The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, January 18, 1849, Image 1
" SCIDUICIrdat." • S. O. 1161111 . 110. Liter aid Proprietor. TSRIII•.-0•• •••••••aim MT , / calpin• yew, eash um*, o • two a ll .Y a.. .641. J Isadi we. ME?I4IMIIM •, • , • P.... C. of fear gar or ISO 9 on ne Tool, aeon* (who Goof not over • purr., 1 nol Ono velem., one 7N, cep etaoe woßk anuiy ima oweedalovoly Ono ea favorable tonna ~,r =~4rc~ TO THE ABSENT night--who misery moon is high— The ware look down on dewy plum— The balmy winds paw softly by, And ewes* sound dm semper alms. Bathed in the moonbeams' mellow The limpid streams go dos,e,n4 And every wavelet wems as I,ngla A. 1rm!,041 , 11.1. , d , n, Ihn sky /Dot I am sad! 'llionart not here— Within geese walheiby treed is net, And M. remembrance bungs theenear. And we are INV,. Amwe net I Thy gentle wee, though far tiwy, my ear hke manse n..- 1 quickly tun, as well I may, Thy meek, mbnuseve glance to meet. I pie upon 114 dome of hearelp. Where eouttill slumps hang itkit and fan. Who, • tome, !wants Winne the even— And went to truce thy image were' The mold a hoohed—derp tolenee reigns— .Sel: as the hopeless grave tt poem— - And, tgothetont flowers moony the idooto. I see then to my mohoght dnvun Mom breake—mghtlg ohm:hors flee away— The won are lon In purer light— Sore that whir h tole rg ut the dry. And 1116111,11 the !1./there through die ofght, Lobe n, thert,l my roul To tread thethornt path of Me, And back tle rear,• of oolitic. roll, When Mon url hew my m nth re& LW: THEM DOWN. Brother,. now pour anal tool. T w it., rolling. B.) tlas Jaunt. Ig p anti alno On ill) unit and th sot on) range not—though the prom' onto Boon Mundt not, f. ar h T. 4 LPON Though to Veer ihnunh4l‘not g Though to Vow thou Ault knon.l, thnu nhnh fur gu• not nl unl.,— .14.• nod hr ihy nog mum h et— Jest of lunging --cane of elnwn— Ilnri valg!—l.n Ile. may ve,eld her scourge. homd, Mee, ma, illy worm dente Nowt. may hod ugh dam. thy foruhrad— Eary's up..., luny pt, roe thy. sul.! 1. , through C. doll mote thu Cros - n ' Fear not Coen, on .-1.1 VI: '11111F:NI DOWN ' Er• 1. rod vo nvoo:s : 4 ,n Iran vow, pn voawr Ponovo opt ay nnol note no her rill Nib hooself as a , il , `ll rli largo dads. row at the oh trr. owl at the 111.1 11 arrow., ad, a too of Ott. pow adorn ;taw :tool tt Ihe nnorter.dock, nod r. tad o homoortto chtt, which tre nnne.. N , Ida thov had conchal , tl. lb r . ...ration on the %Icor throo Moto tido , and the bark filhol ado. owl took her alltartore. The I'dlifornhe I:internat. lir OAr or ME=E Wah my ...011-Ino I on an, km I'm Coin, in C I fnn, The .not ro hot I note to death— Oh! Itrotem . ammo, et, 01, t Califitnts• ! Iltatk the kunli tor me ! kutnst to Sacramento. Woth my wooh•hool on my kn I jumped sheeted dte 'ldes slap, And travelled 1111 And every ores I thnoMi .4 hem I wished it wasn't me The sequel mated like any hunt That had of num a wealth ; It frond it multln't thmw me. so I thorned I'd threw myself! I thought of all the pleasant times We've had tmether hem ; I Women I on to ee l OM eouldn't And a tear. The min bread woo m my month. A The gold don In my eye. And though I'm moll far awy. Dear bottheto. don't you cry! And hen real kelt all 'maul, And when I tee the geed tempo them, Illplek them off the round. 11l tempt tM mountsim eku, Whim IT drain the Arent dry. A e packet fall enacts - bring lime— no Walton, dent you my! Oh! faithfuls! That . * the lead Per ! Ike Ong to Baer...mak With my wed.-bowl ea my knee ! 10===1:2 " I don't are where m ehildren learn sea thine" is one or t he 111011 i .0111111011 phrases in the mother's roesbulary. A lit tle leeldent which we happened to he an .eye.wliness to, may help to solve the talk- MC WO smiled a little at the time; we have • good deal sleek and we treat sot wishes use pasta Beh," seneesd • little Sight-vat "114, Dab ender year. of era to • yeeager--wbe was sated on the eertr. Mist sehieg.lsoly peddle' odthi sad I. Übe getior--" Bab, eh good•fer-aothles, dirtylltds map, you Sinai Imp ea eldle, eows . ol Sto the hoes 'ones Wan* or na yen till tie gin uses of !" Itegoths. 4 .. yefte. deer, what AD yea saal• where e• yIMI 1.6111 MIA oak r .4.4.1 the rasher s • woos, tag sae se Ike Bleed on 'the Mope ester etdlos te a Mead. leaked sever, lauseetly sad esouseits-s" Why, seam, yea Be we're awl We my Made bey. sad ra Ids jest ups die es MA mum lug, tiara et'. ma Wigton 2d liesiion 1) 11 11 oxittri e Hor,alts. Wanntserox, Jan 11, 1049. 36441... -Mr. Dia panelled • petition praying•an appropriation for the purpose of purchasing Munroe. papers, and moved that it be printed. Referred to One.. Ballwin, i The y, r i r relating :1 . 1:n glt b o i trad eiw i tht 'di j a f t t id: g lawn, n l n b . fo i iu r I W i t , wan token up, and after being briefly dm _- .._;,..._ =. ;filmed, was paned. • The joint resolution providing for the NUMBER 3. ad, ance of three months pay to certain of _ _ _ , Mora anAsuldiere who served in the late _ ___ _„,____ grJr../Mr1r;1; . ... •In one pan of the room may be seen the 1 utterV able to offer you any remunera- I lic gggg Wilco. :!Illemolr ,each ahn. ~,,n half wv, and enter the ' "1111 3111 , 122 ' 24 " 112 "1 7 r••• • ° „"•hd•f• e „, 0 0••• a. and wee referred t lb __ . _ student or the old village Doctor, aniusieg ti•n.' .ros hay • f San Francine togother. in Veal lo• tare „ff,,,,.. '' . "''"...... ..... The Quilting Party. mad astonishing by hie quotations of Latin I .. WelL well , let us at any rate aquae -.IA laughing at the ma: or his our account. to see how we etand.. 