, Elio Conveu---2d session. The Senate then took up and passed the: overlain." Route to CialliOlosla.'., STATEMENT OP RECEIPTS & EXPENDITURS, _ Peosinn Appropriation bill. i .1 conesponilent of the St. Louts Repub. ; __ 1 The WI making certain i typroptiatinns Rt.. give. Me following account of the' ' Wolllllllo.ron. Feb. 2, 1849 for the purport of the Military Ara n lemy at difficulties to be cocountered in the Oyer- 1 Of the County of 8118U1EH1114144, for the year 1848. 8 • . — A motion by Mc; Hough... to: West Poiot wee taken up, and pased. land Route to Cali•hruia. The 'Octane take up the bill to admit coif ride as a I Hot se..—The Ilimm took up the Joint looks a little °vomit:l4;ml. but it seems to [Made end poldroked rep/drama. of on Act of Assembly of ISM Aped, 11310.1 State into the Union, was rejected by a) es , Resolution from the Semite 'psi, mii.e the be result of thew iters experience. IS, nays 23. ' Committee thee were to count the Traci- A bog. dreary ,ad. of upward. of 2poo I eine bill to reduce no rates of to . & in i t .' vote, en d eon. dto the same. miles, lie+ before yon, WithoUt houses, with. ntumws . net.. I. was then taken ur, toil atter ""ha t " , "a"; That Committee on the Judieincy report- out meat on floor, and in many Mines with- ~.. w. ...... , . again laid over. Beth, led the bill from the Senate for an addition- out wood, water or gram. You that start A B Lung, o After sonic debate relatl a to proposed ' e l j e di e ial Bistnict in Western I,t, with 'across the plains, by the time you reach Mood Amy. tome'. modifications of th e ec i ct i n "t ent of con -' an amendment providing that the Judge Santa Fe, New Meitic;•—a distance of not Patrick Deo, huboconut. Outing for the public grin ng, Il i iof the acme shall not lie appointed wail less than 1.200 tildes from St Louie—will IV Ku:rhy.• 'Auburn, Broad, a. The Settle then adjuu ed to 3loodeY 'the Ihtli of March. A dchate of a hint ly fiiiii your ambition and courage fail . and j .... ~..„,,,,k ; 'vu 0 ...,,, next. 'imimated and interesting character ensued yet through Santa Fe is a paradise tn.what Moral thiffmn. I thoconnt, Horsx.—The day was consumed in the i Mr. Ylorne of La. advocated the bill, and tau will see afterward. By the time you lobo Foote, , osnock, consideration of private bills. I carmine d the hope that his side of the have been Ito days not, whieh will be tam' . / ., 1 ... k:',13:i . 1 . !, _, It. .t !House would not oppose it because the ap- tone you will lie ni going there, (or kill all N ' ~,, , ,L.,...---- ~,.,,, SATURDAY, Feb. ff. i pnintmento of the Judge was to be taken your oxen and mules.) Yon will WWI sour- K. K. Ada"., Dorford, Hoces.—Mr. Stephens asked leave of 'l, O . M r . folk and given to Can Tdyliir. adv. bail, again at your work in St. Lim'. D. a toooll, Harmony, the House to introduce a lengthy series of; 3L. aage Boyd of Ky. and Kaufman of —mark my word+. Yon must rook your s Coundiell, Berndt, .binup, resolution. of inquiry, relative to the treaty f T ee ., ~,,be in opposition to th e emen d. 'own meals, which will bo fun end :Tort for tiCytit• is, Lrom, of peam with m ee i ew The rew.intions meet. It was an unprecedented elight a few days where wood, water and grass a, ~,a „ ,„, wan ,„ , •w en .