1 xxx t k congress...2a S ess ion. !•doptin g the resolutio. which had give. The Phiusaima Italimemt. • Card. 'Laical Ihmsa Um m Golki Dl•lfelellm e ' 1 Autotimer Wanda& _ ... , , much °fence to certain Batton-and that - I hoo Th irt n M ani V lroal ae ". W the ledonne th of . Psel ' in " : l P M t: , th.i. l ffili a :ead e l ekwow "" Magenta? to thew I I.s,,, o n f e N ,Z if t,,, org G T o i r d ib' s ' o n n e iri nii t ' a fe h il :i:: t n i g t pre l s ‘ se rhi cl e u liolitehicofonesindnewrattrocakof. an ii7e being 1 ' w00n,....., Joe. i& !the quetelon• treated of in them were as le , „„„ : 11rtendo for the kind aud liana. esteem. of . o Ivith • vengeance," and with fir. rem m o _____. ,of. , then . h 2. . . coy. . fee . e .,..... rhy 0 ,,..,,b...... ,Lrlature a Pennsylvania, . are daily re- s - Mr. err ... inu . od , rora .. b ig gitimaro eubjects for legislative conrideni e--- re ruse on 14. 96th in . i too. D Mina. it the Mint ofiblly for the c o ns Pm va mh •minded of the danger of any increase of a fidonce. It i• al. corroborata by •a stmt compensa mg c . • an reg. ero, in coca' -- - ii , ristine• to m m . mem. 1.... a money in heint-IM•y them frit•nde always expeneae that 11 ttia system which has already dome so much to rain eases. Committed. South, in hie opini., wen indeed °vers.- C I k d • t • lion •• booking, imp°. duties, &a. The THE. DEMOCRAT .",---...---. ~...-. a • A***r. •••• 1 h " e 3 ; fd ,. ... d . a.. than mem , " ler letter published in the Woshington Impoverish Sad oppress Ike groat body of , Mr. Allen submitted a resolution calling midi., if resolutions ?n grave eational gam * ' beamed apse.. nitrite. the hadagof anon on ma Joey 29, 1841 l , Union of the same dale . Ito date is about the people Two of tha famous Ohio banks ,: upon the Postmaster General for the con- 6 . 161 ... °1 ...bed in firm ' b° ' " ° P .ef°l . _ - - ..• created, a few yearn ago, by a Whig !Loehr :tracts made for transmittin mails to for , toad froth so. print on the Nlannipri that. ' Court Preose•hes• , one month later then any previous advice, , lanr r age, could be eonstramil into an Insult. 'these were the Nor -, On motion by 31r. Douglas, the Senate • eigu eoufitrico; and it was adopted. ITINOIIII4 TA I : lature of that State, have exploded since . . Mono. desired the Smith to know Ito Ise Frenewto via. the South Pam of the Rockyl, , 1 y,„., or y o „, g oo , ro c h .,. Ad... Magertal, Dee. 10, 1/4411 ..11MbrularT7 17 1111414 : Mmaeinv .......1.....'' th e h ''' . of ...... tried at the lea tr., a was determined by the'. There is a tiota arrival front California, the let of .j...°..f3'' ' whet the North t h oug ht , that the y mi ght be• walk and Sandusky banks. Each had up- : proceed. to the consideration r f the bill to ------ --- -- - new MM... tool their "..... end ..... Court that the dammed th e satrap De., of the' bringing intelligence th at regionof tho better prepared to resist. a NeXT We,. S. Pmet. Mm.N...'... o ' o ca.... , their leee• *** m•lh a, "H.*" aft exam of the late Dr. Rose...a by Jan I. Hap, richer than any yet known has been dis- 1. war d ° . ... .n . e ! P establish the T er rit ory of Mineiota 1,.. 00 „. 0d. north of ~,,,, ,f, ,,,,,,,,,. p l o „ P h n e llt r . t r i n n o ciranhaion. end enough elmete. ! Mr. Butler roan. not to oppose tho bill, ma. its •PP.m.... We es one - ......... ................' en d .....6 " ... f .. .., the executor...tang the malt and children of the but to remind the Sena. that tho Terri- , plan was on foot to never the Union. YeamleY , MI Oa ... D. "P..... it. this wealth at the completion of the rood, meater than: 0 0 ,,,,,,, ... ~,e,,, Yd in... A. son on, .1 mr 1 " Lexington , n tio n el'nitdSt:etene°; ta to redeogn hot one-sixth of . sir. King was willing to print the °s. ° ,, 1 L P 0 1. ,,' • ,Pr a ,: ° „ l , l ::: i i i : :) , t , toc ,. r i t'i , liififes , a n r , e ; d w ally ayec . t u ed o. a..o o ng o th:l,..„, o f m oo . „ 0 , ~,,,,•„'d L oom, ogoon , r lotions, .t . did not think the meant the present n ommal vane et et If ar ...toned de. formed that,l, nom ran IP one of deep momest to ' for . ilea of the ' Northwest" Territory which ..• a fittiom occasion to •am y partin hen. Mann 'may a ours...ram en.' others, me onus stated 'left, s h e had to board Moot $500,000 in ' r '"n ~, , ,t7, - ' And , y r ,, , , ,, ,, . pr ,,,,.. : , : fo, by . _ , f ~.......-. -, ...-nroon . ..." T.... c0n,........„.„,.... .... he • mi. it for public information. got.' dust for the United States the tem. d 1. Rt. ............. .., ... 4. timed road, Molt and owned by Me U. N aas, . new lat. before the Iregislature of Penn- • ." sandier viewe. kuid Hawley vs. %chord...yenta fa PIN. Rent. I have eimitlentall 3 met here to•day tt , , I slim... Not only is it the duty ot tbe the Ordinal of 1 i 07, was to - he mood i Messrs Butler and Berrien expreased lo • the ease on the passage of this Lill Ile M.- J. anon •''''' " P °° ° ° rack... 1 .. es •^M'' ... 6 . 16 . 6. '''''''' bs elm rho Telemark accanans tog it. Mans ter IfD • M b eld eat & m o t t o s rot rod, too, for not. nate, young . 0 .. ...Y re, from S.° 21..°°. T. is en I d t efusc all ;net ' 1 al , eonsidered this proceedings breath of faith, foto. We w.ld , hew., r , nurser don ..". &hem. Ms been owt.ord . the e m ir,. sa se. a fans., sent.. Den. Lathed eiseo, where he lA engneed in lousiness, hay.. '..g . u , • et ', Y .. r . treat the paper respectfully ; its incoodialy is , peek", nom on a book.. rare norna. and in, Ovations, b ut also to turovot opothe most I I • fb d • • Ifut . the sante time . knew of .10 remedy. •" 01 rev. et... 4 e tasestee (.bade • e .....