1 Cattle-Comtorts. MIL —I hear and read a great deal about having good horses, fat cattle and the Ilke: &se r a good deal about feeding them on this:or that, but I don't hear much about trying to nutke our stock comfortable and podtively happy. I want my cattle and horses not only to live, but to enjoy life as they go along, just es their master does. A really good-hearted man wilttaltp pains to please and gratify his domestic animals: he will strive to attach them to his person, so that they will know his Voice and step, and always be glad to see him. Do you get my Well, this is the way I work it. In cold weather, I see to it that my cattle have whole some food, and as much ofit as they will eat up clean. I see to it that they have a variety, also, hay of various kinds, oat-straw, corn-stalks, roots and grain, cooked and uncooked. Mitch cows, fatting cattle and working cattle, all thrive best and keep happy on a variety. Of cotirs - e, I don't neglect giving them com fortable quarters, whenever they need shelter, Como out here, Sir, and see my stalls and my sheds, and my dry well littered yards, If you doubt. Experience shows me—and I know you teach the same doctrine—that stock will eat about trice es much fodder, if they are kept out in thtiwlnd, and pinched with the cold.— But, letting go the dollars and cents, I want to see my family, rational and irrational, q happy.— 12.0 I go in for goo d uarters. In addition to this, temperance man as I am, I believe in good drinks for my stock. I won't compel them to wade a half mile through mud and snow to a stream Of water, but 1 have got up a penstock in a clean corner of the yard, which pour. into a large tub, so that quite a number of cattle can drink at once. My cattle are salted once a week reg.ularly the rear round. Srme people keep it before theip all the time ; and some cattle never see It. But this In the general. Besides this, I go out of my way often to please my friends at the barns. In the summer, I seldom go into the pasture without taking along an ear or two of corn, or a handful of oats, to give to the first horse or cow I meet; and I'm sure to meet some creature in double quick. They' flock around me as soon as I come into the domain. And when Igo out to the barn to harness a horse or to yoke up the cattle, I take Into the stall a sweet apple, or something else that will please the poor creatures. • I speak pleasantly to them, and caress and fandle them. Be sure I do. In. this way they become gentle and kind, and are plainly much attached to mu. None but a fool or a hard-hearted man will doubt that4hey are made happy by such treatment. Now, when I deal so with my horses and oxen, they will do for me whatever service I ask. When they are at work I give them to understand that they must mind, and they always do. But I never over-work them. 1 have lived long enough to know what a fair load is, and I never moan to tax them beyond their strength, nor work them for too long a time. In this way they learn to confide- in me; they never revolt, but work cheerfully. A COMFORT-LOrCiO FdAMER. —American ..derrieuiturist. Winter Management of Sheep The chief object, when wintering sheep of any kind, is to keep store animals from growing poor, and those designed for mutton nest spring, improving a little during the foddering season. It isnot to be expected that the choicest quality of mutton will he made by the majority of those who feed sheep in winter, although it can be and often is done. The most profitable way to make mutton is to feed grain moderately during the winter, and" finish up " the fattening process by allowing the animals to graze from , ten to fifteen days. Sheep of all kinds dislike wet apartments, as mach as a cat dislikes a wer floor. There is nothing worse for sheep than exposure to cold, wet storms, or to the drippings of cold, wfder through the leaky roofs of their sheds, or foul, wet and uncomfortable places to Stand or lie down hi. 'Sheep will endure intense cold with little inconveience, so long as their fleeces are kept dry and they have a dry yard. When they are required to stand in the snow all day, and make it theirbed at night, and be covere.fivitli a crust of snow and ice attached to their wool for several successive days—all of which is Common with mlibitudcs of good flocks all over the coun try—they cannot thrive,, even when well fed. It will never do to keep sheep of any kind in such a manner. When a farmer has no shelters and no straw for his sheep, it will be far more economical to build a skeleton frame with rails, and cover the top with a portion of their hay, and fill the sides between two courses of rails with bay au .l „_ manure, than to allow the sheep to be exposed to driving storms. Another consideration is, suitable feeding racks. Sheep should always be fed in good reeks, whether they are furnished with roots, grain tmthrashed, bay or straw. They will always waste more or less feed, when fed on, the ground, even when there is clean snow beneath their feet. But when the snow has disappeared, and the fodder must be scattered in the manure yard or on the ground, quite one-half of it will be soiled by their running over it, and they will endure extreme hunger before they will eat the Boned feed. An excellent farmer communicated to us the dimensions ot a superior sheep rack of his own make, well adapted to straw, corn-stalks, no thrashed grain, roots of any kind, or thrashed grain. It is portable, quickly and cheaply made and sheep can waste no feed. We herewith give a .description of it. It is what is called a box rack, two and a half feet wide, two feet duce inches high, and of in. definite length. At the corne.xs are pieces of scantling two inches square, to which 'the side boards are nailed. The bottom boards should be twelve inches wide for old sheep. For lambs ten inches wide. the boards are rough they should be planed, to prevent the slivers pulling out the wool. The top board may lie five or six inches wide. Short strips of - bean:lS five or six inclicswide, are then united across the operi• ing from the top, to the bottom board. Every sheep wtll occupy -..from ten to *we've inches space. A trough is.formed of the bottom boards, so that grain, roots, or hay will lie within reach of the sheep. A loose partition made of narrow pieces of boards occupies the inside of the racks, inclining at an angle of about forty-five decrees, from the bottom of one side to the t nt the opposite side- The sheep thrust their heads be tween the outside slats, and draw the - fodder down between the slats of thiypartition. When making such rack se hard wood for the corner posts, and fence nails, well annealed, in preference to ordinary nails, as fence nails are stronger. If annealed,they will not break when the racks are moved from place to place. The best way to anneal cut nails is to put them in the fire when there is abed of coals, and let them remain until the fire goes out. This will. make them tougher than - most Wrought nails: If the boards be hard wood, holes must b.-bored for the nails, or it will be tliffieuli to drive them. If the cornor posts be of soft wood, it will be necessary to employ longer nails for securing the side-boards to them. It is better to make them in sectiou.s, to 14 feet long, so that they will not be so heavy to move. Another important thing for sheep is water. They need it - just as much KS neat cattle and hors es, although they will stiffer far I* inconven ience, whet deprived of it; than horses or neat cattle. ./siv farmer shuld think that his animals are welicared for when they do not have con stant and convenient seem to pore water. Another thing which is of great importance, though usually neglected, is access to a tub of salt at all times. All herhiverfons animals - need it mote than carnivorous, ankh is better to allow them to_take what their feed requires, separately, than to mingle salt with their feed. How TO POP CORN AS IT SHOULD nr.:.—Land is to be heated in the came manner as for frying "doughnuts," and half a pint, or such a matter, of the . “*igft row' Locket corn T.' is to he, thrown Wand covered iminediatelt to prevent the ker nels from ilyinpont, en the Boor. In an instant pop, pop, popping will continence, such as you never heard before. ,d.tninnte after the popping ceases, - take off the ' , over; - atid:' dip - outswith a atimmer'draining. oft the grease, and - trim into a seive;, put upon a pan to drain. The pan sheinld be kept upon the stove, so that thri corn Win :Main its heat lonwenough for the lard to rAn•ofj; : Otherwise it. ill be too greasy. While cooling • ', salt too your taste. • Bans Ismr.--This disorder is a troublesome and nnaighty difliczdty, end one' is' verb riiable to MD threiugbalLeftl of stock- to the. gerious detriment of the appearance of the stock. The remedy is ni c eg.simple pile, and as we are in foruiedAby P :Latbrop; csry. E of Ba t n6 r . F a u s , ve "one.' Take a cob - and rub the affecta:lpda thal , :unitceisca l ooti i , frAI#PIAY: PDAPA PAW *Pa 'AP4allexit• tblks ot blmeelf Iktointoo 1 firetto4. LAW wyncE-ITEW FIRM BDrnaCY TITOB taming theoelatel B.*: iberrian.la., at* Ulm sea partner In the prickles etas law la all Us MU met banchu, the bantam will bercalter be ln the name of Bentley,Fitch& - B entley, and al lbw-then enumlitEl to them be attended LO,llll prima* nect end fidelity. Me 0.11*,121 occupied by Bentley* Ma. e. S. lawn= L. V. 11111.17. IL Mantrolo, 11t19.211 It, 1865. P. REYNOLDS, Licensed Auetioneer. O,IIILLS DRY GOADS and 111 Mots et IterebealMse, Kedah° 1.7 at ermines. or All °Morn Items &dance Ml= be addlesed to me at Montrose, M least toot or Qta dna previon, to Mottle. Montrose. Pa*Dec.B.lBo4.—tt Soldiers' Pensions, Bounty &Back I ay ninuE deral tuttined. LIENED AGENT OF TIM UOVILEN Iglva pro C mpt S atteatbato dithyr ciatraVal 10 Wear, Nocltargeauttlessiucomefol. Oaks oTtz LAthrop,lFLO and WI WI; at nr•lsl 11. 14,1 McCOLLUM & SEARLE, Attorneys and Counsellors at-Lam, ttotrnaosE, STYSQ. 00., PA. 011.eto L.Mcrop's film Brick HuMin& ow? 14.11uvrp,Tylo It nor'. Store. B. • . ttrmtrmn,Palrvarltt. I RIZ -11 E. M. TURNER, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. OFFWE OVER WILSON'S STORE. blemtmae. A arast 16, 1.543.-if D. BREWSTER, U. S. Licensed Auctioneer. MONTROSE, SUSQUEHANNA CO. PA Mottrase, April 4. thil.-lf MEAT MARKET. On Pablie Avenue, near Searle'a Hotel. EEPronstAntlyonhand siroodsopplyofMNATS 13.. of allkindr.. CASH paid for BEET CATTLE. IIA.LVES,SHEEr.and LAMBS. Liao torlilDX.,sof ill B.T .listarroox./ BENSTOCK Havnact ri .11,1,11 T . Montrose. Frb.11,1810.-tt CARRIAGE SIIOP IN FITLI 4 BLAST. E undtreeneti U now prti.3.l to do WE kinds of OAR. RIAriE. WoßE, aw P• »romp oono on Want NOM,- 1.4. la t •• W ••• wwola• BOOTS Az SHOES Of all Styles and Descriptions. wn.llllld reeneetfolly Informthe public that ere bases nut i tt ee in p reln this place, hand a4elZ.dmoori , Lathe& Mien, and l'hildrene Silo.. at veil an Men'. Boole. IlAinv , reit and R•nonis ; Custom Ekrte and Shore made and rryalred in the veep arched stile, and atee thongs. not LOkt. lIEWITT. Great tend Villege. Slay l, 1864.-tt IISSES 11. & E. A. VADARIN 3)11146 . 5 & 144405. First Door South of the Catholic Church, \VII ERR faahlor able ascortment of MillitotyCloods will be aefa conetwaly on band. Donee. of the lal 4 ocyloo made to ardor alk . j . ahrtMt Kul Slomtrosa. Nov I.,lSGt.nm E. A. VADAKIIi. " THE FAMOUS BARBER." Come and see the famonsitarter, Famona Barher.late of Late of Flaytl.novr at Weelon ya_ Over F. B. Weal'. Shoe Stem. Mod me Shaving end Shampooms, Flat toe cualne Hale le suit y+ba Find meneady at your MMUS Al youreerrice. Cla !MEAT MORRIS Second door above Searle's Hotel, Up Stairs. Idooteeee. Jane 47.106.11..-81 TAILOR SHOP IF Tot! NS ANT et SPIT Or CLOTHES TnAT WILL FIT I eatly. tonk well. and weer Ilk• tenth do ye we, .11 Too ban to .o 4 to call at the NEW TAILOR S 1101" et GROVES S RYNOLDS, Chandler's Sues. east aids of rublle dam:tn. and yorl can be tinted We lire dsuarndoed to olense our ..st...srs, both rus qoullty of our work Up... the price c7-cur rtlia on abort notice, and warrsontedllw ripota tit trdnd Mal vsv.roi. 1.1 1.1 l P . P.KTIVOL T.& FIRE INSURANCE. Thelnsurance Co. of North America, PH ILADELPI lA. Has Established an Agency in 'Montrose, Pa. This is the oldest Insurance Co. in the U &ate,. PAST{ nAPITAL PAID TN t.B.SETS OVER - • ?WM rater nre as lon , an those of an ygooel CroZplay! a F. Y. or L IMmherx.sndlte DlrcrinTs art Imolls the first Tor honor and • . territ) ART 331311 a. COFFIN. Preslelf ct. CUAILLIS PIATT.Scery. E. STROUP. Arent. linztrnse.. July Ofsco over the Po3tottica. HOME INSURANCF, COMPANY. OF NEW-YORK,. CASH CAPITAL TWO MILLION DOLLARS. Apmqs let January, MI. A1t," 4 1170.8i. • ' - '3.80.4..11. 1. u.....osBlant,Secretary. Cake. J. Maws, Prestdeat. Jona MeGn., Asslstax.t Seery. A. F. Witaarra. V. Przet. Policiv , Issued cad reaewst by the .t deniteed. at hieelnee, overthe .BILLINGS STROUD, Agent, MemtromPa.Jal9l.lB62....ll *motional Fire Insurance Company OF YEW-TOM. , 113 Broad.tvay. Office CISII con m ROI DOM - CHARLES Terton, President. ElsiotroN Bauer:, Vice-President. Ourrat Ds...ix.z, Acting Secretary. 13111,LEWGS %TROMP D. Av.!. la. IPAS Uarriage Manufactory. men t annatince to the eltlzoot Tliolf 7 Stq.bo'anlyd.tatautige In .'" poCierldon of the old Carriage & Wagon 'Stand, flnnorly ow - Tied by E. U. SOMME. Whore &Lys repared to do nn wort In bid line of t--.lincen WITH DISPATCM dad la • Superior Manlier., 11..o.!-Ina dontl n the lit of Lyle ; and •LL WORK WAF RANTED. E. J. ROGERS Montrose, June IL 1.8f.J. .LYCOTIEVG COUNTY Fire Insuranoe Co. . _ CAPITA:Is $2,500,000. 0 1 7 ncr d e b Te. reliable Calff . kly , h • Viat.; 4 s tpillcat t lasu tor 2.l.4nekauts a COMA). 11cytmek fasp.mll.• 11. 10.11 d. Baldwin ec SADDLE, H A RICESS, AND TRUNK MAKERS! Rooms No. 1 and 2, BASEMENT 'SEAR LEtSf HOT EL. E. .13.114)772,T. HUGHAUTCIIIII-1.. Manua re. Oct: SM. 1865—tL 6EO. & WILLIAM E. GATES, UNITED STATES LICENS'D AUCTIONEERS /1mnek.00..10.1-Ors Xny . I/4-P Co .. The Mason at, 'Taintle. cA.l3mE , r (3rtG-.A.N•s, • forty Ditterent Styles, Dartisti mend and. etmlar madc. for $ to Womb. na. naty ore Gold awl bllver Meads. or Maw. thearrlaltual. warded them. D/VOTlttd Ortaknrnts free. Adam. MASON a .6 MLfl Boston. or masni allaraXaai, Nei rota. EeptUr.ber tB. 1.865.41 DR. C. P. BIGFIOW, O l2Ellnitillt =MOIL FVFZ i r r in Street, la hottlefortairliti br K. L. GREAT BEND BOROUGH. g. BIGELOW batiag tad theta pars Grperietal to "Itr i ore Sa chute of U.& tiorpltal at Allesittdrtt Ito..tto:Pte* out otooloo or weal veg.. Golteozoouts6 stot d toepuod to atm! to %II cots tntrytted bleoacre. r• - Om; lintel. Await 14t261963...-ITo CARRIAGE SHOP, BLACKSMITHING,-OLC, At; Friendsville, Pa., us , J. W.. Myna Ac lr J 1: Ryan. ituiird"t:.tl.-Zu"'"1,"4414"11.24". 'MW IN THE F1E1.25 , *53-AIN I O. Tll9o4)Erfri .• - "Ma. 413 - 01462stEgity 411 4. 4 : 6. Pa, PA 67.11014 CM i%T . 0,9v '.A3EtrtrV FALL AND WINTER GOODS Coliferlbei-9,iloseqbqqh)& eo. rrLYThila pill returned om New To*, with a tag uhmthre sad MM.:lmmo Moietydf Sew (kodsh to which the atenttea Of the Public , is nowt romectfUlly melted, sad as the goods were bought under the mod adruntagome fadlllles sad Puri prior to the meat ethos= ; we promise to sell them at equally low gignM,.. Our motto bto please all. • and art to he out4doe by "any other man," whether at home or abroad. The following Goads comprise part of our desk ea bead, and will be kept during the soma. I= MCI= IShellUnce.bleacbed and brown. 10-4, 11-4, and 4.4. Pillowcase Muslin; 0-4 and 41 lathes. -- Fine bleached and brown ebirtlnp, 4-4, and T-d. Calicoes of the beat mate, and handsomest patterns. _ Gingtlams of domestic end foreign manufacture. Dedticking—extra heavy. • Blue cheasnd sniped shirtinCt Canton flannela paper and cambric muslin, Am, ix. Flannels OW °dorsal:4 QUIUIm Fine white, yard wide,— Shaker funnel ; heavy twilled grey, Aloe, and red Cotton mixed; nilk mixed ; fancy and ;lain Nallsbury do.; fancy et riped, and plain etillting do. Floe wool Bed Blankets. 10-4, 11-4. and 13-4 wide, all qualltla. Ladles, and Children. wool b 0.0.— all styles, colors, and qualltlm. Nublat .carts, mother., hood.. .ontaga, trnmetamanawla table and piano .preadn. zephyr worst ed and Shetland wool, &r.., ie. Tbde vbtte linen table Dantask ; brown do. T%. wblta anesi shirting. end heavy abetting do. White and brown Max table clothe. teptins of diflerent quailtite ; fine towels by the dozen, ann white toweling., Hock embark, Clash, it.. lc, A large ivaortment of the following varieties: Printed. part cotton and all Irv/ slislainta. Plain " " Fine solid colors, Fraoch Merino, all colors and ;pantie. •• •• •• Parmttton • " " Alapacau •' plaid •• idlk gripe 4 - .. ` warp u • " Popliza Mohahs '• all wool plaid Meriaaa .. Coburg:a rtaalbarlan, Rvps, ika-. •q Me fancy dnue silks, every variety of color; " black " " all quellUce. Cedet. " and heavy meat. milke. " bonnet silka all colons, sad beim:Mita ohadah Flue cambric", e•eimm.. molls st4l mad barged mulles, az. Linen cimbrie bandkerchtere, plain, bem-rtitebrd. bream. ed sad embrolderei do. Dr+pery muellar; tine embroidered edi• I-p tad Inat rocas ; plain =4 mribroldered collars ; wlLra and abreact to seta; crape do. Embroidered Infanta' wait!. rasa tine memo embroidered infants' cape. different patterns; •Lila lame trisiridEbtp la cotton and Wiest. Valium* edirop. Er, Notions and Fancy Goods. Linen zed cotton threads ; seer.ng and embrollery slam; knit. tins cotton. dm. Dness Bc-rrors and Dun l'sallirma• of allthe fashionable wad leading style.; cloak and Wagss a...mu. by the pin", or in seta ; nets and bah dresses ; velvet ribbons. all widths: alanacca braid, all color. Vans. Silk granadin• veils; Lave yens; crape veils; !rub yells; plata. and Irilb arentnents. GU:MO, of all sorts and suitable for all pence, 111:. gloves; CI do; tattoo do ; boobok ; rte., /re. 4500.000. $1.200,CM Single sad doable Brodie shawls; single sod double wool shawls—a lame stock °tall tits leading Ryles sad psttares ; Ina Moe: And Shetland wool do. Ow swortromat In Bub as circular., meta, and bawl.% an of asreilid outgda the cnica, sad urr. en Draudio atra banana la auth. ' ==l loop Skirts, Ba'morals and Corsets, Of different avlea and mate. of French and Auseelcan =mixt) tura. and Tilden wa sell at erteeme law price,. Elsa trrondelothc beaver., ladles eoths, minimal , ostlnets, Kentucky Jen., Lc, ea.. In great midi. We would say to those to the trade, that asi have a elms • azaf of those goods ur.lly kart to thte llao of beam. and enabled to famish them at New York Jobbers prima We ail mate part of the goods In this limes Bonnet and nit blocks. Bonnet and Rat Mamas, la buirrtna and telt. Evan, felt. and beaver bats. 'Ribbons of all widths, styles, and colors. Laces, 'dandles, Ilhudons„ crapim, neta. crown Units], bonnet silks. cot and uncut silk velvets of all colon; artt kW dolmen plumes, an, trc., and many Mlles articles too an microns to zoncalo. Please On tie • trial and amebic* yoteselrea. GENTS' DEPARTMENT. We have but little apace left to may marl; but to Mom 'about& to clothe themselrhe thl• fall and winter with warn., (humble. and comfortable chtlang„ we would merely soy that a ,m,mem m d ta , the general cry of a marci.y of ready-made clothing. and cocoa quently the high price thereon, we are nernitTerima prepared to furnish you all, and suit you both In prime and material.. Oar Gee. to large: our .b.elven axe crowded; and we are shallot daily readying new addltloNi thereto. The clothing we sell !Bethel ou. own aux, and rw. can therefore guarantee the making and mane bast of each garment we Neb. Gin us the fret trial and we on CM you an further Loewe *Torun. The following artidee we hare In Mock: Black frockcoatildnite toil double kteidad: Illatt and Racy bottoms costa; {lilt and Eancy madmen* ihnalth malktok coati stadia walla to match; plain and fancy lack costs—ahm la colts to many; blank and fancy canskam pants and vats to match; milk adzoland llarrla caolmem salts; silk . gab. old -video TVs. Son lams variety. Crratraw °mac°Ass: Ouzscous All giyles and quatllles, White cotton eltdrle ; duacy doom! do. Math* Meta and draw era; ingpooddr; Un Linen and paper collars, asixt, eons. ward Ida trunks. Wks* astatlSSM.. ad. Lai coma Alled vita, it etudes Wootton of earl, Wort dothO, Voopooiotooti. dk. ortaltiro keoy to make et otblrot td Or. (0. Ft 41340 an MOW ma at. to thibabtt of lades therffir . pientimide to Wel. too gtveis opal. Coe* tilt:toped dative - eon en pin canna toilet/Won, catOtaaa yi - anildtlaap)ao. awn le 01 *Lyon that ilia s aai met &Sat& unit'' kept !rte., 'to alas is a call, willtrytio sou. , . Lz.:GUTZENBBBO - 10454241704,09. K. a. DMISMII4OOSII4 I S4. mom MIL is Ow M. S. DESSAU-Zit Cotton Department. Woolen Department. Linen Department. Dress Goods Silks. White Goods. Shawls. Cloaks, FM I FOS! sill be sold si ml.ll prate. Cell sad We Cloth and Piece Goods. Millinery Goods. Clothing. Gents' Furnishing Goods. Our Custom Department ANNOUNCEMENT! NEW GOODS AT J. R. DE WITT'S• THm..b.r.tbade.i.i.:l—.prekposfreduotoodik,hcrwin t itach is ("lender can t. and it zt LADIES' DRESS GOODS In great variety. Great barolos to Ladies' Moaning", Waterproof Cloth, French Black Cloth; an Colored All WOOl Clookings. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, &C. 11 - k°,o4=.Dz,attgiztArATl::,llVcrinCirmm'lng entnokr • DOMESTICS. Brown and Bleached Hosilink Denlmti Tioktoge, Flsnnet4 Craon Diner", Wending% le. Notions. Great variety of Hoop and Balmoral Skirt, Ladles' lien's and Oltildretea Hosiery. Buttons, Copilot, Skirt Braid, Bindings, Thread of all kinds, 11..ine Twist, Knitting Cotton, Sc, ..tt. Boots & Shoes. Kees and Boys' Boots, Chi tdren's copper-toed noon, Ltorogoo Eliot., Gaiter', G Balmor ßO al hoot.. ERCESWomen e Calf Shoes. C Sugars at prices not to be lenden. VERY BEOT QUALM Green. BIWA, and Japan Tout, Coffee, spice, Ginger, !Womble, Dia and Totem/16, Bird Sod, An. ho. [("Farm produce taken In eschewal, for goods, for which the highest market prices will be paid. J. lb. DEW ITT. Montrow, Oct. 16, IPS p 1 THE DOUBT RAS 13/00 1 , DISPNLIAD. AND TES STARTLING CONVICTION Is dedicated to all .Lo tech Bargains. TEAT GEO. HAYDEN Is on head with s NIN , STOCK OF (ODDS consisting of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS ANTI CAPS, READY—MADE CLOTHING, • SISAL Gloves, Hoofers. ef mkt Snrfo.l'oder Ind Deform. Vonce OW. and Yanket UODS, Trunk. ono 'roma, Bora and lota of Go.Oo too eorooloos to foetal., at PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. Evers Artois warniated to reprooatted. No clews foe Lb., lag Goads. Small Profis sad Quick ScO es. G-11:0. HAYDEN. New.3lllfor& August Mt. IS.. EVERY DAY BRINGS SOMETHING NEW H.e.viNo parchns.l the stock In trade Pr HUN Cana ^nd Clothing of F. B. WltEliai a CU , 1 Cave niso Juni rmtlyai. • kiln Oink of HATS AND CAPS, CHILDREN'S TURBANS, LADIES' SHAKERS, Also a bins stock of all the n..? Sluing etylea of CLOTHING, Oltarthrz 1s part of Veo'r Enzllll , Walking floats In (11 1 / 8 to match, good Business Costs, Cod C.othing for Farmers, Lthen P• 11111 APO Dosters,&e. Gents' Furnishing Goods. e UMBRELLAS, HANDKERCHIEFS, SDSPENDERS,_ uuLLAHAs, NECK TIES, SHIRTS, &c. Which I am p ereporodto soil for cosh m ready pay st eery tow pr oak as my stock has recently Men bought with , s.ll 0. good, Small protts and miy pay Is my motto. till and etre for your selves, Two doors wore Searle's hotel. to the branding occupied by P. B. Weeks as o bhoe Store. =1 PEACE AND PEACE PRICES, PEACE ESTABLISHED ! Largre Lines of Prices Con quered and Reduced! H. BURRITT In now reeehtsg, for Eying mpg Ilea, rev and large nags of Dry Goode, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Stoves, Iron, Steel, Nails, Paints, Lamp and Linseed Oils, Benzoic, Carpet inge, Floor il-Cloths, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Hats and Caps, Booth, • Shoes, Clocks, &c., Jacleant. se natal. full eartetlea of the moat popular etylee or Ls dime Dmao.`oda. Shawls. bonnet., Rlbbnna. Flowore, &c.. which be will well on the mostfavorable terms for Oeeo, Produce, or to Prompt Tlmo Boyers. N. - B.—Maur and Ball on hand as usual HAIR MILFORD. lone 12. lgaa. VALUABLE BELL ESTATE FOR SALE. A valuable lumber rind „ wood lo: In Lathrop towrehlgr.. Smrqus nta n. iu g d abo ut uttficceleteree, area In gra n. ed . ) la cad • good sawmill aneLartridil,eapahle of cutring MO.OOO feet Of lumber per pee,. The e la within two miles of Nicholson Station, on the D. L. dr W. Railroad. A pond road mos throne. (ho whole property There I. wood and lumber enough Un (1 to pay for U Ivioa over. A tom chance—wlll 'old tow, enth nay term,. ALSO. • wirdnalblethrm one mile from Slontrese,contalolorabout 20OiscreL My =roof choice wood land ; tho balance improved Thief's.= Is well framed with good stone well watered. audit a hlgh state of cultivation ; le capable of keeping from forty to Eft cows....ayery desirable property. ALsO. a house and lot In the Borough of 'ttontroee, (tontine or the /labile Square. • •'Rewi loturntalhe about 9).f, acres of tend. villa bare and cWee fruit end shade /rut, The attention of those wishing top:Vaasa realer/ate le called to there properties. aa they an Allgood and dealmble Investments at the prlmaisktal for them. Übe& terms will be given. For term. rice*. Ind other Informathm. call an, or address Dantlen Sums, PSlstoo, Ltccerno Co., Pa.. or R. B. SEARLE, Mararrose,Sturaurtanna Co., Pe„ Jan. 80th, 1150.-tf AGENTS WANTED FOR rpHE SECRET SERVICE, THE 1 FTRLD, THE DUNGEON, AND PHE ESCAPE, BY ALBERT D. RICHARDSON, N. T. Tribune Correspondent. The mon Pitermitlog and melting b^ot ever published, =heat big ML Bichardson's nuparelleird esperienee tor !bur yous ; War. epos throesh the konib In the eccrst w.f.° , the •• fribtuw" at the outbreak nf the war. vita our arms and fleets both Haat and Wel,diutnig t moment yrarawf the Rebeliton ; his thrtMos capture*, Ws for twenty months In seven ditikent rebel prima ; his Wow sod ohnoct mhzeelons journey by night Of nearly CM roam. It w.. 11 abound Ins:lrmo events. and contain more of the fact, Incident sod romance of the war ILla any otaa, work published. • Harem titteLey arys: • A Rmit Miny bOOk.motel yet be written eomerethe tide lam, la addltlon ty the many shandy re paten; bat not ore ef them will glee *teas a stadia! menatemillearer, feller , tome reelable ee ailcutentasly face Mammal ebiervatlen. of the na'ars. mimes ='endemics and thittumeatathles of the Slareho'den Wm &lathe neeenendleg nertatly* qt Mr. 111clard. ion." TeteAm, WU% mire young nut, aiad especially Warted MI ambled Wilms= oolillers, to wait otwottahlo woPlnolont• lit.d h oecallitly iulaytul to lig? tr , We have itgetla Cgarlog • l74pa toootb. whlth we.wli I Drove jo atm doubting op DI/Wust. fOt Weglut. Adam . . .44.1timiltrOcOls OWL IA 1011.4 a. Vit 4""wr4wwth A WORD TO THE WISE. IV4 : II :4:4 A :4 :flLyip I 4:1•1:yll The Best Family Sewing Machine Oirl3 NOT A SHUTTLE MACHINE,.24 But makes the Look Stitch THE VERDICT OF THE, PEOPLE IB DECIDEDLY L ;TB .PAYOR. The fel of Mae baths more of thew Itaratinra NOM TILLS 0/ ATTESTS ITS SUPERIORITY Tor farther particulars call epee, the Agent. +byre , the Mitred styles of machine:sue on exhibition. Partite that hove nwd other eo called Standard Ilaehlr.es have thrown them &aide and eve their teelmony la Woe of thaw, BTXRY MACHINE WARRANT - BD TO MPH ENT= For toreeral reasons It roccuanicols Itself abcrro ill open. 1. Beauty and excellence of stitch, aft e upon both aides, work ing equally well on BILL. Sum, wooln. and notion goods—aimm trg, pulling. Ruthann ir,hammlmg. fel ling. cording. and Welding. S. Strength of name Orat will not rip nor mirel. e. The moat eimple In construction of any tyro-threaded machine In nee ; therefore let liable to get out of repair. 4. Sews without the use of s shuttle, thereby doing away with. moat cumbersome monbinery. and the trouble of regulating the tension of the under thread. B. knos at a rester speed than s thattle machine possibly Mi. These machines with all the new Improvements, owes:dad =I delivered In Moni rose, at Manufacturers' prices The hest of !loan Iteranisota given. liver °as twins= In use in Montrose and vicinity. J. P. W. RILEY. Montrose, Jan. 80,1868..1( Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western ICI I 1 :21'1, 72 4 ' 7 rawrattskiPs.tar'C't JP& 4191, 1. 1 X' C> Summer Arrangement. 1865. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE. QM= Idamins Train. =0 ECM QM P. fll =42 ii 7,; 1.10 =I ill 4 4 4.80 6.04 .21 646 410 F. P kJ 1116 19.x1 12. M 1 15 1.55 1.66 9.16 A. M THE MORN (NO I RA IN from New Tort ronneets at Mature- Ita Chunk with too Scala lousing Phil aidsintila (Kingebon Depot) et 7T.e 11.. ea- and at (heat Bond wtth the through Hall Truth on the Erts Itmlway, with aonhv clf at tacos!, suioning at sIT the prin. chat stailont on that coml. idid arriving at IthiTain at 1.10 a. rn Tli K EVENING TR AIN fin= New Toreconnects at tsthiunka Chunk with the train itnVing Philadelphia (Kingston Depot) at SUO p. m at Gout Bend with the Night Express= the toe Rail• way, wiut, arriving et Buffalo at 1 IS a. tn. THE MORNING TRAIN from Great Hone commas there with the Obadant. Exprose the Erie Railway from the were; at ittanunlta Chunk with • irate for Phtladelphia end Intermediate station., arriving In Phi Indtiphia at 6.5)p rn.; and Cl New Flamp um 'nth • train for leroton, Bethlehem. Allentown. Reading and Ilarrlebure, arriving at Harrisburg at 8 PO p m. , rI! E EV RN MU TRAIN from ((root Bend ernineete there with the New ye. Kutreas tot the Erie Helens Prom OA wear at Manuntra rho nY with a train which rune to Belvidere, where It nes mar until 6 the next marine... 4 at Weer Hampton with an Exp-ms Trani fur Eaaton, Bethlehem, Allentown, Reading and Harrisburg. AT St:KANTO*: connections are made with with trains on the Lackaaanno & 13monieburg Rareod to and from Pittston,Klass. tort. Witkrattarre,ll.tralch, Bassine t Northumberland. Sarishurg and intermediate stattnne, and with trams on the Delaware & Hui sm Railroad to and from Carbondale and intermediate stations H. A. HENRY, WATTS COOK, (inners' Ticket Agent. Superintendent. Snag. leave 5('... - ins Hn.al, Montrose, Pa.. at 6 a., to OrOtorot In. roar—. ror Scranton, Near Yoft, awl Plalladeltdar at arm. 'bey Milford asd great Bend rannitetlng with Day &sprees both East West at Great Bead, and Night Express on the Lark's. ,6 Viegtn n It. K. for stergiton and New Took, and at 4 p. vete Milford and Great Bend and trains on the Brie Rail b.,se Ewa and Wert. Returning. I. New ltiltowl et 7.40 m.o er/ tent of traln from Guist bend end 11 1.17 p.m. on aril . of Niger grow, from Groat Rend. loutve Montle*, Depot at m m Mona n, moll tr.or k from New York end Boonton. TO All. NOMJT MM CONCERN. HAVE FOR BALE REVOLVING' HORSE RAKES, EXTRAS AND REPAIRS , OHIO rmarEitS Prl AND 'MOWERS, GRAIN CRADLES, GRASS SCYTHES AND SNATHS, FORK S. SHOVE LS, H OES, JOSHUA BOYD Building Materials, INCLUDING PINE LUMBER, WINDOW SAW; PAINTS, OILS, PUTTY, GLASS, BUTTS, SCREWS, NAILS, LOCILS, A. LARGE VARIETY 1/0011 BELLS. ♦LL 090D5 •T PEAO PILICZS FOB CAUL TV. H. BOYD. !donnas., May IStb, 1865 Agricultural Implements. Tv.".m.Frdattimmrint."zte. public T wellknown dem of r" Wheeler, Blench & Co., at Albany. These-Machines arena favorably known and universally appeal e d that any effort at recommendation I consider unnecemaary. lard fleet to say, m thatexperieneein mannihettiring, and Ipaignse t has• brought., tl mproveents w bleb mak e tnem the CHAMPIONS OF THE WORLD. lvouldcallerpeclatattenttent (Other Barger's Paten teleallingitt aehment a newthlogwod attached toslngle,donble.trable,or moraliser horeepower,and to elther undershot orocerahotehreshers. Thal can be need as so ordinary hand ml (land Is sopmior,assoeb,to an fanning mill made. It takes no more powers+u drive-the whole tsthroent.than Irt does to Arise an ordinary separates or shaker.— !Afferent-4ns ofcleaningattaehment_taMepatent.arelnade. Horse Powers,slaelesaadouble, Wheeler's patrol. with reeeet Improvements. Lawsetteod. Goold's patent, aye, two, and three horse powers. Saw mlllafor sawing wood, teed culleraeloser hal ler‘horserakes,are. An parent:tided warrantyalves to the puhild theetrongesteneranty thattheabove morel* ery Is untelnaledla Its work,durablllts.courenlence,andeleapness. Foviurtherpartleularwsend to thesabialberforelrettlar, or 02. amlnemachloery. Orderwolleltedand Wed with prompt:mood fidelity. Also Agsatfor HUBBARD'S MOWING BAUM:Nit Ightdratt,matofactured by 8.11 SAYRE& IfliOTHEßß,liort rotaXa.—the nett atone rfor this orrontry. litordzerwartantedio To entirotttitfoction. Distractions for nation and Maddheade. livarediren ofeharge for freight or tramnortation Mipertona trigthing to procurotheliestantichripaithlotring chine are adolitedto witneasthe workafthoHnbiard's Light Deus tiower.beforecommittloginemarlycato any tabu Mow now le ore. Ordersaonelted anti promptly attended to. Postoinceaddress,Harfonl.Bnsq .Co.. Pa. L. It. PECK, Agent Harfoid.Ps.. July I.IOM-11 THE KEYSTONE HOTEL; (Fbrmerip occupied by W. X. Zile Ai) MONTROSE, PENN'A., HAB been leased and reopened by the andersitrned..ho keepinh a well stoelted loader and Bar, and eareibl attention to the Bodo, or the establishment sod the grants of hit Watt& still endeavor to mitt the pationage Utile ptiblle.- .P. V. MIRA?. •Tnil if . . BLAniscrritilio TEE satoolber =ides on Moelimning In all It. Ixotobecin 4 noo-y Illemoneo Shop lobos As 71U atm% to 160 *oats Of thiroubllo, lionobohoolni domittramptly. Inol/ 0 113:441/UNNIOEIG _ Sgealli lnISMA111• MADE, I= 1111Prent4 A. STT lON kl. trnin. 'huh. A. DI. P. 1t N ew • Marmon& Chtenk. [ litrondanneg. [ Scranton. Clark's Isnsorialt, I A bingtna, sal - - 1-lopbocton-4,. ONTI3.OBt. Few Mllfbrd,.. areAt nections.—Weetw Eastward Farmers In Particular. BOYD & WEBSTER DT TED DOZE OR BEHOLD ORL =E! PICKS AND HANDLES COOK STOVES FOR BITENINO WOOD. COOK STOVES NOR COAL. COOK STOVES TOR WOOD OR COLT.. TIN WARE, WIIOLESALE A.ND EBTAIL. BIRD CAGES, LAMPS, &e. A. L TVEBSTER. Off 'BRUME IBLAIR. BORANTON. WWIISLAM /MAU Onlmila HARDWARE IRON, triltig BAILS, lipitea,Bbarels, lisalderillarderart, Andrew:l and illringappilda • be., Mine Itall.dLlierrad Otranter dank and Trailliplkes, Carriage Materials, Spring Arles, ttkelnsand Barra, Bolts, linta,Waablas, Palm Arms. Plated 13ande. Malleable lion e s t . L , a ut d e, tia nWaek n .L e er,aFae v ll a o r n ie a, t S mof al a er n a. i P r o e e s r . nPo te k Patent Leat nneln Leatne.iidarocr. Mannt g ctorn l Good y An—Crre.,nec ana W 1 eve meta attentlonio tide part of crar r.ors, and oler bettairelectedawtetent thane= be tonna elanithera to Cala Dar of the Mate. Awrlla.Vlo3,Btoelre and Pim Dellates.Hanemere,Slednee. Piles In great variety, Tackle Block:. Bone Ctial an. Grln. itones,Plastar ParlECernent, Pena WlndorrObtan AGRICITLTITBAL IMPLEMENITS, 0 Pampa,Utrealiir , 11111, and Cror. Firm, Smarr. throat Wrapping Paper Mailtag Paper. Intre thd BlartltaTena, Plata AM Convex)horse Shoes and Hanunrred Roam Na ear penten'Toolsin pad:variety, and Ala. VAASA'S.. ideftlirralll3o TlMleg, Rubber and Leather Better Talrbaatha Scales.ac, Scranton. Ps.. Sharma 101.-ly NEW ADVERTISEMENT. Prints. Alpacess. Delaines, and other Fashionable Dress Goods. Cloth, Cassimeres. Woolen Jack- eh, &e. &e. &c. MUSLIM, SHEETEVOS, TICKINGS, DENTE, CROCKERY, GROCERIES, HATS AVD CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. 677 7.43 4.4di 4io CALL AND LOOK AT ova erroca, AND WZ CAN DM.2 1112 fr ii tas .1 1 - so rr P tit WILSON, GRIFFIS dr WARNER. OUR COUNTRY SAVER! Great Reduction in Prices New FIR and low Prices! HALLSTEAD & HOW HI.VING Jun retnmett from New York and ithiiattelpbia, are prepar , Wl foraiib ail WWI mar raver us with a mil all kinds of (loots Generally kept In . Country Stote at Immense law price]. WE: ARE A. la Fro' NTS FOR THE; World Renowned Ohio Reaper and Mover. We are prepared to fenalsh extra Inducer:mar to those Laving PRODUCM to dtrameet of—will nay the highest Caah Prtree Mr the name. Nlcholson, t11.1845.—tr. lIALIST . V.A.I) t 110 W NEW GOODS itt Reduced Prim. fri , E . ; k ultc h frer y wo y. nr b l e fLo u rm .d tk a lgr h igta . n o ithepubllegenefs B. R. Lyons & Co.; not to.`feedthetntniTy,•'butto CLOTHE tbosewho Irian tote • LATHED withtne BERT ARTICLE of Ready Made Clothing, to befoundln the County. equal t o any Crrialt Wou and WAD SAIGTZDNOT TO MY. THIN AND THICK COATS, Vestsand Pants. of every variety. rn Alamo ESTENSlVransortment of el EISHATS & CAPS, I atestetyles ,Caurazo ?tun Ev-rsOmzEo. Idelbross. Apsll 17. IS. S. LA NG.1130111. GROCERY AND SALOON. ITTHS roteerthen «Matinee their tautnessat th e ore sums w a. Main Street. where those who give us their patronage will we trust, receive snob treatment, as will cause them to call spin. We have bestowed particular attention to Citing up our LADIES' SALOON) and can fernish,ll desired.private root. to LADIES and Ogle TLEMEN, yL ISMEN, atlas Ladles alone.or Gentlemen alone. REFRESHMENTS Among our list of edibles can he found Oysters. Cisme, Hum and Ens, Roast Beef. Beef Steak, Mutton Chops, Chickens la• every form hot or cold. Ylekled Tongue. Lobster, ~,iagtilnea, everything the market cut In the way of drinks, we Iteet l ezryt Wag cacept spirituelle or al. coholle beverages. Oar malt I nors ere of the beet quality and warranted pore. Alan.nennestle nee. Cider. Barmparilia......:Ods Water, Small Beer, &c. Cream in summer. We havesecured the services of a, St-steles. Cook and warrant everythingprepared to suit themes! diveralliedtastea CONVECTIONERY. We have on band the largest stock of Confectionery ever bronght Into the County. We can furnish. at wholesale or retail anything In Ws thm that may I:recalled for ,and as chap ma can he bought anywhere. Tobacco and Cigars Chewing andsmoking Tobacco &every brand. and Cie:tree( se cry quality, from a" gent grah"to the Ineat Savored nevem.. 4 GrisC3OC,E,r3. - 431 Sh, Our :tett or Oroceriese.l be beatint hie part of the country for quality and lowisees Or price. not orcenting Binghamton. We will - furnish Floor. Sa It. Su gar, Holum,. Coffee, Tea.elth,Cheese. Raising. Fige.and everything In that line of the best qualltlea, in any quantity from one pound to a ton. Our endeavor will halo please all who may favor no with their patronage.pledging ourselvestotairnerein deal and to the strictly One Price System ! L. K./RBT, Wentrome.Decembertle.lBl4.-tv. co. BACON. ren-E - vv G. -coops. WEBB BUTERPIELD, Am now receiving Ltdr SPERO AND SUMMER COODSN L Fleeee an 000 as GRENADINES, ?opine.% LKNOS, ' • . • DE LAMES, &r. Nat l. SOLDIERS' PENSIONS, BOUNTY. AND. BACK PAY:' ITlREtwertlgned./.10101141W ADZ= ON THE CIOVERTI 116NT.wIll giro orampt attestUon to altdalma earasteCl Wore: tThanme LOW. andinfenztattna VRRIL., , • ' • • Isnra.mm. 1R54.1• • a, T , lITIIIII. COFFIN TRIMMINGS, Direct from the Rtaiinfactory.. IifILITAILY. WitkATIT, ItOSB. otiose, and idea vatonaotaer vadat/tact •Cofflrt I ip i t. -Diamond, Man and Plums , SIMS/ j t vulety ofpd.tarnA of Coffin, PlateaLfdlans Lam Dowel [Anil{ Tana*, At. ko. Ite,; WWI. Merita ldnaltda Ae. etc., for 'Mahn - . • • -•_••• • , afootrnat: Anr4lll. 160 ..• • , ,n, it., f.ToNn 41•1 Boots . and Shoes. FIVE a n.o taeold pftsVe " o " lf "Trr iNs gm; 41 1 , 4 131TM5, 11113106,TettantIoRtyc.Iiiiol - Boali. - 1 1P30400:11.r91W4F44.1*9 vssUwipar NEW FIRM BALDWIN & ALLEN, ous, FEED, WILT, PORK, FISH, SMOKED HALIBUT; Hams, Dried Beef, Candles, Bun YOU DICA.LICES IN Te as, coffee, spice*, Syrups, Molasses, Sugars (07—aC3+172]EIL, Timothy Seed, & Seed Wheat,. BROOMS, NAILS. &O. Cash Paid for Good Butter. A. BALDINIII. .... .. WIL. L. ALL Kamm, Watt &le Pablls Airtime, Loll 19.1564. Real Estate Agency 1 THE anderallared haveforrood•partnereblwand opened an arefor tho porebase,...sle, and rental of real talatetn the ere, ty o[B.w...henna, PI, and ero shall try to mate It for the Irony of allwho (nacre either to purthaac, sell. or rentreal eMatte, la a tall. We design to advertise eztenerely In all Mow coorte % both In Now York mud Neoelerstry, loom whence mrne most of ter persons erho boy 'al:Wein this runt-. Ur. 11 lede eelontsvre, soanalotedthroughouttheconoty .11 willgive the rratteteentto , ‘ ed to ne his whole ottentl , o. We have Several Fawns on Hand, e• sultablefor dairying purposes. The larger part of the pueCha money canton fora term of yean. parable to installments. No. 1.-2,01 acres of laud In roust Lake, 153 improved. Lend dwelllnitlionse, dz torn., well watered, and will rapport from is to &Scowl. Convenient to meetines, schools, - and momben.m. large pert attic pordmse money march:sin for a milts of years. I , No.ll.—Vd3 acres of lend In Franklin, I Upson 1.111 , ,) Itlet proved. well watered. two (ovulates houses, two Earth, COnwmtitgl tO oltellner,schools, and Ann, Well suited for darer pUrpcses.... Pinot the purchase money map remain tors Win of years. N 0.4.-191 sere. of !and In Dlmemk. ISO improved. welt eased and fenced.4o.l new dwelling honw.. 2 barn 2 embarde,.d chest not timber upon It sutPclent to fence the who le farm for Shy (elm • Two and admit' mile. from Dimock Corners. and Sys villa looei Montrose. Two thirds of the porchtot money an reMsl.o fors Set les of yens, recurs. by hoed and coorliage No. 7.—Edtcatelo the townahip of t must Lake,four Mlles hem Montrose. A dully sta o n g e passes the house. 125 urea. the' he Improved. a Rood ebneatnr ratter. house, dm. Terms : thae-onlf of tin ne Donee two barns and sheds Good teob. . yd, raw mill in toad marine order, and cider purchase snonay down. the balance in doe annual payments. No. P.—Shoots to the tots-nchlp of Jessup, greet! miles froth M eat rose, containing slaty acre, fort7-Ihe IMProTed. good h.., ham, 7 •orsfied orchnol,and veer line rum Limb. convenient to Chord, School., and Mills. One-ball of the purchase money down, • halance be pad Pear equal payment.. N0.10,--Sltuste to the townehip of New Milford, cortMlnlng las acre ._lo acres Improved ; too miles front the Ilenctugh of IN, Milmrd. and about eighty rode from the Lackawana sod Welters Bell Rood ; well watered withh sprlnot ; good buildmist, and Ere bearing orchard--a grove of cheet nut mon the premises se.tabl , !or A N or telerreph pole,—a retool house In the Immediate vleinitr • ,h, , ,,11.1,,,e0t chaise,' within two milt , . 10n acres to re. t.i4 fano, witl b.^ sold if the parehaser should not want the who!., Tederns reasonable. ,N scree. se7e odic:thing the village of Susquehanna Dolor, on the N. Y. & Erie Railway. one of the most convienint lams It the :tetra: from whtch to s .11 'milt In the viliage. IT .11 to.; cows, and teams to work the farm. There are room 7000 teleroph p01e... the farm. worth Emu earl, betides a quantity of Ra.toaa ties and wood within x mile of the vlllage two good Mwe1....4 houses, Eve harm ; and saw mill. nitre's also on the farm s ire proof paint mine, and a paint mill In cord reaming order; two ram - :orchards. No less than its pavencer trains leave the depot dioly, leer an etterprlang !Pee to make money the farm Is oho Of the tats 4 dindrable to the ncethern part of the . tltate. No. 11.—a Boom and tot to the Boroogh of IllontrOfe, shear t en Maple rata. The lot Is thirty feel f root, and 'evenly fret ^ deep. atteererll.llll. • - - • - Address OPIAM131:111.C4 b ILLND January IS lea.—tt Machin fiusimehanna Co.. Pa. EXTENSIVE ATTRACTIONS =1 FURNITURE EST/ SLIMMEST WILLIAM W. SMITH, AT THE FOOT OF MAIN ST. RS g i a l iol7 ,.. 7.•za n ylltuT n e r, U,tabllahanett. of Wm. Ai s t; Med and greatly Ira nroied.theproprielorrcape,trol/y announce, to the citl. • tuna of atontroee and vtdrlly. that he le conatanel) anaklnrandkeena ona and tho LA.RGIUST 6 DUST azaorttatato XIMNITUII23 to be fount. in chi Country Weglee thefollemlno Hat of tome Of the artleles*alch ye loth se Ilattfreatlereduced prlces.for CASH or READY PAT Bureons.l4raleutcrliabseany.mith glals.from On to $3B Hu myy.sir morl,le or brocoi elle topa.from 618 to 624. And% iaroeassoetrnte t.ftorr, 48.010. $127814. to In . vt.,shs,....n.sejs ;are , tan d rorn.- r and so:4 na rtStands,o tal tlesand prlees.from 75 ccnt sto ten dollars. D e e nskteee.d.e le aradns.tt e o r ireolnre.dtc ~.m.!; f : o otts o ole.ntinm ana to JosOreskt. Charts—an.p e totle ses eno.htehrt.andexlaicL tobie tel: octers—make.fsh.el2Bl•ooM eate sf.vers ',pet) mud . holae.tete-a.teteof rnlshedatalsorto olio eat. Now 'York pi cti. SPRING BEDS! A LAIn AILSOETYESIT .0 US/MX= ;LIM But 11111 a • FL 11. IlcAolym plecorfl”, on bent , mftt rthEed atSOr acarxelL4 41 , 14 ream rm.% W brra tic:tired. We employ 11 ourbul(' A 11 EFUL & EXPEICIENCEINCOES MEN. Wet uter dto do oar WORK W ELL, and .1111 11( LOA EMM= siontros,F.braary 95.L77- ABEL TURRELL. a nov rcelvinc It nee, rapply Of (Gr , CP C 3) 11) ! In the numerocedeparttce,tsof Ms Mercantile Business! making tLe tucatisczt nr . PULL AND DESIRABLE. T Etntt catesta In part at Drugs, sled , eines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Groceries, Crockery, Glass-Ware, Wall and Window Pa per, Oil Shades and Fixtures, Kerosene Lamps, Shade; Chimney Burners, Transparent Cones, Kerosene Oil, Burning Fluid, Tur• pentine, lEBENZOLE, Varnishes, Window Glass, Putty, Brnsbes,Bird cages, canary Seed, Jewelry. Artist and Dentist Itiaterlals,Whipt Fancy Goods, Perfumery, Iltc,ln abort, newly every thing, toreston , the sict s to plesaetti lade, to delight the eye, to eratlfy the laze?, add also tc conduce to the real and sulatantlal coo forte ofllfe. Montrose.Arrll9.ls69. ADEL 'PURR ELL WAGON SIFIOP! Sleighs and Cutters. T r ii=n72,`",7,ll7,2: f "'t d orlal rz, TLE rose. wham he will continue to carrron the manufncture of Sleighs, Cutters, Wagons, et Heady-Made MarketSleigh,Damber Slcijhra¢dCvtterrvo• hand Remlglagdone oeatly.at short notice. Real Stuff for C dant and akey'smaterlals,nostqoaltry.keptcourultly to CA to he prepared to do (.1001) WORK at. short not. . A good supply n:reAdy.made Spokes kept constantly or. hatd:- N. 13. All personsludelAcd to the undersigned self! pls.. 34 andsettlethetrucountselthousttutherat4sce. Montrose, JP ly IS.I SR. "VVNE. OA 11.1". .~• ~~~ Jam; <.. (IFFERSto the public. at prlcesthst twrinot falls° a alt. • 1.4 anGsuperiormortmentof GROCERIES, SUVA RS,2 EAS, COFFEE.SPICE,FLuUI and SALT, (by the sack. or ba , ret.) "MB, ay artlannanally [pundit PI rat clamOmtert., Flour by the Wholesale and Retail. 4e I mean to morlf,l hope to rocetvca Itherslthareofpab.,S. ennr.xe • N.B. Ttehlexatmartetmice psta tar? ELTSPD SACON VEAL SS INS. COK , KcAttme.ldarerte.lPll%—tn DOWN DOWN! DOWN! HAS GOtilE GOLID: LOW! LOWER! LOWEST! ARE OUR PRICES FOR Prints I Delainesl Shectingsl Dress Goods! • Boots and Shoes) Gaiters!. Bahnorals Gmeeres and Hardware! Ready-Made Clothing! flats! Caps ! • Yankee Notions rxr.d all our WILDESS VARIETY of dock. Wr 5,..e more room for oar NEW 000135..n0d ore &bombed w xal the ohtetodt. rfreuteend pee us before brorchaele It • same ctm pried share Pall for BoitAr.-grab. ~,„ &me Mill Mods. J JAC K,ON. Felratle. April .11, NEW MILLINERY SHOP. MRS. Q. S. FORDIRAM WOULD nay to the I:11110. of Illontra.e owl vicinyut it too opened 2 S , soli, In the limilihrin tornit nit call it ed Irttete,hetoll keep a WI ruuoir of 411 . !led. of 13.05. !SU% at 4 1 Si ik IlohntlicOustahtly ou cad BleacnthgatellltrlnkblV. 110 . 6 .° to Q ratr ' Lade!. et,ll ind tee Per )4ontr44e.llay SOSO. REMOVAL. E. S. SMITH'S MILLINERY , IFOOTIFT•LT Grte Char.d Stott, rec,eed v the GEO. L. STONE & CO.'S. STORE, MILLINERYwhat she elll t'. hepU' , n show bet .nice aeronnKnr d GOOD S, :Test 'massed In the City, Inele . illng New Yoskileuty essje llonsents. Ake- &0. ' Pram, Hornets clesardiad pnesean the Wet .15talVorairgeet,41441101103.41Wes.try4 11.e.ronDriAit