„.. evidently infer a charge theta protoeuit e"! Ton the present incumbent of the Presi. plenty, but alter you got 180 mites amour E .x,,,, .Now mdioa, plaining the amendments made by the en- .g ent io eh.i, Connell Grve, yon will hunt in vain for IL smsemaker, Rosh, ate to the original treaty, and containing, Messrs Hall of N. Y. and Smith of Ind, wood, and often for water and Cr,... D3l sponged!, .J. . ~,,,,, , 'steno,' Lake, certain guarantees, relating thereto, which 'd efen d ed the amendment i n . spurned non- , Instead of wood, get your blankets, end Ai tr.,.... ;meow., m Were agreed upon between Me.. Sevier' nee. , two of you go out, take a circle of one mile.. n a „ i „, ... ni n e , 'Auburn, and Clifford, Ministers Plenipotentiary °"! Ylr. Stanton of Tenn. mode a speech , and pick up all the buffalo chips, (manure)', Dm id Homo, .apnlacon, the part of the United State+, and Luis de i e i i . e . etee i ee g by considerable ability in op-, you sun find, which till be scarce, make t,:ilin . s.l.ii:r7i ffi LiTtir...., I. R... , ml"lst. , of Foreign AII"II e of th° position to the amendment. It was a Whig , your fires and cook 1.5. the blase. While ; 7Z`r i s e '; w " i ' it ' i l i ,'".`..t ne, . ',77,, r „,3.". Republic of 31exico, has never been sub- ' inenie „ ree. • Ile defended the Democracy , two are hunting fin. fuel, some will have to ; ten ., whew , 1b...m0b minted to the Senate of the lUnitml States, land &smiled in bitter language the Whig go for water. others picket out your mules ' dotiii Foot, Oarlock, and ratified by the constitutional majority '. er i eente f„, office. For watch your oxen. others attend to the .1 I. Thy-roman. . ! Franklin, of that body. I on motion of Mr. Vinton the sulojeet won cooking, IRMO wpmd to fixing your toot t i, , , ‘ , .g!, , I" ,, t a,a, i rr:." l "'• Objection being made by Mr. Houston, l a id . e i.j e en d the House going into • Com- Be sure anti cook enough at night to do the, aia ., 01 ,„ 1 „ a „, 6, ut P a w, of Alabama, the resolutions wore not re. mittee of the Whole, took up the fortifiea- ; 000ttley,leaving nothing to do in the morn-1 mama Tay lia, Mammy, edited. 'Mon bill. inx• but boil your pollee. harness up and be ~ %tillwrot Carpenter. Horned. The House than proceeded to the consiol. Mr Preaton, of tn., addressed the enm- : off. Twenty miles in a good day e travel.; ~.""" .V., 'lllarnek, *ration of private bill , , and onitinued nu 1 mutes •I. length. He roposed R Rama- :Two men void tine a barrel or Lour before Lau ... u,,,,,,, iiankmop, mcupicd until the hour of adjournment tote for the California 1,111, nod eommell- , getting to Scott Fe, nod 200 pottods id , mot.. J. Rob;ent. lisatto"P. 'ed moil, ration and coolness on the sla- good bacon, about :111 pounds of coffee. and Ei ch. Dot, P"...., Men t.% Feb. 5. ; i ceec iineeti„w if yon drink whiskey (a very imeessart nn-'O. P. limier. deter„, • • . 'J. T Orchard. Moionter, SZNATE —Mr. Hunter presented the se- ' slr Brown, of Pa, followed enneludirt. , tiele, Ii) 'Altdelboorn, 'lie n'ii inn n'n ''un .. n m 0 '" N1.1..11.10m. rice or resolutions ...Toffy passed by the his ',otter speech on the never, question 1 using tot all , ii, You eau travel on tot,, , j p t i 0 ...„,„ Now Milford, Legislature of Virginia, relative to the anti- ' Aolieurned. . Lorry than b.. troubled mitt, a horse, for il. mr I,p,r, Aosta, jest of slavery—tgainst the Wilmot Provi- , you ecrtai..l) can kin to tip with on ox sago" 1 boil nil ,P 8 cpringville, , miver Lake. eo, and declaring that the abolition of ,la- TRURRDAY, Feh 8 land tti it 8 w dap. ht,.