11 there' . w ater o,Oiilisi miles i„, ° 2 t ,,, , , ; : • ! .: : :• ,, , 1 1 , • c 0 ,. ,0 ; : ,, 1 ,,b t: J. t .,d 1 ,, 21 , u, ° ,1 : 2 ,. - ‘ 10 ,,,,; , „al.! 1 ; 3 t h i e d .., j e t , ,, l r e i tn: ' :e: : ;:ot.t.f,:j a d o p ted . e le a sa nk ed u e P T u h r t v . b e e t y b i i i t il t i l g w r O: i f I".IPPER CALIFORNIA". Om' " f '' ' e " "` ` ' . "" ki " . " ' ''' 6 ""'''' r The times of old-the good old J.. a friends. Hard by to the Schoolmaster of is any balance on either aide, it ear , be paid ..10114 MOO LOS VaItMONT. frank.. atA honesty and einglenees a th e dietriot-a privileged and favored per- at any other time." • • - O lands io the territories of California and If. heard-Their memories Boger around 'us sonage-y . tn. know him ley Li. pale Without exchanging weaker w or d, b o th (P•onrinued ) °Atioes..l the ed.{ ...waxen and the "1111 ..,... 1 1 . ' .. , rend a-11 infointaly passed over. We e , sunshine upon nth., or like Abe entente cheeks and fair kinds. He he leaning fa- proceeded to the house. Iron. Oiling. the 2hritin,,, (m ist I p jaj ej or iteric Acia ,,. ei :111a, e. it li a ; rent t• ...di 1 0 f , n i, n jr ,„ , n... _ .i . 0 , 0001 , 0 „, j0ww. j. r j....j. of flow., .hose bea u ty l a . b een trampled ntiliarlyuver the eh. , of a pretty girl-the minister en d Trotter retire o • small pri• w . , .0 , .... _ low huoll, .1 feet 11 1 ,14'1'.0 level • r Otr• ;et„ i e , d . . el L. Nerreed.eva , la. nod betivecs I t ~,,,a ~t , n ea , i, , , f ~, ,l , f,, o; pry 0, ,..., 0,,,,, ...71;elie.db ,oboe by 3fr. Clid f dings, of toneath the feet a thd oiler'-We fee very faired ite 061,221 Slie es telfit,g hit sate speed were 5 , ..c0nl Tr t ; the glop roes day, or N. ,v Euelytol Luse iortune hy the •dd and eurinfis method order ermi ne , d a Look nom a sma ll a cne , 11 0 t „ . „ 0.•; , ..i , t;: i ./ . the st. o es the eeeend di. 0 , jn , d .„,,,,,, t , li. p 0 .. , , ,, , , c ,. ,1 1,.x„, j. . ..,,, i 0 ~ et ofslavery, from got gm n•• by -time the el arameridies of ha palmistry-et:min.., with her own Keay which he opened and began turoing o v er i ' ,.. t ' '' ' t elt t ' l . L . • It' t h 7 .nti ' the e ""IY l""t. ''' • I .' he ' ° '''' T . ''''' '. r .' ' '' i '' '''' :•lt T . .. 2 ...,1 o r Mi n tr i a l di e d.„: ehildien base departed-that th e leauries fingers. the fish. liht s of good luau. the heves Ile 0 aueol at the 90th I age. Fun_"lj, . 0 i , 0 1 , ° ,1,71 ° , ° , 1,1y . " 14 ° 1 ,. °, 2 j 1 ,, , , ° ",`"„ 1 0 1 ,. 0 0 ° . ° 5 . .••r1 , 01 „ e , 1 „, ..i 1..0 , , ,, f ,, e1, ,, ..., i i1' , ?; ,, ti ,,, i ; t , ...., , , ,. .1 ilt , I 1 ,:; e0 ,... ; ',,7 ° 00, ,°,,. 0 j jo • j. ; , . 1.1.... 5 jay and the sieq,aild the faildons of strangers that intersect the Land of the meet, Calling the minister's full attentioo, h e Idive usurped the beautiful plainness and ''Lore aro strange blushes on her cheek, read the following bill of items: 110 , 1 111112.blira fall, end to degree. n O , char- i neett p,i b tb ,,,,, f f,,,, , , ;', 4 on ..hat„ ''' ''' AO actor -so divided be tl c leo entsio wall ..: • Mr. Ina.' , ' frsne the judielary eoesnelt simplicity -the Lech.,• n..lesity mold 21111 0111 21021 20 1111113 even to her neck. COOT.. :the bravery a Sow England A false and with a satiable and be:tetrad play ae, t• Toll nivlnotod s -4,11214 f,,,2,., the Sierl2 o'lolll the' t fir at Brie 26,0- 2. j 3 4, , in , , , j /, :i . ' ,, , ,. r i, p, , I f.,:.,,. 1 , , i ~,,, ~ ~, , ,l i .„ 1ca.,1,,,..k,l 1.,.,1.,4,. . 11 ,...Lieett i o n n ;u,o h . o .. iiaing 20,000 t • Ada spirit 11. gore once the land, under- mink She knows that the eye • ,.I the gel 1: V V11,t,Z7: 0 , .. 0 I:14 o eenttitele a teei •to its .woll a fi rm, ' . V' 2 t p t , ere du a c e , ••v.. , o ,_ •fi t e t t i . , :i , ~,, 7 t : ,. ,j, a .1 .. i,y .. . ,. . 0 :1 ;,, i ~"!, .1 , ,,,,i 1 ,.. r ' . i1. , , , , .1 .. r . .. : :: : ;:,,,,,:,:,..,.' ' f, `,,. . i. , , ;'cc •• '' ,T . , .. , II: 1 :::... 3. ,, :::7 1 1 1 :1:7, 0 1: 0 1 .. 1 .5. 60 miniug tl e foundatito , f h ...otiti s mold el A t ann in : is ee , p• o h o e al a i L er yo m , g o . riz ,. i... , • :.0 ,: , . , . : : „:11 •; ,,,,, • despoiling her real beauty-hipping away heart it thrill with' • e ew seem of ,p 1 ~.,7,- -, Ti Persia 1111. bd refer, •I to 00 1 11, ll 00 • e 1,„.„1,,i ,„ ; , ~• 1, n pt., ,I 1. d . ~, j 4 ,, 0 ~ 0 .0 jej ,,..,,,,, oj. the noble oaks of Idr , forests-the rtosgli- Nor will Ler pleasant dreams Le broken on '1...! ,metered Lut useful pr, duets a her own upon by dhoppoititinend Thee t° is ads i- Th. le."'" trend wildly d" 91 •14 the the r'''''' ''' "", 14 .‘ 1 Y b. ~,,,,,• , 1 ~ .. • 'r g" _ coil--to give idea to the graceful but radon and honest love, but not: jo g of t h e tmilieg. .121 n.ennel I , fel ni , lo et , tead- 2 .. 102 . 1.0 0 •,. 