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Mop on =IA le. Public Avenue In F. D. ciao/Rees Otruu. Montrose. Pa. Nov. 7.1664. DR. E. L. ELAN - DEICE, arid BURGEON, respectfully unmans his wens dotal servbres to the dtheas of rrlenotrallle and •Nally. 0b to tbs office of Dr. Lea. Boards a.l. Hoefonra Fslandrellle, ly Illtia—at E. W. SMITH, A WOW= A C7OLINSZLLOR AT LAW and Licanaed palm Amt- 01Tee OW/ La'. I),g .tore. Isaagueggana newt issmagT Z. WA. H. BURRITT, DSALIM In Stalg e lt Fancy Dry Goods, Ccnckel, Havianne, LI Lim Stoma Oila. and Paiute. Boots and Shoe% Baia a ndl Cat u tua, Butalo ben, Onzeriea, Provialdna. Lim Na.. April U. Isda.-41 B. EL SAYRE BROTHERS, ILTAAIITACTITHERS of Mill Camino, Cutinga of all kinds Al Stoves, flu and Sheet Iron Ware, Agricultural implants:lM and Dealers In Dry o.nds,Grocsries, Crockery, &r. Montrose, Pa.. February 48,186 a. W. B. (t, J. B. KIRBY, S. coutudly or. band . good gerocnt. of GROCTRIES also . .mr s d h anortmccd, of FRE.S.II &bop .der W. 1100 ort Feb ruary a. teat. BUMANGB STROUD, MIME LAD LIFE MISCHANCE AGENT. Meet to Lab. ropy bullstbsis. mut end of Brick Block. 10 by nbstracis bad. nem as the ales min be trans:scud by C. L. Brown. Montrose. February L IS/14.-11 .1. D. VAIL, M. IL, HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. hat peananently located hlmarlflp Montrose, Pa, where he .10 promptly attend lc all c.u. to hla proreaslon nth which he may he Inwood. Office arr 4 Redder. Won of the Conn ammo. near Boatel' /11.ithanl- MoelrOte„ Febuary 1.1804.-001.5, 1811. A. 0. WARREN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BOUNTY. BACK PAT and PEN SION CLAIM AOMIT. AU Pent. Cleats csretnljy pre Mee In at formerly meophaS by D. Vail, la W. H tt?ril (" MOM. belt.. Serrle'e Rotel. MOottase. Po., Fob. 1. 184.-febl7yl S. S. ROBERTSON, 211 6EPINIOTURIZEL Of BOOTS a sHomstata. °lngo Street, Moamar., ra. Jarmary 1864.-u CHARLES MORRIS, Ft s .l l 2rA l t!stl l 9l Z n a n el i r l ingkr.7 B S gß . Loo' ' 74 inolag. and Whisker Coloring dose Bo the RD: t M 5..., la dles' Hair Dressed in the most APPROVED FASHION. liontrose, Sept. S. 196.1.-tf LEWIS KIRBY & R BACON, REP onorantly on hand a tall moldy of every variety GROCERIES and CONFECTIONERIES. By arca attar fun to buraneas and frrneasta e deal, they hope to merit the liberal patronage of th public. An OYSTER and EATING SALOON Ii attached toll. Grocery, when btralyer in season, are caved to fl cry style that the tastes &the publicdem.d. Remember the plod , the 014 Mott Grocery rand, on Main Stzeet, below the P Montrose, Noy. 17, IS6l.—mchl7,6l—tf Ds. CALVIN C. HALSEY, PRINIMAN AND EITAGSON,AND EXAYINTNG BUR O EON for PENSIONERS . Dace over the eture of J. Lyons & Son. Publle Avenue Board. at Ifr. Ethelittea NooO October, 18.71.4? D. A. BALDWIN, A'MAR KT' AT LAW ..d Person, Bcroaty, sad Back Pi Aged., °real Bmi, Sump arlanus Oonaly, P. Great Brad, Aug.; 10. BOYD & WEBSTER, 111P.A.LERS to Stoves, Bove Pipe. Tin. Copper.. and Shea. 1.1 Iron Ware; also, Window Pooh, Panel Doom, Windo* BMWs., Lath, Pine Lumber, and all hind. of Bonding Materials Tin Shop south of Searle'. lintel, sad Carpenter Phop near Cu methodist Church. klotrewors. Pa., January I, 1364. If Da. JOHN W. COBB, PTSICIAN and BURGEON. reenmtfully tenders Ms terrlete to the din:eta of Sctsgueban. County. Having had &Joni • experience In the Unit"! State, Army. as Sorreor.,espeela' anteutlon trill he erne to SURGICAL OPERATIONS. f3, — Residence on ?duple Street, Ewt 051. F. Turhell's Hotel. Ifontrate. Surd. County, Pa.. Jute tt, IfiA.-tt DR. WILLIAM W. SMITH, SURGEON DENTIST. (Mee over the Banklb; Office of Cooper lgr. Co. All Dents) will be performed In late usual good= Inmate.. Remember, oboe formerly of R. Smith k non. 1. 1864.—:f E. J. ROGERS, ILTLNLIPACITTIREE of all descriptions oriVAG. jCI. ORS, OIaII.E.LAGEtt, SLEIGHS, are. lo LWOW. best style of Wart:sunsLlD and of the best matertale at the well ler.owo stand of E. H. ROGERS, a fess rods east of Searle's Motel In Montrose, where le will be happy to ra. helve the olle of all who want and thing to Ids listast , Montrose J nos 1,1863.-tf BALDWIN & ALLEN, DItALISS It FLOOR, Salt, Port, Fish. Land. Graln, Feet Candles, Clover and Timothy Seed. ALSO ertocrimas such as Swam afOlausea, Syrups., Tea and Can. Reel aide or Public avenue one door below J. Etheridge. Yardmen, January 1, 1884.-U DR. G. W. 13EACII, PEITSICIAB AND 8131103201 i. having permanently lone. blimelf at Brooklyn Center. Pa.. tenders his prod:Wm/al see stoat to the citizens of einsqueltanna County. on terms commensta ste with the emelt Occnpres the °dice of the Into Dr. B. Eletuud non. and boards at Mrs. Inchardemes. Deooklen Center. Pa.. Jane a, lefe4.•ll/ F. B. WEEKS, IDBACTIOAL BOOT AND 8110 E RAKER; also Denklv lt I. Boots. Shoos, Leah., and Moo Finding. Ronhing dust lath neatness and elisa.tr_ll. Two doorsabove Som.rle, RcceL Montrose, .I.llary 1, 19£4tf JOSEPH RICE, ANI7FACTIERER and DEALER In all kttdsof CRAM L ls liti2=mdles an . ordl e 'vr jiliford Itottroth. Dna PATRICE & GARDNER, UtHTSICIANS AND SURGEONS, will attend to nded:ly ear oductaaltytoall bantam that may be entrusted to their OR. - a terms commenentate witb the Limo. MOM, and deforadlici the ESE. Sargkol ttperatlone. and all Surgleil Direasupartach WIT attended to. OE= over Webb's Store. 001ce boar. from BA p.m. E. PATRICK, Jr.. If matron , Jatmary I. 1544.-ht E. L. GARDNER. WM. & WM. H. JESSUP, ITORNIITH &T LAW, Montrose, Pa. Practice In Stwrine I banns, Bradford. Wayne, Wycadng = LA. Cwwticii• Montrcar., Pa— January lei, lAti. • ALBERT CHAMBERLIN, ri :STRICT ATTOP.NET AND ATTOTZNICY AT LAW.- o.lce over the More inrrocriy occupied by Poet Brottmot e Montrose, Pa. January 1,15 GO. J. LYONS & SON, DsALERS IN DAY GOODB. \- Grocerken.-Crockeey,Flarflisare Tlo uare, Books, Idelodiona, Pianos. and all kinds a Sinai al Inoramenta, Sheet Music, ta. t.lao carry on the Book Dlnd nR budneo In all Ita branetu.. J. LTOSL, Montrone, January 1, IV& asoaa. ABEL TURRELL, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, Paint*, 011 a. Dre eters, Varraellea, Window Olatte. Groeerlett. Crockery, Olsresnr, a t et.p.pm Jew. • try. Fenn DcltAT. P"rfn.ler7 !tureen] Instruments. Tln. nen. Clack. Errtallft, ar...—ana Agent for all of them oat poptr r Sanest Medicine. Montrose, Jartnary 1, InZL C. O.FORDITAII, .I.IItER of BOOTS 8: SIIOES, %lonesome, Pi. trrlVlu's Atom All Atolls of work made :pairing dour nearly. Worn dupe , arbtrl prom- Iloraroae. At-ti 1!,18G1,41 'HARLES N. STODDARD, BOOTS & SHOES. Leather and Md. la at. third door below Searle% Hotel. vi De e te tomir order. and repairing done neatly. er 186 t, LYONS & :DRY GOolrn. GRoccalES. som. girow. Oil Clans, Wall and Window Pa. • du. Store pn the east eldo of Public Avenue. • - • a. D. LLOEL :nary 1. 1864.-tf WATROUS, dc FOSTER, f DRY criODs. Drngs. Metlidnes. Paha; 014 dxrchnre..lructery, Don, Clo.lta, Watches.. Joy 4 INNY.4 Perra.M. rrc Brick Block. Montroxe. .oary 1.1E4 PHILANDER ,LE TAILOR, Brick Block, over Rog Faster's Store; Montrose. Pa. . Jot,' V. 2 JOAN GROVES, ILE TAILOR.. Shop o lotlng ()Moe. pposite the Bomb: ()clatter 23, 1839.41 EL A. LYONS, • Dry Goons, Gronerleo. now. Bea. Cited:eq. az, Fe on Halo itAmt. Depot, bruare 11. lent....et U3ICLNT & WARD, ' Cloth .137,Ntsle_ Alskaufacturemitt 'ttutwa tistittates . ..klutte tilactdcse. Tema madi 2aN .3114LF2123... AHNTLEY * ANDOOtiNSEI.OIiB AT LAW. terantoa. Pa raiz , * Drug.zw. loctawannalmme, t4irt e lfsd7.lllll-st i v r ESMPUOiI e MrS Te e 11=5 tiy letter CrgiCnny.glifettastil w elt 11"12111009 attettkd So. • • 112:111:411 , :. W 4,11 CPR- tesnras.., ...1.14- 1 114PAPC' 1 " A T LA W.- COMltalnUbiLtigilii ,Q 1 . Shun the Attanhe Monaly for January MY AUTUMN WALL BY WILLIAM =LEN lIIITAIGT. On woodland ruddy with autumn The ambre sunshine lies; I look on the beauty round me, And tears come into my eyes . For the wind that sweeps the meadows Blows out of the far Southwest, Where oar gallant men are figthig, And the gallant dead are at rest. The golden rod is leaning, And the purple aster waves In a breeze from the land of battles, A breath from the land of graves. Full fast the leaves are dropping Before the wandering breath; As fast, on the field of battle, Onr brethren ail in death. Beautiful over my pathway The forest spoils are shed; They are spotting the grassy hillocks With purple and gold and red. Beautifyl is the death-Isieep Of those who bravely fight In their country's holy quarrel, And perish for the BIOt. But who shall comfort the living, The light of whose homes is gone; The bride that, early widowed, Lives broken-hearted. on; The matron whose sons are lying In graves on a distant shore; The maiden, whose promised husband Comes back from the war no more? I look on the peaceful dwellings Whose windows glimmer in sight, With croft and garden and orchard That bask In the mellow light ; And I know that, when our couriers With news of" victory come, They will bring a bitter message Of hopeless grief to some. Again I turn to the woodlands, And shudder as I see The mockgrape's*blood red banner Hung out on the cedar tree; And I think of days of slaughter, And the night-sky red with flames,l - On the Chattahoochee's meadows, And the wasted batiks or the James. Oh, for the fresh spring-season, When the groves are in their prime; And far away in the future Is the frosty autumn-time ! Oh, for that better season When the pride of the foe shall yield, And the hosts of God and Freedom March back from the well-won field ; And the matron shall clasp her first born With tears of Joy and pride,; And the scarred and war-worn lover - Shall Oslo; his promised bride The leaves are swept from the branches But the living buds are there, With folded flower and foliage, To sprout in a kindlier air. Qctober, IAL • Ampelopis, mock-grape. I have here literally translated the botanical name of the Virginia creeper —en appellation too cumbrotur for verse. o:l4v:(l)!.ini:lyujAvailiote "House full? Why, how rnu , ll company 'have yon, Louise ?" Mrs. Louise Anglia, our pretty hostess, who was on her knees before my trunk, engaged In admiring my wardrobs while she chatted; turned immediately to my sister. "My dear Julia, we are actually crammed," said " Them hasn't been such a summer rush for The Maples since I can remember. First came the Atherton and the Wilson; then little Hattie Lati. mer and her sister; then Harry -Vernon, Charlie Wayne, Fred Lawton, and hhs pretty little donde, and consequently her ardent admirer, Mr. Mdynard. I thought we were certainly full, and James was just saying, last night, that ho couldn't possibly accom modate anybody else, when a carriage drove up, and out sprang Hugh Cheston. Hugh Chestonr said I, my face flushing. " Hugh Cheston exclaimed my elder sister, Gertrude, who was tumbling over the contents of her trunk in search of something. " Oh, I am de lighted r He's the hest catch I know of, ikulsa,r said " Well of course be has tome to spend a week or two, and James was Jest' as glad to see him as If there wasn't a soul In the boas , ' and we had whole suites of rooms," replied Mrs. Amite; " but 1 was at my wits' end fora place to put him' in. At least I remembered what a goodllttle soul you are, Met tle, and so ventured to let him have the chamber I had preserved for you. Yon won't think it an Im position, will you, dear ?" • I "I No, mid inde, I can manage capitally with yon, du. ll " Ira very 'roo d of you. He's just returned from the continent, continued Louise. ("Oh, whit a love of a bertha, Mattiei)--and has brought home a French valet who is almost as handsome as his mas ter, who is turning the head of every meld In the house. How delightful It is to hear them talk French—master and man! Matti; where did you ever find this perfect trimming?" " I haven't seen him for nearly five years," raid Gertrude; " but I used to be desperately in love with him. Such handsome eyes as he had I" " He is very rich, which let much more to the pur pose," said Julia, whose twenty six summers had brought her to appreciate the practical part of life. " matte, you little hombly thing," abs added, "what are you dreaming about r I got up from the floor Where I had been sitting for the last ten minutes, with my hair about my shoulders, and went to the minor. I did not want them to see what a bright color there was upon my cheeks. My sisters were dressed in a few moments more, and went down stairs with Louise. When the sound 01 their voices had died away I threw myself upon the carpet by a chair and fen todreaming. Five veers be fore—it did not seem long—l bad seen Hugh theston, and for the only time In mylite. It was on the night of a party given at my father's house, in honor of my sister Gertrude?s eighteenth birthday. Little more than two years before I had lost my dear' mother, and the Idea of a crowd of gay people thronging the room where she rested in her coffin on that last 'sad day filled my childish heart with grief and . indigna tion. But no one took soy notice of 'tan: I knelt there by the window of my little room, 'which was in the wing of the house and overlooked the terrace of the main building—my face wet with tears, and the the most wretched o:cling I had ever felt linger log aronndlne. Suddenly a light from the ball-room -treamed out broadly, upon the darkness, as some one drew the wind d rapttry aside, and an Instant after wards two persons stepped out upon the terrace. It was my sister Gertrudema a gentleman. I could hear their words plainly ab they passed backwards and forwards. They talked gaily and carelessly about a great many things, some of which I could understand, and others I Could not. At last I was startled by the words of my sister's companion. What is that ?" he raid. " What v" eald my dater. " What do you mean, Mr. - Cheston r " 1 thought I a:mutt a glimpse of a child's face at that window," replied the gentleman. "And if I am not mistaken It was wet with tears." I drew back quietly with a beating heart, but I heard my sister say, "Oh, 'tie Mettle, my little els tor, 1 suppose. The child la averse to our giving this party to-night, and declares that we are all heart less and forgetful of my dear mother. Of course, as you are aware, the idea is:very absurd, but no one could make her believe it, and the has 'hut herself up in her room and cried all day." Gertrude bad told the truth. These were just the facts of the mse. If ber word, had called forth a smile from her comrades, 1 should have hated him for ; but peeping carefaliy from behind the cur tain I 61W Ills face as be perused by the lighted win dows, and it was as grave - and gentle u I could have wished. He made Gertrude no reply. A few momenta alterwardethey stepped through the window Into the moot again. Leaning bask bi te my old place !droned my head Into my hands and nil to thinking, but not of my troubles. Bud. denly I was startled by heaving my natnecalled. Af ter a moment's bewildered hesitation I leaned for , ward and looked out, Ur. -pheston was ettinditig alone upon the terrace.. huroiet you come down'A= moment ?" ho said, smiling at my frightened face. - "I wantlo talk with you." Springier, up, I feat MY ;rotito, and tripping lightly down the stain, stepped through the ..Ull door upon the termer, and 'stood before him with a beating heart. He took my hand Ind stooping down be looked kindly into my 440, -. 1, lS„__.lWhit hoe _you been cryin g for ?" Herald , gently. "Ton know, " b replied; laeonleally. l "ilo I do, lie " tieridatpies "and I called you down IrtMthiar;l'ellsktfd Wren you that I don't think it looked:Eat jatl, , as tholtthetivtkteld rnittry ammlor I allowed him txi Witt tae,:iwitlckAraft..wEbtaftl shotaatsvelegupanctrasecited under 1 2.1 Mel # 4112 " 911113516 ‘Fr7 fire -I ...# l4 “~Eg iAll il i tMSl l o ;4 rel H. C. POBSXI4 MONTROSE, SUSQ.. CO., PA., TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1865 gone for aeveral years," lin said, after a pause, during which he looked keenly but kindly Into my down cut face. When I come back you will be a young ladygattle." I know it," said I. " And lam very sorry for iL" " For what reason r he asked. " They are so foolish," I Bald. " They talk about nothing else but drew, and gentlemen, and par world to me." and are always the crossest people in the The Idea that Mr. Cheston was lanolklng at ms flashed upon my mind as I finished spoakiug ; but glancing up quickly In his face, I saw that It was =- usually grave. " Your opinion of your sex is not a very flattering one, however truthful It may be," he said. "Do you b-lleve all young ladled are like these, whom you see every day?' "I don't know," I said. "Do you think it necessary that they should be ?" he asked. " No, air," I sail, " for I don't think my mother was such a young lady." " Don't you think that you could grow up to be a sensible, useful woman, it you were to try P" he asked. " Yes, sir," I said. " Will you try ?" he naked. " I will," was my earnest reply. "And I hope you may succeed, my dear Mettle, both for yoursake and my own," said Mr. Cheston. " Now I must leave you. Will you kiss me good bye?" I astonished myself very much by the act, when I pressed my lips to his, as he bent down. Something In my face attracted his attention a moment after, and he sighed. " You're a queer little thing," he said. " What would you tell me ICI were to ask you if you liked meP" " The truth of course," I replied. " Then I'll spare your blushes, you remarkable morsel of womanhood," he said. " But, Made," he continued, more seriously, " will you kia• me when I come back ?" " Yes, sir," Enid 1. " You will be a young lady then, remember," be Fuld. "I shall be myself Just the same," I said. "Bo you will," said he. " I shall hold you to your promise. Remember It. Now, good-bye." He turned away as some one came upon the ter race, and I sprang through the hall door, and flew back to my mom. And this was the scene I was thinking over as I eat upon the floor of my room at the beautiful country-seat of the Anslies—a girl of seventeen, dark, plain, shy and sensitive. "Mettle, what for mercy sake are you doing that you are not dreamed yet ? 'Tis nearly dinner time," said my sister Jolla, dashing into the room bar some thing, and stopping, short as her eyes fell upon me " Have you beedasieep I*" " No," said I, sullenly, getting tip and going to the mirror. " Oh, you queer child," said she. " Now do be quick. Yon'it find me in the drawing room if you ever get ready to come down," and on she swept. I think there are few persons in the world who can understand what I suffered when I entered the room where Mr. Cheston was. Everything was a bleu!, to me as I crossed to the window where my sister eat. I realized nothing In existence brit the heavy pulsations of my heart, which seemed ac if they would beat out my life. When :I came to my senses I was sitting by good Mrs. Wilson, who was always kind to me, and whom I sometimes thought I loved better than either Julia or Gertrude. "Yon did not expect to see so many people, dear, and were frightened," she Bald:with a smile on her kind motherly face. "I saw 'lt the moment you opened the door." I answered only with a glance, and slipped my hand Into here "Mrs. Wilson," said my sister Gertrude, "if Mr. Cheston comes this way again I want you to take Mattie round to the other side of you. You will, won't your' "No, my dear; that's very ungenerous of you," replied Mrs. Wilson. "I shall warn Mr. Cheston that on have serious designs on him." "I don't see the necessity of warning a per3un against a danger of which be is already aware,' snap ped a young lady with very hi rick .eyes, who stood behind the sofa on which we Kit. Gertrude turned round with u crimson face " What is the stsbPet of you,' discussion Won't yon admit me to your confidence, ladles ?" said of miliar voice, so near my ear that I started In affright. The black-eyed young lady slipped aside to give Mr. Chestoo a place near us. Several persons were presented to him; I among others. He paid no par ticular attention and took a chair beside flertrade "Don't you inquire what we were talking about, Mr. Cheston ?" said the black-eyed young lady. "I believe I had' the audacity to do so," he replied., smiling. But the smile was very different trout the one I remembered to have seen upon his face. We were speaking of kisses," said Gertrude, qnickly, with a saucy smile. " And Hattie Latimer deriared that she didn't believe you cared for them." . _ I started. I bad never before beard my slater ut ter s"deliberate falsehood, " I rim very entry that Miss Latimer thlnka me so Lndifferent to the most perfect luxury In life," be ree plied, Glancing np at her. Victory, Hattie'. Mr. Cbeston does believe in kisses," cried Gertrude. with a smile no bright as to dazzle the eyea, so that but two of In raw the hidden I think Miss Hattie was about making en attempt to straggle out of the position into which my sister had thrust her; but Louise Ansile, who had saunter ed up a moment before, exclaimed, " Oh, Mr. Ches. ton, don't you remember that you once attended a forfeit party. and wore the most dissati.fied face 1 ever saw in my life, all the evening "But Mrs. Anslie, that was because I confider for felts a sacrilege of the caress," he replied. "It is converting the beautiful Into the useful, awl ruining its peculiar value by so doing. I mgrst4' however. that my face betrayed my feeling; I asedro you that the rudeness was not intentionaL" " Mr. Cheston Is apparently unconscious that sev eral ladles arc looking at him very admiringly," said a low voice near toe. I turned round. It was Mr. Maynard, who was In a fever of Jenlonsv because Rose Liiwton's bright eyes were fired upon the gentleman in question. " Take care, Mr. Cheston ' " cried Gertrude. " I'm afraid yon don't know what you are bringing upon yourself. Having declared yourself so much kfa.:n of the .. most perfect luxury In life," we yoolig la dies may have you quite at our mercy. According to your assertion, I doubt if you could resist the re ward of a kiss from a pretty girl who might be suing for a favor. Could you?'—" Yes," he replied. " How so ?" she asked. " Because a kiss given In that way would be of lit tie value," said Mr. Cheston. "I consider that a very unkind speech. coming as It doe's from the lips of a man who !A well aware that kisses are a lady's favorite bribe," replied Gertrude. fitintit.d, but laughing. "It is a most ungallant speech, Mr. Cheston; you must stand trial for pun ishment." " I will make it short by choosing Rose Lawton for my Judge," he replied, lanultlng, and glancing aP " othe"n"lbgi l helittleb r lu ;Vonr c ersabetoeoness%hom you kissed last," said she, gully. "That is not fair," he said. " Why ?" she detnaned quickly. " ' " said be, 'the lady is present, and the unnishruentwould rather fall upon her than me."— tt they all buret into a merry laugh. iale tTrthen, you can tell whom you intendto kiss next." said Rose, "That will not do, either." said he. "I should never be able to put my Intentions Into effect." " Do you keep an account of your kisses as you do your expenses. Cheston ?" called out Mr. Maynard. • Yes," replied Mr. Cheston, quietly. "Now I have It i" cried Rose Lawton. "You shall tell us how many ladies you have kissed der hag the last five years." " I will do so on condition dett my word will not be doubted," be said gravely. " We will believe you, certainly," said Rose, " Now listen, good folks." " Not one," - said Mr.' Cheston, quietly ; upon which everybody looked astonished. " Oti, - Mr.Cheston, you amaze us?" cried Rose. " Hugh improbably faithful to some fair lady who favored him before,' said Mr. Amite, who had been listening quietly for a few moments "Exactly," said Mr. Cheston, rising with a bow, and turning away to some one who called him im patiently. Oh, the significant glances and exclamations of wonder that was circulated through the group after his departure! "And what are you tbinklngof,little mouse," said M. Wilson, bending toward me. "Your cheeks are as red as roam" She would haveheen overwhelmed with astonish ment It I bad told her. •• • '• * * * • • • Three weeks pseeed, and Mr. Clieston and I were on no more intimate terms than we had been, on that Ant evening We rarely met except at the table or In the drawing room of an evening, and be seldom addressed me when we did meet. By de. , ress,, over tny'shyness and sensitivenera regarding him.— Ile had fermotten, !thought, the romantic ineldent of my &Mood, which bud always harlauch a charm for me, and I wondered at myself for ever supposing that be had remembered it beyond the moment. It made me a little sad to know that all my • plciatint thoughta coneerninglt were - eastles In the air, and afightly ImmUlating; taken In connection with his polite Ireillterenee to -me, to *now .that those thoughts were so many. - riktr.Claistottvis a great lion amok the party at t. The Maples! , The ladles liked him; Uia.genaft =I vile louloos-othisoustate they strafe to Imes e buik::_k_lagd i r s triimubArs4mtrell 41111161111 teat: aan iflderiamet Ori 01 al 19 1 , ti'd •0% , - "Freedom and Right against Slavery and Wrong." The summer wore gradually away. Several of our party bad returned home, and one clear September morning Mr. Cheston informed Mr. Audio at the breakfast table that he should be obliged to return to town the next morning. It frightened me to know body Shoaled and pained I wee, and at the first opportunity I rose and le ft th e room. That evening, when the dmwlng.vdott 'Ate desert ed by the few that remained of the gay company, and I could bear their voices far down the moonlit park, I strolled into the dark, and silent room, and sank upon a cushioned seat. Instantly some one started up In the dusky light, and coming forward, sat be aide me. It was Mr. Clieston. "Mettle," said he "I Intend going away before six o'clock tomorrow morning, and shall probably not see you again." I did not reply, and he contim tied—" haven't I a right to ask for h good-bye kiss?" The light Wits not so dlm hut that I could see a laughing light In his eyes. " You bare the right which the promise of a child gives vou; I suppose, ' I replied, somewhat anholed by his light manlier. It was so little for him to say good-bye to me. It wan so much for me to bay good bye to him. "A child In years yon certainly were, Mettle, but more of a woman at heart than thousands twice your age," said he. "Do you know that you made a con quest of me, little one, when you kissed me upon the terrace In the darkness that night ?" " A conquest!" I said, startled. " I carried that kiss away with me," he replied.— " I loved the remembrance of It as I did my life. I would not have parted with it for all the wealth in the world, for it was a sweet hope on which bung el my light of the future. The lips of no other woman have pressed to mine since then. I said to myself that, until I kissed another, your hiss remained.— Do y ou understand Y" M'v eyes were full of tears, hat I tried to smile. " You were a sweet child, Mettle," he continued, "and havegrown Into a sweet woman—anch a wo man that I have been waiting to find that I might marry.. Now I ark for that promised kiss, and if you give It to me I shall take it for granted that you give me yourself with It." Cheston was sure of what I had never ac knowledged to myself—my love for him. I felt it in the confident clasp of his arm ; I raw it in the con fident gldnees 01 his eyes and content that he should mini the heart of which he was so certainly the tuns l cc. I acted my simple self and gave hint " The Promised Kiss." "A LETTER FROM JAM" U. S. B. VICK9IItIIII, OFF WILMINOTON, N. C., Deceill her 29th, 1,94. Mr. Edilor:—ln my last letter I informed you that we were then In the Gulf Stream, cruising for block, ado runners &cc. We overhauled several schoonersbound from Matamoros to New York ; hat although they were engaged In an unlawful trunk, having smu, ,, gled their cargoes of cotton across from Texas to Sicily°, yet as the same were shipped under the protection of the French Fag, we could not Interfere with them. We experienced some rough weather, and our coal being' exhausted, we put into Beaufort. Arriving in the Harbor, the Pilot informed us that Savannah was taken, and that an attack had been made upon Wil mington. We also received orders from the sector officer at that place that the Admiral had ordered all vessels to coal without delay, and proceed thither. On the tith coaling ship was carried on to its fullest extent, and some 20 tone were taken In, and in 'the afternoon of the same doy we weighed anchor and started on the "War Path." We arrived off the Eastern Bar on the morning of the thiith, coming among hundreds of empty shell boxes floating on the surface of the water, which led us to the supposition that some powder had been used. We soon sent up our numbers, and nuns In the midst of the fleet, where we found all the Friptes, Sloops-of-War, Iron clads, fie. The " Malvern" not being In sight, we reported to the Susquehanna, who informed us that he had no orders for as, that all the Fleet had been ordered to report to Beaufort, and that we had better cruise around and look after blockade runners, and as he expressed It, " We alight pick up something' ? Our Executive Officer mid, " Is Fort Flehertaken A ranee. Answer, " Yes, by the Rebels!" Aguln, " Ben Butler has it his side pocket." We then learned that Admiral Porter had attacked and silenced Fort Fisher and all the land batteries along the shore, fist troops had been landed bat did not occupy the same_ We received orders on the eve of the WO , to as sist in re-embarkingy, the troops. This we did, cow• ering the bark employed for that purpose. Whether the movement is a feint to cover some future move ment, or for what purpose it was intended, Is more than I can tell. Suffice It to say that the Nary nobly did its work, silencing the batteries in a few hours. The Old Ironaides, going within stew hundred yards of the Fort, let go her anchor and blazed away.— dome have Insinuated that o misunderstanding exist ed between the Commanders of the two forces, but Ido not wish to deal in idle rumors. The attack has at all events been postponed until some time In the future. We are now off the Western Bar, engaged In our old duty of blockading% We were engaged yesterday in shelling a beach blockade runner.the batteries on shore responding. I hope to see this place closed up effectually ere long. C. IL Biritu. SOLDIER'S LEITE& putt HUNDRED AMD FOIITT-P1P.137 REG., P. V. A lady writing to a eoldter and asking what he meant by right and left of the army, he givea the following: Ms, 11. A. D.: T this morning give you command of an army. Tour line will extend from Binghamton to Montrose, by way of Silver Lake; and there, along the old turnpike, is your front. Binghamton layout. extreme right: there you want a big (bit that covers about five acres of land ; put sixteen big guns in there that will throw grape and canister, place six runs in front of your fort, and six on the Hank side, and four to fire lengthways of your fine; and you want a division of cavalry to act. as scouts to protect the right flank of your army. Miss B.' A. N. com mands the eighteenth corps, and Miss B. A. M. must hold the line to.T. Gage's—that is her extreme left; there she wants a fort with eight guns, four In the front to protect the road that comes from Bmckney; that is your front, of course,; and two guns to fire each way of your line, to cut the enemy as bad as possible: and at T. Gaze's the nineteenth corps Joins you. Miss W J. will command that corps and will reach to Quaker Lake at the Maine place; that Is her left; T. Gage's her right. W. J., you want three forts in your part of the line, one on the hill at Milk's, and one on the Britten road., and one on your ex treme left, to command the road at the lake. There :he second cops will Join you, and Miss H. A. M. com mands it, anti her corps will reach to Richmond Hill: there is her left flank, and there you want a fort, there is the 14Ist reg't at that fort, and you want a tort at the Four Corners, to command the road that comes from Silver Lake, and one at the D. L Meeker place and at the road that comes from the Catholic Church; put twenty guns In that one to shoot Copperheads with; one at the B. Gage road; put four guns In that one eight eight In the one on your extreme left. Miss IL L. takes command of the fifth corps, and Joins Miss H. A. M. and reaches to Montrose. Miss H. L. want a tour forts hi her part of the line, onn on the hill beyond the old factory, and two between there and Montrose, and there a big one, which la the extreme left of your army. Then, Mies IL A. 1)., put the ninth corps on the road that leads from Montrose to Snake Creek, and give Miss S H. command of the ninth corps, and have her fortify well along that mad, and put a di vision of cavalry along the road, and seed squads of them out every day as scouts, and, If needed, aend a brigade out of each corps, for there you want your railroad and stations along that road to get-supplies to your army, and between your railroad and front line of works you want your wagon parks and supply trains, and ammunition trains, and you can putgunboats in the Susquehanna river, if you wish.• think they will be safe. Well, I have told von enougtr, guess I will give my command to aunt P. G. She may act as Grant, and you may act as General Mend. I must step and eat my dinner, for I am as bungry as a bee. S. W. L rThe last wicked story of Paris Is, that there Is a mother—married, of course, very early—who still prides herself on her youth and beauty. She has bad dilfereuces with her eon, who Is old enough, at least to be examined on oath. They both had to state their age Is a wart of Justice " Your age, madame ?" asks courteous justice. "Twenty.tlve," says the audacious mother. A little later the eon Is In the box. "Your age, sir,tt asked the justice. " Why," answered the ingenuous youth, "I find, to my astonishment, that I . am allear older than my mother." ar'A young New England mamma, on the im. portent occasion of making her lltue boy his first palr of colored panteconceivcd the Idea that it would be more economieni to make them of the same dh raensiOns behind and betore, eo that they might be changed about and . wear erenly—and eo she faith. toned them.- Their effect when donned by the little Victim, wee ludicrous in the extreme. Papa at first sight of thobsggy garment, so "fearfully and won. derfnlly made, burst' Out in a fit of laughter, and exclaimed, "Oh,my dear, how could you hate the heart to do it? Whr, the poor little fellow wont know when has going to whoa or coTing home." ' ,- Efir stated that a lady walked down Broad. *ay; New Yprk, last - Tweeds; moral= with a dreSi ottlitiefa,cost In the sispOWßwtt 47014141V*1411krk - , • THE STORY or THE uWORLD.' During Siertllith's march through Georgia, the following Incident related by the correspondent of the Cincinnati Commrrrial, took place: Assured that General Gorse's column Would cer tainly occupy Clinton on the 22d of November, the New York and Cincinnati Cemmerrtal push ed oft In advance, passing Bunshino Church, where General Stoneman was captured last July, and ac cepted an aged !silly's hospitality for the night, and a scat on the Solvated sob, no cozily drawn up be fore the parlor firm Au only daughter accomplish ed as she was beautiful, and "beauti ful an a poet's dream," and her niece, a very pleasant lady joined us there, and for th e time political enemies became social Mende. The Tribune being Missed in a suit of grey, while your correspondent wore the hatettil blue, the ladies anxiously Inquired what position he— " the grey , ' , '—held in the army. " `Pane, be answered. • " why are fon with it?" they continued. "Ob, It's my business." "Are you a sutler?" "Nti, indeed."' • "Au army correspondent," I Interposed, wishing to relieve their anxiety. "Please tell me for what paper?" and the widow's appeal, was irreststtble. Before I could reply, the gay decelverlad said— " The New York World" " Indeed !" exclaimed the widow, with sparkling eyes and face Illumined with delight, "I'm so glad to meet you! It is seldom one gets a word of cheer these days. Tou'll stay until all the troops pass through won't you?" " Thank you I" he replied. " You know • " ' A little word, kindly spoken,' " Interrupting him, the widow added, with much in tonetitin, "' Rehovel's a heart that's almost broken.' " A beautiful repast; words of cheer and joy; many pleats of ringing laughter ; thrilling music on the plano•forte; In fact, a social re-union and magnificent hospitality Wad ours that night, and I enjoyed It, be cause "Stolen pieasnres are always sweetest," But next morning, after breakfast, there came a confession. Yon can Imagine Its effect. "I cannot," said my chaperone, " I cannot deceive you ladles, lonem. Allow me to nay that lam not a correapondeht for the New York iforld, but for the New York Tribwe, that great apostolic Abolition sheet I" "Oh, it can make no difference to ne," the lips of the widow readily answered, but her face and manner said much else. And when her tnnther asked what was the difference betwe,n the papers, avowing that she had never read either, the daughter with much surprise exclaimed— " Why, ma, dou't you know the World avmpa• thin.* with tis ?" A pleasant Joh); 'von will think ; but oughtn't It to blob the World} _ 11 : },:: Of Hon Wnt.4. Turrell, of Susquehanna County, in the Penneylrania &nate, January 3d, 1865, on taking the Chair as Speaker. Mr. Terrell on assuming the duties of the chair, made the following remarks: &Rayons—For your kindness and confidence matfested Inagain electing me to preside over Tour deliberations, you have my sincere thanks. I can only pledge ion an earnest effort to discharge the duties of the station with fidelity. The dignity of the body will be best maintained by a rigid enforce ment of the rules which shall be adopted tor our government I ; hope to do this firmly and vigorous ly, yet courteously, and with a just regard to the rights and privileges of all. No matter bow much experience the Speaker may have bad, he always needs : and has a ngbt to claim the cordial co-opera tion of every member of the body. Permit me to remind you that it is as much the duty of every Sen ator, for himself, to observe the rules, as It is of the Chair to enforce that obsevaner. These rules have been perfected by =Lair years of experience, and are aptly theigned, to facilitate bosh:teas, to give order and dignity to our proceedings, and a careful atten tion to them cannot be too highly recommended. Let us then, Senators, address ourselves to thehusi marl before us, with the full purpose to accomplish it speedily, and' in such manner as shall best pro. mote the Interests of our great State, and also, so far as we may, give aid and strength to our National Government In their effects many of our State laws are not limited by 'State Hues. Their influence is felt be yond the Imaginary boundaries. The recent amend ment to the State enreitution end law of last sea alms which gave the right of suffrage to our brave men in the army, was - hailed withjoy by every - good patriot throughout the reentry. The soldier's heart was gladdened by iL He felt himself more a man, as well as a better soldier, by this recognition of his rights as a citizen—that be is permitted to partici pate -in the battle of ballots as well as of bullets— to express his opinion by his vote; as well as enforce It with his musket. With an army long In the ser vice, is apt to grow up a sort of Isolation of feeling and sentiment, begotten,pvrhaps,by the soldiers' pe collar manner of life—their separation from home comforts and the disuse of the ordinary duties and privileges of the citizen, and they come at last to regard themselves as having different interests from the mass of the people. There is less of thla danger, in our armies, perhaps, than in almost any other army ever in the theta, yet It is the part of true states"- ma:lst:llp, so far as may be, to so shape public meas ures and legislative action as to anticipate this morbid tendency. Tbatthe continued exercise of the elec tive franchise would exert a powerful and healthy corrective influence in this respect, and keep alive their common Interest to the body politic, it seems to me no handid mind can doubt. Besides, men will more readily engage in active defence of the common Irma.; when they are not thereby disfran chised. It is now conceded, in whatever aspect we view it, that no more important election ever occupied the attention of the people of this nation, than the presi dential contest Irons which the country has just now emeeged. None ever so aroused the efforts, none ever so excited hopes and fears of patriotic hearts. Never, certainly, were the momentous ladies involv ed, so thoroughly discussed before the people and brought home to the consideration ofevery freeman. Never was , the vote solidly polled, and never was confidence in the intelligence and patriotism of the peciple more completely justified. It has astonished the old world, that more than twenty millions of people, inhabiting a country of such vast extent— broad as the conlinent•—extendlog from ocean to ocean—in the midst of civil war and pressed upon by a gigantic rebellion, should assemble on one day, and quietly, peacefully, and without tumult, express their opinion upon issues upon which blood was flowing," and has been justly characterized by an eminent English orator and friend of popular gov ernment, "as the most sublime spectacle ever pre. sented to the history of the woritL" The great fact which lies at the foundation of this grand spectacle and which gives to It its sublimity, and in Which we who believe in the power and capacity of man for self-goverment may rejoice and take courage, is found In that vivid, and abiding sense of the an premacy of the Constitution and the laws—that pro found deference to the will of the majority, when dilly expressed, according to the prescribed forms, which has ever characterized the people of the loyal States. The rebels inaugurated rebellion in der,.ga than of this vital principle of oar Government We wage war - an vindication of it, and the rights of hu manity as well, and the people have declared, with wonderful unanimity, that neither shall be surrender ed or abandoritol. This unanimity of popular sena ment, endOrsing fully the policy of our Government, ought tenni* rebeldom that we are determined to subdue this misdealt rebellion, despite the efforts and aid of traitor+ and sympathizers, at home or abroad. Thar if they will persist in their madness, the whole power of the nation shall be brought down upon them, crushing and obliterating all that opposes, until there shall be no apace left for the haunt of a traitor or the footstep of a slave. Every day lessees their power of resistance, and the recent brilliant achievements of oar forces give promise of the speedy fulfillment of this prediction. But let..us glance a moment at some of the great results which, during this draggle, have been al ready secured to the cause- of freedom and tat inanity. Events bearing In this direction, occurring at intervals and in connection with other scenes In the great drama, may not have deeply impressed us; but:when gathered up and grouped together, thus present an amount of good accomplished, cheering to the patriot and philanthropist. Under th e dine- Don ofnational law, slaves who have been used by the rebels for Military purposes have been made tree, and the officers of , oar army are forbidden to any tender those tato fled from their masters to oar en campments, &king , "to work and light for the deg width theyhad welcomed as the signal of freedom." Slavery In the District of Columbia, so long a tills. teeing diagraccao our nation and one nation's cap!- ' to] is abolished, and its attendant, !demons "black code" ahroOted, and schools for colored children arocatabilabed. Slavery has been forever prohibited in the territories,, and toe faith of the nation pledged to lathers Wye! States which should, by =am+ patlenold themselves of the curse. The elms of penman Whig or abetting the rebellion and coming to our IMO tree declared free, and men of African descent in' theoutaet of the contest refused, are now sought bYthegovemuient for 'oldies* and sailors. Thane, n 4 others of, similar chi:atter which= bontreed; , ebtrw , great,progrees to • publiti *bleb eboladi **Oen ntrinV `ant tope - 1 4 VVI WORteVat-rd{l4 ftri#WVAiftet-latit years since, Maryland, In the interests of , slavery slavery and rebellion, shot down the soldiers of freedom In the streets of her metropolis, to-day Star* clotted In the bright robes of constitutional liberty, while Miesouri,twell rid of the rebel hordes led by tier own traitorous sons, is Ad taking the last step to the same proud eminence. Heaven str.ced the day when the spirit of liberty shall so pervade the whole nation that " the spirit of the law shall make liberty commemorate with and Inseparable from our country, and shall proclaim, even to the stranger and the sojourner, the moment he sets foot upon our 8011, the ground upon which lie treads Is holy, consecrated by the genius of uni versal freedom. No matter In what language his doom may have been prononneed---eso matter what complexion incompatible with freedom an Indian or African sun may have burnt upon him—no matter In what disastrous battle his liberty may have been cloven down—no matter with what solemnities ho may have been devoted upon the altar of slavery— the Mist moment he touches the soli Of our country, the altar and the god rinks together Ipto the dust ; his soul walks abroad in her own majesty ; his body swells beyond the measures of his ebglua, that burst around him, and he stands redeemed, regenerated and dlsenthmiled by the genius of universal emu:wipe lion." On motion of Mr. Champneys—Ordered that live thousand copies of the Speaker's Addiless he pttated for the use of the Senate. GOOD BIGHT. Downward sinks the setting sun, Soft the evening shadowifall ; Light is flying [ , ' Day Is dying, Darkness stealeth over all. Good night! • Autumn garners in her stores— Hastens on the fading year ; Leaves are dying, Winds are sighing— Whispering of the wlnteiinear. Good [fight Youth Is vanished, manhood wanes, Age Its forward shadows throws; Day is dying, Years are flying, Life runs onward to its close. Good sight ! "EOMABOE IN REAL LEM" Under this head the Taunton Republican prints au account of the discovery by a Virginia family, a few days ago, of a daughter stolen away, by a revcgeful servant when she was an infant of but a few weeks. Of course, this is an incident which gratifie.s not only those who are Immediately concerned, but even the sympathetic part of the public, which will rejoice to know that a mother has found her daughter, lost for so many years—and found her, too,l an limiest wo man But while the circumstances of this discovery are, In oar judgment, not imnroper matt'ens for tho pen cil of a discreet reporter—supposing, of course, that the persons immediately concerned ciimsent to poi, deity—there Is no excuse for the manner in which our cotemporary tells the story. To read it our would think that Taunton was a city of unmitigated soots', and that Massachusetts men sod women were accustomed to look with abject awe upon the pos• ecasors nr wealth and station. We know that thin is not so; and we know also that thls la only a case of a reporter run math But, while we are willing to make allowance for the feel ings of a genuine reporter who finds himself sudden ly in possession of such an extraordinary opportuni ty for fine writing, we feel that the Taunton writer 13 " running the thing into the ground," tt use u cant phrase, and needs to be checked. Let us analyze the Republican's story. In the hat place we am as sured that —"a romance In real life, of deeper plot atol morn thrilling denouement than any ever tten or Imag ined by Bylvantus Cobb, Jr., has Just"bouse to! light." Thus we are fairly launched upon the sea of twad dle hifalutin. We read, next, tbat.Captaln a, of Mattapelsett, was overseer on an estate In Virginia, sad from some eanse which still remains a secret, a dlftleolty arose between Captain B. and Mr. C. whereto the latter considered himself the agg rieved parts." Hero curiosity Is adroitly stirred by the hint of a secret still unexplored. The overseer stole the child, adopted ber as his own, and " she was named Julia, and grew to be a-woman." She married aprinter, and appears to have lived the quiet and sensible life of a Massachusetts mechanic's wife. But, the re porter v•ils us, "during this long period and had re- =tined in blissful Ignorance of her high paretitage." Now, why was the ignorance blissful; why the pa rentage high? Is it a misfortune to know your own mother? Why Is this Ignorance blissful? And trench Ignorance is Wes, Is It folly to be wise? And why high parentage? Is a Virginian higher. than Massachusetta man! Or, Is It "higher" td be a rich man's than a poor man's daughter'? Why " higher?" " Now comes the denouement" tcr . quote the Re publican. It seems that apreaLer of Taunton no ticed a close resemblance between the printer's wife and a Virginian he met at Saratoga.. He heard that she bad lost a daughter, and inquiries soon made it certain that the Mattepolsett Captain's adopted child was she. Mrs. It., the Captain's wife, was question ed, and we are told that ' Mrs. 8.. who had kept the secret of the child's parentagme qu e es ro tfon twe an n Y the"d"ey,Ttrnap,lZ soo 'fi 3 ,lrT, hat she immediately became 111, end died of heart disease." This Is a stroke of description which will make Elyinnus Cohb, Jr., burst with envy., Nor is Ibis less admirable : "The old colored woman, who mined 'the ab ducted infant, has recognized Mrs. P., as their real child by 'a m01e...0n her aboulder."! We must compliment the reporter also upon hie fine eye for details; he tell!' the story bit by bit, as a great artist paints a picture ; he le ves out nothing— for instance he tells us : "This Identity of their longdost daughter having been hilly established. Mrs. P. and her husband have been Invited to live with the C's. and share In their wealth; and this they are preparing to do,: having broken up housekeeping and disposed of their fur niture." Doubtless the writer of that fine paramph pur chased some of the famlture, es a memento of the events he has so wonderfully described. • Nor can we withhold our admiration from the con cluding paragraphs of this story. . "It baying been rumored that MM. Pierce/had app for a divorce from her husband, she has pub . fished a earl indignantly den) ing the gannet. Line Mrs Mlcawber, when her husband was In !adverse circumstances, shc declares she will never desert him. "It to reported that the clergyman, In comildera• tlon of his valuable service in discovering the lost child, Is to receive a handsome reward, and 'become an adopted member ofthe smithy Clifton family." to some men sueb details might appear cOmmon plaee; to some, indeed. they might seem imperti nent; but this artist, rising from a close study et his great model, Cobb, (jr.,) knows better. He may annoy the unfortunate subject of his pen' and be may disgust tensible readers; but doubtless he makes enre of a certain public. amongst the retailers of petty scandal.—X. F. Evening Ibst. line; the Talazton Repulgican A lady iiVitle In Mattapositt a telatlve of Mrs. Pierce, who knows all. about her birth and subse quent career, makes the subjoined statement and offers to verify it by competent witnesses: " Msrrassarsztr, 'Nov. 21:t 1864. "Thirty-five yaws ago John Brown (not Capt. Brown, bat_plain John Brown,) cm to this place and married Julia A. Snow, the slater of my,motber. His family remained here while ho Went to era in the rapacity oat an ordinary seaman, in vessels belonging to this p.ott. In my grandfather's record of family events I find this item : "Jallete child born 9th March, 1838." That child, the present Mrs. Jolla M. Pierce, was bore in the house of Faiths Dexter, in this villsa, and was named (before she • was six weeks of Jung for WI. mother 'end Marls te.P Mof the family. Bbe has limn well kiaown Po her mother's family puss the hour if her &WA in the =time. Those acquainted with Irer know her person of vivid imaginstionothd tills knot the drat time that some great ventwaa cheat to be. fal her. The above facts can be fully anbatantlated at any moment, both by town records and the oaths of those present at the birth of the child. • • • MART A. Burins:ix. Now If Jelin Drown etnle a cbilik of Ati: C 11 4013 *bat beamed' the ono born to Mr. and lira Brown to Itattapoiaatt.? A. queation mars easily ame►ered, as our correspondent anneata, than "Zan, WO a Bourbon amongust" .• arit la said that petroleum hi likely Ito prita atop in a great measure, to the manufacture of olive oil In Italy—at least that portion of it used fbr Westing, illuminating, and for house:lo4"nd man 11111Ftwigt PF7Pr.L ; •-•- •• ~. itio - 4:1117 INSO 1102,00 per annum, in tb.dvanee. 100: 1 40:1(tEttli)fr.1:44wiEvimil A few days since the Common Council of Chicago made akinspectlon of the Lake Tunnel. The Trk• bum sayl: "The bottom was reached In safety, end the party stepped out Into the void—a to bore, Elva feet fn diameter, and stretching away lakeward a distance of eleven hundred and twenty feet—nearlyeroquar. ter of a mile. A platform raised nine or ten lactid from the bottom gavet,a good foothold. but lett rather humiliating amount of perpendicular room in which to walk. But the party set forward, bent (nearly double) on explorlog the farthest recesses of the oomy vault. 'Twas a long wearisome and long before the end was readied, the knees and back began to tire, while the elevated tenperituro —ftfty-elght degrees—made It uncomfortably warm. People who are accustomed to the Idea of cool cellars In summer may he surprised at being told that the temperature at nearly eighty feet below the lake surface is so much greater than above ground; but such is the fact. There la a uniform tempera ture all the year round at a point about sixty feet below the surtace, the average only varying with the In the latitude of Chicago it is about My , two degrees; the balance of six degrees being due to the evolution of carbonic acid gas from the lungs of the workmen and the burning lamps. Were not a good system of ventilation In use, changing the air often, the mercury In the thermometer would rise much higher from the operation of the above• mentioned cause Down in that work the ventilation Is as good U could be drafted. A thorough draft is kept 'up through a large pipe extended the whole length of the work, and the operation of this Is needed only to change the air made foul by breathinend boring. The soil through which the miners are digging is re• markably free from those poisonous gasses which are so groat an obstacle in most underground op erations. Only twice have the workmen been Dow. bled with gaseous outbreaks, and but one of those of such magnitude as to necessitate a suspension of labor. " At first this work was attended with many dig culthe, the shifting sand offered an Impediment at the beginning, which was only overcome by the em ployment of bon cylinders for the upper twenty seven feet of the sha ft , mgt the pumps clogged, and the gearing broke, but now all goes on smoothly-. save an occasional strike of the workmen—and the work proceeds nearly as fast ea it would above ground. The miners dig out the clay, making a cylindrical hole of about six feet and a half in &me ter, loading the clay on little ea which era then run on a tramway to the shalt and thence to the op en air. They are followed at a distance of a few feet by the masons who lay the bricks In two ponrses, packing them Into the clay round the lower half of the arch, and filling In with cement on the upper half. The whole Is thus made compact, and capa ble of resisting any pressure short of one Of those gvnersl upheavals which in Burge past have revoln tionized the surface of our globe. The whole thing is solid as the rock 'tacit and there seems no reason to apprehend a collapse either outward or Inward.— it the work should be finished without accldent,lt would seem that there is no chance for future dis placement. " The work is now proceeding at the rateof about ten lineal feet per day of twenty-four hours, the men being worked In three gangs, each of which takes an eight hours shift; so that the Job is prosecuted night and day. Nearly half a mile will have been finished by the first of May, at which time the now ilaishial crib will be taken out to Its destination— two miles from shore—and sunk; the work will then proceed from both ends, and the whole tunnel be finished and in running order by the end of 1868. "We need not further describe tho work; it has previously been fully dealt with In our columns.— We need not only say that it is beteg done to the complete satisfaction of the Board of Figgie Works" the members of which continually supervise the matter. Yet a little while, and we shall have pure water in Chicago, uncontaminated by the filth which is continually poured into the river." ItAOARONE AHD THE DEMMER. The amusing war correspondent of the New:ltorit Leader, writing from the front, on the Potomac dr James, says: A little further on I came to a reUable deserter, who lay on a sand heap scratching htmeelL These deserters are very nice (allows. As I approached he rose and saluted. "Jr's came from Vother side, Gin'rel." says he. " What do you want r' says L " 4 1'm powerful dry," says he. I called an orderly and bade him fetch some edits. " Now," says I, side?" " Wall," says he, " pretty bad. Old Lee, be ain't got no men whataomever." 0 " I guess you lie," says L "We felt-his line the other day, and it didn't feel good. You might as well tell the truth." " Oh I" says he, •'I was only speaking figuratively like. He ain't got no men to spLak of—nit or six tythlfusand, mebbe. . . _ _ " H'm, that's'enough," miya L " Yea, only they ain't.. good for nothing. They ain't got no ammunition." "They keep up a d—l of a firing," aoya I, "for men without ammunition." "Wail, yes," rays he, "that's what's run the blockade. Thar's a power of ammynition rune the blockade." "Short of rations f" soya L Dreall short," says he. "We didn't get only a cracker every three days." " Why, I killed a lot of you yonder a while ago with their knapsacks fall." "0, yas, that's what they got from the Shandoth Walley. They got a heap of food up yonder. Fact,, they has all they waste to eat, jets' now." Il'm, you're bound to cult, arn't you 1" says I. " How are you off for ordnance?' "Oh, our ordnance Is orf'l," Bays he. " Yes ' " rays " I a'poee But young man, I've got ordnance, too, about offal, and I kept it pretty well chaired out of these flues. Now, 'you'd better clear out- Igo In for treating my fellow-men well, but when it comes to rebels and lying desert ers, at that, I can't say I see it. What do you ei• poet to do round here ." " Wall," says he, "I kinder Wort I'd go North and play Union refugee. I'm told It pays lug-tato at Lincoln meetin's" " And how are yon going to get to the North r' caps L " I s'pects you'll send me." " Do you 7" " Yea; if you don't PU Jost go back apn to Old Lee, and tell him all I seen to your lines." This Is what I call a good specimen of* rebel Ho went In for dictating his own tonne. I sent him to hey:Maarters and had him banged. The following shows the difference between a no. ble mind and that meanness of spirit which values • man merely for what he may possess of worldly goods or repptation Edmund Kean, while playing at Easter,in Eng land, and at the height of Ms popularity, was Writ, ed to dine with some gentleman at one of the TAR ciple hotels. Ho drove there In his carriage. The dinner was announced, the table was sumptuously decorated, and the landlord, all bows and submhk• sloth hoped that the gentlemen and their distin guished visitor found everything to their satishm• don. Kean stared at him for some momenta, and then aald— " Your name le —r .. It ts, Mr. Keen. I have had tho honor of meet ing von Mona" '. you kept eomo years ago a Mtn tavern In the ordains of thle town r" •" I did, Mr. Kean. Fortune has been kind to both of Its amen then. I recollect you, sir, when you belonged to our theatre here." "And 1., Mr," said Kean, Jurapittr up, "recollect you. Many years ago, I came Into your paltry tat ern,after a long Journey, with my suffering wile and elek child, all of us wet to the akin. I muted you Au a morsel of refreshment. Yon answered me as if I were a dog, and rellified to trust it out of your lends until you bad received the trifle which was Itelnd ue. " I left my family by your inhospitable tiredde while I sought fur lodgings. On my talk' you 01 4 dared me, like a brute, •to take my wife and bout from your boom,' and abused me for not spending In drink the money I had not for food, Fortune, as you asy, bas done something for us - both sineelben; but, you aro still the same,' I see—tbo same cringing.. grasping, grinding, greedy money-bunter - I, itkam still the same. am now in my zenith-4 was than at my nadir; but I am the same mars—the lama gm whom you ordered from your doors; andl have new the same hatred to oppression that I bad then ; and WETS it my last meal rd not eat or drink to a house belonging to so hearth= a scoundrel! -1 , " Gentlemen," - said he, turning to his friends, j:RI, beg , your pardon for this outbreak ; but were - Ijo dine under the roof of this thnelterving. &LW° II brute, the that Moutbitd, I am sure, Word *Age W in- ••• • j ano - k ept ther Sao kept Ids word, sad th e lel. rr It l said some babies areas mull Mat 'they am creep into quart measures ; bathe us, wbids some adults can walk Into such assaults Is 'stel - - - -vs'esq -.-- es;ier‘rfsem*o — y- iir t ru s ir aletuktaild Inks* I oureiSq_biL,SAVVl alp% natr. • t, • " OEM =I NTTMBER .3. " how Is things over on your A JUST MIMS =NNE CM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers