Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, December 12, 1865, Image 1

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R. H. FRAzLER, publisher.
pointo gliratorll.
HAVING epent one yew u Soigeon In the Culled Rata
Army. her Well located at Atthurn theatre. sad *lll aurod
re. le In nlr oroferelon.
rn Centre, Ps. Juno 46.18U—lyp
AZIP 6PRGCON, liont , ..e. P. Ofts
Pr Com. owr W J. th S. ll Ilulturd'eStore. POWs Avenue
Lenra Jarepb D. Drinker.
u °UMW, Stpl •,
lIIITSICIAN AND ELTROE , IN, tam located .t D ookt.t4 Sea.
4.lehausta Cou'ty. DA atter.d proalptly .to .11 eels
Nt.ytteh be may be layered. (Ala id L. IL &Cline..
nliTßlelAll AND SURGEON, Mantua*, F. tnv
r Wehhi. Stara. Boards at &uric's Ro4l.
L 0,1 rose, Jun. 6, 181.6.-ti
re. ec=lic Avenue.
J a. is, 1845.
P.11 , 11.1 1 / a N A.D NURCIE.N. Lavin located htauelf at
Btr - bardatlle, Susquehanna County. Pa, .111 attend to all the
• .1..r.1et. nc may be 'lroned talth promptnat•audattaatlna.
at nta re,deace near t l ranye /111ott'a, Cm.
Susg. Co.. Pa.. May 11.1563.—tf.
TI T 01. Cloth Iteesserosat Ilatisitaettite; at ago old
II rued kriovrii ikiiith's Carding Macklin. Taw made
t, .7. Ines. the "Fork is broititai
DR. G. Z. Dimocg,
Boards 7,1
F,bruars RI, I SU.-Irp
111"1 . 11 .,:k . ILI k T , E.T .,c of Wool.velabeiA, Wheel.
Wood-taming Moe to tatter, arid
rnam.r. I vroAns Shop and Wheel Factory In Sayre.'
e-v Btu dt.p roars.
nt -0.. Janua es. ry 8i1th.1%5.-1.1
ICS Arkuostiedgmeol of Deeds, Mortise.. the spy
T sttte .3 the United States. Pension Vonebers and Pay (Mt.
berstr..etn , sri edged before him do not requite the eettlfreate albs
C'ert .f tr.t Court. Montrose, J.. 2, 1965. tf,
nrsSICIA. wad BIIKEISON, myeettally tendril Me peons
p nervlces co the citizens of Frivoilerrille and vicinity. On
tee office of Dr. Leet. Boards st J. Hosford'a.
rnescinilia.Juir TT, 1864.-tf
Tror.tin e oo MiIISI:LLO Et AT LAW and /..! ceased Oat.
A‘rr,t °Mee over Lees Drag store.
%I...vets.. Depot Jimaan 1864.
nEALCR In Sis_ple =CI ram
LI Iraq Stoma. liroa,ol.lA. lind Th ga=ti th'X lM.i.e.. Est.
liluthlo Beam Groocies, Prarltions. &re.
New If llfnrel, P. April 11, 15E4L-if
vrANU , PACTURIRS ct` WlLDCsatlngs, Castings of CI kilo!
s Tin .d Sheet Iron Ware, AgOcultural Implements
is • lers In Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, 4c.
mostrore. P.. February W. IDA.
bundiza„ east end of Mt* Block. Is Ids 'abloom's. bawl
ma .1 the neee•rin be transacted by C. L. Blown..
X, tram, February 1, 1564..4f
J. D. VAIL, M. D.,
yrnm SOYSTMCI PHTSICLUS, try yermtneity located
ij ttmself it Montrose, Po., vett= he leill promptly attend I
e.. calls te Ws profession wnh which he easy be , tavored. (Mee
nesdenee West of the Court House, new Batley kincialh
, ounce, Ireboary 1, ISbn -Ode 21,
slolv CLAIM AOSINT. All Pemba Clam. cartfollv pre
wed. L/Mee to roars formerly oczrd by 4.1 m. 141/, LAW. LI
eyes hi:W..1114. Wove &mates IS
it settee, h.. Te1t.1.1.964.-febl7Tl
r- &K? comt.tuy .t band A fall CV. every '"ifff rl
liftot; SHIES and CONFECTION RIES. G itrict stter•
. ',oaths:o and fairness In deal. they hope to merit the i there ,
1 - o:Age of the pt.blle_ An OYSTSR and EATING SALOON It
,ththted to the Grocery. where bivalve, le annaan. are served jr ev•
va• teat the theca oftbe publledeinarid. Reatennberthe river
nip! :it Grocery ththd, on lien Street. below the? Mott..
It Nor.l7,ls6B.—thetit'Llta.-th
O EON for PENSIONEN.S. OM. over tle stare of 3.1•T0s
k S3u. Avenue &mad. at Mr. .631.exidirel.
Mlncrose. arta.. 18.9.-tf
A TCOUNKT AT LAW, And Penetz„ Bounty. and Bait Pi
Agent, oral Bend. Samoinehanns County. Pi.
()rem 9onad, A non Id, IPLI-4
1) s "7tv, s r.: r". . l. F l WWo're. " Winr;
mi., Late. floc Ltmber, end all b 11
Lands of .Ildlag Materials
r Abnp Noah of Searle" Hotel. and Carpenterßlesp next the
Itethodist Chu h'.
leotrrnoen. Pa.. January 1, ISM-12
Wa rn
, a , A d (. - I ` , .o t . hi li 11 Den ° Ali. : p a;
ernranter. Reaeseber,otEce formerly OIR.S=I Son.
Ilontenet. Janno7 1, 1054.-11
ff ANLTYACITIMEIS of all (Im#tlenes
of Watectse3lr: and of the best tostertsla cr —sue
t: tee yell Yens r.and of E. H. HoGEES, s few rods east
• Searls's Hotel :e Mcatreas..rher. he *SI be e.PDT to re
-• 7t the ctlls of all ertue vast sayttdrer In ed. Ms.
4Chlrallt, Jute I, Leta.-Lf
PFYSICSAN and 61.711050 N, respectfully to tail services
t.• the cdtiams of Sneonetfarout Coonty. He will Cu ecpeolal
er.“ - m to the sung onal .nd mead troannent di/messes of the
i• sad Ear. and Oa? be c °ran hod nlative ssrgicar operations
+, of ctarge al rds 0115 a, over Ir J. 6 S. H Mulford'aSion,
Rei.denra o.• Kayla craft. eBa. of J. 8. Tarsera Betel.
LL fetrose. huoq. County, Pa.., Juue 22.1V0.-ar
IEALEAS t ' , Lou's, Salt, Port. Fla, /414. d. Grain, Feed
LP Cada, Clover ad Ildwath9 Seed. Also GVJCP:II/EB,
Suram. lII9MMtes, Bv,, p; IM
ASA COMM. West War a:
Avenue. lap dam. below J. Etterldire.
NI :Tr trat.e. Jenary 1, 1864.-tf
DB.Ac - nom. BOOT LSD SHOE MAX MI; also Dealer b.
Bolts. Shoes. Lesther,and Shoe Fladhass. Repairing dam
..r,s seatarn sad dispatch. Two dons shore Searles Bate.
It orAk.os,, J aware 1, 1854-0
TTOBICELTS AT LAW, llocarail. Pa. Practice In Snaps
11. harms. Bradford. Wayne. Wy=ing and Lusefall Gaffs. itcoarrox. Pa., Jarnro7 111..
°Zee over the :twee formerly occubbal by F /halm.
Illoatruse. I... January 1, 1.5111.
ISICS Ix Dim GOODS. Oneetlia.Crealtg,
L, Tt
rmarr, Booka, ka, ldeindeons, Pianos. and munda of Id - usl
lasunmeata. Edema Male, to Alan early on the Book 111.1
: , usia,a In oil lu Rancho.. J. LTONS.
.11 , ;mt . rrae.. ..nary 1.1584.
--- - „
CP hada, Dysstufri, Vaszdah.a. GU= -
Lurs. Groceria„ Crockery, Glassmire, Wall-Pape', J.,. 1 .. Fancy Goods, P.Trumery, stmeanattrumarts. Tres
iDer... Brushes. Ate= far . 11 of th. In.' PPP'
ater.; Itodkinea. Jammry L leu.
itTAPTITACITTELE of BOOTS 31301:6 MOntsnee, P*.
.Ifl. Slop over DeWitt's Stare. AU Wadi of orork reser
tad,. and repairing done smell. Work Cone .nee pram.
we. Montrose April 2. 18dL-tf
amosm fn BOOTB & B.IIOM . Lesibershd F 1
bum &I
on sis st. third door help.Scatle's l Hatstl
.11. made Co order. sad stpairltz donizeStlY•
Montrose, Pa.., Da:ember 1.1.1660.
TTORSET AT LAW. Mc< with William J Torre=
'IL opp...ite Sratles BoteL Penal= end Bawdy Claims
I r r.mpared. coll.clums promP.4 EWA- •
catrnee. Ncn. M. 1864. - v.
La.diee' Gaiscra, Csrpete. 011 Clain,. Wail end Window Per
,cr. Punta. Oita /Ix. Blare on the east lids of Public Amaze.
Montrose. Jarasary 1. 1,
rliEhlat.l...s IN LILY , XlDh. Drugh. Itedleth". Mail " 33
inwxrleX Humbs. - re. Jrodaery. Iron. elects. Watches. Jew
,r.. Perfumery. am.. thick Bloch. 111.1:MIMS!.
slontrmar. Jenoury 1. 1564.
onarfirr low CBAUL amity- R ol
l actun c t: f . Ateplkolgslaully oo z. srd g gl
4.01 a abort oolfce. Shop and Watt li.ootas foot fi 155.421 St
flocktroir. Ps.. Mara 5. 043.-tf
DAMUJNABLA TAILOR, E4* eloa.ogge.o.ol
'Mamas 1111 Ircnaerlgtert‘app,tB9ol",
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They come from blood-washed fields of strlfe,
Where hung the battle's angry cloud,
And tilled trom out the cannon's throat
The battle anthem long and loud;
From fields where rained the hissing_lead,
And leaped the scorching flames of hell;
Where many a noble de e d was wrought,
And many a hero fought and fell.
They come from tnany a toilsome march,
O'er rugged roads and untrod ways,
That echoed to the tramp of feet
Frommom to night through weary days.
They come lkom crowded camps where shone
The white tents In the nbontide glare,
Where with the golden morning pealed
The shrill reveille on the air.
They come from lostheomb prison pens,
Where Famine held her ghastly reign,
And fated Pestilence stalked at noon
With tottering, step and Jaen at pain.
They come, now that the &bock to o'er
Whichshook the nation's pillard dome,
Some with deep wounds of battle scarred,
And ask for bread and work at home!.
Now boldly they went forth to meet
Armed Treason la the bloody tight
How boldly went they forth to die
In battle for the cause of Right !
They triumphed, and once more returned
With empty, waiting hoods they stand,
And ask for work that they may live
Who battled to redeem the land
Is there no work for them to do,
Now that the blasts of 'Far are stilled,
Now that the reign of Peace is come?
Are all the poets of duty filled?
Is there no work tor these brave men
Who grappled Treason t in its might,
And set their feet upon Wit neck,
And crushed it In defence of Right?
No work for them! Moat they in vain
Ask work now that the suite is done,
Now that the glorious cause is saved,
Now that the victor] is wen?
Oh, people of the valiant North,
Make answer to their earnest call,
Bid them come In, the field is broad,
There's room, there's food, there's work for all.
This gentleman has an excellent constitution.
He descends from a long-lived and hardy race,
some of his ancestors doubtless attaining nearly
a hundred years. His temperament combines
the vital, motive, and mental In about equal de-
grees well blended, and the quality of the whole
is excellent. There are no Indications of disease,
either mental or physical, and he is, to-day, a
picture of almost perfect health. His temperate
habits and abstemious life have enabled him to
work almost incessantly without exhaustion
Be tins been Wise enottgli to live
of his conatitntion, -------- of drawing on the
principal. With a brain almost of the largest
class, measuring 2.33 inches in circumference, and
high in propOrtion, there is also a harmonious
relation between the brain and the body. He
stands five feet ten inch, Measures around the
chest thirty-eight inches, and his usual weight
is one hundred and seventy-rive pounds. His
: -
limbs are short, but the body is long, and there
is more space allotted to the vital organs than
one would infer from casual observation. The
recnperative powers are great. Should he be
come ill to•day, a little rest and abstinence sets
him all right, and he will be well to-morrow.
Phyisologically, he Is mother's son, Inherit
ing her spirit and disposition, though he has
something of the framework of his father. The
shape of his brain is peculiar. It Is exceedingly
long and high but not broad. Be Is less devel
opoZ rn Destructiveness and Secretiveness than
in any of the other tar ohlea intellectuallv there
are no deficiencies. Hevery large in beartv
all the perceptive faculties, including Individual•
its, Eventuality, Form, Size, Weight, Order. In
Causality, Human Nature, and Language be
decidedly prominent, while Locality.. Compari
, son, Firmness, and Combativeness are very
He should excel as a reasoner, bringing to bear
all the necessary facts, illustrating by apt exam
ple and- - metaphor each and every point. He
also possesses in a very high .degree that Intui
tive perception of character by which he may
infer the disposition and motives of another nt
glatice. In reasoning he proceeds from facts to
principles—first particularing, then generalizing.
He is a natural critic.
His moral sentiments, as a class, are well de
veloped, Conscientiousness, Benevolence, and
Hope being most conspicuous, while Venera
doh is rather large. His belief will be In accord
ance with his knowledge. He will not admit as
true that which seems improhable ; and he re
quires the evidence of his senses, together with
the _corroboration 'of his own experience, to
satisfy. To do right, to do good, and to cheer
one on his way by kind suggestion and advice
would be in keeping with , his spirit. We infer
that be is broad and liberal in his religious
views rather than narrow or sectarian, er super
stitious and bigoted. He has taste and refine
ment without fastidiousness; love for the beau
tiful, the grand, and the sublime in nature and
art as well as for the useful; fur natural scenery,
oratory and poetry. Being both mirthful and
he has a youthful, buoyant, and even
rollicking nature; and yet this feeling is held in
check by his strong moral sense, by his dignity
and sense of propriety. He is tt espial observer,
quick and curious, and would have made an
excellent descriptive writer, an intelligent trav
eler, navigator, orexplorer, and would have ex
celled in acquiring and teaching the natural
sciences. He has an accurate eye to judge of
forms and proportions, and can instantly detect
the slightest disproportion. He is methodical,
keeping things in their place, and requiring
others to do the fame; and accurate as an ac
countant, if accustomed to figures. Hellas an ex
cellent memory of persons and places, of all he
sees, and of his experiences and thoughts.
Socially; he is one of the most hiving of men;
always gallant and attentive to the ladies; ap
preciates woman 1.4 , 13 highly to permit any wrong
to be done her; and would defend her with his
life. So of children and the young and helpless
generally; be would even be kind and indul
gent to the weak and wayward, and friendly to
His love for home, .countii, and its associa
tions forms &leading trait in his character. He
has no vindictiveness or malice, but would be a
most spirited opponent in the defense of a prin
ciple or a friend. He would, however, let the
offender up the moment he begged pardon or
manifested penitence. Though saving, he L 3
generous to a fault, allowing appeals to benevo.
lence to make sad Inroads upon his purse. More
Acquisitiveness and Secretiveness would enable
him better to keep what he geta. It will scarce
ly be believed when we larm on phrenological
principles that this gentlelfian is as remarkable
for his sinrshiviinessund natural diffidence as be
is for intellect: PA ability and etzrage. Indeed,
he is almost as ,bashfuj as a girl, and it has been
a great struggle from boyhood for him to over
come this shotal strimkness._ .how well he has
succeeded, theiNsorld need not be told. Natural
ly dignified mall manly, he is also affable and
polite, disposed' even to put himtself to incon
venience to make others comfortable and hap
py. Where moral principle is involved, how
ever, he is thin; and steadfast, though otherwise
yielding and stibmissive, 333 w o uld re s en t an y
abridgment oI Lis liberty or any infringement
upon his coni4cience, for he feels tilat his ac
countability lifirst to his God rather than man.
To sum up: HR should be known for his warmth
and cordiality,; for his openness and frankness,
fur his love of liberty and spirit' f self-defense;
for his dignity4ind manliness; for his diffidence
and sensitivestess; for his Integrity, hope, devo.
lion, and kindness; for his taste and love for
the beautiful in art and the grand in nature; for
his critical acumen, reasoning powers, and mem
-1 ory ; for his intuitive peireption of character,
and for his language, pirate himeopiousnessas a
writer mid fluency as a speaker.
Daniel Stevens Dickinson was born atOcaben,
Conn., Sept. 11th, 1800. His father, who was a
farmer, removed to Chenango county, N. Y., In
1807, and settled in whit Is MA/ the town of
Guilford. Tb subject of this notice was reared
upon a lann Lin a new settleamit until about,
Irlilirreses !or pm mai no WSW 01001,0
From the Phrenological Journal
" Freedom and Right against Slavery and Wrong."
for obtaining an education than such as the in
different common schools of ithe country sup-
Pispired, however, by a determination
to self to an honorable position among
his feiddiv-men, the hours which could be spared
from manual toil were devoted to the acquisi
tion of knowledge—in the eager pursuit of which
every obstacle vanished as it was approached.
So ardently did the Jotter student follow the
well-chosen path, that at the age of twenty-one
he was fully qualified to undertake the respon
of instructing others, and in the autumn
of 1821 ho entered upon the duties of teacher at
Wheatland, Monroe county, N. Y. Mr. Dickin
son followed this vocation for many years with
marked anccess,havin gin the mean time thorough
ly prepared himself, without the aid of an in
structor, to teach the Latin language and the
higher branches of mathematics in select and
academic schools, During vacations, and at
other irregular periods while he was engaged
as teacher, he was also extensively engaged in
practical land surveying.
In 1822 he was married to Lydia Knapp, a
lady whose personal and intellectual charms
have won the admiration and esteem of all who
enjoyed the privilege of her acquaintance. Like
her Illustrious husband, she in equally fitted to
gladden the cottage of the lowly and to adorn
the mansion of the rich. Atter his marriage,
Mr. Dickinson's time was chiefly occupied in
the study of the law, to the practice of which
he was admitted in 1828, Guilford, his former
place of residence, being chosen as the spot for
commencing the duties of his new profession.
In 1831 he removed to Binghamton, N. Y.,
his present place of residence, and at once en
tered upon an extensive practice, and in his
own and neighboring circuits he met and SlM
cesafully competed with the ablest lawyers I f
the State. In 1836 be had so won the popular
favor that he was elected to the State Senate Gtr
four years; and though one of its youngest
members and comparatively inexperienced re
specting the customs of public life, he speedily
became the acknowled leader of his partv—the
Democratic Jacksonian—winning its confidenceu
by its genial eloquence, and retaining it by his
uncompromising integrity.
In 1840 he was candidate for lieutenant-gov
ernor, but was defeated in the general overthrow
or his party that year. In 1842 he recellved the
neminatian for the same office, and was elected
to the position by a large majority. As Re11:1
tor, his speeches upon the usury laws attracted
universal atteution. The Senate, during the
time that he was n member, and as lieutenaffi.
governor—its presiding officer—was a court her
the correction of usury, and Mr. Dickinson gave
frequent opinions upon the grave questions
which came before that court for final adjudi
cation, many of which may be found in the law
reports ,f the day.
In 1844 Mr. Dickinson was a State elector of
the Democratic party, and as such cast his vote
for James K. Polk and George M. Dallas for
the offices of President and Vice-President of
the United States.
At the expiration of his term as lieutenant
governor, Deveffiber, 1344, he was appointed by
Governor Bouck to till a vacancy for one session
in the United States Senate, snd on the meeting
of the Leg slature the appointment was nut only
ratified, but was extended so as to embrace a
full term of six years froni the 4th of Mach,
1845. During the period of his service in the
United States Senate he took a conspicuous
part in the tnost important debates of that
august body, and held for a number of years the
post of chairman of the Caemmittee of Finance,
one of the most dignified and responsible posh
liens for which a senator, as such, can be se
lected. Upon the exciting questions of the day
k 9 AIM/4n\ initT6.lllfia-IllZit'llig-i-Jnaer
vative side, and strenuously appealed for entire
non-intervention in all matters relating to slave-
In the National Democratic Convention held
at Baltimore, in 1852 he received the vote of
Virginia and some other scattering ballots for
President, but being himself a delegate favoring
the nomination of General Casa, whose name
was yet before the con vention,M r.Dtekinson th
drew his own name; and in declining: the honor
which, entirely unexpected to himself, so large
and•inflnential a portion of the convention was
desirous to confer upon him, he delivered au
impromtu address, the language of which proved
most conclusively to the assembly that the de
mands of political integrity have a firmer hi id
upon the heart and intellect of the good nem
than the enticements of even a worthy am
bition. lie had been sent by the eons:it-
I:limey of his State as a delegate in the interest
of Mr. Cass—a prominent candidate for the
highest office in the gift of the American peo
ple, and could not therefore he prevailed utein
to stand in the way of the friend whom he had
come to support, and peremptorily refused to
permit his name to be used by the cony, ntion.
His speech on the occasion (the one above re
ferred to) was a gem of its kind, and was uni
versally commended for its classic beauty and
elevated tone. l luring the delivery of this ad
dress the ladies in the gallery 'threw such a
shower of boquets towards the speaker that
when he resumed his seat he seemed to have
Men transferred to a blooming parterre; he Has
literally ; surrounded by flowers.
This noble, self-denying act of Mr. Dickinson—
his declining to permit himself to become the
candidate of his party because of the technical
obligations arising from his relations with ()en.
Cass, is proof of the justice of the high reputa
tion which he has everywhere established for
unsullied honor in both his public and private
In the same year (1852) Mr. Pierce nominated
Mr. Dickinson for eollemor of the port 01 New
York, and he was anaimonsly confirmed by the
Senate without reference; lint this honorable and
lucrative position was declined.
At the close of his term in the Senate he re
turned to his profession, which he prosecuted
with vigor until the breaking out of the releLlion,
when, having indicated his determination to
sustain the Government regardless of all con
siderations, he was called by the popular de
mand to almost every section of the loyal States,
and devoted all his energies and tile greater
portion of his time, for the first three years of
the insurrection, to addressing vast assemblage.,
of the people and advising them to the necessity
of ignoring party line=, and urging them to vin
dicate and defend, by word and act, and with
united efforts, the laws, the Constitution, and
the country.: Perhaps a better estimate may be
formed of the Herculean task which he imposed
upon himself when we state that, during the pe
riod referred to, be delivered in New York,
Pennsylvania, and the New England States
over one hundred addresses, all of them having
a direct bearingypon the rebellion, and each
one presenting prominent and distinctive fea
In the pertormance of this immense labor Mr.
Dickinson not only displayed the unlimited re
sources of his intellect and his unwearied devo
tion to the highest interests of the nation, but
be also beautified and enriched the fields of
American eloquence and generously added to
our stores of political wisdom. Some of the
ripest scholars of our day have said concerning
his phi ippica against the leaders ot the rebellion
(many of which were published and commented
upon at the time they were delivered), that they
compare favorably, both in substance and
style, with the orations which Cicero pro
nounced in the Roman Senate against Cati
line and his fraternity of conspirators. There
can be no doubt but that the earnest inspira
tions of his-one brain and heart bad verY much
to do with breaking and quelling the spirit of
certain insurrectionary parties at the North,
and in placing before the people the true con
dition.of the country. Too much praise cannot
be accorded to Mr. Dickinson for his great and 1
sueressiiil efforts for the preservation of the Un
ion, and the nation owes him a debt of gratitude :
which can only be paid by holding up his no-
ble record for the emulation of coming genera
On the formation of the Union party in 18131,
Mr. Dickinson was nominated for attorney- ;
general of the State of New York. Believing
that the post was one in which his ripetexpe
nenee might be ensile serviceable to the country,
se.cepted this nomination sal fifes( elected by
OM. 29W0
Mr. Lincoln nominated Mr. Dickinson to set
tle the Oregon boundary with Great Britain,
and the nomination was unanimously confirm
ed without reference—such is the confidence of
the nation in his probity and patriotism. This
nomination was, however, declined.
In December of the same year Governor Fen
ton felect,) learning that Hon. Henry FL Selden's
resignation would leave a vacancy in the court
of appeals, tendered the position in handsome
and generous terms to Mr. Dickinson; but, reg
ulating his conduct by that high vine's of duty
which hes ever been his unerring guide, he also
declined this position.
One of the last acts of Mr. Lincoln was to
tender Mr. Dickinson the office of district attor
ney for the southern district of New York—un
solicited and unexpected—a post which was ac
cepted, and the duties of which he i i now dis
charging to the satisfaction of the entire commu
nity. When the appointment was announced--
although it was felt that the requirements of the
office were not such as to claim the constant ex
ercise of his best abilities—it was universally
recognized as a partial nelmlwledgment of the
generous services NI, lila lie had both the desire
Ind the powt r to render to his country
As a dub dor, Mr Dickin-nu tvetipier a front
rank among the greatest of those who have la
bored for the unsullied preservation of the Con
stitution in the halls of Congress; and even of
his brilliant compeers in tie^ forum, nearly all of
whom have passed away into a sacred inheri
tance, few ever attained such tinqualified power
over popular assemblies. In argument he is
clear, prof - iund, and logical: hie illustrations are
frequent and always appropriate; his sentences
are energetic, often replete with scathing satire,
and not unfrequent'y embeloshed by graceful
allusions to classic poetry and mythology. Ilia
memory is excellent; hie final of kn o wledge is
large, varied, and always ace•ssihle- Ile draws
from his abundance without hesitation or no
parent effort, and so easily and naturally do his
thoughts shape themselves Mtn language, that
his utterances appear to his auditors like the
overflowing of a rich and t xhanatiess fountain.
And not only is Nfr Dickinson recognized as
one of the molt gifted or our public debaters.
but he is one of our happiest prose writers, and
has also, in his hours of recspdion, added to our
literature several charming lyrical cffuNions.—
f-to successful have bts-n his efforts in this direc
tion, that had not his time been wholly con
stinted in the public service, and had he so chos
en, he might have attained eminence as n peed.
Even the few metrical compodtiona with wh , ch
he has favored us would have given him disti sr
lion had not the inspiration of the occasional
verse writer been overshadowed by the more
important and determined, though scarcely moo
successful, labors of the orator and statesman.
In concluding this brief notice of the public
career of Mr. Dickinson, we only recognize a
sentiment that has frequently besn expressed in
this and other countries, by saying that he is
one of the most remarkable men to whom the
Western Continent has riven birth. Cradled
an i reared in comp trail,. poverty; compelled,
in a new and almost unbroken country. to bat
tle his way from youth to nunhood amid w a it
and manual toil without the adv-intages of early
education, we find him at fifty years of age—af
ter filling and ably discharging the duties of
sundry public positions—standing prominently
among the Clays, Wehstera. "asses, and Wright;
' in the Senate of the United States, originating
' and perfecting great and Wotan , public mews
' tires; and not only comman,airie the re s pect and
gratitude of the nation, hut , listing around him
a high-toned, healthy, moral influence as the re
flex of his own uhblemished and spotless char
While in the United States Senate. it will he
remembered by many that Mr. Wetwter—thongh
opposed to him upon most the real issues of
the country foram IS3O to 1R:i0 (these gentlemen.
being leaders of opposite parties(—tendered his
Democratic colleague. upon his retiring from
the Senate, the following complimentary letter:
" Asn INtarnN„Sep , ember, 27t
"My DEAR Stn—Dar comoanionship in the
S .nate is dissolved. After this long and meld
importmt ses , ion you are about to retarn to
your home, and I shall try to find leisure to v:s
it mine. I hope we may meet each other again.
two months Ilene-, for the discharge of our du
ties in our respective stations in the Govern-
Client- But life is uncertain, and I have not felt
willing to lase leave of yon without placing in
your hands a note containing a few words which
I to say to you.
"In the earlier part of our acquaintance, my
dear sir, occurrences took place which I re.
member with constantly increasing regret and
nai e, I.ecanse the more T have known you, tit'
greater liave been my coeem for your character
and my respect for yo.,r talents. Batt it Is your
noble, Otte, manly, and patriotic conduct in sun
port of the great n-astures of this session which
has entirely won my heart and re.a iced my
highest retard. I hope you may live long to
serve your country; hot I do not think you nro
ever likely to see a ersts in which y , ‘ , l may be
able to do so much either for tour distinction or
for the public g rod. You have stood where
others have hdlen; you have advanced with firm
and manly step where others have wavered, fal
tered, anti fallen back; and for tune, I desire to
thank you and to commend voter conduct out of
the fullness of an honest heart.
"This letter needs no reply ; it is, I am aware,
of very little value; but I bare thought you
might he willing to receive it, anti perhaps to
leave it where it would be seen by those who
shall come alter you.
"I pray you, when you much your own thresh
old. to remember me most kindly to yotr wife
and daughter; and I remain, my dear sir, with
the truest esteem, your friend and obedient ser
vant, Dearest. WEnsTr.x.
To this kind, end friendly, and commendetory
letter Mr. Dickinson addressed the following
able and equally kind and friendly response:
It BINGHAMTON, Oct. 5, 1850.
"3ly Dear perused and reperuseil the
beautiful note you placed in my hands, re; I was
about leving Washington, with deeper emotion
than I have ever experienced except under some
domestic vicissitude. SlaCe I learned the noble
and generous qualities of your nature, the unfor•
tunate occurrence in our early acquaintance to
which you refer, has caused me many moments
of painful regret, and your confiding communi
cation has furnished a powerful illustration of
the truth that "to err is human, to forgive di
vine." Numerous and valued are the testimonials
of confidence and regard which a somewhat ex - -
tended acquaintance and lengthened public ser
vice have gathered around me, but among them
all there is none to which my heart clings et
fluidly as this. I have presented it to my family
and friends as the proudest passage in the history
of an eventful life, and shah transmit It to my
posterity as a sacred and cherished memento of
friendship. I thank Heaven that it has fallen to
my lot to be associated with yourself and others
in resisting the mad current of disunion which
threatened to overwhelm us; and the recollec
t tion that my course upon a question so moment.
fins has received the approval of the most dis
tinguished American statesmen has more than
satisfied my ambition. Believe me, my dear sir,
that of all the patriots that came forward in the
evil day of their country, there was no voice so
1 potential as your own. Others would bullet the
dark and angry waves, but it was your strong
I arm that could roll them back from the holy
"May that beneficent Being who holds the
destiny of min and nations, long spare you to
the public service, and may your vision never I
rest upon the disjointed fragments of a convuls- '
ed and mined confederacy. I pray you to ac
cept and present to Mrs. Webster the kind re. IgrA few days ago a young school-mistress
menthrances of myself and family, and to be- ki this county was taking down the names and
lieve me sincerely yours, D. S. DICKINSON. , ages of her scholars, at the commencement of
the term. She asked a Little white-headed boy,
"HON. DANIEL IVEIISTEIL" ! "Bub how old are you?" "My name ain't Buts
After the death of the crest expounder of the it's John." "Well, said the school-mistress,
; Constitution,. Mr. Everett, in !ie.:: ing Over his 'what Is the test of your name?" "Why, that's
1 papers fur publieStion,
! noticed t. interesting all the name I've got—fist John." '!Well, what
correspondence, and wrote Mr.Dickirtson request-
Is your father's name? "You needn't put pap's,
ing his permission to incorporate the letters name down, lie ain't cummen to school any ;
with! his labors. The consent was of CNIThe he's too bllLto go to school." "Well, bow old
0 16 IMMO 4111,10,104402401 %sew qf oreleu r old K sti, rot r
the celebrated authors contemplated such pub
licity for them, and they have become an im
portant portion of the history of one qthe most
trying and eventful periods in tholife of the
Bk. Dickinson has always Ilved—as it were
well that all men should live—for humanity and
his country, rather than for himselt Though a
man of untiring industry and strictly frugal in
all his habits; and though he has earned from
his extensive and successful legal practice what
would have made others rich and independent,
his munificence and charities have always kept
him in comparatively limited monetary circum
stances, fie is now in the slyty•ffith year of his
age, but as the result of sobriety and activity,
he is as hale and efficient, both physically and
intellectually, as at any period of his life, giving
hope of many years of active usefulness; one to'
whom our country may safely turn for the pro
tection of her flag, her Constitution, and her
honor in any hour of peril which may await her.
Profound in counsel; sagacious in detecting
and repelling wrong; discreet and judicious
I both in rewards and punishments, but firm and
resolute in the execution of his welimatured
plans, lie may he appealed to with perfect r,ll
- in all important emergencies, both of a
public and private character.
ON urn
Nov. the Bth, 1865.
Never win I in so pleasant a frame tiv mind
ez last night. All wnz peace with me, for after
bein buffetted about the world for three skore
years, nt last it seemed to me ez tho forchune,
tired uv pernectitin an unfortunit twin, lied taken
me into favor I bed n solemn promis from the
Demokratic State Central Committy in the &rite
State 'iv Non Gersey, that ez soon ez out candi
date for governor wits dnoty elected, I shond
hey the position rev Dorekeeper to the House
us , the Lord. (which in this state means the Carl
ota', st which is certainly hotter than dwelling
in the tents uv wicked grosery keepers as I do)
and a joodishus exhibition tiv this pmmis lied
proknored ftr me unlimited fasillities for bonier
in, which I improved muchly.
On Wednesday nice I was a sitten in my room,
enj tyin the pleasing reflection that in a few
days I should be placed above want, & beyond
the COLltingcnries nv fortune. Wood! oh word!
that I had died then and there, before that
dream en bliss was broken. A wicked boy cum
running past with a paper which he lied brot
from the next town, where there lives a man
who taken one. He flung it through the win•
dow to me and past on. I opened it eagerly
and glanced at the bed lines!
"X. , 0 OEXWES-5,000 11EPCIILICAN!!"
One long and piercin shreek was heard thro
that house, and wen the inmates rushed into the
room they found me inanymatn on the door.—
The fatal paper lay near me, explainin the cause
uv the eatafterme. The kind-hearted landlord,
after feelin uv my pockets and diskiverin that
the c , ntents thereof wood not pay the arrenr
ages ow my board, held a hurried consultation
with his wife as to the propriety of bringin me
2, he insisted that it wua the only chance uv
gittin what wus back—she insisted that if I was
brittle two I'd go on runnin up the hilt bigger
and bigger, and never pay at last While they
was argooin the matter pro and con, I happend
to git a good smell uv his breath, which restored
me to c.insciousness to wunst, without further
resist an ce.
When in trouble my paltge sole anus finds
kisahArs„Avaisoz--,Q141-..r.yit—zaile.t4ithgs,:, '
Lion, and blighted hopes, and do'sy and wt.:ms
themes, ever have sich pick of snbJecs ez I her
at this time? The follerin may he a consola
tion to the few Demokrats uv the North, who
hey gone so fur into copperheadism, that they
cant change their base:
In the mornin we ell forth rejoicing in our
strength—in the evenin we are bustid and wilt
Man born uv woman (and most men r) is us
few days, & them is so full uv trouble, that it is
sliarsov worth whbe h.•in born at all.
In O'cttober 1 waded in who knee-deep, an now
the waters nv ntllicshun are about my chin.
I look the east and 3lassychusets rol's in Ab
To the west I turn me eyes; and Wisconsin,
and Minnesota, and Illinoy answers—Ablishun '
Southword I turn my implorin gaze, and
Maryland sends greetin—Ablishun !
In New-York we had em, for lo ! we run a
sojer who had fought valiontly, and we put him
on a platform, which stunk with nigger—yea,
the savor thereof was louder than the Ablishur.
platform itself.
I3nt behold ! the people jeer and flout, and say
"the plAtform .tintseth tonti enougli,but the smell
thereof is not the sm.-II of the Afnkin—it is of
the rulers material tiv wish it i 3 composed, and
:he corrupshun they have placed on it"—and
Noo-York goes Ab'ishun!
Slocum held hisself up and sed "come and
buy," and our folks but him and his tribe, but
he getteth not his p' ice.
N's'- Gers, F—Abligilln
Job's cattle vvuz slain by murrain and holler
horn and sich, and not livin near Non-York, the
11 , h thereof he coed not sel.
But Job had anthill left still—he could sell the
hides and tallow
Lazsru9 had sores, hut hed dorgs to lick them.
Non-Gerscy was the hide and tallow uv the
Dimocracy, and, Li, that is grim.
What little is left of the Dimocrisy is all sore,
hut where is the dorg so low as to lick em?
Noo-Geraeo wuz our ewe lamb—lo the
strong, liana uv Ablishn hez taken it.
Noo-Gersey wuz the iryrat on wich our ark
rested—behold! the dark waves uv A.blishnism
sweep over it!
Darkness falls over me like a pall—the sander
uv woe encornpasseth me.
Down my furrowed cheeks rolleth the tear
riv anguish, varyin in size from a large Pea to a
small tater.
Noo-Gersey will veto for the Constooshoell
Amendment, and lo the Nigger will posses the
I see horred visions
On tbe Camden and Amboy, nigger breaks
men—and at the polls, niggers!
Where shall we find refuge?
In the North? Lo! it is barred agin us by
In the South ? In their eyes the Northern
copperhead tindeth no favor.
In Mexico? There is war there, and we might
be drafted.
Who will deliver us ? Who will pluck us
from the pit Into with we hey fallen ?
Where 1 shel go the Lord only knows, but my
impression is, South Karliny will be my future
home. Wade Hampton is elected Governor,
certain, and in that noble State, one may pre
serve enough cm the old Demokratic States Rites
leaven, to leaven the hut lump.
"I'm afloat—l'm alioat—on the dark rolling sea.'
And into what harbor fate will drive my
weather-beaten bark, the undersigned cannot
trooly say.
Noo-Gersey-farewell ! The world may stand
it a year or two, but I doubt.
Mournfully and sadly,
Pentotx,ps V. NASBY,
Late pager to the Church us th e Noo Desprnsa
No more we reap the bloody field
Where war lib horrid furrows tears ;
But harmless fruit our labors yield,
And earth unstained her burdens bears
On Northern I:MIS/the ripened ear
Bursts early through Its husky sheath;
Bethnea the bounty of the year
lies graced the vales and plains beneath
Thus, kindly nature hasten apace
To bids the Mournful past f}om view ;
Can sorrow keep her ancient place
Where every season blossoms new?
And never season smiled so fair
As this that area our Country free ;
For m”rcies asked in, anxious prayer
Shall thanks arise, ()God, to Thee!
Thanks for the harvest of our hands,
And cr. - Ty skillful Imber wrouttbt—
lint solemn praise from peaceful lands
For noble gifts Thy love bath brought I
For now ehall freemen guide the plough,
The hemmer wield. the thut tie ply,
And toil 6ball he the sovereign now,
Whert'er one compering Eaglee
Neichbor Ben Adams (mny bla slutelow vow!)
Awoke, one night, not many weehli
An 4 yaw within hte little Allanty'i room,
Making a twinkle In the mliinQht gloom.
A tellow with a lantern In hl4 hand
Exceeding drink Ben Adam,' slumber fanned;
But whcn he got awake, he thus spoke nut :
"Hullo, old fellow! what'', thund , r 'hnut ?"
The loafer turned the lantern toward the bed,
And, In a volee not very mellow, said
. .
"Shut up your tarter trap, You sleepy nlncom !
"I'm writ in' them as pays the biggest income,'
"And ain't I one!" •rid Ben, by way of joke;
"Not by a jut: fall," then the stranger spoke.
"Well, then," told Adams, with a simple smile
"Write me down one of them a• dealg in Ile."
The loafer turned and it, and, next night
He come again with the same streak of light,
And showed the names otwealthy citizens.,
And lo! the first upon the Hat was Ben'a!
A man in his minium was riding along,
A gaily dressed wile by hiA aide ;
In satins and leers she looked like a queen,
And be like a king in his pride.
A wood-sawyer stond nn the street a• they pu•ed,
The carriage and couple he
And he said, as he worked with his 54W on a log
••1 wish I was rich sod could ride."
The man In the carriage remarked to hl. :
'One thm¢ I Would glee It I could—
I would itive all my wealth fur the etrength and
the health
Of the man who Is sawing the wool"
How much more we might make of our family
life, if our friendships, our every secret thought
of love, hloasome I into a deed! We are now
speaking, merely of personal caresses. These
may or may not . be the best language of aff:e
tion. Many are endowed with a delicacy, a
fastidiousness of organization, which shrinks
away from too much of these, repelled and over
powered. But there are words and looks, and
little observances,
thaughtfrtinesses, watchful lit
tle attentions, which speak of love, which make
it manifest, and there Is scarcely a family that
might not be richer in heart-wealth for more of
them. It Is a mistake to suppose that relations
must, of course, love each ether because they
- ;,.."7" — unal Low must be eadtivatcd, and can
may do__ a_
üble' Melt tetiffn,g under the hand of a
gardener; and lave can dwindle akd die nut nu
neglect, as choice flower-seeds, planted in poor
soil, dwindle and grow . single. Two causes in
our Anglo-Saxon nature, prevent this easy fac
ulty and flow of expression which strike one a ,
pleasantly in the Italian or French life; the
dread of flattery, and a constitutional shyness
"I perfectly longed to tell Soand-sn how I ad
mired her, the other day," said Miss X. "Then,
why in the world didn't you tell her?" "Oh.
it would seem like flattery, you know." NOW
what is flattery? Flattery as insincere prain,,
given from interested motives, hut not the sin
cere utterance to a friend of what we deem good
and lavely in him. And so far fear of flattering,
these dreadfully sincere people go on, side by
side, with those they love and admire, givine
them, all the time, the impression at utter indif
ference. Parents are fin afraid of exciting pride
and vanity in their children by the expression of
their love and approbation, that a child some
times goes sad and discouraged by their side,
and learns, with surprise, in sonic chance way,
that they are proud and fond of him. There are
times when an open expression of a father's lout
would be worth more than church or sermon to
a boy; anal his father cannot otter it—will show
The other thing that represses the utterances
love, is the characteristic shyness of the An
-Saxon blood. Oddly enough, a race born of
two demonstrative, outspoken persons—the Ger ;
man and the French—has an habitual reserve
that is like neither. There is a poweriessne_ca o!
utterance in onr blood that we should flgbt
against and struggle outward toward expressi;in.
We can educate ourselves to it, if we know and
feel the necessity; we can make it a Christian
duty, not to love, but to be loving—not only to
he true friends, but to show ourselves, friendly.
We make ourselves say the kind things that
rise in our heart and tremble back on our
do the gentle-and hopeful deeds which we long
to do and shrink back from; and, little by little,
it will grow easier—the love spoken will brine
back the answer of love—the kind deed wilt
bring track a kind deed in return—till the heart,
in the family circle, instead of being so many
frozen, icy islands, shall be full of warm airs and
echoing bird-voices answering back and forth
with a constant melody of love.—H. B. Stowe.
CANTNE SAGACITY.—A gentleman, one of the
survivors of the ill-fated steamer Anglo-Saxon,
gives the following narrative of the escape of
one of the boats through the pilotage of two
Newfoundland dogs :
The last time I saw Captain Burgess, (the
commander of the Anglo-Saxon,) he was assist
ing to lower the small boat, in which were em
barked twenty-two men, one lady and myself:—
We left without food, compass, or sufficient
clothing. We were knocked about in a fog all
day, not knowing whither we were drifting.
Towards evening, however, we espied a cliff
of Belle Isle, when we steered into Cape Race,
which we made. Approaching the shore, we
saw a man carrying a gun, accompanied by two
large Newfoundland dogs. Be evidently saw
us, and made a signal for us to approach the
shore cautiously. We followed his course for
some time, till he was hid from as by a large
cliff, which it, was impossible he could descend.
The two dogs however, soon appeared, de
scending this dangerous headland, and upon
reaching the water, dashed precipitately into the
sea, howling dreadfully. having swam out close
to the boat, they then turned close to the shore,
keeping a little distance from us, indicating that
we were to follow them. Our singular pilots
seemed to understand the danger of our position,
as we did not deviate from the course they were
leading us without a howl being uttered by
theffi. At last we arrived in a natural creek,
where a safe landing was effected.
No other similar creek was to be seen, which
caused us all to wonder at the sagacity display
ed by these dumb animals. No doubt our pres
eriation was in a great measure attributable to
these noble dogs. An alarm having been made,
a rope was let down by a puny, and we were
taken up the cliff, which is one hundred and fif
ty feet in height. We were shortly after enabl
ed to reach the light house, where every atten
tion was paid to us.
rif A poet in the 'Nebraska City Revs con
cludes a long poem with tge following lino,
which contain more truth than poetry :
Well, such Is HP , I Whom the gods love
Dle young. Whom they hate live and Prosper,
And en elected Delegates coegrr
thro.** Ong Tern*JUL.
62.00 per annum, in advance
The annexed, another evldenct of the kind
heart of our late President, Mr. Lincoln, we take
from the In&pendent :
On the Monday before his death, when our
lute beloved President was on his return from •
Itichmond, he stopped at City Point. Calling
upon the heaffisurgeon at that place, Mr. Lincoln
told him that he wished to visit all the hospitals
under his charge, and shako hands with every
soldier. The surgeon asked the President if ho
knew whats task he was undertaking, and told
him that there were then between live and six..
thousand soldiers at that place, and it would to
quite a tax upon his strength to visit all the wards
and shake hands with every soldier. Mr. latt•
coin answered, with a smile, that he " guessed
he was equal to the task; at any rate he would
try, and go as far as he could ; he should never
probably see the Soya again, and he wanted
them to know that ho appreciated what they
had done for their country."
Finding It useless to try to dissuade him,lho
sure began to make his rounds with the
President, who walked from bed to bed, extend
ing his hand to all, say ing a few words of gym
pat by to some, making kind inquiries of others,
and welcomed by all with the heartiest cordial
ity. As they passed along they came to a ward
in which lay a rebel, who had been wounded,
null was a prisoner. As the tall figure of the
kindly visitor appeared in sight, he was recog
nized by the rebel soldier, who, raising himself
on his elbow in bed, watched Mr. Lincoln as ho
approached, and, extending his hand, exclaimed,
while tears ran down his cheeks: "Mr. Lincoln,
I have long win ted to see you, to ask your for
giveness for ever raising my band against the
"hi the ?" Mr. Lincoln was moved to tears.
heartily shook the hand of the repentant rebel,
end assured him of his good will, and, with a
few words of kind advice, passed on. After
soup:hours the to it of the various hospitals was
made, and M. Lincoln returned with the sur
geon to his office. They had scarcely entered,
however, when a messenger came, saying that
one ward had been omitted, and "the boys"
wanted to see Mr. Lincoln. The surgeon who
wag thou - mei:ly tired, and knew Mr. Lincoln
must be, tried to dissuade him from going; but
the good man said he must go back; ho would
not knowingly omit one; "the boys" would bo
so disappointed. So he went with the messen
ger, accompanied by the surgeon, and shook
hands with the gratified soldiers, and then re
turned again to the office. The surgeon express
ed the tear that Mr. Lincoln's arm would be
lamed with so much hand-shaking, saying that
it certainly must ache. Mr. Lincoln smiled, and,
saying something about his "strong muscles,"
.!epped nut at the open door, tonic up a very
large, heavy axe, which lay there by a log of
wood and chopped vigorously for a few mo
ments, sending the chips flying in all directions;
and then, pausing, he extended his right arm to
its full length, holding the axe out horizontally,
without its even quivering as he held it. Strong
men who looked on—men accustomed to manu
al labor—conldaiot hold the same axe in that
position for a moment. Returning to the &Bee,
lie took a glass of lemonade, (for he would take
no sitr.toger beverage and while h was within,
the chips he had chopped e ereil up and
safely cared for by a hospi I steward, because
they were "the chips that 'Father Abraham' hail
chopped." In a few hours more, the beloved
President was at homein Washington; in a few
days more he had passed away ! and a bereaved
nation teas In m3urning.
world, how safisa.lio-w
-"Ever), man for business" is the universal mot
to. Wharn pushing, jostling set we are! One
strivini . for fame; this one for wealth, that one
for distinction ; till seem to live, act and move In
a kingdom of their own. When I see those
who are clothed in vestures of satin, brush past
the poor destitute, as if they feared the very air
they breathed in would taint them; when I be
hold the haughty curl of the lip at inferiors in
rank or mercenary goods, then I wonder if they
posdess as warm and true a heart as said infer
iors, or if there is not a narrowness of soul and
mind in them, not found in those whom they
scorn. When I see a girl continually prattling
about fashions and the latest novels; nearly dy
ing with "ennui" ifshe cannot attend a hall ev
ery week ; harping about genteel society; spend
ing most of her time wondering what is the lat
est style of wearing the hair • who would
just like to get the step of hair;
waltz which was danced at the last grand "fete,"
who wonders what does become her best—pink,
blue, buff, or 'Hoe; who wonders if she would
purchase that superb brocade if she would not
make an impression on that distinguished for
eigner who is decidedly the "lien" of the day;
thinks I to myself—wonder it yon know what
you are existing for, or if you are not a hand
some piece of goods only, for sale to any one whoa
is dunce enough to make the purchase?
When I see a piece of masculine goods stand
ing at the corner of the streets, lounging in bil
!laid moms or lager beer saloons, or sitting in
shops with their feet elevated several degrees
above terra firma, miffing a cigar as.complaeent
ly es though they were "Lords of creation"—
what I "Lord of creation," did I say? Bower!
roneous. Why, they are not even masters of
their own minds ; haven't energy enough to find
nut what material their brains are composed oC
What aimless, worthless drones they are !
When I see n. dandy promenading the streets,
stroking his exquisite moustache, with his broad
cloth cut the style, his hair oiled to perfection,
enveloped in a cloud of mu de cologne, his hat
tipped gracefully to one side, to complete the
effect; thinks I to myself my excellent dandy,
wonder if you are not minus brains; or if you
possess any, guess they're rather shallow.
Thinks I to myself, wouldn't tr be a glorious
world If people would live more for others, less
for themselves; more in conformity to every
day roles; more reality, less romance; more
solid sense, less hombuggery. In fact this would
he a right good world if people would only
know how to live.
3fa-ry Eiar-ris was a lit-tto girl who lived - in
Chi-ca-go. She was a vo-ry pret-ty lit-tic girl,
and one day an old bach-edor fell in love with
her. So he used to write fine let-ters to her.
and call her 'Rose Bud" and "Puss" and "Lit
tle 51.1-lie." But ho went to Wash-in -ton, and
got mar-vied, and soon tor-got his "Lit-tle Mol•
lie." When Ma-ry Harris heard dhe news she
bought a pretty pis-tol, and went to Wash-ing
ton. There she found the old bath-e.lot in a,
big buihi-ing, which they call-ed the Tien-su-ry
De-part-meat. So she went to him, and shot
him with the pret-ty pts-tol. The bul-let went
in-to the old bach-e-lor. This made him feel
had, and he died. Then Ma-ry liar•ris cried;
for she watt a good girl, and ve-ry affec-tioa-ate.
Then the Sec-re-ta-ty came to see Miss flar-ris t
and pit-ied her very much. Then the etl-i-tors
I came to see her, and pit-led her ve-ry much.—
For Ma-ry filar-ris was ve-ry pret-ty, and so af
fee-tion-ate. And the jail-. , r3 of the prison all
pit•ied her; and the judges, the jury thavtried
her, and the howlers, all pit led lit-tie 311-ry
So they let her go free; and the vod
jur-ors said it was all a mis-take—that she-had
n't kill-ed any-body. And ev-o-ry body kissed
Ma-ry liar-ria be-cause she was a pretty girl.
And ev-e-ry bo-dy was very happy, and bur
za-ed, eSiapt the old bach-e-lor, who could-n't
buz-za be-cause ho was dead. Oh, what a nice
thing it is_to ho a pret-ty girt and shoot an old
bach-o-lor e • Lit-tie girls. be pi -fee-Wu-ate, and
shoot "old bachP-loran
LEBnYS JUICE TO RELTEVE Psisr.—Dr. 1314111-
din!, of Milan, says that lemonjuice, or a Win
dom of citric acid, relieves the pain of cancer
when applied to the sore as a lotion. The dis
covery was made accidentally, and the value of
the application was confirmed by repeated ex
or It Ls a remarkable tact tbat, hemmer
emu young ladles may be varied te •••••••••• 6 1 ,
Tory Orlf Ma &We I#lll/lbrari-