- of the mod oml Tel.Coilth• Me f0i1..., by Mr.' G ... p h , ne ,,,,,„ , ~,,,,,,,,,t , ,,, R o n itig been a year or two in California, ano „ . 0 00 , re,00,,,i,,,,. upon lOl 0 . 0,,,!c „ r. . er the ado Lion o sundry. amen mem oat tot .o. mi. , ' W." a m. ' 4 ,7; 1...hert.0., a photon!, and pearmable a. IM N0.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..„.kft ' f d ed Dean hie wife Mary t Obb. . Icon over t. Gold Begi., though not os " 1• 11 ,, . 0,,.. Lanka ... . .collation. It was a thane of faloehoods. fnenda wham. moll do anetkons m mir Mea n,: l b •as skein ar a rigid ob. bill 5 , 5 ,1.4 „.. t . „,.. 1 t . misairsilos °rt....an. of a mope of Artificers Stark from h. r h e aband, Geo th e W, St'adt, and a l a b orer: he confirms even the m o a t ex- " . . 1 2 d , • il I 0 morrow. Sir. Fitzpatrick followed in the sam• rake the effort • To tun or three me het• m e ...an. , ~,, 1. , v. en ..." • e w e toe. The Senate thent proceeded to the!colo- tdish'• map.. of lit or DI Regan. of one thousand Eltrabmh Manila front her huabatid• Ilene, $ travagant of the accounts we have recently . . . that , . . ... ,DA to w od p05q......, , men emh-eoliated fur nye ' eon., a until the Doman, ....,Mr • Douglas. favored the motion to psi . ' , '' •''': h" ••• ,,,ii n , • - 11 . 4 of 'h. Ontraordinary richnees ol the " 1 "'""r e.) no "`"...et . 16 'the' 31 1. 11 14ff:ration of private bills, which consumed - • . , . . or. tare, m'd ....." ... •"...... that allays , margferra of Me rand -II ihr• ernablard pay of dll • such a question, inv Ovine, an it doe, SOO. ' b. remainder o f t a o . o .i oo. $ though he considered the discuesme Ol af the highest itttr eats of the people now, ji o ",,,_Tb o iiii,,,,, . 0 , i nto c„,,,,,,i t . limed ; when the lime came, he would der No NoVill mon El rore.-We arr still without placer, particularly .to the new Gel t ''''''° •I°." nark .... a°. °. ''''''''''''''. ''''' the I' S. litiome.• Thew. ant mot.. di. one Inter advt... e (tan Ear, the.. the !Delmer Om and in finale rouse ' $ tee o f th e Whol e . th e ci v il . 0 d Di p l om ._ fend Southern institutions M all hamar.: ot m ann.. ?Maine, nal. rin•ernm.nt Inintiane memo. and rade. Canada woe telegraphed a New York on Malay 'faller mad CIO,. ' The Ihrriebto ~.; Keystone thus pointedlY tie Appri opriation bill, stood considereil and lIIr. Westcott suggested that. the paper 1 T Tee Siovreess ..° Cont.° Ria.e, of this ment minim s , ton sax rain to the door fo g that premil.„ . .p,,,,,,, ~,,,,p,,n cu t o r ib,, New ahows how little there is in the claim that Th • I d disposed of nuomous amendments thereto. was not sent to Congre s s, but to the Sena .... bid • print Canes. to the co u r.ilootat , m o cha eneoplelion of the mad earn man, cam, waa oath.° lake her way rip the harbor. The York H Id .on Monday menus law. whet. wee ea "olt .." ••• pa. • to reeen• Inn are, of loud on the bar A nt ,, o „ t .,,,, tat ,.. ~,,,,, g .„,.. boo 00 , ,„ .., Ma , writtng r , ii::„ , .. I . 0,0 N.,,,, Orleans , hank.. •are neeess o ry t o al i nto si ttess roper.- Among the atneudmenie adoitted wain one, tors and Representativen from New York. m y. b y Sir. in ar , e , 0, 0 ,1,,,, g ok ,i„ g , Siesera. Filch , Baldwin and Metcalf atrolosed, but a vary pleamitt arid narrate of t ve m eth.r e nf seal road--sad lad to t n . kaoted rad. althaell do has been doe "week P". •eahe. feint, upon the meeting he - •• los& at the immense region of country i„ 5., ..n. v . Also, ono appropria • tin ‘l4. made general remarks on the question of g fair ii n ..,,,, X le ,, Poo., a,, " "I' "" 1 " h " .'. th . ..... Th . d r. ". 6. . . ...me. - r.. 1. Tur...., P. m •rhe N. Y Tole. of tw.n Tat Ml n altdeffirta, and the rodin,n, in which there is nitt. a bank located-Bed • 000 for refitting the President s inanoion. Slavery 4, wow moll la . ri.P.st", el a.m. no!. hm 50 eadmg to rank and dote o f eommata-and the Teesdn• haa pm come to hand. minimums the ' they entertain 110 regard to each other Ile ford, Somerset, Westmoreland, Armstrong,: • without coming to any .o„eiu • u n the I Tito motion to print was then put and' deo. when ahem •• bon the region mend mato ., decordour to the d 0... eolowment-esch adviem bra& lis Ore ...ado -We find nothing ' _.., In Cambria, Je ff erson, Clarion, Clear- 'bill, the committee rose and the Hui. adj. , ....tied-yeas 45, nays 6. ohne' whe hod' me the 1 ,. ..0re of ....tig In obligati silo ne be land mined raison a...111.re. .„ „ . ono „,,,,,,,,„,„.$ E ..... ~,,,,,0 . , 00l • ' field B'air Heidi... Centre Clinton I Hotaa. -The bills, establishing WM.-- thew pthin..... rot M.... .`"tiitiln.e. h.°. year, from the dite of Ma married, or for. the Clay l '.l here, d t ' ' ' " ' fr Die tee ...we' tee... • gt .e . Ilifflin Juniata Froitoo and Perry , 6.41.! _ ' F on , J on 15 . Gal governments in Califonnia and New o , , g"'‘' . The P. ' "...." " •4° " ° 1ff..°6.--• meny observations have been made ah ut ' • • • ' I au opponnay . . mme. Ca. , too.° • ..1. free to. , sir i.e. mitt. and Cottim have all funher declined • mfle. .l $ . _ r e, lo in' " ell the counties north-west of the Alleg Le., Shear. -The Senate renamed the con- Mexico. were made the order of the day fort Mr Ide sln 1141, free trarartalion to hos lea, of The n on , noon .. ~,,, „, e ,,,,,,, nth , , o re . the . try. w that to. Imo ee ' re 6 ray, and many o th e r ~,,,,,0,,, atoll.. Isideration of the bill to establish the Terri. the 30th„ instant, and deity until finished: . Deltlib gitra.ek C01.. 