EIMMIZ=I r „1-7 . - 7 .,::1 , Bi+mt ..•, Of Pouitri, aiairei,;Tarbfe and Soft s---Having hetorite eittiftheirtitieribers and readers of yourpaper, Ilierrilleatpleseed , with two or three - articles nide thiilieldl4hapoultry-yard. I hav6 here witleyeetaralto send you a statement of the re impendlturee .of my poultry-yard. for 68094881; also my mode of rearing the same. -lasket(whetethave determined on the breed) the marks of the breed swell ds- " *loped, feel believe that "like produces like, taldint . the ;tepid sized ones, using none of 'the lOyer.ipeem, -or - small ones. liens with a feti d i eye ! . full breasted, compact Wady, an emilege. Fora cock I take a fowl rather InoiiiMilmilt.thozi thalweg, but not by :lumens the larirs, but the middle sized, for the over-, grown.onee aretoo tire to lack the vitality which i iia mas necessay to a good healthy chicken. Ifihave selected bees of e, darker color Mani] the breed seem to warrant, I take the opposite lii the cock, for if you breed together either ex terns color, yon, will change ,the plumage of you Awls if you; • Continue to thus breed. For instance, I can be picking out the lightest ' Of thellithr4. 'lbw's, in - three years get white lock, rietiethe'-othez eitreme in three years have them a yery dark gray; but by alwayshav iogcfreitohibreeding, bring the extremes tre metberaon Will have a fowl with that' fine; sten dist hee4arthed neck richly hackled,Withilack belly Of a orange white, black tail, which will slum a dark green in the strong stinAight, 'with. the lowa line of she wing like the tail, with red idt yellowlegs (feathered or-not, as the, breeder teal Choose) all of which - a breeder should 'be sifirted with, nothing less. :With aselectioned not less than six or ores ten of Mt& hens, with one cock, I have a stock nom which to select eggs for setting. And; in Mdectlitg the eggs for setting, I take none but the average size, which are perfect in shape. For ma la which to set the hens, - I, take a box 'fif teen inches square, six inches high. I flit the bee tip three or four inches with fine ashes or loam or chaff, ssing as little hey es is barely atindent to form the nest. If too much bay or straw is need, heroic the hen shall have set three weeks, the nest) will have became so deep as to allow the eggs to roll one upon the ether, thus -erasing some to break, which not only causes the lossofthe egg broken, but oftentimes so be smears the others as to prevent the others hatch ing, for you could as well hatch anegg which had been varnished as batch one that hid been coat ed over with the inside of another egg. Willie bat Which has set steady, I.hateh all the eggs, the thickets of which I never disturb till they are twenty-four hours old. Before or when I take them from the nest, I oil their heads with sweet oil, whicludestroys all the lice there is hi the brood. for all the vermin there is on the hen, lairs and goes on the chicken as soon es batched. Here let me say, if you wish to set hens in the Months of January, February, or March, put nine ; eggs under a hen, as you will get more chickens out of a given number of eggs than If Pei at- more,. and the chithens will come out one day earlier, and be stronger besides. When I set hens In April or May, I set from 11 to 13 eggs, accotding to the size of the hen. After which time I give a hen all the eggs she can cover with her feathers. . Chicken coops I construct 21 inches wide and 80 inches long, aides 1 foot high, with double roof, one end open, with a floor, which I keep well white-washed, and the floor, oUthe same well supplied with sawsiust and fine ashes, which I - rake care to remove mice a Week, re pleteng the tame with fresh. The flea protects the chickens from the ef fects of the damp groped, besides" the lives of many chickens from the scratching of an over mother. My food for thickens is cracked corn given dry, with plenty of fresh water. Wheat screen ings are very good for , young chickens, and warm mashed potatoes. But tine meal dough, think, cause more death in a lot of...chick etts, ho crop, bake, than an other censalties put together. I set, when ' I can, 10 hens at a time, and give the chickens, ,20 in number, to 'reach hen, setting the balance of the hens a sec ond time in this way. By setting 5 more I can get in . 