Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, December 26, 1865, Image 4

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Ills of Checrje DemackdbitiOr
Coming •
Neural-Oar Works and tamnP
tines to'make a largs sized cheese. They have.
the old hoops on hand s and cannot see Use rea
son why largecheese should not be as saleable
as, and command as highs price in the markets
as formerly. There ate some advantages in
maktog large cheers. They take lessbeediewor.
quite less labor in handling whileeuring, and the
expense of boxing less than when they are made
smaller. To this may be added; less waste in
shrinkage. All these points are well understood
by cheese makers, and they therefore make an
eilort to retain the old Myles. Unfortunately the
markets step in and reject the old styles, giving
preference to the smaller 617. P. They do not abso
lutely command the dairymen to stop making
large cheeses, but they say platnly,and have done
en all summer, If you continue to persist in this
course, you mutt take a less price as a conse
quence. Some persons not understanding the
=theta, insist that this matter is malty nothing
more than a clever trick of the dealers for the
purpose of purchasing at low rates. It is a mis;,
taken noticm,ead the sooner correct information
, can be had, and the matter viewed in its true
light,the better will it be for all parties concern-
The time been when large cheeses would
outsell the smaller, but it wait not because of the
size, but, ibr tide simple reason that the quality
well merlins , better. When quality wag alike,
the small cheese have always been worth the
meat money. The reasons are obvious. The
small cheese are more easily handled; there is
lets loss in case of breakage or accident; there is
lesa-waste in cutting, and they are moreaaleable
to persons purchasing for family is&
We may remark here, that In England the
shops for retailing cheese are often kept by wo
men, who are unable readily to handle a heavy
cheese. In the home trade large cheese have -
always been objectionable, on account of heavy
handling, and loss from breakage, skippers, and
waste from drying during the time employed for
cutting up and selling small quantities at retail
Some of the home-dealers have instructed their
agents for several years past, to purchase nothing
but small sized cheese during hot weather. and,
from this came the-requisition on the' part of pur
chasers, that dairies of 40 to 5 cows should di
vide their curds, making two cheeses per day.
Recently the smaller dairies have improved in
their manufacture, making cheese of as fine a
quality thr the bestand thus have they been able
to outsell the larger dairy. though equally One,
when size was large. A desirable size fur the
home trade, is to press the curds in a 14, 15 or
16 inch hoop ; making the cheese about five inches
high. For the English market two styles are
sought after—the fiat cheese above described.
and the Cheddar shape, which is 15 inches In
diameter by 11 or 12 inches high. Small cheese
weighing about 10 pounds, if nicely made, meet
with a ready sale and at an advanced price.
either in the home or f"reign markets. Some
manufacturers the present season have been
making as small as seven pounds They are
put up, several together, in square boxes and
shipped, and command very high pricers The
highest priced cheese that has been sent from
Herkimer county the present season, up to Oc
tober 12th, was obtained for that made on the
dairy farm of the writer, in 11 Inch hoops, and
weighing shout 20 pounds each.
It is believed a greater discrimination as to
size and qualities of cheese will be made next
season, than ever before. A choice article, put
up in desirable shape, will meet with ready
sales, and at a high figure. Factorieaand family
dairies should provide themselves with the right
kind of hoops, so as to be able to take advantage
of the markets and obtain the best prices. If
factories persist in making large cheeses, they
must expect to be outsold by the small family
dairies, and the tendency of this will be to break
up the factory system, since farmers will not
pay from ltjto 2c. per pound for having their
cheese made in factories, and see the private
dairies outselling at from 1 to 2c. per pound.
The great argument for the establishment of
factories was, that the cheese outsold that made
in the family, by enough to pay the coat of
When the argument can be used In favor of
family dairies, persona will be found in every
neighborhood to draw off their patronage from
the factories, and the number of cows will be
reduced. it is feared, to that extent as to be un
profitable to run the establishment.
The home trade promises to be very large
the coming year. Our people, it would seem,
have Just found out that nice palatable cheese
can be manufactured, and while they are willing
to pay for tt a good round price, they will insist
that it be put up M a shape that ensures the
least loss toransumeris X. A. W. in Country
Cooking an Old Hen
The editor of the Massachusetts P&sughmass,
who is something of a wag withal, disci:motes as
follows on the above mentioned feat in culinary
science: •
As we had occasion a few days ago to state the
age at which a chicken passes from chicken to
hen-hood, and alluded to the difficulty of making
an old fowl tender, we feel under some obligation
to say that there is a method of doing even this.
The French do it any way. Wonderful pets.
ple those French are, in the cooking line.
With us it is an eternal roast and boil. 'And
the thing can't be done in that way. Our pen
ple seem to have an abhorrence of "messes." and
the consequence is we contrive to make the larg
eat quantity of meat do the least possible service
in the way of feeding's hungry appetite. Put an
old hen, or an old cock either, as to that matter.
into the pot or down to the fire for the prescribed
length of time, and it becomes tougher and hard
er. We presume there can he no doubt of that;
if there is, try it and you'll surely find it so--
But there are other ways of making her not only
more wholesome, but more tender, palatable and
Take. for example, what the French call pot-au.
feu. We haven't - anything just like it in this
country and so we don't exactly know what to
call it It really means "pot on the tire" At any
rate it is the solace of a Frenchman and is famil
iar to every French woman who knows the first
thing about cooking in all classes of society from
the highest to the lowest. Here the old hen is the
principal ingredient She adds not only strength
but flavor. But she isn't thrown in whole, to be
boiled for-dear life as we cook that venerable bird.
She is cut up into small joints and simmered for a
long time, hours together, till bel flesh becomes
soft and tender, and leaves the bones and turns to
a pulp. Now the delicacy of flavor of this deli
cicala dish is due to the old . hen, and it isn't mere
ly what forms it as it is brought upon our tables.
but every part goes in, such as thr neck, thehead.
the gizzard, the liver, the heart and the feet. And
it is'nt the poor, who are obliged to be economi
cal, in France, that eat and revel in this dish. It
is the easy classes who live on their incomes as
well. This "rot onthefrrer in &Preach kitchen is
the receptacle for almost everything that b-ents.;
hie, such as broken bones of all kinds, cheap hits
of coarse beef cut up in little square pieces, some
carrots, turnips, leeks and potatoes, and if it is
spring when peas are in the pod, a dozen pods,
run through and strung together by a needle and
thread ,are put In to give flavor, - and taken out be
fore the pa au feu is served up. It is a soup, but
for all thatit isa dish& fora king; and for a farm
er too as to that matter, and how vastly superior
in every respect to a bit of coarse stringy beef, a
considerable part of which will perhanahe wasted.
Now if there is any one who don't like soups.
because they are *' 'nothing' but spoon whiles,"
there is another way to serve np an old hen so
that she shall manifest, to mortal palate, all the
delicacy and tenderness of youth. Just cut her up
into joints, taking care to go by the joints so that
you don't get in any splinters of bones. Fick up
all the bits of meat you have in the house, bones
too if there is any meat on them, any odd pieces
of ham or bacon, leg or shoulder of mutton and
a slice of salt pork, and cut a few slices of fat ba
con and .dome bread. Take an earthen vessel
with an earthen cover, with a bit of a hole in it,
the cover, we mean, and put a layer of bread at
the bottom of this vessel, then a layer of bacon,
and then MI in with all thescrapg and joints yuu
happen to have, they'must be sweet and clean of
course, till the vesset is full. Then fdl up the hol
lows and cracks between with . Water, and tie
down the lid. Pat it at night in a very warm,
not hot oven, and let it stay till morning. Take
it out at your leisure and put it in a cool place,
and when perfectly cold you'll eat it witbagusto,
either fur breakfast, luncheon, dinnero or supper,
and you'll find it not only tender; bat juicy, and
delicately flavored and highly nutritious. The
water that you put in will have turned into a jel
ly, and the whole will cut like red veined mar
ble. There Is no way in the world you can cook
an old fowl so economically or so splendidly.
We stintlid like to slt.down with you to that
gfir He -that knows not when to be ailed,
kricrornot *berg to speak.
--Theverld -.knows nothing of its greatest
men.—; -Taylor. '
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ttiegishotalti be a "Work•roym,
supplied with tools sccording to the means end
Sale QT: - the proprietor:- Every bey - Or yonn
man Witt farm should be taught and enCettraged
tribe ASO of Weis: I have,. in my. %%tined
paienteowneldered the tuoney,..noys is tool
,:iihteb._put into the 'bletth. 'They' should be
*Ma kivjac bole espi implements - of
ttr2raAtVirelliti to do 'such remilre about
AUl'Mlses as Mae within their means.
We Went to keep imr ions at home, to create
Within them a lode for the old farm. We want
to stop their longings to getaway, from the quiet
and honest labor of the farm, and to convince
them that "all is not gold which glitters, and
that "home is home," though It ho no more
than the lowly farm home, before they learn it
by. sad and hard experience. To do this let
bands and hearts work together.
It has been a Matter of surprise • to me, es I
have been looking over the buildings On - eiffer
ent farms, that this very essential regnisite—a
wink-room—was net more often found. Mutest
all farmers are:Mechanics enough to do nearly
till the re pairs , needed on the premised. I have
seen men, however—calling themselves farmers
who could not properly set the handle to lin ate,
is teat which, by the way, requires no little skill.
It is astonishing--to one who known-bow much
mier and better an are can be used when the
handle is properly made and set, than when it is
eternally done. And what is true of this im•
portant implement holds good with every other
tool used about the . farm.
With a work-room well supplied with tools.
and they . need not be numerous or expensive.
many a stormy day could be profltahly spent
which otherwise would be little better than
wasted. No man can afford to waste time:
Let your toollbe good ones and always kept
in the moat perfect order. 1 will name a few
which are et/tenth]. A set of bench planes, a
hammer; three saws, a cutting otTff, a splitter.
and a the back one; two sets of chisels, hand
and mortising. though one set can be made to
answer most purposes ; . a -set of augers; a hit
stock and its accompanying " tools. ' a steel
square and rule., a level; a vice; grindstone,
mallet; gimbleta ; &c, ; with a few small articles
which will suggest themselves to any man or
boy who !overt+ work. With these you have
all that Lamented to save you the interest on
several hundred dollars every year; and this
saving be made at times when nothing else
would be done to any such profit.
At the present day almost every article needed
for the repairs of buildings or carriages can he
bought " ready made," needing only a little
Wing, it may be, to make the job perfect ; at
least, as good as the carpenter nr black smith
would have made it for you. Poor RI chard
says—" a penny saved is a penny earned." It
is that, and more too. You have not only saved
the fee by doing the job yourself, but time,
which Is money, in carrying the article to be re
paired to the mechanic, or getting him to come
to yen. and perhaps when you get there he dui
not attend to you.
Brothers, have you the work-room and tools ?
If not, do you not think it would be good econ
omy to have them forthwith ? I speak as unto
wise men.—N. Q. T. in New England Farmer.
Signs of a Prosperous Farmer
When lights are seen burning in his house
/*fare the break of day. in winter emecially. it
shows that the day will never break on the
breaking in of the winter of adversity.
When you see his barn larger than his house
it shows that hewn' have large profits and small
When yon. see him drive his work ir.stead of
his work driving him, it shows that be will
never be driven from good resolutions, and that
be will certainly work his way to prosperity.
When you see In his bowie, more lamps for
horning lard or mac., than candle-stirks for
more expensive purposes, it shows that emmorny
is lighting his way to happiness and plenty with
that light which should enlighten every farmer
in the world.
When he has a house's:inmate from the main
building purposely for ashes and an iron or tin
vessel to transport them. it shows-that be never
built his dwelling for a funeral pile for-his fam
ily, and perhaps himself.
When his hop pen Is boarded outside and in
side it shows that be is "going the whole hog or
none " in keeping plenty inside his house and
poverty out.
When his sled is safely housed in summer, and
his farming implements covered both winter and
summer, it plainly dulcet. that he will have a
ebod house over his head in the Bummer of early
he. and the winter of old age.
When his cattle are properly shielded and led
in winter, it evinces that he isActing according to
Scripture, which says that " a merciful man is
merciful to his beasts. "
When he is seen subscribing for a newspaper
and paying for it in advance, it shows that be is
speaking like a book respecting the latest
momenta in agriculture, and that he will never
get his walking papers to the land of poverty.
Scuserattas ns Honsus—A correspondent of
the last NM Engtand Farmer thus refers to
"bright varnish" as a cure Corrals, wounds, arid
especially scratches in horses:
" When I worked et my trade in the city, I
had occasion to use different kinds of paintiand
oils; among them was what is called 'bright
varnish.' 'Pregnantly I would cut myself, some
times so severely that I have been laid up for
weeks. I wonla try all kinds of salve, but the
wound would lit a long time healing. One day
I cut my hand severeli, and as I had nothing at
hand to put on it I thought I would try acme of
the bright varnish; nail is R sticky substance, I
thought it might stick the wound together. Ac
cordingly I hound up my hand with it and kept
nn at work ; the varnish relieved the pain, I bad
no soreness in the wound, and in one week it
was entirely healed. My son was sawing
through a board one day, and carelessly put his
hand under the board. He had his forefinger
bone entirely sawed off. I put the ends together
put on this varnish and bound it up. The result
was, that after one week the bandage was re
moved, and the finger had nearly grown to gab
' er. My horse once haersrgatehes so badly that
it was difficult to get him to move about. I
rubbed the'parts affected with this varnish for
two days. which caused a perfect care. The
varnish can be bought at the paint shops for six
or eight cents per quart.
Grvs Toun Pros A PArremr.—lt may be a mis
taken notion that has found lodgment in my
head, that fresh air, light, sunshine exercise and
cleanliness are as essential to a perfectly healthy
bog, as to man, or to any other of our domestic
animals; and acting on this ides I give the pigs
the run of the orchard, and they pay well for the
use of the land. Their season's stint is to eat up
all the windfalls, thus destroying the worms and
preventing them from leaving the apple and se
creting themselves in the ground, as they other
wise would, and going through their transform=
ation state and coming oat a perfect insectready
to deposit Its eggs in the fruit of a succeeding
crop, and your hogs destroy very many of those
pests that kill so many of our choicest apple
trees The borers leave the trees and tak. ref
uge under the stones, and there await their state
of transformation; but you will find the hogs
turning over She loose stones and catingnp these
pests, and they stir up the soil round the roots
of the trees and make it mellow, and as
you watch their movements you must admit
that his ttogahip is not by nature so filthy as
many represent him by Um force of circumatan
ces,when be has to wallow in semen, filthy pen,
five by ten. Give him a dry sand bath in which
to perform his ablutions, and he will wash him
, relies frequently and keep as clean as any pork
despising Jew; and, when you come to a final
result, yon will have a fine, healthy porker,and
your orchard well worked over, and the poor
wormy windfalls all eaten up. Do not suppose
we mean for the hogs to run in the orchard till
late in the fall, not by any means. When the
apples begin to ripen and fall off, the hogs
should be shut up in a smaller enclosure where
they can take proper exercise, for we think sour
apples given to hogs when fattening them is in
jurious, as it makes their teeth sore, and it is
with difficulty thy can est other food, but
boiled with pumpkins, some a pies are decidedly,
a valuable food.—J. L. Maine
Farmer. '
• CCRIOVIS DIBCOTERY.—GIass may even he
turned in a lathe. Strange as it eeema this hi
literally true. No special tools even are needed
Any amateur turner, who has operated on either
of the 'metals may chuck a piece of glass on his
lathe, and torn it with the same tools. and In
the same way, as he would a piece of steel, only
taking care to.keep the 'chips from his eyes.
This strange discovery was made, almost , ac
cidentally, In the-early part of 1860, by • one of
ourlnost celebrated mechanical engineers, and
might have been patented, burthe Inventor con
tented himself withaimply putting It on record
and generously presented Mollie nation. The
consequence was theta° one thought or cared
anything abOutlt, td the idea has beensuifered
to Is nearly bona, amp- meek) of Moos
tuned to crest acomit. -Let stnatear
mechanic make dm eXperiment. Ind tadd r u a
surprised et the am w 4
tit wtir and
Intractiblernaterial sore .journal,
to his
,crop Pressing With Iffamaimr..
:The exPerince of thrSte whriltave applied- top
dressing on their grass lands, atdifferent periods
through autumn, confirms the Opinion that the
Wolin. the application is made the greater is,the
benefiteeceived,'whetherft - be for the present
crop or for Inverting thesod next spring for corn.
When applied late in annstner or early in autumn,
the manurelecomei more thormighly difiluted,
but gives a larger amount of vegetable MAU%
as well es 100 ens Meson by the increased growth.
Farmers who have manure now nn hand will
remember this fact, and act accordingly.
Another important fact in this cnnnectlpn
should ho borne in mind. It is better to apply
the manure during a dmuth, not only because
the racism when drycan be more evenly spread
but thesollbeing liko a dry sponge will retain!
absorb all the liciald manure which.the that rain
washed down Inthit —auntrp GenUsnuia.
glioctiluntatto 211tetiono.
JOR menoLs.
Ulysses Grant is a man of genius; one who
will be found to have contributed fresh materi
als to thenrt of war. With him 4 siege is a
campaign. Instead of driving off the covering
army from a fort or city, as old rules insisted
must be .done, before commencing operations
against it, Grant manceuvres to keep the cover
ing army near him, to throw it within the lines.
to compel it to take a part in the defense, and to
fall when the beleagured fortress falls. This
plan has the disadvantage of making a siege
appear long to perplexed critics who cannot see
that the close of the siege is to be, under this
new system, the close of a campaign. At Don
elson and at Vicksburg, Grant's plan was car
ried out ; in each the covering army fell with
the fortlesa, and in each the blow was final.—
The fall of Fort Donelson and its covering army
pot an end to the war in Kentuctky and Western
Tennessee; the fall of Vicksburg and its cover
ing army opened the Mississippi River, never to
be closed again hy Southern guns. Each cam
paign was final ; not only sweeping away the
army in the field, together with the stores, guns;
clothing, ammunition, but crushing in the catas
trophe, all sparks of the rebellious fire. Where
Grant had once been, it was found impossible to
raise a second rebel corps. The fighting spirit
was Buttoned.
Sherman, when we come to know him at all,
was in some respects better comprehended by
the critics than Grant had been. Alter Sadan
nab fell into his power, all nonsense about his
being drawn from his base and flying to his
ships died rent among us. The horse guards be
to study his remarkable march; acid the
Duke of Cambridge went to preside at a meet•
ing of the United Services to hear an explans
tionlif it in detail. From that day forward,
simply because We began to know him, Sher
man became our hero of the war, and once or
twice the newspapers ventured to say that the
South would be conquered by his arms.
At Gaylesville Sherman may ho said to have
stripped for the great march. He was going to
Richmond, a distance like that from Paris to
Bucharest; and all that way of a thousand
miles he 'Foetid have to pass through an enemy's
conntry. For some part of his long journey be
could reckon on no help, no stores, no forage,
save those waifs and strays which his keen eye
could see and his strong arm could seize. Aware
that he might have to light for every mile of
ground, for every beast of burden, for every
sack of corn, a sharp and short command Iron ,
headquarters educed the army to its barest
fighting and marching power. All the sick
wer e sent back. Non combatants were driven
off from the camp. All impedimenta, such as
horses, tents, chairs, tables, were left behind.—
Gustavus in Pomerania, Napier in Scinde, was
not more peremptory than Sherman in Gworgia.
But the great General never asked a soldier to
put up with worse fare and worse lodging than
he reserved for himself. He slept in his blanket
on the ground; he fed on hard lack; and when
the Secretary of War, as his guest, dined with
him at Savannah, he apologized for the appear
ance of potted meats and fruits on his hablo as
luxuries unbecoming a soldier's mess. The
troops bad that undoubting faith in his genius
which Napoleon inspired in his army, and Nel
son ll his fleet. When be ordered things to be
done which they coulJ . scarcely understand, they
merely said, "Well, he can't make a mistake,"
and then they did it,
Nothing like this flinging of an army of 70,
000 men trom their base into a vague field of
operation had ever been seen. A movable col
umn is tat best a perilous trial, even when form
ed on a small scale and sent into the territories
of such toes as France encounters in Algiers and
England in India. The nearest approach to
Sherman's movement was the famous flank
march after the Alma when the-allies broke up
their 'Camp and passed from their base at Old
Pori and set off in search of a new one at Bal
aclava. It was a dangerous feat, contrary to
rule, and has been slimly condemned. Yet
this change of base was an affair of a day; the
French and Eageish ships were at hand, and the
materials war were all on board. Sherman
had no supplies to fall back on. Between him
and the sea lay three handred miles of Savan
nah swamp end sand. A hundred water courts
es crossed his path. He would have roads to
make, morasses to turn, rivers to bridge and
cross . Where was he to find food for that mlgh
ty host! Does manna grow on the beach and
in the pine woods? asked one of his aides-de
camp. With thirty days' rations in stock, be
was going in search of his enemy and his sip
plies. I t was an original and daring adventure;
one to have puzzled a martinet like Raglan, and
enough to have driven 'Aulic councilors mad.—
But the officers and men of the northern army
put their trust in the man who could not make
a mistake. "Where he put na," they would say
to each other, "we are going in, and we are dead
sure to whip the rebs—sure." It is the spirit in
which battles are won, and Republics saved.
His staff is smaller than that of any brigade
commander In the service. He denies himself
and his staff the luxury of a house. He bas few
er servants, fewer horses, than the regulations
allow. He has just refused the commission of
l'iltijorJelteneral in the regn'ar army on the
ground that such exalted rank should be kept In
reserve by the authorities until the war is over,
when the government will be able to compare
and judge men's services with greater coolness.
As he comes plunging along, we see the man's
character in the way in which he rides. The
road is occupied by a brigade In motion '
• he
tarns ihtnitte fields, dashing through brush and
briar, wading stream, floundering into swamps,
so long as these will yield a way ; and when
tamed to take the road again, you see that he
pulls up ble bnrse and halts until the brigade
bas passed. The smooth path, he sari, is for the
men on fobt. Men with rifles and kits, not the
general and his staff, have the first right to the
road. Can we wonder at the trust in which
sharp lawyers and solid farmers follow such a
man t One day, looking back, the men saw a
line of bridges in their rear in flames "Guess,
Charley," says a trooper, "Sherman has set the
river on fire." To which Charley answers,
"Well, if he has, reckon on it's all right."
By marching through the heart of South
Carolina, instead of skirting the sea, Sh e rm an
pierced the State in its most vital part it was
the boast of Davis and Breckinridge that the
sea was not necessary to the South. The porta
might be given up, and the power would be
stronger fur the loss. Their strength lay Inland.
Well, Sherman marched inland; shutting up one
(=federate general in Augusta, another in
Branchville, a Wird in Charleston, and a fourth
in Columbia. These generals never knew where
the blow would fall, and it never fell whore
they thought it likely to do. As Sherman mov
ed up northward, leaving Charleston on his
right, Beaurezard was confident that he would
have to assault Branchville. a great railway cen
tre, and a post from which be could equally me
nace Charleston and Angnsta. Branchville was.
accordingly, strengthened with works, and oc
cupied in force, But Sherman cut the railway
linets" turned the place, and compelled the ene
my to abandon their works and guns. -Branch
vide passed, and Columbia gained, Charleston
fell of itself,—aa Sherman had foretold Wan
Sherman's genius comes out brightly to the
war. He was not one of the fighting generals.
When it was necessary to bit hard, as at Avery&
boro and Bentonville, no Hooker, no Hood
could strike more vigorously than he; but the e ,
peculiarity of his march is that it was a great
campaign conducted without a great battle. If
it be the highest praise of guilds that It produce
es magnificent results with trifling perturbetkeut,
Sherman well deserves that praise, It hi doubt
ful whether the long history of war lairds an
example of sach.spiendid militia achiftnisit4
oleo slight a cost of Ws
- wAR ioowao AID BIIQIIgG.
- Liana' In the Oticagmekriofkart, dlseoUris•
lag upon the influence of the war in preducitur
music Mid songs, thns refers to the history of
M famous American war song, "Rally Round
the sgr .
Another rims diming produced by the war
comprises those which have been. adopted'. by
the soldiers, and sung by the m as war songs.
Thane* semarkable of theta, and the One
that Can clalni the title of the great song of the
was, originated in this city. Those who were
here In the summer of 1862„ will remember the.
"twist war meeting in the court house square,
when business was temporarily. suspended, and
all turned out to help fill the call for 800,000
when the big bell was cracked, and when
wits sung, far the first time in public, the "Bat
tle Cry of Freedom." which tuts since been sung
on every battle-field and around every camp
lire. When the immense voice of Lombard.
after ringing once through the first verse and
chorus, took up again the strain, the assembled
thouaands catching the melody. joined In with
"down with the traitors, Op with the stars," till
the whole e.anopy of heaven shook as ten thou
sand voices swelled the chorus of
"We'll rally round the deg, boys,
Rally °Deena-Din,.
Shouting the battle•my of Freedom.'
History recalls to us many instances of the
Immense power that &stirring song has wielded
In inspiring soldiers on the battle-field. On the
night before the grand charge which won for
the combined forces of France and England the
victory at Sebastopol, while the soldiers were
sitting in the trenches, knowing that on the
next morning they were to march over a route
which would be.a journey of death to many, a
voice through the stillness of the night was
heard singing the beautiful song of "Annie Lau
rie." One after another gradually joined in the
song, till finally from all that corps of Highland
er* was heard rising the plaintive though earn
est pledge, "And fur Bonnie Annie Laurie,
lay me down and dee." They all knew that on
the morrow many would lie down in death be
fore the murderous fire of the Redan, yet each
pledged himself to win honor for his bonnie
Annie and for the cross of St. Andrews; and the
history of the next day shows bow well they re
deemed their pledge. On the same day the sol
diers of France, marching up the steeps of Mala-
koff, recoiled before its deadly sheets of flame.—
In vain their officers begged them to sustain their
own honor and that of the imperial eagles. In
vain they appealed to that love of glory which
has so often made the French army victorious
A murmur arose among them for their song,
which had been proscrihed. Louder grew the
call, till finally there uprose the shout from the
whole army, "Give us the Marseillnisa." And
what ambition, honor, and fidelity failed to do.
was accomplished by the power of a sone. For
up through flame and smoke, End volleys of
balls they rushed over the walls of the Malakoff
and through the breachus, while above the roar
of the cannon and the din of battle, rose the
sublime chorus, from ten thousand voices, of the
war song of Rouget de 'lsle. This was grand.
magnificent! but sublimer far waa that terrific
charge up the steeps of Lookout Mountain and
into the clouds. of the volunteers of the army of
the Republic, singing as they scaled the earth
works and rugge.l sleeps,
"Yes, we'll "By round the Flag, boys,
Rally once again,
Shouting the battle-cry of Freedom !"
The author of that song has deserved and re
ceived the personal thanks of many of our Gen
erals for giving the inspiration which aroused
and sustained the enth ueiasm of our soldiers on
many a hard fought field.
P;Wito:4l4ll , 3DiUMetel
Moorish ladies are married at or about the age
of thirteen; and 1 was informed of some curi
ous particulars by an English lady, who was
present at one of these weddlnett. the family on
both sides being of the highest Moorish birth
The young lady was very lovely, and under the
age 1 have mentioned above. The company of
ladies—beaded by her mother—amounted in all
to over sixty, among whom were my Informant
and a few rrench ladies, surrounded the bride.
whose bead was in a sack, and led her, a few
hones after dark, to her future home, where
they were received by the mother and female
relations of the bridegroom.
The poor child, weeping bitterly, was then un
dressed and carried by her attendants !Moe bed.
where she was commanded to sleep an hour or
two while they ate supper The European la
dies were served apart with coffee, cake, and
confectionary ; while the Moorish ladies were
closely seated in a circle on a low cushion, and
on their knees a long napkin which was extend
ed round the whore party ; in the centre was a
Port of low, circular table, which moved on a
pivot, and on which the slaves put one dish at a
time, out of which each lady took a mouthful
with her fingers, and with a alight touch made
the dish revolve to her next neighbor.
The dishes succeeded each otherto the number
of twenty, when the whole was carried off, and
at eleven o'clock a slight refreshment was taken
to the bride, after which the ceremony of dress
leg her commenced. Each lady present was re
quested to take Filing alight part in this import
ant operation, and my English friend assisted in
plaiting one of an immense number of little
tresses, into which her long black hair was di
vided, with a diamond trembling on the end of
each. Her' face was then enameled, a star of
gold leaf fixed on each check, as well as on her
chin, and on the tip of her nose. RANCE, of finest
pearls were hung around her neck, increasing in
size until the lower row reached her waist.
which were the size of small nuts, Her dress
was of cloth of silver, with the usual muslin
rummers and a sort of crown of diamonds on
her head.
By two in the morning all was ready and the
room prepared, when the finishing stroke vras
pnt to the whole by gumm'eg down her eyes,
which were not to be opened until the following
morning, when she might ace her husband, and
not till then. At two o'clock the slave introduc.
ed the bridegroom, a handsome youth of nine
teen, dressed In a pale grey silk, profuset• ornn.
mooted with silver and diamonds. He took his
place under a canopy, to which the bride was
also guided by her mother and placed by his
side. His mother then placed a few drops of
mite water Into the bride's band, which the
bridegroom drank, and then her mother poured
also a few drops into his hand and guided it to
her daughter's month, and she drank it; upon
which they were pronounced man and wife, and
the company immediately separated.
re Good accounts are received respecting
the workings of the New York State inebriate
Asylum at Binghamton. N. Y., under the direc
tion of Dr. Turner, which has been opened for
the reception of inmates about a year. Dr. Gar
ritsein says:
The doubts which, In the minds of many, at,
tached to the possibility of success in the man
agement of an Institution for this unique pur
pose are being rapidly dissipated,lnd 'the devo
tion, industry, and intelligent perst•verrinoe of
its noble minded founders are now being re
warded by the restoration to their families, to
society, and to themselves, of many of the moat
intelligent and brightest minds among our kl•
low citizens. Men who are neither criminals,
nor lunatics, nor idiots, but'who, in consequence
of evil associations in early life, or insufficient
strength to resist the enticement of the degrad
ing cup, have been reduced to conditions paral
lel thereto, are here brought to see the errors of
their practices, and to feel that they can be re
stored to lives of temperance, virtue, and useful
( It is pretty generally known among the
"inner circles" at Washington, that Secretary
Stanton has no great love for music—that, in
fact like bluff old Dr. Johnson, whom he in oth
er respects resembles, the Secretary of War con
siders it a great bore; it Is also known that Sec
retary Wells, who along with other infirmities
of extreme age, is said to be quite deaf, affects a
grmt fondness for the "divine art." It is also
known that while a professor of music In Wash
ington was trying to get up a series of auLserip
don concerts in that city last winter, be called
upon Mr. Stanton to get him to subscribe, and
mentioned as an inducement thereto, that the
Secretary of the Navy had already put his name
down. "Oh," replied the bluff head of the war
department, "If I were as deaf as the Secretary
of the Navy, I would subscribe, too r
tor Here th the pithiest Sermon ever preached:
"Our ingress in lifels naked and bare; our prog
teas in life is trouble and care ; our egress out of
It we know not where; but doing well here, we
shall do well there ; I could not tell more by
preaching a year."
arc When a stmerior race like ours," egad one of
the chivalry to a "modest!" looking Federal soldier,
Avows In amtset with an inferior race like Demon.
what do you th ink will be the result I" "Mulat
toes," was the ready sourer of the Yank.
Urns better L it t bare loved sad lost, that liner
le Miami 1$ -411214496
AlO - 111111.
T r.a.rts, tiAP
The, Largest Assortment
E. Mao Or law Lima? MM ormaaael.
also sais lab:sterna IrooL aaa far aos, 1/I.ospa.
Capa. far ousi. tom and aI.WM AS 113 1, Peroa.
Furs! Pure! Irtutei
=OA= 71710 01 All. SUMS •OW /OW IliMI
ati=e stock of anti' sod bale V Glom and NSW the mod
patents. jos.l opened lad for Ws Wrap.
• hum. doe' of Ehdralo and Taws Robel Lan bud Ind twills
41.. elermit assortiagenl a
J Win' Whim% . rdi ChtldrerOs Bbois
4 Otani Coarse .31.1 Jills Bad., ogt opbalog .ca WEAL cholD•
sa t i civa=z
f lr jr ade C . lothlog awl law Irwin
This Day Received onr Fall and
Winter Stock of
Look at Prices of a few Articles
Overr.ts b.. 7 and warm. as low as i BAB
A II arool Busmen M.G. ?Wan/ad Year I talln
Union B. nets 'Os. - LEW.
Good I neer al.. and Drawn* Pwr PwG 1.14
And other roods In propont..
And Warranted to Fit.
Scat as Um. Cofrea. Bum, Molina. da/eiatua, SP/assi,
salt, ate_ toe_ as naval.
pr Call and azaraina oar e tock Wore purchalag alairwhara.AES
W NTEP—Tiers, rbnionU, firaltad Whitt/ Apply
bid, it• tagbegi prices will b. pad ID mall
Xotaroo , . so, 11,11-1,13
Butter Tubs For Sale
BOTTIII FIRKINS for SOces., and Immoted good. and WsPl2
Old butt= In os no= Can clictdated.
H. H. Dommoars.
giontroos, geptoodoor 11.1e41L
30 Court street.
IIIIIS.ondo to crag
Blngh.olon, Foy. V, 1.113-11 m
way hale prepared to meal the went" of ail DU ;Sin= 11214
ourverkm .La
Dress Goods.
opts.. .No sod colored Al•ratat.. ?Wm Plsies. Gbashama,
Prlnta, Delatoe. (31oAklopl.d geigrry
sad Glove, tate Goods, Linans.
Woolen Goods.
ri....3., Wrapper. ard DMWlll,— beak anostmard la tumid
1),P.Tk1.8 and CAssallitl.h.
Boots and Shoes.
• fttll saKertsamt.—All kgatl. and dinta
Teas and Sugars,
♦ tholes lot co bond, and our dock trequaltly nidsalsbal
Books and Stationery.
Flne paper and ..elfrps BIDP( Sch.l Books. Toy Boob.
Iroatmee, Oct Bath. 1863
TE It.. deetL of
Z.AZZR.b.";" ."
end Cas , o-rhia, that n ' a has njel rwsliatjfins: the aouth. and 4
°send: •
of the law Ann. and would he happy to welt upon Me old Mad&
a Ntalheallehreat of
Forty Years in niughamlont
ash!a tam le Lamont/11y understand the want. of the matt.
and the tastes. , . <swamp.. and ha Iheilltlasfor
porehesens 41rc oath the , be
fly Loy establishment In the country, and he Intends that hla goods
mallln all ewes, as hereadom, be
Exaoly Such as they are Recommended,
And will give perfect eatleisetion le
Mating hls erode may lo to m d largo nod of Gold sad Wow
WA."1 1 01-1.ES,
Engitob.dmeriutl. sod Soot . E. Alum; Shwa fink
Li lz
Bracelet .reeve Untlons,'lstuds, Ertentadea. Thdehlm.
wed thud Geld Chalet Gold Pep. Lod.. eta A Dem rode
of Ilted.naettnr , prong P oda. Dlsahl a Map. Plc Wm. molt
end Duda Kale" ,de ales • beautiful aSsartiOna of
Plated Ware
of the beet quality. to every variety of Gila. All rode waned
Pleods. Rad Wale, Ahem Needle; "tardy, flocks, Vlollo
ftdepra Beads Combs r mat" Thermometers Brachia. &a.
“antlag reamed the Ilaiitsae• CO • VI:RU.IIi 1r0CC11446 all
'Medea W aches CIOWLI.J•II4:7, as, repaired to tha bed saw
ear and warranted
C41. ' 4 ' 1 ' 114 ofdPealts the Coon aorta l3l24l3atasoa, Nov. V, Itas
ErGibbon relates in his great:work on
tb.-Diethe and fall of the Ream • tainte," %%when
the My nf domande% warmaptmed by tbegrabit lie
great More fandahol. On mote than thee troalla fuel So best
the patella Batt.. rhea ell not have ben tba PSC I f It bad not
been that • metal of lambda@ Wanda very In lb% celetnated
The .. 1 T •nry to avoid Metes mutt la la to booms
on atm% prtnrivieb buy War fot man. and all lot fur ittalt, and
bate no had deb% to Marge to drammba end 'by. Mb re the
gaudy% wirkh enables me friend d JoClloWN. It ifetntga,_
la Pa the WOW Dune far prime %Mm lad all Made ad patantife
and to Ind tap pgs so mad low Ora Oror or. rot ta row
Mb Oro* rosolior or Mar
ma kffxrp. fin paill blare the iabiaTher Irina nigNietratly
MCI. tkalle wio sesta gnat Iternbilla tck DAS 10 C .
miss Wear: Wag emobloat tail bto afloim waselcar Mom
Read the Catalogue !
Mocks and Watches.
MI mtgs. Inetnetre that.' Caktwated Calaßslu Cliseks.
PANTO AND vista,
Ma" lend Gokl Midas. Hooke WI Keys.
rb. i nd ofjogyry—rile eartinp, delmotrettema, Mak
• Ins soseSsus; With Ltd sdibost boldsra Old sass rapalsdid.
Nadu to cadet of rani Coin, couttilltg at nooza, 7afk4T1111191111114
Butler radvn. Watdclo Mtgs. nail gain%
Von Chatza, de. dz.
Ths beg te swag—emit e. double. treble. and mil• pale.
sad Ira/Parr= hom• full Tea Eat dams. lauludlog
tee. Cake cut Cot Beiketa. Us Maids. Welt.
ere, Butter Mama Peter Brile. Cups
Tea Bella tr.. de,
Vloll.t. from $3, to IP.
Plates flibn. Olorlooots. Hardoc Grimm. Bow BUtoia.
Porta, are.
Ifecidtee odd togromoots of tee bed Lowell= tosoufsedue -
by dos doge Indenocceocor fad ed, 4.1, the metal
allot% Spear% sad Havreßaaaaa 1 0.6166 R 16, 1 .111 67 16 8 al
gataa Faradata mama, Stet Bela and Palrdaa /bat"
Oa/662m Ita all tau Cr. 6. Amy ram; ata , U. 6
sad otha Parcoadaa Car, Dorm Cu.
tratra, all itylaa had .100
rsa °ERNA' lITUDZITS LAMP -bons Itirames.
W.ortinikilus e
ghoul= t o Oa&
awns gm limad.)
Ai towato . .0 the =mot I Ulm to 4o Is soy bdkalkat
of the ctaidabee the Polg% 114 an VA la I han atlthat tam
.ost®nttnb. I Mil 'WOO that Ray Nom havlas wadi
dial at my atom which doo bottoomm ALL WWI% hu aal7 lo
moot the was to me sad milt he TUOUTID.
I smonosnd to ..0 any sad my WI of • •• 14 , 2 •••
nu uvula phattas. tad eaUls&pallettos sad setiNlF Jr
alsyttlostspro manta sissaltos.
Midis's* toirdis.
SPossoutlMPas ilestlo4l
arimaVian. Ilmin and tagllA, both gold ad Wow
Rammed to Yell ktodu of 'M.
• Mt taw. Mum baldlng sight small Ptuitogry hi.
Maabtiotand by Nair Broihnea
Traial2lll, to •ItCo.—Wonsoved tor ere ma.
®!u4 sad NM eappasanadvel may auk
from es 10411.
Army Supplies.
A Now Lamp.
.if gv , ttifttal lobo a
Good Set of . Mink Furs
Come to Scranton,
'Mon ow to found • Woo owl Oa* folortmoul of Mote oofs gib
op sad boo tootaficiorik nub on lOW Wok EsNac
KllVlrkil. DWI= flobrel. Beano Waft, wow
KM. hock Marto, Oliver Miran. Ga.
ano IMO. Morro OWL. so 4 Isso
Children's Fancy Pure,
OA Cam, TsSawa. C. me Mee,
A *Y:I4 al) OLT% 3 c.feß4f,oliyi :1:
Shawls ! Shawls !
Bematem. No.. tan, 1813 —La.
Eienintea. Now. ISM. 14.,--ftia.
Scranton Hall of Fashion!
Ecrustae, O. tett, 1663.—tr0
run aLmrlts, MR CAPS. BEARD.. TrATRIA.
Scranton Han of Fetal:don.
Identrom Nov. 13th.
73.A.T19, CYA.1. 1 ., FURS, 042gliES.
N.L.) TJ M
The First First Thrm of the Mo.ntrase Musical lot:Mß'
will aim menu January Bth, 1868, and
continue three month/.
Tai object of fhb Ind Dote LI to sifted Ladles and Gateman
an ojintorniolty for acqulring 1 thorough a:Wad t donation la
all brartoboo of toe ot/Cl6OO. and portico., advantage. vial M &Surd
ai to itch so Enna to qconry thetroeives for teaching.
ft will node• the direction of Prof. J. T llotaon, aisbabb by
ficirPtic" , eon. of teachers In each Cettartonat.
I.i.rcedara nit ing tern. and ord., of eserelsea ba gent to aa,
address no applio.,ltto to the Pr =in& 0. II Ennead. Sitar..Montrose, ISM. J. TlLLUTSOlii.Pilbscipal,
Sheep Farm for Sale.
s rru gar th2,-,, 0m ~ , i n A ta. e rrne. h :!,pet et a Pa .
n eratti l tdaL
ea. too 8 - roa, ood good . ;17.da n ro r . ' .Jod g c) o rcharda, maw.
ed. • Salo& !loom and Choy wlthln a short dim....
Torten= addrem L. L. WEJ3STE.K. Age=
Montroaa. to um g0th.11363.-tt
Where be will ha happy to receive lb, Dail. cl old Ititude and
mate soy cneoherrt nes. o, es.
ontsoae. z. G.. [tn. 18 , 5-11 .1 B. HAZLETON.
R. H. HALL & CO.,
I MPORTERS end I , «Alen In Creek:try. China. awl le. Obi*
Wen, an now metoing atrect porn the
English Potteries
• l•rge Importation of rrocko.i. which they will sell ty Ilia erste
or In less quantity. They also oiler • campl•4 as mum& of
Looking Glasses, Paled Ware, Cutlery, Lamps,
Window StwdeA, House Furnishing,
and Fancy Goods,
Carpets and 011 Cloths,
ass at her artiolta especially adapted to the
Goods Jobbed at New York Prices,
A. R. HALL b. en.
DI Covert amts. BAstmaton.
31.nstualork. B. T... M. 00. 1M3.--0o
WRZELOCr AND Ml^ VI AB6B are Jost red:ming a lam*
=4 nal usortmentof WI kinds of tioods Cram lie, Tart,
are recaYlag New Gads arrelray. and 1.t111.11 they
for ready pal. ca h or aoy laud of roo^' , l Pmduc..
Earth Pnaq. Co. Pa., Od. BCtk. ,84.-tf
Q. Q . a. WEAVER has ovine a DittE afore the firWeragh of
Third where will be mullet an f Venal.° assortment of sr.
title lo hist ne omely: Pimp.m d clots, &marsh,. t als • oila,
drear-?s p•rrineery, itatiorterr. war.
mask- 1.0. Ala., good r• tor ocirritiirkal purrs:sea sad
poem me dip_ .11 o f.til c h .111 b• grid che•rt for Cash
Dardarr. Pa. Dec 11.1863 -if 0, G. Wga
TZE. W y .
EACH of the subscribers mewed fate the celebrated tireedes.
N P Boyer, k ,or entre, county. one pair. (e , sty sd
of tale noted lyeed, and are pretend to c•neract pigs of this breed,
fo pek aldn—or singly ;
otg • crow web ca ..w h. 1131 can be
otnained by eating on either f the subs:tribes
. This =legated breed mistinated to c'bester ommtr, Went elby
yeelll4o. U 7 nab the SIMI. e of me of the pat ferment end
by Mead= Impostatintie from turtle, Pelletal/ =wens, close
brerlos, and vlitoto=snedina. have succeeded In firing and pl.
ptnadntftlu boat bused On America.
1.. O. TIPICANT. Them.
Sloe. T1.15613..-6nt It. W. ()SLAT% Giber,
For Sale.
A Rim obb•borm fbr p Co w inlem fkr safa,
Mautrbee. Nor. V. 1e5.5.41
laus taralsb Odra bf barrel °Lir al to.; bllll. WI•
.I:3 I sWoM. r3.- " tr i "c"'
wiexi.e}l3/1 rg
MEE rtroutbor rosette • NOOSE AND LOT ta MOVlnall
lala !TOMO sad 1.6111.a1k-ra ha 2.131D/A to Mosque. •Ah
the (341MONnett %A. m thittgerater.
llJuarw . eor 15.1663.-tf D. =ZWEITE&
4= CLAMS USUAL &On at atitt42l.ll4ilit
akum' romay
0. D. IMMO.
F. 8. Pd VU &00
7. S. PAULI, • 00
.ILND 8110881
For Sale.