El - • .;k4ATAII nipek' Vlititangiiin it Trees; &c. • • • Airnt-nri, Sept. • tiXasas.Entroas tire I ant)igain,. and much ' sooner; too; .tha expected, I when I. closed my last. ; • ... I see by the ReprtyiCan'of nbe Sth that-Mr. McKinney is out again! . restatingl hii old instructions, though. lam liap' - py say, somewhat revised and . improved ;' and; inasmuch as , he .re-affirmsChisi old `position' • (less the modifications,) it presents to , nie an occasion to offer another word*. two, which I shall most cheerfully embrace: How deep, you shall plantiyOur treci is an. other question,' he ob - serves,larid -is' subject to. three..contingencies, "Ist, -the size of the tree, 2d, the shape of the , roiits, La, lal . the,' opinion of the . r,. Really this something newls wish the gentleman had enlightened. us la this respect a-,littlel: Shall a large tree be planted deep. .erthan a_ small one, and, if so, 'how , much orshallra small tree be planted the deeper? • Pel-haps a large . tree should. be planted s foot or morethelow the surfaeoi medium . sized one, sii i ,inehes or thereabout,' while a small one'at or near the - surf - dee • or will this order of things be reverse If the gentle man has a graduating Seale, I wish he, would give it its in his next. And what -has the • -shape of the-roots to do with it,) would _quire ? Sliall those that have straight ones be planted near the surface, those with modest. • ly crooked ones deeper,,While those withan gular or very.. irregultir ones (So sieionsly crooked that they cannot lie still; be thrust down a foot. or more for this order of . - •• _things to be reversed ? IN ow as to the - opinion - o the planter.- Stt`pposelhat two phinters - with an equal lot oflrees, some large and some small, wish to .-plant each an orchard.. One says, "I will :pram my large trees deep, my ismall ones shallow;!. and the other is of- the opinion that it will. be 'better to plant the lame ones shtd low and the small ones . deep. What then ? Will the opinion of each plan* save his trees or cause them, to do equallY, well with 'those of the others? If so ; if this - doctrine be true, then the size of the tree or Skye of the roots hasrnothi4 to do with it, it being, af ter all, but mere matter of opinion. Nature is a 'stern, exacting, and imperious Master. It has establishedcertain physical laws for the healthy growth and develop- Ment of trees and plants, as well as for man or beast, Ina any deviation from or violas ion of them, We most assuredly be rewarded -with a penalty, the opinion of 'the planter to the contrary notwithstanding.' ifiete wish to be ettecesstul in tree•growing, Must Ob, Serve, study,•think, fist,, the Closely, we can follow,.ohey or act in accordance with these laws the better; for . Nat urc; in the per formance of its functions, will no more accom modate itself to the opionion of the _plhnter, 'than will the Uniadiust his hour of rising by, the' Computkictias otsome blunderlng astro-, notnical calculator. • Observe; if you please, a tree thnt has had no other than Nature for a tutor,( and , you will discover that the collar, or union, of the 'the othorixtal ronts tlithithe, stem or body of the tree,is at or: near the 'surface of the ground. = This-is the ipoint friore which depth of planting is computed. If you wi§h•fo renim r the trte, k.a careful: when you replant4t, that the eollar.l no. mat• ter as to.the size of the tree; or the t-hape of its roots, be in or about the same position,as • it respects the surface of the ground, it was bef4re removal, covering it—the collar.-just just _sufficientio protect it from the direct action' of the elements.. In removing the tree," the Toots' should be mutilated as little as possible and .wimazaplaoed- is the ...wit,. $.1,4,014 Tvot bi,berst;cceowdedi iammed together, but be alloWed to lie in a "straight, easy, natural way,taid as nearly as possible in their original position.-- Do thus and'my word for it, all. other things being eqnal; the tree will hardly know, if trees know anything, of -its'beina 'removed ; except, perhaps, the roots !will find a mellow soil wherein, to luxuriate. At least, such ismy opinion,. and if found ed in reason and common sense, and lin accor dance with. Nature's the result ;will be geo'd, but if it- isnot, I will. gtiarantee that Nature will never swerve one jot nor ti4,le.' to aCcommodate itself to it.; . no, slrs, . The gentleman.still insists upon his 3,by 3 • holes and Submits to .the people etc. • Ifs he NtU underdrain 2f feet subsoil and mil:Otte surfaell fertile as I s,uggeed in my fornier" paper he may make his holes 3. feet across t (or six feet fur anything I care) and 2 deep, - -or just as deep ge it is rubiailed - and na:dt!ep• cr, and I will have no - objectiOns, but. on =the contrary rather recommend it, but if he still . insists uipottlis - Aby - '3'S in out'common hard Dan"lends.; (and they embrace by far the. greater portion of the county), without . any previons , 'preparation by nnderdraitag, deep eultureete4 Iflutfy die& Let us plant a tree after his method.. Well; after a_ few years the roots fill the hole, and, as they are strong believers in tnanifest destiny, they. - will make a strong effort to extend themselves -beyond their present.limits ; and hat success do-you sukpose they Wsitild:have in penetra ting 4he wall'of hard dirt which surrounds ' theml "Not much ? ". you say. But suppose ' they do-succeed in extending themselves a fewtfeet in every idirectitni from the tree, do yeti supposethey -would find food -enough to - paytt.hem.for their trouble 2, No, sirs, tlWy would not get enough to pay them the first :. installment on their efforts, nitiot . rit the rate of one half per cent a month. • I wi'.l qute heie authority i "if the hole be tniall,,.and the gurivintilinGr land hare?, tlie. tree caiznot stow ; 'but if it "finally sui vives after along time of doubt eild ' &lay, it , creeps niong 'with a suainipaoi, making Map retort] -to' The owner." Again iiesiiye, - "ltly , _opinion is that a man , -who would pianran orchard upon such soil a. he describes, would never make a good farmer." Permit me to say that 1, took the 'rue from him, if! am advised to dig tythole `and throw away the clay, that I must dig that itole in the clay, becomes ;tt self-evident truth and patent to all the " World and the rest of,mankindf there is no dodging that. But his fieuviest artillery 2 (shotted with - I grope to the very Omzzle) was- bfOught out in defence of his favorite Museadi%e, and so anxious was be to save. that, that . ' ,swept down indiscriminately Gitawba and Isabella, -"Delaware and Re"gecca. Clinton and Diana,' with the most terrible slaughter, • But I did say ; the North 'Muscadine was irortbless,-and now I will prove il=iCl can. W. S.Groldstnith,-in" Genesee Fortner, says' "The Sage, .Hartford, - Prolific, ,J.Yertheyn, Muscadine,. and. Charter Oak: .are -.worth] = foxy varieties' • P. Barry, anther of" Fruit - Garden," and immediate succanmr of the late A.J.Down ,g as editor Of the Horticulturist, editor of the horticultural department of the Genesee armer for many years, and a joint- prOprie , Ir of the most extenire nursery in the Unit. States ' says,:'{' The ..Quirt:er Oak . and orthernAfaseadine art worthless." Wm. R. Prime, author of several haul.. ,Itural works and treaties,: and : san extent'. to nurscryman; having had •Over.lifiy ' years horticultutirrexperience !aye, u'WhcChar 7 er Oak is tife tna - mea 1711):il,a &Aral ht li7ortkitn'Aftisecolittc .is ery inferior, and has been condemned by .veral Horticultural Societies. The silly pes -who have paid from one to five dollars for such trash cobld have 'had Trape • hum °Canto - 11,d .esetilence for fifty cede' I 1 • 'From thel.frefee dingititM the Stith itiectit; Al Meeting of the 4 ttieric,!=' PomologiOl So.. cletY;l extract the; follmfing- % —the ~ ,Nci,rthern Muscadine being tend r krnlsiJerittion t•' 9.ltEr. Built obseeved that it bad' been' hrOughtbefore a rota ntitee of which he Was a member, sod.-that. if vas greatly against his will that he remained inlitti room with 'The Presjdent (Ironi'Maraliall P. Wildef) Made - ion:Le hunter Ors reMenits on the disß9si•. tion shown by, some pratinl—the Shakers— to esteem' their own M - oditetious, the North ern Museadine, toohiglll4 and to recommend them so frequently'tdotherft, as to become at length themselves conit4c9l - 1 - hat they, really were what they had rtl.pr4entealthetrtto be. - Mr. Thomas hatlibeen Ininch surprised, at the pertinacity of the Ski ters in . reconimetiA. inn this grape so higliPy.„-It was, as he had frequently -told thern,_no other than the com mon brown: fox,". '.‘l. • - The Pennsylvania Jl4tieultitrid Society give the following 130tively• flattering report ut it, thrmigh the Clhiirmarof the CoMmittee on rt.. .. ttl; • ; 1 . • •.•1 " After a careful pantination by-the taste, ete.,the odor could. j4t Inistaken,they'were clearly of the opinhathaOhe plant: is a seed of the WorthlestiVoxgrape of our woods and not deserving a placeiiii any Catalogue l as desirable for culture , atilt no mere' to' be compared to our Isahlla Catawba than a Chicken grape to' the ' 7 Nlltite Muscat of. Al .exaudria, and' consider itlia duty to stamp, with. emphatic reprobali4 any attempt, to introduce to 6.ultivdtors at`iattiele so utterl3 destieute - of value-as ihh 4-called Northern. , Moradine." • I am...not aware thatilt this ever been -ap proved by a single State , I!oinologieal Socie ty, and 1.4 - nor that by 'theanterican Pomcd ogical Society it tever tiac, „., RIO 14,1vett.al and une quivocal codiletnnat ion 1t the hands of l'omol ogists and Ilortiefilturiits Ifor the list .few years, I did suppose that the Nortiern Mos. cadiile was dead and burirj . , aye, buried,- at least forty t'vet, below .114 doxest posible bohe e(a retzUrreetil9; I s:titi thelCarwai,al, ' Dietia etc. were bettlir. lie says l qte gon't'believe it.— I will try to convinee If in 4 2 1 it by the intro.: Auction. of stleh'inrinca opinions as' he will feelbotind to respect:- They have been approve,i4nd recommended front time to time, Ity seek Poinokiista 11. E. III:olter, J, .1. Thornii-z,• P. 134rry; the late A. J. Dty.vning, \\- ii. R. Prime,, C. M. ilovey, and utleers.n liot4 niirucs %dl ()Acre. after mentioned ;,--ty tqlei4eriodit..atsaq the Magazine pf Hurtirultvri',' Vie . .11ortiothur• ist, The. Cqn , nfill Ge»tic'nuili, American Ag riculurist; qencsiv &u., and al so by azoodly itumber.pf litirtieultural So tactics . • . R. L. Allen says ; •i 4 The,' , best American kinds are the Is-41411a and Orrawba, for lire Middle States. North of la t titude 4l dogs. J I 30 min. neither of the two - ril)en_eertainly, cept,io warm lon . g • . T.. Goldsmith sax - s :I." The,, Isabella, .Catawba,and Clinton are. all 4 . 01 knoirn stan dard varieties, bet in this elihtate the Cat tw: hit will not- ri pc n 1.0 riot If oftener than' once . in six ycars,.unless in a very favorable sec tion; 'The Isabella, Dintfa, 4nd Rebeeca,,,are the mrist suitable for th6,larit tide, and furth. el" north Clinton and Curiilird iyop Iti be prof era FO." " Diana is decidedly one i`kfthe best vari eties in - eultivation,lrireninn•:.iTeliere the Isa bella would failaltogether, altogether, b lVill a ,eigh c or ten days earlier .% •?-• . 4 '. tieshjuicy and very sweet, with but little puipl• etch .and saecha-1 rine and of best - l - kunfity.7;•._• 4 ' A. J. Downitkg says : •:'''''f,tc , Diana is the Lea A d0141 , 1-c : 47 a grape, that 'l h 35 e ecer tasted." Josiah Salter sups `!•Seeoncf,, in quality. to but one, and that is the , Delasare. • -Perfeet -1 iv•hartly, and fr • • 4 iiver * lid one .. .. , strong*, l-C ( 11, of-the freest and. eniliestinarers that) -know : of. z FiegiriX to ripen b file siwtcring berries the_ Middle- of Septect,ai, which are sweet as soon as colored; keep? imProving till the I middle of October, if allowed .0 hang so 1ate...1 ' A yinfl ripe iana is peili eating qy luscimis and T - 1 cloy leavin D g the lips after ea •a butteli s slightly stay as. hough -we bald been tasting syrup. -. ' : I' ' • 'From the PoPOrt of slate-pleating of the Massachusetts Horticultural S'ociety . 1 select the following : 3. Fiske AlienC,,ays i " Of•the.. hardy grapes the .Isabellit . and . Diana have been.as heretofore, the favorit'es.”., . • , ' •O . A. Ilrathett - says: - "The Diana -with me, has proved a great. gt•owei an, free bear : er—the bunches of good' size, and the berrlits 1 rn • iargis, some pi their/ easuritt Seven-eighths of an, inch in diameter.- It is '4, Matter of sur priSe that this, the most sielicickas of per na -1 rive grapes, should Itave•4etif.44d se-little. 'at tuition, .vrhj!e /lei- varieties, gFetttly• inferior to it in pint of flai-oi; have ben heralded as the greatest acquisition to.-our Ilia- of hardy , . - • —.- - •• - . 'V illes.': ' -. . - - - k • . . ... ..• -- The corrimittee`say-: " 'lie plane has ibiS rear proved early and sitii'cri4 to any forth = 'er year; and we ean'ree - Or.ritne.n dihis varie ty. belle ving that if will Lai NZ togivcp,ood crops in awy season:' •-. •: ••; i i . - - From thel,roceedings -of th6T - F'rait Grow: ers Society of-Western New tit* I extinct the followi4.*:- . " Dr. Farley ebithlite:3 fi.ve acres of Isabella vltie,yard..: Is iipiv 'beginning the Diana, 'which-is -as hardy 4-the-Isabella, and to his taste IS superior In tittenithatse eel ettra ted ssrtrts;:tita-Delawal'a mid Rebtseda•— Said he, u I had ruttier ends Diann - half, ripe; than the best ripened 'lsAellti "I - evi , r • sike.." That the Diana is thetnost. - valuitblegiape•,we i N. have. i ,• , '"The Concord is almoi!ns good as thels alielfa—ripthis fully two - tv!Otte', earlier and holds its licit well after ripening. ,Dr. Min er ens fall in the faith of-Cie Manabeing one of the best grapes botii • for abitqatice of bear ing and • fur table. - Wherever,Ahe ;Isabella will not riven the Concord . is I viiluahle. Di arias ale very sweet without •,‘ much , pulp.— Thertlite they_prpualse to he a Mostivaluable , wine grape." ' • - i .1 1 It W. S. Gyidstnilb - says ; .',Tlfe Delaware is said tb he Very hardy- and darly, and is, certainly a very delicious grope and must be come very-getierally caltivated;',', • . . • . Joshua Salter says: "-Fol. iftifility the Del -1 aware is very best, tasting liNelitat flavored, sugsr,and dissolving e(.mpiettly ,tn'tke m aith C leaving a luscious taste-on th'd.palate. * Ttme.of ripening first of SO - Eel - niter, have I.le . ett gathered ripe the fifletoth'').of August, 1858. One of the hardiest . % ktie m e have. , " • Wm. l?. Prime says :." TM: Delaware is . 'isweet,. delicate flavbr, delielOds-4-The climax in flavor of all northern-grapes:" ... v ~ . 1 The aciacs'ee Farmer Says ", ill is almost impossible to say too touch inlfitior of. this variety '(Delaware.} .I t i 4.: . 4d • 'mid. pro ductive, the .bunchis and befritts: (Lir size; and of most exquisite livor;" 1 I i . . _ • Fioin the . proceedingsofehel American Poteologie,a! Society before; referred- to, I will again, quote: '.The pelitWat:e serape:; was highly recommended by soite gentlemen. 1 Mr: Prime was of the opictioa tfiat it would i prove the most delicious native g'ape excep t ' -per ms 'iris Scuppernong of the % , nob, Dr: .I Grant hadgraen it three years rid - found it. I perfectly hardy. aft.: DowrOrnienfi rs id e r e d it Lone of the finest native grapes,and t s aid.it was, ' very hardy, with him, • Ds. • Brindle saw it first in,ltiso, mid thmight it firer than any i !tart% e grape that be knew: - Mt. .1Iov : ey: et teemed it excellietfruit.7 . r i,, 's -..-. ; -.• - I The Catawba has been - appr4r.ell and-.re,' cornmended'-by 8 , ttate .tiortieithiiril amity OA And chit' QrSonaclA, WWeani -.... : , Itaibepa Clinton by 1 ant C. W. 'The American Pomotogical Society, eorn 7 posed Pf\Yruit growers from all parts — dram Union, recommend fur general cultivation, the Catcriba, Con Cord, Dclmiare, Diana, and Isabella. k , . . -".Don't believe it yet." titteed ! :You are Ifaid to i be -,convinced. 7I s'a4, the , Catwaba WaS t better,: but ripeirel -railer' late liar our combined altitude and latitude.• Better for what? exelnitns th© gentleman. Why; better for'-' pies and preserving," according to his • own, showing, than his own vaunted I.ltuseitt. dine. ' Bat I . said . it was better, and have sits-- taiped it; if the testiniony. adduced • nbove .iS worth anything. I said .ripened rather . late, te„ and'have proved that also by the above .videnee and his own "admission, for he, says . t "neVer ' ripens," this, - however, is Imore hen I claimed. When a- fruit is rivAntnend -41 for gewal• cultivation there are always some spech I localities where it Will- not suc ked, and as lor the Catawba,Susquelutea eoun ty is one of, tem. _. .. _ j Another word about .the Stra - wherry and.l um thine. - i . • The IlorticulturaL Sceleties of 10 States, hesides that of Canada West,lave recomena- Gd ; three States and C. W., Burr's New' Pine; six Stites and - C.- W., Large K Scarlet;- four States t .Boton.,.. Pine. The American Society recommend Baston Pine, Itov6l's Seedling, and -Large Early Scarlet. - 1 have been utable to find Wilson's Alba approved II any Societynreat or small, thougfrgifite likely it bas been. - Again allow me to make to you and your riiaders, the most grip...fill curse of my spinal lumn, and—" dry up." l'omoLonist. P. S. 1. have no ikthella, Diana, Delaware, nor :any Other graoe vines for sale. G. ,, E0. L. SHAW, PiOdUCe Commission Merchant, - --No: 3 Erie Buildings, Reade St., .7 , 1..; 1 f. , Mlfall.4 l'o4l;:_nrnrlt4. , of l'11,11) rPIn 1,111, • c":l;;,lPrit, frtrn, , h 4. I'M II) E, ta'! 4 lNEss 1.04 • A I.ITV, lure and cnormloolf ST4)REIIOIT shot I si.ll t 0t.1.1,-.1 to ttl,t.to.t, GOO jj, If rut BETTER ADVANTAGE; than to bota.m in Nov.l' ork. - . Advances ma d e oil Consignments of-Produce, ave., if r(quircd. . . 5..:1,... atlcation .. .riv,al , . the the :ink Of I . otinir„,,ill,lB„ ar,,l rrnn.r.t IP. to,.- t ❑ 1::I,I, ...1 it „...4...,11.., ti 113 matt, I. - • .1 Cr IT:--- PILL. Ag, , ,11.- (EO.l- I•ILVIVI lzkN flrn• PILL .i: AIINtsTI:( , NG. ./,em Dit.t.u;,l., to !neon., 1;1, eO.EI two 1- al., reotNav that he . ...f.t.101.• 1` 1 . ,,,, t o r , aa' , V , C.:a:at:au , ' icor, the., laird Oho,— 1,,c,,v0 •,:, 10, , 1, ..,...: tal,yo yoar.cl.prf,riil• it, the.. siXdr,-ii , • eon, “,,,.o„„ tt0.,i.0•••%....:..• 0.0t,..1.1a0a1f that. he cm 1..av0 en!ita •ntletic--- 1,,,, • i:0 - 4 . ....,,,,,'. in Loo i... nor lii.i , ligNii.lit;.K 110,XE to NI 5r..) ., •1.i, Car. . . (ilia. i.....11.V.Vi .. . .1. DIL/...Ag01•L lI.EFFITIMIr Es: CI . W{.l. K. Itarrin. CLirk &Tl,..:nrot, • .T.N1.5t0.11.....11. Pr0...M0nt.:114, U. A . A. 1.1r.5-. tti.. In. V. Prven.r., L. ••• 4; LAT:P. 11. Lor.l, Lictith..d.y. I , t-r •k I .11 / Nl..llcrst: CO. " A. W. 1.11t1)N , 1 Strartelanna Depnt, rcrelen and for. : 0; !i.,,r.ore sliA alo1.11.'sT1 • :•; Azr%:, Ntw Tor..he III: k .t Sale, with cttrro,! funds,ulll iM '.lt l.tir to lb.° Stare oiaald BROX:14 t.N. • =IMZ=I Tioga-Point Agricultural Works. Railway or Endless Chatn Horse PoirOrs, FOR ONE OR TWO \ RISES. CHANGEABLE,T4RESHER and strA- U,ATORR, TIIRE-ZITERS and CLEANERS. m.km-rxerrr.ED nr WELLLS, BLOOD &Eo., Athens, Pa - t • Roy rn EMERY rATE'NfTIORSE powEltS, are equal, If hot euperir , r tr. any ("otherlle,m chain .I'..nn• a:twin in th t . v,orht. and are warruuted crnvlv ...nperlor t :, the Whonler }lack anandPewrr. Tioga u lioe owe are one. ,rami led for eanvenicace by nap other ; I?eing Ad.sTrtk ton crest on. 'nett' of u•te..),1. , ..nre poner it a..n,ied.—tvt Lee tittfcrent tleztro. of are ol.taluell Rithout Agra gearinc, and nix, nor desirah/e iti•a4b and Va.rity of crank analon (Or Kawitte. jewl ! pitie u ehertatiF. They pin caolly, nir strong, 4urable, and made of goocl;naterinllr. • TIOGA P`OINT THRESHCRS & SEPARATORS. These are made of r , arlaus size., alid are superiflr to any aber lin rtfa el:r.. : of ul - 114+. fad, any judge of sucie tu i schlnes, will he sails. L'eci teiv al ranad rgit.l an. 1 e . Vanning- 11111 s, • to rou 'with Hhrte Powitr. Thrt,licr, and Separator, t Uclt ini from the Power. Threshers and Cleaners.- • Th.:. TioGA Pors-r T rrr i.Slint and C LLANTR3 and niZAT . ...C 4 Ar . TnrmrrEe nnd em eisitr,thrcil, :md dean .W.111:g the grain, which 15 eivnned at for turairet, and watt tr kr. I, TO GM; - n.rtlit nATIST Arlin ti. . • . . . rou. SAt..t.—TIIIGA 'POINT VA , AIIy.ING PO TATTLE, CIIV and el.titS.S4.7rT SAW MILLS. ettivEit at,d. FARM GRIST MILLS, la of which ate very suptetiot - {V — bn this and n.u. - ,lnlng mantira should by all =rank n e !tientioned rnachine! before pirr,ba.driF els.mbere' Sn nine wlfl slim to send or N43.eerat Arricaltuca Mael,lnfs. Nvlith to Ge bad aearat hottle. Send for 1t.1.11.-ra ATV , and Poo:m.y), r • j L. BLr 111 , E RS, Ali [sr for Sosioolmool, ClO4ty. 31ontrri,e_Anzast e.4.)4P•41%.- Steani Engine' for Sale A I , 4fITABLE StEAM M.; ENE of hute elatt to ten 'horse pou - orlully rued; has Ixturonnlnc about vightuen mouths, It xiil t,e .oid t,r to not sulfide:l tfor cur.boolni,.. It may be sera at anytime at our oCabliolunent. - • _ h bONS. Itryok4y.:, tk, Pocket 'Knives and Shea . Ts.. • 4 lc, and spl6:ild lot of rocket Suva And Sbears. - kc kc by L4_ . • • , • BULL. ..RD. LIQUID GLUE , - every Tamnily mmerrim, for male IT. • A . READ" CO FRESH :GOODS: 2.11 E: THLTID STOCE,AT .. . . • . -POST BROTHEDR:IS.. . Ti t r .: blLls7.F.,:litlal.ilms3La'lltts nut! Mitt- Goods...Six:Ulla Xj , Lam: :v,: 14:141:11. , ,,11..b0n5, ,5.x% Ot:r litml; Is now , . . ANI , AT 4: - • . . • . .L , OW • PRICES. I .... 2,fontr.7, Julic• S, pm.. - _. _. I LADIES' GAITERS AT.K,IEJ - RA.MTATOTIcrIt" a ll 'ai lg s r illc A •s i it ''laMe fontrow. 311ty 2.1., 153. SALT! SALT / I SALT ! ! SV_ IPTVO l , l :* ** 7 l, l. , BEI ' D CO. EMI ,:: STOMACH .BITTBIS-u.i-3 is a fact that, nt soma period, every mem-. 2. ber'.-ef the human family is subject-to disease I_, or disturbance il..the bodily funetions;Thut, gr. .with the aid of a good tonic and r the exercise s of plain Common sense, they may belittle so to r. regulate the system as to secnre permanent gi "health: In order to.accoruplish this desired ... a '. object; the true course to pursue -is - certainly 'that which will produce - mutual Elate of 't things at-the least hazard of vital Strength and . "4 life: 'For this purpose; DrAlostetter hos' trodueed to this country a,Preparation bearing his name, which is riot a-now medicine, but one g that has been tried for years, giving satisfac tion to all who -have used it. The Bitters :a operate powerfully upon the stomach, luiwels, and lirer, - restoring,thent to . a healthy and yigorofis action, and thus, by the sitriple pro- g cess of strengthening - nature, enable the usc o • .tein to triumph over. disease. For the cure of DySpcpsia, Inqigestien, Nan- ••- sea, Flatulency, Loss of . Appetite, or any - Biliims Complaints, arising from -a morbid inaction of the Stern:telt or Bowels, producing cramps, a Dysentery, Colic, - Chnleio. 3ltwbus, &c. ? thesi - zi -Bitters have no equal!. • dysentery or flux, so generally con- r tract-mill new settler:4o'nd caused principally ir -bs't he change of Water and diet, will be Speedily ;regulated by .a. brief- use of this preparation, C'o Dyspepsia,. ft.-disease which is Probably- more g• prevalent, - in all its various forms,' than any x"' other, and the mitte.- of which • may. always s be attributed to derangements of the digestive organs, can ho cured. without fill by using > IIOSTETTBR'S STOMACH BITTERS, ns per V. directions on the bottle.. Fortitis disease every .5 physician will recommend Bitters of some kind;. then wliv.not use an article known - to be infal--S4-. . tilde ? All nations hare their Bitters, as a pre Vera ',CV of disease and strengthener of:the sytt tern in general; and among them all there' is 7.. not to be .found a more healthy people than the German's, front whom this preptiratihn can- timed, based npon scientific .experimentswhieh o have tended to prove the value of this great a. preparation: in the scale of medical science. . g Farm Ant :taus.—This trying and provok-•S" ing disease, which fixes its relentleSs grasp or 9 the body of ,man, reducing hint to a mere -• dow in a shore tithe, and rendering him phy- Q sically and 'Mentally useless;. can be driven from the body. by the use of IicSTETTERS RE.NowsEp BITTERS. Further, none of the above‘stated diseases can he contracted, even g in exposed situations, if the Bitters are used as per directions. And as they neither create 75 nausea nor offend the palate, and render un necessary :any change of- diet or interruption • r of ordinary pursuits, but promote sound sleep a and healthy digestion, the 'complaint is re- :;?, inoved as speedily as is consistent with the pro- ••• duction of a thorough and permanent cure. ej Fur Persona in' Adranced% Year's, who are n suffering front enfeebled constitution and e.. 1 'infirm body, these Bitters, are invaluahle as a restorative of: strength and vigor, and need „-k," only be,, tried, to be appreciated., And to a,• mother while n!krsing these Bitters are indisz: pensable; especially where the .mother's noire- 7, ishment .is 'inadequate to the demands,of -the 'child, consequently her -strength intuit and here it is where a good tonic, such as e Host etttir'A Stomach Bitters, iS needed to impart temporary strength and vigor to the system. ladies should -by all means try this remedy for. all' 'eases of debility, and, before so doing, shoula• ask: their- physician, who, if Ire is acquainted with the virtue of the Bitters, will • " recommend their use in till cases of weakness. CAITTION.—We caution the public againstusfng any of the Many imitations or counterfeits, but ask for nOSSEITERI CELLIITCATED STOMACH BITTEng,' 7 74 -- and sec that each bottle has the words "Dr. Ilostetter's Stomach Bitters" blown' on the chili U. of the bottle, anti stamped on Oa metallic eap . T.i. eavering the cork, and obseue that our nittograph . signatuicis'on the.labet. •t: 4- Prepared and Isola by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittsburgh,:Ea., 'and sold by all druggists, grocers, • and dealers generally > throughout the United States, Canada, South 73 America, and Germany. • • - CROOK & JOHNSTON. !i . THILLS, BOWS, Wagon Poles, and Plough Handles, CULEAT BEND SrgieSHANNA COUNTY, PA, " .Lint o brices. inch Fellies, ,2.1,1 'nett. Tellies, - " " 1,38(2 " 11,00 1-1" " 1;50(Bow:z, - • - *- ,61) 1{ " 3 2' L. - beat heels; ,60 " . - steaf6l4, - ,S 0 " - 1,83 llickory Pole s, Great ilentl, Arril tr. 11,0.4 e "Business Goes New Ready Pay Store dT ME • HEAD OF NAVIGATION! riNFIE nuhmoilter latt‘lng Juc mturned tem York., voeld most irstvt-arqlly Intontt trlmla tit be hen any) and public gyn. erally r that be Le nnw pts,parolto bane them - a ttl) bought for CArli, nr the old 0214 N, '2 Pablo -Anemic, former:y ocr,ti,l,l by I" W. :AlOTTorliext lu it sdi for gE.t.DY l'A T. at Ki t , (bet everypody. 11 !Kbeic t:4 rltoicr. ritAti.LT R.001.X...1ES OF ALL XD:DS, STONE AI:X. WOODEN.WARE, 11.X.00M4.15001'S AND HOES: LA DIESG ElOt FOR f! . .) CI:N I'ItINTS, DELA Iis:"..'ILEA CY AND • • • N AND . • - FIX:At:IIED • LINENS, . - • TON FLAN NEL, DRILLING:, TOW. ELLINO. JACEYN A P.D. APRON rl I ECK'S. DENIIDi 5 . 1 . 111 /*ED SHIRT. _ INoS., PANTS A.ND 'rlllllNl 111 - ..1:11. I ' luon„ t'oTTON BATTS. VIIITE AND ISI:011'N NITTING v ER, BA i)tiAtv ,),.?; lam. I A-LARGE .11.:oonzki ENT, NOTIONS. Sty • • 2.13.111(Y C. TYLTsR. . 14 , 11e.melin Ma; n SPLENDID ARTICLE fir the 11-11 R. plezue - Tyi,Etrya n d hay a bottle of unrrs .COCOS the beyt and eh,-.‘peot In mere; nix, CHEN'S EXTRACTS for the bambterehler. qtta - Arv.. - • siont.m.e. Are. tm HOTEL .11.EEPErt S , _ - Merchants and Grocers, . .. — CA...."i now be OUpplied with the beat &rams we - assortment of • -... i f • 47 . 7" 7. -i . WINES and LK 11011 S • - ever offered in this conoty,comisting of _ . Olard Cognac, Old Port Sine, (Pure j.) Pale and dark Scionette, .rinn Old Madeira, UnitedPcpprieforifrandy S." M. Madeira. I . • Meder' Soon. ...*herdan4,llllark :Berry Brandy, in, and CA:vet...Leaf Gin, 1 bottles, Scotch & Irish TI7 iskesr; Rose.&c. Cordial,' .- Mienovahela do. Wkstle?:lirandy, for Pre- Old BourbOn ':' do.' . serves, • . . 'Old .h!ye • .do„; , "Slim Wine, for Coo:gang, Old Jamaica Riori, 3falay4 WiAe, St Croi:c. do. ' OLDER BRANDY' dtiric England do. • Rectified Whiskey, by the Pale Brown & Gold Sher Darrel, . - at ITWE ' ;`.;',.;'i l i,\'ll . 3 l ."fil t .4 . -"Ant„ li t' v .PlP L 119 i. ti , t , '1 : 1 11 r iZ: For Ow retail tz wit I have a , raped, art:L:l, ot Illiti N LI% IlltS • and Itt73f. for meeliclual purpnewn In pottlce, Also. OLD PORT,SIiEIi, Itr. wol MA DEIIIA WINE. .1:0:. , E. CDP.DIAL, sImI , BLACK.' vracitY 1:11..1N PS, fur Para.', ,lure vsk Alain I , .reet, odour. below Ixturlv'e, 11 , 4c1. ' JACh. 4.11,4.31111.11L1N. lloatrose...lioll 12, 18.59.. , : tr • . . . ... n Burnig Fluid, .. AVII , ITF.1.1811: and f.'ol/81811, jArli;:e tld E. S. S. IlaalF, and 1 1 1 .2,. ;;k . iti1.t...a.rA Awn La arnal.ta A 1. 7 .5. A1! 4 .. at ViLtßiii. ' Cobb's-FamilySalve, AEzrellent liernftly I.u . Clan, liurm. Flesh Womdt. C.rtd. fur Fl::Q by BEAD & CO. 3.1uttt.r0k1i...A14.% 17. 1,1.1'4. , • ABEL TTJRREaLL Iwiling JEIVELIa at kilittAT naI:UM:NS to tat I'Llt• CHASERS:. 31 l'll4rull'• July 311E"e.). :.• • - . - • . . , • - • MEAT MARKET, , - .;* ..; On •Publie Avenue, near Sea,ele'e -Hotel._ • loud a . . NEEP . rOttlatttly!ut )I.l.usi li t VAII ntni.l,i_ o f NEARS- ...,. i ..I all .I..tudm,. (, .L.ll nud fur .13t...LF cArn,r. - .. Avert PA NEN !`ire T, awl LAUBs. 4..tuu for 11Cp.tLit ut v. i i si t' all kiti , m, • ,6.T; II cn r r.x.s., , 71,i,MiT01.)1i; S:I:II,OYLEY, , .N. ibIWVT. S , . , : • ' lllontrosu, Feb.1.6,..t51i1.,--tr .. - • Head ofifiravigia tion • . • REM • muletv‘rntli &elms to eotify,ltegablle pet to /rat Ttrtr" , T -tag *tare, end may- now,be finate; on Atil;tfittett, qp , tele t.wore 41 . 0, ..b41ertt /LAO, where be q ilj be glad to atte 111.9 -etulentegi es well es new web., • • STEAM GRIST AND SAW. 4111 LL. keeps rrantla h, at 411 e acme Ina. ErSI T TJ I FLNE slid FlNE;notriircolur NEAL of Bopetior ty, sue ca and la , the Wont _lo4e. Curing MO* SC darbeW4 NA it glom Walla amp. . TIE 140Wrizben at Finding Stare elle Irk i now reple:ni,betl a large v:Uiety .P,OREIGN A ,„ I OMESTIC GOODS. . . "tti eorilLally Witte the Public to Inspect our • 6 dors and CabintA Hardware; - - porKkr AN D TADI.F: Ci7TI.ERT, , •t .. cia..asiCSlTool.9 AND ITANCYACZCIGNG •ARTICLNII,- FnaulNq Toots, • ' ~.. , .. I2CNS, SPORTING LARTICI,II.."; . I M .: lACILLANNOUS AND. FANDY 1 14D7ARE, ' . IaARNAIGRON GRINDSTONES, ' - . . • . . . - alasoi's Ohalleng6 Elsie g ftlwarbi,Aght alt 4 pparkillig; "It :aorta the railer or the Great, and I eln•ers th i t loamy; hut of:the lonely Backwoodsman." , il i o qIC: 01/ A.IN S 9 .. . • I .. pcnit ' SONS.CEI.RDRATA - 6 ENO:cliff SAWft, ICI - ohte.l to c true, bet well. t:U•• • ry In;cAb, :gal fate nli kinds of • , 1 ' knUln. . . • • Na,ils ; Iron and Steel 9 ' - iin•Ti AfiD CAP., Boors AND S1101;9, ' 1 1 , 'its*,-Si:ciArts, C6IFFE., RA1140::S, SPICIIf, Scc.,• • 4 Crockery. Woriboni_SVAt.E, PA rut HAN GI7OIS, WRiAtli, 144E3" CANTRE, Bncrtri .IrinxgrrF, and 00 riC}:Nrax Wisnow SnAilEs. i VhNi.ow and Plciunt: Coatis, and 't,issEts, eclon. CARBIAGE EVIL EIIVCOOD • , LItaNyAFLICS, 21.1PKINS AND T. 1005 C6RT.4.IN AND EC9ITURE • LAO. 3, EIepROIDERILS, CA:1142003 ittsl.3l4, .SCOTCH AND SWISS GOODS, Pos4Er. and other Ifandkereldeq, A z :SOHT?:i),SECK TIES AND SILK GntIATS, NES SILK ANIS KID GLOVES, LitymEnr, &c. - • ! I 0. DIU g L 1 EN'S Pr If. _ PICIFI4}, , BAY STATE Drren FS, SPRAI7 WS, UN - NI:El, AMERICAN, RKIIII(Pill, TA CO`ii. e 1A M ILT ON, /TART:OP, AC., &c., Foieiom and Domestic Ging ham In i ,e, DFAlFilflii Ai,PACAS, PAnAgErne, Htt.iY:OSe &C., . LININS ' M0Y.51.13; DELimp.s, BLACK STLK4, I CABSTTA, BAGS, SJINICTINCIEj, - . . I . Clll 1 S AND 8.F:D.97E11A 4:c., -& - c:' s ' w00.4, t . 0 oott.lo rrlritt t ,t , tliot.orot atm - foil:11.14 - m .-f•ttata,dort to .ti. lii V t, .. ~ wr to-t•yen,we masalt, , i • -. , no- -,thiliv. limn, .. • • 1 111. S; AVilson 4* Sciat.':- .M.mtptt. \I .ti r1,1•4x)...te • ,s--.....................-.......*..........,............Z......-......... WHAT: NEXT 11 i 1, . •,-,. kJIt E CANDY' iiii;te.iil of • fiIEDI - ELSEJ is a fact, for i . .. 1 .., .; ‘i PIMPON'S '.'! .. '''''': ' ' I IVOArd ' LOZENGLIS .! . , Irse entlroly,/OrfrotedF4l the'lloo of an .otiloPP:o4 Of .- I 7 tE .12' .31 IFLT G E rh,,,,,,Er s iAve4t,,...e k,,,,, , ..- .Thep An: ~, - -, . 1 . ....-,' _ , irll3lllplr 1101131114EICA.1111 . 9;,.. '' 7.. ,1/4 to tho READILYATEN BY CII I LIAEI.N.; • , ,i PJI-1;F ECT LY SA rind :Ire iLc moat tFMCT ,%nitte:rrantic . • - - • •Mecteine.-in USR - - CO'i•ITAIN M,EI3C.UR I', any mit4ancc can Leure.the wclaVoc. Want, I.n:cc...will TO:'4IC - PRO' PERTIES . which' c 6-111 riVIGOIi A Tr: the syctem ne..l rer,,lvr It prvtd rczalmr, .41!..equeut Aurae. V.IIOE f.L,1...' r.-N T,.. / .111:inpfactued by W. N. PITIZDON, 1 .ffene , dale. i'n. Tor Loale by Abel Turret!, Arno, Nkhnle,Ze . Ve77, - 1.,;..1uni 3, Ntka.l9'. Ilactiou Leal.rzs. 3, Di.'kenti.Ei,, jr., and 'fititlees cener..sllT- - May ,tl.l-,...3.--611$ -..I:OGHT IN TOWN t EXI ,;,poop TABLZS 11.6` , TriC7tIIIM nr Val II SIZES. and Pit IC,ES to rail the TIVESs , Cherry, • ..an:cl .IMahogany, . • . aatraat sic wori, right up fo ark% pia! 9, • oral WalnU If r tro -- H ----- r - s NENNI STOVES.' ._ . .. • BYT R ITT is .just receiving a large 'o 0. „ . . H ii.c o ii.f i l, , . .' • - ..... , . . .. ii . EV' STOVES, . . • I ' l .. - , Intl a full sean.t.trueut trf R 1 • Elevated tO.Ven, Large .Oven, AND FLAT-TOP RREMTU3I COOK STOVES, FOR j. WOOD or COAL, . , , • . - 7 . 1.10 - A'Str,PERIOR VARIETY OF Varloti "Oillite, and ''Shgp Stores, • , i forIY4OD or COAL : - Alec; ' .. Stove Tlpe, Zinc, Sheetlron Stove l es Tl ' &c.,&c.. : - 1 ,„ MS ASSORTM NT will INCLUDE the MOST SELECT and lIESERABLE STOVES ia In bri:el_ 1.1 will be .>l‘l.:ou !IM most fatrintle term"..&C- 'lO 1, .', Ll le soulim Ile Mt_ partionlar attentlub cf - • CA-S ix it'ir 1, - E Ir. s : - N7„ruittord, Not e.nP,elP 1.:JZ.H...4f . • 777- 41titIOVAL. . . i •• 1. -,•• two_lorG F. ik 011.1M.4 . 31 luta rrnunrd Ids lIA MVP:I , B . 1 . and 71.3. ,Pah.::••1/OP, actt. Ue stm t. drtn Atto'VAt!,',',`,"b.g. l l '`• I."l`;',•lrrlusi,'l`;', l &!.'/,',1';',111, tt..1,: led up a•zpramd y (in a • I Saddle &toss, and-Trtiak Shop, : .-, , an,u),,,,•,.. wriu 1.1 be 1,9117. to !.ace I& Prim& call. , • liarniwi Trludnknat. CarencafTeantnlnvrs.a,geecral ax,nrtintni ; Oak Tanned Leather*. hand. (rent ailkil Hari., lowa will to ruada and WARRANTED. All trtaaidua . done ultesper dun elamhete. - Cu:n°=ll%lll pk-... tear in , ndnd tlud I wild, to kettle up Pice a year, , And al•il,nl, - .O. F. FOI:1111..1.1/, kloatrnpe. Jan , la, lEfP...te . .) , —,-------- mil . cao.lEi7E3 0 raqintu'l.tVi e • pe, , cil . 7 . -Icei that VIRGIOt fall to neat,a 1-,r,,e ra, i•i.E ii 1 E 8 ail Al 0 , cl.l and V , ill knout ,•411.1.,1nant forrnesly occutotd In, • 0. M . 81.78. A ES, TEA Si CO'FFF,E, ISPICE, FLOUR, and SA LT, (bu the Oath or barrel,) FIB!!, and all =Men mall) futind In trA tad* (invert, $ Flour, by l the Wholesale and Retail. t &.I man to mkt, I ho,t to Woke a. likval "& are of poplin pat ronao 's B The 141 ht i n , tt &Aril I Tlce paid for PELTS , *DE %CO 't" and PEAL ' , MN. I 1 $ Z. IL 088 31( atm.*. Alarrik Ir, ]will rto Salt for 5a10 ; ..., B y the LoAp,ißmilysa 4 l4M9r Ml' UN. 1: - • - m0w....• - vtr— .. 7 - timELL -,-,------- Teak ' TetiE, 11-4. ... , AA ' FRESH. lota DLAC . and GREEN . TRAtoll . il _.... opened by I . , . J. LT O; dyo. 1 . .----, : Ftenb l' o llicals,, - ..*-- -.--, .. CHALUEdt DthAirme. El#Afrand other DRRif• GOODS. - - 1, .........._„: READ & CO. Thollipsoliday. Coinpound :Campo.. tklaillitt*;olXoo/75:::': 'AniU - !Staines km at world, ror salt by is . • •i. - 'READ chTsulinist, 21114171114111ENT, for sale by LYONS 4S 43QN• Ai' Vine 34, KEYSTONE' HOTEL; - - , 4 Wm. K.-11AT011; Proirietor. rIP3 nevi dad coliunodlotin 1601, eltnnied on, Main fdrert, near the Court I.lounk and nearly to the centre nT t e bndnese pardon antra*. Is now rant completed and rnrulabe& nod im oral"! on the flu' Rept„, tEJtI lbr thp accommodation of the public and Inv. 'Men ...rile Proprietor feels audtdetir that he It now premed to cuter , lath swats Ina 1101ZZICI that cannot, Ad to glre , . • . • Complete 'Oatie,faction. .. I \jig' UMW and Furniture ate NEW lira nu expanse los been nor 1 . PI to mules It EQUAL. if not SUPERIOR. to any similar ruabilah nkent In RP put ur the Mute. It la well ruPetled, Wi th all THE Hr. CENT IMPROVEMENTS. and COMFORTS, wet OBLIOING WAITERS will ALWAYS bent attendance toscspond to rutty:Pert. The STA UL ES colunxted with tbyr 110thr we . . , 44). , . , Nevr and•Coutrehient..' The Prop:mar tevecttellY Whits the itatremage of hH old ri and the pubhe. generally. • • WM. ILATIAL Montrose; Sept. :It .TJNIONDAIALE ExacCilistice..to ALL Dien. • DA. SIO NA: CO- respectfolly inform their Merida and the pot.. • Ile, that they have ciunplided their large and Superior FLOURING MILL !.... • A.T • • and commerced'the netnufactutant all the radon., kind, of FLOUR,..MEELL:AIiD FEED, of the !Awed quality. - To thou ntiMpainteetrith our Eatdidlidaueni we would KW: We ITAVZ Fer n Irenror Eare:se - se Suio.. mann ! fueterell M:imoor. Utica. Ns. Y, and superior MachltAry from the Wallington Iron Work., of 1. Stanton Sr Cu. of Newttumlii. Y. widrihree Italia of , the heed Anc . ltor'Ulutli, rind the whole up with all the Modern Improvements of a First Class Mill: ittq conwaluenee of their Irapriir entente, the .SCREEN - to tilaperatid With and beUrt rtmilte oWalec.L abe•Fldur lit better and iv hiterond the salog to the guatoniceln grinding small gralna will often equal 15 per eent. e . Custom Work ... ; executed promptly', and to the hat manner. FLOUR. MEAL, and FEED kept for mule at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. - t'L.TACTION . OII. tar EVERY PART/CULARt Publle patninage Aviaafully avilelted. rmlolulalf, Feb. tielp BLACKSMMMMO CARRIAGE - MAKING I3Y , ttJV their teW 74,7 . 20•5 it, MAO. amITACTI • II-}\U MU keel, ou law! ' ' ' CarriAscs,Waigonei cut, Thrr, th ILO LEA B 1 dtrfrr I.n! P" ‘l, vrara Aloni t kanl,l I Rk . m ar a: :lin . of the sip. NfoTT'S ...... . T nr an 4 r.ther,„ all pr0p.A..1(,*.11 L , )W a, can Ic afford...ll any lialunent ja thin • _ ELLI4B2,IOTI. , Ile.vculwr 1. ISM.—tf . • • gOap ManufaCtory., ,HE sufssoihti,kerrot constantly on hind for sale it ids establish. snout in Nlontri,sy, the hestqualitya SOFT :4m1% loinnficsur. c•I Komi- the lye of nvirort ashen-sod grelae, lli. inc old failtloncd 'ray, ac l not by 'ink %aka; pcon...vid -For thus- thid..furolTh The gri,goe, be minnfai tires the .krapfortaf• iliurcl;;; NVirrintol In all cisti to good article, or tltg ts:s.l.. may ruktirtred and The nionry mfuded. ` • -.. . . ' 'Per barrpl . . , P - ,nO Half Barret - ' • - I 7 -.-'' ' 2,60 . , . GIOIOII • 1 .- 26 . Wholelile 4ealertnvill be filmiAkeil- , -if delive'rettitt the .t..bers; In Afeibm-se-3t the. rate of ten larrets for $I Pr q.... 1 / 4 •mionn nt ten bar n-Ix fns ino. ' - " JOHN 1.11;1RY WIRER. 3lorttn•se,_Nl3reh 7.1gA.-tf . ' .- , , , •-,• REMOVAL.. _ New Fin*. New Stoke. Public Avenue, just below .7; 4Jheridge's. nAtrmvis wntild public that be .1161:41 ...hci3ltd tomsor with 101. L. A u.. • FLOUR, FEED, AND GROCERY " BUSINES,S,' . . , • . . , at,thxy tialv mnr.Vedin nth “t. new v. ' ' t 4 - , -.l ll tiit A o ,l l7ip i tuThiln.r..on nil,* Awni t u, p ' i . ...t MIL L ._ .' a I,Etheri.,,x'sDrulf st;.re, P..4erc cm alwava 1, : De' luun.i.tte clinkv,t I,,,raml3pt: '.. .. , . • "", r -Family Eton,` • .''' • 7 .. -;,. -.... - - :Meal, 'Feed, .. .' ' • • "..' .- • i" , ,. - . i . • . 1 Pork,-Hants, . e .' Fish,- Dipped-Candles, Timothy, • ; - . ... Clover, ..-.. :: ' • . Field, - • -, and • - • Garden Seeds. i . Groceries, such-as' Ssigar", Itloltiss' es, Syrups, Tett, Coff e e, &c. &c. ' _ Thunkfthfot past farort..ifahlit unite% lat era:thrum of t_hi: rune, wider the new frau, rahadging aahreaelvti alo the fair thin. LuelnA s h,t a tart: anther. WY. L. ,ALLEX.' nAtanivr.' ' • ,11(Aitrose, Octobcr 53, 155 i..-ts: HERE WE _COME. - ' BOYD . & WEBStEII • • • • • n r his:gee-F. Trade, 11 are now IrtVIKMAI WILCNIIIIIICidat• xll Wbo 111nWI US with their cumin, at ^LLPB AND LET L1VE",143 . a. • ' STO VE AND PIPE, - . • • • • TIN, COPPER, • • • • .AND SHEET IRON WARE ef • ei•ery desiniptiotiusunljv finuid in the country, Also,-- WINDOW SASH, • . , PANEL DOORS," -WIND OIV . BLINDS; * • ••••• • 'LATE,'. ; ?./ . .NE*LUMBER, BUIL/kVAIATERTALS,generaIIy. , DlATtin Cinintre . *Ph rpriillen • • Dons iniileetkheireitif pee, aie„ funa,Leil tueuell an piny desire, tnivrac niedrvile prime, 4 'Tr • Pereura unontLOllifing tu the Col, iity will And ..""!---••• It to thealiklen* ,to NI P% SW. turd 040 riIEVIRIa Num le keel the Wen Atriimizat. Tln 010N:corner of Ifutri and Turnpike ecre , e4k•nlow nob ninth of ',senrie's lintel. Carpenter rlinp ncf. r the kfetboditiet!hiirrii- B. Ali kinds of fueluce Into In exchange far W , m, Dorn, • Boil) •WEBurEirt ' "A. L. WEIZT.Et• " • . .51inarcte, .Ican.tt 3; Ifra,-if • •, • aritiST DAD AT THE EiTOI.I,E OF • - L- ABE TURRELL, ,4 lAa Liquors wr.alelkia.al rumour. VAlte• WoWen. Palhg - Itamkg Fluid, Fancy Go,,Anfrovelef Terfutatiy. Tubp Valuty r 7 nov, Ac. on hand si-e.r3e e•e. axortumbt.6l'.Wall 54011na. strino. A war ileum Iluteo. Firm rocket. guleo. Fpockwiee.Ae. /foe euppker of (.100 , 1# anteing every week' CHEAP YOU CAM, • outm.r, lay :W - 04/.4f . • • . ANII.CROSTIO. CgME $", "A; OFFICEP . Arritjt and 01'843 HEAt DSTRONGII . 1040. come, and sepit,c-eme be! HA: - .Itterriorik,(leastbealstomijat PAR , RVITII37 •11:tcAozsorkerspain iirUt"iDistimß tOPATION PLE4B4Yr t apdlow tatbi id $ OUS 40 11 4 41 . - e v4Ar t.liatiaoP" ls4 7 ', 11111111011,111 Mil AND MEMiM PRICES:. Al a general a.oft!lle.ci. or Aar.tiq Or A Esivmt-Jutxsn. l -4ti r . rlyr,n _f hVjudgtof election of the:, Scranton South Yard, was arrested on Monday- by. e t , Nta. Melifpney, on the .ehlrge of frauds e we. '4, lited irt his "Return:" it was stesp„ effti 4., dime thri return judges met that some -hand *Orli had been resorted to,entib e ; e : .µ -hand strengthened when the .0„ c , ii.esentekhis tally rot on Friday. Meifased majority file Mr. Stark in South Ward were flying n.borit • for %eve, 011 r ,A, one time it-wits, 'stated' titat..lsl.f - Sta'rk's rnaj.irity wat 400 at another .thatli, itas . :3oo, and ro on. •• The tally ,list exhibits 'ilfmnistakrible sign's of havi ng , been badly!ni e d , • d figurea' .eruellydealt with. Mr. ose ; h *locum, Who' wns one of the luipeetors, a. tved,in Wilkei-Barre;in obedience to a dt: t atch, and' Settled the matter:that Mr. Stark 's InajOriti hi the Ward wai 202. It was-evi-. :dent that the 'return had'heen tampereds-with. :and Captain -" : Flynn of the-. - Lackawano4 'Stites, andijadge of ,electiott:in. the Scut; Ward ofStrantori i was Very properly', held 'over in one thousand dollars to. abswer the . serious chajge preferred .artninst We. trust, no effort . will be spared tn 'sift 'The' 'case thoroughly; and teach CAN...Fly:tin that h e .eannOt.witt; impunity abuse the trust re?e l „ ed We und4isrand th t Flynn. was engagi , in the d owing to his eon; ductiin lhirpatter was very properly:and prpniptly d,lscharged.•; 7 :Pittst9n Cazette.. AN 11/1 Ilt forr• X l llO Hard ptocitancolto ilettso. , Tkt grientific•Anzerican • speaks of L' new inventiO for horse,shoeing, - designed - to obviate theqoatinual driving of nails in the hoof • by' bleb great injury is sometimesdone' upon ;valuable horses by unsliilful workiner,. A grOve islmide in the under de et -tht common Otte, into which is fastened — a piece o(iron of the:same - vid,th :and shape as the groove, only , thicker, and slightly curved wards—the , junction forming a complete. dovetail. The advantage of this inner shoe:, is, that it is Inadeio projedt beiotid the old, - ,K t ryshr id.w,Len worn... Own can 'eas;ly: ..placed:by*** liNput ae. , :ra , ;;W I;y mO numerous' are the-eases untee abnunde in yerwros ri alarbnienz• alsel Hett des. hlieu afo. - ebritsb Its superior. te:e...,p,t-elet tr. essube oh _,ut eve*. bMai.conferred . Jletat tr,...et, sad pruclettiul curls. too nu. torte-us and 4.4 ruoriabk. to be IF rgo t tt.n. . . 4 : • Preparetk-by Dr...m, C. Ayer de C 0... LOWELt',ISA.SS • AU our Itemedles nre fo,sale fr. A. TtrIVRELL Mout - rose: W. - IL THAYER, Llimock ; .1 RA SPRINGVILLE, U. N. SHER 31.1 Lyon SWISHER, -tutturn ; and by all „Iliunnists and the. ptinel *et-chants Iu ; • b , eptanle.r 14, I eZet.--...thuo. . . . . . Think, Ex , ..i , le, Inquire - 1 •. • • I: DR. 'SITAIIIrE'S.. . i COICIPOUN4 SINItCP OF; • .. I. WILD CVERR Y. .r A RE you troohled cylth a mina ? 114yi: yon mina to the aide 1.1 and bnast? Have you a Het, ng•or rising In the tlitcat? Have rou the Liver Complaint? Hav ou the Brouchltis? ,Nervous De- I ' Ginty, or nay sysriptuitu, of l'ulivi vsry C9r.sumption? If you' are I 'troubled with anv olit he atove sv moms. use 0r.•9 WA 1 fE'9- ! CO3II'OUNI/ hilt Cl' OF WIL .CILERRY, It will effect a epee• dy and permanent mire, tie, the eel '• ce of thousands's:lm have heett cured bylt Fill testify. ' - Another ItemOskablOCtiret • ' ; 1 . Polar: or4tocmi. Frederick County. -lid. , • I t Dr. Swat/tat—Dear Sir—Belle ng It a duty I owe to the puldle, 'tad In justice to you, I have thou t prover to make known oneßf the moat extlssoralnary cures, In n own tam, that has ever been truly rsconleth In the month of ober lath I was afflicted ••• it h a seven gathering In m7.bry....t, erCIIIOII7IO.I a large •abscess, xitit i t alisi commlunicated to my Lungs: ,L 4;ff very much :Mend them, and dMehnrged large (411WD/ea of torrilitlOU, external and Internals Air preath could (ass through ra): Lm"-'and out through the cavity of me breast with apparent esse • a ttended with a vlident erslgii,ilay scot night, Ird,ssif Appetite. and engine debility, so that my physic , hart thought my Mne hopeless and te3yond the power of meilichiel - /' retuainellin this wretch.' condltl4 for a long Unit, until l' was wasted to a node skelston ‘ and then snow,' to he no hope forme but hsving read in the putole ptipeq3 of the many wooderfnl carol regfOriretl by 5 OUT I.:OUhUraD Sr ip4r or Wan enemr,iimme t uide. , ly innit to Baltimore for the ltollle , Wit! COUitrielleed lta one, alai CO nay mid alfisfaction and my anal.% faintly. the abscess or opening - Iu my lungs began to hval,alid the ugh euissiffed, and orr milroten bottles roma result' to perfect health. - . Over eve yearn have eispscd, and d stlll remain a perfealy hearty . '" man to this day, June 2,13".3. 1 hail,e nut had a day's - sickness for . eighteennionthi. , /lease accept my grateful acknowiedgm eats. , , • ! • Yours, very respectfully, 2 ' 4 • TROMAS DECOY. II The aahscrth F er Ls ell '4611141,4A 'tlth Thomas Won, and into Ratify that hehas been afflicted an "tore repriaented. I regard hie recovery as ishinost a miesok—ile Is worthy member of society. • 1 • • •JA EF It. ISUItISCIROW.; ''' • PAst Or of Ile!:11x =3. Halintiore Conference. . - I • . , ' . txximis Piing OILY rot .. • . :ID r.. Sly yue 7 s Compound Syrup . f Wild. Cherry,.. Tbe °riing and only gentilne . Chfry preparative. Bear this. la ' mind. it being COW pOdt.ll eelelf of e:table lagrealratk It can be ting e d with perfect safety.' - arl i a . Swayne`s,Sarsap and Tar Pills, A gentle margatlve aud alteratlare4nedleloe, far superior. Lo .the . Pills to generalaise. • ' ' . . Swayne's Celebraled Verinifuge, i .• . , , Dr. Swayne e Panaera, for urifylng thitEleed. .. - I 'Dr. Strayne , s Bet s vet Cordial, - •An Mvaluable remedy.lnr Piarlitea,Mraenttry, Cholla,' Cholera, and all Howe/Complaints. . .- ,t,t, Lrereesial lirseervisl—Dr. S 'is Biller Cathoneon Is the great and unequalled remedy.. Price i•ty 30 cents. Sold by ABEL I 1., IiItELL. J. ETHER/ t o ll/mitre/3e, andloylivalers all ,everywhere throughout the County a d Rate , . ~,,,,. ~,,.............,„ Zr s e_md s. war E izzltr. H. AWA Xvkir e to ... y l _ . • _ , • • . IP'AT.IENT. MEDICINES.- - • . .. A SIOND the pent variety of 3fedloes at Turrill'a Stilredney ba /1. found all of Dr. Jaynes justly erlebrated Fatally medtelnes t Ayre's Cherry Pectoral and CatharEcll'llls; Ilabey's Forest Wine and Forest Pills •, linfand celebrated. • erasan hitters; Louden . se. , • rtes of Family medlelnos; Merchant' 'argllox Oit , the greatest retel -1 ody forsgralus to man or beast everk / wu; Ifathewsotea Infallible ftcanm i y. sod Horn Remedy; Ontek Vemlfoge, and atarlety of . r ° l t rn a thia_ n '3' 1 T agT k al l i nifa n n ' n te nio i ry nta ci t i t lalft7• t goTwl' d a Y Ta r t i rt 'u r7.l: 804 ratellnmor almilar purposes as Le sdove*utntment; Andre w`s Falh thadrny Ina ace ot.a good article ;/.I:glorice ”ft's Balsam Mot Cone' dAntment ; Atha/meg Jamolicellitters /raker Drops, lAnDnentsrod . Dysentery Drops; Datcr'S'Corapou for Dysentery ; Rout / Imes - l'epitn. for Dystafela;llelmt.ddc E et of Dacha and Extract of ' Sarsaparillava ; a rwty of Valves , the t tln market, Fills, he., nod . 4 , an almost endlevicatiety of Patent 31as tclaes,altoarthar too panel, nun to enumerate—but suttee It to cay,hat the public will Ind near.. tr every thing la this MA. at/ the Din n nd Fancy Store of • 31ontroae, July.lBl7. „ ABEL TURRELL • ' . _ HERRIXG'S:-. ... .., fAtENT-FIRE AND BLIRGkAR-PROOF SAFES 'r 1.0 0 - 0 jt a f te nl2ll r . t tura wltiasr&re . that , or.! tv .a . ha commas.. Tbv, ISE.Ir ' S.IIT-51 , ..1r 3 :14.CIIANDLEjt, iacer, , Montrpi,Siiv:ll, Looking glasses. A LL Sf,'ES, up to: W)x AO, in Gilt Manes. • i Gilt - PietureW Frames, a ... N. Vatn and .: `,Wai,it AI aldn;...ni, , i. . LOSIORG ,ILAS PLATES, : Pu9nto old FrAnicton tort Next. ~ . TUCKER! -TINT PRING BED, - • - ~.., . %ery ykm.0,...,. . . :-Fabinet, Zurni‘iti!and chairs. - \ ~ -Sign Taiiting.. • . COFFINTi . iTES congantly 0n . 11.4 141 , 4 org=red a .hart at dor. by ' . ,F.. C. F9B. Plt AU. 'Mositno, 'Muth 140, IM-tf ' i , N., 1-10WEIS . PATENT ECLIPTIC SPICING BED. Can,ifart, and .atnst Combinot cenbulta? Fe4ipr oak vy Timers.* madok fir' j scri yit.llo: ;0 01 .0rpi1,,1 i.r Z. 1 , ,11 I , y an al. i.c.Llthy fuel •4et of Sar;aparilla, ' In. .: !al dill cf cur final, rat • r tr. t'44 , . AI:. Lein retrd Mt: 171orA. Wid t 'the vs.,. Ho, U ,hard 1, :iNd Pceruet I:P.4E %Mir. 174 "E,TI f.o,ljlE or Ile n;cri;t rhar 14 In grtfriq' ,:t'irralt inrldeelble b rt,wa.mbat,tl artic Pills, )r , .5 r.l.l[ll.tiltl',l{J.- . ILO hi titeltly As a t.r. houtAo.,apt 4..rvrr; it, tr,ty. I.oov 1,31,c,1 to Or. I 110 ether td Pectoral; VIM 01, TAN . rivlrr. rcr•Norlii.4.`Tst. tti.txr U.N , (111 . 11,L Ps. 9 . tiw r .70 Vi B. E J. R. IM.' f .te,Pi keirf • awl ifoM Nil .:45.1 "CV tit keen' wiz tn. e OFF! Dee M I "1 ala Ler. a Hatt 1101 V rl 1 00111 id .I.3unt CIAt tom , .3V. VAT et of 11