Republican Stem Printing Office, In Hawley & Lalhroili' Building, -up stair _ BUSINESS CARDS. S. 11. SAYRE'd: BROTHER, •- A rANUFACTE'II EltSaf Caodlintadraatinzei oral' kiniltSioita. -BIL Tin and ailiett Iron Ware, Arricailtural licLpletneats, alid Elea in Dry Gads.' Crocktly, ad. M, ra.,iliitolazr, - - BIM . .. . . • - JOHN GROVES, -- ' •k . ' . . . . ASR I ONA itLE TAI Len: Shop oppo.lte "Republic:ail St ella 17 n .1 Prilain.: Oftice. ' I • - . Dn. 0. d..:. HALSEY, - - - • , - - t',.• • -nil YSICIAN AND 81.1tO FON, tenders las professlrmallerelecil r• to the eitimos of Motor ete and sisiolt v. 0111a+ owe Store a.% Ly , ~, ,t- son. !loudest IR. !iLtlterikifo. SI ontrtete, (Moller 19,1551,-If . • . .P., REYNOLDS . 1:4 . . 1 - IAsinoNABI.E TAILOR. Shop In lessois . tent Isr &FRI .. A .llott I, center stony - V(43MR\ I's. Akeittosss, tkieber "AI, lAA.-tf • Dn. W. ' • - 13 , E ysacJAN srIIGKON,III7 I,,tted Iklmaclft3n AU l!vti l :Tar e an tr' ,t ' in= a g t to u hk u' in ) ...riont 1 ,1* (74.r,tre; t o I. 1...469.-I:tuß • • Das. BL AK ESLVY. S 13RUSII, v - aitvxisted thenuvoltrs ander the d bn'i Wand-for tiit.pref . t~yuloaof the flatint of t.tu-lc Pavarlon,rcspoctfliny rat i•n,nts.tonal wrvices to the Invalid public. , at - the rtlthl to of IlltUetkv, midway bet*cei vlllamwof SO - lupine & kur_.t.rr, - - - • - T. VAM11:811. -1)1u:64:J.11:11 27. 1W..-ty • • , . . J. DUBOIS, • GST tet: OF Tit E PEAT t: and COMM BSI ONEMOF /it J M> !EE for the St,,fe of New limrl:, 'at. Orent Bend, Sttsq:Co., Pa. • • (;11.,11 WWI, AUX. I, i 559.-ly 7 ' 4 ' ' nds of a , 31-IF-l'Aq-i'titEklP,„.,rg,}P}V;.: .In 211 Al • Nor, Milford. Pa. , A I,r, 21, 1F:59.-ti s - _ . . BACON & WEEKS, q . Zi. iI I .FAL ,, TtLi n n a . e . s ii .m kln i tl x a m o c f: ,,, Gr t r . l ,7 ;„ . }i'l.P . ll , gz . n i z . LT;tiry calla c..., Avldes. Itorlea, Pruorn. Pickle.. i'rerarrra Otlrra. yr) ,r;reatrr. al.lm .'sauce , Fiour, Flak, Lard. T w allo, Pork, Salt, Ac., - e ... L. 1,....0x • • - ...a—L. vt,rtze. Nl”utro,e, August ...4,1,..:d.-rf . _ P. . - LINES . 1.. TIASIIIONATILE TAMOR, Mick Block; over Rend .ip, V ew, Store, 16Inntm.e, ra. Nic•ltro., July ••:7,1&,5,.-tt• . • t --- - IIENRY C. TYLER, - s• '1 , 6 EA LEllla Dry Good* Gractrles. 1.7 Ynakee *norm a,ll Shoo. 51i63,1A a:1,1 FOTI4IZ. Stour I,Ware. NV:ootirm NVare'ati4l liroam.. 'lead ne Navigation. l'uhtic' A venue. . l'a., y . WILLIAM 11, COOPER CO., surcei.ort to POST. epoprit A. I.,mlr,rot,', new Imck buadlr44.,Ml the ,Snug It -P.M,. of Turnpike Street. Oftlee loturt. front a. in- to 'e p. m. tit 14771:. cournt„ • ltaNtY liontrolte, Dec. el, leLe.-tf. • 4 • ••I • 3A.RTIATT, ~TUOLEBALE and RE TAIL DEALER 1n FLORR , CI AIN, Pa. Raley man:, Yntt • e pence. Will keep coniaketly on:hand the best. bratole' of ib:ar, hy the Sack or httudrrgl burreh, at, the, loweht varlet pricex, Shlt by lye slngle Barrel or Load. :Alt °mien frt. Irerchatax Di•ilerN will pr oms .11ende41.10.42r - paid for Grain, {Yon 'Ate, lt,l all OtillA nirtnerp enKinee In their err Ilford, Malch • ' . . ____—._ - -,. . -= . • G;l'. FORDIIAII, - , ..1 I ?fr.t . straPicriTßEit n RATG/LI.:;. HA ttNEss.A . • . .1., TRUNRS.A . CA.R.R.I.AGE: TRIM?! ING in sal Its ..‘uche...,, sh,n, one dooil.,slow Rscler ..t. Islahlard's. .It.mtrs se, Mirth 1, 13:,9:. X ' . . t J. H. ,SMITH, AfANUFACTURXRaIIAIXNESA DDLES,uItITRUNKS j‘,l_ New mtruni,:iaNluel.sula Coulaty,ra. New 3111 ford. Jannury 19, KEE4Eji STODDARD, • D.FP 4 l . l l s ,ll. n7lintiVo,frlvlT—rs . N:ts e u r te r l "ll*lnClir.P. OT , kO7 r , L1.£71, 1. ETODDSLD. 31.ut5.,,,, 1'4., Jan- I, 11 IT, 'ROGERS, TILL cent Inn e* U.e MiNtiTA CT VI - Ir. p( All de. r")ripttons , of„;FLEIGII:S7__CARRIAGES, kMjs' n. the IreA style or wortnuu.tapu,a or the uCthe I . 4.'llt.lo}Wtl ntalle, 4. few r.." 1,,, "Vhftr* he wit!i:r, imppy to ree,Art the e4lll 01 pll who u anehltythl:ig to his Ilnc,l trptel,l tcr 1%157,5.4 y -_ • " - H. D. BENnrr, I t.. 1 . it ..l ~NIA BINDER, Smiler, Suaquamtala Cen2n•4 .. g iiif r j) Sr, Pa., respectfully infirm,. the people of Sus- -.. // vehanra amt releLharlng counties that he I. pre- - 'pared - U.l,ldd rerit0,11,,,15 um! Baol.s, atal fiepale dd It.a.ta. E. NV . . FAJ ! ).1111 vill recr-Ive Pertod! it..........44c.. Zr 11. D. Tlrl.r.ett. 1:1114.on, Stpi. S. ISti-t! —3 `I W11,t1A731 B. SIMPSOS, - xtr.ATCTI icErAtnEr., I.arinjr work"d for the pa,t VI anine ars with hkro,n‘t skillful workmen. lie feel, c4,.ndent t hat he can do the 11103 t .111:km114.1(.4s on short r. A:: wort: w arrat.ted to tot i.faetlon. Jeard• ry uapalied uratly and en rra..smahle urns. . • Simp la Boyd 'J.: Wet...tree , : Store, • c,rn er.Of 31aln and urn. 1.11, Streets, Lehi w llontrua,, • Rnrs.ris TO Wm. ElweLllE. W. Baird. E. I). '3inntaine. f," , !.:lch, B. Kitags".ery. r..war,da ;B. S. Bentley, L. Searle, D. •Wirtenherg. Ifniarose. 31:muuse. Sera.. VS, tszad.-tf • WM. W. SMITH L - CO-. 151/M CABIN E7T ANTI!{:IIA I II MA IC CFA r (pro., 6,,i,,,,T,:q3.t1y.i. 11.daLtkIntls . of Cat:wr Frc_viry.r, 'or funa,he.l a .-, eb.ri nr•tint, Sloop und Ware Room:. loin of Shit Street: ' 1 4 ,7 AI t•ot, ra..Nhy V:, 3e,58.-1f tl: HAYDEN TROTHERS, Merelte and Prlllurr suppled a2i ur y ork .16bla g rr ce p. Now Milford, May, wILLI.txr S WILLIAM H. JESSUP, A ' . tyIINETS AT LAW. 31 , 17, - . :rtmgm, rrArtice to ``toque. Bnadfurd WrOglit:i Liz d 'WILLIAM ll_ ,•••• AL :TORN EY AT LASS', NOTARY, f'o3l S .l 1 SI Q:Y1: OFF DETI 5,, fur the matc MVoAI a r e n t Ed t, I.lE,;nes'.: entrusted to Wm.'s:Eh In . nnttitntte And rdelityil clupltd by Ibon. Rililttlu Jeztiall BENTLEY & A TTORNETS AT LAW. AND Do ( - NTT LAM) AGENtS.— OttE•e'welt of the Court Ilotkee, lloutromb Pa.-' rrresn . ALBERT CHAMBERLIN, " - 1 • A TTOP.NT-T AT LAW, AND :rtsTioE or Tim rEmgr,._ once Ott:. L L. P'pst S Co.f Store. Ilarritn6s, Ps, • t -- A. BUSRNELL, A wow: F ry 3,CottNsELLOR AT LAW. Office. over 84 B. 1.1 Wesiv Drug ;store, SreptlarAzarA Dzroz, Pa.-11y1 . . • . • WILLIAM N. GROVER: TTORNEY AT LAW. ST Loma, Ltracitce , -.1-m to 7 Athe Cldt. Cannon of Rtrunt , . and tint-waslm larlf cal4 to v WIRCIAL Cala front atmant rianive priSCIN, tit• Lilt OFFICE an Ct.-Aunt St:a-t. r. tlanals,`Ttecarnbet - - BOYD & VEBSTD,R, . TICEAI.ER Stores, Store rpe., Tyr., Copper, and Shed el Poors,,lchldeor 1311Ddsillit L10n:0.., and al! klud,.. of Building Mfithiais. Searle's lioteL and Carpenter Shop Deur . ..Methodist P. yarn • " ' •• ==tl==2 .. , .... :,.. i ti,, _il-f_ Du. JOgN W. - cogs.; •-.: -;- 4, ' ha Montro s e, now prepare?! to practice NVDRINE and srlutig BY. has located hituwit Montrose, Pa- and ' will strictly t t rod to the cabs with which be that. be favored. OFFICE me z,, cojurst , i.ov.. opposite Searles - Hotel. ~e, Mos-mos c, Sustf. Co., Pa.. lliarch'l,lB:dl. -tr • it ''.'• • . Dr. .0.. Z. liIMOOK, ... 1 , . Pn.L7,1. - .1V,.....A . 5'.,',i5ec1':,?,5T,c,i,!i'r, t : 7 1 061?nlkIeof . .b Son's Store. - Lodrcturn at 81. tarle'e note, • . -•Mootroset March le, 18:41. • . . •, • • . • I -.' : ' -'--1 • . ' . 1 , )n. E. F. --WILYOT ' , - • t - 1 RADUATE of the Allopathic and. linmeopatitle Conagfra,of ‘,-; Medicine. I. now permanently locatedin threat Bend, ra: MY Yee, chrocf..9l Italie cartillizattent §t4 smear!). oppogie the )tlgE., el.crch.... - - , May 1at.15.17.-I.f.j. , ' - •Dr 11 - €llllll - - - •' - i ''-' 2 ;• 0 " 4 :7 - ", "-•- ' . . - - •• NUIMEO'N DENTIST. fletiderce and °lce 1 211.4i;•''.. • ..- oppos' Ile tlie Baptist eldtrelt,ri, ortb ;Mei 111 - 11 nt, '"' rose. Particnlar attennon will he riven to in*.rt- Mr tenth or, Cot.t, and Stt..cra plate, end to ftlllog deczylagtetn. Montrose. January it, ltdsti. , tf • '. - t. • . RESIDENT DENTIST, 'MONTROSE; PE...41'.. tee at the Yraolcho Ilotel. • Room No. • t • Inserting teeth oo Gold or Slier ;that done !la .he, etylemt the Art. &Woo. warraoted. • Ahr111,1855,..-tok • • Dn.. R: THAYER vncw: AEG Iar,E9EOX. .M.w. 1710 05. Office abe 1 PFarmer. more. • • stultd:' • • • ABEL, ...TURRELL; . , TA EA LEIL IN•DREGS, MEDICINES. CEEMYOALS, i .I.F Pelmet 011 e. Ihrowtoffe. VarMehm, litindow Cahn.. Ll - 1 Crockery, Glaeswarr, Wilii Payer, Jewelry; V. 5..• s Goods. Perfumers.. tsuremal Instrumente.-Trumes, 1 Sr.-and Agent fora!! of the moot . popular Paemit .V••-a:elore, Pa. ' • - • Ai' CHANDLER & JESSUP .." . t!.. . . , • sr , pirtlLY.ltS IN PRY GOODS, IterY4,l' Made Clothlng. Gronefier .11/ Book! 4nd Stationery, ete. £oblie ioatuo,Mornraotir, p.. , I . `POSIT BROTHERS, -- • 'i. ra E.l LENS IN CRY GOODS, Grocerlea, Crockery. llardwart, .11./ Lootn,r, Flour, etc.;cornoroTopplin stmt. nad.P.uttlin Aye , .t.' 7 v..:Alonrtookr,lNt. • J. LYONS ;s: SoN, • - ;,1 .I)W,L',..s ix Dyiainwitz-, ATi,;:mioc,dzi a Uic Bn. BIN ruva boshatw—i'ublicAventkv, atoxtitoac, ru. :' I . VT.".. - ' T. A.„LTukT. . , . . READ & iti nr-k..• .4 , P. $ B 4 l • ir ........ .. J NV. Ritax... ' " ' i ?B il.tlWIN' 4: 41;LtS' • --.- • . i' , ...•• i . • .1.. • 7: z, - vcr !SOLI:SA L LE and Retail Dealers la Flour; Malt, Park Ft : 1 T Lard. Grain, Food. Candica. Clover suall,lroot.ley getil. A G I:I/Ct.:Ill ES. Stith .13.1 notate . 11,11. i.,. .s. t 4 rrul*"tea. Coffee, itak:. • wog. sale of l'ut;::r Avantio, our door Wow . J. Etaarlde ' is El F . . Y.. T aat.s. Ott. :r.t. iala-5.-IS .ft - .1. -'• '. •Z. ',COBB* - . . . , IV E /..I.F,R. I li .C.l`,.inEtt.lES. &c..calh'eittire te ceatly occupfif /..F, Ly Crane Jr Rogora. - 111tratrcee, Aa. - . -'. 1 ' - 1 -. NT giOnSZI XarrAt 17. 1N49.-er : , - ' , ' •, - .. •• i MILLINERY - P/ww0471 Who may favor her with their aratotrr. Montrose. Sept. ) 85 9.-tt• ' — tar raVsaulu'thCa, tkatadvei . • . . . . . ..• . , , . . . . .. - . . . . . . • ' ,C IL) • .. . --. . ' . . , • . . . . . - • •••• . . . . . . , . ~,.• . . . . .. . . - - . .•.. • . . . . . ~ . . . • , • . . " • . • , • . • , . t : , . - . • . . , _ -' . - ' , . • . . , . : . • - . • • . , . . . ' . ? . • . •. • VOL. 5..1 the haePOZelif BLIC.IgHEB EVERT TITUBSBAY, AT AONTRGBi, BUSQUK HANNA Cfloßry, PEEN'A., BY. H H R.AZI. E R AT $1,50 A YEAR,IN-ABTAiCE. Rates at •Adveitistnii. i sr act:: I, w 12, w I. square,. $0 5010 751'1 001 25 . 2. squares, 1 0011 50 2 0012 50 ,3 squares,' i 5012 2513 0013751 Hsquares,l 2 . (0,3 0013 7Sj 4 501 alf a column, One column, • • ' - . . Twelve lines of this - size typ , ma ke a square, E Elaht linZw.of this sire tYtie.-i-A - Mtie Nearly Adeertirers will !aye the priritge Or altering t or changing their atieertlrementsocen‘lonaliv withotlt additional charge. - 11u,inee. Cant,: not exceeding gee liner inweted at CA per annum. Advertisements, to insure Insertion, Intuit bc banal In by 'Plies-• Jay morning. '.'-. . Job Work., —TII6 office of the Itinspc:mast Rtrrammor I* pirridedwith Pliree printing prow& a STENNI • POWER ritEss-, a large PRRSit, and a RD I'RES, I.'4...ether with a gond assortment of .Tolil in, matt ;and all kinds nt Job Work, such as Cards, c irculars, 'Men, Pamphlets,.ke., will he dune neatly and rotnptly. • Otantktr.--JustiCes' and Constables' Blanks,' school plan z. Note& Deeds; Leases, La d Contracts, km, kept . 2m , hand and for bale at the liznkrrsogrr krrameas cfitec. - From the-Philactelp+in .greming Post Love.. Ate taet: Fmm:novhose smilelhas come to be Very precious unto Me— • Though Ilknow I drank not first Of lour love's bright fountaiwburst, Yet I grieve not for the past, • - So-you only love me-last Other souls may find their joy In the blind lore of. a boy =4 • Give me that which year_s[have tried, Disciplined and.puiified Such as, -braving attiiiri and blast, You will bring to me at last! j -There are'browNmore fair than mine Eyes of more be*itching shore— 'Other hearts more tit, in truth, • For the passion of thy yoin.ll—• But their transient empire pitst, You willsurely lose me last!! Witt away your summer-dine— . . Find n love in every clime— • ROOM in liberty and light— I shall never stay your eight ; For I- know whenall is past, You will come to meat last! ' Mil Change and flutter, I shall Smile securely atilt Patiently I trust and wait, Though you tarry long and Lite ; Prize your spring till it be past, Only, onlrlore`tne last ! ' . it hviliitd )3tttt*ltpoi: DT SST) WAGE I Ives looking over, the oiher lay, a little dntseet In Cousin Carrie's writing-table, lifter tt.letter.of Kate Efamilton's—Kate Durean' that ivas—that she had promised tp show me. There wUre all sorts of treas.: Or;ea in the draire - r—letterti tied 4 vitt) blue ribbons • miniatures, locks of hair, trinkette, and souvenirs in! 'numerable. In turning them over in' my scai - ch, I came across a fanciful little box, made of carved sari 'dal wood, that looked hs though it'hid something of great value. _ - _ _ "May I open it, Carrie ,7" i . ..o. "Fes" - I _ • . ' There was noth - ing in it lint a •nub of dried ,liut tereupe, pressed on npiece of / Id ek paper. , " Dear me, is this all ! -IVbat o you keep th - em itt . . „ l box for, 'Carrie ?" -' . - . • bholooli the box from iny hand, and . looked at . them.l.houghtfully. "There is nothing in that drawer, Kate, that I prize as much as these buttercups. I've kept them in•that bits for two years. 7 ' " Of course, .then, thete's .sotaething interesting about them they are