MCKIM OONGTiIiES-SECOND MEM altelaTE, Jan. 16th—A petition was presented. ask ing that the rebel prisoner* now In Northern pdaans be placed under the care and Ic outbal`.o . l-.411 Union prisoners. and be fumisithil'WlHl the came ra tions and eiothhag furnished Union pritioners in the South. On motion of Mr. HoWard, the matter ,was referred to the Military Comndtttto - .; ;Mr. Spinner offered a resolution in regard to i the expediency of giving Her British MajestsZs Govemnient tho notice required for the termination of the Extradition Trea ty. The resolution was adopted A bill was intro duced, and referred to the Committee on Commerce, relative to commerce betweeq the loyal and rebel State.. A communication was received from the Bell etsiryuf ' tfie Interior , 4dierenee to Pension Agents Hounia—,4 jotredneed, and referred the Ma i Committee, TO amend the judicial sys- tent Or thanited States. The House concurred in the Senate's amendments to the joint resolution re quiring the President to give to Great Britain the re sulted notice for terminating the; Reciprocity Treaty. The Deficiency bill was taken up, and the amend ment appropriating $3,000 for a medal to Commo doreNanderbilt maadisettssed and_passek : A peace was introduced by Mr. Cox, and laid on the table bye vote of St to St. The House then con. aid red the bill to provide a Republican Government for States subverted orocerthrown, and after tug to a speech by Mr. Kelley, oT Pennsylvania, in favor of hU amendment, adjourned. Samara, Jan. 17.—Mr. Sumner presented the inc. Mona] of the Boston Board of Trade, asking for the postponement of the Bankrupt Law. A petition from Ex-Surgeon-General Hammond was presented, asking for a court of inquir in Isle case. A bill was offered, and referred to the Judiciary Committee, to amend the judicial system of the United States. A resolution was offered, and laid over until to-day, to add to the standing committees of the Senate a conk =Mee of five for the Investigation of corruption of the Government In all Its departments. Mr. Morgan introduced a bill, which was referred to the Com mittee on Commerce, to regulate the management of captured and abandoned - property In the rebel States. Mr. Sumner presented a report forliae4 "re: ic , ittse resoltailm terminating the treaty of 1817 with t Britain. Ordered to be printed. flows.•;-•A bill was introduced providing grants of land to disabled soldiers and aramen. A resolu tion was offered and agreed to, to Investigate the palle)*trianed toward the Indians. The bill to pro vide a Republican form of Government for rebel States, was_ postponed for two weeks. The Military Academy Bill was approved, and the House then ad journed. &OUSE, Jae. 18.--A memorial from the Philadel phia Board of Trade was presented, asking for the postponement of the Bankrupt Bill. The mmintion recently offered by Mr. Powell was taken up and de• bated at some length. Mr. Howard, from the Milt tan. Committee, reported a resolution, which was ordeted to be printed, recommending that measures of retaliation be adopted, In order to prevent the continuance of the barbarities practiced at the South on Union prisoners. The Senate then took and passed the resolution ratifying the notice given Great Britain by the President of the termination of the treaty of 1817, 'ladling the naval forces on the lakes. Resolutions of thanks to Gen. Terry and Amiral Poe. ter were offered, and referred respectively to the No t-al and Military Committees. Hapax--A committee was appointed, of which Mr. Windom, of Minnesota, is Chairman, to investi gate the Government policy toward the Indiana. A resolution was adopted appointing a committee to investigate certain charges against Lucien Anderson, a member of the Rouse, in connection with the char ges against Gen. Payne. Tire Fortification bill was made ;he special order for Friday. A resolution was adoptelappointing a committee to inquire into re ported abuses at the Old Capitol and Ca roll Prisons. A lively debate eprang pp on a motion to reconsider the vote by which this resolution was adopted, in which Messrs. Stevens, Garman, Davis, Coffmtb, and others, took part. The motion to reconsider was finally laid on the table. Elmira, Jan. 19.—Resolutions of thanks to Gen. Terry and Admiral Porter, and their officers and men, were unanimously passed. The toint rt....solu tion to appoint a committee to Investlide the treat ment of the Indians was passed. The consideration of the act to regulate commerce between the several States was postponed until Tuesday neat A bill was passed to amend the act defining the pay of ar my officers, which confines that the brevet rank shall not entitle the holder to any extra pay. A bill in reference to the spectal income tax was Introdneed, and referred to the Committee on Finance. A bill to amend the act to encourage Immigration was in troduced, and referred to the same committee. Houss.—A resolution was adulated relative to an assessment of one per cent on the first six hundred dollars of Income, now exempt. A joint resolution was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means in reference to the temporarily increased duties on imports. A resolution was adopted, directing the Secretary of War to communicate to the House the record of the court tnartial of Major David H. Hast ings. A joint resolution was referred to the Mili tary Connnitte; that the Secretary of War be in. structed to give credit, in any draft hereafter made, for the hundred days' men from Ohio and other States. The consideration of the amendment to the Enrollment Act was assigned for two weeks from yesterday, Resolutions of thanks to Gens. Thomas and Terry, and Admiral Porter, were referred to the Military Committees. The Legislative, Judielal and Executive Appmpriation bill was then taken up, amended and passed. Our Victory at 'Wilmington. The victory won by our army and navy at Wil mington - on Sunday last, is one or the grenteat and most important we have ever achieved. The dam age Is crushing beyond compute to the Southern Confederacy. The place lies about midway between the positions occapied by our great armies on the Savannah and on the James; and Its-bearings are as wide as the region of country between these rivers, in which the conclusive campaigns of Grant and Sherman • must now be speedily brought to their culmination and consummation. The capture of Fort Fisher itself, with its twenty five hundred man and seventy-sre gnus, is a feat of arms worthy of our soldiers and sailors. The block ing up of Cape Fear River, the seizure of the last port open to the rebels, and the final cutting off of all intercourse between the illionfedrary and the out side world, is a b4 , w from which there can be no re covery. The rapture of the city of Wilmington, which we have "o doubt will be presently effoeted, if it is not already effected by our iron-clads or by our army, will bring within our lima the largest and only important city in North Carolina, will complete our control of the coast of that State, and will enable us to operate at convenience in the inte rior. These and other bearings of Sunday's battle are most ruinous to the prospects of the rebellion, and most hopeful for the final and decisive triumph of the Union arms. But great as these positive gains are In themselves, there Is a far larger scope to the victories of Sunday. General Sherman, with that iron-clad army oc.,this, has lately been making significant demonstrations toward various important points In the State of South Carolina; and the opinion of bin forthetiming campaign that Is generally entertained is, that lie will strike across the Carolinas as he struck across Geor gia, and join Gem Grant in Virginia, in which State our great combined army will make the final assault upon the last remaining army of the Southern re bellion. The vastness of this scheme Is such as to lead timid people to doubt its feasibility; but the view of what Sherman has already encore pnsbcd, and in the light of his remark recently made at Savannah, that his "army can now march anywhere over the South and do anything," we see no reason in doubt that the work can and will be done. Now, if Jell Davis looks as his map, tie will at once ace that if Gen Sherman takes Branchville, which he is now threatening, both Charleston and Columbia will be In B very bad way, and the next points on his north ward march would be Kitooolle and Florence. When at the latter point, be would nearly have got across one of the Carolinas. and the broad 'airfare of the Old North State would lie before him. The net Im portance of Wilmington in this onward march is now evident at a glance. - it lies in a direct line by railroad, east of Florence, and would at once furnish Sherman a new base and Vatting point In hie on ward march through North Carolina. In this view it is that we see by far the greatest importance of our success at Wilmington, and by far the greatest or comity for the capture of the city itself We have no doubt, that it not already done, the taking of the city in a part of the programme now, thong it might have been no part of the object of our operations primarily, when th e only purpose was to prevent blockade running. We lave Dins no doubt that the capture of Wil mington Is an essential fink in the operatlona of Sherman, and in the terminating campaign of the rebellion in the .Atlantic States; and It is not im possible that the month's delay of Sherman at Sa vannah may be partly owing ['Your December fall meat Wilmington. The able military critic of the London Spectator has been the first on the other side of the Atlantic to note the remarkable fact—ant es a lucre coinci dence, bat as a designed part of Lieut.-Gen. Grant's AVdcrtis combination over the military field— iit'lwati on the very day I l.ith December) when OM Mews got to New York that Sherman's scout lialtlreached Dahlgren's fleet with the intelligence that Sherman's army had safely arrived at the sea. board—it wat on that same day that the gallant army Of Thomas sallied out of Nashville struck Hood, and binnint the battle which ended in the total rout' of the rebel form. from Tennessee. We have no means of verifying the idea, but we have, no doubt that the one great event waited upon the other, and, that when Grant on the James beard of Siter4lan's safety cm the Atiantle, he teleara,, plied Thomas on the Cumberland tint late hominid come. The world knnwa the clotiotut reanit. , In the ramie way our operations at Wilmington may be directly related to the pending (=pulpit of Sherman; and as Sherman will horn of the tall of the city almost as soon as it occurs, we laced not any day be surprised If we hear that the victor of Georgin has turned tile footsteps toward Hiekmond.—. _ Timm TaorrlNG.—Tho fastest time ever =dell) trotting doable Lamm was made by Lady Palmer and 'flatimsh "MAK Tliry trotted else mile in a road' wagon In 2;X; attit two ;ale& In 5:13. The fastest thie ever wade for one mote • .o a wagon was by - PLvtleeds. She titittect It tls 2:23g. The fastest time 'cues made to iolicrlves - matie by Floru Temple.trotted a mite in - MalK on Long island, and. milt, on tie lidentazeuirack; butt It truth tv, .to.lieWtort. hawse can trot, 4everatkeoptE; firter ,whcn hitdtect to e. 'aunty then ein whentaltetut to lkwagoe.—X Zeckpi. Qt mold; taraty, a isariaat'Abi mardere4l- hei ialitrese, 4tid - itttle court coulda t greo *my mum for the warder tbe.roPPoltded Ittotra btWOW= ;am:111U Naga pseama tolalkm% Ntpublican. "A 'anion of - hires and a nlon . oflanda, A Union of States none can sever; A Union of hearts, and a Union of hands, And the Flag of our Union forever." CIRCULATION 3,100. H, H. fRAZIER EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Montrose, Pa., Tuesday, Jan, 24, 1865. ar. The conspiracy ts now known. A rmict hare been ramcd, war is levied to accomplish it.. There are only two stileA to the imedian. man must be for the United Scales, or against Irt. There can be no ocutrots to :his war — ohht Patriots or traitor& --BralllZN A. Docates, at Chicago, April it, ISO. ar Mat right has t/4 Ninth (wafted 1 'Mal Ivs lke has bee,. dental f Ayld wh,d ehsfin, founded in jus tice and rigid, has been withheld I Can either of you to day name one smolt act Of wrong, deliberately and par poxety done by the Goveruntent at Irashington, of which the South ha 4 a right to 00/Ip/dint I ehalleuge the an nrct.—Hon. A. 1.1. Bininzlis, 1861.. TILE PLEASURES OP TIM PASSPORT I= The Caimaima papers are upon the" rampage." There is a hitch in their affairs, a hiatus. in the heretofore steady flow of the Yankee stream which dropped its loose change along the routes of its travel. The dollish of the State Depart ment stands at the gates of entrance and exit, And sternly demands the production of a bit of printed paper with an autograph appending, setting forth the height, weight, general features, color, and nationality of the traveller who knocks for enterence, or who requests the priv ilege of'vamosing the monarchical dominions. .Of course, the rushing tide presses up to the barrier, undulates awhile, and then commences a steady ebb. It, of course, seeks other chan nels, and finding them surges on its course.— So from Suspension Bridge to the Canadian shore opposite Detroit there are plenty of seats for our Canadian cousins. Crowding is out of fashion.' Engineers and firemen are nut kept in a state of excitement over the steam gauge, brakemen lazily, swing themselves around with the wheel of their breaks, and conductors look hopelessly down the empty platforms of the de pots, and sing out to ghosts unseen their usual "all aboard." Dinners have ceased to smoke on the tables; waiters keep their dirty aprons on continnally—a saving of laundry fees—and the empty tills of the cashiers, and of the beer and strong drink fountains, are strongly suggestive of bankruptcy. Officers and directors meet, look glum, and inwardly curse the Yankee who will not admit the Canadian right to harbor raiders, allow them to ran over the lines on n small spree . of murder, theft, and arson, and return to find an official to keep their stolen moneys until they call for them, and a judre who will stand between them and justice. But the cursing does not help them to bank their deposits or surplus in such amounts as to suggest the pleasure of fat dividend at the end of the financial year. The:provincial towns and cities are taking up the lament and the cursing. Yankees are doing more business at home and less among our cousins. The beds and dining tables of hotels are like the "the banquet hall" of the old song, "deserted:" and, in a word that grim passport sentinel has given our good, generous, philan tropic cousins a great desire to see their relatives once more in the flesh and—their money. The reciprocity treaty, which, like the handle of a jug, was all on the Canada side, bids fair to snspeild its action, and thus our dear neighbors are iri a double gvief. If they have to exist up on themselves, what can they a..? It will be French against English, and both against their cousin Jonathan, who refuses to come to theit loving and depleting embrace. "When this cruel war It over," or when Canada shall be purged of raiders, or cease to be made an asy lum for banditti who plot treason and how best to consummate, it, when their judges shall learn common sense and neighbor love, mixed with the smallest modicum of justice, and their offi cials cease to he " pals" to keep the money of thieves, then, perhaps,the grim passport sentinel will retire; bdt the so-called reciprocity has gone up, not to return to its official earthly sphere again, id our judgment. sorTiinirts AltoLtilovisic The debate in the House of Representatives, elicited by the question of abolishing slavery in the United States, has already established the fact that there is a - strong abolition party in the South anxious to get rid of slavery as the only means Of saving the Union. And stranger -than all this, is the fact that the most intense abol itionists in the South are slave-holders, men who own hundreds of negroes, who are now ;willing to give up their "human cattle" to save !their lives and perpetuate their own freedom. 'The common sense men of the South begin to , understand that the result of the rebellion for victory or defeat, cannot save slavery. To be suctsful, Jeff. Davis is willing to sacrifice slavery—he is willing to sacrifice the entire South and bring every wbitc. laboring man of that region under the dominion of France, Eng land. or Spain, (under the control of either of winch powers, the condition of the white men of the South would he reduced to vassalage or slavery) rather than return to the Union. The white men of the South begin to understand this fact, and hence they are more anxious to return to the Union, there to regain the equalities of American citizenship. Henceit is, too, that in the debate alluded to, the most earnest men ad vocating the constitutional amendment abolish ing slavery, are the men of the South. Jeff. Da vis, himself, is now the most out-spoken aboU tiouist in the land. He wants to free the negro that Sc may secure the eternal bondage of the white citizens of the South, by an alliance with the aristocracies of the old world. Take the, question as it is now viewed in Congress and at. UM traitor: , begin to regard it, abolitionism Ls becoming an attractive feature of the war. LETTER PlWif GENERAL sur.ftnem The Savannah Republican of the 11th Inst. ptiblishes a letter from General Sherman to a prominent citizen, stating that he is merely a military commander, and can act only in that capacity. He can not give ,assurances or pledg es affecting civil matters. future Congress will.adjust these when Georgia is again repre sented there es ofold. He says that Georgia is not out of the Union—therefore a total iecoa . _ struction appearalnApproprate. hat long_aeaninf the people remained grated and organized, the. United States would press them with fultdec and deaf wittr — them accord ing' tii,:nallita* !eV. ".kftertvartle they :it'll' he dealt with by th:e civil courts. He thinks that tliet same course should ha a doptedis Indicated by ;George Washingten.lin the - Whiskey . IWh hieilion, 40 licetadglTi"WWi the Burr cireaptrari— ton and Jackson i,Wpreservation of the Union, and file MS 01:iiiirMles are simply ful filling theiriommano; Tba.Nniott must Mid, ehall tie preserved, cost what It may.' - Thereis uo other alternative for the people of Georgia; than to conform to this view of the ease. NoC,i3‘ randt , s loners olnegotiations or conven tions'are necessary. Whenever the people of Georgia quit the rebellion,eleet membered Con gress and s'nntors, and these take their seats,the state of Georgia will have resumed her functions in the Union. THE COMING DRAFT The Daily News and New-York World are enjoying a fatally quarrel over the coming draft, which the .2Veirs is amiable enough to attribute to those curiosities in politics, commonly --desig nated as war democrats, whose representatives, according to the theory of the News, arc Geo. B. McClellan and the Jew Belmont, with other non-combatants of that particular stripe of mal contents. The Netts says that were it not for the World having acquiesced in the repeated tyrannies of Abraham Lincoln, that individual would not have resorted to this final despotism. of calling out the deficiency on the last call. The World retorts, and most Justly, that had not the News misguided individuals, liable to the draft, and encouraged wholesale desertion, it would not have been found necessary to resort to a sum mary conscription to fill the army to an efficient standard. The World is right. GIEN=LAL TEIIIIT Alfred H. Terry, Brevet Major-General Uni ted States Volunteers, is the hero of Fort Fisher. Educated a lawyer, never within fifty miles of West Point, a child of the people and a soldier in this war from the beginning for conscience salto--he it is who has won in a single day a national film° and a pmfossional military renown not inferior to the proudest Gen. Terry was one of the few men who before the war Rmw the necessity of preparation for it, who helped put his State (Connecticut) in preparation for It, and who devoted his own energies to Its ap preaching demands. Re was among the first in the field, has served steadily and with ever-in creasing distinction since, and now at a bound reaches the highest place among the soldiers of the Republic. .._......_... The Plot to Burn New-York ARREST OP FOUR CONSPIRATORS. General Dix and his subordinates have had an ob ject In view In striving, as they have done since the Incendiary attempt to lay our city in ashes, to create the Impression that they were making no movements with a view to the apprehension of the incendiaries. And the event proves their action to hnve been is diciona at least, if not the most gratifying that the nearsmongers could have conceived; for, now that the wail has been partially lifted, we discover four prisoners against whom the accumulated proofs are said to be overwhelming, and I , aru that our officials have gathered such feet* as wall enable them, in due time, to eatablish a clear case against many another rebel larho now reposes in fancied security. Immediately on promulgating the memorable or. der of November tlith, instructing military officers In the Department of the East to deal summarily with rebel raiders and incendaries, General Dix called Police Superintendent Kennedy to aid him, and the Superintendent was authoriz,d to employ such and as many men from his force na he might think prop er, Mr. Kennedy lostno time In detailing a number of his ablest detective policemen, and these, under the leadership of Chief Detective Young, were promptly Beni to the Canadian border, ender In structions giving them discretionary powers. The men had been absent a fortnight before any person r•-market, the circumstance ; but at length their pro longed tarry naturally excited the curiosity of fre qiienters at the Central Department of the Metropot wan Police; yet the secret was well tept, and not until the officers had reached town with their pris oners, and seen them securely bolted within the walls of Fort Lafayette, did a lisp escape their lips. Chief Young and his men went hence direct to the Canada line, and put themseves In co:mount. eation with the detective officers In the chief cit ies from Lewistown, New-York to Port Huron, Michigan; and having done this, they separated, bnt were careful to keep within telegraphic hall of each other—some going Into Canada, and others re malning,,on our side of the line. The secret having been entrusted to the authorities on the border, these gentlemen entered into the work with much keepleg an eye upon persons Whom they sus pected, giving our officers now and then a useful hint, tendering them speedy transportation to such ;mints as It seemed desirable to reach, in short, aid ing them in every way that lay within their power. Nearly a fortnight passed In apparently faultless search ; not altogether fruitless, however, since every day's wandering paved the way toward the object which our officers had ultimately In view. So they groped onward patiently—now In the gam ing houses, now la the barrooms and drawing rooms of rebel-haunted houses of entertainment, now here and then there; indeed, making themselves almost übiquitous, until at the opening of the third week they struck the hail of the rebel Ceptain Bell and a party of his satellites. Bell was flourishing at a fash ionable Canadian hotel, under the pseudonym of Baker; but, unluckily for him, them were loyal citizens of the United States at his elbow who knew him too well, and they contrived a plan to get him over the line, and then, dissemblance being no long er necessary, they revealed their knowledge, and de livered him into the hands of Detective Young and tits assistants The apprehension of Captain Bell was followed In a Mel Buie by the rapture of three other rebels, one of whom is known to have been engaged in the at tempt to burn our hotels on the night of November The prisoners were found passing under names which they had mammal for the occasion ; but their real names arc known, and are to be given to the public whenever General Dix shall have made other arrests which the capture of these rebel ends caries has rendered necessary. A general court-martial is to be convened lIIILIM dIAwir, at Fort Lafayette, to be composed as follows: i'resident—Brig.-Genersl Fitz Henry Warren, C.S.A.; Brig.-General Wm. H. Morris, C. S. V.; Col. M. S. Howe, Third U. B. Cavalry ; H. Day, U. S. A.; Brevet Lie% Col. B. F. O'Brine, Fourteenth U.S. In fantry ; Major G. W. Wallace, Sixth U. S. Infantry; Major John A. Bowles, Judge Advocate. Our detective policemen have learned from credi ble sources that the number of Incendiaries who were employed by George N. Sanders to apply the torch to our hotels, was not no great as has been supposed only six persons having been engaged to that hazardous and diabolical plot; and of these the police force foul sure of capturing live at least. Should our otlimrs catch them, add make a clear case before a court martial, they could expect nothingshort of the gibbet, and that with but limited opportunity for prayer.—N. Y. Times. Everette Career. Edward Everett was born at Dorchester, Massa chusetts, on the 12th of April, 1704, and was the son of Oliver Everett, who bad been both a clergyman and a judge. At an early age he had for a tutor no less a peronage that Daniel Webster, who prepared tilm for college. In 1807, when only thirteen years of age, he entered Harvard College, and very soon took a position as one of tire most brilliant and suc cessful ol the students. Fie edited the college Jour nal—the Ilarrarci Lyceum—and graduating In tall, was engaged as a tutor In the college. In 1813, a hen but nineteen years of age, he was appOinted pastor of the Brattle dtreet Church, and a year later wrote a reply to a theological and skeptical work by George B. English. Iti 1815 having been appointed Prolmsor of Greek in Ilarmuld, he went to Europe to prepare himself for the tion, and besides travell. log through Great Britain and the continent, ming ling with the most eminent men in letters and sci ence, devoted two years to study at Gottingen. Returning to America, Mr. Everett assumed his duties as Greek professor, and until 1824 also bad charge of the North Aron-Mtn Retire. In that year also he again made a mark as au orator la a lecture on " American Literature," at which Lafayette Inas present. to lstli also he was elected to Congress, in which body be served for ten years, being must of the lime a member of the Committee ou Foreign Affairs. in Congress he wan not merely a brilliant but a Very useful member. lie spoke often, arid always With ability, and during all ibis period he did not neglect literary labor. 18'04 ho was elected Governor of Massachusetts, and was three times re-elected. In IMO he visited Europe with his family, and while there—wnen Har rison was President and Webster was Secretary of State—was appointed American Minister to England, and during his subsequent residence in London his diplomacy was as satisfactory to his government es his reception In the most educated eh , .. , s et society was to himself. ' 1u.if415 Mr. Everett returned to this country and was chosen president of.hia Alma Muter, liaryard University. But he soon resigned the position on account of hie health. In au the death of flan lel Webster, hutident Fillmore called Everett to succeed bias as Secretary of State. While holding this potation, Mr. Everett declined entering into a tripartite treaty with Franc:amid England to secure Cuba 18 perpetuity to Spain. qtr. Everett was next in public life 83 United States Senator, but in 18t4 his health again compelled him to twig.). Since that peried Eveiett has been prominent for Ms noise aorta for the Mon at Ver non laud, which molted in a profit thereto of about uluety - thouraud dollars; for running for the Vice. Presidency in ltiliu, with John Bell of Tennessee, fur krusldent ; for aiding tkur .East Tennessee suffer. era in 186;3: and for various patriotic apeecims and ivttera since the breathing Mat of Abe, rebellion, Eta public effort. wagi WWI (9 9( UntestiVkto el* goa clegintenti. FOAM FIBBER •airtrersp,.. ASSAULT-. Gide tat Ileyierts hem ,term Terry and Col. Centetnelt.—TwrittrAre Budged Trbenere and Serentreve Gans Vaptared.—Genered Whiting and Vol. Lamb Talk.= Palsonere.—. ' Oar Las Hine Ihnsdnel•.Admiral porter., °Metal Report.—General 'Grant Orden a Salute In Hotter of the Vlelary...:llelbei de. COMA of the Irtatit.—Gdnetal DlaYsteh trona General Lee. [0 FICILL] WASHINGTON, Tuesday, Jan. 17-11140 A. X. A." Dis The following official dispatches have just bean re ceiceri at this department; HEADVARTERB UNITED STATES FORUM us FEDERAL Porn, N. CL., Jan. 15, via FORTUES4 MONROE, Jan, It r 1b 4 9.-Gen. J. A. Rawlins : GENERAL .1-1 have the honor to report that Fort Fisher was carried by assault, this slir.nroon and evening, by General Ames' MvLaton and the Second Brigade of the First Division of the Twenty-fourth Army Cores, gallantly aided by a battalion of ma rines and seamen from the navy. The assault was preceded by a heavy bombardment from the Fork:int fleet, and was made at WO P. U., when the First Brigade—Curtiss% of Ames' divlslon--effecteri a tort); Went upon the parapet, but full possession of the woi k was not obtained until P. IL The behavior of both officers and men was most admirable. All the works south of Fort Fisher are now occupied by oar troop.. We have-not less than 1,200 prisoners, including Gen. Whiting and Cul Lamb, the Com mandant of the fort. I reeret to say that our loss le severe, especially in °facers. I run not yet able to form any estimate of the number of casualties. (Signed.) ALFRED IL TERRY, Brev. MAJ.-Gen., Commanding Expedition. FORT Ftsiren, Monday, Jan. lti-2 A. as. After a careful reconnoissance on the 14th it was decided to risk an asiatilt on Fort Fisher Paine's division With Col. Abbott'a brigade to hold our line, already strong, across the peninsula, and facing WU. mington against Hoke, while Ames' divialon should assault on the west end. After three hours of heavy navy firing, the assault was made at 8 P. m., on the 15th. Curtis' brigade led, and as sooner, it had made a lodgment on the west end of the land front it wan followed by rennypacker's and the latter by Bell's. After desperate fighting, gaining foot by foot, and severe loss, by Ii P. st., we bad possession of about half the land trout. Abbott's Brigade was then ta ken from our line facing Wilmington, and put into Fort Fisher, and on pushing It forward, at 10 P. w.. it took the rest of the work with little resistance— the garrison failing back to the extreme of the pe ninsular, where they were followed and captured, among others Gen. Whiting and Col. Lamb, both wounded. I think we have quite 1,000 prisoners. I hope our loss may not exceed 500; but it Is impos sible to judge In the night Among the wounded are the Commanders of the three leading brigades; Gen. Curtis being wounded; not severely; but Cols. Fennypacker and Bell dangerously. The land front was a formidable one, the parapet to places, fourteen or fifteen text high; but the men went at it nobly, under a severe musketry fire. The marines and sail ors went up gallantly; but the musketry fire from the east end of the hind front was so severe that they did not succeed In entering the work. The navy tire on the work, judging from the holes, musthave been terrific_ Many of the guns were Injured. How many there were on the point I cannot say, perhaps thirty or forty. Signed, C. B. COMSTOCK, Lieutenant-COlonel A. D. C., and Chief Engineer. Another dispatch estimated. the number of prison ers captured at 2,500, and the number of guns at T.!.. Gen. Grant telegraphed to his department that In honor of this great trinmph, achieved by the united valor of the army and navy, he has ordered a salute of one hundred zone to be tired by each of the ancites operating against Richmond. C. A. DANA, Assistant Secretary of War. The Naval Dispatch. formai.] FoRTREgs NONSOIC, Jan. 17th, 16N lion. Gideon Welles, Secretary of Me The Atlantic la Mat in from Wilmington. Fort Fisher and the works on Federal Point are In our possession. The assault was made by the army and sailors on Batiday afternoon, and by 11 P. M. the works were oars. The lasses •re heave. Lients. B. W. Preston and B. EL Porter, of the M- U', are killed. Our aipt men were 72glans and about 2,500 prisonens Hens. Whiting and Lamp, rrehele) are prisoners and woopded. The Vanderbilt Is on her way North with dispatches. Two titteen-inch guns burst on the monitors. (eaned.) E. T. NICHOLS, Commander. The Rebel Account. (orrictu..] WAR DEPARTMYMT, Tuesday, Jon, 17-9 P. M. Afaj.-Pen. Dix, Neu- York: The Richmond Whig of this morning contains the following account of the capture of Fort Fisher, by the naval and laud forces of the United States I=l The unwelcome news of the fall of Fort Fisher, ..ommandlog the entrance to Cape Frau. River, was mute Ibis morning, and occasioned a sensation 01 profound regret. The capture of this fort u eguinalent to the closure of the harbor of Wilmington by the. e"e otti ,t fleet. It Ls situated about eighteen milts below the rite, but was the main defence of the entrance to the river, and its fall, therefore, *ill prevent In fu ture the arrival and departure of blockade-itumers. How tar this reverse may prove Inyvtous to our cause. remains to be neve, but at present we regard It rather an unfortunate than a disastrous event.— The following is the official report : IIet.DQUARTERS NORTIIIIIN Monday, Jan. Ate, IS6I. Mon- J. II &Aldan General Brazg report that the enemy bombarded Fort Fisher furiously all day yesterday. At 4 P. at. their inf.ntry advanced to the as.anit, a heavy demonstration nt the same boor being made against their rear by our troops. At 6:30 P. x. ben. Whiting reports that their at tack had failed, and the garrison was being strength ened with fresh troops. At about 10 P. at the fort teas raptured mail of the garrison No further particulars at this time known. (Signed,) ft. E. LEE. No dispatches have been received from Gem Ter ry shwa that of Sunday night announcing tho result of the assault. C. A. DANA, Assistant Secretary of War. Beittatout, Tuesday, Jan 17th, 1865. The American has the following from Its special vorreepondeut with tha Wilmington expedition, who has just arrived at Fortress Monroe: roaTtizas MONROE, JalL 1 7-4'oo p. After three days and nights of bombardment, Fort Fisher is ours, with all the contiguous works com manding New Inlet. The assault was made by the army and naval brigade at 3 o'clock on Sunday after noon. One corner of the fort was secured In half an hour, but we had a fight with the gar rlson, which lasted until 9 o'clock at night. It was a very stubborn and bloody resistance, and the fort and the approaches were strewn with dead. The garrison had been heavily reinforced. The number of prisoners taken was over 2,000. The number of guns captured was Ti. All the forts, including Mound and Seeks Island batteries, surrendered. The rebel loss in the assault was 500 dead, beside the wounded. Our loss (army and navy) Is about 900 killed and wounded. Fleet-Lieut. Preston and Lieut. Porter, commandant of the flag-ship, were both killed in the assault. Gen. Whiting and Col. Lamb are both prisoners and wounded. The rebel pirates Tuna/lamer and Chiral/mugs were both in the tight, and were driven up the river. Our gunboats went up the river ou Monday morn ing. Our prisoners will be Immediately sent North. We had seeml days of delightful weather. The magazine of the fort exploded by evident on Monday morning, killing and wounding two hundred of our men. The Sirniklyo tie Cnba brings the bodies of Lieuts. Presley! and Porter, and the wounded of the navy. Gen. Hancock at Harrisburg. HABILIBOUItia, Jail. 16th, 1841. General Hancock, who has been in this city since last Friday, on business connected with the let Corps, appeared in the State Senate this evening up on a simnel invitation of that body. His entrance in.the Chamber was the signal for general applause, the Senators in a body receiving him standing. The speaker welcomed him in en eloquent speech perti nent to the occasion, in reply to which the General, from the Sp&aker's dealt, addressed the Senate and a large assembly of spectators upon the subject of his present mission to the State- The speech occupied nearly half an hour In its delivery, and wee principal ly devoted to an explanation of the mode of enlist ment and the character of the proposed new tat Corps. Ills speech will excite an bailluenco in legis lation on military antra. The Result of Mr. Blair's Visit to Richmond WABUIEIGTON, Tuesday, .lau. rlth, 1865. Francis P. Blair, er., and Ms eon, Montgomery, were with the President this morning. It is stated that Mr. Blair while to Richmond, snecteded In ob• taining &portion of his papers, stolen from his bone at Silver Springs by lireehMdge, but all idea of any other result arising from his vlalt is now completely exploded. Missouri Proclaimed a Free State St. Loma, Saturday, Jan, 14th, 1865. _ . Gov. Fletcher hustled a proclamation to-day declar ing hilaeouri a free Butte, 'in accordance with the mutilation ontltunace Rased by the Stat. Conven tion. undrede of businesa Inmecs and private rest dcanoa ere brilliantly illnaldnated to-night. Banda of music are playing, lire•sinirs are aspirating, and thausanda ofenthitalsatteAlmottg.t4 fitrect4 to 41f LIP 47444 e Sherman's New. Movement. Fotrrataa'Mosiths, Jan. 17-10 P. at. Fb the President: Tl , : t • Gen. Sherman renewed thrirnovinnent °IMP foicea from Sartuanab, last week. The Fifteenth and:Sev• enteenth Corps went in transports to Beaufort on Sarardal, the 14th. The Seventeenth Corps, under Major-Gen. Blair, crossed Port Boyal ferry, and, with a portion of Gen. Foster's command, moved on Po:. cotallgo. Gen. Howard, commanding that' wing„ of the army, reported, on Sunday, 11th, thatthe enemy abandoned his strong works in oar front daring Sat urday night. Gen. Blair's corps now occupies a = position across the railroad, covering all ap es eastward to Pocotallgo. All the sick of Gen Sherman`s army are In good hospitals at Beaufort and Hilton Head, where Grego. Mal climate affords advantages for recovery superior to any other place. The peace and order prevailing at Savannah since its occupation by Gen. Sherman. could not be Sur passed. Few male inhabitants are to be seen on-the streets. Ladles and children evince a sensMof :seem rity. No instance of disorder, or personal injury, or insults has occurred. Laboring men and meehanles, white and Neck, are seeking employment. The troops era cheerful and respectful toward every one, and seem to feel themselves as ranch at home and on good behavior as if in their native towns. Trade is restricted, for the present, to actual mili tary necessity. Many at with merchandise from the North are waiting at Hilton Head for permission to go to Savannah, but Gen. Sherman has admitted only a limited quantity of supplies required by Ms troops. A mistake prevails at the North as to the present inducements for commerce at Savannah. There is not yet any large population to be supplied, no cred it, no money, no commodities ofexcbange, and there Can he no great amount for a considerable period. All the cotton and products now within Savan nah belling to the Government, as captured property. Stringent precautions against supplies that might go to the enemy have been made, and will be en , forced by Gen. Sherman. The cotton captured In Savannah, of which. there isa good deal of Bea Island, has bean turned over by the , quartermaster to M. Draper, Special Agent of the 1 masury. The Quartermaster General remains Savannah, to execute the arrangements for ship ping. EDWIN Af. STANTON, re Sectary of War. OCR TROOPS ESTABLISHED ON THE CHARLES TON AND SAVANNAH RAILROAD. On Saturday night, the 14th Inst., the Seventeenth Army Corps, and the troops commanded by Gem Batch, advanced on the Pocotailgo Bridge, on the Charleston and Savannah Railroad, and captured that work, together with the fortifications end 12 glans, losing in the charge 440 killed and wounded. The guns were spiked. The enemy evacuated during the Iglit, and tell back to Ashen°, toward Charleston. It is thought the enemy will make a stand at that point. Nomination of Parson Brownlow for Governor—His Speech, &o. NA.auvu.z.n, Jan. 13th, 18111 The Tennessee Union State Convention In Its eva sion to day nominated Parson W. G. Brownlow for Governor by acclamation. A Delegate asked If he would accept, whereupon he responded in the following language : Gmsnaradm:—l settle the controversy by assuring you that I wIU accept. [Applause.] cannot be ex pected to do anything more, and I certainly might to do no less than tender to you as a ConvenUon my sincere and unfeigned thanks for the honor and dis tinction you have conferred npon me. I will not speak to you at length now, gentlemen, but what I lack in speaking, if the people should ratify the nomination made by ynn, I will try to make up in deed° and a-ta, and, God being my help, If you will send up a Legislaturr to reorganize the militia and pass other necessary tiredness, I will put an end to this Infernal system of guerrilla Setting In the State, in East, Middle and West Tennessee, if we have to shoot every man concerned in such business. [Loud and long continued applause, amid which the Par son retired.] News Items. Gen Whiting,cantured at Port Fisher. Is a na tive of Hartford, Conn., and an old friend of hls cap tor, Gen. Terry. The Charleston Mi•reory in a lone gloomy edie6- dal, reviewing the present !position of affairs, says slx months will settle the fate of the Confe dency —The Brooklyn pastors are favorites of fortune. One of them has made $BO,OOO In stock , speculations, and another has "struck Ile " and realized $250,000 from an investment 0(85,000 In 01l lands. —There is just three days' difference in the age reached by Daniel Webster and Edward Everett at the time of their respective deaths. The former was seventy years, nine months and six days, the latter sev.•oty „ream s nine months and three days old. —General Thomas has written to the War Depart ment a letter, giving a• very encouraaieg view of military affairs in the Southwest Ile says that flood cannot gather ah army of twenty thousand men, and that the Southwest Is practically a con quered country. —The President has appeoved the joint resolution, charging the President with the corm:Dm:deaden of a notice to the Government of Great Britain, of the wish of that of the United Stahl, to terminate the Reciprocity treaty of 1E44. —The Washington correspondent of the Boston Journal writes that Mr. Blair was warmly greeted at Richtno nd, and the wife of President Matte actually threw her arms around the old gentleman and kissed him. diirely tit: t is a pacific lotlmatlon for the stock• jobbers. —lt is estimated that the present number of pe troleum companies In the United States Is three hundred and fifty, with capital ranging from $50,000 to $10,000,000 each. One company, proposing to consolidate several others with it, lots a capital of $15,000,000. The Fawning Pal says upon authority that no more gold-bearing bonds will be issued, that no ad ditional Inflation of the currency will take place, and that the Government will henceforth rely for its entire expeolltures upon the seven•thirty loans and the taxes. —George Davis, of New Haven, Cone., lost the sight of both his eves in a singular manner a few days since. He had drilled a hole in a stone sill, to receive an Iron staple, and poured In motion lead without tint clearing the water from the hole. The consequence was, It new back with the force of Aeam, into his face, burning him terribly. A correspondent of a Boston paper writes Rom New York *hat Gmi. McClellan leaves for his European tour the first week in February. Ile has declined the offer of the private vessel tendered by his friends. He leaves in the steamer China, and will be gene a couple of scare Ile Is made perfect ly easy in pecuniary matters. Ile will make a thorough study of the military science in Europe. —Senator Buckalew is sending circulars about the country, charging the Republicans with threaten ing to kilt Democrats, "men, women and children," in Fishing Creek. About as good business for a United States Senator as taking prisoners out of jail to vote the Democratic ticket. A dispatch from Waebington states that Senator Henry S. Foote of the Rebel Congnais, has made an unsuccessful attempt to escape, with his wife, from the Confederacy. Mr. Foote WAS taken back to Richmond, Mrs. Foote being left at Occoquan, where she MIS Bent for, by authority Irma Washington, and brought to Willanrs Hotel under.the escort of Sec retary Seward. —The Washington National Brpublierta, 01 the 10th, says lu relation to the removal of Major-General Butler: In the last edltlen of tn 4 .Repoblilean, yesterday, we announced that Major-General Butler was relieved ae Commander of the Department of Virginia and North Carolina. It Is perhaps proper to add that this was done at the instance and by the particular request of Lient -General Grant, the General-in-Chief of the armies of the United States. —The Tennessee State Convention has unanimous ly adopted resolutions abellishing and forever pro hibiting slavery within that State, and abrogating the secession ordinance and all the laws passed in pursuance thereof. These are to be voted upon by the people on the '2241 of February, and If they are adopted, an election for Governer and members of the Legislature will be held on the 4th of March. —Gen.' W. IL F. Lee, of the rebel cavalry, has written a letter for the benefit of the rebel Congress on the subject of cavalry. lie makes various sug gestions for the Improvement of this arm of the rebel service, acknowledges the superiority of the Union (..Sivalry, and says " unless Congress takes the matter In band and legislates more liberally on the subject, the enemy next spring will ride rough-shod over the whole State." —Dr. C. T. Jackson, of Boston, announces the discovery of a mine of emery at Chester, near Spring field, Massachusetta—inexhaustible and Invaluable. Re says: "It may not be generally known that the emery of the Grecian Archipelago Is monopolized by a single banking-house In London, and those of Asia Minor arc also monopolized by a single mercantile house In Smyrna. These monopolies have raised the price of emery lour-fold. Now Massachusetts overrides this monopoly, and can supply not - only this country, but the entire world, with the best of emery, for all coming time." —Savannah lithe point to which a very largo num ber of railroads converge, as the followiu,,o statement shows: The Central railroad connecting Macon with Savannah. 199 miles; the Waynesboro' and Augusta, 53; the hilUedgeville and P. Om, 39; the South western, 50; the lituacogee, 71: the Macon and Western, 101; the Western and Atlantic, 140; the Georgia, 270 the Athena branch of the Georgia, 40; the Washington branch of the Georgia, 17: the Roma branch of the Western and Atlantic, B); the At 'Ando and Lagrange, 8 0 ; LW) East Tennessee and Georgia, lion. Edward Everett died suddenly of apoplexy on Sunday morntwr, January lfah, at 'hlsiresidence In Boston. lie retirod on &Corday evening In ap parently as good health es nimbi, brit near morning was hearil by Ins housekeeper , to fall heavily on the floor. Be died 'adore a physician could arrive. The aad event is °Metall, announced to the country by Secretary Seward, who eve that epptorLate liquors will be paid to his Itiemety.ithome end abroad, whams tbus =Wag MVO intbarity knowlettglxV ir, r:k'Z7,l Memo. £ U Riebardfion ifrd Janine Brown, of the Tieillene, and W. R. Davie of the Cincinnati Ga tettniarrived In Nashville Jan. 16th, having escaped Wei - the Rebel. Penitentiary at Elallsbroy on the Wit tdDrob. ,TheYittlade thlid/l..rearforitiree hundred and forty Intle*Onlatot, titronglt.thninoriM tains of North carotins, aldecilltiOvneAtinetriblOrt , . The 'Meat oftifory " tbaf, of out old lady in West Vitginia,.Whotookthe advide of evbdtor, armi poured Isonte toetrotenm along the: atrearna which watered her farm. The repon spro_ad abroad orator face indicationa on the land, and a brigade of oil huntera came, who bought the land at a fabulous price, the owners agreeing to give the lady one-eighth of the oil. The purchasers set up their derrick -and put dOwn an auger, audio ashen time struck a well which yields one hundred barrels of oil per day. —The earnings of the Erie railway for 'the month' of December, 1864, were 17511,,TAi 89 showing an In crease of MOM M.-The earnings for December are thus shown to be $51,231 35 more than was estimated in tbe'atatement on which the dividends were declar ed. The expenses for November and December have not yet been fully made out, but such progress has betaxtmsderairto warrant-the ballet that thwpwlitkil short $lOO,OOO of the amount estimated, thus leav ing a surplus, alter paving dividends; of about fg145,- WO, instead of $103,1:37, as reported. —Jeff. Davis Is now so fe.arfol of his life, and so constantly In dread of assassination, that be neither appears In the streets of Richmond nor allows him self to be alone even In' his private apartments. Re has constantly nn Ms • person weapons for, self-de fence, while a rube-1./Didier trusted only because bribed for the work, IS ever by hillside, with orders to abort any man making the least vffensive de monstration towards the "I'realtient." The arch traitor has also a notlem that his life is in danger from poison, and Is therefore very careftd in his diet. Altogether, Davis' has a happy time ruling the South. —Gov. Andrew, to tus annual message, calls at tention to the emcee of women lu Massachusetts, and to the Burping of men in Or*on, California and other remoto , Y(rsterereocanarmittes. In Oregon, having fe3,160 inhabitants, according_ to the census of 1860, thele.werd 10,961' males over fifteen years aid, and only ;9,616.61ata1es above thata • its pop illation Is now Witt:eta' at Over ItO,WO—tliis dis proportion )lit retnattanz. !n Ifesitachuaetts there were 237,= =lei between the ages of fifteen and forty, and 28Z000.1etuales, or a surplus of 29,160. The excess, the ChM:trier eaytt, of womenof ail ages above fifteen yeart,imup 31.,8411. He recommends the adoption of some pracUcal way by which women may be enableitto emigrate to useful fields of em ployment In the Weiteyn'etates. • —Thu Port.retal&Miree-eotrespondent Otthc Nor folk Old Dotninion, the following Intelligence about Liberman's operations: "I learn that, the ex. Pediiinn which trent np. the Savannah Ricer the oth er day, met with great suceese. When about sixty miles up the river, a large force was' landed, which was , marched to the Columbia. and South Carolina cowl, when about ten-Tanen of..the road ass com pletely diettroyed., The, empeditlen met with little or no opposition. Gem Foster's corm captured a comppaanay of South Carolina militia in the vicinity of , They had teeifin the geld but two weeks and did pot inmost°, relish hard lighting over much. Thiti •sneeesafat ripetiltiois Is a part of the grand project which has ter its object the complete isolation of Alchmond; And not many weeks will elapse before Sherman will have entire possessinn of all the railroads connecting Virginia with the cotton Staten . ' ' ' —The Augusta Chronicle awl Sentinel, of Jan. 4th contains a very Interesting and apparently truthful account of OCIL Sherman's rule in Savannah, as teen through rebel eyes.. It says the mast verfeet order la susinttdned; no soldier is allowed to int.rtere with the citizens; two insurance companies propose to open a tuitional bank; the custom-house and post.oilice are being cleaned and repaired, prepara tory to being re-opened. The soldiers are not al• lowed under any circarnstances whatever, to enter private residences. The Degrees, in most cases, are orderly and ,quiet, remaining with their owners, and performing' their customary dulls& Nothing but "greenbackta " are In circulation. The churches, on Sundays, are well filled with ladies. On week days, however, but few of them are seen on the stre-ts. A majority of the male population have remained in the city.: Q maJority,of the citizens hare provisions for some time to come, but there is a scarcity of wood ; General Sherman has announced that he will soon remedy this last, difficalty, by getting wood via the Gulf Railway and balding it to the citizens. No pass is allowed to any male person to go toward the city, The'soldiers or Sherman's army had contri buted eleven hundred Moves of bread for the poorol the city. • so- • Fort Caswell Blown Up. rOttTRESS:mon, Thursday, Jan. Oth, I VIA 8A1.51310112, Friday, JAIL ) The steamer Blackalone, Capt. Berry arrived here this morning, from otT Fort Fisher, bringing, 210 offi cers and privates, wounded In the late assault against that tort. The latest news from Fort Fisher Is that, shortly after the surrender of the fort, the rebels blew up Fort Caswell, and the other minor works delimdlou the entrance of Cape Fear River. At the time of sailing the smaller gunboats had en tered the 'leer, and were actively engaged searching for torpedoes, preparatory to an advance against Wilmington. Shortly after the capture of Fort Fisher a diagram, containing a plan of the whole system of the torpe do arrangements in Cape Fear River. was discover ed, and our naval officers were making search for the key to the diagram, by which means the Infer nal designs of the enemy would be completely frms trawl. Movements of 'Francis P. Blair. Wastunovon, Friday, Jan. al, ma. Th. Eenti.g Star says: " Mr. Francis P. )lair left this city to day with.the purpose, it is believed, of paying another visit to Richmbnd . He left on the United States steamer Don, on which vessel he made his last trip. The Don had been lying at the Navy- Yard wharf under special orders during the morning. At 11 o'clock Mr. Blair arrived at the Yard in a car riage, and quietly went on board the Don, whose lines were immediately drawn in and she lea at o'clock. Mr. Blabwas accompanied only by his ser vant we believe. The Canadian Raiders Tuncorra, Friday, Jan. 6.5 In the case of Bennett G. Barley, the Lake Erie raider, judgment was given at 2 o'clek this afternoon, by Recorder Dolman. Burley is committed as sub ject to eitmdltioo under the treaty. Ills Counsel; Mr. Cameron, intends to apply fur a writ of habeas corpus, and of course fora stay of proceedings. A BLoonnorran CH tife..—TSe rebel practice of chasing Union prisoners of war with bloodhounds is thus Illustrated In a letter trout Sherman's army to the Cincinnati aurae: " Our escaped prisoners are hunted by bloodhounds. -These are kept at all the pens for that purpose. To kill one of them is cer tain death if discovered. On one occasion two Ware killed at Andersonville, and the authorities, not be ing able to find those who committed the act, placed the carcases of the dogs, outside the dead line. In the brook which supplied the romp with water, and allowed them to rot there hundreds of our ofR cern and men harp been chased by these dogs. They are kept at all the guard stations and picket posts throughout the South; and, especially at the ferrite and fords of the ricers, are used to hunt both our men and.dessrters from the rebel army. We have space only for one case of a bloodhound chase. The parties who had escaped were privates Crummil and Harris, of the 9th Illinois Cavalry ,• Martin Cloes, 3d Illinois, and Patterson, of the 2,1 New York. Two of these soldiers were eighteen years old, one twenty, and one only seventeen. Tiler were chased by Ili teen dogs, in charge of some twenty men. One man, finding the dogs close upon them, and no chance of escape presenting Itself, climbed on the porch of house and waited till the party came up. Enraged that their thirst for Yankee blood had not beengrati• fled, they land, Crtimmil come down to them, then knocked him on the head with a musket, formed ring, put the dogs In It, and threw him to them.— He seas terribly torn, and soon after died. Harris and Clews were treated the same way, and badly torn. Patterson,who was a mere boy, knelt down and pray ed these human Rends not to let the dugs tear blm; but to no purpose. He was forced down, and on no. dcrtaklng to regain the porch was kicked in the lace, all his front teeth broken out and ho rendered insen sible, and In that state thrown into the ring. The dogs had satiated themselves with blood, and refused to touch hint. This is only a single case of many which could be related." dew Nvertioemtuto. BOOK BINDING. m atZ . 4NA riaarrParan. MUSIC wig old SPLENDID SYRUPS, Green and Ground Coffee, SUGARS, &c., Just ordied and (or gale be J. LYON'S & 603. WANTED, B& YOIIAO HAN. aged Ilk a graduate of Loire., corm g .. slat Collem a ittUatlou U C.erk or Houk keeper. Ma had nom° evaegents. Address, C. H. EIIICHARD. Jae. St. tge.l.—erl gloutnree. Pa. FOR SALE. F r irt Onfbri l e g 6 4, v a rt I= 3 W I 1 g s " ad " St ttlyttanlville, it.. January 21, 1964—wt. I" T. BIRIMARD. FOR SALE. TM setharribee amid offer fur aale his Farm. Icemen settle Jo Kph Washburn ram. coutslaina filetobachuriderd and foe teen amm with appropriate buildings. Fc prinsaulars lautdre Masa •War. cattle Earin. ' JAS. D. Ofteitith Ctibwah ra, Jet. WI l a 4 3. — ertp. , A4RllularatOes -Notice. DTOTKlKlehelebygtetna th ell peronaharlig deotandellitlilett the Ettate et KAlietti T). Spencer. late or Lathrop town tp, doteated,that the tame IllUdi be tat/° the mtdenlittl- Id rOf Itilagment,anCall Persons Wetted to raid Watt art vegettted to mat immediate Whams. W. 11.,TINOI.EY. ' Itopbottom, Jim.e3:1111.5.-11W admhasUlgOr. NEW GOODS AT ' tviisarar GUI Viola & W&1911551 , 5. .'weiticiiiezgag • • :V. V L Clerr. ck eisk,..d between Qt. boast olAslnboldbev and dnst tnmd ‘r-Sinado , on Monday. Jtnnall , Mk ono SOF PAU, 11.0111 Andltne Vonotuno nod odntoltor It to too wbtlbe•.m IW. isdltat BoridtuedAntallS4lo# Biddyl node. shall be Itbertny p‘oarder. '; Udvlto MAUI]. ~, T ranklln. J 11,113. AITiSMIITEf'S. , . , TROirw. abwaarra torISIZI ' 10,23. rjrn. dna Flpy ' Geri. Moelallatea Prom:re, ..... Tba Picket Slayer Wiablor.dn'a Ylaloa. (endarwat by Edward IcvraettJ.... OM, rfnw - MT_Tgio: Agent , tnceor. atußutwas. 06 '• SOLDIER'S CASKET. "'WO 0 DM lq - END B rticirstqcx. Montrose, Jas.=4l.lf6S., - - EXECUTOR'S smug; t - - OTME tm bcr.nyerrp that Ict WIMP/ N cdtla• ta.t. add and teetameat .13. tier E.Torre7./ .111 rz r i,•o public ca. by Yeadoe. rat the! ynnall*. WndikTeay. Lhs day of February next. al o'clock to Ow altanlWONal WS lea or parcel al land attnata r tu Brooklyn trr b o o =ll , uay tau:f th reatate or th e lair I t 'Ziab litany i ' be, rnc l a a by land. GI Rte. A.U. Sperair.cantaiLA Akar:tea =re r ed eten,. utth bottemeemet bush and bnPlowed-418 Mat e et Dd.; E. Tarry. Tema otaabs made known ren We data( age. noli rozoLIAN •ileector orrhaiut lent arca I.eslaragalat *Wet& Torrey. Wt..° Jan. nosca;—pona • ,' . •. AUCTION SALL 111112 snbocrtbor *11.02 h!o - We ra fraegons fdludJp, Tlododoy, UAW