E IMAM 51 A m - p. Gentleman a nd Cu imam. T :1 LI I ateadroastnYtrhltetdagg.elds this glorious tuttaten day, , Aud Vt lv Al l A gtvageAg7l4'°'9: the; aged Attrtibite the lorded grata ratika thll before the reap. I prat e Glyer °libel good, for a tamed free from lbe well tiborn meadows 134,tritiLther - rustling ',tmrley touts ore whitening titenth,the Wbfle still beyond, rim russet wheat bangs down Its . way, The g A oers - lon at the farmer's toll, the earnest of hli cheer. • On. that. fair hill-side's gentle slope, and .down the mucky vile, The *sten' rxileleo of oatsstakeMille summer gale From yona ; erlarolls the buckiihait blooms, and o'er the et post, Cots floating up. the melodies of honey-gathering bee.. While tidiest - emit of Ceres' train, of heat and moisture Vero, And loveliest ofthe summer's grain, I see the taisel. ed eons; Mown the lawn in pastures green, or 'neath the The geilliFt, Air t,tiand* l / 2 1ilin The cribber, bending o hie fails, lays the rich er74. tient brow Then ibil.wtog < pn usllblesip,la,hatuis,a t he nimble hinders, eft,‘„l , iti 3, e 6 Binding the sheaves in strawy bands, that , wales may •bearthem home. . • Behind thegh iatlll a happy train Of Merry blithesome boys, Are gathering up the shea y es of grain with laugh and shout, and noise;' Boon, thickly *bon ecory irandosppearthotsbeaten shocks, In tented rows across the lend , spring'np the tarley cocain. Up throngli tile field, and past the ham, along the rtats_roml, The well-fed team come tolling on before theli pond t ; Ana ti 'as r - sea . ni,) ttarnt'isreNi Bred froth ll*ven'a boudtiotil halia.P..l oti^ ; 11,n . I Wes& the fil.rer,of it all for.the harvest through the Thutsitavtga Btrrnn trims Verso FROM Frrotttra—A • writer in the i'Veto-York Observer furnishes and Commends the following mode, even An Mrs. Cornelius's Toting Souse-Keeper's FeitYl4': After taking'out butter enough to last a week or rtidre, - Itty a piece orwhite linen over the firkin, ebViripgit closely around the edges, and then pour tinstesolntion made Of two quarts of water, one quart of line' salt, one pound of sugar and a teaspoonful of saltpetre. Head np the firkin, and it it leaks ofit set it in a wash-tub and put in some more, driving down the hoops; event lime-butter is taken out, close the firkin in this IT salt does not dissolve in the brine, add a little more water. Our recipe will do for 10 lands of butter. The above corres pondent ttoi•—• •WitS thri.wipe I have kept butter into July, in Brooklyn." On showingtiale—methed to nn experienced and skillfittlinntSeltraphr, - "she said it was pre eintatol3l4obitgabe bad been familiar with for montAban„thfrty, an excellent recipe. BincdthrhigirprWei 'rtr, however, she had used only tha salt and water, and found it to answer nearly us well SMOKE rots WE( CUES of WOUNDS.—A cor reePpti= of, theruntry Gentleman recom meutia' alt, nda in men and animals. He saYefoes with an axe The lady of the ' bouseAetzing the foot while it was yea-bleeding:freely, held it over a pan containing smoking to lochs. In a few momenta the bleed ing stvw* end Ae smoke was removed r and a bandage.itiplle3 to protect it against accidental blows. The wound never suppurated, and con selluenllk never pained me. I have seen it tried in many similar cases, and always with the same results. Let the reader bear in mind that no lin iment or salve, drawing or healing, should tug applied. You have merely to smoke the wound well, Riad ;attire will do the rest. I suppose the smokbbrbiftnlng wood would produce the same results; bat is would not he so manageable.— There is a principle in the smoke of burning wool y which, when applied to the flesh, coagu lates„the albunien, thus rendering it unsuseepti ble he taittifaction. The same principle stops bleeding-- by coagulating the blood. It pro motes healing, and may be applied with decided btmeflltitrs.u . ulcers, wounds, and cutaneous dis- ‘ aut H .e. FOR Bcriso lionsc.—Few persons are a ' ted with the mode of judging a horse by the th. As the lesson can he learned by rote in a very few minutes, intending purchas ers will do well to commit it to memory. At two years old the horse sheds the two middle teeth of the under jaw; at three years old he sheds two other teeth, one on each side of those abed the year before; at four years old he sheds the two remaining or corner teeth; at five years old the two middle teeth are full, being no lon ger hollow, as the others are, and the teeth will have penetrated the gums; at six years old the four middle teeth are full, the tusks larger and thicker, and the horse is said to he aged. Occa sionally, however, these marks will slightly vary, a gond deal depending on the animal's constitu tion whether he be a lute or early foal; also up on the manner in which the animal has been reared, the kind of food, shelter, &c. = EFFICACT Or ONIONti—A, writer says: We are often troubled with severe coughs, the re sults of colds of long standing, which may turn to consumption or premature death. Hard coughs cause sleepless nights by constant irrita tion in the throat, and a strong effort to throw off offensive matter from the lungs. The reme dy I propose has been tried by the and often recommended toothers, with goodymnits, which is simply to take Into the stomach, before retiring at night, a piece of raw onion, after chewing.— This esculent, in an.uncoakio state, is very heal ing, and tends to collect the waters from the lungs and throat, causing immediate relief to the patient Sliced onion, in a raw state, will col lect Issisurt; from the air, and aleotrom the hu madt- .a'kehert taken internally, or external ly appltedm she armpits. Sccw343a:mc Foa C.U.S7-3.-" The best calves Ifi v teliiVt* i d f a r r arq h ttlei s i ty . , the agri c ultural editor t'Atke.f eiv 'orb • ne, "I did in :his way,. "Ju , :t.ns soon as they would eat, allli o that was Fey earTv m tor the young ours, laeher-Shdblief4ier,l time-that - 0 as'fataanally sugar beets as they would eat I cut them up in ern sil ices, frith a-slicing machine. slid they are ' them with-a voracious appetite, and_ grew fat and sleek as moles: - I'hare tae doubt other beets scnahLbenearty , aii good, autElsoLwould cerium , parsnips, and even Intutiaa,foteitily spring feed turf-Weller-grass comes. This fart fs tnentio' ed •notKilat'farmtra: mar save some of their roots, if they have thern,..:to laud the intires with LOIID Jnmt Coin-Nato.—Some ,tiMe itgo a bet MokplaCe izeiarindon between Joshua-Bates; banker..Londonauld , Lord Aloha Russell, that 3 14,14iitesnould not .produce or..•ear, of Indian corn wittrtmenty-foor rows at kernels.- He sent to New.lzuk, and -his correspondent procured from Lafayette, Ind., 'tie tars 'fit-liarshi.tokifli corn, two of which - had - Ca vat, -dine crows, two thirty-on; and tviceltatrtpt. wo. The fanny part of the story is thi4ateNsith odd numbers of =WE. It hap 14:ewa,04.Eicitted ffirt, - ., - civer since weNere 914:9 0 1 1 011) musing, ears_ that an AttiDralc*peret**4s,, fb Fitimbet ofgattii L 1„ 1 411111sYSIPWW4e1;mkat-sEotwiliagapcsitt • the stockg ttrgq)•iite , (ioZtyr{E"air,tl was amused at hearing . as 91d7fsnitei,uf; portly ,di ruensionlV a friend the - egret by latich"he was able &Wilk pristWar his'ldock." I tellArga ItS a1.17403/TVOlT74,aNktkt.Orit ter W ade to:Xi-Melon" ankh—diet (MeV If ty but what'll get fnoTed:E-Illey intik•first at the acraboand•then at tbwothesonad they think IN a tuteldbasyy critter:, Tinit'ithecit4l,4lielf, otHienkins theahrery m...14t0r *xi** .:chuald'A434k; mat , and . r • As the judgme,:rtls'ili*s 'Ye financed-4,y • -compartarmi - there - may be - ulit t e ll atgoltstArart2Vatit Tamicl ; K kri lf i t4 P4a/VaktitdgattP.ne. trick za.KIPAV.-4/41.1 ara AREs t Ok9TT. L .. -aB ._, . ttrxa , W,o l l4geller, Kr . ...1411:r a r . ENGRAVING COMPANY , 1 : RICE & ALLEN, 1 Kahl! nin zoo, Michigan, ;i c it "-E an c 7 L4' R kl a r t iil : l7 :!: B (l 7 o AlTil : E4 al . TZ:cs, " i • , i ALSO, .., ..., . -- .. , --- - e —2. i` - -'•+' - s .4fouldings and Theture (rnd Looking Glass Frames h ailikiiindlial tabiltiaA=lt'aiiiiliaiie l , i ; .-- 1 atirtiarsate- . ______ ;di !' "ht fl iWi r ia kd ~ „....,„ti.L,,,,,a i t rlfltcy& ; : a÷r4earzin: - ; freermany ways 3 lke., . o ! ! , i i .... re w ir . . ii . ' read. ii e , ---------„,.. 44„1„...... ~.,,,,._ _. tim 77',,_,7 . ..,'?' paiman . a1ieh ,.....,„,... s ..„.„,....,,,,„, more *Met linllll IN !LAI SAEt t; 10:49 441±talfillifIlla ‘ 77, '-- -- - • -. i ?!2 l 2 l _ l lC l l____.- — 1 .-EtiiTial iiEiZr u.-P., xti---v, i,L ~0•4 ,) ;e2;.:•;::::1Z i",rlc ..;fl,:jiVan E , „,....„ 1 , 1 . c. , 241 ... e: a ~., -ii.,,r] - ... pi , ie.i • 11.i.5i14,44 , _pi-1 , ... ,t.f: -4a•iaaCZ.6437=at A Me-47:.! fa-sn...MISAI..Wr. •: : e me by republishing 53 to receipt fdr black ink, givlngthelpgredlente by."teeight. It is excellent. SELve. DiSsolVe - eight grains bi-chromate of potash, and half an - ounce of pure extract of logwood, in ono ,guart. of very clean rain-water. The ve & seis l aust be perfectly clean, or the ink will be dell or dirty colored. Shake the solution oc casionally, and leave the bottle uncorked. In a day or tmoitorirlt Ivill be of an intense black. 'lt mixed with even a small quantity of common ink it wiji, In spoiled. ;This ink often fails from impurity of materials, Or using dirty water or dirty vessels, or pens used In other ink.— Country Gentleman. ••! SEETITETE L FOR SWEET POTATOES --Good rippilubbitrel ,Squash, when baked, makes an excellentdisli when eaten with butter, or what is better yet, with sweet milk or cream. They are as sweet as sweet potatoes, and a very good substitute in this northern climate. People whb llnyo /itly eaten of tho common varieties of winter iiiutish, have no idea of the sweetness and excellence of this variety. They aro just as easily raised as the common varieties, and are so much superior that no one will ever consent to raise or nso the old kinds Everybody praises the Elubbard, and everybody is right. L. L. F. IN that tilleth his land shall have plenty of bread; but he that followed' after vain persona shall,. have poverty enough..--Puov. 28;19.. Eke gndtp en dent epublicun. CB I.OIMI6UID BOSSY VIIIIIIDAT, AT 111101111081, 61111011 HANSA 0008TT, raini',L, BT H. H. FRAZIER, Alf '2,00 a T 342,11 ADVAUCI Office up stairs in Mucky d$ Lathrop's Building. gates of Advertising. apace - . - 11 Wt2W3 M. 2131918 M 1 1 equore,ito 50 0 7511 00 1 2512 25 8 0016500; f 8 0( 2 equates' 1 00,1 5612 0012 5014 00 5 °CI 9 0(115 06 8 squares' 1 6012 2518 003 756 007 60 12 00'20 01 squareel CO'S 0013 761 1 4 501 1 8 001 1 9 60 15 00'24 GT alicht nun of Wee. ?rye, ( Ante I make it mown. Pearly Advertisers *lll have toe pre or cluketne their edvertLsementsoecaslorially •Itbont additional charge Radnor Cards not.cooding Ow lines Inserted at 00 b. , annum. A dvertleemotts, to I nettle tratettiOnin peTtplper.tollist be Landon to Friday afternoon or early baturdey morning. Job Work.—Tho Office of the iNDEPVIDENI Rarrseraaaar Is provided srlthtbree , printing_pr . easea aHTEA Id POW- 'ill, ▪ ER HEN!, 4 Wasitinston t▪ a l I A nn ' tI P II R S E C ' ee N t A 7 rblnt Roan- •rtment of fobbinF m i ntema.: tl , nde l o . f Joliollork, each 1.. . -4 Handbills, Penaph I ets, &e.,.!Zrillbet r itne neatly and prompti, Blankg.—Justices', Constables', and Schoo Bionics, Notea, Deeds. Lew, Land Chmtrarta, kepteonerantly al hand ural for male lat tb• (MT., WILLIAM W. SMITH, 4 OADINET AND DRAM BUN°. Matra's. beeps constant!). aa baud all kinds of Cara:Fre Foam - ern; or Mr alabed , at short .. o bane and Ware Rooms foot of Nato St. klontrams. Pa Mar S. 1-,65.-tt I P. REYNOLDS, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, Q.ELLs DRY GOODS and All beds of Ilerchandlaa, and at v•noura. Montrone. Pa. Dec. G. 1564.-41 GEORGE GATES, LICENSED AUCTIONEER I Address Mama, SuApetmana County, P. August ID, I 864. -Snap Ezaniining Surgeon! dIIHE elbacelbrrharlod bre', atpointed by the Cosarobteleaee nt rensform, • StEI.II , 7AL EI ASTI:VILA at lame. to ex - to:nice add k.v r tr:ttGutnt ll r.tit c.cl to Peudlo will attend to al I ay olledalonntltt may be prteented to Urn at t ne rantrode. Pa. Roo. at J, Taroel Howl. R. PATRICK. llorarte, April d. McCOLLUM & SELELE, Ittorneys and Counsellors at Law MONTROSE, SITSQ. CO., PA. tAlSceto Lathrntie Neer 110.ek 8u1.14114111, over Luthrork, Tyler & xlles. Store. a. )4L1.711. • ..... ntt 1.1 _II L. 0. TIFFA NY, United States Licensed Auctioneer FOR FUSQU MANNA AND LUZEEN E COUNTIES °lbws, Durk. IS1".I.-EunA4.ftp1remolortZpil E. M. TURNER, Attorney - at - Law ! OFFICE OVER WILSON'S STORE. Montrose, Ao,,st -tt G. B. ROGERS, LICENSED AUCTIONEER Brooklyn, Pa. Brooklyn' November 1.V.6. A. G. REYNOLDS, WOOL CARDING* Brooklyn, Snail. Co., Pa., May 23, 1864. D. BREWSTER, AUCTIONEER Montrose, Pa. liontrcee. April 4. 1g64.-tf 7P'yanzsiy AT KINGSTON, I,IJX6BNE 00., PL A First Class School of Trade Send for Circular. W. 8. SMYTH, Principal. KINGSTON, P., Angus 1, 1.E.44_4m WM. & WM. H. JESSUP CLAIR AGENTS. B AdleVlVaii 40Uli'ri ; EZall edfoLanidiera and the. held" aztitld the gorersment prow Sated span reaeanahla.tawo.„ d.d columanhaodcwwnre,s rm &urge. etittftvdtldjoir. dad dill= cldllndalsrcadeattd wILL Out charm trafe.Uan Jane Luida—tr • HOME INSURANCE COMPANY. OF NEW-YORK I iASH CAPITAL, TWO MILLION DOLLARS. A~etete:Jeactrq. 196 E iJ. lirLT SW rTP.t.C. - ¢"-.127. C. J. M President. Jon, lloGcs. drcdrts:_t seery. A. F. NV tr.m•arn. V. ['mit. Pawl.. !nue.] an d renewed by the an dmldned. et 1112 Offiet, to . Led:ma:ft !Mirk tt,uding. BILLINGS STROUD, Agent. !Montrone. Pa-duls t. I SV--U I MRS. E. S. SMITH ' S NEW MILLENERY GELANDLEIIPSI ' STIME: -. : AMES citm-orie AND NM' I sborM hp 1`.414 , tO dot , potra new to/ ftterltrtestitrar-orrsown htilttraw *try CS'ectorlst lost 'paktum-4 to the slty• of , rw sort.g? Lowry Pnr tjotsls i CREAP,4f os -4 W..M .4/e7l3'" ' "rY ! . 'ltersasiotts.ol . "2l/Isll,Voil Maart Oiler. ,Riti r Clit ' ornawr . co. - arms t e The offing: style bciarzw. :upu watt your Bonnets Dyed Blacic for Wintei Wes' the= to llootrose. °owls:110th. 1004. E. 8. 6311TH. 'MICHIGAN CENTRAL Akitt tO L D. W. LOWELL, PRINCIPAL & PROPRIETOR FtE s = saw , " puts=atldlttons ancHmermeernents which Dere been mute In sad to the email Depertnecob, of hie Colleen. The Cow= Of In ebuctlon, enended end Peekbbet Pmee." Young Mon and Ladles ltd best tuttlltlee !be obtstrilna A PRACTICAL, COMPREHENSIVE BUSINESS EDUCATION. The incironigb, navel. and Intim:2llnd coarse of ACTUAL. PRACTICE embraces a complete routine of tramettelotre In each Inaportant - ben ch of busicen. A atom Dank and IX= Steamboat. Tele gLa& Poe. Me,. de , nee In full and on. teem In • p hawing and aathfacioni manner ihe7rroutlns of a7ll;rbeelnen Mk ha attach the student becomes in kmemalon en smelter CLERK. MERCHANT. nod HANKER; neeking. In each capach7. a practbal and tellable knowledge of butanes In Its multlfaxioas forme and pbsee• PENMANSHIP! In this essenthdbrenebt of • osmium education no Came offtere better fecillthe to the lams. The Summed. system atil be tsusht ill all Its vari ng to= eties try the most sklllllll masters of the Specimens of Wa this Dalltutton hue roadved thy bbeh• eat encondsons boor the prem. For general Won:maim terms. &c.. address for MOT Mouth. ly, which srlll be nulled hoe; for Specimens of l'exmansh_ p.eoelose I'a Same cent stans .mi Adirein D. W. LOW ELL. Whelped, Coonmerelal Donee% Mostaantlon. DI. T. NEW FIRM! W. I. & T. W. TINKER, ESPECTFULLY anzasinee to the cilium a Montrose and 111, vicinity that Mang purchased the attire gloat a GROCER IES CRANE & FURGERSON, t;i7l,l4& , A i neine;Anally A tT i ri . c additions; they are prepared to Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Tobacco, And all other ertlclesto the GROCERY LINE. They YOU keep commonly oa band, and for elle cheap,o era rate quality at FRESH GROUND FLOUR, FROM SELECTED WEIRAT. by tho eseit or barrel. CORN YEA L. SALT, &O, Roping to matt daire W reortmos tar share a pattle age. rar motto la ^QUICK T. W. SALES AND S 'r MALL PROFITS." W.I. TINIER /NICEB.. Montrose, Oct. eth.1864 --t3 LET US HAVE A. Good Understanding THE -lIRONTROSE BOOT AND SHOE STORE i=t , a to j e =7 ibeband the leneelrlte se r tdmg rotnr OUR STOCK 4.00. complete to all Ito Prone-bee consisting In part of Men's Boys' and Youths' LADIES' GLOVE KID, Fine Ent. and C.alf. Heavy Soled Walking Shoe.. Including the Valcardoli Rubber sboe. la doe thing for Fall and Winter.) n end lea. variety of Ulm% Children'. and Inflade Shoea of all thada nod Qualltl.. Gents' and Boys' Hats and Caps, ALSO. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS We also Vandal:lure to order all lends of Boots and Shoe. hem the brad mewl We, which we will eel cheap far dal or ready pay. (WI and meow !dock and pikes, use will not be underlaid by '°'ooC. Y. B. W EARS dr CO. Montrose_ October M. 1.44.—u. COAL! COAL! CAYUGA MITE GROUND PLASTER QUICK LIME & WATER LIME, By the Back or Barrel, Wholesale or Retail, SUPERIOR PLOWS AND PLOW CAST INGS, STRAW-CUTTERS, HORSE POWERS, TIIRESHERS AND CLEANERS, &c.; ALL FOR SALE ;MEM' FOR OASEL by th e sub:writer. al wELL FS' CANAL WA REHOUSE, M WYALUSLNO, BRADFORD COUNTY. PA. Oaband.. good supply of Wllkesbarre and Eagle Coals, Such as selected Foundry and Illacksman's Lump, Lana and Small sad CLestnut. Also. Towanda or Barclay Bituminous Coal, THE VERY BEST FOR BLACE.S.MITHS' ESE. MIXED!!! My Krick of Coal a o principally purchased la.' May and June before conch advance in prices of Coal and Freight.; therefore I ern prepared to sell Coal to Susquehanna ( utasty customers at such ralcsaa to Ludurgi tutha to buy their wilatees .UPP)F of Coll from I= VERY EXCITING NEWS! ➢TORE SUCCESSFUL RAIDING Valuable Holiday Goods Captured, Ck UM true and trusty OEN. SANTA CLAUS has re late teen a mating Raids upon the numerous Supply traMs_ ploslog thro' Horan.. u.d.vras so fortunate as to secures good assortment of .. ktr i tar..o they valuable goods suitable lot the MAM .. A)..ugh ge number of the nrrrne oars croccnorie. mod to be sold cheap. at the ... Yrenilln Hotel Basement" Store, No. I. one door ABOVE THE HEAD OF NAVIGATION, (OR A Lrrn.F. BELOW,) Mon complete most of the General% some% upco the arrival cvrt tralv. 00, motto Is Dye and lee Montrose. December !WI. IDsl.—ti DO It 0 U WANT A GOOD HMO OB A CABINET ORGAN ! WALL Wirt BEE THEM AT 0. D. BEMAN'S Wbas You :ean be Supplied sith say TMIZt the Use of Musical Merchandise, 'PROM A PIA-N - 0 TO A JEWSkiLik.ll.l". ALSO—As mud, the °say sucettoent of PURE Silver-Ware sad NNE JEWS:LEN la town. H. 11.-1 yell otd3rthe Pianos of fret Oast Some sod SeeNTork.Mobere, sad alt Mauro Add by ms 1.111 be kept to tune eta yew- OabilgtOrgansWarrantedfcallveYeam, P. ft.—lf you emit to tubetior lettrourteut, does coil You" truly, 0. D. BEMIS. iiciab.me. March 2.1864. , 04:30.11E13E1 . • , OFEElSOthepubble.st Stud =mot tillto tag .sa&nizsalosmortaumtoU • - • E . A;S, 00.PF14,8Plitar,POir' itziMiZT, (by eh sack' or heirrel t ) POW, and aD artielasunally formals erstellgeGvadretu. 'Flour-by the. Wholesale and Retail. zaszit,l her bracebre — liberal share° . ilinbileps 7511. 3tTUk..‘ . iestlinutetplattal . torPeutemireocartn , ' /MEW - • Z.COBB. itarammitoselnctses..to - - MEAT MARKET . psolie t A m ue nearseurtecadot iff i lllite;6ni; eft lialg e toodomayoflllitATS of allkinds. 011258 er DEEP' OATTLM 04 VESAUXIMand alotorlllDltaixf IS.T.theasTooz • . Ems .ie ro i nm i tax : 21414w717. liclayall!Mcb. [ULM ".:, Fire. andlife Illsuralle CHANDLER, TN ara;i Line' ai'G piUt to on habiate. XoattorkAssil23,/864...tt FititAGJwiN ER QQost SOWNantatret. MARI% !ot. , l inttas tenr m d iineklWU 13=1 I=l SALT, =I =2 retni& Neiltitidi Nr. , =zaeray.h.-4 WEBS & BUTTERRELD, biglovetobtertothembiletbstmi al* not• weeetirtitfromiirni York • LAME old WELL BELEOTED 8200 E of Goods of Every Description cousletlor of the West stile. of Welt and &dame, Prints. Ma llet. Dalai:km Caarlmeree, 81..1., Cottomilea, &o A lot Of GlTooeries of all Kinds. A good asfortment of Crockrry, I:lLasnrata, Woodenware, Hata and Cam Roots and Shona Umbrellas, Paranoia, (Rom Drea. hinamlnin.Nock IlenScarnafjollars.Ar— Alm &Adolf saffatakentof A. RAD WA. R. , Clandstana of akervela, Spades. Bona Prtmang Hooks. rarta.acylnea, Ike. de. All kinds of prodvat taken In =ham. Call and see neat Webb's Old Store on PtiblicAvenne H. J. WIBB, • - A. D. BITTTIMPLELD. Itoattoaa, April 11. 1E0417 , That Same — OOO L. C. KEELER Hu of hand odo of tha REST AMORTIIEMI3 of Ititn t Can t AND FUSS, Gloves and Mitts, Boots, Shoes, and Findings, EVER OFFERED LE TIM /SURE.= conalcos.ln mt. of Lbs fallowing : CATS AMP CAPS. Gents' Wool, Felt, and Ftr Bat; Irma Kos Dope Wool. Felt, and Fur Mu t, from ,7t to t Childrens' Wool Felt, and Frr Hata. from ;LI to 114. tietat . , Borg. and eh Clow Capa, trout .75 to 1". Boots and Shoes: Ladles' Balmoral, p lath and fancy. froth V... 03 to 113,00. Ladle"' Lastine and Kid (Wien. from s t_tYi to Ladies (loth and Kid Slippers. Mines find Childreths' Bninlofals. Oniters. and Bob ben, to. Gentlemen's aurae and Gee Boots constantly on band. FINDINGS. rink and Wiiite Lining Mire. ("millets] Roane, Last.* Kill.. N.llff, Ink, flea Ina% Wet. Webbing. theneniens, liineere, tn. Gloves and Mitts. Geste Back Glovrs and biltthas, ham $l.OOlO 10.00. Gents' slc. Obey Crum $2,75 w $3,.50. Bon' Buck 11 Rum Inan $x W $l. FURS_ Ladles % af Ivor, and Chlldren'a Coilars, I/lofty - Ines, nlifirl Cuffs, and RAWL ut every variety • Sara from Alb to CAI . • GCOtil COMM, Cam Moves. Ruffian and . Paney Robe. ike_ Ac. AII kinds of Purr made to order, and IV alt It ANTED he Irtml they are tryiresontol. Old Furs cleaned and repaired neatly. CASitt PAID for all kiLads of Raw Furs one dr.ir below Ilut P.O L. C. REELER. • uput /6gAii 1 04.' '11 4 45/T.TiY/ - - • GET THE BEST Webster's Unabridged Dictionary NEW ILLUSTRATED EDITION, Thoroughly Revised and Much Enlasged. OVER 3.000 FINE ENGRAVINGS to.coo WeIRPS and hf EANINGS not (bond In other rtiCtiOrrilrir.. Over thirty able American and European acle•lirs employed upon tide revision. and thirty Years of labor expended upon it. Amon the eol tabormors aareDr. Mahn. of Berlin, Pe , fesem Par ter.Dana Whitney. Hadley, Lyman. Gilman, end Thad:en Cap , ' tato Cealghlis. of West Point lillitnry Academy, Judge J. C Perking Professor Miles. A. 1.. Holley. Ar ho. Several table of great mime, one of Chris Win Q oarto pnge, Ea Wan&tory and Pronouncing, of manes In encl-m of retools and plasm, Nendonyme, Ac. At . d Walden, Avadix, Albany kegen op, Mother Care. Mason and Dixon'. line. Mr. litica•ber Ac. Containing onstiftl. or one-fourth more matter than nny terms, edhlneu From new electrotype plates and the Riverside ?TM, In One Voltune of 1840 Royal Octavo Pages. "GET TILE LATEST." "GET THE BEST." "0 ET WED ST ER. - Pubashed by 0 anti C. MERRIAM. Springfield, Mass. Sold by all Booksellers. Nov. y. 4. 1564.—Stv, 1864-5, 1861-5. FALL & WINTER. CALL eLND SEE VIE LARGE AND NEW STOCK OT CLOTHING, AT THE STORE OF GEO. L. STONE & CO. rheir OVERCOATS are Good and Cheap. New Styles of UNDER-COATS, PANTS, 6 VESTS, & UNDERCLOTHI G !LOH, SALT, TEA, CO" 1:, 810 MS, c tll a the abo, la sympathy voir.tk GOLD at tht r tt; t4 e , litzt o d . e. hgtit="4s7Z%tb.lBAL On the Track. C. F. MEEKER, H A (7 lll =2TO= l tack cu hood of Plows and other Castings, as are %molly form:lb • Comstry shop .hoot Douro sod Foundry opposite the Post Office in New Ilflford. Pa. N. B. OLD LION WAFTED, for which I •113 pay CASE. CI F. MEEKER. Fey Milker& Soot D. 1864.-ITT, 1:MaDf:071100 1 1 MONUMENTAL WORKS! To the People of Susquehanna Co. MILE orLdereigned hereby announce th at they are 11111r4 the or 1 den received by there for Tomb Stones, 'Svc., In Ws County. meant ..they oa poevlbly work them off and de. liver thaa. ar (Mien naprctfally soLclteil nod tilled promptly u lf=g3lay 1Q1664._u M. B. PECK & CO. Stuart's Refined Syrup. A BP":7sl)lD . B"fej READ. NiATROUE. & SWIM. ticartrarr 9.180 Poplins, DeLaines, &c, Faßni P';' l4 ''. =V. *''ll'4" CMM'WLEit.B. Flannels. F LANNELS. Wbite. Red. CSdnred..z 4 i l ib/kA; AN111.41/4,, Strayed or Stolen. A w zm ivr o z c r iTE NI P, /54?01 , 1 vil I L&AI +gin & RILEY. Eltmtroeq Desecaber 1. 1.5,14.—tt. Crockery and Clothing. A / Um* .111.1.• a)d, 01.11PRAMVIOrt. Cloths and Clothing, Kerosene Oil REITim nruomyrwst NEW' BOOX.S. Woodcliff. tor Itio7lo. B. McKeever.. Joie Joomlaea comb d num h• &Mod :4314 c4beca._ Yon-reedit 1 4. fl. 8111113111. 1 GREAT BEND WOOL1:11111111114,C . The .2.dem e mi latodmentinvi gm wow... ;mo ,— , td bs Mr. Att.gaq. to:=4 111 ard.tt e: t 4,v0 4 . 1 and tr u geoh dd rbi i . 6 l o( . . dap i - Wa tasatbatitili . „ pildl,K4C 4 .4..!trals4lll"P""ifitithValtlNV. a rt i t t eM l, l ll .:,..4l:LZ : , .. 1 , ..... 1, .•. Se. 4 .- • i . qt , I: Vi>"":+t Aflttrral . HU SCRANTON", P.A.., Metals and Man Dadenin HARDWARE 11014, BTEEL.,l9Alliala, °PIaVIMMvaI also CrThll li ' ntfer iT surr . d iscr Barria:e Materials. Sprits Axles, Skeins atd Boxes, Boil, Nemo, Wasbera, Patent ArmS, Plated Banda. If , Irma. Hubs, Spates, Palloes, pindles,Bovra.Poles, Patent Leather, Enameled Leather.S7lllpSock. and metal variety or Carria and lanulactuarrs Goods. ikt.. dte., 3e (T' We rive rata atimtiocto Ude part of our stoelt. and offer triter Waded assortment thus on be found elsewhere In thik per of the Bute. Ilsralla.VkaA•Stotts and Blea s Bellmes,ll aineXerv,Sledgoe,ike., nos In creet varle , y. Tattle Blades, Rope rhaln, (plod. slows. Planer Paris, emnent, Preach } Window GLaas. AGRICULTURAL lIKPEMENTS, Pampa, Circular. Mill, and Cram Sawa, Emery, Borax Wmpplag Paper, Eliotlag Paper. Po,. and Muting Tub.% Plain and Convey Lime Nttocil Ilaramyred lione Nails. Car. pettily,' Tool. In :mat mrlety, and ALL WAIMANTID, _Lestteem, Finding, Rubber Leather Belting. Fairnaski lb e entlea,&c. Scranton. I . o..lilnrOb len.-17 RUTLAND ISL&RELE. I.VADAKIN Marble Shop in Montrose, Pa., oboe I stlil co”Ontletn MAN OF ACTORE M A RBLE, andieset Iwo Oetten, B .4., Stine you trill love the expellee of straveling B.xent. KLL WORK tell I 14. DELAY ERED 12: (I.OD ORDER. Montrese,Febroary 11.1863.41 1. VADAKIR. NEW GOODS E vebeertben bays thisdayy returned [roar Near Tort with a T LABli k end BEAUTIFUL stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver-Ware ! Plated-Ware I cciz, Fancy Goods, 0..0100 din . Would Invite the attention of their frtenda. They have o largv sr.iev of knellsh. American, Red Swint Wotan; both Gold and Sliver. of very roperior qualities. Enameled, Coml. onyx—lva lbox and Gin., and Phan Bold Seta ' of Ear: ogaand Yns, Shamrock, Enamel, Mtn Gold and lacy Finer, lU❑ge, of every variety and yrh c, ;old Bracelets, Armlet., Ghateitilne, Neck r halos, Gold and Si hYr selesmut Thirutors,Goid Sieve Bettor. and Studs Spoons, Table and Pocket Cutlery, _ Myer Napkin Min, Bunter and Fruit Knives, Gard Com, Fork,. every description of Odd Pie. cm , la to. Tbe largest lot of Plated Wm , OTT tiroacht Into Br rime !'aunts, tort) article to usesome very bean- GYM , , orname , iii. a nice Int of Fon, of ail 'it. or , Clock; Corot* Vloliii and Guitar String, mil Trimtningy,nld.e Tackle In arms' variety. My Mectetem,T bertmenteters. Needles, Bradlee, Gold Pemkticlaans. Spy Gbese. An.. An. Alto Piano Fortes and Melodeons, of of, very heat maker. °OVER it BAKER'S Family Sewing Machines, Kr,lev'Alrer and Wo , r Pllter. At. The obore Good? were louert for ood wtH be olde tire most favorable tem.% Al I klnes of Watches and Clocks Repaired se short not!, and In the BESM MANNER ; aLso ENGRAVING In Um BEST sr t. E. EVANS ek. ALLEN. Commercial Bonding., e pp.sme the Post Office, Blnchanltun.M.l 23. 1E61.-le,3eS.T/ A Free Fight ! FAIR' PLAY JAMES MARTIN, Ft - moorlf of the flom of !fort, and Rortnenne. Is Now in the Field ! Harthirernoved to too lard and E. - 1'm...410c3 Store House at Fairdale, And just returned from the city site a large Stocker Pall and Whiter Goods, Purchased entirely for outland which be noir °renter ale 111:1=1 Small Advance for Ready Pay. Is lb, nlace Io buy. Come and see. Thc Market re.co paid In CSOII for Rutter and Poultry JAMES MARTIN. Falrdale.Noveraber 10. 1863-1 y 13* S* 74.'30 LOM It Is A National Savings Bank HIGHER RATE OF INTEREST Than Any Other, And the Best Security. 817MCRIPTION8 ILECEIyrD BY W. H. COOPER & CO.. Augur: 21.... 141,-U NMXT GOODS : NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. Now arriving at Clni 2a u IS tcorie, 1' I. LIMNS & SON. Vont robe, Ju,.e 1&. 1r44 REMOVED .A N I The ., Family. - Barber;','.,.,: ftt501i13:41.34 -•-• ••." „• ' gamin). Oaber. aLLIA744. $ • Lre itya, nogftViea:e, • • fl • Ylrti 11,4cutilirg fich•to you, ~ „ 1.• I „Find ,o4MOY P )° ,"!7 1. 4 4 n nvi • •Atrotuin4sit c , - !IA RE MO ftlus.-• Eccoi . ;il door bbor; !Orb? 1044,170 Sfairp„ Idwitroat,dpre ZLIEI4IO4, • .; •- - r ,•••' • wt; 4.;0,7,m1ztur4 „;4 1 1 tdd t'_) A FaC VILE WORMWORO CA RD :14091:. and DREB34JLOTIT. the: 'datoel ti *MR t i ersteAten i Pit7,! l S4l'll * " ontrw. J one 6. I FA t. • vslip 11077. A j upost. sgrrtuleftro, Otlrts,tiketod topt ir AtiAnditTe Uon tnd p ! &tnle eme 61764fgetiols Mid ttial WA le: 001104 . 111 etht f i 1 t. :4 " 0r4 4 4 3 lre-if r'. 11° gtard i liMArs ib ag=susl Nigg rise kflistV INClnerii, &La Ile"ritu th -4 41 I LI , ,• AT. , . ' 3.:. R. :.DE.MI MT'S. - . an ratstrther Ls nine opening larnr Deadline pleat coafonneel E. to . tha alined Tillie or all Dods c f taertnancaze ; ITSEE At DM BMA"- the kite. or September . Of which on be faun} LADIES' DDISS TIOODS la all Its Turf et - Clicat Waal tra la lAdles , Closalso, WaterpTOof Clo th . French Iffack Cloths. fad COlOad All Want Uloaklnga. , CLOTHS, .CASSIMERES, &C. .....6.4i..Stios;Cratlnsa, Fancy (Witmer...A ;Central" MIDS. Flee? 6'o ray Satinets. An. Also, Talk. Trlamang. .1;i00/ I ir—ERI r rICK. ' Brown and Bleached Maw, Deanna. Tlcklaas, Flannel'. era.. DlapanTunglOp, etc. Notions. OTeat nudely at - Troop mind Balmoral SWIG. I.lce M.'s nod 01:414neei llo4ely. Bottom. Combs. Skirt Breld. Blatllcas. 'Thread of all thin, Wain° Tatar, Knitting Cotton, do. Ac. v /Boots & shoes. Men's .4 Bois' Boots, Cbt Wm.'s Boner-n.ll Snow. Morocco Show, BOWLG U.n.Et(al 550. t .. Wax.tis Calf Shoe.. . OERLES. Sagan at peen not to ha beaten. VERY ISE.T QUALITY OM., IlDelLand Jam Tea, Coffee, Wee. Ulnae-T. nalerataa, tuff and ToW•no. BITS Wed. An. a. -e. 0111 NEW FIRM! BALDWIN & ALLEN, fLOUR, FEED, SALT, PORK, FISH, SMOKED HALIBUT, Hams, Dried Beef, Candles, Syrups,, Molasses, Sugars f 0 CYST:Mi 3FR. Timothy Seed, & Seed Wheat BROOMS, NAILS, &C. Cash Paid for Good Butter. flu made errangemeate MONUMENTS, HEAD -FTONES, Inanutacinmd itthe Rutland Quarries A. BALDWIN. W3I. L. ALLEN otarove. Wen able Public Avenue, April 18. 1164. No Humbug ! Superior Quality of Marble .111 st milt:mesh° notated and Dabhedl n the best A First Class Jewelry Store LUSMUer. PRICES LOW Fins lona Leon needed to 11 ONTFLOSE. and nom Ice balm It AT BE MAN'S addition to his forme., Stock, and theentthe Stock of lima Watrotta.dt FOSiel, he hoc thin any recnival from New Tot: the beet Aea,tthent of awl Article Good CALL AT THE Silver and Plated Ware ever offered In Montrose. A Pplendld Aseartro ant of Casters, Cake Baskets, Cups. Goblets elso Coke and Ple 'ltdvea Spoons s d Fmk. , A complete Assortment of Gold and curer Watchts. American. IrttglLth,sod Vora. lipertaclce.Allver and Plated. Flne..lld Gold Jewelry, Lock. eta and Clul nu, Napkin Rings from 15 eanteto etora soltd.ls care, Finger Mama Gold std 6111 er ILL-ablcs, I' °act Heaves, Ivory Cable Knives, tzn. Violin and Guitar Strings tart received and for !elle by SI ont rneke. Jaxtalry 11. 164 The dm of RL.N4, Waraus. and " Haring d!n4eed ot nno stodrof Cloettet, iratches..lewelrY..hd S ., lver W.,: to our fellow towymmatt. Nr. 0 r), Brutal. we would earhest ;y reeam• mend one o,m. .A the pnb!ic ceoerally, who may he. in o' any of the above mentlonellipoole. to give htta a.ll paw exa.aant Ithutoct." Itemoratrer—thar door ,bore Repairing as Usual. Montrose. N0v.14.1E63. 0. D. BEIIAN. B. B. UN I M. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mailings Drugget, :Mats, Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Balmorals, 'Robbers, Sandals, Glass, Paints, Oil, Nails, Sheetings, Bats, Yarn, Wall Paper, Shades, Border, Cord and Tassals, Dry Goods, Groceries, Lamps, Plated Ware, Door Trim'ngs, Coffin Trimmings, Thread, U.; Dr. Jayne's Family Medicines Ladies' Cloth, Cream Tartar, Stove and Shoe Blacking, Matches LYCOMING CO. MUTUAL INSURANCE C CUBLIC AVMN r r ( 7, lIIIXTENSIVE ATTRACTIONS FURNITURE ESTABLISHEIEBI WILLIAM W. SMITH, T ILE xitaranzio,litare een re E gz ,.b .l ishmett of Wm. PTored:tbe proprietorn.pemfully wait= to'tt:)reotTtll • tens of Montrose and vicodt x . that he is eomtarttly `-‘•- taa.klosandlee o po on hond the LARGEST .t BEST assoritaeator r ITII,NZTURE to befouno in the Country. Weevethefolldretag list of omile , of the nrtleichwhlcbvr eII atgreatlyredneed Foca-for ( A EI! or RI•LA YPA Y BurenwhWeinutot aLonnuy, with al nu,f tot. to 085 Bareausyr”h marbi or hrocatelict , p.,fr 413 to $:4. And: argeaseartnt.froto $8.410,411, $l., to 410 h and p r 4tnods,fCardritandA.ornernr.d , ionrcitands nhollyirle terand orkree,fmm I'd cent r to tr _ . lleak..dlvant,tawelractra.foatstools.qttornannjrtv:en c. Centre.card,pler,talletollalua.kitchan,aral .r.tendoa tables. 01:vain—cage and moth a . Itatke rs—cane,tac :tad wooat ate (every variety arid style , . Solna.tetoi•tetctiurplthedatahortaotict at Now Y ork p den. SPRING BEDS! A 1.4./A0 • ANWITIOLIST.I3IILSZST AZD lint t n 1l ARMXT. 4 N.B. ReOamadee.frine oh hand orfundahedaLshortnottee.— Nearseralwayr I a read'reervbrn dewl red . We candor tonebritKAII.FFIIL A Ka rEnirwrErvroux YEN. Weintendto do our WORK WELL, .d nollf as LOIN as It eau be afforded . • W. W. blUTil. fdoorrose.lrebruarr 5.11309... t f =I UCH SHOP I Sleighs and Cutters. Bl rose. where he will continue hurry on the nuinufh,ture of Sleighs, Cutters, Wagons, &e.. gaud. Rn d 7 bla de Reingirtivione neatly.r.% short toilet.. !tont Staff for Cattkn, Wsti n ellakeearnaterialche..titsala,teptconatant)youtataL so ott to peenarc, d V 1406901) V. , IRK hort nott, .11; rood pplSraftW.lnffleSpnkes kept rnset Inft Auld, N 4 Nl.'_OlitpereontllSfottrtltti tbs , twdenl2nol pineal:al wuts.WAthtirlcUto.lNWMPfalo44botra , t , kt 4 "11 1 9!• 1 4 3 % 18 411' 4 ., 7:7•7•77-11. 9-43, • • go M t kttpioliget4itiq f,9!"" ' ' " „. .„ 'NS a 808 1 19A44 fftgl,oo). r t.tPl Pegnit AEir. 44ga 0T91 0 1 , 40 ev:VlLlakr,Ar. fent amat% aki, oAcorit -'"L . „ L igfr. ur,. , nr!, lll sNlcliour , vg.,?lA) ,”P'4'0111" 4 0 ! "!.-:. ' t.,,ii,tlii t ' • A 4!l.3:4VitiP‘l r . • id ,4i • Ity mon oar MST ." 1401.11LWIA " , riptL,L7**o -km „ A nia) unill2. 4-parkr.ti -Aqo DIGA.LJIGRS IN Teas, Cones, Spices, El=l 1332133 B. R. LYONS, =I AT THE FOOT'OF MAIN ST. 1 . 1 . , yrvAINS t; • , I :' , '..' i'!'.2 ."•!: 't'" l IA ; • v: . 0 :4 , ~, ~,., :,•; , ... . _ . tiafilON &-11WEUtr8 t'i - . , . ..07.17,,:i...77 : T1, , ; 041 - 7,,, -4 , .0.'f' ' t& *,-, -.., «. • ... -a ; ',...71:. : .Aƒ s! .Tit''';;• - :••.4 - 1, - •`• -v),,, ~,,, t 1 , ' - :ltr.:4 4 -I '- -- q•il . , 1.14,kr ifar r t - i..4e...‘ 1, -.:17 . ,... 3"•24 1- -'-- , t o,li ‘ --• 41, : 1tv:p.r. 6 ,....i..0..cr--....., - • i . , •,•••• , •—.:.:: ,, ..,..::"7"- . 1. , •-, p ,.. ..._ ~5- t. ,, 7,.....2 .,..,, f ....4a,.....,-..- ,i,..:- CABINET ORGANS!`i; eirEvA3 , l= d th " mrttr co.oty "ix OF D Best Instrument Ever Manufactured, ' Can buy It of hlm to ohm sa to New Yak, and'iora . trom an to $lO, free& Prices from t4ir, to sooo. r i Sample Molly' on band. l iror Just reeeteea Root'. new hairnet= Book toe the (1,.., 4 Crowson M elprlean. no beet Book yet. Mao. .a. :06aLlyy ~.:. Vlo)I n Sen- O. D. BE/LEAN. . Ito:Arose, Noremba 16,1:... .. - MI Cillit ~ _. Ls now reeetwag pew euvply at CEO tEI ID the namtrosta departments of Ms Mercantile Business making the assortment t FULL AND DESIRABLE. •As r;, 4 r‘ rr BUlet. conestite pan 01 Drugs, fled tines, Paints, Olis, Dye stuffs, Groceries, Crockery, , Glass-Ware, Wall and Window per, Oil Shades and Fixturm, Kerosene Lamps, Sh ades, Ch itneep Demers, Transparent Cosies, Kerosene Oil , Morning Fluid, TIIIN pen tine, BENZOLE, Vartalsbei, Window Glass, Patty, Brushes,Hlrd Cages, Canary Seed, Jewelry, Artist and Dentist illaterlais,Whigi Fancy Goods, Perfumery, tte., t&e.,to short, nnrly even , thin:, to re tore the stet, to p .veto taste. to delight the eye, to gratlO the t ancy..6 conduce to the real and rutatantial comfort. Itteetroce.Avrlll.l367. A BEL TURRELL. 'L• CARRIAGE& SLEIGH to MAN UF A C TORY. HAWLEY & LATHROP MEE= Still keep ot hand or mate to order all Matta of Carriarres) Wagons Cut. tern, Sleighs, &c. Tletr r2cllttle. of STEAM rnw7R and oil ..c. , "3.7 thr,}l to nr.Fy COMPETITI from any otter UAL. num ln Nitrtharn Pennsylvania. Wiff44l[l4 - 44.i,'*1.W4004. , Z1..td In all on vark.4l branches Core with ITEATNLIIS gad D ItT VILA 3F I CDPE.Mr-la ' Hay, Straw, and Manure Forks, POTATO HOOKS. &C., The eery h • .t article moron, and made from the BEST (Wenn (.I.6.tiT T Rags, For Reputation Thsy retry to thaw rorLo have used their volt .4 cut Va.. ma tbarka tf , arta have falnred a. ' , Pt PATR , !.7 A or OTHER Wlhr,and hopetn eon•tnat sena J'.; Elpar ann.! A. V HAW] VT, IlucLrase.ra.. Jan. fl. 1C48.-tr G. R. LAT IMO'. Sterling's Ambrosia! T„7.7, nntiN I , :i.veenhoar 0 INM Large Spring Arrival. T'4E.:.;=. 4 .w;Vtartno.Tdb.'gg,elZroilheP°'"' - ' B. R. Lyons & Co. ot, to"tetcd t he hoorry, — bot to CLOTHE those who yak Oa CLOTIIEP with the BEST ARTICLE of Ready Made Clothing, to brinntill n OP °nutty. tonal to sty Cams Wos= atd W Li D NOT TO RIP. THIN AND THICK COATS, Vestsaad Pants, of every variety. ;7 A of .1n FIXTENSI VEassart meat of OM gA HATS & 0AP5. 114 4 , late.txtyle.4ll3aallties.Cmiut rags ritOrnantn. S. LANGDO7I. =I Ernll/ soons A FULL 241.SOICTAIEBT OT Spring and Summer Goods Itutt received and vllibe ,id At a Large noduction from April pr Cr. Tbls reduction will laclate TIIE ENTIRE STOCK Which will be fnund no large 11.1 mg. WA 'KU be whl on W. Most LIBERAL Terms! N.B. Flour & Salt on hand, as usual, • 11. Few Milford. June S. ISO. -' r•civo(attaliess rrEAS.S.rov. 0 Smp. RICE. Co.bc &top Ilssz.ra Bro..tra,ClS EAf' fur tte t,nars. itoatroar , , Feb. 15, 1E44. 3. LYONS & soN. • Agricultural Impl6a:tents. rria'.mej,"7 TIIM t elonctsta r o 11 ° . lhed std - we I n rtu of Wheeler, kleliek & Co., at Albany Theta Ma claDe, are to favorable knmeh ea.! nolrerfally a; pc , ed that thy effort at rremementlailta l eoatliter. unhetet,ery ad 3 telt to.ythat expellent° in mann feet ortee.end W 11 ag •01aes broughtoat Ita royetue eta vLath matt teem the - CHAMPIONS OP THE WORLD. twouldcallesrecialatwaton to their Bargees Patent Cleaning Attachment • new ttiing.and au acted tosinzle.do:4llle.tre*N. , .l3s' other horteaciv, f, and toolthet underaliiit nroverahut threditli. Itera can be used na an °edit:unlined in 111,1041 s %1111(710I,311 , lith.tn na t.,0n1,1z r,:1) I inn& . Li tale, no tr.:item:wee tri drive the lebol.d. taehra chi. it does o drive an ordinary Separater or shaker.- 011iereul Area et eltatiin y attachment. eam c pikunt,u , lard,. Horse ale and doable. ''heelers NO. iit• whit recto Iraproverne era LAWMIACC 4: Gould', patent, one. two, and titre tvirre p„wrn, Saw mitt,for wiring wood, ford eratere,eineer era, home r.rk or. Ore. An wirettrieted ersreeei) ere: lo there; , tie qtrehrimi :la:linty that t he al.iee machinery le tincriinaled in in w(.vt and eireal tutor. .I Itarltt4l-••••••• •••••-• • • ll4e.uneerlber rer circular. OT • sroirunkssnattl talus s .g gt gr f6Mlngg.gig/C6iggingg UrilersoolldtsJaralillltsi srla, promptuse ad44ty 3; P l +r,sallor. • /1,1111404!.' /1191Y;INR..NAEUIIINE, rom &Wit hy Svi4 SA 'SAE e loner az 11M.N4 oe ,;; .otl. I.strllVt Y w t ir;r 1,11 , 7 ,1 rit•griil;fir,,,l'ellarlyWotTrelAt.t urlemptVirtitSmlt.. •• • All pers. swtahl t;g to t; roc° re rim best cs,!l armpit o z: e eAtlepiqtv/.9. 1 .P b Walk ufOe Itvt;Lato.lliht s(6*gl.t{pleonegtrltnlYO•lo A:T ottA}.‘OTAl no+tl 1Xt314101 TYren'AAlStilttMlceto. rtaaildti4o l l. ct; •;•I •;wi ha: ;;I;;111.411;;;palC1410figent . IfiriludEnc.;',PrflrrlTCY-101 G'S ' ,t) ti .:1 arnagaiitiallufactuy, 41 , 0 ." 114p04 m ' i,; ` itio . eitzt..l l. o bUll.M)¢l.y.tbat be Wu i.3024:1? 9999999999 • Cattiage., kW, Agitin"Stand, r.ouni9AtAVratt),9lVigfikki l tia •t vtiatig *mug Y:'11.:1 Via= t viif6m CiSl Ni 44/5. C,114; zlffl _ kteltt el AIM Ll• • • 7.7,71,7,,," for Cash, on Ursa., or for Product