Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, October 10, 1865, Image 2
raw ond „Itticitt (gepulatican. rz ', 4: -•1 •*-k "A Union of lakes and a Union of lands, A Union of Suites noun can sever; A Union of hearts, and u Union of bands, And the Fl.u; of our Union forever." CIRCULATION 3,250. the crime of desertion from the military or naval service, all persona who hare deorrfod the military or naval service of the United States, who shall not re turn to said service, or report themselves to a Pro vost Marshal within sixty days after the proclama tion hereinafter mentioned, shall be deemed and ta• ken to have voluntarily relinquished and forfeited THEM 11.10111% Or CITiZEINSIIIP, .and their rights to S F rA. r r E TICKET . I beeome citizens; and such Deserters shall be for .. H. H. FRAZIER, EillTOtt AND PROPRIETOR Montrose, Pa., Triesday, Oot. 10, 1865 FOR AUDITOR-GENERAL, GE:N.3 . OER F. EMITRANFT, of Montgomery Ca FOR SURVEYOR GENERAL VOL. JACOB rs O.IIIPBELL, of Cambria County. COUNTY TICI-CE'rr FC)fi PRESIDENT JUDGE, FARRIS B. SPHEE2 1 of SusquelPanna County FOR SENATOR, GEORGE LANDON, of Bradfoid County FOR REPRESENTATIVE, JAMES T. 0A.M.E110:1, of Susquehanna County. PETER M. OSTERHOUT, of Wyoming County. FOR COUNTY TREASURER, CHARLES E. DODGE, of Middletown FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY, DANIII. W. BEARER of Montrose. FOR COUNTY coNimiSsIONER, JONATHAN T. ELLIS, of Herrick. FOR COUNTY AUDITOR, L M. TURRELL of Forest Lake. TRAITOR SUFFRAGE We get. no re.ponse from the Montrose Demo crat with rcg . ,:u - d to our proposition to disfran chise the actual of the South. Are we not right in inferring that the Democrat man is in favor of traitor suffrage, &c. ? THE TONNAGE TAX Governor Curtis: signed and approved the bill repealing the tonnage tax. senator Landon and a majority of tie Legislature voted for it.— The Republicans of this district have since vot- ed for Curtin for Governor, and he was re-elec QUERY Can't OUT •• Demoeratic friends bring out a few of the "butternut " and "cop perheads," V. filch !LC , ported a few years ego, just to allow the returned soldiers to examine the artirl• ? give a few of those cheers for Jett Davis to make night hideous 1.13 C3m• c I=B There are eight, hin.,17e , 1 election districts in the State, and if an average of hot one voter stays away from the po:is in each district it will make a difference of nearly two thousand votes! This is enough to inspirit the people to work earnestly, and bring out ILL the votes. If the Union laity expeat to carry this election, they must work, 'rhe majorities for the past four years have Leen small, :old the cops to-day are more eager than ever. They always poll their vote, and the Union men must poll their full strength or else the State is lost. I =l9 The reason the Democratic party, not only of Susquehanna county, but of the whole Nation, have such an interest and almost . bleeding sym pathy for the soldier, is because they now can sets. When they were in the service and could not vote they could call them " Lincoln's hire lings," and could vote solid against their right to the ballot_ If "niggers" could vote they wdtild say of them as they now do of " old Ahe's hirelings:" " living, they shall live in our warm est affections—mid dying, their memories will be cherished for all time to come." 1=123:=21320:2 "The Rebellion has &en transferred to the Sew thern States," el - claims a lately pardoned editor of a Southern j uroal. " Our friends must fin ish the good work at toe polls in the North`, , ' declares General Lr It will thus be seek that the whipped traitors of the South look as a last resort to their sympathizers in the North, for re sults which may be claimed as justifications of • treason. 'However the " Democracy " may en deavor to conceal the Let, it is nevertheless true that every vote east for a Copperhead candidate will be counted and claimed as a ballot in favor or vindication of the leaders of the slave holders' rebellion. =I To such Republicans as this paper may reach before election, v. e would make a last earnest appeal for a general turn-nut and a full Repub lican vote. Our wily opponents will be on hand in full force Their object is to gain " the spoils" through the advocacy of principles most pernicious and dangerous to the country, him ever patriotic and loyal they Ma -just now pre tend to be. Not having been as thoroughly ronquer , qii...s their rebel friends at the South, their pro-slaveryisin has not been so nearly whip ped nut of them ; they still believe in slavery, tund hope to see the slave power restored to lord it c•n the plantation and in the councils of the nation. Copperbeadisnt is making, this tall, a last ex.sperate of for existence. "The snake is scotched, not Bled." Let us give it its pile- pEr" ,e—That a Democratic victory in Peunsylranie, th,s criris, may be worth to us what we wt. re Nested out of lust fan, a Democratic President. tr.Cc J.hte , on must he sustained in but 1.1 , 0 OVCJ turn the schemes of the sdiells. mina," ./.hmocrat The move paragraph dges not read very smoothly. The last semi:ace rather knocks the Britt one b the head. If "Johnson must be sus- niked " by the Democracy, either he has gone o , llr t., tt.ito, or they have come over to him. 1 , , , ober case, since they now pretend to be soiled with President Johnson, how can they claim that they were cheated last Fall, unless they also claim that their cause was righted by the pistol shot of Booth, the assassin? M ,— " The Repubneark party opposes the Presi dent, and the Dcmo , •rate sustain him in trying to restore the Union; and those who want to vote for Johnson and the Union mug rote the Democratic ticket."—Xontrve 2kmerr.t. Any Republican who is foul enough, a ft er the experience of the last four years, to believe the above, we hopill will vote the Copperhead ticket. Ho Wilt naturally belong to that party,and every one should go to hie own place. ®'Connecticut has decided Agalng wro satrap heakoat 1000 majority. DESEIITERS NOT ENTITLED TO VOTE By reason of an Act of Congress of March, 180.5, taking from deserters the right of cittaen ship, new questions may be presented to the uiverai election boards in this county on election day. As this 111 but a merited punishment for a crime so odious as that of forsaking the country in the time of great peril and danger, it is pre slimed that no honorable man of any party, will refuse to aid in enforcing this 01, which is now the law of the land. A s most of these desert ers are known to the people in the different dis tricts, we cannot see that there will be any great difficulty in determining who are the Individuals to whom this law applies. Ai every election officer is by his oath required to receive no votes except from those legally qualified, it is the du ty of all such offisials to reject the votes of this class, some of whom, no doubt, will try to exec else the right of which their crimes have de prived them. Section 21, of the act of Congress, approved March 3, 180.5, 'which relates to this subjest is as follows: "That in addition to•the other lawful penattka of ever Incapable of holding any office of trust or prof. it under the United States, or of exercising any rights of citizens Unreel . ; and all persons who shall hereaf ter desert the military or naval service, and all per oona ho, being duly enrolled shall depart the Ju risdiction of the district In which he Is enrolled, or go boyond the limits of the United States, with In tent to avoid any draft into the military or naval service, duly ordered, shall be liable to the penalties of this section. And the President is hereby au thorized and required forthwith, on the passage of this act, to WAIN his proclamation setting forth the provisions of this stktion, in which proclamation the President is requeated to notify all Deserters re turning within sixty days as aforesaid, that they shall be pardoned on condition of returning to their regiments and companies, or to such other organiza tions as they teas be assigned to, until they shall have served for a period of time equal to their orig inal term of enlistment." In pursuance of this act of Congress, I'rest,lcut Lincolimln the 11th of March following, issued his proclamation, offering pardon to all desert ers who would return to their duty within sixty days. The authority of Congress to pass this Act as well as the justice of the measure are un questionable. Nor can any one claim that a person can lose his " citizenship of the United States," and still retain his citizenship of a par ticular State. The Constitution and the laws of the United States which are founded upon it, are above all State enactments. Noticing in the law of any State can be construed into confer ring the right of citizenship upon one whom the National authority has deprived of that privi lege. It is not possible that a man can be a citizen of the State in which he lives, and not be a citizen-of the United States. The laws of the State, if they conflict with the laws or toe 5,4 anon, are of no force. Hence it is that our naturaliza tion laws are National, and no State law can make a foreigner a citizen of the United States It is, therefore, clearly established that no one can claim the right to vote by reason of any real or supposed authority conferred by a State law, I who has been prohibited by the laws of the United States. Perhaps the larger portion of those classed among the deserters in this county are such as ran away to escape the draft, or who when draft ed, neglected to report when notified by the llicers, The person that left his district to a draft is as much a deserter as he who ran away after having been mustered into the MEM By the act of February, 1868, it is provided t'iat copies of the record of a Provost Marshal, or Board of Eurollment, duly certified, shall be deemed and taken as evidence in any civil or military court in like manner as the original rec ord. How are Deserters to be known p It will be seen from the 16th section of the Act above quoted that copies of papers, duly certified by the Board of Enrollment or by the Provost Marshal, shall be evidence. Under the system regulating elections in Pennsylvania, the Judges and Inspectors compose the tribunal by which must be determined all questions (pPima facie) touching the right to vote of all persons claiming the right of suffrage. From them an appeal lies to the tribunals provided for the trial of contest ed elections. But the board of judges and in spectors must first decide. They must determ in whether the applicant is over or under twenty-one years Of age ; whether he is white or black; whether he baser lias not resided within the State or the election district a sufficient length of time to entitle bim to vote. They must also determine whether he is sane or an idiot or madman; whether he is a native or a foreigner, and if a foreigner, whether he has been naturalized, and any other question which may arise tinder the law. All this they do by examining witnesses and hearing evidence, as directed by the law or as indicated by their own good sense. There is nothing in this new duty, growing out of questions of desertion, more dif ficult than these duties. If the books of the Provost Marshal or enrollment board show an individual to be a Deserter, and he claims to be innocent of the charge, he will have po trouble in producing papers or witnesses to sh'il.r that at the time of the draft made in which be was drawn he was serving the country as a volun teer, or that having deserted he returned under the proclamation of sixty dayst amnesty and was pardoned, or show some other legal defence. The duty of election officers in this case is very plain. All such as knowingly receive the votes of the class of men alluded to, will be guilty of a serious disregard of their duty, for which they should be held accountable before the Taw. It Is also the duty of every good citi zen, without regard to his political views, to see that this law is strictly enforced at the coining election. A PREDICTION One of the most Intelligent Democrats, a keen politician, and a gentleman who has a most thorough acquaintance with all parts of Penn sylvania, rives it as his deliberate opinion that the Union State Ticket will be elected by not less than twenty-five thousand majority. lie bases his opinion on the fact that the Copperheads, in localities where they are strong, make no con cealment of their purpose to turn the result of the election, if they are victorious, to the benefit of the rebels lately so wofully whipped. The prediction Is, that:the Intelligent portion of the people who acknowledge no party sway, but who are influential in changing the results of the election from year to year, understand this one plain view of the situation, and have resolved to frustrate& the objects of the Copperheads. ILE DOT DECEIVED IA no soldier be deceived by the negro equal ity cry of the rebel home organs. It is a deceit tion, a cheat, a lie, and only intended to deter soldiers from voting the Uaion ticket. These copperheads tried to prevent all soldiers from voting, and thus reduce them to a level with the negro slaves of the South. Now they want sol diers' votes, and they pretend that Union men are advocates of negro equality. They, like thieves, are the loudest to cry "stop thief." in order that their crimes may not be detected. GET OTT EVERY VOTE I We lleg our friends, in the several borcroghs and townships of the county, to get out Mery Union Vote on the day of election. The Cop perheads are straining every nerve to carry the State, and expect to win by the ipsuby of the üblicane. LIS us pepping ihdi AM* . LOYAL KEN LOOK HERE I In March, 1863, Andrew Johnson, now Presi dent of the United States, was _in Harrisburg. A resolution was offered in the State Senate, tendering to him and ex-Governor Wright, of Indiana, the use of the Senate chamber to ad dress the people. The Union men all voted for it and It was carried. But the Democratic Sen ators all voted against it. The following was the vote Ynts—bleaara. Bouchicr, Bond, connell, Fuller, Hiestand, Johnson, Kinsey, Lowry Mc- Candices, Nichols, lkomev. Ridgway, Robinson, Turrell, White, Villson, and Lawrence, Speaker-90, .. • Nara—Me.sra. Bucher, Clymer, Donovan, (Data, Lamberton, Mott, Smith, Stark, Stein, and Wallace —lO. In 'January, 1664, a resolution of thanhs to General Grant and his soldiers was offered in the Senate by Mr. Lowry. On the question of passing It to a second reeding, the yeas and nays were required by Ur. Donocipi and Mr. Wal lace. The vote stood thus: Ynas—Mclsrs, Chapneys, Connell, Dunlap, Flem ing, Graham, lionn, Householder, Johnson, Lowry, MeCandles., Nichols, Rldgwav, Turrell, Worthington, and Penny, Speaker-16, Beards Dueller, Clymer, Don ovan, Glals, Hopkins, 'Linsley, Lamberton, Latta, McSherry, Montgomery, Ito'lly, Smith, Stark., Pltulu, and Wallace-16. The Union men all voted in favor of the !Vi ol rit ion and the Democrats against it, and it was lost by a tie vote. Mr. Wallace, whose name appears in tho negative in both the votes cited above, is the present Chairman of the Democrat ic State Central Committee. Let the people, at the coming election, bear in mind that all the Democratic Senators of Penn sylvania voted iu 18(i8 a deliberate insult to An drew Johnson. Let theta also remember that In 18d4 the Democratic Senators also all oppos ed a vote of thanks to Uener.d Grant and his brave soldiers. These same Democrats, with William A. Wallace as their chosen leader, are now asking the soldiers to vote for their cendi dates. DEMOCRATIC LOVE FOR MOLDIERS The following table embraces all the decided ly Democratic counties in this State. In the first column we give the counties; in the second the character of the the county tickets nominat ed therein Dolmans. C lIAILICTER OF CO. TICKET Not o Soldier on the 'idle. Adams, Bedford, Berks—Only one Soldier otTored as a candidate in County Convention, and be was defeated. Cambria, Not a Soldier on the Ticket. Carbon, Centre, Clarion, Clearfield, Columbia, Fayette, Greene, Lehigh, Luzerne, Lycoming, Monroe, Montgomery, Northamptcn, Northumberland, Wayne, York, These counties all gave majorities for McClel lan, last year, and all are moderately certain to elect the Democratic tickets this year ; yet in all these, where it was possible for the Democrats to show their regard for the soldier by giving him office, not a single soldier has been nominat ed by that party. It is only in counties where they have no power to elect that they nominate soldiers IZZI=Si The Montrose Copperhead sheet calls Dr. Shepard the "the people's candidate." When and how did the people of Susquehanna County make him their candidate? We believe the Montrate Democrat was the first to give them no tice that there was such s man in the field ; but Gerritson is a poor representative of the people, and they arc not apt to ratify his nominations. t. While our brave boys were at the front, facing the enemy in the field, they also bad a toe harassing them in the rear. Having glor iously flogged the enemy that faced them, it would hardly be creditable to surrender to the guerrillas who were picking them off in the rear, and yet the bushwhackers actually expect, or pretend to expect, to capture them at the pulls. Correspondence nj the Independent RepetUicara. Position of the Sham Democracy. MAILLNOT Crn, PA., Oct 10t, 186 i; MR. EDITOR: The cessation nr the els veitolde re' rebellion in this country left the so called Democracy beached. The tide that swept away the institution of slavery, removed bey and tue use of the leaders of that party the only rnestra of agitation, which op erating on the minds of the Ignorant, prejudiced and immoral, benefited their party organization. The poverty, premonitory apparently, of dissolution, which has overtaken the Co called Democracy, is exhibited in their abandoning in New York. in their State Convention, all the 'dean that actuated the Peace Democracy, and in thcr virtual surrender at discretion, to the Republican party. The Chicago Platform is not only summarily kicked overboard by the New York Sham Democracy, but tt.ey hate nominated for the principal State officers military men, Republican In principle, who were prominent in the "enslavement and degradation" of their Southern friends. It is not Imorobable that the cue given by the New York Sham Democracy, will he taken by the other fragments throughout the country, and that by this new ."dodge" they will endeavor to regain a power now apparently lost to them forever With this idea prominent we nee them with unsurpassed impudence patronizing President Johnson, as if they could manipulate bin, to Doir particular views. But they "reckon without their host." The Presi dent is the representative of the principles of his immediate illustrious predecessor. The work of re-establishing government among the communities lately in revolt, on the basis of good and exact Jus tice to all, is being engaged In by President John son, in the spirit which would hay. characterized Abraham Lincoln's efforts, were he now living. The Union party cheerfully endorses President Johnson's reconstruction policy as one which if successful will speedily pacify the country, and unite it for all fu ture time. All that the Republicans would Impress upon the President, and be haw we are glad to note, in his repeated Interviews with repentant Southern ers, told them this thing plainly, Is, that as slavery Involved us in a debt of three hundred millions ot dollars, and murdered live hundred thousand of the beg men of the loyal State., justice and the national safety demand its utter and complete extripation from the soil of the Republic. On this question the President has spoken firmly, and the result is accepted by the detested Southerners with resigns Lion, while the kind expressions of the President have elicited grateful responses from the recipients of his mercy. As to the question of negro suffrage in the South there is, because there can be, no dial culty between the Republican party and the Presi dent, for the simple reason that the whole question is in the bands of Congress to be decided without Executive Interference or dictation. Independent of this question, which in the hands of the next Congress will be decided we are coafident in con formity with justice and the national honor, Presi dent Jotunion holds the views of the Republican party, that intelligence ebonid be the basis for ex. erase of the elective franchise and that the color of a man's skin should have nothing to do with his enfranchisement or expatriation. The so-called Dem ocratic party, barren of principle, threatened with dissolution as a national organization, is now des perate. in New York it surrenders to the Republi cans "horse, loot and dragoon." in Pennsylvania it still clings to its gods and will probably so continue nntll it snateins as overwh4lnang and ignoble de feat The fact is, that the lute signal Republican vfaories in Maine, and Verniont show that the peo ple remember that when the Government was con tending with armed treason, the so-called Democracy inaugurated riots, opposed enlistments, ridiculed our durmast position, called our soldiers "Lincoln's hirelings," voted against granting soldiers the right to vote while in the service, and opposed increasing the pay of the soldiers The Sham Democracy appear to think that they` can wheedle President Johnson--s man to whom they have applied every v contemptoons epithet irithe language,. and to whom they denied the Ina jot the State Capitol In Harrisburg when he-wished to ad dress his fellow-citizens there on the Bth of March, MThe President remembers . and dc i sntses these servers. Let tha . young men of ha Unwary - I.l9%4lps_the.slinunelesitranis IBA wit)o(hthee ' the misqtalled Demoemilv party, and resolve to sustain the principles of proarms And of human freedom advocated by the Itup !kan, party, thu nacaplete 'u ere!. of which - can_yne place our country on the plunacJeof Ma bat ,pAI grab:leis. O. V: TIWPANT. • Fha. la Indtianlenl Rentdditan. .• The-'N ger" Patty. whicb t• tho"N ;arty" now? Who keeps continual) y harping alpot "darkies" and "woolly header Not th e ReMblican party; not 'Republic ans, =rely. But jui turn your attention to Cop. perheadient for a mot cut If you Want to Mid an an swer. That party teens wonderfully aillicted with " nigger on the brain." It can hold no con vention but "Swam" to there feeding it convul sions, nor eon It build a platform but • tlio,everlse.t lug • woolly-head" Will pop up through every plank of It. Not a political harm.gue Is uttered by one of its declaimers but Is flit , ti with nigger " from Pro face to peroration. lon cost meet a disciple of that lam on the strei 1., in the work•shop, or any• where dlee, but the Stet word that c,.., his will be " Niguel'," the second, l• "trig ger," and the third, " Nigger," ntzgei," "nigger," and no on ad ivitudunt, and I may add, ad nauseant. Thh, ' , e w e s the quebibio id " Whet party is struck with niggierletn." There ran Istmo, doubt OD the subject berenfttr. Tier, the " nigger" is to be pit. loft, for ha has a very igutthte late, to NI into such hands • but 'there Famine too remedy, for Copp:rho& tem is bound to embrace blot and all his irtoo - eate. Why, teem tie she copr,.et....tda are particularly animus upon the subject, [ Vide a eeries 01 wishy• isrmhy articles bring pipilimied In the Copperhead organ of this county I Idt type, alter a few em bracers, they will have argue aympatbywitlr the poor darkey, and not press the subject of egnality too hard. Thu Ideal la at-; rd, and she thing Itaew un practicable. There c a n anew he t quality between loyalty and dimoyalty ; Le. Meru the patriotism that shoulders the ,l• fetid one s country in time of war end danger, and the spii it hid " adheres to our encodes " In such tones 01 peril, "giving them aid and comfort," 'lo inshiusie that such pereons can es er heroine r qsl4l. In any NAM , la to slander the negro. Do, yl r. Editor, try and tioni-oie and comfort those IA 1111 ire horrified anti bUth II de lo.ion. It is a I.ity to Issue Its to lake on so, and become the laughing ilea. flea world I==l=l Address of the State Committee John Cessna, chuliettit of Ito. state Central Corn mince, has Issued aid aiLit '43 to the people of the State, which is mari•ol l,y the abttity for which its author la dlatitigukit tl. tle rcfcrs to the triumph ant close of the war, aed toe t letory achieved by the Government over Pe eite•.•le• Is tat , Bold, as well se their complete die emit-;c at the ballot box, and then proceeda,toillacib..; I .0.---tbni4 of to-day. W.: make room for the folio.. U c cslract fu rel.-relic., to the effort made by 1; e Democracy to secure the vote• of the buldiera . Extraordinary efforts err now toeing made by our opponents to obtain the v./tom of our tellow.eitte-n -recently returned In n s, Le service of the country in the army of the 1..; P.a. In theeo efforts they should, and it le eowid.mtly believed that they alit fall : !. lbseause a tivoroa• proa , eetion of the war for the cuppresslon of the lit hellion has ever been ure,rd by the Union party of tt, country. 2. Because the war tivver SllBlllllleti Of advocated by the leadet— ot ttte party opposed to the Adminiatration. . . 3. Because the of the L'nloti cause have always sustained and sti:Torted the. soldiers In the field, and the lesders of pretended Democracy haYe ridiculed and dernir.d 0,.• soldiers of the catalog them "Lit en :$'- Lin•ot:tre," "plunders," and oat, eph h. $s ahlit for repo lition. 4. Bees.. when ‘oientecri were called Mr they demanded a draft. 5. Because when the drift came, they opposed the commutation clause, and declared tt was u disk:rho. %nation against the van. team 6. Because when that clam, was repealed they complained that the oniy hope of the poor soon less gone. • 7. Because tbey th, war i. n uegro and did uothlutt io aid in varrone, it on 8. 8V.111.184,1 they Lenme alzhl) Inuidutu,t tvLett negro troops were cal:. d for, and threw the henalt of all their aytnpathies with the South. 9. Because they oppcs , ,l et cry 111,011 re thO G•,v. ernment bound it ts-ccs,try a. adopt for the sup. preasion of the It,bellion. 10. Because they,itied every tio•bel euret,, and depreciated every y. IL Beeauec, in 1'364, they declared the war a failure. 12. IkeAIWA', In 1v,.), th y declared that the fruits of the war are 01r2reee, and alaul;hter 13. Because they Irttd to prevent th• extensit•u of the right of stab-airs to au idlers in stvvite. 'rhea leaders opposed It In almost every form. Benstor Wallace, now Chairtnitti of their State central Coin miller, said, (coat Itscord of tains, migett 335. :rm.) "I voted against this Mil upou I rinetple, us we II es for loan. It is said volt ho meritorprot a rine, Its volunteer soldiers sheuld not tict disfranchised. To this I answer, that neither the Constitution of 17W, nor that of 153 h, conferred this prletlesm, and the act of the soldier in taking upon himself duties that are from their nature Incompatiblu with the right of suffrage, deprives him ot this prim ilege. ditirmr cltWes hiinorif rilen he crudes to eihzeut, and G.L. upon himself the elati , e al a soldier." Vl'hen the amendment of the C.iiirt It utlon was submitted to a vote of the people, m le) of the en culled Dent,- cratte counties gave niajOrita a agalia•t It s N, bile ev..ry county In the Slate tutd tt believed every election pr.:clot), which gate to Ata,hann Lincoln a mejorile of its votes, gave a tui+frity lu tumor of the arnemd ment. log homilies to volu,;• or, while the frfenda 4 Union party alvvny9 nustaleed and 6noported tt rneanurea. 15 Even since the ,thr k over, they emplo their ablest law ye, iu nr, flint t to Scutum the hour) ty laws unconedithtluttl, and redly ptranaded their two friends ou the treto•it o the Supreme Court to hold. 16. Wh.-n men w. r. _rut I) needed to fill up the rinks, and the tios,l em•.nt ordered a , draft, the) resistert, and all their representivet NAJD the bench 01 the Supreme Court, deetered the law authorizier the national Government t 0 take men out of the State bs draft to be uecom-titutional and void. Men were only obtained, tied the nation saved beetattAa their parts was defe deal at the polls in 18.03,.ar.d the act of tthre• of these Je tit rebuked by the propl.. and one of their plat,- tiled try t loyal loan, find a, sound Judge. 17. Bee.susethey have flied to injure the credit, and disparage tbu eurrenet of the country by mean, of wbicla the 11,1, btem.Ll. 1.011.1 penelons the soldier can alum, be pant. 'ibis voila Um) also presses 1 before i:o• rue Court of the State, and failed Icy u uisoion of inte to two. 19 Betause the pbaterin of ILA Union pare ye cognizes,.the FerviPe3 o' the ti et _lo•r—demares tuat W the war as commence.: tty llettcht—that peace nat. the result of the courage and Munson of the Union army--and that the euttee to n hien we fought war holy and sacred, and thet I.Laore, glory, and pros purity to the countr:t, aml :td: • dent, disgrace, and slaughter," are the fruits of Lb toil. 10. Because when tat. Unite men expressed tie hope that our In art to F o ot , h e s ol e to eon quer th e s ou th, even tot 'to ir exttauttiou and want of food, those trader to Lii.• new Democracy declared that " we could never coming r tee South," and that they had more to tut iu tile .•ttnh, thou ee had the North." LICS. Because w set soldiers by the hondted. at I.n.hy, Belle Irhnd , An• dui - rot/vine and alai,a mot!, the.e name ltadens coned or tnltiguted tae crime by declaring that "they ted our priioneir as well at, they did their own men;" that ouin4 . to the unconstitutional blockade of the tyrant I,lncoln, tory could not ob tain a snfficlency of b.od. Democracy Photographed. Th. Etening 11 st , iL the course of an article on •the future of pari,s" alludts to its old oompatti ots in terms coy thing but ll:dim - Ma or "enuciliz:to ry." We commend 1.112,7114 ; p: vf Oa: /1 , 4 e peel ally to those Mho are :toxi , us to bury the past In oblivion: "In the history i.f that party, since 1858, there is everything to entharr.iss it, li!tle or nothing to cis It strength. On the terthorial question it tritely yielded its prit,cip.ei of universal freedom tl Ilia* hands with the slat masters. Under the lea- of such selfish and deg. iterate schemers as Buchan an and Pierce, it he, sma sot inertly a subservient tool in their hands, but a deltic:dile one, crouching and fawning, and eating the duet with a meanness that was more than ornharily site. At the outs tweak of the war, of the leaders of this party cuustil erable more than half took au open or coneettleel part in an armed effort to destroy the Integrity of the nation, uud, a hat was baser even than ,provok inc a needless civil war, is melting foreign monar chies to help give the death-hlosv to Ilwrepublic the last hope of the world. During war the same leaders did what they could to hinder it—they op posed recruiting, ridiculed our genet:els, resisted the draft, denounced the government, and vilified and abusei any man, eo matter what his political ante cedents, who made tifins.-li conspicuous for zeal or honesty in prosecuting the fnsuigeuts. Our victo ries were diminished or sfenled ; oar strategy de rided; and the limos Dots who had left home and all things to meet the dangers of the field, were Made to understand , there was any enemy in the rear almost as powirtful as the enemy in front. "Now, we say, 41 record of this kind, still fresh in all memories, not a popular one ;it is not Wort• ors; it in noya thing to he vaunted ; it Is not to be deliberately,tiken upon one's shoulders after It has been east Off, as if it were going to facilitate hie march or*ive him acceptance with the people. On the cordzary", it Is a dishonorable enroll—a fool, scurvy, repulsive blot ; a treachery or a haltfaced sympathy with treachery, of which every magnanl- Was mind should be Instinctively ashamed. For the rebels themselves, acting tinder the influences of miseducation, at a long training In error, of local prejudice, of falsehood cunningly taught and diffus ed, there may ba cOnipabSion and forgiveness; but for their allies 01-the North, who had no such excu ses for evil action, who knowingly and willfully plotted the destruction of our peace, our liberty and our union, there Is nserved another feeling. Their derde, and In some instances their names, will be a blench in the nostrils of i v ankina to We latest itentiratiOn." A Highly Fqittrig Address The following addrm.s of the " Copperheads to the soldlens," I.4suott by tea Now,•k ) flariol, is well done, end with th• subill!uti•nt of a few names, would be equally approptitte for Pennsylvania: IWI to efttzrna , Bret✓ Afildoll4 Llrumln , and Hirelings of &sputa: Your friends salute you with a warm owl an4ry grasp of the hand. We are so mush dtllitted to see von safely relenting that we hardly can find breath In the heialtz our !m -i.:delay: to cur..e you h•r nut dyln4 bete: c you came back to our b^arts rod nn r ctfotn lea. IL la uit h tubl4ol t-in.ltl,o.s of 1.,. e and admira• tine that c ••••••i•-oto •y .0 I,r ,v, I.lid brutal t., the ',wattle ot hum•r, tna:lce and de- traction! We know that you have fo:Maerl the cowardly ralarl and Irreproachable Bayard, Kilpatrick, with no ardor that was born of patriotic fire and diabolical rascality; and as we deride and sillily him. we do praise and sustain you. Heed not, we pray you, thy co eallod who says we deprived you of your right of sntfrage, for you well know we did no such thing; and If we did you know you deserved it. We counsel you to beware of false witnesses, who will I'll you that Marcus L Ward run away from Bull Run, while Theodore Runyon nursed the Sol diers in the hospitals. Believe na when we solemnly adjure you, by all kou hold sacred, by the mentor, of your glorious needs amd by the blood you have spilled upon many en angry battle-field, to uphold the honor of New Jersey in the only way in which It can he done, by canting your vote and working with your might Mt the men who kicked you, drar friends, only tor yet* good; and nrlio, in similar circumstances, would nut only kick but spit. noon you for your beat welfare. You are brave, sr-sod:Ilona, kilalllollB, noble, gener ous, sellsam irking neciuodrelA, whoa,, deeds will live forever in the memory of all troy men who cherish manliness and devotion as the type of all that Is mean, dastardly and repulsive. Special Currisponslenes of the Pittsburgh Cbruniardet. President Johnson's Policy. WAR:IIINGTON, September 19, 18115. The fears irhieh have been quite generally enter tained that the opening of Congress would Hod the President and a ronaltierable portion of the Itepub. lican members in Irreennelled antagonism are no. IBM Pet at rest. The broad and toleneut views expressed by Johtiwoe lade wreak to a N.... Hoglotad &aura tor. a, Liven In your telegram. from here, have set. tied that question beyond a peradventure. The Sun ator referred to,was Henry Wilson.of Massachtlaetia, wi.ose frae.kly put questions Were met by an.wera es cordial and frank as they were edetesmanilke in sentlinent. Much more than has been published was said during t h e Interview The President was repeatedly emphatic In controverting the notion that he intended to cut adrift from any part of the g•eat hotly which elected him, and of whose cen• tral ideas he la the representative. Mr. Wilson, who came here somewhat ltnpresscd with the gloomy view of things which he found so common amoug Northern radical•, returns much elated with the proem-,t before the party and the country, to en gage In the New Jersey canvas. He Ia most en thusiastic In his estimate of the character and abili ties 01 Mr. Johnson, comodring him thvombly faith hie inns; Horn. predecessor. The Pry-Adept's frankness and sincerity In con versation arc among the most marked elements of his character. They were well illustrated in his daily reception of the pardon-seeking throng, an In hie talk with Senator Wilson, or the remark, men tiotwrl in a brevions letter, to another New kngland tirmat“r, (Mr. Clark, of New Hampshire,) that be could only pray for lila Democratic adulator*. There gird nwer have hey, any misconception as in his COnfmr, p!, there hes been considerable, and these assur ances have already perceptibly quieted the nervon— nest of aorne trouble-gathering; radieale who heyg 1111. 01. - -ncli new development of a poll ey which eeenied to them a fateful one. Those who fancied they saw an lerevemable sta• tem of restoration being established in the Intermit of those who bad bnt just thrown down their arms now see only the creation of temporary institulloes, whose greatest merit is that they are so, and that their workings will afford a sure light for the guid ance of both Executive and Congress when they finally address themselves to the work of a perma nent reconstruction. That Mr. Johnson does not consider 11 improbabl that a longer probation and a more decided inter ference by the General Government with the do mestic Eiffel!, of the revolted states, may he Made necessary by the blindness of the Southern people I n s t ragg li ng against the logical consequences of the war, which are not simply the form, hut the spirit of ethancipation—not primarily negro suf frage, bit uulveraal freedom and Its necessary sate guards-6 shown by his frequent declarations that circumstances will be allowed to dictate or mainly his policy. A sounder theory of government than this for the Chief Magistrate of a republic could hardly be irnarineri.. Let events be our teachers. It 6 also certain that Mr. Johnsen fully appre. elates the proper limits of Executive power, and I does not Intend to trench upon the prnince of tire I I... Mature nor even to forestall Its action. Thus he emphatically and repeatedly proclaims that his or. gaultation of civil governments Is but a temporary expedient made necessary by extraordinary con ditions fie exercises the power to create such or ganizations as a war power by virtue of his authority as liommander-in-Chiet, and they do not differ ea. sentially from the establishments under the Military Governors of President Lincoln. , Wr may tie assured, In view of all these circum stances, that there will be no ep it to impair the usefulness of the Republican party; and, what is of equal importance, that. the Presefent anti the Repub lican majority In Congress will work together har moniously' ROUNDEIBLII. News from All Nations. —Butter h 75 to 85 cents per pound In Philadel phia. —Passenger tare on Southern rivers is 10 cents per mile. —ten thousand freedmen have learned to read slnee'to war. —The It‘gular Army Rill her:tatter consiet of 50,000 men. -Water has rushed In apoo the west face of the liooeue tunnel, etopping work there. —The cotton crop In Tenneme is excellent In quality, hat the yield la moderate. --A great fire has occured to Coubluntinople, de straying over 3,000 buildings. —There was a er.•t Fenian demonatration on the WO/ uIL, .t :the C ,, nper Institute, New York. —Several (kettle: have occurred near Auburn, :N. T., worn etinga oil a green worm infesting tomato —A fse •Imile of the President's Moisture has been prepared for the purpose of expediting the issue of pardons. -11apr-Gem-ral Palmer and Brleadier-General is.ribin Lave buen iudieted lu Kentucky for abduct ing slay., —(;ec. Lea has taken up his residence in Lexlag. ton, Va., the beetle of his future labors us President of Washingtou College. —A cane of 30 or 40 gmerrillas, under Harper, hare be.-n commit tind ludiseriudnate robbery and murder In Roberteon County, Tenn. —Gen. Carl Schurz has brcn on a tour through the South. Ile sa3s he caw no basis for Immediate successful reconstruction in any State. • lIIIM —The Slienandoith wss not long since furnished with a iiiiplrtad of supplies from San Francisco, by a vessel that was cleared for Victoria. —Emigration aueneles have bevn established in various counties in Virginia to procure larm-hand Immigrants arriving In Northern eine!, —Boots and sbot, to the value of 411,?.00,000 were manntaetured at Lynn, Mass , last month, which Is au increase over any previous mouth. --In molt' parts of the South the nezro lessees of laud bare to he protected by the soldiers from the fury of their Rebel neighbors. -3.•verul Rebels have recently heen shot in East Tennessee by Union men, who had suffered at their hands during the Rebellion. —Th. question of the Emancipation of the Span ish Islands is twine earnestly discussed both in Cuba and Spain, and excites great interest. —Admiral Goldshorough's Ihet is atilt at Cher bourg, and will not proceed up the Mediterranean until the cholera has abated along the coast. --Men in the Endlish army are boasting their enn neetion with Fenianism, which causes the Entidiat. papers to call for rigid enforcement of discipline. —Father Skis, a Catholic priest, has been lent to prison in Franklin county, Mn., for solemnizing the rites of matrimony withot taking the test oath. —The Printers of Denver City recently presented Speaker Colfax with a gold "composition stick," he having once belonged to the "craft " —A letter from Capt. 1.1.11, the explorer, says he has strong, :easel's for believing thus there ere yet three survivor• of Sir John Franklin's expedl tiOn. —A MI. Emma Jones has been I ried by cOurt martial In Clarkston, S. C., and fined $lOO for lasing disloyal language and trampling on the American flag. —Many of the suhordinate officers of the Freed men's 13urean have not proceeded to their posts of dnty, as there is not sefficient force to insure their protection. —The safety of Union men In Louisiana and Mis sissippi le still very precarious. Negroes era fre quently shot down, and no one is punished or even arrested. —The Important lead mines at Grenley, Mo., have been reopened. Prevloun to the war they were In a very proaperone condition, but have since been ian worked until recently. —A Mrs. [lardb was murdered recently near Buchman, N. by a negro woman. She was ar rested and coulee...l the crime, and was hanged to a tree by the neighbors. —Three bop and 18 hostel; were burned to death at Washington Hollow, near Poughkeepsie, N. Y., on the 28th ult., darin g the corAagniiion of a barn and atable4. --prg . 4407 dlrloral 'KIN cof Vl*stet wholi4 property bad been confiscated previous to the am nesty proclamation, are having the same restored upon payment of costa. —A St. Louts burglar, while robbing a room In tvidat a young lady was sleeping, could not rcalat the temptation of Autos the beautiful lips of the damsel, and winstatutbt at It and captured. • . , —A large ritblte 4neretlng wan bold in Nuelwrllle, Tenn., on Lbw 21ld'Inal , lu whioh IL S. Foote and Other prominent ex•Rehels partlelputcd. Strong Union molt: dons were adopted. —There are 103 colllerlys In P.•nnsylvunia which employ 0,500 hands. The skid in 11914 was 48,462,- LW bushels. The value ..1 the cull lands and ap purtenances Is $12,000,000 —A meeting of the holders of roc fe(leruP. hoods has been held In London. They have cu idea that there Is monPv to Europ ,, belonzing to thn Confed• uraie Government, cud are dedi tons ol' securing —The tlepoye and other F.a.t Indians are circu lating a report that an ancient pr,piteey of their ttrahollna foretella the overthrow of liritkh rule in 18tid, and it fa feared will Inet Junta In,urreetion. —..terrible Lrageds,occurred_at Mid.lleloWo, N. Y., on the '.44th the.. An abed form , r, mulled Greg- ory, tens shot. Cu his own threabold by a man wn ,, in be reused alma. The ass,,rin e,euped. —The Fenian orgenization in the Northern States number '2'21,000 men, openly pledged to move any da:, uu the mat uneatinn of the liberation of Ire land, and ald and asaist in that undertaking. —(ten. Ileaurom, rd la now a sedate, (inlet citizen and civilian in New Orleans, and ha. no Idea of lensing the country, but will remain here to meet all the reaponslbilitlee and discharge all the anti...sof a citizen_ —After the adjournment of the Council of the Epiecopal Church of Virninta on I It , 91st, u petition to the President for the pardon of Jett Dacia, was preacnted, and received G 2 signatures from the GO c lergymen pment. --More English capitalists have arive4.l at on their way West, for a tonr of oh,ervstion. The 111,4 hutch, having "done" the various places of In-- threat throughout the Wertern Buttes, are on 11A it a) to Yew York —lt has I.oen dr...hied that any person who Eon, any goods, forenr,u or domrhtie, WLleli.l . r he Las fixed place of salts or not, is suhkut to lireneo tar ar, a dealer. Ag, ,, nts recrivtrnt vont iLm ta ta......65a1u5,i.u. ILno d...rnat I.l.!Ltr We licact ,laq.!ere. - -The cattle diventse, which generally pree,ica the clioluni, la prevailing in Tenn.-seer, wrier• cattle and hi is ary dying off at a fearful rate: al;d a few caeca resernnling cholera nay. °centred in Navh villa. —Upper-Tendom In Ettghind ha; beon abocked by the elopement In London au Minn Crore, daughter of a clergyman, with her fattier' a groom. The fa ther of the lady, being convinced of her determina- V•ia to marry the young man, wave his eon:tout, and Ilia groom became bin null in-IAW. —Then• are 12 e.stAblielonents for the rnannfaetnie of patent leather in the United Statea, buying an in ve,ted capital of 51,030,0(Xt; pri)ing fur raw name nal, 51,395,400; fur labor, 5316,4ti0; einployiniz F 43 loaide, and yielding annually product. , to the amount of $'2,110,2.W. —Tim Government has granted the free nee of a ve—.el to Mr. Mercer, for von re)lr g a t olony -or 700 young WOO n 10 W11:%/111 1 0011 Territory, where they are to be furnhhed IILIIIICCIIII I II employ no ut. Mr. Mercer art. up,o the autholitv of the Territorial Government. —The Alabama State Convention liar, recotnrider,d the rcaolution to pay the debts contracted durin-t the war, and have repudiAled both the State a , d i'ooleticrAta; debt •rh.4, t,,on. i.n Lun.a,al an tel nanee which , :cally exelurn a negro teatlmm:y trona the court, —A large whale was !hot noar tlierrey, 1,,,t work. He swam between two Pntall reefs and could not hack out again. A farmer near by, bearing the noi-e, went to the shore with hit gun, and lutruedi stt) , "struck lie." —To allow the glitautie beale Cu which the war supplies were obtained, there retimins on hand In one Item 1,500,000 pairs of new idea, The quarter. master's Depart 111 , 11 t I,lVe already sold sO,OOO homes and mules, which have produced ripwatds of $0,000,000. —Secretary McCulloch has given strict orders that no more vialtors !I, at I be admlqed to the Bluk Note Printing Department, it having been cll. geared that the privilege was abna,l by parties In the, Interest of Nautili-I'lo , ms, who time 'turned to imitate the intricate machinery in use. —A man who ha , I,,cn nod cn¢o din cnit hating' the tca plant In G-orcia 6a3s that Lie planta crow a. ti.. , •1), end do OP cell to that Stud• us thr•v' do le their native country. The yicld la fr.•m lAx.) to its IL,. to the acre. —A vast amount of military supplir, of an in p. rirliable nature are Leine retained by the Govern rut nt, and carefully Etnwed away for lut 111! nun. The rent is being sold. —Mere was n walking meta r t h.• Illinois 80:e Fair between two tutu, art' tidal leg. The first mile Wtlti mrde In 12 t.,inne•' 20 ,econi6. Tim victor made hl , two miles in 19 minutes. They were employed by two rival i.sta9ilatiments far mak. Inc wooden —The work of rreonettnetiou telegraphic cum minimtion with 11. e S ,, uth rap Idly prose uted, end prior P, the no•ctim: of Corc*rrss, com munication with MI the promim nt pori' loos will be re-established. —The Postmaster-General h, accepted the pro position of James B. At char to carry the malls (H. weekly in steamboats between Memphis, Tenn., and Jacksonport, Ark., Berrien to commence Oct. 10th, uud end June 30th, 1rY.70. —Large qffantittea of 1-11 rep, tors6es, cattle and pigs are daily purehuiedlooto lor the United States markets. Maoy articles of Canadian mar.u. facture and growth areal-o dai:y at arroaa Ilse. A few 3 , 11f5 ago 11w tame articles were large- IL from the Uni:cd S'ates by the Cana dians. —President Johnson has expr.•e•ed his wish., that none ehould be elected Repr.•sel.tatiers to ecrhgree. Teem the South who cannut tuko the test oath; and certain ex-Rebel cantld•it. s f r that honor In Vir ginia have withdrawn. —The ex-Rebel Vice President Stephena it. soon o be released from Port Warren, And %111 return to ;corgis to co-operate strh ex Goveitinr Brown aria .them In the neon-tructi-e and r4eit,riiiion of that ,ate to the Union. —Fenlantern la still subject of much comment In England and Ireland. Tht .one pt. Notts have been wrested In Dublin, and large reward• are off: red for the arrest of suspected partks vet:o hare fled to England. The baggage or atl pa.sengera from America In searched.' It in said the British Govern ment derived from Mr. Seward important informs lion in regard to the Fehlan movement. —Two eitir , tin of Pickens county, G orgia, re cently called at a church frr two nem ag , linat whom hay bad a grudge, ..nri the men refunn to go out, they went in and commenced tiring, killing one man and mortally wounded a lady. Afterward, on an at tempt to arrant them, lb. y being rtitilorted by their friends, a gent ml tight an-trod, in which loor despe radoes were killed and on, mortally wounded. —The Emtian movement continue., to vveite un eafinede Inllngland. A nmeting of t magit.trater, of the nutria) of Corti IV, held km the 14:11 to con- Fitierthe measure. , nee, sktry in the tnv.e. The GUT'. en - anent claim that thy. mr - tv, ment its con fined to the - low eat cla,scti and t Mit there want be prompt anti complete imPpr,tion of it. —The art of Calsre.q stithoriziez the Ten. Forty loan flied the limit at $2OO 000000, but the 3ecreta• ry of the Treasury, (MMus' th,lt it interfered with the takirm of the live per m ut. loin, di , e,lntinurd when $173,000,000 were The ternalutralB27,- 000,000 will probably soon be put m'un the market. —The Chinese residents at Pan Fratteisen RP. making rapid strides In elvhizili and are fast ;Mantilla' themselves to Western customs and man ners. There Is also a marked improvement in their taste In mit:Must directions; sot instead of pilfering chickens, they are now robbing banks. —A Mis , :dnri man went to thy wvr, 1,,n n. n wile and two chi , drun, and brim: zivon op tor dead, Ida rIpOSUCI Wow assts neaarne a‘a lie and a mother. The first husband recently returned, and tLo two husbands, after talking the matt,-r over„ aereed tt laf the woman decide whose wi' l e OW would be. Sit.) eho,dnir ter first live, lho second took his Lade her good-h)e, er.d we:.f on Ida lonely wa). —An extract from a private letter written hp President Lincoln to Gem 'Wadsworth Ims just bran made public. la It Mr. Lincoln ll:Monied his in tention ol grunting nniaernal smnasty in the South. niion the complet, suppreasion of n.belllon, and odd that In such an event he ootatil not perceive how, under the circuutstariecs, he imuid avoid ." ex acting in return unlsersal euttram., or, at leant, Barmen ou the basis of intelli,me, And military eor. alea." —Kenneth Raynor writes a letter ;r,.in North Car olina to a friend In Washington, in stitch he states that unless the Government COMp.I4 tt.e ILhela to treat. the freedmen with lee, ornelty, there will cer _lately be a risinr of tho ', K r., and l.`nrly retalla lion there. He is preparing a letter for pnbli , mtioo, in which be will give a fell account of .he true con dition of affairs in the North State. Mr. it , aynor's earnest efforts in the Fremont camp:den, in Prim sylvania and elsewhere, Will be remembered; and bin consistent Calorikro during the post tour yearn, justifies the exptetatione of his many loyal friends throughout the country. —The Lewiston .7ourtial (Maine) Rossi:stiles Ir reverently of a popular conglono.ration: “At .11 ree lt eu th ti re c t timea, the conservative party, when strong enough TO enforce Ito haa been a party P‘' It poisoned Socrates; \lt crucified Christ; the Christians to the wild beast in the Roman am phitheater; It established the Ingnleliiou •, It rowed Galileo to confess that the earth stands still ; It told Its Ttarallelog hand upon Coln1:111113; It kindled the tires of Smithfield; if gibbeted Quakers; It pert:slat ted Aritvrtight; II laughed at hottest it adored American Slavery; It believes In Imperialism and opposes ttnleers:d Buffing(' to day It always was, It is now, and always will he, like n purblind bat, terrified at the breaking of the dawn, fearful that the universe is to be given over, with the rising mu, to tricaMexabhitit.eufl3llll3livnAir —The Presbytery of Newark, N. J., bail denounced borne racing, especially at agricultural eahltitirms. -B,Netitah cmigranta are settling largely In Vir ginia. - They bove Just formed a team In the eastern part of the stntc, near the Jatace Ricer, called '..fitockholm." —Montgomen• Blair abserta In a letter of the 30th ult., that juat pieyfoca to thelali of Sumter, General Lee was tittered Ulu command of the United 'States forces in the ll.ld. —Earl Ensuell has addressed a circular to the European govcrument•, denouncing th.. @lave Trade as piracy, and snixestinz that punishing it as inch be proposed to their Eevenal legislatures. Pa rcrtionntnio. E:`•'S'lL:l~ (1474 E Ir.iu t. r er.clolidir of tae wunrcrlber, on the lot of fltht, Yrorldar I hirer, d.ri. brow, with whthe belly, and white on loaf& of lrgx. tr . loco of or bock of right bin. nth, fan. v. ther .-1 w b.ZUOLUACIA. rektes in his great work on Inn - 1 ' , A. , nod Fall craw ii.lll. rmptf,: • tae el:g 1 Alcarouria cascoptotell by tire Arab.. lY /treat Lit, Ire fornlelo•l • more than three month; hurl to ni toe puha.: h 3. 01 1 not lave beau Usewe. If It Lad oot wet a no•Lor of wed ra luownis were that oclebrared collection. 'I in: ooly • way to ovoid bosh. stzli to Co boalnoto on virrect prionloloc, toy ma 1., cana.wid well low In. deb. sad taw no bad Cenln m nans to arro, who will pay. TLI u sips principle which enables cur friend .1 Z JaeKietiN. at Felala. In Val' the .T pr.,- butler and all Uhl& of toodoes, and ro roll hi. • or much Inge than otter. Co , sLd in our opts ton la he on u .1 cr. of doe to r./.11.111 DR. N S. BRUNDAGE, SIJ KG EON DENTIST, TT AS penr. II) , nt_at.d In Ilontrr. —ntllce over WILSONf I titti Eft , —lie would or to 6 W dom.'. frioro.r. to it- twop!e r Err v cklty.kot. eupectuTly tie.. toot tilier ourr beVlt plaits of tArtu..htt the 7 would do urtll i., 6;y. hl.. n ...It All work werrantud to Cog wakftelltru. The New Patent. " it . tt . kyr, talllc Pilling., an imr roatd LP metal ft r tm Ih. f r raR4N I [Lava the tight, firt•clemi, and le-nar,he • bin, to one f flambe' PurPAw /tt my nwa pharaier Pt.', It I. caeca t Alluy, and ledcrlancl to take lib, T. 51,1•4112 is. tuelalile, oxide, de, for erit, •if corrcum and hence an aortae* of the ddilmal.. tie- that I eneb a yarkte of wave cane, crwre fable to occur With that Kent Its Qua;ities and Advantages• nuttydal ri w hYn, thy teti fILII I , e [at ROI for teniPoUully ytot•plye yy watch ar• ethwayed atql, worthlre• tutrututhe thru. that 0 be ekl.fhtly Alf P.attlt Metallic Fllltne Velatuara rant leout yerrt other ma , trial but irald for fitting teeth, wbtia col yui 4,••• 1! , riro4•4l in many cues where gold crtnaht. tt t• • r i , b tacitly and accurately recurye. moulds clue. iy ••• tle• ...she 4,f be etolt7 yettheut rerardon f 4-ml, a peiFc sold throughout. Got rifts:U.lly ercluile• tueletur-• uct. tf ()ITN FOR SALE. ri IH4 nn hood ot his noble., In Jew p town. ~f W.rklt ro en, .4 23 Meer. Dram U. to Dv, It rvr.„ld, wl.lrC l:e r e,, fvr sale R. E., Vi RITA KIR. 12 07 .. D. LO T, Aursdav evel.soz. t.eptemb, 27L12. either In Sfacirom An VA. ok ffll,l. A SILVER PAT6Nr EVER W tog An A...1k sill, le 1 vela. with [owe chain Ms g L Acr :ably returnin,lt to S. Ell the SOIA. Lenox. E , s TEE AV M PuCl , or tbe ribicritier, in Bridiew.iter, on torotwr lad. a hood U BCK FA KEP. • ntly 7or B yearsowuur LS trgiscined onowe L an,. 2.1 lake. I.tat away J. 8, B.& r)„„1,, .10 VIAYIOND PIY LOST ETWF.E Y ti, , rr dl and frltao.n HoNme. abrna the talt. I) elle 11; r. %melt l'ln attached to •i.dritron. Ley our. E .dte: v e leer.' on the earner by , e3 ,1 *.1 et I'4lnm,', 11,d,r1 in bee , Milford. or Haratt y's Store te or et t h e Iwkerd.dere Repubbeen c mr, Iteatrose. 4:a,rott..l_tue.rr 2. 1865. wf.p. ellrelibßOLlN Read , Watrous & Foster Have Jost a splendld scoortnottA of 1D JESS GOODS, ,9 Nb I-T I NO of ENCII. Mt - AMOS. P.r INS. V 6 lia I A.prvcs., Vnr.oontLas. DOWD b. : Ms° n Urge •tock of , h. 1.11 it almoral k,tr, tr.c, at to. !,tarn ROUE FROil THE WAR! LT r t'Ll;•ly atonol.lllCe to hit trsndr form., the iddrac aster - stir. that he here.. turn , d from 11.. tt sear dI. ror earrythie on the CLOCK ard /ITCH r.l.alrr.r c. 1.. lo an as •hrarchts; and hrtrx or, a! les workorn in •h corrt I'l he Is 4 - 0 !Menu that he car sate, or, a. ha tray far• r han a - ILL thelr arroortgr. sllol' IN F. R. eIIANDLER'S STORE, it re t s a tt SPLunb mn be bau.att Ac—fur cu. L. B. ISBELL. !C: u, I'CS.-4' AGENTS WANTED FOR THE SECRET SERVICE, THE FIELD, THE DUNGEON, AND THE ESCAPE, BY ALJJLR r D. RICHARDSON, N. Y. Tribune Correspondent. The nor.- l• ter exe•tiog Von. ever bohnthed. rn."rto Inc Si,. It.A: tollen't unparotreltri mberlenth for faur)lnn; Oar. el' e. ore• t S".• b.nt he :caret ten o• the •‘ TT the outhrtna • t the I% a • our armies end nuts both Ater tad o.e-. gun, g the t 0 yyr. of tne tiebelllan; bb ,he'll,[( mtbture ; i ar twenty !month. In reven mthrm rein: mar nr; 1.4 treat., awl akrerrt namenlous )clulley by r. et.lea. Js ,e it 1/t3nUttal In interim eve_ l 4 end contthr morr of tt. e acs and romance of the war {Amu soy 021,0 worn tiohliet.e.l. liorree lirre/ey *air. . •• A rent :int hooks win yet be ,Ittrn eAngnenlng thla In addition to the matte niready m plot ; but not ore of them will glee arithlo a rltnil..r eorontrer a clearer, fuller, room readable as rro:.Lest .r t er.ohal rem:atop. 04 ,bens ore Want pn-be-tre., ill it Atrur., , txll 9 l•l of the lilneeho'gere Itele•Alon tlu.. does the unore et ding narratJee of Ile. Illtharre Tesfh•rs. enerse.l- valft,g m o, and Modally retorned and disabled dicers art!, erleaers, br cant of profitable amni...starni, arer tb..l I. v.v.-its:ly Adapted to their rendition We bare sarLo praring el :a per mobil, vblth re dpi prove to nay de1.11.4.1n, liant. rano for ...rcuiars Addl. as JONES, BROS., . ht. corner of :Oath and %lino, stress, rtnlsdelphla. Ps. GREAT EDUCATIONAL ADVANTAGES In Northern Pouusylvania. BEM Auvricau 41toinco College Scranton, Pti., WI I.L he open fee the reception of etudenta January 4th. The duclen th, hrotrullou In to pr.paer rang men tet Buetneee lit VV... The method of the comae of Inoracuen Ithaz v .1' 0.01 ! t• utoola a ;Awl that erect. all the juactlcel a. vat.taates of each. The nudent boya, setts tat. 0.111, Fhlys, contigna, Insurra, awl hEePI hie amotulta d 111 actaal blueness. A Normal Writing Department will 1 - e eotei 11-bed In connection with the College under the in:, vidcnoi con- of hei, Buelneto nde Urtniscientni Yeomen io Teiher. tit er t. wicati Fut: L AHS —lll,ll/nre givtrut fare iothie to ',Le Nova of study. and any lurthur informaltt map te11...1. L. niifiremin4 M. J. Gon.trr Is MEM= TO THE BRAVE SOLDIERS SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY To Is c mplut.ti by the 11..t0 Clalm dg.ney at Wnehiei tun, h. wk of eor Its nest setalott, the pneWgl law nutc...'r'ne the 151, To all tv Idee. the two r the prenwhed to them, no meter for whet roan 0 or CARS , 4I. they mat dh been ebarged. flub 4.bhargen Ydere no: tor clathllhy Rlatley mitt. 4 enlh meta or were ow ...kee'd to tranial.ment. Bed To tbs..- ru men..n. eighth n' OWN or 5.... aril. To sit pro nib. men, ore quarter of facet or .3 eth. To 'llOO too,. ha' now. three ...Wes of $lOO, or Va btA. fn one 1141c's $lOl l hon. yas• 1•h. To all men -a•. en within the a try teams eleatlt ItieSenthrneed whlle In the wart.. (not stone onaccount ,f wet lord hi action.) the fall Nanny to be civet thou nr ef aet nt Conan , . noeler which they were enlisted. Ith. T roc, dlselmiesd by rpm , o of pre:12011 - na pro nit bounty netwolthe In the net unner which they subvert for the doe they served ae ennehtl men ith .If erthe roontv to MI wieder. of the Reinlar A emy who wo dated In leen 1040, or Val. (odor to the act limy 1.1,1 and.. et reed their icl orm or bre 7 era, who were dhenaren Orr two nuiv g of the wee, or who we. dUchwtol IX7asem of .11.1.111t1e. counseled in the smite rlnce Jane 1711. etn. Of em bounty h, all desert.. who ~ .1- 11 1 1. 1 the' , reed..s end owned too y. ore exchhtee of the time they were *brefd rrra. out levee. loth.. It 111,0 tant.thi pay rcopet to•llarbbeill arllo bane HO . V lA.. n dhabl,ltte. contracted in the et h renew. et r Oration of It,. ofAerobe, or h' beenntlte Sabato. Mecarlvs .AA tr count of 00115 11datew of ertilneeda. p„,s proper to tiblibled blot alto mete pth.oterr nf war h. rn ths or lunder ,1 iAr, a wr,lll M IEO ACM. Of land to all enhated men vII rely ptton tl e eh.. .. I' . couttly. lend e. Creaky grant to /Ma. Ir. peeor to : teoper pay Tis•• a —To aro tbd ibrants. ' ,. allowances era. we prom... h etoorarad In the Law refervd to oar brs. , elm 41., sskom Justice In the eoldkers. We Lel.. that they Are the plate eat rated Of tbe rternea: a lesthee to all vested tub. If order 41 steam MI. ell those eo within of, anew.' t stews Althea Id Irate applkade4 Immediately hie. Aa.l, w Mt o.lllpleyale nod "otavard the artery PAP." att r. 1.1 TILE. Yoh Agent In lond, ronnty teethe Union CI .. .tree/. Moth rel., - - DR. C.IIN P. a' BIGELOW, 12E731 8 BITIMION. 0 1 , 77 01 311 1 1:Ma :Amt. In bcwo formerly occupied by id • L . GREAT REND BOROIIGH. Q A. um LoW had three y tinfTIO,CA clf . trrr. cli,r, of It. y flospltal tiL Alezaladzia, Va. sad pnr.ct!co of 07,11 rave, f , elteompotent, and :a prepared :d wund cast, I . 111! Great Lend, Aetennt 14th end, The 11:xson & HamIIIU • C.A.I3IINEI r s ORGANS, Forty DlttiireniStylest ADATTtIP t^ menet and revalue uittee, toT I°o to Vow'. 71tleev dve liol.l and Weer 31014, Or °thee &et erealluFA awarded them, 11,..rat.4 Catalogues free. damp , . UASON HAMLIN, Mao, M n SON LIKULILZUP, Nor York. Septello er le, lea, -it TEAS TEASE IRRE.SIi * orYPLT of mbar wi groul_NßLW I qtreM Yrrr G(X)r , IIICIrrt WILLIAMS, Principals, Scraait_ri. e W. A. Wtta-un