1 * ‘: too ficn.l, of all tomb... of hneheildry nial and (tonere! Taylor, . ll e former passed kmon three c Des are snome tot the rich.' • o • 31r. 11illia}Il raved to suspend the rules • poned by the C.a. to have arched at C.a. down ~,, ri , or. T , i , d „ i „ . .. ~,,,, , bd ., - It . tonal Governor.. a 31inesurs, which, after .c, , , !!,,. ~., ~.., ..,.. ~ . •Yhrough the Mom. . In. 1 1,. ..mntse''' , met, eras. fy fah. Moiling ^! les lad. Each t h e oth i on, ...hel m . p i b ar d t h e n er li t h ree d . the 11th ,e 0 not t Itt!v!Ttor„,t , •or . ,a . , 00 . hem this County, Mr. Tanta, the flaw 101 l meo , alit ere and pets oonsod., to hove equal there onto so ...arm lost., in the et enag. ...m." Ste ° . Weir, Huntingdon a. Centre. ! I third reading, read a. passed. people of California to m organ. • Mate pow. " ..Y. •end ..•..... e........d"0r" . • in the Telegraph o Pelt Mrs will camel $n con. .... ne Eeoe..... _ A ..... . :Taylor h a pp ene dt o bo no . i , „b oo r boat eonStitute emphatically the great iron re.' T h e bill ii . alto fednor i ng of 00 . t0 , 0 , 00n governMent, and to provid for its adminion 't P.M , at the time the vessel approaehed in which ei nof the then. The Fe f h ! • r• ' ' I fter •nd °Mending the boundaries of "" . "•••••• ••••:' n° •••• ' •• " °•••••nn of•in• Sera. i'''''''' • " h . `''''' """ P ''''' .° °°°°•• "°:lnas brio introdorrd in. the New. of woos gotta Y. e 1." Ii o t eee again taken up, and, after debate and a- oerms • 3lr Clay was • passenger. lloth shook •,' ° • Branch Canal. ha Iry n funrnhed rasa We pa 0 m. 0., . nod „ 0r .... f , nonfo.n v eef__, toadies here don° without a bank, and o , on d,,, en s ~.., postponed to &f on d, nook Teams over Oregon. Lost-aye. 60, .y• '-` hs Cop Smell. for the • Pimp...arrant to caned h an d. vet y cordiallx. 3lr. Clay did not boi , a • ~ _ llO Mow- d os free an. 11....0r t e coed . their m. 0 ., t l . After a short tone ape., no mccurve - AN OCT to prova for the ....tenon adm •pho pm rtf erre the el 101.01,111 stangtho rota'. Domed, or property, the yearly value or to M Baton Itouv, es givon 0 . 1 in the r oe there w. a hank m loceristown, but it ' eese i ~,, , the Senate adjourned 51r. 11. maid . shoal offer his bill. en Pi, a.eee ea• Noah Bre.' ...""°. d " I r r "" - of canine at ouretatnall, ,non mad with the fiev. ...holt *hall not .1 $30?1, from levy al sale , neWspapers, nor was . invited to remain ~,:nd a cony inane. of • blessing to the: I lot as -The Speaker having announced sul,stitutea, when the subject came up rege nt.; moo of the read. for Add. Whether 0 all pa or na, of cam to there fior any purpose whatever. From all ' . ••• ' • . • b • 1I • wholen community the bum.. first on order to, e the motion 10 ' i • .•er-ror I. . .remand, fr., That the Gov- *"."""'' '• ' l e l"" • '' .•°••••1. " • . the moan to Merl. We men already at.' that I can learn, General Taylor does not The State 14 Missouri does h itbout an) !made . Mr. Sahyer, on the SDI lost .to 31r. Flourney moral to suspend the rake rmor.ter, and a IP hereby anithonmd, to mega,. alid MID renthr onorerrari the hems rstweier of torked hs some of la Whig on., slid denounced went hie advice. Mr. 1.1 'n advances have bonkn w 0 0 ,,,,,, 0, ~,,, o single ow , in , 5 ,.. to introduce a hill ceding back the District reconsider the vote by which the llouse on a lean by twang negotiable ratifier. aof stork for mamma nada, poem. er ithroehing ea. for m a 0 rrhet of frodatem ;" anil if the Whigs of been received very courtenuely ; hut motio n mfen ;arm. , . p i e, 'h . ' • • "'e. th•••''' te a .ihroo et oronopormnoo thereon. Them set. ',inn, and Ole. it no State the credit of , that dm rejected the bill for the rt lier td td Colombia to Maryland. host. et fire hondred tlamaintl don oro ot .....I loon . the ! m elon.. elite the mar view of 0. its than ittir more. I very much .repeat that 3lr , which is better th an that of Missouri - ' Doe claimants of Antonio Pacheco, the • 4 bill was minted °ranting David Drake • its • ~„ , „ „. ,„„ ~,,,,„„,„,, ormrot ale.. Die, together aid. the Draw, rm , ,$* 000ro , e ,„ ( , 00 , ... oho , paid into the tremors "V feels like • . I .•Pl'elid.'l •.• ' Pn Wisconsin .d lona have, . believe. in- 11,,,,, pro ceded t o the consideratien of Bent') 4. 2 '° 16 aed two s a lons of land, for l ' .. ght hundred and fortymite $ fee looolod Ina. •if the ral. mill India pim a .. to lade in tot Sn or te r hiwo ha.. ahead, Men pearl in onr or hie return to the Senate, if ho should be terdieted the creation rd . hank.. by their con- . s id ...i on . sert ices rendered in the Me: war. Z o o, d o ll e n. the rear one ...on' mg. 1it.... tnahorhod, v.. thm in • •ay then tone •• room iwn of the Wmarn Stine, and elm ni Vermont,. elected, he may try to play the tame game ii i iot i ons , o nd the) arc in the heart of e )Ira Toombs hwing entitled to the floor, 'rho I louse then we. into committee on .red ma fift, and dorms the ,• ar nee iloateand Ire. , ~, of en . , 5 .... ,. ono . loot no 0,. +he Meat. and fillynme, to. a man. if a., rot at. non. that the 1......irre of New York he did after the election of General Aar- vast agricultural region. T. day is coon- resumed the debane in 0 apeech which mom ., the civil atod diplomatic appropriation bill. , , th . I ~.,„ „„„„„„ they ran doe might, eh...el of trade. Irt entire end Woman ore cow.. to the tom.. Am a rime , th• the Canal Conawmotiers n .. illg when the exatioides a these, and other l AA ~, b oo ,. i t , h. d,,,,.. 31r. lido lords rAfered an amendment al for the flied tompletien of the eta son rk-art ra. length link-nd on manual one No, we tlnnk-n. the' Steles, will not retwire to be sustained by 31r Doer then oloteinetl the floor, .d of - :I ! . stiolf 1 1 12 . 1 . 1 utier) . le the Petwm e•PPIY smote of whirl , they am hereby dialed . taro do • The Modell et Faction& • re. "tattoo o ut,. „r a ° 0 , ;Am , ~,, atted !rear elan of refam, ois mac. of a ammo • • local disamters sander our banking olystem at on , o r ow ~,,,o , k, .„, v ,.d th e pop. i„.. , i „„,. ing the army and navy with drugs and in dm. ainito.... - ..P . h ..... 'Ma Ma ' n. an.l located, wade render • gmata manly to that . e .... .. Whilst Gov. Johnston amuses himself tot ~ . nr.ot at a rote not excading via mr cent per on- rano. and'eneh • esinenteration we ......• 1....... 1 .)..h in whirl" ......, lion which, Inning seconded, th• Mani clues- nalinittes, in New York. Adopted. 11,111.1X,a i 1 . il • then mita M ...ram admired at a • fonl IA • lelf vi'sd. st . ....... 1 . .... - "'" • • n. • ad! reerim at the h.& or the le•awature a One writing dissertations on the factious spirit of the alp% hie • ioarisans in the Legislature find Doe ro.. true indepondenee.-P.” ' Den i se. ordered I Ither mendmends were adopted, when ail. tnit, to .ow of Miludelpeo, and . the The repo. of the rad win,S ht. atm.& with i , 0 ,,. To , „..., int , ~,, ~,,, be ~,,,,,,,,,„... ! Mr. Wentworth leered that t. motion the man ,i,, ee rev° and reported progress. 1 to people vaities' illustra- --„„ ern.. wore. of the sas l hms . " ,„ „t M i . : ss1"'""" ' 6. kaa P•prner,end . tro,ol o at vroilld M kept ~, „, on „, o „ e „,,t,,, or ~,,g no , ~,,,,,-.... ..... •M^ ding t .it v , II . &ow Hon. Daniel Webster pane.] thro . . r‘ ,,...,. r b ° laid on the t a ble. c or ,i n. a . , Sir. Gaines asked lee., to present a um '' Y .. ' °. '''...'''''' - '''...."."" .". oonsnntiS ..... IO 11. waehrobtim ......' I Heel a debts by low be mealy abolished, fre.°°°°° the "r° ° ‘' °3• O r • •••• '•••°. •"•'' . lid , eitY nn VtideY• 1 . 01 . 0 hie .. in the Th. ‘ ,..,i„ nt h.,,, encore , m, this i „,,s on i moral Iron. the corporation of Geer town, ..... th er m. ' Ph° r " •° °": ".•• '•• •• '"' "I •• •n tc too &hole iterrsonri to nnit err tn. nal. ' • ''' cr. bold and art trash 'hooker, dindmong • °oho tone aim et Derwsek and ...bomber. . , t o. Ism, w. " h " m "' 6 " . " -.. a ".". " ........f. f... " follow in the track of hill d 1. 1 Sen Me. It is .be presumed he left home' i T i., and i t , ~,,.. carried-0M Pro -n ooooo m ion the lot of December, and it is to be : ° • r ! •• P slav • trade therein. or, the and roan', an hereby m e.dietills o h deed. nosnon- rod whoa proximity to st world m ale of g „ ~,e , „,,0 n„ doge . of !,„,,,,,,,) , ~,,, if . „ 'etirrin on the dia. I , T questom then 6 1 . strikes out a new path in his Ineogoral- hoped it 11 hW I • bydth , noon R. The Governor where. n:ated tho . nn .,,, ...„ „ fn. . , one onnoe... ....a„ ....n....„...h.thi,,,,...... . '.. .... ....e.. the sage or the bill- , After .1. deloate, he withdrew hie re ." os . 1 "' s''''' .° '''''°'•°.° °r '''''''• Mar- 'lll.- 0. a die whole eon...ape canda be i • milm ,In adds e, solicit. Indulgence for prospect- ,of Alan I. Notonly will he rude enongls to )Ir. Cnbell moved the v i er question, I que`t• - 3 d1" 1 .... 1 . t Imam the ParmiPe .al P.........." iv° errors and warns the to le of • class mg otorreo at n ram not Meg ex per ern,. . , ... . .. o n . • n n,n n . 'P . P. P otpposo Wet . good a Whig es 31r. Wtib- , - which was seconded. and the vote taken- : heart by the A 0 , ........nd. eml ........a 'M.'. h. . Pr. ' • I riles n ins That a lloniewead, of nalera vela, at lead, , of his kllow•citiacna, who. motives and ate, has been attending . other booduess, 1, 0 i • o i i a ~V, Jan. 23. by the State Tresamor, rat the Minn, bor o road in geld degingeanenaly. The ram ageeme d would' thoold be exempted. seenteentimly connetent with I parpottes he charitably characterises . & •.• r - t performed. ••• "ng ' 3 . • es l 0 l , nays, I . room .. of thr m. and rin...Us •• sm"' me as fano.: roan. from a plant near the tho , e , 0 ,,„ or h „„, e ,,,,, no g poor• reeeiting ply or aervocen no : &ft, ounon d era tom, rof some unintporttket SE• %TX -31 r. ISekinisonpre•ented apa ean& whoa. stock thall a tromferrithle rm. the "Mem.. " fi en dish" Ilia predecessors were content can or the Nebeanna mob the Mato. river ' business, the llouse adjourned. Blinn , asking the Government to interfere take of the Awn Genera, or a the Bak ot , Pot •aeh . ant or the ear . to indicate very briefly a. modestly the More Banks. p eem ylvania, by It, Genera, thereof. or by his, her panne a rand alone Mt both. to Os awiree,l ..-- , • liee of pi t licy they should pursue while in-' We perceive that two new banks ere -- I lor the relict of certain Americans conlned .their a 1.., and new certificate* a the atme aware through . ...nth loan " thence. the lirl l c h. , ' really notholl to .. ....'" ...1^ 7 ,, , , „„ord with the Esecutive prey oak. tor in the county of Schuylk il l - Salm aver, Jan. 20 'in the Island el Cube, under the charge of oath. Wiled to the new holder a holder.. thereof . E ...., ..,,„ e e l , l e ,. e h... wleee e. ,h. II•Itl.4141, this 1/1 reh, w.h the " o nce it omit • ' nr•IATX-Nnt in session to-day. : political offelicea-which was referred a ~ .„., enough for the y resent 'neonate. was • ti• There are already . two such inelitutio. In • • i•T the oaken. aforranas number of petitions nod hr coi ~, ec on foreign relations. be bor. I SM., ...eh raw. wok Umh lake, cram.' otimPY. T** re•wn'' .•• hal •Y hallo ' w•• ••••• • - I de of a b use o f o !met bort, of hie Minim Ma county. It la a sac. het a d mon i tory Mkt' . •--- A . f''''''''' J. Th•• •••••eY nninnnsn'n in 1 ...." •''''° ...... 16 .61 ....... '......1. ... a. 1 ' . ......., 0 ,.."' .. " .