Repablican Steam Printing Office, In Hawley L Lathrops' 8ui1414 up stairs. BUSINESS cAItDS. S. H. SAYRE & BgOTrIER, XrANTFACTITREItS mill emstingyrastitl-sritidi kind & p,oe. 11l Tin and Shirt Iron Ware. Agricultural irrk, dements. and Dtat , tr.+ In Drs' iritv.l.Viroarries. - Croaktry. Sc.'s Montt"... ra.. octohm , • • JOAN GROVES, FApAi n t ti o n x g gr a .e . vimpn. SlO hoppr”ltc.l aepubllcce Ste= otitrone, l'a., Oct. %, lEr o 9,stf • - - - DR.. C. C. IrALSEY, • . lIS'PICIAN AliP tomierslAx pmfembrokl - perricre P to the eitlzeruoi Montrone and vial:dry. Offlce ovrr Store oft. LY- Ai, nnante at Mr. Ether-14 , ep. Montrwe4Ortot?er 19, 1. ',9.-tf RETN'OLI\2 , I vAsiIioNABLE TAILOR. Flop I.a...nneTA sr: en Howl, omnia wool, llontme, Ps.. . Alnnocs, Odober.N, • • , D. W. Ci . - HULL. PHYSICIAN .11.*:1) SURGEON: liming lornol blniselr in Au burn Centre. Ie rculy to uttena to all the milt or hh. I,rnrieeinn rartleutar Intention given In the tnn,tnernt of ehrt.nle ii 4.2.; Auburn eentrt.. Sung. Co. Ur.. , Sera. 1:1 5 :-.II,-CIIIII - DRS. BLAKESLEE & BBLYSII . Tit themoelves %mkt the ohov nosneihr the pro , jrj mutton of the thlties .thar Profegtiloo• rtotportfony off es their profeordonal serrleto to thelovolhllolhhe. t it t at the te , Ahlonee of 10% midway betwo9ttbe • - 111.010 oCi4prinv le S Ittroork. A.• • • • t. gArAn. Ittroork;Npril 1 J. DUBOIS; = • ' TESTICEOF‘THE PEACE:4Id CCM lIITSSI i ONER OPOE.EDS 0 for the State of N ote Nett. at Gtest Sena; if .-co., P. Crest Deed: hug. i14,15a7-13* i , • . BACON 4t: WEEKS i • ' . • "lAEALERS In all kinds of linveriea, Fart - dim and pedant] .1.. r ' , mill...Urania. and Loroon...Nota of nil klado. Pried • rosols• ea.%& Wes. Ilerrlea, Pronea Plonk", Fromm - ea Whoa. Woraostar• Plata Naw=a, Flour. Ft , dt. Lard. Tallow,,Pora,l44l, So:. Sc. Z. BACON IMO:MI . 04, Awdsat 1.4,15.9.-lf„ , A. A. HALL, - 111ANUFAUSCRESt and Dws. Sw FITRNITURE awl t`oFFINN. New Milford, Pa— Aug, tti. P. LINES;' I• F=ONAJIL.T. TAILOR, Lrlet 610ck,.0‘4t 11(7 , 1&. Cres Store, Itcmtruele, I's. . ~ 9oattost,'.l.aly '17.16:4.-tf ' • . . .. LIENR.Y a TYLER.; ' , . . rhEALE(t. In Dry diwata.liroceleg. rmbrel la*. tfankee Notions. iy r, 1 „,t,.,d st,A, shovel, and Fork,: Stgnel Ware, Wooden Ware atal Ilrounta Lhaolof Navigation, rutain /Vvunuu• . - Montrose, Pa n June L.,L9.-ly WILLIAM IL COOPER &.110., - DANKERS, Successors to POS"P, GOOF CO., MontrOse, JUP , Pa. Ofdee one door eat from Posts Store, Tutoplte !Street. vol. !Iranian C• 001.211, ts.m%••l:namarst. Montrose. June a 1549.-tf. . • - . _ • H. GARRATT, - . , . roda s OL ., ..f i SALE I II7 : IIL 11 . E ... ,L 1, 21 ,,, ,3 rgir r lt c., , ,t G ( R ,tri A e, /,N. V:II keep eon:U.olr on hand l e,tuud branr4 1 - ,lnal, by fl - m - Soak or hundred harrila at the lowest nurket plicos, also Salt by the %Ingle Barrel re Load. AU tinier, fromMdrelundn and Pealerit rift be promptly attended to. rer - Cash prdd Mr UMM, Wool,Pella, lildra; and all kluds,of larrnern produeo lo tladrktUeon. New Milford, Pa., Match 20J, 1A119.-iy . , 1 , . G. F. - FORDITAII; • i 4 /VMI -71 CIRRI %mambo►. Slop out door klorr Keeler 4: Montrose, 311,1reb 1,1559„ . 2J. 11, SMITH, hiANUFACTURXTi. orrimusr,ssAinLEs,r 7 d TRUNKS, ::M.thoqueta•LnaCtmnty, , • New Milford, Jamul. H0359.-1y • • • '• Kr.F.LER S STOVDARD, E.& LEES In BOOTS &SHOES, Leather and Filelings, 0 0 ,Main ftrSt door kelow ..Sear/e's Rae!. kb 611111.01CT.C1.X6,' .0 N. 11701:01.1.D. Montrose, Pa., Jan. 1, 1..556.-rftl 5 E. H. IiOGgRS, ST.ll;l.comunorteefekraFlFAßGE.,r. all - • oNs. the beet style of WorkmansLiP So d n the te,t materiahe at the well h hotel) stand. a few ros met of Searle 11. tel. If ontrav,:, Where he wilt Le happy to.regelvelbe c.llwof all 14'140 want anything in hie due. Montrose, Sezteraber 13.55.-1 y • 'II. D. ItENNETT, Bopr•BINPER. Smiley, usqbebanna Conn. ty, I s.. respectinfly Inform the people orbius• corn:tuna and nrighlooring countirrrlant be IA pre- -- • , e:tred. to bind Perlodthide and Books, and Repair "!". ld Bons. E. W. Fluzizzlyili recelYr Perirrdlenn , ,, D. Bennett. Gibson, 8(748,1-8z...5.4f . . WILLIA.II B. spktpsoN: ': ~: . • Wl. ATC 4 II 1tE1.'..5.111.E laving ; stilled fiir Me M at ~.• nine years - frith th e I etillful tworknien. he faiits ,V - - e‘intilent that he can do t e must difficult ;alba on short il #.,. make. All work warran it to Five intignetion. * les-ei. , ty repaired ueotiy and on reasonable term. • Shop In Boyd & Wei iiii'i new-ft - ore, mrnetnif 51.nitiandTtint• • t • Shop In below Searle' lel; Wonting. P. itzrzes -co Wm. 'Elwell. E. W. Baird, E. D. II iintsyte, E. 0. Goodilelt, D. Kitipitstry, TOW CID; B. S. BentleY. L. Searle, C.D. Lathrop. 1. Wittenberg. Manta-we. lioniteriaitlept.l,6,lBs9.-11 .' • ' 1 , Wm. W. sxrrn & co, 111111111elin.; ST AND CHATS IlliNelkhe fivers. Keep cormtoortyon hand &Salmis of CAMIX.Ct PCILNITtitt, or furoW.wd at short notice. Shoo and Ware Roomsloot. of Ilatzt Stood. Ifootrom, Pa., hlay t`6,155.5.41. IiAVDES BROTHEIiS, IVTIOLEBALS DE-kLERSIII 3 ANKLE NOTIONti, Wadies, Jewelry, Sc.. New Milford, Sarki. Cu, Pa. • air Mercliautsan d Podlara autddled at licw Turk s r ...mitron.t, May, IPAA,Iy • *ILLIAM & WILLIAM lI.,JESSCP, A L TTOMNEYS AT LAW, !loanFx FractlCo Suagna hanua, Bradford Wayne„ Wynntlnt and Lvaeruecorrilica. WILLIAM H. JESSUP,. A TTORICET AT LAW. KOTAlif PUBLIC: A. 1.1) tit.uNER. UF DEEDS, for ibc State of New oft, *lll :alma to all twiner. ehttlOtted to hi= with prottptittou and tdratty. OM= Du Public ' , gouty, occupied by licat. , Wl . ll(utt Jesup.. BENTLEY k FITCH, TrOILICESS AS LAW, AND BOUNTY ,- LAND 6 EATS, A °Moo .neet of the Court H01t..., MoutroAe,Ya • ALBERT • OELiMBERLIN, TTORrIY AT LAis, AND Jr wrier OF Tilt: iirAcE. ovlst I, 1 4 , Co.a sume,,'Nwrzwas. Vit. 1 • - A. BUSHNELL, A TTORXEY dr COITSSELLft AT LAIC. Woe Oyer West's Drug StorG4 4 LINVISAXELA DXLVT, rm.-1111' 'WILLIAM -IC: GROVER. A TTaRNET AT LAW. Sr Stintooni. Printkit only n A tho CIVIL Corers of Renee.% nod &var.. lin*lt lodtletly to Con wznebot. Curs. Du'tmoo flow abnaul WUJ ret/elott prompt -. otutou. (IFFICE N0:44 Chto‘tunt Street. t.t Loo o. Ito...e.ustter • BOYD do WBSTER, - TIF.ALEIIS'in . Stoves Store Pipe. Tin. C,oPpei. atot,'Sheet Itar. Ifi Ware: alw7, Window Sash. Pah el itodr. don fine . Lumber. and all Itialle of Dulidirri. Materials. Thetztiopt&outh arle'e Hotel. and Carpenter Shop near Sletbo4lat Churkh. .JI. 21071 , L:1114.1111113. 31 .sranai. Pa.. April 14,1838.-1 t • - D.R. JOHN W. 'COBB, ' 'plan; now prepared to practlm MEDICLIVE and 4(tERYL 1.11 has IncW M ed hitnorlf In .Montrose. ra, and will sttlet I • attend L. th e mile with which Lo way To favored. .01T.M . : Z I over Z. et/13TM Store. opposite Searle's Motel. lloxraom Sun. Co, Pa, March 2, 1f49.41. Da. - G.. Z. DIMOCK, " S • - Dirrstoiks AND SUgGEOS, bat permanently Inaltedhlmetell r at Montrtme, Stisquebsoins county, J. 1.11•11 . CE: Oyer Wllmoti L kmfe /100tir , M 3 M 140.4 , • Mara -toe, ]larch 0, 11140., • ------ . Ds. E. F. WILMOT," .. I f i RAM:TATE of die 'Allopathic andlinmeopaltlc &ilegeauf lir Aledicinc. la now pennancntly locaterin Orem tienci 4 i's. 0 - t , ,,toruer ot MAlnc..trad Elizabeth fit., lowly opposite Th. 11. E. ' Church. May Int, p 35 7 ,4 - I .._, • - .-;--r— -, ' ' D.!t. 11. lIITH " "i . ? *".0""7,12..... . 