H. H. FR_A_ZEER. Publisher. VOLUME 11. Business girettatl. Dn. C. J. DRINKER, EITINICIAN AND ISDRONDN. Mon Dom Pe.. Oretoe with Dr. Coen. Om W. J. h 73.11 klalfortreStore. Pahllekirenge. dm, irlih Joseph D. Drinker. ...mak not. Vet,. 186 A. DR E. L BLA.ICESLEF, PHYSICIAN AND 8178680 N. eKa locatedßrooklm Burhah92: ma Vekely. WM Atutr.d promptly to all r:.,. y be tamed. Utace al L. X. lialderuic B =klYu. Jail X. 1565.-71. Dn. E. L GARDNER, K I HTBICIZAP SUROZON. Moan., R. O. Wel:W.Bton.. Board. at Searles Hotel. , setram,Jrzo• a, 1166.-41 GROVES & REYNOLDS, LIASHIONARLII TAILORS. Shop over Orand Store, Pu.lic Avraut. Iloautue, Ju. lL 1666. Da. CHARLES DECKER, 14111YRICIAN AvD SURGIVIE, haelua located hlnteelf Slrchs,defll. Susquehanna County fha, adll attend to al/ the stile with welch he Mae b• favored with promptnaseand attention. °MN st ht. reddesee near ltl . chglt 11 MVO s Mal Buchan:Mlle. Mug. Co.. Pa.. Mae Si 1815.—tr. JOHN BEAUMONT, 1001, CARTIER, Cloth Draw; and Menem:tom at the old stand known as Smlth'• Cardin; Machine. Tama made L.own when the work la J brogght, Jesup, Marsh ar - h 88 115. DR. G. Z. DIMOCK, pIi , T . KOIAN and 817110EON A __,TROMON SE, Pt Office on Tz . ceet, oppodte the Office. Board. SS MM... February Rh. 14£4.-17p _ C. AL CRANDALL, ANCTACTITHER of Lluem-wheellt, Wool.vbeabk WLsef- LU. beads. Clock-reela, h., kr_ Woodtuenflot dome to order. and e tlx titan! manna. lvrolug Sbop and Wheel Factoryln Sams' r ou ,,ar T Bnliduut, up stain. bi oar., Juluury Lath, I9&0.-1.1 B. S. BENTLEY, JR, NOTARY PUBLIC, movrnos.m. mAre3 Acknowedgmest” of Deeds, If °Maces, to-, for any State le the United States. Peados Vouchers and Pay Cer. tea , * b e before him do not require the certifkate of the f:ut of Coon. Montscese. Jan. '; 1863.—tf. Da. E. L. HA.NDRICE, thrOUL. sad SURGEON, roopectfhlly tendon his profit lopooa ervfora to Um cilium of Friendavilleand Of. the oflce of Dr. Lona. Boar& at J. Bodoni's. Trim:Kin - 111a. July it 1854.4 f It W. SMITH, L TTOII.I4IT a 000 - NAKLLOII AT LAW =1 La mm= knwv Aseat OLISce oyez Lees Drw, !can. Saannelowns Jwasukrs ILIL 1864. H. BURRITT, ZALZa to St. nzn2 PannY Dry Good& Crockery, HarAwnrt Db .11aopa n. 81.01,e1 Mao Oda. and Paints. Boots and Shona Eau run. & ea Previalona. de. S.. Illifent, Pa.„ Aprli 11. EL IL SAYRE BROTHERS,' aIADUFACTUDISELS of MlDCant er %Oefuluirs of en leted al Mon . , TM and Sheet Iron Ware. Dural leaplemer.o and Dealers In Dry floods, Grocertea, he. Montrose. Pa. February 13.1864. BILLINGS STROUD, FDIRE AND LUZ INSURANCE AGENT. 01Noe In Lett rout Yellang, east cod of Brink Block. in Ma atone* Doe am It we ethyl .111 be tranoeted by 0. L. Brown. Montrose, February 1, 1811L-1f J. D. VAIL, M. D., lOr OMEOPA.THIC PRTIIIULL.I9, Ear “joirmanently Ida ita blnoelf In Montrose, Pa., where be will promptly attend t 111 o.la tel Ms profession Intl which be may ire favored. 011er mt. Redden.. Wed. of the Court House. near Iteatlay A Men's. Illantmee, Fetmary 1, 1864.-0ct.22, A. 0. WARREN, ITORNET LT LAP7_ , BOUNTY. BACH PAT acd PED MON CLAIM ILOMNT. All Pe:Wm Claim. carefully 'pr. rto.oeim o. formerlygf i gled by Di. Vail. t,W. B antrom Pt.. Feb. I.IBBA-febl7yll2l3. LEWIS KIRBY Sz K BACON, a.KIT constantly on hands full supply of every varletY 0 BOOsitaz and OONTECTIONXFUItS. By strict alter- ot o eneduess and Barnes,ln deal. they bope A RO to i merlt the , thwal o•uuosße ofthe public . .e OYSTER and E ptarh to the in style that the sates of the public demand. Reutemberthe place, itot old Mott Grocery stand, on Math Street, below the Poetteca Montrose. Nov. 17,1843.—mch17,63.-lf DR. CALVIN C. HALSEY, DIITSIOIAN AND RITRGEON, AND EE.LMINING SUR LEON for PENSIONERS. oMce over the dere of .1.1.40. k Son. Pateit Amin. Bawds at Mr. Etheridge's. Montrose, amt. ! , 3851.4/ D. A. BALDWIN, TTORNIVI AT LAW, and Peradon, Boxmq, Lad Batt F. 11, Agent, Great Bentl,fluquebseas Clacnaty. amt 3.4, Anima IMPEL-1y BOYD .t WEBSTER, UCALERA to Stoves, Stove Plpe, Tin. Copper, and ghee Iron Wart; also, Window S.A. Panel Doom Wtodos Elllnds, Lain. Pt. Lumber and all kinds of Building kleterlals nu Sinn sou th of Searle's Hotel, and Carpenter Shop new the Nether:llst Church. aorr... Pa.. 1..37 1, 18841.-tf Da. WILLIAM W. SMITH, is • SURGEON DENTIST. Mee over the Banker °Elm of Cooper 6 Co. All Dement Operation, will to performed In his rimsi good styli ant` warrantor.. Remember. Ofte formerly of IL Smith & Ban. Somme, Isnosryl. 1864.—tf E. J. ROGERS, Ur AATTLOTITLLSE of al doecrlpslona of WAG. :11 ONO, CA.RII.IAGES. ISLSIGHI3., kr— to the Demtayle of Or - alrownehlp and or the best materials, et the well known etood FZ or E. H. USVIII, it feel rods tee! tf Sevle'e Flotel In Montrose• .been he will be hePPY to ~ of the calls of all who want anyt4torg to hie Iles. Marc.rose,7uttel.lo,4.-if DB. JOHN W. COBB DRTSICIAN and SITNOZON, mos:Maly tee.ere Ole services to tte citieene of Stignelasnna County. He .111 gbreetprclal ...tbt to the emleal and medltai treat neat of dbensses of tbe eve Ltd tar. and ,a• be consa Sod seas e to serrileal operatives bla ^e them at hl. °Mee over W J. & S. H. nulfurd'sStere. deem o afable street, ear of J. S. Tubers Hotel. Ilou;zuse, SUN. County. Ps. June 11.111113.-tf BA.LDWIN & ALLEN, tiLERS In PLOLER. Salt. Park, Fla. Lard. Grata. Ford o.dies, Cam, .4 1.0.h7 Seed. Alpo GROCERIES Began, ki °lmam Byrom Tea and Coffee. Weet aide o f`attk A•ennk one door De la* J. Etheridge. Itentrom January 1. ISSL-1i DB G. W. BEACH, pirrtua&N &ND SUBGEON, hawlnt permanently locate.- honed( at Brooklyn Center. Pa, leaders hie onateestonal wer run. to me dtitene Banqueßrims. OorontY. en tems tmetmenem. vs with the times. Cont lee the cam of the late Dr. B. ftlr-Paoll en, hod hoards et Kn. Brooklyn CO:IttT, pt. June I. 118e.-17 F. B. WEEKS, DidOTIOAL 1300 T AND 8110 Z ILAXLII; also Daft." tr. 1 Boma Shoes. Leatbmand Shoe Theban. litepairtus dear .12 .. .U....A 411.17041 , Tyro doors above Bearlem Hotel. lloransse, .I.uary 1. 1.1564-1 f WM. & WM. H. JESSUP, A ?TUMULI'S AT 'LAW. Wrrzumee, Pa Practice in Smartie [anal BrlLdlin . d. Wane, Wyo=lTlt 5.15 LSlMerlit COW:4IU , ecutner„ Pa., Jarmary Id, 1861. ♦gyp:}Ait M*0,01740:40,401 (11STRICE ATTORNiI AND ATTORNEY A.T LAW. 015C0 OM the Store ftma , l7 ocouptrol 1 , 7 FOE Broadax. Ilaatxne, Pa-January 1, 1340. J. LYONS & SON, DcLLICRB IN DRY GOODS. Gronerlea.Croelnewy.FLardwan Tinware. Books Melodeons. Moo. and all kinds of Moat Irwiranunda, Sheet Moak, to. Alao carry on the Book Bind le; oaatner In all Its branebe. Nonwoore. January 1, Mi. T. A. LIONS ABEL TERRELL Draass IN DRUGS. MiDIUINICS. Clit/LICALS,„ Patna, oth . Dmatuffa, Vazolsbes. Window films. DOaeds. Groceries, Crockery, Glassware Wall-Paper. Jew • 27, Fancy Good., Perdu:nary, Serrgloal Instruments, Tha w. Work.. Etrosbes, Agent for all of the meat pupa s, Nand Modlelnea. Montrose. January 1. UM. C. 0. FORDHANI, 3itrureerop D i or sm ot s soo nt s gm E A ,, 11. 