°°°° ,„" . a. , °.... Tf " ... ar " . elate., mingled with a pusillanimous and fact' e. Alt. It Ibd, ton Walled • reeoluti. Which that. Schuylkill enunty hat now nue memorial, ton various subjecte, were pr 1 . D . , d by thane! Anil a loofa. io the romp e-. , '''''' h North Drench meal and men aneee Great Rani. the e Salmon Pam." te lb. . • seer- hr.. 111 , ...M. to 0 ..... ...° to MY mead crouching sppeal to the charity of the pub- more bank than the whole mate of 3liescouri, sedated, reeeived, and referred . was egreed to loy unsnintoult consent; that 6."'m . ' he mid ranch from end after the pa $ ~,. N „,,,,•• than ., oto t h e Aar" a A mman I nary 011eITVI n Ripe an that we hey. noto fie eaff.eof that in re , f, . s . e I • official art, and yet some of sec eitiaens ask for an nil- . Mr Tuck presented • petition, nue. the Secretary of State be requested to en an.i"g "" ' ... • a b . ... ' h°. ' rri"."l' '' d d ....1.... - A "' ea " ... "" thene. .... f 1... i. .41reltd, with a haste indecent ex it is dititotal Mettle, At this rate banks will .htt.l4 •PIP.". ged lhm two • •,„ i • o i „,,,,„, Rm.. ante rt.. tn. thos to . Sacroanto. g preying fur the .6.6,i,,.. of ' quire indo the CaliXe of the confinement of •°•••••°'• •"°°•••"`*••• •• •°- •••• •." ' It .' Th. arna to the o Greet Salt late.. world of that la toolain fan I (Manor . ay- Amery an d the slave trade in the Matti. the pers... referred In, and . take anem ia the enrollee ilitertal and for . men ma pro to ~ , reckless, his instruments in the Legislature shortly b ran as plentiful as menu... . meet of the Da afiereatod,as an athhoonel ear. $ Induce the merlons.. Ind Nana, of ar m op., ' . 6 . ..... 'he' ... ung.. d • °I. ....° '''' ".."°' am ettetupting to secure patronage and rive, and we preaunte the argument beefier- : 4 Colend6e. : clime strong tor their relesee. areat •ha oa the Senate. hose-, - • re 3lr Ihdlock presented 'potion in favor s Mr. Foote insole • personal explanation 111 that ever Furnant. or Forge' tee r a , the as meet of ho poi tied ....., coon to turn . profit the Mornay sramenstml wa• Pettoit. -I-. • • •.power, by legislating certain °corers out of ter wi...oe y 0 ,, .. 0. 00,difi00,0.0 0 , ,0 thereof, the faith of the State is lomby pledger' . n m tem of Min 1...1., at moo. thrreh the "Great m ax. Mao heaver. an lea by the opmoon of office, whose terms by law do not spire for deserves to have connected with it a paper- ''' f I ariff of Ib4a. in relation to the earl poldielsed by Judge sse 7 .'i• Th^ 1• ••" r "'"'" °•°••• " °-°- „ &„„,„•• & odd render dim vat memo r y of eau. the Coe ~,,,,,, •ai• Th. MM. me .....Ime .... tw o years. Wo refer . the movement money nimbler Sir. Iludson prosetoted a petition in fa. Meld.an in the Intellicodoet r tof this morning ...red to ono ohs tad work ouch r emtMet e . I ' Moab a 101 l to repeal . Date and to Railroad. made against the Auditor General and so, Governor Jilhettoti's greet plan .1. year v.. or rvdm'inlillr F.'s .'leek on him Lc pre al t ~I post - wllieh referred th. . . . endy so mammoth!, an. the and ham down ha. 0 „,,,h, IX'. II lie l ielhilad The fleal Vleilmsei , hill.. as rot are tonte...l. veyor General-the term of whore offiees is looked to a coaht ion td honking and mane-,,ag e .!ill aweeent munch it. the Ferrate, wherein he The S akar announced that the flush char tod .1 tol e 31elo with w , iti tg letters. g . g Bother. we hme al.a.nrol ohm. "noel) from , ,in.ofn ...„00, of ....,„„ 4,,,,, tit 0...,.. , Comae Commelmlemer. for three years, and Line rem. al from facturirq feeilitirt , f lout we do not think r . .. /nivel effect, in far. ot Free Soil, tea I °Gee should uuly he effected Ity got d and the people are pro p.r.31 tor . , addl. " 1 ' 4 % ".. 1, .. 0 " o' ..4".• was ihe bill pro - 'at", • , • • "Pima tio ''...". ''' . hal ' . . a.° ''''''" 1n..., moo rod, Meet ohm o , so she d eo . ‘,ome , I t mono. be eniamtled on all hernia mm the , , • IMc ledst to aufficieta cause. No cause In nor eon he lion til tho ays fM I. man cor p. o , i • , r r „,i . vidlng for the establishment et •• Board of Mr. D. rod the card, and • aeserted It ahoy. rewtowd• • 04 ' 166.° s::: `," • ° , , ~,,. ~,o ef Om folly and mamma play ,en...mid tioklle to „ es , 1 . 0 „,,, ,•„„„„„.„,„ m g., som , oars t h e _ . $ t I , I. .. II what . , Conmiscioners for the settlement of poi-'to have becto 155.1141. like his other letter& alleged ,not lie es ima b. gentlemen no ma cr gum, au i fidilit . may . i"n• In n••••." ..o lY rni"iii'"'n ' .."....' • •••°°•3 . '" lm..°4 ' °° ' Th ''' "''' f...."" ''''' ''''' N. ' . '''...... " 0 °h° o° " ° "' A.o° °°"°. . f ' h° who hove faithfully diseharged the duties asaume.-Pennnef rennet, , rate dna.. .!.toot the govereneeld. merely Mr political effect. leld em..b.w- ....M 'of sir ° led ooh sod kindled the moth In ite opposition to ...rat ea... a m eant. we awe,. we hove .. ' lln motion of Alr Rockwell. of Connell- , 3lr King made 1111 ineffectual attempt to • to it 'M r hod.appertaining . their rteveral offs.... They , n""" 0, 4 U , 0 , '" !,... "1".y ' t n ' ..r "'" , ' '''''''', '''"`"‘""..." one .nor • fee et" , he ^ be. sort, Mat Cot . G. Y. M. ....1.,,,.... , .. D0..,..t.; end beside. thin, nothing ',.. 117 ::, 1 8 • 3 °. 31 .e5• sti.' -The poll. ~ r c ut, the floe. ret,•lvetl itself it. Comet. , obtain the gate. 31r. F. enatinued bin re ta tre---. te --.-ts. • ' l. '''. '''''''' ''' ""' Men hod, M. .e ban rewarded Im dote eta , ene . Th. row., commenter. to a Inte ..„ s , t _ . 4 0d,,, Lill, . h „, do - tee of th e Whole nil the Mate Of the Union, marks . •14:0 tine. When he bed wo w'''. ( ' ''''' ' ''''''''' o '.nh 'flY ""'"""*. ''''''''''''' an. a"'''''''' .. `" 4. °Y . ......" i ~,,, ther .4. Nam-Damn we he, ban desired I .