The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, February 22, 1849, Image 1
_.sly lob..o b te y rr b e . r ro t r hzt .e.tieurcentbeyrte.lhleived horrible !phantasmagoria of madness! Ho fired Ms ' pistol back kte them, but it made no differ- • co n they only yelled the louder, and come eit the more fiercely, while five joined their .long nrain for each one that he had killed. If hie horse should fall or give out they eveuld be b.•th torn to fragments in an in- Mont. Thisappalling conviction reused !him to give all of eye and nerve that were ,I, ft Lim in the moon] fright to otoadying • atol guiding his horse, for the ouly hope now ,ley in lbw Ile soon perceived, however. that 110 was leaving the pack far behind. • • - -- --- ---- -- - .fot there is little comparison between the 'terns „f s , ~, , , ' d er , I h ave never .., 1 th e , ego . He finally threw them away as so We ne.untain red mi internii..abl , pod nix fait 1.1..1 boreeeml turned hi.. 1.0. ; ...I hotter the air became, but on Ile ea. l oml of a h orse ae d e h at o r t h e pra i r i e w oe „,,d,, ~r Liu e „. ape e ,,, wo oly re kt e d y e t, 0 ., 1 mee d, •• ons k,o e i g ht," that was usidess to !stone!, of r.•llieg pmii les: ..ver n, to grate end then Whiter thr stdsPer e hoar - . recto', blind and headlong . The Me l os y, l I: t i , r ,:v . 1 ,, ,,•. :a. , , , i_ t „ ,r ,e: 1 teue,0,, ,,, , , ,, b;: ne1b0r e: et: ' eh n t it, ix worth eh& to eke it in his aw,, I.„ .0 em barrassing to Ids mare. So he I.anaidst eltinips ot tact. we. , mattered It) draught td . water. threw Idni•ell ills. , amok Lam milk i t rearing surge! ilhaait an d es th e fr„-,si, „peed of h i. 1 , 0 , 0 rh ,„:4 'Moines crisply. and the !101l • f his Lod, The ft antic end unite.. idek dread, seemed to be lifting versien Tho 31..... t. Lase a mortal ha- hint led on, not daring to pause a moment herds,' deer, mustangs and buffet.), in Vitt. 111, blanket v. sleep. Plc boa lok, Ilk precision wallet io the se. ma ke be humble! tre.l of the o...tie and all-het t., rest or I,6taill P.,.d motif the next dm , at. once. oat p at ri ot ,. t o do th. y &tom those of wh eat , in a drop wild gorge among. the Dan has net .11elt Poetry in him , bet he dyer, mel n was m.e thee he nom. een- !panting horse attempts to alth, but en the f r on t Id s ire. Ne w h e e , Id . , !_„ he a r t h e ir IL, le in Mltt POO . 110. :' 4 111.10 aid i,eeptd imam. ain , ,,id. 1-nino allot gallant more t e dl eutild not help being both Ott/ttni•litil and vire upon to shoot game, for tear ed betrao., fi ntheness o t th e le v et ) 1411 turned 0..6- y elk, 111111 emd.l barely ' ,llsPiniguto t far n no me p et ., It, h h a d on fortituat. I. te d h e r ea t It hin t de a d ! The 111‘,1111111/ and embattled by the stmege• wild I...linens et leg hie Inding-place , kind dongh hungry dues anion.' will to it !It catook thy- th e rear , the Log ."eke-like tra i n , et p a ., endr. been ...eke. in both 0. ,. .. .Hers, filthy gapaletes. lan key Tettrards, I wt•re this scene He slid roan his saddle and enough, he was lain this tim e oto I to th e p mr horse. Lin! on! scarehitag thro' the , j og ~a , t h ro ,l, to the r d ent i esa A.,. over lett mom the fu, I ..f •spotlong the language coup; ~ to at her faw....1 , . ho es before they stood leaning against it her only •• inonuld hed selperiess." H e th oug ht a h”mo ' loading blaze! A isn Imoilds more end the the undulti..e. I f the bare plain.• Ile • 0 „ , ~,,,, 00 . nelire. ~,, ~,,,I ~1 „ .,,,) , , ~,,,,,,i „„ see re ,thd, glue, th,„„l h e t.,,,, h er es isr ei , e d or t wo of oces.t, eonteniplati..t., when the before sleep Came, ufsst eUree, and wished territie surges are pest ! The flesh air hao thither stood mad dieing in an ceataey of ha m ., stet , a nd the. 1., ri, par precool more and ot eggere d rider was out, of sight Now habitual ina.d. or ..1d.1.1.,..r.:ea.., hboself there Mpst heartily , that 1 , Might Ana him ! Ile tore the envelope tel his joyful re li e f, for then he hi mse lf e t p es t i e eoa spi. noe l s than any one or ,the other seine th e most t e rrible part of (Mr wild and to the ranger, caused Lim to change his pon atteek the nelhattulted pooltry.the •O•te.• !face end leaped from the staggering hot. s a f e °, lig me thin t b e t ree and i e th e d o . ' prir•ners. /lurid.. this, he bed mode him- reemrkohle adventure Ile Wee totally site., and turn his head. As he did so 'of which dattea itt most te.disietg c isi,.na upon the,tharred hot voted 'lite bleu- light ~teal the't, he has no time for think ...lf c. k y 104,i.... ton, en a ranger. All without fool, except whet little he could he perceived one o f th e d roves o f mee t engs before hint during the whole sight. Thin hots as tool away front its mouth and the l ing that Ids poor lo t .. cannot climb trees I the, ea.-. s .....nabiaaed t o ma k e id s rth „ g . , goober d, or i n , th e dm while he was aknlk. (Wild bootee) mow leg slowly toward. him. was too much • common predicontet, lieu , althea! begins It, re, ive ofitio kly, deteeh it The 1... ma ~eer, and is iibi ' ' d too-for e in. It get rub men o ne at almost any mg, fir he oily vehtured to travel at night They Were a long wee Mr, and there ay.- ecer , to make soy very strong impressiou shivers end ran Searrely stand is. r il. e . nor. to all crator, s on th e se ar k, th ere teems aa tlo, 01,1.• mete to )lexico; node ven if now This was scarcely enough to keep peened nothing peculiar about them-but it upon him otherwise. tal term! He in safe ! Ile has engem. teltell vogue hang of safety in the woods! it 1.0 led Immured intutedintely, there was body and soul together, while his clothes served to remind him that lie had • short lie was mounted and off very early plishor in unparelleltal feat ! 11, Ls Olt. hitll, n 1,...! poor h orse ! T reedi they have n o t e lling of what moment it might occur, ; none bream° torn to piece., and hung about time before seen the took d tracks of hon. the host morning, .d woo by fen means faintly above the eracklieg al .1 1, er of the o 1 the la.,,laer, li n t senree ly . s h un d re d O a a nd of course, when his body might be made his bl e eding limbs like br o ad atid tottered see and modes 'lncline at • gall..p, or that, delighted to perceive that Ire b., was , retiring Baines a howl cat triumph boon Ins Imo the on passed ',or s w h en sh e lan„ h ew , , the target of their conardly. hate. ' ribbon*. He , however , still continued ma- though they might he nething Inore thane eesiderahly minted by the yestinklm's ~inners, who imagine they have dose. him gives 1,111, and after a few ineffectual aerie . : lie saw those men who bad recognised kin g his wry steadfastly in the direction of mustangs, yet the simple 'het ot their going hold work nod the somewhat narrow coins lido the fire, and that be is burnt, home and ot ill obey the toeing ep ee son oe ly l e an Min whispering ameng themselves, and hem , Gen. Wool's camp. At last, some of his at a gallop, was hu itself on-picious ot .- Diens of the night. liewever, he lion 01 all. Bo makes a feeble attempt to ali , orr against the trunk - et the tree sod pa n t an d his knOwlede,. ..r - 11. 310xican character, w omts pieked the I fellow ep when al- other fact or 5.. -sillier that they were the ion, with solitethitag less 01 a hurry, . them defkantly, ht cmi seemly bear I,i. glom with exhaustion. Dan tw e ed s th e telt sure that Sll 141/01111., the commanding most speechless with thirst end bungee,- track. of Indian Lore sod Mules, or ~ f door wero nt , iodic:nines of pin suit alma- OWII Sttemol, anti gtasping to re- tree. tying the lariat of his bore to one o f officers laud retired and left them in charge he was vet leel.l reolit ot a long liken ghost- muclaugs that had Leer chmed ..r otherwise rent Pollux the rivulet, he seen co, the use of Sin it nhotoot tilled longs. the lower 111111 W Ile tloot Ludo] his e we . M. ll.nooT.“ ..,-.1...,,,g;0 mo e. , - frightened bo them; 1. , 1 flint, Ullatenee of ,101Wilell the Woot 13ram.h, and tanned op he mil his beep. staid. side by side, moat i., the lot lent 11t1pO If defendieg his home if towing woul iro d be :movable to ,our r. oiers g• o- of the venal, he %odd 1, shot fr.. the iv and haggard &onkel al. ~y . , i . ......, ~, tor 50,, ,, , , , ,..,, i . ~,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,, retake. It f.rtlitintlr nether. il, Nut when "'his affair very p r ope r ly g 4. hint hie pre- eitadannt talent, tI ere env lime teen ler him this with a brisker movemet. !Turfed by that blackeee.lplent without mooing a step Om came tip All was stip . death s but • they were start. d • 3f /11011 W .I Ids staff w. moti..ta to a eaptaitt..y tbd strinage, peri- in the some, it eow gate place oplickly to the cheerful Cope 01•0011 rejoining Ins cont. for more than att Lour. lint the peril. 4.1 the I..iid panting a the pour horse. Ho Ths /vows Phoone Mess, i ~,,, tui e• risme,.. . , ~...,, ~, ~,,,.,.... , we. the et the .1111, direetion down the lines lo o s, and not, wonder.' as this poen. ,e.tien, and Lis head term! rapidly from ender and guiding ikon sa . e In an hour die day were by no means pa... d. Bybee nseentled higher to look nut for the ap. P hi ' 81.°"""d' by ' ' ' ' -',. ed the 31exi.•on force. Col Cain.. rode a seen,. it is otdy ono ,& 1114.11 ,ethers Iptite mile to a id e , e ith the habitual manner of he was in algid of the gr L and put Ms him, . far OA the 'eye oanthl ten,M, there preach of the wkes, for he had a taint hero vry swift and 10, autilul mare. ' lien rodeo s remarkable by wined, ~,,, st ethetbil the old spy. His eye now Reel then fell horse Into n twin gallop in Me eager.. to was only nor charred. levelled, smoulderieg that they had given op the chase. But . c oki t,. his able and whispered to Ilitet die die- life he 1/1.1.11 ellevereil, In the Test, op., the advancing drove, but not with any pa. over the interval quickly . On com• widite , which hod b , lie crested Estee i.e .1.! 11. heart oinks again I There they ,o, .s eel to ~,. c...,.,it e ij,,, 1,0 h a d tee d, hi, t'. ors , o , d 1,.. cl..- war o w), th e ch ero S ee ., w hi, I t was a ver y consciously defined suspicion. At length minim, he mw, instead of his 1.0•111.11. P. the ood.l read, water, for ebb!. Lott hintoelf ...toe, the 1..t.g yelloaisli looking train, and ....M. ~ ... 4 . 1, te- t, rum ati„la I i.e.- lit ow., Is ith a g.• 1- hi ~el, 10 i ..i.,,s w hile it lasted, h e paned they dimppeared slowly down along ratio, dead bedy of our Indinti warrior. lying and hor, were toe ahoost perishing 11e al large w Into we've have j o ined them '"'mll . " . "... ''' '" r , el,. prompt tiers, rev, 4 that lie •loadd theogik w en, as Lad, it . n. woroe th en like the sway on the prairie undulations, mad venom the very ash. of their eon, fire, all slatted on at last, taking Ms coarse cat ran- In.w. Ile Limos w. , 11 the tameless and pit ..., m 1.. ima ....1 ... ~ , . . . ~ , . ~„ ~.