M. *gricnOural. Churning Whole Milk. The temperature at wide.' whole milk ithetild be churned to 65 degrees: and nom point has an importantbearitig on the economy of making butter from whole milk over that from cream, since it is more difficult to lower the tempera ture of the cream in summer, than it is to raise the temperature of milk to winter. It is evident that the temperature of the atmconhere in the summer will always be nearer the necessary temperature of the whole milk than of the cream. It follows practically that the average condition of the temperature of the airprongh the year will be more suited for making butter from whole milk than from cream. We find that Prof. Johnson says, in enumerat ing the advantages of this method of butter making, that, "The proper temperature can be readily obtained both m winter 'and summer. A hundred gallons of entire milk, will give In summer 5 per cent. more butter than the cream from the same quantity of milk will give. But ter of the hest quality can be obtained without difficulty both in winter and summer. No spe cial attention to circumstances or change of method is at any time required. The churn lee, both in winter and summer, is equally sim ple and Keay. The butter is not only of the best quality while fresh, hut is also best for long keeping. when properl 4 y cured and salted." The mode to he pure:m.l where whole milk is to he churned, is to allow the product of two or three mlikingw to stand till the cream rises to the surface, and then to pour the contents of the vessels containing these milklogs, when still sweet, into one large vessel. The whole, cream and milk, is then allowed to remain till it be comes sour and thick. The true degree of sour ness is known by a thick, uneven skin formed over the whole mass, and when this is observed it should he immediately churned Keep the mass still, that is, avoid all' stirring after the milkings are put together into the large vessel, till lime to churn, for if the skin'is broken, the air gets to it and causes rapid fermentation. But in Holland, where the whole milk is very g..nerally used for butter-making, repeated stir ring Is given to the whole mass of milk in order to prevent the cream from rising, and this caus es the mass to thicken rapidly. It is kept till sour and till it is thick enough to hold a spoon upright in it. Th.. mass is ready fiir churning when it will not adhere to a hone or ivory knile stuck into it. . . . . In Brittany, the morning's milk is poured into the churn and with it the milk and cream of the preceding evening's milking. The mixture io allowed to stand some hours when it is churned. Both methods are said to give butter of remark ably fine flavor. We think it worth while to experiment in some of these methods. Whether better that, ours or not, we will not undertake to say; but no country is more celebrated for its dairy prod. ucts than Holland, and the butter of Brittany has a very high reputation in France.—Massa aliusetts Plowman. POTATOES. The proper cooking of good food is an essen tial element of good health in all civilized corm tries. The general use of the potato shows that it is palatable and healthful; but few families in this country fail to have it on the table once a day. In Ireland it is the chief article of food at every meal, and it is said that there are malti tudes who seldom eat anything else. It has the same amount nr nutriment as the egg—thirteen per cent.; it tins twice the nutriment of cadre; half as much as beef. It requires two hours and a half for digestion, raw cabbage two hours, roast beef an hour longer, roast, pork an h..ur longer still. It is claimed that the,outer quarter of au inch of the potato contains more nourish ment than the entire remainder. Hence, peel ing is a waste. They should be cooked, then the very thin skin is easily removed, and the whole nourishment remains. Lste in the spring, as the potato prepares for sprouting, the nut-r portion becomes "rank," and It is better to peel before cooking. If kept in a dark place, sprout ing is much retarded, and farther if the sprouts are rubbed off with the hands. The lighter a potato is, the more mealy and palatable it will be after cooking; hence the good ones float, while others sink in strong salt water. Boiled pota toes are not digested so