1 =1 Ifter, topairbox d test* Work dove Irbea prom, tied. m' itoritroae, April 1861.41 CHARLES N. STODDARD, DiaLsa in BOOTS d SHOES. Leetber and ?Ind: n= on Yale a. third door he Searles Hotel. Ire. N. H. Wort fusee to order. and - repatrieg done neatly. liontroae, Pa.. December 11.1660. L IL BURNS, .. p ,, AMtT e.. Ojlce irlth J ' 21.1E44.- U. B. B. LYONS & CO.. D[ALCMs InDBY 00 ( IDS,GROCNSIEIL WOOTR, RIOE, Ladles' Gahm, Carpet., 011 Cloths, Wall and Window Par r -r. Palny, OIL. 15tore an the cast idde of Mlle Amine. a. imam - • - • a. m. LTIXTI. Yontrose. Jiutuary 1, 11364.41 READ, WATROUS it 'POSTER, nEAZIMS LN EMT nIODB, Drat. IllacUtlnei. Pihtts, Olb f7:7 21,,.. A Ilud D0an ."747...' 3 = . : boa. C Beak ir. W m alebts. J . ..... a... RV RV s. WATIOLV IL O.IOIITII itUntrailt. January 1. 11554. .WILLUM W. SMITH, CABINET 6141) CELLE ItAHU facture:. Keeps constanCy on band all Linda arCaarrorr Isdaarraas„ ar for naiad at Clod untica. Choy and Wire Boma root of Mara Bt. llonloae. Pa.. Marta D. leda—t! PHILANDER LINES, grattllcoNe.llLL TAILOR. BA* 11 / 9 440 " 1 .4 - "ITICAta PastresSkits. Ig.abse. ..Itaawm. AJaly . . " . • - - •- • . . •••• • 4,4 , cob, • ... , • . • : , •••!:WW `Aft • • , BONG OF THE lIEENFILINCHITBED. rThe following song Is sung in England by sev eral millions of the nnenfranchLsed working-men, to the disgust of the snobs and aristocnits We plow and sow, we're so very, Very low, That we delve In the dirty clay, 'MI we bless *he plain with golden grain And the vale with the fragrant hay. Our place we know, we're so very low, 'Tis down at the landlord's feet I We're not Leo low, the grain to grow, But too low the bread_ to est. • Down, down, wei go, we're so very, my low, To the hell of the deep sunk mines, But we gather the proudest gems that glow When the crown of a despot shines. And whene'r he lacks, upon our tacks Fresh load. he deigns to lay ; We're far too low to vote the tax But not too low to pay. We're low, we're low, mere rabble we know, But at our plastic power - The mold at the lording's lest will grow Into palace, rhumb, and tower, Theo prostrate fall in the rich man's ball, And cringe at .the rich man's door; We're not too low to build the wall But too low to tread the door. We're low, we're low, we're very, very low, Yet from our fingers glide The silken now, and the robes that glow, Round the limbs of the ions of pride. And what we get, and what we {Cite, ' We know, and we know our share ; We're not too low the cloth to weave, But too low the cloth to wear. We're low, we're low, we're very, 'very low, And yet when the ntmpete The thrust of a poor man s' arm will go Thro the heart of the proudest king. We're low, we're low, our place we know, We're only the rank and file, We're not too low to tight the toe, Eint too low to touch the spoil. ONE YEAR AGO. What stars have faded from our sky : What hopes unfolded hnt to die What dreams so fondly pondered o'er Forever lost the hues they worn? ftowlike a death-knell, sad and 'Slow, Tolls throvaigk Where Is the face we loved to greet, The form that graced the fireside seat, The gentle smile, the winning way, That blessed our life-path day hi day Where fled those aneenta soft and low That thrilled our hearts "one year ago!" Ah ! vacant Is the fireside chair, The smile that won, no longer there ; From door and hall, from porch mod lawn, The echo of the voice is gone, And we who linger only know How much wu Met "one year ago!" Beside bee grave the marble white Beeps silent guard by day and night ; Serene she sleeps, nor heed• the tread Of footsteps o'er her lowly bed ; . Her pulseless breast no more may know The pangs of life " one year ago r But why repine! A few more years, A tew more broken sighs and tears, And we, colleted with the dead, Shall follow where her steps have fled To that far world rejoicing go To which she passed ono year ago !' - TEE CRACK IN THE WALL. A handsome house in an eligible street in Par is with plenty of showy furniture Ib the draw ing-rooms, and plenty of fine dreitses in the wardrobe, but no love, no magnanimity, except in a little back attic, where a char Ming young girl tenderly ministered to a feeble mother.— This house belonged to Monsieur and Madame Chatelle; the attic was occupied bY the widow and daughter of Monsieur's deceatted brother, 3L Broussaics Chatelle. 'The window Chatelle was, at her best, a weak-minded Woman, and when suddenly reduced from apparebt prosperi ty to absolute dependence by the death of her husband, she gave way at trice, and became morbid, fretful, and exacting. .11et ill-temper injured nobody but herself and her daughter, Rosine; for her hostess,: having ptir . mined her to furnish the back attic with such articles as she had saved from the wreck of her fortune, would not be troubled farther, and contented herself with sending up three scatty meals a day, while she worked Rosine nearly to death in the various departments of governess, laun dress, and lady's waiting-maid. Finitlly, discov ering that mother and daughter must soon be supplied with new garments, 3fonseitir took the matter in hand, and plainly told his unwelcome guests that he could no longer support them, and that they must henceforth loOk to them selves alone for food and Shelter. Poor Mdme. (Marone woo oyerrrbelmed by this blow, but it gave Rosins courage. Prom a dependent child, she became a self-relying wo man, and when she crossed her uncle a thres hold for the last time it was with a resolute step and a cheerful countenance. It is true that she did not even suspect the wasting anxiety, the haunting fears and the many disappointments which lay before her; but even if she had done so she would have smiled at them for the mo ment. Her first search was for lodgings, of the price of which she knew nothing, and, With an ach ing heart, she descended lower and lower in the social scale until she came upon a vast six or seven stories high,lhrongral to the eaves with a motley and 111-assorted community. It was called "The Folly," because hisses begun on a grand scale for a private dwelling, and was stopped when half-finished. 111-arranged for any purpose, it remained long unsold, and was finally made into a lodging house, its thin par titions and mean stairways contrasting s:rongly with its stone walls and handsome casements. A front room on the second tlobtr had just been vacated, and Rosin; with many misgiv inga, resolved to take it. A thorough cleaning. with three or four coats of whitewash to the ceiling and walls, which she effected with her own hands, greatly improved its condition; and although she had been obliged to sell a part of her furniture to supply more needed articles, there was still enough to make it contrast plena antiv with most of the apartments of the "Folly." A bright-colored carpet covered the centre of the rootn,and around it stood three dr tour rose wood chairs, a deep soft lounge, and a small ta ble. One of the recesses upon the back side held the bed, screened by long curtains of glaz ed cambric,and the other held the little cooking stove, with a few little culinary utensils which bung around it. The table furniture was stow ed away in a corner cupboard, prettily-covered boxes held the fuel and provisionit, and upon the wall were five or six offlosine's'pretty wat er-colored drawings, and a small case of choice but well-worn books. . Hogue bad kept up her spirits 'wonderfully until these preparations were completed, for she had no time to think; but now mem the bard task of procuring work: She could draw and color with taste and skill; she played the piano gracefully and sang charmingly; and she em broidered neatly and rapidly. Her personal ap pearance was also in her favor. Her figure was elegant, and her face possessed sweetness and purity; DM these - points, wtactrtrocreeird for the moment those to whom she applied, weigh ed but little against the filets that she had no ref erence and that she lived In a doubtful If not posi tively disreputable quarter. The 'utmost that she could accomplish was to secure ime pupil in each of the branches which she desired to teach, at a rate of compensation far below ''that which she ought in justice to have received; and ells conraged by her ill success she tried to obtain other employment, however Warne and unre munerative. This search was rendered nearly unavailing by Mdtne. Chatelle, who exacted from her daughter as much attention as if they were independent in fortune, and who was In a chronic state of llihumor over hOr privations and suffering.s. Rosins never lost her patience. She sileit.her own griefs to quietthose of her mother, soothed her with a thousand devices, and at night sang; her.. to sleep as she would have done a fretful leant. • Resin's great beta; berzefined'inanner,and her loving treirtefefristrpoillltb lite'Loollgert " Freedom and Right a:_lainat 13bavery and Wrong." MONTROSE, SUSQ. CO., PA., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1865. In the crazy old building. To some she render ed services so cordially and quietly that the feel ing of obligation was sweet rather than painful ; and for all she had the right word, the pleasant smile or the deferential how, as she divined the peculiarities of each with the tine tact of a gen tlewoman. There was but one inmate whom she could not tame—a certain M. Britian, who, whatever he might have been, was a decided bear. Ills long, gray hair was always in a tum ble, forming a rough frame for the small portion of face visible within It. 01 this nothing could be seen 'but a lone, sharp nose, a pair of deep, dark,mellow eyes, whlchwere irresistibly attrac tive when brightened by a kindly emotion,hut which habitually shot forth scornful and ill-na tured glances to accompany the sarcastic words which followed the slightest notice of him. His dress was scrupulously neat, but thread bare -and ill-fitting, and his figure, so far as could be seen, was badly shaped and as uncouth as his manners. He had a room on each door, and passed with stippered feet from one to the other at all moans-r of seasons. Rosin° often meet him, upon which c.casinns he seldom fail ed to accost her with a sarcasm bitter in propor tion to the number of listeners; by which means he effectually blinded the most inquisitive to his real feelings and saved both the young lady and himself from an irksome surveillance. But either his lustrous eyes neutralized the effect of his lance-like wit, or his voice, which could yield the most winning heart tones, must have given the lie to his sparkling shafts, for Rosine never suffered from them. Site even felt drawn toward this powerful, cross-grained man, as if she were safer and stronger fur his presence in the dreary building. One of M. Britian's apartments loaned that of Mdme. Chatelle, and not only was the parti tion thin, but there was a crack in it which helped him to a knowledge of much that was going on upon the other side. Mdme. Chatelle constantly complained of ennui. "It was so dull when Rosine was away ! Not anew novel, not a canary bird, not a cat to purr on her knee. not even a mignonette on the balcony! What was the use of front windows when there were no handsome dresses or flue carriages to be seen? She was starving, too, literally starving. How could Rosine expect her to live on dry bread and onion soup !" Then the sweet voice uAlld bo hoord, emmaollnaua xvir ploin i nft and coaxing, but more frequently detailing n lit tle street incident, relating a pretty antidote or recalling a pleasant reminisence. Upon such oceasions,M. Brdlan often happen. ed to sit near the wall, and even to lean his head against it in close proximity to the conven ient crack. To do him justice, it must be said that such accidents had never occurred in him before. He was not naturally curious, nor did his time hang so heavily on his hands as to drive hint to ungenerous modes of disposing of it ; hot he had never until now come into real ctmpan• lonship with a true woman. His mother was handsome and gay—the veriest trifle that ever was tossed on the surface of French society.— Her husband was gay, also; but where she limit ed like thistle-down he plunged deeply in. Vi cious himself, and acquainted with vice, he was jealous of her every glance. Hot words, tierce contentions; angry recriminations rollowed, and the little Brillan formed hard, contemptuous views of his race, which had thus far robbed his life of sweetness and beauty. He had seen. indeed, shining examples of every virtue, both separate and in combination , but he hod grown up in such isolation and misanthropy that none of them had come directly home to him; and, besides, the effect had been lessened, if not destroyed, b' a lurking doubt of the purity of the motives which had dictated acts sn utter ly at variance with his preconceived opinion of possibilities. But here was n genuine revelation. There was no chance for mistake or misconcep tion, for he could himself read all its marvellous pages. Here was strength with gentleness. youth with patience,- beauty with purity, and courage with tenderness. The lovely picture stole into the heart of the gray haired cynic and haunted his memory. nt first, he imagined that ho felt merely the surprise and delight which would have been occasioned by a discov cry in science or art; but when he found that Rosine illuminated the whole building with her presence—when the touch of her garment as she passed him on the landing thrilled him with in. tense pleasure—he could not but acknowledge to himself that Iris intellect had very little to do with the joy he experienced. One twilight there was a knock at Ifdme. Chatelte's door, and for the first time M. Britian appeared on the threshold. "Had Pompine strayed into Madame's roma ? Pompine some times wandered, but still she had her gnod points. She was handsome—that nobody could dispute—lt Madame