0 • 0 comi.4the "1 fr t. hum -- , ~j a ;.,,, 0 t„ , o e ., ; ...; .• , T ,,,,,, o mild,. exot ie It h. 1 enetrate•l ever,- d e c e itful and tl• &Ageing, iit the geese of neon " Th.," •••hrl 'Trotter, "it your nO- •'• • 'rt..'" 0 ' 2l ". '''' IC 8.. ~ , ..17 .1. , °0 , i, ~. .1 t • ..1„, ,V , .., ~ • ••• , , , . tr,••••t7, 4 . • - -°tut dry memorials anal tit P• Inhere-hone the thronged villege to the h er l oner . count " , ..,,.., ; r . '; ' " ' • . wer• let d and referred. '1: : Ye, 0 l'i I side, t kid before the Sent {=elated farmhouse; and the pl ugh has M e an n hile the sp... rd . the ev en i ng go ' "And I believe it is right," said fi d . B ., o,,deehee the peniherdo of r. j ; ”I e 4 • , ,-• I, • ~, , •Is‘en exchanged for the insignia or proha- ..te- th e . •• Blind matds Buff: . with eta odd lttinider• " Ihtt Ito al" I OP. Yoh ot- 4^ • • " I 2 ". it ""••' h'• I '•' ~ '' 1 : ° 1" • • ': ' • lip et f.• 111 0/o.Seetetary of War. 0i ned life, and the sffi clog - nheti for llo".." ...otos ' 1 1,,d acre t hiked°. mishaps- less sonee of the brethren will lend a Lin'? ,0,, / w , - , . in ... the .".', 4 \2e 010 1 9 1 ; e , .„ , ... t ... " d • . . •)1 1 1 . x a• . • 1.0 a a hill fora remo plants the p r e , ~r •,,,..,,,, .ill, i fi , ki n d!, pre , As it is, I must go se. ire 3„s deb, - s. a, it was I overage,. the mid, le • ~,,,. j .-„ ~ , , ~, • • .; , , ~, o , , ; I . 0,, , ....,, a " 0:40,,. .Ti,.. an et a. Lance;-moat was fear that sure .4 g rime -th e w hi r ls, ~,,s t„ p i e ,. Ted+ Idon. t wish to do But if my it ..1 . 1 "; 1 ' . 9 . no thet ; ' 9, '," '-'A-p• re . 1. ~. 01, •• • 12 :: ..1 , , • A , ~0 , , ; ~, , ,m ej , d , J. Itt 1 0 000 , 1004 th en . i, ne i p•ilig back . our original i n d e fa u lt rdeatd•ing which, before its read h 2 • Parent' , " Yo; shall he pool at o"me ••• " 22 . ' ' hb •° 2 .."^ 1 • 11 ••• 1 21 I 0 rem...! small 1,11114, I . ' '. 1. r 4, I i 2 •., ni, ..... ~,,„ , ~„•,, ground. Straoge, that ihe young lamer- oluti,,n ear", the delinquent, if a leak, is, future day:" seilare .1.. Looking vendee. Irene C 1,.. I. yend 1 1, . I o p,. 0 1 . ,„ • I ; :•• '' • •••-, s' !II: TI it0t,.0...d0 r a the seraion WU d 440. he, whose asset l a the, a tin... rea m mild doomed hire all the Ott , theeke in the " Ale ! that is very cell; but You /111Ve .n" ~,, 4 '', ," 51... Oh° main h n l -DI I 1t• tI. or o . 0 1., 4 h. e...• II cl h, i o ioate loas ikeij •urned. Ind beard I. real! the credits nhielt are oti “ cor ed 12 the htte. kn.. Id td valh) .2 e ,•• L o . 0 ad r ,t . 0 ',•, • '1 h. .... sO d.l 1.... ,y ti„ , 0 __3o, E ver ,. ~f bid ; peed a, dearest enjoy no nes are with the homestesd company and rice versa if a female. Tl.l •4 his talon, tihould . readily- leave toff; there is a muck mar r ia ge e a em e ny a the opposite page. Lido, " J "r" 1 ","" 1 0 1:71°2 " ;2 " h ,.' °;°-; '-", 2 1 2 °.• lo a '''":"' ". fi ;'''r, • ~ c , ,-,, ...-- ree,aeret. et r tho vote of yefierday re tl•e beaten anti proved fail: of honorable leaping ovi•r, - dee broom-edible-a pretty The minieter stared. 'Trotter read as f. L ` ,. ..21 , " o "og ohe---I , e • •t• sb ,, e to'et notes tar "b 9 n tlt.-in id do d 1! e , ~, , t ., ~,, ~, o f Th e m o dd., ~.1.. holuery for tie unceo r o i ti o, move danger certain preeorsor of that more impoeit, lows: I or mid litty brotoL mg aim., the bate „dn.., , • e r,„ ~ • t • , 0:„ , , , •• , .. a , . • I the seen., asd 11 •o• dud toe e we d h v ci ~,, ,i r i „ ,, I, ; i ~ , i 0 , 1 c,.; ,t h ,,0 , h , 1 , e , ‘ ' , , , ,i ;, . ..._01 of contribution. during and meddle.. n of en re fa.hb,nahk per ceremony, Shot° bonds are broken ettly by ~ OUDOT -..4, sleet ammittee of .iiis. Straug..- that he eau Mut leave demi 11 . fl h e,l. ° ,-'n'i.:.i...:: l Vol;i:,i, li r !: 'o 't .12, t s i e tt . t •Ott " i • S t' it. '" ti.,, t ni 2t Lfd • ;e r a t" ' h (, h ,°:' ', 1 ., " d' hh e . b t i t i",', ,' . t ' d le s h ,' ;; 1, e t h „ t , h . . 1 . t ...1 ' 'i • • t' t -‘' t 11 " . t ' l t :'; u e t • t . ' • 1; ,°•:, 0 ;', 1 1 ,c 1 ,," 1 , 1 :0 ' , 1: „.", "1 „, 3• 2, 1 , 11 , 1 0 " , t jt e r i " e5 m"" " r the hills and ete•m. of hie Lo hood-alto Bet, the menitig pasties away almost . -1121...21.12,21.1 . 2r1 1r n 10 find. ludo ate the 2 0 / , ././.. ...d in l •'',/ I , 112 1 , 11 •• .'l, '2•. a I e•s: rio to ti , h ll of 3lr Hunt, it see resolved blue Airs thot beta hi, a hiv ? ir t g above Insensibly. and the limo of departure ar• f2 ,1;, 1 , ; ',r,i'',L 2 ,•,•;2,1 7 0 °,"V0;;;,,f,N00 Ili childhood-the sale 111.., Id bin neigh- ek es T. sleighs ars opcodily laden ofth t, tents. _____ , ,r , Tr': _ ..' :; , 0 , ! : : . .11 . : ' 1 ' 7j , ' , ... 5 ”- f , , , i r .. N . ,,,, 1 .1 1: ' , L . , 1 .. ...;; : . :'!.. 1. 1 , .... , ' h r. , 1: ' I T he i . “ 1 1 ,1,,, L' l : ~.I , _ t ' At .I . V !Lome adjourn at 2 o•eloA, tif °a loe -the ,tan . f le. intancy-the the merry C1.1111.11111y-211d the jingle ~I row • I'd the elfieers to Fleeced the funeral a ...-1, , ' ,h, c ad, th he rice stolen te of 912 /7 112- j.,7,. e i n n. 0 1k,, .1 th e In ...• -t " ; - e. ml ankh, 0 , his opehiog manhood-the liells, aml the loud rheas from one 2111111 r .'n.../.. /.11 '. 1 '.2 1 I' '''' ..' \Or Icloni I, lute Amistant Clerk of that cry wan s ..f hit fatleds 1 Who re sect it to allother-aud the rielidoned laugh of MO yoular. To Jour ro., eo se to 0101 b- -"" h f ° into • ' " 1 . 22 or 22112, u-ually wo. ded milli cvoi„;teen inks, nod i s p j .. rignio feel the deep agree ion ..0 the filmed: , the Mir teat der., break upon the cake] odd " Bet. my deor Ar 1" begate the millistee 71 . 1"""" 172°7- . 11 : 2 " 11 " ° ° h ' °. I,'.'dl' J. 11. hot. , '''O'ofi 1• 1 ";••`• oh. i''''''' . '"l 'i° A hill fn de the Senate. extending certain Ie is lea, Me 1 IVhere aectin sill the eye sir o f letidneght. There is nedhilig on earth •• 11uA ! hush ! my fri e nd ; hs Al ri c ht •, °,- I ",° , ' :" '1° , 1 , 2" h." 0 ° " 22 h.""tn 2 °- 1 •gr., •,•••• ," led, ~. "odd •;" o• d h - Lite • al , - mi d, et it, 210 Igwi . O to pool a White hi' l'n Cin non bn killliil ''ll him, 2 . 11 net like • sleigh-lido by ennonliglet-wher. the Basey,"--sadd rvos i nc hir a ife-c 4e' og ow' '''' -' ' ''' t I. . '''' 1 I ' . l f"'" , g- ,, - ,,, .1 , p ~ 11 " I 77 2 "or:N' La 'l, S. Y , was pasted. White will the grasp of fliemblop h e so norm o. d peek i. intoo.thly mote-and the hose 0 7 cads here. quo k '.'' But mygned, kind ;27; "'" ;1 , 21 * Lou 2 ' •°2 l 2 . 2 ,""ted • i'l I. of the valley 0 o sids of 12: 11 plains alot , The Lill continuing the charter of the at Nilllere 0 .. in hi• o wn based I•irfinpla• C ? sidings gement . Seely and lightly as if sir," lillelv,.d the witirter, "you do nut 2 firth, " ..2 . 12 f • 2:0 1 colon, " 2 ho 1 2 1 .00 11 . ot• th e T u l are l a i n 0 , dS. Jooptio 1i,.. Wesl,ingion and .11exandria Steamboat Co. Ih. i lee hope to find thine in the gay Ade he ocre runttii.g weld in the d.ert, and re- reAlv mean t. -" tee the noticing ore..lrene:ll2lllAV. "tretth- Aacgii, into oc.l.d.Pis end 11 . • ILth .T (..''''..' l nes taken up . of fashimialde lolly I 3liseral,le wilt be his pi. ing in Lis eintamed freedom. - Yeo, Let I de, th .ugle," said 'i'r,,OOnr ' 1 , 1 ', 12h " 7 . :7°21 ° ° ° . °2 7 21 only 7 , r e. h ''''' - • neater ti, • foot !liar he the mountain, ' 7oi r , j o .„ , o f T en . , e ty, ee d......... disapphir Imo. For Lien thele will be We ran duly •i.pieriate the blemines oi empleatieelly. " You I,aye atoned all Ilea '' ' 2 " "" " 1 " :2 2. " .2 ° oi l L'e . " --•- •°" 1 . A c ielehard tt•di.." hone ~La rvelihr , " mend a clause making the stockholders t. eati ,, n- and changing hope -ae , d fear- untamed sooiety---rve ketow how mud, the I have given 3 eu credit f o r, And, Sr. l y.:t. ',7 21 " °I b) 3 °. ';' 2 e° l 1 . 1 0 , "all ••°' th" made dm hut frc oral j••urnets through the resimnsible for the liabilities of rho Comps nierra-loildtiest end g• , otltty may ,0 a.. el to AA., indignation, reseniniene, end hate- rugged eloper.. of ,ur nature are e.,ft- meet. take the balance in y our lan r."011.1....y. 1122 nor,' 0 1;1122 , 1112 lltrifllle Mt 2‘ . ~ ~l,ki, wen re j ecte d by Its vole o r ~,,,o nedid. n•• 0 to n, h oo d, nod , „,,,, i r „i, n "mod coed by an iotercoume with theme whose • The eeney was at hand. It las 1,..1- ',... °22 °I f1 0.,' " h " ° "`'''''' ' f It eli"..le ,fns climate nod Aar., d , by, efin 91 ,tlll.. time mitiaged. It i. i,, th e wclitucle minds and feelicigs have received the put-, ed to them inister, who was forced to ne- • ''`,' ''', °2 :l 3 ' ° :" . : .,-. 7 ,,,,,,,,,, : , -- , We left the u• , pr r octeL ...5. a New Mean. es obtaining the, comm.eed • and enrol lonely of Wore that hear •n- ish ..1 e•dileation and fushion. Our ale ob- aid it. For a while I.e.was unabh• lat Z ; e ."''''''' ''". `'. 0, I. ''''. l . l l''d . 1101 lIIII‘DIIII • n the I 11 , thlMentlnD and , Pm•II-, a speech, which he had not otteiluded when sway to home, th r illi ng oil I, el m pa mac jeer in the aloe hasty sketch has been to speak. Teens choked hit lalnI11111.1.; nod j , , , ,, ; ,1 1 , ° ,. h . j d , ii , ° 1 " 0 1 , 1 , ` 1. 2 ,0 7 0 ; i : 0 2 ,d . h t , h l ' j th o ' '11 ,f, " , i 2 2 , - d 1 , • I • , O H " , • „ " d ;-0 , 1 . 1 , 1 , : , 4 , , , 0 h .. , , , ,, 50 r i , 4 ::; ,, ... 1, .. di 1 r a e nt h d .. , ..1 a c0 r th dl elogr od eef 2 o'clock arrived, and the House notell the neodereous chords of hum. gym- convince thodi who roan delticalion and as he graep,tl elle band of the eccatti•• • but 1. ti• lathy-roh. i than in the al tifiehil hetet, haltit have learited to le riot in e••ntemi.t the kind, Itched-heal ted fain. he cried : 1"1. ° ' ; 1 02 1 }'1" 027 " ; " 02 , 2 "0 2 ' 2 n° 1- 1 r 1. ! 1 ' ''',.,-^ in . o •'''' ',..', . I ' , ''..'''''"''' . 2 "." - •,-Im°,°,.: and heated atnun t ,Lorc od ntobinha hie exis-, simplest pastimes t.e our ...tort, that the •• Fare.ll--fild Hes, 3 2 ''' 1, ushr, , ::,,Ve , ,, , ,: , 4, i: u 0 , ',.... , .C . . , . , :ar , ..:74::' , _4. , , , , h 1..!: , ? , a plain 4,4 ord a: , lte. le lea tOos- um , January 5. h h . o, tome. pine don/ or plemente Ililky 1012 •wake.ied in, to the done --nomoted his loon. cot left ~ ~ , , , ,, , , ,, j ,,, ,:; , ,, ,, ,, , , ,, , , ,.c i, ,° , : ,, ,: ; .1.,, , , ., j, r ,:.:12 . .,,,,,,1,i,„0" 1 ,„, , ,,,0i.. thi 1 , i; , . 1 ,, - , 1 , . ; ;; I :O• 1 ',• 1 '. ,,. j a 2 0 1 0 01 . ' 2 . 