1111, are r, , ,,,dvt.0i ,it adil 1., .art . ~t ti ii ,, it It,. t.t1,,,,1 . a 1!.,111111ilt...,,11 , •tal,1 -,. 1.,r t.o - „. ~ , . ~ ,',`„.....`,, ' '::-,7 e 7 , , i5 : ON t 111 11101114.1 t, I.lll{ll 111 i II I 1.0 " rr tt ttror ,P t'' ll .H P . a tt... . ttn ‘"t" ..... i tt ' r ". 4t• ‘... 1,6,1, ii,l., tt, Rub . illml 1,11,11MM:111011 V. 1 ""t" L' "P". "" Lt t'LL"""t• rt' LP "PPP. ••I , t, ,k . HI ~ 1.,/, It 1.,,.1 II iilo ()Ili° AS t"rth tt "t': t"'""1"."' titt""t t.."'"kr.""th."7" la W. 1.10,1 iit,St'll , 31 , t i‘t th.l..tte tint itt ,it ti“. I , ,.ritt ix. , , , 1........,"1...1.."Mi ''' "'" " 1. P . " .4." . """ 11 I' ." " had 1.,.... f.,rtarrly ta Can, .Jr a. itse.ltint- Mi. lit 1.II.• th. , 11 1..., ~,,,I .64 r„. ~„1,11 -.".1.' , •\.,',• -Ifi, - • • . . r'' oil hut the lion, 1.1 ha, ing eh p. ton:t ..1 i ‘ ororl, 1 . 4 '• —4 1, 1111 1 ( . ,4111114\ or. tt, e•ehtt,. 01 !”" 0 ”.. ,- to a,b , pt that to , tad I ,aving rhoma, p'.ltat,J4 .t.l -la J . 111 , l• A 0 01ak , IN , 1 1 11 I:omit /.1 1 1 14146, 11:11141 , 1 . 4 1 11114.00 o CO 11 0 1 1 1 i 14,1 1,041 . I bop , ' II al 0 1 :It - 111111 114 , 4 1 11 111,, 004, j 4, 114., ,„1 4 1., , ,, 1, ,„, 1101,0, ,ilt,oe all, 1 Imre no sn,, - I toplt 0. 11. i. N. , t t 8ra , . ,.1 1 ono., 1,0101, , Itl t, \ k. pot into tho It,. non', at ren,q, it-g tint) t t. t 3lr II 1 1/, I.anot, in oli•tress, !ha l titan attl . le 0 1 911 , 1 01 , 11/ 11 . 1 1 „ 1111111111 10 1,01 I.! . 11, 111 3 .,at t in, I, PP 4 .114 1, tl, to al pros i•iona I th.s at 0 1104 1 nll sp, ttlut It op da th, , 11.11. 1 .110 . 1 11 111 11011 4, 11 r 14,01 11,111 1 . . pa,,ttgets tiro or conditet like's t he a , loptt apta /0, , a n 11 ,. “1,) , le 1 t it a 1 .1 era,. that th,.. lianar Newspaper. woo. ~,, ~, by the I,le-ent admittivtrati“.. 11 it It I hi . ~ t itl h,• cti.l t , . . it 4111 4, 41 lir, , 11 1111 1 41, 10 ot, II .• alma! ..1 * •hip. „ pone al, th,: •veltatleitt p,‘ Il 111 0101 1 I . :S.11111,4 1 11,1 T•rli, I ' it, the at ITerers pone to . clevihave, and a •1.,.. 101 l i• t , tt ~1 hl ' 11 1 11 11 n ill. I la 1 n 1 xlll 1111 rh.nfv.r. n. I.rll n. tl~r Mw lnnenrrwlint rtalnt.ral. prop , r .t :14 Lion] t.,1 - " " ‘.; ."'"" Th. Stale of Me question. The dedarr.,ll,,tenti PIPS 'pi till. Ali „,„ ail , ,„„y „1,1 . „1 •1 . - I 1,111% 4,41 , d :1 4 tLix IPoring the first weeka the prevent la inake ev.a rettetielititt 111 tto , tI, 'nl v,itit It One,. nil,. left 010 141 1 41 41 11 4 4110( Onngres, had bills for the oron/i. ennit,l, , te effit . iet.ol" the I ' 'l.l • 1,1 110 ,i,N ( 0 L. ::10 nil The I °idea ination or Territorial Ilrovernotents in Nevi at ' the Civil, Naval nod 3liht I icor, ,t•ta,l„, if p .1, .1 „ :1.• , • :.11 AI.. 1.,,,,,,1 ,t trans " Stale. ha, e nr,oltt e , l Date.] to. , at the lo r w hat Lad " ! ii 'loo" it el .1106 • rt tel,4ltt 11. at nV %tilt 110,01 the „„, it I ally
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers