ratt gindeptudent atepublican. LOCAL MATTERS To Oar Rradow.--For the last few weeks our advertising volumes have been gradually encroach ing upon the reading matter of the Republican.— This week we hive over two columns of new acc t . tisements, with promise of more for our next Issue. We like paying advertisements, and are glad that the advertising public begin to perceive that a pa per of over 5000 circulation, mostly in Busquetamna County, is a valuable medium for communication with the people ; but at the same time oar patrons must have their usual weekly supply of readlogmat ter. If we were sure that the present large increase of advertisements would be permanent, we would ealarce the Rep.blicmt as noon as possible, but with the existing high prior of printing paper that would ho a measure Involving mock risk. We therefore pmpose to issue supplements or extras from time to time, for the present, so as to enable us to do lull Justice both to advertisers and to our readers genes -ally. We shall issue a supplementary half sheet next week. Advertisers who wish for room to spread themselves, will glad It there. Get your advertise ments into the printer's hands as soon as possible. Mastrola—At the dote of the Drill held at Roth, Pa. Dec 9th, 1865, a committee of six were apppoint• ed to draft resolutions respecting the interestingand rateable instruction received at the hands of the ora7 Professors, R. B. Rowan and J. D. Thomas. Te Committee reported as follows, and the report was unanimously adopted : As lovers of music and everything that tends to elevate and enoble, we can but express our thanktul pleasure and admiration for the manner in which oar exercises have been conducted, and the nnlimit ni sr/ceche which has so fully crowned their efforts. Therefore Rnotrcd, That we can recommend Mews. Howell t Thomas as being unrivalled - In acquirements, and that they are, in fact, no teachers. 24,0 bed, That the mode adopted by them Is the most rtllcient means of acquiring a thorough musk .l education. 12.01rei, That for cultivating the voice and Impart. Ine elementary principles, they are unsurpassed. Rt. , lmi, That see tender our sincere thanks to Niesshi< Howell & Thomas; to H. 0. gaatahrooka, Piankt, for the aid and entertainment afforded us by him ; and also to the people of this vicinity for their very kind hospitality. That these resolutions are expressive of the .entknents of the whole school, and that s copy them be public tO in the County Paper. . IL FLANDEICS., AYELIJ R. TCPPE2II, JEssta BISSELL, ainamiae. .. J. WttEELocE, R. B. Butsumt, R. VEaBIITCY, Tad Bow Uleek !v.—One of the beet literary weeklies in the country is The Horns Weekly, pub lished In Philadelphia, by George W. Childs, at $2 a tear, or two copies for $3; eight copies for $lO ; i:rtere copies for gal, and one to getter-up of the cub The publisher announces In hie prospectus ! , ,,t the choicest writers of the Atlantic, Harper's Godey's, hterson's, Arthur's, Our Young .end other leading mageeinea,will write for the li"e Meld!, Six Illustrated original and brilliant i,..rdettee, by Marion Harland, Ann S. Stephens, E. Prescott, The Authoress of "Rutledge." Caroline Che&ebro, and Mary J. • Roltries, will ap ;•est to the Home TrreVy during 1866. The poetim l, elitorial, agricultural, horticultural, and other de partments are all ably conducted, and the paper ?.eeerres and will receive the liberal patronege of the reading public. 'Vests -ffireur —The following brief pk,tch JudeP Nfercur. uttlett appeared In a late tau of the New York Herald will be of interest to oar reatirm • • lion Ulysses ?demur was born in Towanda, Bradford county, Pa., August 12th, 1818: graduated at Jego-son College in 1842; studied law while In r,ncir , , end came to the bar in 1843: was r,' ial electonn 1860. In March, 1861, he was sp pouted prreident Judge of the thirteenth judicial di-tric: of P.-nnsylvnnia, and elected to the office in 0:lobet following for s term of ten Tears, but which resigned on being elected in 1884 a repreeenta inn in Concrens from Pennsylvania to the tldrty tlrtb Conerms." Judge Mercer Is one of the ablest men In - the S , me and his District will find in him a faithful rep %se➢Stire. A Spiral Raftererv.