- ght independent ppublican: -?. ..1L . ,:111,1t) 1 Vi - I, - ' , 11 V7 .) 4 '.-..-- - -••::::- 4 .....:--- • . ' , LOCAL MATTERS. Mass rife&lnas:: Jones T. CalfEnOat, Republican Candidate for herrff.ennalre, apeak at tho following name 4 • .I..Cef• : ... c, f. rifld.—Tnetday Evening, September 26th, yr, .IMihrri—Wednesday " " 27th, ji,,,trm—Thureday " October sth, ,;,,„;,, , (Rnsh)-Friday " .., 6 th l ~,,,i,i2te—Satnrans " " 7th. other speakers will be in attendance. The PEG. Fl F. sre reakctfully invited to attend. Fact.—J. E. Jackson'n Store, at Falrdale, Is a .d ' , lace to trade. We have found It 60. route Rot.—We learn that the potatoes arc exteneively In different parts of Sus -I.ct county. inurrsting Book.—Beo advertisement of A. D. v ~,ard,ei'v new book—" The Secret Service, the Dungeon, and the,Esimpe"—ln this paper. ..714 socirrw.—:special meeting of the Aid Society E n rols House, Thursday, the "Bth Instant, at Wynirrxing Rrfdgr.—We call the attention of r al..r- to the advertlacment,in another column, pr,po.als for the rebuilding of the Wyalus• harp , Tomato,—We found on our table, the , er morning, a fine tomato, weighing a pound varter—trom the garden of Mr. Edmund in Montrose. rot otnee.—Ou and after October Ist the usual •n.•re mail, vta D. L st. W. R R., will doge at • a —until further notice. D. IL LATITHOP, P.M. /tars Hetratil—Tbe barn of 3lr P. C. Conklln,ln Township, was Ostroyed by 43 on Sunday • "Li': b.t wePh,telth its cohtents,lneNding about ci ha) and OM bushels of oats Mr. Conklin co doubt that It was the work of an Incendiary. ---- quarturlll •Sreting•—Rev. Henry Brownscomhe, -r-:au , : Elder of this District, will hold a Quarter , in the M. E. Church, in Montrose, nest • niniav and Sunday, last day of September and Ist ,) r Services to commence on Saturday at .1. k V bare r Lamb.—MlL. FRAZIEII :-/I1 your paper Au er`.,' von mention C. E. Davis f‘i Au- T... m , dp, as raising a fine lamb, weighing 92 mlnthe old, and ask—Who has a better? ; —1) C. Oakley, n( Lenox "Township, „,,'• he has raised, tire months old, weigh :, Imh, one hundred anCtwo pounds. Wko Grrat Rend Items.—Great Bend has again been • .I , lt from burglars. Last week the An,o, LancLi., was entered, and $l,OOO In 0.100 in notes taken from a chest. No ‘t t been obtained of the burglars. s‘ • •rk:, do not progrnse very rapidly. The , end House is now completed, and will , Kel as the switches are IluisheLL 3 Mean Ilna.r.--Some scamp recently sent tis a of the marriage of Mr Charles aos, which was published. Mr. Pease, . a a r , .nrnod soldier, writes us that the signs ..., „I 1.,!1,r's name to the letter Is a forgery,and r",trl.As some miserable copperhead has 1 , r , -..nme so, and arc sorry that the let• e• n tt,laid so that we cannot send It to 1• !All , identity the rascal. Fithint Errorskm.—Long Island Bound Is said „ --I rate place to go a-fishing For exam . tat ! Christopher Allen and Guy Stoddard, of •,,,, F. :iv. Ct., and R Bolles, of Jessup Basque- Coubt!,. Pa., went out, on the Bth Inst., In ...r twn Grant, and In seven hours sailed 50 ! blne fish. The three old boys— • d see is 212 years, and their united „:51 511 pounds—were much elated with their Wertfrood Fair.—We have received no full re - ie,enwocid Fair, but have bri informed -bow of Stock, Agricultural products, Do • it , nulactures,Fancy and Ornamental articles% superior to any of the previous Ex.- We are pleased to notice any improve in regard to those things which should ihtetest our farmers. The display of superior •? heroes was also larger than heretotoro. - • hirze number of persons admitted to the beau. errand: of the Society, during the three pleas , lays of the Fair, well attests the manner is ;he public appreciates the efforts of the en r_:;: and gentlemanly managers. Tlu Ohnsitrad Plow.—We have lately bad in use )!En zte.i . a revolving landshie and adjusts rd plows," and land It to be an excel •! nr,;.;cm..nt. It does the work well, and is •0 ten to 40 per cenL of draft as corn cnmmon plow, though we hare as • sr. I.l.titris of verifying this claim. The man " We challenge the world to pro doing the same amount of work with Certainly'llghtuess of draft com. • work, is a very strong recommends- Tia, plow is manufactured by D. S. Ayres & lilr.ghamton, and for sale in this county by ii ih.mlin, whose post office address Is Mont . Jet.. Ps. Th.friel forniV.—M a. Enrron :—I see by Mr. • card ,a your last paper that be professes to 4•713, to the principles advocated by the Republic ,: ,1, M . ) card was published under the Im untertained by many, that he was more of D.R. , (711: than a Republican. lam glad to find '::at I oar oii-tithen. I was a candidate because I s.,:rto the vote of the Republican party could be ~ • ,r rocs, nt rated upon a Republican, running as sr ;r:irpeads at candidate, than upon a Democrat, ape the regular nomination. Knowing •On nb:ican candidates in the field would t•ad nacre or Ire= to divide and produce contusion party, soy name is hereby withdrawn. My • 0•. too rurr, In relation to nominating by eon , ' ,on .arc Ft)! the same, and I hope before long to art a rrforni in this brunch of our polities. L H. Bean. fitrpresentatfm. CorJereaux.—The Union Confer. Diqrict composed of the Counties o : , otuiuz and Susquehanna, met at the house o 1), , I Llthron, In Sprhm - ,ville, on Monday ; , ..,a,o• h. 1665. ( ~ r. ryes present were G. B. Eldred, Samuel and W. A. Crossmon, for Susquehanna .mot!, and Samuel C. Jayne, and James E. How, cm,; County. motion. G. B. Eldred was chosen President. zo if. A. Crossmon Secretary. rk• motion of Samuel Falkenbttry, J. T. Cameron •.• arunimously nominated for Representative, for Dirinet, and on motion of J. E. How, P. IL was also unanimously nominated. That the proceedings of this ColiTentl°, d in the Union papers of this Represent (e Dionet. ' COc motion adjourned. The self Sprinp—This Spring is situated about ' mile. nearly north of Montrose, in Franklin, - .....rael:anna County, Pa. on the south side of Si! -• • LT, i::1 Ste junction with Fall Brook, and about wee above its confluence with Snake Creek. Ac- , ais , :t to a prevalent tradition the Indians were sr ,um...vd to manufacture salt hero out of the water • m.r from a crevice in the rocks at the baee of the and on the margin of this stream. the aborigines had retired from this melon ;Le whits had settled in the vicinity, the hint,' ~:.mg a larger supply of salt than could be pro from the surface, tamed the stream from the of the bill into a new channel and commenced nag for salt in the old channeL They sunk a per ,ndienlar bole, two inches in diameter a distance fnme five hundred feet into the rock, but not dis ',string the necessary amount of salt, they finally boring and abandoned the undertaking as Slime that time the "Salt Spring," as it c been familiarly called, has become a noted re s for planic and other pleasure parties, seeking a -.bred and romantic spot, shut in and shaded by btrest, and cooled by the rising mist-of the vr,smiet or the dashing spray of the waterfalL— T.., retreat met every reasonable expectation, and I — , l's, the waters bubbling up from the Spring n•r , esteemed valuable for their medlchril proper haring the power to cure or alleviate many of tt, his and aches to which flesh is heir. Taus the Sat Spring reuudned, until the present when this wild retreat was suddenly laved .: and a change comes over the spirit of its dreams. 74, derrick now rises over where - the sparkling have so long bubbled up and danced off to • uir.cie with those of Silver Creek ; now the en rum puffs and paws where the picnic partitS used Tread their cloth and break their fast; now the sturdy blacksmith swings his sledge and sharpens " elcel where ardent youths used to crack their ! ,, lits and smack their love. flow changed and des - crated' linw sordid and selfish the motive! All t.b has Nan done merely tri'"strikcllel" . Not many months since, a Company formed in N , w York, purchased this Springlifd Its snrrouud embracing ten acres ot grticrid, and commute. horlng for oil in the old hole Which they ha v e f°l - at Intervals and then to their evident eland ,44tage the new hole is four Inches in diameter cud now extends to a depth of some four hundred eud fifty feet below the surface; they are still sink ,nr. at 1' at an average of upwards of ten feet per day. k their downward passage they have struck fresh ‘ater veins, sulphur veins, and finally salt velah *heck are rich in quality and seem to he abundant. m. Nasality. It is sad to now know that these salt "'ins were penetrated by the old bore some fifty • .e r. but acre not discovered by the _persons auto seeking for them. The Indications now frequent, Inspiring and eta:waging hope of ultimate auccees. May this hope not. bu tburpolatett ft • Income Ltd.—Complete List of all Persona , In Susquehanna County, losseened on ehe Amitug List toe 1865, as having an Income exceeding alx hundred dollars : Allen W L—Montrose Bentley B il—Montrose 1,082 BeJudaic° suafr- r uttle Meadows 0,025 Ball E o—Birelhardsvillo 0,072 Bradshaw John—Birebardmillo 0,023 Baldwin Altred—Montroso 1,424 Beebe E L—Franklin - . 1,013 Burrows A B—Fr anklln 0,487 Barritt Henry—NOW-Milford 0,967 Chamberlin A—Montrose 0,071) Clark Patrick—Silver Lake . 0,089 Clifford Rleherd—Apolacon _. 0,431 Clark John—Choconnt .1 0,363 carmalt Mre Barah—Frendatille ,42,814 , DeWitt J. R—Montrose '' 0 5 0 Dein:pore B. H Itt'rtliontroae I 2,863 - —.. Dearborn P J—FranF Dickerman J—New- onl Eldred G B—Montro Fox Ansel—Little Meadows • Fitch L F—Montrose ' Garrett ll—New•Milfiird Gage II M.--Hreekney Gage James--Hmekney Hill Margret (anardian)—Laweville Centre Hayden George—New-Milford Hayden Tracey—New-Milford Hayden Wm—New-Milford Hayden John—New-Milford Jessup Geo A—Montrose Jeastm Wm A—Montrose Jayear Lewia—Bmckney P o ; Killable Howard—Little Meadows • Motley Garden—New-Milford... Moxlev Win T—New-Milford.—. Mulford Mrs Ellsba—Frlendaville Miller Jaenb G—Montrose Mulford R ll—Montrose NinlfOrri Wm J—Montrom, McCain J H—Montrose Murphy Timothy—Middletown Centre Merrill C a—New-Milford Northrop H W—New-Milford Pratt E A—New-Milford Streetki F ll—Montrose Stone J E—Montrose Shoemaker Nicholatk—Montroae Searle Leonard—Montrose Strand Billings—Montrose Sotrittle H L—New-Milford Smith L A—New-Milford smith A B—New•Milford..., Stillwell 8 L—Franklla Tamil L M—Forest Lake... Torrell Joel—Forest Lake... Tyler M o—Montrose Turrekl W J— ,Montrose Tulin& Rase —New-Milford Vance Beni`(—Franklin Williams tillburt—New-Milford... Watson Wolter—New•Eillford Wheaton N P—Franklin Wilama John B—Middletown Bentley G V—Montrose Brown Clam L—Montros.... Cooper Wm H—Montro Carlin Joseph—Anhurn..,.... Deans John F—Bridgewater. Dessaner M Drinker Henry—Montrtoo.: . Foster II C—Montrose...;..... Goodwin James 13—Monty:las Little R B—Mantrose Lathrop D R—Mootmae..— Lathrop Azur—Montroso.... Mitchell Norman—Montroab Main I A—Dimock Main T C—Dirnock MeMlckeu C M—Anbnrn Parke Benj—Dlmock... Read C F—Montrose Riley J P W—Montroar. Riley Minot—Rprirville dityder N D—Rtish Sherwood Wm H—Rash.. Shoemaker R B—Rush.... Selzer John—Auburn Turret! Abel—Montrose.. Tyler James C—Montroso Tyler H —Montrose. Watrous A—Montrose.... Wilson M 3—Montrose.. Wilson S M—Montrose.. Wells Perrin—Brldgewater Young John—Dlmock... Ayers Benjamin—Dundaff. Arnold Thomas—Dundaft. Edwards C C—llarford... Grow G A—Glenwood.... Grow F FL—Glenwood.... Grow E R—.4lenwood Hawley C P—Gibson Ingalls 8 S—Gibson Johnson C S—llartord Jewett R—Srooklyn Phinney 0 P—Dundeff Phinney Thos P—Dnndaff. Phinney H B—Dumlaff.... Smiley John—Smiley Smiley David 31—Smiley.. Tingley W 31—Lenox Freeman—Harford Tiffany E B—Harford . . _ . Very Y,erab—Harford. Wells Geo H—Gibson .. . . . . . . . Whipple Ferdinand-Brooklyn 0,913 Anderson Mathew-Susquehanna Depot..... 0,131 Back Arthur J r -Susquehanna Depot 0,099 Bartram ChasSusquehanns Depot 0,007 Burk Thus H--Susquehanna Depot 0.054 Benningeer Chas-gnsquehanna Dep0t....,.. 0,148 Bartlett Chas-Susquehanna Depot 0,201 Burin Oscar-Susquehanna Depot - 0,458 Brown G N-Srequehanna Depot 0,216 Bourne J T-Snsquebanna Depot 0.08 Butts Perry-Lawsvllle Centre 0.262 Burt Frank-Brookdsle 0,165 Curran Peter--Sasquelaanna Depot 0,242 Creighton Jahn-Susquehanna Depot ...... ~ 0,096 Cameron J T-Susquehanna Depot 0,484 Carty Henry-Susquehanna Depot , 0,190 Cummings Joseph-Susquehanna Depot 0,3.54 Cholla , . F L--Susquehanna Depot 0,146 Chase S B-Great Bend 0,31x3 Curtis It H-Great Bend 0,390 Dodson Wm--Susquehanna Depot 0,0.0 Dinemoro Sam--Susquehanna Depot 0,251 Doran H P--crest Bend 0,042 Dayton S 11--Great Bend 0,150 Easterbrook T D-Great Bend 0,466 Elliot .John--Susquehanna Depot 00.18 Elton F N-Susquebanna Depot 0,9.53 Eilewood Fred-SusquShanna Depot - 0,199 Falkenbury Saml--Susquehanna Depot 1,537 Fortes E W-liinsquehanna Dep0t....,...... 0,391 Foley Lawrence-Susquehanna Depot, 0,0118 Fitzsimmons d H-Susquehanna DepOt 0,107 Greggs 0 W-Great Bend 0,165 Gregg James B-Susquehatuaa Depot 2,373 Gowenback Wm--SurquehannaDepOt 0,2441 Hunt Wm-Sasquetuunia Depot 0,603 Holmes Timothy-Susquehanna Depo* 0,138 Hoagland Chas H-Susquehanna Depot 0,407 Holeil H N--fineqnehanna Depot 0'235 Hill H C-Susquehanna Depot 0,040 Hall W 3-Susquehanna Depot 0;350 Have Horace H-Susquetianna Depot 0,215 Hoppers B F-Susquehanna Depot 0,035 Irving Nicholas-Susquehanna Depot ... '. .. .. 0,694 Johnson Kennedy-Susquehanna Depot.- 0,097 Kenyon Roger jr-Lawsville Centre 1,254 Knight H C-Lawsville Centre 0,165 Lenbeim I. 6-Great Bend 1,250 Lilley Edward-Susquehanna Dep0t......... 0,848 Lamb Ptillip-Susquehanna Dep0t........... 0,119 Lyons Frank A-Lanesboro 0,341 Lyons S A-Lanesttoro . 0,910 McKinney Henry-Great Bend 1,2110 Mason David-.-Susquehanna Depot 0,196 !damming Richard-Susquehanna Depot.... 0,514 Mlles Wm--Sriseinehanna Depot 0,214 Migent W A--Susquehanna Depot 0,305 Newell Henry 11-Great Bend 0,323 Pitcher L C--Susquehanna Depot 5,555 Parke C 0-Susquehanna Depot 0,18.5 Pali:Ain Walter-Great Bend 0,082 Patrick Ezra-Great Bend 0,375 Roe 11 H-Brookdale 0,031 Reed 0 51-Great Bend' 0,945 Richardson J N--Susquehanna Depot.. 0360 Rafter P H--Susquehanna Depot 1,100 Rosa Thomas-tiasquehartna Depot 0,175 Rice W A--Susquehanna Dep3t , 0,164 Rymer J Sp-Susquehanna Depot ' 0,247. Stamp Wm--Susquehanna Depot 0,390 Slrachen W H-Susquebanna Depot . 0,169 Shaul" Washington-Susquehanna Depot.... 0,910 Springsteln Theodore--Snaquehanna Depot.. 0,175 Suedeker Wm--Susquebarma Depot 0,106 Slmmon Offington H--Susquehanna Depot.. 0,901 Bouthworth Arthur--"Lawsvlße Centre 7. 3 , 0,0011 Felt Peter-Susquettanna Depot. 0.185 Thompson Geo-Susquehanna Depot 0,9t9 Todd Tom--Susquehanna Depot 0,10 Taylor E 0-tinsquelaanna Depot 0,650 Taylor Tom-Susquehanna Depot 0,014 Vedder C 0-Susquehanna Depot 0,42 D Williams Gritllth--Sasquebanna Depot 0,230 Watson Wm--Susquelienzta Depot 0,272 Wallace Robt-Susquebanna Depot 0,4410 Wolcott W .A-Suequejunna Depot 0,950 ~ Burrows Urbane-G.1140n 0,291 Church C C-*.Dandaff 0,208 Simone EF-- - Great Bend 0,104 parriagto. . RANSOM—ARNOLD=ILI Rub, Sept. 16th, by ElcL U. IL Gray, Mr. Will.htra Rime; a Spring ville, sad Mee Sarah A. Arnold, of the mama place. TYLEB. 4 -MILLER—In Marf as the 11th inaL, by Rev. A., Miller, Mr. Edwar d. Tyler of New Milford, end Wee Caroline 8. Miller, of Meer& WARNBR-11ALSTED-4n Gibson, on the-717th instant, by Rev. E IngallsOdr. Reuben B.- Warner, of Trenton, N. .1 and - Mies Mary E.Halsted, of Gib son, Pennsylvania. _BENT—BAILEY—At Brooklyn, Va.,_onMoznadsiy Sept. 18f5, 180.5, at the reoldeace of IL L. 13;07, b Rev. L. B. 011 man, A. W. Kent, of Brooklyn, an Mary I. Bailey, of Methuen, Maas. BUCKLRY—WEBS--At the resblenre of the bride's parents. &pt. 14th, by Rev. -J. W. :11Pisitt, Lica. James rineldny, late of Battery A, 2nd Ye. Artillery, and Miss Alien A. Webb, both of Lance.- boro, Pentmlvenla. 2APER- 2 STERLING- 4 At the resbleuee. of hie Of ficiatbm clergyman,- In P4loyrnLee Co.. Illinois, by Rev. A. IL Scebommaker, Mr. John 4oper, ud Miss Urals U. fiteribuf, botb of Bterilut, county, Illinois, formerly reddest' dr, Brocdflyn, Sailluebeares conntyrndusyltsdla.- =~~~. . ~ . . . PATTEIiI3444nIy OM, l2l34,Malinda Patterson, wife of Davidrtereou.. - ,aged th irty years. ... PATTERS° ....4eptember ' , lth, of consumption, Abram Pattemon i .sen., agaikeventy years and nine months. ~ '• . 11,188 DAVIS-16E128h, September 7th, 1865, Augustus a, on of Henry nod Heiler A. Duds, aged three yeer, eight months, and twelve aye. TINGLEY4n Naugatuck, Ct., Amptember 13th, Otis Tingley, Nand alzty,yeara and dire months—for merly a =Aslant oillarlork ?nag. Co , Pa. VANKEtREN—In Lansing, Michigan, on Ban day, Sept. 10th, 1865, of dropsy, Keturab, wife of J. W. Vankeartn,_aged thirty-eight years, seven months,' and five days. PATTERSON—January 15th, 11353, of lung fever, In St. Lords,_slo., Abram Patterson, jr., Orderly Ser geant, of the :lad Regiment, lowa Cavalry, aged twenty-six years. lie was a native of Rush, Snag. county, Pa. In 1857, he removed to lowa, and when there was a call for three years' volunteers he was one of the first to enlist, In August, 18411. PATTERSON—At Willet's Point, Oct. 13th, of dropsy, David Patterson, aged forty-two years. lie enlisted In Co. I), 50th P. V. V., In March, '64, and was alek most of the time until his death, but at the time the news reached him of his wife's death, he was In the rillepite before Petersburg. Sad news for a fond lather to hear, that his little ones were left without a parent's care. He soon followed, and has gone where there Is neither war or sickness. 0,059 1,Cr.0 1,045 0,901 0,600 ITARTT—In New Milford, Aug. 26th 1865, of congestion of the bowels, Enoch, non of Richard and Betsey Mutt, aged twenty-two years and five mont ha. Enoch was a young man possessed of rare excel lences which endeared him to all who knew him.— Thus early in life has one gone while yet in the strength of manhood, leaving a beloved wife, and parents, and a large circle of friends to mourn their loss, which to him was gain, we trust. Thus are his parents bereft of their children, for six years prey' ons to Enoch's denth„hiselder brother, Julius, died. leaving him the only child, to whom his parents looked for support and comfort in their old age. Bat he la gone I Lonely and sad indeed are those parents; but they mourn not without here. BRYANT—In Jackson, Sept. 2nd, of brain fever, Addle J., adopted daughter of Alva and Elizabeth Bryant, aged eighteen years, three months, and ten days. Much might be said in commendation of this ami able young lady. She had Just entered the teacher's held of labor, with intellect strong and clear, morals pure, and her fidelity in every relation such as to secure the respect of all who knew her, and to give presage of a long, useful, and happy career. Sure ly life and its glories are but momentary, and soon fade like the flowers of the field I racm QM 0.692 0,489 0,162 1,184 2,060 0,940 o,lbl 0,1111 0,247 0,C39 0,221 0,270 At a special meeting of Regulator Lodge No. 97, I. 0. of G. T., of which the deceased was a worthy member, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted : Wilms" In the Providence of Almighty God, our beloved alder and Worthy Vice-Templar, Ad dle J. Bryant, bum been removed from our circle by the ruthless band of death, therefore, Readied, That the members of our Order will wear the usual badge of mourning In public for twenty days, and In open Lodge for sixty days ; also, -that the chair of the W. V. T. shall be draped In mourn- - ing during her unexpired term of office. Resolved, That we tender our heartfelt sympathies to the relatives and friends of the deceased, who, by her numberless virtues, had so fondly endeared her self to them. 0,017 0,017 0,293 0,200 _.500 Yea; dear friends, we feel, deeply feel, for you In your gonnw, but remember that " your foes Is her eternal gain." ALP. W. LARILIDEIL 0. E. Flunicu, Cbmtnittes. Jirnxin W. ALunicu. MM ". 9I:I "r'.. WW7Tq OF Taa HARFORD AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY FOR MS YEAH WILL NE OELD ON TUB AIR GROUNDS, IN HARFORD VILLAGE 0,155 0,100 0,1151 1,053 0,840 OA Wednesday & Thursday, Bop. 27th & 286,1885 PREMIUM LIST CLAIM L—lionans. Best draft or farm stallion 4 years old or over E 4 2d, hest It 3 " mad stallion do 4 " 3 " pair matched horses 4 " 3 " single driving horse S 2 " brood mare and colt 3 41 9 " pair three-year-old colts " pair two-year-old colts.. " three-year-old c01t...... " two-year-old colt 2. " I " one-year-old colt 2 " 1 " pair mules 2 " 1 Judgen—J.o. Bullard, Brooklyn : Horace Seymour, New Milford; D. L Hine, Harford. C.Laas IL --CATrut.--Son-Dtvision L—FuR Elrod& Best Durham bull over 2 years 01d.....54 2d best fa " Durham bull one year old 3 " 3 " Durham cow over 3 years old 3 " 2 " Devon boll over 2 years old 4 41 3 " Devon boll one year old 3 " 2 " Devon cow over 3 years old 3 " 2 Judges.-0. L. Carpenter Ararat ; Justin Gillet, Gibson ; Jackson Tingley. Harlord. _ 0,100 0,i45 Ban-lIIVISION IL—Grade Durham'. Best bull over 2 years old " bull one year 01d.... " bull calf " cow " 3 years old boiler.... " 2 years old heifer.... " one year old heifer.. " heifer calf s" 3 yearlings " 3 calves SETD.DIYISION Derons. Beat bull over 2 years old '3 2d best IQ " bull one year old 2 " bull calf 2 " 1 " 3 " 3 cow " 3 years old heifer 2 " I " 2 year old heifer 2 " I " yearling heifer 2 " " heifer call 2 " 1 " 3 yeatllrgn•—• ..•• 3 " 2 " 3 calvca 3 " 2 Judges—G. J Babcock, Harford; W. W. Wil liams, Gibson; A. J. Tiffany, Brooklyn. Bass-Divisios IV.—Natfeee. Beat Bull over 1 year old " cow " B years old heifer " 3 yearlings " 3 calves BUD-DIVISION V.—Oren mid Steers Best pair of working oxen 5 years old or t 4 over 2d best $3 pair 4 year old oxen 4 " 3 " pair steers 3 years old 3 " 2 " pair steers 2 years old 3 " 2 pair steers one year old 2 " 1 " pair steer calves (broke) 2 " 1 Judges—Robert Breed, Brooklyn; Geo. Leach, Her ford ; EL Marcy, Lenox. CiAss I:ll.—Sheep and Swine Beat coarse-wooled buck " t cnaree.wooled ewes " 8 coarse-wooled lambs. " middle-wooled buck... " 3 mlddle-wooled ewes. " 3 middle-wooled lamba " buck lamb of each " boar 411 2 " breedluw 3 " 2 " spring p 2 " 1 Judga—E. .FoUet, Herford ; d. W. Hawley, Brooklyn ; C. D. Latbrop, Montrose. CLAms IV.—/Inatry, Best pair turkeys " pair geeee " 4 ducks " 5 fowl* 5 aping chickens C/.193 V.—Gratn. tbiTtpeck ter wheat spring wheat 14 rye oats " half bushel corn In the ear peck closer seed , seed " " flax seed Judges—Geo. I. Tingley, C. N. Forsyth, C H. CLASS VL—Butter, Chtzto and Broad. Best Orkin butter... " butter " ar butter " roll butter 0 cheese " loaf wheat bread.... Graham bread:.... " " Indian bread . • " soda biscuit •' ._.judges—C. P. Hawley, Coo . Wells , C. 8 Johnson, Mrs. A. C. Norris, Mrs. J. Leslie, Mn. D. 1.. Hines r -, , -r.. _,..Cbass IT/L7rPrugurtei lirjr4abi*s. - Best fiiif aPples, at least th r Ao varieties - not less than 4 of each 60 28 best 25 "'winter do 5060 " M ",pears.., " 25 " , zquinees - - ' ~.. 50 -- " 25 ~ peaches 50 " 25 at grape , " and greatest variety eti fruit 50 la 25 $1 " 50 " specimen of potatoes, 2 varieties or mom... 60 " winter squash 50 , " pumpkins 50 - " 2 hinds cabbage .. 50 " 12. onions - 50 " 6 beets 50 " 0 tomatoes .1 and greatest variety of vegetables 6124 best 50 Jadges—Rey,..A-1410er, Han fo rd; Seth Abel, alb eon; Carpenteir, Harford. Bat Vinegar, Wine, Henry and Hagar. Beat eider vinegar' • i5l) earrint wino " blackberry wine 60 " elderberry wine 50 " grape wine 50 " rhubarb wine 50 " 10^pounds honey ' ' $ll 24 hest 50 "10 pounds caked unstirred sugar.. 1 " 50 "10 pounds drained sugar t " 50 " maple syrup 50 Judges—L. T. 'Farrar, Mrs. Otblifilitincll, Mla. A. J. Tiffany. - I CLAM 17..—.Leatier. Best 2 sides harness leather 82 " 2 sides upper leather 1 " 2 sides sole leather 2 ' " 2 calf skins 2 " pair fine boots 2 " pair coarse toots- 2 " carriage harness 2 ' " set of team harness 9 Judges—A. Baldwin, T. J. Carr, Wm. B. Adams. CLASS X.—elgrienttural impioneats and awriewes. Best common plow, side-bill plow, cultivator, corn libeller, straw-cutter, horse-rake and churn ing machine, each ill " mowing machine " threshing power 3 " double carriage 2 " single carriage 2 " market wagon 2 • . buggy wagon 2 ii lumber wagon 2 " single sleigh 2 Judges—Wm. T. Morley, New Milford; Urbane Tingley, Harford; M. L Catlin, Montrose. Cirri Kt.—Cabinet Work, Hardware, dr. Best specimen cabinet work.... it 00 " set chairs 1 00 " rocking chair 1 00 " sewing machine 1 00 churn 1 00 " butter pall 50 " butter Orkin 50 " set horse shoes 50 " lot tinware 50 " cook stove for coal ' 100 " cook stove for wood 1 00 " parlor stove 1 00 Judges.—C. L Benson, Jackson; Elliot Aldrich, New Milford ; George Lamb, HartorcL CLess %IL—Domestic Goode. Best 5 yards woolen flannel " 5 yards plaid flannel... " 5 yard full cloth " woolen blankets " 6 mar woolen socks... " 2 pair woolen mittens, " sample woolen yarn.. " 5 yards linen cloth sl2d best 50 " 6 yards linen toweling 1 " 50 " rag carpet I " so ledges—D. B. Oakley, Harford; Mrs. G. J. Bab cock, Harford ; Mrs. A. J. Adams, Harford. CLASS Xi/I.—Ornamental Needle Work, de. Best patchwork quilt II 00 2d best 50 " quilt of any other kind 100 " 50 " bed spread 100 " 50 " worked skirt 100 " 50 " worked collar 50 " 25 " specimen worsted embroidery.. 50 " 25 " specimen silk embroidery...—. 50 " 25 " bonnet 50 " 25 " lady sacque 50 " 2 5 " knit hood so 64 25 " tidy chair cover 50 " 25 " tine shirt 50 " 25 Best 01l painting ..$1 00 2d best 50 painting of any other kind 50 " 25 " drawing ICO " 60 exhibition of photographs and ambrotypes 100 " 50 " picture frames 60 " 25 " variety of flowers 50 " floral designs 50 " exhibition of artificial flowers and trait 50 Judge.—J. C. Tanner, Harford ; Miss E. G. Blan ding, liarford ,• Mrs. J. 8. Peckham, Brooklyn; Miss H C. 8 Miller, arford. Masa XV. —Plowing. The Plowing Match will be held on the farm of George P. Wilmarth, on Wednesday, the first day of the Fair, at 2 o'clock, P. at. aonmilloe of Arrangements—E. N. Carpenter, Fowler Peek, Geo. A. Lindsey. But plowing 8 coed beat Third best . Fourth best Fifth best ;fed ge Peck, Geo. Wilmarth,O. Lathrop SUFERISTEA DENTS. General Superintatdazt—Amherst Csrpeoter. Assistant Superintendent—Tyler Brewster. Supatwarateats of Caltle—D. E. Whitney Joe . Moore. Sharp, Swine and rtultry—B. Wstrons, Joseph Pow- cm. Dairy Hag—Geo. Carpenter Aterhanie's Haß—Wm. E Barnard. Fruit and Vegetables—E. N. Carpenter. Agricultural linplementa—L R. Peek. Floral Hall-4 W. Tyler, Jas. Leslie, Km. IL Eas terbrooks, Miss Melissa Thistly. 3 " 2 3 ,t 2 n ~ 1 Badge of Membership that will admit all of family who are females and minor male children...so 50 Simile tickets Children under ten years of ago Clergymen and their families The Grounds will be open on Wednesday, at 10 o'clock, A- M., for the reception of stock and all ar ticles for exhibition. It is very desirable that those wishing to compete for Premiums should have their articles properly entered on theßeeretary's Book the first day of the Fair. A sufficient police force will be upon the ground to maintain order and protect the property of exhibitors. Cards will be famished at the Becretary's office on the groud to place upon all animals or articles for exhibition. The Judges are requested to meet at the Secretary's office at 11 o'clock on Thursday, and receive their books before entering upon their du ties. The payment of tiny cents for membership en titles the person to exhibit in all the classes. Competition for Premiums in the Domestic and Ornamental Departments free to all. No animal or article shall receive more than one premium, and the Judges may withhold a premium where the article is not worthy though there be no competition. The Anneal Address will be delivered on Thurs day, at 9 o'clock P. M. Good Music will be provided for the occasion. 13 2d best $2 .a " 1 2 " 1 3 " 2 .2 " 1 .2 "1 .2 " 1 .2 " 1 3 " 2 .3 " 2 The Society hayine been so well enntalnea ht.reto. fore, the Committee have been able to offer larger Premiums, and a more extended List, and we would most cordally Invite the friends 'ot Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, to still give us their support and attendance. $2 2d best 51 2 " 1 .2 " 1 .2 " 1 .2 " 1 Mason lf Manilla's Catrinet Or/rm.—ThePearl deuce Journal, in an article on Mason dr Hamlin's Cabinet Organs, speaks of these excellent and now celebrated instruments as follows: "For volume and quality of tone; for variety and beauty of effect; for excellence in crescendo and diminuendo; for quickness of response to the touch in rapid staccato and legato passages' for the ease and entire freedom from fatigue with which the bellows is operated ; for the stability of every part of the workmanship and for capacity for standing well in tune, the new Cabinet Organs of Measia. Mason & Hamlln— portable reed instruments, the largest of which are smaller than ordinary plano-fortes—are not only quite equal to the smaller i pipe organs of the best makers, but much or to the generality of those herertofore used small churches and hal le, and for private practice." 33 2d best 32 8 " 2 2 1 .8 " 2 .3 " 2 .2 " 1 .1 Gold Medal fkderabts.—Herrick Allan's Gold Medal Salemtus In manufactured entirety different from any other. Its chemical purity renders It as harmless en the purest Dour, and les use will strengthen weak stomachs and cure dyspeptic per Use It with cream tartar instead of coda. It is much better. Try It. Grocers and Druggists sell It. $ 50 50 50 . rA) . so ELI New York Wholesale Prices °anent of Produce. Reported for the " , / Barraucee" try JOHLUI CARPENTER. Coin. Merchant. No. CM Weather= Bt.. New York. to sham shipments may be made. Periatblrds ot the matte value will be advanced on the receipt of the goods It drained. and a quick totem Made Mr the balance. Pull direction. end a meekly market report lea Ave of bytrall to Moe making ealnniant. Beerszo v ire.s.p.k tn. 10 0 pen Beatiopoundlimsb.im u o 100 oe Ixt Batet.rrbs..l,.. 930 18 oll; °l' er'" 10600 19 g; "cc ol. Deed Apples. 9 0 14 " P Peaches, " 0 20 lums, 23 0 90 " Chervil*, " i»0 S s 0 .88 B it ret= Asp, fresh 83 11102, vbeat.olol.,: c Own 120 1 0.1. P 10md., 500 0 260 Bodndoma Flour" 0 n. 140 . 4 Men, " lo4 2104 8} 90 Beef aktes. p 11 180 181 .maud..Amioo 13 Pent, 4 140 0 Wheat: 1730 290 St 243 best . 00 I 4, 60 1 111 1 , 15 . . 1. 66 50 I 61 50 Mil BATCH:BLOWS Celebrated HAIR DUI WEIS Orlsleslaad Beet le the World! The only true' sad pa (eat Bair Dya. lishaleas. Reliable, and Ihdantasterauk Ynxlcuree Immtely aipleadld Black m catmal Brown, with. ova Waring the fir or Ole. Iteroolles the 111 tents of bed dled• Sold b u f , all DlBBOdete. The delluthe 4k, • • 'MLitt A BATO SLOB. Ma. BEG NSIIATINO EXTRAVT OF Mll.l4,Brilt R9f. For Restorthe wd Itoutihini the , sactapstars Tonwriß. OM WV 110.-17. CLASS and Flatters. PRICE OF ADIUSSION I:=CIZE:=! IL NL JONES, P. auwirsunt, l•hamiire Ckrmmitles. Joni; Lzstis, J 5 pedal goticto. parild ',Aevorto. Rn. 9 tlia... •• WWI 26 Oats, 43 0 1 46 PC=• 284 k 93 Pes,• banal, 1 111 82 00 Ouloos, . 2600405 Hides, dry. 11l b. IA is 17 470113, ' . /144 IA Lord, cam. so besl,l2ll CO 24 Dia „mem 9 Dbl., 12 We IV* Amelia° Pork. mem - a memo • imam, •• 22 526 Sn6o Hams, awaked, Its CO si a Shoolacno “ , ol Bum, .• lOU 21 Notes, ... SO is 40 Otalcksss, 4 , ks, Ilve, . St 411 -15 Turka • 25 W. *I Deem. . $ll 42 25 Ducks, . 25 4j la CIICITCT NM& ... ... .16 0 40 IbTothstseepli hub 4 BO 4110 ' FIAT 5 41 24 .. IN sk O 3 OA Tallums, IP IS-, 1111 17 Wad. waded, . BY •71 • WooL unlinked. s. 110 40 :. juD APPielv e 8 t x. b141711 . 00:0 I 00' q • • ITCH 1 ITCH 1 -MI SCRATCHI SCRATCH SCRATCH ! Wheaton's Ointment Will Care the Itch In 48 1110111% A LBO emu Pall Itbasum Dlcam.Chllblalni,aml BalailMlMMl ta. t eetdo. Atm 110 amts. Ita Ws by all DragylaL By mamas w mats le WILIBB • P0TTN11.5419 ARlllb.l7o larmablaymn almaalßodock, Yam, P will Matammulad by mall. BS of rata" 'o ey put of the BMW essia. ta. 18111.-4 m. EVERY DAY BRINGS SOMETHING NEW. H Vat PVINVDIVIIIO.`rb.g.II32 4 4`4I • large stock of HATS AND CAPS, CHILDREN'S TURBANS, LADIES' SHAKERS, Also lam stock of .11 the cow Owing afloat CLOTHING, Oonalitlnn In_part of Men'. gnash Walking Oman In sons to = l 4 good Btlailmo Coal. god Cliotblng fca hams, Linn Paolo sad Malan, Jo. Gents' Furnishing Goodp. UMBRELLAS, HANDKERCHIEFS, SUSPENDERS, • COLLARS, NECK TIES, SHIRTS, tte. Whim lam breparcdto sell for cub or ready pay alvialaw pr rn, u m 7 Y0rk 1 ,1 =7;1:47r7 , 1 . 13.1=..171tna1l of r7l%.Smell47oll'':°ool, ,7:rt:::.=..Y11<471, O.ll 't„:114. 07.01.1 i .708H77A BOYD. llootfooo, Nov 71. 1173.-47 sl2d best 50 1 GI sg 1 GI 50 IMPORTANT Read, Wartrolu3 & Pilate! Have Jas. remind IM opened • !Ina dock of SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS, rEENTS,SHAIVISDOMESTICS,COTTONADES, SUN OKBRASTLAB, HOOP SKIRTS, BAL• MORAL DITTO, GLOVES, HOSIERY, Re. tte , At the Rost Reasonable Rates. WOOL, FUR, STRAW AND PALL--LEAP HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, CROCKERY, GROCE RIES, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, he. cte. a. ari reeetring addlticras b oar dock wekty Return Pails. We can IMMO Ing number of Return 11111 to our customers letehing to eold Butter to the City. end .111 Itinesid the mine free admits. ior4 guarantee the MOW prim and prompt nit... READ, WATROUS it FOSTER. MONTROSE. Mar 15th. 19M. $5O O 4 00 . 3 00 2 00 1 00 A.l_,El TJNICIS. T ELL bens ageortmezt In toini PERFUMERY. malt Leo=owl. most Vahan vote weer °Bend 1 the place at SMITH% Plne7 . American Cutlery. T EUE only cornsco Ammon= of rocs moo to TOR ILITH st BIL 1111001 e. ik LL it the We Shed Music, Mute Book., &a., on RMITH's. heed eff to LI me: es Free tali:lMß PAWL Ot.LABB—m. 'JF Ucrotrose, Jalv $ , InB4B. all d al MITEri. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. THE fhtlowlrg valuable Real Leale, LiMed In the Meaty of Montgomery, SUM of tows, will be sold at PubttoPion on Satarday, September 00th. at the Coin Hose IP Moutroie. at T. Y. The ism half of the Senithereet Quarter of Scram BM. The Wet half of the Southwest Quarter of Section right. The Werth. west Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section Seventeety_ and the Northrest @lcier of the Northcutt Quarter of Seaton Wish- Jeep all is To iI ,Hun dred North of Hain Thl'lt obis West, big and Forty Agree of Land. MOM Of TltliMp op SALE— MO drum and the balance to one= with Wend upon eminty to to approved by W. H. dent of the Board of Trustees. W. H. I B etTP =of the Baud of Trustees Of the Predltonlan Oonsiegs• ordure. September ISM—ter SHOOTING IRONS REVOLVING AND SINGLE—NEW STYLES, AT BEMAN'S. THE GREATEST IMPROVEMENT YET. A Single Pistol that Draws Its Own Car tridge after Firing/ RICO lea than **Aar mina raw." All dm and Wrap clear triers oil taml, air° (3. ]). Double-W aler-Proof wad United Maus 11.1931 Percualon OW. fir Dont auto me Wane Zlaw Amin= t er D iPla . le a lek . ra P V radnuot. Fab. arta. tats—t? ()BOOT AND SHOE WEARERS OF SIISQUEHLINA COUNT!. MI B. W WAILS 00. hS•II4 sold their Kind& of Fiodd. L` and acodrocooto Clothing to Jodi= Boyd. F. B. WEEKS BOOT AND SHOE BOOMS to Ito Tortout blanche& My Stook Is now comploto—larlol &NM arrival of New Spring Styles. LADIES' GLOVE EID, LASTING GOAT AND CALF ILLLKORA.LB AND GAI ES' LASTING _STD AND CALF BA O. BALE A LARGE ASSORTMENT 07 181 B' SHORSJIIIN'S CALF DID AND LASTING BALK°. RAM AND GAITERS, BOYS' , STOGA 800 AND TOMS CALF, KIP, AIM TS. Isms toga' Cheaper for Cash or Ready Pay num say other bum Ws die of Now Tart arDealcia supplied at Hod Tot joblibia prias,4ll Mora WestMe of Public Aram. mood door abort Meal Hotel. Id outrun. Kay It ltdt. IN T IM , Fa . T i } Tim vraNT SUIT Or CLOTS= THAZWILI• ITT . neatly. loot well,_aed eedir like boo o ,d ote ei7 to ao la to call at tee NSW TAILOR H • GROVES & REYNOLDS, over Obatidlors Eitora, east al& of PO& emus. ed ?PO SP be accommodated. We cm delartelnad to please oar ads, both Ie e otos, wok and the peke. - PUUTTMG au abort notke. lVdoarneted toll—mind Wt. 3vre• 11111111.:At 1 , 4111 netswea. P. ILITNOLINS. I DR. A. D. TEWKSBURY, 'Physician and Burgeon, VaAY/33 Matt cos you as BOA= In inn MUM Rita utatinicrln si Auburn Ontrigond •111 Wand 3...11.11 1•601 WOOL CARDING. glut W , 1 wage :g a la TA:leads te Basquelliami -B, umbinlium u,. ft.'!rZ UV= la awl aum Vara 'a reuciOlotems 101.11% iitiOn WM. Alma, a tall lino at Y~ Y T. B. MUCKS. NEW 43430135. WEBB & BUTTERFIELD, Ani turiresettylni Met OPER° MID SUMMER GOODS. Plass oil suularamluatvis Goods GRENADINES, POPLINS, CHADM3, DE LAMES, dz. lICINTItpIik lin 4 /BM Glass Fruit Jars- purrs. SO cents—gm% SO cettle—S quirt% ST eats. lro, =la by B. B. LYONS& CO Glass Ware. fz RIIRDRED DOZ. GLAIR WARM. =OAR/ of Ttua- Men of all Dna; Goblets Mg Ottantera. fin.Dßbo; Rotuma 4:l 2 :l C i W" Vaertro la"l Dlaboa Lamp Otan= e abodes, Lantern; Dural; An. de, far gab to B. R. LYONS A CO. Oil and Paints. EtkILD and Ram Lamed Oil. Mae Laid and White Line, Vetted= R. Year, Odra Pads and Chrome and Onra Whiling. Potty. Coops."' Glos. eftd as by B.R.LiOv3•Cu. Window G-lass. 1 r 49118 0. NM; 84 8.11, 9-14 944. 0.15, 1044, 10.1 6 time, 16.11.1116,mA 10-18, ir/B. BtBo. 184800•80. hO. of at Elms Mr mis try B. B. LltOtio & CO. Window Shades. ISPLEWID aaororkerd of window Manes and lansa % AOra Cord and Tassels, W all Papa Borden, and Bord, on We. klantrow, lam 18,1860. IL R. APONIS &CO. Floor and Table Cloths. 1111WINTTXTV1 Pleats Floor OU Cloth& Awn X yani top yards wide ; pima Tanks Oil Cloths. trona I yard to LI lam; Biwa int Cloths tor sale by B. IL LTO I .B & C . Wontrnes. Jane 19 18611. A. NEW SIIPPLY OP TEAT CELEBRATED FALL CREEK FLOUR A arill be so P6t other ld at prr "l t i o 7 " R o o d.aad , I, and ar " :low as the nme qualities as be had anywhere else. I mould aim my to my Mewls and some:cos customers that tbay =base Groceries, Provisions. and Tentes Itotkrns of Um us ed at greatly ...dewed prices. Call and be conewerid. Ftwernent mares of the Franklin Rola. klaatrose. July 3, IMO A. N. BULLARD. Butter Tubs For Sale AT, H. IL EOI7I4IIfORE'S. BM' TY" ' om.lll;:=red, "2 n. H. DtrNmoßrs ==3 R. B. =AMA N. W. CHANDLER. Chan®a ChandO®P & Cam. BANKERS, Great Bend, Pa., 11. ° .1 to zee' • Bru= g. it h a eta G a and all ac=fe paints to th7Cntod Mates. and to receive money on u devocit. ben 710 O. FL Bonds and all other norerruncat seemritim and drafts on New York and PhlLadelpbia at comma oleo. Intend Com- Dona Drat% •nd Bcomty Pay Oercillcatts mead and a Ozama.s. 16szoo Basuror &we. Bottom men are ofielted to open acamnti and make ther Urania Carmel cm. Raysays &imam for tale. Gnat Bead. Jaly TO ALL NOM IT MAY CONCER Farmers la Particular. BOYD h WEBSTER HALVE FOR EL&LE REVOLVING HORSE RAKES, DT Tag DODDS OR BINGUI ORM EXTRAS AND REPAIRS OHIO REAPERS GRAIN CRADLES, GRASS SCYTHES AND SNATHS, FORKS, SHOVELS, HOESi PICKS AND HANDLES. Building Baterials, DRILLTDING MIN LIDIZZII, WINDOW NAM PAINTS, 013.9, 117717, OLABB, 8171713, SCREWS, NADA, LOOKS, A lANGII VA/IDM COOK STOVES iron straNnio WOOD. COOK STOVES EZZE233 COOK STOVES SOB WOOD OH COAX. TIN WARE, vuoussma Aab zurrAn.. BIRD CAGES, LAMPS, &a ILL GOODS IT P3lOl TIMMS 701 GAUL W. IL .8077). Karim* 11.3 , fit um STOVES! STOVES! AT THE I. I I 1 110111 1 11 1111 WI 1 I STIM. Orwell. Bradford Co., Pa. Q N. BRONSGN le eatuaantly reatieted HARDWARE In great 0 varieties. The seuturised Hubbard Hower. Rorie Hag prim Irt Bieri. C =l2l7Miii. 1 1 VD. Cm. and " Y U. SOLDIERS' PENSIONS, BOUNTY AND BACK. PAY. FiZNOStridgiokI.LII7ZNISXD AOZNTOIr 0011510 liNTortngtresmrmptatteattos to JONI= =atal to ears. Warm LOW.millaterzosuois blnntrom 14 oomph. , 11.18114.-19 i. e. reran. Take Notice. THZ tr El. HAMM= LAW. all cloth Atareadaed 1.1 API Wed $2 l pa oat vAsana. Onstamers en whom we tgannhaa• lcto aOl tate notwe gal ea 111.11 be mead to pa the Ineddttfnntooaramps. R.a Oaaomrmtdoneaarmy. Waimea. Ani.1 I tt, UISILdm. J. W. WOW & BEATEBIL. . . Administrator's Notice. .. ACITIOX b herM7 (tree e3l pemom holm donnas wino Wettela. of Jima Mulles late the toemilite. Wed the woe emat be mmested to mdriaspia tm and all pares Indebted to obi Male are nometel to /A l4medha A le lerti psynomt. =LIM AUDING, amt. mt. Meth. •• 'N EW GOODS • mratniouw ArTAN. 611111/73,6 D. 111WWSTIM Atrottoir ERR Montrosimi, WIMP. Apin4.1,1114.11 Administrator's Notice. mostasosistirawaipenaV i rotto m , - as moue tui WT I ° that • PIM a n im a be vramteil to suaderdgo. r o wan ga ha wa 6: 3 11 Inabio, 4 'RA I " S I . 10 W," P D. a. LANE, gt ' torpOidsit • Cleanse the Blood. i With corfalet, dillebr ,110. e A Med ElloOdaela are dek ILI 01111 T. r• . It sal7 burd Oat la pimple a( Bora, or In wad lathe dhows. of . ' I ( , 'I ~ . It mspaterdekaigtlendill ' ' l e .1 ' 5 ',1 41 rod sad good • 40 '." goo canna UM (OW - illial your Oloud Is tmpure. Arab -".•••••:„.. : ~,,, sersituza pond cod them ImPet Titles sod etbordetee the orgies of . .... .... We bed stgoreds eclat, redortrei ) the health and enables ' &mug— , name tr. mddly awes • ember al —law. r.mouplalate which are dead be La' Lar47'il the bade. Wash fletek . r,sePthres. frejlel,tlloteties. ' tits. Ni. Agroora rah flamer co• — diro=s Taman, Efora i r a = li fdsoasseeh 1 4 orlon.lta tolsrltr. deppreedoo dalotlWY•sho 81* ell redW Modem taw Comptitats. Bart Lama. *Tees lienaerttly. and sea for th• sorpdatrey seaelt7 with Yableb It clang the blood an dshere MOM:IM Dudes tare years the public have teen mhded fug land adder. ret e ll :Fle e = 4=rs of tha bina syseyo ll y a i l esiTse dc t i st eontabe I ttby boos sty, Eareneuela, bot often oo meths "a.k.a. P 3 enc. Mtn dtinpoittinat has followed = l r. e rf the earknie estride of Sarraparlld which dad the msrket, until the meta half has towsum synunymoua with tespaithm mid odes!. WTI we call this compooud "ffuneredlla.'• and Intend to ot ezt such a remedy sa will mate the weaut flub the toed of try 501,0 ad. opon It me dank we Care ground for betlates 11 virtue. erbk.h ars lynedatlbla by the only; of the dead le la totmeded to cum. Wo can only Man dicta's we oder them the hat alterative which we ow how towitay end we hswe meson to alien it le far the mod etratual er of the blood yet dlememed by anytudi Aso'. On oh, Puma..r, le so seletral_ 17 !memo taloa= on. try other remedy for the ewe of dough'. 05 51 51 51 , l ad, "%u ml.- ass, Croup, Brood:5151h Ttletpleht Coheumptlng and for • fetid of Canumpthre Pulsate Is the ittlearhett .55w5 of the awl" than It la =elms am to aoooot the edderme of bedded. Tls* world knows Mao. AH I l e ct s ol7l AA. A M T RAI O C 1 8 5 12 , and lw Vfr =', s sod b 11 6 We everywhere, - Yo rava% JIII7 k 18151..-11 m. MUSSES E. M. & E. A. VADAKIN, iT,i11,TAN11,11114:1.1111 First Door South of the Catholic Church. WHERE • eseleonable aseortmeat of 1111.11zery Gaels TM' be Tal2At emsitanUT on band, of the West dyke made to older as then eoUee- Mont. Ap4 1T,11533.—am E. S. SMITH'S MILLINERY, OVER ORARDLER'S BTORE.. IBEG num Moll your Wanton to toy new pad hallo/able aneortmens of oomprigns BONNETS AND FLOWERS, LADIES' HATA CAPS, RIBBONS, AND VARIOUS OTH ER FANCY GOODS. 111IrEttnor, Bonnets cleaned and nnemed In Inn bed =mar ma Idantsoi )11111am "Pork dont o n Lunt notice. Montrose,Aprlll7, 1843. Z. S. MIDI. sAnrrx 4 , kw1:0 coi.oizim). FANCY COMBS, HAIR FOILS, do. LT., but Bought in Nese Pork of Rosie /lion. ALSO, A LARGE LOT OF FINE JEWELRY, Greatly Reduced Prices. Montrose. April 10.1808. PPDti,16114041404:4 . 4z):a1 MILS. B. S. FORDIKELNI WWOULD alto the Ladles of liontram and "Id plty th at its sus opened • Stoop to the building formerly eallad Bloomer Ball, when rho will keep • fall supply of all kinds of Tame" doWg Ithingo nneta, and Hata, Susie and Falk Bonnets eacalantly an haad Bleac Repahing Bata dam ladien. call and an for younalvea.to order. Yontram. May d lddd. 8 B. 701iDELLIL. COFFIN TRIMMINGS, Direct trom.the Illanutactory. ART, WASONIO. WREATH. soar, OEOSS. Angola oleo, patterns of (ken Hind/a Diamond. SW, and Filagree Stud.; virlety of paano of Co= Mateo; SURF LmDOwel ingn. Lining Toe t 0... SO. ; Whits Nairn, ke. kr-. fof nolo by Montona. Aynlllloos B. B. LYONS AI OD. 4: WI :4 4 : 4 :1,1 OPAL PICTURES: LYONS' PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY PIOW CS FULL BLS? andS d•Ily ieneltg cat In all styles of tha art—aho. Ambrotyres and Ut ri e Ingt :' arcelak Pletures. 01/I ,,, Aetures copied and enlarged to ltle aka by ALL Of tbr Wiz Cam Pictures retouthed ysw.ith India 1 nk. or Tinted or Wort& Pict Cares, Matta, Tra and Franks on or 11ed on short cake. Also. Oil Paktion toe Ede, and the band beta Or. dans ht the market. Pekes moderate. Plasma call. Booms °wane Searles Hotel. ant B. 14Lyonsk Stank Mosthule, April 10, ISM 451A10151411:100:1D1111 Large Lines of Prices Con. quered and Reduced: Is now recetstos, for Wag smiles, new sod Imp Soda ot Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Stoves, Iron, Steel, Nails, Paints, Lamp and Linseed Oils, Benzole, Carpet inga, Floor Oil-Cloths, Wa ll - Paper, Window Shades, Hats and Caps, Boots, Shoes, Clocks, 4tc. AND MOWERS loeludtar.. es wool, NI 'Dibbles of the Mast popular strobe La. died Dom Geod.. Shawls. Rol:tete. Ribbftul. Blowve, ay which be wtll nell on the rocat favonNe tome toe Cams. Freda" or to Brompt Time Boyero. N. R—Rous and Ball on hand as usual. RIW MILFORD. O ne U. miss. 03/:**C9itißeti2c4l (fibmerly oceirpial by W. X. Hatek,) MONTROSE, PENN'A., H AS been lenaed and recwenet by the ond d errigne4. who by to the=eaotille=hthitzl and Buy; rnau ad 01e ~oeNl, will indenter to merit the patronage dee subtle. 11 ° . V. OMIT. Montrose. April 14.19175.—tf. DR. J. W. RHODES, PHYSICAN AND SURGEON, Springville, Pa., either by W day or dighec *k ilrbr a ltr i a l ad. wit.laar=.u7 gegd ri t i tha t a h e Of Open.., Soldiers' Bounty,_ Pensions, and Back Pay. , T'Pr.l6 l =tqW4C.. 43 dawri . tra=ast tang oa all claims ants:Med to mama. Po charge tor Inaermation, or lot papeonalesa succeeseal uv a Montrose. Aorlllo.lMs.—em. 1:11:0. P. A. L W 218927111. Eir The asjendMed. hstAll lade d iettarled from Mew Ttele where At purelmed o of Haw to sell them pit the wear sans te e 1 1 .)i ' , WI; Hs of rtf7 EMseVYl i jet r„ gilr lim i te ne sTiVa ( b rm= i l e semmolk ."4"/ Drum and Medicines, Yankee Hottest &v., he. The Goode bay. tzl.bm.n muchued foe emus, be Is mermaid Moen them at se low ea any cater establishment, especially sa he pitmen to amid e Imam arm eviler credit. A madame of t ell d mash Weir York Otty ham malikd htla to foes the mitmidetaaos of many ftrattleat gnus deans& In nutter. roe those mishote.to halm the hi= l.. mica for tbdr Hotter, sm. In mill enoraid shipments to web Haelsog a WIT truie h erVeleadre ;Mallet the MIN amps V al esterial It sl ' lrrelbleto v lt c a u llegmt. J. X. ' Juan, Hay 1. fi1...14. HIRSCHM ANN BROTHERS :ii :f:l 'a :$ 'j: Bmto eatroas at CILOitNO OUT thet blap lad edemas dock of hog lad Staple , DRY GOODS, OARPETI3, OIL CLOTHS, • EMBROIDERIPS, WINDOW CORMS% • 1f727D0W SHADES, FIXTURE% sta., MS Of MU theft =Um asscatma =whin; the kaadaameill Tidal Roods am tramamstrln lt, maxtet. at UM aill NEW YORK WHOLESALE PRICES,, - M radar to /*duct thitz=predatts eat nab uootl , /ou iltsti tom= WWI • - - Fro io i n e n t r t ra ° l7 De4b110°N.1. 1 7241 23, , > . MUM!Winner. lenge. IMIMI& dine) 'dente en vireos toffial the Mi te Of nu& JOhe lete of APoble o Olt , the woe be reetet—.ted, to the nedgifteet an= meat, end en meets Wavle tamed Sala mutat' siaeAget. Vo="4Zstpreia.umm-iewp Z. A. PADAKi . •• Ob. ODO Zli iff - c1•103 IPA BEADS, ALSO, Welch mil to sold for tho out Wily On at 0. D. BEMAN. PEACE AND PEACE PRICES. H. Busurry A CARD. 01 TUX /Vette*. . omit Is barbbyl.o sllperimuslu=rsagunt't th ee d a tiolaii miler Intact theft Otesiod. Ithessms mom bopmsa_ippo tor tows t.t. 44