6 weeks 15 broods from lei hens, making 10 hens bring up the chickens of 20 broods. The hens set the second time, generally batch more hieee e e than they do the first time Care should be taken to thoroughly clan she nest before setting the second time As soon' as the chickens can swallow, I give whole grain ebb scraps of fresh meat cut the, with occasionally a meal of mashed potatoes, taking the hens away when they are 4 weeks old, then allowing the chickens to roam where they will. I take care that they have feed and water to go to whenever their inclination prompts. With the above care fowls will not fail to grow fast enough, and come to maturity early. 1 I bad a brood of 11 Brahma chickens 11 weeks and 5 days old, which weighed 34 pounds; also 4 pull* and 1 cock, (5 to all,) which at 5 months old weighed 281 pounds. I sold a Brahma crower at B months old, a few days ago, which weighed A pounds. My pullets general ly commence laying at sor 6 months old. In 1881 I had a pullet of the blue Leghorn breed My at 4 months and 1 day old. In 1862 I had a White Leghorn commence to lay at 3 months and 25 days old, which is the earliest I have ever heard of With the above care rke ono need In ask his neighbor if keeping poultry pays a profit to the breeder. Aside from the profit in and of thejn selves, I will give a short experience of wipe with trees. I bad four old Rhode Island Green bag trees, which it was said by my nelehbors bad not yielded more than 20 bushels in 20 era They bad got so they would not grow over 2 Inches in a year, and presented a mossy and scrubby appearance. I enclosed them in a yard, and pat in 36 bens; they remained there 2 years, in 'which time I grew wood from 10 to 16 feet, fed in Some ' cases limbs 17 feet long, with no other help but the hens' scratching and drop algThe third year I had succeeded in mak ta.dl new wood, and that year pie/zed 13 barrels (not bushels) of sound winter apples, besides all the wind falls The above I submit, hoping itmay interest some one, as previous articles from others have me in perusing your paper, and I would call the attention of your readers to an article from the pen of D., in Jan. 26th's issue—lndian Corn and Poultry--all of which I believe to be true. LH. Pimcir. Natick, M.Rs , Fcb. 1865. Bad Illanagement In Cultivating Oats. The system of management which is adopted vary extensively in many parts of the United States,is decidedly had, not only for the immedi attiejemudaty interest of the farmers, but for the activeness of their farms and for the country. is bad for farmers, because they receive only a light crop, when theirsoil is capable of yielding, in mazy instances, twice as much as it has for merly prodneedmith the same amount oferativa tints, It IS had for the soil, became it is kept in a very foul condition, which, of coarse renders Mats productive. And iris bad' for the country because field agriculture is the great motive Tim er of the nation, and anything that tends tot di miniah the quantity of grain will tend to cripple the reamirces of the Government. Wernter, particularly, to the practice of grow ing oats for many years in succession on the same ace by plowing at only once and, eldom return ing any thing,in the toad of fertilizers, to com- Deasate the crops that have been removed. Thousands of acres of excellent land for agrienl- = are . cultivated aids way, until lOU mustard, horse dock., and May other nozi6ha weeds have taken almost entire possession of the soil; and one of the worst features in this system of manacement with the eat crop is, all-the' weeds mature their'seed before the oats crop la ripe enough to Cut,' and e nough is shelled ant, when the nets are harvest- AN:i to seed the soil for seven years to come, and the Canada thistle seed is blown all oar the country. la-all such localities. if farmers' will discontinue oats and raise , a crop of Indian corn one year, and a carp of buckwheat the next sea son, and apply ell the:manure theY. are able to they will soon find that it will be frit better, and more profitable, to adopt some short rotation system, even where oats have been considered the most profitable crop to raise, for severalyears sacceision. It is quite impracticable for a burner to avallhimself of the great benellta ari sing from clean cultivation of the soil,_witen it is plowed only once each year, and them: the epring.---Anterferm derieulturiat DWI& Bag= • Pim:vs.—Take two quartz of sweet milk, Mid boil one quart, and while bon. , ingstirln is Much lino Indianmeal as will make a very Stiff batter;"add ba teaspoon of salt; and make very meet - with Moistness; butter apati %tad pour the batter in, and pour the svmeinitig Ammon:old milk over it, cat little bile of putter and put on the top, and. bake two hoare in a moderate oven. ,An person who has never ate olitholttft WM think they' elevating custard. (derma a own TvgtVrafis. - ' • • L, 11 numb leisiliPeakm. NOMO 22 c rases tie," tare ocenectroienees int H. 1 7 z.. - . - xert.4zalopt, est,co 1•211# Office tip 41re is Piteley A 'Wimple &piing. Rateof dveilieirii<. tkEllliirlll2llll§ll#l2o_ 1 ware, ;coo 496 100 1 ; 25 225 800 #5OO #BOO Sequins. -10 250 #OO 250 400 s'ool_ll 00 1500 opareal I 601225_18 0018 25160012 60 1200 2000 4 isqnares 220180018 2514 5018 0019 50 1500 2200 stotunimouosizeTonorwr- ' Toxinidhotseroruinteeturat of slserrnsn'...s.a WU , sdirerilstmentsoecaztatellyirttben additional thugs Busasesstlattla notes:swift LlTeUntilnicited at 43 per annum. Adeeriberznesta,to lassieloseaton In nest Papsr.stuasit?e banded to 2t4ayimoireal/SaturdlOmozuluS. . Job : 1 5 1 1(Ork.-426.08100 of the bolterm2iti yarn:maw Isprovlded 311.ththern • - rtrenaiv/FINSMOW- -•'•• 1 • • ' PatiaitewlAtla Mout -1 • - : j ?? i l o C lVag en guite= _,,- - r••••••e- " • • PllktlidiofJObWarkonett all 4 'o -. 41 • Cards. Olrealsro, Posters. ELLtdb l,l l.PUSPat . etl4.y. ,6 3. ,, ,illbe donl i fiZxand promptly, • Consiablia', — aild Mod habi, Notes,Doeds,Lenses Laid Contrasts, ace.,ltepteoutrntly on to suet and Waal, extli iimiriflatarellsrasunoroos.. - WILLIAM . W. wanstar AND OTIAIR 11AM:r -6o:l:wet. Km* constantly ma hand alahed tsia tataire. Berr a a Ware ROC= roOffl t " Bt. -Wahl:ea:l4y Nara 1r47.-tr LAW NOTICE-NEW PIM. EirIBLEY luau hiring nerehtted" s.lllnretsr, smh them ea partner In the merle. otthe lese It, mut. ow heinehee, the buelnemvUl henmlter be lane In the name of Bentley,Fitch&Bentley, !be all business mutated to theca mat be attended Se with prompt stes4 And pdclOy. Office mime N occuffied by Bentley Feet. Q. I. t TLIT, L 1. /ram ........a. s wart a. ffitontrose, Janway n 1863. 'P. 'REYNOLDS, LICENSED , AUCTIONEED s s p a 's TIT 00014 and kinds of Momballast soda 1tmthr05e,1,14.Dee.5.1634,;4f GEORGE GATES, itionlagn -AtICTICNIER . Addno Disottk,Saawsebaans Cotmty , Pa. 6neist 13,1864—eliap Surgeon-1 irobseriber Wing been appcdatotby the Commladont? of Peadons, lIEDMILL: EIAJUNER st large. to examine give ea =atm to all catilled to PC=llOl., wlllattend to snap. plleadonethst may, be prescatil to tam,ltt Ifontrorejk.. Room' ''lo B. Ttaboll's HOW. ' E. PAMICIC. McCOLLUM & =MLLE. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, TIONTCOSE, BIISQ. CO., PA. gaceint.t.va.Tet Schltlize, over Lathrop,. Tyler fi & /Mere Store. olef....shoir. • • Kootarroaaoromaarerf.teart—ll L. 0. TIFFANY, United' States licensed Auctioneer, FOR RIISIQUNNIINNA AND LIIZERNS comma Gltson. Muth 23.144,-/./IWIliPraP4 E. M. TURNER, Attorney -at - Law ! OFFICE OVER wlisolvs won. lionlaw, August 16, ISE4—tt D. BREWSTER, 'AUCTIONEER ! Montrose, mcmtme.l.olll 4. iSe4AS WHITLOCK & HALL, 15 VALLM %Man Salt. Fish, Posit, Lard, Grass, Foe/ , Mehl. cdiClover WI Timothy heed, alp, GROCERIES, rad la Supra, Holuses, Syrups, Tea, Cabe, Spleok, Au. Insilling south of Corwin a Foundry. bey Milord Horossab. EDW. WHITLOCK. A. A. HALL. Cabinet work and Undertaking =sled on. by A. A. HALT,. Herr Mlllbrd, January IS H1.A...-Smog. HOME INSURANCE COMPANY. OF NEW-TOES. CASH CAPITAL, TWO MILLION DOLLARS. A.oetslitlanaary.lBAL .345A 7 10.33. ListaMies.. • 7.5. 4.ll.atonSarrtn,Seesetszy. QUI. J. Sturm Pn.l2olt. JoviltaGxs . ...!megAnt, Seterr. , A. F. Wrowera. V. ?real. Falkiesioned Andre:towed by tae andere..ined, at AU ollice.th ILL:Wasp's Brick Bulb:Ling. BILLINGS STROITD, Agent, • hiantrose.ra.atik LIAM& . • MRS. E. S. SMITH'S NEW MOLLONERY OVER CHANDLER'S STORE. T ADZES OALL, O 5 AND ALL 1 ebotad he happy to rho! S and famateable _aetentlTl of_Ntilt zw e ra . k:gt i d=t prir ..emseamlattil boy y or mi e r cra th z Goode OHBA P. mil on E Y .7 Sala. BO_ SETS OFALL STYLES MADE TO ORDER. on abort codre. BLACK STRAW BONNETS aro the comet style la straw. if Yee Meat Ivor Bonnet Dyed Black for Winter. briric them to E. IL BUITEL Dantermo. October MOM. H. - 1211e3EITART & CO., Commission Merchants, in LIVE AND DRESSED HOGS, Beef, Mutton, Poultry, and Calves, BUTTER, EGG, STRAWBERRIES, AND PEACHES, 403, 404, 405, AND 400 WEST WASHINGTON MARKET, New Work. Dettlat.T. I J. O. WE3SZI.IIOFT. I N.B. MUTER FIRE INSV RA CE. Thelnsurance Co. ofNorthAmerica, psx.L.A.DEL4l.}ix.k, Has Established an Agency in Montrose,Pa, Thisiethe ofdatlnneranto Co. in the U. States. 