H. H. FRAZIER, Publisher. VOLUME 11. ittointoti giracterg. Da. G. Z. DIMOCK, PPTSIOLkhr and SURGEON' MON+ROSE. P. Mee on ezu rereet, appurite the RamaLidan Orrice. So. - de at lintel. nouns. February GI, 1863.-lyp C. M. CRANDALL, ANUFACITUEER of I.lneo-wheel s,urning Woolmi/eel& Wheel. 1. hew* Clock-reels, &c. Wood dons to order.. d IT, the twatestmanner. Umtata& Shop and ; Wheel Wheel Factory Say ea' Fonodry Ban:lira, up iambs. Illantmee,Jumary 80th, 1865.-11 B. S. BENTLEY, JR., NOTARY PUBLIC, MONTI-2.08W. PA.. rri KE/3 ILeknostVrat of Deet IfortenZet, for any J State In the Uhl States. Pe on Vouchers .d Pay Cer. .t. telmovrtodeed before him do not require the oertiOmte of the rt of the Court. Montrose. J an. 2. leel.-0. CHARLES HOLES, DELLER IN CLOCKS, WATCHES. AND JEWELRY Repairing data as n=o, on short notice and masonable terms east side Poblic.dveaue B. Chandler's MOM monsmse, Pa.. Nov. 7.1564. DR. B. L. ELLNDRICK, [PYBIOILB and BURGEON. rerpectildly tenders tda mats rional services to the datum o rdenftrille and alcinity. Ob 41 ° ta the dna of Dr. Loot. Boards at J. Iloafardl. Trieraboilla, July t7,1864.-tf E. W. SMITH, 'MORNS!' A ODURRIELLOB AT LAW and Lice: wed claim Azad. Once over Lena Dog e!pre. bu.seeetueum Depot Jantl3l7 51. 1884. EL BIIIIRITT, DSALEM In 13ta L gaid Taney Dry Goada,theekery. , Hardware, Dna. stove. Ma. and POWs, Boot. and, Shook Hsu 4 Cap., Fara. Hanle bra, Onewaies. Provisions. eae. Nev 11.11 ford, .4311 18641.41 B. H. SAYRE & BROTHERS, (AND FILOTURZEta or 1111110atalnaSAlnaaal all lands mr.rea Tln and Sheet Dan Ware. ral iMplamtata I/tale-frill Dry GoodaGraccrlea Cr cry, novo.. Pa., February 12.1864. BILTANGS STROUD, IRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT. 00Zee In Lath mot handing. attend of Brink Block. In Ms ataence, bust. - at tee °lnce will be transuded by C. L. Brown. Ildutroee. February 1. 186L—tt J. D. VAIL, I.L D., .• OIIEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, hae permanently located I s hth.eir Idantmen, Pa- where he .if peomPtiT etlehd to calls In hie profession with which he may De favored. Ofiloe • • Residence West of the Court Home. near Bentley allish . a. tIo Febunry 1,1864.-Oct. IS, 1661. A. 0. WARREN, TTORNITT AT Lew, BOUNTY, BACK PAT and PEN WON CLAIM AGENT. MI Pension Claims rattly pre -ed. °Meet...3m tonntely oet.uoted by lle.jelL. oYn , bcildl.S. below &melee Hotel. Munbro.Ro. r0b.1.1.66L.-febl7ll 618. & S. RO'ERTBON, I AIfIJFAATIVILIS of Ifn0"1: , 6 1 11 11 10 1 12 . 1311116. blootross. January 1.1364.-Of CHARLES MORRIS, ASIIIONADLIC BARBER and HAIR DBES/IER, over F. H. Sten Store, Montromt. Halr Cutting, Shampooing, and Wlliker Coloring done to the BSS r STYLE. Ls El sir Dressed In the moot APPROVED FASHION. Montrose, bent. 53, 11363.-ti LEWIS KIRBY & E. BACON, p SEP constantly on band • fall supply of ever, vasktY I • GROCERIES sod 00NPEOTIORERIES. By stict attesr In o hoethees sod fatheleseln deal, they hope to merit the Itheesl .tretethe of the public. An OYSTER sod EATING SALOON Is ucfo to the Grocery. where Maim, In sewn., m served to rv• re etyle that the tathes of the publledcmfad. Remember the ppiece, ot old Mat Grocery stand, en Mdn Street. below the P oabm[e. Montrose, N0v.17, 1663.—mehl7,q—lf Da. CALVIN C. HALSEY, I WYSE:IIAF AND RusosoN, AND ra.A.I4NING BUR SaN for PIYESIONICKS. Offlovooer the store or J. 1.3.0 Om PISSIc Amnia Boards at XL Etheridge& Sontrc.r.„ °Mbar, 15.51.-t1 D. A. BALDWIN, TIVIIICIT AT LAW, and Praton, Scanty. and Back Pay Ulna, Ontat Bent, Salguesuna County , Pa. Gress yead. August 10.1P0.-1y BOYD & WEBSTER, SALEM In Stoves, _Stove Pipe, ,Tln, Cuyimr, mod Meet Imo Were : Wlneloar Ssch, Panel Doom, Window ...OF. Loth, Roe ,•: Lumber.d all Ip.ods of Bell,llng ?dot:aisle bnp.cith of Searle'.Hotel, an Carpenter Shop new the ~tOodlst Churcb ldorruo.e. Ya., )canary 1, 1564.-tt Da. JOHN W. COBB„ • RTSICLAN and SIZIROIpN. not , . to tee citizens of Snevetanna 000 rrty. Raving had shoat * teat in the United States Amy, a* Surreon,evoclai teat lon will be den to SURGICAL OPERATIONS. rr Residence on Maple Street. East of J. S. Torben Root. !Innen.. Stlaq. Comaty. P., June V.. 180.-tf DR. WILLIAM W. SMITH, • SiTSGEON DENTIST. Ontee over tbe Beakins .11111‘......, °Mee of Cooper & Co. All Dente/ Orrntions P.. Remember, oftlefiTrrn ed erly o 1 8. 4111711101. 715 444 fontrote. 3.oary 1, 10e4.—.11 E. .T. ROGERS, (ANUFACTURSR of all desalptiona of WAG '. ONS, CARRIAGES. SLEIGHS. to. In 050 .:style of W Irkmanoldo and of th e beat moterials. the well Innown Rood of E. It ROGERS, s foot rods east S./Arles Howl In Montrose, .5000 he .111 So happy to re. we the male of all who .ont .rthLng to hi. Ito.. llontron., 3 tun I. 18d3.-tf BALDWIN & ALLEN, ..i i EALSBS In FLOUR , Salt. Pork. Fisll Lard. Oren. Feed , Candles, Clover and Imothy Seed. oleo GEOCKRIES. , - ca. sr Sagan, Navas, Syrup Ten and Coffee. West aLde of _ - 11,Br A v , tant. one dour beto•er J. abervice. 7 Maatroac, January 1 , Inl.-tf I DR. G. W. BEACH, - iii 0 EITSICIAB AND SURGEON. having permanently lasted i".. nnuself at Brooklyn Center. Pa_ tenders hls professional ier 2 c , . to Me citizens of 52n.t.5 , 0 , . CoontY , on terms commenem• .:. • c eith the tiros. rasa es the office of the late Dr. B. Richard ,":. • 1.. and boards at tin. elart:Lsoes. 6 ,- .4 , tlva Center. Pa... June 6.1864.-19 F. B. wpara.s, Ia SACMICAL BOOT LAD SHOE MAXIM; also Desire ir Boots. Shoes. Leather, and Shoe Findings. Repairing don , r •nines and dnipsigh.. Taro doors above Searle's Hotel. !a:nary 1. 1654.-41 JOSEPH RICE, UTACTURER and DEAL= In UHAIRS, BerlAcotr. L trd Cabled Ware. shop tour miles east of New Milford ora 64, Few Milford. Oactral..lB/3--tf Dug PATRICK & GARDNER, PE p S . 658 &RD SUMMONS, will nttuld faithfully line cct . tall y to all butneastbst rosy be entrusted to tbeir esre. !• 0 , eruu, , ,uaensurste Id* the times. Disown and dtrOnSatior K t C. ,rgleal operotlons, and all Surgical Dtsorooft panic. y...tteoded to. °Moe over Webb's Store. °dice boors from Eta. E. PATRICK ,Jr.. Moto roo.e .Januaryl.lB6ll.4l E. L. GARDNER. WM. & WAS H. ,TESSUP, • ATV/115E7S LT LAW, Montrone, Pa. Practice In Basque tuon, Bradford, Warm, Wrnolog and La=ma Conallea. Kyoto:or, Pa.. Jammu" lat. tedl. ALBERT CHAMBERLIN, T R ICT ATTORNEY AND ATTORNEY AT LAW.— ft if mew over the Storc forme•ly occupied by Poet Brothers. V • Rostrum Po. January I. 1960. J. LYONS it SON, Et.L6RIS IN DRY GOODS, Groceries, Crockory,Rardwara 1.1 s^a o.rle. Boots, licodcona Pink. and all kinds of Idlrd Inmrumeata. Shed' Moak, dm. Also carry on Mt Book Mod la 4 bumocas In all Its branches. x.ros4 ,I "afrosa. January 1. 1864. T. L. arosa. ABEL TURRELL, D . ,LEH. IN DRUGS. MEDICINES. CHEMICALS.," Pslota (111.. 1).3 stuffs. Varntshen, 'Window Glass. Ll.p.m, Groceries. Crockery. Ginanware Wall-Paper, Jew. . '"' r.." Goods. P"illimer7, Suce.mileatrwcnenta, Trua. .. . ci.,4, t5,..,„1, ,ic.._aaa /wait tcw all of the moat polar 'lv Yu., letealichmt. Montrose. January I, 1661. C. O. FORDHA3I, 111%`,74'Moreln'T 8 1 „ trei =Mirj tep7,lrinig dap: tleafty. Worli ' don: toow prom. In C. Moutrose. April 2..113/3L-t.f CHARLES N. STODDARD, raft4.l.6li. In BOOTS 8110 EB. Leather and Pl sih. LI inv. on Ma w n a. third d , nr belo Searle's Hotel. N. B. Work made to and repairing dune neatly. liontrina. Pa. tnw.anher 11.1e1.4. B. R. LYONS 4z CO., D6AL ERS inDUY GOODS, GROCEPLI'rs , Roo Tat, tHOES. Imlles' Onltem. Carpet,. on clothe, A and Wl:m:lcm kg. per. Palnta. Otis. Itr. Mote on IC', cad untle of Pattie emu. . I. D. LTWICIL Itentree. Jaaaary I, 1864.-11 READ, WATROUS, & FOSTER, D E G L , LE ) I.I% IN C4301*. Drug. 11140:11dSl if ". &Ire' SPOOnr, Perfumery', &T. BU I B/41.. Atontal;c7 _ifol7Errwe, January 1. 164..11". PHILANDER LINES, riArittIONABLII TAILOR, Stick Block, oyez Mall W.rous Foster'. More. /lontraae, Pa. lloauose, Pa:, July r. 7, JUL JOHN GROVES Ftsmo . NeuL Ea .I,IV- oDraltetie R9, lt ' PA..O p t: - a e: : : ilol2 re, t ,,at D. A. LYONS, Orr ; . Lxia• 1 : 7 7 Goods. Oro4x - rics, Wt. Cream", Store at gain Wed. Lanna Daum rchnaary 11. yel—tf L H. BURNS, A rititE d r AT Ilia". Mos M 41urell U; :, rag., cut7rk , r, 2/.7101E4'.-ti. _ . . . . . ... . . . . . . .. 1 . • , , , • . ~ „ib' • • `• • •••••, • i , „ ', .. .... , ,,,.. , ..... , •7 -1.- .4 ...4 8 . 2; ' ' , \ n ... xi,- •' . Av d 4. 4i , .:-.: . . . _ . _i , Fes — _:;-2-, • _ GOD BIM YOU, SOLDIER! God bless you, soldlerl—when our sky Was heavy with impending woes, When traitors raised the battle cry, When tear met fir in every eye, You rushed to meet our foes. God bless you, soldier! when our light Of hope grew dim and courage waned, When freedom veiled her face from sight, Your valor dashed away the night, And morning clear remained. God bless you, soldier—scarred and worn, Wearied with marebings, watehlugs, pain, All battle-stained, and battle-torn, Bravely have all your tanks been borne, You have not fought in vain. God bless yon, soldier!—think not we . Alone revere and bless your name, For millions now and yet to be, Millions your arm haarendc.red free, Shall sing your deeds and fame. God bless you, soldier!—when the air Grows heavy with the battle's roar, Sheltered beneath his love and care, May victory with her garlands rare Adorn you evermore. God bless you, soldierl—when the dove Of peace the Eagle's nest will share, When homes and hearts made warm with love, Withjoys below—with Joys above, God bless you here and there. DY GV T 11r3SPIIREY MACILASTEIL In their ragged regimentals Stood the old Continentals, Yielding not, When the grenadiers were hinging, And like hall tell the plunging Cannon shot When the tiles Of the isles, From the smoky night encampment, bore the ban ner of the rampant Unicorn !, And grummer, grummer, grummer, rolled the roll of the drummer, Through the morn ! Then with eyes to the front all, And with guns horizontal, Stood onr alms! And the balls whistled deadly, • ' And In streams flashing redly, Blazed the fires! As the roar On the shore, Swept the strong battle breakers o'er the green sod ded lima Of the plain : Anti louder, louder, louder, cracked the black gun powder, Cracking amain ! Now like smiths at their forges Worked the red St. George's • Cannoniers: And the " rillalnous saltpetre" Rang a tierce, discordant meter Round their ears ! Aa tile swift Stoma drift, With hot sweeping anger, came the horse-guards' clangour On nor flanks ; Then higher, higher, higher, burned the old fash ioned fire . Through the ranks ! The old-fashioned Colonel Galloped through the white infernal Powder cloud ; And his broad sword was swinging, And his brazen throat was ringing Trumpet loud ! Then the blue Bullets flew And the trooper jackets redden at the touch of the leaden _ _ Rifle breath, And rounder, rounder, rounder, roared the iron elx pounder Hurling death! It was during the season of the Carnival, and I was at a masked ball at the French Opera-House in Paris. It was past three in the morning, and I was seriously thinking of retiring from that wild boister ous scene—not to call it by any harsher name—in which I had been a participant for hours. I was weary—weary of the dance, the lights, the music, the crowd, the noise and Confusion, the silly noth ,-- —e-e continually dinned into my car by the fluting Maskers—and 1 nun w,..,.. from the press and seated myself in the most quiet spot I could find. While 1 W 133 OMB sitting apart from the throng, listlessly gazing upon that whiclino longer gave me pleasure, a mask, in the dress of a page, sauntered quietly past me, and said,; in a low, guarded tone: " Monsieur will not seem to see or hear, but will look for the blue domino with a single stop of red on the bosom, and follow so carelessly as not to at tract notice-" I was only sure this langtutge was intended for me, by finding there was no other at the moment within hearing,; but what It meant, if it had any meaning, I war, at a loss to conjetture. I would have questioned the page, notwithstanding the caution not to seem to see or hear, but that inividual had already passed on too fat, and was about mingling with the noisy crowd. As I eat thinking the matter over, it occurred to me that I had been mistaken for another person, and that what had been said to me had really been Intended for some ono else. If this was en indeed, it might lend to a novel adventure, and no one was mere ready fora novel adventure than myself. "Look for the blue domino with a single spot of red on the bosom, and follow so carelessly as not to attract notice," I repeated to myself. "Very well —I think I will—if only to discover what It means." The next minute the object for which I was about to seek slowly passed along, not very near me, but In plain view. I arose with a yawn, and quietly, with a sleepy, indifferent air, sauntered aftet the bine domino. I had no difficulty in keeping it in sight—for the masker—.o disguised, moved very slowly through the erowd, seemingly with no par ticular purpose. If she intended leaving the house, it was not apparent to sae then,' nor for some time after; and being really very much fatigued , and not certain I was not the sport of a mlsChlevotis page, I was about to depart myself and finish my night's ad ventures in my own bedroom, when I perceived my fair unknown coming toward ole with a finger on her Ilps. She came up close beside me and stopped, apparently for the purpose of observing something in another part of the home: and then, to my sur prise, I beard her say In English, In a low, sweet, musical voice: " Listen, my friend, hut seem not to hear. In five minutes I shall leave the house by the entrance on the Rue Lepelletier, and will meet you at the Place Vendome—after which we will perfect our plan. Do not fail in this time, or we may not have another opportunity before the count's return. Till then, adieu!" As she ceased speaking she moved away, and was soon lost in the crowd. What did it all mean ? Un questionably I had been mistaken for another per son, as the words, "Do not fail me this time" evi dently proved. Who was the count alluded to r and what was the: plan on toot, to he perfected during his absence ? My curiosity was welted, and I resolyed to go ihrward in the part thus thrust upon me till I could ashertaln something more definite. And then her words in English, so cormUY spoken —plainly showing that either she was, or knew me to be a forelgner,ior perhaps both—madefe still more eager to latboni the mysters. Perla s some may blame me, knowing, as I did ,, there w a mis take, for seeking 10 find out that which did but con cern me; and I have nothing to say in my defence, exe.pt that I sew before me the prospect of a novel adventure, the temptation of width I was not just then In the humor iMreslst. The 'French Opera-House had three main en trances, for three ranks, on as many streeta—nnMehr, one on Lep:Heller for those Who came in carriages, one on Mow for those who came in nacres, and one on Grange Eatellere for those who came on foot. My fair unknown had stated that she would leave by the line lepelletter—which went far to prove that she Laid Claim to the highest rank among those present, If not indeed among society in genera— and 1 went nit on the Rue Pinon to order a MICR and loin leer at the Place Vendome. I retched tit. Place that, and dismissed my driver before her carriage appeared, which stopped near the triumphal pillar of Napoleon Is Grand. As I hastened up to the carriage—which was plain black, emblazonry of any kind—the door was opened by a' Small gloved handy from the Inside, while the dricer sat still, neither turning his 'bad to the right nor left. I could jus see that my fair unknown waits only occupant, and I quietly en ' tared and took my seat beside her, , feeling a little 'nervous and somewhat guilty I Must confess. The door was then shut quickly, I hetild the sharp snap of a spring, the blind was let down, and we were Whirled away in inmost total darkness. . For nearly an hour wo rode in rile fie through the streets of the great city, I seeing nothing but the dim form of :Om fair Unimatia . 0 n ,d h a , y i inft 110 Idesof thedirettion we rte. „5 0 1!,: over some curious storlea:ltradooi:. being by °De means and ano*heileterer - • a. I►J:\:~ `I?I~ l:1 Y rf 11(.:111' 4 A MYSTERY OF PARIS. " Freedom and Right against Slavery and Wrong." MONTROSE, SUSQ. CO., PA., TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 1865. of robbers, and began to feel rather uneasy. My pis tols bed been left at my hotel, and I had not a single weapon with me, unless a small pocket-knife miat be so called. 1 bad not the feeling, moreover, of acting in a right and honorable manner, to give me manly' eourage; and I could not but admit to my self that, should harm come to me through this adventure, it would in a great measure be owing to my own folly. r bad been thinking this matter over for some time, end had just come to the determination of de claring there had been some mistake, and' taking a hurried leave, when the carriage came to a sudden atop. Here we are at hat," said the sweet musical voice of the lair masker—the silvery tones .of coupled with my nallve language, tended. much to reassure me. • The next moment the door was opened by the: driver. As I descended the steps and offered the lady my hand, I glanced quickly around, and per ceived we were In an inner court, surrounded on all loftysides p bi lar i buildings. If I had really been en trap escape was Impossible, and a sudden feel ing of a -wade even my hand tremble. "Come, my friend!" pursnad the lady, whnse face was stilteoncealed by the mask ; and taking my arm as she spoke, she led me forward to-a door. which she unlocked and throw open. Alt was dark Inside, and I fancied the air felt cold and damp. I hesitated, and even drew a step back. " What!" she exclaimed with a light laugh, "are you afraid to enter here to-night, Sir Richard, where you have so often bean with me betore ?" These words convinced me that I had indeed been mistaken for somebody else—no less, in fact, than an English baronet—and determined me to go for ward and see The end of the strange affair. "Of course, I am not afraid of you," I ventured to say ; but what if the count should have returned during your absence?" This was The first time I had spoken in the lady's hearing, and I was not is little curious to know what effect my voice might produce, notwithstanding her eyes had been deceived by my personal appearance, for I had at no time been masked myself. To my great relief she did not indicate in any way that there was anything wrong in either the sound or the words, but answed with assuring promptness: "Oh, if that is all, have no fear, for be cannot possibly reach Paris before three days. But how was it, Sir Richard, that you disappointed me be fore?" " I must explain that some other time," I evasive ly replied " Here, madam, please give me your hand," I added, as she was abnut to set forward through the dark passage in advance of me; "I can always walk better with such a sweet friend to guide Inc.' She gave me her hand, though I fancied there was a slight hesitation It might be only fancy, but somehow my suspicions were reawakened. Could it be that we were both playing_a part ? that the whole affair from the beginning was merely a plot to decoy me, a foreign stranger, Into her meshes, for the purpose of robbery if not murder? that what I supposed to he a mistake was merely a rase, and for her own wicked purpose she was permitting me to think that I was deceiving her? The very Idea, under the circumstances, was so startling, that In a moment I felt the cold perspiration start from every pore, and I would have giver half my fortune to have been safely at my hotel. It was now too bite, however, to attempt a retreat ; we were grop log our way through a dark vetave, with the door closed behind us; but her hand rested in mine, and I held It In such a way that she could not withdraw it without my consent. Daylight, moreover, could not he far off, and there was some little consolation In the thought We presently came to a flight of stair, ascended to another story, passed through a long, narrow cor ridor, with several sharp turnings, and at last stopped at a door, which she unlocked and threw open. A blare of light from a large chandelier al most darzled me, ant! I saw at a glance that the apartment was luxuriously furnished. As soon as we had entered, the lady locked the door, and then removed her mask, disclosing a young and beautiful face, so animated and radiant with •smiles that In stantly I felt ashamed of my base suspicions. " There now,Sir Richard„" she said, gaily " you shall seat yourself In that leareuil, we will have a glass of wine together, and then we will arrange our plan with what haste we may, so that you can depart before daylight If you wish." Could it be that even here, in this light, at such close quarters, she still mistook me for one who by her own showing was an intimate friend? The thing hardly seemed possible. If true our resem blance to each other must be remarkable indeed; if not true, then I had been lured hither fur some dreadful purpose. I seated myself as directed, and awaited the result with a good deal of nervous anxiety. She stepped out of the room for a militate, I through an inner door that was slightly ajar, and returned without her domino, in a very rich dress, and with a decanter and two wine-glasses on a silver waiter. . . 7 :Were is your las orite sherry, Sir Richard," she said, with a very sweet smile, Placing the wafter on a table, pushing the latter up before me, and seating -- the opposite side. thought occurred As I filled the twostasww, to toe that the wine might he poisoned drinks, however, I will." I said mentally, "but not otherwise." We touched glasses, and both carried the wine to our lips. My eye was upon her. She coughed Blighty, and removed hers untested . In an instant I threw mine over my shoulder unperceived, and remarked, as I replaced the glass, that I had never tasted any thing better. "Try another glass; one hardly gives you the flavor. P' she said, with her sweetest smile. I thanked het, refilled the glass, took It in MY hand, and soon managed to get rid of it in the same man ner as the other. " Now, then," she pursued, "let us arrange our plan shout Marie, while we have an opportunity. Yon know the count tippozes your marriage, for no other reason theft —Bat, by-the-bye,-Cit . Richard, you have neglected to drink her health!" "True!" returned f ; "how could I have been so thoughtless?" I refilled the glass. "To the health of my dear Marie, and our speedy unloa!" I con tinued, raising it to my Ills. The eye of my fair hostess, gleaming with a peculiar light, was now watching me closely "Hark r said I, mddenly, looking quickly round, " what sound is that ?" Where? what, Sir Richard? what do you hear r she exclaimed, with a startled glance around the apartment. " I think I was mistaken," I said, after a short pause, daring which I had managed to get rid of the wine withont drinking It. When she tamed to me again I was in the act of removing the empty glass from my lips. She saw this, and on the instant a strange expression of wicked triumph flitted across bet hcautitel features. It was momentary, but it was fiend-like. I felt my blood curdle. My worst suspicions theh were Just ! I was ensnared! Row was Ito escape? Instantly I resolved that she should not again quit my sight, and my hope lay only in throats upon her lire, while alone with me and in my power. She now without alluding to the plan which we bad ostensibly come together to discuss, commenced an animated con vertatlon about the reached ball--glanclug. furtively at me the while, as I fancied to dote the effect of the wine. To he certain I was right in my surmise, I thought it best to affect a heavy drowsiness, and se cretly watch her mottoes. I did so, and gradually appeared to fail asleep. As she perceived this, the mask of nature was also removed, and I saw her lark eyes gleam with a deadly light, and her proud lip curl in scornful itittmph. At length she ceased speaking, and for a minute or two eat and watched me in silence. Then as if to make sure, she ap proached and shook me, saying: " You pay me but spoor compliment, Sir Richard, to fall asleep in my presence!" And then, on find ing I gave no sign of consciousness, she added, in quite a different tone: "Poor fool I it shall be my care that you do not wake again! Yon have played your part to suit me, and now I will play mine to suit mymlf I" She turned away as if to leave the room, probably to summon her accomplices to finish her wicked work ; and at that moment I laid hold of her amt. As she looked around in alarm, she found me wide awake, and my eye Axed, upon here, with a severe and penetrating exprerslon. " 3isdam," raid I, in a low stern. measured tone, "If you would sage pone gui?ty life, do not attempt to escape, or call for help! I am not the poor fool you suppose! Yon buys played your part and 1 mine Do not flatter yourself I have been ensnared I know you, and boldly came hero to detect you in your guilt I Not a sin drop of your poisoned wine has passed my lips! " Your whole establishment is under the surveillance of the pollen ! add. unless I return to my friends by daylight, your mansion will he entered by the dread officers of the law, and every living soul in it will be taken into custody! Now mark well what I ray I Yon must instantly yourself conduct me clear ofyour premises! and if you dare to falter in the least -or attempt to raise an alarm, that moment, so sure as there Is a tiod in heaven, you die! Now give me your hand and lead the way l" White withterrified amazement, and trembling like an aspen, the guilty, wretched WOE= stood cowering before my stern. penetrating glance. For nearly a minute she Seemed too much overpowered to move from the spot. I took her hand, grumped it like a vice, and -aUently' . ..polnted to the Aeor. At length she went . forward with tottering steps. In silence she led me through the dark corridor. down the stairs, through the passage, into the court, through another parser, and opened the last door that admitted ain to Lilo and light. Morn was just breaking; and as 1 telt the cool air ot hmsven upon my fevered brow, and thought - of my narrow escape from death; there (I.me such a whirl of Str3l4o lions that reeled forward li ke a cm_ barrodeitted The mansion I bad just quitted stood on the banks of the BeMe, about two miles below the old city ; and I believe if I bad drank the wine o ff ered me, my rifled body would soon have been test into the rush in waters. I believe, moreover, the mansion, grand asst appeared, was only a den of robbers and mur derers—that the woman was simply a beautiful de coy for strangers and foreigners—end that many a poor, unsuspecting Boni bad taken its Sight front there to the eternal world I did not communicate with the police, for the reason that, in the first place, I could bring no charge of crime, against any; and, in the second place, I did not wish to become in volved with the French courts of law; but thankful beyond expression for my own escape, I firmly re solved never to risk my life again in another myate rkona adventure in Paris! REPORT OF R £ 'CROTON, IN., SUPERINTENDENT OF COMMON SCIIOOI.B IN SUSSUE lIANNA COUNTY, FOR 1863. HOUMA —The new ones are of wood, and will aver age In size, say 93 by 30 feet; costing from $250 to 1400. Similar to these arc most of the houses In Brooklyn, Bridgowater, Clifford, Friendsville, Great Bend, Jackson, - Lathmp, Lenox, Little Meadows, , 1 In Apolacon, 1 In Ararat, m Choconnt 1 or , In Dimock 1 or 2 In Forest Lake 4or 5, Franklin 9, Gibson 3 or 4, Harmony S or 4, Herrick 4, Jessup 3 or 4 Middletown 1 oe 2, Oakland 1, Sliver Lake 1 or 3, Springville 1, Thomson 2, and perhaps a few others. The rest, except the graded school buildings, are mostly primitive structures, from 33 to 50 years old, and have been frequently detfcribed. The houses recently built are too small. Thrtigh there is pro gress, It is still necessary to urge that the first and constant want, in the school room, Is good air, then good Instruction. A few of these houses have yards enclosed and Improved. More have small lots fenced on three sides. But some are built on waste land by the road side, or on corners barely large enough for their foundations. These newer houses have, generally, necessary out-buildlngs. The goaded school buildings are two stories high, except the one at Montrose, which Is three; and at Great Bend, which Is but one; the rooms being on the same floor, divided by partitions partly of glass. This, when practicable, Is a better arrangement for super vision, as It avoids the clatter of suing np and down stairs. Furniture.—ln the new houses referred to above, the seats are, in most eases, fastened to the floor, have backs and are made to accommodate two eta dentif each. In some of these houses there is a de fect in not grading the seats ; not having' any low enough to suit small children; in some the writing desks are too high above the seats, and too far Imm them In front, depriving the writer of the free and easy use of the muscles of the arm, and requiring a leaning, uncomfortable posture. Apparatus.—Most of the schools have bl ack-board surface but some have not a sufficleoey. A few of the townships have furnished maps and charts. Oc caalonally other apparatus, as letter cards, cube-root blocks, &e., it used, but, generally, Is the private property of the teacher. Letter cards should be in every school where rudiments of reading are taught. &hoax—The Brooklyn Centre school was, lent winter, divided In two departments, with two teach ers. The grades are not regular. Algebra, rhetoric, book-keeping, &c ., are taught The Great Bend graded school has 3 departments, and 3 teachers. Chemistry, National philosophy, book-keeping, Sr.c., are taught The New Milford school has 3 depart ments, and 3 teachers. Grades not regular. Al gebra, philosophy, geometry and physiology are taught. At Susquehanna Depot are 2 schools, each of which has two departments. The Montrose school has 4 departments, with 7 teachers. It has, sometimes, had over MO students in attendance. The Latin, Greek and French languages algebra, geometry, astronomy, philosophy, rhetoric and his tory are taught A schm4 for colored children, with colored teacher, Is also in operation in cornice. Gott with it. The other schools, in which the higher branches are sometimes taught, have, usually, only algebra; but now and then physiology, philosophy and history are pursued No schools are entirely un classified, but quite a number ate yet imperfect in this respect Pearnittaffona and Cere(ficalea.—Examlnations were oral and written combined, but chiefly oral. Two days were devoted to each, last fall, to snbsPren another purpose as institute or drilL District Svierintendeut —Lenox pays district super intendent $.,0, and Brooklyn $lO, per year. District Inslitittes.—District institutes have not been held in Harmony, Lathrop, Sliver Lake, Her rick, Harford, Oakland, Liberty and Chapman inde pendent district The attendance of teachers, In most of the districts, has been quite irregular. The general opinion expressed, Is, that if promptly at tended and efficiently conducted, they would ac complish much good; but that, owing to difficulty in reaching the place of meeting, by female teachers, and want of energy,. In conducting them, practically they are of lltte value. From four or five townships, when well attended and conducted, the report was decidedly favorable. Tntehers —Two false notions too mach prevail as to the qualifications and appropriate work of the teacher. We shall never Malts true progress nntß ... 1 2ese idea. are thoroughly eradicated . One of these is, that it does not require much ability for a Com petent teacher of primary classes. The other is, that it is the chief business of the scholar to read monde, ideas or no ideas, to solve problems according to rules and formulas, and to learn printed answers to printed questions; and that it Is the principal duty of the teacher to we that such lessons are got, and hear them recited. Some good results (as well as some bad ones) are thus reached, but it is in a roundabout way, and at great disadvantage. We have some teachers who fnitil their true province; snore understand what it should be, better than they are able to practice; and still more who teach as they were taught, as above described. Of the awes o f manures, the causes assigned by directors were, In one, "dislike by the proprietors," in one, " Inez anpedrielon the ce and otherw a t „n ot l i y e t tgm ys eßt ini n the teacher;' goodness for Its own sake and its —There seems to be a lack in howeltnrn reward . r d en lc. a i tlon of kindness, courtesy and reepect, and an increase a km.f ck In the development of the spirit ch in le tt oatuNdlensposnoyitlinogn an w d ld ro ch .d manit yb,h es pra te nk itself a. In nits- Edurafimial Agenrics.-31 05 t of the graded schools hai ve.and had a " teachers` class," as have, also acade h good. Public Interest is select schools , schools, In the county, which have accomplished roue sorbed in the condition of the country, every aspira tion and Impulse being for the crushing of the re bellion, for ;;e re-establishment of national stability, r: Still, d prosperity and greauiZsc, ° for the end of a desolsting:..... a firm, 3nst basis, and attention paid to edttcation la better than con,": be expected. !!== 'rite Town (1, Baitm—ln 'recent hums of Black wood'A Myosins, a writer describes the Tower of Babel as ft appears to the traveller of the present day: "Alter a ride of nine miles we were at the foot of Brie-Nimrod. Our horses' feet were trampling upon the remains of bricks, which slowed here and there through the accumulated data and rub bish of ages Before our eyes uprose • great mound of earth, barren and bare. This was Eris-Nimrod, the Milne of the Tower of Babel, by which t.e first builders of earth vainly hoped to scale high heaven. flees also it was that Nekueliviesiser built, for bricks bearing his name have been rotted in the ru ins. At the top of the mound a great mints of brick work pierces the accumulated soil. With your gets you you touch the very bricka—large, square shaped and massive—that were thoroughly burned the Tel Mcmtar, the slime,' now hard as granite, handled more than kittr thousand years ago by earth's Impious people. From the stiolit of the mound, far away over the plain, we could ads, whitening as a star, the gilded dome of a mosque, that ought and reflected the bright rays of the morning sun. "thLf glittering speck was the tomb of the holy An. To pray before this at some period of his life—to kiss the sacred duet of the earth around there at some Lime or other—to bend everyody and count Ms beads —is the daily desire of devout Mahomedan." A RawanasilteOntlncr.—Not long ago was found at Toledo, Spain, la n nionasteq, a paper con- Wiling the fellowlng prophecy: " in the tar West beyon the ocean will rise a anion which Will be treat In power and wealth ; and • Sataa, In one of his walks to and fro in the earth, will observe this nation and, determined to destroy their happiness, will there send two monsters, one to the North, and the other to the South, and he will give them strawberries, and they will eat them; and, alter they have eaten, they will feel a great thirst, not to be quenched with anything else but bleed. ' They will, therefore, cause the brother to slay the brother, fa. titer to slay the sun, and the Con ow father, and they will chink the blood of the slain, and it will bring lamentation throughout the land. Aid, when the time Is fulfilled, there will rise a strong, man In the North who will take the monsters 'And bind them and draw them Into the sea, where it la the deepest, and peace and happiness will again preireft throughout, and the people will praisethe Lord." It is said the monks in said monastery maintain that this prophecy was written before the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus, and that Ppeditumd and Isabella were, to the main, Winced hY Rt.) tit old the ships for Columbus, and that the first part of It is fulfilled in #mcaica, and the other part will awn come to pass.. CT a petroleum milllonalreio oi the kerosene arktoeracy. wrote the other Urn well•lmown Arm ht New York env. to the f wring brilliant el, best: "amid me per Exprellk toiggviti g CIAlt arroodottotaiWmthfor toy wise, and taut, um.D. 011Cluptz!spu(0:110*.i:im:CEVI Prom the /,cancincorth Conservative. Citizens of Leavenworth will remember that there stood on Main street, between Delaware and Shaw nee, in 1857, '5B and 59, on the ground now occupied by handsome brick buildings, a shabby-looking, tumbling, cottonwood shell. It was occupied, on the ground floor, by Hampton P. Denman, ex-Mayor, as a land agency office. The rooms above were reachtd by a crazy-looking stairway on the outside, up which none ever went without dread of their fall ing. Dingy signs informed the curious that within WWI a "law-shop," kept by Hugh Ewing Thomas Ewing, jr., W. T. Sherman, and Daniel McCook.— These constituted the firm known here in the early part of 1859 as Ewing, Sherman ds McCook. All were comparatively young men. All were ambi tions ; the one who has gained the greatest fame perhaps the tenet so of the associated lawyers. The Ewings had the advantage of high culture, consider able natural abilities, cold, impassive temperaments, and a powerful family influence to aid their aspira tions. Hugh Ewing was hut little known hertui bouts, though acknowledged to be a brilliant and versatile genius by his intimates. " Yming Tom," es the other scion is familiarly called, has always been a prominent and influential man. The third member of the firm fills to-day one of the proudest pages in the history of our land. His nano and fame take rank with the greatest of ee.rth. All conspire to do him honor. Aliens bow to his genius, and enemies show the extent of their fears of its power by the virulence of their hate and Its manifestations. W. T. Sherman neve* mingled In our pnblicalTairs. He lived among us for several months, having some landed interests here. An outlying part of our city plat is marked on the maps as " Sherman's Addition." Prior to entering upon the practice of law in this city, he lived for some time in the vicinity of Topeka, upon a farm of 150 acres, which we believe he still owns. ills neigh hors tell of his abrupt manner, reserved, yet forcible speech nod character. Previous to residing in Kan sas, Sherman had lived lo California, where, as' a miner, banker, and Lawyer, he made and lost a large fortune. A graduate of West Point, he had previ ously held a Captain's commission in the Topo graphical Engineer Corps, and, in pursnance of duty, had made several important surveys and ex plorations, the reports of which had been duly pub lished by Government. They relate principally to routes for the Pacific Railroad. The fourth member of the firm, Daniel McCook, was known and appreciated here by the fraternity as one of the best of "good fellows." He was young, active, ardent, an Intense partisan and ambitious Wight, who held the tolerably 7 good opinion of his own capacity common to the pin-kather " state of the genus Immo. " Dun" practiced law before the lower courts, doing the justice and probate; and al• ways having plenty of work In the Culled States District Court, which was often the scene of sinus ing sparring between him and the judge—the able but indecent Petit—whose judgments Dan was In the habit of freely criticising. All the firm were Buckeyes—the Ewing!, tieing sons of the able and venerable Hon. Thomas Ewing. of that State. Sherman Is connected with them by marriage, being a brother to Mrs. Thomas Ewing, jr. we believe. He is a brother of Senator Sherman. McCook belonged to the since famous fighting fami ly of that name. His father was the well-known Major McCook, killed In the Ohio-Morgan raid. One brother was killed In the first Bull Run battle. Another was the Brigadier General :McCook, mur dered by guerrillas in Southern Kentucky. Another, brother or uncle we know not which, is the famous Major General ?McCook of the Armies of the Cum- beiland and Tennessee. tie politics the firm was unequally proportioned, Thomas Ewing, Jr., being a conservative Republican, while his brother Hugh, Sherman, and McCook were all Democrats, the latter being an active local poli tician, and at one time elected Probate Jndge of this county The city then being largely Democratic and somewhat pro-slavery, the firm possessed con siderable influence. A. good story is told of Sherman's experience as counsel and of his dissolution of partner s hip to take the potitionheld by him when the war broke out— that, of President of the Military College of Lou isiana. While in the practice of the law here, Sherman was consulting partner, hating an almost Maur mounrame OtljeCtllm to" ineau.M; accorded the possession, as a lawyer, of thorough knowledge of legal principles: a clear, logical per. motion of the points and equity Involved In any case. He could present his views in the must direct manner, stripped of all verbiage, yet perfectly accu rate In form. He was perfectly an jail in the au thorities. But to return to our story. Shortly after the re ception of the offer from the Governor of Louisiana in relation to the College, Sherman was compelled to appear before the Probate Judge--Gardner we believe. The other partners were busy, and Sher man, with his authorities and his case all mapped ..out, proceeded to court. He returned in a rage two hence after. Something had gone wrong. He had been pettifogged out of the case by a sharp, petty attorney opposed to him, in a way which was dis gusting to his intellect and his conscience. His amour proper was hurt, and he swore that he would have nothing more to do with the law in this State. That afternoon the business was closed, partnership dissolved, and in a very short Imo Sherman was on his way to a more congenial clime and occupation. The war found him in Louisiana, and despite of his strong pro-slavery opinions, found him an intense anti da,-,ated patriot. We met him been, and, though but slightly ac quainted, have remembered aver since, the impres sion he left on our mind. He sphered himself to our perception as the most remarkable Intellectual em bodiment offerer It had been our fortune to encount er. Once since, we met him, In our lines before Corinth, where he tfad command of the right wing of lialleck's magnificent army. The same Impres , sion was given then, combined with the idea of ner ' cons vitality, angularity of character, and intense devotion to what he had in band. Sherman is truly ' an idealist, even unto fanaticism, though, in all probability, if told so he would abruptly retort back an unbelieving sarcasm. lie outlines himself to our memory as a man of middle stature, nervous, mus cular frame, with a long keen head, sharply defined from the forehead and long of the ears. His eyes have a bluish-gray cast, and an introverted look, but full of smouldering fire. His mouth Is sharp and well cut; the lower part of the face powerful, though not heavy. His complexion lair. hair and beard of a sandy-red, straight, short, and strong. His tem perament is nervoussangnine and he is fail of crotchets and prejudices, which, however, never stand in the way of practical results. The idea or rather object, which rule• him for the time, over rides everything else. Round the month we remem ber a gleam of saturnine humor, and in the eye a look of kindliness which would attract to him the caress ea Or children. Such a r c .he Impressions lelt on our mind by the only militarily educated member of this legal quer tette.--ell of whom have held commissions as gener als In our army. Hugh Ewing went early into the war as Colonel of an Ohio Regiment, to which State he had returned before the rebellion. He was soon promoted to a brigadiership. He has served honorably through most of the campaigns in the central south, and la now, we believe, In Keetucky. He has been wound ed more than once. Dan McCook's name has passed into history as one of the most gallant young lives offered as a sac rifice to secure American nationality. Ile was, we think, the second captain mustered in role this State, in the Veteran let Kansas, as early us the be ginning_of May, 1861. He was all through Its fa mous Missouri campaign, under Lyon. His friends here remember the jubilant expreasion to which his ambition gave vent when he first left for the acid : " Here's for a colonel's epaulets or a soldier's gr ace." ile knew not how prophetic was the utterance. lie wad the Brat and more, and the latter Is now his trusting Inheritance of fame. After the regiment re turned to Kansas, In the fall of 1861, Captain Dan. was placed on staff duty we believe, with one of the Dena a&Cook, then in Kentucky. Boon after ho was prostrated With sickness. On recovering ho raised and commanded the 04 Ohio. For a long Owe he was acting Brigadier, participated through all Itosecrams'. famous campaigns in Tennessee. He was wounded, and alter promotion as Brigadier, re turned to Ohio sick, where he died. " As man-may, ho fought his tight, Proved his truth by Me endeavor , Let him sleep In solemn DIVA, Bleep forever and forever, ' The remaining member of the firm, Gen. Thomas Ewing, Jr., Is too well known to need particulariz ing by us, The war found him our Chief Juelee. In the summer of ltrai he resigned, raised the 11th Regiment, became its Colonel, Run participated In all the engagements of the Army of the Frontier du ring the - following fall and winter. lie wm after ward promoted to a Brigadiership, and hassKaincen been in command of the Western IBssouri and sas District, wherein he was not popular. He has, for over a year, been In command , of the District of BOtitheast Missouri, with Bt. Louis as Headquarters, where ha le popular. Ella undoubted administrative ability comes Into durin R e lay b lay hero. The defence of and retre from Pita the campaign, a retied at great, credit upon hia skill and courage as Tao It all in all, mho legal.military arm of which we bare been giving these random notes Is one of the most remarkable proofts of the versatility and tit' American character that this, war, ta t eres ill it tain e exarnples, has yet produced. - - - ittCre ten YOU. YOU= latllee i , th at divine love is You* brod after tro your ". thin open the foottirnen* pci*Eiti:Voluivaorciov;is!,(o44 Young gentlemen who indulge In connublalism often see a great deal in a very little time. In this particular school the very dullest people rapidly take on new Ideas. A case In illustration was heard on Saturday, before Alderman Welding. A young gentleman—we will call him Mr. Wilkins—had re cently reaped the harvest of a protracted courtahlp in the shape of a marriage certificate and a good looking damsel in cherry colored lips and six-and" three-quarter kids. Shortly_ after the wedding driy a collector called upon Mr. Wilkins with a " llttit bill" of fifteen dollars for sundry back-combs, hand- kerchiefs, and other etceteras. purchased by the bride In order to render herself as stunning as possi ble on the evening she adjured the name of Jones In favor of the patronymic of Mr. Wilkins. As the collector appeared a model of patience, Mr' Wilkins received the bill, looked at It, and allowed he "knew nothing about IL" He called Mrs. Wilk ins.—" Angelina, my love, what Jones Is this?— Here's a bill for Miss Angelina Junes." " Why ducky, that's me." " Possible "Yes, dear. I quite forgot to get money from ma to pay it with." " Well, as ma has gone to Chicago, and as I have nothing to do with It, the man must wall" Mr. Wilkins so Informed the collector, and im mediately closed the front door, leaving collector to stand upon the sidewalk. As we get this from the collector himself, it must be as ho says. Collector, however, knew a little about the law.— It is said that necessity knows no law.' This Is all humbug. Collectors receive a percentage for col lecting bills. He felt a necessity for his money, and results proved that he knew a gond deal of law.— He entered suit against Mr. Wilkins for his wile's debt. The hearing came off as we have said, on Saturday morning, before Alderman Welding: Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins appeared In per son. Collector proved the debt, Mrs. Wilkins was too lady-like to deny it. Mr. Wilkins, of course, followed copy, but claimed that because he married a set of rippling curls and a pointed bodice It was no reason why he should pay for getting them up. Alderman Welding, to the surprise of Mr Wilk ins, produced a volume of Pardon's digest, and proved to the contrary. He pointed out old decis ions, established precedents, that a citizen in marry ing a lady also marries her debts. Much as he would like to rale to the contrary Alderman Weld ing said It was impossible, and judgment must be entered against Mr. Wilkins for the debt and the cost of suit. Mr. Wilkins was too well bred to express sur prise, but he looked like a school boy after a lesson in Euclid. The proposition was demonstrated, and must be correct, but to comprehend the reasoning was another matter. lie accordingly paid the bill and the costs, amounting to a trifle over twenty dollars, and ice the office with the air of a man who has acquired sudden knowledge. Another ease illustrative of the same idea was heard by Recorder Roe° on the same day. A dim inutive German—we will call him Mr. Kraut, enter ed complaint that his wife had beaten him in a man ner literally merciless. He nnswathed his head from the bandages surrounding it, exhibited the marks of a broom-handle administered with no fee ble unction. Mrs. Rmut was arrested. She stood full ELL feet high, with breadth of shoulder and length of arm in due proportion. The husband re iterated his affidavit. The woman made no defense, and the magistrate fined her for intoxication. As she did not pay the line, the officer motioned her to follow him to prison. She Immediately obeyed the order. " What you goin' to do?" asked Mr. Kraut. "Take that woman to prison." "Take her to prison?" " Certainly." "And who dakes care of der baby ?" "Don't know ; suppose you must take care of It yourself." "hut I can't. I goes now to mine vork." " Well, if somebody don't pay her fine she must be locked up." " Cud must I git knocked into der cellar by mine rife, nod mine het broke, and den turn aroundt and pay for It ?" "Somebody must " Mr. Kraut said something that sounded like pro- fanity. Ile dropped rive dollars and ten tears, the N i r e m i e i w , the n,r deek of the recorder, the latter upon In profound wonder at the curiosities of the law. As we said before, people indulging in matrimony often learn a great deal by a very short course of study.—Piiita. !forth American.' DRIBEENG FOR A PHOTOGRAPH. thic of our exchanges has the following as to how one should dress when about to sit for a photo graph A lady or gentleman having made up her or his Mind to be photographed, naturally considers, In the tirat place, how to be dressed so as to show off to the best advantage. This is by no means such an nnimportant matter as many might Imagine. Let me oiler a rear words of advice, touching dress.— Orange color, for certain optical reasons, is, photo graphically, black ; blue Is white ; other shades or tones of color arc proportionately darker or lighter, as they contain more or less of these colors. The .progressive smile of photographic color commences with the lightest. The order stands thus : white, light blue, violet, pink, mauve, dark blue, lemcn, blue green, loather brown, drab, cerise, magenta, yellow given, dark brown, purple, red, amber, ma. roue, orange, dead black. Complexion has to be much considered in connection with dress. Blondes can wear much lighter colors than bmnetts ; the tatter always present better pictures in dark drosses, but neither look well in positive white. Violent contrasts of color should be especially guarded against. In photography, brunettes possess a great advan tage over their fairer sisters. The lovely golden tresses lose all their transparent brilliance, and are represented:black ; whilst the " bonny blue e'e" theme of rapture to the poet, is misery to the phot ographer, for It Is put entirely out. The simplest and most effective way of removing the yellow color from the• hair, is to powder it nearly white ; It is thus brought to Omni the same photographic tint as in nature. The same rule, of coarse, applies to complexion. A freckle, quite Invisible at a short distance, is, on account of its yellow color rendered most painfully distinct when photographed. The puff box must he called in to the assistance of art.. Here let me intrude one word of general advice.— ' Blue, as we have seen, Is the most readily affected by light, and yellow the !met; if, therefore, you would keep your complexion clear and free from tan and freckles, while taking your delightful rani bles at the sea side, discard by all means the bine veil, and snbstitute a dark green or yellow one in Its stead. Blue tulle offers no more obstruction to the rays of the sun than white. Hall a yard of yel low net, though perhaps not very becoming, will be found more efficacious, and considerably cheaper than a quart of kalydor. A CHAPTER ABORT HORSES. A San Francisco correspondent of the New-York Times Indulges in the following gossip about horses: The people of Yutnhile, Oregon, are raising mon ey to purchase the finest Black Hawk horse in Ore gon, to be forwarded as a tribute of their esteem and regard for General Sheridan, who was formerly stationed at that place—a Second Lieutenant then.— The horse will of coarse go by steamer, and be de livered to the General ut his headquarters. There are 401111 e tine horses In Oregon, but I wish they would commission me to select one here. Ido not mean the native California stock, for one of that breed would give hint a more sudden " hoist" than even his late well-dtaterved promotion. The Call. fomia horses indulge in a little amusement called " bucking," which performance consists in a short run, a bound in.the air, and coming down stiff leg ged, followed up by putting their noses to the ground and their heels In the air' bout sixty times in a minute, by which time they have got rid ot rid er, saddle, and nearly their own skins—dellghtful beasts. There are some splendid horses here raised from imported stock, lit even for a Major-General to ride, although the Oregon people think they are some on horses. Speaking of " bucking," reminds me of a little circumstance I witnessed In Charleston once upon a time. I laid over one day in traveling through, at the solicitation of a friend, to see a grand review of all the city troops. The Command- Mg-General had engaged for his steed a tine looking charger, that had been doing duty for several years In a bread cart. The troops were formed In line to be reviewed, and as the band struck up, the General and staff came galloping down In front at a good round pace, when just as he was passing the centre of the line, a fellow in the ranks knowing the char acteristles of the animal, sung out Bread." The old horde, true to habit, when hearing the.word came to a sudden halt, and as a matter of coarse, pltehing his rider over his head, and landing hlm, spread-eagle fashion,on therass. Discipline could not stand lt, and theve wasa roar of laughter frets one end of the line to the other, Including several hundred spectators. I think I never saw ro mad a man since I was born. fie jumped up, drew his sword, and for a few moments it seemed as if ho would take the life of every man on the ground.-- lie stormed and raved, offered untold wmlth for the name of the man who did the mischief, but I doubt if he ever knew. I never see a General and staff galloping down the line that 1 do not thtniebf the scene and the way that high functionary wentto grass. W. Never many mrtglont love, nor love whboul telleoll, $2.00 per annum, in advance. NIES433tR 12. REtrammazorSOITIIIEBB ARIBTOOBAft . ~ - . A large meeting, composed of many of the most intelligent and prominent citizens of Philadelphia, , was held in National Hall on Friday evening . 11 istelo take measures to remove the existing restrictions .. upon the travel of colored people in the ci ger care. The chair was taken byS2atthew t7 t= • win, egg. and addresses were made by Bishop Pot- -. "ter, BealLein H. Brewster eaq., and other . Bee°, lotions favorable to the objects of the moPtlng were ~ adopted, and a committee of citizens AU appointed, to lay the proceedlnms before the alms of the rail.- way companies. During the evening an addeww Waal, ade by Robert Purvis, of Byberry, in the con/Soot he related an anecdote which is worth repeat. - , in , . Mr. Perlis, whose skin Is of about the Gems , co or as the average of Caucasians, is very well 'ef ilr nooaor to many of our readers as a leading advocate ~ of the African nice. He said : . . " Several years ago I determined on a passage to Europe, and made pe rsonal application to the Cap tain of one of the line of steamem I emoted my passage, and made arrengements to les.ve iny family. A few days before my time of sailing, I re ceived a message from M. Heim Cope, requesting • an interview with me. I visited Mr. Cope, and toned • that a passenger objectei to my visiting Europe la • the same steamer. Mr. Cope advised me to give up the Intention of going, which I did. He reMa• to give me the name of the person who objected to my • passage ; but I went to New York, and ascertained his name from the captain. It was Bernard Carter, a Virginia slaveholder of wealth and distinction.) went to Portsmouth and took passage In a vessel bound for Liverpool. After remaining some time In England I prepared to return. I had seen Mr. , Carter in New York prior to my sailing, and nowi met him In Liverpool upon the shipping dock. He did not recognize me, and I found he was waiting for the steamer for A merica.i He was grave and re served in conversation, bet told me he was from • Virginia. I replied that I was from South Carolina. [Laughter.) This made a lellow feeling, and we were at once on terms of intimacy. [Morelauhter.j. Mr. Carter invited me to share his state-room with him. [Great laughter.) On our return trio we had as passengers a number of eminent Southern gen- • tlemen, among them Arthur P. Haines, of South Carolina, and David Hoffman, of Baltimore. On the Flak re we became intimate hien& Mr. Carter was a singniar man, and every morning he walked for half an hour before breakfast. South Carolina did the fame. [Great laughter.] We naed to Alt at night on the forecastle, conversing shout American affairs, and Mr. Carter always spoke with deference of .the opinions of his friend Purvis. When veneer ed New York harboethe captain celebrated the con clusion of the trip by inviting as all to dinner. Mr. Heiner , toasted! the President of the United States, and I was called on for the response. /dy address was warmly commended both by -Mr. 'Manor .and Mr. Carter. After dinner I gave one of the stewards liberty to tell any one be pleased that Mr. Carter had been entertaining a negro. He did It. Whatt I went on to the poop-deck I found Carter et Haines looking very blue, and Hoffman cort a * with laughter. They tested the truth of the 6 ry a and none of them ever forgot It."—Bucks Count y 04:14:/.04:1:01&wAyloi:grzpibigni;i0:1 1 4 The following analysis of the romance-writer and an estimate of the poet, as chums rather than In dividuals, we trauriate from that powerftd work, Tair: , 'a History of English Literature: TUE sore:Lax. What Is a novelist ? In my judgment be is a psy eulogist, one who naturally and involuntarily repre svots psycologswin action. Ho is nothing mortiand' nothing less. He loves to picture to himself senti ments, to touch their secret springs, and trace their . precedents, and consequences, and thus contrive ' pleasure for himself. To him sentiments are forces ~f diverse tendencies, and of greater or less degree, of grandeur. Little does he concern himself with the justice or injustice of their manifestations. He assembles them together in his personages, suid,con ceiving a dominant quality, watches its effect on I , other qualities, noting t o concordant or discordant influences of temperame t, education and ocenpa tin" 11.4"'ric(7rA, nnteo world ofThelina on an nwa ee ng a -astute croon ur-ron gunge and outward action. To this his work cede rue itself. Whatever may be his own prediletticale, he is indiffipent to them. A tree painter regards with satisfaction a well set arm, and vigorous mna- - ries, even if employed In knocking down a man ; a true novelist delights in contemplating the gran deur of an evil sentiment or the unfolding of a per-. Melons character. . His talent consists of sympathy, for this' is the on ly faculty which copies nature with fidelity; sharing the emotions of his characters his whole thought...hi bent off registering their conflict and morning their species and power. He represents them to us just as they are in Their entirety, without undertaking either to condemn,punlsh or pervert them; ho trans ports them intact into our breasts, leaving us the privilege of pronouncing judgment. What hestrives to do la to render them visible; it is his aim to lilS engage types which the accidents and imperfections of real life obscure and distort, to bring the dmper passions of humanity into relief, to bo moved 'with the grandeur of the beings he has himself animated, to make us forget ourselves through the potency of his creative ability. In this expression of his power we recognise art, indifferent and universal like tuv tuns, but more free and more powerful, for, In tak ing up the sketchy, disfigured work of her rival, art corrects nature's defects and renders her concep lions effective. It is the peculiarity of the poet to be ever. young, to be ever exuberant. With us of the common herd things are worn out ; sixty centuries of dvlllzatlon have tarnished their original freshness ; we no long er distinguish them except through a mist of stereo typed phrases, which we constantly use withorit comprehending them; instead of splendid flowers they are tine vegetables; the to ono lorimeval for eat Is for us only a well - areas and WO familiar kitchen-garden. The Poet, on the central', con fronts the world like the first man on the lint day. All our catalogues and judgments, all the parapher nalia of association and prejudice vanish limit his mind instantly. Things to him seem new. He is astonished, ravished. Sensations pour in on him and oppress him ; it is the all-powerful life-blood of human invention which, stagnant In us, In him re sumes its flow. Fools pronounce the Poet ineAlle.— The truth ts, he le clear eightexL In vain do We rest inert, for nature la ceaselessly active. The ann which rises so grandly to-day rises alit did at the first dawn ; the flowing streams, these plants which abound, these passions that agitate us, the forces which plunge beings Into this tumultuous vortex are now aspiring and embattling with the same ener gy as on the day of their beginning ; the Immortal heart of nature still palpitates, still expands Its rude vestiture, throbbing and obtaining echoes from the poet's heart when ours is no longer responsive, In lfgal, the following advertisement appeared:— " Mr. Daniel Lambert, or Leicester, the bossiest man that aver lived. At the age of thirty-six years he weighs urarda of fifty stone (fourteen pounds to the stone , nr eighty-seven stones fourpOunds London we ight (I. t. butchers' weight of eight pounds to the stone), which Is ninetpone pounds more than the great Mr. Blight weighed. Mr. Lam bert will see company at his home, number fifty three Piccadilly, next Albany, nearly opposite-ISL James' Church, from eleven to five o'olock...c'plea ets of admission, one shilling each." He Was onett the lions of London for a time. Ilia exhibition room (what a lemons place Piccadilly turbot' mlbr giants, dwarfs, ken people, and IktpeOplel) was visited by the high-born as weft as by thOvulear; and he appears to have been respected as well as looked at, tnr he was a kind and sensible man. fie was always shocked at the Idea of any personal In , dignity or insult being mat upon him on the ground of his bulk, by coarse-minded persons; and this known susecpilbility was generally respected. Mr. Lambert was was healthy In spite of hls obesity.— ' dome yearn earlier, when he was thrice the weight of an ordinary man, he could carry the weight of live hundred pounds. During the last fifteen years of his life, he drank nothing but water, and was tiii• natty cheerful and good humored. Ma bulk , In creased year by year, untft shortly before hit death, in 113 0 0. he attained the unprecedented weight of seven hundred and thirty-nine pounds (nearly fifty three stones). His cattle was severnivalr Inches long by fifty-two wide, and contained one hAndlvd and twelve square feet of elm. TinYcodin Was regu larly built upon axles and wheels; and not only the window, but also the side of a room bad to be tak en down, to afford a passage rertthe bulky was& The wheeled coffin was Arawn to - fit- Martin's chnrhyard, where a gradual descent wus made to the grave be excavating the ground. We-remember seeing, a few years ego, at a Wettriakenato the city haul a pair of shoes, the counterpart Of -some which hid been made for the weighty Daniel - by a former own er of the shop; they were, as Thomas Mood said at stage-coachman's great-coati Too broad to be conceived by hey narrownlind. - as nor Mama r 4, "We returned home on Tenradan n sus an editor, " Mar a trip of six hnndred mile', in about three and a half days, having. inAkatillne. pima over four States, eine railrmds. four o.zen, and a bar , ouch% Any person who has done more in that time, will please tortnt4o ,101n.5e,4 • n 4 1171 0 balnet CM 3 , •50• • ri f • - ' ♦ eumicumsx's vreWs. ME POET. DANIEL LAMBERT. CI 7Ysi