7 ,„ "1i ,,, 1 1 ,: n •;•: 1,,,, T „ib zr ., --2 d lzi v st , a r ..p l I . ....2 b i ; :y i l n an i d b ,./1 1 ea1e .... tl ash. gi•,, t.sne to thm rive , Late loco to preevol favorite measures; when . Render-4 et e• u VI. lat a .inilily the ruttie farmhouse, as n ell as in the 'l ey the e t e,L-Naturday 31 - errary I' zit - 4)1 ~1.1 1. , : .1,1 ainiitin, joarto ', halts ~' redden .here the chaidetted and; °II leo, yon will el .n• 11 to iota old desso ip- rich light lendt a deeper beauty to the fair ° !Heed Girl., ot li. d oses iptim s hive., ninny ti,,m it within n few yew., and • 3lr Ili. obtained leave to bring in • ti o s w id e ), or ~.01, -e, 11111, Loll ler s l ot of brow veith 11, wroathing trete,. and. mild- \\ ' e gremehoed to plead with the Ehilai, . ~.I , ', h 2: ‘ I ' 2 ``.."! 2 ". 2 di"." 2 , :r , 1 ., ‘ , u1. 1, 3' ..- attre.etti .. ,,,,, g• other dines; rod th. , oral I j•d ee i ee e „le i eS o , watches e . era d by p ner A -,, th e r ee i l t s - nn .l 11. i. reality . a. the Cling a Instre to the Itteelling eye, and where ' aothropist and Cloi•finee he favor, f 9 it un- "1 .' bast ~f env loo, ''' lII' II I I IIf ''' I .1.1 •'-' 1 . 0. nom", of Dme II:o140 , 4 iit Cahnoi. ihoCc toi- oonocnt, .cl ref e rr e d t o 0. ot,orra t iterr o f e. j 4 now M ar l s e1.t..1.L., y•ot may never ha,' ntnaie undts upen the ,a l like a very dreont honuate. thongle es. fed chess of our lo.pu• l' 0,1 ": • '', , 1 i f ° 1' , .‘1'..".. 1 ,''.l''l,'" and timely her ...told , hot o•• 9 e kn. pert Of • the wh o l e , fo r th e remov e ' 4 1. o ar clai n e b. • the satid'a •ti• n• f xi.. ...iog "fis mo. ••• of ",r cat 211.1 L., e . Idiot It •Lt, n hapr,. one persons elk f r °2° ! , ;"' °''`' ". °I ° 7 " 2 " . " 22 ''" °.°l - ;" Ow ' , tea. 7 V. olo•thl eel ;tome of t h.., structima at Hurl Gate. the I leaderit thing• in t' • oh. 10. r. to. 10l -- 1 • all reed., end pref.-he s ••L lit . e. 10, i••, h ° 2 "",°••• d' f ).•• Itoofieede. i.. 1792 al,r •t . ight miles above the junction of fit Mr. Ile resented a memorial in , Deedor and e'er , dllor, 1 I 11 Irr•Ill , 1•. :Men.] 211.• 'I 1111,C p. 2- /111 h. 1r li Ipr pert,. Wl•en• aloe me tl7, "...° 3 h 1 .2 °, .1•1• 1 • t. Pr.' P 1..., D,,.. C• •. on,. rii, r' milli 1'..• ' 0 „,,,, „ r . pprorri ,,,,, „ ea ., „ t bs. b in d. , ri ,„, ,',,,,,i, 0r „, 01, s,l-• em i d e p t . Or. 11w 11 iii to Poi old PAIL ,heads al, b m A . Op, t , 0 eke thee, ~,, m floe , s , l „ , .„,,„ 10 , meat. hooded. Let it ke , tolmst, .1 it, t h.• Ind - , . lehleete mutt 1. • pat e set, t• be raised by IL"'" 2 -:; ar 3 ' 2 ° "i 3l 62 1. 1 .• °sill. Immo , , slottel• in el e tide 1, .1,, •it' e -an Joaquin The .senete eleen procembol to th en c: pleoe t lot th• se 9. 119 •••2° . 11 e ; de -1 Lean- ass 'lto oven . 01 or . v ot c On PILO. ' Oct, V--111.4 7•0111111 grow up and mud " 2 ' • " 2° . 1 .. 2 emo m•d nolo:, ad y told- d e o e . ing 1.. i•• abendeinee ad of eat elleot. o l a e ; t t 'duration of the resolution, calling the 1.1. , '11.12 quilt+, &•• ,m, -t le• mad••-elie - go out I. srve , -to hile in other 2p loda , , t0 r, ! , • , .,^ ,, 1;0" ,, c , e ,d 1 ,, d i t . 0 ,,, °, 1 , 10 , 1 ,,, , 7 . 2 . j 7 0 , n 1, :t "tto , d • I'aident for correspondence in relation to gills most have their • 1 tangs ready" as A 2 ''''' " 2 / 22 'Of " gored 7ll2 " . • f . " 10 "•cf. out to e d o choose ark .•' it, ale °°)-.. II "" h " Mt 2 ' 2 " '• ° 2 21.2 oil ' f the pun hese i I CIAO 01 , 0 or„ am , i a -„ r t h ~ • , of ~,,o ras , sect -In day et gene by, 'loll: resided in the vi- t ,„„ generally kei•t at a iliitat.ce-kept at Ulm' "'°' .' 17 ""h ho 0 a ' f A l .• • •;d 24 ' Oen r• ad ,••• the 1 ,9 e on ..1. , , L , ' phi.' Hoe or - Mr. Boyden made a minority ‘,.i,, • ,,.. „,,,.,,,i,,„ j,,,,,, 11,0 ~;,,,h,g,....,, h. ,i,,i,y ~, 04,,,,. r. ie,.„„ j i,„ •• ;,, , an „id gm ,- jso; alley ~,,,,,, , ; ~,,, ~, 1 , 0 „,,, jj ,,,,,,,. coat the o i ~ In, that of the rot sly • .1- 1,, ~,e m. t h o 1. 0 . 0 ,,,,-, r, ,I 31. -kri-no. ile ~,,,, ~1,,,,, tO. d.j. of Mr, Sibley, in c e TIC. p e ep am ii. n ~t the 012 . 1 . 1 .• ' 1 " 112 , 4 T" Ito. reoalk•hk hr hie They are led p. 1 mitt, dtu eat mitle the "°.'d' A° l'h ""°. h".° Inds . 2 "*" ''t 3 ''' IL , . s Soli , 1 , otr "..n1 9.. todeed ;tic* W. to his seat in the Hoe.. an • delegate from req•lisitee •T •honed ie lib° is a ..rt. ml i m . siogidat haloes .11e belonged to no de- ,„ m il y me . c i t lIIe . n ipl, e , / , ~r h“. ' /g.l' odds .''' ' ''' ' ... !... 1 ‘ '.. I ".'aill V ' , 1 • • • a VV, iiMI V V' drA see ,. with p• oh ' wi aam ,i n at tithed at 9.. no•seons Es•ler the loth! , 1 ,h.,. / . eat, r, 1, I.loh, to an i el, 1, ot !tiro Alto . Inca', cilia' attempt to go into i•li, 0 &Aar A, II ~f rea.linots to larder: the """"°""i"" 4 Ultri'th"." • 1 . 1 h 222 . tholeth childrod; who t. is t. 11 ,bras, and to g e n et -- o ,a ~, 0w ,,,, 5i , 4 11/ 111 11111111111 l ie e pp eei ,d, a t r ial y speak- ally the r•on.e.ite•nce 0 WO •r 0 otociai in.. aid i''''''' al ochoit.4clOOtir nof the .. Fen. ,„ „„„i r ,.., Nr , „:„. e a', !., ge loaner. 0.1 connotitto o. 41 the .whole on sloe private cal cl•l• unoot .4 the I nee, t. e i.erilt of matrieto. mid is understo log. aen -rat man ; eviocing a mat, gas' t og en d mod have s dirty: if we etneo t 2 . 22 ; and h3 °." l " l ".is whr'l ; old •1 , .. 1 it , th. •to file land; the .rent I art • f ~. es , ey,da . id mien for the religion a all sect." His wife fi„,l ~,,,I. Ore pre ton pr, ditto t o ~,, , i t h told." the "Limo]." ' , ea We hi•o•Yod. At I effp ehreegl• • pen sods • f eee nod Tl. lionise wont into committee of the and neted non, - neenounirly wh en e ~;;;Itt,,, is te take I L e o e , t h e re . 2 ' 22 a lill'lnhOr a Ole Meth o di s t Eh er A - bed. end t h e e„neeptene e too Ala is deo- 1 22 " " 1, bV,1° 3 •.: 0 3 ';:', l ""° 2 2 2 " 1 "` e" "' ••t her helm Th. mi....eon. 111111 6 Dn.- whole, aeld took up the bill for the reale :9o,o,u, ,„,,,,, lactic ~f th e eeighborl,....l l'hereforr°, it was to t ati unusual 01 ig lo Itolatioti nod ruin Why not pantie y oar " 7 22 ' 7 ' 2 ' 12° " 2 °"1• 2 ;." ":" °"`"•"`"; O o ol) hph ''. ‘‘i , i. N. ototor. had to 0 Ye , east I,f a beard for the settlement of ~ e ii i n , i te d_ t h e , i, n „ e d,,,,,,. y _ sve el •ed er A S mi n ., ' tho hired girls, to eat at the amen to Lee or li •il ' .i'a ~,,,m O O,l ~,,,-,, ~m 1 01i , ........“.1. oat 11 .. 31••-kel- u -he si, el A u ., members of his Church, (Mr, •'f otter's in ,,,, whet ~,,. ~,,,, I ~,,,,,, , ~, 'retard", bored en d ~,,,d,,,,,i; e , ene , tie , eo t h e 1,,,,•,,,1. tooled to the dry s. in no •itirlit, oast of fan,reil individealt •-- • Thee e .„,„ ; ,,,,,,, end, . „t, th e d„,,,,.„ c , d particular, Ito pass a leigld and tent and „„,„ ,„ ro o j r h ,„ o am t yo „ r , • I n .„ ', o .'n 11/Ind/lin , S l -e l il.l , '. , I: , in 2 , 1'2 11 1,- S .11, 1.11 , 1 ...ay 1. 1•1. d 'I his January G. ft neither their (timed, and immediately fall to work, ;12dge with the"' ; ""etiff There thee might learn what is good mid 22"1 • ' ". 2 . 22 ° 2 •°° " 22 ° ' r " 1 .° 9 3 ..- atoot fiat,/ ten dx iti. l ". ir II the tedIDIIIII I, Say t 1 r -Th. New Pooled Treaty will At Soo II icno, ..1.1 no a , .11e, s Inc 0110 .if their very . lives depended opno tht ir ' ^m'lt" 22 2. ° he was unllreptrod to nthqe et ' o a red. and p.. on t o th e wnr id O n ~,o, ,i,. • noo•trY to eerable ' eared .sea They consider it absolutely see -1•"/ p" h diO/t."... 0 " "W." ledlENot. " 222 ton. and usehil sive. and inothete. 111111 !".. t ' ,9 , od 01 ,.. ' 01‘..1;re..-. In -I°„.,,'r; . I . "' l ' ' l'hn n i I i 'li" I ' I "' I ' . ' . 11. ''' '' I ' I- 7he ee ttei" .tense of ittel• I.e.'. Cnak non- ;lig ono, toe wei g h t .0 1,21 , 11111111/111 lit ' ~ „,,, , , ~.. f, ~,., .1.:I-1 , en teem. li,r „ ch a ,, „I m o t e . to n ome , ... a l. e on 41'.110 to forward tie ir work in entA a ' t 1" ) • ° 2 °.• "1 21 S. needr. ,,. ",,,, re. I" or , hi e' , you for pow kindness and eonsidela ; „ n „,,,;. aa to pec,..,,,,,y material Cr. . der tkehtain lab's comfente. The minis- tine, while i t ne i g h,. e „,, on d e o, „.,,,,i . the mimioe . 4 SO. he r. (Odor , . I lat Co l , Las, d• •1 ;and s n olo 1, , en , o low els- trend Ly the Senate yesterday. occitoneolt of it oph hilarit v and mirth I ter. d're• J.--• set emff hn•ed on the ' .one a world of d e g, ads i.,, er i me & m i sery 3 ; 1 '1 is 'ffil di•to , "2 l2 d to 9 •2 ; 2,41 ". c•• I end, WV .1 , 1 .i'l , e' ' ,r..... . 4 ' T 1... ILI11• I -. Atter organising, ...Wry path .oil.. ~,,ent,,,z. Ted, ~,,,ing in e 1„..,,, ..ameeireuit for two isteeetteive yeah ; a nd • And who am e too otten chargeable with the 0 1 ; tteolivls, e T oot , i hieveti finer mob larm r thee wee th or i n el 0 eyesi g wok" , n'is, the Ay tier A wire presented and referred. . hmked fel ward to with • great deal of eat- Is thong. h". 7." . 2 . °" 21 " 1 . 1 h° change , e"' crimes they loudly condemn in thin enfor-. I°ll2 of ; °23 2 ° ;12 . 2 ,f 2 "."- . . ' ; I'b °I ' ' 11 " I •••° 1 " "•:•I ; 22 " 2 'l't 05 . 00 :a, prose. Pre•ented • 2 . 0 . 1110 • 12 " td The pro ds. !Imo p. JOT onnth tioncr It vh ~ wi , . o t J. .1. ro. . permit ate 14,....clioArate en the bill establish- nod many . floe eye glances im. with oar Minim,. Th e conferenc e had teenate class of our populatinn 1 We an patiently at the hi wly selling sun-whose ' deemed froopor to remo v e him t o a ne ,.. eta . ewer the /loath of honilies! Let good l l' 72 01. 1 ',0 2 2 2, 23° . • " :1 "r °°2 ""'" 112 - 'Lod': '° 2 31 ": 11 h ' : 1" ; "' 2 . ; °';". "1 1 ' '', ior, a herd of exerniners of char. on Mon tanlineen re, t o., ton ~.1, o',. lei crisp anti- • I'" , " 0 " C 1022 ••"the'" Itte mead tht"- I Ibrietion wiren an•l ntethers -head, .0 '".1,"" . • •'11'..• Lain I,"'r,”. havt , l• rI. 1 1 - 11% I 'to. 0- 00. 111th 4 ' .., •'• , t nn• •1. I dcy . air:deo. • ••• tit° lair quilteie 0 ^ lerried often with bloc family 4Mr f en nli,,,_,,,,L er y, of re ti g i„ n and ~,„r ol o ~,...-. w , •! , ~,,,,,, ~ ,,,,a ., ,,i , 0... , - : . ,• • ; I e 'O . ‘l , ' • .. • L. 11 . .. ' . i/ ,in 9 •• .air. las 1., t &Veil a ..elution to cede b T o ro o t o t.: , r e , and partaken r h t k A d e: ,; f , , t , their 1 . 14p , i , la k l . it . 0 h ,i r . ~ 0 , e , , )1 thilik of tht.o I hin let them onemb. r g"" 2. T ' 722 ' t '' l '"‘ h ° ''" e; " i° 1° ' ''' '''' """ " 2 1 " . k.