Fitt fndeptudent ppublican. I. • ►, LOCAL ISILA.TTE]EiCS. 1 ??0. 1 SOLO FOURTH OF JUL:k T [and Celebration in Montrose I FREE DINNER TO THE SOLDIERS! Pr , NOclont. of the 1/n.y. LION. F. B. STREETER. N'too-P residon : M. C. TYLER, U. ELDRED, DAVID SrAimsßs, NARY) BRAILLE, I, V BENTLEY, J. R. DEWITT, .1 LATHROP, B. 8. BENTLEY, .1. H 11.1.1 i, Jth, COCKAY Vi J. Ai CLFORD, Chttplam : REV. H. A. RILET ()rotor: R. J. G. MILLER liwkoder Wm. H. Jr..s.,,er, Misrothal of COL. C. W. TYLER. M=l ,rT. G. Z. Drstocs, LIErT. F. R. WARNER, ,(co. L STONE, I.rEt T. HENRY FIND, s 1.7. .1. R. LYONS, LIErT. STANLEY MITCTIEI r D. W. SEAILLE, N.inonal Salute at Sunrise and Sunset. )ta•nnic and Odd Fellow Asaociatione, ned the F. Ihp“rttnent will take part in the Celebndlon. le—Proceeslon— Speeches--Idanallicent FIRE WORKS!! ate.. eice., Ax., 6w Corn malt - ton of A. rrnnanrn ants 5 BENTLEY, C. W. TYLER, i I JESSUP, 11 R. LATIIROP, . k I. STONE, E. B. !ifoolve r, k, TI I .ER, A. Cu A.SILIEJILIN. L. Vi . MISTER, .. Sohn ere' Dinner.—Contribution in money are . , Led from citizens of the adjoining towns.— •., may lie handed to W. A. Crossman, J, and H. C. Tyler—Finance Committee. Funeral Sermon.—The funeral sermon of Mat. or McPherson, of the 17th Penn'a Cavalry, Co. pr. - wiled at Dimmick Corners, Merrick, p. m., July 9th, 1865, by Rev. Mr. 774mtrnxe Soidimr• ara.—The Society will hold .sst regular meeting on Thursday, the 29th inst. A twl attendance of all who have been members of iloelrly desired. Mits. H. C. TYLER, S‘cretary. ntnrrocation.—The North-Eastern Convocation • : - .0 Elm., opal ('hureh in Pennsylvania, will meet on the :27th Mamie. There will commencing Tuesday evening and Friday evening. , .Soldiers• Frazit :—ATUI you please lin..ieledne the receipt of ten dollars for the We.t .112. Society, from Miss S. M. Walker. Mus. J. C. LACEY. tV,•t Auburn, June '2oth, I.`ifts. Meeting.—The Sus.iuehanna County Soci,-ty will bold a Semi-Annual meeting at 4-1,,c1 Village, on Wednesday. June 2Sth, regular practitioners err Invited to attend E L Gearoysn, &cwiary Gubernatorial,—Maj.-Gen. John W. Geary is -crd, by a writer in the Pittsburg Uazett,. as the man in the State to become the candidate of Union men for the Gubernatorial succession fa !'orn.ylvania. Gen. Geary has a splendid reputa . a soldier and is not without fame as a states :l-i, Thr t r Ytizen.—Mr. Thomas McElmth, formerly of Tribune, has become publisher of the i'iltzen, a ,teldy journal devoted in part to a reform in the .. , :alinistration of the municipal government of a York. With such an editor as Col: - Ilalpine, such a publisher as Mr. MeEirath, the rilixeu Inst attain a high rank among the weekly journals this country. /7varophobta.—Quite an excitement has prevail / for the last week or two in this section, in refer -e to mad doge. It seems that quite a number •• Ase. have transpired In North Towanda, and it (oared that others will transpire. It therefore be - tn, the duty of all who have does to see that are either securely muzzled or tilled without —Bradford Reparkr. .7flantic.—Tbe Atlantic Monthly, for dilly, upon miff table. We like the number touch The story of "Dr. John" is sustained i:.:access and ability. The "Chicago Campine • „ written with great tower. '• Winter Life in .iterstiurg," Is especially interesting. Whittier the prinziipal poem, "The Changeling," w-•tei. in his usual incomparable style. Ticknor it Yields, Boston--44 per annum. rtrerrt .4ppogntmtnt.—We are pleased to learn Asa Holt, jr., Paymaster, LL S. A., who na- keen on ennstunt duty at the post of Ntishiviiie in.- capture, has been appointed by the Pris,l - Lieutenant-Colonel of Volunteers by brevet. i ,, nrienus manners, obliging disposition, and i.rfiirmance of duty, Major Holt has won the - ..card and esteem of all who have the pleasure of .P oaintance, and the Government could not . . a more deserving Paymaster upon te teftow this complimentary recognition of service.—Lowimill< Journal. To Editors— Disappeararux oi as Editor's hmt.—W,.liarn T.. son of air. F. X. Detweiler, of , :inct on Oironick otter, disappeared from horn^ on Monday, the sth of June, In a mph .. rhnnner, and as In clue to hlo. whereabouts obtained, tt is supposed that he has accom c.,d some of the soldiers to their homes. Ho .is itt venni old, has light hair, cut close, and is , :nan of he , nate. Any ,information in regard to him, •••• It, chrvniele oftlee , Washington, D. C., will nc. , fnlly received by his afflicted parents. Ellwrb copying the above notice will confer a Jan:waning an istranl.—A well dressed woman al the house of Mr Bloomer, on Washington morning, and requested the privilege of , arlnc a child she carried in her arms, while she "t 1 L'o.ll Street. The request being rather a sue ; vial:, one, was not granted by the inmates, but tn, 4eaturni mother laid down her :Mild and depart in taking passage on the Friends- Y- rtae Mr Bloomer bas had many calla from 1,, friends, who desire to tender him their eongrat upon his good fortune. Of course he tor tr.nriy thanks them like a modest man that be is.