easily or so soon as if baked or roasted. CODEISIO POTATOEIL—They should to well washed and put into cold water . with the skin on. Gradually heat the water, and when near boiling, add more cold water; if thus checked. the skins will not crack until the potato is thor oughly done ; pour off the water, and let the sktns become dry before peeling. The Irish nick out a piece of the skin before prating them in the pot The potatoes of each cooking should be nearly the same size, that all may be equally done- They should not be covered with more than an inch of water, that they may be jost coy. red at the finish; :hey will become waxy and watery if allowed to remain in the water a moment after they are well done. After they are dried they can be kept hot and mealy for some time, it covered with a napkin of the diam eter of the containing vessel. This is better than steaming, and they are prepared in half the time. Moderate-sized potatoes should be done enough in a quarter of an hour. They sprout least in the darkest places. COLD PoTATOES PRIED.—Put a piers of cream dripping into a frying pan; when it is melted, slice in your potatoes with a little pepper and salt; put them on the fire; keep stirring them; when they are quite hot they are ready. PcrrsTosa Murat - D.—When your potatoes are thor , Ughly boiled drain them quite dry, pick out every speck, etc., and while hot rub them througho colander in a clean stew pan. To a pound of potatoes put about half an ounce of butter and a tablespoonful ofmilk; do not make them too moist; mix them well together. POTATOES MASHED wITII °MOSEL—Prepare some boiled onions by putting them through a sieve, and - mix them with potatoes. In propor tioning the onions to the potatoes, you will be guided by your wish for more or lesa of their flavor. POTATO-FLOITII AM) JELLY.—Rasp the pota toes into a vessel of cold water, and change it frequently, until the raspings fall to the bottom like a paste, then dry in the air, pound in a mor tar and pass it through a hair salve. This is nearly as nutritive, and lighter than flour; hence it is better fur pastry and puddings for in valids. If kept dry, it will remain good for years, while it is easily converted into a most Mal Mons jelly by pouring absolutely boiling water on it. When changed into jelly, flavor to taste, and use it. To Buoww.—While the meat is misting, and an hour botore serving, boil the potatots, tak e off the faill,f flour them well, put them under the roasting meat, and let them drip before go ing on the table. To Romm—Clean well, nick out a small piece and mast. A little butter over the • skin crisps them. Cold potatoes, boiled for dinner, and left over, make an excellent dish for breakfast, by cover ing them with milk or cream in a frying pan ; add butter and salt, and let remain until the milk thickens—my fifteen minutes. Potatoes, when boild, if either waxy or to be eaten with cold meat, should be peeled and put whole on the gridiron until nicely browned. Fon. FerEws.—Potatoes should be always boil ed a littlr before putting into stews, as the first water is a little poisonous. Fried potatoes may be cut from raw, half an inch thick ; fry quickly in hot tat, let the grease drip off dry, salt and 1211 e. KZEPINO POTATOES —lf laid on straw on the ground, and covered with straw and then a lay er of earth a foot deep, they will pr.dtice shoots near the tad of Spring ; if two feet, shoots ap. pear at midsummer ; at six feet they cease to vegetate, and will keep for two or more years In a perfect state. There should be a trench a foot deep around the pile, unless the soil is very sandy.—Haifa Journal of Health. Weal TO FArrz Bars.—A farmer of large experience says he fats his beef in summer. and only calculates to have them:hold their own, and be ready for sale when the market suits 'him ; =The calculates that four quarts °finest, with good pasturage in summer and early an nm, will make as much , beef asel,ght quarts of new COM/neat with the best of hay, In cold weather, POMO Or A *KM Cowl—For a good d cow, choose one with a l lariped hoof; she a wl never fail. A cow with dark hoofs may be good for' a large quantity of milk, but it will not be rich. For a medium cow, choose one, with pan of the hoof striped, or any other odor except dark-;lllitaiTrAcm, in Rural American. • ice" Farmers who have anything In their cel lars which kept to get ttvgavir#oollll4 , aintwe ., f 4 NIWW AXLIZICVAL FALL AND WINTER GOODS AT egiferibeg.ito3eqbqqtr)& eo. M. S. DESSAITF3 API2IO poet returned f ono New Yolk. WWI woo oxtails. H soot loode Iwo variety or New Goods, to tebteli the atteutbse of the ',Public 'saint rappool half Molted, lad go the jos ds were bought easter Use elms adesedsseMie f %ditties. end Not prior to toe Kent"duncei we proemial to ell them at tonsils Pow l!igurre. Our treoto bto obtuse all. 'sod oot to be oet-Cool by a..yotbcr mere,' wbfberatbome mebeoed. TOO fbllowlne Gosasessatriso part of lem matron lying on Ohs runkharoseek t :reek r attoat 8o mm of fat lend: tbe Lalonde up land —a smog:draws owiperty. ALSO, a valuable Mill proierty, one toile from Montmse, at tto outlet ofJo es'e Lake, roma:tine ot • vistmlll and sessoirll, and afloat 10 acre• bf landoelth th• water power Tile ;Aslant d rt /trAn d =bTe b f=le;o 'i m i tirost, " r m on=gZool 000 rims. Ffty sores of choice wool land; the balance unproved This farm la vrell ironed with good stone wall. well motored . and it • hhth Mateo( cultivation Is wsnatde of keeping from foray 0. any orws-11 very dratrable pro/wrls. &LSO a noose and lot In tbt Bondtgb Of Montrose. fronting or the Public +q re The lot content. about 40i sem of land. arab barn and choice fruit and shade trees. The attention of those wishing to . porehlee real estate Is nailed a, these propertiek as they are all good sod desirable Investments a* the prieessaked for them. Liberal terms will be given. For terms pride; and other Information, all on, or address Dawn. Rearms, Pittston, Lumina Co., Po, or It. S. SEARLE. Irlostrose, Suaqtre.batura Co.. Pa.. JAIL ddikt, Mien.—tf THE KEYSTONE HOTEL (Ftffmerty occupied by W. K. Hateh,) MON TR OsE. PENN'A... Milt been leased end reopened by the ea euntaned. who b Itneptna • weal accept 1 order sad Bur,sra3 cerrfol emit.; to tbettedsLoe t 'be tatablisbneett end :be nuts of, hie knot'. .11ttmeavor to merit the tenronapentatitbite;_ . " ' SIAM , ammo% API 161111."6 S.ITTLAND M!M3LE. I.IIADAK IN MARBLE SP 9P Removed to the a:mot b.yot bode Lo.rcb. I It..#p no travelialg Areoty, and by o. hot nt the tttt t.l • bold. all MY Yomvnt to En+ke t.uvirF,f T. ...or .vnt. I . VADAKLN Iloatrono,rebruary oto, Agi-ieultural Implements. TH,t . ..":l,er:',f, - rd4W;IIll AO .'lL. l t i e i!: l i t r. n . f . t u h t e u p t u,,b II t heloo.enabllalled t rm of Wheeler, Mabel & Co., at Albany These •tt actitntka an so favorably known and nnlveraal.. a nproi ed that any effort atrectmol , cdakm. I connlaerutocco,,r) nut tools to say,that experle, nt..urecturtv,auu Inng aelt.hs•e brourbtootimprovemete use V( Lle : nru. Lb, CHAMPIONS OF THE WORLD. Iwooldealleraecla: Otto, nnr to their Barger's Patent Cleaning Illachmelit • newthlng.arld.ttsch, 41n4/.. doishle titbit ,r !Lt.). Abe; bor.- (rower,and to either t tit I," a to, • embt t(1 ?_them Tll.l-fl - - . - ean t,e %sat, antiwar% Land tal " at , I • .r.rtl. , tar.nln¢mllt made It lake • o rt. a.. t.owa, t, • actravnt :tsar ar. au. et. ;vim. ..r ‘ll, otcleanl,..• .aart 01===1 mprwemente =EMI ==3= =Ell=l=M MIMI= MSS .3412:Dd 1 , roD,pl.lwe• el /setaneT) r fldelltv AI.O AO for HUBBARD'S MOWING MAURINE, atCratt.rneßtfaCturrd Ips It It K 4µIITHF r —th.. ra. mower , - untry srh!ne...,•rit L. R. 11"::CR, Agent tiArford .Pa.. July t. -cf Real Estate Agency I VIPS, 1111,1mi:71w] hart , .rtttettl at, tent I; at tl t• I • I. Are ft, the pnrc.haJte • at :of rea ., 4l4tt tilltrauehaqn, ,r • •• .1 all who tlealre ettter It tttt • tt. rtD t ees' t• . ill a call We dralgt at' • rt. , e ttater .y •.I'l.oo t.:.• 4,th 111 New N • ',sr, Is a •sshrnes...ost , .. OW. f It re mons who Alps s ,1.1, Mr ;Owls • ',V, ,:siti3.lratsl trrourrhoslt r • , uni, Sis. vli: s r,e the u5...11, • 11 Lou.wtlol•s:Lerit; sssve Several Farms on I land, oiltoblefm dotrytng port- -ee The Ismer part of toe welt , ortney cen ruo fra term eure.l oil to Inetotto et.•• N. , I Lcr.....f la!, It. F 014 vAterrtl,•l.ll6,l' r• t•i , 7l r, • own. `nnvrn.rt.t .srf. part of the PUrtrie.. Net I.—Tin attrro of I .ttt , rtrv.l, well watt rwtf, nrt of t Emrct..... , n 2 .•I .f. r rl rotr: a: 0,, MMMMiI ut.nb It außtt,.... • Too a, , •!• half taltle• •.• • a (mar,. r..,third. •', 1... • I uN''' 4,.tar"... A tt..1 : 1 , .dle• I e t. kre•ar. • mr.,. uv• , • tv.4 cl.l, min ebtletAht ',Ver. milk h..tt.e. kc Otte totLif of the purchne, mt. 'own. the ~ .tance.nee. Tot , •1%, WI WV", frit•l, A. VeL. tio. 9. -.ltmov lu the t rt".l" , ,lststv .rre , .4l 2 • wol, xn.! 11.,!• vo MXMICINI Sn In.— n: tun, • •A •-I t, N. 11-Ifnrd, a•nt:i:.lr. I . - "A.-1n act', trupr •, .• • !tn••:„rn .f Walt nlynty r • t!Ln lAcken ~114 In.! Wr..tn. Flead ; wen weder.l• It h I , hul 4-. and 11 a nArlne. • o' . z . rr o.n n .....r sr:. ns.. • • rnr r nnela.te 'nil th,etilfrerer.! horcht 3.• .1' •• ~ I. • o• rer Inr 'I•111 ,3 If the r uuuld uot went the wh ,rnut 't nrmshl e. N' —erg ee.e.,343olntne , he , f Slvrit,e-tlect. th. N. Y. & Erie , to. • f n‘n.Slrt It r 'he frnrn whie% P Pr Mg I. the tvoi tee, , ee,t t.n•••.rlt T , e-r err ehont , 1112=11 •-• trl , nlr n n..' vtl too r:J.II Eve • >mit and •ow mill. There.. a', on the rnrn, do IlutTine. and • iwltt n4l I It, p.ml rul.a.lhir rad,: . ..a, r , n , ?1, .V7r.E...l'.lt,;Cflr':;,:t.," ‘ TE, ";7', ...lrat.l In hr of ll.rrt h rt t f the rt,tr. r $4,04 • EMM CH A MBERI IN At MIN I , n, Mortrose Rue..,...hancia Y• WHEEL HEADS! WHEELS AND REELS qv, in 'avre'r Foundry, or on S. EL I,Y, h Brume, 2“ . .he• .4•n o llowavae. Flax VVlleelf. 4 - 1(or Reel% and IA 111 C• 11-111ead.: Wholesale and Retail. Wterla and flea.,. Om can pa:4%ly Inn and evrry a: inle varrauted If properrly d If. Montrose. Jan ex , y I. ISM. F. B.—ltepslrlng lone on do, non°, LAW NOTI('E—NEW FIRM. cjIIICINTLTY s 1 , 11' , 11 rivervar. ~. aoth . hem as , Danner • .•, • e • .-In tl e h , ahcbea. the i 515•117..... liercan • v. , . A. • • In ch. , 41,1. Bentlev-Fitch,C:.;l-3entlev d al' PTA:etc,' , F. th ye II ate , and I,t , Otte ,rd b) • - rr a aarrraTT L. • 21. Ntratxase, January 2. I'M P. 1-Ic.`,yN()IF)S. LItI'EfIRED ttleTlONEf:::i v .61.. LS DRY end klral• eat] al, - I at C•MCLICII. Anotru., Pa... Dr, L. I 3S.I.—Lf x a, rlD ir.lg 4 . ; ?air g !1! P , athaaariberl.avlaa ppoluted by the .!o=mlnlrat l' , .tainn, M LAA It I X Eli at It; elvt ^llllk-wen. t•. a: . •'' te, leationo , hat Mul t tam. at \Loan...l. 1 . • P.... sr, • , • Tart. 11'. 1-10,1 E. PATRICK. Nc..utrnikr. pH' 1. • Y. 51. t IitcCOLLUTrI & SEARLE. Ittorneys and Counsellors ai Lan lIONTROSE, :317 Q CO.. PA. L.^rot 'r N. Britsl2l3llOlat, over Lathrop Trio+ 1 6 Ile, kaCrit. El= E. M. TURNER, Attorney - at - Law ! OFFICE OVER WILSON'S STORE. kfootaumAtiritel .5,1,44 -if 51ME INSURANCE COMPANY. OF NEW-Volllli. ',ASH CAPITAL, TWO MILLION DOLLARS fascia lat.lsuety.teaa. Italtiftre.tt I. MILToNSMITII, , ,, eIary . Casa. J '! •arts, Presides, leas Anistaut ',eery . A . F. W tLWAYID. V. l'ree't Paltriest...l Mid seamed by the esdcruFned, at hisotile •ver t he Postal= BILLINGS STROUD, Agent, =arose. Pa—July 7, 1844,-11 DOWN DOWN! DOWN! 48 GO.• E GOLD LOW! LOll' ER.! IA) T EST! ARE OUR PRICES FOR ' Prints Dilainest Sheetings Dress Goods! Boots and Shoes ! Gaiters 1. Balmarals I Grocery's and Hardware I Ready-Made Clothing! Hate I Caps I Yankee Notions reread our alry.nz , VA RIETY of Prod. We must her. more room for on, E V 0,101).t. and ore dutermloed to Mon 00 .Ce old stock firt)om, and ..e•c a. blo, the h cheat prices allea)a paid for Butt,. Grain, and `Pro -lure anti kinds. . J. E. JACKSON. April . GROVER & BAKER'S FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. PEuSrni' ,, WLThirmt therrT Stachltte ahonld mil at ritannt.za's nod(lse fn.., at m"nt elther ho gsburth., Cad Otbrf,. oe the (Pus, b hare! T It.ll N 411ItINP or the nko,t atur,r. P.lllTOT.smairre and titruartts vacuum 7,1 lotrAtwed F. U. Una p 412.4471, ifnutttaw, Attsust 7th. 1901. TO WORT/MEN. s OR MIDLER wi par the hiorn..srlm,prfct Pipeme. -Butten—Onntsb taco or cotuOn to sat. or M s g.& Oa. Agarrigli bIIM ea 03 MIN& „ , MONUMENTS, HEAD - STONES, =I and !Intoned In the beet Oug of a A WORD TO THE WISE. Eruperior Qtratity of Mat bid. The Best family Sewing Machine CIS NOT A SHUTTLE MACHINE, But makes the Leek Stitch THE VERDICT OF THE PEOPLE IS DECIDEIILY IN ITS PAVOIL The fact of there beicA more of stole Marlines sold TELAIV OP AN V OTII ATTESTS ITS SUPERIORITY. Fur htriber partlry lan call neon the hteTlt.. wk.n ate attr ,,, th lisle, nfmaallit3 are ot. eanititlon. Partici that have oft 41 other so called atandard llardh es ha thrown them 1.14 e nod :e te,11330137 In favor or [Erse. EVERY MACHINE WARRANTED TO DIVE ENTIRE For several munna it recommends Iteelf above all others. 1. Beauty and excellence of riltch, allko noon both wark• hut equally well no sta. uneu. woo len and L.... , t00 good.-ream ng. gather.' a. Lunar Imo kali+ g. cording, and traidinge 6. !strength Near. tillht will not rip nor -3..1. a, Th. men .Impla In con Orocilon e l any ..Ti , threaded machine o 4. Sew, malt hour the 4114• or a a alul le, arrell doing away with mu, ff.aehltitn. and tLe trouble of regulative the , CnltiOto 01 tb. ands thread. 6. trance at a grruter spe.ext t bans hhut , le Tnnellne eemibly can Thin e "hln, o Alt a! h • ueur lo.nr,wcolehls, warranted and M.,n•ruu (shufacl neer: prwea e Owl of 11 own her/cum,.tn Beooo. r terore. CMS o.urn to use In Moutru., mad • J. P. W. RILEY. Montrose. lan. SO. nuL3.-1.1 r thrt e, ht. • nr t 611,1 POPUL AE, REMEDIES Throe mettle:nn nro wurrontuti If no :d tto o ordotti to dlrootto , u in (bent en, It not .attrnotory roturn one holt rho nortilvna and t,e na net re: ! refuntlott. I !vat sold trator.-atids Of buttlus, but SCOTT 7 SCROLiziIiIURATE2 NEE! T!:11 lo nr art.l a mnge. 1m , nocilme ra1keti0n11,111 . ..7.m..4 bnr. , 024 tu ell. It h.la oce ace. U. 4,1 _ _ vh , lat %rm. SPOTTED FEY Lit• in a number of elves. nod prover! effectual, Full lilted-Wu os tact kom,e. 1 ac.. ton. I= scoTa - 9.3 SANATIVE GERATE. PILEb, COELNB, &C. It le cren,rod n• la....tables. and la .ttrety lesrallesa. nice eeot, tWe K.L.a her. 7tass nie —w. h..e had !Work oppertuottr or testing th. f... may. Volt, w yea ata. , o7..:thd t. and leo novo t. t' A Lt."! t: • '. A ,L 4 ICY, If. It.. Montrose. 'KM H. !S.A. M. 1 , .. W taerles , e. • tattwAsetured het. • , •••t wo.ontlo, Ps. and for sole by I 'N. 1011.1.A1c1., c, WAttll.tvtH New Milton& e to't , TT, Sr 4.4 m, n =EI OUR COUNTRY SAVED: Great Reduction in Prices ' New fin and low Prices ! HALLSTEAD & HOW T A VINO j , ist s•s- Yo.k a,4•1 I are yr. p‘rrd w , •.rll L who ma% fav r '.t•ti call al Cioudm ,eLcrdll) 6vl.llti a C. , -‘1") , turr at laaease ‘u. tV tt: 4lt IC A Tt 4 Nt)R THE World Renowned Olio Reaper and Mower. we en pre;,,...1 u ••,ntsh oxlm Ineu,rwm4 to tbvse havltt 1.1-toD U ('lt: NV: s • ..ftme tilet,ol.u, May V. 16 , 6.-1.1. MALI S I /LAD G kIOW. IMME .NEW GOODS itt Reduced Prices. H. R. Lyons lac Co., tn — fregltot, logr,."oot ro CL , JTHL Itkoa. who Irish to II ILOTHEIOtb . .ba 1.1135 T A ItTICL.C. or Teady Made Clothing, faandlz CouLt, CANTEI , N , .T TO ICII THIN AND THICK COATS, Vest , atail Passt%. of every varlet). A 1 on. 6XTENSI V Elcsortment 4 5> FIATS CAPS, tvidl ==l I=l GROCERY AN!) SALOON. THE coutinve their huOvera at the tt'd Stand M sl., , t , ”et II mt,lye 1,, r., , t., aai ocau. tresti•ve..l pl.rt , eular stt tyl,.t, 'a, Et L ; "1✓ OUT MEM •-aa Ue•ira, priva , r‘anor L ADS EF, azd OEN I'LL-WC:N. or for 1..11. a loon. or G.a.t....na, ak-a. Among our litt ot ',non:run b. tyatcre..:l3nl.. Ram aL: &um Masi ;leer. lict rduct—o Chun, Chiantis la ever, rn. but Pt.t. 1...1 Tongue. I•vlAttr. Nut:4o,, &x.,—ln fad -aerviblng the mark. %tout. In the way , Irlnkr, we keep everpth!ng except .plrltoonn or 1.1. runolle wororageo. rim non llquur are t.f the nest quality ono ti warra .- Itnl pure A1...Q m. o..tie W (Inl ;Vine.. e. oroaproilla. Soda Warn, knell II•er AC. Ite rream In name.. MMiMEEIE We hart oo hand the luncext Atock of ttootectiocery evtr broaght nu, the County. Wie eau tornish. nt eltolofolo or retellehyttorto r this Ilnetnit may !recalled for.erto tut cheap ueso be ootteht • ',where. Tobacco anil Cigars 7 haarirm aid f mold og Tobacco oI o very brand. emu (hare of et rygmsilty, from W amt crab"to the finest flavored nail.. f-X°Cc4a)ri. , t•Ms Our U.oek Orweetiesc.'t be best to this Dort ibf the .ants, P-t quality Ind lowness of priee,_net *scenting Itloehemion., Wt .. furnish Flour os !Leh set .. .nisi.l Flee tad everlinlne n that 1t.,. of the beat qualities. it anoquontlit trots one pound to • ton. otuisueetl l it to please all who may Mom as with theft paoteiate.el.iiree °oriole es to lateness la drat and to the etriCtil One Price Systena Mltrallt. DC,.. Ivor VS, mbeeether card. on elteeeemithln, Iterbrenchen In weney oLoa SI otter... where he will be glad tend en t aa or t t Joe.ratoolng dope promptly. lo a woken.llae manner. I=l DR. A. D. TEWKSBURY , Physician and Surgeon, rw40196 ~pptl one year t. Surreeit h the United Mate. TII Army, t,,e nnin located at Aunurn ()env.. tont •- • SOLDIERS' PENSIONS, BOUNTY TIT no ienagnell, 1 4 11 BED A 0 ENT BETA II GOV ZR9 M ENT..IIIkWe prltypt stiezilon lb all rj..jm. bloom. Charm LOW. tuut Incomm Fll. 1.1. I. I WITY,P for Piss Peed by ilawfoisiiiiime. al ram afitaaato.• *pal, WHEELER & WILSON'S, MADE, SATISFACTION S C CVTT'S =9 CHRONIC DIARRHEA, =1 BOW EL COMPLAINTS, I= N.ERv.US, AM) scrK HEADACHE, SOU/WEBS OF TIIE BTOIII ACM, COLDS AIM COLD CHILLS FOR I-WRNS. SCALDS, OR SCALD HEAD, 7 EL= INFLAMED BYES, WOUNDR, OLD ULCERS, CII APPFD HANDS, INDOLENT TUMORS, SPRAINS. I:7;eisEa, equal to (Jormir 'Toss and W.B/3 4 4. I. 04)1. L4DMS' SAL.QO,I4. RE FRESHATENTS I CONFECTIONERY. BL ACK SMITE ING AND BACK PAY HUN tititittitßS & &Mt, SCRANTON. PA., Wholnale end neat) unier.ln EARDWARE 1)10E, ET3IKL. BAILS, Npikes.Shoves, Baader.' ardwarr,lrani! and 2.llnl:4s. l applke ego., Minn !tall. &dem n hoses, Counter bong and Troll Solki; earrlace .Harerlain. hprlng Axle, Meant and Dorm Mons. Mat. Waahere, Yid ern Arm.. PlnTed ltands Mallr•ble Irnrd, Hube,Spo .Felfoer.xlnodtre Baum Yalta, eaten{ Loma t., Erarucled Lealhe r.Wblurocia. eta, and a gr neml vartely 111,4 ttanUfacturrrn Gofer, kr .. ac., an. ar W e 2tive naueb atter:MlA° tbla part or our next, r,lrr Setter select&L aseottaseallma can be t.ana emeieuere la tr.. pa of Mr bu.Le iingila.Vices.Steeta and Lies, Bellow - 3.11.3...cm. Siedare• aG peat Vr-rlrts. Tax.kle Blorl S. Itop , Ohaine. canes. P blase r Parla.C.nent. Ponta WIrAo. Olam AG RICULTITIIAL I.III'T.RwENTS, pumps, Clrollar, HIII. sad r?roe, na.sre, *mere Born, Wrapping Paper, Eluting Paper Yr. sod H Plait and • Waves orne rho... go.d Haraur,n neater.' To• Lain ;runt raricty. cud ard...r•nu•sr•u. Leati,EZ ake erlndinc. Rubber and LeAther hotting •mrbants•Scalcs.cr- Arranton. Pa.. M•relf do 1814.-13 • 1864-5. 1864-5. FALL & WINTER. CALL AND SE TEE LARGE AND NEW STOCE OT CLOTHING, GEO. L. STONE & Their OVERCOATS are find and ehean. New Styles of UNOER-CONTS. PANTS, VESTS, & UNDERCLOTHING MB, SAT, TEA MU GROCERIES All pr the at/ewe In to mipathy seeLl GOLD at the tare cline. 1 our, truly, ' , TONE et 1.4 °noose, Sept 801.6.18A1. NEW GOODS T E !°" ll 7a'7 "" " ° T A:E..,dt. , uTil Watches, Clocks Jeweler, Silver-Ware 1 Plated-Ware 1 - Cutlery, Si:, Vanes , GroouLs, to which they would In'olt the atentonn of tbelf Cetera'. The: have lyre. SaICC of Ettxlich, it toe bean, ar'O earn , . bath , lad•nd biter, eoverr dma!thot, Rrytneted, coml.. IP, a Jet.. liat. end G.., 41..1 •1 of Eard.o And fhos. ht.:attract. Eautnet, rain t.old and F.ndt, Itt.a , t Wag , . of t'e , ' e.^.e prke. old Bear:elate Aro-ans ." . t•l,JtelsYne, Veq. tinord ynd Neey hv^,.. Gala bi lir:;:rultabron " J 4 Ju h an u ttu ' Un7. "' Table and Pocket - Cutlery, Silver Septh. Klutra., Butt., rod Fruit 6 mars, Cana Clact. Fork, ery .leoryiptlon nf Odd ees Crows The ',trees,. lot plated Ware rate l' , a o _ into pawpaw tb, JtY, comprimisa every strt...c.b 'at use bun. v,v rime, [AI S.:ret , ChM., arhatn , t to. a rare ;at of Int of all quainter.. t'lreite rote. to, Brno,. oyd t,hobt String, and Trimmtnee. Ft.t..ug Ty.t.. , In every vorwty. Jornetbra.Thera,nnetoty Nett::a. Btaato.o.libld eta-, tnr+sp , r. .. 1, Piano Fortes and Melodeons, of the very be, Trak era. GOV kthß BA &ER Family Sewing Machines, st tt e . The 3 , oee ~ . ,i. wee , ollibt for sod will be sold no Use most tssorsole ter.: e. A:t:lnw,• Watches awl Clocks Repaired and to the BYST &STEER aSK, ENO KA VIE the BTZT STYLE. EVAN% ac 11,1,EN. enrnmerda.l3,l4lnga onnosne tat Volt 0111 , < Btrahamtnn '864 -Junr3,l D. 9B!? IIY§TER. AUCTIOZEER ! 3.lorxtro4e, Ilar.troce. April IVA -tr lEt .M? 0 Pr. , ll4t o hzpu , t , •n n a Verr• that matot WI to .alt. • I Ara cv GROCERIES. Efa'i SUG RS ,7 RAS, COFFE.. S P E,P LO U tr.,/ SA LT, (by the sack or ba ^rel. ) dl5 11, and all trtirirr•euallv 'flood! n Drat elaroGrocert-.. Flour by the Wholesale and Retail ..I clean, merit.: hope to receive a liberal eharro rpubllr;. • K. D. Tbe , labeatmarirtariceaol tarYSLTH...-Ltir.AoON' cr_d &Al , 01:1; 4nn tr0m0.1a..1 , 1 4.1 g M141..4, REMOVED, AGAIN ! " The Famous Barber." Come anal f, , nnti+lsa,er. Itnri.er. late of Itavt now W. , ^kf , F Flmi me •havine %Id shampf , Mq, Flnt: a.. cutting iia:r nnit son Find cut re,Aly at your bervia t your f , rvice nl. otßl.P.rr Atltßßla Beco-ul dclar (thaw Searle's Hot t. Up Stairs. 46 , 1 , 111,, inne 27.18145-I.f nternalional Fire Insurance Company OF NEW-YORE. Ofliee, 113 Broadway CAPITAL IRE MUM DMZ, CHARLES TAYLOR., President. llA.mityrys Bauce, Vice-President ()urea DaARE, Acting Secretary. ng La, I it.TIR 41 4 , 11. AoA,st MEAT MARKET. On Pablie .4 venue, near Searle's Hold. icff :Jr", .I.l u YL'lrp d .rf "JrT E T A L T I. OLL v +11 . E . 1,1'.3.1 lißb AlentorfllDlCS , q .1' YtnGe, B.'r,assTOol,/ N Jo, - Idontx..t. " - Carriage Shop :KW r 2 73 , -%L BLAST! [I PI ‘lnilera`rned la navy prermt ,„ l . l . : n 1 MO, of o 114 t t ILIAG6 WVIIIK. A Is° ie. oOti TIIE LkTEST STYLES, JOHN SAIITTER p esPEPTFuLL; Announce., that he a m•w prepared to en , MorloOr g cements, onto moat f%ahlOnahto order. and war. to dl with eierm. and 'am. L kin Ed' VW*. K r.—the latent Nye Yrttle el el. orer 1. o Montro:a•, Nov. tr,lB.4.—Lf. 1., 6/1 , 181 E. BACON Carriage -Planufactory. T n 0r,". 4 4 7,1t74.17,'.,Tf!.7.1P.7—' ? "1 - .7.7aV2 thl Carriage & Wagon .Stand, formerly oceopled by E. R, ILOCI KIN, where he to prewed to cc all work lo hb•llheef I.ISP ' lTaodlns Superior 1 1 4111 te,,otrlnt done I thh heti or eLyte ; nod oI,L wogs. WAP nerry . D. E J P.^GERS alobtroto June 8, WIS. = 1300'rrS A.N t_.4 CoIES ALL DESCRIPTIONS. remed . ruil• IMtee ,n rr: 41 11 . 1 l e e t i re eteWe tre '.4 244m710; 1 , 44 ;ere ircp yr: halm ntso u ninernt •e , Musts. gent •WI .1.10 ,4 tweh . Aer we* vd 'bin% he es.Ageoet is. CereVe Lel Le 7 De .1). ee nutty tact r.101 , 41D0. v. 37 usi&e4 tel_e notice. • Owl MI Wank um We:* • I " " AT TAR STORE OF 1:1=13 = Western /5319M0= 3Et. x•A:::, a Summer Arrangement. 1865. PASSENGER TRAIN'S LE . Train. EirtATIONS P. DL liCaalog P. DI. 400 New TO*. 7.0* New limapttro...., . 7.65 •ILNntinka Ch i . /3 55 Ntryddshraz 11.53 Scrazu... .. ,Clarliv , rsamll,.. 1215 65111 , 2506... .. .. .. 11.11 netoTyville...... 12.51 NtehnUon... 1.13 Iloplaorlom 1.16 114. , :er1i05T.,.... 154 New 411103rd„ 215 Orest Bend >1274 6.G4 ; 6,10 .40 USIIM A. u. r. Y. Con amnions —Westward VIE MORNING TR t IN from New Tora rponeors at at,. C.',Ounk "'Kb the t•uin Krairt.uta Nur , ~, 7 Wm. . and at Orrat 'tend witY tbt• throlub ...11 1 rain us tta tru. Pailaay. 4Rl+ alogoplng e attactod.o., TANK at all the pp,„ pima otntlon- on that ...it and arrivinZ 13 , 47.1 ,, V• 10 • is TRI. ETANING TR • frtlrs Nero Tort c own, uatutp Mem! wlth th e troth Itriving I,lladelp^la :KJ:4day Dryr, p to : at 11,ttt alrh the 41g5t Expreat oh th e Enaß•l we), Wae1,11 . 010114. at Iluffa , Y rtt. Eastward. • • Tltfl MORNING TItAIN from Great Bend mom,. the, with the elrelona . t Erpa on the Eel.. Itrlteray fr au. thr nt lannka ehunle u. h res train ror I , l.Aydelppla and Irrrrrn r g,; station arriving In Phlts& bads rig* , p : nod n. 1 ,• ••••14, o n rrl. r trl , o (.4 litudgno. Ileahlehem. A(lrnamn. Headms ta.l nu - r4nnr:. an I gat 111rt1.ntild. nd cSp p • II': EVICNI`..) TRhl77 from ()teat Bond , onatstr• wheyaryl, the h er YeTk Kan ar. an the Ede Itealwa , (ramlta at Mat unto Chfts.k ~ .Ph a teat n which , tina to Belvidere. %En. hen .•Or k llcier , rinrhi r. nr.d new ll.e pia an Par reorast Tram for &Wal, Beltilebau.. Allentown_ 4...4e 4 Ilarrt A n. ) 4 v •IPOv are made roll .7th tralo. nn q. Ln k.wanns dr ihnornsbn, Kaliroad to and frontate, •On 11k , .!ntr - e.ll,rw , ck. Inv VII , . httruturnherland. 7.1.. 1 •Eari d tnr. arab Lrsinx on the 11e1-flee Itsitroad to tent from Carhondsle and lute modiste Maass. R. A HKVHT. WATTS 1.10 4 /K. GonoralTitket Bopertatendent. IttalteeleteeSearle's Hotel, Montrose, Pa— at 4 a. ot— M om,NI with trail. rorAcranP , n. Newt 'fork. end Phi ledetphla al 11 re, far /•lord d, connscitng wlth Ds, Earn., both rant tot West at Great D. d. and Nicht aprna Its 1,. 1-ark'•. wettern . roe Nor.ntor. are New York, ard al 1 p. m. for ~ ..e..llhed sod Ornat Bond and thstn• on the I Ns, on. b sh hug lbe.nn Ing Plans Near rd at 10 a. la on ur Intl I raln from (.I , rat Pend. at d .11.17 p.ossu ara. eel or Nhat . Its• re., fr. ut Grt-tt Bend Les.. Muotrt 4.l l epts rn.nv. nerved of mall oar. Irmo 00. Yrnlt and lanstunant NEW FIRM BALowirt & ALLEN, DE•;ALE+: ELS L N FLOUR, FEED, Oar, PORK, FISH, SMOKED HALIBUT, Hams, Dried Beef, Candles, e retlLl.4, Coffee, Spices, Syrups, Molasses, Sugars 60 Ma COIETMEI., Timothy Seed, & Seed Wheat, BROOMS, NAILS. &C. Cash Paid for Good Butter. A. B A LDV.7711, - - W3l. L. MALE.