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P " -. ` lill,:c . ,.:ea': -. :::.:,.. r ' • 4 , . c A . • . ,*' ~;,: -.. _ 41- A r i , : '4:- - ::: -:'''z--;- ,-,:" p i r -7 , ......-,:i.-Naljo , - ----...- ...."-,...., -.• '.• , .:..-- 4 et . '''"'''' "- - •-..., ,-- 0' ..., . 110, .. -:---"- -•-•• • • S. , - -- - - k , 4-. • :,, ,;-,-,,, , ~ --, ~.,.-., • ,..--. 47.....i* ..., ..,,, ~.. . ~,,...,..,...,... ...,. ... ~. ..,,, - --.--6:--z-:., --alt- l k.s ,-, z , , .1..-.....)... , g , .......,- - _ .-1-- - -= , • , . . , . H. ELFRAZIER, Publisher,,-, VOLUME 11. puointoo phut orm. CHARLES HOLES, om.= nr CLOCKS, WATCMD3, AND JEWELRY lir Repairing Pane am nsual, an &ant ta Chandlerle lame on east lido Public Avenue In F. R.are. Montville. Pa.. Nov. 7.lNa. Da. E. L EANDRICE, Ervutoutlw saastatsow, mriettalt telMeTs 2 222 t2 dun! lenient° the eltlyeu of Fdruasnue and ykalty. lba office of Dr. Lat. Boards at J. Himforeu FuLuuluellle, July 27, 1564.-1.1 E. W. SMITH, - A TTORNIT • 0013WIELLOR AT LAW =4 Llotnsed Chia 13. Asact (Me over IM n Dra g atom nameliuma Dem JazicA M. FL BITRRITT, 11 c. 111.1.121te aar DT, Good!. , Iludwam 12m.rua,t310Tc_s. nlo and P Ogs. rat Palau 11=811oey flea Bu 11,occies. Provleana, Be.~iurmqPa s 1,71111, tE64.-tr a H. SATRE & BROTHERS, IIArAMIFLOVTIMICIS willeistiw Casthaffs of all Ids& /IL Stows, Tin and Matet Iron Ws" A7kultofol 1 1 4 ,1 =r48. Ind Dealers Dry Goods.Orocertes, ery. ate. Montrone, R. Tobruk:) . W,11364. - W. B. & J. B. }KIRBY, :CEPeongtszetly haad I tood anilnitinent of GROCERIES Woo, iAgood suneetamo WERF-611 MEAT. Slion ander W. yiTs Tin tßiop. Montrom, Tammy 61888. BILLINGS STROUD, Fox AHD LITE INSURANCE AGENT. OlSte WA rap► banding. emit cad of Beck Block. In Ms armee, bad. ora the office mill betrannuned DT C. 1.. Drown. Monthose. Fetonary 1.1864.—U J. D. VAIL, IL D., YEOPATHIO PHTMICLAR, has permanently located himself In Montrose, PL, what he will promptly attend to all calls In Ms profession with trbleh be may be farmed. Oftee and Residence West of the Court Elocue. evez Beelle7e.Filee.• Moan :4 Febeart 11,11364.-Oet. IS, I BEL A. O. WARREN, ••WOES= AT LAW BOITIVIT, BACK PAT and PEN .01. SION CLAIM AGENT. AU Peed= Claims artfully pre med. tike to room formerly oemled by Dr. Vet, VW. H. co ati batldble. below Semrlell Hotel. OVlrose, P. Feb. 1, 15F14.-febl7yllEA3. S. S. ROBERTSON, msatusaystramat of 33 ocyrs a ealoxsto. Oereso Street , Ileatme, P. lloatrfts. Usury fa. .1854.-If .CIIABLES MORRIS, FASRIONABLE BARBER and RAVE DRISSER.over F. R. Weetes gho. Store, Montroee. Stair Patting, Shampooing. Shaving. and Whisker Oolorin,d done In the Ml' STYLE. Is dies' Bair Dressed in the most APPROVED FASHION. Montrom,Sept.lB.ll%3.-if LEWIS BIBBY & e E. BACON, 17 coortantly on hood tolleannoly of maw al ol cod CONIMOTIO=RILS. By strict attar lon to bnetnewandbilrozoln deal, they hope to =tit the p tithe nubile. An OYSTER and EATING SALOON Is & tlhrral weld to the Grocery. where blenlvoe. It seneon. ere served It et ere ape that the tad. Of the publlcdernond. Remember=. the old Mott Grocery hand, on Italn titreet. below the P Montrose. N0v.17, 1863.—mch17,66.-ti Dn. CALVIN C. HALSEY, 'DUMDUM AND RUTIOEGN, AND EXAMINING 81111. GEON for PENSIONERS. Office aver the oar* of 1. Lyon & Bon, Public Avenue. Boards .t Mr. ExlacriCcuU. It =trout, October. 1813.-tf D. A. BALDWIN, A ITORNZT AT LEW. and Petition, Bounty'. and Bari Ps, Chest .61. Arent, Grad risllo.lPid.-1, Bend, Busy actin:Ls County. Pa. Sand, Av BOYD & WEBSTER, rhICALESS Is, Stove., Stan PIK, TM. CopPM and lea Jjf hoc Ware; Wm, Wtndv. Soak, Yawl Mars, Window Loth. me Lumber, and u 1 bre, of 13.111thog Ili Shop moth of Sesalfel gotet and Carpulter Shop near the MOthoditt ce.rth, blooms:Dm 11. . Jaasary 1„ 1564..-tf Dn. JOHN W. CODE, PFITSICIALB and SURGEON, respectfolly tenders his 'union to tumid..mt of tinvoinehanns County. Raninx bad shout • Mentzestat the Malted Slates AmxT. vsme.espxia) will be Vs= to SURGICAL OPERATIONS. fW r Ltoddenos on !topic Suut, of .1. S. Tsithenn Hotel. Run:rose, Souk Comm Ps_ June Da. WILLIAM. W. SMITH, EDRAEON DENTIST. °Mee over the Berths. ift, Mee of Cooper & Co. All Dental', Operation, ah• mill be performed In Ms weal good MY/s snd sratrantro. Remember. otlce formerly of H. Smith h Son. Montrose. ssmotlT I. 1364.—tf E. J. ROGERS, ltiralltfrAOTlntga of all demorf.ptlon• of WAG. ww .01. UPS, CalraLtals, BLEIOHS. ett.. In the bettnYie of Wn'annanshito and of the beat mate:talk at the veil to own mud of S. 11. BetifiEßS, • few rah newt of Saarlell 17 owl In Montrose, where he will no happy to Tt-' mine the tn.Us of all mho avant earthing la him ltae. Moats amp, Jess I, ISIII.-tf BALDWIN & ALLEN, re "ALl=to FLOUR. P ort . Pled, Lard. Gnat. Teed Chadlea. Mom- and TI Seed. Also CID.OOERIZS Lin 13neeare, Moles:ice, S p Tea and Cedes. Weil sada al 1 ladle Avenue, one door he o .*tberldge. liontroaa, January 1. 1064.-tf Dn G. W. BEACH, PHTSICLiN AND dIDLONON., Amiss permantatly locates himself at Brooklyn Center. tenders his invasions! es, vices to the eltiseas Smquebsara Ccsists. on was um me-4,07- gs with the asses. Ocen In the o of the WA D. D. Blass: sag sod btAztte at NTT. R. Wookiss Cent,. Ps.. Jane 4. /964.-17 F. B. WEEKS, PRAOTIOAL BOOT AND SHOE MAKER; also Healer U Boots. Shows. Leather,ml Shoe Fbadinre. Repairing dote with IMO.= wad dispatch. Two doors above Searle's Hurl. Montrose, Jarmary 1, liON—if JOSEPH RICE, Iti115137A011:71110. and DEALER to all tindsof MUMS 01. aboßioar collo esat or 21e. billfold Baronet. New =ford. OcLobsr 1. 1-462.-tf DRS. PATRICK & GARDNER, PHYSICIANS AM BII B GEONS,vIII attend taw:enny au ptuettatly to ill =llll39ft:tot rosy be eutrusted t their clat 39 terms cornmeorttente with the tftvev. ITheases nod deforialth of the LYE. tarpeal operstioes, nod ut Surgical Diatoms partact arlv attended to. Orke over Webb'. Wee. OM.. hotmerroa El a. Ct. to 9 p. m. E. PATR.TCH, Montrose, Jannare 1.1814.-If Y. L. GARDNER. WM & WILL IL JESSUP, • mmo - Ere AT LAW, Wontrode. PA Practice In Rulique Al„ lawn BrAdford, Wayne, Wysnaing and Liner. Counties. Wontromet PA- January Int. NIL ALBERT CHAMBERLLN, DISTRICT ATTORNEY AND ATTORNEY AT LAW.- Office ovlal the more formerly occapied by Pont Broth= Montrose. Pa. Jeno‘ry 1, 1660. J. LYONS & SON, TIVILLItS Itc DRY GOODS. Gro.Nrles.Croaery.llartheare Tlsnare. Docks, Melodeons, Plano, and all lads of Masi of Inamoseent, Sheet Mean dlso east an the Book Etlnd ins hoarse le all It. branches. J. Nostrum. January 1. Dada. T. a. cross. ABEL TERRELL, EILLER IN DRUGS. 11ZDICL8E9, CLIEMICALA Pala[. alp. Elyoatak. Varnishes, Window slats Oroceriek Crockery. Glarneme. stall-Paper, Joel alry. fumy Goo.* Porfamery, Surgiml Instruments. Trate km Clock& Bruahm, Ac.-.and Agent for all of the moot popu lar Patent Medicines. Montrose, January I. MI. C. 0. FORDHA3I, tic,ctrsae oP:j OTdel. and I MI! 1313i-"qy tl n ds ahem pr., tod. Mammon. 4011/ 8.1861,4 CHARLES N. STODDARD, 'nEALLII Main & sloes, Lt find pue l , fop. an ain et. third door below Srarles ii. it. Work ,made to order. and repair:loz door wally. ltontroae.her IL B. R. LYONS & CO., ft ILALBSS InDBY GOOLH, GROCERIES. BOOTH. FROM% Ladies' Oaigen, Oarryna, Oil Cloths. Wail and Wind.. F. • P..i"ts. 04, Alto. Stow on the emit side at Pub/le Avenue.. Lion, . klantruse. January 1, 18N.-t[ READ, WATROUS, FOSTER, k. EG&LERB I .Lgt , Y m ‘ . l,9ol3S. Driga, In. i i : rldtte; i. Paha.. j og rt. Sam Opoolos, PerNmery. Mock. itbrat. o.r. r!..M, O.IOISICL. liantriue. January 1,1 s PHILANDEILLINES, weSITIONABLE TAILon. nrkk Ukcie over Ees4 F Jam. Illostrone, r. licatnee, Pa.. Joly V. Mt. JORIT GROVES, smowARLE TAILOR.. &bop oppoeltt Its Etpat. UGLI3 !Sienna Mating 012 Let. Mcmtactie, Yu., or.asex ts, A59..21 D. A. LYONS, a WAS Dry Goods, .Groorries. Flaw.. Salt. Crab" • Hara•rare. ex. Sore an Mato time.. • ueoue banns Dams February It. lan—tl BEAUMONT & WARD. ML CARDING, Cloth Untstum. sad Itszatiewm.st the old and Yam tkatleti ltachloa. Terms male • • • vben Waft brosurbit MIN 11,1•ElMant... lino. on la. .1 BENTLEY. LOOMIS, , Trogargirit AND 0017118E,1,0118 A? LAW. &nate. A • Ottotea Fa/lees Deus op lackawaona amok as= ' Kant=lre On= Minors Exemption kap.. mann Anrion.in e•nua Oonoly. dratbel. mud do weU Ol L ita Inf.=4oo by letter ebeertullyarlemand al/ bbelaaat us prombtly /Mended to. er. &mann. INLIMosst. Ir. IL tdmielic , t ,. ._ t-' L H. BURNS, rruponv ar Law. aft.lll4llnwszwrsosenaks. A SINGING BIRD. • My soul is deli—throe hell this day. Its drooping life wlll Het stirred ; Pll go s street's length froMny way, To bear the singing of a bird. A little bird, In wire-bound cage, Suspended o'er the dusty path, That more than poet's brightest page, The power, methinks, to cheer me bath. I've heard it many times an) now, When pressed by toll's dial weariness; And through my soul has passed a glow I could but tell, not all express. Alt, there is! 'mid dust and din, What wondrous clam is In that voice! It wakes the dormant life within, And in Its joy does it rejoice. t \ iMill clearer, brighter, every note Comes sparkling out In silver showers ; Ah ! now my soul is all afloat, In dreams of fields and dew-lit flowers The fair hedge rose end clover sweet, With odor blend of new mown bay, I hear the streamlet's dabbling feet Above the cool white pebbles play. It poureth out a soaring strain,. Now soft and low, soothing brim I thrill with jay through every vein--- I drink repose In woodlands dim. I wake refreshed—where is the cloud That dimmed my life a while ago • Yet I em still among the crowd, That toll-worn passes to and fro. Who would not, on a summer's day, When life may thus be sweetly stirred, A street's length wander from his way, To hear the singing of a bird p:olatruinpatizjOrzuvw4 " There I and while we are so' cosy and comfort able over our tea, poor Mr. Malden Is out In that cold office over those:misty ledgers, without a mouth ful, and likely to be there hours for all I know ; and k e's not strong, I'm sure. Nellie, I mean to go I. t out and ask Wm In." Ret had never said this, our story might never have been written, for, as she turned her bright eyes upon her sister's face, she saw carnation tints bathe her brow and cheek ant chin, and saw the bosom under the dove tinted dress rise and flutter, and know at once, with womanly Intuition, what these signs meant, She paused a moment, thinking of her own discovery, and pain and pleasure wavered In the balance for that brief apace of time. The next In slant she bad decided that she was pleased, and her round lye beamed with smiles again. "It must have been somebody sometime," she said," and I'm glad It's him instead of anybody else." And she gave one little half-trysterleal laugh, turned her back to pat another spoonful of Young ilyson Into the teapot, and began again, as though the sentence had not been interruptect...—"! say, Nellie, I'm going to ask Mr. Malden In to tea." Nellie foundo the voice by this time. ' " What' win father say'" she half whispered. " I believe you think father is a heathen," cried Ret. "I absolutely , believe you think our dear fa ther Is a barbarian. ' " Oh, no, indeed," pleaded Nellie. " But you imow, Ret, Just as well as I do I how particular fa ther is about some things ; and 'm sure I shouldn't venture on such a step; not but that I'm glad von dare Bet, and I hope you won't be stop. by -any thing I have said.' And Nellie grew c son again, and would not meet her sister's eyes. "As 111 ever minded you," acid Ret. "As if allud ing you, who don't exactly know your own mmd, wouldn't be the most idiotic thing in the world.— Father would led grieved to think that any one lost comfort In his service." " I'm Sure of that, Ret," replied Nellie. "Father Roald say Send the young man some refresh ments.'gut asking him In—a clerk, you know, and " Oh, If you obiect,', said Ret, demurely'. " You know 1 don't," answered Nellie. " But, Ret, I understand father, and I hope I understand my duty; arid you'll say this of me, I trust, after rm hartiaieswt!"Wltetild:rpony father et.rnatb-resntone,whe•nSet 16 the was impulsive and wrong headed, but she always minded'—in better lungture„ of course---and rm con tent" When do you mean to die r asked Bet. " Oh, Bet, that's almost wicked, Indeed it Ls. But I'm sure I shouldn't mind an early death. There isn't a great deal in this tra r i d to lire for, except oar's duty.' , tiellie sold this in a dreary sort of a tone, and shook her bead wLsely: " Very well," wild Rot, "and all this time Mr. Malden has had no tea." . . _ No two women were ever Outwardly In greater contrast to each- other than Henrietta and Ellen An- , derson. The first was forty, the latter twenty. Toe first always styled "Ret" by every _ono who knew her, was very abort andvery fat, with giittering black eyes and kink, black hair, hands that were an dim ples, and no perceptible waist When dressed ac cording to her own taste, she Worn all the hue; of the rainbow at once, flounced to her waist—had ruf fles on her sleeves and quillings on her boddice, and, at times, managed to make of her little person a • bright colored toll, not tune one of those cotta I pereirs women in the toy s_opk, who, thrown which ever way they may be, always come down feet first, sod fall to rocking. A brisk little manager, too, who saw to everything, settled with the tradesman, I and set the servants to order, as she had ever done since her mother's death. Nellie, on the contrary was tali and slender, fair in skin, and with eyes soft baby blue—roses came and went upon her cheeks. Her teeth were pearly, and her hair pale brown, with a touch of gold in the sun light. A moonlight sort of beauty lovely enough to inspire a poet. Very timid, nbthlng of a manager, with a strong sense of right and wrong, and a great many romantic fancies. lovilig and dutiful by na ture, a daring little woman as ever walked this earth, but by no means self reliant. Old Mr. Anderson Was proud of this fair daughter, but in eases of emer gency went to Ret. Fenny little Ret This night she wore a pea-green merino dross, a jacket of scarlet hoe, and a blue head dress, and looked like some Dutch doll as she left the room, and trotted along the narrow carpeted psweeee which connected the dwelling with the counting-house. For old Mr. Anderson, rich as be was, bad not forsaken the local' part of the city, but lived In a great gloomy house; with carved mantles and massive doors, which stood back to hack with his place of business, and scowled upon the altered street like some unsettled old' Philadelphia aristocrat besieged by plebeians. heroes this passage, which great storerooms lay, Ret Anderson tottled, and, coming at last to Its end, opened a door and stood within the private office of Anderson it Co. the sanctum, on the outer door of which was posted the notice, " No admittance except by invitation." A jet of gas was turned on here, and under it hasti ly writing, eats young gentleman. He had a strange, sensitive, beautiful face exquisite bands, and a fig ure which looked gcsee iall as it 'tent over the ta ble, and his eye, when it turned upon Miss- Ret, was of a velvety brown, soft and sparkling as the stars upon f rosty night "Good e ening, Mr. Malden." " Goode nine, Miss Anderson," and he paused and looked an inquiry. "Setting Cousin Bcrtie's mistakes right,' I sup pr. Mr. Malden." ' Yes:" he laughed, and lifted MI head wearily.— "I fancy Mr. Anderson will never Make an :account ant of Master Bettie." " Nor anything else," Ret answered, hurtl e .— " And I can't see why you should fag for him. Put the book down, and come and take tea with te, will you ?" Henry Malden'ir face flushed as Netfle'a had ten minutes before, and Ret watched him Mao. " With myself and sister, 1 mean," she said.— " Come ; you'll be here an hour or two, and then it will take another to get to your bearding house, and you'll starve by that time if yonare like Inc. Don't say no, but come along.'' And the fat little hands shut the ledger In a way-which defied resistance. Perhaps the young clerk had no wish to' resist With some polite common place remark of accep tance, be arose and followed Ret out into the pass age ; and, as he did so, you would have seen, had you been there, that he was lame. That was the meaning of the sensitive expression on hishandsome face. He was no lamer than Lord Byron, and no more disfigured by the defect. But Lad 13yron's whole life was embittered by- that broken ankle of Ws, which hg.eould not forget for a moment, though so cons:lona of Ida talent and beauty and poles of fascination. And this young clerk, who did not know that he had a handsome face,' had thel earns morbid sensitiveness. .11,..made him feel glad that let, good-natured, foity , yeareld Miss Ret .walked beforeeta him. • Seine sat near the table, and bent her Acadia con• iselous weinome. Her cheeks were very red, but that may have been the tire. Bet said It waste, and made her sit uponthe opposite aide of the table. " And help Malden to evervlititte: do," she continued, "for Italy my hands fallfall with . the tcs Po . So the conversation lA* h.TPurabltorbreadmul hinter, and bead•ebeamet i ll am,amilameyeeo =bp crullers„ ' And blue eyes brown eye' met, and hands nearly touched. Thelice-was broken and the two beffAnAP - After. iwkille 'Rd -grew silent, and llstened..- eThey hidlead the same -llaboks. they loved the same minim They warmed with their sub jects, _and yew mar- y and eloquent and poetical, MAN Stria •t4ttetrilated i Um %wit lions s4c , iiNiktfigt 003.alim MONTROSE, SUSQ. CO., PA., TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1865. Lead , and began to plot like a very Innocent Gay Fawkes. . It was the, beginning of December. Christmas time was rapidly drawing near. Already Ret had begun to blde mystedons worsted in table drawers at the sound of approaching footsteps, and to have whispering Interviews with people with bundles in the ball. What she was thinking of Ido not know, but she said to herself or the tea-pot, " Only a fort night it's a abort time, but I fancy I can do % Stranger things have been done in fewer days."— And as she thus thought, the bronze blacksmith on the mantle brought his hammer down upon the an vil, and the. hands Upon the clock face below pointed to the hour of eight. Henry Malden arose. " Much as I am enjoying myself." he said, "I must not forget my task nor fall to remember that I am clerk in the counting hones of Anderson & Co." He uttered the words In a light, jesting tone, hot his face gave the Ile to his accent, and the sensitive flush was upon It again, and ho bowed at the door and turned to take his way along the carpeted pass age to the °face. " We shall be happy to see you here again," enoth Ret, but Nellie never said a word ; ebe only bowed her head, like a willow waving In the wind. Yet when the sound of the halting footstep had died away, she went to the mantlepieee and put her arm upon it, and burled her head In the lace sleeve. Ret came behind her and drew her back and saw that the blue eyes were full of tears. " Ah, alt !" she said, shaking her blue ribbons and her black ogle together, " how long has this been going on, Nellie? How long has Ova been going on. Ret ?" said Nellie. " Don't be deceitful, Nellie," said Ret: " you know well enough what I mean." Nellie sobbed—" Itet, upon my word, nothing has been going on. Ile has hardly spoken to me oftener than you. Re has never said a word like—like— what you mean, indeed he hasn't. And I, Oh! Ret, you don't think I would be so immodest! No, I told you once that I would obey father if he told Inn to strangle myself, and I know my duty. If liter) Malden and I do go to the same church, and do oc- . caslonally meet nut of this house by pure accident ; and if I can't help seeing that he is superior to any body I ever knew, and thinking—as who wouldn't'' what a sweet dear face he has, that is not to say that either he or I ever forget father, or his prejudices, or our duty. And mind, Ret, 1 don't say that Mr. Mal den cares anything about me. I haven't the least Idea he does. The weakness and the folly may be all on my side; but, as I said before, I know my duty." "The fact of the matter Is," said Ret, testily, "that both of you consider dear father a heathen." "Oh! Ret." Mi;11 " Oh! Ret you know he's poor, and he is clerk. and father always said that I must marry well, and he means by that mute rich man for whom I do not care a cent. I know he does." "Perhaps he may,". said Bet " old gentlem.m are poor Judges of girl's hearts. But spin I say, fa they isn't a heathen. How long has this been going on—this church going, and occidental meetings, and all that!" " Two years, Het" " And you are not tired of each other vet ?" "Hush, Act I swear--at leas 1 .00d swear, If it were not wicked—that I have no reason to know that Mr. Malden likes me. It Is immod.st of you to sti much as hint at It, when you are not sure." , " I think I ena sure," said Ret. " You and ho are both alike. You believe father a heathen, and you have all sorts of ideas about duty and self sacrifice I must take you In hand. I've a good mind," eon. tinned Rut, laughing, " to have a wedding at Christ mas" It was such a broad joke that Nellie smiled. And little Ret settled her blue headdress at the glass, sad fell for the first time in her life into a br. , Nen study At ten Nellie retired, bet Ret sat np still. At half past ten the bell rang, and the master of the mansion entered. Ile bad just been dining out, and was rosy and genial. Just enough old port had he taken to" make him gentl.natured, and he kissed Ret very of fectlonately and called her a good girl. A hole old man he was, past sixty-five, with. snow-white hair on his bead, like masses of flees ink_ An old aristo crat If ever there was one in feeling; he forgot that, In all the world, there was any one above him. self, and fancied that If a man wen• not a prosperous merchant he was nobody. The ,Anderiams had al ways been merchants and always wealthy man. II was a theory of his that no gentleman would be poor, and that only a merchant could be quite a gentleman. Ret had supper for Lim, and he sat down to it in o pleasant mood—Ret perched on the arm of a sofa opposite, with much exhibition of plump foot and ankle In open-work stockings and slippers, with pur ple rosettes on them. Ret was One all over always. And .out popped a confession whlch would have awakened ire if murmured with hesitation. M;MiMaiMil " eh!" The old gentleman's eyebrows were elevated In surmise. "How's that! Did the young man ask for tea?" " Ask ?—oh no. I asked him." .• He was out thete in the bleak office, and we were so cosy, and it's injurious to go without one's meals. Nellie sAid you'd he Eatery but I told her yon were not a heathen who wished to starve people in your employ. Mr. Malden Is a very superior young man, father." " ab, b, res ! a very pleasant person—for a clerk." " And he'll be here often now before Christmas— late won't he r 'Yes. There is much to do, besides the trouble your Cousin Bartle has. given na. The boy don't un. derstand the multiplication table." " May I always a , k bitn in, father 7" " You are housekeeper, Ret." " It's settled, then," and Het descended from her perch and kissed her father exactly in the centre of the spot among his white floss silk tressi.e. She had gained her first point. Mr. Malden was asked in every night, and came. He need to cow resistance, but he always yielded. Only he knew how delighttul this constant inter course with Nellie Stderson was to him, or how miserable and happy It made him at once. N,,hody, unless It was that odd little Het. She came to Wan one evening in the office, shut the door, and then rezardless of propriety, bolted It. Looking him straight in the face, she said, in a whisper— " Why don't you tell her so?" Henry Malden's face flushed, but he would not understand ber So he said, "To what do you al lude, - Miss Anderson r with such an icy tn tie at would have repelled anybody hot Ret. She had no angles about her, mentally or physical ly, and rolled softly where others would have stuck " I allude to you and her," she mid, " to my sister Nellie and you, you yonng goose. Why have yon gone on this way for two years, instead of popping the question and trying to find out whether Nellie likes you, eh?" The ice melted. Ret had looked into hi. heart. The flush faded from his cheek and he grow pale again. "It Is cruel of yon, Miss Anderson," he said. You must know wby. if you have read my secret, you must understand why It Is one and must be one for ever." "Stuff and nonsense," said Ret, perchlnz, with zrest disregard to decorum, on a high stool. The slippers were bronze, with gilt buckles this time "I say again, why?" "Do you now my salary?" " Yom .. " And my po , eltion here!'" "That alba" " And your father's pn indices." " I ought to hare learned them is forty years." "Do you suppose, MIES A odensers,that a poor salaried clerk would be received with faro , as an applicant for the hand of Mr. Anderson's daughter I" " No. But then father Is not the barbarian you fancy him." •• I beg your pardon, Wes Andemon ; I fancy him w eutirely civilized that I would hare no hope of his relenting. But—" he broke off suddenly. • This h folly. Why hare you led me to talk thus It is Impossible that my presumptuous passion—you have forced it from me—can be .returned by one so beau tiful!" Wk.T. ugttlia" Ret crossed her allppers fm she spoke and walled for an 5118.T.1. "Were I the highest- and richest In the land I should not dare to hope, crippled, deformed, as I am." Bet descended from her perch and began to touch his shoulders with her fat hand. Feeling for the bump," she said apologetically and explanatorily. " I don't see It." She vr.ss so comical that the dapalrlng lover abso. lately laughed. " A.b I I begin to _know that you mean that little limp of yours; to that's the obsta cle?" • " lam Ellen Anderson has never given me the slightest hope, even were there any " "I 101L511 my hands of that," said itet ; " I put her out of the question. Ira man wants to knows girl's heart, he meet find trout for himself; manfully. Data limp is not an obstacle. Women are not like men. U you thisolutely -lad a hronphark, 110M0 women would love you; end, you are as good looking ea most mole, af ter , "Mien Anderson ,: pit ire diffeinnt from moat No men--better—yon pun judge for them." ",You thinlib=use I'm riot pretty I, would not ; hive brim particular when I was _young." . ,What answer could he motet lie put aids arms upon the deal and rated bin forehead.ou them. "If / vine tutottsonceindlichir he almost sobbed. : "Make have you ore .. - -Znget father, who Is not Itlell/bellOPrticktbfilt./ 1 4 0 /19tim , Plat you brood QIN 0 0 Alat au do gar timparbd" , 11E4 ilia . . " Freedom and Right against Slavery and Wrong." whether Nellie loves you, mad, if she don't, make the beet of it. I can't he fidgeted any more; I've boat trio pounds over it ; I have, indeed." She did not show the loss. " What a goon you are," she went on "Tao years of good chances and not one step nearer than at drat.. Look here, Henry Malden, 111 give you one opportunity, and, If you lose that, you shall never know whether Nellie likes you or not; fur I'll Marry her to somebody else at once, I will indeed. You don't deserve her, taint heart, you actually don't," "I know it. I have known jt all nione. Ret laughed. " There," she said, "I'm going. Take tea with es to night and ru give you an oppor tunity, you morbidly eetwitivo foolish creature, with your bad opinion of dear father. Listen, there's a verse In a queer old book up Stairs, anti It Tuna In this way: "One without stockings may wear a shoe, A ud travel all day as the plowmen do; But dellmte sentiment thinks a shoe shocking, And travels in mire with only a stocking " And out went Ret, unlocklntthe door to let her self out, to the great scandals - 4a very proper house maid who happened to be passing and who told the cook soon after that she •• never expected to blush for Miss Ret." Nellie. making roses on a pair of velvet clippers for the parent's feet, was astonished by seeing Ret coats after standing In her amulet Welch flannel gown before her, shaking her fingers menacingly. " If Henry Malden tells you that be loves you.' she said, "•nt"you break your heart under the Ilse Im pression that your excellent father is a brute, I shall hate you." This was her speech, and Nellie caught her skirt nervously in both hands. "Oh, if he should, dear Ret, what should I do. my feelings are •o at strife? it's very hard to be obliged to do such drtmdful things; you cruel creature you will kill me." "I knew he'll pop the question soon," said Ret, "and if you like him say yen,' and be married ou Christmas Hay." " You must be going crazy, Ret," and Nellie thought so. "No; I'm not even in love, 11 It comes to that. I'll manage father; I know him. Remember—yes." "Ile hasn't asked me," cried Nellie, "and I don't believe he will-1 hope not we both know our duty." Bat Ret Lett her, ann that night Mr. Malden was ask ed once more to tea; and left in the room alone for one good half hour wit It Nellie. He Came out white and trembling, and ran again's Rat in the long pa•vage Stu• ciutched hls arm " What did }the say, Not no, ch , --rett no!" And a broken voice aobbot "Ah; my darling! my own darling! She los ea me! she lovtas me!" '• Good !" said Ret. " I'll have a Christmas wed dine, and prove that father is no heathen." Inside• the door sat Nellie in tears. . . "On! wicked girl that I am," she said. "You tempted me, RM. I've done so wrong. I couldn't help it. How he loves me, Rat" "Didn't I say so!' "And father, oh! father. He has rea.son to dis own Inc.'' .• Sint he won't," raid net "and now we must hurry Miss Bliss is coming to-day to make your white silk dress. 1 bought it yesterday —merle antique What a pity a bride couldn't wear rank." WES • " Vcs. Christmas is your wedding day. Rev linthlaa Rlngdore will °dictate, and I'll be brides maid." MO= Vi UM Nellie was le.tbast. Ret began to measure ibe breadths of the splendid skirt; and soon Miss plias, the dressmaker. arrived. to be ust ouiMed at its splen dor, anti think to herself what an extravagant thing it was to dress in moire antique for a family Christ mas party at home, fm 11 , 1 said n-thing about the hrlde to her . ; and Mr. Anderson, .ihnocent victim that ho was, who but ho went with Ret to Harkin son's the confectioner's at Germantown, when sire ordered an immense bride r;tke, iced with Cupids tit, it, and then brought Lome from Evans, Chesnut street, in b;s pocket.., lace for a veil. Menu Malden and.'"Zielik , Anderson had drawn A 01.1 1 .6% hanging us - pi their Pieds by lees 112 an a single thread that weelk:- And so Cloistmas day camo--absolutely dawned— and the chi n ( conspirator had all to do to make her last point.' Site made It boldly. At dawn she entered her fa ther's room, hearing a gorgeous dressing, gown, of her own heart, In both nands "Happy Christmas, father! See what Santa Claw has sent you " „ Splendid! Thank you, child. You'll Suit some thing up staltP, also, I fancy." "I knew I should; but, dearest father, I want you to give me sot:nothing else Promise drat. I want a Christmas present of my own choosing. • " You shall have It " "Positively?" Why not r• "Iteesuse It's very valuable. Becanse you'll not like to give it. B-eause I shall break my heart it you do not." "Rd, a hat Is It?" "I want you to give me Newf. " " Ilaventt you enough nt her?" " Yes, but I want her to give away." "To—give—away! Who to?" The truth, or part of It began to dawn upon Mr mind. Dearest father, don't be mad—please don't be mad. If yon will give me Nellie, I will give her to the nePbew of thereat merchant, Edward &Leiden, who, before he felled, years ago, was worth a million. To a gond young man, (ether, who loves her and would die fur her, and who respects you so much that, though he almost broke 116 heart, ho would not IP , ve presumed to pop the question if I hadn't made him—absolutely made him. It's all my fault. Nellie 6 not to blame. But though I'm an old maid, Ether, forty years of age, I conldu't see two dear young things so wretched. I know you are good and a Christian. Say sea, f.,ii,cr—t , ay yes." . . . " My clerk," cried !ifr. anon, " ihe ucphe w o• the ,t•.tat met - chola. ELlwani M.althn:" pour partner—for of course you'll take him Into the firm now," said Ret It was too comical. M. Anderson laughed, tried to scowl, laughed again, and said : "Ile Is a fine young fellow, too. And poor little Nell." And Ret pot ber arms about his neck. "Go and comfort her father," .be Rid. I will never, never leave you, even If anybody wanted me to." And she never did, despite a sunny.halred old bachelor, who soon after popped the question Mx times In as many weeks. That night at the Christman party, the Rev. Mathias Ringdove married Mr. Henry Malden, nu phew of the late Henry Malden, and youngest mem ber of the tires of Anderson & Co., to Mien Ellen. youngest daughter of Jonathan Anderson, Esq.; and Miss Ret, as bridesmaid, appeared in a dress of royal Purple with yellow donuces and pink roars in her hair, and wore blue satin slippeN, and caused the company to wonder why Miss Ret would make her self sucb a fritht, and what she meant by alluding in that m) sterious way to her I= Henry Malden has more than realized all the ex peetntions entertained about him, as a devoted an , affectionate husband; ea a man of high mental cal tu re ; and as one of the most prosperous,nneetable and high-toned merchants 01 Philadelphia. COQUETRY AMONG GIRLS. I suppose that coquetry, in its legitimate form. is 8111Ut1.1; wontan's charms, and that then, Is a legiti mate sphere fur its employment, fur, except In rare natures, It is a natural thing with your sex. Nature bas ordained that mau shall prize moat that which shall cost an effort, and while it has designed that you shall at some time give yourheast and hand to a worthy man, It has also provided a way fur making the prize he seeks an apparently difficult one to win. It is a simple and beantliul provision for enhancing your value in his eyes, so as to make a difficult thing of that which you know to be unspeakably easy. It yea bold yourself cheaply, and meet all ad vances with open willingness and gladness, the nat ural result will be that ,t our lover will tire of you. To become a dirt Is to metamorphose Into a disgust ing passion that which by a natural constitution is a harmless and useful Instinct. This instinct of co quetry, which makes a woman a thing to be won, and which I snopuse all women are conscious of potscarlog In some degree, le nut a thing to be cul tivated or developed at all. I t g l oom he left to Itself, unstimulated and on perverted; and if, In Alm formative stage of your womanhood, by imitatiog them, or seeking to mnke Impressions (or the sake ot securing attentions which are repaid by insult and neglig e nce, you do violence to your nature, you make yourself a women whom your own sex despise, and whom nil scimitar§ men who do not mean to cheat con with insineeritles as mean as yours, are afraid nf. They will not love lon, and they Will not trust yea.—Dr. Holland. r,-. 7; • Will you have It rare, or well done?" Fla ao hlogilahman to an - Irishman, as he was cutting a ell en of mat beef. " love it Weil done irer /Ince lam In tug coup. try," replied Pal, "for it was rare enough we wed to ate it In In laud.'' jar:Aueh Billings, whose oraCalar tteraneee are beton:dug:room and room brilllautr.every day, sue: l`Teur brlng up 4, elslld In the way be ahOuld tlavgiltbilt WO5 'coma" ellanuln . cot4dal pOtiardss. • " , , SHERMANB MARCIE The following description of the march of Sherman from Atlanta to Savannah. we clip from the corres pondence of the New'York World! - Considered us a spectacle, the march of Oct:tend Sherman's army surpassed, in some respects, ail marches in history. The flames of a city lighted its beginning; desolation, which In one sense la sub lime, marked all its progress to the sea. Its end Is a beautiful possession—a city snared from doom. Underneath smiling skies, cooled by airs Wilily as the breath of a northern summer, the Army of the West, slowly transforming Itself Into the Army of the Fast, moved from sunset to sunrise, through a territory rich In all things wherein the theories of statisticians have declared it poor. Food in gardens, food in cellars, stock In fields, stock In hams, poul try everywhere, appeared In the distance, disappear ed iu the presence, and was borne away upon the knapsacks and bayonets of thousands of soldiers. A new El Dorado, too, was this heart of the South. Money—bright cold, shining silver--plucked front el• - •sets, and stockings, and burial places by the way side, enrielted the invaders. The soldier has his whims—the tall feathers of peacocks drooped and scintillated along the moving columns from the crests of Infantrymen and troopers, Jokes and laughter and songs, and the tasting of the sweets of honey and sorghum, relieved the weary tramping, tramping over fields and roads and bridges, through a month of days. The cavalry swept the pathway of guerrillas; the clang of their hoofs and sabres en sounded through the glens to the right, the left, and in the front, Swift and terrible, and not always just, were the strokes of their arms, the work of their hands. Pioneers along a March of desolation, forty miles In width, and three hundred miles in length, their labor was too swift to be discriminating. 71le great army, over the lauds and into the dwellings of the poor and rich alike, through towns and cities, like a roaring wave, swept, and coursed, reveled and surged on. In the day-time, the splen dor, the toil, the desolation of the march; In the night time, the brilliance, the gloom ' the music, the joy and the. slumber of the caThp. Memorable the Intisle "that mocked the moon ' of November on the sell of Georgia; sometimes a *riumphant march, sometimes II glorious waltz, again an old air stirring the heart alike to recollection and hope. Floating out from throats of brass to the ears of soldiers in their blankets and generals within their tenth, these tunee, hallowed In the eyes of all who listened. Sit ting before his tent, to theglow of a camp flee, one evening, General Sherman let biz cigargo out to listen toenail* that a distant band was playing. The musicians swaged at last The general turned to one of his officers: "Bend an orderly to ask that band to play that tune again." A little while, and the band recebied the word. The tune was "The Blue Juniata," with exquisite variaUons. Tile band play ed it twain, even more beautiful than before. Again it ceased, and then, off to the right/nearly a quarter of a mile away, the voices of some soldiers took it up with words. The band apd still another band, played a low aceompanimene: camp after camp be gan tinging: the music ofthe " The Blue Juniata " became, rot a few Minnie% the oratorio of half an army. Back, along,the whole wide pathway of this grand march from border to coast, the eye catches glimpses of scenes whose savage and poetic images an Arnerican,,ffre years ago, would have thought never could , liave been revived from the romantic past Piet tons swarm In fields and glens, and by the banksforrivers. A halt at high noon besides a vil lage—a besieging of houses by the troops—soldiers ...erging from the dpor-ways and back-yards, bear ing coverlids, plate, poeltry and pigs—bewhives at tacked, honey In the bands and smearing the faces If the boys—hundreds of soldiers poking hundreds of bayonets in the corner of yards and gardens after concealed treasures—here and there a shining, tink ling prize, and shooting and scrambling, and a merry division of the spoils. In the background women with praying bands and beseeching lips unheeded. Night near a railroad depot—a roar of flres—a shout ing of rob-ea—thousands of men ripping up ties and rails, heating them, twisting them, casting them down—axes at work—the depot and buildings and wood-plies ablaze—a picturesque and tumultuous scenery of savagh faces, lit by a lurid gleam. The march by day—winding columns, glittering musket barrels, glowing flags, General's caValcades—wagon trains, stragglers, and thousands of negroes in the rear, stretching over miles—a country of level fields, crossed by streams, broken occasionally by swamps and patches of forest—the distant smoke of tires, rized villages, and razed hovels by the way—at In tercels, a woman's face peeping out from a door or window,quickly closed—at times a negro family, vol uble with questions, thanking God for the advent, and Joining the march w ith their kind In the rear. The camp by night—a taint glow of camp dive through miles of darkness, the cooking of suppers everywhere—laughter and talk, card-playing, amok lag, music, and the sound of horses' hoofs near and far—mess tents, a murmur with good cheer, grow ing silence, a fainter glow of lbw, a tiunbllee Into ntrinketa, slumber on all the field. Clank, clank. through the desk, through the forest, go the cavalry men's sabres. Their marches cease not at night; they go forth to discover, or surprise. Before the day they have sent a guerrilla party headlong; they have anticipated the day with an illumination. The streams are cool and clear, by many a cliff and wood. Here, "naked and not ashamed," a hnndred soldiers bathe within the waters. Their clothes and arms are flung upon the hanks; their bodice gleam and =plash among the ripples. Their laughter rings harsh and loud, low and musical. while moving ranks upon Ibe bridge above go by. Down by towns and cities and plantations to the fell, the pageant and the wmth moves to the new conquest which at last is ours. and the curtain falls upon another complete act or • drama which shall go on—how long? THE NOVELIST A PHYSICIAN. Some ten ram ago Alexander Domes published a lame novel, aerially; in a political journal. The he roine was represented as a person suffering from ,onsumption, the first stare of which was already passed. Her perspiration, cough, irritability and moodh nms, by turns gay and melancholy, the poetical nights of her imagination; In short, the whole cate gory of phthisic were portrayed with that golden ;_am which the celebrated novelist still so defiantly . . One morning as be was about to conclude Ms wort:, a distinguished person from the condo( Louis Philippe called to sea the author: , The Marquis do was announced ! "Sir," said the Marquis, "Is your novel fin ished I" "Entirely," was the reply. " And wind become• of the heroine in the end?" . . " Yon are fond or rare f hings, Monsieur le Mar. " says the'novelist, laughing, "or else Tort wish to reed In Arabian style—beginning at the end." "(lave," replied the visitor, " a mote serious mo tive to Justify my curiosity." " Weil, then,' says Dumhs," my poor sufferer diiis In the last chapter.' "She must recover in that ruse," Reid his excel lency." "Bat the plan has been carried out." "Then, the conclusion mast be altered." "But the denourrivret is exceedingly striking." "Another must be found, however, and you may de pend upon my gratitude." Daman stared with astonishment at the seigneur. • " Why require this of a fictitious person?" mid he. " Bemuse my only daughter totters the same mal ady and the same symptoms you have described, and the death of your heroine would be a mortal blow to the moral• of my poor child, who folloio bet adventures anxiously in every morning's paper." The far-famed writer pressed the father's hand. Etc revised the last part of his novel. The heroine was miraculously cured. Five years afterwards Dumas met a beautiful lady, of transcendent charms, In the *do. of M. de Monta livet; she was the Sterols's daughter, married, and lu the bloom of health. "She has had four children," said her father, in introducing her. "And my book four editions," answer the nov elist. W" A man of temperate habits woe once dining at the house of a free drinker. N. sooner was the cloth removed from the dinner table than wine and spirits were produced, and he was asked to take a glans of spirits and water. " No, thank you "'Bald he, "I'm not ill." " Take a gloss of wine then," said his hospitable host, " or a glass of ale." " No, thank you," aald he, " I'm not thirsty " These answers called forth a loud burst of laugh ter. 'Boon after this the temperate man took a piece of bread from the side-beard and handed it to his host,'who refuied it, saying that he was not hungry. At this the temperate man laughed In his tarn. "Barely," Raid he, " 1 have as much reason to laugh at you for not eating when you are not hungry as you have to laugh at me for declining medicine when not ill, and think wheit 1 am not thirsty." At aereat breakfast party given by the mem. berg of the Uolon Leagne Club in New York toe diettegtdshed gentleman,e passage of arms between Ray. Dr. Coz and Bev. Dr. Bellows created some amesement. in the course of a speech made by Dr. Cox, he stated in substance that, as a el he felt bound to abstain from seenlar writes an be bad thereThre not felt at liberty to vote at elections or glye tits voice at any meetirms called for the pro. motion land 'encoandement of the war. Ile then went on' 10 speak with some severity of thiamin:at:- meet of the Sanitary Commisskm. Dr. Bellows, in eiref4l.f. is Witte have brought down thehonie by th e OD_ INW - "COCIII ,t4lllltl/ hel*Of t4a y nor Wkidtwoit 0014112 bowarirint.g 4010/33wagyris 4:11:14 oislipki 9:r4 SAINT'S ItL3T, (wleh Iz In the eta] , t nv Noo Ger•y,l Dec. With, 18414. I've beerd [tom Savannah! I red IIV IL Fancy Dm feeling ov a man who bed btu ter weeks speettn 8 beer uv Sherman's beln entirely cbawd up by the undanted Suthern mellshy! The follertu Impromtoo cuss and wale (ekally mixt) reflex the stall ter mind us the Dimoerley nv this sekahun. Rart-alek, worry, alone,.bustid. • Gone up, flayed. skied, hung out. Smashed, pulverized, shiverd, seatteni. Physlkt, puked, bled, blisterd. Bleb Is DertioalAy! Alone I sit, like Marius, swung the roolna. Alone I sit and cuss, and this is ml miss: Cussld be Calhoun, for he InterdOost_ us to that palntld harlot, Stait Rights, who aedoost us. Cussid be Pewee who consentid 2. the Nebmsky bill, with bustbi us. Cnssid ho Bookannon, who favcrett Lecompton, with peeled us. Cuseld be Breekinrig who woodent Support Dug lie, and 'lectid Llnkin, with glv our Post Oritises •2 Abllshnists. Casale be the Poat masters—may tha bekutn sud denly Insane, and wildly go 2 tru.stln out posttge stamps to dlmekrats. Cusald be Grant, and Sherlden, and itosyerancc for they're dun fee dknocrisy Cuaikl be them es went In the army Ilimekrsta, and kum out abllshuLsts. lz epoydetule.) Cusald be Vallandegum 'rich went a praellsln law, leeeln me In the blmocrisy Inuits alone without eny cop} tic to run nix [SPESULY HOT.) Cussld be Sherman, fer he took Atlanta. And he mareht thro the Konfedrisy, and respectid not the feetins nv anybody. the oath wnz, like foloAes', lit with pillars tiv fire and smoke, only the tire and smoke wee behind Hiss path lz a desert—lo the voice of the Shaugby lz heerd not to all the land. And the peeple ItY the South lift up they votaea and weep henna ther nl=rera am not. And he took Savannah, and cotton enutt hey eat• laded Bookauron's eablnet. . _ And he turns his eyes toward Charleston, hnd scrusly thlnkin uv Richmond. lie starteth with three skore thousand—hi 3 stop peth with three skore andlen. The wind bloeth where it listelh- , 4le' 'llsteth wher he vett'. As the lode-stun is to steel, so iz biz steel to the Georgia nigger—it draweth him us. • Who will save us frum the fury uv this Sherman' who will deliver us from his hand? ' Johnston he beset, Hood he fooled, and Wheeler he flogged. Lee wood do It, but he's holdln Grunt and can't leesoh go no him. Bo he cavorts ca ho wills, like a yeriin mule with n ehesnut bur under his tale. Bitter in the month us , a Dtmokrat Is qwlnine,blt. term- Is gaol. but more bitterer is Fedißt victrys. We hey bin fed on victrys lately, and our atumiek turns. Played out Is Davis and Dlmocrisy has tottered soot. The Dimocrisy is tondo war men—thy are bowl& the knee to Linkin. Voorhees will yet be a Briggydeer, aud Vallandy zum will cry aloud fer is war no extertayunslum, and t'eruandy Wood will howl for drafts. . Fer though John Brown's body lies all mouldy In the grace, his sole Is a marching on. i ain't the rose uv Sharon, ner the Illy no the val ey—Pm the last nv the Kopperheds!. I bill ml polittikie hawse on sand—it hez fell and Fin nuder the rooms. . . pollydx I wash ml hands, I shake Its dust or ad few remican garmence. PETROLEUM V. NASIIT, Lail Paster us flu Church vu the Ago Dlspensashen. pV:Mlal;(l)3*cOpittizo4 Just as the century drew to a close, various cir cumstancea concurred to produce change In men'. minds. It was a universally diffused belief that the world would some to an end, when a thousand years from thel3avionea birth had expired. The year Otte was therefore looked upon as the last any one shottio see. And if ever signs of approacking disrolutioe were shown In heaven and earth, then the people of this century might be pardoned for belief than they were made visible to them. Even the breiking up ~f all morals and law and the wide deluge of sir, which overspread all lands, might have been takes as, a token that all mankind wera deemed unfit to oe copy the earth any more. In addition to these ap palling symptoms, famines were renewed from yet, to year, in still increasing intenslty,and brought pas 'Hence in their train. The land was lett untitled, the hou,es nnrepalred, the right tinvlndieated ; tor who would take the trouble of ploughing, or building or quarrelling about property, when so few. wont be were to put an end to all terrestrial interests? Yet even for the few remaining days, the multitude must he led. Robbers !repented every road, entered even into walled towns; and there was no authorit) left to protect the weak, or to bring the wrong doer. ro puniahment. Corn and cattleiwere at length ex haunted ; and in a great part of the continent, then, extremities were endured; sod when cadorane could go no farther, the last desperate experiment was resorted to, and human flesh was commonly con sumed. One unto went as far to expose it for sal. to a country town. The horror of this open confession of their need was so great that the man was burned, but more for the publicity of hh conduct, than for his Inherent Despair gave a loose rein to all the passions. Nothing was safe. Even when Mod might have been had, the vitiated taste made bravado of its, depriva tion, end women and chillren were killed apd roast ed in the madness of the universal Lair. aleanwhil, the gentler natures were driven to the wildest excess es of lanaticism to find a retreat from the impending judgment. Kings and Emperors begged at monas tery door , to be admitted members to the Order.— Henry, of Germany, and Robert of France, were saints according to the notion of the times, and even now deserve the respect of mankind for the aimplic ity and bencrolenee of their character. Henry the Emperor succeeded in being admitted as a monk. and swore obedience to the hands of the gentle ab bot who had failed In turning him from his purpose. ' Sire,' he said at length, 'since you are under ros order, and have sworn to obey me, I .command you to go forth and fulfill the duller of the fftate, to which God has called yon. Go forth;a monk of tin Abby of St. Veune, but Emperor of the West. Robert of France, the son ot Hugh Capet, placed himself, robed and crowned, amongst the chorister, of St. Denali and led the mesicians in singing hymn, and psalms of their own comp:mitten. Lower men were aatished with sacrificing the marks of their knightly prowess and seignorial rank and placing baldrics and swords on the altars and before the im ages of saints. Some manumitted their serfs, and bestowed large SUMS upon charitable trusts, commencing their die. position with words implying the approaching end of all. Crowds of the people would sleep no where but in the porches, at any rate within the shadow ! of the churchea, and other holy buildings; and as the day of doom drew nearer, greater efforts were made to appease the wrath of heaven. Pesce was proclaimed between all classes of men. From Wednesday night until Monday evening of each week, there was to be no violence, or enmity, or war in all the land. It was to be a truce of God. And now came the dreaded or hoped for year. The) awlul thousand had at lasteommeneed,and men held , their breath to watch what would be the Msult of its arrival. And he laid hold of the Dragon, and that old serpent ; which is the Devil and Satan, and bound Lim for a thousand years and cast him Into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and act his seal upon bins, that he should deceive the nations no more till the thousand years shall be loosed a little season.'—(Rev. xx : 2 3 )—With title text all the put pits to Christendom had been ringing for a whole generation, and not only the pulpit• but the refection halls of Convents, and the cottages of the starving peasantry. Into the castles, also, of the nobles, we have seen it penetrated, and the most ab3eet terror Pervaded the superstitious—while despair as in a shipwrecked vessel, displayed Itself amid the masses of the population, la rioting and insubordination.— The spirit of evil was to he let loose upon a wicked and sinful world. Yet. as if men's minds had now reached their lowest point, there was a gradual rise from the beginning of this date. When the first day of the ono thousand and drat year shone upon the world, to all nations the torpor seemed to be thrown off. There was striving everywhere after a new on der of things. The first joy of the deliverance from the expected dissoluttot placed all classes of society in a more honorable and useful path than they had hitherto trod.—mite's Eightee. Cheistabt Centurisa re- When a newcomer Wows a loud trumpet and makes a great dash, he; le sure to be *hallow, and run a abort race. Receive, him mntioaily. A receipt for good health - may be given to the Mowing words: Good; hours, gOod tusbibs. good leellogs. and a clear cousctenee. • cr Coleman, tho dtantatlat. " k w/ if knew Theodore Book. " Tee, " rolled the wit.: " Rook and Bye an old am:dm" • linsband. I mtuitAutve aorp4 thaw t o .d a y.s , Vl,ell, stay at 4otite and take 0,0 ! gys 51.14040, tli4t c.4lqpi . alum < • . • . „ ME= $2.00 per annum, in advance. Et;r the haTendent Zankiican. ROGATION A POLITIOAL =SUM The present la an age of pregnitt The - spirit' Of freedom and enlightenment has burst the bands of ignorance and broken dowre the barrier whicla de signing rulers and a crafty priesthood would have - thrown around it, and today It deeds forth and proclaims to the oppressed of all melons, be free. Its whispers have penetrated the frozen regions of the North, and the serfs of Rustle breathe the air of • freedom. It has knocked at the gates of the Eternal City of Rome, cud superstition trembles. It has crossed the broad Atlantic, and to-day It thunders on the shorn, of the New World and bide us meet like men the Issues now presented to us. These le sues are not matters of a day but have bees forming for more than two hundred years and have now berst. upon us with a force that rocks the foundation! Of' society to their very center.' The cause of this is that the true principles upon which onr government le " founded are not correctly understood by all: Nota— tion Is fit to be free till the masses of the people-un derstand the principles of self-government. To rrem7 country the educated class will rule. In En the aristocracy are aincutedwlille the working lice ple ant not, therefore the aristocracy make the harsh Give the lower classes in -England an education ' equal to what the higher class receives and In ten" years every man would be a nobleman. In our own country. that part of the pcopks among whom edam. non is generally diffused still cling with affection to our republican Institutions. In the other part whlcb. eonsists ol an educated tow and an ignorant =myths doctrine of equality Is unpalatable to the governing class. Want of kuowedge of the principles of gar ernnaent is the reason that republics have always • tailed. The republics of Greece and Rome might have stood till this day had the plebeian class been educated. In onr own nation had the institutions of the whole country been .114.-113 to have favored the educatign of all classes no part of the people could have been brought to rebel This Is the reason the Northwest conspiracy failed. It was a bold plan Un dertaken by deapend.e men but the good tease and intelligence of the people saw that such • a comae would be but precipitathig their own rein. Our free school system then mast be the great bulwark of our national liberty. Everything that stands lathe way of the development of tree thought and Intelligence among the people must be swept away, before our free government can be established on a awe fonnda ion. But not the intellect alone must be educated. The heart, the hand, and the hraln haveeteh its apw pointed work to perform. The man who breaks the stubborn soil or fells the giant forest of the West te 'tines the work that God has assigned him. ills triumphs may not be so brilliant as those M the sol dier but they are lasting. Re is carving out free homes for free men ; and as he lifts his heart la greatful thankfulness to the Giver of all good be breathes an earnest prayer for his conhtry in the hour of danger and a heartfelt wish that:de children may ever enjoy those blessings he has learned so well how to appreciate. The soldier as' he stakes his life on the battlefield Is learning the price of liberty and that the sins of the nation must be wash ed out in blood. Toe heart broken mother and the widow In her loneliness are learning the lesson!' of patience and submission. The only salvation for onr country, then, is the education of the masses. Our only assurance of liberty the Intelligence of the people. In this great drama of life we each have a part, each in his appro priate station. The student as he bends over the written page or reads from the great book of Nature written by God's own hand, the pbilanthoplat whose emit heart reaches out andgrasps sufferleg and falttn hnmanity, the minLster who Inculcates God's truths In the hearts of the people, and the statesman who wisely conducts the affairs of the nation, are all parts of the one great whole and each entitled tee credit In proportion as be does his part to the best oi his ability. But we may not all title highpiseek We may not all proclaim gospel truths from the pulpit, but we can follow the teachings of religion. We may not sit in the councils of tits nation, but we can love our country. Religion and patriotism go hand in band. Next to the duty we owe our Maker is the duty we owe our country. When the little child first bends the knee by its mother's side and lisps its little prayer, that prayer should breathe love of country with love of God. We must labor for the establishment of correct principles and to do this we mast uproot error. "He is the free man whom the truth makes free" is as correct in practice as it Is beautiful in sentiment. Education is the keystone that still holds the nation together. its influeuce is felt on the battle-deld and by the fireside. Without it we should not have op predated thu great principles for which we are fight ing and tired salute would long ere. this have aban doned the struggle. All honor then to our free schools and their teachers, and the friends of eines- I ion, all through the land. Their labors Ito silent but their works shall live forever. It la their muster to preserve what the soldier shall win. Their un tiring efforts will yet erect a structure founded on the intelligence of the people which shall stand ms a beacon light for all future sees. A structure around whose base thrones shall crumble while the dust of singit shall moulder beneath, and around whose top eternity shall Ily. Num Mims: "I cannot so debate mixelf as to associate with these hake The atmosphere stymt them. Is con taminating. To sympathizing with them their auauannents, and becoming familiar with interests, I cannot lower myself; for I wish the spiritual Influence about me to be such sx, will raise the tone of my feelings, Instead of depressing k— nelt° people are utterly repulsive to me" Thus spoke a tom of lotty bearing In reference to the common people, among whom were his bust tees, his ditties, and his Interests. They were hon est, respectable folks, wanting the polish of manners gained by famillardy with high phases of ,society; out many of them possessed fine instincts sad nat ural refinement cf soul, which atildclal culture had !shut to bestow on the intimate friends be delighted to honor. They did not attract the lofty-feeling ivan ; and, to them, he was equally repulsive. As .omed excelleoce is always hatetuL A bearing of superioilly IndLates poverty of soul. Tee truly great cannot be debated by associating with the humble The truly great man Is the most accessible. His greatness Is lutist; and It radiates its beams of sympathy on all about him, warning them, drawing them towards him, elevating them, refining them by its Influence, till they are transfig ured In Its presence. in the presence of true greatness we feel malt we could walk right Into the heart and then open ours fully—we feel as If we had met one of our own uousehold But, look at him when he wears Ida eonsclous greatness like a new broad cloth. or likes steel harness; his greatness Is as email as his sympa thies. Greatness clusters like burrs on the concedt ed ; It does not permeate his nature. The outward rigidity only shows the impossibility of Inward ex pansion, unless the iron crust shall be ruptured. A great man never nannies his qualities. The great man never goes abroad labelled. Be carries uo placards on his back. " The great man Is he Into whose soul the whole people enter, feeling at home. They who cannot walk, creep in and nestle there, sure of room enough to sun themselves in Its light; and they look np and become strong. Then they find themselves men and women and walk lotih to Wets the world. When a man Is placarded with a list of indivldatl excellencies, mark him as a pluNi of spurious hu manity. lie I. not current among those familiar with the ring of the true metal. Remember the car. lcature beneath which was written, "Thla la hone." Who was He that,wlthout fear of deterioration, re. ceived sinners and atemlth them! associated with them that they might be Influenced by His holy life. It was the Ono who said, " Whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant." If one is elevated, It mast be by the action of in. hermit qualities, developing themselves outward and melting the hearts of others. The reaction on him —which the spuriously groat so dread—only elevates him thu most deeply and making finer the soil la which greatness flourishes. And if his greatness goes out to the whole people, It will, erelong, till the whole world. Become debased"! A man's opitiloti of tdelsoli cannot raise hint. Contaminated by common folks! Can the sun be blackened by shining on the earth? No, it way bring up from germs hidden there o f:, .t.h . s most beautiful and fragrant dowers; but the la. lions arising from it toward the son are clumgato forms of beauty, making glorious the entire tr. cats—LYS Photrated. • Slinnstatra New CA9lP33O3O — The iliclittiondloup neleare confident that Sherman is moving on BrawX• 8. C. This place certainly the point Alp= which General Sherman might be impeded to mows. inasmuch as its capture would be of ihr morn Impor tance to 99, strateglcally, Gum Ito reduction of Charleston. It Is located on the Charleston and gnats road, aixtrtwo miles from tho former and six ty-tight miles from the latter place. Rem thdarosd is intersected by another whicb - runs 110:1,11 thrOUgß Columbia and Salisbury to Omettaboro.. T.ct gaP Intervening, prior to the war. betgraril this latter piece and Danville, luta been cout_reiatOtao that communication b now had from utedmond through Branchville to Augusts. and thence on tO &tante s$ other points Vest. Bhottld Shen= move on to Charleston, laving thla tilar {Brauoh• otunolestcd, he might Ptilre Sy, but the enemy would stilt have fine line of coutranniottlon leR Looking at the matte in this light; vs are oat aurprfted thal the retch, are look! - for Sharma at ltratichrUle. and los% - itsigarge , Web 19 (91114f449 • gni NUMBER :4 -...4-.. • GIMMM MI
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