- -""" .stl: ho Iltr t • Ohio 211 60 unenffElands lying to Chil i NiAt at leneth emotes --a New Emdand ri.1c..1 . a.• 01 'lto u' ten sou., t,ct o •• .1. coi n , 1.. .1q I'. To • •,-. 1,01,, ..1..• II t IL., eh e N o d di e t r i e t. • it., night -11. r the "toiling is 112224 ill 111•11 1 ItSllllllg ; ITO 411 ndf know floe I t f r family". I. use cheriA virtue r" 7 ""s °;.'" "ef unit. """. •"d i' ""h 3 '": '- ,e 1,.., mei. 7., , Iln ol ah •a ; r.•• 10 1. I'd- On ottoclihoo it wan ref not to the eolia. ' the long evinings of Whit ee-ii ifie its one- P "T p ", , , 0 21 0 1 , 1 , 4. 0 1 , 1 7::' , „ ; j 0 or ~, ~ ho , o o 'ln. • ed I, • non wool•I mate tle vont' ern to no- o v. roi mak. sop, r, tattle:o,ly ha• •I- ... olio.' e ot• iclohlir land.. ale m.Y. re". "1 1 in all around Ile, 1121/Illg that nure may Of , , ,' • Nark • "l -212 " 2 ° 1°2• "" r " 11,. . ^ , 1 ‘." . h ", 112.; to the house a Mr. Trotter, dismounted nerd° he) North, rare.rfo r 0, time to eon.,. t 2) "'hat.; •1. 0, ^; h• e 9 °, Whet. it th. I. •• els ', s em. 0 In e'•• . . ... in •' . 31 0 filhlittge hem taken iho floor, and h dark colonng of Ay 1127""ban' 22 ' 211 and was invited to Jerry nll night ; glob We• b eft r • ' . ' tie st pr doet I the 0 101. a' •1- it ..' ~. - ,' ot I .extmn ni;•• s ~,, •on o•I f I . I . ~, pold, •6, b. M es e with g reet force like • uni, cried smile up. the white Lease, , . , fir ne i reeved he mm Bird In the morn- many hired g i r l s hov.• been ruined by pole "":'.!"" '' l'h,• i''''' se p al . °- " "'° ; r ° ' 1 °" 3 ) 2. " " " 2 ' 2 °, " t r ., •. 2 , ; "' ' . 2; lOd 1 • 22 . I °P". • ....": • r e" . 7 .- of the mow - 7 etreaming through the naked 7 • ~ mu he lied taken s t ead farewell of all the I „o r ., . 1:1; your Irani.. them t a di.- ":"'''''' ° • ;1° I ° """'" I ' . I ' ll I ' l ' 111 " ; '' -' I' ' l ' 2 " 2 "' ' ;141 '" ; 1 h"- •''' ; ih ' t mor toe ever-Isom,. of the bell for the me I b mmmmb•m m 1 " I ' m 7.61 r2 u 24.122• " -• "" Lama, except, 31r.Tet to who hergentot . o •- re y B r '," r ne e! t „f t i e ,: „ e „,,, or i,,g , oc,i ..1 ocl Califorsta.. lbe ni id- •s• ace I so • io II • onted hdt •i . , 0,1 , In 11, r, 0 e lo. h co d repremedefieee a Anto n i o fleshing like pale Dee ler the didant icy 0 to Linear. ed at • learn among his "horses ''" • ' ,'"" . ' 7-1, 0 - f c . e .„ - -; son :al r e ef the e , eat mot. lat 'imam ly atiilel• de, T! o tin r v ilko v. DIP . hot, I , ela n , r r the less of a lista. Lille.l th l .: l 7.,":Te i r,..7. fr a li w ot l o t" oo "',.ll , ,g,", l atil t e . a , tt , le. g . Thu minister rode foir.ward and 1 1 1e " d 01 1 :7 1 , 11 47 1 ..1:71,":41 1 ; ni jO , - 00 - °, 0 % - i r , -. 447. c. i t o it o potato and to the regaled, on,- ..,., t ba, i• c I t , NIA, ;IA the ...^lo ..." m 1 i Ow l'ilit I State. o' kh 1.. -or 9 . • ... , t - trend, -I It. •9 0 , 1••••,11 f rtib. Jpeuary E. ;doors. "The° fellows aro confine ears °.• " 1 " °"" ' more on an elmaltly with the family. and ° " . 2 • '' '' '-' ' ''' - • • . 1 " '' " ' 1 -",- I. td los, •t lee , •••• seer. , "r• ~,,, ."le • :comer -Mr lieutton, Ed Tease, offer. some eager voiettyand a sadden smile elegise " (Lind morning, friend Trotter, I sin , tho ;weft is that ruse ~f. th o brut women • 11 , , , Zr:Od , t , • , :ry1; 1 ^ , r 0,0 ~. ,!.1 ..,. ~ ~. Conon oto ve I org, "eks We • ••• ed a r.clocittlinit for the eppnintment Di a ;like electricity amend tim apartment. - I about leaving, mod tome to return you my o in the country knee in early life been hired , • . Lops 2 i I .ease f• Oh ' •t e %De l i de ore ' "o•n. 0 I. 0 .., I -41 en- in 1 .d. v.. , Ie e . men d t ee t o Ingrain. n, th e .... ~,,,,,,glin n - h.fifelt thailks thr the coMinua leindnese! or bou ,el Orb. Let us all have due rare """: ." ' l ' IP'' ." " ','" I;":" , ', i ens( ". I , m. ' ~ , ... ..... c . 1 ~ , .., _ __,_. • ' There is a moment a rapid .lie ry a A matron., for monery purpose, .b.. 07 .1..... 0 t ..... 11 „i cio ,_, 'ie ..; with which I have always been welcomed' aed . consideration for all those aro undo m 442 ° 12 """ •"."'“ •,... t"" large "' •• y , ..- • , t... ~,,, 0” • ~ .k. 1,, ~.,t, 211 'ill .n -your hospitable roof. I therefore • title more tfiefortunme the more mercer. and ion end , sing the I•ay • j F,,., i ron. rd, ~,,, wee ,. ;,,,,, c l em f d f l'orr. ~ , , ,i hcoar , on Inn FranniSCO 011 Ono ravilkl and blind adjustment of earls and et:Hobe-and beneath thank you sincerely. And in tho name of attention he needed. :13: . . " (i ' l d &Aced by its water" A tiew peter 1 This elk i. 4 Vfcc I-10ci..., Le- il • lii,ei.eirpi, which was laid on the table. ' then *II am seated desurol7 M wok. One of the map will allow tient region nod i, i mg ; _I :. 0. . Ili, I•.nri • t el•ite odd' 00-• Mr. Hole presented a petition easiest I Oar enmity tho " fellows' nce i ce.oet ii or e , Him, whom eau. li t ,jiv ab i 4 I implore the The Now 0 I patendose 'bewatch it tet h el' el 9••• 1 ' • '•II• t' I rte f i,lilli'll 1111. vile..ll of slavery to new statee• for r men" m • 044. IX 111 „CI nipre en mg se ell 111. 111 - ll 11,111• II .