H. H. FRAZIER, Publisher. VOLITArE 11. guoittoo DR, A. 1). TEWESBURY, HAVING armed one year ma Serowe In the United Btatat Arrne. hae avant loaded at Auburn Cent., and will attend ~ I. lu nl. prefeadon. A cl.rA na Centre, Pm...lune:l, 196.. Iy9 ' DR. C. J. DRINKER, Pli TAIWAN AND SURGEON, Romeo., I'.. OfSeewfL pr Cmn. Aver W. J. & S. H Malford'aStare. rabbit Ave Ass lee , tenee rel•h ineeph D. Delete:. uouruse, Sept. SeUt, ipsh. . DR E. LBLA tESLRE, TITSIOLVIi AND SIIRdi.N. tea located It Dmnklea, I ' , benne Va. Will attend Volnatly to all cu a•elelt be may be rarond. Maim at L. L tWderualt. .z., vklvu. July to, td4s.—yi. DR, E. L. GARDNEM, IIDIDICLAN AND BURGION, Illontroae„Pa. Oak. ierea [ Weee's Sore. Boalelt at fitarle'e Hotel. 0 or. t rase lane 8, ded.-tt — Fr GROVES & REYNOLDS, +..ntoNARLE TAILORS. Mop over C 1 =Mt?. r •re. wsu< Avert... 11o,ron, Jur, 11, 166.5, Dn. CHARLES )ECKER, II II Ts:el/LTC A SURGEON. ImOng located himself at I b Susquehanna COU ply, Pa., attend to all the mich may ho favored With promptutuandattentlon. k.).2 re ,dence few nratre u. h ant“ Ile. Snag. Co.. Pa., May 29. 1643.—tt. JOHN BEA.UMONT, 1-- s n krt , Ell. Cloth PTIIIVI Idairthattmat , at tba old e ' 1..1 Ino,l Snllth l a eardlng MacllAe. 'rums made wbvz Ile work la brougat, Mama SO. IPSO. DR. G. a DUItOCK, 1-3Hysioi&r: sud SURGEON. MONTROSE. pa, oz., •.., vt 0Prc. , 114 , the oEkt. EcastO 11 le! m Iron, r. braary 1110.-Erp B. S. BENTLEY, JR, NOTARY PUBLIC, MOT. Pi-t a HES .Lekhowledcmcnt of DeetlJ. llortmn, Eke.. tor way L State In the Vatted state., Pension Vouchers and Pay Cer .reaoc.tWged before hi= do no require the cortglaSe of the er •rthe Court. Monitore. San. ;1..66,—ref, In. R L HANDRICR • DI'vSICIA.N and SURGEON, reepectfollT tmle.ro nit mores ~rvicko to Ile of Friends% 111 e and vicinity. Of. 4f:ice or Dr. Lee , . Boards at J. Hod our.. • 014..1.1s 21.1814.--tf E. W. SMITE, " - To IC ET & cotrsuaxon AT LAW ace Licensed Ciace bIL dirt.; Otte over Leen DraknsnA, DeDat J. 11527 215. 36G4. BURRIPT, U'NALL% Stsgt I noes Drs Goods, ONCtenljilllo.l , ll. IMU. Stores. Otts.and Paints, Boots and Bliosajitste Pape, Anna, bes, One:Tics, Provisions, Sew Milford. Pa.. April 11.1864.-rif , S. H. SAYRE it, BROT.tibRS, !kr :41; F ACTIMICAS of )11110•44.144t1ngs of 411 kle,il Tin wad Sheet Irv. Ware, huria ImpletoCht4 rb in Dry Goods, GroticritS, Cro ery, Gte_ Pa— renniary SS, to a. nil I INGB BTROtb, LIME AND LIPS INSIJRANGY AGENT. Ofhee la Lath ,or'e butidla,.o,Bl.t.d of Brick Block. la LLsluercu bus' t,I 14. Will be traulactsd by C. L. Brow. sunse. February I. 1,564.—tl J. D. VAIL, M. D., iiEf OMSOPLTITIC PliTBloll.ll, boa _peromatotly locattd b0t..m.1! In Montrose. Pa., he he will promptly attend to In Ins prolbmlon ohleb be rosy be !looted. Offoo : timosoce West of the Court Home, atm l ootley ALFIIeII... o ;r. 0.. rebutkry 1.1.351-Oct. st. 1861. A. o. Vidatta l / 4 T, A T' 5 1W , 17 , ... , ti E A Pi. Lt o W r Oll r . 013E7 4 BACK PAT bd F LL pra 1 0 tormerly octured b➢ Dr. ' 42. " PA Y . , I.,ot , nuf Ftb. rale..-learyl Bold . LEWIS KIRBY & R. BACON, - • i .7 ilVifo ,! ;A l reLrorznk'c r 4 l x i o n ai Or .,7=l!; t u el . ..1 htitillinS and fammea lA deal. they hope to merit the 1 11orra oatroilafe of the publi_ An OTSTELYL and EATING SALOON b tt Itchy, to the Grocery. .here blvalate,ln St•SPOIS, are served In et , -) 7.) le hat he taster nf the pahllcdemand. Remembertte ho oft llntt •lencery nand, or. Malt Street, below the Postoff et. , (Je rwc. or 17, I.9o3.—mehltiL7l.-tf Ds. CALVIN C. HALSEY, D IrrSICIAE7 CND stiRGEOIC, AND KEAZEiIikEt REM EON PENSIONERS. Oflez wr.r the store oFgQ,yort a eon, el:bile Avenue Beards at Mr. Etheridge's. ) ,moe, nttober. ISLA-t1 D. A. BALI/WEN, ITuItNET AT LAW. nad Peralor... Baccaty. &lad Back P.l reAt tirtst AA.AncnAtlo. Bend. IPe3.-1° lianpAttaara Cout.ty.PA. Bt BOYD & WEBSTER, nE.ALEES in Stoves, Stove Pipe, T. Cop_per, and Ear 1.1 Lon Ware; e: . , Window Seedy Panel I.a, Windom Wind, Len. tine Len See, and sal Cm& of Bodo llatertals nun-, south of Searle's Kota, and Carpenter Slop ow the at 'Lod Ciscren. Y.J...tr.sa. Pa...Tann:try 1. 1565.-tf Da. WILLIAM W. SMITH, - SURGEON DENTIST. Ofnae over the Benitat al ias* ° Zb: f =rre 'r C 1a '. 1.13 411 De Atto , l77l: th ::o l otr".taa. Etzetraver, oar. foatterly al IL Salim 6.8a.n. glatrate, letim-y 1. 1114.—tt E. J. ROGERS, A.NUFACTITREE a .11 dew:Motions ofICAO - °\s. e.N.aftl.e.GES, SLZILORS, 6 . e.... In the hestetyle ofWntrzunsblo and of the hod enatertals. al the well known ...I of E. EL ROGEE.S. a few reds eut f I ,,, arle'e lintel In Montrone, where he wlll be happy to re. -r:•e the calla of all who wait anythlng to tile Itne. NI , troSe. , hr. e 1. ISM—if - "On. JOHN VT. COBB, DE TE1C71.5.15 mfl EON. respectfully tenders his services tee of tfvse °chants, Croulatp. He .nll a - arena-Ist lunation nt the vareteal t»strneet Meas. of the Eve and Ear. and • ayne cansa relative th snrech: operations • . r , re r ret, over tV J.lt S. H .?•1 Y., re. lan, "Jenne Maple street. efts. of J. e. Taryel.rs Enat.r.e. bust. CoUrry, Pa.. JatteritS./558.-tf • BALDWIN & ALLEN, Eit.t.r..s in FLOUR, Salt, Pork, Flab, Lard. Grath. Feed IJ' Caratlea Clover and. Timothy Seed. Also ROCERIES. Satan. Moloasoa Syrup. , Tea and Coffee. Wein aizt. Put.ilr ',e .g.% ono door Wow J. Etheridge. Eau!oft.. January 1. 1864.41 F. B. WEEK.B, VELAUTICAL BOOT AIM SHOE MAKER; .IJ II, DA‘l , l ll L Boots. Moen. Lesthco, and Shoo rinding - o. 11est..Mring don. tst nratness and dloposch. Two doors above teazle's ilotel. Id,ctroec. Jawssfy 1. 1551.-11 W3L & WM. H. .TESSUP, TT011.16161S AT LAW, Montrose, Ps. Prase/es In flusgan Ll hams, 11ratiford. Wayne, W•tneralns and Luzern. Comat.lo.- .t.bner. Ya.. Jammu,. let. 186/. ALBERT C - HAMBERLIN, ATTOFZCET d:ND ATTOICSICY AT LAW. asupled by Post Brother., J. LYONS & SON, TEA LER! , IN DRY GOODS. Ornceene.Orockery. Hardware. Dunpy Menxteona. Banos. and ail kinds elf Mad. ca: r..trultent, Sit Pet Stnele, arc. Alan Man on the Don't BRA lu branclaca a. ranar. Jenewa 1,1064. S. •, ABEL TURRELL, Ll C &LEX IN 1)110(15. MEDICINES, CIIEMICIILS. /.1 /Watts, 011, "li_yestalf.e. Vurrlabas. Wladow Otos/. ;. o *.. t;rmkery,Gtoserwrare, Vr.u.p,er, • . Fancy Goods. P•rfamery Ulock. /Inahm, 4 /I I: 4 t h e mmt tr . Patent Moan.. Jarraszy I . O. 0. FORDHMI. 111007 AcT EV n . . ~ a6 B n i 9 1 Irrof ramp t^: orrrr. alai; ter, a r oo n n• neatly Wooltdone worn prom med. Montrove April "2.1161-1.1 CHARLES. N. STODa&RD, niICALER In BOOTS C 'BROM Leather *id rind. ena, lido et. third door trelerwSrktle's Hotel, tll4, N. B. Work to order. and repaiOr N g door orotir- Montrose. Ps.. December . . L H. BURNS, .... AL 27011 NET AT LAW. efilol•llUsca .7.. Tut l ie/...A 'l. oPP O . I II Mules - tiotel. Pcnalon mi d is ounty Chllms /T r,parr.d. culledanra protasl7.toade, !antrum , . 1 0v.11.180.-41. B. IL LYONS & CO r%Z.A.LERStnDIIS GOODS. GILIKIEE.IES. BOOTB.arthES. II Lacher,. Goiters, Carpea. 011 +Aortal. WWI RAC Window rig r,er, Pain:a-011e, .Ye. Attire oh the tool aide of rublle Avon:44 Ifootrose. Jarman 1,1864.4 f READ, WATROUS ft FOSTER, emAILS IN DAY 47 , 0 , 0D8, Onus. Idedicinee. Pelnta. Oils Z ' ve c ;i l M,,,tr, d frag 43 ._r rr ' w e '-• ;cw t.,. ran a. wLisins UAL/ME YOZttlint. dannarri, Inc =eIiWILLTAX.W. SMITH k y. cam= AO,. CRAZE MAIM frßarer. Bede constantly on baud all Waal, of Caerarat teeermar. ar fur tithed at short troth*. Shop vM 'Ware itortratfoot at Nitta 131. Montrose. Ya.. March B. 1.1363...tf •. . PHILANDER_ LINES, Terkfm. DriA tr DiPtk,nor.R.4lll nuttnee. 4 lP } .gtr 2 V. ar• Tag E,OILLY PLACE WI Z= "'" l et Fagg" rem mad fit bow ea yu. s .d ‘taieti. . . . . , . . coit, . . • , : i 0 -.. • :,,, -'t 7 1 !‘ F •,;',;, : " . 1 " .-.---- •7•• ,4,11 i I F ~ k .p . f .. ' . : ... -i , .i: -.:.... „ i " . t , ). ti.. _ '. .-. _ , ;i'47":;': WHAT THE BE= BAY. -a-- ; Oh, no I there is no liamin hell! Said the Universalist bell, Look up toheaven this holy day, Attend Gila-church and lettm the Way; There are no tires, no fiends to blight The hope the heart that's right, No hell! DO hell I no hell! no hell! Bald the Universalist bell. Do well! de well! do well! do well I Bald the Unitarian bell ; Cotne beee'end east aside 7our load, And work :stone way along the road. With faith In God and faith in mar, And hope th Christ, where hope began. Do well! de well! do well! do well! Bald the Unitarian belL Swell! swell I swell! swelll ye waters swell! RaelaiMed in peals, the Baptist bell: While faint . In Christ therm can MIT, lien must be plunged beneath the wave, To show the world unfaltering faith, In what the sacred Scriptures saitb. Swell ! swell! &weal swell l ye waters swell! Buchan :led In:peals the Baptist bell. Farewell( farewell I basetworld, farewell! Cried out the Presbyterian bell! • Life Is a boon to mortals given, And there is nothing true but Heaven ; Do not provoke the avenging rod I Come here and learn the:will of Do& Farewell ! farewell! bate world, farewell Cried sent the Presbyterian belL We tell tIX tenth, the thins Nee tell ! Shouted the Methodistic bell ; Our Lord 11118 made aalvat lon free; None need be lost, on land or see ; Repent, bell.ve, have hope, snd then Be eased, pnd praise the :Lord—amen The truthtwe tell I we tell! we tell I Shouted the Method!elle bell. Excel! creel! In love exeel! Cblmed the Episcopalian bell! This Is the church not built on sand, Emblem Of one not made by hand ; Its forms and rules and tights revere, And worship here—Corns Worship here I Excel In faith ■nd works—excel! Chimed the. Eplacoriallan Look down, ye .alnts In Heaven that dwell: Shouted the Roman.Catholle bell : Beam o'er the battlement+ of bliss, And deign to Weise a word like this Let mortals kneel before this shrine; Here la the water, here the wine. Look down, ye saints, in Heaven that dwell I Exclaimed the Roman Catholic bell. The mighty wood that crowns the hill, Dripped crtmeon drops the live-long day, And through the torest deep and chill. The autumn shadows crept away. Two lbvere wandered side by aide, And watched the &candor of the Rood ; Two lovers prayed •t evotide, And thanked God that all was good. A south wind from the summer-land, Walled through the forest low and long; The maiden grasped her lever's band, And shuddered at the thought of wrong. The bugle, tram the distant vale, Sent up its blasts in MO* Or woe ; The lover murmured, cal& and pale, "My country , mile me-'-I must go!" Thera Where the mighti-at forest shade Swept out the glory of the sun, Two lovers went and parting prayed. "Thy will, 0 God, not.ours, be done!" A year flew past, a swift-winged year, And once again the Mod sublime Dripped erimsom drops on autumn's bier. And talk reproachfully:of Time. Two grave-mounds, nestled side by side, Lay in the shadow of the wood ; Two lovers slept at eventide, And all that God had done vrea good. To-day, all nu and down the land, Are countless hosts of early graves— In forests deep, on ocean's Strand— BM, Heaven rejoice! the old Vag waves! And though with life's blight crimson flood, ()mown fair earth Is drenched and stained ; Yet, through the flow of heroes' blood, The Nation's freedom has been gained I And from the valleys of the skies, Heaven's marshaled hosts look down to day, And glory in earth's sacrifice— For earth's dark enrse la washed away. MOT! A OHRISTMAS STORY, " Rope/late 1' I Opened my eleepy eyes eii the conanctor's voice sang through the ears, and taking my carpet bag, epranz oat nano the platforth of the lade station. My brief holiday was over, and with a ehrng, I pre par6l for my short walk thrOugh the morning air, looking forward to the good fire and delicious eup of coffee I was save MT!. Watson wue keeping for me. Items a very rare event fat me tq leave the little villiee whose name bends this story. My father had' been the et* , reddest physician there, from the time when I was a bolsterotm school boy, up to the hoar when, Id Lae prefeselonsl rounds, be fell dead with heart disease in the main street, leaving, me, his heretofore assistant; sole heir to his name, property, and practice. Tee years before, they had carried my dear mother to , the little churchyard, and installed Mrs, Watson bousekeepea in her place. The village's were willing to let the young doctor step in his father's place beside their sick beds, and so for five years I had 'tilled his duties. In all those five years I; had taken! no holiday, so when an invitation came ! from my :old college friend and since correspondent, Clement Payne, to spend Christmas with him, at his father's place, on the Hudson, I was sorely tempted to necept,!apd finally concluded to dq so. It Was literally_Christmas I spent, leaving home at midnight on the llith, and me friend's house exactly twenty-four boars later. ft had bepn a pleasant break in the monotony of my life, and as I stood at sunrise on the Hopedale pldt fotm, I was sure my recreation !would give me new vigor for my daily duties. I turned to descend the Steps leading to the road, some impulse, nay a Providence, led me to look in at the window of the rootM by courtesy " Ladles' Boom," of the station. Hewes cold and desolate. No fire was lighted, and there was no furniture, un less the hard wooden benches against the wall could be so denominated. But staled up on one of these benches, sleeping soundly, lay a strange child. His dress of rich tne-trimmed Velvet, the warm fur cup, long gaiters and mittens, spoke of wealth and care, and the pale face, round which clustered short curls of sunny brown, was roundjwith health and wonder fully beatitifnl. -He was no Hopedale child; I knew themelL My professionah.lnstinet made my heart thrill with a sodden shook; as I caught sight of the pale face, for I well knew the danger of that deep sleep in the biting winterlair. How long had he been there? Was be already dead ? were the ques tions I asked myself, as I strode across the room, and lifted him in my arms,/ No breath came from the white ilps,.no..ttumb attire wrist, only a faint, very faint flattering tinder tea fingers -as I pressed them over the baby heart Mantling him warmly in my heavy cloak, I tore down the steps, and raced along the road homewardat a paeo that would have considerably amazed my patieuts, bad any of them been awake at that early hOur. Allowing Mrs. Watarm.notime for amazement, I pressed herinto the Servite, and In what she called a jiffy," we had the little form undressed, in my bed, and undergoing the Most vigorous treatment. It was so long before we were successful, that my heart almost failed me; bit at Ittatthe faint heart throbs grew stronger, miler came to the pale lips and cheeks, and a pair of large brown eyes appeared froth under the heavily fringed Os I had matched so anxiously. • • - • Only a look or alcepy;tuquiry.was stable, as be stared •tv.. moment at me, then abetting my order-to drink the 'warm food lira lirateon field to' his lips, little patient closed his eyes again, and turned over to 'lath Ms nap, Re was safe now, I knew; so tearing him to Mrs. Watson's are ; mho by this time knew as much abotit him as did, I went..to sleep myself, to be ready for the , day's duties. It was nearly nine o'crook when my housekeeper routed me to bay that OrCiddast yea ready; and the child awake. •- • - • r - - Very wide aware I found him, theglorions brown ntm, eyes iiatiErg round my room- taking every detell of the errangement, - • Wbo up you? lloW.dia you net here? ;Am I nearly at /Italian t Who't that man In the plettue were the questiene pnUr• . _rapidly 'forth - Wore, I hid time to frame one InOtfiry. "1 want get up! Who's got my clothes l' learn° next ; then, " Who put me W bed wl hoot an zisibt-gorar_' • Nets sign of-f . peal word ot hammielmeaa I. w " What is your et - I asked, sitting - down be. 'Vrot f I-went . ICei trpr! . . ' " Akron abaft ges tii a ittaittaii;Wia IMO* MONTROSE, SUSQ. CO., PA., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1865. ALL 18 WILL, I= .`reedom and Right agai n st ; , ; Slaver, . and Wrpng." name, and how you came to ho asleep In the eta lion?' "My name's Trot; and the plagua cars started off without me when I got not. It was a dark night, anthianottld not Caleb them;-so went Into the room and went to sleep till they came again." "Waa your mother in the train—le the car?" "No—nobody but Just me. I'm going to Aus tralia." `• Going to Australia?" "Yea—Ellen's there! They have roses there at Christmas, and we wanted some for our tree." "But, me child, you did not have borne alone ?" "Tea I did! I ain't afraid! I'm going back right away, aS soon as I ilnd Ellen, and get the roses." " But, don't yon know von will have to sail In a great ship for many months to get to Australia?" "Ellen went In the cars. We saw her goonarunta and 1. We went in the carriage and said good by, and she got in the cars with Mr. Williams." "Who Is Mr. Williams?" I said, eagerly catching at a name. " Ellen's husband. Our milkman he was afore ho went Mr to Australia. He's jolly always filled my cup for nothlne. when I was up." And who was Ellen?" "My nurse." " What's your father's name f" "Papa." "But his other name ?" "Harry, dear. Mother always called him so." " Where does be lire." " ile's dead," said the child, In a ‘vbisper. " Mam ma cries all the lime, moat, and wears an ugly black gown every day." `Well, where does mamma live ?" , . "By ' grandma's, with aunt Daisy, and Waiter, and Sue, and baby; and, ain't, it funny! baby's nay uncle, and he so little he has to be carried about, and Waitce•littler than me, and he's my nn-le ton; and Sue's only six, and she's inn aunt." " Where does grandma live?" " Why, home, to her own boast." " Well , what is her name , " "Grandma in a very positive tone, and becotd tor restive under so much questioning. I took him from the bed and began to dress Lim, and explain his position; bti era When be und.w. stood that he must give up the Australian Journey, and was made to feel something of his mat tier's despair at losing him, he could give me no clue by which to find his home. Orandpa, grandma, Mam ma, who was called Mary be the rest, aunt Daisy, and the three children, were all mentioned, and persistent questtoning revealed that Le lived In a large Louse In the country, but that was ail. Mr heart grew fairly sick es I looked in his beautiful face and pictured the grief of_ his widowed mother over the loss of this only child. Itt vain I searched his clothing for the mpteridus " loytet containing the minsture of a beautiful female,' always loran' on the stray child In novels; no "'strawberry or raspberry mark" disfigured Ills smooth white 4.1 n. Fits clothing, of the most dainty material and mtb.c, was marked with the initials , tfA. ff." Dave passed away, and still the little Trot—for he would own no other name—wan an Inmate of my cot tage, the very darling of Slnt. %Vat son's mot heel y heart. I advertised him in all the large cities, hoping tome paper wonld reach Us country home; yet, as the days woroattay, and he became reconciled to bin new borne, and ceased to grieve Over hie family. I began to dread the hour when lie should be claimed. Ma frank, bright Joyousness, bin merry prattle. his loving caresnes, begln to fill an tunmspeeted Vold In my heart, and Sfre. Watsdr. wan it perfect sieve to bin Incir.g tyranny She made him pretty gat me 1:" to replace the rich velvet snit widen we put rare fully aside, in case they were ever required to prove his identity. Sne furnished for his bedroom a mall apartment leading from her own sleeping-room. She made the day one long act of service for Ms comfort, anti at weeks gilded Into months, and there wan no elue found to guide to his home, nhe taught him to call her grandma, while uncle Charley became my net:tiy acouired title. Ti tell how h e MlSed ot In the vfifatte would be a vain task to at tempt. To nay that be was the hero and Idol of Hopedale, will give but a faint idea of his popularity Gradually the memory of hie home, Ellen, the visit to An-Valls died away, nod be seemed to forget that he had evq livid away from us. Mamma and Aunty Daley had been the two of whom belied spoken moat; but 1 Judged from all he said, th:.l tle rother'• wan very recent, and his residence at his gratinpu rent's a brief visit Dole in bin memory. Eleven month. had this dear little treasnre b•en an inmate of our bonne when there came Into my life a nest dream of hope and happiness. About live miles from lloy.edale there rerld and had lived for many long years, an eccentric old hachelor, by the name of Hermon Graham. home, Lceliavec, was tar away from any cluster of houses, Indeed, nearly a mile Iron any other residenes ; and here, In solitary state, witeonly two ancient servitors for his household, he had lived ever since I could re member. lie was a morose, ill tempered man, and some early cross had made him adopt a perfect her. mit-like seclusion, though We wealth would have commanded ever? advantage that aomety could of fer. It wee early In November that I was summon ed to attend this odd genius, professionally The little note brought to my oilice by an elderly loan on horseback, was signed "Lillian Graham," and asked my Immediate attention. It seas a lung, cold drive, but the man represented his master as very ill, so I prepared to obey the "I bad no Idea that your master had a daughter," 1 said, referring to my note. "That's master's niece," was the reply; "a sweer-.pone. E sco. s hc coo, es down one visit sometimes from Ifer fatifet's pave near Albany. They were burnt out, her father's folks, last Winter, and the family all went to Europe while the new house was bitildlng. They came home a fortnight ago, but they won't go to the new house till spring, so some of them s boarding la New Yptk, and some in Albany, and Miss Lillian she's cont . ., to spend the winter with her uncle. They're all corn leg down for tliristeas, I expect." I toned my now patient very ill, and for a week my visits were frequent, and more than once I passed the whole ni.tht by Li- 1,14dr. Ido no: mein for a love talc, FO I will not weary my reader with the why and wherefore of my heart bending In ail ei.trice to Lillian Graham's chsrms. ller hean.y, gentleness, and winning grace touched my hear: as no woman had ever before thritbd it, and before that weary week of anxiety and watching was. over I loved her. As -her uncle began to recover, my visits slid from a professional capacity to a' social: one, and I saw that my welcome was a sincere ono , !Atm both the old gentleman and the lair girl, wlio , e devotion to his sick bed proved her love. I was agreeably surprised to tied the hermit neither so savage or inaccessible as he had been represented to me. Ile had a painful chronic disorder; his manner was brusque, and his voice often harsh, but he could soften, and 1 was able to glee him relief from pain, for which be repayed me by gracious reception. Christmas was drawing near, and I had resolved to lay my heart before Lillian, and ask her to be my wife, 1 was heir to considerable property left by my father. I had a good practice, a pleasant home, and could offer her the pure love of a young heart, so I was pot without hope, especially as I could see the flush deepen on her cheek, and a glad light springing to her blue eyes whenever I was an. nounced. She was mourning, and I often longed to question her about the loss It implied, but our private Interviews were very brief, and bat seldom oc.currell, and she never Spoke of her sorrow. 1, too, had a story to tell. Of coarse, it she became my wife she must hear of Trot. It was the day before Christmas, and the snow was smOott and hard round Hopedale; so I ventured to propose - a sleigh ride ' meaning to open my heart to tier ' t ag we drove.. She accepted the proposal readily; and we were soon on our way. Somehow there fell a long silence between lei; I longing but daring not to speak, my eyes fixed upon that lovely face framed In its pretty fur-bound hood, the eyes looking down, the sweet month set with a sadder expresaion thani I had ever seen It wear. Sudden ly she Spoke: I expect my parents, brothers, and staters here to-morrow." " Fot Chvistmas gayeties?" I questioned. " No; to e.acirpo theta. They aro eocatttg here to puss the day quietlt ; far away from any festivity it Ls asad day for us. Doctor, do . you believe in a broken: heart?" " Yes: I know they grist." " And are fatal?" "Somali:roll I hare sea heavy sorrow drain away life l" "AV poor sister," she said, sadly, her Fycs filling with -tears, "I fear her heart is broken. ' And af ter a prime she said : " A yearago—e year ago—poor little Trot!" "Trot!" I cried, breathlessly. " 3fy sister's only child,. who died on Christmas day last year." Mar I said. my hope inking. "Thant ,to death !" sadly. "We had lad' -a Christmas Tree for the children, in the nurse 'fly • 34'715151.er had been a widow only thre(months, so we lad no holiday gathering, but wedreme4 a tree for the , little ones and lighted it on Christmas Eve. The morning they, thee ehilditu I mean, were .11 in the nursery, and we suppose one of them tried to 11,g1it thei tree. Certain ICI4 that they Fet the room on , firre., ned • before we could - anything the who Janie Was in tisfries.. All &seeped but my els ter's :ad, berpnly one; lie perished in the are." "Are you, eeitrdn "Where else could be be? My two little brothers Auld my eater were saved with difficulty, and the roof • fe/1 In we were all frantically searching and coiling for,Artbur, or, as we called Mtn, Trot.— My' sister's health gave -way. entirely, ceder this blow. -Bee bad concentrated all the strength of her • olim il =tbin hti her husband Altdiand the ..-W•itelt WU/Wag* we have had the best advice for her, hot she is slow ly dying of a broken heart" "ft Is from no Impertinent curiosity," I said, "that I unestion you. Will you answer my in quiries ?'' We were speeding OVCr the frozen ground towards my home, as she answered - "Ccrtandy.” "This little child—had a pet name for you ?" "Yes ; my home name. They all call me Daisy, and he called me Aunt Daley." "And your Maters' namea are Mary and Eine, your brothel.% W.lter and Bahy P" Yvs, yes," she said. Mining very pale. "And Trot's nut., Ellen, did she go to Australia?" "Tee, a year ego last fall. Tour face is radiant! Speak quickly—oar lost boy I" We were at my door; her (ace was ashy white with emotinn,but she obeyed my motion and let me lead her from the sleigh to my office. I made her sit down, and began to explain, when— "LT nele Charley's come! Uncle Charley!" rang oat from my pet's voice, and Trot burst Into the room. Lilian rose to her feet with a wild cry of "Trot I Arthur I darling I" For a moment he Blood bewildered ; then a end. den rush of memory came over the childish heart, and he sprang into her arms. "Annt Daisy ! Where's mamma r I want matn• ma! Quick ! quiek ! Uncle Charl e y, Au n t Daley, take me to mamma!" For nearly three hours u e eat hi the little Mlles before Lilian could tear her'eif away from the child, but at Ir+t st•e let m, titite her to the sleigh, conhol lug Trot by a promisc that to morrow be should see hie mother. I left the disclosure to her womanly tact. But,on the morrow, when I drove over with the child dressed In lile black velvet snit, altered to fit bin, he M r s. Watsmis trembling fingers, and moistened. I am tture by many tears, I found all prepartnl for the great Joy. Such a Christmas never &wised for me. To tell of the grwtitnde of the pall widow, the Joy of the grandparents, the boisterons greetings between the children, Is beyond the nowt• of my pen. Of course the preci•e time and manner of Arthur's recaps from the house we could only cool...lure.— .. the Wiese was in the kitchen nearly an hour before when Ilse alarm of Ore was given, and the flames had gained greet headway before they were discov ered, the family sitting ro.un being on a diff,..rent floor, and some di-trees from the nursery Of course the fearless boy had left the honer boort• the attempt to licht the tree w..s made, but the others, ahsurbed lu Christmas delights, did not miss him.— The distance from the house to the station was very short, and Ellen had acme to ?few-York from the little village near whioh Mr. Graham's house ‘,.(19 situated The departure for Europe, and the eer• minty all felt of Lis ftd e, had prevented any search tieing made for the bey, and we presumed the rail way officials supposed be belonged to some party °mats train. wa., µ glad day for all. tor If I loaf nay little treaeare, I wan trim Lilian the richt to be eallcd, in good troth, Trot's t.7r.rte Charley. BOYS---THEIR MISTAKE& Among the many good things written and printed to guide relninters and rulerc, lathers and mothers, and the like, I do not recollect of ever leading a good article Ina iroo,l rciigi..as p.per addrroaed to bora, or for their 6pee;nl benefit. These art , not Trmnu men, nor yet children. They are tioyc! And I look upon them Atith great inter.nt They are coon to be young men, and then men, and the into r. ests of the church and of the nation wilt be in their bands. . • • -. Nov my rwrvong, restless young Mend, there is no period of lib in which you .re in danger of mak ing so many mi4tak , s as in boyhood. 30 sit down a few minutes, and listen while I point out to you some of the miatakes wl..ich you are very liable to make Ping ztake:—That narenta and teachers often thwart you Met because they have the power. Foe know that parents and teachera often forbid yonr doing tide or that, end direct you to do what you don't want to do, or what you think may Met us well be put off, or might be dune in come eanler way. Then you feel iliat you linow all about it an licit no they It, and better ton, and no you have a right to resist and conpint the thing, and certainly to grumble about it. it uccrati to you that they live to command, and make you do life 'riry thing that you don't want to do, and so you eel:, "ititiat gaud will it do ?" or —Why can't I do it some other time or you Fo about muttering and murmuring, at if greatly abused. Now, underatand that this in a great mistake.— The parent who will toil from early dawn till you are anieep in the Evening to support you, and who will watch over you day end night when you are nick, loves you too well to lay one command on ou which la not or your good to obey. Does that pa. rent ever hid you crania your huger In a vier, or brutes it with a liaMiner, or make you treeze parr feet la the snow line. the teacher ever rejoice when yon are in pain, or contrive how he can make your need ach e ? Why then should It give them pleasure to hurt your fin:theta, or to cross your will, unless they dio It for Sour giod ? Ido nut believe that the parent or teacher, lo one cane out of a thou sand, ever thwarts a boy unleas he thinks It for his Bond. To army yourself against this authority, then, ha a mattake, but a very common one. I don't believe a Ixy lr•er rebels, or plays truant, or runs away from his home, vr±thout Met trying to convince himself that lie In right, end ban been u?'" Lenthar gen hard hearted creature. Perbepe you will say, "I would honor my father and my mother it they were only rich, so that we cou ld have every thing we want, end if they were educated end refined, a real lady and a real gentle man, but how can f honor one who is poor end un educated, and who Is at times impatient and fretful, end sometitnes even violent and paerionete 7" My dear boy, God knew there would tie just such pa rents, and he knew hard It would tie to respect and honor ,neh, and so he his provided tor it in two ways; first, by laying his own command on us, and seriorid, by promising a spec•al reward. "Thy days shall be long." the first and last command with a promise. Holvir thy father and thy mother, he canes they arc thy parents, and though they may make mistakes sometimes, they mean to seek ouiy your 1:00]. Sermut ilistakt :—T hat any thing vulgar or sinful can be manly. Boys, sometimes, perhaps often, get the no , ion that it is manly for a hay to smoke, or to use toltac co, beeause men, and respectable men, do it; that to lase protAne or vulgar or obscene language is manly ; that to be Irreverent and ltlw In speech is manly—because men do so at times. A sad mistake, I assure you. Renal men are allowed in good soci ety', it la in spite of these things, and not in conse quence of them. I litre never seen a lather who, as I thought, really wanted to have his boy learn to smoke, or to be. vulgar or profane ; and what W(.11114i you think of a father who, every morning, at family worship, should pray that his son might learn one more vulgar expression, learn to use our more In tense oath, or might learn to lihtsplietne the name of God with new glibness? Now. is it right to do any' thing for which we may not pray? And what would your mother say,if in the morning she should Lind her boy kr eellng down and praying God to h e lp him to be more profane or to use viler language than ever before? And yet you know that many a boy will use language and oaths and vile speeches during the day, on which be dare not think when he meets God alone in the dark. snow then, toy boy, that if you think tint nay thing that la low or vul gar, or 6neli an you would not want to say or do he fore your mother or slater ' 13 manly, you are Mil taken. "Sin in a reproach to any p-ople," and to none more tha" young people, And an to those low, vile, men who would teach you vile things,and encourage you to be vulgar or profane, shun them as you would demons from the bottomless pit. Third Misreke:—That you can break off bad bah- Its any time you please. Yon will often meet with boys who boast that they are not tied by bad habits; eo that at any time hey please they can atop doing this or that ; they can stop having wicked. thoughts whenever they please—stop using profane language, and have their imagination and words nil pure, whenever they please ; at let them try, and then see. The troub le is, they won't "please,"(and they won't try to do I it. 'Yon might Just as well dip your tiaras in - tar and keep that on them a month, and then say, "0. I can wash it all ofy in a moment, whenever I please." Yon might just as well swalluw poison, and say, "I can throw it all out of my system any moment I please." What would you think of a boy who should play with 4 mad dog or a rattle snake, under the belief that he could expel the poi son of their bite at any moment ? No. Sin la like pitch—it will stick to you. It Is Itko poison, it will not go out at your bidding. Many a boy drinks this poison through a vile book, a vile picture, or a viler ampulla'', till his soul la defiled, his Imagin ation is polluted and made a den of unclean things, and a rendezvous of unclean spirits, all the rest of his life. All the waters of the Nile could not,wash such a heart clean. No boy can conceive what shame, what bondage, what remorse and misery he is laying pp for himself, Oren In this life, by early or secret indulgence in On: These sins are like little ropes, bat they hang you over the bottomless pit.— The waters of Jordan once cleansed one leper, and that_ was a miracle ; but no waters can make your soul pore When once polluted. It is easy to learn to sit, but to break away from it when once learned is almost superbamo.a.—Dr. Ibdd 11 the Conproa tionali.t. tar"Wbh Bansaau have the moat felhh2lllo cast of countenance I over wkw." rawr repUe4 Hans, "iiipow niiipa EsX.datir MAP rill EMIG UNDER TEE SEA. Mining can hardly be a pleasant occupation. The absence or eon end all natural light, the dripping sides of the shaft, and danger of explosion from the firedamp, of jutting rocks, and numerous other perils, invest It with vague terrors to active Imagin ations. But when the shafts run under the sea, and the swell of the ocean Is dietinetly audible, it moat suggest many fears to the diligent miners, The fol• lowing graphic discription is taken from an English .paper: “We are now four hundred yards out under the bottom of the sea, and twenty feet below the sea level. Covet-trade vessel+ are sailing over our beads. Two hundred and forty feet below us men are at work, and there are galleries yet below that The extraordinary position down to the face of the cliff, of the coatrtee and other work on the surface, at Regale, is how explained. The mine Is not ex cavated like mines tinder the earth, tun tinder the sea. Raving communicated these particulars, the miner tells us to keep silence and listen. We obey him, sitting speechless and motionlese. If the read er could only have beheld us now, dressed in our copper-colored garments, huddled close together in a mere cleft of subterranean rock, with a flame burning on our heads, and darkness enveloping our limbs, he mutt certainty have Imagined, without any violent stretch of fancy, that he was looking down upon a conclave of gnomes. "After listening a few minute* a distant and un earthly sound becomes faintly audible—a long low, i mysterious moaning that never changes, that s fdll on the ear as well as heard b y it, a sound that might proceed from Incalculable distance,,from some in visible height—a coned so sublimely mournful and still, so ghostly and impressive when listened to In the subterranean recesses of the earth, that we con tinue irstinctlvely to hold our peace, as If enchant ed by it,, and think not of communicating to each oilier the strange awe and aatonishment which It has Inspired in us from the first "At last the nutter speaks again and tette us that what we hear is the sound of the surf lashing the rocks a hundred and twenty feet above as nd of the wave* that are breaking on the beach bend. The tide. Is now at the flow,and the see is in no extcaord inary state of saltation, so the sound Is low arid die ant Met et this period. Rut when storms are at their height., when the ocean hurfs mountain after mountain of water on the eliffs,then the noise Is ter rific; the roaring heard down here In the mine la so inexpressibly f-ree and awful that the boldest men at work are afraid to continue their labor; all as cend to the surface to breathe the upper air, and stand on firm earth, dreading, though no eatastro ph, tans cser happened yet, that the sea will break In noon them Ii they remain in the cavern below, "Hearing this we not up to look at the rock above us. We are able to stand upright In the po sition we now occupy. and flaring our candles hither and thither in the darkness, can see the Viright, pure copper streaming throughout the gal -I,•ry In every direction. Lumps of ooze of the most lustrous green color, traversed by a natural network of thin red veins of iron, appear inue and there in large Irregular patches,over which wdter is dripping slowly and Incessantly In certain places. Thin Is the slit water percolating through Invisible crannies in the rock. On stormy days It spouts out furiously In thin continuous streams. Just over our heads we observed a ping of the thickness of a man's leg There in a hole there, and that Is all we have to keep out the sca. "Immense wealth is contained fn the roofs of this gallery throughout its entire length, but It will al ways remain untonclard; the miners dare not take it, for ft is a part, and a great part, too, of the