— E.,,via,aoon &publican. Rah,: Horses—Hardly a week has passed for arum months that we have not had oecamou to 1-'st bills, or heard of horses having been stolen v'tlim a few miles of Scranton. The owners of property will do well to exercise more vlgi 'of, over property so easily removed. They can '', safely leave them In the fields during the ~,m t To one and all we say guard well the favor '' 'trod, and take good care that the horse thief hot appropriate it to his own use without , ossent.—Serantoo Regiater. ME:IIMEIIIII hrr l'oeneg Fo nat.—This excellent Youth , ' is published monthly .. py Ticknor t V 0 ,46, Boston, Mass., at $2,00 a year. In the July tr:1111., r there are fourteen wood engravings. Cep '" Mayne Reid, Mra. Stowe, Carleton, Edmund and E. Morris, respectively give further por- HJn< of their "to be continued" articles. Whittler, tt, Poet, contributes a pleasant prose sketch. Les ,'one in Magic and Round the Evening Lamp are continued_ The other articles, not anonymous, are W t'Y L Maria Child, Marian Douglas, Anne L. ells, taC Tucle Townsend. This Is certainly the best tuailitr of Our Young Falla yet published. 161 i of .1711uring Mag.—Miss Clara Barton has tr. upon an excellent device for bringing to the 1 . 1 . , 0x - ledge of friends the fate or whereabouts of Ming soldiers. Boma weeks ago she published Invitation to the public to send to her address in 11 ..hnzton, a description of missing soldiers, giv 'n=' the name, regiment, company, and the State to wiii•L they respectively belong. In response, she already received such descriptions of some thousands. Roll No. lis a large sheet, containing, about fifteen hundred names of missing i'collurei of war. Twenty thousand copies of this hare been printed and circulated all through loyal States, and among the camps; and she "ow calla upon soldiers and others who cart give iii lortnation concerning the missing taco to write to nur immediately. Great care should be taken to •rite the came and address in every instance plain !' her plan is highly appreciated and approved by .1,, War Department and by the President. All let ters must be directed to Miss Clara Barton, Wash ',ODD., D. C. strawberry Frattleal.—Friday evening, by ap i:teitnent, J. R DeWitt opened his groteada to the u fur a strawberry festival, which wag highly w tistalery—the avails being Eta Many thaLika to thr 1.1,,,t and hostess, who, by their most courteous mo , assiduous attention, conduced greatly to the en '''rialatuant. The grounds were plimatuitly loid e d with delimcies, laid with much tmste, '4atl, ornamented with rare fl owers. Many Is twieJal sad BLY interview was indulged, Rudd the WV and flowers redolent with charming. Tertutne ; The Band added sweat =nate, sad among their flee Ise lectiona, " Who will care for mother now, was beautifully rendered. The ladies desire to return many thanks for their Invaluable bestowment toward the festivities. Mi ages were noticeable there. The evening's delight fiervod to challenge another re-union at au early:date. One friend "Ned," with his usual generosity, ever ready to do good, replen ished gratuitously Our falling creams, which added much to our treasury. • The Price of P rinting Paper..—The Cincin nati Ga2itte says: ,' " Gold has fallen from MO to 135, but It Is antazlng how glow prices of commodi ties, which went up so quick with coin, are to come down. Printing paper is one of the articles that falls slowly. It is Ave cents per pound higher than it trim last year, and more than twice as high as In 1860. Good paper is now selling in this market at 20 and 21 c'ts—the same quality that we bought a year ago at 14 and 15 C'ts, and In 1801 at 9' and It', , c'ts. Manufacturers Say that rags are scarce and dear, and hence prices of paper keep up. It is true that nuts are high and Emma, and labor is also high chemicals have declined largely, and this should aff ect the price of paper more than It has." It is a singular fact that writingpaper Is hiher than it was in February last. The demand larg ely exceeds the supply and good mills have orders far In ad. 1= Caution to Soldiers and /lumens Jifers.—Ma tilation of 7-30 Bonds.—The Government paymaster has been paying the soldiers discharged at this post, in Seven-Thirty coupon notes, In order to afford the brave men who had no immediate use for their money an opportunity to realize the highest rates of interest upon the same. Many of the soldiers having cause t.o use their bonds, have put them In circulation, and we learn that certain parties who came in possession of them have mutilated those bonds by cutting off the interest coupons, anti are imposing upon the unwary by passing the bonds minus the cotlpons. These sharpers are thus en abled to draw interest sa it falls doe, while the hold ers of the bonds can realize no current funds for Immediate use, as said bonds will not be worth the amount of their face until 1869. - Some of the slop shop " slump" clothing merchants- are said to have passed some of these mutilated bond. neon voldh - IN thus swindling them out of their money. We mu tton the public to be qn the alert, and carefully ex amine Seven-Thirty or-.other Gbvernment bonds that may be offered, and refuse them in every inst ance where the coupons have been cut off.