•..me mod to it, whirl; ;m " Lam, !Thornefin, very or the slice trade in the Dialtiet or soo.oo —Nimmons petitiors and re- i will hank. Y"" f" , the lab . "' "I"'" ''" ll ''' l ' ". "a 3.... Columbia will be considered a ilireet atm, k 1 „,,, wee , ee ,....i c ,,,i ei .g t .....b ee „y . I to use the pi, k, row-loan, spade or .11., el. Since sttled. I moon the boohoo ws t f ilto `...uth .a. tl vi,...1, ff ~„.. D„i,,,,,,, par('„ 0 , i - .""' C ' l6 ' ' 6 hi "' 6. "r '''''' '' ...: '.. , f Military Anil , . net ol led a 1 , not ro colt, ea, of the paso.age by Congress of . Oh. r „,„ diner„ gibe seeretary of War I . Ow., the above meastio-, to ito leo.. the Is ~,,- o, o to the Nave t ert min tratot , rt ve......1. J"tore ' 'r l''' I' 'l' `" . 4 ' " 4 c 1 ' . I ' , ''' OR .1. li son itimmlitecil a bill ii. tar, of , moil, awl In mem d re Ira.-. . i i i ine on cc t . the State of I :eorgia an too Alter aI. n ri mat 1,- by 'ff r. II to s 1 - ,„ ,1„,1 1,,,,, ~„ ~r ~,, „ r „, , i„,.; lea' '' ',' I' '''''''' " "". 'I ''Y '' '' '' ' ''"' n m:.• 1.0 Ili; ppm.. tot the militia o:' that ; lions, the, men, t.l.Foil to In. pri .1..1 ,:tste. w Lich -v. reel to the late t , t , The Stows le , t.ned tt ail, -01; vii m id , b ,„..., the hill I" t'"l''''''' tam I"' '"I I"'''"'' • A'i Mr Westeott • fferid re. , lotion re a ter olultatt, in le-..t., Alec, Nile-. Ps ir, r, ,te... the Secretory of the Nary to lltekt.isolt, aid Wo cte at. ' i e. , ttttt nod. ate to the Senate certain di- The Senate soliourmol • pitelies tof Com. Moat.., relating to loi Hoc m —3ll, Tub,made:ol unmicemsful nw , rag i „„ i n , o a tig„..„i a, w hi c h ...„ e „L elf wt to introit°, a resolution to taro, i.f , u i,b,„, l b y ~,,, , ,,i,0 , „ ~,,. „,i ~ a „.„' Coop.. of Ntitiom to settle internationel N h . 13 ,,,„.„ ~,r , „,,,,i , ,„ ,„.,,, i „,„ . difficult ie., tit hi tit I i sort to war. mein aktroduced a hill making farther pro Theremainder of the At, was consumed; thi ne , I,r lie widow. and nal ,b a „. „f t i, in the e i•lcitleration of and debate upon the l aff i gara and .soldiers who died in conau , inun ,, resolution, of red on Satortlay 1 ." I'Y MI- 'of diseases contrasted a hile in this amebic Stephm.., relato eto the treaty with 2100-!of the Foiled States itt the late war with ie " I Mexico. The bill was referred. 31 ' If' ''.". of Ahh. """ ''''' I tot Mr. Breese reported a bill in favor of a''''' 'I '•' ' ' I "'I '"'' I n"M"-I a '."". I soaking eert nit. improvements in the nal ism ' 'l'''''"•' 4 ' " .' . ".• :" I " I ''' ''' '' '" ''''' "" :lidi of the lbsismints Replan, Illinois. The cafe to ill; II • im, WI, I:Dllipat Hole wit 11, bill lies 0„,„. the 1• 01,0 '"et '•n ""I'j ,"f ~ . i..."- " c- I In the course of the day Mr. Webster M's '''' '''' " '''. " "'". '" ' ' '' .. "" . ' l "'''' offered a rt....lotion instructing the Com- . ,h It 8 " s i ' r 2. " 1 N". 4 ' . .. Cl i ff '"I• I "ff.'"h"t ' mil tee on the Judiciary to inquire into the 1 with mielt ether o oii, apondeto t• as Poper-laanaa.nu3, of aaaaing a law aughothing , tales to said treaty i mei that the litho.- i Silo „ntheeiae to ce . e , ece.eit„ from lion enilml for in to e f; winioing iesolatiotin!,...i, nt nnni . ei „.. en ... to recene' the.; Le eil. cum ''''' itiontool if, it. los jml nu, nl.I low , bee...ling chargeable Nom the Public it ho inentitotilile with thin rubric. "in- ~ T r , ...