„„s, ~ ...,,,,,, ~ take Ms war. to limn, triv anewga upon, . this Theo Li adventaires as a ranger are were ten or •sight so long that he had quite gashed and hewed silt bee in-knife Otts, Mon, lon one seemed to his bee ilolerol et 11,e il. ss kroe kto ..f these ced-ey e d m 0 n..., her high-blooded mettle mold,' dodanee any , e m reimirkahle, for of many of these l em fergetten them, oleo eudoletily they op- All around the earth nag deeply bolt. up Mena as g. ol a. amain., 11,• did not aid la C'e , 111.1.10/nle, his noble horse, must, re 1..1,, , I'll Is. fn .. ' dad new. rh tll ...We.. M. ?mail he, .e unit ea, This was pre- tit self ,ally e..gnivant , owl ..f !dal peered again 011 Illii bide, 1110Ving directlo with the evidences of a d,p, rate nod hand aide at di k lon into Ift.P, led hio i... g e.'. Now he tan hear their cry !.. They wad. I. ....e., \11,1.1, me al, ... Ir. le irt el • ..,. r., ci-ely x hat Ilan desired, ra , ..1 fre ...jetty ne- n et safferilla9 O lto headlong daring during 1 leotards 11110, at • swift gallop. Ile bound. to hand struggle The Meech a u rifle, hot ve, Until the ht at of the ground land Ole ele ill the eueds. The poor horse shire. 1. """ ”" '''''' I ' " ' ' ""' ' ' " '''' '' ' . ..' 14 , 4 0.. ~ 1 1, 'I he oda ere Ind tao yet the Moir impri.onment, all the eeuntry han ed into his saddle as quick as thought, in. which he rerognised, and a In rof nr- mill onokkld , ri.of :huh, of class became in- -10.. k. btu k, told titters OM wild .wi Moe Iles 1....1 ... 'ill ....... 1.1 Ow ..., nets •, rm., 1.. eii .11.1.11,. 11 01 illeil IFI-I , 11, aid the 1,1- k een to a rertain degree. made aware sinee , posing that, may Le ono or two Indians who mere en!, a beckon biter and shield, were sulferablo to his feet, and then Le turned wailing neigh, as they rush urn lain in n T.lii .... 0 ~.. too , .1, 01. tom are. et tooi rs of I ni n es It 111111/M 1,11 11:e saddle. ti n . üblicati .. of blea t , Green's bo o k. Ile, Wl•re niestang.lottiting had lain in wait t e a' s seattered anat. Ile felt a choke, sense- to mount. Ile now, ter the fiat time look- hod). Dan Ikea down among the. but In lbs so. egth rIl ge tem, and le': `'• rI II h' 'I lie mare n:m we . , spirited and tior3, anal by t h eway, w a s too mi t a, o f a pompons this herd, in the deep grass of that prairie tion, and his blond tan cold at this sight -ed at the a ' 1 earehdlc, a1..1 11, hio h.. el no avail is it ! le, ale Inkling, his faith '"Non ... v.. et no. norm where th isoada . ....,a ~. t ,.., ~. .I . it roused up all her mettle by touch- egotist to de full cr e dit to Dan, or .y body ;valley, and were now eMesitig them with the 11 is ettillrollen had been surprised, no doubt, nor ea w that every lot. Um al hie Ugly 0, lid Lora is dux it, and b. been torn to M i., Le with the spur She began to pitch e lse except best Gore's! • I lasso. .He" urged his horse behind one of by the same party which had 'mimic.] lint: gone, and nothing but the bate skin, OMR !. The halter of the likliat hangs empty fan nee gel lot ..... v.' to one, Imo la fah, b 00... aod hangs, and throw out her heels. This It i s one o f D en ' s eer i e . e d ven t oren the many dumps of ea.. around' hi. hut with what result it ems impossible tbr and that was so badly scowl:led in pia., lorido the troe NOW they ! Rin gs panting Where the shoelace ...., sat fon. iho t00k... omitted...lf the overt. er rather guard,which while a ranger, the. I pr, to.l t• ' with the intentlon of laying in mail to give , him to tell certainly, though 1,....hatl little that it came to the elighlest touch. aretted the foot of the tree, with their fiery tree W. IL 1., AndMr...loner 'reed ..,ml.• -r• ~.. ~ti mr, r ml e lm elver side M the proetion to open now. I shall endeavor to give it as needy ' these dusky mild lime kudos a trial for ' c•heiee Ent to believe and fi ne the worm. This was dreadful enoligh, but -wad. ! eye. turned Up . hint-for the bone had And the sweet too leek .. d i el n . 0.0 ... e t,- do ir line 0re:0...101y Dan kept it itli fn. . I can remember, in his own way, Rs he ! their scalps as they weld past him. .Imid the multitude of the trails of misled stater water: he inuot have that, of they been only a mouthful apiece. Whenever re it, in New F4IEIIIIOI Wilttk Ilitt 111011lItt 1111 k OA. ..1111111W so Ll 4 tO TO , all ouspi. ion, r d a t e d it to use th oug h I ems t em i s I An he ehanged his po s ition, the figures, here. he could distinguish the few tracks would both die. Ile sprang into the saddle he makes a nen ement, they rise with eager A home not her "mom.. mad d's P rams' ".mh• and tratelted thance, mail he saw the w ill b e nor , diffi et dt, if no t i m p ose ibi e , t o ; which were up.. aching beetune more die. of their shoal homes. There „ was no trace cad 4 urged the wretched emote, eked will. yells, sod leap up towards limas if to meet And her tollows man nee with Ito e ooneolo,.• 10 ' guard nom Legend.: to bee,. earele.s. p re , rve th e roe i ness o f m a r ack. s ,,p, and tinily defined against .the ., ... Rd of :of their Ladies in the hnsty survey he hod the last energies of Ids sinking life r In an his NIL • Dan eays, that in the It and e „., „ Tii . „,,...,.. ,....,,,, , , , , ~.., th , i „,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,,.. and tegard tho. UMW) rapers ruder ebb liar manner. It was l ie f,. he joi ne d nkf, for tlaty sere &menthe!, towerds hint!, time to make, and it seemed very strange hour ho had beg. to grow dissy, and the dreadfully hopekes deeperetien of his psi .es. non do. miler., 'll.en so•ieg: the Men ex p e dition, an d w hile yet w ith th e 'He saw what cent his heart Into Ids throat ! , that this dead warrior obould be left be- blackened earth ennui and. and towed ti. now, n grotesque nowt of humor pm- New Engle "!: 5,... p ne ,,,,,,, , th 5.,,,, sg,.„,d eir, his way open as th e y mooe d s hady through rangers, under tit., ootolitand y e 311eCul. that each animal had an that:to-Inn, along kind so Naar:my to their well-kbown ens- hint to and fro! Now a strange noise ens oeteted hint or a sudden, and he 1`11111U1ODP•d The po tress or booed .In, lind. Awl., ••• Or r, OW otplllo.ol li Itr grven....te4l cavalry, Ile Leigh. se . its side, by one hand mid lant, holding to tem ! Ile followed the tend for s.ame ',, almut MM. and as the lifting wavee of the deliberately firing down M the red glaring Whew no hi.ed-thowy homels tS. t doe sass he Viiddeni W hied OP the mare bi the midst D on , w ho se ex .fi etkee as a gn id e was either! horn of the middle I TIM, is n et.- with great caution, but could make no din. earth would almost seem to leap up iett, eyeballs t.f the white woken, end would trnrk ; (""... I ' .., 1... r eari.. , ling, ....d it ... gitig the spurs well hint t o th e ete pt a i n , wee ...p a t c h e d mon, trick of theirs in appreaelling an elle- e",ery. 0 10014 a great den' of blood ..n the lag face, he would cinch glimpses oh huge roar with laughter, and fairly demo upon At the 111".'..-, snll ~. '" Coen" , il." me... , into her, she dated off lake al, tare w h.,... Go bark • tli, 11, Se viewhoonak tho heel MI MN toy hint along 0 nth ti tabors ..I' Om my I ty dav-light, on the prail ice, and it is l goo 1111 l 1. mad towards mem, whet, rising the wok. commit:lg on the. who ..uld turn Ins ticklielt perch with glee, when ha saw •el•,• ' " 'en" fr." 0 ". I.••.• n 1 .1 1.• ho M. ord. lam le ~,I 011 a .b"i"g expolitien, towards the ' difficolt of detection cat a ilistanee, by the ono') eta keep ridge, he looked down bite up their fiery oyes r e, his and howl at him the mestere@ tumble over with a mbrill Ix the End er Noe roamed Pm free Wee -out ies him , rit ”1..-r el“, km /WI, 0111-I Si,,- bon d wa t ers et th e 5 0 .., Thi s woo j„ 1 most. mtperieneed e) r, as they ride adder to- , the piniat below mom a large leatl of Indb with red lmt Opel/ 1110116.1 and lollies: ton- dostlnery, and thee the whele peck rush on e, manner of the Ca m ... i g I,,,i taos - a obow• the earl, winter .4 the year s bef"re the Moir: eether, and no part of the body is shown ans. otteamprill about n mile distant •This goes: Suddenly kis horse rushed down ait and 1, ar it into shreds in an instant. And l a c y ss oi iho insivies tok tio.l..^at^ slocli os • • er . : kr 11.. eas li, ed Mask al. after him, , sr , ,thi o , a , an d th e m,..d eno were i n teen , r above the math° 01 that hoa se. Dais ra ..l was a stealing •ight, and they per, cited at eeti book. and them was • great mdeshilig with I f coke. He ss3 she amnia Tall g er, wan, 0111, "Wt... G • the Immobile. , hot e mean 'vit....l, us they till' passed over w m s a eoey in se . and thr ea tening th e we ak olf in a twinkling ! T.n table, were very I hint at the •111111. 111.1111.10 Now he felt he Wane ! 111... ed God, eater! Ile tut, himoelf in tks etty ter an Lour, and made him• The plain le the foot el the MOll.lll- I.lW...eats along thus l iver. Thi s stare el suddenly turned, fer instead of taking a would base indeed', to too fn lain life. One bled bout his saddle into the told delivion , Oita tear to pieees, in this wav, one ter ... oat. was ory narrow jest, here: and he thi ng , bad en ee e regol th e Indians, ne well mode or two Limed[ ee Lc had exported, it , , glance, .100 wheeled. Iva+ vulg. lent to show fluid. In an ;natant his senses had return. needier, every white wolf that - had joined ~ ..,..1 f.....• . he ,s e 5,,,,, H, 1, s esn ,, s , h e om ,i, his 1„,„1„ e „ seet „. „ ey s„,ht ,i,.„, no , st e c o n est o, ! would now roluire the heel he knew to save ! him wart iors mounting the laorses of l,ie ed, Ihe SOW Monett' surrounded by thirty the clone. This sport delighted him an "."'" " .`";!..!" that ti e ., 0, le op t ,,,,ite a road "Lich eame h a d ma Ins fi r st arrival given them both a Ink owe It wee well that he could trust I I. , tele ! Ile did net dread a race with the or forty prairie wolves, some of whom were mueh, that he became cared., end com. dow n a V at r ow . alloy. IL made tor this s e e sere k0.., n , mom which the marauders hie law.. for th ey im , got Cu eh.. In hink ' h. , . of the India. sd'aniteli, 'immure his swimming in the Water after lam, while the neeneed billing -Ile only saved hiniself by c ap, roaming rho gato,tl, Is lae , w, en several h a d 1011 , ~ ;he hi n t, and nothing further had 6. his escape no all moat ho a rarer et 'terse ea. , nene than a mat, 11 for the hest ethers Rat up. the batik of the small hike, dr..pping his gun, which they pi ese d, an d m utely.. of eavdlrv, lielore Lc tenehell its bee n h ear d (rook e ither party for several abeer speed-he nteM ha away from them of ilecl, Soil the horses et his comraden, as he now iliecovered it to lie, and howled almost tore its stook to pl eee ,, k e t one s/hey olielter liik ao In. 11 00 .lik b gnaw it, Let 4,litlix 1 . 01,1/1111g that his men should ,or he ton Ild.mgh by them. " Ti, 1 , or ' woo as oeift.d is cry.. evome as good as fiercely at him Ile struck those which discovered it tr. not eatable I r aw th o ~t h l i, bi„ . „1,11,. „.„I „„,/,1,, t h e a hi s , lie i„ ~„,„,..., at ~,„.1, „ place as c„,,, ns not. to be, - an the qu.tion now with poor Ins, now the) were to be tented against wore nearest with his gue band and heat dents. their teeth in the baled afterwards. lib, et Imllo, shook I. ,I. nole d hand at el t rist i, e n' ) n othi n g to ih, bet drink nod Dan, while lie desperately urged his good ' him! lie ....I the rashness that 1.1 in- them off, while be had time to dratw hi- Nilo,' was (.4 tilillg M I, nod diet' imeme d sh ,„,„ „ m s 5 i„,„,,.,1 k a ,.l, 1,3,,,1,.6,„,„, `11,i„.„,..„,„ . ,l,„ ode „„,, w W„ o r R.,,,, n Lot n° with link and spite 'So snon as, diteed him to lollow up their trail, but this heavy knife. 11m ef thou ,c tell his pas- not in the least 'isle-ed to go, and lie felt redden, -, ape ...need •great op, or and ,00h- h a d il mog ht 11, {.l deopatelt ell the most they sow Itiin start the resettle had wheeled , was ne time to palm. , for regrets-he was nive hum, who, while it was endmvotiog to that he must tumble out tree biotite,. o f uemg the 11, vie 41, leel -i-Nt rill th , t i e e s s pi r its on lours ~f oleervation in ,up into t h e it saddles again, and yelled their, off. clown the Ilia, at the best speed pull I down, stood still and drank-- the hunger and latigue, if he was compell e d to leillared Merl ...toil n , 1, 11 , . le e d i' ..l. e ' , nU e e . ' quarters. pyrites , the aspect oh : 0 ...whoop, like exulting devils. This lona h, se, already nomowhat. tagged, would long eager draughts. He split the wolts spotlit another hour in that tree without ' veseit ; but 11, gallant untie - ~ .tt 101 ;Au, in that semi of T e e,.. gen er a lly, had'. °mind which. though it came to his ears, mise. All depended upon getting hack to heed unto his knife, end WWII tent the rest fool. tie had become entirely r e eki ews Olt 'II 111 'er ee , ,,,1i behold, mad she elat- bee,' to, se,. rather Prior. end seenton somewhat softened by the distance, was by the timber and -dsing them! Ile coal Inuit out of the wither, yelling mill, their now, and loaded up his pistols, del...deed, ve .1 with sport le. 11.,.a0 alo .g the been t., t all fon teiremittieg vigilance. ,no met ealettlateti to diminish the energy beer their pureeing yells, distinctly, for a wounds But .those upork the bank only if he mint fall, to bring death with him for, et. too Il e tor•• the tier two mile- lied been Lk, on .' hi. rrini, o oll nslind reached the' or ergeney ill' ilia coils upon the speed of moment. and this woe no mom'. mnsie to' howled the louder, noel they Were answered stone mere of them. Suddenly he hem.] a.ood Coy no. e out .-r ei ght ill theorem, 0,,,,t et the nom m e n, i t , whirl. the western' Ins home, which were made by Dan. Ile dmw him hook I 'lre had h good mile the near at hand and fr.. Mar by hundreds a n distant yelling on the prairie like that . 1 ~s . , „p,„ „„„,s . w hi,k, 1,.. h o d t i h en e nt „ o r Sun 5 0 „,.., so h,. r i se , w ith., glanced Naively over Lis el I.ler end taw start. Ent this wee no great matter, if. as others , who were swiftly gathering in et the elliell had sounded so dr, dfully behind his ute .hatard, e ithoet the slight... Mon elm ate, t i ng , ill. .‘,. otter sort ef incident lion dint they were spreading ant into the prai- ILo soppeeed, their home. were Meeker theta well known call to • banquet. Ile now flight. Tlie wolves spruit e s t o their f e et i n nail i s 1,1 , ,„,„ ~5 „ .,,e , i ~,„„, n „„„ii p ith, : sl „, e n i i i,.l, ere „.„„„,„,„ so pra i r i e ' , e y e ), tit. !vitt, the into.. of hemming km in Isis OW. I Ile had not time now to fed any remembered that them weaned and inferenl it body, end with pricked ears, listened. 11. of l a idedtted, wheat eas ...outdo] by a ha. it.,, ti o o fo r med their ca mp. and as the . , egelest them toteclailet. Ile nntantly per alas Ent any that there w. hot work' bride. always collect in Inge numbers, to looked towards the prairie,and cou ld r a m'. n „ n „i o ,„,d,s.,• n id onn r,„, A n i d . nnoid End ~, d,,.,,„.,,d no ,d,„„ o r i n di n , i t ceased that his eel,. chance ware ;temperate before Rol lie had it to toured to! Ilis follow //I the woke of • great pre le fire ly disever a large buffalo bull plun g ing along by ie tront et the belltliogo. Ito mw a noni- ~.. ego l m i, d Sat th. y .. 0 1,1 take c oel, run for an elbow of the chain, whieli, if he ohjeot ees 1.0 got out of sight ea •eell 114 and lour the enren-se n, f the. koduittlo that over the plain. eurrounded Lye g rwifi- h oe d It - er et green-cods homily urn" their hi s m on e e tirse the twa t day, Re d alter t ra y- enttld nmeli end torn H., lie thought would pesoilde. for he gained a great. al by rem.' are killed, or hand together, to chase and of welt., who were t eer i eg I' a t steer , hor s e., mei in R ent'. r noutet.t 1,....rti the . e llj., an e ... i s groue d ne p os sible, returns t Imre Ins eeelp for the present, . armed pulling Ile, to rut, on his trail Ile strain. drag down these that come through alive. jump. lie could . even hear th e l o w b e ll ow . ',deter on their t o homes coming down, t o ea . ! , and w •port, eel if it s hould th e n , ilsle Are.. became hood, liudterod. find el hie horse tremendeesly seas. ~. .1.0.' lint scorched. blinded and staggering, no kg of the ereature'smpaity-mnatlierrintiod the road. Id, looked ot er Lis shoulder and ' er r. that ne ... g . had yet been discever.' he knew they would not hollow hint into it for when th e sudden burst or their volices was hie poor loose. They beeolllC , IT) OA Ill9l!,irMy guerdiann started to job th o saw that it ea, pi ebably lk thiagieg party '.l by nn y .4 th e m • it w a s agreed the , bur fear they might come upon the Mewls, came to time, proving that he hail reach- 1 baVage. With blood. bovinity and numb,s, chase. One after one they swath w hil e th om o o h ale•Ut loon levee. The first nvonly ens ~1,1 s p ee d se rill 'a lt os i n a reviler bd.; It was s tremendone rms., ihr the betimes ol the comb of the ridge, he leaked bask' ttel very few ,OU•11111/8 Mllich have serape' who staid behind would tore theie h ee d ° t o over noeentel he kit ewe ..f the game and ! tal o -hontiog f r oli e , ns th e . a nimal. aee med knew the advantage es nen no he, aed t o ...I cold net nee it or them. He felt a from the hungry flames otit 1291,1111. Inlllll look beck wistfully at Ina, and w hi ne an d .eased of his mare; nod ebb his usual Re. !te e bound grea tly i n Ode region. A cc ord- vows that Ms long out ly heir began to little loos tight ahout the heart now, and thoir yet more eavenotio jawe. The clot- lido the th oug h caps. When 'hea t .. c ome d in e, 1,, d eteeth d to g i, e th e -y e ll. i oss i . , th ey „ ere her way gai,,,,,1y . rad, 4trlliglittlk and lift his cep on its olds bele, had time to think enmetliing or pax heot , kite. at other times, iv otteily . nob mptilth. io sighthh. oft they Marled in • body I bellies" seteeklans 0' remember him hv 1,..- 1 tom , fellewing th e b es t of hi s o wn h inn o r he reached the point, they pushed him AO ...WOO. It seemed a forlorn chance lon an for its cewaoliee. lett he oliudlered when en!, tom age 'elle lie fired his pi s t o l s o f. Iran lie took his heal I. arc. Ile areortliog- ! e ed m. 0., fo r the ti me . D ee had b een ' close and hard. Dy the skin of his teeth inn k -he was over six miles l'r. m ti.n. ho subbed to mind the do atlfith ski kit he tor II em to Inrewell, and killed ~ o f the lc reined tip Pia mare gradually. awl' I. 5 . o e velling it. e l e i s urely e o n o f way until 'he got by before they serrounded him, and her. Ile suddenly remembered that belled had heard or their doom). fierceness at such hindunwt dead, while the other with a le s . thent gain u pon Mot. Th e y t h. mg ht the I moo, wl,l lie came up. a scene of molt now he say. his hair fell On smooth and ob • • al, tor several days post, a heavy tams as this, "my (:, d!" h e toeene cl hen shoulder, kept on yelling with the look. OW/ tailing. and ra..11 a yell of triumph as a t e ' healthy that be inladootarny 1 sleek as if aline of net Rrease load been snake off tosarde the meal., mid looking aloud-" wean% it het enough f..r Ine to Ile know he 'mid be sate now if 1, meld they urged their tors. to yet greater .- I stoqiited te Race upon are Ile bad-scarce. ' !awed over it ; but net until he had renal. now il l that. direction, saw it filling the pass that hell of doves haok yonder 9 and get a fire kindled before they rettwed, if ...a.m., Ile looked beliind again, and the ly w whent o b s erving-followed up the we n t r ed up and taken deien his cap to waive as whole horizon with gloomy maser, Aieb have I only eseaped that to !e.. a fate a they did at all. ..ffiker, wi th one la Ilk men, wen now eon- I br eec h of the Num.., until he now f ou nd lie deleted back at them in derisive tri- seemed to be tieing but a I' n w miles I,lr, ob. theusand lionce mere hi.l.sals 1"Ile look- Before they were might of sight 1.0 bad sidelabl. in the advance, and clotting rapid. Ihimself a t it s v e ry h ea daring. In front , umph, and then darted beneath the shades serving that it was net. very high. It in- rd at his horse, die minted wee now re- retteleal the ground, and %ilk tr e mbling lo upou'llim. Ito lootamed a pistol from of hi e , a bola .d b ro ken un met.. s to o d' of the friendly wood. They left him hero etantly occurred to Lim in 1. extremity, for freshet', and began to be cense.. of the raeereeso . preceded to light a every with oho the holster. The officer was foremost, and' out somewhat front the chain, at the feet of 'as ho expected ; but ad thi• ...• most eel. ,he felt sure froth the action of las horse, new clanger an %good around with storing help of Ins tinder-box, which every ranger wo , e t reo d y e h oot i e , to jam w i t h massy, which he had e, ess f i st i ng a ll t h e morn i ng , I dently • dotterels. no ighborhoolo he c.. that lie would not last emelt longer in the eyeballs upturthe eager and wilily gither- a alit, lin i . 0...-laiid • great fire blade', .' yawners.' to surrender, when he wheeled I The front o f this m o untain was almost a l eluded it would be safest not to tarry here hard run before them, dart the safest eon.° big cresol ;that lioot!ed ahem die ohere and lieu milting a piece from the last w o lf suddenly in his addle nod shot him deed. w t p e rpendicular, and l oo ked a e if it but get out of it as fast as posnible, for , for him would be the meet desperate, and Ile stiertrol in affright, and lifted his head he had killed, proceeded to roast it for f e ed. The lancer, who was close behind, and emu-' had been cleft front crest to foot by a bolt then was no telling whet new win m might this wee to snake directly for die approach- with a wildly word.] neigh, that seemed When he had mt. , be felt so teed. m ing on at furious speed, attempting in vain lof th un der, and hurled from oat the reek.' take theme fellow* when they had rprekd ing line of this fire, and take his chancel. o f, to poor lion the met pito.e enucad that frothed that he could now proceed to make to rein up loin horse, but it was too IMo- ',lf its peen. The huge miss.. of sto t oei around en his trail and found Lim to be ' being able to ram his way through it alive. lever rung upon his ear before. There was promotion for the ill bee rest. lie val., he rote carried by the impetus or his speed/with which it seemed built were seamed done! flo away he went thrinigh the With touch • barrier bets°. him. n .if m i d, some revering though, the home had life cal ll great deal added wood and built a within ten feet of D., who had by this, with a so w of emeentrie w z gularti,v, nod ever- weds for Ave or six miles without halting. the Indian., he was safe l Acting upon !enough left in him to make nue more run largo fire in It circle about th e 'pot he bed time drawn hie other pistol, with which he 1v ... were roofed al o ng the. ' se am. A e iThe hurry nod timetable. of hie flight had this Mere anti strange alternative, he urged i for sally.. Ile mounted, and after hacks; seleekd to sleep upon: The wolves mane shot him through the heed , and then gal- ' the eye d e eeended, these masses h e m.. , taken hi. of his tour es back to the ran -' hie horse Meadily towards the gre. It wes i fired Ins rifle. with dultberate ales, into the Lack in almni en hour after he had finished loped leisurely along feeling sure that the more broken, and assumed • fantastic re- leavens "r l'ir rmnftwnlonw. He now find' n o t long before he feet the dark advan , b, flicked of them, chargool eight though at hie errangemente fey the night; but be !remainder of his pursuers would be etepped mnblance to the line. and rooms o f O n ild e dimovered this as he emerged' roan the guard of the emote , as it rolled along thefull speed. They leaped at Offs feet and •t•, now felt perfirtly growth fur though be effectually by this Washy barricade bo had architecture in decoy-while from the eel. timber upon the pride minks and found, w, and rode beneath its stain shelter, I tempted to .ciao hie horses lege, but the, multi see their hungry eye. Alining all loft across their path. He was not mists- irk level sprung • broken arch, one side of himself far enough away from the course of I the n Ire being yst • mile ES. animal WY to mortally ftightened for them , round the mold* of the elrele, and they ken, for they halted there. and this wee the' which was peeled. in outline, and the other . the . 1, ..... n. Mewl but for a "...M. IHo was now meurefenough out of sight to impede bb way fee an instant. Through : kept up • ro utmued heseclnit olio/el long. last, he row of their green-coats. ' coneeded by the ever - bending worn of ito mdket himself and try and get brmk the of the Indians, ands rtfiging Awn his kerne, !he trampled, and away wow the proCrie I lie laid 'dwelt down and slept soundly an. All that day looglie kept the noble beset' evergreen .babe. At a dietance this NllOl-1 tone idea elide direction. Thinking he had proceeded to prepare /dwelt for • troll of he Ain enortiug with terror, and moving ; till morning. When he waked up. the in swift motion, since at every little ralieho , e d th e arc hed gateway o f .., h er m a y . It, he urged his home into• swift ran 600.1 the fiery sea. Ile cut his blanket auto with as great speed ae if perfectly fresh.; twelve. were all glow bet are °VW., womb or villa ge he dame to, it would be necesm. ern, h u t when lhe approsek.R is as fi naa d' Tithe woe kept op for several hours until planet, with one of wild/. he bliedfolded Ids, and away, too, In pursuit, swept Ike yelling big et the of 0 m.o. He ey for the fugitive to make a desperate ran th a t th e ree k edema i e e t J o e, aa rg e r oo t night begsn to close around him, sod his' horse ; another he tied in a loose beg & hoot , wolves. They wore more than • hundred , shot one of ili_en t.. , ' , MAW. istol. and made for it, before • Gni.. Gould b• orifroirod• , wile to oleo it. M • disked.. the sppeo, horse to give unuoistakabk iodiestions that' the lower part of ite head, enveloping the' now, and mooed Increasing In number. at ' a breakfast off i h Ile pied up t gu n The made were Ailed, tearifith sewing ann . o f .6,„1 0 , i„„,..a• o f a . ,he must have Net before he Went much far- 'mouth sod noddle. He then sorokiped , every jump, for es Dan `lanced him fright- i and fund . th e k . entigh .. ezy welt tem it parties of the enemy, and hounded all his ewe ., It, p.n.' to b e only a 0w ,,,.. thee. He same at let to • small rivulet knowledge of the sort of Wide he mob'. , slanting niche, ewe twenty feet deep dthe , him own fate he o low visor of the ewe cad eye. around, he would see them strait , salon Wl .t. :l t l o r:;,,Lr e wt. th. k .. = erkkliukidoes a deep, rough rot, entrap be; material. The blanket w a wore and let ' ! coed out with speed ard their mouth. wide ' Lin to dodge Wm. He several times very i l o gt ore _f ret a gl o , bask p u n o f t ibia , a supposed, In the direction of the west, in air enough to barely while life for a, open• coming He he got In WC mad maw nothing mew of Ws oerrowly avoided nothing headlong into the I b o ld e o n , bent a jitek. o h om t h e th swe l of tonna of the News. He had pawl the- short time, while It kept oat the mate. frosts every Creed. over the p ronto , _ . n ,_ , way, . 00 .t .,;,..... den. mh.... .,____„ . to join - that terrible route 1 After • wok of aboosrfnendible seelferleg, very midst debate @drawls' parties. The the mirk, and rushed down sod out from amp far monk he knew, but this would; He could hew the yells of his punters, led. Whits' him-thy were close Ir, ',..r 1. h .,,,,... eeeded eir besets, and Henke. are usually very nolsy troops, sod ' she s h a d o w, re t e i t clug over th e w hit. mud, set him right if be famed it up when day- immodesty elope at land. Hot was now in ,beele-the greet wt d Ow. Pert tk• 7 t he would low them talkinrowbe march I wii ft, . ..mug b s & r . e i oa p teeo g break tow. Bo be 'sleeted • mall Wee [utter darkness, aid mountleg mdekly male. 1 throe la Fronk .... wo w smarty naked, attempting to escape. Dan was sieb of • ised who wend wet agree !wards wards murdered by the India. on their ho tame to &alp to owe Nide sod let thew ...banks ... mo ms oa t_ of meadow growl whit& was covered with I headed hie bane directly for the ire. ()Island wows% _ _,•_,_ „ mg f ., e , it ,...... 1 ...,.., ~p . . °bow pole g for he had ao homy to try timbal:4m latds..-asse it eoureedaway b rwar atto,cl e sie werwit rasa &edema protested from yin lim went not knowing when e the relue were i aml with the white oft.% 'new siimm ussetted, . ttd tit . i . h .. a sm , . 4 . 06 , ~,,t d wit ." oa r =rieg e they after ilie got in, and raved ineessantly about ils triek over arda with empty *MK et memitalos mad wised about their hob bi n. th , pietas of 111111 • waives! ism bis bad milidas le lead them with Au of es gni Ass, .41,,,,,, m a ava mi s s*. le ea Wires shim. awe be weir with the emu et wpwatlea. HOME preesated *coma • I O. G. IBIPSTEAD, Editor and Proprietor. . L ci,ntros or two J•ilar•• If not pawl ttpti "="."."".. tit n•li ••••• • (s•C"-- - 7;•!:711:Tples1==:::::: . • aJeallonito••••ln.r..s• ru.• • • V.: AAAR Or 0,111.30. '.. ;:worlr=rnrl:;Z "3.l Or rev, 3 moARRA llouiserW:l,4•7note loo„. AolyrioAvy (who Arropy lot Aro 000 luOR , O oI I 0000 uo“ VI 11/1 ' ME VI Gel AN MAI. oofJOU oRK Rest y •no YOR , SONG OF TIIE IMERIF IN EDITOR I'm a the Pane' Iho of the Them , My throne, tt ..... Me el m s I nek no other him. ogN Theo Mokee thegozer Mm. The hofee of fin 0100 on, red, My moment hik , the S: The leghilooo 1....0 . • eh tr.:Ai:loml At Art 4 evommol [5 no El== Lot nom:1ml. no 3333 , n ono. 3 . 3 I wnve pen norma ill , r'll, And crow. have 33.1111313 elooo The world .Al. Oto 110.10% 11111,1• • thi• tt rttlt WIILIII I I brood o t tiv t Own 11l I'm of t h U. VP I ' M Or tile Pm, My mt., With than I 9.01 Mr MI, Imult And nmr Ih.l nrnn Rll4l .trip. x. QM'rrrl 111.1.. l 10 Idl lito. r.‘em My altar I any my my alma m 14.1 fThe me; po or, Mt lark for Fu oh no I, 11.11,11 int, old, hoo Ir on 1..1 for &tore tow. to eta n of t 'enrol loort 1111,11.111, 1..• if 11.1. n rlo. Whml our broth. n m limn'. Omit Now of On worlil II n I The glory of fr. k.l k k i k bk orig. rirognlng 111111.0, t,.. ~l loth, DAN 111:\M; mi. AOreuture tt 114 the Wolter. Every tokly tewhers the rani oar, orapt 1 100 Matti.. at Ew.are.l. reekle-s and daring rang. r los passed through a greater „u m ut e r ol perilous ithol singular ailtenturvs time an other man of the same aae in tie though one of the most light •Ileorted m s tab that the VIM elm upou Yet he has a each , . ktotek of getting nit, • the molt desperate morelloson every pomsi• hie remission, aml monso, livid. his way out again with the dealling] gallantry. Mark 30% Tan never g , d ietonerepem with his own people; he wet far too kindlt and generous for that ; but he hod a hatred for the ...owed yellow alities,".nnil eop per beads," as ho called the Mexican. sold' Indians, which fras reflothiegly oitleelot I His hatred of t h ee M, xieens was emumingly bitter and e..ntemptitons oldie you listened to hear him talk of them; hot when this hatred name to be expressed in action, it was of the most savage and deadly °horse ter. At biocarneeion, whmt the little hood Pound themselves surrounded by the he IV, masses of Milton's cavalry, the prop.o.iii,m, whittle, we believe, orieiteted with eismios M. Clay, was tootle to stand to their arms and fight it out with the Mexicans, to the last gasp, in spite of the disparity of num bers. Lieutenant Dan, who was then guide, emonded this proposition namely, and went about among the men, urging them "to ' Masi ap to the rank," as ho rolled it, rep. resentieg that 'they could hope for nothing, het bad filth resulting in eold-Mmeled mu • mere if they smrondered to the Mexicans. He reminded them of Coiled, and the Meir amender, and of his own experience in the hut ease. Alter @bowing, to his own emit flatten that the resolution of Ightiog their way through was the only passible chance of ably or honorable death hft them, he sonoluded, with the ehareeteristb piece of savage advice, ° @hoot low, boys—elnatt 'them throe their Wines, so that their greens hto their 0011.111/ithollo H a hallo doom dummies!" Hie rubel -knowledge of the Mexican ebenoter, as well as bhp 11•0•1111 hatred of Mom, was fully &splayed in his advice. Den knew perfectly that there wouhl A m mo fee him, foe he bad already. b e an one of the Moir seen by see t=iremi es stkans, whose fame be remembered well; the munindor, therefore, AIWA l a a am= Faiiirg b d i. He kne hi w . , =IL ires, they wealdllielebit keep with him, Ids safety had been *WI per aa upeas, iiirelitko MONTROSE. PA.. TICIRSDAY, FEBRFARY 3L. 1919. - 7,n'f,i ,;:.,'W,,-;•:r.r...,,,.; NUMBER S.