- e 10 d .i..."' i . i I ' Co n w „.15, banns. nose, 11.46ord,Weyne. Wy,,oteng, and twit up the said bill ....Wrath. i eluded. Ing rhe a o law of tic nimn ,„, „...,„, that might, n) tn. Mo. m" " .. .... b. ' ...°. fan rionam Ilene-eau...ord. T. ki. r o e.. Th,) , o . hi t th. which et do withal mteridtia, at pa I remain in and distiller. their trusts until n i 1 ... •s''''.••• are moving . the A vat iety a meantime.. were considered, Sir Corwin riplied to the attack of Mr. rued-eneh as an Mtwara . en . °"''''' •'. ao• rah, or 0,,,,, to men ma d ni . Remo- '' ' a d s ...i n n...a • .,,,,.,,,,,,. w, ' . ' I , ir l b., nt.nor a too comidetion of thc North some of w hich were dup e d, and some re• : 1.., end defended Judge MCI.. from hie ee • "d .fe.... n ''' . °°°'' ' "."" '''" "nn ''' • ' . lm, ° "' l °"bc... tern ' " 1 ' Brenen Canal by the State. The estimeted ,i., ad. Bahia nebilmno. a a rend ~,, a Ile considered Judge Mel.. ma- , o: „„:„„,,,,,,,. era. fah on all other pante t . they were pro. I ef" f e . ' . ..en ........."" hi r'''' .....°^ ` .. " they •ro Democrats iP cau s e ou i, in the . tali ffic-or mom , ih. emm. '° ' • elm,. men end ettennonism-tay 'melted la 1 . „ ro d ~,,,,, w a ne e he may; whither hobo $ eye ff C Federalism • and to find e". l . I 'i." sl.2°°,°°°. Amid. mee t- ! in the Slaver ...Don t On motion, the roll of the Moose ens curable for pre-pnig g . y lind "' . hkh "." fr"" "."'h. b"h* '''''. '''''' • I " un n. ' Di k 1 i h'7, i ," . '"' ' • ing of the eitmeno of the above commie s called, when • majority of member. answer- - yet be respected the odlicen winch 111 . .".."."' ' . h4.l"""""S6'n'a rot h ". "' 6- .1." '''''... ' ''''''' """""...."""""I fi".'"u"..'" (."1. Ma"' I'm nn"*".' 01. Ar'rr ''' . 00rrr i ' nin -ini ff ef this sin "'"ld 6. niagninid • will bi held ef e r.l.kh*****k. this evening, ed to their notmes; after which the Commit- Thin Canadian recipe. try bill sou next tidos of riot.. lost eccoskco ' . En" a Gnmee. • .11.41 cod the ti • .' nt ni , mew. Mae or Ca. - ( roam ,r they ha the power, to doom them to th woo I. the ton having Men de• . MI k hI 4• f d • alwithout - II Aup and the subjta• was ex•minad • o ... to hasten the woop t toe 0 tee rose an ro port. progress, . ,es r. . lea,,, o , • them alaelt me hope all ham s eantory Rot w e thmk.looll,ll. that oho Northern meanie' Me mes s, p on i s h men t. Mn mold.."' ". • I " 4. n " . " ' .... ote tr "oat... en , f ...midi'''. W••"' dime run Mena, tn. right team.. ...I man. frier to the late election, whilst Gov. • the meshi - r.""•Pkesiee. Moruirry• rang M • nonclusi ~,, . : with much care by otveral Senators, but on MM. 11.11,itn• ileal. rt. After the traneaction of some Monpor- I multi ~,,, it was laid aside for tint present. . 61. '" P P 5.".•11.' 111 6 P . s . • °hi" es'"•""'"""s l Den .- . refine amt not the lananudien of a N.hern I JOhnaton was an e fyectant of office, in his C. 0., ~,,,, H„,,, 0nn0 . 0 ,, is „ • . . . The tati what ~ . d d ...,...... I 111 d TI Lillthe right of way D.' tant bustness, on 001101, tle ouse •-1 se I griming 0,,, who ~ „:„. sr.. or 0.. a t non. th ut .. • s I • „no, 1.1.....h.33100.• to the people, he Pie. - •...-Aceorditig to the annual rm. of ~ Alohms, to the Mobile an Ohio Railroad, ...l• 11" .• I. "` fro "' """. 44 ' ...6 ' . „so ;-; too .. ooh o. not thc coo, no c0c 4 0 , 4 ro- T. tic E•hters ef the Peasyloseraa• 'lead them that no Elan shalla be proscribed j urn.' over until 31. d ay Die Board of Canal Commissioner., tho to- j° urn.' fro. 6 ought 5m.... T.. . ° ." ......°l-° '" pa. t•••••no le g i ill. ir Ass fin Poor Henn... ..,... r h.4.1........_„ . ........,.............1 Ad an hone. differeto. of inn. B ow lel rose recipts for trintiVe power, tells, I - wet then caned up the second time entl lon and addilionot Ind.. dorm oti the port of oh.. , NON n• V. Jan. 22. 1, pa s ted '" " '''"' i"•' rc • - t end aftv- d$ ram .."."'" r'' ..........°°....4........ lon hoer dolefully or how affectedly . gross all tho Mat • its et vereento fur the' Doke Merle cottoottr ooo kh• ho. ''''') . "" Pa. """'"'" l " . ' ''''' '" . • c o in.' " ." " I". " ' 1""U ot ." ' or • I ..a.1.1.........646 Nf ft ' . 4k " f‘C°° '' '' ' .. '" f " ...' ' °treed over the Ykra Mir 't wd parry, it y es . ending Noveml„ r 30, 1. 1848 were $l,- ' 8••°1•• • -)1•• • bin P"" r•fed • “ fi " "! Tn. Loonn bill in r"" of :, lb. Baal; k ............- .. 1 o ''' 4 '' ' • ° d. f . ""' .' ' f a. fr . ' norier. Ile renew a member a the, anete- low that' . I detion of rhos wor mum • .• . t De a n e -.1 ... . , . '.. • • resolutions which had passed the New Yak' was taken up and passed, so h•• 00 , „.„, name rule $O4. 0 deemed hs la ematu..... $,,,,, eatering with the patent wen.. iii that were useless now to mention-it go pet - .10.). J/T, et. toe total expense*, . mar t '•' •• ...." a. ' .. a ''' ...... " ' " I h • • • I• Ind led id ah in arra., ramitv. ham rho. heal, to br a ...° M ' a° Legielature instructine her Senators and adjonorned. , We ke , ase' • ' -••• ,lay o roal 1 t Orm• 'km - in the r.oldleeti, it of •14; but, nen , that, be o f the notate., k o , o f i h o C 0m0 & 0 i 00 ,,,,,, n : .N. . . .. ... i.. ... t .. f . m bk ne ' an ' a d " .. "'' .l.l ' 4.°°° ' rid p . fere...l that aunt awl able IMmant, Got- ...k...."‘ , :r... , ,---- -. wt.-- ------ , oeumendan her Representattvee In Con- ' House.- Dlr. De y ssaa is the c art or of Imortiett".. with $1,072, 537 64; lee , ing • nsi "lee.' °" inn g i he extension of ale- al attempt to iniroduee a resolution ploslog . "'" th.' ""'"" nrii" "' " '" i i"" s.'". ' r ". "••••"''' " n•f• n ' • ••••• "••••°• "' in° It'• fro and lull consent, if not at his din , profit. to the state of Illike,Soill Ad. The. d r.. . 1° rate olio mk . 't .1 . sort ether M M ahan what they knew wad la be. ~,,, „,„. ip,,, thaor . 00 , p aito ea B e i.. .It' b toed i the Mexima mu resent n tat te tarn the idea of linXra la Very tO t h e new Territories-egaioat the the trop tee ota a trim 11...t0 thr tuna kambly a 1.4.1,111mre waggle... Pearl tation, are not content with the official ~,,,,..„,„,, ror a pt . pa 0 i,,,, o r k o n „, o f 1847 , array Male ante State &M. panicaa ell the . boundary line claimed by the State of Tea- in the National Gallery. ~, ,auk no,. arr aro sorrel noorrancnt rs r . he or sir ...Po oh.h 000 010 l the . rem, Ce1....',...„. butcherie• perpetrated under law, but must and the expenses exceed Ilinso of the same , as-and •q lost slavery mind'. 0a... The House then went into eommittee d' terns ddgade f ' .....1 I. 4 7°°°. °°' '' Sena she all be • •ti• na to dam the .new a.° °°'°'°°•"° ''' a.°° har. "...“.. b... '' .... need. violate the spirit of the law to b r i ng ' year, being swelled by the sum of Poi,- teens to took at the ourmat woo het ahead, here l P" • I am they wen. prereeted from appointia a smut- __. Lieu, within th ,... , , b, .... i , : i h District f Cohn I; and moral that the whole, .d trek u• the tied sod dipt& ..... I tot. fa the tome raw. when M. time •.x.prea ~..,... the ea.. ,h r . eng , o , re , wee ,.. ... r . -. .‘, 746 sfl paid -for extraordinary repairs fur' ° " ° ••• r° ' . • i • b il l exprnd.d-al MIMI. wearer...yap . • they be laid on the table. Adopted. matte appropr atom . 0103 oc roc hop , their plows win bean...lh, mt. mad man the Canal Boent. Neither/ad. Lam- guillotine and ithe block. We confess we dam•ge. by flood end fire in 1147. The 31r. Beak, of TeXaX, unwed to have the' Mr. Farrell'. amendment, previously of '''' ''''''''' with """' .." " 6 „ . l' """, th. .,....., ' „, " tto toe oh:- and ...NW 1.11 art lbw • ot stem., man nor Mr. l'anner lam a th at Voo•Alait. Ow • were prepared In .0 that party do many tulle .. 0 ..,,,,,,,. t o $ 23 . 2 , a.olaion. printed, an then an opportunity fend, appropriatii 8150,1100 to taiga the * amm 77- ma th.' a th e "..... ` he. "' "' -- ,•, m**** al.* es proetttot ...o'. md ......1.1 highly objeetionabk and injurious... but 032 03; on iron $121,177 44; . fl our i 0 ,,,,,,,,, o .g Illannegan ad I rere.Would be olfered Senators to discus thee.. Patent Office, watt. epted. rememel to place the wale line n 'mild . ... ..... for • P....... "7.1 that itehoold, through its acktlowledged; ..g groin *78886 62. The following is, for that m well am them subaantlal mania which ~o , . lii anted them • red terms, i Mr. Vinton's ennmdment appr&priatteg donee° em in unmeasu ro tatable arra.. ma mok tbstem•fme . " l "•l Ideray.-D•wahe mt. of Mr nags Roc& , ..„,, . h . ~...... en d wort D e - entertain, ea eager to violate its most solemn ' 5 t,...5.... c a t. &,,, eer t o f t h --- ----- °' -"- --- - • -e ' , ,,4----- a. being diograeeful and disorganisiog. Pffi2oo.ooo to enable the Illemetary of the eat that wad.. ........M.. ....... I woo • dnortsile sir t e.• jd,a t a,jonato • We Mod moray, to my wahine a kW wide-speed ppm prow.. voluntarily mods ae conditions to: coal the receipt. f or i t t r ep, E omi , lig°, Mr. rodeo followe, declaring that Dial Treasury to redeem bounty land scrip, WOW .... 1. ........"' i ' ... , ° - °°••••3• •••••• ,_ift. homing noon. of a marelr in day Nagle af tarot,. .., MANY OLD DEMOCRATS. the 'rust . 11 . 4 "........Pri . " •• ••• • litt .._ h. ' 117 I receipt . 51.71 10 ,00 0 ; leaving • Iron, resolutio. were an in to the 16 slave- ,rolsopted. end Mal ....." en.. It emisasY e1*".... - 5...1... which. ppesonl in die Penasylranaan Tito Gstonose Faanam-lt gime* 'Masa What it may do during tha InMsionloacxsofit wit 8591. 6 82. • I ib, ' g t ,,,,,, , ..4 ~,,,...... ~,,,,,,„.1 jib, yi n t, ... . amsethoota p..- uu ur....d. a .....ab • of . 1 . 4 !"•,_._ ho,__"_ ol- , .... eu,i.o ~ ii ~,,, ~.. Co , ~,,,, ~ ..., two . add toner list of Ariake. exam** &Des. one ears tell-what it would do, if arettlittr, areal amieb. I. vs...ass I 'Pones conelderation by the Potato. 116 Jan the Secretary of the Tmeeery hem ***ay aoro a ro mas "Pm " . .. me " .. '''.... nn Ito palm, esa ph ig th e lot th e woo*. all.. and yaws. periodical, pobliohed in Rot. I tim signs of the putt two weeks clearly , Mr. Diekinime con the reeohollons.' perchasing stocks while above 1... Irbiell in d•Mim ea • fenhat t 'MM. ..."*...• plain we smith are othrinal its the Eyck ; Mar. N . by D. D. T. Mae. It le a week le , show ; end In thew leakmtiene the people' New 0 Jam 25. I - - - ' • 0., !The labile meted tbroogboot the country wu igreel to. mad. pad. it 4 metaled mop be &ewe st • $ g ym.ga Matra a/181•47.1, MO. P . m this, high rms. wid dowel he emesivrly ponomised hag discover hew newly they eauploteleed - ' was divided aa the three qeedione oeihril. Mr. Greet. agar. ae •ffi1.". 13 ....., cheat half •*"......., a" . ""`"" h " •7771 , m• me them w l th m01.. 1 ffinino and' by .. Rm. mom ., 1,......•&,, thew are Met inter.. when they allowed , dal hi them reeolethres ; and it wee Ind ...tetiseno deduce the pay of members et pro em *m em Year it wooed .fed to the State ie., tairstrenwete ID. *Ma and to __,. I. ie .. ...„.. irg . e .__ goe I t h e p.d..1 party te, ~.,...p b ~,,, .b. I n t o pa h lea thewhole other, ft. G. Remand, ma, le deem/ma le ••• .• 7 mem • rem er , elieti... I I ad, a DOI., hot • de., on the part of the what elent, exempt for goal wad """ ill ` " 4" ' '' . "..." : oaks It worthy ine sum. of the ga11... De. et... St IdlisnentAtate Legidatares to Ow copra.- j 'a t e:aLTtle moms i m am, attel edit "fad a sarplueteatd in knee' ......T ., ~,, , ..h . ...., ...„ ... 1... . a ..„ - - I To the Demosratie mmeben of the Noses, I doe to their view. on •teething meesart‘ , Mir. Murphy stewed a lb. mmmest le Ms • *,... hod kr dos mom of Ore.,. the amen be aracts. Day Imp clear et I who loan the power to street the violent! • ° • ' "' • to deduct pay ef seek 410NTIN01814 PA I TiNiffeilaY, ing • siv.. rod la _ del• WA *Mill( it this light , rod . . . Amy volath Mn thai it is rim la lowa* this pos.', tinier wain .talit Outs toldssittii *IAN will . Ye of pe.t ben+ to li o otwoOttot 4;.0 In lorol Whoa oilmooto Ito welly otootollodoto maths' Imo may Inovitottlo. If do la on Wind • , Alot How. OW tomb ositti Nohow oitootokoo.a,oro tont, Imam. the oonossor, W!M will pa= both Load. II OW t.obloOno ado Oro Deurs.—We err Oat *err gr• en/lo r dirramm a. rya. et Gal Dr r% rerr.... Mir Cer.—The errs the Mrs et ihro egreby rsli • ere. W• re Cr se th. U. P. Mr..y r Lyeresse • 1. M r., w Gre vs r • *MOO er Illiyas ral ley* amsweraa. 7k. now ••• awl it irk gory. W awls la IM .r• . 44 G. .i. Yr TM lire Mar rd , "W." ameilrme. The Wer- I e Warr llos wawa Mr ra ~a. 11 .1 eh. oi • 'll.l••••••lbstary,......gabarlre Mr rein( oymy wry& a err) rib dr .pr sr ...mblon arey, b Imirrom* ..p.sonipsins it OW .111....• Mr . pre& 1.11. leram. Ipt • rey **10.1% *45,111411 . yeadm► AIS gmhsept*s. wry A. we mid Jere,.. Eagle Y watithil t• the 1.11 we& few Ww. I w•terow 0017 keepehm• et Wranekom By MAO ore mown k....... any ed.w.d &Ind Mr* .. WOO lora oad doom goomonm Um 41 Tani; km, name Ik. lowa ....Wino of or ara bon, mad the anon romaireo ono of .. D. ..y mt oar !nea) , MN Onn ow Comm aod Wino ea tgoooon7 wW r.• k—rahos tbe dm nag in na Wog boo aft led.e. Few .111 New Immo, Ceo—The New Lasois• tenommo OMANI. eh., beiew . memo of w eery rnowneedeo N wloleh mewed in Mt thy oho Wele preview-ma to be we ole nowe MEM Ih.l b Mewl Mt eke hr • garter els orwleoy. It MoMeed oe me Mee ewe" Wein moo Yew. beadier Milk. derwerei • teeiW esmwe et enemy ow tM whartoom lokerieg W the bubo, 4 hareem U. S. Settereth—The boom Ues. James Smug, mime lame le Imam to ell es stee rl Sr Wes M the Memielia *shimmies= N.M..' se the U. S. bow. non W MM. M Mho* he ale years for lbe Mt of Men* MM. He meow ' M.. Destee. CT 0 no Weekly OWmar r. dower. kW. Mime peer palibol al pry • Ina by2lll. en dr. 0.. a N. IS Oremmi. 11. Y. Qty. IV k.... a andialimmay wobloa ardl rim. died la Wm/. Um Ludas Ca ' qa. NM* sei :mm peloi• mom« of the Admin. lb" • 6trotion, am of do ponplo sr. torn. I. wort . orpeal. That this opium' reqloo.ll , ll 1q In, Am most a s , tele. W4ll him setao. is the pale for the future, sell de steer esesolvve to /yob( dot they will Addiddly sad truly peal the le tenets eel heser of the Comuisireekli, le tide the hoer a her eahisity.—Pee*. Tani yea x .—We hare hod the Owego Orestae. that hone Carl, en act ma, wee pet ups his trial at the Coen of Oyer sal Tensieer of Tionrest, Mat won. for the ender of Joke Heins. slam • oolong a a. Afterinwieg the tes timony. the Ploy teniend • sonlist of Xtestawairtaa 11 ma noose amass The Man enatestA die Wenn to Of imod &Winona honlialar lathe Maio Mon a Amilurs.—flighmans Dow By an aninl at this port, we hue telligenge of a rest battle fought in Yves. tan, whisk the Awaken volunteers—prin. eipally Stied out in this eity—were eon pistol, suenesfal. Then wen eight thon nod and In hundred Maarten. engaged in the battle. The Indlons were driven back with 'Nab bra Forty-three Amnions were Med. The Indian to.. of Tot. ens captured and bent, The Americans then narebed' toned. Ilesahas, where, it MN sesielpstri, a &dein kWh would be fought. . W 111111111010:, Jul. 118. TM thikw et this monde' oesteles the odium. of Nero. Whose and Berrie% the fume et which wu Muted ►7 lbe Butbere Oetweellow Mr AI Milberg w Friday leek Ow Wel of the warm tali le the Age et the Fooleries la Anew et bet yew, We alssiketee awl tee gbie wore wenietei. wan Air dor am pt *ins we NOW tei. mord daft &Vim which roost snow or haw bo w oottkd oottkoi deloktolly. X. York, I's • rya . AIM a. , - .45;: -..rif l"...s arlih iha fearit_ oV ih al! t isational . I::"'qrstions,.;;a. reipoetfally hank awl be ma, therefore, at loos to ri;dwatatot how the troolothmo is gondola meld bo otiptothod as Width." to soy poetise of 000lhdantay. Mr. Foot* no append to the mothoooto andrfoolphea itobalad I. toodallaso , hot p he Anti vote far emir pingo'. The sobjoot orator of the malodor was idnit ozootolinly attlwahwohlo, bat there eantroy woolly aztaoded fia Nato he laltar ho thoe" should sot he latit at Mt DIE owned et lon* dlogilati tio resohidema witi groat ashram amiability. Ow ammo of M nearlot Ms. et plow wt N.Waktura of Nerr i ork hod sot loamwohot Its WIWI& &Woo le ismoodmont. Do employ lY tl r taii . to Inaba Mt 010 - I miliaria. for thrir iwappepan. This potion =seed se marimrst. eaee_ ta a ail mei onotheits wen. lashing la Mesh he the Bream to preserve Oldlff. &met malten lathed xr. 6., he vi des for •• thataapregolatlea he hedge to grhiall Mr. O. ribiated U. hem algae . who, that the vote wee ghea seder aide. aim whhtdid est Musa le woe& a maned th i s • The earths has eeetroveefoll ti Mr, Bohm,* of Olio, do roved by it last hate atesbas et the home, hat M. G. had *Med he it to then, by admit* te =leo vete proper he Joiheilli tha . hat lie wee re shied thanhr= ose Iltate,..k. Whoa he 'NUMB she NS to aloft law
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers