The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, February 08, 1849, Image 3
inch Congress—ad Bession.l Mr. chap..n was opposed 40 the ----- -- - - - Ille wished to leave the matter to the 01u- IVASULNOTON, Jan. 29, 1849. j itutherities of Washington and, g —Mr., Dunglass, Nom the select ' Georgetown. otilensittee of ...en, to whom had been re-) After further opposition trete -Means,' cenunitted a bill admitting California and Ilarraleon and others. the queesiest was then New Mexico as Staten reported a bill. (It t taken on its referfensec•nd deeided in the is understood to provide for the creation of negative—yeas 71, nays 117- two States, and leaves the Texan boundaryl A deflate then took piece on the subject <lactation to the Courts) It was ordered to of Slaverv—after which, be printed. I The House went into a committee of the Mr. Banton called up the bill known as , whole on the naval appropriation bill ; be the Aspinwall Railroad hill, for a railroad j fore any decision wan made the committee across the isthmus of Penmen !rose and the House adjourned. Mr. Douglass submitted a substitute for , ___— the bill, redoing the annual appropriation to s^_so,oo0 --limiting the aet of ineorrra- ! lion to 10 years—and reser, log the right to regulate charges of trieght and passen gers. , Mr. Webster enggested that the gentle man had better move to emend the to iginal bill in/O.° respects, instead of offering a! enbstitute for the whole. Mr. lienton expressed his partiality . for I I the substitute. ) Mr. Cameron though opposed to the original bill, might favor the substitute. ' The substitute was then ordered to be; printed, and the matter iolormally passed over. Adjourned. Mean—Mr. Embryo au,kol leave ttr offer a resolution—that the House, at 1 o'clock to-day, in vontinittee of the whole, proceed to the consideration of the Home bill to reduce the W. of rstage on MINS. papers and letters to a uniform rate, and to correct the abuse of the franking privilege. • . Objection being mode, a anspension u. the rules was moved, and tim gnewion was decided in the affirmative—yeas 1.21, nays 47. The repletion was now the 110118 e. . . . Mr. Cobb, of Georgia, rained a point of order, erltioh being settled, ho rooted that the resolution be amended by moking the bill the arterial order of to-morrow. This was rejeeted.-yeas TO, nay. 115. The question wan take n the adoption of the resolution, and /Melded in the nog-- tive—ayea 90, noes 91—not two-thinla. The Mouse cos .1,11 itself into a eopumit tee of the Wh .le, on the Slate ..f the Union, and took up the hill for the support of the Military Arattenty. Mr. Beale addressed the ebeenitiee on the %Nye queetion. Mr. PoHoek offered an anienilnica. appr , - printing $l4OO tor the nilary a prof., r. of mining at West Point. This was de bated. and onalla rejeeteil. The bill was laid aside to be 'ported to the lionise. The committee took nil the bill+ making' appropriations for Itevobormary and other peasions, altod a bill for Naval peasi ; and when the committee roce. thele bills were Passed, and the House atlintrned. ME IM 3 S. AT a. —The Viee- President pr. s • 1,1 a petition, ins for a Telegraph nres. the Atlantic. It excited minable, tilde at tention, anal was referred to the commit tee on commerce. Mr. Cameron or Pa. presented petitions for the ilrilition of the Alam trade in the District of Celumbia, and or slavery through out the Country; also against itn extension. Laid en the tahle. Mr Douglogo of 111., from the "elect eoat m!trce 011 the sobjeet, reported m Lill 14 r the ontological of California 110 a State t Wet also providing fog the ontological of Net Mexien, alien she shall have mei - panto! a nufficient popoulation. The bill Wan oilier ed to he printed Mr. Niles of Coon. moved to take up the bill etolicaoion Mr. NVkitoe'g pn.jret tin the bundling if a rail! oat' to the l'o. After an tel to-in hi sir Nileo, 3lr. Foote of 44 41 Mr R II of Ark, the enteklototioil t1....4.09 Wes roltpoiteklultil It, "Et The hill for ecotone tine a Ritilroad 11.111111 the lothritus of Yaoama IRA, take up. M r . Il . ug l s c s of 111 ., offered a calostitottcl reducing the am mnt appropriatcd, and lim king the control for a term 10 yeas; prmerilting remain toll rates Tim Molina approptintim; WI on which, Mr Bell made a lengthy 'peed., cloned the proceedings or the Senate. Mores.