rock which is their only protection against the sea, and which has so far been worked away here that its thickness Is limited to an average of three feet only between the water and the gallery In which we now stand. No one knows what might he the conse quence of another day's labor with the pickaxe on any part of it," NiTA friend, Just returned from New York, tells ns a pretty rood story of en Illinoisan who was stopping at the game hotel. On Sunday, the West ern mnn, being desirous of hearing several of the more famous pnipit orators of the metropolis, went in the morning to Dr. Chspin's church, bat heard a stranger preach from the text "Bat Simon's wife's mother lay slek of a fever." In the afternoon he went to Beecheris Plymonth Church and heard the same discourse from the game preacher. ening in the evening to Dr. o=good's church, he found the same clergyman and the same theme: "Simon's wife`• mother lay itch of a fever." The next day the patient hearer of the thrice told discourse was croaatne to Brooklyn In a ferry-boat, when the alarm bell in the ?ark aaitated the air with ham-cat shocks of sound, and a man . behind him inquired why that hell was tolling. Looking up. he saw the now fa miller countenance of the preacher, and was prompt to reply "I think Simon'. wife's mother must be dead; I beard three times yesterday that she was sick of a lever." Tuc ''PRIWTEIes DEvrt."—When Aldus !gauntl et' set no In business as a printer at Venice, be came In possession of a little negro boy. This boy was known over the city no "the little black devil," who assisted the mysterious blblintaetor, and some of the ignorant persons believed him to be none other than the embodiment of Satan, who helped Aldus in the prosecution of his profeaslon. One day Mem roles, desiring to dispel this hallucination by public ity, dispied the young "imp" to the poorer class , upon- tete rery viten:ietistic speech: "Be it known to Venice, that I. Aldus Menetlna, printer to the Holy Chereh and Doze, have thLs day made public exposure of the prinur's devir All those who think he la not flesh and blood may come and pinch hina."—Seirnitfic American. Crnn Fon A Fort. Morrrt.—When the encamp ment was near their home, little Stephen loved to go with his father, who was an officer, to see the tents. the dill% and t' hear the music flo was much about the camp, and learned even to beat a tattoo upon the dram. One ri.y the General came up and nscd some very profane word.. The child knew the language was wicked, and said to the General, "Sir, it in wrong to us , . such words as you do." After n little while the General swore again. "Oh, sir," said the little one, "it would not do for you to be mu mamma. little boy." "Why not, my chap?" "Because, sir, II she should hear you nay wicked words, she would wash your mouth oat with clap andrhareoca.,, A WEDDING' I NCIDENT. A story Is told of a tern peranee man being at a wedding, and was asked to drink the bride's health in a glass of wine which was offered him. Ile reused to partake of the In toxicating liquid, and said when he drank her health it w.mid he in that which resembled her most In purity, and he knew of nothing better than water, pure water. Ile then drank to her health In a glass of God's beverage—sparkling water. The ladles as sembled on the omission Immediately stepped for ward, and making a respectful courtesy, thanked Lim for the beautiful compliment he bud just paid the fair bride, when It was resolved that all Intoxi cating drinks be banished from the room. Ur Wben we went to school—what a time ago to be cure—we were taught that punctuation wan one 01 the A. No. 1 necessities of a writer. How keenly we have appreciated the troth may be guessed when we say that after twenty years' struggle with proof readers (will the reader take a long breath and gent ly anathematize nil proof-readers!) we flud ourselves often talking such ridiculous nonsense as this—and all for the displacement of a comma: "William VII. ty was taken sick while on duty, Tuesday, and in stooping over to vomit his revolver, was accidentilly discharged, and he died almost Instantly from the wound."—N: Y. Timer. How To Buccr.un.—The Boston Transcript tells a story of a merchant who, after having been in busi ness a year or fr., found that he was running behind. On consulting with his friends, they advised him to Join the church and an engine company, to make himself known. He did both, but failed In a few months. lie commenced again, and this time took to advertising and circulating handbills, cards, &c., and succeeded perfectly. WA Seotetonan put up at an inn, and vaulted In the morning how be slept,'" Troth, man," rep li ed Donald, `nee very well either, but I was muckier better eff than the for dell sae o' them dosed an eye the hale night." Bobby, what does your father do for a living?" "Ile's a philanthropist, sir." "A whatr' "A phi. lan-thro-pist, sir—he collects money for Central America, and builds bosses out of the proceeds." • . tirThe man who, on account of the high prices of sugar, attempted to sweeten his coffee with Ids wlfo'a smiles has concluded to fall back on the, "gramdated juice of the cane." ga'Bishop Simpson Is in favor of paying the rebel dent when It becomes due—"otter the indepen- dence of the Confederate elates WWI have been re cured." [e" It. la said that there was never bat one um who wasn't ' , polled by being- Magna. Re wage Jew, and, Ws name was Daniel. : vain ng.tr u H ie 4 0 1 af4 ME MM. Re comes I The tardy Winter comes ! I hear his footsteps through the nights ! I hear his vanguard from the heights March through the pines with roomed drams His naked feet are on the mead: The grass blades stiffen In his path, No tear for child of Earth ho hath I No pity for her tender seed I The bare oaks shudder at his breath : A moment by the stream he stays— Its melody Is mute 1 A glass Creeps o'er its dimples, es of death! From fettered streams and blackened moor, The city's wails he silent nears : The mansion of the rich ho fears I Ho storms the mtbins of the poor The curtained couch, the glowing hearth, The frost rimed Graybeard's power defy, He curses as he hurries by— And strikes the beggar, dead, to earth! For every gleaming ball•he ■pares, A hundred 'mirthless hovels hold Hearts puiseless, crisp with lee and cold, Watched by a hundred grim Despairs! The forest grew by His command Who wall, ••lle lendeth to the Lord Who giveth.to the poor!" Your hoard Is His I Ye stewards of the land ! Here Is your mission ! Ye who feed Your lavish fires! Not afar, Bat at your doors, your Heathens are! God's poor—your creditors! Take heed I The path is long to Pagan shores; Their skies are sunny : - God o'er all ! The winter's deadly harvests fall Around you I Deal your Master's stores I FENIAN BATTLE BONG DT JOIIN COOPER TAIL. Come, brothers, come f for our country Is calling; Peals the loud bngle and rattles the drum; Loud voice of Freedom, the Saxon appalling; Shoulder your rifles, and come, brothers, come ! Long have our hearts felt the heel of oppression, Long have we suffered in sorrow and fears; Pare love of Erin, our only transgression: Come, brothers, come I for the daylight appears. Renee, brothers, rouse ! on the land and the ocean, Teach the proud Briton our cause cannot fall; Ireland's Freedom our shrine and devotion; Sound. brothers, sound 1 on the wings of the gain Soon will our flag float triumphant in glory, The harp, and the shamrock, the stripes and tbc Limerick valor and FAntenny's story, [stars, Long have renowned us as heroes of Mars. Think of Clontarf when the war-note Is pealing, Think how we drove the wild Dane In the sea; Ireland for Irish the truth Is revealing; None can he slaves who have sworn to - be free; Long have we felt bitter anguish and scorning, Bound down like Samson, deprived of his sight: Rouse, brothers, rouse ! for the daylight is dawning, All are aware that our cause Is the right. Come, brothers, come! from the hill-top and valley Join in the ranks of the Fenian band; Army more hiave ne'er together did rally, Fighting for Freedom and dear native land ! Come brothers, come t for our •conntry is calling, Penis the loud bugle and rattles the drum; Liberty's voice is the Saxon arm:tiling : Shoulder your rifles, and come, brothers, come! SPURGEON The London correspondent of the "(Wizen" bat the follosrine picture of the birth, mannersand atyh of the great London preacher, as he appears at the Metropolitan Tabernacle upon the !surrey side of the Thames, an edifies 145 feet long. 90 broad, and G 2 high, plainly furnished with pine pews, without pul pit or choir. Two galleries encircle it, one shove the other, and as great a congregation can nit behind the preacher tui many city churches will hold entire. Spergeotes flock consists of upwards of two thou sand, mainly tradeapeople, mechanics, and other humble folks, but there Is a sprinkling of strangers tram all nations around thegates—Prench, Germane, Italians, Americans—end none of these barbarians are allowed to enter, nnless provided with "orders." Charles Spergeon wee born in Essex, a county of the east coast, near London, in 1834, and of very bumble parentage. He was educated at the town of Colchester—a plug - about as big as Elizabeth City, on the little river Coln. He became an usher in a school at New Market, emerging from which pcy. altion he jolted the church of Rev. Robert Hall, the famous divine of a lmif a century ago. Spurgeon'e first essay was made Ina barn at Water Brach, where he was called the "boy-preacher." The barn wee finally crowded, and thousands gathered outside to listen. He did not deteriorate when they gave him a church ; for he had not only eloquence brit intel ligence. and finally he was invited up to London in 18.53. From the first he was a great sensation, and the fame of him extended over the seas. The Met ropolitan Tabernacle I* a monnmenkto his power : he has become an "institution" in London, and those who have heard him most, Fay that he has grown In strength and zeal, year after year. He is hated as mach as he Is loved ; but those who love him have a reason for doing so ; those who hate him have only a prejudice to excuse them. He is educating young men for the ministry; has a score utn , m 4, -...-. 1 4-suet to lila church, and in abort is equal to John Wesley as a tneoloateat 15TaWananc, and to Whitfield as a theological orator. Such a voice you never heard en the "stump," or, as they say here, thn "hustings" Clear, loud, and sonorous, It enters every niche and crack of the great oval ball, and to the end continues as rleh and powerful. It la not a sweet voice, but that la be cause he rounds no periods, and pauses to make no cadences. He "lines" the hymns, that Is, made two lines at a time, so that all may sing; and-while the immense mass of heads rise up to till the place with thunder, we may study the face andligure of the preacher. He has that description of clerical phlz which I might denominate "greasy." His cheeks and chin are smooth as a bop 's, and very fat and closely set—or, as some would say, all of a lump.— over a rather narrow forehead sweeps a quantity of straight, blackish brown hair, which yanish , s behind his ears : his month is large, bit nose Inclined to "snub," and his eyes are jet black and billions's deep with tire and intelligence. This. smooth, fat face la encircled by a stiff white stand ing collar, wrapped with a white neck-cloth, and he wears a simple black suit, without watch-guard, or any ornament whatsoever. Sninding thus upon the shelf or the lower gallery. he takes ant a scrap of paper containing his notes, and launches Into reading. fie_ reads a verse and makes a quantity of crisp, odd comments, each of which h wondrously telling and clever, and thus we nave a little sermon upon every verse.' Finally he declare% his text: "Lead us not Into temptation, but deliver us from evil." He says that ha will first "meet an objection," secondly, "gives definition," thirdly, say "exhortation." Now,. some divines whom I know would divide this theme Into three hundred and sixty-five heads—leaving ontthelr own— but Spurgeon does not encumber his strncturs with the scaffolding by which he built IL The "ohjec- I don" Is simply a refutation of the, idea that "God tempts." This he shows by a variety of Mastro. tions taken from daily life, and as ho proceeds now beauties evolve from the theme—everything being fresh, yet natural, and in no single case to-IV" a sharp corner turned to catch an effect, nor a ffightly adjective cast in to turn a sentence. A. total absence of the dramatic, marks his whole dellvery,and the "exhortation" la Ot thrillbut simplicity. He gives you a sketch of poverty In Londonas terrible as it la true; be bursts sometimes into a strain of Irony. scathing as it is damned, and -he scatter! healing promises till they touch all hearts with a pleasant coolness ; the roof of the cbspel - risee and you seem to see upon the sky a blessed procession, like some of the grand ceiling pieces of tlorrern, to. He prays in a direct manly way, without grimaces, and closes composedlv: In a word you come to heat a "sea. sationalist, l ': and yon bear an eloquent, refined, and fervent divine--notwalustandllig which you will hear a thbusand anecdotes In the street - accredited 04LIVORNIA Wormans.-11r, Beetles, in one or his letters from the Pacific side, gives ri deacrip-' lion of the Ye Semite Valley In Oallfornim—ls is a cleft in the rock, about a half a mile Wide' and ten or fifteen miles in length., The walls which bind he sides are perpendicular and from half a mile to a milCbibelght These Walls ap pear to have Been split-off from each other and, moved their Trresent,distance apart. , - There are time noted waterfalls In the Valley. One of them is nine htukdredteet in height,form ed by a etre= coining over the mountain aide into the 'Valli*, and, another, the,biftlest catar act In the world, ii two thousand 41niedred feet high. On theatre= which runs through, the Valley, are • two, other talls, one three:hun dred and fifty- imd-the other seven hundred feet; In the vicinity of Semite IS a grove or big trees; about six hundred% number. "The largest are thirty or forty feet is diameter and twd`lausdred and fifty feet big. 'Congress her debated this valley And grove to the State. ;The trees-are to be' preserved from - Wanton destmetiOn, arid both, as great natural Weeders art th;lbe retidued • taium:.‘"titeoll T0P:C945101.410 02.00 per annum, In adTainciel When Mr. Greeley was 'in California ovation's awaited him at every town. He had written power• ful leaders in the 214bune in favor of the Facile Railroad, which had greatly endeared him to the citizens ofthe Golden State., And therefore they made much of him when he went to see them. At one town the enthusimile populace tore his celebrated white coat to pieces, and carried them home to remember him by. The citizens of Placerville prepared to fee the great Journalist, and an extra coach, with extra re lays of horses, was chartered of the California Stage Company to carry him from Folsom tr , F/acervirle-- dlstance, forty miles. The extra was in some way delayed, and did not leave Folsom until late In the afternoon. Mr. Greeley was to be there at waren o'clock that evening by the citizens of Placerville, end it was altogether necessary that he should. be there by that hour. 130 the Stage CompaAy. said toy Henry Moak, the driver of the extra: "Henry, the.. greet man must be there by seven o'clock to-night," end Henry answered, "The great man shall be there." The roads were In en SUM state, and dating the' first few miles out of Folsom slow progress WS ' . wade. "Sir," raid Mr. Greeley, "are you nerve that_.l must be at Placerville, at. sevezreclock tomighti" "I've got my orders!" laconically returned Henry Mnnk. Still the coach dragged slowly forward. Sir," eald thr great Printer, "%la te not • trifling, matter. I mutt be there tit seven." Again came the answer, f'Pyegot my orders." But the speed was not Increased, and Mr. Greek/ chafed away another half hour ; when, übe WAG again about to remonstrate with the driver, the, horses suddenly started Into elusions ran. end AU sorts of encouraging yells filled' the air Croat the throat of Henry Monk. "That is right, my good fellow I," cried Mr. area , Icy. "I'll give you ten dollars when we get to Pla cerville. Now we are goingl" They were Indeed, and at a terrible speed. Creek, crack ! went the whip, and again "that voice" split the air. "Olt up! HI, 341 Glongt Tip—On!" And on they tore,over stones and roote,up Nal and down, at a rate of speed never before acWarcd stage berses. Mr. Greeley, who had been bouncing from one end of the coach to the other, like en Indian:MU* hall, managed to get his head out of the windOr► R when he said . . "Do—on'—nn't you-AL—tt think • wee--e--s - e shall get there by seven If we do—on't go so Will "I've got my orders!". That was all Hoary Hoak said; and on tore the coach. It was becoming serious. Already the Journalist was extremely sore from the terrible jolting and again his htmd 'might have been seen' at the window. "air," he said, "I don't care—are—air, if wo don't get there at seven !" "I've got my orders." Fresh horses forward again toter than before. Over rocks and taps on one of which the coach narrowly escaped turning a surnmerset. "See bere !" shrieked Mr: Greeley. "I don't cars _ !Iwo don't get there at all I" "I've got my orders! I work for the 0ar1311731 Stage Company, I do! That's what I work for.— They said, 'Git this man through by seven.' An' this man's go)n' through. You bet. Gerlongt-- Whoo-oop!,' Another frightful jolt, and Mr. Greeley's bald head suddenly found its way through the roof of the coach, amidst the crash of the email timbers and ths ripping of strong canvass. "Stop yon—maniac I" he roared. Again answered Henry Monk: "I've got ma orders: Keep your seat, ironies P' At Mnd Springs, a village a few miles from Placer ville, they met a large delegation of the citizens of Placerville, who bad come out to meet the celebrat ed Printer, and escort him to town. There wse t military company, a brass band and a six horse wag on load of beautiful damsels in milk-white d re sses; representating all the States In the Union. le - inai nearly dark nos!, but the delegation were amply provided with torches, and bonfires blued ill along the road to Placerville. The citizens met the coach In the outaklrta ' Mud Springs, andlir. Monk reined In lals' foam covered steeds. "Is Mr. Greeley on board 7" asked the chairman of thn committee.. "He mss a few Wks bark !" saidlir. Monk t.'iyter," he added, atter !dotting down through the hole whlelf fearful jolting her made in the coach-roof—"ses, can see him! He la there I" "Mr. Greeley," sail theshairman of the commit ter, presenting himself at the window of lb:seemly "Mr. Greeley, sir! we are'como to most Cordial' welcome you, sir I—why! God bless me, sir, YOttlint bleeding at the nose I" "I've got my orders!" cried Mr. Monk. "'My or ders is as follows : 'GM him, there by smienP It wants a quarter to aeving. Stand out of the Way." "Rat, Mr," exclaimed, the comtnitteerltalm, Sein ing the off-leader by the reins, "Mr. Mont, wb are come to escort him into town. Look at the woos. slon, air, and the brass bend, and the people, and the young women, Sir." "Tye got my orders l" screamed Mr. Monk . 4, 111 W orders don't say nothin' Sheet no brass. bafQ- and young women. My orders say, 'Git him- there i seving.' Let go them lines! Clear the way there! Khoo-pe ! Kzii TO= SEAT $011.1.011" end. the each dashed wildly through the processim, upset ting a portion of the brass band; and violent y graz ing the wagon which contained therbretutifullopC ...eninn in white. Years hence, gray-lashed men, who were Mttle boys in this procession, j ail tell tbetr vamichildren how this stage tore through Mad Sprinmand hoar Horace Greelev's bald bead ever and anon- showed itself, like a wild apparition above Ale coach roof. Mr. Monk was on time. Thero Is &tradition that Mr. Greeley was very indignant for a while; then ha laughed, and finally presented Mr. Monk with a bran new -suit of clothes:. Mr. Monk himself is still In the employ of the California Stage Company, and is rather fond of re lating a story that has made him famous all over the Paeltic coast. But he says he yields to DO man. to his admiration for Horace Greeley. Two us A Ban.—Ned and Charley are two zoom• males, but they oecupy different beds. Ned'e steep. leg apparatus was so situated that he couldget In on either aide—that la to say, there were two tom sides; which Ned found vary convenient, "I One night Ned and Charley bad been out, and on returning, which they did near morning, vevy con. siderably elevated, however, they walked to th eir room with an air that seemed to say, "not so drunk after all," and sought lougand patiently for middle* and lamp. After knocking the pitcher off the wash stand; and smashing the looking-glue, they fl leilY gave up the search and went to bed. Went to bed—yes, that's the word—bet, owing to the darkness and the confusion of their senses, ey made a slight mistake. In abo Ned's bed had the honor of receiving the two. Men ley getting In on one side, and bin Wend rolling in on the other. "I say, Ned," cried Charley, touching somebody's calf, "there's a fellow In my be/L" "Wonderful coincident,": exclaimed Ned, feeling a strange elbow in the, neighborhood of hia title; "theme's one In fey bed, too." s "Ia there!" cried Charley "let's kick 'on mar' And aceordincly the two friends began to It lamed about a minute and a half, and -Ned.:lnte sprawling on the floor. Charley was left In posies. don of the bed. For a moment all was silent. "I say, eried Charley: "What t" asked Ned, sulkily. . s "Pee kicked my fellow out." "You are luckier than I ar," said Ned, "for nag fellow has kicked me out," . , Priosasn-starsso A2ItiBBILV3O.—ThscIS sr peo pie In the world r against. whom this fruisperismcal sbonld bo warne d.. The are OA langoine makers. They may bedlvided into tirosorta. Then are those who, front a foolish custom of fawning up on all those they come In coatact with, hue acquit% ed a habit ofpromislng to do vat kindneases;wldets they have w arm ht ;performing. ' :others are a port people, - who, Oa actimr- Isblng away their promisee, Iwo really somettio of doing what . .they -engage: for; but when the time of performance Comes, the aingaina At being gone off -the trobble appears. fa **ear calved,he bromlser cools, and the expoetsztjs do. and perhaps Injured bY thcr disIIPPOIMPML Strcrrnuo.—A thermal:a things are to -be tiirogbt of lathe judicious management" of your stock. of Mends and acquaintances. "Bir,".,.sald *Amor In Pan Mall, to Walpole, who bad:lgnored Iths saute, "you knew rue In Bath l" "Aye: Wal pole, "and when we are In Bath I aball be glad . to know you again." .Profound la .the ItUosoptdall dlacriudnauon 'contained in the wtee maw or the otessu ot. dna gantlemen.-, .1.. .•• .• :•••: UFA baS with ?Wad tteuaers sad ritokia chip liau.rene to Dr..Willard'a' atom Info? in tile hied: . 0 1:1OckeT, moiler putt me dawn to ebot 4earY Pep; qulekeCA blues, CPI bab s alek ss .the mckaasylltb-abr Mpen elm; and she want! thlm blefetatpollygellla Ws . cos, we Itadret bets gotsls heady, sad the kW- pap'e get the,Atee ,Witterli bet. 00. 0 10, ' • i ir i thereity = a ft wads aciales, Pas Fat 4 T1 141413 .4 ,4 ? °I !Tl:it , lirdikiNit4l.ol.o,4•ll4s*o4^ .45 • =MI El NITNEBER'ZI rim An=Arca WARD'S voLvisa. IWO IS ME