had ever observed her, she must base perceived that the gray of her coat was of a perfect shade." Madame had never seen the animal, which was not to he wondered at, as she had been smudled into the house twenty-four hours before, anti was at that mo ment securely fastened in the next apnrtment but Monsieur's object was accomplished. He had, in a legitimate manner, caught sight of snow-white dinner cloth, and ignoring the pres ence of Boehm, who stood respectfully awaiting ills departure, lie addressed himself to Madame. "How cozy the table looked ! He was tired of his rambled meals, and he had forgotten to buy some bread. Might he—just for once— bring in his own dinner, and so picnic with them r AB be had foreseen, while she was endeavor ing to frame a courteous refusal, Madame—alive only to the passibility of a comfortable meal— gave a glad assent ; and before the young lady had recovered from her surprise and vexation, he appeared with a superb cat under one arm, and bearing a tray with a little silver box of the richest coffee, a cream pitcher minus a nose, but filled with excellent cream, a sugar dish without a handle, a cracked howl with a batter ed spoon, a steel knife and fork, an old chicken on half a platter, a pat of delicious butter on a dish notched at the edge, some delicate tarts and a bottle of choice wine. As there was no help for it, Rcsine made the coffee and cut the bread, her own little share of the repast; while Mon sieur sat down by Madame and gave her a pa thetic account of his housekeeping trials. Wrth perfect gravity, he asserted that a lady friend had, in spite of his protestations, given him not only the cat, but a canary bird, a mocking bird, and a parcel of plants in pots, which were real ly the torment of his life. He couldn't, under the circumstances, give away these articles, yet the birds were often hungry and dry, and the plants were dying for want of care. Madame, who didn't once suspect that this was a pleasant fiction devised for the occasion by her guest, sympathized with him so heartily that a new idea then and there appeared to occur to him. "Might he venture to ask—could she take the trouble Of looking after this inconvenient house hold? He had no claim, but the temptation was great. He had seeds in abundance for the birds, and the milkman and butcher had orders to leave milk and meat daily for Pompine." Rcsine looked warningly at her mother,. but Monsieur did not appear to perceive it. It was Madame whom he relied on, and she did not fail him. " fine should be delighted. It would give her something to think of when Roaine was from home. Rodin was a good girl, hut, really, she was out more than appeared necessary or oaa proper to her. Oh, yes ; she should be not only willing, but happy to oblige him In this way." The call to dinner interrupted the flow of Madame's eloquence. The meal passed pleas ' antly. Monsieur was playfully protective tow ard the young lady, but profoundly deferential I to the elder one, and his wit was so light, his humor was so genial and his anecdotes were so lull of fun, that Rosine even forgot her cares and felt something of her old time gaiety. As the evening drew to a close, M. Brillion hung the bird cages and arranged the flower pots on the balcony. This done, he remembered but one other trouble tharhe need confide to Madame. "He wished to use the adjoining room for a li brary, but the char-woman arranged it vilely.— it Madame would condescend sometimes to give it a finishing touch, so that he could feel a little at Louie, she should be welcome to the use of •itny and' all the books which she might find there.',' ATlontAiricatabliAfriftirkrcirctifitddlin face, but Moasniur, fearful of effects, lifted the hand of his hostess to his lips, tad took his de parture with a shower of bon-mta which pre vented all discussion of the topic. Rosine's dissuasives had no effect upon Mad ame, who arranged the apartment which M. Brillan had spoken of, and which she found full of books, pictures, and statuettes in the utmost disorder. There were excellent novels, works of travels and biography, volumes of exquisite engravings, and all the best French periodicals. These were treasures, indeed, and Madame smiled again. What was still better, Rosines time was fully occupied by pupils who paid lib. erally and id advance. She suspected M. Bril lan's influence in this, but she could not decline to benefit by it, for without it she must starve. Its acceptance, too, was entirely unlike that of the flowers and birds, which she telt persuaded were intended from the first as gifts, and in which she could thnrefore take no pleasure. For two months M. Britian was seen but little about the house, and yet great baskets of fruits and lovely boquets were continually finding their way into the apartment of the Chutelles, and Madame's pocket was sever without a sup ply of bon-bons, of which ski was immoderately fond. She pleaded ignoranc, , of the giver ; and Rosine, finding remonstrance unavailing, endur ed in silence. The cold weather had set Rome to thinking how she could supply winter clothing and fuel when M. Brillan again beimed permission to dine with Madame, pic-nic fashion. "It was his fete doy," he said, "always a melancholy occas ion, and he really dreaded to spend the evening alone." Madame was as gracious as before.— "Monsieur would be most welcome," and Bosine could only make the coffee and lay the table in silence. But this time Monsieur asaisted her. Be brought a table for the dessert, and unpacked an enormous hamper, containing sithstantials and delicacies for a week's feasting. For a man with a sorrow, he W certainly very merry, laughing over the want of dishes, making pun., dashing off rhymes, and telling stories all in a breath. The room was warm, and M. Brinell, when Rosine's back was turned, slily filled Madame's glass more than once, spa that good lady by and by fell asleep. Rusine blushed and grew unea sy; but her guest, without noticing her agita tion, drew his chair a little nesrer hert, and told her how his nunhood had been paaNed, how its bitter memories bad made him a misan thrope, and bow her gentle virtues had won him a love and reverence which he had not be( , re deemed possible. Then, with a hurried eager ness most unlike his usual manner, he besought her to become his vlife. Rosin° listened in silence. Ever since she had known M. Brillan, life had been easier and brighter to her. Unconsciously she had leaned upon him, even when she was blaming herself for accepting favors so quietly conferred that she did not know how to decline or prevent them. Looking back upon his conduct toward her, and seeing it in the new light shed upon it by this avowal, she felt its delicacy and genera+ ity, its winning thongh:fuiness and grateful trust. The love which had lain latent in her heart, waiting only for an enkindling spark, hurst into conscious existence. M. Brillan knew it, and, stooping, received his acceptance in a timid, trembling kiss. "You must remove front this old shell tomor row, my darling," said M Brillan ; -we cannot be married from the 'Folly ;' that, indeed, will never do," "And why not ?" asked Rosine, in astonish ment. "Shall we not continue to live here, and &ball I not give lessons as now 1." 'Probably not; but whom do you think you have promised to marry r "An elderly man of small means and no no parent business, living in the 'Folly,' a dreary and not very respectable lodging-house in a dir ty street in Paris." "We shall see," said Britian, and after a few rapid movements be stood before his be trothed a handsome man of thirty five, with short, thick chestnut hair, curling closely on his temples, a delicate moustache curling (Jeer !he clear brown of his cheeks, and a fine figure tast._fully imbued in the most elegant of the pre vatting styles. Then lie sat down and whisper ed in her ear the name of one of the most distin guished lawyers in the capital. Roeine's blue eyes opened to their utmost ra pacity, and her lover looked fondly into them as he continued: "There was a great lawsuit pend ing which Involved an immense estate, and I was certain that 1 could secure it for my client if I could obtain some important evidence which had been dexterously concealed. Ipm myself into the hands of one of those artists whose bus iness .it is to perfect disguiies, and commenced my search, which finally brought me here. To day I have gained my cause, but my succ'•ss in court was nothing to that which I have just achieved. Oh, Rosine, you have given me love, and faith, and glad,. beautiful hopes, that reu,h even unto Heaven." Upon the followl4 New-Year's eve, a pleas ant wedding was crlehrmed in a pleasant street, and then la. and Mdme. de Courtney and Mdme_ Chatelle drove to a splendid mansion all aglow with lights and scented flowers. There they received their frtenoand relatives, or at least a portion of them, for although M. and Mdme. Antoine Chatelle made the humblest apologies as soon as they learned that their niece was to be restored to society, they did not receive wedding carder When the guests dispersed, the happy hus band offered his wife his own especial gift. It was a picture in a frame of gold set with pearls, and represented his library at the "Folly," with a light shining through a crack in the wall. THE OLD STORY OF THE FIVE PEACHES. A countryman brought home five peaches from the city, the most beautiful that could be Been. His children saw the fruit for the first time. On this account they wondered, and were very much pleased over the beautiful peaches, with the rosy cheeks and soft down. The father divided them among his four children, and one was received by the mother. In the evening, as the children were going to their bedchambers, they were asked by their father : " Well, how did those tine peaches taste to yon r " Excellent, dear father," said the eldest. "It is a beautiful fruit, somewhat acid, and yet Of SO mild a flavor. I have saved the stone, and intend to rear a tree out of it." "Well done," said the father, "that I mil prudently providing for the future, as it becomes a husbandman." "1 have also eaten mine ap," said the young est, "and thrown away the stone, and mother gave me half of hers. Oh, it tasted so sweet, and melted in one's month!" "Well," said the father, "to be sure you have not acted prudently, but very naturally, as chiblren are wont to do. For prudence, there Is still room enough in your life' Then began the second son: "I picked up thestone which my little brother threw away, and cracknd it. There was a ker nel therein that tasted as sweet as a nut. But m y p eac h I mid, and have rceetved so much money for it, that I can when I go to the city, probably buy twelve." The father shook his head, and said: 'Wise It was, but not in the least childish or naturaL May heaven preserve you from be coming a merchant r ' And thou, Edmund?' said the father. Candidly and openly answered Edmund: took my peach to our neighlxies son, the sick George, who has a fever. He was not willing to take it, but I laid it on the bed and came away.' "Well," said the father, who has, then, made the beet use of his peach I" "Then cried they all three: "Brother Edmund has." ButEdmind remained aiient, and the mother kissed him with tears in her eypa, t- Ladies don't often go hurt with fowl• ing-pleces, and when they do, they .:an't gener• ally find anything to set their cans et. .me istle, lir os the dogs, but patri, e Aw ; Wagl m o! lits• A ROMAN HERO In the war between Rome and Cartilage the consul Regales was taken captive. He was kept a close prisoner for two years, pining and sickening lb his loneliness, while in the mean time the war continued, and at last a victory so decisive was gained by the Romans., that the people of Carthage were discouraged, and re solved to ask terms of peace. They thought that no one would be so readily listened to at Rome as Regulus, and they therefore sent him there with their envoys, having first made him swear that he would come back to his prison if there should neither he peace nor an exchange of prisoners. They little knew how much more a true•hearted Roman cared for his city than for himself—for his word than for his life. Worn and dejected, the captive warrior came to the outside of the gates of his own city, and there paused, refusing to enter. "I am no long er a Roman citizen," he said ; " I am but the barbarian's slave, and the senate may not give auatenee u) strangers within tile wank - His wife Marcia ran out to greet him, with his two sans, but be did not look up, and received their caresses as one beneath their notice, as a mere slave, and be continued, in spite of all en treaty, to remain outside the city, and would not even go to the little farm he had loved so well. The Roman senate, as he would not come in to them, came out to hold their meeting in the CamPlifims- The ambassadors spoke first, then Regulus, standing up, said, as one repeating a task, ' Con• script fathers, being a slave to the Carthaginians, I come on the part of my masters to treat with you concerning peace, end au exchange of pris oners." He then turned to go away wi h the ambassadors, as a stranger might not be present at the deliberations of the senate. Hisold friends pressed him to stay and give his opinion as a senator who had twice been consul ; but he re fused to degrade that dignity by claiming it, slave as be was But, at the command at his Carthaginian masters, he remained, though not taking his seat. Then he spoke. lie told the senators to per severe in the war. He said that he had seen the distress of Carthage, and that n peace would be only to her advantage, not to that of Rome, and, therefore, he strongly advised that the war should continue. Then, as to the exchange 1 , irocrur.l tne uariiingintan cenvialv, nuo I , IC, in the hands of the Romans, were in full health and strength, whilst lie himself was too much broken down to be tit for service again, and in. deed he believed that his enemy had given hint a slow poison, and that he could not live long. Thus he insisted that no exchange of prisoners should be made. . . It Was wonderful even to Romans, to hear a man thus pleading against himself, and their chief priests came forward and declared that, as his oath had been wrested from him by force. he was not bound by it to return to his captivity. But Regulus was too noble to listen to this for a moment. " Rave you resolved to dishonor me ?" he said. "I am not ignorant that death and the extremest tortures are preparing for me; but what are these to the name of an infamous action, or the wounds of a guilty mind? Slave as I am to Carthage, I have still the spirit of a Roman. I have sworn to return. It is my duty to go; let the gusts take care of the rest." The senate decided to follow the advice of Regulus, , ttuutrb they bitterly regretted his sac rifice- His wife wept and entreated in vain that they would detain him; they could merely re peat their permission to him to remain; but nothing could prevail with him to break his word, and he turned hack to the chains and death be expected, as calmly as it he bad been returning to his home.— That of Golden Deeds. INDIAN FUN One of the earliest settlers of the country round Lake Champlain was Colonel Raymondl. He understood the character and disposition of the redskin natives of the Forest, and lived with them in much harmony, frequently employing them to row him up and down the lake, as he bad occasion. One stout fellow, by the name of Biabear, had his wigwam at no greart dis tance from the colonel's dwelling, and was often there. The Colonel having occasion to visit some distant shore of the lake, employed Big bear to row him in his csnoe On their return they passed near a high yet sloping ledge of rock, on which lay an immense number of rat. tlesnakes asleep and haskirig in the sun. The Indian gave a penetrating look at the Colonel and thus inquired : "Raymun love fun ?" "Yea," was the reply. " Well, then Raymun have fun; mind Indian, and hold your tongue." So he rowed along silent and slow, and cut a crotched stick from a bunch of hazles upon the bank. -Steady, now, Raymnm," said he, as he clap ped the crotched stick astride the neck of a ser pent that was asleep close to the edge of the water. "Take urn now, Raytnun; hole lass." The colonel then took hold of the stick, keep ing the serpent down, while Bigbear tied up a little sack of powder, putting one end of a slow match therein. He then made it fast to the snake's tail. And setting fire to the match, gave orders to "let urn go," at the same time pushing' the canoe off from the shore. The snake, being liberated, crewed away to his den. The Indian immediately then stood up and clapped his hands, making as hied a noise as possible, and thus roused the other serpents, who in a moment disappeared. "Now look, Raymun, look—see fun," said he, and in about a minute the powder exploded, when there was, to be sure, fun alive. The snakes in thousands covered the rock, all his sing, rattling, twining, twirling end jumping in every way imaginable. Colonel Raymond burst into a loud laugh that echoed across the lake, pleased alike with the success of the trick and the ingenuity of the savage's invention. But Bigbear, from the beginning to the end, was as grave as a Judge, not moving a muscle, and not having the least show of risibility in his counte nance. This is truly characteristic of the Ameri can aborigines; what causes the greatest ex citability of laughter in others has no effect upon them; they remain miter, sedate and fixed as a bronze statue. They may !eve fun, bnt never in the smallest degree exhibit that character in their looks. A MAGNANIMOUS DANP--Daring the wars that raged from 1622 to 1660, between Frederick 111 of Denmark and Charles (Instants of Swe den, after a battle, in which the victory had re mained with the Danes, a stout hurgher of Plena borg was about to refresh himself, ere retiring to have his wounds dressed, with a draught of beer from a wooden bottle, when an imploring cry from a wounded Swede, lying on the field, made him torn, with the very words of Sidney— " Thy need is greater than mine." Ho knelt down by the fallen enemy, to pour the liquor in his mouth. His requital was a pistol-shot In the shoulder from the treacherous Swede. "Rascal!" he cried, "I Would have befriended and you would murder me In return. Now I II punish you. I would have given you the whole bottle, but now you shall have only half" And drinking off half himself, be gave the rest to the Swede. - The king, hearing the story, sent for the burgh er, and asked him how he came to spare the life of such a rascal. "Bire," Bald the honest burgher, could kill a wounded enemy." " Thou meritest to be a noble,"She king said, and created him one immediately, giving him as armorial bearings a wooden bottle pierced with an arrow 1 The family only lately became ex tinct in the person of an old maiden lady. £ Sir Isaac Newton's nephew was a clergy. man. When he had performed the marriage ceremony for a couple. he always refused the feKtsying,—" Go your ways, poor wretches, I have Alone you mischief enough already." Was he oT was he not a subject fot a lunatic asylum ff" Anna (totgA her beau)—Frederiek feVl?, what city hrt,Wyoterg to visit this Fred.--11 yairlarArn ui b 'OM*, p9floBYo LET THE ANGELS IN. Open wide the door, mother, And let the engele la ; They are BO bright and fair, mother, 8o pare and free from AW- I hear them speak my name, mother, They softly whisper, " Come !" 0I let the angel* la, mother, They wait to take me hom.. I know that death has come, mother llla band la on my brow ; You cannot keep me here, mother— Yes, I must leave you now. The room is gtowlog dark, mother— I thought I heard you weep; 'Tie very sweet to die, mother, Like sinking into sleep ! I now must say farewell ! mother, For I nm going borne Now open wide the dnor, mother, And let the moguls come ! aorita TO SLEEP. The light la lading down the sky, The shadows grow and multiply, I hear the thrashes' evenine song: But I have borne wish toll and wrong So long, so long Dim dreams my drowsy eens.•s drown— So, darling, kiss my eyelids down ! My Ilfe's brief spring went wasted by,— My bummer ended frattlesaly ; I le trned to hunger, attire, and wait,- 1 found yon, love—oh, bunny fate ! So lute, au late I Now all my arc turning leo WU, do, darling, kiaa my eyellda down ! Oh, blessed eleop ! oh, perfect real.! Thus plllnwed on your fultlnul broost, Nor !Ito nor d =this wholly drear, 0 Lender heart, since you are here, MMMMII Sweet love, my soul's Pl2ifivient crown ! Now, darling, kiss my eyelids down! Front " Our Young Folks." A FEW PLAIN WORD 3 TO LITTLE PALE FACED FRIENDS. 1=333 Three years ago I visited my dear youn friend Susie. Althougti she lives in the country in the midst of splendid grounds, 1 found her with a very pale face, and blue Beznicircl, s under her eyes. Her lip 3 were as white as it she had Just risen from a sickbed; and vet her mother told me she was as well as usual. Saf , i, wail seven years old, and a most wonderful child. I said to her, " Well, my little child, wha makes you so pale?" She replied, "0, I was always pale. says it is pretty." When we were all sitting around the dinner to ble, I introduced the subject again, for it was vet y gad to find this beautiful and promising child h.l fragile. Before 1 lett, I took little Susie's hand and walked into the garden. "And now," said I, "my little one, show me your favorite flower." She took me to a beautiful moss-rose, and c•,• claimed, "0, that is the most beatiful dower la the world; don't you think it lovely, lr?" I said "Now. Susie, I shall come here again in two weeks. I wish you would dress op tha . rose bush to a suit of your own clothes, and al low the dress to remain till I return." She laughed, and said. "Why, how queer' why do you want me to do that?" I replied "Never mind, but run and get the clothes, and I will bid p you to dress it up, sod see If iL looks like yon." She ran off with loud shouts to ask mamnii for a suit of her clothes. Of enure mamma had to come and ask it I were serious, and what were my reasons. I saii, "I cannot give you my reasons to-day. but I assure you they a.7:- good ones, and when I come again I will e•. plain it all to you." So a specimen of each and every kind of gar ment that Susie was in the habit of wearing a is brought forward, and Suate and I spent some time in rigging out the rose hush. First came the little shirt, which made it look very funny; and then came the little waist and skirt, then t i t• frock, then the apron, and finally, over all, a It.- tle Shaker sun bonnet. When we had reached this point, Susie cried out, " Now, how can you put on the stockings and shoes?" I said, "we will cut open the stocking and tie them around the shoes we cannot use." Of course we all laughed, and Susie thought I was the funnieat man in the world. She could hardly wait f me to come again rind tell her why I had dont such a funny thing,. In two weeks, according t° promise, I was a my friend's house again. Susie had watched her little rose-bush, , r rather the clothes winch covered it, and longed for my coming.. Bit , when we took the bonnet, gown, skirt and stock ings away, to and behold, the beautiful ros, bush had lost its rich green color—had hecom like Its mistress, pale and sickly. "Oh!" she cried, "what made you do so why, you have spoiled my beautiful rose-bush." I said, "Now, my dear little one, you LIIII-1 not blame me, for I did this that you might re member something of importance to you: Yo., and this rose-bush live out in the broad, genial sunshine together. You are pale and sickly the rose-bush has been li , althy and beautiful. I put these dollies on the rose bush to show you why you are so weak and while. If we had kept these clothes upon the hush fur a month or two, it would have entirely lost its color and health." "But you would not have me gu naked, sir.' "No, not altogether, but I would have you healthy and happy. And now I am going to ask your father to build out here in the garden a little yard, with a close fence, and when tir shims you must come out into the pare with your nurse, and take off your clothes and play in the sunshine for half and hour, or until your skin looks pretty red." After a hearty laugh the good papa asked if I was serious about it. I told him, never more so, and that when I should come to them again. a month hence, If Susie bad such a baptism in the sunshine four or five times a week, I could promise that the headache and sleeplessness from which she had suffered so much 'would b.. lessened, and perhaps retnoved. The carpenter was set to work, and in two days the enclosure surrounding a bed of flower, was completed. ..At eleven o'clock the next morning, a naked little girl, with very white skin, might have been seen running about with. in the pen; papa, mamma and the nurse clapping their handa and shouting. I had been careful to say that her head should be protected for the first few days with a large damp towel, then with a little flat bat, and finally the head mos , be exposed like the body. I looked forward with a great deal of interest to my next visit. Susie met me with. "0, lam as black as an Indian." Well, but how is your health ?" 6. The good mother said, "She certainly has greatly improved; her appetite is better and I never knew her In sleep so well before." There were four Children in the family, and all of them greatly needed sunbathe. As there were two boys and two girls, it-came to paso that another pen was built, and four naked children received a daily baptism in the blessed sunshine. And these children all improved in health, as mucu as the rose-bush did after we removed its funny dress. The good Lord t has so made children that they are as dependen on the sun for their We and health as plants are. When you try to make a house plant grow far removed from the window, where the direct rays of the sun cannot fall upon it, yen know it is small, pale and sickly; it will not long sur vive. If ln addition to keeping it from the win dow, you dress it with the cothes which a child wears, it will'very soon sicken and die. If you skeep within doors, and do not go out Into the unshine, or if, when you go out, you wear' a Shaker bonnet and gloves, _Pm must, Ileethe house plant, become pakand sickly. Our young folks will ask me, 4, Whet te t o t o &GO Are We to go naked t" 'o,`oo;not.naked,W it Word 4 addgreatlyto` ettfttbila vitt: ability to " I never $2.00 per annum, in advance. Fi: ifi work both mind and body, If every part of your body could be exposed to the sunshine a little time every day. If you are pale and feeble, the victim of throat, lung, nerve or other affec tion, you must seek a new life in the exposure of your whole body to the sunbath. Bat if you go a great deal in the open air, and expose your face and bands to the direct rays of the sun, you will probably do very well. Just think of it, your whole body under the clothes always in the dark, like a potato vine trying to grow in a dark cellar. When you take oft' your clothes and look at your akin, you are sometimes almost frightened to see how white and ghastly It seems. flow elastic, tough and cheerful our young folks would become, could this white, sickly skin be exposed every day to the sunshine! In no other way could they spend an hour which would contribute so much to their welfare. Carry that white, sickly potato vine from the cellar out into the blessed sunshine, and Immediately it begins to get color health and strength. Carry that pale little girl from u , adnrlcssaewhere_ahals_e....