} In ..., caul, ' apartment ii literally crowded with as neer- ' 92 •••• ble•einft• ^ -" • "111° that 111 " ' manufactured in that day, of the elee of • ley. .4 the Sacramento sued San Jesqui ~' i s Pt 1.11,10111,' an ille:1„ half, end e 1.1.0. Lion abolition of slavery and *lave t rade prosperity • ha Incas easy dwell e mm • m`7...) . mm over Im m lbma ''''''7 m" Im "' ' Sift °I. - L ease h o ld. " PP • weasel pies, • line and • ilard thick K O, whole weetern elope a the Straw piastre in, Sieben Ti it long atone eharee-loboreeor Cougres Ps jurledietion. and Meg. be girls, however, still resale pet- I upon your . svoingly at their work, their fair Mohr AO he lod•h•d arekt•ll , be mmisal "i t • e a id I weighing the twentieth part efts nonce, Nevado. General phreeee fat to.eive pro ilea., the tree, Free, , leh has secordinglY lee. ; moved its reforne. to th e oommitto• MI the d ; .p. Ira time. and I. .valued at Sheen eine ideas, and I have teener. Sr. the node" • ar r ecificol by Dr. Torrey moue.. lone,- , Diatricl of Columbia, with instreolkss Ine stooping almost to the ost-enrettehed goat I hood for • I.l l .6s l P b t o mbo ka mbl i (long eaten enk.^) Tho tan at-1 repr , r i n hm, , .7M:11 " bm"" d"Umm abieh to Mast liftmen hen- in my Journal to show its climate and pro. I t„,,..... teem s i aithees.....k.abitt.a.mette mel ..e y tbs ........ " ... b"M i.ilte "* liria *li ter . :: rue. remarked ". i ". -- -'I died times its weight In sold-an expen- deo:th i ne by tb o ', s i e r t ', t h ermome t er and i tab., frerplently a diam e ter e f e l. fe e t and I Mr. King moved la ley the quietist of ' I WWI lla well. a lan ealinally. ; tho Mate of the vegetable kingdom. n height of eighty feet, with a side 'peeve- ',..,.11,... ( .. 0 the midi, yeas 26, nays 16. nod, with the flee, healthy-looki pawl °I am sash obliged to you for year good i -- . ' 'Mg heal. Tho many varietle. or deciduous ; Mr. Corwin axed • Medlar petitios gentlemen armed them. They r . non n' Mehl's, and hose th e on I have done you sgoil New Yoga Crr v.-The populstion .of , relies el as ltatsseis Rill sae iimiiiic r .,,d ~, oo k„, w hi o i" oo di„ o a o .,, n o gooo ti.o of mend wu kid se do letenapted;-the somplains of the loss MI snivel 'but, I" dear Mr, as lime stop-- life day of New York In 1712 woe IMMO. ; These rano)s aro ono, dieeriminetrd only ' throughout the yeller. and lower hills of topic Mar thimble-sloths hat bar thread ha s Ipd a pied many times at my house, ledr. In 1731, 8,620; in 1840, shoat 400,000. hy the mimes of the rivers which tn. ~,,, 6 . .... to w, k w q ..,,,iti 00 • e t ti n ifolo offered o Mai insolution its takes away-and • third that the ed with me and partaken ahoy flare; there -, During the Revolution, It was about 30, it, It l e o t an g le rolloy-a angle pographi- ~,,,„., ' ,m o b oone tit o t t , the peleelpal fond meting She Preeklenl tepromet •ased to °Mks. pimps her es that .be won't work, foe% do you not Ala It would be as well 000, ewe touch to o " and in • how moms% • Be- to stile whatever little Meount may he co- -- - - ---- l ed t the . t hem of the Sierra Neva& ho dance , In the Willa of Ilne poems was referred to timejdhesy oemisitomi. 1 3 loll' or the India. of that region. Their grikt the wile relatives of Meier Ringeld. le bellike sufsion is ellhoted- cry, mash 'sting between ner sm... g..... 1,...._D.,ing 1 . trza:l . 7 . - .oar 500 miles long, to he siishodoe of all parties. The owes The honest ministerws thanderonnek. "%Mfr. - • so. whichdes . Carlidle • P d and between It and the coot rang. of lands, meat make them an !moment the Ti. bill for entaing reofproeel aisle of the quilt sew lota:hetet and earefelly TM@ 1445 annething eetirel, umapested, _ • M. , 01 . it . bey of s ee reeeeji, with tome, • ' aria and the tinitedatats, wee takes • baker, C. Grossman who Usti) 4.114:1414 he q:ip frame, blushing all the but patting the ban poimibis Lea be e m. - y. .... y . ny. .entry. (Mod the asinine of • Mr. W. If Trout, osemsina and maommbl"fl . roes the hod ' atom in the apieultural swag of Sell In certain artielea olive's*. Sloes OW " the • . b j ou o ,g delta of twonty-In wiles anent. It. The The day had ham Dar/ ms'S and "M lige while at the -enteral jolts of the metier , he 'spaded two rivers, Son Joaquin and ileoramente, ...... h . 0 ..,,,.... r . woo 66 dog,. and a na t iv i vita would aorta to the .8. pang as Mr. Dix sapperted the bill glow a" to 1..".14 h“ 'l'M' " Z4V.h.".""i la' s"" .f " PM": that b. fell "d" the I." ib'r ihh 2 ; kohl •0 1 •3 1 e O . l 1 elm and Wm. I t z i s fres ktmlaseas 4 semmotllths. ail , , ror , . , ends. A* weather and her low, who - if she le se tortoni+ iredribledeas to yea Ow 'why kolgiop MI" will WA arallalla When wind ore Mira sonorous *MEWL many alba= Wei al , .. ei Y ffelimmemek Feud* Of the sop ate solidas, am / 4 boo ea. - M F• 1 17 num mm be MN' mmdl •Niml bin 21 . 4, al Wes* mm• pr loik -...g ..g.., u..... w h o . Men, from the Miami Novak besese.....,,g o og ione44 ir= d r, by whim fro Re comidesid AIN MUM. lOW sag on• Tb• I'm" la In all 116 mm Villoir . 4116 . 416 " 1 "41• 41 .11 limmwsklb•miwu po kos r oe goin o b i d o n , 7 hessian, navisolde elms, los toward o res... boo. Mot esteem/. , VOLUME VI. . . . ........... . 5 4 t, 7 , , ,, ? ;ti.-,c,TAlTlo...o, MONTROSE, PA., TACRSDAY, JANITARY 18, 1949.