attrat - 11 Agricultural' P r at the . . • A gentleman who has travelled extensively in the West and Southwest reports that In the !States - of Illinois, Indiana; and Ohio ilaller crops will be planted this spring thtt. perhaps during any of the past three years. The places of en listedymen are fast being supplied ;by young per sona., growing np, 'and 'the- refugees from the lionth-aro very numerous, and wilt furnish much labile,' which they will be obliged to do through necessity rather than inclination. In Kentucky less than an average crop of grain and vegeta- Ades will be planted this miring. In the celebra ted " Bine Grass" region the decline will proba bly be one-third, which may be taken as an av erage for the whole State. Farmers evince a disposition rather to hire out their lands for a year or two than to plant for themselves, and are more ready to sow grasses than grains. La bor is necessarily " demoralized ;" though, per haps, less so than might have been expected In some parts farmers and planters offer their late "servants" regular wages. Tennessee, in the counties below Nashville, where the soil is of the first quality and the de-. mend enormous, very little can be produced the ensuing summer, and the supply will have to come chiefly, from the North. )fen from this section isitho' leaso abandoned plantations are apt b . :MUM - their attention rather to the raising of cotton than to either food or live stock.— Considerable numbers of cattle from the North will be imported during the spring months, and a beginning be made for future developments. The orders for farm implements are unusually heavy in the Northwest, especially in Indianap olis and Chicago, where reaping and mowing machines, .1 . e., are made in immense quantities, while in cities south of the Ohio river orders have greatly fallen off. 64 8trnek Ile"—Use of Kerosene. Ltuonce•ron.—Having considerable machin ery to run the past winter by horse power, and knowing of no accmaible lubricator that would not grow hard in cold weather, I have been ex perimenting for the purpose of getting a lubri cator that would stand the cold, not gum, be cheap, and accessible to all, and have found the following to answer the purpose very satisfac torily : Lard oil, three parts, and kerosene one part The oil should be warm,l. e. about 75° Fahren heit, when the kerosene is put with it, and thee shaken orf ,, ,ionally through the day, when it will be cut and mixed. Thts compound remains liquid some 50 . or ISO° colder than the best lard, oil. I have used it four or five months on most kinds of wood and iron working shop machin ervarlth better satisfaction than with any sperm oil I have ever found. A larger proportion of kerosene stands cold still better. and a smaller proportion gives more body. The same also works well for the axles of carriage% putting in more or less kerosene, according to the time of year aed degree of cold. Lnerarwrr.—Etavlng "broken my neck" sev eral yeara ago, leaving me with a chronic spinal disease, yon may guess that I have had some experience with all sorts and colors of linaments, but none with better satisfaction than this: Kerosene about four parts, and lard oil (or any animal oil) ore part—well rubbed in with flan nel, and bound up with the same. For any kind of muscular lameness, or rheumatism, in man or beast, try it. It is also a good application for the piles. To KILL LICE ON CATTLE OR COLTS.—MeIt beef's tallow, and. mis one part of the tallow with three parts of kerosene, and rub it on to those parts wherE the lice "most docong,gate," thoroughly, once-is in about three days, till they have got enough, which will not be long. Boor GYM ASE. —Six parts tallow, two kern sene, one rosin, and a little lamp black, O r r fall, and spring use--for summer, less kerosene. Mtn Ort...\—For this purpose 1 have not yet had occasion to try this great " institution, kero sene," as wife and I, anti the six young ones, all have heads full the " nateml ile,"—as sleek as a licked kitten—but Dave no doubt of the drool of kerosene fir this p rpose, on the head of a young "spark" would liealmost equal to a cam omile bed for the lady sparked, as an odorifier Whether it would equal the More common kinds of hair nil for "shortening bishuit," I leave for "Mn.i Old Hurricane" to sayl—.lttsucus,inCOUß try Gentleman. Farming Maxims. A young Men's Society at Hullinavat,lrela* inclndeagrlcultaral a; well as other subjects their discussions, and the conclusions adopted at several meetings have been published in con cise form. Passing over many with especial ref erence to the agriculture of the locality, we find the following which are-worthy of especial re membrance in all countries where the soil is cultivated : "Bth—Every beast on tl e farm, especially calves and young animals, should be always kept in a thriving state from the time of its birth to that of its being sold, or else the profit is lessened; "9th—That a great loss is sustained by al