—Mr. Thompson nt K'., report ed • resolution to NV, Of 111111611 g 10,000 copies nt Mr. King's report respecting the Panama Railr The House in committee recanted the enntideration the Naval Appropriation bill. Mr. Brown of Penn. moved to strike not the Brat section of the hill, and upon this motion proceeded to make a speech, respect ing Slavery in the new Territories. Menem flank of Ind. and Lincoln of II rose and signified their desire to make an explanation, but the Speaker refused to yield the Boor, and proceeded. ' Mr. Strong of Pa., followed in opposition to the Mail Steamer service. Mr Vinton offered a resolation to stop; the debate on the Nary BM in ten minutes leer it should be taken up in Committee of the Whole. Carried. Yeas 74—Moys OS. Adjourned. 1 M7T=EI 8 .—Mr. Clayton moulted a me morial from naiad*lphia, for a cheep is the tariff Mr. Dix presented • memorial from New I York .diet that mason, might be adopt- ad to promote teeepenuee In the Army and Nen, by the nbolition of spirit rations; mod also arming Ilogglos la the Nary. Mr. Juneau Davis reported • reeelation rmommearling an alporsprifttioli of 114000 ter the surrey of a railway route from Ap horism:to Ordifornia, via Banta Fe. whisk vas day mode theorise of the day for Wades.- The Swale prooureded to the owarkro- Num of the 'pedal ardor of the day, being the Isthmus rail s w r at Mr. Clayton • hi favor the bill. ildr. Mobster °dowel io its support Woo. Mr. hamar Dade opposed the reason. The bill was thee peetpated, and the Mreaft west Wow Menthe maim ifolwaroh Imported s WI to min* ob• introtkookoo 4 Shwas for oalo Dr bits Is A* Dietrlet , of Ooliaabia, mod moved Oa rofingeo to thoocommittoor of the whoirt. m l fist It too priosoa Wootworob opipeoloi roferomee. Re soli It was so good bill on amid Mk. p ant s. howl the lel woad forsoorrat Titeasnsv, Feb 1 flccarw—Mr Stanton, from the finance committee, reported in favor of coining noel dollar gold pieces. and double eagles, ($.202) Mr. Pearce offered a joint resolution to I extend the period for receiving proposals' for printing the debutes and proceedings of ' 'the next ermgress until the let of March. Ile allmind to the many complaints etude !in relation to the manner in which the de -1 bates were at present printed, and he de sired an extension of the time, in order to 'see whether a bettor plan could not be I adopted. .The resolution wan adopted. •1 The hill for the relief or the captor. of I the frigate Philadelphill, destroyed in the harbor of Tripoli, after being amended an as to provide flw the relief of the widow of Commodore Decatur and his heirs, wan 'passed. After the transaelion of some labium°, tat," business, the Senate adjourned. ißouse.—The House met. and after filet , usual preliininaries, Mr. Dixon submitted a , resolution instructing the Committee on Manufactures to inquire whether a system int bounties had not been entabliehed by a foreign nation upon goods manufactured in the same, and whether it was not expedient to adopt some counteracting measure. The resolution was read for the information of ' members, but laid aside without being con sidered. The House then tonic up the bill altering the time of holding the U. S. Distrik I Coierts in Western Virginia; and for in ereasing the salaries of certain District 'Judges. h dinronnon of tho merits of the hill washml et, length he Messrs. Vinton : Konfenan. Aolunun and Jones. iif Tennia •cii The latter nr.0.,1 to lay the hill npini the tattle, whiel. The lion s° then went lido a Committee the Whole. Mr Ituerooll in the Chair, and tok up tie Nave Dill. Several en important nmendmeota were relived. Mr Schenek defended the prevent regu lotions as to the spirit rations. Mr. King, of Georgie, tensed to leave it dineretionnry with the Secretory of the No vi to (minim" , or abolish the present prac tice. 9r. It ielcnell. lie. 13.-odes t iieellt the mk,rt:tik , ty on to who nun to he. he Secretory t Noe, under the new riodilent, rendered 'm it to det.ide ho 0.. diiipose ..r the aint•ocl lIIPI t. Mr. Rockwell' motion wan adopted, and Mr. King's reic ed. Other amendments were considered, int without action upon them, the Cum lift., rose and reported roa. Conflicting motions were then made to take up various meamwer, but finally a mo ll. to adjourn prevailed. Grog. 7'uyior en route Per the Capital— Mr.. Clay in company with the Presi dent sleet. ORLEANS, Jan 30. Gen. Taylor left plantain. to-day, on 1222 ft il of a steamer for Viekshnra, his inst. stiippieg llpeloo the rissic up the tit, 22. Fri Vichsherg he will proems' to N . 212-10 Ti Ile g 11 - 2 12,142 granby the . 2.0,h of I'. 31r. ('hay :r amps Ith areal Ts3l.2r. Tee ftovr appears t 2 Lave entirely feces -01.1 hi- 11...012. Ciielera boa entirely disappeared trent nor midst, and an the weather is la able, n' recurrence of the epidemic is' , 6.2, 1 ~,kiptcd. I Wel .te.3:ereerlm 1 3. . The Ilia fever is however raging. , o re I Jre:it nominee are'repaling to engage Ot. i•h g 0.1.1 mithillg ex pisliti-es errhune, 3 .1 fi note. 8 h 2ilic made, holders awaiting the news 1 Y„1:14 by the Canada. Freights ate advancing. V..., rt. I p 22.21 3;ll.•olr3•llpern.el.. do Ore , 10 OS 41 31 8.8.8,8 8 8r tool, 37 Fatal Railroad Accident 111!E=1=1 Tids morning. as the ttain containing the o%st:hole that le t thi.. city by areanth e t.,iog over the Providence road, the' boiler of the locomotive exploded with a tremendous noise, and a fragment of the holler tore if the head of Lucius Cum mings, the Engineer, and badly injured the fireman. Tho passengers fortunately es raped unhurt., The accident occurred as the train was passing through Canton. Railroad Aerident—Tow Men Killed. ii/ARISIIIIIII4I. Feb. 1. The tit'''. from Philadelphia, that left , 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, was thrown' 14 the track when near Lancaster. and the engineer ands fireman, named Wolf, were instantly killed. The train did not mach here till 11 o'clock this ',morning. The pan sengwrs escaped uninjured. The engioellf is said to here been Wm. H. Murray. ' =CM Tho steamship Valens sidled this after- • noon, crowded with passengers for the Gold Regions; via Charges. Severs! vestment °Boers were anon tM passempws. As she ass hauling out horn bat bomb. oas of the hands oe board woo killed by the tail ing of a block from aloft. le bit bir on Gm Wad, mud.% death instantly. Rim , body was turbid mina% and gives in amp of his friss& Pittsburgh, Jae. 111.—Alleeway city la the greatest Male of szeitasent in soave gooses of be being disawensi that Ave c r ambad ban robbed of deed bodies.— IMO these of respectable per- Leona . = bodies were nwevered and aimed. Skeen' pernews have been I Respestable pliveleisom and stadeate. Ow ed with the silvans have beets eownitted. Anima Si. Meow UmUtaltkOm • Now YOSI, 11‘. 6. The Steamer United Mame &dived i. pout this make, after • boieleree• pr asp et twentrseve• &semi wlish she "mei honer an mama eesbost. Me Way a heige moiler et s. sod Si. mod rabobleestp die asks l• dywastr. STAMEN!' OP RECEIPTS & EXPINDINRS, or. al*, promised Ilanlt Not* b" " Of the Coltity of KIBQUEHANNA, fir the year 1848. , Mgeat. TrortqNagitola. Mr We tidily eere • period UP. We lure eel 01.41 NO my*. rlvaaln. ,11•01. of Pittianwth X I t 1. ....t,',. d L 1 r t , ,. .... . d* " . ' I Balances or Colleclers , Accesnils . lbr years IS4O-411-411-411-47-4a. c..t..ek5e.a..., War r..„.i..... 11..... Dovierto.J.ahl., . rasum.basilt. ." T ..- 0. . ~, die b.tek, „ .. , . ,„, t4: d . rzhasitt., ~.. ,i',. ~...,,,;,.;;;,,.... ru.t.ra.l.-7°,:t.-;..;:.. PM task L;o71:, Fanner' haat, do , Hon y Carter, en. Irk Sehaylluil an., do. , ti,, W. K e ll am . llrani.. be., °4 CS Itieteeomb, I .I.Via puljunt, /1.1111 ..... , pat , John Va., i•1i ' ..1 : 471 . ._ '. ' • ,t", X. VV.llilatit d n ..... li Ir . Monroe, A. . Sii. Chitinberlia. .Molar: . Prittwille, par N Dallom, 1 Monentrahein, 'I J. K. Ade,e. vil ynso., lix , 1 B. A. L' a one, 1 S. Campbell, Ili Johu Bedell, Irk. , Baker 'll'tne, 7rhan.....a., II ite.turZert, al. Santu, aml L. Avery, el Warner, Roldanter X R. Shoemaker. " =ll l o=Zltalt. A. V , ma, MaaMaiose,thu , J. U. Murphy, itrliio.l ' jtrr t e [ U. "'""`!"•• r... .d z0. ', .., ki7h. i 8.. ""' t ' ler ' Do ot P......, do i a a.., Far & Mauer. an'kerante, do Johu Shae jr. I' '' .3l ''''''' • ''''''..• Raewell M kith,. I‘...ltorliesten, . Yr.. Creaah Cr., do Arc hibald Browning, Do Malone, du' Heard sherer, lon Mein. ttoJj a h m lam., Fort Fate.% Rome,ao t, rha,.....,e,,,t44, an' J. L. Merriman, 7.liteary Keen . .., Watetin, to B. W. Clark, "laawar rosary, „ ao Silas Chamberlin, dni11. nteaoati, . Abel Shertuan. . notternont 4 do . • .1•• ~,,,,,,.. xi,w,11,,d.,,,, ,be Boyd Taylor. . ...!., ... ~..:., .J . a t a , . .. e L a . r : l y , .1 e . ~, ....., : d . 0 lA A : 1:11 , a t . : e s : p.: C m a t hr utef t e r . ,:. , :ill7 . :tulatea. 3: K. S. ear. Lr'ortontr , . 3. ., 0 Tiry...J. Rob: wan. I.olartem• emta.l. ". El ah &al de Nn. & linntret. Camel. J j a .„„ p h , 1 1 a r ' d.ther ;het '. th, do o J. :Ir. Ilare d ha ii rd . , : 74 1 : 4: "t re . ; a :.a" U "' S ' t o a ..: " ": 1 a e , ' " ''' an ' j J ; . ' ' I P' :".. I H l B ir wi d d iZ n : do Ateehnole• .4 itar„.lll. do Henry Pepper. ' .l ' , raVhnittrlO, T oi.e . " M. B. ( "Wet de t . F. Sotathltrepote, ....1 G. wallhom.. ,to .............. d„ . hirrmotile, i Jo Jo ilcr Ana Vann, In.. o do d an 11...., .hrhert... do do MA.. VW,. .1 3 :4errrrZl3 : Arinny, : II : do vrle Vor Sthre, Du... X • de N0e1„... iii eh., do . n ie rn Et. Image, . Jedt..1.1.., 1 lira. Jo 1 dol. romolod.. eottety. ... do I doroot,m , tlehoind amen.. i .o...Jas mor d ° l'ounty, do ' d '' ' ' do,li dui rn d° ' Jo, lane 1.1.1.., doa...t , Id.. Iharmo, do . , en. do' P..e11. 5...., d° i .1., aitlinar. Ilhanic h . ...i, an 1.r.d... mile. per ii . o a° 3:1 de ii J„ ~ or , rrlY . ''''''' 33 ;.i.73'',...34 ) , , e orin lc rinady. do • •• , • , .1„ i t•dotral,..., Valley, d0r...w0e.. county, dal Ihnhos d oelle,r, Vitt , 1 ''''''''' I'l" ''' '' ''' 3: Ii•;',.!hfl:::"' :AI .11whaang tinnia do C... dn.,. 2 '.l3:.'"Y• % ...Mt, do e h d, ni. Alt.., Thar. I nine, neroathdt a° " Thend.h.. 1d..., alWniter doe, ' .1 l'omnovrini. Northah. Minn. county, Jo cowl.. meatus, . Wayne ...i, ;If A1Z71 . 117 '.. {i:: IV: 2 1H1:17p X haw.. /runt, . White PIO, hr.. eh... wow en . 4;F Wil•latnelhara, d° • r..... ~. , . ..y, .i“.d.., 5h,...., do Lem, 4110 i Ines chanty, . New Jersey. sundae..., tu ' r it 4' e r r " ph.:,l...arratteraeo. .4,.; V.......... 1. Penh An, i. PIM... thwael • Comte.V • per t'ardn„. „. „,,,,,,, P r. i=;:1..1„:1... " 1a1.., . 1: : ::: : r.!;•••.;.• : X fi ..zir . .. , n ,.. 1 . 11• .. re1ean. ~. titrxt In . hiI;e.IIICZ j 1,7 '' - . `,.;- .7:7""' 1.,;) 1'.... Is. Brunel, ti Penne, Bonk orCoaases, (Into o rl:=7="Tost. ban of Northern Liberal, bank of lvania, Pennsy 1/1.4 or Peon Tonal, illoseurrelal bl or Pa . rent .r t,l7=3: Kensington Oas. Phew fratarers . sold MaPPon• lona Ma analog Lana. PI . Knuh.. hank, iced VI astern a n of • I.lololalphla Panic al,' Mem 13 PLanilsarsban, IlLsols or Charter county, pall Naga Kola.. enmity, Pant co . Marna ttttt on, oa !Paul, al lo Psi.. 1 Itook or Monk ol North Nlontd. ,oo l'. • !!!. . do , or d• Ifs 11 Old y Not, of goo New /1113 , .1111 Earbsaisot DE. moex re, New No., Pry or ?rg " , ot:ry " Loolg,Eutehero' Om. von'. Chroool, City. Dol. & Rod Canal Co , I,lton, Loather Eon Ononotch. Nanhottao Idnd , Idoollooloe lisog dodo, WYE IT*. Ny ehonts,3loreboold.. Ea homp, Troloronove. Notional, Nor. Rimer, YlooNY,llavooth tn. " ltll7;2,llto ‘ td ! • * , ' Alto .y lo.y 1...-Nondo.d-wit do. !Mood, LOOO, On of Ctnstral NI. V., Do of en, typt lake, Do of t;Lrnamo• lko 1;.: E 4114. Elu ol Un al Lulu. EIie,UUQJ Un ,Lovnlit• tte=e. Roder, or Ne..n. 1 1 ins 3.33 6nebbl., $ DB a 6 00 1114.11 n 3 25 4 . 43 1,3 pew 51.1, W54.5t. " ' ra 6 " p. ar Lit 3 10 1 .1.90.01331.1.1. 13 73 .10 Wen, 19 Mall .lO len et, .1..0.30 tEffiaM New Vat rellle librkel. Feb. i. AI molo:. At , I I own an.l C0A.,...1 owl Von.. Ow. the ronommtively nem.. of Oat 0..... I •P OA. AO to per oorr .AI Ir.. to Ow ...I roovon. an.l A.. for Vs. patmen 9111.4 Oil own. MAO. OKA. On. k t'Alno et OA. PA WOOL. to .47 .. All mO.l Mhow Asol lawM St , . AO W. , oftll M. Will b. beld Y 01bobbby tb. bmporhomea Amiebbtlon at Universal. do WM.., are Tbunday. 21 pod SI at trb seal. Al raid Cwenveser Om C. C. 111 , 0me.1. blind. Ire. J. T. tbableb 5111ned. Hoe Wart. &now. Mb* WI Laromi .b.eneblialy bay./ le O- Z. It. at 11.1., Iftemts., 015* 07.7LtD. Is Fs%ldis. OR Ow ills WI .11n , SILtS Ass INs,..slik Ilmfy Maki, malelimilarr at Woo. Suck, at ans. NY. Is the WS irsu.bst age, Mna dada wu • ember et the Presbyterian . Church of Fraalin ; and dating . leg ad pew fall Ohms neenifeeted anomal magnetos to the all of hrr Reatealy Father. No replay ward nuenser mead her lipa Wheadto felt de I ced hate of death .p.. her, oho 4fteesed her Way he he beralkaml bade am all a aeon. final Mara, hoes eae propered to ell is Ems et OM ■eida..., but de mkt It was se her dare, de Mead It a Nal .d peerfal tg, d. puma the cal Wain of dash. The ha at ar band. epos bar lam a. Maly k$ seep Is the me the Bea r t►. woo alai wan her lb.— 1.. d lltes real 4 hale Nefao gratevelimarsecto. _CHAIRS. onta r Ms Ms Main fr Nilo We &ma W a. meows WifiabE2ii WFoCWr o dO = n rf ly ow W l o)r S rll. e = a a do so = Ar l W o i hr a n rffo lo roo ri ort r o P o . , do COS logo Ohs M IMlrorlolfo, for VW repo. ft male, for• So. IMOYMVIIIIINI•NA le Or balm* WIN Darr go goo NIL . SOP, vol . 0. .0 = M0 2 .. g eft• wriza6 [Made and poddiaked in pursuance of . Ate of A.embly of 1501 April. le 10.) Aoointra, l.nocouul, tuburs,• Brooklyn, Bralg sten Chocorno., Door , Btud Hurford. llRrntouy, H •rnek, P. rß•ollover., N Milford, od. Springville, Say r La th Thamont, Auburo, Apo aeon Rndsl mice. hocoaut, 11) nine , Ft. l ran Foram L. lake. 'bon. at Bend, II noon), Burford, Henault 'oakum, Jessup, Lathrop. Leno Liberty, Montrose, MndJlerown, New Milford Rash, pnuedle, tlilegr Lake. rhommon, DEMME Amount of Dop $9 llO 97 14fondwg Order of Rush overpool, =ME= Abr. SirmuothaniiaUrly, Cr. County lo- E . 17 „ ,:e.c;7 4' •• 112 24i 711 r 2111,:,7•711.1 $ 11;1 . onlcrnrCourl Wi1m.2,111.1411. 220 114 j.. 1/7.:1'; John Prot', Anil or ''''''''''' "' • '''' '' '",:".;:"!°.ag,..": LIII 4. kt.treo•lt, t 0. 0 ! 12 ,0, 01 . , a. l %0....Aver...0f, /.: 7 1 1 !'";''' '''''''.- ';'''7::` ‘.... NI , ~Z",..rg.'7,..., flrnml .10n.r.. ..,!. F 4. -- • v....C0 Or, t •t. ~, 1;,7:7..',...:.'n'7''' ' vi . ~ 7 1 41 . ..... pal P., or, .... 7..... 1,1.1.1va11al • .` 31il ..o! . • .. .....1.411•1 ,I—. iito Fill VI Jail, . 24. Court 11......, an -.' omm. n......r, I FA; 11 "' .. t''''' .. 71 V"' N.14,4 ".. .... 2"" acr 1 , 1:.:7:411 , L,17t.,,. ,t. ....,..,,, "...non.. ,r. .4.7.4 We P.m, 18 "L .1 WI. . M. 1 17 11.41•14,....4.1110w. Do Jot. /..11ey, •• DO Ord,. . 01 tressumos Yrreer. 21 47 Nilatemelat aHr TreniVe• Aeons. TVLER, Treuir. CONTRA, Cr. To 70l In Tr. .y. 1,1111 55,1ty oPlet of no. To o. \WWI, 0401,7, Wel f ly Ton yo't ••• ••I rvont•souoy or 14n , 114 n. sr••••'.1 f • 5 4.4,041.4g0r40re, Jo Two.. nod r y e- " T 777- 11.4•••111To. 214 47 t0r0.41.4m14. .116192" MICI3Tri nooe,, lib WO 41 14 I.moooont n0r04.1 n, SMr4r, plr 12146 IMME ev. Statement of Tr Me Ceentan I Dr. H. TYLER. n T rrr...W",l` Toa.ramnewsulec voirs ewers Aeet wins k of reumPa. Ivo CO.VTRA, Cr. ny rook meat ft. Tmomeeragaz 111,61 ti . .. as ea. Treamm al sax at Rtate tax fiw pre. .1006 lIMSM • tom". M.Y. 6242 " eveel... alt. inmoseer, ISM IC Com . . ofTwoer. TT SI of Cairn. Me ss "boa'. Sit /1.....1a5aw • SU 51 " ottsidue =l= iltatereot Tresooreen ate% relative to Unoestrtl Road. Ist. Comsoly Tozoo Dr. H TYLER. CONTRA, Cr. To Imo* et Com- Imhaman ty tame eatmollormese. On le wed mi netum.- " Am% • Tomer al lab Yr III" SIN la wet erms4 iso, • 11111. rr *4. Visa& Tames. To moss. af US' I!, tet SINN 1..0 ea roosted Load Won*, pProvew, ito insv Ibe 74111M1 s. Sellierse Thies. T. .r. le Gadra..41.....N lON r i Tr so Com& tsol Irmemlo Nonomilm 1180 pN Dr N. C. WARNE!, AY. CONTRA. Cr. I._ Dee..l. lk I am% MOW* II IS To mot. ens. N I ", .110 rot. moms, 1. la sty 'el. it /84* * patemet Gs a• IT T. %Oral. of 08.6.7 pa is a " srio Te MAW, • SIM M in CM"' ll' 114•111 13.41 9 1, MLON I" lirattll 0.11•11111114 • ..............rer • , OWL. 11•10“.. ri•••••7 4 MIL v.i........1•411.11•0*1mi sommia •111. Ile . 1••••• ••• 11••••••• andllsi Ow now emool. " WIIIVIAT, . Tram• C33=l 8 27 1 93 1T 81 Y 9 39 11 9 13 33 13 36 9 00 33 07 2 4 2243 12 66 16 61 9 41 11 42 993. 10 90 10 10 15 3 06 1 74, 7 Olj 672 4.1 628 411 289 714 277 1 4 ' 478 811 4:16 231 277 191, 240 671 333 93, 315 601 195 31' 178 201 229 07 217 07 1 413 43 318 019 403 71, 343 26 176 67 105 091 37593 347 37, 9, 1 179 7 147 001 242 18 227 511 215 03 230 79i 86 7 ' 77 931 235 410 01 183 271 170 45 477 52 473 112 917 29 178 OU 442 571 411 93 242 93 Zio 391 962 78 216 .41 411 53 384 00 125 301 113 061 9710 93 88383 19 b6l/1 8593 31 Innen. Exorreml Nreemouge to Coll $ll6 137 ctore, all 15 . . • NV1114,11.11 P 343 10 Amount due on Duplicates, z.IA3 31 --- $9717 3 New Daily Line of Stages Between Montrose &Great Demi. $5.1111 !4 • I . 1.7 Moat Mee evz , r , io Sark nit. •Inv. nuf ow. MtgMU= ur.. O. and sefqoasnotlMMA Ari•nr, Awl MM.. name oALLIA.,L MO. moo ; OLL, ',MOAN kle.k. .11.4rilir en .0 Low r., czertiou {Amalie their Yea plea -1:V..471.41.1.;!:*". A. MORGAN k cll. Wood Wanted. APlt psl,l for 11,. If dellerred Ml+ semlb. 111 In per toeunl ILe p. fur ne, Inn le. I nue 10n5....1 up Et Me Ste. 1.1. •.0-41 43 Puff. Ilesuluek Vadleer ..I.lbe nt • Wee tube nem nuelellverf. Ono or tere g•nt W..l.le.ppeel wantee ebnp by nu 110. J., or luomb. Wean.. run, I.lso I. 1,. POP? t NEW al, STORE, • The fir., doer see., of hi S. Wiliorre• Starr. T IIRLry natf4l aeolotofeot r..r lovuold into Pos IlAlttl null .all uttroliou of the 1114. lance itsxl 1.1 aomortreone of work.. 000prdo• • goo.. • an., of Theo. tolo.l.l.moifflediesl.ll.4olool. Politioal and MO fir7 PulrntogrenV:P:; ‘ tr . L IT:f * :Vo of. now of Iso, Moo •1.11.4.-...mtla of motion,. : Is tar, d• room ono,. "MM., Vortttla. Tior 7::,,:',:l!,.r,':;,:11;1,1:: - .!;!7r7.7`.V r :17; for t• I ? VI :obi no I Ousel Pon.. linfil AI., ',oil. /W WI. Vo.lllll/1 , 111.0...n Pond, sarol.lln•- . . , . . via Inn iiirainto lananilan Vann, Motto ....ler, iew. kin. nnil Ta. A, ~ Parana annu m.. Tarn.. nll ar. nanny nth. nwirlini not.. ::; . ! . ..e1:;%::::1;t:=7:,f;T:1""U;Z: J., A n:Tr' Yank inlinia Ai. wit.. Tln walw would Inninin I. pun. flan.. will fie r y Inind lan rlf ..11111,111. no. to : Wnniiha. 1.131 awl Vs. Winn.. an• l Ito iiiants a mall Na Orr b.. itarnita ma Lin eel if V.i. Their will node to ..maul awn. eel in p.n. the wino Inatiilinno. I. N. II VI LEV. 3111111109111 PIANOS! PIANOS! 1 14 r• Ire the ftshoerlhen. awl thriale nphor .14 r•wl rivo• Piano Vorthinannrorlan•l nner howls Aehnote.l Patent nthloh ban repeat.ohy Innen of the 11.1 thooniwn In the Praukhe n.d inono.•• 1•••••1 Pet. • •riohin• In ••••hane • mono in•honneht . oh, Invited In iinol ronspo'nu thefts Pt... • 0 7 . 1 g,„ • CASH PAID FOR OATS. .I,nenryll.l4o.l Ay 'MIA& NI . r".4:17441"'"" -.r,„url'n,wer, ' , O. ^ Earl ,tunwrl4.llll,,. I•verl.•••,1,1.1a, !Ir . .I,llltaml it 2141 , Perromi, or. NEM LL "" (WM sad aththikek. Methane awl alma-4k, rtheathlik, &.l .W l'aree Leather. the.. BESTLILL k 1411.11). ARDWARIII newt> hhtde. Town. Klett and 11 We. chop. • vat., nerht W... at POMP. r be s DINS 1101.1. and and PORK try the Iterrel and at Pth•rd, VAIIILV at • 1...• good ranlig•not V Tay and /Ando MN. awl 11114•. P.n. eap tome ••••1 Olt alv. Soto eirhanpr rudo. ALMANAPM. Vantfly.T.e. qmee, Mistime sad /mow, Almon. V.OVegenkle LVONI, NEW GOODS IL. POW" at C.. bonotet temtrool • eh* amomt••••1 . PALL • WINT Wants. .11 Mod.. Ito Lon.. Mel MOP. 0..1E* a110.....~..••••, S Yee moiweeloo• Volloonen tr. ry anortoeloothoo. Comllterry, Msalwellet Whom Saw* awl Am* wentleM the Dr, 0.1.6. Selbelerbblio • O so of onlmost m 4 my kw pilaw. Swot lbw 114 .•• p. orb. No* St mot, lb. /10,AMY i, Imo bon 4M • mat,, rod Alm polo lb [Mn • 0.14 Mat... Met• W nOw NA. Atop. Now Goods. ine.,=1":414 1 2". 0 *=1""1"" " "1. T*LA 1, WWI & N. O. ralle6LL o hienosineed mordalp Y IM aftliandlea. mi • peg... I. F. &Mao 114 Y 11.1. rofs. Womb Of Wk., is 44444, 11.44... mows be .4~ la 114 .111.14416.44•44 Ws 411 150f444.44.4. 4 auks to sok. 00.4. Vs.., 14•41, 01.4 s ass 04444, 7 4 . 4 4 04 44.4•f5e 4.410.0.4 es Ai.. gerrol "NOM by so 4.114=441414.41144.4 11 .4 so. sioli so Soft sod Or Wt. 44 Wow Ts* aszligzeof WWI tr, CoTstao. Weare r sont:l .101 iftail•• MN, =MMI lowil.141•••••• Of 0444 04.4 Sam Is NNW. moose 04 me pr. Arm" as. MM. Now torir. Shwalmo Or 11411-116 wind a. Om /by wt mOsinatim. (lbseilembla =LIM WI be bov . X=VV .. ....= VOI I. P . A las a VigaisT ATTORNEY AT' LAW. At the °Alto &needy owpeAtry CIA V lAtelt NtA, Wet, 1111111007 , 11 Gold Pooh; t • r • Omaha. to taaout.tare their 'madam Weld Pena awl Dales Pea . Holden. Gold mat Myer Pea and Pen.11C..., ate., aappliell at the Intmt trode.priero. vv.... (014 alma) 1189 R. VlT,lflt Na Leelthwas the welt/4th, Luso Wth Illeetratiew—a fro cophni /we me... eh. toe wee BENTIXY MINT 45009:1134. A LPACCA.. Olnemaso, Ilena&lnlte, Da Lane, . a Ing e comm. Gimp,.l.. R LYaIVA & U nIT~ au.l I'lukr. .yußa, 8.r.. TIYP'I•, Ifnr.. C.• P.. a•le. NEW GOODS LYONLYONS, thaulatal tn his frielair and ale ontille for e antenna.. or the pinit daimon', would respootf thoir attention the nem nail Owns One& he " la Ting, ennalstinit la purl of DRY GOODS. Crockery & Glass Ware, 11101101 Re &TX . TIN & JAPAN WAIF, Malls, Shorn, &c. &c." . on 18 NEW GOODS, At Reduced Prices. DT TIFFANY 1. non meek mu a Mr, auf lmull ••• ten dellttllaataVraltun ' a 11;=. an d Me nob. seamanly tonne Wm a tallbarompurallanaa almarinum 11;a1;tio On. 12, /SI, 11:11;=.27:"' '17,1T;%;”',r.", ”.Cr"C'; an I/ M " 174":. " " h • • T 1 4 t4ovitTiv us sou No Ilan should be Without. D A. LOCKE. aolowtolle how .•li n o the 1. for the sale ly 11. IA county of Collon'ti Patent Pocket Mitre, t 1 Would Inform the oitlyerta /11 qtot t ut h a nn a th a t t tt t h e Lova nano tl Pock. ntay befoutal a tan onarY omt the tstruoan of Om Plak-1, MO, lattahl he a naittl•o• A rum. flo• ono of thom• • nottMl want, la porta. tta can. r ues. They 11,1 .111 “ atth an nut•tle and Mod, titres. lmlatton *Molt la win am. Pleare call sod ,oureelr .11 4.11.1 , n,•..0re Sinai pone. SNL 191.1. Am VS. of VlK.wing, GULL) GOLD! GOLD! Ff. 4;21217 12V: VA:l7 , t.:lnt!: 7:1:7i17:1; own. to ire. 10. Wow. end mining it for I le An Is wisely. to pot N. ontl ni llt howeenbiy. Ile 1.1 1 . • t. mother.: Ilorinelll. nonin run rwrilintiir notinly pUrtionwil Julio, the run orlon lont rti r, .11. 1..1.4.0 In • rot., olorr, Av nlPro In a.. nu rorloinire 60 .• te (AM, Xsl re, nuil rtes. Gov? Port ulth. ' rhotenni:dant eau. foll to he ontiroly rolifortory: or 11l to iwohontir thr prod. lANr Imo , onytlting it. ! rho that .16 ~,, e hr will he round ninnt Allouwohlo Administrators' Notice. it'14;17.74.1,°'=',V.1. , ....%,T::,t,=,, , r, *7- . bnke Innnellinte v, nt nn I °tow havlor nphot boatoto nor .nnt 11,n, linty r tt, n ,./ " = " I6, 1610 I : . ILLYI VA47411.1.V.°. LAW.I"" ;';`73V prre"AlZ, ;,,. .7 " /:"L ' Zr: f ' N " l . :rl 7" " 11'4 M. 14 IST k 1•11. TO TUE LADIES. otln , to. : : r.. "r elr and oor IS U. I , lKr & CO. DAYTON. 'OS Railroad, Frei g ht and CO - AIIIIISSION LINE. her a( yetim vitami, In the nle en rennin In Ow New Vora Inman , tt min I tone rale of nil appetite nine- IN in mar nee. whin mll enable permforeatedletn lIM line In nem. i he Ina, mire roe nide armlun. te=. '" rg . 7ent ". 4lrlraTrift b it= . nritt;7P. inn, In Gent Demi. nr In Nen Vint if yreenntl. RN InrrOttr Onint Rend. Join Nth. lidn 11.1‘.7.1.`g4. e MONTROSE SALMON. trYtatil7l• "' ln7Vlt:4l . :Zt:Vott::::::: . l mould he esimmly him 11.P.r pm.rmagsr... Am', ' w1n0.....1241ret Tr. 0... 7% ~11.• glom' n:-., rayldialltbraille Pills, mitmly far IGllbw YIn.R, 410,n mook fmrn experlvte.., (..? gal. 111LOWIN. 110! FOR NEIV I;001K Via N. York & Erie Railroad. ta !'1,2V.: *. th; 111.0. he Ir &imagine I Iva an•lertnl.l ter any 11.14 , thatent the Camay. Ile W. Joel rerreaaa la ridltios to M. lama r MM.. a large 'waft el C•lmisserr.,lles,inell, Printo..4l pace•, feather, Grectrir, flt.• st greolly named paw, nod mill h• ool• al • Inns moll Jror• U. MO. Tacos mewl ileJlefae.—. Avrio la keel m• 11,54 befo oling M the Peiesol Illedlrho. el the 6.o—lrecnown.l, Ines Val .1••=:=11=,r. "" 6 . 1115i7 —7-kakaitors' A 1.11.pwirk44.1•0•1 1 10.4LIIIMI L. law Pe r . Pap 40e d, ant nnoletted M lle IP. Nf eMepwl 44,1Rem1a mat. Z . Y1111.0. Ar i nnAMlNlrecrowl m .11•- .110111.11711110 LL. •• IL. MUM taratur ~...71.04 $O. CASH PAID..FOR WHEAT, At dm best wkr I. L. POST & Ce. ha 17. lea. I , ===Ariat iv ir. TerOt Woke. .1. 1-.0=44 Nowillg•• Ark dt/A./L NA' owns. it. I. PALL & WINTER GOON. .1 r ZT..=r l ' , l trelre ' rliltettd d rrVrmot terms. pont...Pod %gm public no longed to WI and sm. on 31,141 i. P. B. CHANDLIfiI k Iron, Sled, Ainih, • C.F . % .:•lAltboo ?MIS k Gents' Bas bn o- re • • , 4 I/ W und IANDLICH IC" FAIR PLAY I• NEW GOODS ty et twat mama tteut, ria • /haat!. ro • titter., •Sabriels, Verting.,lloo 1.1) Sh• ding,Alpaceiso, Thaw! Ci• • l'hi‘,M,Slinsele,DiM AAP. Too , du n . Naga..Sole tt Up pr r Letim..r.,.fiii•ad Nip A rtry x , rsoilmeal of ltuots R nbcem, Mill 4 Now, Pi... 4, Tr., So prr, Itrr, Rntwn,t,'2lio,i Yam Md. on, nekine, Ran* Paper Croel.,, Tobacco, F . ,x4, Oil and Ibibier CIO Is, ore, 54.•,. Ill! Pagoda., ea., oh, ti..•i1y0w.... win TT \ ...•are rrleter . tood publialjit er Decors. sr 1.1 pis e Watt *lolle I 10.4 god*, arty r., nto with elm*emote., ilaba. .5r 1 , 1 prty ilrry could; am. .14 I al., mplol,tand falr ploy,rth . eA L tstlM 3114.1. w. Nov. 0, ARRANGEMENTT WErsttlt respeetfully Informs the etthtsus oirthlio at he leo. purchased the Intermit of 111 e. to 1.1, h. t . . wake STOVE, TIN, COPPER & SHEET-IRON r.t.l.llohnont, footmen, eon..lon Ity Nem m thiptilfogo, lt.‘ rtnof onitonnofornolortoly of rot lainfn non,. e n o‘ tt ' trl n l " Tlft, " VOter 4 , iy f,„ won , t o et. t ) not tit. Attn an of onfelt L . will It tIl lowly ot no" low pone, ltrodat.. m e lt tit , no mon tem.. Montro,, nen. lfott.l.o. NEWG o 04) W ' 4?. 7 oge s ; r a:lolV.T:re 4."' "'""M"- • • r.ll,..+Wite llnntrose. "Oki w. mn•ixlx to t , (55 . 2 N, 7 ."' I 3 ..... 13333 rol e[nrotsnyvierot [ rbw AtiviArltimee n/fered [Allor.[A, 00 qprot pßwl [ 10 to all per wort In furl her portkOlaff •41. Ants Ipudd pultl) A LEARY, mists an.l orevnv he Inn 40.1.. y. fon... 'Ol by 111 • RUM. NEW GOODS. ."" I°"`7. Dry Goods, including a splendid selection of Cashmeres, Ablana 1k /Alines, silk striped, plaid and fency Alpae • ens. Cahargh clothe and Gala Plaids, Prt nth 4. English Grog- 1 hams, and a large. Va riety nf Rich, and common calicoes, Rich Plaid and :Vet, Amore and Long Shalls. Donna Vet rets, Satins, Ribbons, and Flowers, Gimps am; Fringes, firoadcleths. Fan cy Cassimeres, Satinet?, Flannels, mn.l lork rtrrk or roe.. Arran,. 00. r, Hatton yam ete. or.Aln, sr unarl a low of Govern, elte,Fery, Ilaritrere, Iron aod Meet, mails, Moe er. Clock/. Mote and sihnes. Paiute tarot a I*, Mrthentee, Mr'as. NForq eir. .5,.. to whirh hr watild in 01. went no or..ur , Irose, OM, .Ir. "armee. 0146 rill 10...0.1011w floor., or .10r,, lb.. Orr do.a.p. , rot Fresh Arrival of New Goods. Ire f no rm..• I n no w nnnk of In n es: I • I. In,W NW. berr.l3ra, P. 1 ,1 na..tirin., Tenn.:rm. In. lentbrm, benne 4. ale. tee n *11. . ‘ n 7.11, 1 " "' 1 1 1 . 11. * N71. T & IRSAO. New Clock and Watch REPAIRING EATARLIMISIIENT In frnin the enire, oul...ninrr burin Wei miorrioner Jo the *• inaOlonoo, owl re ~,,, ...el one r: kw Not of Orer.4l. in., in • , nyino that Or roe repo* row, no.l onrl, e•Vi INAS rinno).o An, r. in thr pi , of . otn.l rle nerd.. 0, r flow lam ntr. r• he InfroJe awning I< oonMr, 06.1 smt •. on. that what 1...10.c. doll b..; .1111 Jentr: Int .r.t.rant , .l ',rite. Goad Towle ....el.on, .1.1” , 111, mr , v ,, ,ttll ••. kon4. hvortmeo., Coles role. All nf vat.* trim,oll‘...• am t o ..11 et. nee so •,..iits , a{ atjearlry a delm este tor ,tl, ";17,;;;77.;7,:.17,11."'"'"'"`" "Ir.Z Farms For Sale. rr. rubor.Wm nem ral• lb* ••• ram,. vag.—...lmat 4 miles mod. ' tI prmrtnewe Merenn. The laml lo aimed gas/. lir mn I levier ...ermdarde ermrtlystlon: IlmfoommeMl/1 In, MI - m an n.MII” parehmate. The nig 0.1111.-1•000 Imam. mos. pmilm rale., elm, flirming Immmerg.. mnd h'Jloo.Lrrw.eme.inn.4 4.1.1 with tb• lend Wor d,. Yr* t«rma ostrn Ww. YrMnlp Genilemen I 'num ON/IVII.S. Ike wt.., b.** PT Oft lea. evlimon al Nem.= ;i7..7==.117,1=1atp,...4..... •••••11 That be Mn eafl "*".. J ot, dale An the Am*. sale, Int lee A wet howler NAM . All Ilaseerwha hovel.llberlo MA .14 Are 1.,/ AlAleo. gin pie*. FMK •lAAA Al met *Melt 1. AAAA 1.31 Atop or Wilke 1/11.01•41b001. kite IMO pm, gp Maeln...ltle, 0.4" New Waft ElNabllidwwity la Went Mese Ike•Pq. ra• Miatirilaa'="l:::"•° ass •Ogr a Ow NlllMlrialiona,ylrMtry maw W. *ad owl=r4o.e, 1 . 1=.1=6 memo 0n0.... NOM 4641 Mods la Mama. 0018. sal mow IN mgrs. 114.1alber II MO .f Ihroms , Nam. • dio 1 • sew Cho Peel 1.4 io Allis, Oar dereil. Ye N. V. 4011 a. NO Elrod. *r Ike& Raw. 111, Mit 101MIMC min 0.11••• drim — llios Seven& Tem =a .m. riumwerrt— 111141MOMIWON IM11.••