—Harris• bury TeGyraph. The Post ORtee.—lt is a remarkable fact that the number of letters which are now being received at the Dead Letter Postoffice, sent thorn under the new law, mating prepayment of postage compulsory, amounts to more than fifteen thousand per wed ! These figures denote great carelessness, or igno rance of the law, on the part of the senders of these letters. The public need to remember that the old law, allowing letters not prepaid to be sent forward seconding to the directiOna, and double postage col lected of the receiver, has been repealed. Now ev ry letter not entitled to be carried through the mails free ofpostage, must have a stamp on it, or it is sent to the Dead Letter office. Especial care should be exercised by every person to observe, at the time ot depositing a letter in the post office, that the postage stamp Is firmly fixed upon It.— Such attentive scrutiny would soon reduce the num ber of letters held Inc postage, and consequently, prevent the ernhamssrnent and delays now ,mustant ly arising with reference to this class of letters. Important Dptysfon._lion. James Speed, At torney-General, has decided that a volunteer, ac cepted and mustered into the service under the statute of July 4th, 1864, whether for a term of one year, or two yen's, or for three years, if he is must er, d out of the service before the expiration of the term of service for which he enlisted, is entitled on ly to receive the proportion of the bounty allowed him by the statute, whether one.third, or two thirds thereof, which had actually accrued before the date of his discharge. If, for instance, he vol unteered for two years, and is mustered out before the expiration of the first year of his service, he cannot claim either the second or third installment of the bounty of two hundred dollars which would have been payable to him had he continued in the service till the expiration of the two years for which he enlisted. The volunteer only who, at the time of his dis charge, has completed one-half of the term for which he enlisted, is entitled to the second install ment of bbunty given him by the act, and he la en titled to no more of that bounty. II be is discharg ed on the next day alter the expiration of one-half of his term of enlistment, the second Metallmmit of the bounty is due and payable to him. The Gov ernment cannot reclaim it If it has been paid, nor withhold It if it remain unpaid But the discharge precludes him from receiving the third installment; that only is due to a volunteer who may have served the whole term for which he enlisted. Illustrated Life, Seminal. .7lartyrdom, and Inman& of Abraham Limoln.—T. B. Peterson A Brothers, Philadelphia, Pa., have just published the " Illustrated Life, Services, Martyrdom, and fu neral of Abraham Lincoln." It contains a full his tory of his life; Asssassination ; Death, and Funer al. His career as a Lawyer and Politician: his ser vices in Congress; with his Sj,eeches, Proclama tions, Acts, and services as President or the United States, and Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy, from the time of his first Inauguration as President of the United States, until the night of his Assassination. Nose and ottutiipleto odition, with a lull history of the assassination, by diStingbiSbrd eye-witnesses of Mr. Lincoln's Death-bed scenes, and a full account of the Funeral Cerenio. nies, from the time his remains were placed In the East Room at the White House until they were Una] lv consigned to their last resting place, in Oak Ridge Cemetry, at Springteld, Illinois: with Ad dresses and Sermons by the Hon. Schuyler Colfax, Hon. George Bancroft, Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, General Walbridge, Bishop Simpson, etc., with a full account of the humpe, pursuit, apprehension and death of the assassin, Booth. With a Portrait of President Lincoln, and ten other illustrative en gravings, descriptive of the scene of murder and other principal scenes in the work. Price seventy e cents in paper, or one dollar in cloth. Agents wanted everywhere to engage in the sale of this work, who will be supplied by the publishers with the paper-cover edition at five dollars a dozen, fifty copies for twenty dollars, or thirty dollars and fifty cents a hundred ; or with the cloth edition at eight dollars a dozen, fifty copies for thirty dollars, or sixty dollars a hundred. Single copies sent every where, free of postage, on receipt of retail price. Shut tip for the IPot,Wh."—We the undersign ed do hereby agree to Close our places of business on the coming " Fourth' of July, ' for the purpose of celebrating the day in a becoming manner: Wilson, Griffis & Warner,F. B. Chandler, Read, Watrous & Foster, J. Lyons & Son Lathrop, Tyler & Riley, W. J. &S. H. Dittlford, G uttenberg & Co., J. R DeWitt, W. H. Cooper et Co., S. li. Sayre & Bros., L C. Keeler, J. Etheridge D. R. Lathrop, (postotlice)F. B. Week 4 A. H. Smith, 0. D. Beman, Cox & Meeker, Boyd & Webster, B. R. Lyons ,t Co., C. N. Stoddard, Webb & Butterfield, G. L Stone & Co. St. Joseph's Grand alumna E Grand Pic-nic will be held on the grounds of Mr. Patrick Byrne, in Choctuent, on: the 4th of July, letih", at which all the n•na! games will be intro duced, as well ns some new ones. St. Joseph's, June 190,1885. , • parriagro. GARY—LA.BAR-9n the 18th bast, at Lawaville Centre, by Eld. W. C. Tilden, Mr. Wilß= Gary and Mrs. Julia A. Labar, both of Montrose. ROSS--SMITII—On the 21st inst., in Franklin, by Eld. W. C. Tilden, Mr. B. I). Boss and Miss S. It. Smith, of Franklin. SMITH—BODINE--In Forest Lake, Jane 18th, by the Rev. P. Mulkey, Mr. Mark B. Smith, of For t Lake, and M 1513 Elsa A. Boding, of Bridgewater. DECKER—OSBORN—At the Barnum Bowe, In Great Bend, June 33th, IS4 , by Rev. Stephen El. well, Mr. Wheeler B. Decker, ofithaes, N. Y., to Mine Mary E. Osborn, of Dryden, N. Y. JEFFERS—DAIILEY—In Earford, by Rev. A. Miller, In the 14th Inst., Mr. WalsOn Jeffers and Mire Betsey M. Daldey. Our talk!' AMMO. GREEN—On the ?Bth of May, at the Field Hospi tal, in Virginia, near Alextuadriu, Mr. Porter L. Green, son of Mynard and Mary; C. Green; aged, twenty-sit years. In February last, Mr. Green enlisted and became a member of Company F, of UOOl Regt., Pa, Vol., Ist Division, lid Army Corps. HA was called very soon to participate in active milltAry sersice, being among the troops engaged in the capture of Rich mond. 'kilt* the march of kis ;regiment from Richmond to Washington, he Was attacked with ty phoid fever, which terminated his life after an ill ness of nearly three weeks. The remains 'were brought to ilarford, his tormer place of residence, and interred on Sunday, the 4tkof June, where a discourse was poeachcd to a largettssembly, by Rev. A Miller. Mr. Green leaves a widow and a large circle of friends to mount his loss. B1:110E8B—in hiehoOpony. Wyoming Co" Pa" dune 6th, '1863, Frederick C. Burgess, of Co. K., 143 d Regt-, Fa. VoL, in the twenty-ninth year of his age. Mr. Burgess was one of four brOthere Who nobly went into the field to lend their ald in putting down the Blave-holders' rebellion—two di whom are still in the service. The three oldest being voters, hon orably sustained the tried and loyal chieftain of our bleeding country who, bim.lf, Mas since been mar tyred. The subject of this noose came home on furlough from the army about a year sae, with his health seriously impaired by exhaustion from long marchesland various other hardships Ills furlough being a number of times extended, he was permitted to share the comforts of home end kind care of. Mends until death released him from his sufferings. What a noble eserillee c go die for one's country 1 ; All honor to tie Fatriet's game r whether hir Away on the coffiniess battlafield, or at home In the Cam• etery with his kindred. May the grace of God traatain the bereaved parents whose kind ant patriotic hearts have manifested so much interest for the wend* 01 their country in Ile dark hours of trial; and espoxlsdly we would ask God in his mercy to remember the wife and two dear lit tle once whose hums is made desolate on account of this dreadful war. (Tunkhannock papers please copy.) fan o. 111 ,- AtOtesrecements weets are published vrttacatt Obituary , Notices tnlnt for at t he rate of half a cars= Verses five mats • lioe. eLdelly In aSyaces. STEVENS—In Decorah, lowa. the 9th Inst., Inez, daughter of Miles arid fluldah Stevens ; aged, six teen rears. „rqr (Tunkhannock papers pleaae copy.) part Tlrportg. New York Wholesale Prices thurent of Produce. Reported for the larnsrcerosag Rnsitnatose by .1081 AR CARPENTER. Com. Merchant. No. 353 Washington It.. New York, to whom shipmeots may be made. Two4Alrds of the market volt:m . ldr' be advanced on the tcorlpt of the goals If d. 11.1, sod a Quick return made for the balance. Full directions and a weekly market report sent free of charge by mall to thaw , matt. shipments Bennwas.. pure. P .4 450 • 471 Rte. 9 bush.. • 030$ us Import. " 99 0 15POets." 750 74 Reacts, nound,B4 bush. 1 000 I 3,Com, 83 9O Pe., 4 Ito a 14n , Potatoes, P 1000001, 150 a 150 Better, In tohn. A. 53 33 (bloat, " BIA 400 .. In fiction," 130 s.sillldes, dry, I i 0.. 1 0 3 17 " In rolls, " green, " 7 0 it Cheese. choice, " 13 0. PC lard, nom. to boat. tb 17 0 19 emommt, " lo 0 PI Reef, meo„ 101 14 000 Id 00 mire Apple, " $ 0 11. "primes" 105001. 10 Penehen, tte 4n Pork. mow.. " 03 Plums. " t 2 30 , " Prime. " 18M X'3 " Cberrica. • ' 5, 1 32 liama smoked, Vl5 18 0 50 " PaViterricn" 2.0 0 40,8booldens, 13 0 17 Illekherticn" 1.53 10 "cc.. ftseh, down, Honey. 15 0 92 Stood_ Chickens. 11'0. " 1,1 rant, v.., IAL Ort 000 'Turkeys, " 0 90 " ,r it e, " 0 •110Ch00. Corn Meet, V hood., 9- 0 nr• Pncbte. SG F loe, Flour C lover Need. " 14 In Flax, moatlS 100 17 'Timoth y Heed, VP hush 1 000 31,0 Feathent, live gee., 50 0 le. Flax Seed, " 500 43 23 11001 Sid. Vln 9 0 It Tallow, It 0., In 0 11 Mutton lo caresm," lb 8 ly Wool, wmthed. " ad 0 53 Veal. " 1(0, 1 ,001.1m washed. " 380 NO Pork, &owed, is a In A poi.. V Inrral ott 00 itheaL bunhel, 175 a 310 ?More—A full report or the Ne.e.Yort Market can be emu on ilia at my time by initlinie at the Republican - °dim In Montrose. In the about . I. given the lomat and higheat prima which an govern ed by quality end condition. !deny articles that are not mentioned abr.:, rah ho (nnil on the remet In nue Mt,. HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE! BATCHELOR'S Celebrated HAIR DYE 1.14 the Best in the World The only Harmless, Trne, & Reliable Dye Known. ThLisidestild Raiz Dye Is Perfect—eitances Red. Rusty, or Grey instantly lo a GLOSSY BLACK or NATUIt AL BROWN, Without iii r juring the hair or staining the sklo, leaviox the halreoti end beautthil: iciunrts fresh vitality, frot uuktly restoring Its prs lug color. and rectifies the 111 effects or had Qtrs. The genuine Is signed WILLIAM A. BATCLIELOP.. all others are merelirilte lons. nod should be avoldoiL Also Batchelor's NEW TOILET CREAM for Dreaehte the Hair. Bola lee ail ororsista.ete. Facie ory—Sl Cruelay Street, New York. June 29, 1664.-12. Editor of Republican : DS•a runt permission I wish to my to the reader of your paper that I .111 send. by return mall, to all who wilds It (free) a Recipe. with full direction. for =slang and 00100 a simple Vegetable 'Salm that .111 ellocrually remove, In tea dart Pimple, Blotch, Tan, Freckles, mad all Immunise of the Fein. Inas thg tbe same soft, clear. amooth and lleaut/ful. I will also mall tree to those having Bahl heads, nr Para Foam simple dim - Cons and Mformadon that .111 enable teem to scan a full growth of Luxuriant Hale, Whiskers, or a Moustache, to leas than thirty days. All app:lutlons answered by return mall without clam, Respeetfully yours. THOS. F (111 A l'ld A N.Chemist Tim:ol,o, N.. York Ve. , ,nry trth. Inss tun W .._Those winning a one .et nf whilltertte hlce Inoue Lechn. nr alwantllLl bead of glossy heir, will please rc.vl the card of THOS. F. CNA PM A N In ann✓.er part or this pain, Telemann ge lett Tenal dualistmento. Administrator's Notice N O TICE V hereby given to all persons having demands .saint the eFtsts of Augustus A. Inorertratt. late or Leong Porn ship. dunned. that the same mtn+t he presentee, to the undersigned toreettlerlonot. and aft persons indented to nid estate we request ed to mate Inrotectlste payment. W. M. T/VOLEY, Adv., Lenox. June 19. ler!, Admioistrolors' Notice. NCII7BI, hereby croon to alI perann. havitt demands annlnst the .st ate of Fleur/ Porter. drerared, late of Choc , not town chip. that the same man ho preoetord to the underzfrned forst . ' Clement. anti all puranna Indebted to gaideatate are reoqffeated to make Irumedlate payment. LYPIA K P BATTEY./ Ad .,. If AV/I) 0. !LIN KLICII, etononnnt, June 10. 1931.-Cmpd. -Excelsior'■ Notice NOTICE i• ht . e.b9 eieen to 411 harm[ finmatels acelnel tn , e-.. 1 e of lit , a- t . • TornZie. Isle of Lenne tow'n.. deceased. tttatthosanne must 4e preeente4 to the under-10,11rue amueceseent and all nersonelruleb44l tn .ald eslate eve req....4141 make lame dlnte payment. W. 11. TI.NOLEY, Executor. Lenox. June 10th. 1.45.-/ter Auditor's Notice. TPC no drodnned, auditor. topolntr.l hr the Orphan,' Court of aged vehuana county. to dhoolhote the Parole In the hard. of the A drolot.trator of the estate of J. B. McKinney deerht. arooranst the 11.1” aud I^eil rrprenectat yea of hr raid leaved .11.1 attend to the dotfea of hla Bald appointment at his office. In /doorrore, on liaturday. the a'.l day of Joh. at I o elxk p. when all pre.rons 11141,5t...11n !add food. a - PI present their datum or he fore..rz delarred. A A mil., 1.11..1.1* tune 17,b, Execntor's Notice NOTICIL Is herein. elven to all persons Ravine demands creator tbe estate of Wteusan. late or tßat the same 111111 a be presented to the underelened for srreneentent and all persons Indebted to =ld estate are tneinested - tomake Imme diate noenl•tll M. K. W ILLI &MS. Es', Sgetneell le. Jona It MS --r4 Auditor's Notice. THE undersigned. liartir Dm, appointed•an Anditor by the orphan . roll of Streit:eh:eh. eouniV, to dletributo the blade In the hands of the Administrator of the estate of Milton Thrley, demand, hereby eyes notice that h•+111 attend to the duo., of raidappointment, at his °floe In Montreal MI Saturday. the bib dor of July. r mod 1 o'Clod , P. PP— taleb time and place all fereone Intereeted In odd Rind may resent their .labor. tie dreYer debarred from esmlny, in on said p fund. Uout.r....,Jtme 1%10,4.-4 A.O. WARREN, •nditee. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE le hereby ev. to all persom • haslet demands eralast the estate of John 11. Cartier late of Auburn township. decd. thet the same meet be preaeated to the underehmed for ar movement. and all pearmsladelo.d*. said estate are requested to make I eateallale payment. W. C. LOW. E. O. SHERWOOD} Ad ' ' ' . Auburn Centre, May, Neb. 1.M.-43w Auditor's Not ice • PH 8 mulendened, an Auditor appointed by the orphans' Coati or Susquehanna county to distribute the funds In the hands of the A datiniettatm In the Watt. of John flonnes decAued, vitl attend to the duties of his appointment. at his dace to Montrose, on Tuesday the :77th day of June, ItAa, et 2 o'clock p.m., at which time and plea aH persons Interested will give their attend. mice or be forever debarred from cornier tn weld fond. E. M. TUELN LE. Auditor. Auditor's Notice TlgAnderelknrd. an And itor appointed by the (Mohan? come of Su. charms °panty to dletrhmte the funds In the bands of tho A dmlnletrotor In Inn Mete of 011ver Ilsald. deceased, VIII attend to the duties of I. e appointment. at Al. °Klee In Montrose, on Prides the Vel day of June. 100... at 2 o'clock p.m.. at artilch time and place nil prreone Interreted 00111 nlve tech attendance or be forever debarred Arum coming In on mid fo o d. E. M. TURNER. Auditor. Montrose. Slay ht... 1d62.-4, A ndltor'n Notice. MINE e.,11 tor SP^ointed by the Oephtta' 00net J.. of finarpeoanun wooly to dlArlbute the fonds In the nude of the Attmbtlabutor lu the estate of Sarah nunutore, doomeed, .111 attend to the &Wes of hit anfoultrnent, at hie ofEce la Idontro.. tat Monday the 88th day of June. 1888, at 9 o'cleok V. to.. at tehtch Ptne and lA.. .II Pen.. Inteteuell 1.11 ri their attecalauce or be forever debarred form coming lu 6n =Oa ve d. E. M. TURNER, Aculltar. Mo.tizaft.l,47 Auditors Notice. NOTICE le hereby given that the undensinned. Audirar its pointed by the Orphan? Court of Suaquenamm Cosorty to make distrinutitra of the Duna to the Lauda of the administratm of the erase of 0. U. LYbi AN. drantest, wilt attend to the du ties of hie appointment. at the Mika of J. It. McCallum tn Mont per,.n Saturday, Jun< ttth, 140. at 1 o clock p .~ m., when all sona Interested in saittltunts Presen t then' den.. ire be fee , ever debarred. L TY.SEA RLEL Auditor. Idontn - r. Mar 150, lArts,-4w TO BOOT AND SHOE WEARERS OF SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY. F B. WEEKS & CO. having sold their stock of Hata, Cape and Ittady mad. Clothing to Joshua Boyd, F. B. WEEKS BOOT AND SHOE BUSINESS In Ile various hrsiariso My Brock L nom complete—lisdag • Wit arch-41 of New Spring Styles. LADIES GLOVE RH), LASTING, GOAT AND CALF BA LMORALS GAITERS, MISS. ES' LASTING, EID AND CALF BALMO RALS, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF INFANTS - SHOES', MEN'S CALF KW AND LASTING BALM°. RAM AND G A ITEM, BOTS',AND YOTE'S CALF, KIP, AND STOGA BOOTS. I am prepared to tr2ll Cheaper for Cash or Beady Pay Than Any other boom this aide of Itievr Tort. lErDealers erupptled at New York jobbink Stott West aide of public Avaam eccond door above Bearlea Rotel. M °atom, itay V. IP. U. WELMEL LOST, QOM ZWITIME In Wontrose or on the ron4 to Auburn, TWO 1.7 i'llcOES OF BONNET MOTION (Btu* and rtiol , ledran boatel. , oponned colons , . nob at the atom of Ontle.eoll nthnne tame . * 004 len lOU pal , damn If 09, der. EVERY DM BRINGS SOMETHINa NEW, H Vigiiittu'AZ • i—ge 11.1 mf ILATS AND CAPS, CHILDREN'S TURBANS, LADIES' SHAKERS, Also a large stock of all the new Spring gryks of CLOTH I NG, c on tai n , 1,, m t i o r lows Engli‘h , Walklng Coats I. salts to match, good !Sodom Coals, rod C othlog for Farmers, Ll= Pants and Dusters, !be. Gents' Furnishing Goods. U MBRELLAS, lIANDK ERC II lEFS, SUSPENDERS, COLLARS, NECK TIES, SHIRTS, Which 1 am preparrolto for cash or ready pay at very low pr ces. as my stock has recently twen bone.% with tall n. goo&. Small prollts and mall pay 10 my motto. Call and sec for your selves. 'Mlro doors Wove Searle. Hotel, In the bonding occupier' by Y. B. Weeks o. a Shoo Mon. JOSHUA BO YD. linntrosa, MST tn. loati.-1.1 NEW (loons. WEBS & BUTTERFIELD, Are not ',dying tholz SPRING ARII SUMMER coops. Flaw call and =wane Dma Oooda GRENADINES., POPLINS, CIIADIES, LENOB, DE LAINES, &c. lIONTROSIE, May 8. !SCA. IME'OII,'TANT 'EAD, WATROUS & FOSTER Have Just reedved .11 opened a Om end of SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS PRINTS, BRAWLS, D OMESTIC'S,rOTTON-4DES, SUN UMBRELLAS, floor SKIRTS, BAL MORAL DITTO, OLOI ES, HOSIERY, &c. dr , At the Most Reasonable Rates A , w, a full line of FUR, STRAW AND PALM LEAF HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, CROCKERY, GROCE RIES, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, x. N B.