lowing corn ,o become ovcr-ripe ; farmers often let it stand a fall week too long, and then have nearly two barrels of the best seed shed per RCM " 10th—Hay is also allowed to become over ripe, and, when cut, not quickly saved ; it is generally inferior - to good straw, through neg lect. "11th—No bull should be used unless pure bred, and carefully selected from the best stock, a cross of the Alderney cow is decidedly the best to cross with the short-born. The progeny will also, fatten well, and ultimately become. the most profitable cattle by returning to short horn. "12th—One of the commonest mistakes made by smallfarmers is that their land is over-stock ed,, and their cattle under-fed— " Full stock, half profit ; - Half stoe,a, full profit" • CLEss Ifrtactso.—lt is sometimes forgotten that the last gill of milk drawn from the cow's udder is the best part of every milking. Careful experiments made in England show, (according to a report lately published) that the quality of cream obtained from the last cup taken from most cows exceeds that of the first in proportion of twelve to one. fence a person who careless ly leaves but a half pint of milk undrawn loses in reality about as mach cream us would be af-, forded by &ix or eight pints at the beginning; and loses too that part of the cream wluch gives the richness and flavor to the butter. EGGS FOR SETTENO.—The following may be of service to those who would have a chicken for every egg they set: Take eggs not more than three"•orTier days old, and have a candle or lamp; hold the egg in one hand with the - bread Mid upwards dose to the candle; place the edge of the other broad on the top of 'the egg, acd you will immediately perceive the in• collation end. Some people can tel a pullet from a rooster'. The mark f+r a rooster is cross, ids; and a pullet lengthwise. Another way is to place your tongue on the large end of the egg, and you will find a strong heat if fresh and good, and less heat if old and doubtful. legs put up for hatching should never be put in 4 damp cellar, as the dampness - destroys the heat. Born pois POMMM—Fasten pieces of wide 'hoards:on : three sides of a hard stone, and with a hammer break the .bones from the kitchen in small fragments, not larger than peas. liens that.aro laying will cat them with aridity.— Bones from fresh meat, if brakes- fine so that hens will swallow the pied ; are excellent to tnalfithein lay. Poultry of all kinds should be welPsupplied with sharp gravel also at this sea• ion of the year. Pounded oyster shells, where they can be obtained, afford, one of the best means of siniPlying lime. nr.Tbere are few - of ns who appreciate the full advantage of getting a good crop.' Like ,the mind, land' will be occupied with something.— An idle brain is the Devil's workshop, and half. cultivated land ii soon filled with weeds. Raise a good smothering crop , of grain or peas, Ind you will feel the advantage of it for yeara. The crop itself pays a handsome profit, the land Le cleaner, and the straw will etta'de you to keep more stock and-make more manure. 'To littrinnytl'Arrr Bursa—Dip . the stained Outfit- boiling water, and place 'foyer the fumes, of burning snifdint,tuttil the stain changes color, then, ars* An clear water. • Boiling water a. loneiirll.rattecere many fresh. stains, especially of cooked fruit.. - Allmcnaviseve. ne retook. f lard, tiro - of ratolisAirs:Prur, tableappanfal ginger ; one te; blespoonlbr"of talemttis' 42113Bcdved In as little -bot-aveter as possible Clove, cinnamon, or triaoolo jtralt tug& Z ellr ,e_Otligh to roll thin. Skilistlittu tftlin an • z. inuommiromritaily H. H.-Llat Aznrart, Office up du irs in Hatniesi4 Zathmea Building. S_ , , Rates of Ad sterilising. s o ii3e. tv 'Tn2 l :l6 w pi 2iii 31141 Lu I agate, $O5O 076 1,00 62514 800 5500 6 809 2 aqua tl.lO 1, 51 . 00,1460 4 501 9OP 1500 a square_ al /50.142518 0012 7516 7 ; _50 12 00 2000 i equareof 51C,01500131514 501800 9 50 15 00 2400 . • Elea Ibles of thlidteYype.,. Wats.] make a pram Yearly &dye:Maas grill nave th e privilege at alma* Or eharlitai trtelradrailaametaaaeal Irani:oat adal,Slaff alebraYe Butner" Cards anteteeedlng Yoe Ileeslnserted at 45 per Fur% rtareltremortn,to la/urethan - don In neat papermtud be rumor tri Fulay alterueorr ()rutty SarrisdaymanArgrq Job Work.-The &Bee of tha liamrssours Itarrramoau Isprarlderl wIIe three. , . .• ' vtatlcAcreatta i r I . ITE I A ir LIOW.i RA. _ s_,4 No : _Satan: • - PREa.a.aNewbarzaresta- r • .Y-4 • talaJOßßElt•yogetberwtra agaM• • • amartteant of Jobbing materials: 0,44 • d all kinds of Jon woriroarea -Cards, elscalara. rosters. Labels... Paraythleta. *... WS.. win be dopencatrfnd promoth Bianki.—Justices% Constables', and scboo tooke t ommtioes.u.o. Lod Oeintraeli,dx4ltogeonondl on ban° and far rata at tar, liatrarnacre Rama:mm..oMo., WILLIAM W. , SMITH, 04 4. CABINET AND °nem - ew tadm,:z ie f i e i ez T amatney a z o . or ftv treed $t abort not_ lice. Mop and Ware Booms foot of /ODA DI. Moot:row Pa.. 7Wft. e. tee&-af LAW NOTICE-NEW FIRM. DEMMER & PITCM dart= sslnelated U. Ilsnnur. JUP mit& than os • part In the oractles ails In all lu wt. brauctkes, the business &111 beer bellow, In the of Bentley,Fitch& Betley, a t d all to:mitten emr usted to them will be Mended to n srll prompt. nos end tlalty. Office same as occupied by 13notley & Fltc*. O. S. Itemretze, 1.. 1. ITTCII. ..... Montrose. Jawairs 12a. P. REYNOLDS. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. s E li L ma Othll,,S and ill lands of Ilerchaataw, sadaleo bloatroaa, Pa.. Dec.5.1564,—ti GEORGE GATES, LICENSED AUCTIONEER ! Abtreu Dimoct, naquebaarta Catrtsty. Aug us& 15,1864.-Bmp Examining Surgeon! vArebri i iVrigftlifldVA sik=t2tanalne"e give cern =tee to all entitled to Pensions, will attend to &lisp olleationstbat may be preeented to !dm. at Montrose Pa. Room. at J. S. 'Farber. Hotel. E. PATILICX Montrose. epttl 6,1363.-tf ideCOLLIIM, & SEARLE. itlorneys and Counsellors at Law, MONTROSE, SIISQ. CO., PA. teelnLlArees Fc. arlck B UBlni. aver Lithrop, Tyle 0 SUM 1 D. W 1 , 1••• LS *-.l.l....r.Vetremr• 11. 11114 .4 I, L. 0. TIFF.A.INTY", United States licensed Auctioneer, FOR RUSQIJEHANNA AND LUZERN& COITIMES Gibson. March Z. ISC4--17un64"Ptilualarx65Pd E. M. TURNER, Attorney -at - Law ! OFFICE OOEn WILSON'S STORE. Montrose, August IS, ISS4.4f D. BREWSTER, AUCTIONEER I Montrose, Pa. Montrote, April 4. 1E64.-d WHITLOCK & HALL, D EyRS r Flon2. P, Lard.OnLo, Feed,. Cover GROCERIES, oath as eurara Mauna, syrups T. Cone. Erdces, .kc. Third braiding twat]. of • Volnatb - y. Ken /1111=1 Bosnagh. ETJW. WHVILOCK. A. A. HALL. Cabinet Work and Undertaking carried on by A. A. HALL. 'A: ear Word. January 16 166.6.—.1=‘,.. HOME INSURANCE COMPANY. "OF NEW-YORK. CASH CAPI'TAL, TWO MILLION DOLLARS. Ames Ist J anunry.l36. 133726,710,M. 1.1331.11b,3.. %. • 73 %Pt J. librroaStrzu.Arobb!,?R.. 4.u,,,, CEAL T. Marrar.PreAllect. Jona licGa., Azltattsb . A. F. Wir.s3rra. V. Pret. Pottelesbmed ma renewed etratersigrred. at his race. b Lattacep's Drict 8A31.3133. ' . BILLINGS STROUD, Agent, Moatrane.Pa...Tubl..l333—tt MRfa. E. S. SMITH'S NEW MELLIKERY OVER CHANDLER'S STORE. T AMES CALL, ONE AND ALL I dank h. baapy_aii On. yon • new and f•shisnable SlBVlEntlit uf Milliner t a.. env Good.„jtat parttmard la th e uty of Neer Tort. et the Lowest 1110 4 s. If yolk want to buy too =Beery : Good. CEIBA v, Cal on E. S. Smith. BONN TS OF ALL STYLES MADE TO ORDEE. on latort ;aka, BLACK STRAW BOSSES are the Devoe! ark la wan , . If youtrant Tow Bonnets Dyed Black for Wintiar brietr then to K. S. SUITE. Montrose, Octot. Wth. 1864. ElellAna' Sr., Commiteion Xerchanti, In LIVE AND DRESSED HOGS, Beef, Mutton, Poultry. and Calves, BUTTER, EGG, STRAWBERRIES, AND PEACHES, 403, 404, AND 406 WEST WASHINGTON MARKET, New York. =CRT DeHART. I J. G. WESSELHOFT. I N. B. SHAY= FIRE lINSIJ RANCE. Thelnsnrance Co. ofNrTrth America, PHILADELYHIA.. Has 'Established an Agency in Montrose,Pe. 274:8 ia the Wait Insurance Co. in the 0 States . . CASH CAPITAL PAID IN &MEV , OVEH. • TII E rotor areutOla Y %bort Ofsn7Rood Ocomptnylo N. T. at rtaerrbero,and Ka Merton are IMOC.O the arta for armor sad urterrtz ,.. y. MIME 0: corrna, Pm:ICM. 13. Erran ND. Avon. Mcnotroae.7.o7ls.trat —ly °Morin Loarco's Brick iturldbr . $l2 FORA GOOD FAMILY SEWING MACHINE , . • The Pride of the Wesart.. 'am. ily Sewing Machine biAT BE HAD OF THE AGENT. F. D. CASE, Great 13entdVilinge, - Pa., plut TUE ABOVE SUM. • sea, And ma 1 , 0 0.11 by a ruff.' rail& ir s for madders are seated le .7 oe..borbood to Ude CO.. tv pie:ye:ex the utior rther too. by Teter or oeuesoiee..d be .111 be". bead slat tee meet. ;or call st his redden= sod Bed them work F. D. CAGE. Aibtde threat Leal Pa..oet IT. 1654.—Sma SHOOTINGIRONSI BUMMING' AND BINGIGHIEW . MLA L • , AT BOMAN'S.. TEM GREAT/ET IMPROVE ENT YET. : . &14te-pistol-i/Uh-:,Dr a ti s ' Cari tridv after Firing itttit amt styles of ru p z n ar t t.idso:ll.o.Dris Doubts ti LISiD:4I • = 11; Di et Osier+ et Oft 4i - seit thaw :Nor. &whorl tikr. tgmuar .tAtkaro .poectutaz D mimeo, Feb:Mk 150.-tr ' wrara Qrll, , - • implowimiku Tainattrodvzbostw, .. - - - ; , yr. , ....', , -,•:•••.• , ia...,'",rirc.•''',,,,,,„ l - " ' -0... n. :•sistlti,_ •,:„..' 0 . 7 44 . l . ,' •••••:'il _:" i'''''.....te,. , '• -, ..... "Y.- , ..:r. , A C r: l _, .: ........_. i r N-----,2 . , -,..„... t.f. , .. v .,..... ,- ; , ..„.......,-,„.. 0.,..,, r -,17.---...,...,..ri,-;. •_,43/y_footii&k.-• , ::•:.. , • -, ..••• , i., f.,72, , ,,.,, , :„..;.•:. .•.: -,- .-,,, ~•-;•,,,,....., D. W. LOWELL IRINCIPAL.&•PROPRIETOR O• the abort Inatlartta:ebridair &11 Viet -. tlint tOtAll ten. Ay • areparral fecattleat, Ads taeues of Dietructkm. and the. lm' portant additions end ImPlavaneeta *bleb hire been made Mend to the revers! Departmente of Me Collet% Tbiagoolti of In struction, attended and perfected. paint& tO. , -'l . ,l Young Bien and Unities The best facillties for obtaining ' A PRACTICAL, cOmPREHENBIVE StriIIENEAS EDUCATION. '.." .•. :,, ‘, '. The thorough, mei. and interesting ailing Of ACTUAL. -PRACTICE _L , embraces • caroplete routine of tranalatlone In mei DOW= bra eh of Prances. A doe, Beek and liallricliAlleannhost, Tele. graph. Post Wham Ac . en In full and omeraW OpecetlOlAZrelale sonam In laboring and satlelhaory nom= b) m the lb of actual Wanes' Ina in ankh the Ardent becomes In prcarroton an amateur CLERK_ UNRCLIANT. and DANKSR, recelvinr. ln each capacity. a practical end reliable Inarledgc of laulmrse to W roultlfsrions corni*e ph.". , - ~ , P V NM - Jo:14'814 I I ) I In tide imam:Mal laanch of • emblem education no College often better .Iballthis to thn learner. Thar Spaniard/. systern will be taught in all Its t o by , the met *DIM =ltem of tin sou !Specimen. of Writing foam this Institution have recelveabo W - eat C 061011.21 troy the prae. ro.:E=RUlllTOrmathrp. temp. tra. &dilater a ftellnailtr lir =dr Win be mailed Dee ; fat ps i _MIN:I*r F ttl F e !, 7? a rroriiirt Xalta. w 41urint. 6m117 TIMES ARE GETTING BETTER! IL gratifying to wake the tote nusxmcs and victories of one Amoy and Nam azsitosnecquently the DECLINE of all Ids* eattiteqbehg, iloseqbatill? & eo. En? MO and willing to sod Ronde id law Sores. he= e a n ks Omura raddranc lagtb.7 to their named=lends th 3, having boasdd a very and Large and Elegant Stook of Goode Daccally kola, them (betas Pall and Winter Trade Decline of Prices, ant therefore prepared to watt all In weal of, and Can protean =fa Inducement& to ell trareze dr Dry Goods. Fancy and Millinery Goods, Clothing, In which dna our stock I. by tor the Woad and mod =Wets Cl any In Ms County. It embrocee a full line of Foreign aria L0T.4210 DRESS GODDS. nth as 24..1.nce. liararnausa. Bombazine., Imperial Cloths, Le Alpanna. Lagers, all ina,l or part cotton, Ile. and Yldds, Mohan. p. 04 &a, and in DOMESTIC GOODS Frieda, lloallna, Dminsa. Clacks, .ke, Flannels of all colors and quallUea LINEN GOODS SHAWLS! SHAWLS! Angle and double Wool'es„BrocXe.,abetlsad wool, and Cashmere CLOAKS, CLOAKS, of tke bag cantatas and of the latest Webs. Alm cloaking SM. terlala, llacmilcl of t estya g Beam", trimmin waterproogs fer f riot ands large retie cloakin FURS ! FURS 1 FURS 1 In this Una we would especially call the attention of buyers IS to our assortment and plges. villa defy competltlon. Hoop Skirtn, Hoop Skirts, Hoop Skirts, Ladled', 11111..0.0'nd Children. tree of all shapes and Lyles, at the bend quality of deal and make. Corsets, _ at the beet French make, VS pular to any °then out. Woolen (3 . 00(3.6 Le Hoods, Nablee. Sontag% dz., Ert_ std a very large lige b READY-MADE CLOTHING Oar redlines are the woe as ever. our P•toelt In this hranth dire! to vary lama and complete. Teener sandal to son all =A every one In malt of Men's, Youths', and Boyd Clothing either In style, veiny of pods, or make, we continua =king up earmentA To ORD KB. sad Calmpect draw the IV entloa of all that ara la to. /ambit of .1/ their dabos trade to onlerja try us as wean eve Full Satisfaction in Style & Make GM us • call sad cosmire or goods. GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM 8 CO C== NEW FIRM ! W. I. & T. W. TINKER, 13 ESPE('TYIJLLY announce to the dttnoo. of Montrose end otelnlty Out toping parch-we the entire morn ol GROCER. IRA of CRANE & •FURGERSON to wil A I T THERM= ch they are constantly ma RATERking aCilllons; RAT Are Demme sell Teas, Sugrar, Molasses, Tobacco, And all other artlelesln the GROCERY LINE. Thee consmativ on band. mad for male cheep.. arm rate ;many of MESH GROUND FLOUR, VROII SELECTED WRY/et by the era or barrel. GORE. MEAL. ao. Hopi= tonatsln we entre to rendre.•faLrehereof public Wool- Oar motto tett gyt IC 6, SALES AND SMALL 111.01 , 11&" s w, Vir. TIN/A.R.R. T. viT.Trique.R., onto:. Oct. Mb. 1664 -41 LET US HAVE A Geed Understanding. THE iIIONITIGSE , • 8007 - 11111_13.110E SWIM . " lav a = to o mthi s rlte d er ger the lan cm to( se== oue STOCK L. tow eamplett to all Itrbowebil 4ol3llttott Tart Men's Boys' V ane Y - Outiug ' Me and Co:weal:toot. and Sam,' LADIES' GLOVE KID, Me Goat. and Calf, Trenvy Soled 'Walking Shoes. includli* , the Vulcanized Roe, to dm thing fnr Fall and Winter.) An =dims miety el aims ÜbEldren't and Infanta' Sacesald kinds and qualities. Gents' and Boys' Bats and Caps, \ .ct 101 kinds alut style. ALSO GENTS! FURNISHING GOODS. We alio Shiuracture to order all /lads of Iloota sad Sica. tram th e ?As, m a wfale . .hithh are sill all cleap fee cad CO fp/0 1 E1E Call imd .. q ,4, 7 . 14 , :e1r. and priWar la .1 .14 3 1 10 b iag & nrf October al. /sf4'-41. • - SOLDIERS' BENSIONS BOUNTY -: PILE mlen4ped, LICENSED A o rerr gi Tar "iinvzsa httl.?Zl:rz u W l L7(= l :l""Varillr i a4 "' 4 " / Montrose. Iwo a, ber 0.141(4.-17 L. F. FILCH. scoo.oac. si.t):um. THE LATES . T . STYLES. 1011 N. ISAVTTAII. r • D EAPECTFULL C',Ukladt.•:tiees that Le' s no. prepirod to cut L1,.d1 kind. of garnatofsiottbetzoostbalifoxable Aram and mu , tel t.., GI .fitlk elevarx and •Ant. . . L &DI W CLO A kid.dtdilltrifir.