1 ...:‘, • I . - - SURGEON Et:WM[4% I..ualdetice :Apo ',eke :•••••-- - *polite the floirtiat cliurell.(Rurli, lilJO In Mont - ".. mac. Particular attention will tor CitiCU kik iniert tr Uletl% on Ream and Sart* pLate, and to filling decoiingterth. Montrose. Januaryl3.l 6 sB.-ti T- : -------- • Dr, C. - Eh' VIRGIL , rcAsipmr DENRsT, Adorritose,T;t: Of t9aaz o f „.. an 111 pr bllver plate ft,rne In the L., ri; stele of ua• Art. - 4-niebn Irnfaut.a. • •• ifostnE4Z.llprO - • Dn. R. THAYER, t , • Dars - meliai IaND SUUGEON, lioseacast, Pa. 'Otiieeiln the Ybruerr 160/li. . v 4148 ABEL TURRELL, • • • rIEALER MEDICINtS. CVEMICALPi I/ Print/. OLIN Ltre-dturii. Varishea. tiddis. (J ~„. e mo k et y, rakr. Jewelry., 'Perfumery, Sur t elc4 'Thotrumbutit, Trthero..t lirushas. dx.—.1,111 Agent fur , 4.lruf the mint poputtir A 14 • -r!! - _ CHANDLER k JESSUP, • t+ a %A.LERF Dtt 000thiji.;(1Y Made Clothing. t 'nice riei it 1.:04.1 and Statiouciy, etc., rubllc Avenue. IlunsuriOnt. POST 11BOTHERS, 1\ EA I, MO IN DRY 4.100D5. Gnawer.% Nracteref,llar4erara. bratliet, Flour, etc., comes of Turuyike atroet and Pigall/ Are Pa. J. LIT KS 113' DRY GOODA. Oroccrira. nardwari. eibacrY nlt are. nook& Mcludrous, and Shectllmac. dm.; alkio. 'carry • t, ;A.m. Ilixptaa lalducat—l'untle Avensic:lltwrioac.i, Va. t 'A:. Lyons. REAP, & CO., rkt:.‘. LEI;! , 1.7.1 PRY GI HMS, Drug.", " 1141111 race, IL'px.kety, Watcl.43l'clor. hp“oh.s,rtrfince.l7, Brick VA 3itmtutoc, • •••• - with c k!a*.AD. BAL9WIY T & ALLE!., w 111 )1.ES:1LE sollAletal: Peden. in Flour.fialt,pr v , 1 • • - ~ • l' Would,itirt be better, my ideiir . „litile - girl, to make the utmoit \ use of all the power you have, in .etead of spending\ these long flours of missing' in wishing for toOre?"\•, ••''' ' V '‘. . • - _ " ill the pitrer Ii ave is precious little, you know, . papas " ,\ . , '-• \ t - i• ' - Very precious;certainty-but not, so little as you ' may suppose. l iYagr father Wongl much rather have" • tiis own little daughter here to Welcome him home at night, than to I 'ss'ell the • gap. and. silver . that fairies were ey i fabled tOpieduct i f "And the-gentle, quiet influence of a loving sister l tt the\householdls worth more to our dear, sick mip„her thau the topcb of a fairy's wa d upon her btow.l 'Depend \ open it,- myldear child, haa given to iou• a 'work, which, well accomplish l i ell, will be more beautiful-. in iteire ijults that any romance bf fitiry:l4d." Lilian sat fora few moments musing in the deep. ening.tailight, and then• the samha . ons Jo tea -pre vented any furtet ionvereation. I.The first, thought that etdered . he little head .the morning was, "I'll tie a fairy toAtiy." • But die winter stir wa s chilly, and, by e gray morning light, Lilian's fairy work seemed 84 quite so easy and' beautiful :as the evening before by 'firelight. At .04 -moment,- how ever, she heard little Ally's voice. tl i the next room quite, wide . awaka, and sure to distictrii his sick moth. cr. Lilian slip4d softly into the tont,und persuad ed Ally to come and be dressed byl her, and, an the little fellow had bo:ohjectioit to 'e iltange ,of attend : ant, the nursery Het was very .11: ro kly completed. o Then she carried him to the break ' t-om, that he might be out of hearing distance from his mother. - Bridget had juit completed the*eakiest arrange ments to her own satisfaction, doulitiess:bet, as Lil ian knew, to the great dikomfort iii i her father ; for every 'particular article stood iorneisyise to its neigh: hor, and the whole effect was as if e s iciashing wind bad brought cloth, service, and eatableil and • deposited than on the table according - to itsiin sweet will.— AS soon as she ha d established Alixlwith his build. ing blocks in the Comer, Lilian neapy and quietly re arranged everything Upon the table 7 'so•• that. an i • 'ar tist's eye could baldly have suggestid an improve.. Went. • I • "Mother always did this," said ',Ran ib herself.— How =elms I have been not to 'think of it 'be fore'!" • • ' ' 1 • At this moment 'Tillie bursrinto the room.- "I wish mother ,wasn't sick," he"exclaimed, "There's' no One to tie my neekelotlikw put .up dinner for aChoolior find my boOks,Alr' help me with Ny leasons." "" Perhaps I can fix yhur Come here," said Liliah, "and let id . c try." . . " 1 0h, you don't kno w bon-. You Lever - 1W it in your life," 14 " I can learn though. You shallise' e," said the' a c girl, and she secretly resolved that she would. pra ice tying a ribbon arorind'dblocfr for one hour . every. ay,mutil she was perfect in Tihe art! The ne'ek-tie as arranged even to Willi+ satisfaction, and the st books we l re all fotiml a4l . put in the satchel. The *ther then appeared , lAn unusual ex-' pression of cent tment was upOn .14 countenance as he sat do wnto a onifortable breakfast, but wheth er he attributed anyt 'og t o . fairy influence Lilian never knew. • She rath hoped _ not: .It ' was '1 so pleasaur(she thought) to rk unsitstiectedl \ z After her father had gone,4alian put up the lunch eon in Willie's dinner-basket , wi 'herlOwn little fairy fingers, and saw her brother Mute fcic school, that crept softly to her mother's room to ' 6,what she could do for the comfort of the invitiii4 She d usted sr and arranged the room in the order tli4t ' t suited her mother's taste, moving all rho ill With uch a gentle, fairy-like tread, thaith6lightes slumber red not have been * disturbed. . She, brouFht , water * bathe-the aching bead, then *closed tire curtains'to : just the right degree of shade, and left,lher mother to her morning pap. fly this time .Allil had becoMe wearied at his efforts at - self amusernirit, and must have some assistance.' Lilian birilt houses, bridges . , and towers, all on' the most wonder/4.i models of architecture, but perfOtly satisfactory/Io the small employer, whOsalued the most elaboOto . structure only for the noise-it made in'tumblingAowit; ' All day long,' his little attendant was!'fally occupied in amusing-him, and she had time onlii to put the sitting-room again in order, and brinti , her father's study-gown 'and slippers, when his lighthey was' beard at the door. Lilian placed herself demurely. in her old beat by the windowi and 'watlooking out With a somewhat more happy arid less Wistracted ex.: pression than on theprevlous night...ll. - - "Some good*fairy has been ht work 4 guess, m mifid Mi. F—, as he took the contfortablekOsy chair and. *glanced at the usually noisy little Ally; ,' ho now deeply absorbed in Lily's favorite portfolio of engrav ings. ' ', • ' *. ' 4 1 .. ," Oh, no,papa," replied Lilian; as she•threw her self over:the side of the chair; into his,lahns l * one in the world but your little RautiriST Hour. 6 The boort that oisbo ion not 'that it tag 4 " ' * -How English..Dualtesies, sad . Countesses • .Exoplof Ole , • • wi would commend tlielft&wing snide kr our feinalereaderi . consents falls hepresaketis to the, habits of Bnglish ladies; and Shows that women;the world over, iecepthre the •nermidtj and the essential nobleness - of-effort. This;is in extract • froin a recent letter of an English . iraveler; whose posigon and el:tweeter gave him ampleopportinities 1 for observation, both here and in the old world. Bow just Is his rebuke of the idleness and. fn l iolity of cer tain classes 'of American women, orlon, teitratitively acquainted with Mir society ` can fully appreciate: "I can assure you that, Jraving lived all my life sbotit in the different eastieS ,and 'manor 'lrogalis GT Groat Britain, and been accustomed to the McNeal ous habits of Duchesses and Countesses, ; l was Otter astonished at the kilenesiof - American fine tidies I No English - wnuum of peak (with die eseeptiot few parvenues) from the Queen doinwards, wOnld remain for one halt hour unernployeri,- . or sit In '741 rocking chair;.unless seriously ill: They almost ill, . (with barely an exception;) copy the letters of busi ness of their hiebrattla, fathem, or brethers; 'attend, minutely to the wants of-die poor friend them, and even take part in their amusements; and sympathize with their sorrows; visit and superintend theseboOls; work instheir eartgarden'i, see to their. hoisehofd concerns ; think about their rilitorvi, look over the , weekly aceounts, "not may of domestic expenses, but Often those of the Ulm and theestate ; manage pen ny clubs in conjunction with th+.working l classes, - to • ' help tbern keep.themselves; anti with all thesetocu-, nations, - by early Emirs, they keep up•thelvacqtraint lil3a with the literature and ponticeref the day, and cultivate the accomplishments cif Murk and - • and . often acquire beside 801210 knowledge of scientif ic pursuits. The late ifarchicsiess of Lansdowne- ' was se well acquainted with the "cottagers; In her • neigirtiorhOod, thatabe used to visit 111.11 d JOWL At the corpses of the dead, because she found that Lher do ing se . soothed and comßeted the bereaved. I brie . knOwe her abut herself up wfttell inad,winnan in her - pO'nr dr:elling;mho toed to lock the doerl and cored not be indirced to admit anyone, else. - Lady Lans doirae!s only daughter used one bandied', guinea* (given her by her Attherdn-law, Lord Suffolk, to - buy a bracelet) to build pygstyes, witti his permlerien; 'at her butibruld's little-conntrtrealdeirce: She educates her own children without assistance, tem - him; the boys Latin and Greeds all - the uses/ branches of ed- IMO • " Theiate Duchess s of - Bedford, l accidentally dis. covered when-on &list% to Wuhan), had for thirty' . years of her married life,-rhin at viz o'elock, sum- , mer and Winter, lit her own fire, made some tea for the.Dulte - aad herself nd then, is he wrotelthi own letters of businesis, she copied them, and then came down to a large parti of guests at ten o'clock;to dis' pause breakfast, wOotk; laying one - Wiwi of their matutinary avocations; Aso that you might hatre been 'a visitor int the house whhout_finding bit that the Dalt! and Duchew had transacted the necessary busi ness of the day--befort, perhaps, you bad risen.. “ I rather'naention tboee that are gone to their re ward; than write•otwomen atillainongat us; ,hilt ima may beliene me when I sly that I am contriantly among those who, live Such lives of energy and ale fuluess—but they so employ theraielves`wlthout oa teuitak t n, or an idea 'that they are doing - more tlisui • their simple lay." - ...Change_ in the Meaning of Words. . Tuz following ghotations are Zaken from a recent work entitinii,‘ ".:d Select Glossary. of Asig/Lik. Words,usee formerly in senses. &fermi from _Melt present," in which are traced tie cliangeis of a;mean ing,widch many current words; ?Ave undergone Climate—At present the temperature of aiegion, but once the region. limit.. Corpse—:Now only-used for the body. abandoned spy the spirit of life, but once for the bOdy of the, liking man equally as of the dead. . lle s sirr , ---"Tet desire" is only to look forward With longing c now the word has lost the flue of regret or looking4acks?pon the lost but still loved.. Hag—One of the many words 'yrhic,h, formerly, ap• plied to both ‘se.aes, are now restrained only to one. •".Mountebank-- 1 -tiow, any- antic fool; but once COD. faded to the quack i who, at 'fairs and _ouch .Paces of resort:, hailing mounted on a bank or bench, ." fnnn thence proclaimed the virtue of their drugs. - OsticsNot.formerly, is„now,ipe servant of -the inn, having the care of the horses, lint the inn-keeper- - or host; the " host-ler" himsell _ • Shrew—There are now no " shrews" save female •- onei; but the word, like many . othCrs now restrained, to one - ser, was formerly applied to bo Sae/n.1 7 4 "sonnet" now must etausiit \ Of exactly . - - fourteen lines, neither more nor less; and these with -a fixed arrangement; though 'admitting a certain lax/Alen, of thc . rhymes ; but "sonnet" used often to be applied to any short poem;especially of an DIDO• PcitY kind. - • - J. - - \ - Stove-This. word has much \ narrowed its meaning. \ Bath, hot-house, any room where air_ or''witer was artifiially heated, was a "Stove once. 7' Tobacconist—Now the seller, once the smoker of - tobacco. •• • • - : • pliouth-,-Now unformed in manner; ungraceful n behavior; buf•once_eimplp--unknowu. . ; DIY/re—Now to shrink or start away,. as In 4331T1 roma stroke or touch ; but used always by our ear l icr atithors In the sense of to kicki, Mcruaisuca : oN Glint ALOGY.—Tirp Men werelisput ing one day upon their genealogy, each one of them pretending to be better than the Mier, ." You caw not," says one, "compare yourself to me, who am of a- thousand times better Rouse than i you." You I" . . said the other, " had your Gahm, ram mine, the first . post in the city.?" --" The,first post in the city," re -f - plied the first ; " was he Glivemoi?" "He an swered be. " Was be judge?" • No, not that " Whitt was be, then?"' queried the first.-- " GateleePcr," was the answer "is nOethat the first post in.the city ?" "Yes," said the other, "but mine preceded the first rain in .tbe prerinee,he went before the Dukes and Peers and before the Marshals of France." 1 .! In virtue of what 'office fl w.ln virtne of his post," refined the other. ‘ " What was then his post'?" "He was a postilion." "if my fithei bad taken - care, weShould,hasre been rich - - -butle was a fool." "1 'grant that to be true, said the other, " and I feel clearly that his - office. Is here!litiry." "Ify,father prevented that," said the sen of the pciatilion, "he arts a Tat! of lettera."— "What do Jou calla 'pan bflette'rs?", demanded , the son olthesftoleeper ; "was ho Judge -- Adraeat? 9r Coulfspir " N'Siiis of all those," !aras the repl ; "he-was runner to the Post offlee.l Call you not that a ruan-of letters ?" " True," sal4-the son of this gate-kee'per, " hut That does not prove the antkpkity, hack tar; '' tuero r . Thie l e ' can Pin to son marriage Yet managing motherland heartless idaughtetts-are contbmally playing some - in:ducky za t rac. - 1. believe men - more frequently , - many for love than woman, be. canna they have a free choice. lam afraid to con lecture how large a portion of women Merry for moi l ., ey—because they think they pill never; have abetter :c!uuice, and dread becoming dependent:- Such mar riages do sometimes prove tolerably comfortable, but a great number wonid have beenlar happier single. If I nay judge by my observation. of inbh 'matters, .marring for a home is a most tiresomd . way of - et ling a Ming. , - 44 oo MEE , pr tint Clitet . ciiit . h . ** . with one 6 replied Ad- MEI