1.74811 o.l.Prrta. PAID IP elssZTs 09.13 at . . , ... TH E. rats aresslcnr asthma of asygood econianyin F. Y. or easerterejmilia Directors are ants= the Snit for honor sad Wirer,. tt au. y. pc....r.s,err AR . THOR G. tXWF,I3I U . A Prsrldrotccot.. B. STROD, IfOrstrottatiarl3,lSOL-17 CMOs lAShroplißrirlßuildls . $l2 FOR A -GOOD FAMILY SEWRIG MACHINE The Pride or the West Pam. . 113 -Sewing Machine lila - BE !lAD Iv TILE Lamm • Fv: r). CASE, Great fiend Village, Pa., Folt TILE" ABOVE BUM. • HIS is a tor Med of aseeldne, ample. dareble,..ouy to opo. T rots—will mike abOat 2.000 etlttheo per latente, rows a Wong ue and tan be rim by a mere eta& If a for to echo ere vented le up netabborbood to Ma mem. el plow Mt tim rub:meter know by letter or caletraiire„ end be. ilt be on. ba k. d" with the =Mina; or eaU at btaresldenea aed see Mem Wor G F. D. Can, Agee& reat .L.4mo VlDage, re..:Oet IT, 1884.—asece SHOOTING IRONS Y REVOLVING AO SINGLE—SEW STYLES; AT BEIVIAN'S. THE OREATESYIMPROVEMENT YES: Sisurle:Pisfol that Draws Its ; Own Car! fridge Vier Firing! priming Lbw iris= All gas azd et Tits orclir• bike a tatud.siso LLD. Etre DoubD.WaierYsta sal United Ur Doers DO tome Omitercdras sad ;'fetal. 15 ata,thrt timemult.7.• O. D. itEXAM, -111.VatrOSNYOMUI,URFOX _ Mange% AIIIIROSIA., Am! tnigkiti, • ' A t . • M it - LOWELL, .PRINCIPAL&VROPRIETOR . , O'g=fpcgglu. ,, imgzarrviitre.riz i gt.l Aortant additions and Imeroeenteete which have tet ° en meal of lent/ to the awe= I lerpatimenti of his College, The Gonne of She chi:melon, extended and peeoloch presents to ' Tone. Men and Ladle§ The berifnaltles ribtablag A. PRACTICAL, -COMPRERRNRIVE BIIIIINEBI3 . EDUCATION. • tbarongh, novel, ea 'den:sate Dune ot ACTUAL PRACTICE imbratot rt. toMplete routine of traneactlons In oath dinPortl4 bra •th of Muir ors. A s tore . Dank - end Itniiroad , •, Stout:oboe; Tee =l‘, Y i ent. 1.7%..tn, are iniVl end ettm.V , %TIM= attual g but i gs No.& te n hith studen t t i Mreirtti orktrultet Amateur OLER.K... 7dEIICTIANT. and DANS.R, .reeetrrortOn oath mtmdlty, s prattled end nibble knoldedde ofiateMeel 10113 !initiation forms and ohms. PENMA,Nt3HIPI • In thh eatentlilbtatich Of a business education no College eget better facilltree to the Warner: The- Spew:edam gyiteht taught tu all Ito Variellts hp the ;neatekltlfhl motets 'of theett•-, ripeelmens of Writing from this tortitution hare teethed the ki eat entomthme fro the rreas. _ . For genr. fel information. terms. At, riddreir . for Col Weer ly. which .011 he =nod (rev ; Ar•scimene of Pe three cent 'Lemon • Addresh D. 3 W. - LOWlrdln Lotrellb Commercial College. Bildtifebrd• • n TIMES ARE.GETTING BETH I , • TT Is gmartta to not!ee the Iltt incases 'And vtela rt es of plyofilltiere i gt of alfaindA. 0.8,511 yak! for CLEF CATTLE VES,SUBEFace.LAX-138. - illsoloralDZU au kinds. 6.T.4l.r.arrocrz,t .BEN6Y4OS RAWLZT. ardrou. ifeb.l6.lM4l REAL ESTATE AGENCY. R. IT. Prnuare. formesly of StaNattanaa Cosmq. nper.cl a =l3 harger, la Weill rife, I. Counly;l4o.. Bs tam go aaal. mil We. a number of . FINE IMPROVED-FARMS non Wltlang to piatlaA' a alltfrad a Darilatardeeeriptloa conalry. acd • =awcr of farms. by agyl tag at the Isoensm, Caroaawaz (Ma. 310...9x05e re.. or am adooother. . PfIa.LIFIL trontteilla.o fTharlarSn.., W.:.*P4.:‘,11.160,cr I'UOTOGBAPIII ALBUMS; ABEL TUREELL umthvo. Pa.:Pworwrow 1141. LociApa• Gltuoikpb potttinuc • 99, xt the =cut for Ilembekeeptng. No*rioll***,:goodt Wig liinnilortgookWiing entenni into ',Waco mina tan ~‘ :Apt and MIA of • WEBB4 - 01:11118FtELD um: to pntillottiii finny neitininsi from ind ygar , Fai.tOTED STOOK of OciOdt of Every Description; ociootatit at ati isoot etytce of Spring and Erinacinr nub. ma , • titothanev,vagdmmy.Snawla CottooNice, dm. A. lot. of CfriticiorieS - of ail Kinds, jkriodagepa of of Met rry. fil=rrnre, "Wooienirnie, Tian Capa,lineti rani Shoos linanrclini, Parasols, Mont.. num TilmminalnontT loiScarfineollara.itc. Alto Rood esnintztent of HA RD NV 1? 1E , ,109;11rumardnoviimbutes. Ilo.X Pruzutp,goa3,F cr b,s„. th , 411444:Aliktatts Ottsetalwat tat= tneitet4eie. halt ant ace us at Old Store on Pubh' r vanno a a. wimp, . • A. D. IiUTT.tawIELD. *PM ti. 184-11 :-...,,, That game - • /IE4? 1 - ---- L. C. KEELETi au 01 hand one of the ORST ASSORTMENTS. d RATS, CAPC, M FURS, Glove 4 and Mitts, Boots,Shoes, and Findings, WEB. 0117EltED IN TILLS ILAREZT It tonalsta,th mat. of Us following HATS Am) Otert!'ffool, Felt, end Fur Huts. from $1,73 t 014.04. Pfifil_WOOkihlt., sad Fur Mt% rm. .1% to 1.00. unuarror wool. Fel; and Harr, from . to 3.X. ate. BOW. and ChildreW Clam Capri, (km .7510 1.0. Boots and Shoesl Ladle gala:amis. plain and frint-F. t it= szco , to,tr.. knilplri i 4lllll=l. l 4s lLlt4lll, j ec:rl , C irJt i 4 . .V Den, &a. Gentlinnen's =nu and ace Boma roc .n.tptlioa taco. PITA Innd Wblta Ltnlag ni; al Coalr.eal Knives. 