*lrcetstsds. . . . , UrShop T. t ;er Lai i all:..rel . . r., „ ..... ti • • • MEATJ!IA~I~IET. . • on„ pari sok/. . , • MI, of allklnds.for tizzy OATTLP. um,vaismizEP.amiLL=B;Aleoprititias : tilontromo. feb.10.1.851,g1 , z:'4lE4/03b14T*1101RICY4 chwar , ,t 7— el ueoa -FINE tIVIPROVEDIARMSI Those witilDiScrpuitlale 'KO artipsikEdf.rdtgaiptiou ads:: std.anm.W.ciffarta& by eltrphint atethe 12D1CrESIOM 11.,..r . ipycaos ‘ 9;15a, li . va!r:slp,4l/, mbtcribn, PHOTOGUAPILAILEIVISS. you fuzz.:rf • • -L - Y• J`ABIZ-4117 . 1111 - 11L umhs's POO ~1 1• ,r711%'?". rilf.eV# 1 - 4 )°k"Ag 91E0;043% 1 1 "5 15 A/ 4-4 .t.:w 4twelttt lEEE= at Utz nom% for Housekeeping Corsets, Corsets, • I* Foam andemdze trlsof id.b.sital coltred Into tnstinew ander US and s Win BWITERVIELD, baleen to inform the grablietbet lee are now receiving from New Yost s LAME and WELL SELECTED STOCK of Goods of Every Description agndetto4 of the latest style of Spring and Bummer Prints. CUT. D44oo4.oatemeres,l9Mwts. Catton.4.oo. I lot of G-rooeries of all Kinds. A good lerdueegt of Clockerg. Olame.c., woo.icnwarp Hoge nut eipialioli 'dna Sloes, llmbrellai. 'Plyrjoji, a tom Dn. Trlmmingeateek TlesScarte.Coll.gAr- Al. *good mamma of HARDWARE, ckmediqg of isbp.mb, ;packs, Roo, Prpatag Books. F orkkScythdi, Ate:. ar. All awls a produce taco to exentiza: eall test tee oast Webb's Old Store as PublicAvenne H. J. WEBB.. • • BITITESPIELD. !to ntraa. Apeil m. 1861-1• That Same ojr_ l3 l3 IKE L.C. tiI4LER Hai on Donn one of the BEST LSSOBTILMITS of HATS, CAPS, AND FUrtat Gloves and Mitts, Boots, Shoes, and Findings, EVER OFFERED IN TORS MARKET It covelera. In van, of IM lolleselee : I I Rent... Wool. Tell, trot ii'ur Rata:from 41.4 3 to 86,011. Bor Wool, rot, mi For Ilat?„frorn ,ta to lA. Cb drens"ool, Felt. and Fur Hate ham :a to 1,50. Gene, 80y.% and CLlldrens' Cloth Cap, Crtun .11 to 1,00. Boots and Shoes: Ladles' Thalrocosts4lani am! Damp. from Stun to aa,re. Ladle? Luting and Kid (tatter, ll2. ,, 10. m. Ladltoi Cloth and Kid Sllnenk Illees and Cb Ildrene Ralurorah% CHU., end Rub ber', &a. Gentle:m.ll'r warn and hoe Root, conmantly on hond. VINT'IIE7q64 - S. Pink and While Llnlng rerellnral Roans, Lasts Nails, Ink, Duel Dal, Fu, Webbt., Bu amen, Gloves and Mitts. Geste Bock Gloves mill - lEle., tom SIX to 1100. Ciento' Hid Gloves, from 5t,73 to 4J.60 . Boy.' Duck )(Mena from •JO to $l. FURS. Ladies . , Wean, &rut Children's Callan., Viecortne*, Canes, Mona, Cuffs, and nooda, of every t..riety• Batts from WI to A; Oeata Collar. Cagy Glows. Buffalo and Faney Rohm &e. Al/ Ida& of Furs made to order, wad W • lute fo - ED to be whit they are r. tad. Old Pura eleaued and n.Tralml neatly. LAB/1 AID for all Idada of Raw Frtrs one doer below the P.O. L. 0. KEELER. Moatrtee, • ogust 23, 1E64.-17 DO Y 0 TJ WANT A. GOOD PIANO OB A CABINET ORGAN! AT 0. D. BEAN'S Wbere You :can be Supplied with any Thing .10 t h e Lute of Musical Merchandise, TRAM A. PIANO TO A JEWS ARP. A L.Si - L—As tuttal. the only assortment of PURE Silver-Ware, maw ast - w - sixor won. N. B.—l aellosa the Plabosof rag class Boston and Slaniltara Mateo, and all Planta told by me will be ,kusta la masons year. Cabinet Organs Wurginted for Five Years P. s.—lf you want an Inferior Instrument, don't cal On Yours, truly. 0. D. BERAN. Montrose, Mare MEd& ' M. 01333 . , . ritlreaSto theo - J b llo. e tace•that etllllloi hal to sole. • a= andsopertonssortme a GROCERIES r:tt • RUG ARS,7 RAS, COFFEE, SP ICR;FLO UR and SALT, (be the sack or borre4)FISE, and all ardelanstanyfoundl a On cla.oorocerlaa. Flour by the Wholesale and Retail. "Alt antiitmAiot.l6:l4 totectivtamaidempthrpbbiirps ""271 1 . 4 f: M U A w W e. R:MP aat9dc• Wad f unlele , " D 4 t ze PraLS wi Illnatrew.ll.l4ll.lll6,tr. VERY EXCITING SEWS! MORE SUCCESSFUL' RAIDING Valuable Holiday Goods Captured. UR true and trusty GEN. BANTA CLAUS ha. of la, e been O RoldePPot. the latteeroes 54941 , 1b1% pasnm %bre MOlttseMe, iandyme fOrturrate as to Femme • good swatters% of Toys and other saleable Good. suitable for the Bondays ; enough to MI a large number of Cl,, urine onset soommsos, acd to be sold cheap, at the rmalelln Betel Basement - Prom No. I, one dour ABOVE THE HEAD OF NAVIGATION, (ou A LITTLE BELOW,) Mare complete report of the Genera'. raceme, upon the , anima of the nest lean. Oor =arab LESe and leans's. • . Montrose. December 14tla . 1.1114.-11 On the Track. C. F. MEEKER, aiIAWN() purchased the Foundry and ttock on Land of F. a. c0r.t.. : 12 1 to putnutuctort lows , • t I , , , and.other Castings, snob a aro 12tverally Wand to a Country non at short nottoe sad aa tessorzb ~ , , • Fottodri\opposite the Post Office- lu 111 . ew Milford. Pa. 9. B. OLD LBON WkIITED. hervindth I will pay 6411. O.\ ' . MEEKER. Be. lENtwell.Nert.Lll&B4,6l2 HONESDALE ritphiq . o - ENtAL 4 Tp: r lke People, of Busquelpona Co. ..T.tx=v,,,beebyr,,rounu SW they 'Ars 111a14 the or Tonih Stones, , Inthisectedly.AMSlsatbey esapoothiy:lrosk Lb= sad CAY Inrcr Cr" roptardly soladind and uromptly .:, dry en. Isec_tf IL B. PECK & CO. . . . ~. A., EirLlZimirkirttryqunrme ivnd. i . ,, h69 . 1 4;.: ii . 6 4, a ,m Lott tr r&D. WAVISCRIB. 4t. rust= Pophms; DeLam* es; &c. . m ar =oga t Pah st citalowt43. .14aatielfr • ".` set.cokna anastoo runnel, is „ cgtainuicws Crookery, awl Clothing. MIMI to &ottani. . : 110 5 /P94 ; ' • " Maki Candmerss, &ad 431ablna cf#,4lA!fEtrii f4r40..t,1,111..1#4. Timid fcertMOTRY 83SIED doing thi ' etilisaVo bi- 16 14.0 91 . attry. • BORANTON, PA., Wholesale sad Bath Dalai Da ISEARDW.A,RE IRON, MOIR, mum Spikes, Shovels, Bulklars' Hardware, Ballroad ar.d lalliaStigaliea itc.. lane Ball different gm, Counter Bunk and Trail Cardago klatefiala gyring gales. Plielna and Dolea. Bolts, Huta. W cabers. Patent Anna, Plated Banda Malleable /cons, Hube,Spokes, relloicaßelndlea. Bova Poles. Patent Lmther.linainaled Lealocr.WlllpSock• ale. and • gencral vatlfdy of Carriage and Manufacturer, Goedeatc“ ril - We give much attention to Int. part of our idOClfd ILO Offer ► betendielected aseaftment than= be round atsavrttnre to Wager of the State. Anvils. 'Picea. Stoat and Ma, Itellows,Rammers,StedtfAien rice Ingrest v.ciety. Tackle RoWllsalni. Gina stone. P lamer Paola Cament.Pranch fldoye Glam. AGESCIILTIIIIAL IDIPLENCIMB. Pampa, Circulr, urn. and Crow Sawa, Emery, Boras Wrapping Payer Blasting Paper. Fnee and Blasting Tube% Plain wed Convex lime [shoes and Hammered Horne puttees' Tools in great variety, and au. wasaairrta, Leatherlallo Ftmellne. Mabel. and Leather Boras. fairtmakes eloalmakcs !Scranton. Pa.. March IM 1864-5. 1864-5, FALL &WINTER. CALL AND SEE TEE LARGE AND NEW STOCK Or CLOTHING, AT THE STORE OF GEO. L. STONE & CO. nth OVERCOATS are Good and Cheap. New Styles of UNDER-COATS, PANTS, VESTS, A UNDERCLOTHING 110E1, SALT, TES, COME, & OREM Ai l of Iho shore to "."g" °CiLD et th;TialtFrjOd.e nontzt.e:oept. '.;111241814. NEW GOODS THE enl.cribere bate the dey returned from New York with I LA.B.LiE and IiN.A.GT/FUL dock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver'Ware I Plated-Ware I Cutlery, Sr, Fancy Goode, ttrahlrb they would Invite the attentlnn of Melt friends. They have a lance kt-ce of eaaliah.Amerfan, and MGM WatChall. both Gold and Silver, of veryeuperlorqualttlea, Enameled. Cor , I fln I, Jet, 800 and Glast and Biala Gold heti of Eantga and Phut bhatorottc, Plain Gold and F,.ncy Placer n r." of every variety and prim, tiold Bracelete, Armlet,, Chat LLIno, Wet. Guard and Neck Chains, Gold and blhom.Spertaeletand Thltnbles,Gold !Skye Butione and Stodeepoone, Table and Pocket Cutlery, `l,,er &stain Hine. Butler sod Fruit Knkrte, Clod Ch..; Fcrks, every destrietton of Odd Yu , - n • nark.Tbelargeet lot of Thud ", hcoueit into nr , n me CoU GtV, r - vtr.l ankh. In nee tome very bean tit o /co Ohm., u rns , has elle. In of of of •LI! -a , lcks. Comb,. Bracte, Violin and Goiter dtrios, ,n T Hutt:oh:re. FLlblhe Teeth In even variety, Bs- Kammer& LeM Needier &Rubel, Gold Feu, Edson. bpy Glansea.t,— fro. Alan Piano Fortes and Melodeons, of the very best maker, GOYIM & BAKERS Family Sewing Machines, KedOe'v Itiver wad Water Filter., its. The above Goals wore borsht fur and .11l be sold oo the mob favorable term. All klode of Watches and (Rocks Repaired at abort notice and to the BEST MANNER; dee ENGELMTLEO In the BEsT STYLE. EVANS & ALLEN. 41nmme.1%1Tinildina, oppoota tne Post OVlce. BinzhamtarOley 1344.1nc.3,1 NEW COODV NEW GOODC B. El. HALL Lti CO. 34 Court street, Binghamton, N. Y., Caw constantly on Unit a lam .tack of Roods adapted to than= TnAnn, of %Isis own Importatic.. cntNA, FANCY GOODS FOR ALL TUXES. 110CSE FT:RNZ.9III:CO GOODS, Menlizat• 1011 be candled at New Tortjobbing prices. 11. 0. HALL & 00 B.,gh.mion. N. Y.. Lkoernb... 190.1£64.—1v U. S. 7•e30 LOAX It is A National Savings Bank I HIGHER RATE OF INTEREST Than Any Other, And the Best Security. RUBSCRIMONS BFCEIVED BY W. COOPER & Co., DULLARD =1 REMOVED, A G'AIN I "The Famous Barber." Cone sad eee the &awes Barber; Fanv.p o of fisyt • Late of liar I, now at Woe We, Over F. B. Wcw.leis Shoe Store. IRnd ms SLsvi og sod stauwoolns„ Find cue mat lug file to exit you. Mod ere ready st Fear terrine, At your 3CIVICe, 011ARLICY MORRIS, Seco3d door above Searles Hotel, Up Skirt oturpr,,Jaurf,V.L.Vs4.-1.1 Still Alive E would mnpeefully Itform the prublle that we Ire Mtn, wad [wait: uu to MA NGFACTURE WOOLEN DOODD, CA WOOL. und DRESS CLOTH. the is., as uanal, altaa OLD MOTT STA..% 0," one mile azd-oaall north of Moot to the Stake Ttlmplir .1 iTDS , IN butt, tiontmse. Jun. f. 1,744.-0 EDSON MOTT. UNDERTAKING ! MS! . A Mein teetlNl 4s, Su been making Crfti I.l.4..,rin,viaconi , nt..i.t would trAPectifuliT• Goo and reitmoki.....(l.l*(cierAlsautl, this public g,cridly. Ilea* In antendal.nt when ' 111:IfIL la Y WARNER. Greathend. 1,C.3.-lf FLOUR ! FLOUR ! rifirM , l: FAMILY VLOUTI, for Rai* by the 1.41, band, e or hoh athl at aa L.a price as the same amain!. ista be had et any uth, rthn. oche Ono.. MY end of. IN n , T1.1.• QT Carriage Shop ru RLAIST .; nnw prenart,l to dn • all klodi of OAS , 1 MACE WORK, Alm, REPAINTING dnne mt Mut ?anti* Iglrmtrn.a. 1,10 V 4. 1P.54.,11 U. RUC A LARGE ADDITION TO Blir STOCK for Dry Goods and Clothing, Imo, Crini• ISM Pia ;11 sad cheap. ine sea `-" ' • • ' r.rir —NEW ' 330 0 0 . 45. Poems.* W l ' e. °( "Vll2. - 4:210fg4 , 74;„M r 0Ten...At reed at 4, 11, 4m i t TEM 99 0 1" PI4W l lc" AIHQ 1 . 114427 alarcai Mat , 4 fri d,,, fmsie d v ~, GLASS-WARE, LAMPS. TOYS FOR THE 130LIDAYS. CARPETS, OILCLOTHS, WOODEN-WARE, C UTLER Y , .4C. OFFERING A I e „O. T . 2l!VG"=".lltlr riZ t n:e=ragrdt id 'Jeff BELOW th• ip Ira Of, &pleat% Opialr,b On F. OAS LADIES' DIMES lIOODS In all Its variety. -1 Great bartail. as Id LoffideLloaklitmWaterirreet ClintlylErueb Blink Clothe, sul Colored All Wool %Malang& - • CLOTHS, .CASSIMEHES, ' & C : tolo s dOsi inks; ianei Keitacim ean & Steep Dray Sail Deis, 4. Alan, Tailors TrimnititiA DOMESTICS. Lie nince.a 'mufti Dei , o.Tlol33lx. ?Aim% 62+26 Dam., Toleallapaix, W • NatXOllS• . Great minty of Hoop and Balmoral Skirts. La4lef Citilldnnak Dutra= Conaka. Skirt Braid. Dindloga. Eltrearl or all kind; kintne Enrlst. Knittinirtkelon. an. at. 800 •ac Shomr: - . Veen anellore Boots Chlldreek DOPPIS N4 Ind ' , MOM )100020 ° Shanhasitwir Bannon' hock Wamenktliltliboea. • • . :"GaaCLIMIES... '- Soma it prices not 'Li be lideri.' , VEßY BEOT QUALM/- Green, Blank. and Ja Tan,. Coffey Spina, pinker. liaicratna. aid and Tabard. pan An. NEW FIRM! BALDWIN .& ALLEN, DEALERS LN not, tin t 8 r, Pollt,, ma,' amp =arm Hams, Dried Beef, Candles, _Teas, Coilbe, Spices, Syrups, Molasses, Sugars 1...241=017303ffe., Timothy Seed, & Seed Wheat, BROOMS, NAILS. &O. Cash Paid for Good. Butter. A. nALDivrri, mum L. ALLEN, Man Uwe. Weal side Polala AMU!. ALpt1115.1554. No Humbug ! A First Class Jewelry Store Has long been needed In MONTROSE. and vow we but It AT 3E3 E A.: IN addition to his former Stock, and th. satin Mock at Read Wstrons. roster, be has this dal Assortment of remind . from New Tin* the best . Silver and Plated Ware ever atrettd to Montrose. A Splendid AlONlXrleal of Math... Cake Destera,Cruas, (lonia hr-. also Cake and Pie Kdra., Spoons,sed Vera. _ d.emapirt•Asaartmerstof 1391d4.1 buns Watelasa I to , I neat. and Bata. apetaiver sad - Plated. Masotti Gold &retie", Latt-, eta tad m. at aileo r ee i r . ti=lßesrt. i W % j s a b =i Tabnadv,/e. Violin-and Guitar Strings, lost Teethed and for ale by Montrose. January U. ISIIL The drrn of ftwod. Watrona. and rater say :•• Ware of 09/ etoct of °locks, Watches. Jewelry. Imd Enter to car fellow towartnaa, Mr. 0. D. Brice*, we would eantertly ream =wad our patron. and the puede orally who fa. l 7 by to w:me o 1 any of the above mentlontagoads, to etre ban a, all and moll= Mistook.' Ileakember—One door above Barley Acta. Repairing as Usual. Novtwee. Nov. 11.160.1 11011 ii Et, DEALERS EN Carpets, 011 Cloths, Mattings, Drugget, Mats, Rugs, Boots, Shoes, . Gaiters, Balmorals, Rubbers, Sandals, Glass, Paints, Oil, Nails, - Sheetings, Bats, Yarn, Wall Paper, Shades, Border, Cord and Tassals, Dry Goods, Groceries, Lamps, Plated Ware, Door Trim'ngs, Coffin Trimmings, Thread, &e.; ALL 01 Dr. Jayne's Family Medicines, Ladies' Cloth, Cream Tartar, Stove andShoeßlaeking,BEatches, ADD B. R. LYONS, AGENT FOR THE LYCOMING CO. MUTUAL INSURANCE CO . • PO BLIC &VENUE. Ifortrote 7. EXTENSIVE ATTRACTIONS I FURNETUREI ESTABLISIINLIT or WILLIAM-W. SMITH, AT THE FOOT OF MAIN 8T • THE extensive lenroltare &WIWI/meat of Wm. • W. SMITH havlo3 been rented sad greedy 1m- proveohopropriotort.pee".lly no.notmees to the ent' ' ' eons of' Montrose and vlct,dtt, that be Is constaal.l reskintandk nor onhand the LARGEST /MST exportmen tot FURNITURE to be fount', in the Country. Wegtvethefonopritig litt °rooms or too arttelerWhiehlrewlll eallatdrestlyredocedpicesSorCASllor 'LLEAI/3 PAY; Burtaus,Welop to rlf phooey, Pr) else:Aare $l6 to 05. Penzetesernl. oparneor broeatelletops,from $l6 to 1114. And s taroreasportrecot,from $5. $lO. AM 41(, to M. . r. WasnitrAdAlCordStooda,comer and equore6tands,ol,3llents thread prleepirom 75 cents, to ten donors. Coutre.cord,pler,toikt,dlalngjactrenosadsztertgl. gi. Uhalrs—coneprl woodrealsAoaers.7epoo.llAßAnd , roodent/$ of e9very variety and 3.0353et54-tetiodurnsbedatihortnetlersttreTorkpeleell. . SPRING • 33EDS A LAIOII AsitdertitAll I.OoRIPM Aird HAIT.II; At*RAIT. Bes43mOdeeof6ea bond 0 t tandem) stab ortmonec.... liesmsthronlatendinensivbrudadred. WeemeloynosebottfAltEPUL 4EXrraItIWICIVOTIS Weint.dtodOour WOILL WELL, Imdfol) ItrsOßß, as LOW' .altos abestorded. • • • •• •W. , Itantrosedrenntary i 6,1581 • SleigM and:Cutte' rs. rrose.. S where ha l h h will cockUnua au7yOit,tha amontodure ot t o .Cutters i Natons, &c. _ . Ready Made alarketHlalgha,LunibarittetghrandCoatirathardir Re one Aar! notate. Bent e tuff for Outten ' and Wagon Maker'aniatartabi,haatratiS.drAmtiftgalT..tuugle .0 as to b. prepared to do QOOll Vogl F. at M.N. notice. A V , ./..PP , 7 QtrAddlqhmiat , PdketktPteonatantlN on hand. N. i peraoludretehted to the Wide/Meted Wlll elazaa clat end settleavlraLLOOttaArft.bonttn.rthernistk... , • & 8 0 66 1. ' WM. 0." rtlr: Boots,And,Shoes. SME:th!APrzioirg-ogo t 'l'Vainns &SON House forlaloor to Ren.t 7Rig,r-aideitem4k46,A.3lll)%lllteltlititat. Soldier'kronsionad3;inaty xfi l ... 4l: l, 4 mgoaati4mprorrlr,GOVZ all dams- 'availed to care. No ctuirges eelaaeauccrair . 1 4ce oscr Lairqcp,.TVar and Mere etont. • • • - McCOLL Ulla', • Montrose. A unit 1714g1,4, I ;.7 ; - - • • - , CALS .: 4"; Tmetr1ve..01,,,,,key.,..04P915,1,tw&rM 10 ttliOlull liniStat Ord**. Ott Elittlit *an Ina 'nun' o .11,1,1 t 1 , r , ! ‘ 3111!4: =ll2 . 1 J CABINET ORGANS lbtOt= or Best Instrument Ever Manutaetar, etto4, • }=o2l the n Ontr i v 3 4llekkleca.. -Oc 71° BELMAR MoilbolearOnta EMISCHM AIN BROTHER wanton oi -VXMONIAtiIs. .101 to their esteortn amortize:a of DRY: ODS Millinery and foci , Ms! Yankee.N.o_tic4nes, w00z......2 1 -p: c pwrcogrAwsizity, Car pets;oll.olCithsAc.,& WLVathelaraprepyre4tosell . . • - -DRESS-: GOODS 1 market. varchased at the late Anellettfal ee ex,er.4 , the market price, and edam sold with *small salaam A Win, „• . . . ELEGANT - CLOAKS ACID, SHAMA i 6.lleantliellireief - W. crArrat cagspo44eg.Asp cLoArerk, . BALMORAL. , SKIRTS ebt LA...Bomm, u 1,1, • • pPr • • • " • 7 ' SSZAICIPAAT SHir, s Coawkla Me . F.A.IsTGY GdoODS .HOLIDATRRESINIS lIIIRSCUPIANN 13110111 - ERC s. 5tigi52:=21445414/4°l/IuPuITIP lIIEI :T:UftE [ 0. D. BLlddlf. • • la the ntsat bL Mercantile.- Ilusine odgnstiowwur-A SC FULL 'AND TAMABLE. .1 0. D. BEMU Stockamabttlt paid Drugs, lileiVe!rusi, Puluts, 0111,Dy Stuns, Groceries Crocker:, Gtassowarei . waii and Window I liegs r gp i rum Burners . , Treueipisrent Cones, fierirlen e. 01 I, B .Flu Id,'' pentlne, BENZOLE,..VisruIsI 01111.iii.Pfittr.13,00:00' 01'1;0, Canary i Seelfll 4 JCWe II Mrtisl and pensiss natinoals, fancy itiooas,".e'eiih4inery, 4te., as— n ehnn, nearly everything, to restore the elel,to Own lade, to delight the eye, t 0 gratify the ten ey, end elL t eohenei to the rsal and rolmeeZnxife cratrose.April ' • Large bpneg Tfilitlithliettberwatildihrania bleoldiehdttnalitele . I y.thei hentay yet be tostadat4o l?tor . B. R..Lyons eat te"feedthetangr Bl Vilre ade ttaCLOTllN thoseerhe whet: CLOTHED witllthe BY= A.llllOLi at • . „ Ready , .01 othini • • ,: befotraelln the Ccrtnate, squib at) Cvisow Woaapll RAINTICDNOT . TO Itall% THEN AND THICK COATS, Vestsand Pants,- of every %melt poi• • AumtEximmtilvieutii *S -M• HATE "Sit:, - (3,4,a:i, ;, voituo.p. t. ten. :1!:.11.41,1!GIREL SINN ,Springy7 . ll2:Sumer Good! /lAA LargAi„toution from April pica. Thloredomloalftll !send, ' THE :ENTIRE:. STOCE vhlcli will be faead mimes as was]. Ind PM be eold Most LEE3RA.T.;'llerms:';.; for Onab, on ttreti or for ratnar. N. B. Flour Ar. Salt 9A Nuyi,aB veva rruilAviaT• I= Agricultural Implements Tntitocippr Tdttit6virrietorti,,tuttir (" 1 W 911 [belong established and red Ur notris drat pt Wheeler, Frolic& &-0 0., gAt Theca IfAchloc• •,‘ , 40 ( 4 ,0, 0 1 A 1i 2, 9‘7 , sl4lni'MVOlr e th at any effort at Yea, rornendasoon a CODS C; dealt to soy, that rept:trial:Ole Otantifteldrind.lad loos ex It, tatught no ttmorovementi 1.20,A kiter 9 CHAMPIONS OP THE WOB,LD, lerooldeallespeclalattentlettt9 War Bargees Pateattleaning At tfle hind, • oewiltlo g .tod attacks.' toslngledlouble. treble:or so 1 tift, bon , . ooirensmt eltherunderehot orovensbniti mut., C 11) be .1144 ordloary band nallioudtto , rffßrtOtbo rut ) ' a" :if fountrign mode• it tales to ITlVC,roPmfin Miro ...ehoomt.than It doe. to drive as ereiffory .?D ?stet pg_Terertfetzesofeleantntartnetrafter stareputept.oreme4 foeffiePawarrydriglef d &add horde r's pointl. - At troprodellteatt, 1.4141t0ce it 09 1 0 . 4.00te1q, Ts, si'd bor. , poicri tuillslrot saur la oadjee feradernerdreff,fte An eerrertrietntsfarraff rf ' tbs f elfronerf , fastratttrthatlttosfEttVS, t414 ,11,14 ''' wortaduroldlitt corarrilpc , d••d One'. enarfloolart.aend Off the vla btlrfOß On-OW.I thatnafortfitOrry, Orderetolletttel and tRNd ‘4llll promloo MOlty, Alp/41MR for. •• •; , MraIkiItD I SMONCINCI, ....faclared kr a.ll. SAYRE k iv wei l iztagov ao lgtixii..,,,,• A 1 1 . 1 5,PTZ7 oftn =74tVglt;:kb`o*tutigt70. uTtl. Mowar.beraseonneltttr.gthtowitistosor Other Lraw t°' sae.; finkylontt;StedanuPtoPl4). l ,4 o l4 6l / 0 4 tr.:fa:o44a atol4 Supq Ono.. • , Raiford .P5..Ju1y1.142.-sf • , • t;'",l 011 : :4 1 i fringa;;;itßradvtald ' " Telitel "" lb . rnitarm —L at . iiPAlracia lg' :' .-: ,:trrßl . , r).:44,7;XP.0.#,.',,..„.,: - ,: . k ..ppiwit,,,e4l.- .„ ~:, , s, Stireirlorr . ignioner.. :- 1 - 4 .fittatlioi`f,b_.4t-ptiiiiit'AittA4l3oo,7o, •'`" ..: siontrehijune 0, L010.. 4 .-.', , i .4: !: ~ A.,, ,- 1 ..' • , MOO . • • • •• •. • wiLiloweemprinawawiss MIEZ=2;II NEE ea r'. A POLL a9E9hTYfBT OP F 0 w 'l7. PI ..... M MEI Ma rain