The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, January 04, 1849, Image 4
f. llinz Ft sin?, .s.r.— E.trly sinter, let it 1, r,a,u11,•“ , d, is the por rcason f,; 1.“.:& of horl wool !nob, whit: the Pap 6: low, d Cat oof pine elioul.l.l, late in Pp: H r .. , hen the aof Vt., 111. % L ., with rcipn,. ur p pitch. I;et out :hull. - stuff for tootle and ails. ind 1,16,1 la r'lapo. ord,r that the 111, be iq put up in gyring CaCan I pilo a supply 0.1 lire C , r to Iv, n s•• tr, tor d, t h; lantl..l eaue wl,n dry; as 3 pe: lod ir, I C n tit , 13 att t 11 u t IMM==ini r I .F ~11. ..-i 11 ~~ • I rr. ‘1 Eat v;ot •nt f C..i1l •no IP • "' ."' Cne ,- a . ; I i, all o r•o!' 'II ... 6'lllld la =. • d ni scr io ir 10 . ryeital man Varl , and shay:l,riloi rt., if Ni.!".: v horn the e I I,imir aro • warm Irit well veiJMl,t4 4 l onkolo 4 r • .0". an , stiff,birigF ' ' ;l tho "rioter Warm dry .hrlter iittdl 1.1 , ileiniertio in their , too wall ...... and r4nt tytilw a ll I ,„t min • ni , r• ifid r., Li. and, 1% • • En. .1.; .• 4i .1 .n't I; :.,,11•••l ti 111 • " " i " :4 '" u!, .1 .la% till I 11.1,e' 41 ; 4 • ' o.I•" .o' 4 " I , v 4 "mv n -ki ~* • 4 ': ! - -,11 t to •in 1 `• We mu -t tle 1 - it """' 4 ' t`m , ' ' I ".t "'' .1%1 a t•. er,rt x'uJ 1, tr. to !I at, I r ti., It 1-1 Fruit Gar iert „ ~„. re tI ,_!'„ -our I •-ff •„„ „„„, mr „ „ . 04 .. 1 ' 111'1' hnnl. ''r t o'"'' .ru l,' 1,114 t,, go . 1111ogr, w • Il l ; the 111 , , eo,111,fro:, nll riot- 6111 4 rl . , .. d n u I . '.1c1. 11 . 8 . ' 1 ' 1 " 1 , 11 1 to, .1 - 11,0 proomg Ologl.l b.• loft until rolooo r it „,„ , L,„ ;!,„ ;„„ grarthw I,t. Pert 1111er 0114 lIVA n „d , our L ak ,P 1 next . , Flower Gar.len and Pleasure Gr ,,,,,4 f..r , 1 —y. . .. 'i tl u nrtn /*N., ‘ou wabr'..',',..„,!'.'...''' rr,i,;:r.";;,..;,;:'.,',, ‘.,'..!.. 'l.: —Sho,d.i 0,,, , ~,„.1 ~,„,t i„ u o ..,..., I.arJ , w ill` I I gr‘o ..0 my ,urr. all• Qtra, ~.. ---- -.- . _,... bull's may bol.'aid..d.. if fr• e.-1, lar,.• 1r.,• ,i ~,,, ~, „.,, i, ..:_,., h„ a , , u ,d,d ~ „'d i t t. t i N.onk 0..1 firpr I • t,lit 1 , iner i may br tr,,,,r110,1, wit'. n Inns. , f ...rill „ Pr 1 ,.„ r „,,, ~,,,, .). ~,,,,, ~,,,,n g 3 ,, a a r , "uy t."l i . I , r.... I 1'... l" ". ' " 1 r: it.r• lir I Irurr t tkr 1,11:: I.i lyi.l awl • .... ~., 1. . .. ./ .• .. : . .: , .r,. ..... ~.:::,.., rrit.:4 —. le,/ le"rn I. :.u'olti I I tt,ltri p. t , P: ~.: .;P. ~ ~pu' ~ i MEE that i-; Flo :1, girl:l6l2. , r —•' p. , LI, It h ~ 11 , 01 g cilv... Iv!.. Ali: 3 .4' null; c ono will r • w .i!•, lit Mt 1 until V.l i . ..ti eqw., each 0w...1 which lc.- air m .11 10.. t., rs, uail No :AN I, vance in inv., obj,ef. 11 , 11.P51 14' fist of tly•••1 9 , l•lliti I' w P!.01.111 1111 , a 11 • • 1..3.1, a I.t•k• app .f ear.ptanv.h.kt I ug !lull I G r, cVt . Itkok; (wt. th It I kr: ul an) breed I la,:k noses but it .rill took a+ Its eI a. fir, 111-..1X . {1 . 1/1 t Ilvr neel: muvt:llo.,,. it j ii t 11, 0 , 1,1 r .01,1 h, w.. 11 with 11 , 114 -rt I it. t i ,ir, 1.. r att , ll.lnl:l .1 It Li. J bytt. n ro, A .111. lIIIIIMEEI . . T. , n g ler, al,• iu t , ... fira Ir. m g d a..