Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, September 19, 1865, Image 3
the fudquittlent gttpubthan. LOCAL MATTERS. Atm Commerrial CoUert.—Bee In thin p*p Iretsrs. Goodrich k Wllliams's advertisement of Amoicrio Business College at Scranton. fAv Fruit.—" Snmebody'e better half," In Rush has sent us a basket of fine tomatoes. Should wonder If It was Atwater's. Thank you. fur Leraik--0. R. Davbs, of Auburn township, roieed and sold a fionth•Down lamb five and a half 'soothe old, which weighed , tho2dt h day of Magnet, ninety two (9i) pounds, good fair weight. Who tuo a better s. & cease, Eaq of Great WE Bend, has become associated with Mr Benedict in the editorial management and publication or the Vartkern AnnoyEtonian, which will hereafter be pub simultanrimsly at Susquehanna Depot and (rir,at Bend. Mr. Chase, as most of our readers are `rare, has had considerable experience in publish inc II newspaper in CID place, and we welcome him as. k to the ranks, not doubting that the paper will e improved by the change. Of course, It will con tinue a sound Republican journal. PGatria .111torrup.--Rnixon REPualtrcarr : Whereas certain Inferesfed parties have circulated . s ports calculated to injure me as a candidate of the grpublican party, I wish, through the columns of paper to state that I always hove been, and am, a Republican, that I have always cordially rt f ,ppoai the prineipka of the party as set forth by r onventions, as well as Ira candidates and,elect r! or defeated, I expect to remain a supporter of the rtuetples I have always advocated. Yours Truly, D. W. Btrauix. Montrose, Sept. 18th, 1888 Cenral/ Coe/mil:tat —The Republican County loanninee of Susquehanna county are requested to T ,oot at Searle's Hotel, In Montrose, on Friday, 2`.2nd. at 1 o'clock, P. st., Inc transacting Im i,meat businesa. A full attendance is earnestly re. ql,ted. The members of the Committee are Jas. Bushnell, John M. Jones, Jr., E. S. Davis, E. A. W.ton. M. M. Mott, L. lad - newly, M. C. Stewart, Thomas Arnold, F. M. Woodhouse, E. 413. Bail, J. E L Beebe, G. W. Walker, Albert Trues- T. D. Esstabrook C. B. Johnson, Charles H. R. A. Webb, Elliot Harris, R. S. Birchard, C. w i L.nrad, Hiram T. Law, J. M. Lee, Harry Bern e, Can •r W. Tyler, J. C. Morris, W. T Moxlev, 7,, Hayden, George T. Frazier, J. H. Hall, Mor '.slt4 Gage, Mlles Pritchard, Samuel Falkenbury, A T. Galloway. .f arerertiors.—A verbal error which has appeared !n some of the newspapers has been deemed of snf• sctent importance for official correction. The Sec , u-e of State says the section in which It occurs is to ~alleve • .4.C1 be it further enacted, That all persons now by law retitled to a less pension than heretofore rt , etificii, who shall have lost one foot and one hand rc the military service of the United States, and in toe Hoe of his [their] duty,ehall be entitled tO twen ly doilara per month " Thu section, the Secretary says, Is printed in the pamphlet edition of the laws of the last session of tociatm , s precisely according to the original roll, with the exception that the word his is underscored, is, pat in italics, and the word " their" put in brackets, the reason for which is obvious, The er , r is that the newspapers have printed the word • or" instead of the word " and " between the wads foot " and " hand." The Acting Commis nano. of Pensions says that without this correction t' , business of the Bureau would be uselessly therms s about benefit to any one. President Judge.—The Judicial Conference rt.L.h met at this place, on Monday evening last, p. , 11 in nominatiun for President Judge, Hon. B Streeter, of Susquehanna County. This nomination. which has been unanimously tendered Joke Streeter by the people of the two Conn ars. 1.1. deserved tribute to the ability,impartiality, are urbanity with which he has presided over the ~,, o rts of the District since his appointment. The I ,ters of the District have already had ample evi ore of hi• fitness Inc the elevated and dignified 7ositinn which he now so ably tills. The jndicial name -as never wore more gracefully and upright , than by Judge Streeter. Since his elevation to hench. be has made hosts of friends, and we but e,-sk the unanimous testimony of those who have occasion to observe his administration of his ofldlal duties, when we say that ho has given uni ,,,,al satisfaction. The nomination of Judge Streeter, without a kmblance of opposition, insnres his election, and F-aree to the peo ple of the district an efficient and :pnght Judie.—Bra4fonl Reporter. Agalnca Cbsferasce.—At a meeting of the Con fer," from the Counties composing: the 12th Jo f7rmi District held at the Ward House, Towanda, viands! evening, Sept. 151665, present from B-a4ford—E. Overton, sr., J. H. Webb, C. M. 2vorille, W. A. Peck, E.. Goodrich, P. 1). Mor- Sunlit/Llano—G. B. Eldred, David Summers, W. a Sherwond, Gilbert Warner. i n motion E. Overton, Jr., was elected President, ne G B Eldred, Secretary. Mr Peek offered the following resolution, which R unanimously adopted: Reeked, That in accordance with the expressed .nee of th• Susquehanna and Bradford Republi on c on v e ntions, we nnanlmnnely nominate Hon. F B Streeter for President Judge of the 13th Ju dicial District. tr, motion of Mr. Morrow: Meese& Peck, Webb en: Eldred were appointed a Committee to Inform Judge Streeter of hie nomination. Ot Motion adjourned. Snail:mica amtereetx.—At a meeting of the Con f.-n.l for the ttth Senatorial District, held at Camp tort,.Bept. 11th, 1305, W. F. Davis. H. W. Hale, F Nichols, Harry ]fix, and Andrew Fee, appeared !.! Bradford County; C. F. Read,e A. Chamberlin, :arid WAelee, and D. R. Lathop for Susquehanna rcorr, and John 8. Luna, and Benj. Rosa for Wyo- LPaZ County. fartoot ion, E W. Hale was chosen Chairman, and ti,dtra. Fre and a R Lathrop, Secretaries DAris nominated Hon. Hes Landon, Mr. Irad nominated Hon. Wm. J. Turrell, Mr. Boss Brad:ey Wakeman- the 5Nt ballot Mr. Landon received 5 votes, Yr Turret 4 votes. ' Me. Wakeman 2 votes. The ood and third ballot produced the same result. the fourth ballot Kr. Landon received 7 votes, Wm. J. Tnrrell 4, whereupon Mr. Landon was oeqared nominated by the Chairman. Wined and carried that the next Senatorial Con ht,ace be held at Camptown on the second Monday teptem her. Sad Accident and Loos of btfa.—On Thursday corning. Sept Ttb, a sad accident occurred to the rtrht Exress train going east on the N. Y. t Erie r.rgvey, about three miles east of Cochecton.— while going round a sharp curve in the road, the vh•els of the engine mounted the rail and ran oil re 'reek, dragging four of the cars along with IL— ;r this dangerous and uncomfortable manner of 'hey ran nearly halt a mile. Thermal wasbloch• .1.-0 for several hours by the wreck, much proper -3 destroyed, and several hundred passengers severe ly frightened ; but fortunately only ono person was tined or injured. The Engineer, Mr. L. Stanley, fmnerlv a resident of this place, and his fireman, lit Anthony Brick, remained on the engine. Mr. franley r.crived no injury, but his fireman fell be .'"en the engine end tender crushing him severely It lle !life, and fracturing the lower portion of his Wk. bone, cauling his death In about an hour. Mr. B•lek was a single man, 19 years of age, a native of 1- ciand, and bad been In this country but n few n , ntue. He was boarding with his uncle Lawrence bnfrin, of this borough, to whose house his remains v•rt conveyed previous to interment. This young sec 15 spoken of as being kind and industrious, and ready and willing to perform his duty. Sad Mood will be the news to be conveyed to his ima m' Parents and relatives across the Water. tusq, Depot, Sept Bth, 1865. H. A. T. Major Wallon,—lt became known on Friday fortune that Ma or Walton, of the 54th Massachne• v.., Colored Regiment, was In town. He was wait ce upon at an early hour by those of his old soldiers *co had returned to Montrose, who desired to offer tau a public reception. He consented to address tstins in the evening—since Ms short stay precluded ni farther appointment. Although the notice was tc , ot a large audience was convened. Major Walton vo introduced by Mr. E. Mulford. Il address W.I. as eloquent review of the record ;ale now historic regiment. He referred to its with a pride that was justified, through re cncse end through victory, on many a flea It was ^guncat that enlisted with no bounties. Itlought co; only against the enemy In its front, but against the pcludlee of centuries, and It conquered. He cud, in closing, In reference to Negro Suffrage, that 'LI had already voted at Fort Wagnerand °twee, ta,C though they should hold a ballot at every etre -1100, whether local or nationals through years to shale, they could give no vote so decisive for Mt fonity, freedom, and right tvc regret that the brief stay of Major Walton prevented a wider arrangement An audience could tare been gathered farlarger toilet= to so eloquent history. The Montrose Band was in attendance with music fur the occasion. Senator.—The BenatorialConterenee met at Leer.) , on Monday 11. th Mat, and on the fourth Dominated George Landon, an the candidate for Et.liator. To the people of this County It would be a wort: tupererottation on our part to say a word as to tee fitness of Mr. Landon for the position for which ass boon named. In fact, hU reputation Is not to the County, nor the District, but Is as as the Commonwealth itself. For years an Sr. anti slavery man, Mr. Landon has on all ocea s,,, !ought the Food dutt,denouncing ttle "attar of tn tfflianies" without stint, aad sustaining and op ng correct principles with zeal and abilltyr no raaa to the County has 494 ors to form pad strengthen a correct public sentiment than George Landon. For years ils baa labored with unselfish and earnest purpose to Illustrate the horrors and evils of the great barbsaism, which finally-deluged the country with,blood. And when Rebellion rear ed its horrid front, and treason struck at the heart of the Nation, no man more tromptly grappled with armed traitors and their Northern:ft:add , sera than he , nor labored more asaldno to pre save the Naticnup honor and ease the corm from wreck. The. soldiers have abundant reason to re - Member the work which he hes done during the past four yearS; His zealous desire In all that might encour age them In their trials and sufferings, his Words of support and cheer, his stirring, Indignant, .nd elo quent denunciation of the "home traitors" have penetrated to their camps, and nerved them to strike a blow at the rebels In front. He hats been emphatically the "soldiers' friend," and has been called far and near, to assist In consigning to the grave the loved re mains of those who have fallen In the strife, or to pay a tribute to the memory of those whose remains are covered with Southern Mr. Landon t e nomination will unquestionably call forth a virulent and bitter opposition. The Copperheads and their tools here, hate Mae with a bitter hatred. They hate him for hie bold and radi cal views--they hate him for his 'ontspokeii denun ciations of treason—they hats him because he Is a man of ability and eloquence. Dot the true men of the District will telly to ble support, and cdrry him triumphantly through the storm of perseeution.— Brculford eporter. Jgrindturat Abffeee.—At a meeting of the finaquehanna County Agricultural Society; held In pursuance of public notice, at the Court }louse, Tuesday evening, Augn.t Wth, the following para graph from the ifonterem Democrat of the 224 of Au gust was read : "It may have been observed that no notices of meetings to be held, or reports of meetings held, by the Susquehanna County Agricultural Society have appeared in this paper for some months past. This is because such notices are not, as sometimes in past years, sent to us by the Secretary of the Socie ty. No reason has been given for such a:coarse ; and It Is the evident presumption that It is private .,ty understood among the officers that noncebut Re publicans ate desired to know anything of the do ings of the - Society, or be allowed to take tinypart In its management. If this is not the cause of - the course adopted, those who now control the Society, officially, will be very likely to set the matter right at their meeting next week, and Inform MO public of their action." When, on motion, It was Resolved, That the Secretary prepare,undet the so pervielon of the President,, a statement otthe re.- sons why no notices of the meetings of the Society have not appeared In the Montrose Democraf v togeth er with the facts and resolutions of the Society thereto, and that the same be furnished to each of the papers of the county for publication. • In complying with this resolution, the Secretary will merely say, that where the officers of the Socie ty are known, there will be neither presumption nor belief that any polities or party considerations are suffered to influence, or to mingle in any way, with the exercise of the duties as officers of ;the Ag. riculteml Society. They are known to belong to both of the great political parties of our Country, and their character as persons of integrity needs no defence. In the performance of those duties, the Secretary, as well as the other officers will feel themselves bound by the Constitution, By-Laws, and:Resolu tions of the Society, among which is the folic-wing resolution, passed at the annual meeting of 'the So ciety in January last On Its being stated that A. J. Gerritson had refused to publish the address de livered by Hon. B. Parke, at the Fair of 1864 (he having been requested by the Society to furnish cop ies for publication) it was "Resolreci, That the patronage of the Society be withheld trom said Gerritson's paper." C. M. Gras, Stehlary. Horst Mid /basin.—A young man of sus picions appearance, who gave his name as Wm. Perkins, came to Busquetuultui Depot on Tuesday last, having a One horse, which on the following morning he offered for tale at 8140. Mr. Lovelace purchased conditionally for 8109, and drove th. nag on trial to Laneaboro. But just as the two were driving Intd town on their return the horse took fright at the cars, and starting to run, Mr. Lovelace got out, intending to hold him by the head. But before he had caught ;the rein, the horse was out of reach and went dashing down the road,'With our hero, upsetting the wagon Just In front of L. 8. Page'sgrocery, tossing the occupant som.l twenty feet, and laying him not very gently upon the ground in a senseless condition. He was picked up, and after sense vrairestored was taken to Mr. Hatomell's hotel, where' be still remains in quite a critical condition. In the afternoon a notice was sent to Susquehanna from Binghamton, advertising a horse stolen from Union on Sabbath evening previous. The desctip• tion happening to coincide with the fractious horse, a dispatch was sent to Union, and the owner made his appearance, identified and took possession of his stolen horse. .1". The unlucky horse thief has been arrested and has the pleasant reflection to solace his illness that a steady home awaits him upon his recovery. The good book tells rrs swift retribution awaits the wieked, and surely in thlecsse we have an unu sual illustration of its truthfulness. Saboath School Crlearroliosv—The Sabbath Schools and people interested therein of Auburn Circuit and vicinity, to the number of about one thousand. assembled at Elk Lake grove, September 7th, to enjoy a festival The ground Is ainple and convenient, and the weather was tine. At an early hour the schoolti marched upon the ground under the direction of Mr. Frederick Fargo , marshal of the day. The music, both martial an vocal, under the superintendency of Mr. C. B. Baldwin, Was good, who did sing some appropriate pieces as few others can sing them. After prayer we listened to the S. S. Address by Rev. Luther Peck of Montrose. An attempt to report this, we think, would prove a fail ure. He not only talked to, but with the children.— His questions and illustrations will long ha remem bered. All were pleased and instructed. Next we repaired "to the shades," we mean to the festive entertainment Here 'viands of various, kinds al lured the taste," and tables spread with bread, bis cuit, cakes lemons, lemonade, pies, puddings, sauce, sweetmeat _ dtc., well bespoke the cul inary capacity, and liberality of the ladles. "Long may they wave." We devoured, (what is the matter of this pen we mean we partook of some refresh ments. After marching, martial music. sad prayer by liev. L. Peck, we listened to the Temperance Address by Rid. Clancy of Elk Lake. This, too, cannot be reported.. It was able, rlch,and exquisite. This is our opinion. Much however , "depends up on the audience " 8o the Elder said. het. I). Mc- Collum followed with a short speech whictifwas"dit to." The speaking ended with a speech from J. V. Newell, of Lynn. This was a clear and lOgical ex position; of theasubject, viz, Human GeSeatnees. Among other illustrations was one, shOwing the true greatness of our deceased President Lincoln, and the want of fitness in the crinoline.easemate, Fortress Monroe, pretended President The speak er favors Negro education, elevation, and suffrage. He has passed through some conflicts, but "has not changed his former opinion concerning abolition, A:e." - Of the speakers it may be said : "The glad circle round them yield their souls, To festive mirth and wit, that knows no gall." We were again . "inspired" with the math by the band, and, gathering up the fragments, we started on our way homeward, rejoicing, and happily satis fied that S. S. Celebrations are a very agreeable M ethadon.W. Auburn, Sept. Bth, 186.5. card to the voters offitiumpittuotno pmattr. - The time for holding our annual election for state end county officers is again fast approaching. At such times it behooves every intelligent voter to cast hie vote for the man who be believes will beet support the principles he advocates and perform the duties of the office for which be is a candidate. The ballot In the -hands of the American citizen Is the weapon with which ho defends his liberty.— Take that away or deprive him of its free exercise and his freedom is gone. I believe that political nominating conventions do, in a great measure, take the freedom of the ballot from the bands of the voter. I believe that es a general thing they are mere machines. for wire-pulling politicians to oper ate on and that the moat dextrous political juggler generally secures the nomination whether' qualified for the office or no*. It may be necessary in some sections where the Majority of the voters can nei ther read nor write that a convention should do the meeting; but in a county like ours I believe the vo ters can manufactire their own ideas of men and measures without the necessity of taking them sec ond handed from any one. Raiding these views made .no effort to secure the nomination at the hands of the Republican Convention. I now offer myself "to the voters of this county as an Indepen dent Candidate foe the office of District Attorney.— Mr. Searle is the nominee of the Convention.— Whether his principles are the principles advocated by the Republican party is not for me to judge but belongs to the people; but I do say that any man who accepts a nomination is bound to defend his position std show himself competent to fill the al-, rice for which he la nominated. With a view to carrying the contest directly before the people and letting them - do the electing instead of the Cenven- Dons I propose to Mr. Searle that we stamp the county together and let the people judge for them e:leek Whatever the result may be I am willin" cheerfully toatilde their decision. It has beeh said by many east Mr. Searle to a copperhead, The ac ceptance of this invitation will glee him the op portunity to set himself right On that question if he can. Should he chooses - to rely uponthe endorse meat of the convention for his support instead of going before the people then it betrays a weakness somewhere; for in starting upon the canvass he h as just this advantage of me, that is, the probabili ty that the party men who voted for him in the con vention will vote for him at the polls. Not El single vote for a single delegate in any township was cast sith the understanding -that that delegate was to vote for Mr. Searle; so that every one who voted for hinirepresented no one butldmeelL This gives him, to start with, the probability of forty votes out of seven thousand ; rather is small margin to al low a candidate to stand epos his dignity without an effort. If he says he is no public speaker then he has mistaken his calling itiltelloga Candidate ; for what la I Dlatttet &Amoy goof(or who cannot try a meet Let Mr. Searle, in next week's paper, name the times and places of meeting and I will en gage to be with him on every occasion. I. R. Buxom TAs Dtefloncrry Presofurnr-The first column below Indicates the number of subjects under con sideration In each school ; the second shows bow many of these were correctly understood by the scholars, and the third presents the comparative thoroughness of knowledge and perfectness of reci tation : Fnmacaro. Tazehz , .. I Lucy. P Stephens Cornelia 8 Smith Prances L Wilson Betsy M Gray F A Matter ,Sarah E Adams Eliza J Whltbeck LIBERTY. School. Davis South East North Salt Spring Forks Baker Nellie NI Raker Emtrin A Follet L N Shoperson Soptly E Potter Lorinda L Potter C A Knight . . Truesdell Lawsville Turrell Chalker Bruokdale Bailey Trip Lake Adallne R Wellman Mary R Campbell AUBURN. Picket Auburn 4 corn` rs Curtertown West Auburn Clinktown Union Routh Auburn Center Low Amarett Raub Rattle I. Reid Arletta Granger Clarisa Stevens Emma E Wakeley Sarah A Bolles Altlna R Hines , Mary 0 Sather Julia T Pc.t Sluthron Cavenungb Cruig White Lydia Bannatyne Alice Gartlaud Amelia M Kellogg Molly Beardsley SILVER LAKEL Mary A MeDonnill Nellie E Wright Emma C Kittle Margaret O'Dea Amanda M Meeker Maggie ft Clark 'Francesa J Smith ARARAT. Eva B Carpenter Mary A Whitmarah' Snide 11 Avery Eva 11 Bartell Afeagt, r Siker Lake Shaneahan Brackney Perry Gage Howard Yellow East Ararat Brooks Doyle Walker Addle C Walker Ginsos. Flora Norton ITEM Polly L Washharn .1 M Shep.rson Elizabeth llannah Ann M Davie Washburn Brier Hill Last Mountain Rock Routh Gibson Columbian Kentuck Uulon 11111 Maggie 8 Keech E A Beleher lAbble II Chandler (Mary E Chandler iM C Miller The schools winning dictionaries are : CoMmbia Gibson Abbie 11 Chandler 1,240 Forks Franklin Sarah E Adams 1'24:2 Cartertown Auburn Arletta Grander 1,300 Truesdell Liberty Nellie M Baker 1,307 Walker Ararat Addle C Walker 1,323 Brackney Silver Lake Amanda M Meeker 1,361 They will be delivered to the Directors at the Fall Examinations. Six more will be distributed the coming Winter. E. A. WESTON, County Superintendent. Brooklyn, September 18th, 186. Mr . The World says It was to the " ascendency acquired over the tone of thinking In the South by one man of remarkable 'lntellectual endowments, In the last gmaeration," that the late contest was duo. Was it? Then why have you live hundred times told your readers that the fanatics of the North brought on this war—at any rate, shared Its respon sibilities with the South ? Tribune. c§peciat gaticto. Kitchen Beene.—Why, Missus, just look at these nice white clothes. I never bad sorb soap to wash with before, and as long as you are my mistress, I hope you will never buy any other but the Gold Medal Soap, It is so nice and pure, and washes so easy—just think of It—l am three hours ahead of the usual time,• my clothes never begun to look half so well before, and thanks to the J. Monroe Taylor Gold Medal Soap. Tell all your friends to try It, and they will never nse any other. Moat all the grocers have it to sell. The Cabinet Organ of Mason & Hamlin has, for so small an Instrument, wonderful volume and power, and a variety ol expressions that is equalled only by a costly pipe organ, while its purity and sweetness of tone are truly charming. It is most admirably circulated to meet the wants of families and small churches. It can he transported with safety, takes up no more room than a melodeon, does not soonget out of order, and makes an ele gant article of furniture for the parlor. We are but doing a fayor to our readers by calling their atten tion to Mb Cabinet Orpin.—Arnerican Baptist. If you want a Cabinet Organ, apply to 0. D. lie man; Montrose, who is the only agent for &vague. fauna county. List of Letters—Remaining In the rostoffice at Montrose, Saturday, Sept. 16th, 1665, and officially published in the paper having the largest circu lation: Bell Miss Jane Marsh Mrs Matilda Bolls,Edwin S Penney Wm 11 Davis Mrs B J Rhoades Geo M Drake Miss Hannah Reynolds Wm Dean Win V Sherman Chat W Green Miss Alvirs Stone James B Heald Miss Jane Sweet IV'lllam Howard Joseph Thayro Dr R Holenhack Mrs GertrudeTelford Cl , Wm 11 Lacey Miss Eugenia White Miss Kate Lamb Jonathan Whitney .liion White Arno. , Watbon Sin M 8 Lyman John Leanly Haanny MeClan William Please say advertised. D. R. LATH ROP, P. M. alurviaflo. PAGE—HOUGH—At Clinton Comers, Pa., Sept. sth, by 11ev. L N. Pardee, Charlv , 8. Page, of New 51tiford, Pa., and Miss Ella P., only daughter of Francis Hough, Beg., of Clinton Comers. LEVFRETT—THOM s9—At Hales Eddy, N. S , on the 12th Instant, by Rev. Wm. Shelp, Mr. Jobeell Leverett, of Oshtemo, Michigan, and Miss Elects. Philinda Thomas, of Hales Eddy. CREYLLNG—HiCKCOX—At the residence of the bride's mother, on Sept. 11th, 1 8t1.5, by Rev. W Heaton, Mr. Andrew Crevlinv, of Bloomsbarg . , ,and Miss Mary Elizabeth Rica cox., of Springville, Susquehanna county, Pa. CARMALT—CHIJRCHILL—At Calvary Church, Utica, N. Y., Thursday, Sept. 7th, by the Rev. A. B. Goodrich, James Carmalt, ot SusquelianLa Co., Pa., and Charlotte J., daughter of Dr. A. Churchill, of Utica. PRESTON—MYERS—At the residence of the bride's parent., September 14tb, by Rev. II Fitten. Mayorin Great Bend, Pa., Hon Cyrus A. Preston, Mayor of the city of Covington, Kentucky, and Miss Mary A. Myers, eldest daughter of Mr. Aaron Myers. .LATHROP—BURLING—In Nor York city, on Tburaday„ Sept. 14th, at St. Panl'a Church, 4th Av. (mite, by Rev. C. Fletcher, A. Lathrop, Esq., of Montrose, Pa., and Rsheeca D. Burling, of New York city, fnrmerly of Ridgefield, Connecticut trath6. STF.VENS—At Castle Creel:, Broome Co., N. Y., Cynthia. wife of Milton Stevens, deceased, sixty. dye years of age—formerly of thin county. : GRAY—In Rush, Ang. lg&i, Mrs. Poll, Gray, aged eighty-seven years ; tormerly of Groton New London Co., Connecticut. pada pp.orto. New York Wholesale Prices Ourrent of Produce. Reported for the " Isnliwransks Rzro • nuoms" by 1031A11 CAN.PENTER. Com. Merchant. No. 423 Washington St.. New York, to whom shipments may betted.. Twealsinie of the marks valet will So advanced of the twicipt of Use goods If desired, said s gala return made for the balmme. Full dim:Lima and • weekly toarket report seat free of atomise by mail to those making ellumeob ileeirwas, pore. V 4,4 5 0 411 33: Rye, 19 boat., 9 90448 100 impure " 200 a.) 4515, GO RamsawnimdAlliush. 1!349 903 Corn. 0.5 45 vo Fess. •• 100 08 210 Potatoes, 4 tierrel„ 173 N 900 10 1 : r, 3 919 ; " to roll; •• " green, • 811 Cheese, choice, " 190 14 Lard, emu. to hest. commo3, " 1001 It Reef, mesa, q• Ohl., 10 50 1s 14 to / 01110 sIPPIcsi ••• 4 It " prime, " oo 12(9 •• Peaches. " 411 mesa " El 00 Cs 310 n " Plums. " 49 80 prime, •• 21 00 Cherries. 0 110 05 Rams. eked, limßickben tle ptenies" 959 80 Shoulders." •• 194 20 • 15 10 Baum, Eggs. fteali, 19 dorm. 043 9 43 toneY, 90 8 0 0 limed. 4 Chickens. Use. 9515 Flow. wha34l l LPL. 8 0 0404 OD Turkeys, 11 0 i 0 5 004 5 if 9 Gawk " lit II Corn Meal., bond., 9004 450 Dusk% " 910 V Buckwheat Flour" Closer Need, " SOO 1.5 111(4 18 TbnothyVesti.l9 bush 4 GOO 50 0 re l atigll4o geese. 804 90 Fla: Geed, " 4904 8 00 Beef SLIM' . ,ID 18 44 40 11.„ 111(4 1. ' MMIOO./114 5 4 41 .4 114 949 , 11 Woolonslied, • •• 71. veal," 849 10 Wool. onienehed, 143 a 40 Fork; dreseed, " 10 t a d 9 1 0 Apples., barrel 603 41 9 OU W beat. btlS/91. 173 a BATCHELOR'S Celebrated HAIR BYE! THE Orltelnal and Rest In the World ! The only true end per fect mg, Dye. liariniess. Reliable, end Inatentaceous, Produces - Immediately a splendid - Black ete intend Drown, with 014 injuring the hair or shin. Remedies the 111 eflceLs abed dye•. Bold by ail Lematets. The genuine II signed WILLIAM A. DATORELOII. Alto. REGENERATING EXTRACT OP lIILLEFLECEB •Tor Ilampri'm and Btsotifying the Hair. 41 4 11 4 113 Bl4.7oaMia, tigANY'paig. Ileignst Est 1614,-11. NEW SKIRT FOR 1865-6. The Great Invention of the Age in HOOP SHIRTS. J. W. BRADLEY'S Neer Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (or double) SPRING SKIRT. . IS Invention conflate of TronlesfOr twos riptie rare relined TSteel entinmi. Inavaimasly trodded tlithlLY and Maar toe ether. b o le S pr i ng edge, maltingthetousbest, mad broth, and dui* ble Spring ems or They whim bend or broth, like the Mode aprings. and ommnently preserve their perfed sad that.. more ttan twlm no long as my t heir stir that EVcr liew or then be made. THE wonderrol rlezlblllty and great comlbrl and pleasure to my Lady mewing the Dower Ellett , . Skirt will he experienced palticularly in all rrowded aasenib Opmaa. Carriages, Rall• road Cars. Church Petro, A m tor Promenade std Hon. Dress no the Skirt can be folded when In use to orouny a small tul mats and conveniently m thlk or Muslin Draw. A Lady haring enjoyed the pleasure, Combed, and Great coo• veniences of wearing t Duplex Ellptle Steel Spring Hart for • aimle dm will never afterwanie willingly dirrenee with their one. For Children, idioms, and Young Ladies they are superior to an others. THE 11001'S are covered with S ply double twtticd thread sod will wear twice es long its the single Wet covering which itt wed all steels Steel Hoop Skirts. 'rite three bottom rod. on every Skirt are afro double Nteel, and roriceor double covens% to era. vent the summing tramwearing off the rods when craggier down etnlra atone steps, 3a. ate..., which they are constantly subject to while In use. Am made of the new and elec.( carded Yam and are the beet quail. , In every hart, giving to the wearer the moat graceful and perfect Maps poseble, and are tanauestlonably the lightest, most de sirable, comfbrtable, and 01XMOTl. Fro! etlrt ever made. W RSTN, * CARY, Droned.", of the Insantlset, and sou. E rne ro Pmts. 07 I'LLAUBLItS, and 79 & 8 1 RCA DE sTREETN, New. York. FOR SALE to all firot.elsos Storest In this City. and through. out toe Halted Motes, Canada, Havana de Cuba, Mexico, tiouth America. and the Wad Indies, f,. 796 1,418 1,245. 1,125 1,500 1,242 1,717. 1,307 1,144. 1.&13. 1.568. 1,1171 1,354 1,413. 1,357. 1,5.52 1,5110. I,IX/0. 1,500. 1,514 1,733. OrINQUIRE FOR THE DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE) SPRING SKIRT. A. cf. C. September litb, 1865.—Ane.r. 1,359 1,411.1 1,444. 1,750. 1,733. THE DOUBT IiLB BEEN DISPELLED, AND TILE 1,434. 1, Ih. I,f 1,560. 1,:501. 1,&i4 1,843. 7t, 55 75 45 : 11 25 147'103 36 20 591 CI 1 0 11 84 1 72 50 6.1 42 173 115' 45 34 STARTLING CONVICTION 1,440. 1,440. 1,547. 1,531 1,'3-3 la dedicated to all who eeek Darglallti, GEO. HAYDEN 142 &S 52 115 75/ 169 l'Xit 37 221 381 '2al 50i 40 3115. Wi 45 021 6- Is ou to ml with a NEW STOCK OF GOODS conaluthv of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, Mu% Gloves, flodery. weenie., Mule. Gtokeglileu, and Deemer.. Fancy Goods said Tankee No. dons. Trunks and Traveling Baca and lots of Gonda too numerous PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. Every A rtlele worrsoted es reptosen , ed. No &tarp, Ear awe. In; Gouda. Small Profits and Quick Mick New-Milford.Aupai 21.1. 18•• DR. C. P. BIGELOW , 21rnIglita 311211833871, 01 , 711`ul on Idaln btreet, to house formerly occupied by M. L. WOOD. to GREAT BEND BOROUGH. ntt. ItTGLOW baying had Oleo years experience an l:Iorgron kr In ammo of It. S llosplcd iletandrbt. Va., and prey,- Dna practice of roceral ran, feel , cOlropetellt. re nod 13 ppared to attend to •II cases entrusted to his cure. Great Bead, Augurt 14th, Watches and Jewelry. F INE Levine. Anchor. ik American Watches. JEWELRY and Plated Ware. All warranted. "Ade by the rmt Alanatsmarers AT CHANDLERII GOODSNEW J UST received. a new sad floe aaaartment of DRESS GOODS, DELAJNES, PRINTS, WORSTEDS, DRESS BUTTONS, nA v a a r un n e V r i a t l a s6 e Bty F aney Good. at d o N l o S i D o ij n a s a CARRIAGE SHOP, BLACKSMI THING, &C., At Friendsville, Pa., By J. W. Flynn et F. P. Ryan. A. Li irt uts of o zoliglL . 7 . 9lg d promptly dote. Try ns. =I Chase,, ettandfer & Co. BANKERS, Great mend, Pa., HA VINE 0.. a thinking Home at Great Bend, am prepor ca to collect notet, &ann. &c., at home and on all aermalble pnlnta the United Soles. mid to receive mnt7 on deposit. %el, 7 NI If rt. Bonds and all otior goaceomeet sictoitle. and drafts on Near York and Phlhattelptda at et - rent Wt.. Interest Coo. wt.. Deans, and llomay Puy I.kriflimtee coatind and a Warns n Barnet° DOWNS, deo e. Isionnoes men are F. - incited to open as . ..lints and make Orals ex. ehmreti !Instals rts. Payeartra STAY re for vile. Gre-xt Bend. J DID 01. 1m _lf. FARM FOR SALE ONE l,dred.rm.l Eileen sac. elt rote I. artd4reerete , . one tram Montrose. eeelmt etre MSG I rnproveA, three good hem, o .Iwelhug Lou, and a Eoe grartee on, a.rd For Ter.,,oppl y 0. CL E.IION 8, en the premise& 11 ,, ntrcer. Sept. let. 1000. Adminiqtratrli't Notice. NOTICE le hereby given to cal persons Wring demands =sled the cqate of IS. C. lirulnurd. late of Ilerrerd toantshlp, demesne& that the name mast be presented to theunderdrued settlement, ;mu persnro Indebted to said estate are request ed to make Inouettlnte mrntent. Basso amg Itarter , ,Aultost nn , luGs.—ca. Administrator's Notice. lAEt s bemby van Wall pet-soul. ttaiing demands Arslost IA the estate of O.orge Chapman. dee'd,late of Liberty town. ship. that the some must be presented to the undendgned for ea tlemetm. and all persons Indebted to said estate see requested to make Immedlatraytnent JOSEPH WEBSTER, Adler. Lllrrty, August 21st. A dministralor's Notice. IVOTIOE to HER EBY GIVEN to all penult, having demazds LI =abet the cease of JOITN RORTMAN, late of Scrioaullle, deeoved,that the same tent be prevented tothettudershuned, for eettlement, and all perilous tudebt.l to said estateare requested te make lcutnedlste payment. A. B. S.RII)EN. Adm.. Kprlneeltle. Angry.* tt t 1F63 BLACKSMITHING. TlZA b ri Telt7opoinu=i7ltbi: .11 "41' =VIZ I tg attend to the manta of the public. Hone eJmelng done promptly. In a anoirmanilke manner. GEO. W. PETTIS. Itontrooe. Jolt El, ISGS—If. Notice in Epennent. Susquehanna County an. Josepb D. Drtaker ft Elinor Drinker. bta wife. Dorsey Clark It Nary clerk. bit wife. us Thomas Medd., 1. the ^OOOO of Com. mon Plena :Judd connir. newt Tom. 19.61, PM No. : Ejectment to entaw pqment of purchase mooey of the land &0. to the WarfeifillY nr bYrinville. and aAddy Of Sum, name eft resent, and known end described on • an:. of rwstsrvey of Henry Drinker's lieshoupen tm't. a. lot No Oa, and W.:offal on the north by Weds of nectar Pritchard, on the cut by tot go. al. of toe old erne., on the south by Isndof ft.L.M Hawley, and on the .C 92 by lot No. 02. of the aacce etrery, and now or formerly to oossendon of dimly. Timm., and watahilog lea acre. and 19 paroles. or thereabout.. And now to wit : ,ktigust Lath, 180. on action of W. J . Torrell Airy for platoilln, Court moa B ts ute Upon the defendant to op. P and piano by the 2nd lionday of November Tam Mkt. or Judgment, Attest. O. B. ELDRED, Clerk. Notice In Ejectment Susquehanna County as. Bitchard & Charles Amy. Eery of the bst Will and testament f S. T. liitchard, Ceed. va John Killeroo. and Par k e allltron In the Cowt of t'otiono , P:eas, No 154, April Term. LULL: StaMllom to eje , tment to tame performance of Contract, for fatty acres of Mod to Middletown township. Bounded and descri • ed as follows Deem:Linn et apoet ea perdue from the road lead. tolllron the muicie Branch r f the Wyndlitlta Creek, to the Wolf Bowl • th ence north 44 . west, BO retches to a post: thence .oath 46° west ro perdu. toe hoes loch tree ; thence onto 4te mat. AO perch es too Bench tree, and thence north east, 80 perches to the place of brimming. nod now to Intl Minute UM. 1.443. on molten of Bentley & Pitch & Healey. Atrle tor plaintiff. Conn crania Rule upon the defendants to appramad phad by din Sod Monday of November Term neti.onltiVuent. Allot, a B. ELDRED, Clerk. Wool! NV 00l r Teniaerthen Infcrrta their Mends and the DM& ten. A. mill that they ex. prepared to reale* W.l to maaatacturo on atom rahy t h e yard. Alio Wool Carding and Cloth. Deeming &De to a good ityle J. INGHAM. Camptoten Jane JOHN wsnumowt. vicom the prMlawt of the eabieriber, on the Mill tilt . two year ling lielfersi—one dark red, and the other light eel with Wee warts on the feel , and t auyiree cloths toionoogoo of mom will he liberally revunled. A. PAT fEll SON. set Ruth. deyt. tirt— AdminLMl►nto►'e Ni, we. OTIO la hereby giv le en to all peewits having demands against the estate crf bed Wile, late of Herrick totehlp. deceased. LI the dame mut he peelented tattle ansttorttreatornmeni, andel peteoualodebted to mad setate_eLeeeptueeted to make =seek rat Tak • • iga "11 " 11111 " 31 ? Aztrisatatt. .41 Era to mention. nt G. IC O. 13. A Irr) 1G 2.7 =I Strayed EVERY DAY . BRINGS SOMETHING NEW. H Clot Ing of . 11. NESBH A sio,urittglVl...,',Anal a lute stock of HATS AND CAPS, CHILDREN'S TURBANS, LADIES' SHAKERS, Lim a barge daad of all the zww Opting Ohl. of CLOTHING-, 001251,1114 to_part of bee. Fattish Walking Costa In milt. to match, good Datum Oats. god (Pocking for Warman, Linen Pant. and Dewey., &a. Gents , Furnishing Goods. UMBRELLAS, HANDKERCHIEFS, SUSPENDERS, COLLARS, NECK TIES, SHIRTS, tke. Which I am mama* sell for talk or ready twy . : l =low pr or; as my stock hap recently been boned. With fill of email profits and red/ ;ay 1. my motto. (fall 1.11 b.. Ma selves. Two doors eon Searle% Rotel, In the taWilog catapied by F. B. Weeks u a Bhoe Store. JOBHDA BOYD. Bay 21,1800.-11 IMPORTANT Read, Wartrowl & Foster Have Jut received and opened Y One Atha a SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS, FRLYTS,SHATVLS,DOMESTICS,COTTONADES, SUN UMBRELLAS, HOOP SKIRTS, BAL MORAL DITTO, GLOVES, HOSIERY, dx. Az , At the Rost Reasonable Rates. =9 WOOL, FUR, STRAW AND PALM-LEAF HATS, BOOTS AST SHOES, CROCKERY, GROCE. RIES, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PADITS, 017,5, de. Qv. Et.—We are receirLoa 'Wilton to oar storJr. weekly Return PaUN. We eau rangeh any number of Return Wails to law =dorms wishing to mend Butter to the City, and will forward the cane tree of and guarantee the highest mita and prompt rettnia. READ, P 7.4 MO US & FOSTER. MONTROSE, Mar 2Rh,113673. ALBUMS. T HE beet imostoct In Cant PERFUMERY. T H E LARGEST and most vagrxo aseorratztrr ever offend to the place at liii/TH'a. Fine American Cutlery. T HE only a...n.2 nasonsosay of YOU 000ns In TOWN Mt 1314.1TH1. Mingle. A L o Lh late Sheet Mute Meetc Boot, dm., o SMTHY o grA EIIT'FA PAPER CoLL A 11/3—an alum %X Montrose., July I, 1868. at SMITH'S. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. IUI following valuable Real ILMete, &mated In the 00Unty of I Montgomery, state of lowa. will be add et Public Auction on Saturday. September Seth. at the Court Hones to Montrose, at o'clock, r. a. Tee Emu half of the Southwest Quarter of Seat= Seven. The Weg half of the Southwest Quarter ot Section right. The North west Quarter of th e Norther.% Quarter of Section Seventeen, and the hi contrast Quarter of the Northeast 1411.111:r of Beaten WV , tem all to Teronselde seventyahree North of Bantle Thl•tr Sloe West, cernorg Two lirmitnal and Forty ham of Land, more or lea. TERits OF SALE- $l6O doyen. mad the balsam to one year. Irdenet upon aecurity to be approved by W. /I Boyd, dent of the Board of Trustee.. W. H. f E.S4UP rte of the Dowd of Trustees of the Presbyt,rlen Oceidep. Zrifgootroee. September 11.18 SHOOTING IRONS 1 REVOLVING AND SINGLE—NEW STYLES, AT BEMAN'S. THE GREATEST IMPROVEMENT YET. A Single Pistol that Draws its Own Car tridge after Firing! Price. len than Aar erre= sew." AU dreg and styles nf en, lridge on band. Alen 0. D. Eire DoublwWWAr.Peraf and United Mateo Army ?emulsion Can. 1111 ,- Don't fall to Dee Ino9o New Revolver,' and Platoln befare erc phwing. 0.1). BERAN. linnt-maa, P.O. 97th. IRV, 11 0 BOOT AND SHOE WEARERS OF SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY. B. WZBELS a CIO. lupin sold their stock of an,, Cape F end Benatrmad• Utottdra to Jodi= Boyd, F. B. WEEKS BOOT HO NOB Man In Its various branches- kty Stock is nom coropiste—Wiarca lark arrival of New Spring Styles. LADIES GLOVE HID, LASTING, GOAT AND CALF BALMORALS Alin GAITERS, AIMS ES' LASTLVO, HID AND CALF BALMO RAM, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF INFANTS' SHOES, ZEN'S CALF HID AND LASTING BALM& RAM AS]) G A ITERS MEN'S, BOYS', AND YOTH'S CALF, RIP, AND STOGA BOOTS. I am prepared to NM Cheaper for Cash or Beady Pay Than my other ham this .h of Hew Tort. tirDealers sopplled ►t Ns York Jobbing prices.jta Blum Went &le of Public Avezuet second door atcms Searle' Hotel. Montrose. May V. tqelt IN TIME Irotrs7 ANT A elm OP CLOTEES TEAT WILL TIT I-neatly. Riot soil. nod wow Like Wm, do ye see, ill you bIYO co It to nil st the NEW TAILOR 51101' of GROVES & REYNOLDS, over Olutedleds Store, rust vide 45f Pubite Avenue, and you can be accommodated Wo toe dotenalued to Own our mamas, both In tbequality of our +fork end the ;nice wont' ma on abed. notim and entmutted to nt mind that. ;nun o aid" int, Wm tens b.. to P. RETNOLTS NEW GOODS. JUST OPENING. Dit i lVil t aMikcdo. am] a web Twisty °Motion SLES. ()blush Village Ifyisaa, Diaries, Album sod G lB ood BOO& fur ?r e m% Jae oPbbid eza liNnlb by J. LYONS & SON. Matron. Dastober 1104.—tf • DR. A. D. TEWKSBURY, Physician and Surgeon, • HA.VING vent one year es Burgeon le the Untied Stan Al ay, tuut nen locoed et, Auburn Centre.salatU attend W Wain as profeeelea, taw law. , 111 1001.-1.40 WOOL CAII.DING. I s o i wimmr, .27 to my old kinds is Roieltamm -anty that I Wm repaired the Cardimg klatbM. MM. 11. Holbert'. Sbop, will mew Cods. aml vl/11* mdY for Woo , illeason4 il en Card 00 =UMW, unci m . r th. IM JaOOII (WWI. NEW Gi• CI CID K. WEBB 4 131PrTEIMELD, Ass tow exeMas tiudr SMUG MI SUMMER GOODS. Pleas call sad cilmlne Dram (boa GRENADINES, POPLINS, OHADIES, LIMOS, DE LAINES, &c. MONTHOSZ, May I. 186 E. Glass Fruit Jars. Purrs. 90 coras—quartA, no cents—Sparta. 87 eirota. For solo by B. LYONS & CO. C3-lass Ware. rPOOOHUNDRED DOZ. OLAP74 WARE, oondalug of Tu. blurs of all Muds. Goblets. itor Olsson. Buon. Cvestons. Gloom But Olues, Cream Jan. Pickle Dll, Holum Cup, toma. ?man so lo by DIAN% Lamp Oblattels. Shade, Lantern; Carton, tr. tr., for B. LIONS de OD. Oil-and Paints. OILIA 8.041 Raw Linseed Oil. Whits Lewd sad Mita 1184 Vault= lied, Yelav Ochre. Puts sad Chrome sad Omen in, Whilingeotty, Cooper' Glos. t ß solPtics o .A.le a for . Window G-lass. S EVEN BY NINE. 844 049, 414 414. 0.111.10412. 10.14. 10.15 1044 10.17.11 15,11.14 12.18., 1418, 100, 1544. 1843 18,34 alls of all &en fee mils by B. B. LYON au co. Window Shades. AaPLENID nmorenerd of Window Halides and anther, Pia tura Cord nod Towle, Well ?operand Borden.. on car. Illontroon, Juno IS. 1565. B. It. LYONS &.CO. Floor and Table Cloths. IirIWIGPTYSTVC Mem Floor 011 Cloths. ll= 3 ywd to eli yarda wide Wax Table 011 Cloths. from 1 yard to 11 yds. long; WWI &mt. OleMa for rale by 13. R. LTO.B &CO. Montrose. Joa9 19 1290. A NEW SUPPLY OP THAT CELEHIIATED FALL CREEK FLOUR 4% , WTI I ctat i ra n n i t i egaly as g00d...d worr and lsor t ooo u n i geh mn the some al so sa y am he bad anywhere else. I would also say to my trlends and numerons =tomer. that they cAt=mes Groceries., Prooldorna mtd Y imam, Notions of the m• at greatly minced ;nice. Call and be emonneed. Basement moms of the Franklin Hotel. Montrose, July LIM A. N. BIILLI,IID. Butter Tubs For Sale H. H. DITNAIOEM"Iii. UTTER 718.815.1 for eDeta....l ...Tooted Coed. JJP had batter In as eo.oe Dave dm - Wiled, at. Noniron, September 11. INN 13=fZial Flour ! Flour ! Flour ! FALL CREEK FLOUR. T . En FAMILY UV. IN 2 171 ... 1111 1 11EZT. Hann POPE, WAY, MILL & ROWE. OHO and a Exchange Wed. nneorustroN. N. T. ca. Jane 10.1.80. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Farmers In Particular. BOYD & WEBSTER HAVE FOB BALE REVOLVING HORSE RAKES, BY TUB DOZEN OR SINGLE ONE. EXTRAS AND REPAIRS OHIO REAPERS GRAIN CRAMS% GRASS SCYTHES AND SNATHS, FORKS. SHOVELS. HOES PICKS AND HANDLES. Building Materials, INCLTIDING PINS LOSITINS, WINDOW BUM, PAINTS, OILS, Furry, GLASS, BITITS, SCREWS, NAILS, _ LOCHS, A LAWS VARIETY COOK STOVES L iron Busznxto 'WOOD. COOK STOVES COOK STOVES TIN WARE, WHOLE/WM .11ED ILETA/L. , BIRD CAGES, LMIES, &c. ♦LL GOODS ♦T P. 111.011 PETC3B 1 , 011 GAUL W. IL BOYD. MantrosiN, May Mb. 1565. STOVES I STOVES ! AT TES 1111 " 01111111 ', STIR Orwell. Bradford Co., Pa. sruwr: BytoggON congvity neeltair 11.A.RDWARIL real reammedlinbterl Yam+, Horse Ha y Port,, 110., Telmadnpl tra.. Oame and we for yramelres. Orwell. July lyp = 113 SOLDIERS' PENSIONS, BOUNTY AND BACK PAY. Zoo,IsnIookALICIERBI6) AGENT OF THE 041,11:611 r No iENT will gave P=0%112=4100 to *Helsinki tmtrotted 041,11:611r m Chum LOW and taformstios MEL, Woitma laanalte•LlSUl4l-Ir . I'. vrrati, Take Notice. BT TIM IL O. lISVENITE WT. all clo th othouractred - aced LT per coat AD YLIANTII- 01111841:611111bi MUM we I:IIIM4GIUTe cloth .11 1 Oaks ockce Myth", will be tozothodth • paktri; sacc=oklii,tiliodsgris • itootrook Log. 341.1864 h. J.W.U017 & puma.. . . . Dress Goods. - • k HEW LOT jtue melved. Ilcantrel paten; new el le. CI awl kreqpiicea. rime call awl 111111MiDO Om /mu in -4 LaTwROP. Tv tang a Tpuiv. Administrator's Notice. inar, Is hereby Om Bali perms hubs doundssehhoi the Wes et Mows flantlair Woof LeDez tcornsotp; el tbe =et be promfoie to the oothodgoeet for ="l"Lind allponosolodobted to WO gaols aroroPooffdw 'imotedlotOpraoont. B.IIZR,T.HAUDIRO,OdsaI , Let es. AvijoglOth, • NEW GOODS AZ mi , i , tro .. , :uty QUM, Guam, a WARXsaho Administrator's Notice. 1, onoinacont.... l= drul acuon ainalnA tion. NN _ the °I n u" ' r " ba auto° theaudeitim d2catued ' llA tang t Vir' s wo n 't mg= to sot Iktsie • .."" mimeo. L►l/A. U. ma H. H. D'Ul'iliOnlCS AND MOWERS I=l TOR WOOD OR COAL. A. L. WEBSTER. Cleanse the Blood. \A\ With Comrpt;dilloedered, eretb sled Wad, you Arista ill over. re' It may bunt. out to Pimples of Sorer, or to sotttelettell dile" of " .1/0 I'l It. e l • It may merely yOurien i ti E r artiud ld lgo 4r et i nS w g htli upon:ILEA toner out these IsuM • rates and etla,ulstes theCurcto fit Hi• into rigorous argon. restoring \ I hn c h t h r anpd y x p es lig M a a y ,— of tr comp:gots *Web arm:used by KlAgagit4M:traret • Soma &options, ft:Wes. Itialebtes, Bo s. Rt, Anthoors Sale or grydpelaa, 'fetter or salt Rheum, Scald Bernd. abgentatt, Barer or CanCocure S ore, dam tyea. Female Memo, suck is i = l/ Arti„ tinfnint, _ottelerldtes, Sterlltty. also m b. nun or • •Aterati. norrr momronintr, asset Domes, .1 - ry Any. Enneportay, and us for 'Demote the ourpelsing sctirity with 'hash IL bran the blood sad carom these olooders, • • Daring late years the public have been caged by loom botOes, pretendlm toe"! a Sand of Itztract of barnspotils !be oat agile. Meet of those hays been hands upon the rilck fter tsay Eta only contain little,tl alty. Eansparills, but oft= estrorathe shot:sue. bent . . Lltter dlotoptlntro rot Las Moved tC re t ' eM the c o me Yrk= extracts of Panciparilla whkb 8000 the mutest, snstil the alt has become spernymoue with lm god Ord that. 81111 ere cail gala compouud o blareaparUla," and WOW to supply such a remedy as will rescue the osme PO the load Of ob which man upon IL we think vs bays pound for belleirbur i c virtu. which an lac e by the ordinary rou of the Moose le Intended to cue. We me only Laura the deg that oro offer them the best &Iterates which we - army how to gad wit bow reason to Where it la Cu the most edbanal outlier tire blood Tit disorecred by anytody Amex Ou nazi Pseemeat bo emleurseily to leralle tr . err other remedy for the cars of Cough,, Colds, Itignenri, mans. nee% Crosp. BrontWWgs ,, it:triple° t Canavan:44m% sod for tbe relief of CatutroopUre Patients to tee adenoma cases of the dlotose„ Wit It Is unless hers to recount the evidence of Its virtue.. The world =IV 1 3itUI ercrrir ßeoa nern, July ;1064.--am. MISSES E. & E. A. VADAIIII3I, ~~ti Jtii ,I I r:E 1 First Door South of the Catholic Church. wealie nuldonable ossortment of if filleery Goods 111:1.1 be kept constantly on hand. Bowels of the latest dyke made to order on abort node,. Montraae. Ardi it lES3.-4., E. S. SMITH'S MILLINERY, OVER °HANDLER'S STORE. I DEO leave cal your' attention to my nay Aad fuldottable aoaattme MILLINERY GOODS. co=re-ans BONNETS AND FLoWERB, LADIES' HATB, CAPS, 11.1.880N8, AND FAMOUS OTH ER FANCY GOOD& UrStraw Bonnetnelenned and messed In the bast manner and all kinds of Itllllncry work &no on dart notion. Montrose, April It ISO. S. S. SMITH. BEADS, SATIN AND COLORED. ALSO, FANCY COMBS, HAIR FOILS, &c. Just Bought In New York at Amin Prices. ALSO, A LARG.E LOT OF FINE JEWELRY, Which mill ba sold far the best tbizty can at Greatly Reduced Prices. Monurms. April 10.1503 001;i3:VC):0);11 MIS. R. S. FORDHAJI WOULD my to the Ladles of Montreal!, and Moiety that rho 7 V bat opened • Shop to the building formerly called Bloomer Ll o Vbere the tell keep a (nil 'apply of all Mode Of law, Bonnet., Hatt, Boa. aLd Silk Bonnets constantly an hand BlmcOlog .d Repairing Hata done to order. Ladles. call and se for yourtelvee. Monteath May 8.1861, teiVWoPikilltrAtAikAlll kiell DI reel from the Manufactory. AriTART, 1L5805110. WREATH. EOM CHOW, and vlrlona other palnbrna of Coffin Handler ; Dimond. Star. and Miens Studs; minty of patterns of Coffin Plites; _fHloce Lam, Dowel Wag,. Llolna Tanta, loc. an. &v. ; Wldta Yvan, if‘ooloe An. Ac, for de by Montrone. April 17. 1866 B. R. LYONB t CO. :O]ok1e7:1:4 4:qW:1716 I:TC)*•4 OPAL PICTURES: LYONS' PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY aOW IN FULL BLAST and daily mans out Photographsln all styles of the art—.loo, Ambrotypes and the wield!, selaln Pictures. Old ptctum corded awl enlarged to life gee by old of the Solar Camera. Pttor retouched with loath; or Tinted or Colon& Picture Cares. Uatts. Tree& and Flamer on hand or swelled oh short notice. Alan. Ol 1-PaWtlngs for axle. and the best C ott age Or. ono In the market. Prices moderate. Please ee lL e nc.". %ale Searles Hotel. ogee B. B. Lyons Co.'e Steer, ATM. LEAL PEACE AND PEACE PRICES. WITWTT;W:171":M11 Large Lines of Prices Con• cinered and Reduced! ' IL BIIRRITT fa now receiring, for Eosins supplies, row and large dolma! Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Stoves, Iron, Steel, Nails, Paints, Lamp and Linseed Oils, Benzole, Carpet,- ' ings, Floor Oil-Cloths, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Hats and Caps, Boots, Shoes, Clocks, &c. &c., Drivable, aa =al. amietles of the [mg popular Stylise/ d Drum Goods. Mewls. &nada, RPPIPTria. /loving. &e.. lab% he wall mall oo tee most favorable terms for Ogada. Paodame, lar tea Prompt Time Boyer. N. R—Flour and Bali on hand as mita NEW MILFORD. Jane IL ISM THE KEYSTONE HOTEL, (librmerly oceupied by W. K. Iltdeb,) MONTROSE. PENN'A., MILS been kneed and reopened by the undmigoed. Irto by JUL keeping a well stocked larder and Bar, and careful attantkua to the Cul:sloe of the vaatdkbnamt and the wants of ble lenasta. sill endeavor to merit the patronage of the publk- IP. V. OAR= • Montrose, April U. 1663.—tf. DR. J. W. R,MODEB, PHYSICAN AND SURGEON, Springville, Pa., day or agit .ueod e m iair bls o gr.d..zn= m. " pgd e g ri t IL I : . 0 4.0 D , 0 2. 1 freer Hickok.. Est. Soldiers' Bounty, Pensions, and Back Pay. Tlfr—V:4l:rred.. 7 ._" - rt" V. l =p.V.l: tentlon o ell elabas entrurel to aura.. Montrose. p rfom B63.—e . (11.9 V a OZO isto P. ni M thl. IL 'A CARD. gr. no on &Wooed. tweissekU minified from Mew York bee be torched • ooh of New Goodo. orooosesto reil Omer el the Lower warn for DASH ar to. F. 4113 IVA LEST. Me nark embrace, a large owlet" of Dry Goode, He Dam hoots and bboca, Groceries. Ilantways, 1 .14-1 W and afedleine% Tubes Notions, tre., ' ?bet:Ueda bur &as combated for °AM, be le prepared to eell them at u low as any other establishment, especially as bop:buses to awed wee et on emdless meat A retidenee of newly 13 yvve In New York City be. enabled 111 M to to= the erquintancert many erstrelcae Inns &iglu In Batter. For those to haw the losbre mks for their tai. we will forward abirments to =eh !sum : Nadal a large trades thelrading hnt tat.. for ; , t t oteleg lbw c ler Tam pra• uTLit e Tir the l Ovary gable to all o. 1 Lit..JACICIL N. myy tf73....D. FIRKINS! FIRKINS! !ThIE stNextbit ttaa for rde 200 tint eve erldni—vitleb ee .111dIspor of al.peasBBt OW VIM, and 1888308tles EnBpunhasetre. Tour orders to Z. 8. /DNB Ell. MIL 2.180....-8. 0810-8888. Pr HiRSCHM ANN •BROTHERS OF TES o:w[cpluilooyllEalf,(:a ()LOSING OCT their large ima Madre B Valltr.',' Of OS Staple • DRY GOODS, ( . CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, • i • - EYBROEDERTER, :1 . : .: WINDOW cußitmrs, wThrpowtataDEß, &c ate t ru l i Za erAtredneed Uhe a=li a tztee above laa NEW YORK WHOLESALE PRICES , to weer U. White utelv lee* imams to tbitrinutionl balo thole U rani • If rat alt 4% IO leene 011 4ANif,6ii r ttoO w tb a slo `.O Cm* Buto—S f Btablm etlb. Mrh , • • ' AdthillthillgratOrth Nthtiethe Ealaz la enure theta teal pewee Wag thethads theth!se trtals ot Jan ththaut of /Wham eethi.b area. thesesee mat p ee the uthenththed Anemia Vallawl7thrhujogramprza VADALDN s.A. VADA.II/1/. 0. D. BEMAN I=