Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, December 26, 1865, Image 1

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H. Et VILAZIER; Publisher.
fflu.sinto glirqtap.
morevixo .pent a. year as thirason 1n tha Mated States
Army, exaced at Aube. Cadre. ana .11.1 mend
rsltitln DIN prams:lon.
Auburn Centre, I. Jtato
EATSRMAN AND SURGEON, Monvom Pa. Dora 1.11.11
Dr. Coax crreeW. J. & B. H Matforralnom PotHaiLve cue
osoti .1 , 1 Jar ph D. Drinks,.
saurme, Sept. Sm.b. OW.
ATSICIAN AND 81YEGEON, tee located el Brooklyn. Su
garbs.* llovety, P. emend promptly to ell pals
wlte rilct, be may be lamed. ODd et L. AL Hitdwm..
Brooklyn. Jolt' 14 1866._71.
Wahles turn. Baud. &Lamle% Hotel.
, m °straw ,June 9.1865.-tt
Stun. Pudic Wren.,
Xosarnse, Janet% 11565.
lrfatCllAN A Runnenx. having located himself at
817,te 1,11 vi I :e, Susquehanna Clematy. P. adll attend to all the
ea ~e with iinch be may b favoned lat th promptataaaadattazdlott.
62, re Weld, near °Mee Moll's. tad.
anzaardalile. brag. Co_ Pa.. May .
T vool. OA.T 4 ER.CIotb Dream. tbs old
ound knn•ro as S=lths o rdtna Yacht.. Texas made
ber the writ is brougbt,,
J,ksup..llsr^ti 18d5.
PIITSIrIAN .and SURGEON. MONTRosz, pi. ome.
~ t , p voffir• Road• at jeans. troteL
Nonimse. F•brcary ell, Ma.-lirp
tHES Annarledemeni of need.. Monne* &O. for any
etase in the C'o nut* Pend= Vouchers and Pay Cer•
seturriedind done him do not require the centheate of*.
C.ert ... " he Court Montrose, J. .1, 16118.—M,
o,slClew stidBlllo3Bo3l, toepoothally waders his profoi
cinntl services to the dttsots of Ifetendrlle and vicinity. OF
P!t thvilla. e Mike of Dr. Lee. Boands &I I. Boefeeda.
m July It isse—if
A!TOMMY & 0017D5KL1,013. AS LAW and Lloccued Claire
e, eat Office over Lea's Dreg store.
eeepuebson Depot JIIMIXT IS: 1814. •
DHALER In atage vi ar i :Parcy Dry Good& Crockery, Hardware,
fro, sUmea 011 a. and Paint. Boon sad Shoes. Map
and Cam Furl. Buffalo Deg. Oroceriea, F.011431=8, ac Prwllthrora. Pa- ABlal ii, IBM.-ff
at / A.151 , Y A ritrItZFIS of MlllCksi.Viingn of all kind
31 Stom. TIE and Skeet Iron Ware, total Implement'
Denmin Dry Gooda,Grocrilta, CrOC ,
Ilocurne. P.. February 11,1864.
11 , c mer. e•mber 165—U
J. D. VAIL, M. D.,
inr 01111:0PA TRIO PEll3lCLilir. kus permanently lotlied
tuoise:f 1n Minton.. Ps- where he wlll promptly attend to
s, il. le me proreasioa senh which he may he fawecd. O
szd ilitodeace Wee., of the Cowl Howe, new Bentley Awn..
ontme, Felonry 1.1861-Oct. Els 1861.
A. SION CLAIM ACIDICT. All Peas Lem ChartNo:artfully prit
p.n..: 0121, te room formerly occupied by D. VAIL NW. El I,.ldtryr.„ below Searlea Hotel.
Feb. 1,1864.-febl7illB4B.
ESP constantly on hood • full afoul, of every variety d
OFLOC IeRIA3 and CONFECTIOIIEA. By etrlet stir.
lot. 10 business and fairness in deal, they hope to merit the libmal
patronage of the public An OYSTER and EATING SA Loon 1
'filched to the Grocery. where Maslen, in lammed'. are Nerved to in
tro rtyle !bat the taster of the public demand. Remember=f to old Mott Grocery ran& on Main Street, below the P
Montrose. N0v.17, 1563.—eneh17.18.-tf
0 EON for PENSIONERS. Gan over tbe dare of J.llon
Son,Public *ream Bose. at Mr. Etherldgea.
netrnee, October. IS.M.-tf
A ITOANET AT LAW, sad Penton, Basony, add Back ?I7
AArat. Cima Bend, Sasi =Jams °Aunty. Ps.
GTest send, Aug= 10. IPit —ly
EALEBS In Storm Store Pipe. Tin. Coma., and Mae
1.1 Iron Were ; also, Wind°. Saab. Panel Moo.. Wind..
Ptodt, Lath. Pine Lumber, and all Inn& of Rolldlng Materials
Bhop mouth of Scarlet Hotel. and Carpenter eto:rp nor tba
tt,noList Chttren.
Posrnost, Pt., Jantary 1. 296 E-t!
v:ra ccoee c loj o i DzAn o r . . VIct . o: 1 11,IIS Sitakh2s
tM~.i will be performed In 612 usual ► good= Ltd
vz Yiemmrnber. office formerly al B. Smith rt Soa.
Hommee„ January 1, Ig&t.--if
Acearcrecromace of CI dem-lotto. °MAG
A). ONh. CeftB.lAo6B. SLEIGHS, fn We
betty of Wwkonexontne and of the beat materiels.
et the well taown nand of 8. 11. IWGIERS, a few rode east
• Searle . . Met In Montrose.. where he *III be bsppy to r•
the calls of all who leant anethhei to EL One.
M Astro...l one 1.1861.—tf
PHYSICILA era BURG EON. rerratettally Leaden his scroun
LW... a Rugg; Oetara COSIOLy. He lOW Or I. etTECLILI
enl. to the scri,tal tatoil=l trvatmeai a disease Cl the
and tar, av oe emu Ateri relative to sortical operations
of eharre at Max. over ~W J& S H liniroolreSJore
.r. deo. o Maple street. our of .1. 8. ?when l.
outrou, Saag. County, Pa.., June 11.11383.-H
LAIXELS In FLOUR, Salt, Pork, Ftet, Lard.Graln, Feed
Oandlra. Clove,. and Ilrnothy Seed . Also GROCZHISS,
I,L. Onzart. liolosocs, Syrups, Teo and Coen. West olds ol
P 7 'lc A venue, one door Wow J. Ethioido.
M - Amore, January 1. 1864.-tf
MiIoRA(..7ICAL BOOST AND SHOT. MA[LH: also Deslntl!
80 ,- 0. Shoes. Lestber,and Shoe nalHam Repairing do=
Et t sad dispatch. 7".t0 Clow. above Searle'. Hotel.
tl , attose. Jssuary 1. 18154-4.1
TTORNETS AT LA W. Mantrap , — P. Practice to Snag •
A. awn, Bradford. Wayue. Wyoming and Lase.. Qnnnlld
kl..ntrore. Ps.. January tat. 1241.
LY qfece over the Soce formerly occupied by Poo Brothers.
Muttocc. I. MO.
ra , LERS IN DRY GOODS. Groceries Crockery.fiaTeTaLli
D, nertA., 41,odeons, Planoa and a/I kin& of IVO
tal Ineonment, Onset Homo, Sc. Also aoTy On Ilaa Book Mod
tnt It all It. branches. J. Timm
Maumee, Jou owl 1, 1564. T. A- /Yana.
I, Ytle4 OH,. Dyestuffs, Varnishes, Window Glass.
; •in.cerits, drochery.Glsassrare, wsji.pspe,
.'" r.nee Goods, Perfumery, &orgies' lestroments. Sri
BrumOss, ike..—and Agent for all of the sonsk.pojeO
s• P mesa Medlclnes. Montrose. Jinnsr7 1. IMI.
A.NUTACTUR Ell of BOOTS & SHOES , . MootrooS P 2
Shop , over Detir
=oz.. da : Alr t tr mark man
Montrose Asoll i 1861.4!
DEALER It BOOTS & moms. Laster and Find
ings,_on Main r.. third door below Searle'. Hotel. LC\
N S. Wort au•Ae to orelez. sod repairing done nasty.
MD...MSC, Pa_ December it. 1860.
TTORNET AT LAW. ° with William J. Tartsli.
oltroolte bowies Ht.AttL. Penthott and Boy calmoxd al
ly Cottedwas made.
lieutrorti. No, El. DSc-
Dcm-Eit 3 - 4 in MIT 000 M GROCERIES. BOOT? 'WOES.
Ladlea' Gallen, Carnet.. 011 Clotba, Wall and Windy* Ps
Palma, 011 a. &c. [(lore on the esid Ede of Public Amnia.
Rontrone. January I, 11364.-if
DCALERS 11 DRY eit:roDri, Drat.. Dedlebseg•
0 .^." 6 ... llnCivam, Jrockery, Iron, Clock., Watches. Jew.
Ir., &Ever Perftmery. hc., Brisk Block. Monsoon.
1.,. CIAO ar.claterlX
Ilontrare. January 1. tOO4.
Una wroaanity as band all
larrfir derma= imurrxras. ar for
shed at short arnica. dp_
_sad Wart Boum toot of Hats IL
Mouth:6c ea.. id.rri , A. 1863.-11
LIASITIONaBLC Tr}LLOR. BCY Bladr o artar 1.11.1
u a Foomere 11.0. a. Fa.
Molnar., Fa- JIM, t 7, awl
ay!: you fal me ham Fun made s$ hams sad mom&
all r • inward
a& __
There is the roots where we slept,
Only a year ego—
Quietly, and carefully swept,
Blinds and curtains like StioW;
There, by the bed in the duity gloom
She would kneel with her tiny eissit'd hands
and pray
Here is the little white rose of a room,
With the fragrance fled sway!
Rifle, grandfather's pat,
With her wise little face--
I seem to bear her yet
Singing about the place
But crowds roll on, the streets are drear,
The world seems hard with a bitter doom.
And Effie Is singing elsewhere—and hero
Is the little white rose of a room.
Why if she stood just there,
As she used to o,
With her long yellow hair,
And her eyes of blue—
If she stood, I say, at the edge Of the bed,
And ran to my side with spving touch,
Though I know she be quiet, and buried and
I should not wonder much.
For she was so young, you know—
Only seven years old,
And she loved me, loved me so,
Though I was gray and old,
And her face was sn wise and so sweet to see,
And it still looked Heinle when she lay dead,
And she used to plead for mother and me
By the side of that very bed!
I wonder, now, if abe
Knows I am at/indica here,
Feeling, wherever she be, • -
We hold the place so dean
It cannot be that site aleepaloo sound,
Still to her little night-gown dressed
Not to hear my footstep sound
In the room where she used to rest.
Nail though T am dull and blind,
Since men are bad and bate,
The Lord Is much too kind
To mar such a sweet young face.
Why, when we stood by her still bedside,
She seemed to breathe like a living thing!
And when I murmured her name and cried,
She seemed to be listening!
I have felt hard fortune's stings,
And battled in doubt and strife,
And never thought much of things
Beyond this human life;
But I cannot think that my darling died
Like great strong men with their prayers an
Nay! rather she sits at God's own aide.
And singe as abe need to do I
A weary path I have trod ;
Aed now I have no fear,
For I cannot think that God
Is so far, since the was here!
As I stand I can see the blue eyes shine,
And the small arms reach through the cur
tain gloom—
While the breath of the great Lord 'God divine
Stirs the little white rose of a room!
Only the the sea intoning,
Only the walnecot mnuse,
Only the wild wind moa ni ng,
Over thelonejy house.
"Darkest of all'Decembers
Ever my life has known,
Bitting here by the embers,
Stunned and helpless, alone.
Dreaming of two graves lying
Out in the damp and chill;
One where the buzstrd,
Pauses at Malvern HILL •
The other—alas! the pillows
Of that uneasy bed,
Rise and fall with-the billows
Over our sailor's bead.
Theirs the heroic Itnry—
Died, by frigate sod town!
Theirs the Calm and Glory,
Theirs the Cross and Crown_
Hine to linger, and languish
Here by the wintry se.;
Ah, faint heart ! In thy anguish,
What is there left to thee?
Only the Sea intoning,
Only the wainscot mouse,
Only the wild wind moaning
Over the lonely house. [4.rauca.
"Here we are, snowed up," said I to Constance
Nedley, who bad been staying with us at our quiet
parsonage-hone since the beginning of December.
I had known her ever since her widowhood, which
dated tack some nee years before the time or which
I am speaking, and both myself and my husband
felt a great respect for her. She was mneh admired,
only twenty-nine years of age, and fond of gaiety.
Contrary to our usual habite,. which were somewat
secluded, we had given different entertainments to
enliven her visits, and on the evening before—which
was New Year's eve—we had taken her to a ball at
the house of some friends le the neighborhood. She
was unusually silent the nextinorning, and I fancied
she was over tired with dancing, or that the weather
bad affected her spirits, for the snow which had
commenced falling the day before had not ceased,
and the sky was the color of lead. We had every
prospect of being kept prisoners to the house for a
time, which as we were five miles from a railway
und had Stashed all the sensation novels
sent us from Mudie's a fortnight before, was by no
means an agreeable nne.
"You doubtless imagine that the dreariness of
the weather has given me the blues," remarked my
friend ; "nothing of the kind; I assure yon if lam
a little hit thoughtful this morning. It is quite from
another cause. Last night a gentleman asked me a
question which took me bask seven years into the
past, for just so many winters have gone by since
the same question was put to me on the same night
of the year. I have often been on the point of re
lating to you en adventure which happened to um
when I was a girl, but of which I have as yet never
spoken to any one out of my own family. 1 will no
longer be reserved on this subject with so true and
valued a friend as yourself. But, before I tell yon
what the question was, I must give you some unin
teresting preliminaries."
I made a biasing flre, before which we drew our
easy chain , and Cctnstance began her story. I never
could listen long to anything, however interesting,
in an uncomfortable position, and should have
been a very restless being had I lived in those days
when all the seats were uneasy—though the Yankees
may keep their horrid rocking chairs to themselves
as tar as 1 am concerned, for the swaying caused by
the slightest movemont, reminds me always of being
on board ship, which I detest, even when the sea la
as cairn as possible. Here Ls my friend's tale in her
own words:
When 1 was just twenty-two I went with my ra
mps to a fancy ball, on New Year's Eve, at Lady
L's. I had many partems, and danced bell the
Bight when soon alter supper a friend of my father's
intrndneed a gentleman to me whose name I could
not distinctly hear In the cOnfrothin of voices around
me, and the striking up of the band for the next dance.
Hurriedly engaging my band for the next quadrille,
my prospective partner disappeared in the throng.
I had time to see that he was about twenty-two or
three years of see, wore a plain domino, and that the
look of anxiety which est upon his features wan
strange in so young a face. Nevertheless, I had
forgotten his existence by the tims be came to re
mind me of my promise- He led me to my place
and we commenced dancing without his once ad
dressing me. At the end of the Snit figure f turned
to reply to some remark I fancied that he had at last
ventured to make, when I met his perplexed look
ing gaze, and perceived that he was talking to
himself, for be said :
" Yes, it may do; tali, the same name, too ;" then
suddenly to me, "Pm ' Miss Porte:acne, do you
consider yourself tall? Whig may be your height r'
Not a little surprised at this brusque manner of
opening a conversation, arid thinking I Would an
swer him someway in his owe style, I replied, "ft
may be seven feet, but is old."
'But scarcely ander five feet eight luches", he
resumed, " have you any relations la Canada?"
I answered In the affirmative, .and though with a
haughty tone, yet I Emit have looked amused for
he , presently added.
I see that you are more diverted than offended
by the extreme audacity of my mode of addressing
you which perhaps strikei you as lee. eccentric, In
the midst of this motelylerowd, than it otherwise
might; but I assure yy I have no wish to ap
pear original or ; lam actuated by very
different motives. Before entering this ball-room I
received a letter containing Intelligence of g most
perplexing and annoying; Astute and which has
thrown me Into a state of the fretted anxiety. I
am placed in a position of anme difficulty, and with
out assistancefiem.yonA feel / can acarcely.extri.
este myself. However you may and must th ink
tee to be, with tails w I venture to beg nr
stranger to ask. But you have the option of choos
ing to listen to them or not."
By this time our quadrille had come to an end,
and leading me to where my mother was sitting,
'II I. pi a e yon r
r e'td deelsion, and toil me of It when you
waltz with me, as I trust you will when the next
dance is over."
I agreed to this, end he left me. When he esme
to elsim my baud as the first notesof the denztempli
struck up, my curiosity urged me to grant his re
dnest, and he put question the first to me, after the
ot round.
.• Your ehrlstain name ?"
" Constance,"
"How fortunite," exclaimed my partner.
Number two, otter the second round.
" What fortune, if any, do you possess I , "
I answered, "Only a thousand pounds."
" Lucky again," muttered he. "One more ques
tion, the last and most Important one, I will, if you
allow me, make to • you in a letter of explanation,
which having read, I trust you will not be ao cruel
as to refnile your aid. May Fwrite to you or noir"
This was not to be answered at once or without
" I do not preen you now, but hope to have your
[acorn Ole answer to my earnest request when you
leave the elosk•room," said he, returning me to my
mother's tide.
What an odd eirerimetance! Did ever agirl have
such a strange partner? I thought of but little else
but him and has fanny questions for the rest of the
night. The more I thought about It, the more re
luctant I felt to refuse his explanations; and before
the time for our departure arrived, I had resolved to
accept hie proposal of writing to me. He might
any what be chose, but I was a free agent still, and
would take care not to armmit myself to anything.
I could tell my parents about it all at some fnture
time, but there could be no harm lo receiving a let
ter. 1 had made up my mind that, having heard no
much, I would know more; and when, on leaving
the cloak-room, I encountered my hero of the night,
I arceded to hia urgent request, then laaatily re
"1 return to London In a day or two," said he,
"and you shall receive a letter before I start."
I can acarcely describe hnw strangely I felt all the
next day. I could hardly believe that I had not been
dreaming—that there was no reality In the affair.
At all events., my partner must haye been play lug
me a practical Joke. I should, of course, get no
letter. But I ahould have felt disappointed If none
had arrived, and I passed that and the next day In a
state of feverish expectancy. At last the unlocked•
for epistle came, and tearing it open, I read the ex
planation which ran thus:
"Dear Mlles Fortescne—l feel very grateful to you
for allowing me to make a full explanation of what
must appear to you to have been my extraordinary
behavior to you on the night of the ball, and if after
the perusul of this letter you will consent to glee
me your assistance my gratitude will be boundless;
for Indeed you will help me out ot a great difficulty,
one through which my happiness might be ship
wrecked, unless I can manage to evade It. I most
tell you all, from the beginning, before I can expect
you to judge of the case. When I was about fifteen
years old my father, who was then my only surely
lag parent, died, leaving me to the care and
guardianship of his half-hrother, who was twelve
years his junior, then just twenty-eight years of age.
My lather's marriage had been an unhappy one, and
his dying request to my uncle was, that he would
use his utmost endeavors to prevent me from con
tracting an early marriage, in order that my judg
ment and taste should be so far matured as to render
an Imprudent choice least probable. True to the
promise thus exacted, my uncle, as I grew older,
used every means in his power to exclude me from
female society, keeping as vigilant a watch over me
as was consistent with the exercise of the duties
which his profession Involved. His regiment was
ordered to Ind la, when I had completed any twenty
orar year. Before his departure he made arrange
ments with a friend of his who was on the point of
sailing In his yacht for the Atlantic, that I should
accompany him. This plan pleased me, as offering
an opportunity of gratifying my long cherished wish
to see the world and something of lite, for I had till
then a limited experience, my University career hav
ing prohibited travel In the vacations, which I
usnally bad spent with him in some place. It was
with delight that I heard we were bound for Ameri
ca., and that we should probably visa Canada, whom
the gentleman whom I was to accompany had a
bachelor brother residing. In his last interview
with me, before starting, my uncle talked to me
long and seriously as to my future, and upon the
importance of my exercising the greatest discre
tion in the choice of my wife, should I at any time
be matrimonially disposed. He reminded me that
my fortune bad been placed by my father at tale
disposal for me, until I should reach my twenty
' filth year. After this time he should cease to exercise
his right to influence any actions, brit that until then
be would in no case cowent to my marriage, or, in
deed, to any engagement of the kind, uniess.he
should himself be perfectly satisfied with the lady—
who most possess no leas than three requirements
of his own making—namely: That she should be
tall, that her name should be Constance, and that
she should possess at least, one thousand pounds.
To these he annexed a condition which boned me to
wait to engage myself until he should see her, and
be, able thus to form Lid own Judgment. I had
AQA as yet dreamed of marrying at all, and troubled
myself very little about the promise which L readily
made to what I considered my uncle's eccentric e s.
actions. Nor did I think then that he eariowdy in
tended to stand to them; but fancied he was jesting
in a grave kind of way as he often did In conver
Batton with me. After o delightful voyage we
reached the New World, and soon arrived at To
ronto, our destination. I was kindly welcomed by
my friend's brother, -who, though a single man,
was of a very sociable disposition, and had a large
acquaintance. The brothers were not so vigilant
over me as coy uncle might have wished, in their
kind-hearted zeal to interest and amuse me, and 1
had plenty of opportunities of becoming acquainted
with the lair sex.. Among the many charming girl!.
, whom I. met In society, Mss Forteseue attracted me
most, and alter repeater! meetings I felt that I was
falling desperately in love with her. She did not
discourage me, and we were not long in establishing
a mutual understandlog. I did not mention to Mary.
for that was my lady love's name, anything about
my uncle's strange conditions, but simply told her
that I must gaiu his consent to our engagement,
and that 1 should not be free to marry her until I
bad attained my 25th year; hut secretly I began to
think of my promises with some degree of anxiety.
I discovered that Mary's second name was Con
stance, to my surprise and intense relief. She was
more than commonly tall certainly, but the third
requirement, the one thousand pounds, was want•
bag! It was such a pieta of good lock aCesut her
name and height, bat particularly the former, that
the importance of the money difficulty did not
weigh with me much. As for that, some god
mother or distant. relation might leave her some
thing, and a number of contingencies might happen
to help us lh this particular; ao I wrote to my uncle
to tea him thatTi had chosen a dear, fascinating
girl, whom he could not fail to approve of, that she
possessor' the requirements which he deemed neces
sary, and I felt certain of his consent to my engag
lug myself, as soon as be should be able to make
her acquaintance My Constance, I told him, was all
he could desire. I never said a word about the for
tune. In reply my uncle told me he was surprised
at my having so soon found a young lady who an
swered so completely to his pattern, for be bad
imagined It would be more difficult for me to meet
bin requisition in these particulars. However, he
would not withhold his consent to my engagement,
if he found that she fulfilled his conditions In every
sense, and II she should please him, on his hemming
personally acquainted with her, which be said he
trusted tb have the opportunity of being In three
months' time, when he should he home in England
on leave; bat that I should incur his serious dis
pleasure if I committed tomtits) any sort of engage
ment before he should have seen and passed his ver
dict on tna ebjeet of my chorea He had beard from
me that I should return to England in the yacht
early in the next month, and that Constance would
follow me almost Immediately with some friends,
having accepted an Invitation to visit some relatives
in the north of Devon The people with whom
Constance (for I now always called her by her
second name) was to travel were obliged to post,
pone their going to England, mach to my vexation,
and I was a little anxious at leaving her, surrounded
as she was with admirers, whom her beauty and
love of admiration and attention attracted. I com
forted myself, however, with thinking that though
I must now go, without being able tfp bind her by
promise to me, yet It would not be for long. She pro
bably would be with me in a couple of months' time
again, and when once my uncle had seen her, I was
certain be would allow us to be engaged, for I felt
that he would no more be able to resist her powers
of charming than myself, and in spits of having no
money, for was not my own fortune, which was con
siderable, enough? He was a rich man himself,
and would no doubt help us, for he had always been
moat kind and generous to me. I arrived In Eng
land •• fortnight ago. and remained le London till
within the last few days. I came to look up a col
lege friend to the neighborhood, and wag induced
by bias to accept Lady L's Invitation to a balL
Just before leaving my friend's house with him
that evening_, a letter was put into my hands. On
opening it found It was from my uncle, and dated
from Paris. He told me his return had been hurried
by dreamt/wets, which took blm to France, that
business would he settled in • few days, and on
leaving tho continent be should make some visits
among his friends in England, and , should after
wards present Ismael!' at my lodgings in town,
when he expected me to conduct hint to tde place
wCoaataaca yea staying, sad Oat be should
lest am Talk tiviiskti, mil Jour solfplil
- R ht ragailkOt..;'Shiverrf , indir Wtong."
once before he must leave Europe again fgr aletiith
ened parted. Ile promised, however, to write and
inform me of the exact time when I might expect
him, mentlonini; three weeks as probably t h e nut.,
aide time beford we should meet. Here was aEr
for me to helm What should I do? If I wrote to
beg Constance to hurry tier departure, even If she
would undertake the voyage alone, there would be
no time for her to make her preparations and to
sell, so as to reach England before my uncle should
have left It. I was Wl:Lead dilemma, and wanted to
rush back to London by the next train to consult a
friend in whom I had confided my affairs, and whose
advice I valued; bat ktonekton, my collegolrlend,
persuaded me to accompany him still to the ball.
" You can think the matter over, old fallow," said
ha, "as well there as anywhere else, and there is
not time for you to catch the London train now."
I chanced to see-you when the night was half Over,
and being struck with your resemblance to Cott
stance begged to be Introduced to you by the gentle
man with whom you were speaking, of whom
Monekton knew something. I did so partly to
acquiesce in his wish that I should dance, as he said
my not doing so looked so remarkable,end Lady L
had asked him, "If his friend never need."' On
learning your name, it all at once occurred to me
that Constance had once told- me that Abe Wilts
uncle and aunt living in the north of England. It
struck me, too, that It was just possible that you
might be a cousin of hers—hence my second ques
tion to you while dancing the quadrille together—
my Ideas were In such a desperate state of erfolu
aim at the time that I hardly comprehended how
excessively Impertinent you must have thought me
when I asked you the other questions. Your replies
pet the other Idea luto my head, which Induced me
to beg you to let me write and explain myself, and
now I come to the disclosure of the design by which
I hope. with your aasistince, to obviate the diffi
culty of my position. Knowing my uncle's resolute
purpose when be has made up his rulud to anything,
I felt sure that he would keep his word, and that
unless he could see Constance and be able to judge
for himself, there would be no hope of his consent
to an engagement, and It we walled until he should
again have an opportunity of so doing, we should
usee to remain as we were until--I am twenty-no..
I would keep constant to the end of time Itself; but
I do not feel so sore about my love., imeronnded as
she Is by admirers, as I said before. &h if she
should forget me' No, 'it Is better to secure her at
all risks. Lot use Implore you to help me—you can
if you will—you have the same name, are her cour,in.
lam almost sure. If you world consider my peti
tion, oh! how happy you would make me: you
would relieve me from &tremendous load of anxiety.
If you are her cousin, you cannot fall to know hoe
near relatives who live in Devonshire,. Cannot you
per them a visit in about three week.' time, end
confer the immense fever upon me—of consentlag
to personate my Mary ConsPeice for the week
which my uncle proposes to pass In her company?
I will let you know, In case you afford Inc this
happiness, the exact day when I shall have to con
duct my uncle to v1•lt the Fortcscues for this pur
pose. I shall await your decision anxiously, and
shall tear the worst until I hear.
Bo ended Henry Ashford's letter, Corby this name
he signed himself. What a strange request ! It
was, however, quite true that hearths half engage•
to my cousin, for I had heard in a letter from Cana
da, about a month before, that she was likely to be
engaged to a Mr. Ashford, a young man of good
prospect's. What should I do—what did I do!
did what many a girl who loved excitement and a
!title adventure, placed to such peculiar eirctnatan
vs, might have done. I consented to lend my aid
in this romantic affsir, which, anyhow, was at all
events a family one. I received a grateful answer
from Henry, and wrote to in cousin', who lived
near Bideford, to accept the oft-repeated invitation
they had given me to vialt them, fixing the time in
accordance with the plan in which I was engaged.—
_ .
So there I was, betrothed, as it were, but without a
lover, or prospect of marriage Was ever a girl so
curiously placed Octore? Nothing served to remind
me of my unprecedented predicament, till the arriv
al of a locket, with Mr. A-hford's photograph in IL
The day after the fancy-ball I mot in society a gen
Semen whose manners and conversation were very
pleasing to me. I bad frequent opportunities of see
ing him, for he visited at our house. after awhile.
constantly. I was flattered by his attentions, and he
appeared to take an Increasing interest In me. Our
pursuits were the same; he would sing to my ac
companiment, criticize my drawings, and land ma
some of his own, which had real merit, to copy.—
He would read aloud my tavorite poems to my mo
ther and myself, and things were becoming serious.
My partotts, hardly knowing whether his attentiou•
should be encouraged or not, on so short an ac
quaintance, Were not sorry to know that they
would soon necessarily be at a stop to by my de
parture for my proposed visit to my friends. Ha
was muting the 'Pahee of Art" the afternoon fol
lowing that on which I bad let out that I was going
away; my mother had been called out of the room;
when he made me a declaration of his love. I hard
ly can describe what I felt. when he did so, and beg
ged me to tell him if he might hope. He would not
have intruded hie feelings upon me so soon, had he
not known of my intended absence; but he could
not bear the soapstone ho must endure, he said, 111
went away without his assuring me of his attachment.
I had seen so much of him in the three pleasant
weeks that I had known him, and had liked him so
much, and felt such a happy (lettering at my heart
when he told me of his own feelings, that I began
to nnderstand a little of the)oyof being loved, which
is impossible unless to one who can love in return,
though I could not at that moment analyze my fen
sations. I told him that I had known him for too
short a time to encourage him to hope, but that I
was grateful for his interest to we Wh a t cou ld
my more° However it might be another time,
e mid not engage mysell until the extraordinary
farce had ceded, In which I was to take so promin
ent a part. In the momentary embarras,ament the
occasion caused, I inadvertently dropped the locket
which was fastened to the ..hairs of my watch, and
asnally lay concealed In my dress, for I had been
playing with the chain, and had accidently drawn
out this token of Henry's. He stooped to pick it
up, and must have seen the portrait on one side of
' it, fur turning pale, he returned it to me with the
remark :
"I fear I have no chance. This Ls a slg, doubt
less, that I am doomed to disappointment'
Seizing my hand, he pressed it convulsively, and
looking at me with an expression of pain and regret
that 1 shall never forget, he suddenly quitted the
morn. I knew that I ihved him after no was gone,
when I felt the sorrow which the fear of never per
haps seeing him again ceased me. 1 would have
given much to recall those live or six minutes
which had given in. , so much pleasure, yet had per
haps robbed me of a greater joy. Ala! Why had I
not told him all It is always better and wiser to
be perfectly open In these kind of affairs, particular
ly where the heart is engaged as mine was. Had
seen so, how much suffering would hare been spar
ed me. Bat It was no use to wish that 1 had acted
differently, and the next day was the one fixed for
my journey. 1 must go on with this miserable bus
iness—there was DO drawing back now, for the illy
subo.onent to my arrival at my cousin's house
would be that of my Immo/action to Henry's uncle.
I must keep up my courage for there was much to
be done. I wished heartily that I had never under
taken what had probably lost me a true heart. In
gratifying the whim of the moment, I 10,1 ship.
wrecked my life's happiness. I arrived at Whitetaly
Manor in a very worn-out state, haOng
slept the night before, and my nerves were fearfully
strained. It appears Henry had let Mr and Mrs.
Fortescoc Into the secret, and they, though evident
ly not approving of the deceit about to be practised,
had, out of commiseration to him, not seriously op
posed It, thinking also, that his uncle's conditions
and exactions were very absurd. I received great
kindness from them both, and they did all they
could to cheer my spirits, fearing I was overcome
with the fatigue of the lengthened railroad traveling
1 bad endured. They little knew what a heavy
grief was knocking at my brain and heart—how f
hated myself for what I had promised to do. An
other sleepless night—a headache In the morning,
and I was in the drawing-room with my cousins
when the boar et trial arrived. The carriage had
been sent to the station for the gentlemen, and I
beard the grating of the gravel on the drive up to
the house under its wheels, an wank% and abutting
of doors, and the visitors wore announced. I had
been standing at the piano, tossing over some mu.
fie, when they entered, and I did not turn round.—
Hy this time my heed was swimming from the ten-'
Mon of my overwrought feeling, and my agitation
was extreme—a step towards me. Mr. Ashford's
"Constance—allow me—my uncle."
I experienced a rushing sensation in my ears. I
turned—tome one stood before me—some one was
bolding my hands a face bent over them and
then—all was black—l bad fainted. When I retie
ed I was lying on a sofa, and my cousins were bend.
hag over Inc.
Heaven that you have opened your eyes
again et last," said Ellen Fortescue. "Henry's an.
do knows all—we will leave you to maks, your
peace with him for helping to deceive him, and to
play a practical joke on so good a man."
They left me, and some one from the other end of
the room advanced and said:
"My poor child, your troubles are ended. My
nephew has confessed all to me. I must, however,
exact one penance before I forgive you your
Dart in the dupllelty." Theo, f nit hie voice to
its natural tone :
"Instead of being engaged to the a'- -Mew , for one
week, you mast consent to belongto the uncle for
The voice thrilled every chord of my being. I
, turned to look at Hearts wile end IMO 0/014 to
the besslielesva I mot •• -
"I am so thankful to that rascal, Henry" ex
claimed he,. "that he chose Mary Constance instead
Constance Mary, When I saw that you wore his
portrait In your bosom, I felt there was no hope for
too, though I was Ignorant at the time that his true
loyal surname, which he had never mentioned,
happened to ba the same as yours, or that you were
related. I have, in the moment of happiness he
,conferred on me by disclosing that your promise to
him only bound von for one week, forgiven him ful
ly, and granted all he wishes of me."
Henry, ft appears, had been Struck with remorse
when he saw how 'seriously I was affected by the
complications he had brought upon me, and being
of a generous nature had at once made a clean
breast of It to hie unc le. Of course, I nerd not tell
you, added my friend, that Colonel Hedley and I
, were married at once, and that I accompanied him
to India. Henry married his Mary as soon as she
arrived, which was before we started, and the thous
and pounds, which was wanting to complete his
requirement, was oresented to her by my hothead,
in the shape of a set of diamonds. He made only
one condition now, and that was that Henry should
WI her by her Brat name, and leave Constance to
him. I was reminded of this strange incident, last
uvening, by an old gentleman who had not seen me
oldee I woe a very piing girl, who remarked to Ida
bow tall I had grown, and Inquired what my height
was. I thought then, as I often do, of my strange
partner, and my relation to him for one week.
A dark volume of smoke shot up from the city
[Atlanta! in one vast spiral column ; and then came
a dead, heavy, rumbling report. One of the arse
nals was blown up by a shell. This was followed by
a fierce tire, which shot up, almost slanultaneonaly,
in different points. A cheer came from our batter
ies, and was taken op along the whole line.
"War Is a cruelty , ' acid the general beside me;
"we know not how many innocents are now suffer
ing in this miserable city
I'm dog gone if I like It," said a soldier, slap
ping his brawny hand upon hie thigh; "I can fight
toy weight of rattlesnakes. B.:emu/ouches, or sneak
ing rebels; but this thing of smoking out women
and children, darn me it it's fair."
- Pena!" exclaimed an orderly neat ns,.on whom
the general placed great confldeace as a scout, and
who went through some hairbreadth escapes; "the
women are the worst of them; one of them put the
rope once on my neck to bang me."
"Indeed! how was that Bentley t"
"At the battle of Peach-tree Creek I got captured,
and was brought before General Rood to be pump
ed ; and as he could not get anything out of me, he
had ordered me back to the other prisoners, when
au officer, attended by an escort, rode up and salut
ed the general.
" 'Ha! Mademoiselle Major, hoW do you dot' re
plied the general. doillig his hat.
general ;' and she jumped off her horse,
threw her bridle to the orderly, and politely return
ed the salute.
"The she-major was strangely dressed ; she wore
a cap clacked with feathers and gold lace, flowing
Pants,with a tall kind of velvet coat coming Just be.
ow her hips, and fantened with a rich crimson sash,
and partly open at the bosom.
"In her belt she tarried a revolver, and by her
side a reinalatlon sword. I looked at her; her fea
tures were rather snehurned, giving her a manly ap
pearance. Only for her voluptuous host, little
hands, and peculiar &Ira, I might have taken her to
be a very handsome little officer of the masculine
'As I gazed at her, she looked 101 l In my face ;
and turning to the general, she pointed her whip at
me, and asked, "Who is that fellow, general "
"A prisoner that has lust come in—a dunce ; I
couldn't get a word out of him.'
" 'lndoed, general, that la a spy ;' and she again
pointed her whip at me.
"0, no; he is only just brought in captured.'
"'That may be ; hut he is a spy. I saw him at
General Johnston's one day, and h., was lull of lying
information, which cost the general many a life.'
" 'ls that so !' said the generaL.
"'On my honor; come here, Hartly ;' and she
Balled over her orderly. 'Did you ever see that man
, -
" 'Yes, Mademoiselle Makin'
'Where ?'
" 'At General Johnston's, where he was giving in
formation as a scout.'
'What have you to say to all this, mylnan ?'
said the general.
"I had nothing to say, for It was true.
" 'What shall I do with him ; shall I hang him ?'
sold the general.
'Give him to me,' said she, with a sweet smile;
'I em going to General Johnston's; It might be well
to take him there.'
'• '1 make you a present of him, said the general.
"After spending some time with the genera In the
tent, she came nut, and placing me between her and
the orderly, rode off. When she mime into the wood
she and her orderly alighted, and she pulled out from
under her dress a strong, but fine rope.
•Sneaking dog of a Yankee!' she exclaimed,
looking at use with a vengeful eye, 'you hang the
only man I ever loved ; I swore I'd have vengeance.
I have had It; I have It doubly now, by gist ag you
a similar death.'
"My hands, all this time, were firmly tied, so I
was powerless. While the orderly stood with a
pistol before' inc, she tied the rope firmly around
my neck, giving it several good pails to make sure
it was all right_ They thee helped me get upon the
saddle of one of the buries. so as to have a tall,
while the orderly proceeded up the tree to tie the
rope to a limb.
•..Now was my ❑me. While the orderly was
climbing, I dung my two hands across the rope and
snatched it from him, Jumped into thasadole, and
plunged my heels furiously into the horse's aide,
which made him plunge and rear. She held him
bravely with one hand, while palling out her pistol
with the other. Before she could Ore I got a chance,
and struck her with my heavy boot right to the
lace, spoiling her beauty and giving the dentist a
ob. She felL The horse bounded off with me, and
"After that, I believe I would swear against wo
men in general, had not a woman saved my life In
"I could not get off the mule chain with which
she fastened my tull3clo. though I tugged until the
blood .was oozing out of them, and my teeth filed
almost to the gams. The cord, too, was so firmly
tied to my neck that I could a .st get rid of it. There
I was, like a balfstrangled whelp, with all my cre
deuttals about me. I had no control over my horse ;
en, fearing that he would take me back to the rebel
1 slipped from him and skulked away as well
as I could. I got into a little by-road, and thought
I would venture up to a shanty where I saw some
nigger children playing around the door. They Mu
in frightened when they saw my hands tied and I
trilling my rope.
I foliowed them in, when—heavens how I shook I
there were two rebel soldiers drinking some whis
" said one, 'here is a d—d Yank that
cheated the gallows; well, I hitin't against a man
ettilas bin accounts ; so we'll take care of him un
tillte gets another swing.' -
"They questioned me and taunted me with brutal
Jeers and laughs.
"At length they took mo away ; and not having
enough of whiskey to get there, they called at an
other hoe.° for more. To make the more sure of
me they locked me In a dark room without a win
dow, so that 1 could not possibly escape while they
were enjoying their debauch.
'Tor a time I heard the drunken soldiers, noisy
and singing; and then they had evidently fallen
asleep for I heard their loud snores.
"It was now a bit Into the night I presumed
they bad made up their minds to remain where they
were, so I threw myself down and tried to sleep.—
Though death stared me In the face I had fallen into
a sound slumber, when I felt myself gently shaken
by the shoulder. I looked up, saying, 'l'm ready ;'
bat Instead of the two drunken soldiers, a gentle
young woman stood ove;,me with a shaded light in
her hands.
" '!take no noise,' she whispered, 'but get up.'
"I looked at her as I sat up. ahe took a knife and
cut the cord from my neck, and then tried to open
the chain.
" 'Your poor hands are all torn,' said ahe compat
slonately, as she unloosed the bloody chain.
"'Alas! yes,' said I; 'but why do you try to isave
me V
" 'Because I am a woman, and true to the in
stincts of a woman, which is to save, not to
Poor boy ! tome slater or mother would fret for you.
If you should ever meet one in such a situation, do
as much for him. Now go, but very qoletly.'
"'But you! will they not hurt you
"'No, no. I know them; It would not do for
them to quarrel with me ; hollow me.'
"I gilded through the kitchen; the two rebels
were Bleeping beside the are. I passed put. then Im
printing a gratmal kiss on my deliverer's cheek, fled
and got into camp next day.
Bum Stexon.—Perhaps the shortest sermon
on record was once preached by the late Irish Dean
Kirwan- no wail pressed, while suffering from &se
vere cold, toprescha charity sermon in Be. Peter's
church, Dublin, for the benefit of the orphan child
ren of the parish school. The church wee crowded
to Iniffoottion, and the good Dean, on mounting the
Pulpit , end announcing his text, pointed with his
hand to the children in the aisle, and simply said—
" There they st % The collection on this ocelot=
exceeded sit
. i to h . oakof Miaowd so moue Bo-
Sooner or later the storms shall beat 2j,
Over my slumber froth bead to feet:
Sooner or later the wind shall rave
In the long grass above my grave.
I shall not heed them where I lie,
Nothing their sound shall slimily,
Nothing the headstone's fret of kin,
Nothing to me the.dark day's
Sooner or later the sun shall shine
With tender warmth on that mound of mine ;
Sooner or later, in inmate, sir,
Clover and violet blossom there.
I shall not feel In that deep-laid vest
The sheeted light fall, over my breast;
Nor ever noteln those hidden boors
The wind-blown breath at the tossing flowers.
Sootier or later the stainless snows
Shall add their boob to My mute repose ;
Sooner or liter shall slant and shift,
And beep my bed with their dazzling tidfl.
Chill though th at froteripill shillitiera
Its touch no colder can mikethe draw:
That reeks not the sweet and sacred dread
Shrouding the city of the dead.
Sooner or later the bee shall come
And fill the noon with his golden hum;
Sooner nr later on half poised wing
The blue-bird's warble about me ring,—
Ring and elarrup,and whistle with glee,
Nothing his music means to me ;
None of these beautiful things shall know
How soundly their lover steep; below.
Sooner or later, far out In the night,
The stars shall over me wing their flight ;
Sooner or later toy darling dews
Catch the white spark In their silent ooze.
Never a ray shall part the gloom
That wraps me round In the kindly tomb;
Pewe shall b., perfect for llp and brow
Sooner or later,—Oh ! why not now
karTf BIDER. •
Kneeling by the stream, I saw
Kate, the farmer's daughter
Drinking—ln her rosy palm,
Dipping up the water.
She had thrown her hat aside—
Bare her arm and shoulder;
Each maconscions charm displayed,
Made my love the bolder.
So I slowly, tenderly,
Went and knelt beside her,
Drank with her from out the stream—
Blushing Kitty Rider!
And I said, "The poets think
Lila is like a river,m
Shall we not Its waters drink,
41waya, love, together ?
Many yeare, libre passed u by,
Like the flowing water,
Bat t drink llfe'a etream to-day,
With the farmer's daughter.
"Keen to the right as the law directs,
For such is the law of the road,
Keep to the right whoever expects
Securely to carry life's lead.
"Keep to the right with God and the world.
Nor wonder though folly allures ;
Keep to the right, nor ever he hurled
From what by the statute Is yours.
"Keep to the right within and without—
With strangers and kindred and friends;
Keepto the right, nor harbor a doubt,
That all will bewell In the end.
"Keep to the right, whatever you do ;
Nor claim but your own on the way;
Keep to the right, and etiek to the true
From morn to the close of the day."
"Ob ! ho! be ! aunty, what a name for a .01"
"Never you mind the name, Titmonae; but eat
stop that laughing a little till you come to the right
place, for I want you to laugh when we get there."
"How will we know, aunty, when the right place
"It will tell Itself, and if It don't, don't you laugh
one bit. All ready ? Let me see—trig papa of little
bright eyes looking at me ; two pains blue, two
pain gray, one pair black, and one pair brown, and
all ready to twinkle into a laugh about old Bobtail.
"Well, once upon a time—that Is the way fairy
tales begin, you know—away out West, on the hanks
of the Mississippi river—oh, yes, Carley, get your
atlas and find 'he places. That's a grand Idea; I'll
wait—on the bank• of the Mississippi lived a man
named Charley, too, who drove the stage between
the town of Louisiana, Pike county, Mum-marl and
Pittsfield, Pike county, Illinois—the two Loam.'
twenty mile' apart
"One cold winter day, a great steamboat, called
'War Eagle,' landed me at Louisiana, to go from
there to Pittsfield. There stood the wagon. I did
not have to 'watt for the wavy& that time. It was
waiti for me; and such a queer old thing to carry
the m all in you never saw: All the nice new news
• papers, that grandmas and grandpas like to get so
well, and pamphlets full of pretty stories for little
boys and giria, and,lovelettera, notes, and Valen
tines for bigger children—for It was the day before
Bt. Valentine's day—and all the good letters from
fathers and mothers to their dear ones ; there they
all were In the Iron-mouthed mall-bags in that old
wagon, without cover, with broken seats, and the
tire half oil the wheels, tautened behind two horses
with chains, and leather straps, and tow strings, and
hickory pegs, covered with hits of sheepskin and
old raga to keep them from rubbing the horses.
"Oh I such tunny horses I one was black, curly,
long-tailed, fat, short, thick, lazy, and cross; thn
other one white, poor, lank, In a hurry, good-tent ,
ed, willing, croplsazed, and bob-tailed. Thal:deck
one's name was Mope, and the white one's was Bob
tail, and a great time they had of It.
"When Mope wanted to go slow, Rattail would
canter straight up and down, and pull all the load ;
and when Charley held Bobtail in and whipped up
Mope, Bobtail would seem almost crazy, andp itch
about at a great rate, and, though you could count
every bone In Lila body, be seemed to know nothing
of weariness or trouble, and, blind of one eye and
lame in one foot, he cantered upon three legs. The
roads were In a bad condition, but old Bobtail can
tered up hill and down, and puffed and blowed like
a steam engine, but wouldn't give It up.
"Oh I It Is too bad," said Ito Charley, "to drive
that poor home so."
"Yam, It are so," said Charley, "httt them as
owns this 'ere wehicla says as how Idopewould new ,
er git over this road 'thou% Bobtail"
'But Mope Is young and stout, andßobtall Is old,
and worn out, and lame, and broken-winded."
"Yis'm, that are an. Mope la eve years old, and
there Is more work in old Bobtail than tour on her,
"Mork work I" said I, with a tone of contempt;
"why, the old fellow wilifall down before we get to
Pittatield." .
"No. me'm, he won't," said Charley; "but Ido
think them u owls him ought to. give Win clear a.
few days till he gets four legs to stump on. Why,
that are old hoes Is twenty years old ; and the last
sixteen years be tuts run over this twenty mile of
bad road every day 'cept Sunday, year In year out,
and the boss can't glt nothin' that will stand iglu
"I stayed In Pittsfield two or three day s, and
when the stage went by, old Bobtail was not beside
Mope. When I went back, I asked Charley what
d - become of the old servant, and he told me that
the limt day they kept him In the stable and fed him
welL 'But the next day,' said be, 'I turned the old
rack-o'-boom out to die. But mo'm. you see I was
a leetle arter time getting started, andye wouldn't ,
maybe, believe a feller, but its the truth I tell ye, at
exactly nine In the morning, old Bobtail walks up
to the poet-office door, he does, pricks np his stum
py ears, turns up his bobtail, gives a snort, and aft
be canters of Ida own will, all the way to the river,
steppe just long enough to change the mall at ev
ery office door ; and, as true as you live, me'm, he
tried to gitan the ferry•boet and cross the Mississip
pi, he did, and would a' done It, if they hadn't , bate
him off with sticks and left him whinnerin • on the
bank; and there be stood and waited all night, till
nine in the mornice, for I was behind Unto ',Ott..
Thenuff he put, and stopped at every place; abbe
lute me Into Pittsfield by two hours be did. en
the boss said they should put him up and take care
of him till he got over his foolish .bollon of nmatte
twenty miles a day on three legs, just because he
was used to It. And did ye ever; me'ut, hear tell,
the Imo
And this is a true story of old Bobtail.
'Horace dyttmn manted it'd's:udder of "Clair
Umber North." - 'When he proposed 107 her, which
he did holdthg her by the band, Wilson said sloth•
bg, tut took up one of the numerals/ presentation
volumes 1 ing= around,. and tearing out a'-gpleaf,
gon 'with
r, the Inscri
oloil p t to 10 tion, 'e
mnibb the sat
cm** ,
" vti a: a*
bit to it*" aftoa 114 r ,14131014
0 2 - 00 P!riOiluPPA
la mon =wail SPITS bElf. NAO.
Waanzntosr. D. C. Not. IS.
Bence the November elnctimui I hey bin ependln'
the hell at nut time is Washington. IWs Ind.
ankoly Ideaanre In Unerta' aroma the seems= so
many Dernekratic triumphs. Here It wits that ,
Brooks, the herole,, bludgeoned Sumner; here It
was that Caihoon & Yancey and B
achieved their glory and renown. HorldeVta li t, ,
easiest place to dodge baud bill, In Die - yoonitet
States. There'a ao awry COMITIOMMM hoes Mitt
steam* me, that I het, no clilnenity In '
one two-thirds tie the time,
Yesterday I met In the ratan' room , we Willard?",
OinralMaeStibger, of South frarlbrv.. The Gland Is
here on the sena blethers most uy theliouthern mow"
bey to this classic city that tnr proltoOrin apodm.
with he bed prokoored, and wuz gittin may to go,
home and accept the nominashen. for Cougc In
his dilated.
The Moral with gloomy. Things didn't toot Mau ,
he observed, and be wus steered th at tb.:O=.2
wee on the hi road too roan.' He had been
frourthe yorrulted Wats enthhv Weer-Tette Yeldl, 4
Web time be bed spent In the sou th ern eondiderley.,,
When he went out, the Constitoosbnel tHroderlsy,
bed some rites wit h woe respected. On Ids returni"
what did ho see? The power In the handeof .1141-
cals, Ablishiltism In the msjor s i d tz h e s very-whaeos
tailor President—a state ay In the.:
extreme to the highly sensitive So uthern
Be bad accepted a pardon only bacon he felt Masai
constrained to put hisself in 2 position to go to Con
gress, that the country might be rescood 'teem %Its
impendle peril. Be shoed go to Congress, and then ,
he shoed ask the despots-who now heir costrtile
L They spored the South wood submit to boo
millatin conedshere
2. What Androo Johnson means by dietatlngtO
the convenshuns fir sovereign States?
"Why," see be, "but a few days ago this howbeit
the ashoorence to write to the GeoraConscoshun
that it `most we—mark the term -91IIST NOT se-.
soom the confedrit war debt' Is a taller *to sq.
, muss nor to shiralres Geom ? Good God I—whero.
are we &flan ? For one, Tinwer will be eons:Mt
ed on them terms—oeverl I never was awl to that
style uv talk in Dlntekratic convensbuns.
"Ez soon CZ I take my mann Congria," rammed
he, "I abel deliver a speech, wish I writ the day el..
ter Lee surrendered, so es to her it ready, In wW-h.
I shel take the follerto ground, to-wit:
-"That the Booth hey buried the hatchit, and hey
- diskivered that they love the old Toonista abdye
coy thing on earth. Lint,
"The North must meet us ball way, or we wens
be answerable tor the consekences. lamb tor a
settlement, I ehel Insist on the follerta eorkillabenst
"The Federal debt must be repoodlated, principle
and interest, or II paid, the Southern' war-debt mast.
be paid likewise—es a piece <drain. The dotterin
us Bute Cites most be made the supreme law of this
land, that the South may withdraw whenevar they
feel theiraelves dissatisfied with Ilassachusetts.—
Uv coarse this is a olive branch.
"Jefferson Davis moat be tomunst set at liberty
and Butner hung, es proof that the North is really
conciliatory. On this point I am inflexible, sad on
the others Immovable.'
An old man who bed bin lishoin to our talk, mime'
=red that there woe a parallel to this last propel.
"Where 1" demanded the Genre.
"The Jews, I remember," replied be, "demanded
that Barrabas be released unto them, who Ins
thief, I believe, and the Saylor be crucified, but I
forget Jlst how It was."
The Genoa withered him with • lightnin glance .
and resoomed :
"I atml, uv coarse, offer the North suthin in the
way uv compensation, for the troo theory uv a Bet
pnbllkin Government Is compermise. On our part..
.lee pledge ourselves to knm back, and give the
North the. benefit try our kumlu back, so long es
Maeachewsits conducts herself skkoniin to Oar fielei
Ile what Is rite. But if this eidtable adjustment tar
rejected, aU 1 hey to say then Is, I libel resigni and
the Government may sink without won efOrt , man
ma to alive
I W 135 about to give in my experience where JIM
old man, who wax sittin near us, bmkela kgb s •
~ .my name," said he, "la Maginals, mid I lin in
Alabama. I want to say a word to ' the Gentleman
trout Earthly and to Me mum fromlioo Gamey."
"How," retorted "do you knew Pm from NOG
Gersey, not bevin spokes a moil in your hearer
"By a Instink I hey. Whenever L tee •Botitheresr.
laying It down heavy to a indivijoall whose phyisa.,
nogamy is to , rich a cast that upon beholdle= n. o
twainktlrely feel to see that yoor pocket-6
chief is safe, a face that wood be dangerous it it bed'
courage Into it, I alloz know the latter to be a Nor
thern copperhead. The NooGeraey part I guessed
et, been, my friend, that state furnished the lowest
order nv copperheads of any or em. But what I
wanted to say wee, that I spate Behan has halves , '
ed doorin the past 4 yews. I. was a original seen
pianist. Bum years ago I bed a hundred nigger%
and wee dole well with em. But, •unforchtellttly.
my brother died and left me ez much more land but ' .
ppo niggers, I wanted elegem ennff to wort .that(.
fend, and apozed erect offriom the North, and thtt,
lave-trade woe reopened, I eood git em etteaper.' 7 =,
Henn I aeceahed. Bich men ez Gears] Mt/hinter
told me the North wouldent fight, or I wet:admit
her sechret, but I did it. I went out for wool -Nal
Ontn back' shorn. I sezeshed with Ifleniggers to et,
200, and alas I I find myself back Into the old gov
ernment, with nary a Bigger.
"Bat all this Is no =cootie for tiding bold non.-
cents, yoo old ass," eel he addressing Genral hlc-
Btinger ; "yoo talk in what yoo will do, and what ,
yoo wont. Hevent yoo diekivered that you are.
whipped? Hevent yoo found out that yoo are sub
jugated ? Are yoo back into the yoonyan enr yoor
own free will and akkord ? Havant yoo got a .per
don In yoor poelit, 'etch dockyment Is all that,
eaves yoor neck from stretchin hemp? Why do yoo
talk ay wat Bouthltarlyug, will and wont do? Goal
Lord I I recollect about a year since BOuthbutyny'
would never permit her soil 2 be polluthl by Tare
kee birchen, yet Sherman marched all over It with!'
a few uv em, and scarcely a gun was fired at eat.—'
Bo too I recollect that that sad State wich RIII volts .
to whip the entire North, and wkia wood, of over.
powered, submit gracefully and with distally, to att
titillation, and sick, won the first to gig down on'
her marrowbones and beg for peace like a dorg. If
yoo intend this talk for the purpose tie slain the
North, beleeve me when I say that the North ea'
to easy skated ez it wnz. Ef Its intendid for hams
conumpalon, consider me the people. Its beard it
before, and take no more nv It until my stnm..
ick settles. It makes me puke. The fact Is we anie
whipped, and boy got to do the best we cm. Ws '
are a gem to pay the Federal det, and aint pin to
pay the confederet del Davis will he hung, and
eery him rite. States rites la dad, and slavery Is
abolished, and with it shivelry ; and its my ozdnker
the South la a d—d sight better off without either of
em. I kin aware, now, after Rain outside uv the
ehadder nv the flag 4 years, that I love It! Toss bet
do. I carry a small qua in my coat pocket. I
hey a middlin sized one waved by my youngest boy
pier the family when at prayers, and a wham big
one warn over my house all the time. I hare dts
klvered Maths a good thing to live under and
when Bleb cusses as yon talk what yoo wi ll and
wont do under it, I bilk Go home yoo cusses, go
home I Too, South, and rnollln cif yoor coat, go
work thankin God that Johnson's merciful mart*
let yoo go home at all, Instead uv hangin sooup
like a done, for tryin to bust a Goverment too good
for yoo. Yoo North, thankful that the men Ulr
sense nv th e North bed the manhood to prevent ns
from roolain ourselves by making deb es $OO cos
nigger& Avaitnt I"
And the excited Mr. Magenta* who Is evldeitly
euhloogated, stroda out nv our presence. Mb In
temprit talk cast • chill over our confidential, and
vreUtnent steam with the ease and freedom we
cogmenced with, and In a few minute* we pried.
I dident like him. TeIuOISIM T. Nam,
Late Paster nv the Church he the Noo Dispels.
FLMAL3 311117atos.—We think it will not be 101 l
befo this community will see the edvan ti
not the necessity of extending suffrage 16 fenee.,
Who believes If the Newburypart women could
vote—es educated, intelligent and patriotic as the
men—that as many rumbolea would be kept
open, and gambling saloons in full blast, and 90
many loose girls airowed on the streets, all breeze
to demoralize, impoverish and degrade their burp
bands and fathers, their brothers and scent
them the right of suffrage, and liberty would be
more secure, Intelligence more dlas-. order bet ,
ter established and the happiness oethe peWs.,
based upon religion and morality, a hundred lola
increased. Before vie waste our Ume In o= l %st
upon the sztenalanofthefranchisefordistint
let us secure to the 'Kurds and educated fusalast
of the North, the indis pu table right to veto—the itl•
alienable -sight of self-govetrunlent, and thereby ,
bring unnumbered blessings to our bust doors..
:We would like to have the experiment' of woman's
rulluence so far tested as to glee them; the. 11= .
Vision of police regulation* in .the city for
days, and If they did not do better for us than any.
body has done yet, we would no more ask the ex*
tensions of suffrage to blacks armistice. Otani Or A.
males.—Nagurvort Herald.
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