•k and yra , -1 , 1 Ira.'' I fr nri plod stotic the hater Sh• all menti I with n bend strai Olt 'mei:, • I Itl+ n,. II MIA, long dory quarter., r,aunl bones in propraui ,11. tr. 11, p it•ol full I riskel, fore le, ui le nunil awl &out and lostly she should h.. o good liantllor A a nwthat is a nil touniler als, al- I most invariably In , aro geedmarl i • first rate handler, d pwlessing e be fore atentionarpoint she will bo riably art: .T.,:otticau,mii..l.!;: 'enand}udgesdear aattle show.. Judge that will give is their decisions for premi ums Ott stook, without even touching an animal, are, in our opinion, unfit for that office. We should not think of purchasing • enw fey milk stock and beef, without knowing her to bra good handler, she may be a good milker without It, a tolerable breeder and feeder,—but we have never vet owned • oow tht wits • ba d bundler that essed Om th r ee qualities monhined. We in a cow a good handler that posse.. a loose mallow skin; rather thin, well covered with Of soft hair—so that the hand when kid not upon the ribs and brought together, shall he espy and pleasantly filled. The skin ehpuld - also b• bon and Willow upon I the bark hips. We hare thus bet I; t'.us F.ll 141111 t M partielthir ar ro Alle quality. ar from our ow e; ebrefr, etre, All' Jo net lu tier ol Ewlablialament, there one perserr i tire who keep, rtock,l that known an) thing ab ut it; also CO• keine I. ri.reour owme e liellt tem, S"nt, of the trurturrouo o • : t • . cu mor ltrs of the Vartner ty.• never ). t but ope eon that; w:ler.. pear f.oitiolt and x. I, hwn...l at,,l +.ll tt”e that w' tLroc ‘4,r.,1,11.t.1ft.r, 1.111,11; , ,I of 'tfr Vail of T,y,..1:45t 1:1 , 1 ' ...• •,.., in cash tor hey, mid 11,nt w , . tl.l part Yllth txiet: Unit „ urrican Farmer FOE 0,0 K -At ti e elre ' ~n ,`...4-tablt, It is bad E. , a L,f d, ripe to gvt !. • • ',' .1 a I t r E 111, ' l' ft' t' 1 , ,r It t.tint tlt Evening Lecture Of Ir, IH , 11 Jun , • I oivzinina t tll— n ! I•in • ' 4 16 Lt. I • • c•a'l t t .1 ilipt I.uve ).k witpor t• tl th • 1.•,, " 4..up0l I h., r: 1 , 41 ).•ti the chti hit ::114.1 it! .All.l oi.r it s iJlit awl 1 w.oll I liL I. w inThli utot it• VII it tip It . a 1.1 -1 T.' I 14 , t t!ir It . 4 .`Y , ".st 41. d inn gaii Ale i. 11,, —it nt — t ka, d tins I - Dili`._ -1 J,: , t / 1/1-, /li 111!. 1/, r,!; 4, .1 :at very o wa ;.• , : r u .t • aa.l I : %pal 111 y I , A:l4 11111.1.1/f Thera•' .hat wnnl.l a bhdywarn't the •••• tor, -"•• • 40.•• I nu, and n booty swan to know .... be dome . . , V . Wimmie lot vote! Well, I knew 11,i "g )vrs4 . 1 • and it's e groat pity they don't, they'd mi. I `. , • ..•....• • ~,,..... ~,,:. dutionicod the world alai bare • revision. rra t ,;:,2:74:,;;;„..;1:.:.7.4..,.......„L, sty preeminent everywhere no they call It, ...e . .... , Tr and they'd—they—timy wouldn't kill ~If v milk ut0..... ~.., ,.;, ..........,e.e..,..4..e.,,..... all the men, not quite, out the )'re larded ~.„:f1e„...!.;:,!1`,...; ! , ,:., ', :,",;.",.,!' , ;,,„,, ~, in %he it _places, mind I till y.on, Jones ............, T' .° 4 - . '. ~.7.,.;;!,! , ! ; :1',;° ; ;1:,..,'e " !° : 7';!7; Rut ne I wee ee)ing about the printer, we r.... ° " ° ' ° ".''''''''''" ' J1.1:1N.. 141. t. 11.0 newc—vicey verse', we owlet -,------ hevelnieeters, and if,tisey Mlllire without . Thus Way, Gentlemen I nothing to eat, then they're the critters,rnt . ' . .,..; . ,!!.., ? .,:',!e=:,:=J.1.:.V.. they. In advent* of the ege,Yor the people me ne,..doe nu1a1,.,,.• wit...a,. ,tialulftlgrialkilo Fa...A or this den...dle" pas a god of tutu ''''7,:l7lt=i7l2:;"l:.!t=Aelf.r.::,:::.'" .""'"' knowledge and bellef—hesidet, I should'nt.';'lllll V. ., , zlhe elaortt+t r ,...., Lm hul., l vt, I. wonder 1 yeu'el 'dapped the peper s eed .1.;!sbl 1V1ii..11.. ••t. • 1.... r, , et.., ever plaid Pr it—end then you II be pub.. ......"...., ,• ~' !Med on the black list, and you're wife's 1 ' Dry Girods. reputation ruined—and your children go to v..n . T11, 1,,110Per11 ., 14.411.u, 1,14104 , nn,... !...1.. : the plenipotentiary—it wen' de ---and i?, - ',, •"."''.`'...°.• ...1.....," . 4=2,1°Z.4,.,' here she brake oir, torJufies our asleep I.—. Gorhen Dem. ' W WaWg'fiatt , T . If' ' ' .' ' 1.171:4M- /,11.11,11K 101:IT 1 Nev.—C:cgds—,at Turrelli.s 1 ,o, 1 --The l:rund Puma , ' e Pahl killcr i•••• • Important to Owner.. of hat 4ek, "f r T• it oil.. Ural..., It - "1-r El UV' A 111,,T4111101 ;sr M t " Pi N . era; " 'l4l"' D '"" .„.. „ •"" o ....Ake, Iv. Do, - no. er won I 12r "Sr, 1. 10) Nair. at, "Lit WV *l%O lap tiel, 110 woriller 101 • I,here au r 11.1•• T. . S. '4.nn, n run liar %Imps, P0rm.,...11.., aro J. I:T.ltavii, Itu as.lnagsrlll4..Jlll2l fl A*6 .6'..*6 6.6066!.6-6 •*6 **" lolio enlo NEW GOODS. FALL GOODS. .1. ''' , „ %UP' 1 ..7 .1...nudnd. 13 FALL AND INTSH GOODS; .• „..' ; , , rtolP;:, • ~....I...Trpneler 1; 11., 1• 1 p v . ; Xi vz ffirair aara- , fo A va A y Great Scotch Medicine ! The Edinburg I•nr/Oer EICI=1:1 IVeak C 111141.14. ' ll\ - or. :: : 14VATATIA f,i(x9iX(Vf f r C.'7111 St E.... 4. ncw VONA( COLL EU B F u EALTiu,I 207 Mals-Pilreell, Iluitalo, N. T. 1,0. G. C. VAUGHN'S Vegetable Litbuntriptie Mixture illy ~..._„y, .4 SM. OVCICTIIE I\OlRl.lll. 1,1101,1. Mai= LI% II C 0111•1. t NT., NO 111 AULNY ;'r,,, .;,: ,',:i;; tk: ~'.; I==l mmosim : ;., hltence Illrvadful Cough! ~,,, ..r.^r.; :IY9 a' DM" • 011g0 . _ t • 4 '''' .r.' ,", U=:ELI 1:11211332=1 . . SARSAPARILLA. Th. w 311 ran .. 1..1. rh. W•AI I 4 6 rrrrrr pot .4 co•rt 84114 It ork 4••• .11,bilityawl wont Y .. . N ~ ': ~~ : '"' ~.~ . J n.o. "W:A . :" glin be .;~ EMI MEM rIIE=M '"'" lrarrEllllX. W.....1n01 4.,.11•1••••Ie. rA ' • 6.. ' . .'"7 .1.7..".1 swam. Y. u. r. LI.IIENLION Y , M U • y.IpM. lIUX °igloo innolo tit Dn. *. 1474• " • 1 it 1 :47:t7 '' '' ' ' ri=4 .l Ow, ay. only ...Want, owl ilnal ••••1•1. Mine ipmeino aien , il bp. Toiro.ili ' "b• • " amoroeet, nr.ollos awe ...LI MIAs, Cl*l , lee mtle 7.111611.11.* onVlZ,TbAll=bl:::;:q.riasF . TOT: , 30.0 by Y... MUMS& & 00. II l' tltlw • lM~eq ~:• f.~~~IT4T~~ tl