% Montro, &venue. April 18.1864. 'XD;NSI\IE ATTRACTIONS ♦T THE FURNITURE ESTiBLISHMEE or VVILLIAIII W. SMITH, AT THE FOOT OF HAE'S ST. rlieH extetetee Flehlture 6,thbllelmer , I v 7 SMITH havihz heel, rutted and male du. ved.thehre,prtetorre,outehl.y announce, to the du ren, (1 W. , ltrote: 1..41 001h:ty. hut he le constdot.4 It L h.H.GEST d BEST aseurmehto FURNITURE b'e fauna, in the Contutry weevetherollorrloglost el Wan or the artieleetehicbree•lLl re: •trereral) redocrel pee - te.for errte•H or REA Ili • Bureau... Weir ., r 11 er.•.eurly oelth elase.fron I le to Ilrot •••. • • • Bureau,. ontl inar4le or nroMelielopajtorn 111.15 to 1/24 An arn.- nzenrmout,from 41u. 412.414, tole W eel insona.., , t!nre..it de eorner and rq nor. Stan ds.o ral est tie-and prlres.r.nol 7O cents to ten dnliarn . . _ Dvskr .Itvuo s.Lowe I r.a.h,r,..tholn_attncumelonager ecntre.1, , ,1.,.. - .c , .l4...l..!.lr.s.t.t...tchc.b.orteldnxtemiuz tab:es '.!tiairs—ear , 3nd ar00. 4 or at, lockers—ctme,fing.an sroc.d.teal , f,071" Variety and Eric. tinlliatete-tvietteitmllsheGatshortootic...st New Y Orkprittl. SPRING BEDS! A L.aon Amon - at nwr .oAJurarr &an Bier lb 11* T. N 6. Iteddyto aklecotlas on band orfe ryllighed ataborrnotlaa 13,^artrra ay •I r. read , nrYl• ••-ber. deeßrd. W. err, for none outq' AR Eft 'L d EXPERIEIWEI WORT SI EN. IV et raend vo do our WOES W ELL, and eeli It al LOW • . 2,e cnt 1••• 4Erc.rtit, . •.1 , troy o. et• hruary 25.1E41 toldiUEII L, now receiving • new snooty of GZT CD CD ) 33 , thepnrcerousdep.sments of his Mercantile Business • mating the utscrrtment FULL AND DESIRABLE. - 11 Ti itor.l conelenln part of Drugs, lifed eines, Paint h.Olin, Die Stuffs, Grueeriets, if/rockery, Glass-Ware, Wall and Windou Pa• per, Oil Shade, and Fixtures, 'Kerosene iLastops, Shade,, Chimney Burners, lirsitistutrent Cones, Kerosene Oil, Burning , Fluid, TUT , penilue, BENZOILIi, Varuirdse. Window Glass, Putty, Lir usbe.,Bird Cazess, Canary Seed, Jewelry. Artikt and Dentist Materials, Whips Fancy Goody, Perfumery, i - Esc..ln short nearly r very %blab. to resume t be stet,to plevetta to CO delight the eye, Co gratify the tangy, and &leo to conduce to the real and gobelvanial con forts blontruse.aprit 1.1862. ABEL TV BA KU WilgTIN SHOP, I . Sleighs and Cutters. Tlirig"l;l 4 f.d; - ..A,7c - ..,"e„",1°.°,7r,tif; roar, .horn he will conttnne wearer on tag manufsettm of Sleighs, Cutters, Wagons, Ready 'dada MarketSlelgtr,Lnmhte 81eIghrandOatterracerr rand Replan-Inc.:lone neatiy.xt .hob nolk - e. Dent Seal tot t ,tt,rt and Wagon Maker'sruaterisla. , eryinallea .ternnnerantll an L. 4 se le tr. De prepared'. do 011013 W. , RK sleben.* not'. e .f 1 good nopple n'readt.n.ade dpnke. kept ennetaptft• tmed 4, All onrsor.fndebt..d tn 1.11 , Net.. Wu and rettlet heleaeronnte teltboutfortbernotlca. alnotersar4'July 19.104 We 01 . 6A RY• lloots and Shoes. COMB et the dem Net opened and for ale Y Ct. lin MOT., Sept 71. J. LA MO. • mttl Soldier's Pensions, Bounty & Back ky 1 18 E itac.laDed. LtetaiNEl. OIGH.NT OP 7111. 00V1.01 VENT, .111 g ivo prompt attention tO all then. .rot brytovb.rgalllol.o , lllM.P.oO. Oak! O , VII Lar Orol. •,11 In cum. re 11 IMO FIRE INSIJ RANCE. Thelnsarance Co. of North America PHILA DI4 14p t Has Established an Agency in Montrosels. Vtia lathe oldest fnsurance Co. in the U. Soto. OEBII '1 APITAI. rear , IN • LUX.II , OVER • - elfA R . thee. 1. , .th10w oe tbase of filv-I . ood oompanyio ?t, t , nleavhere,an itta Directrn •re....e the best (or tacurhl &UTII int 0. COFFIN Pre,hiens. eu.augn Ptarr.Seery. U siTitlth`l , Lint 10.1.9 Otnee 'Over the Postollce. YN TIME Tr YOI7 WANT t NUIT OF OLOTII.F.S Tata WILL 111 I newly, Inok e. 04 sle , l lA. Imp; dA y• ete, .11 y0,00 ,4° OL, call at tile NSW ..,1111. , R • , 1,(11. et Glt VES RgYNOLDS, • over labandlell?Ole. tog Ad" or Pohl. 9v.no-. md er g omor,,at W‘• are delynuls:44 olsase, our r G vs V.;Plowant , e% , .lllt o P. nul."B. ef10w,... 1.... t• TEAS: TEAPEI - alC o Trit !KINN* weirm [1 EN Iveelg 0 013 133 •ITT. BSI 4 , , A 0.4 A.•O ei; F.,' 15 . 11 4 !e l '" 2EO Y MFMM I= ISM