The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, February 28, 1849, Image 1
tetru " liDentaorral." I. o. IBIPSTEID, Editor aid Proprietor. emery. ••• W. " .1* oloamosbtlau nen M Pt. PAID le IllioNe N..... 11.. AA • AOTIMTIOINIa. 0.• two., a torn.. ft* ...quilt War., woax ....m.0....7 .... a•Lag. tem* . Iron, Ili. pow,. moo Insert, tomerawereeltat into her bands to make I name Ile ',oinked, howiver, t•• call egnitel 1 I linker Morn) on IA cilia Pumeltnerul. ...•.. CALIFORNIA: ' erra, at the eend of Ken'. river, from Geographical memoir the Tulare !led, and iemained eneammul ELLEN TIIOMSO N, Elion rose, earl ever , mou e, ;et ee te wi le he slmuld have another vol. to make WI The 11.11.. wing mall at w.e deleerol ed ~, es a , alley er emre, near the summit of lb. The Toll • ender . , her m•elter all tete assistance she the rears" of a fey weike. ' where in Wiseonsite by este a the pia.- UPPER ould; before gouty to the tamp, and her • • He •is severe illteral mew' etre. Thom- sion, who would mon to he, e a nte a . _ December 2701 to January 17dr; the cave n 0.y., evenings were to Amble spent. 11l new. on remarked; • Telmuld like to knew who a versiee to capital pitaishimot : Illf Jelin eitslii.ta .1t OMNI . - Well eooded with everereen eake, mme Va. , ing or knittieg, or in work taken home from he is.' e elay it please ,dm Lerdship and ;eel- , - 1( untteued ) dales of pine, firs and cede., maintaining wheal/111g 'the 04, she ent0.3.1 every moment. and •• I done know when lime° seen a man sh oo , ,e t h e e ery , Th e , e ,i, ee c h e __ 1 more 11. 'the Serietur 3 c ,o n i s . it , l g i. 1,7,1, 7 ,e3, t , ',';'; deg i' e l. :::',',, i '" , '," to . , l . ' e r ,' ; '',.l, e ei , ..-Td r e, most that of seem,. when the rain. nom. never wan there e girl mere cheerful and mere Ideas:tut and reemeablee said Ellen :in i, e , :ee l e h ere to sh e d„e,• e , •• ,•„. I,„ n r , 1 ,,,,,,, b , i' d. 1 , 15 -Percent Iron the I : l ;;l:i t a i i " : , :ti l e ' l e ' ; 2 l:: : ::l!": 7 El , :t 3 h r:ee ti : m st h . f i' t e h h a e t :lll . 6l.6.. .i r ene d. . ...v.+ ewe eel •He is quite eateheme, tee-d on 't you your ~,,,,,i,,,,r , Tho• riodie ooior..ot the heart . , • I she] soon be threttelt my trade.' she think se meth., S' .• Time shalt net kill;' tme, it In e 1.., eel, I irao, , trouthl orrice remark to her fatter, •• old • Yes-he i• ver, flue-coking' ' I ~,,, ellt , e, ~,,) ~,,,,,$),,,,,,,, Iho e , ~,,,, ~,,,e se , feet. At thr e e e s th e e ft, rii on tho tem. seemed, eider; wan ahnest three weeks Wet Th•• gee...amide wk....e'er thou are h. I ellen earn seenethint; o r self! Wltett Mr, T r ooted from hie boinom s e e k ii. grease, and es plump ee .ge se Pet epee at 46 dee .nt settee 31 deg., e t. time in latitude 87 dee. The 17th there - And 'ea a Welts rut Voice. When the mind ate' ho are agreeably the inether mid deughter tried te deselibe eee i n a t„„r„,.., fare. G,,, e ,„,,,„,,,,d,,, soiree next morning 22 deg •; the .1, ) , p er . was e fell of anew, wa ... eiseJ off in the sow „ , 1 .Am the times are hard, !nether. end yetimetly eltar ;no mains the pas• but much he e rain in the leftist... the Itifh rid empleved a f ew ne;ntlits slip •wav armoet, the , ntlenian to learn whether be ohm me ' ' P . .• . , ,so murder, e !tether ceeneeitted by to lee , .„. • , • . .... e , , ; . Ira The art dead mid am, dear, tonne, wig I find it diffienit b. get al , n,. I have been • • ••• ,,,C' ep t'ibl o , Te es eer t e j e l • did e" }: I le aequaluted sith hen 11. Dent the de- j u te tn., or b 3 e hoed& indi, ideal. liee my e t , toe se . ~,,,,,, e lm Dere the present r:1 7 ::: ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, sen :e i. me: tumi I r .... .,... i" ,7:::t..., .....„,5 0 ,0,. thinking et teenager • Deily dient. Dent I, ente, i le m .t. d ee , 11 . toes emigrant road low ero.te.. .. r,,, I ; a ", iL:7:7: „. i n n o thz:::: . fr:: . :Dece s2 in a : . 'l,o...tang . trad.). milea : your father I „ T „ li , , i .m4i;:ti ci.„ S „o lie n.. li m o n t r i k e , . , , i ni n t . . , ltitz - 1 her trade. scrietem Oven, . could net toll hi„ mi m e . mut eli. With her mooed inded-y. Ellen vends. to nt3 client's having hilted 11 1112 . 11 1 1011 i All,O iii.l . VI .101 ruin alt t Of car Miele wade of lore tied ...11..... .... I would never consent to it I khuw.' •• I deal depend upon your w:caking for teed to work when she 10.1 1 1 go a it to ed., t h at an) teasels It ID yogate mild de ..,..; N,, .I.' i :• - dh, ; ( ::;: e n ,.‘, id „Ti e l 'i l ,",„l: t r ';',',',',., ',' 1 i ,',,"" 5 ", r ?„,..e . .... ~.,,,, toy I. i ~,,,. tee tito lends fit on the ; a•-, end the road ~ , , • ' . • eleet ed with Ms only hem. i Why not /' , me. I never had a better vest maker in and what., red earned was given to her sue!. Dine. gentketOnt .. ~,, sto ~ ,,,,,.,1 ~, ~,,,, ~,,,,,,. " onee t elee e , e tooter s.