-mos, - lwrttetao _ ar— and unbent", Into the sunshine, and immediate. lv the blond starts anew; soon the akin takes a beautiful tinge, the little one digests better, her tongue wears a hotter color, she sleeps better, hex nerves arc quiet, and many happy changes come. Twenty year; ago I saw a dear, sweet child, of two years, die of croup. More than thirty hours we stood around its bed, working, weep ing, praying, boning, despairing; but about one o'clock in the morning the last painibl struggle for breath gave way to the peaceful sleep of death. • . On the fOowing Sunday we gathered at the gad home to attend the funeraL The little coffin was brought out under a shade tree, and placed upon a chair. Just under the window of the bed room where the little one had always slept, and there the broken-hearted mother and father, with many neig,hhnrs, and the kind-hearted minister rill wept together. And then we all walked to the graveyard, and buried the little one in the cold ground. On the very evening of that day, the brother of Charlie, who was but two years older, was taken with the same disease. 1. was called in to see him. 0, how pitiful, how very touching were the moanings and groaninga of that moth- Fjler l t‘g: h iPas th SetUP; much worse again, but on the following day wag able to ride out. Within a few days I sought au opportunity to speak with the parents about the manage ment of their little son. It was painful to tell them that I thought they might have prevented the death of Charlie. But I said what I thought 7019 true, and then advised a new policy in the cage of the remaining child I said to them, " Your son who has been taken from you Was carefully screened from the sunshine. When he rode oat in the baby-wagon, it was alwaysunder the cover. And he slept always in that bed room, into which the direct rays of the sun nev er come; that great tree makes it impossible. A child cannot live where a plant will not grow; and If von doubt what I am telling you, try a pot of flowers in Charlie's bedroom. You will find that in a single month the leaves will fall, and the plant will die. Charlie spent three quarters of hill life in that bedroom." The mother, at length, when convinced, cried out in very anguish of soul, " What shall we do? What shall we do?" Anna " Well," said I, "my dear friend, if you would save this child, and this is the only available sleeping room for it, I advise you to have the trees that shade that part of the house cat down. Trees should never be allowed to shade human dwellings. They are very beautiful and noble objects, to my own fancy more beautiful 'sad no. ble than any other products of our planet, and I would have them multip lied, but would not have them near our houses." The trees were cut down, the blessed sun shine came In to dry, sweeten and purify the bedroom. Its atmosphere was so changed that no one could fail to observe it. The child was kept much In the open air, and when taking his midday nap ho was occasionally laid upon a matress, near a window, in the direct rays of the sun, his head protected, but the rest of hie body exposed to the sunshine. The little fel low4s health greatly Improved. I believe he never bad another attack of the croup, - Our Young folks should never sleep in bed rooms that have not the direct sunshine. They should never sleep in bed-rooms the windows of which are shaded by piazza or tree; and if they would have the very best health, they must live as constantly as possible in the sun shine. All who have delicate health must, with their clothes removed, take daily sun-baths du ring the slimmer season. Such a bath will eve them very little trouble, and they have no idea how much it will add to their health said happiness One good bath in the sunshine le wor h many baths in the water, valuable as these are. Some people admire pale girls. They make very good ghosts, but are not worth much as girls. God hong up that great sun in the heavens as n fountain of health, light, beau ty and glory for our earth. Oar young folks, by living in houses with piazzas, shade-trees, close-blinds, and curtains, and by using in their walks broad-brimmed bats, gloves, parasols, and veils, deprive themselves in a great part of the many blessings which our Heavenly Father would confer on them through the great MIL A Cturrous Sronr.—The rollifwing curious story appears in the New Frankfort Gazette: A few days before the Grand Bake Constan tine's last vast to Berlin, a commissioner of the Polish National Government arrived there with a Swedish passport from Stockholm. On pre sensing himself to his fellow-commissioner itt the capital of Prussia the latter informed him that two Russian officers who had formerly serv ed in the insurrection bed determined to asses ainate the Grand Duke on his arrival, wishing to revenge themselves upon him' for having or dered three of their comrades to be shot. The two commissioners, feeling that such an act would only bring disgrace on the Polish cause, deter mined to prevent it, and at the same time not to betray the officers in question. They then bean to search all over the town for the °Rl cei,, and at last, after wandering about for four days, they met one of them in a cab. They followed him to the Russian embassy, where he stopped, and asked the porter when the Grand Duke was to arrive. The porter told him, "To morrow evening at 10." The officer turned away and was about to go Into his cab, when he was stopped by one of the Poles, who thus addressed him: "Wl', you are a Russian officer; you have served in the Polish army, and you intend to murder the Grand Duke Constantine. Cnmo with me at once to the Polish Commissioner. I will have you arrested by the Prussian police." The officer, a young man of 27, then allowed himself to be taken to a hotel, and to he shut up in a room, where the two Poles moulted Guard upon him In turn. 'Pito other officer was captured by nine or ten Poles resident In Berlin, who had pro ceeded to the railway station for that purpose, and a six-shooter was found on him. A quarter of an hour afterwards the Grand Duke arrived at the station, with the brother of the Kin g _ of Prussia, and the Prussian Ambassador ,, little thinking that he owed his life to his moat de termined of enemies, the Poles. Or The newest thing out is "plumpare" for hollow-cheeked damsels. The plumper is made of porcelain, pear-shaped in form, flat on one Bide and bulging on the other. They fit on the inside of the cheeks, giving a round, plump ap pearance; hence the name. rEr If a lady in a red cloak was to cross a field in which was a goat, what wonderful trans formation would take place? The goat would turn to butter, and the lady into a scarlet runniz tarA French photographer has made ar. rangemetiis for desceadh* to the bed of the ocean in a submarine vessel, provlded. with the electric light, and middog enbmfrin. photo. hit tits that the idlee wan,' leawg 1115, soars itay cost q.