-- G. A. GROW, ' I Pelf with those who were reminding him The bill for the relief of Timothy Ker- I . Esactaavron To CALIIOIOIIA.-!! MI Oee Moettese . ST. JAMES -The N. Ratrieril Geld Pew , . I impoemble to keep then. of the expedittons 'Y. Sun saes : i' Mr. Bancroft, U. S. Mit. ATTORNEY.AT LAW. ! ~FALtr& WINTER GOOK anstautly with hie previous averston ton an, of Dhio, sr . a. passed. . Colifornia-the whole eountry has caught ister at the Court of St. Jame It • A. ri. MAG•OIf fa CO.. st Al big.l.i . A. 1.01........., onaello ...h •PP.ri" l .". MT. O. writhed se- I The lull paying for certain vessels trans- 'to eentl ander lbll nlbokll..alliwilltwrtel. ll l lr red 0 filtive(n.ont el. the time of the an. am lever, and thousands are being tab. ised his mission to England by three great, tow v. '. ' Laia ' a s ....' j .„'" i g ',,,...„ ... ..."':.........r.vemjcw.....0ra.........8 .7.1 1 j . r.ia _ 0 ............... = _ , ....... 0 . *... ..,... &L. an. amendments were rejected, nesation of Tel., then came op. ,and et. .ff d•ilY. The ti qapitoPwae cleared at achievements-the negaistinn a th . ) ,..,. 1 33 , 0% ,.... r jt.. . 10 n:13:13. ..' , V.1.,•=1,1'." 1 ;V,31,7'.1. - 1ttr..,.... ...- , .• , -..e.....-.... 2 : - ""'" -- ..-"' Boston, on Tuesday hy the Ream Hem- treaty the release of Anto icons imonsoned hereupon, the enemata rose, and the v. i being discussed, waa postponed. ' . .. . .... _ •... . • , ... . • A 1..0Z lorbor moored end...oat mho. anna - ' Val'lLT"'"''''''' . ° l7.4 " chum other ...thank, adopted , excepting i The Senate then proceeded to the con- don .1.8 • manifest 13 teet long, cookk.omg . Ireland ' and the abolition of the custom ra n. two tat vt rosT k CO. ' NEW GOODS. ,F. B.SWANOLM4 • Co. one reducing mileage and gang the pay tat .ider.A. tat Executive bum.., and ate, 465 erode. of entry beside. 159 pitmen- of soloing American ships on flyulous - HENRY lIIERRITT , male tome spent therein, the flours were re- gen It is the longest manifest over pro- charges ol smuggling." For ( m ile at Gent i leemberi. is awake, m yonata asmettamt a/ mar oel nisow The vote was th en taken on the Milan 'opened, and nn motion, the Senate adjourn• duced at the Basta Custom House. Ille - .1 dispatch from New Orleans, a vac.. etas • nisi n more as . co A'•::.t.1,.T.:1.7: - ,:r.",,%==%•,tf.a7 1.11-4«.:-,tv.-tt.f.-- -ro; - -.I Dry Goods, including a splendid selection At Boston, the ship Franca Ann ha ' amended and it; plead, when the House ca until 31,001ey , dated the 24th, ,coy. :-- i iThere were no new i Ilocsa -Petitions end memorial. pre- been purchased for $ll,OOO r ship A 'adjourned. - WO THII IRDIEII. .of Cashmeres, Muslin De Lanes, WC I settled and referred. for $16,000, and brig Sea Eagle, for about e•aca nr Cl. 1" ". i'V the Cleult, 11.. 9 4.1 nets° .Penntanaooor go o , 0. A. A...a to i - tratt.riloy , and the disease may be egoist& tr do badefof then lity••=38•171 Ar e ttOttifir • striped, plaid and fancy Alpac- NV IstonnilDni, Jan N . Mr. J„seplo It Ingersoll offerel a moo. $9500, all for California. '" ' , lath n inatructing the Judiciary committee The ship Pacific sailed from New York, geed i n tt .ettanre at no and. " 'l e. "" .. t ..•... .741,orlmor e Tt w ' ..e. .. wan„ cos, Coburgh cioths dad -- Gala /Voids, French 4' ' •' I t o fiend for ;lemons and papers, for the par-' on Tuesday, with 100 passengers ; the " M t . Clay itt recovering Dn. the injury Lo received in his recent tall lie has ea , English Ging : p,,,,c A' in.estigating the chore. preferred barque liersila with 62; the ship South DAYTON. CLARK. & CO'S hams, and a large re apainit Judge Conklin, or Now York, by Clino with 60 in the lee cabin, and 163 0t, , 1 din . ... i , .6.. a ISO 1K.t..1, - . - egislature fur a seat in 111 11. 8 Senate" Railroad, Freight and riety of Rich, and common . thee.* The clerk states that the Judea. in oil , and the barque,?laseppa with about COAIIIIISSION LINE calicoes, Rich /quid and Set. required him to di, ids his fees with bins . 30 paasencem. , HOTELS ' !OR Csxtro. NI A-A vowel Sliterre and Long Wiens, Bonnet IW- The matter wao laid over. The New York Herald gives a liit of 47 will sail from New york, i.. a few day., p .,,,,,„,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , .. m ,,,. , ,, ,, • roe, Satins. Ribbons. and Flowera, Gimps!: On motion , the Howe resolved itself into ernispanies, formed in different Metione of wholly fit:hailed with buildings rot • Tidal ~t. no. ntolt torortervoll Sines ol tirniloretgr= and Fringes, Broadcloths, Fan- Union, of the alone on the state of the the country fur California, mitiMering 2,499 i n edir er ,... . v • Vol in On. Rend ye lonordti 1n..00 en. 1 end all necessary furniture ... " 1. „r lie ..... cart 14. Cis. / ." n Cf Ce.A.em. Yell. Ds Flanne ls, Union, and took up the Private Calendar 'lllombera. Several of theme have already ..a provi a ion ' s, end eepohle of B,,,,made. i5it,...27,...x.1.;:z..v.,....,....L.,:;:intt")::',::::v.,%. ...... ,. ..... r.. ....,... 1 ;i„i . . !: „ : „.` ..;,.,,,,,.,:,.,... The committee nate, after considering a aaanai , 'line '2OO per Another hotel it soon tort, „ mg, omen will otalilopn•Onsf=l 'ee Itn.'' G ,4, 1 . if .. 7 ~, ~. Imge number of bald Irloi reported sixty-six . Them are eleven vesseh fi tting ."' .' to be sent out Dont Bala' ~,,, e n i v"... me hahos Woof, thor ,t,,,,A;n2,41,e,. •,..., tr;i : i ... •: ,.. N: 7 4 . : ( 4 „: . . r . :: : :: : i11:: : : . .t , .; . ,; ,, ,:: , 5 ,..... , .: , :,:.." .. . .: Lille to the House , which were passed New Bedford fur California. two of them are . _ ...::::::'-mr,;,;tua7.7.11..,:v-v;tr,- Bwoho and Moro. Anwts nerd - Aoljourned. about ready to sail and will take out. 160 Itorru or roc 11 i bredi It Haan-Ur ......... or. New Von non,. . " 11.•1111INGTON. Jan. 27, 1 . -‘49. ' P.....gem one of t. vesmln ham 40 own- John Lallland, well known as the Sill i witi n v nal TON, Plow, clr. W.; lu which he a aold ot• The ,. enate was nob in semi. to-elan . ere, who ell lase passage. Bard, and a writer of nwly poetical ego- ' " v. ' .. .. is " ca. tit. i II r J... i ...pease. cco a elks,. us ossic , tha IL. eine, ' Nor"" -Mr. Stanton, of Tom . moved At New York, no les. than sixty vessel. alone of great merit died at Wilmington, to reetosideratinn a thu vote passing the arc lop. 0. tar two are compelled to wait Del., on 3lomlay. Ile bad been for ante 1110\1110SE SAIOON i'"=' . '""''''.'"'"'"'m big .igi.. f o r .„ , . t ...... 4,.„, i t ,. • for the bakers--the tlernand for herd bread time, the editor a the olllue Ilen's Chick- ' .‘,..."., • 1a allowed to the forward office., of om. being sac that it is with difficulty them.- en," • paper published at Wilmington. 1 . , ~,,, , ,„,,,,„.=::::7,V",,f , , , :0 t trv,,, z zr. r .. 'Fresh Arrival of New Goods Irralore Wilkes' late aplorillg expo tracts mar be lulfilkd r . ,•;n1zz , ..:1, ,,. . n wt00 to .......„ . ...1.1.....„ Ail juar.aaa..••••....., of irons. on. s boa rinl:. l Tile motion prevathng. 31r Stamm. "Leo' A , 80at... the. am eleven yawls up For GONE TO CA LI ros son The Apollo left 0,.., A .,,, - n0.....,p4.,::. " .. 7 , ' .7.l.:::.;;; L etiFtt ' ind,i 4 ; 444 .4" '''''' 7...l ` .:::1".." 4 ." " .'''' ....... ' submitted an antatlment, 8., ns to ineluile:Califidnin Ono ship, the Ilognolia. well, New s ork for California hill of gouda and ' ,. ..7.4..,;;; , r, ,,,,, !.:;,, ,. ; .. ..1,.. J. . „ . ; , ;........... .. „ 0 ,. tn . & ram r. tro Inbar tt:li'L' -'" NEN NAT A Ilnan Ilia 11•111. a ti.1.,..n.t. Bingeing], a, WI tr a m New 'Bedford shout the Bra of Passengers. She Mao hes on board two 'ng .5.0..... t.....in0. se ...now... ... the •-- - - rho Porpoise and Hudson, of the Peacock: February, with 75 She has a clergyman ...Impa p.n.. type.. !Alger, mid ink., 21:12.3 : ,.,:, 2.,..3::g1is New Clock and Watch which was adopted. A A ell , debate, adn and several halite among her passengers and everything complete for ten eAriblisb- in .as I.nottliot Aosna rin none,. lone *on REPAIRING ESTABIANIIMENT gled with nom confusion end merriment. Ti e 1 a 1... n. Dultrn.. 1000 Wong, h ese mat of • newspaper liii. the Mines, !., , :ra0 , .,...... , ..: : -.. ...,:5 n '0:0tti , .1=•, • ,, ,, , ,,. . 'ca.. re a•nrier Imileina ! .10..ra 6. tn. ,a„ roar Th.. took pia, 31e.... Beihy, no pci t iis)l... been formed in New York. Den Meled. under the charge of 11r Reuben C 3loore . C0.J.,„:. r .11; i,leis ' ' ' .4 /0/...1•1 1 ..111111,11....... few.... ot we ion ...Anon if. nia, King, of OcurVi, and Atkineon, a 1.... a T 0..., hn. be. aected COlolliel. and enti John B. Ormiston. This in indeed an; Ploalanthrepic Pills, 1 item .e.leet ...1.... two are... mon. Alto kni. I Virginia, were the principal spenkom-the Jai Arbnet. Bennett, Lieutenaid, Colonel enterprise. 11E sPt rotor], Br Baku.. 'Work. natant i I ...on iritm 8 " • s". 8 . ....1.. ........ soen . • r.P . . MO ramer gentlenten advocating, nod the They well v well armed and equipped, and The St I • Organ ~ that large : T.. ••••••,..• . 8 ' 8 '' . 'T ee ' s • •'"'' tt • r. '''''' ''' ' ''' ''' ".."''. ''''''''. '' • • "'"• ""'" latter opposing, the bill. Maintain peace and order at the gohl region, ~,,.,• Id h b 11' •- d ' 110' FOR NEW 60016. ........,,.....-501t...r0e......... 1 ..4..4 3lr Kilo; moved the previous question, r ,, r , .;vided government pay their. expenses nii. k . "' , " y " m ' e r nin ,,, " e “ """ "".""" 'n i Via N York St Erie Ra11ina& 1 7;';;E;;;;.:'"•:K.,j'„,::, , ,r);,4 7 ; , , , ;:: ;; ;,,r'.".'"Lt when the bill was passed _.. The HinISO then resumtd the consider a- An Apprentice Wanted. .li a ~i .tsn. nv e. , eterete.'irtoloriti Oi Inaatitaloorrin 1 1 0 , r or to n ' • ' 8... Liu n of din renoluti m which was rep,,rted LW" ' fn... 314 ' 444 T e• , A ...a , ....‘'' .... H .' . " ." " '''''''" d 1 r ee . , a ' att ' artZl r e===t r e:Vttnt..;:=l ";"''-"'""'''''' r "' ' ••"" '" r " ' " "Va' r .7..' " '' ' STOVES, The New Orleans papers of ono 2lst la, Men 11.011.1.•.,-.......:7 :fze .;. : . .........t::1i_. Az,. ir. be a att......y . ,,... e0 et 0 beltoate.... Iron ' '''''''' 'r" '"" by tho Judiciary Committee yesterday,. .. w" Stove Pipe, Stove Furniture. 4 thorisi ~, 11.11 ink °Alga, ion into the o harm, h a l e .".. to hthd Tim .PW.l..e eo. - ' ° Pr r :r r , ‘ ' - • i '.„ r, ' ' 1:,:na . . "" 14 ' ; " ;;;:.:. :7,L rL.-.... L. R % & co. Farms For Sale. s m u t ' LING, v & s c . which have been edit preferr nahlst dud, tainn further kerns of Meal. n news receiv. .-z. ..',"„,Y,. „-,,,,- 0 - 0 .40 0 -„;,77,a;.,...-v„„e: ..,.:• , •rf....P1 " : , of '''''‘e ' • e''''''"' ' ''''''e" Co iCkliik ••f N,.rtlonn New Y... k col by the rho, Am Tile latest. 7,a,•,..„ ra „,,, a o ~,,,,,,, a• .„0,,„,, 0 „ Oath, (boom ~ ~, OfOoe. Pr int, 11. m r c„„ ger, a N ew 1.,,,,k. pr .L „, 'hale. Irma the city oi Mexico are to the h.• mad. atom ,11,41 , . 1;a t 4, ern err ici ieh m ii i i i ... iiiii ~ woo cr.. ii,i ' Vnni ' ti • ii ... . r ,. ~.„....., ......,.. IRK now ro•nona•attoil otiarniama oftlralarromlniy, s• l '•• ' '"'' '' . ' l. "“ T 1 4 ". . ". " r the " •1 9" er r " 7''' ' Tl'' M''"" 41""g"" "4 k"""- Al art Otnttet „a:', 1., "„r tido Trunklut waM. 1 . 5re5t.....4....4 i...e......0n 1....'s . . '' " .•-.• the ll..use e„ In. e'nennertn due t'. the ae_ Med, nnoi the President's wave deliver- .... „ lon .1, do.. Pi. 1,. „anti...oh I ' ' . ""L"'" T aet " a =a: ' ' ' '" ' ' ... , •••' ''"''''""'"'. "eki"g ' l.4"..., a I "' .1 " .., 1 'll eitinuaratule ..4 . .b.. t h o ~,, ... ~k.„. .„,I th, ~ I 11,. represented the country to be in a.t."" ''' ',.: . ' . . '", ' . ' .." e° wre n , ~, „,„„ .„„ n ,„ , n „ n ,„.„, , Bork Anal,. •uil Connotat NW wait or lb. MA Wm.. rcnoluti..„ atloptn.l. a Demi:dos. condition. During Age past '"' F""k" on ''''4" ' .'".. 034 • m -Tate t Int, nom 4.1 B • ri i 1... 1. ''". " ''' "" '. ,'' . "-"'"'' ' 1 " 1 " ° ' 11. ' 11 . n ' .l°. ..'",,' ' ----;,r,---, • -....._-.....-. rt. •=,.., • following aiiiinn gorilltonstn were chow.. m ode i t ne.....e c.T...: ..:•! ' „7,....:. ' :; " . " .t . 4..... " .:Mne0c!iti L' . ."': ;'"",' '';;:' ''' ere - "'"g'..' "........."' w. . ' :::,..11::o....k """.-""*""'- " """ on ...,.... of 3lr Thompton, ad' P 0... P'"'• t h " • .1 ... ea " r A. ant. itt . ' , ~i,..„.. v.,. 11,,,,,„ .1.. , „, „„d,,,A i,„...• i„ th eluding AI department', oniountea to $l6,- -- .- , ht , --...e 1.. r 0......" • Seer_-....-.- i Fitt ....1 . 111.1101.414.11 .1 Tv 11. t . llonir .' ... I. ' " I "' ' 1....8 ' ............. ..,,„,.„,„„.,,, 0,,, ‘1 h,,i, tan the ~.„,„ „, .h,, routtutti, nod the reeeipts tn $10,1100.000 .." l o I V. ' ''''''''''' j'n' ' ' L're'r". ''''' Urrt , l=l:. ' .7a r r ''' ' '""r"."o.." .".' " I 71ft..r."1=''''Or'''‘...7:!"*Za'Aj.;.,7,j,‘,. ‘'''' .....o ' . '" .. ' 6 New Goods, a...W.V. 1.11111 I Mull, and Mr. blurt. ..1 ....nth l'ar dine The anthorities at Maxatl. bad reduced F. W " .... ' " "" .r], ".." P. "• l' ' Tr ' , " be ' In t 111.01.M1 •CO ' • - ital It . pro • t 'nor ofert.• as •an . rm. Is ans Inure le Ow Count, site niventil so lit a been .1. I, mailed to the f•hair, t o ok ttg tha big no., on imported goods 50 per reel ' ''' ..r. Ad “ r"'''' '' E . ' ' '' C'''''' ! '''' ' 'V.' : I i71" 1 Rllarr Parker, Ilitalanrt. Yon". T. war , This Way, Gentlemen I ~......,........---......„„-.,„.„'„17*, .„, to establish a connalaraiill f , oi the settlement The rebellion in Sierra hail not been put ' r. " . • I '• 53- York. " • III) 6 ''''''' i '• ' S • L''' .. ., l •• L.. l' 6 ....nor be IiENTITI A • Ilkan inlN 111 , 1, ri I • j • I o 'or' , bra, o' 6 ''' rule„ ...llV.7.7i=er.::::=...eXigirrrorra''....arer*"- n much, L t i ck A i i antrainaafaieleintoil wr . r . ow nootatett r1..,-,,,. 7. ~ ~ ~. „,,,,.„., m „,...,,,,. 1 .,,,,..„,,,...,„...,, Diumgm. eaucaut a mma. of private claim. down. • toonerodeow. wa. owl lo O. 11. Deal 1111, 101 . 111 , 1111 ... 81 . A . nom . I . „‘ji, e .B.. a, totem.. elation to your Annan. rotron• • Mr Enema, of TeX., offend' . - •NED n.. eat whi h a...4.i n'ell constivi obie CINCINNATI, Jan. 21, 1049. . wo. followed by an able addrem front the Rev. 0 Itroure oat *No aat I en. fun, Am, ~,,, I ihml ker. more 1..n0r ... A R... ' or e i: ' :e. ' =4 . 4l .'" ''eg'"' ''''' 0, "1 'e'er ee' ...! . Vi r 0011 .Vall GOOS 3III I°" di-.....i.... . hid, them ti des., Si 3110511 y, A despatch from Louisville atates that, 31 . wool., Thc a.m.. etcoaaca te , te•oe! - ef Now York, aml Sir 1t of Vir A...weenier Ann Elisabeth knocked a hole ' • "" •ai 'O . ... W .A .. " ~,,, e "`" " r ""' 're.. .Stray Heifer.---C=,:::::.:;.7=‘; 'N . A ~......“.......... Pr.... "In noll ! rn ams. "'.." p ' n et . '"'"' '''":":,..... eee = eee gillia itarliripated .111er Sett i :LI other it' her b o ttom and amok below the FAN this P e. .. D. C '''' . A ii • "'" """ " ' r ' "'"" ":!::: r.r n, ' ....72 . ,,:!. ' ; ' ..77;:. ; r"""""'" ..."" t:,'..n.;.;:07:;.;"11',",..";!:,:r,'=":"'"..Z", "- I:, w.., 0,..0..... - - ~.---- -- 6 ,.. ,comm ittee been l'ff.. l oton .liscossed, g00.0ni...-t..tal Imo' She was heat ily la- nen . ended ... the 0,4,, mon conaglerahleled.n.;' Apt, 'i'ii Jaitu r fr; .... 1 ' l% , ln tn. , . • ......li ••••• ....• • .....• Aron nr ' PM' rilt • 0 f• . TE• ..... • 141, •Z= e , " 1,.=,,-,..,,.. " 4 _ _ _ r Alnittrow.o y 1 Ittro rank by .. One the committee rose and roportea that they den elni °Ply pertly insured Lem in the enlisted in boor tar the goon ems , Such moat - - Exiato - rs' Notice. tiorrat. in.. - .W.07n7,...7 - .4 who.. ConT; ' it ''''''' ''''' '' "" U. BURROWS & Co. had come to y a eoneintion, and then the neigliit i nlite i d of Bils-000 , meta a. du. betoken, Mot for Tempo...cc, et. o,' - -- - I"n"s adjourned I - Them . . a gaol 11111. t0m...." F.nookha • stain,. • 1 t . t o• 'a . 1 " . '"' • "'"' ".. " " ' "" " eee" •!! '''''''''''''''''''''''' 'e" ''''''''' e irrlin e lg ee ' CI 11 for NMA it ../fi „ P...W. „oVer berl3re ' forth and stal tomotrott, pool mon+ h... done,' .:. rilce L.Zel.ie .:t.:an. ' . Z l r.."' "rr"..."..."' ' ....•". 'H.." ' ______ __ ____ Later Arriliat tram Chogres. 6 .0 °En couple getting .aariod without ' that - .....10 ....,,,,......%.,.......A"."...4n.=.11r .......c. , ....-..-- ................. 1 ''''''',.*-‘*-,......... 0". --.---... .... ‘,1.., ~.,....,,..,..,,..„. .. 4. ~ ........m _ .,..,,,,,,,a nr. ,,,,.......,, ...... ”.., WOW ,orsicolar..•lll.. to al. dmilair ''''''' The m.....„.,.....„.; city, ~....,1..g r. . even . hearing each other's homes. And .. Roo for the moncieni stimt. ea fog, .. „. k „ . k . ....,..d . 1 se. York 0 . ,fi. yet. at ha happened, it same. A party i totgaur.. r li . ' - i CLOTHS, CASSIN ERAS, No realm r plot.. lound . n.„...C0 „...Tt. " " . I igoifsW 444/08 .. •‘.- • ~- , DOIESTIV AL" fIIirON GOODS . 27 , 1,. ~,,,e „,,,,, g ,, ~,, nen ,. ( i n ur e .... met on a titt-ighing . fodie at a hotel in Kings. • - bride, N. Y., the other night. A strange „wt. 11 1111E1.1.. tldiaro.r. ' • ' And Wanton Graeria peinefillidr. and her sceounts from the Inthiems are very ....ti11;'`. • ;"..... e : S. gentlemen walked in-fell iti love with oue 1. am0m , .......n.e . .124.1.47 . n..t,Lt ., X. ,, ,, , , ,, w , ! I ' ASII PAID FOR IV II EA'f. i :"""" -- __ . onfavonable. SI. arid, al at Chaeres goo of the ladies-proposed, was accepted and ' f,,7,1:1,,,::' " " ' " AI 11,. lona pneta I maw. the, it.etaeleter al lame a. NEIL.' TIICSSII.V. J. i-'5 the 241. when all leg, fil nay drofinlelled to 1 1 h "J ' er .1. c ' A 11 . ..",'T.'..74.?..r.;.,"-:1; '''." '' , -.',i' L', 1 1,•,',V,.."..' 'I-0-- 0...., anew .. - 4 . 1 .7, ...ite m I . -Amer. the ...I v0i0.i...y 1..... t o fne iii.,,,,, th e lin ., , nnenen _ ~"Peeled tou ,, the npot,-thentinit , iter marrying . „ ,„„..,,,..„,,,,,,,,n, .w. es .• : Jon 17. 1.111. : New York and Erie Railroad .• R.... easnatalma •Ao• s•••• •• . r - tins mar. to ••• this woman. ' His name , ta nos 5e,,,,111 ' New Tailoring Establishment =stoner sazirrieras. businea, i s morning, the Vice President g-ra tittil . b oo b . hj e rmeti o n •• 1 the ci. i- room. , , . .premnted a memorial . front the Legislature • Don old. road ; and the s a ga o ut Mailer,. at ...' " I ""." 81 ' 1 . ." 4 ". ." Rom. . 8 " Co ............ 6 " •sf B. ' A 8 ... 8 ' ...• quitiitire persons tried to find out what it r . r a ,T . .`, , ,,%"..%;;;;.. "" s F '''''''''''' ' cr. .411,-1. .. z.. ,.„.„ : .. : _4__ v4 i .....1,,,RE ..T . :T U . '' , ru i ttl4 2". •l.l d rwor g n7l, ;room "' fe . e ' lly r r,;••• 1 'e lit ee'' •e 4 r ....7 " 4 : ::7' M il:T ee r n ' r ee .... • !, of luwa, relating to Internal improvements l ' onx. ll, Ho 1 " .°11 .'", "tot =9' , , "t _ en ',tau . I •,,, .. I .. ~ . , , . ~ •.. • ta 6. wailing there her emit eye le . to l a wn Fren. n as, on .. en 'ink yin tiled unriertaning.- „,,...„ „„,,,,,,,„,,,,,,, s , ~„n „ „.„. , ,, , .., ..„ ono; se. trow A ride 100..... s, re...c0...tw0.. ."`' matc 'n m "a... m• in that Slate. ;0. 9 110 nue , . . • The new], made uife did ion like to ask no 1 . Eon trint.of tie..., 3„ . la nninn .„..,,,y „.d. . p „.„„.; awe, old „ hoe the Cro.t•e„t I • Waj4'l't t t. r. ~,, , 1 . ..... . 11 ~ '.1.1.......'"'''' .!,,,Z . :: ' ,:a4;;A • rtt s tli ' iteit'irril:2:Ziottr ' t , ', ' ; ' ' ' , : ,,: .: ,,: . '' '.l! , ' ' '; '' 'l ,;,, l.;:r" ii 'l. ;;; ..;: i .; ; ;";3li: : ::: P =L:=;:i i """""'"" -""`".'""* rim It n of her husband, and a whole poplanation of ban e ark, yesterd „. on twm ." 1 ow , ... lelow e 'lt e r , .. th" In , h - ~,,, ~,,, ~., „ e , ,, _ _, , ~ • DIED. .= P• ' . ...... . 8 . arta nat . :n e t '. 4lionrof •ii kin 1 • • • l e t•=lr ' lit r :St: COOkl‘G SD OSIER STOVER, ..........,.,- ~.,-. e Tr.. ton 15e.,.."-,. ~."-, e. ... wA ono t. at. t nerent in a... ni be re. orat. Al Muer. , she Clairtallin bal. ina .ep . . 10 ..0.• u,,i,,,, mut It at.nteirs .hat the rod... tto C.d. • . I o re .lo tin. nano 'wars . „.............,, 0 .. tr ,... , ,, „... g .„ .„ .. ..,,, o a t n Bistro iota remit. o 4 It tl donne gull. r very Illni II 411 the route from ''''''' I '`''' ne ‘‘ "g .mit e . ' of *II 1 - ..., ..,....... 4 lhar. latool awl dour., ol , •• .' sR.N..I. • Pindnutrodne ''.4 irl;Na•V•T:nior •• Sondoi or. O. Pon Ono: In : 1 " ' " ' :4. 7. . "4“ . e." ' ..Tall:4. this morning. ;.; , ~, ;„ pn„„„.„. nn,' „. 1,,,,h „.. th „.., . lonstilv contemned marring., that are record- ................. ...N ..... B. ' e ' "'" ...e ortor Itottllttrhoti• mot of Ow ilonta on Ow N 1 osnl • •1PP...P....... Patna Per ran.. The Santa proceeded to ronridor the 'a" a 'hit apnea. o Wean an A•lintax.- IrsigA/y , Mot rt•.1.,0 meant. aan Om. mod ,c,..„ w a , , onow., "leveed. I, UM. remtlution previoush aulonitted by Mr lila. , licf ire ' ln ' gi vL i 'I. c ii ld 8 -'1:•.•••• e r • ' NEW GOODS. . borne with owe km to riot einootto remenmo.o. nod , ~ ~,, ~ , . Jefferson Dais, inatnieting elle rumniitt, T. AI gtmer Callleinie had mar ear lird t 11/11,.. 1 I 00 r 1 a ii . ,V;i:rt ." 1r07,:,.. r . ' , ""* „r "' ,17 .• on 31ilitury Affairs to impure into the ex- 1 1 annion on. the oth tilt Ace ...ding to ao. 1,„,a., Nn .den i....„....i.i . iii,,,,... I wbon the Woo nponnielt of donna was 'moo. %t o e r 0, ,..,,. ...... ,.. ! .. ..... ,‘ ~ , : t. ,. ., : r. ,,, .,. 11i00 1;:-....= st,. pedigney of extending pal ;„ „„ p „,._ ~,,,,,,:;1,,,,, en„, plc„ ~ ,„ ~,, a, oral lilac, in, a ho. arktoeratieel title is the •• Prin. ' „ e'en; e' well '''' '. the." ...." I." ' ''''''''''' ' 1 . 11 • 11.. :,tli tiZ - , ' pr1 .... ... 111^^ " .,11. . A ...non, r.. g., Pr orakettaa 1.......1 1111111 ,• ~... .1 rite to the dialsaity a p...i....4. whiA I ee l " on the - Ve,,k,. 0 I 1.,„ , w „,„ .. i ,„, tin. ..,,,s'• :%1.0.11.h. Dentitkff, is to du the honors, ' nal ' frnin b.. '''''''''''''' b. ''''''', """" th. 4in . .i ' ...,. i an0". ' ......i;r1.:41:: " . ' 0n'41 . : . . " ....i..n0r. "".. '''''' NM lorirlt, after some debate was agretd . The mn. int. existence. Th., reOr ch. Nola 'up for of lle Po esidentinl pain.. Ihmt feeble bearings 14 her heart, muld..ll. r ‘,..1y • Groceries, en"' l& porting word to e ere of rho wo• attar f0n0d0',....1,... , .... „ ....,.......... ,, , , ,.... ,T. 1 7.,! ..., , ,....... ,, , , ., Le, r0 r r., . ,•,,,„. ~„„,„,„,„.„, ,„.„,,„,,,,', ~, , ~,,., NEW GOODS lion le reconsider the vote passing the bill Caltforiii , t a nt i ii a licit "0r... 1, ... ,11 0t , - ja 14 r th, g Ertin l'ar d irni. w t .. a tt .., • nrd l'he eorrevpionletit lIIe ll , Sliit nrirttlfi M. , " 11 , r Loa - Dm Fanny Kemble on t snood on , h Pf. k. nit', maw , and d..Ah . , ',:' • ;'': ..,. , ~ ; ~,,,,i„ . . r . .. .. .1. NU. ...tn., , ... ‘,..,...,......., .. ,„ 0 . ~....,„.,,,,,. Mnr. Yale.. In pn.wwwee ld . 8 . 4. c. intro. front Pama under an. r Ito 7., gist, a Roder is • git ing slna.p.,iali reading. in ter. the wit. knot and ak.... ;no a fry... I A • rood *.i............ 8 ..... ebeea tr., , ;,...,=..,::::,:,:7,37.:7,,......-.. ..... -6. Cron Chug. Boston. 'fins is her Amt. public appear- nonlond mod conlidom Er, an y , 0 ~„,,,,,... h.., (laced a bill granting to the Graud Dal and 'in riiile ' N a n i int . rte .la.coej NI'W a/if STORF ..,, 01,3,11 irk:. boat to Prot. es noon Sr o a number of yeart in this e.mittry.: now tome wand comfort to make other. ham,y, do '' li DRY GOODS. Atlantic Railroad the right of way thnotgl, ' riiaa in Cntnn. p .m. 1.,,,,y.. , a kith, w aa rea d a f1i,.., ~,,d arid by land travel fr.on limn,. Sodit are ii.,....... ... . won the hlticit.., awl .1.0 bed 11, 11.1411:11”tance.. ' Crockery & Glass Ware, ENCRYPTION 1•1 Unto.-Dr TlicAral don. erect co Ars. ts;a-,,e. slot. . „.„„ A c „,. b ye „.„;„,,.. e .„.„ . „j , n its ation)anees, that is aurviteel it it no , ~,...,.., heei .,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,, I, th e se ,, , , and long wit, her early death be lamenl.l lo them, CI ROWER{ RS, • f p ,„„d „0 0 -..... „„ r e m'. 1 , ,,,„d„. , likely to be tonbired the second time ; mid ~.„. the , 5 ,.. 0, ~,,, e. ' " e mod her memory fondly eherioned in thew hotrio r„ , • , :,-,"^rt,-;?..-"..----'--" 0 " '^" ^". UlahlillfLO eb ottiatriammorgre , Ft hoineeleads from The bill in favor of 1.)..1 m o o. > ~.. 11.1 tirveney short or 10 . ..stud death ought to t , „, ,_ • '''";• • I , , , , - She glee, m denim! blewod Ow,. re. " .111...111.:111 1, 1111111,1wriumhl ...sok • f nook 4 .. ili War li A IMO. it KIS . *4.1•11oi al ti. o ' n. I I ''' t 2,iicZOS 1521171112,15. easideced. ad awe • ..... d i hate, lea take a man over it. whit,' 6r a feni.de it i. ." . """""'""." ":" . ""r." T '...." F... Wh ' " """` .'''' w." 4 " . " 1. 0.- .c.5,...:.i . ihr• . pieh. to 11/ 11141 1 111:1 .1•1;.:4:114‘; . ... , I , fore. d sales oh °scale..., • lot oi Mill not • TIN & JAPAN WARE, ..;,y,, , 8 ,1„„..„ 88 oho Senate a dj„,,,,,,,1 , °ltaly out of the question At too ,. _...., , k 0 tin al ..,• • 4 1 , 1 1 . 1.1 ,:%7...1 1 ,:= 11 1= ;,:wa.T. 4 , , • ii .,,,...._# 1 - ,,;. 1 . r . di „,,„„,,,, i , e0 „ ~„ passengers lay the Crescent City , eight de. s"" ,ceding '!" ' • acres, "F .‘• ue .7 ... 1 . ,'" • '" """""'"." ."'""`"''''''. ...XL ginr.e nee , ono.. .l a, .... ileme r i.. 3.14. • '0..... A... s , '• wild in order for r".... A......g the.. , 4, ~,,,,,, ~.....,,,,, .... 1 . .., ~ nre. together wt. the b u ildi ngs, the sum a _yea _ _ _ a bill to abolish imprisonment far tick ' shandy arrived were even 'hen st il l oti r We ')ll'°° , 'Ff?.I.I ..j• r .% 7..': 4 1 . n. '1' . .,.. , 1'.: . ...: r.".:;::'47.L".,14":1,,T.::7:47,.',7,r:,:.•:,.. Nl',ll l (1(1(11)8 , ia certain eases, and • res. , lntion authork reed- The canoes from Cheer. to Cokes . :7 %I. ti, Toter Caxonr .-A l u re store' 1 ta.„1,.... saw yea: aim tin Simmt.TY or the TM...Ty I. can. ....st $ . 25 for cnch root, ad the mule. in New Yak has lately very fre nentl ;:::,,a727:tl77.lill ' Zine,=.72,43 ' ifeall ' e.V. 1 - .:::ft At Reduced Prices. - eel Owl Imonds for duties on goods de.troyed $l • 2 each from thence, while there ••re net ~,,,..., nthie i en, ~,,,,,,,, et fro . $5 l, ..,,?: , w.........., att . Int ea Ran P.... kik not s . ahell rritot. nor.. ••••Tnorr "0... 1 .1. ..... • tote tst by Bh B Ilire in New Murk in J, 888 1. 8 1, whi,d, half mules enough in the whine lathmtur to ' • I ....... "71 .. " " in l ff' . " 8 ' i' v• Son. .4. '. aro. 0.... afoot Poi. iltee otol .t. Et srnition or ' ll:l7:."%ett e t• t.• !or .I . e. ' tr ' ; '''' ; '' t o. ''' ;and a few days ago the thief was detec.4 i am. stave. i'a t a tir an n ic tffr iiiiii, N i in moo. rissea c . o.s. moots. tea. nat.- on sko taws. towns. hot to i est:te too ht ca. ma i . ti '''i i ' were adopted. l eupply the demand. in the person of • fashioneble lady, who was t! ' B7 do II -i i . "W i Zt'allillti,i tZ 17,419"8„.„,"`"1,""„„,=.1%:::7,1th;liw.`",;,;-..ahist r .......- pan r••••••., µann.:tiny boa. lin i . • • • • •:4 • 6 ' MT. Goggin made an Ineffectual effort to ' , .. SNOT.. C•ILIVIIINI• LETT Itn_maj.. aught in the ad. of secret secreting eeveral chair ".• ' w e.. ." ...• ....^ 9. rm.. deitaCtematoe athes setioZ:4 " msatt= e r a ,r,r''' ,.. w" a nvivis "' v....s e at s ...i t ,' l Pont Orenitrerlitied. Rte. ao la. thel l 'oelage bill taken up ti eel V...17T...::: ' ,17.::tzr:atr;:=.17:..47.;;1: - , ~,, ~„.. .t. ..f IS People.-31r. Ten Evek late 1 covers end •a handame table cover. The tho sw ton. ..... as propriaor arrested her a. she wee taking "' ;,,:r4L! `i Naas ..r,: . = , -trbr,„l; , .g v r ,,,,,, t ,t. z i v ,,, = ,„„,, 0 ,„ ~.........„,...!= ',4 • 111.,; . " . " . :•• . '.... . e i. . A ,! • ;,%; 1C. 7 .• .. M ... e. Z, 6 ,CR.,.°,r," . .,..,-," ,fr"":.th° '-'"7 -1 American Comusiesit ner to the Saiwiwich ..i. bin F....ithog for r i • h e •- 7 . 17 „ - p . 17:: 0 - i La._?ae, in • letter iron Clifon,* to his . rxp.01.,:,,,,..::,,,,,,:,1.17 had d ntel 1, 0 0 .. .,, : „,.. ~.....,,......”.... ....... r .........,, z , „,, 7 2,,, ..., , ,. ;„ ,„.... 1= ,................„ .. .......,.,.. 1 .„ . .. 4 ...... ,. .,.......... :.: • • .•_.•• th . c ,,,.. bh , m..,..,„,ing C,,,, p..y,... mother at Il atattowei N. 1. says . g at 1 ax... , .......2. : ....F... , . 6. ob dl e6 l .- 5 '•` . .... ^6. ' 66. .... ` .66 ........... ' ...6 11"::;`! . .=:=;;•.'0 0 ;;;;;;V , - I know two men who cs,llgated from the iti. he.' b Y W. " ..I an l i P licalln "• 14... Porates =Lek; . . 8 I ...sof On ronl Anna, snit sr ...t inn. no hand ties Refoned. 1,..1,..d who i. a 4 . 7pm:table . ge . ntletnen, !surface of the ground and within a very mall •••‘, ;: ' ,.,17.:17 „', 7 7 :;1714 7 . "*. ''u , " ", 1,V.:%=tr,747:,:,7' " - ,T;41,7, ,. . _.. _ _ . - Calhoun resumed his seat to-day. The civil and diplomatic appropriation (House) bill ws. received and referred The judieiary committee was discharged from the krths s (--wrnaiderstion of the me morial of tt Holey, asking for the mi. peaehment of Judge Monroe, of 1()., for State. the use uf his telegraph in that State. Mr. Yulesi aulmillit;d a resolution,'which was agreed to, that the committee on public lands, be instructed to take into considera tion the propriety of reducing the 111111i111.1 price of One land.. Mr. Dia reported a bill providing for the recinval of obstruction. in Ilurlgate. Mr. Douglas monad to take up the bill admitting California. Mr. Niles objected. Ito said it would consume the whole session. . Mr. Douglas did not believe much dis mission necemary or likely to follow upon the in view of what bad already been said apo• it. The question being taken and no quorum voting, the question NI/•• put a second limo with the same result. The bill wee finally taken up. The substitute previously offered wee then substituted for the anginal bill. Messrs. Turney and Foote submitted amendment.. Mr. Butler moved their reference, with the bill, to the committee on the judiciary Me • Cletten objected. and suggested that committee was opposed to tho maiii fea tures of the bill, and it should go to a na il:et commiltee After debate, on nvni.on at Mr. Umglan it was rercrrna to • select commitne of •even The Postage bill was then taken op Mr. Allen spoke two hours in favor of low postage, sod against the ocean mail system Mr. Nike opposed the hill, and contended itought. tad to pass. Atli 1l —A communication was received from the Secretary of the Treasury enclo sing Dr. Edward's statement regarding im ported drugs of a dekt4intle cluirselcr. A memorial was pres ented front Brook -1)n for a branch mint. Mr. Franklin presented resolutions from •the state of Illinois. in favor of the Wilmot ,proviso, which were ordered to be tainted The Senate bill establishing the ilinraote territory was;referred to the committee en territories. Mr. that moved the bill extending the minim laws over California • After debate, toushing on slavery, taxa 41., Mexican war, &e , the bill was refer red to the eonnoitttro or tire whole. • The army bin was then taken up in corn .mitte ; after some debate—ttdj On motion. the House resolved itself into Committee of the Whole and took up the Army bill. Mr. Thempeon, of Indiana. having tho, door, promeded to answer former epeeebes. He declared that the North and South were emperatively quiet in reference to the 'lawny qaention—while Oonipmemeen wen! feverish for popularity, and created all the a:ailment on that mildest which sleeted. Mr. Greeley merle a nate effort to sell up his Mileage aminSment. The Oommiittee roe. 104 Mr. Teemim, the elhakeme, reported the Wlas ensurdsd, ler the notion of the Howe The Helm proesedledle vote on the bill se ripened by the Oommittee of the Whole, se It pared. Affjoereed. tlasara—Divana els moo romived aod rotated. om from ohlemo of P...gl.ri, preptop f . (m -ew redeMles of lb. Taff woo promoted by Hr. lloirree. Xr. Alberta, *emoted Om roolottems of leimeiom adopeo by tie Liopollitero Hompoldre, .shift OM Um nem- oioe of Amory be probiMitod la moldy be gaol The bill Torrherien immieg the Adlootie eel a 131011 Ileibeed die riglo lt wry 6 .10 piAlk bob. mee rePerimi. 0 lire Die promoted paths Is IMer of Mil. Amy'. aari. , . . space, in two data, $l4 - 000 in %aloeloci her es 'the was lea. ing the store, end 11 Rhin • circumference of 300 yards soon the 1..1.11 of both 0, a3 ho imagined . LIMi B e r tieg w :LP it t l ,' k e r w d e ' et n h ae tt e th d. t r e ' e th e i e n ee 7 . ‘I I I . n . 00 . r . 001.11 TIIAT , Os. irraxs . . A eintinguioneo ensues( in S ew York . letiny 1 twelve ounce s to the lb anseyed lee different parcels of California, •• It is almost astonishing, but lie, erthe i gold, one of which proved to be pare gold ,1 less it fs true. I euppose no gold m i nes , ,,, , ho .6 , have ever been discovered of Neel extent, h ot the otter .... .T 1.... to ..." 1 „ th . little $BO,OOO, turned emit to be a mineral totally l a a n b t r yie .. ld t i h n . g different from gold, end of no sort of vale. —Thal wk o o f h tbr eii ." iit i rry, sod it will be lyears before it can he exhausted I bate ()nett . ..... te m visited the diggings, some forty miles along it.hente Journalie. eeee__,,,, hash.... what is ailed - the Anoka, Fork of the aweet,,,,ea on me i t il ieet e e f a ,. , i. this ' l S;n"*";e;" ; *l°"*l"'''.7 yard 6 o f one county It Is thought that then I. an , ad all are r ui n out quantitlea of one I ehe d eeee et the medal there A ... Awe ) Leis about 116 worth of gold dust, which I ~....e. to t h e phileadois Mint, - , - ;h1„h I washed oat myself in the °aurae of two or . - e - e - ..." --- eeere w eeeelee A ... d e e ... r i time hours I shall keep it of coarse sal e . t . er ee Ti t -- -etym.: I. the neighborhood " e rl • memento of whet I street( have done' me E .:' ,eee emend . that thin 6 o in gold digging. The effect of this dimly- ,„brag ,I '''.. 111111 ery is hod for the monde of the country, F. 0.4.17........"::trpm,...rd.,:::,1,,, A. , E .`,7:11.” 1. 1 , beinTi A aelr ••d I world not main down to WO in it, ' leg th e ...w et wh ee l, ti eeet h. i h e eeee h ey ... ell the Roll le the Wiwi The modinof was so was to the Mayor, took off hie asp gn t roingh what I have to we the wintry. fore the Mayor ofiNew trAesee Mr exhibit cad is herrNii, and and • more dinnipated . n a ..a..... n y t ,... e ,„ hi, H ee ., t i e , ‘ and immoral Olt of people I never fret saw . 'they were permit led to depart in peens Norio ai'e linolihill l° 'i'• fr.. All P." It is aid Out int lawyer weeder have man lef tat PA" soles moo as the news reach- mod the ease. bolter than the musky did . 1 =V' 1 " " ‘ t1 1:17.7 brtiphit; Vela- 'A dispeteli from 161. Louis, dated the seat whits was who nis i y live li Ilde Niles 1146, rip. IMMIIIHMMIIIMINIS Ai abalsra were six melba Mee mold ado. ll* pail weak New Tarn rattle glutei, Jon. 11. . • - - • nn....:110.1.444,10e. MIA %math., NA0.... TIT i amtvaT,::,, , =:,, ,, ,v„ , ,T,„d r ga2,-,,,-,2 r 1 JANOS ! PT /1 NOS ! 11 - .7 - 7".' " *".".. " --- - 1r - 1:7 gn . :47,044 ... 4 0 . , vx: .....4.....e.,... to' sal ...dr Perenri rph.... /1/1•11 µ•4l Ire -her. OAIA Al. %IA ...3......P1.... ‘1 VA 1 Alt. " 25. Ali AAA 41 .. 1! r•FD.r.. r . ,....... roaroroltorri ell, 1n..1, I la Ir r •10,14. r.,.. I. ;:',......zzz.m.1. - I^:',;, ~..:2, .n-1:14' r.T. • ,„ e x - irr nijiiia rn...,t . z . .., , ~t, , :=, • so.. Notiornerolharr holt. v., 'Zoo.. rhorA i "*"."."'""; rglak No Nan should be Without. . . 1r1.:.r.7:47. - .=1::"...mV*...,J:.•.•."!:' P. t. , IC 21 :":': ;:::. °A r ''''''''''' "-:"." 1 ' "`""' = ,.,... , „ :..r ... rt. , Mon hr ,... .tr i 27_,., ICIIIIIIIM'S Patent rockel Salle, ..b as en•li Woo lbe elllarro e1......1a..• Oot la Orr WM oan. Voir.. may ho or... Kraft pot. mor ihr New Goods. horeolotrA thor Plel.Porkal, ...Am onol Ire • O• 111.• •A I 8 QX,.= tr,, 0 „7.-,,z; ..r."1,-. r . -..' , I=';:. - ,:gtz.•.tt1.v.:•::::,":".1".= • • WO. IA A.a.ohOsrelt •trurla. awl .., ~.........M? ~................oin • . 1.3 .........1.1.... , ... POLL. it 011121101. X. J ........ V ... . Y . r oon., .1. I. _ ..1..... I EOM 110.11 MESON . ars Mot. sr. ! o=4 Oa.. ' 11 os . Mlll..•=og """*"." A.. Ir.6nM N.. SW mOvs, MW Cw 11. r.. ComEM MO*. 0.. sod One nos Isoso NW=la so emo Titles ms " =So POs. ml Ms.. ISM., A. IMlSaaa a CO. Wood Waited. 11. am. MIN 11:11=td..111 Vat. .11 rbe= pert No male Om. toe We*. PM 1.110 I. L. IMIPLCO. m1 i5 1 . 117 . Ina... Pm er1104.1%11;110•04,...* • CARR PAID FOR OATS ......11, WM I by MIX a UMW --- Nssig Ice stun. - ----- 119.tratollio.--M,.....,.. GOLD 1 GOLD! COL D! ' Taillirhag Illeshmee; et* 'Mona la pm. that an by ma us. *I Peet' 11 . 4 ~ 9. =. : 16. 1 7=31 . . I X theletaln . a 2 =lttapeert " ry ' 1.... " t j .........16 t CM.. ma mislay .1 fre bilaer .k ; e. $444 Pa a.m. Cm.; V. 1.. P... "as ItaTod ' -- - - a . , ,ha . a ....A: . .... r_.***. NM 10.1 t l ' e = =ital . :lT ft""""" ; a.lw . Z ....c. =: • =i, . " =1:: " ;V I " "^t. 1 by nrillow=tal to lOW* On Asp Mu la po row ; r1..1.11•4= nog attrolp .........„ ...et at ea MP AO Pee Tett 0•01, aI:WINIJ Mel 411 . ag0r............17....13 ... ..... ..... , 01 ! """'.r.n.% „ '"m' ' ' fr. 4 ' ..... I..."V""6. l . l =Vrmigitrl67 2 ! . ftit . . -..----- , amen . men awl et sionst army y Yam Just eft • ril— at yam plum. N. ha 11•• Yr tomemor lay tarty pay. liaottem, Sart. IL t.... I Ileattate.Orset. 11.14111114 „.„.._____.__.; Tor roddas. 111•0111411411,I TWO& pima; ll m=i samOlori xer. ".V .. l4l...4=M 1N........ he= Saisbeto Iron, ?lief% Nolle, Ird Ma*. rb " Amas a mains. • - - UDOOTI., • FAIR PLAY! '• NEW GOODS. a., hoe. swum mop...twee. DLit (.:/We. [ . ..ismer, Satinets, Vawistp..loo TIILn 0 1 ir.. ) / ?I d a a ' ds B . Muff, 'Morello, Dv, Ara. V. Airs... Skono. rwry wit• ooloilineol of 80010 SWUM, how. Steel, Nail, Yell+ eul Soo, 11-rsol Tess. Nai r Riee. Ratoio,Ctillom Vane. 1.1. Tw-Lawg. Ream Pop, Twborro, FI.A. Oil mrall ChM. Own- MOM*. ham. thee Pala, elf.. el, 184 axe v. mt... tru.pt. awl laall re n ar:;” O. yl6 ••••:: 1 tt It“ reentrattml to ettlitrit.l.llll.l Py • .t.tt reser ' i 01••• •"*".. 1.1. rne 7.1" Win. M. Posta 00. Wore Alt. v la.re •••••••••t of Ready Made Cleabbar, Hata and OAPs. I MUFFS, BOAS, BUFFALO ROBES, ac:, gm.. tor I.u.lves. CASH paid far Pelts & Fan, CLOTHS, CISSIVEHES VESTINGS &C. 113.1RISUIROWS 4r. CO. .15tEllr" VESTING wlm , WOOLEN 00 00111. &C. WM olGrod dm mut., moo( norbli fine wed fortaathfia FRENCH CLOTHS. Ototah fiq Clouts hod C.mSe, el 89 75 per put. v",r7 6 ' - ' r` s MO 11;73;"'"Ar• They em :tho nreirtog • law aurlaust STOVES, PIPE, ZINC, lktfte jrarnlture, Su. A1r..1101, Oohing and Pad.. fitereo. of omo of the boo luotly. and Modem.. pollens; Js, Ika legh Atr.Tlyht hod Commas, mem et Jon ; le ga. nu, mtate. rue Schad HOMY. 2000 iwumis of STOVE PIPA of goad quaiiia. at JO prat. per pound. Giboun, Noo. I. 1848. QTO.M. mar.Wewsins,..was4l.oll.ll... NIM ARRANGEMENT! t 1,1,14.1,1•11.0=11Nrit M Ih ' SiOVF, UN, COPPER & SUET-11011 r11114.01.4..4.1141y 44.141 4314 14 441.114, 4.4 r 14411 et P. P. 14444 P 144 1.4441 , 411.•• M.rr inn wash 072.=:1,:g for n I.> Pt ..4.4411 444 eat* sod ••••• 44 44.. 4.14164 - - NEW GOODS. 7 , g2 I=g ha. Poi ma . . .15 0 10 1 44Veztrea ;- 111/AMIII6 . 2 begyele/