•t i. . ed. en •11 the upper half of A Mar, whs.. "'d e " , kk 1.. " 4 •I '' em, hew , • Bee • ouse lie has repeatedly • ' I 4 dark weight! see I 1 . my shop and I shall give you dee Isiiiiest parent, te m 0 w ... her ni.11,••• being out, • as hi r s i' O ' n e t ' V I . " l ' i . it g tlil '. t. ' l t • h aT 1 :. " ,.71:e7a n t. " ' d" I. ll' "' i' ' b"' 6".11"g "li' * r"'''''' "". "I. II ' ' ''w '''''''''° "" I"'"11"'."1 tone of bis datteleer• should go into A tai- en „, e ,„, ' Th. ,i.ies sod flowers we pliinted. hive, 1 tend 1 i, tt , ii i U. i i I t I tC ' d n' eltl, " :: ".' ; ' ,.i il 211. 1646-head of the •••`.• ••••'1". --"'• .' h" - te5....".". I.l.•asedeith ber trade awl her employee she uien washing dm lime. Elle, hoard n N.. ~,, 1, '1 ~,,,. l e t t et , „,„ :,„ „ e l „I; 00 ,... ,0 . 0 . 11 0. 4 g ~ ,a ere. woe. A with elm., row 3.. e.,, te :i. i+ ,ear Lb. 11311.04TrAt tenth else , * • „tot toilette 41 deg . (April ihe shay . 0 • f"..41-•'.. health, he reek"ed all ' 1 .3 Ellen gi idly ...Nil to ,all for eir SID., , slight rap at the door. Wite l ette deeming h o ~,,,,,h,' „ ,s ; e% h o e „„„, ) , , ~,, ~., I „.. . , !the. . Ahl" ...Id." "' lie "' .w " . ' •• - 'in a clone alien, and ouig,i b. work tee herd am' every moment of h. time was diligent - ' ei roll down her• sleeves or eke off her pored flea the brand of Cain 10 1.0 111.11111.1.1 .... want' sie t ' apron. .Lo ran to see who it was, when to •..., his bries• dopey 7 ,d,.. tr,..0.e1. eke ii. ~ , , ,I , ' , e i ` ii 7 , ; ";t t ,,; , ): , , :li t o r 3) )" ,', " ,,l 7 , ! ::l " l',:'e r e k . ). ";e ' d , l e ' 'T e t ent. S .:• ' ;lt r . ' e n' t , ' , " l ‘ ,.. ' ;UV ' e ' , 3 ,.e o ft'. i : e ! " ,: y ~.,ii y: t ! They „.,„„,,,,„, ,0,,, na n o eyes, to 110 , Mein ,as some of tlie poor girls do. And then i y ~,,,,p ; ,,,,„; 1111.11101 It o ' 11.0 t•f the tearer volley. On •reh their Iteht t . Yee , ' , thee le • proud - V IA " ."". and Mr The nt4 .n, in•tead of reeretting that her trat , mishotent it proved to be the gen- des hied of liberty aud One. f 't ;vole elaceeby hen& ranged to train them, lore, Onra would think it te• hemilieting to have a • ' men I will plelge my word that net ... of i t. " ,. . o " ,), " ). .' t, '" )) l , l l ''''_ ‘ " t i e „) . , "::- . • s of ' ,,,, L t ier t . 1 . ,,,,y " ,, .. , , • „, ~.,,, e , , ~,, e . t y little strenens• tut flew into the over cum net raw %mem ;daughter learn •• trath• ' Inn slaughter had learned a trade, was tleman for whom she made the vest. With pleased at her euceess, more especially as out bliealtieg at her appearance, or fainting .3est le. • bowie knee or a pistol in his Our Mee awe inquire of me when...there meted. • 1 b,Deve father wotdd eon.. to it ; 1 - the fleet money she earned, went for the pew I to because she wan found itt the nude pee he lil t. it gentlesen, your pot. cots are e e ei, , ,,,, , ,a) 0, , , ,,,,.. t e . 0 ,,,,,, ~, eette , e ,, l either side low. steep ridges were cowered will ask hint at dine, time. WIT teeth,. • 1 li, Wit and sis.• I'm Ho 110 rodwrtiarti w , ninny their summits with pine, and oaks oe- Who answer tan 1 ilia. to them, eseept with , . , . , ~ . , . c orae ..f a vest, whieh tete led and made, she iovited the stranger iit . odoriferous with the perfumes of eigar en- • ..Ithe I I 11of • a count get tt triter, onty tom,: one non, „ 1 „ , , i iii ~,, e , , , e ,,,. I•• Yen • tee' said she ' how I ete oldt ed • one of the no , l et frequent ttl'lll,UlSlill2uialt- ~11,11 Fon4, int ;row ',Motel! Ike tesm alone'A A. and t..1.ite,... you can sem ke the he ~,, ~,,,,, ~ ~,,,,,) , e ;bet tt e o knee , "reek car peaks made the horisen on For if t.y to Iterrarti-then the mine thing. emit rit ...irti -no, tn, ry dellor i; ea to .t One 11.01,1111, 111 . 1 . 1 1 0 11 11 0 1 ratted upon to werk ely neither has health, arid Leer f• • ' i 01. net...ed.) in the pipe a 1...,,,.fi,1 ~, "g ''' . ' , . , ~. 1 . f . „„ the right, entl the temperature at noun w. mfri.m- mile like ours-mole eseepiaily "I. e" )1r Vele. • 1 have a vie-I whieli I wish I hail either d • the hard work myself, teed el.. km e s Let kite in • entente. ito el' "' ‘'" e ''''''' " '''''''''°' '' ''''' '''' "" "'" ''' ' I now far it le e. wlere, aid when Mee o si e r ee„ beveme somewhat re dueol in our Ler. t • have eel 1111 I.ntle to day.' soil he . •Iwe me net able to em .h • help ' ' ' • ' • ' •': lied., I ...g 11. e !meal, eta thee intim 7 • dtle. ) I.llt . Will the se ily /Desoto. of rem... el Add but the tiny was still and hot. i , „, The small et ream are num rr• h d will tee... ...male. ' w i s h it e. be 4.01 e well by dm of your bee •It teem., me um. T. tee pill iedustei- ..all t o theotgli the ilitertel efee lees .1 l'" ''''''' ':"' ' • net ice g' I " • u h *" l '' . Ls noin.h b • I ru. I r. so Orr ke7y home ha. non, become s lonely. Wleei • . Yett 'nay Os your Whet% but 1 lea‘e t e. bee , tee , ~,,,, er , e e 0101 . reitmokel the golden et •' T woe. :milted tele hew mita tl e speed NI 111 LI. WOl 0.0 11 W heal .' 1 nen ha 1 hen e , l' ,to .1 • idiom nod ; grass end r. eee , idea that Ins wal l give his .. mot. ' t •,1,,, e„.l .., •,, ,le .1 eel te. 4 0 1' • 1,,,,, i, , ,i,,, he : ~,... ~,,,, „ ~,,,, ~,,,,, , ii,„ 011111116111. tied both of excellent quality. Like He..en wehout it. otnie, it is x Minot thy When iir Th...., E , 1,, , , (lobo.. ,0.,. ' Y".'" - ' ".k "'•"..""...'d.' ."""' r. 3 . 1 • •of 3 'm e"".'"ai al eeted. me ."" i: Dem d 1 II ' - " I Coons. 