The flidOendtat gepubticait. 4 3114 174... : [ qtltf.l_ - LOCAL MATTERS. List: /Mil—lt Is said that " the wind goeth where It listeth ;" hut, if so, It listeth not to go In at the doors of such as nee Clay's Patent Weather Strip. Whereof the Win Will consult Ilseleton, "ye artist," of Montrose. Denedier.—Thens will he a donation visit, on afternoon, Fvoreary Ist, for the benefit d ltev. D. Worrell, Mg residence, near the Ball Church. All are respectfully invited to attend. Orvirr el the Committee. Donation.—The friends of Rev. A. 0. Warren are invited to make him a donation visit at liankerson's , Meshoppen, on the afternoon and evening of J at ey .20th, 1%5. There will he an Oyster Sapper lon the occasion. fir Order of Commiitoe. Ilentation.—The friends of Rev. L F. Porter will lake hint u donation visit, at his house, In Brook pi, 8n the afternoon and evening of Thursday, Feh r:l:try 2d, 1565. A general Invitation Is extended to rtr Order of ramekin/v... arrterritirral Reports.--We are under oblige - lons to George esq., our calcient Repre sentative in the State Legislature, for a copy of the " 11.• port of the Transactions. of the Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society for the years 1.561.—.2 :I," as well as for other shotlar favors. Vbfunterra Wtrutted—To fill the quota for New iilford Born' ; for , which the most liberal bounties sill be naid. Apply Immediately to D. C. An4wr . .losika Moss- New Milford, Jun'y .irrt Important Fact.—lt is a fact not generally - nown that the War Department will discharge sot who have aged and Infirm parents deiwudent , n then) for support, or whose families are in very ndicent eiretimstatteca. Persons in.erested to are the necessary , papers made out by applying to it Burns, Senator Turrell's office, Montrose. See d rertisement. 13 w.) .teknorefedenent.—The Ladles' Ald Society of leriord recently gAV 0 an Oyster Supper for the hen 'tit of sick and wounded soldierb, of which the pro- Stile were eighty-one dollars and fitly eight cents, .itleA the necessary expenses. The Society would iso unitcfally acknowledge the receipt of ten nliars from the hand of Mk,. Sarith M. Walker. g liartord, Jan'y ISM], 11415. Elk Lake Soldkrgr alet.—The ladies of the Sol i .lal Society prepared an Oyster supper on the vening of the Rh of December, at Stevens's lk Lake, for the purpose of raring funds to aid our k and wounded - soldiers. They would acknowl- Age the receipt of el:4 1 / 1 y 8s e dollars, and would ordially thank the friends of Elk Lake and vicinity or their good attendance. Ibb Mesci E. iOrNG, &rretarti Brow• on liorxmatreartion.—The speech of Hon. 1. A. Grote at the Court House on Monday evening net was worthy the tame or the dist inguiatred speak •r. It evinced deep study of the subject, and was . ceived by the large and appreciative audience an it Grow's eloquent deliverances arc always received the voters or Susquehanna County. We are un- Ne, at this time to give even an abstract of IL .innercr to J. B. 11.—Mr. Edi or:—Your cor. •sp.ndent, J. B. 8., in the last .k , pub/icaa, says hat "last Sunday was the-first day of the week, on'h, end year," and inquires When such a coin idence occurred betore and will again occur. Such • coo,, ldr•nce occurred in lead, and will again oe. •ur in lb% It occurs four tones every tweill3. ight years in regular periods of six, five, air, and Neves years each. It has occurred ten times since he commencement of the present century, and will re tines more—if time lasts b() long—ere lon close, Auburn, Jan'y 33th, ItifiS. W. B. P;Vfiill of Sheep Raising.--Vr. Editor saw n sour at lane a piece beaded " Sheep va, Doga," 'vb.,: an a ecount of twenty four cheep and the pro ta thereof. I will admit that It was pretty well ;one. but think that I can beat It. I started the inter of 1564 with thirty-one aba.p; all ma,. thro' i . e., and np to the that of September I had Fold thy, lbs. of wool at SI per pound, making $120,50, trd M4I worth of sheep, and had the same number, 't left: The &Ilea amounting to 1t . —* . .":0,50. E. W. Bras's, Greenfield, Lucerne County, Penn's. January 14th, IMS ackaorledparat.—Elitor of RepuNienn ; —DEAD. in —With your pervoisi.ion, I wish, through the (Alum of your excellent paper, to express my •ear:telt gratitude to my numerous and gencroun ri,nds within the bound* of my charge for their kindness and liberality, evinced et our recent dona tion visits. We received at Forest Lake, December 221, trim Towne's and Taylor Hollow classes, forty live dollars; et Jesaup, January 10th, eighty-five dol. ars, at Montrose, January 12th, one hundred and Lirty-five dollars; making in all two hundred and • irty-five dollars. May heaven reward ynur genet , A. a Ea The Enrollment enrollment in many towns ie by far too huge, and the draft will be unmerciful • nless corrections are made. The following class es honld be stricken off: Dead men. Men in the service. Non residents. Those who have served two yearn. All dratted in 186^„ who paid lk" , 00. Those under '..a) yaws of age. Those over 45. Aliens. Those having manifst. Many are enrolled twice or more, and some are not enrolled at all. These ought to be corm•ted. The mail—.l :Veer Quofa to he .losioned ' ennorarrtnla--Ilajor J. bodze, Provost Marshal 'eneral 01 Pennsylvnela, has lv , aed sir,tosre so ..ouncig that by directions reedy-d from Proust .niatal General Pry, the district quotas assigned by under the call of December 19th, 1E64, and an •lounced 1 ,, the district Provost Marshals of the tale, by letters from Major Dodge, dated December are repseded, sad that new quotas will be es . Whiled for the ditlereuttlistricts by January I 3l st, ip to which time corrected enrollments will be !I -t leml. They should be forwarded immediately. II az heretofore been the cusbnu tar the Provost larshal General of the State to assign the district !notes, and the district Provost Marshals and en tweet boards assigned the quotas of their enteelte rlcta The Preedmtn.—Mize Antoinette L. itheridge, -he has been for more than a year te*liing the madmen in the vicinity of Beaufort, \. ;C., erode • n appeal for the dcititute under her charge. Pro ieioto• they have in plenty, but they are in pressing 11V1 dof clothing. Let our housekeepera take an ther look at their half-worn possessions, from baby clothing upward, for tenth Fez •R--and briog, all that can be spared to the Aid Roctuft on Thuraday nett. Society will convene hereafter at I o'clockt It is well known that our each lump; are kept Aridly to their proper channel, that of giving relief 10 suffering aoldiera, either in the of ma terial, or through theme engaged to nurses and mut ter it Of the latter, Mot. iVootton,when t George town, 2i11.4t Jane E. Bentley, now at Fo rest Mon roe, Mite Duda , at Chattanooga, and, his week, Mire Ellen Mitchell, at Washington. harp received . from na sums, more or lees, for the supply of-the immedlute wunts of the sick under their trure. All honor to women engaged in suo bleFied ‘ork. _sf 1 in an . „,..- Draft...issProenst Marabal General F has writ ten a letter to Gor. Miller, of Minnesota, • plaining e recent call tor 1'4 1 0,000 men. Ile say lit was nut rrpected that the call of July 18th, 1E414,( for 300.000 m.o. would put that number in the semi e, hecuu-e the act of Congress ender which the cal was made / directed that all etdistments made in the nave from De commencement of the rebellion untd he 11th of iihruary, 1404. should be credited upon he quotas; [:, d thene with other equitable claims 'for enlist eats not previonily ert-dtbxl, reduced tLat call,and .ndertd nooessary the one of December 111th, 1004, or 300,000. The object, therefore, of tlis last mill, sto put 000,000 men in the service Geo Fry adds tat whether the inc', tall enlisted for 0 e, two, OT three yearn, they will be counted as ree its in fill ing the quoin, and the ear...aa or ervdit to which coy [,,,utity may be entitled on account of thll g Ito gao -1 ta with three years men, will be estimatt to the us shriiment of future quotes. The deFigu tie go,. crewcut in to secure the 800,000 men ealltd for by the President, and the enlistment of flied for three ? - ears. will be of uo benefit on this calL t Truth Stranger thou Melton.— a Doyley.- .wu Democrat prints the annexed et ge history, .d rottchtlt for its truth : A f•-sr yt , ago there •,, •us living lu a northertFecuudy In Pe sylvania a K.., family. The mothertwas fond of r ding. One 1.3 i, peddler came clung with books to ell, which he wanted, but was unable to buy, fo 'she had no tutee. He asked her it she had _nothink to give In • eleinge. for them. and she said nothing but her ...ken. He said be would take one of , them, end bargain was struck fora fine-looklug 1 the bor— e peddler dressed him up nicely an took tam Tessa rolled round, and the chi was not eyyd from. He had become almost as ne dead.— ',non a very few months a gentleman I clog at the . .auty.sent of this same county one night dreatneda n•ani. He dreamed that somebody had died and left 6 '4+ , 7 of six or seven thousand doffars to the user of the little boy given away for, the books, d °to Kits now doing business In thigi ..etOwn •. the. laming he told the brother of b , dream, • • laughed, and- odd that he knew tio am who . Artlid haw law WO amoungotAnom • A &It dips afterward the brothersecelved notice-try - tgall that he had b.on left a legacy of seven thousand dollars, and it was by the little boy Who had-been taken away by the peddler., He bad settled In the West and done well, and had tiled, or been killed in the army, alter making& wiltin favor of his brother.. Let those who study the "philosophy of dreaming," turn thts matter over in their brains. • • Sealers' Jfd In fitraqudtattat Editor !—The following Report was origitially.pre pared for the Executive Committee of the W. P. Brain of the U. 8. hanitary Commission at Phila.. delphbr. At our request, it has been given ns for publication, If we may find room in your paper. which has always been ready to receive any article of real value to the community at large; and such we hare thought the Peeotupanytng Mt might be, fa cilitating communication between Societies engaged In a common work. Respectfully MnNTROSE SOLDIERS' AID. WoODUOULLNE, Diatoex P. Buse co., litb Mo. r,r4th. ist:4 My Nu Mr:. frier:—rhoictri , tn Pffr S Sanitary annmi.sGm :-1 am happy In making my Annual Report, under a renewed sense of the good nese of our Heavenly Father In blenlng our elforts In behalf of the Sanitary Commission; causing Aid Societies 'to hare their rise as pure mountain rills from the-patriotic hearts of our self-saeriticing people, their supplies wending through the noble stream of the Sanitary Corumleslon. to Mir suffering soldier,. The Sus q uehanna County O'ntocil, and the interest lug addresses of one friends, Di. J. Parrish and party, have had a stimulating influente. The delay in re relying reports, must be ourlapology for not send ing at an earlier period the summary for voter ap proval. There are twenty-seven townships in our county: one year since we bad twenty-three Aid So eMties, which have Increased tO thirty-six : with the prospect of others enlisting in the good cause. fiAnAll M. WALKEIt, A tot-kite Manager 14r Savielianna erninty, Tr. P 4 r S. Sanitary C+ n .nasseio e. List or Soldiers' aid Sock:lca In Swig. Co. APOLACON. —Little Meadows; Mies Mary Barney, President; Mot. Actin°. L. Bearelsles, Coe, Searetarv. Auntisi.—Anburn, lE. Springhill I". 0 1 Mrs. D. Cooley, President; Mrs. C. M. Taylor, Cor. Seen•- tary'. Anharn—Wtst Auburn; !Mrs J. C. Laeey, President; Mrs. A. Lae,..y,.Cor, Seeretar.v. Anauvr.—Ararat : Mrs. M. 11.1yler, President. BtunGew.vran.—MoniroAe ; Meg. T. N. Bullard, President; Miss. E. C. Bind:mini Cur, Seesetary Mrs. H. J. Wehb, Treasurer. Bridgewater—East Bridgewater; Mrs. E W. Hawloy, President; Miss S. M Stevens, Car. Secretary. BOOKLY.N.-140010 1.11 ; D. L. Cor. Sc e retary. Brooklyn—Universalist ; Mrs. L. F. Porter Pre.-Ident ; S Kent, Cor. Secretory, Curroun.—Clitlord Corner.; Mrs. P. 11. Gardlu er, President; Miss A. M. Well.. Cor. Sreretery .• Mrs. P. K Steven., Trerasnrer. Clifford— Dondair • Syirrster Johnson, President; Mrs. Email], Car. S. cretury. CltecoNo - r. - -Frlendsville; Mrs Griffis, Presid,nt Miss Foster, Cor. likeretary ; Miss M. 11rninera, Trea.urer. Choconut—St. R. 111,,ther M. President. Clocklunt--rtiendsville anti For est L,ke ; Miss M. I). Lett, Cor. Sucrelary ; Mrs. E S. Hotiford, Trt-azurre. DislocK.—l)imock; Mrs. Lyman Blakcslev. Prcel. dent;': Miss F. Woodruff; Cot. Secnetury : Mw. Ma son 'Flnglcy, Treasurer. Dirnock—Elk Lakv: Mrs. Deni.on Thomas, Pre , 4l ,, wt ; Miss M, E. Yom o:. Cor. Secretary; II Stevens,. Treasurer. Dm,- ock--Ront h Donock; Mrs. G. Mnkesles. president Miss N. Newton, Cor. Secretary; Mrs, 11. P. Attica, Tr,asurer. FRANK , IN.-1 - r..onville; Mrs, O. M. flan, Presi dent. Frank!in—Brookdale. I'. 0.; Mr-, Nt. Pier. son, Pn.sident Miss Jennie Lane, Car. Secret/vs: Frisk, Treasurer, FORE.T LAE!: --Forest Lske; Miss M. Wrizht, President. Fort Lake—Taylor follow. IF. Lake P. 0.) Carrie Vail, Pride❑ 6; Maria A Cor. Secretary. Ginsn:N. —Gibson ; Flom P. Barrows, Cor Secretary. GISUAT Br. , 3l.—Grrat Bend ; Mrs. lifeCresiT, Pres Went; Mrs. P. 1). B. Mak', Cor. Secretary; Mrs Curt{6, Treantrer. HARFORD —lll , trOrd ; M PreQtdent ; Wets (or. Se:el-et:try; 111.6 C. Joiktmon, Treasurer. Ilarfuril—West ligrcurd ,Mrs. Alvin Sterne, President; Mrs: Tyler lire tract., Cor. Secre tary. EiERRICF--Herrick olley P. 0.1 _Ml's. Porno,. Prreidrnt .Irnole Dart, Cor. flecrilary. Her rick—Uniondale; [Herrick P. o.] Mre.. M. A. Ar nold, President : Mrs. D. D. heynold, Cor. Secre tary. HARSIQNS.— JACKSON.--Jcickiton ; Mrs. .1. Bingham, Preshknt Mr'. S Ft Foster, Cur. Sectary i - Mrs. J. M. Slay mac, Trtlasun.r. JES. , r.—East Avsop; rFairdale P. 0.1 Mrs. M President; Mi,r, V. Chatfield, Cur. Seer, Lary ; Mrs. Whitlock : Trensnrer. LEhtra.—Lenox; Mrs. L. F. C. Oakley, President; Lenox.—Glenwood; Miss Sarah Hartley, Prebi dent : Mrs. C. Conrad, Treasurer. I.lllilTT.—l,lv,viile Centre; D. Stanford, President; Mrs. M. „A, Stnith, Cor. Secretary: Mrs. Cowles, Treasurer LATIIROP.—Lathrop; Mrs. J It G. Baker, Rec. §ueretr.ry. Mthot,r.trosr - ti.— Nnw NiLLYORD.—New Milford; Mrs. FJlen Whit• lock, President. Tinsn.—Enah ; Mrs. J. L. Sherwood, President : Mrs. L. }Jewell, Cor. Bee retsry; Mra. N 1; ranger, Treasurer. Eddy--Mrs. C. Fargo, Prealdenr: Mrs, 4. France, Cur. geeretnry. Spun:GC - MLR. —.Spo ; Aire . Albert Root, President; Mi. M. H. Smith, Cor. Secretary: Miss B. la, Menctrani. Trasurer. Lynn—Mrs. E. M. Knapp, President: Mrs. E. M Plutlipa, ('or Secre tary; Mrs. 0, Fish, Treasurer, KS. T110.111.80N. It is earnestly' hoped that the blanks opprt4te a few of the townships may soon be tilled with the names of Societies in successful operation. In the original Report the name, of Vice.Prasi dents, cte., were given, as also brief accounts of what had been accomplished by the different Socie ties. The Dnrat..„ 4 .-lA i ste qir Cowainy and Oro/ditto Qao icm. —Atter all that has been written offici a lly and non-officially on the subject of quotas In connection with the pending draft,. we find that a large portion of our citizens arc 141,1 in about as numb doubt as ever bow to read the law. And we question wheth er the multiplication of official circulars has done much more hi many eases than to add to the bewild ertueht of the noxious inquirer. Let no see if we tan eliminate from the official In terpretation of the several statutes u few compre hensible facts. The call for troops, issued on the 14th of December was rendered nett:wary hats by the failure of the drutt of July lan, than by the expres, proviso which Congress made In the het authorizing that call, that all the enlistments for the navy dur ing the first three years of the rebellion for up to February, 1561,1 should be credited to their respect ive district.. Hence, In all tt , e Larger roast cities, as well as in the more important river towns of the West, researches Into the naval recruiting records took the place in' a very great measure of fervent real in the loudness of ,rodioz men to the front It was only equitable, of course that the