„,.g, The ,„... 1 „, ; ,,„ lien enc .., lewd.. I Mr Dm fend the Committee on Cm reported ~..... The lineation beieg taken upon the amend- Interco, reported .o 101 l pr ,riding for the en- ,2_.. atcet , 8 was rr.ic"l'ff - 3".....,' 1 ., r.)'' '''', , talihshnicet ttf a port ..f entry at Ilrolor . - , , Mutruaesat of Trona'. ,a00'.... Mr. Stephens On n inne filiv. imu 1,4.0. ~ ,0 , ,t,,,,, , „. 1 . „ : „„, , The bill wn , „ e d. e „. i ' '' " ' Th. it Tt 1.1:R. 7',,,,',. COA TN I, C lions sn + to millirem. the fi; 4 elec.° of uml a II thiltl time mid I"ssed. 'stir..- lll'"'"'"' ' ''' ....nth"' "' • a "' l it. " 'B"* . '" , ll.ot , —3lr A•l,noin ' endeavored to in-1 ..,: ~"‘",'^" . '' r..7. ' P.. " ...r P ' .... n '' I. ... tr• .. ‘,.. ii, aLirl "el,,er- , . lion hying then take, op 'e I iii; a, I'd, it ot ~,,i,„„ a „ I nu i„,, .„,„,...,i na ,b e .I„,ti o i. , ~ ''" •,„, the rea &II ions a+ lit edified, it was agreed to . cenw , itir , e to b ., win , jute the ,„, „hod- I-- _ __. To +is' "''''' '""" —ye. HT, anyA :M. .-, ..r i Tann., a law to pi ~r.mt foreigo pan - , is la ort in legit oi this only) and bet-owing rv .,,, 1 IcOr 14.. xii --- - To!raZ:t..l ;••:tved 1 , aize,rewatn . ,2l.l . • I. ' ''''''' V ' '' ' " 3 p„lelie r . : r, "•:' I r '6 , '"'''-7; i. , . r lr.r ."" VZ; ' . SENATE —Mr. Butler pri , coted 111 r 0.., Tho lull an .b, eicinc, the w e „,,,,... y o f 1 , 1 , 1::,:r;;.it . 1 . .. , .... , 1 o ' . ii ii . ' .i i : , ,,; i, 7, , idioadii 123 , 101 111610 lia,,el.llt • th.• Legislature id the State tart , 'lv the C. 1.1. 1 ,, /111111111, tor the killing s sm .0,. sn',' l " t l , ' l stl' . ..,llV n n l t eel.. sal of South Candi., tug tins. the Wilmot FP - 'ono of their boy+ by the Texans. was con- .'.... ::: vim. fire , whi ili was ordered to he pritibil r allayed n o d tensed In preseating the resolotion. Mr. Butler; 'lt h . - B S""th telf." l " 4 a bill '''' at '" •"" `'• "1% '.... V . .: :' ''''''''-r'''' 7;.: mtatennent •lill an submitted a few rem irk. in nupport of the fishing a tertitorial government fa Mon so- I %01 ., t ,, , , ,4 ,, . . -: i ,;. , , , , , , m;•t. , ,. 8..., ge . gi. ....., fia . ir p. a .... sentiments expressed in the „s o wn., and I A win- an amend 1111 l lit that it should go, t,..1 .... is t' " I.:I a' ",rt , - , 41:".„;! Dr. It Tl' /,/:N. Tread, COATIVA, Cr. deelarin2 that Smith c er ,,li iin would ~tenil iito•ellece on the 20th day of )larch next : ter- 4 , , ,..,....::r.m . :,,p... , 1 onow • .. ~ io r ma. Sent role Tom...mu ts i .. ....... by Virginia and her sit • er Staten, in any L e m „„, I '' ' '' l ltati:if"' '' 0 " 1::::" 1..,. ....,,,,,, to resist Northern insult and se :to c0 0 00 jw,„ of th e ',bele, the m ine , i .N..„„ look otivinan. bib. IL , vo rz. ..e . e . nr ., ..... 1. ~..... ~.... gression. . took up the private Calendar. 1900 RI Toloyolototsof ' At nooole.n..rcctec sec +.oonon 0p...0h ~' ":, " ,=7,... oo , ~,,0.y.0n. OTA 13 The Senate then re=nted the eonsiderit- ' Pending the dissuasion a umsnage , ADD no.ar ot, o, an .... • •..o. 11. . so. msrcs.sto.„,,,ml .....,00 from Io- Dv rsole moo r: 111 l troo.r on Non. Itwilroad bin; ...I. or - • roorirml from the President in answer ton :,!,..r,0,;•,„r,:. ,. ;';',.,i7„Tz . ,.:;;;;'z.. - J.47. - ,!;„7„.L7,'„, ::,........-- „,„ fr,z,,,,r;;,.;:! ter debate; thereon, went into Executive' reAdidion of by M r So r b..., end 0m....0. ie I, .f. ~, ..; 'mt. ti st moo. , its ism ,49. widen, and subsequently adjourned. a.ldoi. coning for a tem copy of the treaty hest om +.3 to to . i,m , inot - ."•--sti ma li e. mn, ma, '''''. '' l i . ' 4=e. "" tou sn I Hors.,--The greater r ant of the day, w i t h m ee k.. th e pew ....,,b k„ b i nd en ow,. 81.50 ie 5n.,....1 em 0 on. ' • cmt MTrras . r. 77 . was consumed in the Remandon end action •• 1 ;f 1 es.;.'st .' "'S' ;';'::,,:;: upon the Naval Appropriation bill, whieh, %.1'47!°"" ° "" ~,, Ina passed. AmouotettuDlDe Tiffs bill appropriates nearly eleven mil- .nroorww, 1m m Boos or dollars. Weim ea.., Feb. 7. 8 . —The Naval Appropriation bill was nieeivell from the Mime. ft was then, on motion, read and referred to the Cum mitre. nn Finance. Mn. Din, from the Committee on Com merce, reported the Ricer and Harbor bill ======= retaining all the appropriations its the lion., bill to works sow wasting or commenced, setstriking oat all appropriation. for new works, and providing for the latter in sep. orate bill., to be (rained slid recommended . • evil* a... e. Ay a.. Nat.. L Che 114.1.. by the Senate Commiuse. Mn. Die haying! T.,,... 4 ,,.., . ill. A ...... aer... ..1. 1 ....*”.. ,1 . 1 . 1 ...... , ... 1... nod the fr. "Wit •"k 4 lim• • fall *I - i ONE/M.—A proposition has boon submit- L 1 7,4":::;,t." Z.:7,,17,r,"i • r . ' . ."."*"' • plat the • views of the Committee, it t e ..l le the United States Senate. haring In I WILLIAM roma.. was ordered to be o. o d, i°11" 1 .•• iiith I view the establishment of • magnetic CONN- 1 A " ..... ".".. ; the bill. jammieation between thin enuntry and Es- I Valuable property for gob. lb. Bond= submitted • resolution in 4- rope, the parthelars of which are detailed • I T'... mweoww,•• • ho s ro..m. nth... ier . 1 ..P 016 4 lb. ...Nth n which now in the letter door Washingtoncorrospond- I • n0.....,0 *mem. ...zee. • ewe. nee prennbes the time and ...... r of choming mt. The Senate rewired the propoeition : rrll l i,n; • ,==tetowiZi..ro ....ATM lb* tutd Mb es islikere of the Enn- without mama.. And if It had been to rata wireo:uur. ..... toot.••• •uor ....0. • °.....,1 MmT .l ni I a... oTTI ...V. of e1...1.141•..... It .011.4. M• DI Nikon lift over. run • line of triettraple to the moon, wr tv . 14....... /No of ...1.4. li ...N.... TT. ; XIV W lIT ..belated • ...dation di• of olltt whether they w the piddle wool.' Net IN.; ~ ., . .„ 1 , ,,N e 64- 7,; ;;ere. ,...., ......... ,... , , a ; .1111.1111 r an Miming to be aside lout the ex• 1 herr hi.ro di5p....01 to I tre 1 the pr .p. slam c IN.; I.l.4lnratora. N. Y. =y of eeding the Nadia Lands to the with regret.—.V I Ron. I . r.. m nn.Tee ihn.lol. reepeetively. ie which they lir. tailor; ... t d. ...tame.. fa. .I...lottigio 11. ll' POLITIC. IN one Prirtio.—We 4 ill diet ?. It" 'Mil"' d irre iliP mew E r ts .1 I. I. 11",,1 : foll"ni .f O'''n in ''.''' ....., ....1.....e..; w••'tw.sgr Wm. IM• MWs Ml.*,. Mt WA. • ended= was offered tint the %mete do soc v.ch for Its Inoth. The Rot :111. r. u. ilmor. rw..01.1.. , ..• = ,. .......1 .. r .. ..=. , Mown= ow:mm=boe at II ..look each day. Rogoorio. In Ow tom. of • sermon preimh- r.r.7..i."".:3!;.:1:-.Z7i.0n........1....... whisili ll= over. r .din Moth Candlns, el.inently elelaile4 ~........1.4:..............1.,...,...• ....". , Mr. Bantus llnm ibe Committee on Mil- the gallant mrolees of 0.1..11 Teri.... at . — llll...::tint w:ost•tm*serthere..e. Iftly MMus Istredeeed a bill poriding for Sam Vita, and added. • I pray God he •••••••."" i nt"=graran a , c.0.,* the bead= and eenemmetine et• a =meal na be yielded Here the romther paused unw w. mai. Amis.. met... , It AIMS. monad weed free St. Lae= in gam Fns - ;wa ning foe a hearty • Awe !" But m Mel ''' mum tonmem n mum. er owt. aMq midi • bras= no the Oblembia Bine. illumine bolted rather dubious. he eddied. • Per Rent—i - ii. r. mtg.,. mere.. or a Mr. spa= al ley= epee alms =bit= the =l ll at • packets, “to nernal,= 6 ... ..1.11= 1 .....;,,V ; r2oai am *Joh =sinew ramrod to Om aed= by Naha= geed wedge eel bel . I.lll•Zzaz &IV:it - W.W ClMMilllell. . SA dell& balmy Lafilli. I the table and ordered to be printed. Adj I --- _ _ _ OKS air ..... „wa . ..... Fe ' eee ' Feb ' 9 ' y SeNATIL—Mr. Jefferson Davis iniro- I BO dosed a hill granting s pcominn to Mary,' 1/ 1 ,==077:n4v4v . ....;;: n 0 . :.,.. widow of Major Dix; ale, a bill allowing compensation for horses and nther property I ; loaf in the war. ...eve . , ...a. Inw p.n. 0 thy nna Executive seminn—Adj. conw mem.. Berea.—The Baum in committee, re- • plumed the consideration of the bill es- Going to Callibrnia tahlivhing a Board or Claims; several amendmentr ware offered and agreed to; .... I .—. awn. mow. mow I after so me time 'spent in dim ...sing the merits of the bill, the etheeitlee rose. Reely-eth eththe Yee, the.. eethe Mr. Burt advocated the hill at some ',414r,...7141,:"" "'"`!"l4l.7=ra - tr length and it was ordered to • third reading. 1 ....v. -, ...M..' Adjourned. 'Take Notioe.--AY=4°,== 11,• t'l . o time yaw reaell g lel i Vallf••11,/a. Lac exio•nd,l le.. ed •1•1:a t.. w r.„.„t all ”ta.. el e"i° " la, Ord., el path 1.••0.4.1. , MAI, Ir. In Ike 1 , 45, male', ale , o‘crplad, .41 •a.o 41 with ,•.a, had all 111. st. , 1••11,1“111 aml unable la, aal k. will•••.tt friend- • - ....,It , •.tt .It,, telmini„to r y , ur .. nithont a ..,.nr ttalde h. Dr . ....... 1 ..... le—th3o.ll itt among hott-ands of idle, 414p:tied, mileelinl brutes, intent gain; pentiles., Ie IT. fttlfl iVidwut strength or J a a , to .., .nennt , tr lends so tnt".."d"l by vulgar, ronglt anti otteouth rowdies,all a,„t . DO4 village nal aolgrot..ted i,.seonshing after gt.ld—tattered, . ragged 1111.1 r. ts—withnitt law, discipline or rontrt.l—cvery ono hi+ own master— ~:t .sealing here ati'd !sing whom,: to deprive the unsuspecting of t htir Trto.r.e.tennn, 17.0 t Growl , 70 pr....pect • and land.t—layittg h.&nn ever thing palatalde, wearable or 0-eful ; where 1 11%, might and strength determined right, tint' ' tin 00, wrong and "• ehward guilt to sheltering ear- 1:;":7:rjr"' erns llv," until siekness, dtaensa and &nth r7o.t,ta PI 7.1 elm.e the s, cue. Then yon map cosily sa ovine worse than this picture-11111111111 11l- .. n.; .. 1. ."• Wren pre3ing opnn your enemy., like ea.- nittala gormandizing in their hoarse langl,' aft.; lover fallen ‘ietino, IL nevertheles, ..... ra . ' truer than fietion—the pure and atertalni:;;,lF• r resitlts .1' rash sna premature enterprise. 4411.11 1 S . 1110•.). . A Conikwenre ,Lacer of Collectors' Aeew.b ter years 111411.41-48-411-41-411. Jur $ eta! %t. - 10 641 J lO 00. I ?tll9 54 634 •„110 , 98 97 - • •• 541 30 31 56 157 9.3 103 72 71 94 57 59 417 26 378 06 36 08 12 02 33 57 16 54 31 07 90 03, 101 08 81 60' 52 15 56 45 1 75 lb 45 09 1 31 31 RI 29' 50 14 67,14, 141 42 126 901 24 90 11 751 52 03 3n 39 130 0-1 1115 90 62 43 36 05: ESEISIMMI • 672 43 4.49 491 10 913' 2,9 16 275 le; 10 • 432 el 426 231 10 15 1 257 19 2444 07. 300 . 1 333 93 315 60 1 1 74' •• 1 193 39 171 00 7 01' . 2 219 07 917 05' 60i 443 431 348 MI, 405 7 9 363 90 22 64 1 176 0 - .1 163 09 • 9 091 975 93 317 37- 10 29 ' 179 75 147 1.10. 249 09 227 511 3 41 1 245 03 1 230 79 1 203 • 00 741 77 931 473 235 92] 210 00 ; 193 2.1 170 43 3 0.3 417 52 453 02 61, 217 99 17.. 144 442 41 2 90 io 212 J 3 99, 39 3 at 239 79; 90. 41 I 411 55 3+loo ; 12539, 115 eI.I 3 . 1397111 111,6-.1-3 10 fr.vo 111•1.nneul of Tremor.... ace! relatlre 1.11.......11 Laois. 1.1. County Taxes. IN. IL TYLER, Treas . , CONTRA, Cr. w ill Tn annual Odeon- y To* and . ty num no IT, niondinvonaor. IT% 10 N.. mod nldon- n ANT fi Irmo, 1110., , dn0 .... *T ., In we•l .01.111. • en VI $7BO ',........ .... W ...... a ft.* Sin .3 13.3331.33333 .. 4.3 13••••••• 13 I. 13 " 7 3 31 "' rr,=- 74 ... • ... 1••••33 10.1 MI Val id 1, me at Hit. 1tame........ Vp ta thaw re 1...... TP.aa F. a. a 7,..• . a Irma - pia aMgps. La .. z.... D. N C VT ARAMR, Shy. CONTRA. C.. V. , D: f e. ft .11, Nara Mentes. Din , .. mu . '174 . ..., SIMI 1 .. w.. num,orrnms.lll . Ma. DIM no Oral et Imply 'Dos), me. 1 , 11 I% Ca. Ima*.f Cam•Whaseiree, trn: To meerrnt ade.., IN, INV orAl/11: $llll .1.08. re To 'amoral emearkyds•Cf/.11. %UK J•J•maole 61 C.M...1=8;20 .447 . /***•l. Earla.4olllllllll Illsoftre.l4l.l•7 We Wm Songieg somas Ida WI Win ml . Jog. IT, MM. . EiZ=, Ia 3 30 / 0 15 7. 11 5. 94! 9 91 /I 4; 2 35 5 03 3 05 2 33 1 03 12 17 10 93 IT II 09 00 11 9 13 :r.l 15 3 nIMIO 41 ba 21 22 1e 14 I.V NEW GOODS, ..33 43 At Reduced Prices. mm . 39 73. =747 .ke g erwral,u, g me Ma • ,111,fore pur,lmnio, Irmo? n. 1, 8306 E? run emu.,lu Colleclonh 1101'15 by h 3-3 10 AMOYuI due au Dosphcall., 11 331 Now Daily Line of etagee ; we Wood Wanted. NEIV aft STORE. =CZ S. ,111. t ampaltneslot ever bevught. into 'A' • r "" • • ru • em.Tll. I DAV CO N. K. k (IrB Railroad, Freight and CONIAIESSION 1., I _NE. ) ' .............................. " • • _ mg. PIANOS! PIA NOS ! 2L- "1'1 . 11101T110SE S (01N .•.;.1 r Pal :771 . 1 . 7irnt "' =.1717t748:% "" 11. nns *.atri ~~ ~M .r ~ ~~~ .n ie+~M. w •` ~nevii%i'i Maio ~' Z 4.1 =,1:47:;,- . "*.": • r.ratzt:ltint., me PORI( by tbr,ram F :., ~rl f~ 4 ~ IxW~ l l~l N m M• l .f~.r xl~ w I.~ I M, Mmr•.wfl+. T..nt.~ ~r~l'YM \LYE\'~~ x 1~~ ~T. m~ Nme.. TrVtir W /~rmn'r LlmrfxrG•r J+l.r~it~~l• NEW GOODS: 1. liPg.”3:7.:4ll:=,!.tru:=l:ll ._n_ 041.0, A 1*..1.0.341.a. o** ..*PYlogr * thy 1/* -Gaillvories. • poi ••••••••• sad st woryle• prlne. /war I* 61, eas•o4*.ll ra••• " Mr* k Im• ken • le I mg, ea. et. • geol ••••••••• saa Mar M.. Amp. New Goods. - - s o = P. ew=-d .1 I* To the Pablia—P=tl2..,... 111.8i1111411. as I. *I so. lie v.. la .1 algal lboad or maim d. bs “ght I Nee T. 0 • 11 , 11 ..r 4 .... radi toartlZT wer• 2.01 mcy .11. mat new reek rambles. Sim 1114.141, Ir . trollion4l6 . CHAIRS. =i.rz:n.ixtvertwm— IMEMIME=I llsirler. Gold PeWs t flatboat, to otosoflttiore Maly !Winton. Oottl Pe. ova grle'vr:ZtliolttntlVltt:Z=, Novo 12.r.'"T"''". , Wore 'untie tOl.l Rom.. Ilontotwo York. n r v~.°.ned Lrr ~ 0~. m. n.,. win. ion.. ~.x 1:617: 0411,0ZSri. A LP.rr,l,~nll aFnn., D...~ k:~~n•. D. t ae~ravmnn t NEW GOODS jJ. V.Z....:=.!...7.!..1;.`;!°°' ..a'""^"", DRY Goons. Crockery & Glass Ware, IIAWLOCWIRIWIW, ZIKIDSIZZ 01, ilWattazaraws. 8111:WINIZZ. TIN• & JAPAN WARE, Fah., Shoe., ac. he. nn . YY:":, , 8".:...~ ....~ ~ ,~,,. ,~ a,,,, ~ c747:c !pia. sad Ca, or the It., 1..4 '" , '"'"':;n:•". - =tr" • No Ilan should be Without. • :L:011 , t , e7 . 4 l:salent 4 Forkell Rafe 2000 GOLD! GOLD! GOLD! • ,7;; - • Administrators' Notice. ' m•.l j. 4 ' ,WT1 . .., /1 ''"" ". • 17......t0 A LaIII 4'",r.r..11-`,.'•''',7" Fur Cup* al Cold Pliyelands;ople Pills, r7,!:;;!.77.!;: Vt7"*"' ;77';,'x'; ,;7- 110! FOR NEW GOODS Via N. York & Erie Railroad. 1 .1 :!;:,•'!;LT;T::' , ! , ':;':. ;TV MgMa Ir. 1.II• ‘l.ll . 111. g O b. W nr . LW: I / 4 . ot • ' eV! ". ~,,,,,,,,,,, Executors' Notice. P ..a ..4.::11174"=",21,;„,":,r, =" M11.741,111t , " - imam gpoaa lasenr., CASH PAW FOR WHEAT, At the b. prom .1. L POST & ha. 17. 1147. Nor York sad Ede llW road PU:74I4EIITAKISOME T AE L aIv ISM . "C " iliNk 'PALL & WINTER GOODS. d " %t• 1..0.1. steer • Mum L~~r) I ~.4r •vl l'~l~t lI~rU , Le~ItL CCe.~t . FAIR PLAY! NEW GOODS. ; lid , der.Ou...pert, N O ~,, Vtings.loo M.S . , Tr, 0.,5, Sole 4. Up. e. per Lral , , r A it y hoar a , roam», of 11110014 & 000011, Nee!, .red.. Mrll+ >1 Fro% To, lho I.un nobno, Room o, 4., 7 , 1 , ,0rre, I' e, Oil and lthrlger M. 0.. Or, , brl 44 It ll^ Power, ele. ' , e. , . ' !!.;1: 3.tt 0100. ttoo oott • Woo 010, lair ployomay 61.411•10.. :••• F 0 1 41 f - • t , • • NEW ARRANGEMENT! ~„,.,.d, ,~,,,. ,~..~w~,~.,..~.,~.».. STOVE, TIN, COPPER $ SHEET-IRON N GOODS ,t! " d 7. : . TrA:s= ns dets um. p...r roe urrl...phrlie...es ad -11 A 41RANT. s DAISTS and 11111. elf no,' 11.41. warranted In . bale OM by 10.NTI.Nit NEW GOODS HENRY BILMRITT 7412LIstrZi. lal• oto. I ronn,la lon Dry Goods, in, lading 4.4pm/did-ea/action of Cashmerrs. Muslin be Laines, silk striped, plaid and fancy Alpas sits, Euhargh dolls and Gala Plaidn r irench English 4ing hams, and a large ra ridy of Rich, and 1,10 /MOS crelicoi Rich Plaid and Net. Sipiorr find Lone Shafts. Donna I'd tett, Satin, Ribbons. Ad Flowers. Gimps and Ft imps, Broadcloths. F• 11. ey Comsimerry, Flimeds, fr Grocer., Cror.erry, 11.,•,'Icore. /now aw/ 81•. , r Clerks, Wu. axd 0 ~ r it . ere.. IQ Wilk. it I. would I°t'lA... Fresh Arrival of N • ,, ,r .. ”..., el" Gooda. „ . New Clock and Watch REP uellVa nie,teLleunteirr ..,Innen west frm ON , rwM.. The A.... Inn INA ....amers yomnyily Wm.. to. Farms For Salo. '..t..:•':;r:_..,;, 1:. 111:; 11 ~• :..1 • .:'• . .. :'. ;:r,;,. H .,... " .": :.1 :7" : . i .: ::„? ' 4" ... t..... - 17.--- ...;. --:. :7 4.:7 . :' -7:., •...,,,...4%. J. 7..11. 11, 11.11. "[1:: •;. '17 . ".11 1VDErlal l 1;11:1•211ST This Way, Goatlemon I 747 :. 11 z , "::.trer" . ":4t"'""""1:"'" that plu. e. attle.t.... Me Arun Mei Me mob par OM, riljr=rentart mmrs ••••• • = . 411M. NYY eel. MO IMP .• I• 011 keen Mnolmor to Groat Mad Mvq . Co. Ira• maxx.g.traz=to x m nro.F=7: l 7 ibmit=ml7. ...18=11 ..lerme aim. or Um& In dila.lll. fity ,I• dory pol.• a. an.* pqms.ll*.W..‘lo.l ituvens pr.*. DeOmer.i. blentObi ow Ow Pad ONee. Gnat amebae ig of Ye 41.4 es po. N. T. Pie Mel &W. Not Ike. O. OM um MI. lis:r ef Wm Ada Ils• 111 , 710. Tor igi=ZlL