—At Cornwall, Pa., a great erientific and mechanical feat is now being perform ed. It Is the building of a spiral railway around and to the top of the great iron mountain. lt starts from the Cornwall railroad, and revolves around the Mountain, at some places over treasel-work, at others over high embankments, again at others through ponderona cuts in the solid body of iron ore, tutu It reaches the very trip of the mountain. A great part of the way is complete, a great part b ready for the sills, while the rest is progressing ac tively. A powerful locomotive has been obtained to do the work of moving the trains, which is al roadv at Cornwall ready for work. The spiral road ;roper, when completed, will be over two miles In lenzth, and a work the equal of which cannot be found in the world. Go mut Notice.—Rec. Mr. Griffen =ill address the citizens of Montrose, on Monday, Dec. tsth. at the Court House, at 7 o'clock, P. IL, IL Lid of the suffering Freedmen. At the Baptist Church, Dimock, at 2 P. m., on TDesday. At Sprinryille, r. 8, on Tuesday. AI Brooklyn, on Wednesday, Dec. 9:ltti, at 2 r'.lk, r. u. At Clifford Corners, on Tuesday, the 21st Instant, P. Si. At Glertraood, on Friday, the `441 Instant, at 2 v'elock, P. At Etarford, on Saturday, the 23d inst., at 2. f. at. gent Cowpfe.—There axe at present living In Mechanicsville, Howard township, Centre county, married couple whose united weight amounts to yes sir hundred pounds—%r. John Leathers and Rife. The former weighs 262 pounds and the .i.*.ter 402 pounds. This Immense mass of humanity together in the utmost harmony, and ensoys e_'-'lent health. Mrs. Leathers weighed only 90 ids when she was married and Mat acquired all .nrplus flesh Ether that happy time. The cau l-, area curiosity and are worth going to see. Oar County Se:pert:itemSeat—We regret to learn st Sir. Weston, oar worthy County Superintend ... has had a severe attack of inflammation of the z:.c ., —undonbtedly the result of exposure to re at.ted storms during his recent examinations He Se acw slowly recovering; but the fact that his is in such a state will necessarily Somewhat bla work this Winter. We hope that he may sprearly restored to the fall measure of health rtTessary for the performance of all his arduous du- S. , adraf and Sehoofmare--This favorite of the folks enters on its 17th volume on the la{ of c , pary,ls66, and will be enlarged and improved. furnhhes, from the pets of our best writers for young., biographical, historical, and poetical ar dialognea, marked for declamation, speeches, The illustrations are ample and well executed. 1: ie. published by Joseph H. Allen, No. 119 Wash !,cton street, Boston, Yaw, at $1,50 a Year, in ad vance.- The Tuscarora Ufill.—This well, located at New-Lap.yville,has new reached a depth of WO feet, sn4 is - still going down rapidly. An experienced driller working there states that the todications are as favorable as •nV he ever caw at Oil Creek.—The report mentioned last week that a thick vein of coal Lad been struck, was erroneous. teredram's Ma—Will the editor of the RePahn raii ;Jesse trabllsh the following extract from a let +, an officer In the Freedmen's Commission, 6 .1.<1 Philadelphia, 11th inst., to 8. AL Walker: ' The Rev. Charles Griffin, one of our agents, will lore Philadelphia on Friday . find be In Ghnock next when be will be at yonrOpiasaL Will yon t- kind enough to make artiotements for him, to Teak in your neighbor/Moat/and in Susquehanna minty. Beadles Aloru4tif—.ll attagaste of To-Day— thr title of a new candidate In the field of periodi ., literature. It is lined with interesting and erirrtaining reading matter, Illustrated by nuttier ., and good wood cite. Judging from the merits first number, the new Magizine is destined to .o,ieve a succors. It is published by the American Y , NVE , Company, New York. 4 Word to flogs.--Boya, 'when night comes on to Lome. There is nothing more detrimental to morals, than to be running around the streets vLito. cover of darkners, for then you can acquire cu.else than an education in rowdyism. and bridle You know it, you will become realms and wiciona I: you want to be good men, sce to it that night finals you at home. 3.l,mfflcmt Gut.—We learn that A. Pardee, E• 4 of Hazeiton, this State, has offered to endow eeientiLle School, in conneetion -with Lafayette coneee, Easton, Pa., with the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars. Those who tin use their wealth are more than public benalaetors. The Pmdeme's 4kl Soddy will - meet -at the licase of Mrs. Jonas Mack ola Thursday, Dec. 21st. Tltc cold weather demands of us that what we do the carcrlog must be done quickly, Barrel blo. 4 will be packed. By order of the Bodely. M. B. Bsizmus, Seery. • • • WS. W. asee.—.W e learn that Rev. W. Rirrtuathion, of Mlllbu is aboit to remove to Del "are, taming *mite as extensive tract or is aci iPil: XiWird to that ilute-knoithamgo Simi int Efeemsal Lasmeri, Zattls Brass% and Bfadkers asarsfirusafs fOnOW- Mg list comprises all the whom Who have sp_plled for and obtained Licenses sa Lawyer., Cattle Brok ers, and Butchers in BuStinehanni Cityy ; and all other persons carrying on ui ß t f these uhnesor pro fessions (or any other req a lice nse } a License, are liable to the y in flee tion 73rd, Page 88th of the Excise ifs of the Unit ed States : =I Ira H Bums . B B Bentley.- - BB Bentley jr. Jas E Carmalt. A Chamberlin. L F Fitch Ben j Glidden.. C Wm J F A Cue Geo P B W D Lusk B McCollum., C C Mills • D W Searle.— E itt Tamer— A 0 Warren.... T P Phinney.... W a Slocum.— Geo Baldwin.. John Baldwin... B Chase) Leon P Hinds... WmM E W Smith W L Vaughn.... T Carpenter.. ... 0 Washburn.— . Franklin Fraser. Wm C Tiffany Wm W H 701/Sup CATII.II 3110XCEL J C Dodge T F Ke110gg...... Win A Larne..... C D Lathrop Alfred McKeeby.. Chas Risley A H Sheldon .if /*Whittaker... Breed. P Carpenter fi B Eldrldgr ER Gr0w........ E 8 Kent R N Phinney Jas Sterling P H Tiffany Patrick Clark.... Dennis Donnelley A 13 Patrick..., I P Baker E 8 C 001....... U R W Gere Chas Goodrich. John Clark.... Jas Crimmins.. Sam'! Dodge... Timothy Kane, John Kimble. J L Merriman 8 B Rogers Lyman }Rakeslee..., John E Barnes Jordan Palmer. R B Roberts.. R Rogers..'. Zonal Smith.. gam'l 8 8 Whittaker L Very Philip Titman flam'l Arnold. Rohl Elite... Nathan Fish.. Judson Stone C Conklin. Jas Coakley.. J W Deans... E Kinney••.• Nelson Smith lank] Seeley.. Jae C A Walker R 8 R05e...... Geo A White.. Wm, Clark E Feaaenden James Martin.. q•le 1LN7,., Henstock & Hawley. David Mackey....... Jacob Stoddard Calvin Wellman...,. A D Wellman Howell & Furgerson P Shannon C P Bliss F Fredreci L Hunter T J Johnson E P Lowrie Wm Reese Alvin Rase Rob't Tinker Ezra Tnbey Babcock & Newton.. Mathewst& Smith... A 0 Stoddard H White Walker & Slocum... Geo L Tiffany Lewis C Abers F R W Geer L Lyon Adam Miller Wm H Crosier Nathan Fish N Yannutrons Whitney & Brigham. Richard M Hall J W Carrier L Very G .1 Babcock .1 Z Cobb H T Davis Chas Halstead B Potter H Robinson Ira Curtis A N Griggs N Steinback Washburn & Ha 11... H L Blowers John Williams C M Chapman W W Ransom Jas Y Wells John Barnes Anson Culver J El Ward Henry Ca5we11...... Geo A Skinner F F & .1 Moss bf N Walker W S Barnes Urbane Borw. r : e W H Goal—While congratulating those who have the good fortune to be born beautiful, We, on the other hand, pity the household wholhas not bad the good fortune to obtain a paper of Herrick Allen's Gold Medal Salesatus. Go immediately to your Grocer and get a paper, and, our word for it, you will never use .any other. It bs been amtlyied by one of the most distinguished chemists in the Country,and pro• nounced perfectly harmless, and to produce one viatth more bred or biscuit from the None barrel of flour than "an be procured with my other; battles It only takes about one-half the quantity. Depot IL?. Liberty Street. Great Dimairary. '"TL said that absence eanqueis love, But 0, believe it nor; I've tried, aim, Its power to privey But guru art not forgot." The cause of the poor fellow's failure to forget the lady to whom be addressed the above affecting lines, has recently, It is stated, been ascertained. Re bad ber photograph. That It was a perfect representa tion of the original la beyond quastion,aa it was tak en at Oates Sem Gallery, over Read Wallow) it Foster's store, Flicenix Block. See Advertisement In another column. The Accident. in Public Aventan—The publi c will be gratified to lears that no one was sencmaly injured by the runaway on •Tnesday Last, and that the proprietor of the tour horse tam, being unable to proceed farther with his shattered wagort,bas dis posed of his whole stock of Christmas "BMus" to C. D. Beraan, who is on band as tugud to tit you out for the holidays. The owner of the four horse team, kions. Banta Clans, is expected to recover in time to supply us *gall:zest yeaz. The IlTberonto Sewing lisse,trierse,—This Ma chine has several points of superiority over soy other In use, mons which is the reversible feed—a property poressed by no other michlne. It la the best In use. Try It—and you will find It so. H. C..Tri.sa, Agent. Montrose, Dec. 18, 1888.-1 :teethes at lb* nasquehaaaa County atedt cat Susgaettanna. County Medina Society will hold their nest annuli meeting at the °Mee of E. L Canbter, in Montrone, on Wednesday, Jan. Zd, Ali regular practitioners are InSited to attend. M.*..unman, Serf dam. e. perfect route alfSersterrtewit.—.lifter tor. every other theatre; Phalan 'a 6"Dilicht-B= Ceress" is now perfuming the late theatre of war.— Bouthera orders roll In cosittauttaily. There is a perfect union of scent-meat 'between the!trolectiom as regards this peerless extract. gold aurae"' Tuscarora Petrokora Compassi„—Tbe TCb carom Petroleum and tuning Cerra yortgeb bus lames of some of the mast pmmLlog localities for oil In 'this region, sdvertiser lurprospectus in this paper, • Subscriptions to the Moe* of this tionitony received at the Independent BeriNions dace by C. Dametters.--A &mak*, vie tvtli be .made to Rev. L.W., Iteyder. sart Lally, "do Christmas, Dec. Zak ettemood Intl st the Presbyterial Mama" Spriaspiße. All ere Inettedid OM& Saw Yeae• Paret--A. New Year's party will be given at the bones of V. Cafferty. at Glenwood, on Monday evening, January Lt, 1866. Mello—TlM any's hand. Bill, 114. December 16th.-2.w Loral Acent.—C: A. Blrebard, (at EL Mclanney's store) is our local agent at Great Bend, authorized to receive antisertptlons, advertisements, &c., for the indeprukat Etpubliean.—tL =LEM Pewee naseds.--Any quantity of good hemlock fence boards wanted on subscription to the Indepen dent Bepttblketn.7ll; Burgeon Dentl4.-803 the new advertisement of Dr. N. L Brundage, Burgeon Dentist, In this paper. Friendeville ..Montrose WHITRKEtr—McKEEBY—In Forest Lake, Sept. 23d, MO, by J. S. Towne, Esq., H. T. Whlteker, and Mho Mary J. Me Keeby, both of Jessup, Pa. ...Dimock Montraso Dandafr Great Bend New York Wholesale Noes Current of Produce. Bintehanns D e pot Reported for the " 111017MrDlitre Rrecrimosor by JOSL&R CARPENTER. Com. Merchant, No. Ma Washington Bt.. Rear York, to wheat shipments may be made. Two-thirds of the marke nine yin be advneed on the receipt of the goods If desired, and a Octet return made (or the balance. Pull directions and • weekly market resort sent fres of @urge by mall to Moss mating Women@ pare, P lb.. 42 43 $5O Rye, busL,, $ 1 0001 Ile " moors, " 64 @Oats, • ' 67 a 60 8t 6 . 14 .•0 1 .41P buah.l 60 43 2 95100rn, et 0 85 Peas, " IM 0 168 Potatoes, IP barn!, aOOO 2 M Butter, to tube. V 26, 65 0 50 00100, 100 @7 10 to firkins, " 60 0 45 @ldea, dry. V M., 10 62 • In rola, " 80 0 40 " grim, " a 0 10 Ober..o. choke, " 180 201 Lard, corn. to best, 12 63 comma. " 100 15' Beef, mess, V Dbl., 14 0001; 00 Dried Apples, " 100 18' prime, • 10 00 014 flo Peaches, " 9 3 1651 Pork, mem, " ncoaam " Plum&" Se 43 401 " mime, 11 115 50 Co 16) • Cherries, • 45 0 50 1 11ama emoted, lb 50 76 rty.pberriee" 40 4.%i shoulder.. 180 241 Hmhyllle South Gibson Gibson ....Montrose Hartord .Montrase Middletown Annum 4 Comers Rash Montrose Jessup .. Dlmock Lynn „Jessup .Brooklyn ..11arford .Brooklyn Glenwood .Brooklye ..Dnnd• .Brooklyn " Bletberrie Ale RS acon. " tO b 4 SI Cm Ilesb, 111 dotal, 40 0 43, Roney. " 4.5 4.1 i 40 "- limed. " 30 66 1 ,4 1 C hick... live. " ,A 0 sf , flour. when; ft . lpl. 8000 14 'Ali - Cm-ker., " 16 Of I. . 11 , , Me, Com hurol.. Burks. Buekvheat Floor` 4CO 4 50!Ciover Seed. 0 14 L . :4 vl - 1 , 0 I g .I F l i mot s .hy . r.A4l p . . h , : z 5 4 , 11 Beef Sules o l.l . P )0 14 Fl u S e ed, 11 60 14 Mutthu. car.... 1 1 18 Is 0 IS W.I. ashed, •' 0 To Veal. - GI IA:Wool. unwshed, •• tx, Wh e t drs 13 0 A plea. bum' 350c4 5 uo ea Pi bushel. 176