841:1; lak, Heel BIU, Wax, ac, Giloves and Mitts- Gate Butt tilam anti 3.[lttca, fra nt .00 to V. 0.1. Cora.' Kl.l. Colman= .2.76 to FLO. BoYa' Boa Mittens Rom $ ,7 , 3 to $l. FURS. USW. Mirk and Clilldren•A Vlctorium MCII?., Cults,Ad4 HrodA Meru) . vartrty ; &At, from Po to f."...70• Geotn* Collars, Qv. Glom, 8c hio cud Fa:KT An tlLdl of Pure =dein tord,, Lod N7N11.11 NTED to be vamt they in n.pmmtod. Old Puree:snot ar..111 , 1,10,*1 GAILLI PAID for all till& of ILa, Porn one door b6mv Mo P.O. L. C. KEELER. Ilairea; August =1561.-17 DO ' "Y' 0 TJ WANT A GOOD PIANO 2 Of A CABINET ORGAN I CALL A 2411 ass TFTE.II AT O. D. BEIVIAPPS. ITtert• TOSI :ct be Bapplied . lellb any Thing Jo 010 Lir:, of Musical Mer6handise, tFROIf. A PIANO TO A •MW*STI .1 6 1L.TZE 3. .. ALl4o—dul Usual, the only assort:neat of PURE Silver-Ware tad 1 1 11TS.TtWELIO: In town. N. 8,4 WI only Oat Maas of Litt claw Breton mad Iffetylrork Make" sod all Plano._ told by =a wlll be kofO to tune one year. Cabinet Organ Warranted for Errs Years, P. B.—U row owot u Lnfafar Instrommt, don't calf 02 Town. traly. 0. D. BE3AN. weetrae.mmthw. la& oft wk 3uakkepublie t tepFestost cannot tail to ]nit.a I.r: GROCER:IES. BEIGARS,I EAS, COFFEE, S PICE,YLOUR sad BALT, (by the sack or barrel,) FISH, and an ankinuaanylbancitallraclaslOrocirles. Floor by the Wholesale and Retail. Ail meant* mertt.,l Aope to receive t IlbersJ share o poblitra "rtne lM dlheitOlitkotonto ped forP SS,TS "OF CONate 'to, B ALSICINS. tftutreoLN•rottl,talcil...t, VERY EXCITING NEIVS: MORE SUCCESSFUL RAIDING. Valuable Holiday Suds Captured, elk UR trse .61 tmety S lovr A CLAUS h, !We I , em IL/ =tin MIL' apt. the unree•renr h apply trt!T Illcatrose, andlasa 16 . 1 fo better.. a €40 . 1 . 4.5. rtnaeor f Tova and other ralvlble. goher 1".,{ tabif . tr 7 enotqa, I4 Mr:amber of the rxer. 0,1,21 151,C C. autl to sold eta*. "Franklk Hetet Ihwer.tnr - broth., Phr. 1, one door ABOVE THE HEAD OF NAVIGATION, oil A LITTLE IIII.LOW) Yam anceacte report of the Gmc-are imam, upon the arrival of nextica.M. Our Maio la Um and les Ilve. A. BULLARD. Dontrols. December I!.th . On the Track. C. F. MEEKER, H A = 3 .t„ pur v ... 4. ,h i o, w74.t a 4 1= 1 of P H Plows and other Castings, n vi=„r e ersuy &and ill a Cuattry Eta , p %bort route dad foundry opposite the Post Office In New Milford. Pa. N.B. OLD !HON WANTED. fix lehl:h vrfll pay CASH. C. F. MEEKER. Mir r 3, Sept. 11. Elce...typ HONESDALE MONUMENTAL WORKS! TO the People of Susquehanna Co. rilMgadanditaedherthyttanaucce that ttE-Ti; ara Ell!ng tha cr tuastectinortetaciro:• . . . Tomb Stones, Sce., tnAlthyosattstutbes val t r!!dy wart ligze cif and de. &MIA= PrOrdedireTectr.4 lycllrited zed prompt', 14. E. PECK & CO. Stuart's Sy ßefin d erup, BruarinD utlrleJurt .travvl. ' Vovaalw Poplins; : DetaineS l &e lippiggi'lplits,Dtaskeyi , A.Pi.liat CHANDLER'S. ..ePtetn.her .1144ailicu t;11/1 • ..Orotkeiy, and ClQthing. _A a;nds.Clothing rnAmmemsime,,,..b.,,,ikto. - CHAN DM 113 qv KNOW ,ftterator, 9. 113 A, or , bv,ri:xj., SCRANTON, PA., Es‘a . 1 W 21 rails, STEEL, BAILS" 9 pltra.sl,k, i. m ErEdereflaidwarecßellrosd nnd !lining Banla Nilet•e:r.‘l,ElCerenl C r emntm Sank and Tralltipam tiamialn gprlnx Aalen, Bkehmand linzea.Holfn. Ntta,M Ent.' AIMS. Plated Band& Malleabla HSenk Pe,relleakEnlndlee,llemee..Voleik r. Enameled Lmamr. Whip Sock, e Me, and a general ?minty of Carrlace mad It.nfacturere Goals, de., eimoce- Fr We gm e.mi. nmenilmt.illitspart Of one aUCKICHE oiner• be tWr enlnctedammur.mt thana like can be t.mtnd elsewhere In this par BMW. • lAnene and Dlne, Bellown,Hazomm,. Ftke earl, , y, Tackle Iliocka,Ro. azole, t!3...Lct Yarts.C4xclent.rrenti Oka& AGRIOULTURAI• 1111PLENENT8 • rum?, ti manta, LtULwd Cron EMI • Zinen, Bo M , Yaps. Pnper. rune and Bluttnelbes, Flair 7..1 )tams ShOti and Hammered Home •vem , r , ce , e , emmT. and .I.i.maan.karrsD, LeatbeHlMO ite.'N•r and IRalLer Beltlag,Yedebankesdcoltsotc. Swanton, 50 1664.-19 =I 1864-5. 1864-5. FALL & WINTER. CALL LNI) SEE TILE LARGE AND NEW STOOK co? CLOTHING , AT THE STORE OP GEO. L. STONE & CO. rheir ovEncoA.Ts are Good and Cheap. New Sttl a ni UNDER-COA.Tti, PANTS, V 1.1: 4 T5, u UNDERCLOTHING RA O, TEA, COTIEE, to el mpottay with GOLD at the late des . gmutm<, .ii)tn, NEW GOODS 91ll'17IVilLVwm Nevr " keith a [I.i,ZT,AIZ= Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver-Ware I Plated-Ware I Fancy Gooda, .. • Inv% tt the atteniton of their theneti.. TINT LaVOll EnAltala. Arandtan. and Swim Waldo; Loth .. , 1! , ,1v0r, of tees ealteeter qualltleit Koseallo3, ta.i.Jd, ttoz and Glancy, awl Nato Gold Bete and Noe. Mhzatoot, Etaturl, Gold ,•..• /lac. RI, of i n e , very varlet and %, ', i ' ma n" , ; tl ' atilitt 76.;, ( Xlread e. ,cm• bnemeles and Tatmldes,Gold Wave Butiona.d Reda Spanaa, Table and Pocket Cutlery, ,:,F,,lg4gluvesgf,'CrCull9jErroes, ee.ry gescriyalon of Odd He vz-e Ceeee The largest lot of P2sted i•vt, bmaght Into drutrae C.eet7. c. , t.:-.•er every reticle In ...rue very beau. trr, (1[1.1136Dia.1 [AC" Id. Of Pane Of .gr~l•ekr.eniata, Heath, 171n1In and Graft , ,r erie , roltv Fishing Tackle to ere, varle , Bale regretter, Taarreerneters. Needles, tleuelzes.Ceold PO3. , illmeet. lee- Jr- Also Piano Fortes and Melodeons, Family Sewing Machines, Kate his., she Wear,. Irthere. frs. The above Goode were ['aught for teAhll, tree well be eold no the meet favorable ten= All kinesof Watches and Clocks Repaired thor; 1-•.1 ;Lc BEST MANNER; abo ENGRAVING to tLeL~t ni EVANS & ALLEN. 861..,...u„ r 1Y; 1 4,1TZ,P.'"'' F""l2ea. A Free Fight ! FAIR PLAY ! .5 A MARTIN, Fommrly pf the ftrm of Martin and Ratemorans. is Now in the Field! rl -I , removed to hill raneand csmaxeJon3 Store House at Fairdale, A:: r etu med (mu] the city with .1 lame Stock of ran 2rad Winter Goods, Purc tro rc errty ft , r cash and wh!ch he now oiLwefor at a yap Small Advance for Ready Pay. Ito ..•np to hvy. Cvnae and Bee. The b141,..5: xrr,t Prim yald to Ca ti for Butter and Potato JASIIES lIARTIN. ?4*30 LOAN! II is 1i National Savings Bank OVFERING A HIGHER RATE OF INTEREST Th.an Any Other, Arl tae nest Seel:natty. EC 13,0 lt EVE MD BY H. COOPER & CO., 110tiTROSE. PA. REMOVED, AGAIN ! " The Famous Barber." 3.1 oat the farantak Bathe. Fara.jav 133.rber, late of nay% • nar:), now at Waata'...• F It. Weeks's Sboe titer. • Shavtag and Stun Fla kt cattlar. Hair ta val Walt F , a..1 tat ready at. you, =mica, As yilor sezv/Ce. lUHAIGIAT 11017.1118. Seco:1(1 (L.-or &Joe° Searle's Hotel, Up Stairs. la•latr,,.. Jute .7.7,1c4.1—tf Still Alive • OA h. tt•t;,. taJ DRESS UL atri• the came U alaal.llltbge DLL; MO VT S D." cae rale atri•Vaalf waltz at ljottella the ttzata. I%an,Sol. JIILSON OTT, 3,19 S. L'3.lf EDSON MOTT. UNDERTAKING ! A 211. h.: • .. 0.v. - e.tertms.l tzt been na.siizg crest Imwmentetteth kit of co rte, be would ten.lf ally.sgllcitthe West Cen 0 !tit frleuds and the - pe Mir ernernalv HMI tn.:A.l4st IleAr 1.1% $6,9R WABNEB. W.ar.l) o. 264.-if FLOUR ! FLOUR ! }SOUR, for gale I 7,14 et le law eict. th „ -/ -nut, barrel, egio 001.1g: c o 44331 ' 16 " a Illitad IrtT.T.ARTI Carriage Shop 21.Y.T.-Y';ETIZiL'-ELAST filit.Ect.-tufgtta is now peptized to do al kuidi of afti• Mst IinZAINT4I7II dotie on ihollinotio, frr. , tr......1n1y I, 0 , 4 -if et,gurni. NEW 130013.5. h j e "e d al t ; A. El 13.1T1M .; GOODS FALLING, ; • Tio:lA•a rtisT ban*BAgecr OdaLo Ala ALP 'get 1/VIAM. • • " ,?. . 44, 1711.31ad1e and Zahn Dail:am tto. very best makes, GOWER. & DA HMI'S , . • . DE • • ITWltatiliektir la eons oisT;latWiitOolltW a ritbiaa& ' to Dm altered. Taloa of al Wats or ; 140tH BELOW therm of slomber. Orwlab b• :ban& LADIEW DRESS ti DS la ts raid - (heat tomalas la Ladles' Clcualw. Wattrproor - Cloto, maw' Dlark Cloths, asd Colored All Wool Claak4s. - • CLOTBS,:CASSIMEFIES;:siti auticci•is, „ l•o stk. camisms.' FaVestmcres, Reptnclty rensoimes. tattriess, ite. Also. 'onaximmingS, DoIViES TICS* Mlajmax, own sad Itlea wellap, rJ3adl Idaslos, Dialaoh 714.11,0, guamils, D To&e. Notions. Ors* varlZ of Mop sad Dalesoiall3kbts. Ladles' Uses sad. Calldrves *dem Buttons. Comb., blast liraid. TaaMada.lbmold of all Ida Ifla Twist. glinting Cotton. did do. Boob . - :jik 'Slide Do3W floOta r „ Cild/Wig Coßper-teed Moak alorottoe' dboes.Chdmb BalmorM Women. Cal_flihoes. GROCHIRDES. ...At... to no ba. , ten. arxr Wm.:l7 Orem Ems. sad Jamo Teas. Pate, balm, Ginger, Aaleratas. ant sad Taste°. ItSed. &t. • NEW FIRM! BALD WIN tip ALLEN, DEALERS IN fount PEED, PORK, FISH, SMOKED HALIBUT, Hams, Dried Beef, Candles, Teas, Coffee, Spices, Syrups, Molasses, Sugars 40X.101:30"4713E1 4 Timothy Seed, &Seed Wheat, BROOMS, NAJELS, Cash Paid for Good Butter. A. BALIMIN. WDL L. ALLEN. Montrose. West aide Public Avenue, Apr 1118.11144. No Humbug ! A First Class Jewelry Store Has lona been waded in lIONTROSE, and now we have AT 121 eidition io tie former Stock, end the * cadre mock of Read Vistrons.Js Fader, be bos this day received from firs Volt Uta best Assortment of Silver and Plated Ware • oar I:droved la Madam &Ot2oo l Vals ;P t rrgd n illg. " 7 4°°bl24. d. complete Assortment of Idea Lod ellva Wateas. tionolazo. /Coolish, sad Hass. .petaeles.alver ostd Plated. Fat. bond Gold Jewelry. lack eta and Otalmlol Go l d Alas from 16 cads to 111,1X4 0011d.1.8 arta Myer Gold sad Ulm Thimble% Pocket Sava. No Table iCares,dos. Violin and Guitar Strings, tut Montrnee, Ja receirect ma nuary 11.104. r hy . 0. D. irinu.ls4- The/Om of Reed, Watrous. and Foster ray:. flaying dbrpcsiud Of one moth of Clocks Watches Senselry. ant Miser Wan to our fellow townsman. lfr.O. D. Beaus. me uremia earnestly MOM. mend one patrons and the public generally. who play to In mast ol any of the above mentioned:6ols to eve him a tali and cramtas hie Mott" Be..MOMber.*Onedoos above &axle's Etotal. Repairing as Usual. Nonttose. Nov. Id. MI. " 1111 tO., DEALT:EA EN Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mailings, Brugget, Mats, Bugs, Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Ba!morals, Rubbers, Sandals, Glass. Paints, Oil, Nails, Sheeting,s, Bats, Tarn, / Wall Paper, Shades, Border, Cord and Tessais, err Goods, Groceries, Lamps, Plated Ware, Door Trim'ngs, Coffin Trimmings, Thread, &e.; OF Dr. Jayne's Family Medicines, Ladies' Cloth, Cream Tartar, Stove and Shoe Blacb• - ng, Matches, 1111) B. R. LYONS, AGENT FOB TIM LYCOMINO CO. MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. PUBLIC MEWL Ifortrose. Fa.. 043.7. 62.-U EXTENSIVE ATTRACTIONS I AT THE ESTABLISHMENT OP WILLIAM W. SMITH , AT THE FOOT OF HAM ST: • Prliß eirtemdve rosnre Estatillahmem of Wm. J. W. SMITH having been ratted Ind greatly purrecthepromieurrespeettally announces to Merin nos of tiontrose and vicinity. that be is convtant mardtigaiiiikliehs onhand the LARGEST & BEST aasortmentOf PURWITURE to be founo in the CouNtry. 'reeve thefollowlagilet of some of the avticlemehtehmserili millatgrestlyreduceill prlcce.for CAR:for READY PAY : Bareans.Welntitorllatioraty; with glitte.from SW to 131. ettreatutwlth amble orbrocatelfetops,from $l5 to 1:4. And • llirs..camortment.frova 18.11 10.11:414. to 111. A sahicandsVarthitands.corner and aonarestands,of al hrszi/ ties and prier:J . 4lmm 75 tents* o ten dollar.. oeme,dwans,emreiracitc,fooistoots,ottomanejoringeska. Gentmcard,pler.toilcylleing<chen.andentenalentahlet. mmir-..eancatideroOd eats.ltoeters—ceme&sg.anthroodrallie ° = T e A t r el t =i Y amlatabortnotietat Rem Ur/WM. SPRING BEDS! A Lana Asiorrannrr.OnsArtaT LSI) n= nallause. N.B. Readymadeco:lns on hand brfumithedstsbortnotlel6 Revue einroyelnreadiners when dmired. Weem ploy nowebutOAREFUL & EXPRRIENCEPWORI. ILLY. Wel ntend to do our WORE WELL. and cell It as LOW 'Mean boa:Nil:led. W. W. SMITH, hfontroae.Yelintary Sleighs and Cutters. TBS nnieregord can now he tuneder it. J. BREWSTER'S 111.1n.tralth Shop, nrammer me. or Twhell In Amu rose,where he will marina tower on the inanautnre of Sleighs, Cutters, Wagons, Bce. RadySlinieltarteeSlelzhn,Lumbet 81elnlanndlattersnoW0a btu. Repstriordnne Rently.at Abort nntlee. Bent Muff for Cotten and Warm . ..lakrefmaterints.neBanallty.keptconntantly °Ohm& sonata be rimmed to do 4:100D nt ti.nnet notice. /Stood 'ripply Irentty4nade Spoker keptconstanth an had. N. B. AB perinnelnelehte.lto the. nndersirneil viii plerle endsettletheiremonnts without Inca emotive Montmnicanlil9.ll:l4ll. WRY. cka.umr. BoOts iind , shoes. SOCAZeg i l p opened indtbr ray on a sox House for Sale or to Rent! . r r.t. , wy., „, " IC 3 Trirriuraolratrota Boldier,'s Pensions, Bounty *tabk.Pay aralt.ftaetaided. LlaEicsin AOIFItT OF MI GOVERN .11RaiZar evemmptalteatlaata all claim antraatadto cm*. Notharges cam natural. Ottiee over Lubro,_Tylet Sad hlbrridate. J. D. liteciULLUM. - 11033trole,Augusf171103.41 S frelr i tr i Anstd %.4" . 6. , !aa nAng _real s. Groceries. A em e w,a_ iAt e gr ,...d.t.u.no g y y ulair grwc T.CL , 1 1 1, 7 • , ..ramaittiVs. CABIIUT - 011,ROS! ceitfro.lllLi 0 . 7 o. D. • ' • , Best Instrument Ever: Illturnelared, Can.buy It of iam cheap us win: ii , d4l • Wisra . )frostkOto4lo,4eight.- Prices c rOtil Sgs to $OOO. isszogeonsysoatam - 11131 r Jct.! reselvedlioot's new Inetretettoq But tiar . tbi; Ormond iteloclecz. 'Tbs bac Book fit.:--aLo, 5.0=11131. 5 • , D.43FASI, xottiekeosurantencleas.. -• • • . 8 . T 13,1 tan to ciattl,:esitentraiit:P:F..sMus Dmr i .iplicip.ps, Milittert alid,..Fai . lCt,Ocidt 1 Yankee Notions, WOOL AND 45covrovr itotitmver, Carpetsp_oll•Cloths r &c.,&c. Wbkhttey ariprzparal.tc44ll at rtamoals Seams. Th&slat`a - . . : . DRESS.%IOODS . i , la utupnagly tarp, arra pchar , : the Lariat IPA Richert Meth hl at' markt; purchased subs tate Amara" Sala. as gums mud ton - . the market prise,- and slil ou sold with a Load satrouce. !. ELEGANT C, CLOTHS, CASSIALEUES _ AND cLo.ttasatc BALMORAL -SK S IRTS, 3. ( 4 i.as Ecenrs ime - m 5 . - jkim c0 ,„ 0 , t , : m . . u P i titm. rewr suesi v . ,Erkthibiaspi HOLIDAY:PRESENTS. tit untiTiatfis. lio.ll B Coat Strad, Stip of ttes•ILIMIIIVE" Blathamton. December Sa. Int TEIIIIIII C 2. in the imixeranitdepartmtnts of his Mercantile Business malngthisassadpot _ r i rr . -FULL AND -Dgn3lll3LE. O. D. WYMAN 19 Etoelt eawistalnpazt of Drugligifled,cllnes,Paints,Oth.DTC', stuffs, Orticerles, erpokerT, Glass. Ware, WRI I . and Window Pa per, Oil Shades and Fixtures, Kerosene Lamps, Shades, Ch I mom Bo rnets, Transiiaren t Cones, Ecrovene Olt, Horning Fluid, Top , pentine,SICIIZOLE, Varnishes, I Window Glass, Putty, Brusbes,ta . Cages, Canary Seed, de..nein . , Artfet anetDentist.itlaterlals,Whl randy Goods, Perfumery, &C., Itte-an short neArl7. l o9ll l rS. to restore the elt.t.to ottoolls taste. to dellebt the eye, to testify thetiacy. -- er.o also to . conduce to the reel end satetaatial cattants date. Itontrose.AtnilL - ABEL TIIBBELL Large Spring Arriv Ti=l".7,llV:=l,2l=""""e R. *Lions & Co., not tO•leed the hony..l9sttl. o CLOTHE Moo enaolno CLOTHED wittitho - BESTAUTIOLZ of 0 4 Ready Viadoelothin. tobefonodlo the Oonott.ontialto I +' OM" ' WQ ZI - 11 ANTXP7i0 TO Ha'. THIN AIM THICK COATS, vestsand Panto. of Overy vat* in Alamo ESA saaly amisottmentor MISHATS - ea,CAPS.'' tatestatylesattlquatiselpeu - airroaOrezato. Kant:Mae. May!. 1644. S. LANGDOII EMT SOWS Spring and Summer Goods. 5 ,fit a Large neductjon I from 4111 prlces. ThLredoitlan ill! Inc.kiln THE ENTIRI STOCK which willbe tband %Camelia tunal.and *WU soili . on Ctir 1 Most LIBERAL Terms!;.‘ tot Cuh, on time, odor Prodn6. N.B. Flour & Salt on hand, as mink inaxim.wr. New 3111ford.Jone _ 1.863. Agricultural Implements,-; reindeer puridesteest oesll the ?Meet= of thirpotre thetrtleteor 31.11f1tU1KS easontscrafd cloak eztabllehedontt welltnorre Ina of Wheeler, Meliok & Co:, at Albany{ These It urine? ore no faeorablf rite= sod hntetnally •^r% edit= any cif= at reenranertlrtleo I must= robeetesary. fltelt tortythat expertereelo mannfsetorthf.tril loorreirt,: brOughtortitoreoverat ol I intr:h teat ether? the ORAMPIONS OP THE WORLD. f, 4 IwotOdeelleoecistattentigatotbet r.r. • Barger'sPatentCleaniogAHachnlent:'? aramthinr:and attadie d to idenier,enble.ttetileori hot can horsepereerrendte eltberundeributororeribottteeshet, tin bolted made.ary hand rhillAnd , 41 4, 1 0 r.h! , 11.1 , fanniricmll I Utzlean° merry:lower to drive tb4 vibe! , , taciment..rhan ItrioesroOrlve an NZ:wry serierster or &hetet. Mifritebteizes erelesolneattachreero. ennetotrent.are teat. :t Rol* , Powers, n, rice trend doe hie, Wheeler, relent. with recd Improvement.: Lareue r e& Gould', petrel. ene..erro, end ttr , horsepower,. law tollhiror aaroine weal, teed eutherihelerrit , . laro.horserstee,kc... An onrertricted wraimntl re, the 4trengeer, aaranly t hat the *here mutate ry settneepioace.e-t .ark,durstmity .emeelenc...tocheAatv.• - - cy r/Forfacttwroarticulars.senet to the on oscrlbsefainterotar. • antlneinaeldnery. Oreentoliriterlandlllterrylthr PrimPUlim"' lao Aneui for _ . . HUBBARD'S IROXVING'ITACHINE, lett „inalnfletnred by 9.11.13 AME rore,re, —4hi ~ ease inowerfor thlseountry, atacWneswarmrtlsr: i. Ciwelltlre4lll , ollC9o , l Inrcroollons for tuber and ltaaws livereil.free °tenant, kr treat or trusportirkie ._,, • • di I persons 'Mahlon to procureth e Vert el:animates' eirhinareNtelosito reitneei the work of the light.artre Ligid." 2404rer.befereeorrortItting thenvelvesto and other .110Vtir Iry lie. OrtYrstolltited rem prerr,rely attended to. . • f :;• rOltetteeerldree,,lltritirl. Sun .00 4 1'4. •' r'r L. U. PECK,: Agat. Carriage ManufactorV eat iniuld rorpealiilljuisontre to Mei cteAr o :: ra : lq.UOcroty. VIM be Isl ea pa . m.lam tbe . .Cairtage &Wagon Standr: liOnsteni ocoiiedby It Rtiiiiitßorterateume 11/1 We* in I:S.4n qt !I:Acta Wl7 ft PLVATUSI I - , Superior Wanner. 4%02;4 , doashi Ute WO, a Alit' ta 4 , 11,1,' Void 11/448"; 3°33 8. J: Ist CIO .NEB:': GOODS_ , WiltOX'faltingra WAUT10141:;, .~~ Ste. , ALS AM suP4Ls..!, 410 L LB esattrat Llned It atm Iscshlass nrFsapply at CI) - OR I/ FULL ASS9IITUENT Or Jog receind and wU be sold Zit