4 itt the oenieg in latitude 40 fe... Lo o. to hie dine r I i•ool ~,, .I.le, retimike.l-- • 10111 von thommitio' up w a pi In., feet in„ritioe lie:, n i till 0„,..1 f.,, thO .litli to d - .r, .b. '"'' e. 0 . W.". le.' ' teee tee" ' ,oh '. ••• • e ' .-I . 6 ' ~,,,, ~,,,,, 0,„ f i „ ii . ti iii „„„„, „1 i „,,,d dee ee min est sec , eleeatieu above the Oor Mlle .11...., ..,11 mid ~a-ante love ilwin 1 • • ^ , Arid err Chop I , .1t the geed limo', lilt night. I .111111'0 LI 1.111 , 111 din hid,- ih e ~f d „ e s e . 0 ,, b e , t , • Father, wl at flu 3... `"Pli ''' Am ".".. ...nee eel te e eminent. lied • :idled it te , ite• Dentleim r.. beware of cworel.ti ~, rood - • ' r idh I'. t• . 111.1, 1.. eau, low. nilling. ~ I.raiti feet, temperature at sunset 66 Eseept !low mother.. volt, whreh 1 feel i. „1w.,)• thinkieg uh.o4 l' Ell. . Illon• i• s yery ei.... ve,re seel he • , .1. s . ee idler 11101.314 r 0 ely be 11v ne.ther Ow.. is t •night me ter wool:, der! ' Ilex aro. 1 •we. of meddle..., en h te.. ''''' l h i ' ", '" e I'''''' l ' e-e ' ' . I.7 "l'l' e ''' • ' b'. .I , ' .Ur - '" nu.. eva:. , ' • I'm sure I e inn 1 ten 1 -,hit i• it r ~, ie. nt •lo 4...... t ....I e I ea,. yell and et mof I. ei.11.11 est 'LOII I 01 er ietle. .„;,' • a ill ,at s o o ti er oi . ak. ni..l p. eusieede eli °ed. , ...I eeie -tiled be the hunters e q..] preregat.... Beware : I nay.- 'ltr x e 1..1 elleam male I •If ~ II I' •• •whet 1 , t Their mere, I..,rah le li. ad on mm,.-thoese. Ile r metm4. es T. - et , . 0 te r ft ,j,i, i t ;," ,„ r ~,,,. 1„.„, .r. •. f t 1r h ot lee ....,,,t e ai m , idlenes., in..' when it e „,„,l,. ,i n . ~,,, „r o„. „,.„, ‘,..,„ ~,_ ..i Maree , wkep•enthlillg live oak, be, the , p s,„, .1., I will t• II ~. ' ..peas! 27 -rotted a nod we aloe • .. . Meeting Steeps ge wall. Ties.• .al p.s y g for e ...II two. wit. will ell' emit to-oiele ' I eamme get ...elev. , . at m ..' Dade, I tempted to ,tently the ink, null treadle. I r ''' • Bat mind.. mond lA , hob• e the long, too. • That I eimina a, .." l b.'. ht l "I. Faleei ennoin.rea •,... the i vet. nod wolli- rem e t ..1,. Iteit,emerk ' • ' flat ridge o pretty, open nesentain Omni C. man, 1 teijotre oit le awe Imense, he"' eat ~ , r iiii.., -, i 1 , ,,, ,, r. , ".. ~,, , , ,-, h• • ~,,, em ie .1 m it ', di t.oit • it Le Loma, V connote to ma gi. snot, e..„, .ha wi, ....v... Ow emodow it .., " 4 . 101 .rent 1 1 mil lay "I'^" h'• en'h 1... 1 0 'Weil tlie• Ellen. I have hro ua d r t you tool t rli.,..t. of llueu eel ,1110'. 1 1% m o ds 110 1 ...." . 1 .. 1...... "1 .11 tl ' . "1... ....... ••1 -. • • - • M I 11, I V 111 1111 1 , 11 Own. Yon know „„,„,. , n „,;',„l 1.,,. , ~k, I r , a f o :„. or ... andel, j .1, If 1.01 0.1 11 1 . it, I will sold , • ' ' • •It villegt• of e few hula al ieh ne p et . ~,_ sue. a nsountettions thargeter, woodee with h.. wall i murder ! I oiler, 1 011 by the ea.. 14 • miech .1 .ak and Idig kevlei 11.7 'end My- The dower. 1 e ohot. 4 tor Me 1...1 uo. mo th. ~,ii h iv.. te eel!. 10. .1 I .. 4. , „1.„:. l''''' A 01.1.4 it .111 ..1 (“r by the emith•orrin, ro• it ii a they or toe. ' on there ea, a lore.. sorely l'r lb.. up. res ~,,,,,,„ sh e m • ;.,,, e i ee es the 1,,1,,i m time- . ee ttqt a set lace a sweltered eels, 'kith pees man. .n. :". ....1" . " -1 ` . .. h..'" . ""I'l" . I "•'• • ' w., , teal for the .....k snd took it nwar ' • I thank 3...1, sir. 1 stall be pleased r. t i WO lir litut , 'A thin:it ti el Ala. , hi iti . -.tele •r Du tole ..1 etch, r work, 0011- 011 .. 1 0 .101.1 , . 11 01 0 . 1 „ii_. 01, thi,, , ,,, moot , torht) ht .,. In tat it The awl flowers At neon. erosieg • high My fooratepo themigh the mom. r. &snot all sraii . . 1 . , ,ao , , , bi o l.o roi o vent li n t wn• hrettglit to the a, it ' t ' .: do no moral, ! 1 ;ill mu est le. the Fleet , . the tbernmeeeter showed 61 deg. Ai 1 . e .ild --.. m I 031 n, iei ' ' • . brat neon. are obeetimil emit a Drew tree Reel whim;a min given to Ellen to limbo I. - , Leming the work, the stranger leek his . 1,, e , ' • von have hd• the encitleta nod eolith- tolonett„ to Thu Ittyithot , whit ,: o „ ko. night, at an elciati• ti a 2 : 100 feet, we en- Ths garish *MI Si ~,,,,, flamotonaly upon the itran..y. I consent to et' o.i , aroi aliol WIIA neat ettel -Ilene. seid hoe insoul cud° ..4 gem native plue o len, to il . amp. ado .1 a creek that went mark% into nom t 1 ' And uhy ii I. faille,' wleelt is ;cry aL outlast, alid merall tonne ' The ........i.i . iiiiii iiiiii iiiiii iii,„ - iii„ ,,,,,-, i .11,.,...‘„0 i .„.... , ~. p ~.,..,.. 1., bp ,m. minv wine the encomiums that were bte The moll Ellen aaw of tho retitle... to neteler ! I three, 3ou hy tle• :tarn :et e .. . • I • , 1 '"- I• 1 3 . 1-111• the Valby i temperature at sunset 52 dee. m II ,a. .1 . yin da.k I • ...wool 111.0 In, the hetter won she pleased with cis ,i n th e fl, hie melee of our monneipatiol . ""."''' ' n , ; h "' ''''' '" ''"* ' L ",1 1 eoniti ~,,, .11 it th .to And inv ho•wi „aka a hexv, aloud that•oroerelowo, I I St .t" v"..i. , ... lor . . Ellen Th. ire. a ronlinned to work of thennee s aiel when a ht.. be cone f.r nuns ',coot, 1., .14, to. 11111111. 0. I arliore nott A ' .."'si..."".e.lied "tilt it . 'et e" - e ' 1. ° ' ""..."" ' kW ' oath m.n. ,'''''•• I'l l': I t.' Inv's,. ,° I'd ~., w -,,, ,k.. 1 .. - ou r tin hu. h. thu NI, u•hou her posen• ved...1.• ...,,,ii:,..1 a hi.. 07 .....7 or ii 7 1,, .'. • . 1.• 1, , i . • 'kr... th •', etuth. -iv ,, 7 iln et the en- ;‘° " d "'"IrP 7.I ; "'" a"....1Y "stell.Pld ..' ""-"""'"'" ''''' e ' t ''''. woe 'r e ' '''''' WWI. 00 ;,r,dti,iil ea 1. it lie. It is a leible :Y. ' 1 ". 1 . 1 li ...,... ",v.".•1: 6 .' 11 ' 1 . 0 .. eDia•- . 1 ..". s'eln me s" ' ''. "' e w ''''• ''', ailvieol heir t., take her kat the hen, 110110101110 who lee if. moored • game e....k of ....oft. 11 atel eow i ' ti -es I tee 101 I C3ll sup. , rt. Illy ObilAren. . euring tee nititer era.. the weath,. • • le.n't yeti hir..w • Idler eahl ihe boy ; • • i • . . for, a tree, till, iel tn , ...t idod as a new sm.- tee me' te .e. mg. i iiiii , ........• and pings ..t., , tom:.., tr.. 012,01.1.• teem.. td . . lantbeilitmi eve...veil togetiwr An I . I " , Y .I." ..'''' ' t''''' ."-' "I•"'"" l'oherhe wonl.l he ...It that mindi a the time see .xO, it is elr Jetne•nee e e eel . , te t iehte 6 et. high, eeth • tufted . . .•. Timp'• illttehie. tiommigretide t,• J. te. ' lodes, tee. rem hot the peo in the 111.111 and drag out a existence at a .„1,1 Lo ~,,,,,,, to ) ,,,, y ))) h. ., ~..... . ~,,, i, he ~,,,,,,,,, ~,,,, ~ , ..e s. „ et, me ,. , ),,,, emi. it 01 o,reoling brenel•mt e anu ire rid, in an ore dire fort •I .ler ' 4 - ;edge attain. a ,lio red. r t.I :ix het Tee , • P I • s at • Chou. se•4 Err seek an boon s• he had it to 'Ti. 'irk )lea .lam .on non, who lives' e y.... gt „, t t ., a • i t 't I t •- r • , wl.y, father. I e ,d.l g . with err Clem, 1 , „, ~,, ~,,,,,,,t.,, ~,,,,,,,,, ete ,,,,, he; blei fed, thermometer at 6. Jeg., latitude .I.• end a• mend, Round it needy and faith- itt Ilea great hoe. in - street! , you ever •expeet fee dogs l ine t„ hark at Ira;, near 41 deg 1. 1 1 ~,,, in pelt 1,,,, and deei ina hi. would 114 make nie wed; hard r e, ,I„„,, •I. u 0...Abi...,' 'Elie. •• • r i.e. n ...Id meter illy ht. a lee ytee-if noon ever en met t„ wear 1, „la molel-. o„ .Id • • • dormso r tie e. J,•tlt I • ' • Chu" W 1 • • •• I. ' ... 1.....•.'". her ...." 4 la. (hie cold morning. Ira Ellen was negieting I •.1 lel im is the tinea non I knew or,• ~ ,f On, f„,, • • • • eriwth. eel. "me bitted.. teed •1tee.. 1 .1: e , ' .." "" ' " • .' e . "' l'".' , b e l e •4 the Roeky 11ormleiro , .., ,„ i. torn, „,,, „„,•,,, 1 i i ,„ I •, steturiontog uporis a „Imre., one, tOWItnIe .Dual a." teild in , . i' " 1 , ... , .... shell' ee her met err i.. iroeh m 01e0... erm ;suet the he, • I • I • ..• ta .eves• wiiiii.e ... pes l hofedo reel te P l llO lip .11, if ,es evg•r pee ' 1 '''.- " - '° e ''.' I w'dk r... ~,. .1 ~,,t . m.• ch. , 1, "no ^ 1 1,.,' rail the door. 11, Thom.... tient 01 nie whoo Ig• .4 lite I I k . . ' ' ' ' dueler. nod hues Idle:013 beets mealier that A.. lawn e.ile , of the B mTameeto. twee errant a, and es ena .... rest . he mit thine hut a „o 1 of seestkilig. L 0... 1 0 e. 01 111... • 11.• heed, we loutel in the dteectit a truly •1,...n... , . • ,i,, eet-theer , h. pet ol , ell 1 "" 1 "'" ° ' • N.. ....Ad I'l the.: 1 ..... deeded "Pe" • Th. re is a entle.... in te.. end e• wh . 11...diee E le. tee ern .13.4 ulti.b ea , . - • ' ' Vem ..• it.i.e..•,„ a 111 .101.1 of the ed., °Weal..t fur, ait was, . unitedied amine nide 01 hole only, whio ilea d,.. it to' *. ' - i it-1 en.....t. giro Illy e mitt' , ,, • si•hd, t., see lee ' end her le, re. no , i; 1, the her 1.e4 1e...., I , ; „,. 0 , ee , s .), e . , , . which was at .or, il, alioo, t.l Bee hundred ly el •e 3 errs, and a Way white cedar • Think 110 W • 1111. 11 I ...Id a-ist veit. . s „ „,„ 1 , • ••• , nee rer--M it. 1. 11 1 1 item mod t.. deb, Ihe ern . to. k 1 ' ' ,1' -"'" .": 3 ' '''' ""' '" 7° '''''' I; ot a1. , ,v0 1110 1.03, 101 . /.lldo :IS deg. fte min , e ~, ~y , ; Th e p, eesgeorlene 11!II to 140 feet high. niece 1 h. , ''.' n' d et. r. ail , . 1 e"eitl letY • I'M sore Ide ...,t knew. Ile 14 a won dm oet, 'led het the 11 else ~,,,, eie, ,, e „ toe , , eo 5 ,„,,,„ 5t eteee one emurnon in the mouldable of Celifernia. 1 The pri.onier ens A...melee ell toy ton 1 1.1110 -.- 111.1.• e. pay ... eve i t,.„.„4 e ,„,,,,,,,,,„ • 1' . .11 0 11, 11, will as bee pameets, were tv.. 1 - hiiiii „ ,„i iiii ,. ~,, t , iiii „,,,„„ i „ „, ~,,,,,,,i , .111 were meek° hr.; hut the cypress r• 11, ... 4 h.."' " ir'• '. '''"l ',hi' , l` l"." r 0 " . •W , nt in the world an.. he wino P t...4,11..1 te learn that it nem. M e Ji.1.,..... Th. bill .r .ir.g is n.,no.hed fer by the B u l. was le de, , the sky teem:m.l.h, wa d e ate. aktitteuialed by its lutifointly great lalielY I "ed. 3 0 " " "'d 'h.."' oh' '"t it a • II,• hot n little lestelle teeler tee arm •- .011 tor nth ni she had Ire. n tieing wet it. 1.. r, ' noel nit lwr 1 • er .Ipligl.d..l, nee the vegetateutt diet. of !mil` Nem were seen no as Sr. to ii.ti" w' .II - Is I suer '" tea lei di'l° s'd it ens. le• 1,, , want.• were .1 t he ' he ea. heir t. a 1 irge pr owity :1. father A Detehne., from the Wed weld to pay .113 eerie:, IVe •,....• pi it ter 0 tee Soot "e l'ettei in the eeed mom.laittenettr Banta Eli, i„th. ~,,..,1 i„ t „ t h e ~,,in i ,1., i on the we . i l t i.i e e t man i n th e p 1 a ,...,...1 hie Ere,llenen the Presileal. a Ili. hill. rattle mould:tin, wh. re the sII is slice Tole, hat there ens a great, member of ' 1 olo„'t think I -hall ey. 1 gee nil' con- a•kintt-• 11',,e .1.. I 1... k S' er dm et the Lest ef eit Ire. . heppened to eel' jot on the le. ed.,. ; ee l Drell 1., wool,. 00.1 eiii,-)1. l i lllll foil, i iii i. li large tr , es-selen re. t bring a common die mot I haw. t. , , 1 "mei; ii,tril 11. my chit- ~hat her dress, or arranging her hair A few evenings after, Mr. Jameson cell- fear tele ts wi 1 0 sweetie devil to 4on - 10. frequently th an in 1 Ire open Sm., ...el.. -- ‘ , ..' , '3 1 .'g Die bilk eiehty or a hum. dreier. held. n• .1 future evil . .., to permed l i a, ~, ti„, 0„.„ ' e ll at Mr. Thenteolet and doting the eon. The Deeident oked hies to be seared, it . ate volley. "ear the edge 01 141011 ue ,fired loot eithout a limb. At on elevetion them to th. nityllio.: that old iiijoire them o .Ire coo the room, woman the, Center') ' ,crosti•et, he nettark,-,1, • there are several the •ane. tie. enopiiiiou if there a n . a n y. i hen a e re I h a i e I. ee n j o ~...i,.... c o n . of tut. thoorand six hundred f ee t th e tem l'on have A. idea hut, hara alit ditheolt 0 worked r, M r . Ch e m/. A,. g entlemen its- I you., me n and a... alio c 0 m e... 11 ,1,de thing ,mu 1 ntraiits. in the comotry. envie. reins of eight, et, , 1001. hour.' 1...... 1 1. ,, "'t won 4 0 deg , and at eon• tailor's trade is • . oohed, an moon on Ellen entered the mom vi•iting Ishetes Neek toenerrow if o il sheubl " Ni,, 1 thud; ...t, pe• opt one ..f my cows Jodi. ie Die ink semi,. 00 the emmetaiii, .."'' ; 1 . 7 dee I."ks h1"hdY..1.1..... 11, ....g 1 • Flirter°, letber, 'tie.'t hod I should .. tr aa , n „ n .0„, irked f„ r )4,,,.. be ;pleasant. owl I lia,e been ieed le hes ere e 111,1,. ." 01100 IP 111 drop tell in Om vale, below the tam, but did not yet meow a lone In net have t... do hull' . 11111011 rot mutter awe .Ts your name eliss Thomson V melte one of tlic party, and hare called ties, e Ali !•-ingletel, and do . eeile3 all seek at loonier:tele II demote bane their re. the "" "'I". "...h. ' 4 O l''' t" P.m wow • The work w 'althea 11 1. halt as Lard. Now , y et air • ' evening to ascertain if I can have the pleas the tie.. tiati 3" no,) ern . ), ~,,,,,,,,,,,, thee, hoe lei, wheel omen, but n. 1 "..`she " elneedeut, .11 the deer you thick of it a little while, and let rue .o• ellen ynu BIT the lady I went Atm.( sure a peer emnpeny • -teldressing Ellen. I "Ni, etee replied the Ihiteleilan :• : r timer Imo I. the i h,r of the vane, , hitt ate "vr" 1"" ,, I h...ending the danke of the keow I 41 1 . lope you will give yo ur COll- d i ii., mon th. .g o, ,„“ made a ~,,,t , for me , With a di e m te e d, Elk o t an k e d nr „lon . 0111 Meta while Ilie toll,o r /o.lbBlll Ob ; ~, , h. , i t, i, ,, eget ~..0 , ~,,„ horn muumuu.. uidui, fill piadnelly !onwards the nent.' that I left at Mr Chase's, and I have pent ' and replied-. I shone' be pleased tn gi. shied es I 41..1.11!" ' streams roming from the upper parr, ••I' the I. l "in , Ili" ". 1. """' 1 .1.. 1 12h the hith. deep ' ' Well, I'll tl.e.k e 1.... it.' been there to get another mode. I• I have heard a great deal abted Prom's The 1.1111 elm at ...oaf. et ilea a eh. mountain make voile). of their ew e , or f ee - forest. At di" derail. , " of abeut 8,0110 Pinner tieing n ew, ' ,d, m r . Thomson rd him to give it to the mote 1101.011; bill Ne e k, b e t h e y, never vi-iteol the plat., Plate wait intinerliatele 00111.1.11, 111111 she 1110 . 111 . 00,001 ' 1 o i ll . 10.001.01 j .,,,,,,,, ~„,, 11. et the the lew hod more open, the and his family sat down In the tattle. I when he Fetid you were not ~ t he %hop, IMr Beckett, our 111 iglill.i. 1.111. .1.Lf.0.1 M 0. 0 1 11 0 .111 4c0h , 1 tit the table, „bore 10. eater-P , -recd With gr.., r 1 . 1.10 b 11. gr. 1.111 ... 111 . , mot teeny .14 none niade pretty Mr T. had heen an extensive merchant., took the liberty to Inquire yur reselettee with it, and hasteten bed tere that he death' Ilek 4 h v....'" ll ahle dinner nilli lion v. 1 "...'" 4 11. , o'l lan" 3 i ~,,, Al".. bottom. oflieli grass ; I%e Mark ealte in but on acme. a bed Jules, speculations, nod , bring y.O the noel. To it convenient., prefer it t.. ally del...rem . ..ft ' Ext....11..ney the lemsill•ot. 0 ,,, , ,,„,;„ 1.,,,,1, „f ll iii tii,, ,i„ :veal 1 1 1111 111111 bi 1111iiilli leaf were thirkiv Studded • s.iii j.iiiiiii. , iiiii , n _ . i, ,,,,,,, i ,,,,. i , i „„„,„ among the open pines, which bad become ... 1 . 1 . 1 ' ,, t0n... he Lee....• a•mlewl'et re" ' for you to make this fur me by to-morrow •, 'There is no, plescanter ride that 1 knew - due.. At the tone of wlieli we arc speak -' night 1' rot ye dual come in Inc the cage of the ." Ida. ' Ilri 0 E A LOA.. 11 -II i, On. 1 tiv of try...K - 11,4,m, - alegtne.l lorlieoute a n in, tettel. seed'. hull Iv. , h. end but, he wan empli.p.l . a selery, which . Yes, sir, I can do it, and thank you for Illewpre, and perils a spend • alert time r Provelmtee ter the ellerneme, ef mankind ' arteriug,-. loll; es a grebe soul 1 emote eh.'" e''' h•died ...I it.idd•Y• at en clove but, to be yeti... The geiteml wi.,lont of ill, country tura 1.1 . .2,:.:14) leer , We were in ono of the • only Lea strict, 110 was 111 to make t h e ... e tc Id the Cape C„ltage o support him. Ilad lie been entirgly flee Beeli ne her eon' morning, he left the •D. that will be delightful e I arrows.. is eppermet be tee lid., tug i .t. .1),,,,, i t„ r 11,- E n t ere d the nail., o.f th e am' , Plee`lnit tint •of late spring; cool and e, 111,0,1114 a th, 1: , ..1.,.! I.,rivo ~..a,.0t.,., ow len miles i au the v„11„, rattl.• ',olio . Iworesi „ ii o f 0/101.015 1/01 0 0”; elan, tree. in imr. ,f all classes noil t vent. to eneli iohor. and Saran...lit , . VI 0...11, crow., el tl, r o ight '..."".` "ith 't plearni t breree, amidst a froln debt. he could h ave g .... i,,to hlllnino lie house, while Ellen put silo her Denier. After Apeeeliett a pleaseet evening, again ; but there were a few men who were „„d ~.„,,,,,,,„,1 ~,,edo e en t h e vest e lem•eon took his departure, remerkine to not di wed to favor I ' , anti would c • . 11. •ou know that gent lent. I' iequiseel . Elle n an hp left the door. , I see , eae . ment in every entedition sit lie.. It is the urn it, er 13 ens ii oh rl' e .1.41.1.• o f tre.... 'Loh minion r foliage, it sum still in to no terms, eeeept he shoed tety the whole her mother. 'eh.. eh r ld or'elo.ek hi the morning ' days B e allo to ronider to each de, that an. -the :hole le i••e Ids.,- , one - .t.t teem t WTI fe. I. hi."... A."..1. the" t , e whit° mak. of sican which God may put it io our iraw- ing.. r o ot., hi, t oi . i i.l. th e 1 .3,1.11 e ot the line."-elt"atinit. e ~,,,, non throggh all the amount of his glehts. On thee arentent he .rd„ nt ~.„0„, of „.„,,,iuu him he-. Ma. Thomorin hanily laded to hope that was obliged to write en • comparatively r „ Ha appear . to h e a fl oe m . 0 ., the eseellent. i wing matt had ant to ." grime lit the Inuenirw , 4 Sir Wel- the volley, alien. the riding ruins lout not 'nits region. were Postelection& IYe had small ealary. 'lle dresses neatly, certaitiv.' , tention. in int iti , ra her In ride with him; ' ter Scott, the r are of mankind w e e . perish •3•4 contenotieed, thee...try en ked 11110.1.1.11 again rpoelted stormier a etcher, and Me temperature at noon was 70 .leg. Skeet • week ithe the enhhehef•• we . I shall lake .tees with thin volt, and and yet an tell the truth. she felt an interest aid airy ."'''''. 1 " " Id ." 1 . "the' VI.. mod dry, th" W." rots" 4 ' 1 .. 1, 1 llie cattle, In tlie afternoon we 'de...ended to the Mew recorded, as the tamely ~,,„o ~e , „,,,„ mi.? mail will b. ei. i.„.. .. i . i0 „, ing i , iiii iii iiii „ that „ iii „ „ i „.„ than ordinary. Tha the lime that the mother Moils the child'. which were Iloilo fat and 1111. bet f around the hearth, Ellen remarked address- „,pro „eh~ ,rarest, appeared 0 I R. MP p 0110110 ITS 1 . Mg her father- . I shouldn't wonder. Yon will ice bet- the etteete ,„. n „, k ,„,,, nnf m r. jn „,„„„ amlauto wipes the ilealli,lniop from the 111, latitude 37 'le.. Eolet lag the inown• lower, wlitre thr ther ~,,, meter win 68 flee. Isr..w e ll 11. 113 big. we raneot eeid with.' lain hy the Rio If , vs 1 .1 . T,,t.., la ke, I D u . a, nod 64 deg. at sundae. TM. ' What do Yee think ..., learning ler pry thane., what you do for the ehnp.' las the detest., her.lf.l.,t tinteert ol re i,, A tide l' Long before dark the neat day, Ellen had The morrow dawned. It ease delightfill ...hi I.ll'. All. 11" . . 4• "vei hi." .. I '. l hid. eeneli. in./ eT loittel its geteed ehm ad. r was the e,, that I had have a right to sok it Dom their e•llew nee- very similar t.. elite it can- ie 11.0. tre•re sem., slid the morn linable from i ts pni • I hardly knew what to think, If 1 eompleted her coal. 'thorn, mother,' •said day, and neeiT was one more ',leniently taught you eau. stand it, and ...Id 11. , she. 'there . * a mat deal of work in this.- peseed Ity Ellen and her companion. tall ;0 0 1.0 01111 holols the power uf grant- northern pint, (lath role 119 deg ,) the the. 1 1..11 neer the heed 4 the lower valley a the be obliged to work hind, or stay et the heft even (art is done well, and 1 think It will They (hove to the nook over the new int nn r.r ll ...ill'n"t ' ,II I I ii " 1, ,, ,iii„ , loi.i , ii , iis , ii,„l Desire oi „,„ . 0 .1 I.ertireiento, and seeeetilde fourees water.. after dark, I don't know bn I might be in- -1 L 5.0 0 toe gentleman sathfactinn.' bridge whe." 1'1t... 'ht. PIT"'PT"I le en - Feint 1 7 r - v::-. - hen i r i;;Olte ; friend - tie. ~,,, untain ei ,pally liege remele Ie• ' Nonce . I'.r ur • Kne.-A gent, not ducal to give my consent. Taking the rear, and nixing her speeta- , chanting? and instead Of peneing over the When emetics gather around-when rick- 1 et tee totter pert, bar wood- many sluy. since, and not teeny miles from I'm mum father, lam strong anti hearty. e l., I,„ mo th, oeem i,,,,a i t , ' Yea, it is long bed of mod near the Neck, they bnhe nese falls on the heart-when the world ial lip t ote crontto ridges whieh conipti, Lewhiton, I.lllolling from a sleigh ride. Mt and work would not {clans In in the least. i exceedingly well done.' 17 way of old Brood, and drive along ' de , e e „a aha m aatt _ ia tha that . to try into'" ti e rirakY i.i , M ,,, ers At the elevation 'di.lbilllf 01 the paternal manakin or hi. Is. A• for Slaying at the • deep to le I could, After supper a rap was heard et the door. the bomb by the waters edge. Mr. Libby , m oe d e he, Valenta that La" been ne- 3.500 feet the riders woe revered with; oly, cow end received a kiss of tHendshlp, mealy make arrangements to lean et dark.iit was rOOO oh. gentle... who left the het.; at the neek gala them a t ne dinner . Al i e d with true ~a will redouble in ellit I oaks and lanes intermix, th tool the h. it,.m ;us he supposed ; hut, Jilt I the mind will Perhaps I might be 1.818.8. leering the; He wee politely invited to enter end take •,' en early hour they nturned-stopping I when t h e friend I. te a end ~, in .,. "'liana. with oak., cottonneol, and a yea, show hew meek he was mistaken, fur the trade. ' mat whieh he did not hesitate to do. ' at Olynn't at the Bowery' and at Steven- ~,,t , dversity tries real fri dI ' Th .-11 mores. ' `qell varieties of evergreen oaks deer 'amble been domed, he overheard Om ' / iris ••• 51, Chen he. , it hYwdf' • That vest la donee said Ellen, •ea II sand at the Cape. am • . 1 1.. .1. ' , reached the , 1 1 height a th.vii. fro:. I follooring convereation . Lure from the sere of distant, betray their' et h..h I I ; • k 0.1., t i e .; ••• 3 .. w 'Can't nu to him' to-morrow.' here It will give yeurasillsfitetion.' I Front that 111 re Jameson wee a nnetent , h yto „„l ey and prove that interest l ww ° (." °° P'" ' ''' '' i hy ' l ' s y. ' in. ' Yns .'l'n'saSw kit •I will endeavor to.' The gentleman looked et it, and r.m 6 A-: vieltor at the Imam of Mr. Thomson end I moves them i Lave a Siena wh only other varieties of pine, dr, and eyprese, were a men out there all sane with !dm I When The next day, Mr. Themsbn called open ell -• It le very neat. How much am I to', never woe there • men more weleome. ' ' . tr•lffl • . .., ° largo and lofty tree, "lring he hfleeli cal. • Ala 1 woeld not 1..1 dm. 11 fee the tailor, and made known to him his I pay vote for it I' lnv. toe-wh eh ht."... Pee interest. 1t a Roo mier end first days of January ate head." I B 'i'ole e twelve...oh pared thee w••• I and hanninets-be sure to suMain him inl'T daughter's regent. Mr. Chem stated that . At om , oft, ..,,,, s i r , y supper I must wedding i n Pelle t al atmet. Mr. Condit wee a d, I 1„, hi • •,. 4 , I t.) severer , temperature of the oak region,i h e , me, y,. answered Luny M should be plated to learn Ellerratrede, 'eh yon.' emi 9. ' h 1 "/ 11 . 1 1 . 1 . "...•, oin to Owd. 5.000 feet above ...." 11 .d le l'ldree." eke...env, hid C l ...des kindness i 4 • . modeled-end that his love" We see,' o for I only kissed him to smell hie broth, end would rat oblige her to work evenhogo. char tIOJ ...It i 1 Phd Me. Chime Jameson end Ellen Thomson were pronoun- ' was a the, l i n ewes Reed Adelit was. et nunrin, 84.tieg 8 saw, end at sun- Ito me ff lie hadn't tens drinking." "...1 itet 50. deg. 5 ale. In the piney teen., TM etwkihiliedied wii• thee the girl heein genre then double. and I will give yen the cal man and wife. Two happier tante- ,h e et .,, ' . but. it exists in the heart. Mh. [ Cocereine.-.Alover should be treated between this height end 1.100 fen. the der- t h, l•h• le h.". . 4 ' 4 . 4 ihe "b"" , he. same. It iv well worth It, eonnidering the eg o mo viramer eelspirlta ... I." hee toot seen and felt its power. They only , , i with the some gen MU •• • new glom miatbe of bee time ha the parse. ' week you pet bete It. I mime had a neater ratter, ' deny he worth gal power, who have n ever mg. tit .....t" ... 28 .d.k. 7 .1.- li d •t The lad should pull him on with the i rent 7 Oa the following M.....Y. Ellen VT. e.t In my life than the :::: t yii n made ilii.' Th e ail ralmium gair. I& son a eleas- 1 1, . o 0; ea ~,. t ., 4 •sunset MI deg 4 min. The karma observed •otenost tendered. at Ink only inkleg the tore to make • h eed ta m torn oat at neat of January 1. early, amieted hoe mother in weeking, sad lee , e ,,,,,,, a. . Ths ...or,. took aaa dells antlf tnattata g ltna , Ina . whki , pi 3 I '....v- e , r. um- 1. 3 p. Th e good en d th e kind-the de ~S .' h 4, , h h 4 getting baeskreh. , and lb.. ri.3. , •illh'e h. Need Illy emits from Ws pocket. and othrild•een rennond where he now resides enj • . 9, r •nate and the virtunes.see and feel the t e sky • entirely • 0 • ly plea tepee bite, anti at bine eukestes Me • abep. Mr. Chem was a Omani ran, and li to mike. all Pee bliss that lows from kind hearts and , heenaly prinell.H. They halal martlice ets.,Ziserraeskl:'' Th•thowitehe, he ' , ily around bee little Inger I whereas As M he. ho lehhhith• •beite her week , i tit is too meek sir. I ehould be galthioth e amelent est. - le . the Ideratten aeon the I w e alth and honor to promote the %implant h a l 9 4 00 g eg De „i; to th o nun lady wee Is hasty. gal in tee pat • which Millen perfenned to the ht... of h. , hake vests all the time for tty eines epistle: ha eli , ~ he erglitz. will never Jet • lover A° ate iset of other., ind In realm they emotes the shitty. 01 .• bed . 1 ...9a bed° ehtehhithl . Here-you shall take hie, and by ..11:1 DR. C 00,3 ,"•: 11, .. mu ~,,,, of M" - . ril of hale I ask region, pining 'nether. rate and tom• hi . ~,,, „,,,, 4 ,, th .0.41.1 ba 1.... he her needle, end be t a gm name ell &left at hy I sl • eit hem mere week ter y..' thew, who eras entemed to be hung. has •••••• ,t ~ °e• ky!.thlthiwging lir rt. shine. prevailed. At aeanatioe et 4,500 ~, h ., fhw .... d ... met work as any female In eke neighbor.; . y t h e „e y „.. t e e . sse ld ge e% ee e h e t e a bed his sentence emenneted, by the Onv• ••• w•wl'•••,,'••°.• when they Len •••• feet the t iono enten, at the night ne•linle heed. New Me took hold of her new ha.' th e teee e, Me t h e Aeso p, erne of Mahe, lit heepehmement for lii In hwer• e we "' •hweh anal edheeitt• tee m o f thi.iii illy o f J aa pg, t r.. se A. A . sir Why Is • bad al ran likes h. do= hit she nedinteed it, hi in • Toni AM" ......,1 4 , , f....... 1,66.6, Ills State Priam is erbM his is now soloed sir Th. ri m e d. or W. t00 d e ,..,,, et SOMA 888 dim roe at maim, Oa IN pest 1 Atm -He rims lbe why is lima ems, soft of iis Awl wets kr ow 0.. IA gm, b... mo ss o obi by ai TbBBBoBB. inn ee eine mem. it 65,411. ; rho row. 8•4 Volts. 1 Ikedll7 rifitiot Ib• sew iris& Mov Thom at. loot to me forever—l hoe is 0.. how dere— Thy head will Over rot upon my ThyV OW, tomokw rye. will never more yaw y into Nor tbirm arm around me lovingly and Ilmelogly entwine Thou am loot to me forever, loam Alen! liner changed all, dent wife, frnin the mei evP in enntin. When gm thy love for 3. IV. 114d14 oral Iholl di trigt to ine Thy sweet ev..14 radiant thrnonit then train, nod pneete.l be in In that atel arbor. deu y r, the et, r.trellinn vine. " The moredielheerne...ed throoeh the vine, end 1,.,1 epee the (tee. Which thee del Imongly umoro •ah Muerte lir. The ...them breenre mannered thneeth Ills clerk eleod of the h A. like a eleepueg mfion flow &clot lean upon me there. The lone and huh Ihno plinhint Owe, whh eel& awl mime. 41hnr, Woe never hynken. •Weel.' ol nee, wink then dol, longs h''. Nor angry word. oar onry look, non o, g.tot BH lovml and Wanted ea...more, zu. I cl.l worship they Thom yeast my 1011.1.• in ;mh0..., and my comforter in health ; Bo pink and eel maim., when our love was ull one wealth ; Thy voice of music. sweihici me i love, in each de- Thy As Heaven •hone, i dew ikimules the bruised and broken Bower. Then an ione from me forever. I have Mn thee, Isadre! And deartele and lonely vintll I he forever more. If iYwere not for onr Vinhlren's ooke. I would on wish to Ma, Bel world pray to Cid man remedy to let me nw And ha joined tether. ill heaven. laadove. MT= In the atom Yank of heaven Rktra am Ivnteh M.night. rimer clench by light winds driven, Kniling dm their silvery light And I think. its far in ether I behold the moon's great shield. They am &mem tha angels mninth her. Called fran c earth's deaerted Plemen Mal ewee hese laved le linger In the smniol ef hearten leer,Tamehed by death's decaying Meer Per • better fife above Oh ! ye mare! ye ea .of 0.7 ! dmt light. in the glittering dame! Gold ye net relate • awry 0( the 'pints gathered hems Y. h... awn Mitt wearied rider INA berreath the ownwptawhed D. roe been. raw twire , Ar• dews the ware ye tent Whew my dierw. hri eft . li.kiwo Awill my world ht &thaw. tie* 114111 alkise ider nee d • • 4.11. Of the luta be the Aim TM IMAM Mr. • Manly. graft amid the Irby , ew the *woad we ten. Mod N. mow drift bonalts Ix .11vitry Ildwo Wiley wreppNil ly Wiliam melt mod Imam With mud... lily* SWIM We rtheeilly Ote Mee..... Or aim Is Om yelil maileight. Mean month, t merrily, ram*, t mmod the Y.U. MOW,. monity mari u» boa Um. 11.• trtoll whim*. Wks q.. .4.. As/ Po ow Is pampa el*. Mb now 11”.. 1 &Matti tit .t. The terbooto Ittmthe, ANA •tlyth tom tt bet& ary• loptalts Amed do Massy Ilte. )104elonfly mettlty,txontly t =ma do Ma Amporillng lb. Pfill•A•lohla Timm Myr I. GNI ledlosfol IR en viand se AOs m • okonlOr oftpolion 13. 11111• To. • yaw osoi of •••••••••re, • AIM look fad • am*. Um ifil• We IMMO 11011111. 4, b-\ 11111 orttroot illitiillljorriat. VOLUME VI. ll= As more th7t half ihmnel The •Irties of the heart I nen tntl these, I knew nre thaw ............ ... 247tVg. n , ;, r17.4 F,C114:1:,Zi5:.:12 MONTRI)SE. PA., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY a, taaa leeks. 11 sew See ems them sit aline , i i 000 toot alio* tbo leael of the sea. Rain had begun to NI In the valley of the Ran 'Joaquin in shim latitude (87 deg.) on the _oth of Denamher, mot mow at the mule time upet the eammit of the momillale. The mean tommeretare of the mete•Mailes ring tide ascent sod deemed (Dmiumlier RR to January 8) was 81 deg.. at maim 40 1 - deg 4 at meet. Descent La Mr. Mem'. party. hattede 85 do .80 min December and J y. lily.• detached a • Id . Fen, with . detached parly, b. or....ned Ike Sierra about one hundred mile* (inter snort,. m •dy opposite the head of NUMBER 9.