—We are receiving additions to our stock weekly. Return Pails. We aul rarnirb any mintier of Return Pride to our customer" wiaiang to rend Hotter to the (illy. and .111 forward the moor tree °rename- aro guarantee the highest prima mud prompt returns. READ, WA TRO FOSTER. • 11ONTROSE. May 45th. ISM. "Our Fallen Chief." IMPERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS, Cartels do Visites, AND QUARTER SIZE PICTURES OF President Lincoln, FOR BA LE ONLY AT THE "POST OFEICE." A. H. SMITH. SHOOTING IRONS T REVOLVING AND SINGLE—HEW STYLES, AT BEMAN'S. THE GREATEST IMPROVEMENT YET. A Single Pistol that Draws Its Own Car tridge after Firing! Paces lea than A. not. wsw." AU alms and styles of car. Winos hand. also 0. D. Ely% Doutds•Water-Proof and Muted Mates Army Percussion Cam 1P Don't an to see those New Nerolvom sad Phttnls before pamhashnt. 0. D. HENAN. Wnnten.. Y.A. trio. PAL-lf NEW GO ODS AT WILSON, GRIFFIS & WARNER'S FOR TUE SPRING TRADE. MoliTlio6B, May 25, 1663. A. G. REYNOLDS, WOOL CARDING, Brooklyn, Pa. May V411.1955.—tr. TO DAIRYMEN AND OTUICUS. 11111 ed 1; andensigned =omen to th e nubile that he Ilea eetabltitt. Forwarding Mallon 110P1MT051 STATION, on the D.L. 4 W. Reamd,hay• hA t tiger c ed o. fro=dl==th i = .. Fllll 7 =fcratt New Toot Me. for targesztllna BUTTER, EGGS, POULTRY, And All Kinds of Country Produce, For which b• 11111 Weft* himself ex GOOD ROM AND PROMPT RETURNS Dotal &Memo =traded as bison Iloptorttam.Dir M. an —am. J. H. OHAPDAN. Patnam's Iron Clothee Wringer. TOE BEST IS USE. VOTIUM ctothnd and for Asia by 1. ILVIIICY amts. K 1 MI SEED POTATOEd. 12IICILIEMB MEWLING& LOU and goon 4 a- Cid IMloof Alberts.Eff sal* Erg MIAMI OlgraiTei 7"30 LOAN. THIRD SERIES. $280.000,000. D li sutheotty of the fieczetory of the Tress:" the undershreeo. D we aweew erstailaton Agiull for the We of United Stews seeurittee, offers to the public the third mien of hammy Plow, beeline arms and three-magi per cent. toter* per iumum. known 7-30 LOAN Till. notes ere !waled under date of J of y IGth, 1 , 5, end us pet" stile them years from Chet date In =Teeny, or are convertible et the option of the holder Into E. N. 5-20 Nix per cent. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. floe Bonds are now worth a har.dennie prribluro, and are ex empt. se are all the Mover: moot Boucle trout Butte, County, and Municipal tosallen. which adds from one to three per cont. per an num to their value, accosting to the rate levied upon other proper. ty. The 1111¢701 is payable semi annually by coupons attached to each note. which may tic cot od and wild to any hank or banker. One cent Dee day one Oa note. Tire acute " 9100 Ten " " " aZ.OO " to $lOOO •• $1 " ....... Notes of all denoml nation, named will be promptly fornlehed upon receipt oranbacrtptione. The Notes of this Third hertee are precisely aim !sr In torso sod PriViiMer. to the tlevetcllirtles c.crpr that the boo moment reserve. to Irma the option of paying Interest In gold coin ate percent., instead of 7 A.loths In currency. Subecribera will de. duct the lotertst In currency up to J ul ) 10th, at the Sow when they tutscribe. The delivery of the notes of the third aerlva of the Sevan4kirtlee otll commence on the 10 of /one, and Will be made promptly and oanlJnottnaly after that date The eltett charge n arle In the condition of this hE ItIES affects only the matter of Interval, The paymud h gold, it made, 4111 be equivalent p. the entrency Intereat of the Wetter rate. The return to spode pat ntents. In Ito event of erhl,ll only Will the option to pay Inlcrctlt In Unlit be ova It•! of. a... 0.1 to ,11.3. e tnd elinttllre pt kta thut pun - tuna nude ulth dr to cent In go'd I. folly Null to U, made With seven and l Lac truths per cent. In currency TLIA I. The Only Loan in Market Now offered by the Government, and Its superior athowittiers make It the GItILAT POPULA It LoA N OF Tlf 6 PEOPLE.. Lim than Ittkl.Oroooo of the Loan authorhed by the last Con• ,has are now In the market. This amount, at the ram at which It is being absorbed, will all be wbgertbed for 0111,10 two molSLq when the notes will undoubtedly command a pet mium. as has uni• Wooly been We case nu clueing the autweriptions In other Low a In order Wu/4tlsens of every town and section of the country may he afforded hspllitles for Luting the loan, the National Ranks. end Private Banterethroughout the country have generally agreed to receive sutectiptlons at par. 8 Libecribres will select their own agents, to whom they have confideoce, and who only are to he re. spondble for the delivery of the notes fur es b lets they receive or dere. J A Y COME E. Perco - arroos PlilLodelptda Subwrlptlor.s 1.111 be rytelretl by Ito 11.411: Ilutme of W. II ("DOPER a co. Montana. and by 00 rind Notional Ilmtk or Susinehroans !)pot. A leo by First National Bank of Scranion.lFlrst National Dank of Mislay. Second " I • " •• ToisminLs " Wilketbarts Find " " Honesdale. Montmor, Vas . 15t1s, IE/Cs...amos HA! HA! I HAVE YOU NOW ICAN FURNISH YOU WITII MOST ANYTHING Is the shape of elyao and Tub... and Eatables .4 Drlnkables, ra crpt Hardorara." To [tots men I can Notlelt Fir.= and Palls. and buy (bolt Romps or sob II I. Its arsul a Llororniuduck House as (S•re Cr In hew York. free of claw.. sacept usual freight and von 11. 11. D UNWIRE. Horan., April s , 1663. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Farmers is Particular. BOYD & WEBSTER II AVE FOR BALE REVOLVING HORSE RAKES, BY THY DOZEN OH SINGLE ONE. EXTRAS AND REPAIRS AND MOWERS OHIO REAPERS I= GRAIN CRADLES, GRASS SCYTHES AND SNATLIS, FORKS, SHOVELS, HOES PICKS AND HANDLES. Building Materials, INCLUDDIO PINE LU)iBEU, WINDOW BASIL PAINTS OILS, PUTTY, GLASS, BUTTS, SCREWS, BALLS, LOCKS, A LARGE WAILYETY COOK STOVES FOR BUTLICINO WOOD. COOK STOVES FOR COLL. COOK STOVES FOR WOOD OR COAL. TIN WARE, WIIOLBSA.LE LAD RETAIL BIRD CAGES, LAMPS, &e ALL 00008 AT PEACE PRIORS FOR CABII W. IL BO YD Montrov.. Mu MM. Iso THE REBELLION IS DOWN! GOLD IS DOWN ! AND GOODS ARE DOWN 1 71„f`,7 7T.Z'oni2CMDTAIMITId the cc totted at DRESS GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY FOR LADIES. A LARGE STOCK OF DRESS AND CLOAK BUTTONS. A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF CLOAKING, SKIRTS, SHEETLVG, Inlen's Wear. ME BEST ASSORTMENT OF CASSIMF...REB IN TOWY—ALSO, HATS AND CAPS. A SMALL LOT OF READY-MADE CLOTHING, Which .111 be sold Ira) Owe to dost out. MOO Calm] tee at CHANDLER'S. momnie. lay a I°°f. TO RENT. a iwo HUNDRED Am. of pasture lantLs to rant for the sewn Or i pturind by the wat'. Gooft fawn, W. an ll d or . T entratered Ku MLVT. lawg. X 27 600 1501.4 t . WOOL CARDING. WOULD sty to my Crlends La fiagnetuuna candy LW I bats rogrut the Cardldit Machine i t N. B. ult,uvi Stop, with dew oady o fln same. lMill Card ott reaaddabto term rn roLLL Eddy, iftw Eth, 1.96. JACOB CAPRON. TO DAIRYMEN. FD.unANDLim the kaibed mattatiko ror prim otter or 10 WIIIS the bM Oct rrl to Am Torit. roc 167 rorOr *tom& socoltroia, Shy VD. - y AGAIN IN THE 'FIELD ! • -- - - - Manufactured by S. H. Sayre & Bro's., Montrose, Pa. GREGORY'S REVOLVING HEAD Manufactured by S. H. Sayre & Bro's,, Montrose, Pa. SATIN AND cor_.oitrio FANCY COMBS, HAIR FOILS, Sc. Sc Just Bought in New rfrrk 't nutir Prices.. ALSO, A LARGE LOT OF FINE JEWELRY, Greatly Reduced Prices Montrose. Apr 1110.1,415 rpAy1011104143:41h1:04 WOULD ray to the L.wile. of Montrose and vicinity that she hasopened a Shop m the bultding funnerly r Hall, where she will keep a fnllldy of all Mod. of Faue• Goods. Bonnet., Hata, Straw d mo ßounets constant; )no nand Bleacnltm and Repairinz Hate done to order Ladies. call and see for your-wit... Mantras. May 9.1865. COFFIN TRIMMINGS. Direct from the Ilantifatelory. ILITAY. MASOSIC. NVIIRATII. ROSE. • .TI vuio. IL other 112”.1,..; •4vallet) . 1 L .r( Late. Dowel 1113,p, I h.,. e S. • V • Vlitt. • . k The undersl.=ed, has trrg Just returned from Mem York relt lphpre eurchsed a nark or New Goals, proposes to roll them at the mercer avers for OAIiG, or Us Kt,2 IVA WENT Gls stork Nebr..% • large ourietV or I try Goods, Ilsts, Ceps, Hoots .d Shoes. ITTOCerlig, Hardware. Wee, and Idedlelnes, Yankee Notions. i.e. he'Goods Inky. Ing loan purchased for ossn, he Is prepared to sell thorn at ma tow prlee, SA any other est..ll.ommt, especially its he propane to avoid the ',K..s of en engin*, credit. nnet.lenca of I* years In New York City bast enabled Met tn roue the sequaint.eeof many that-class tires dealing In Hotter. For these whleng to hale the htgt or peke for their Butter, ken we will forward shipments to such Having a Isere trade with the leading Notch of the elty T arm pre. send m - our the rery highest twice for No. I Gutter. Those mak. let ...II will Sad It profitable to tall on ceet. J. S. JACILSOIf. Fairdale. Hay 1. 1545,—.U. N H; W GOODS. JUST OPENING, D ?b - Vbtrir,rA •! ,1 IP't Va r di Of N a k " 1111E., ,e . Cburth I...naiht, Village I tymna. ritzier, Altaims, - mud uord book fte Fraenta. ft.. etc. J mit. °penal and Mt sale by J. LYONS SON. Montrow, De umber 1964.—tr Soldiers' Bounty Pensions, and Back Fay. - ;. ,rift anderezned Lfe t ertsed 'Agent of the (I overtment, bent du. tett= d =s th en ft l i nll7lfolrea " " 141".""" "4. No charge Mr MfOrmlktiOn. or tor pgers =leessttresoNl. Montrose. vrtllo. IS O ' , . OEO. P. urns. 1300'119 AND SHOES os• ALL DESCRIPTIONS. ivE rmaatralla Infonv the publlc that we bit apene4 a new Du? and Mina Story In tht vim. dint 16.32 abort tha ram= II auce, warre Imp on basu'l an kaolin: at o f L y n, rhaarena . tattort as man as Mcrea Boots., ac tnor a,,,i arngann; also. Custom Bo t o o and ehocananda and my r ed the very ticatelt style, nod al P bort,* totlm TGrad Isarat Matra. U.. late.—t7 "Alt 1111 WIT- SOLDIERS' PENSIONS, BOUNTY AND BACK PAY. ItEan.lenl LICZNBED AGENT OP Tax GOVERE M ram. val dvo_rotopt attenUon to all Odors entrained W htocare. GliorgosLOW. and blettmatton MEI • Eating; Novembet 11.1.941.4 y L. 1. /nom spi4E2IDIA STUMPS, Green and Ground Coffee. SUGARS. &43., j1.1•111.<•••• as& Inv sato .• BOOK iinnaNct. MITA Braman...UN& oaf oliZtariati I=l