Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, August 18, 1859, Image 4

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    irOTEL - X EPERS I -
..... -. s_•• lAli hem be supplied with-, the best
. Ai l I um . it :-, • ' ;.- .. assorunent
~... . ',.- -- .Ol:tiES a nd Lig,loollS
ever offered in.this conntneonaisting of
Otani Cognate, , - 1 Fi old Pori .Wine, (Patel.)
Pale 440 dark &bindle, ne Old Madeira,
-UnitedPfep7iciorbrandy &K. Misfrita. •
Medet Sbcoit, -Sciterdasn, l BlacE Berry , Brandy; In
And Closer' Leaf Gin, - - bottles,
Swish'44 /rids 'Whiskey, Rose dr:, Cordial,
ifintostriAela • do. rilste Brandy, for Pre-
Old Bourbon ' do. Derv* .
Old Rye_ do: Sour Wine, for Cooking,
Old Jamaica- Rani, .. Makes Wine,
St (Avis . - -do. . CIDkR BRAND r,
New Engiestide„. Rectified IVAiskel, by the
Pale Rrepansib Gold. Slier brrel,
at prices beyond com Petition, either by the Pipe,
Puncheon, Barrel, or_Oalion. . Every
article warranted as represented. For the retail, trade
I' halm At superior article olltrandy,Oini and
Rum, for afedieinarpurposes, in .bottles.. Also,
Old Port, -Sherry and Madera Wine,
Bose Cordial, & Blaeli. Berry Bran
dy, for Diarrhcea. - Store on Main , Street, 4. doors
below Searle's.Hotel. --, J. - CIIAMBERLLN.
_Montrose, April 12, 1859.-11 .
G_VriVratl, k n o: tead of MIMI
. •
• ,
Have entirely superseded the use of all other
• • kinds of • - • •
i ERMIF,tI a'E
wherever they trace becOmeknown. They are
i'ERY 106REEAULE • .
to.tie taste. _ . 7
and are the most, • t -
And Reliable anihelmintiC •
Medicine in. USE.
or any snbstince which can injiire the weakest
infant; but hare,ex4.llent • .
which will IN GORATE the system and renider
it proof against subeiquent attacks: Price 25 cts.
' 14n1;factured•by 117'. N. PUIZDON,
Honesdare, Pc . For sale by Abel Turtell, licKen-,
zie 4: Eldridge, • Zetili Very, Eaton 5 31Ozley, Hay.'
don Brothers, J. Diekermin, jr., and Dealers pia.
erally. -' - 'tuay24,',59.--6rp'--
Head' of Navigation
THE undersigned desires to notify the puldie that
he has iumoved.his store, and may now be found
on Main Street, a few doots • above Seeltr's hotel,
where 1u will be glad to see his Om enstomets a
is hew ones: C. W. MOTT.
Montrose, April 1559. '
' -1E109., _
114 HALL & CO. -
Beep Ike Largest and OeFted Stock of
1:01 .1 37 . ar! 4 - 70 cis
A n wonkt incite the attention of the inhabltanbi
11 4f.Sasquehanna..County, tot 4 buyers in general,
particularly to their lock of
srLrs. •
••••' CARPETS, &c.,
which th6y Will sell cheap FOR CASH, at Whole
gale and Itetait R. 13, HALL t. CO.,'
32 Court Street, Biugharuton.
'May 4,48 . 59.—bty. .
T R. H. HALL & CQ:I.
A RE constantly receiving additions to their pros
ent large stock of _ . .
• CARPETS, 0.11, CLOTHS, • , •
ari7er.: kind of
- 'Raney and Staple Dry _Goods
which *ill be 'sold cheip at 'Wholesale and getaU.
Oar term are READY. TAY Come and see us at
May 4 'l3Mt.rbiy - O. 32 COrRT
B.E.rm=l &. Co.
-. At Yo. 32 Court Street, Si:Thornton
.Biaghamtcal, May 4, 38/4.—hty
A. -C AR D • _
D. TBArim of the Binghamton
Wail Or. Cure, nisi be at Susquehanna De
pot, (Nicorsillotel,) AD 1110.6 . th of each month, dur.
Mr, the Sprig and Summer,. for Consultation. 'lnva
lids will find it to their advantage to give him a calL
Patients received at all times at his ESTABLLSH
3iENT, in. DINGIVA.3ITON; N. Y., whercievcry com
fort and convenience may be found for the success
ful trentra&it 'of Invalids.
Binghamton, N. fill,
Plows aid Cultivators.
y BUNNELL is now pitepared to furnish
* all kinds of. PLOWS and. CrI4TIVATORS as
Food and cheap as can ' tie bad at, auy shop in the
• 91e,,,has oneshop in Montrose,- near the bf
Mafia and 'Cherry Streets,and another ia New ilfoni,
near Boyie's Rote?. Itepairink done,on short notice.
tirOld Iron taken in eieluu3.•i for all woik.
Montrose, March Bp, 1869.—em
On Public ilverse4 near Searle's Hotel.
lEriconsanily on hand n good supply of PIEATS
of rdl• kinds. Cash paid for Beet Cat
tle, Cal Ves, Sheep, - and , ptunbi... Also for
Bides _of kinds.
s. qrs•itrocx. • - • -
Montrose, Feb: IG, 1859. -tf.
Medical Copartners
• Copartnership:
rink Blake tee Ac P. E. Biwa"
, haiintassociated themselvib under the -name
and firm of BLAELSWE 6 BILUSR for the prose
cution of. the duties. of their Profe4sion, respectfully
oirer their professional servieett4.o the layered public.
OlUce at the residence of Dr. BlakealeeMilidway
between the Tillages of Dirtroc:k and Spring e. -
A. C. D ,
April - Y7, .1659.-1 y
1 C:03333
OFFERS to'the public, at itices that
V to/144 large and gape:not ossoitinent of
aIL 0 0 EA
At the gild emablishmect fortfierly
occupied by O. M. crane. • ,
arid SALT, (hi the 244 or barrel,} FISH, and all
articles usuallyff o nd lu firiiteloas GA:modes. .
• Flour brae Wholesale and Retail. -
.41 mean to merit, 1 hope to - reeiire A liberal
obare.orpubliopatrouage„ • . -
N. B. l'lte highest market for Pelts
.Mont.nis et.ll4reb..ll,:isau.—te
satror- Of
Load, B I, Sack, - or Pound, •by
• 'ABU; TraltELL,
• ...., .
IT Is amity' THAT:
, I
G 0
• t'' . '''. 40 i
:.. m i !.
For Cash . : l
ryllECit doubting this . asiertion- 'will do viell to call.
1. at the Storesof • , •
eltiffejibeitt itOseqb4lll? & '
. • .
Where it will be proven that the mei.'ehant, sail
ling his Goode, can afford to aell-ClifiaPEß 'lot
CASH; and - can offer inducenienta taffleient tti
make it an object to putchasels, 'at whatever Bader .
fice, to proenre i the money to Make their purehasetl
on the Cash'EVatem. - . • . •
We hare just receited,' and are' constantly 74re
e"citilg a t'plendid assortment of • •
adapted for Ibis aaaaon and whichNvill not fail to giy
GetLetal - Satisfaction,
and iihiC4 WIIS purchased under the most .
eireunistaneei, for Cash.
They ate enabled to 'and will offer riid eellat Plc/
far below others thathavergiven everlasting credit,;--
no nlaiter Wheat& it Toth; Did:, br Effirr.f
THEREFORE, . 1 1 . 1
Examine; , Compare, l ord Tud
• l it i o
an assortroent berePOre unequalled by anythin s ev
er offered in Montrose..• ' -
4 xhn 1.; 74 V• 1 I
'I •
Comprising manyttiew and desirable styles of
unknown in thisffiarket*ong which will be fourd,th
Ladies'' Dress Goods,
111 the 'realties of the day, cheap at
- Gat (giber& Rosenbaum; &
Neek‘and choiceie s yles ot'Broche, double and single
Stella/Plaid; Woo . Telma, andldintilla, and a ne I.
style of dIi.KNILI t SII-AWLS, '• . . •
/ 'Guttenberg, Rosenbaum;,.. CO9fito
do assoqmot alwasB on band, also Ladies Ciot4 an
trimming's to inatpll; of all shades;
Cheap,; at
Gittteliberg, Risenbatrm,
.In.this.department'we can offer great Indneements,
as we are purchasing directly from Importing Houses.
I .
The assortment comprises
~,French Sets, Sleeves and Co
Worked Edgings and.ins - erthigs,
and a great many more articles toonumeroq tomen
- tion-- all of which may be found .. 4 -•
-CHEAP. AT 1 -
Guitenberg,T4isetibitum, * & Ccei.
DT? Ea@ oc)on 9 '
Bonnets, . • Ribbons Floiers, Plinnea,
- 7Tire,.Stiff Neittngs, and Tritines,
at wholesale and reuffl, • Cheap, at
Giatenberg, Rosenbaum, & Co's.
1 1 1 GO
Mac be found all die different' qtUltres of PliiiTS;
-tl 1 . 217 0 ILeLMS,I t • I - '
15:1:EA CITED i; 0 OD,S, . ' •
FINE U.Y . 4E2 C fig') MUSLIMS,
'TICKS, , • •
• ": SIIEETLyG yards
CREW, AT - • .--
is this is one of their principal branches of business
in 'New York City;they certainly have one. grent'ad-
Juntage -over all the rest of the ,clothiers, they herr
ing one. partner steadily -in New 'York City - to devote
all his time to this particular branch of - manufacture.
They will furnish, at anytime, a good Garmenf.,at
about the price for which the materials car7he got.
They will warrant their-Work and a complete fit or
no bargain!': They keep constantly ton hand one of
the best stocks of: •-.
Overa.nd tiider Boats,
in great *rtiriety and different 44 - les:
Vests : Vests : Vests.:
Such as Vetiet, Caisimere' and Satin,
.CREAr, .
GrittipnbeFg, RotTnbaoni & Co.
T 31:1 N
At Short N9tio-e...
Under :Garments,
• .
Yor •Ladies at. well ag - tor - Gentiginen, Finch .a
, •
• /
Gutt.enbe4, Rotenbantp, di Cp.
One writli is sieeirnel l for the .
s I To 'our numereus•rfieuds. and
• Customers,
in - partlettliir tit tin* knowing themselves to be
indebted im tut, we `would say once rowel:hat we will
men for • •^
H - RipAivv-pAY4
het;ealter, sndiainemaunte . inust be - settled without
further notice. ..1 1 7e are -tired of writing Dunning
Letierf l / 2 10 4 d ailPvti4 the Poutoffice, to our loss.-
We ofGrain atibebigheist mittret
price in payitent. All - accounts standing fiver:viz
mintlitiop On/Books, will be left for collection ; ' un
less settled by note. •
Gulltab,erg, &scuba* le:Cii;
goiTrsoo, Aprq SO, WO.
- cot
New-Finn. 'lV . .olfr ,StOire.
Public 414.veise, jasibeialkit Ztheriag' e i t
A nstowirir lionldriipeetfaity • ani4 - nnce
..Cl.• to the public that. he. uis 1121110dAta hiriutalf
with WM. L. ALLEN, fig: the _ - •
1317 S S S '.•
. ,
Also, that they have removed into the ir newly fitted
up building on Public Avenue,just below Ether
idge's Drug Store, *here can always be:Amur-the
choicest braeds,of -
Family Flour, ' \s.
• • Meal, Feed, '
_Pork, Owns, . •
i llisothy,
. . Clover, •
• I • Field.. • • •
and ' Garden Seeds.
A so a general assortment of
Graceriel,, such as Sfilgtirs;;Blolitlisto l
SYraps,iTea,Vottee, dies
Thankful 'for-fast favors, would solicit a continu
ance of the samcf„under the new firm, pledgingour
selves to do the fair thing, hoping by ach bargain to
be sure of soother. , • - ,
sing under a different Admlnistritioni i, if is .very
desirable:to have all old.aecounts settled, and coin,
_mence'anew, under the Ready Pay Spiitenk,
, BALDWIN Wu. LI Aust.
~, Montrose. Oct. 20. 1858.-tc..
OH vs, OH TES;
_ •
to. ,
- 11 - 4-VlMG • purchased of S. A.;-Woodruff - his Stock
•1.1.. in Trade, are Prepared to accommodate all
who will favor us with their custom, at "live and let.,
live',' prices. • . •; •
of every description usUally found in the 'country. . •
,Also,- WINDOW sAsir • •-•
-. -LATH, .
and Durronvo MATEM.ALS.4,entivRy.
Designs for Country 'buildings, with specifications
and estimates of 'cost, LT., famished to sdch as may
desire them, at moderate prices. •
Persons about building , in the COuntj , will - find it to
theiriuterest to 'call on us. 'Cronin and _see :is, we
intend always to keep the lafeb-string out.
Tiu shop in their new building, corner of Main and ;
Turnpike streets; a few rods south of SearWs hotel. •
Carpenter shop near the Methodist Church. •
N: B. All kinditf produce taken in exchange, for
tea extractZ47Z p
ower ,w --- ;a7uct - dita — ed ;Atli Uldljiiubs - dr - u\ -- ces
of still greater alterative p as to afford an effective antidote s tor
the diseases tersapatalla is reputed to cure. it is believed Ll:stanch
a remedy is wanted bthose ho suffer from strucuous complaints.
and that one; which willicatopthh their cure must prove orbs,
cocoas service to this large drew ourrodlcted fellow citizens. How
' completely this compound will do it him been moven by experiment,
on mans - ape worst cases in thoroliowhig complaints :
ticruldla, and Se:brute:Nl Corn iota h.ruptioas..and Illruptive
Discases, Mats, l'ltuplus. Notches, Tumors, halt Rheum, "hold
Mead, :syphilis and Syphilitic Affection; Mercurial Thecae., Drop
sy, Neuralgia orate bouloureux, treaty, lnapepsy road lodises.
on, Erveipelas, Rose or U. Anthony'. tire, and indeed the whole -
class of Complaints arising hum impurity of the blood.
This compound will be round. great towmoter of healttOrhen
~..ircein the sprier,. to expel the four Mum. which fester lu the blood
at that nmson or the year. By the timely expulsion of them many
o f disorders are nipped. re th e hod. Niultitudes Can, by th e
old of this remedy, spare Us:unwires from the endemism of foul trim.
tapes and Ulcerous sores, throughn Mai the systeui'm strive to rid
Itself of corruption; Moot rounded to do this through the natural
charmers of the body bias alteratlie medulla. ttle*.e out the vi.
Must tP•ed bonier you and` its Impurdierleustlegthrongh the
cue la pimple; eruptions or sores; cleanse It when volt god It Lett..
strutted and d la the vets ;,..cleanse It Whatever It is foul
rand your feeling* via .141 you wiferia. linen where he particular
a:border is felt, petpleenJoy betteehealthoind livelonger, for cleans.
lug the Mood. Keep the 0100.1 healthy end Ls ; but with
this pabulum of life upatrdered, there cur be no Luting health. Soon
er or la
wAnettang Must go wrong, and the great dmehifiery of
Iffe is disordered or oterthros n. • „
Narasparilla has, andd i enervos north the reputallou'eff accoeurdlsh.
Mg tease ends, But th world hals been w,gloway dcceic by
preparations of it, yard) •Irecauee the drug woes has not all the vir
tue claimed for it, but more because miry preparations, pc
teoabsg. to he concentrated rstralf coatam but little of the vir
tue of:sarsaparilla, or anY thing else.
During late years the public has e been misled by large boltlerLine.
tending-to-give a quirt of Extract of hansaparilia for one dollar.—
Most nr these have loss frond" , Upon the site, fur they not only con
ever UWE. 11 any. barrapariths, oftentio &rails e ;Meet. he :shal
-1 ever. fleece, bider sod painful cilsappointtnent Loa- followed the
use utile various extracts of harsuparilk. whioir Ilubd the market,
nUtil the name itself Is Justly dorphoe and has bedome antonym.
with Imposition and cheat. Still we !this cornea:ll3d darsaisrilla
and intend to calmly each remedy As shall rescue the-bane from
the load of obloquy width rests upon It. And vec think we have
„ for Lug It has virthea which are travaistable by the ordl.
cars . run 3,1 the discarsta it Is Intended to cure. in order to secure•
their complex era/lc:lion fromthe system, the remedy sword
diclomily taken according to dheralons the:bottle.
Prepared by. Dr. J. C. Ayer ilk Co.
• - LOWE.CL, MASS. •.-
. Price, $1 per ; Six Bottles for •
Ayer's' . Cher ry - Pectoral;
leo. von for Itself Ouch a rehoW o for the cure of -. every - eariety.of
Throat and Lung tnittiplainti that it in entirely unnecessary for us to.
.riuooht the evidence eA Its Orton, wherever it has hues employed.
'A e it has been to co:At-wit use throughout this eviction. we need not
tu.o than assure-the people Ira puallty it kept sip to the best It
ever Las beet and that It may be:relied ota to dirfoe.thelgeellef all
It lahs ever been found to do.:
• - - . ..
'Ayer's - .Cdtharte . Pills l
, „IvaTVilmtEop . ? • . ~. .
Coittitmiesa, Jalindlee. bi/Pellear, bidiVeliloo, Dyeeatery, Frhil
Stomach. Erysipelas, liouiletle, Pile& ROeurnaUsat. Eroptions `and'
Skin thsesees, Liver Complain, ligropsyi Tater; Tom= and bolt,
;Theism, Worms, .pout, Neuralgia, aa a Dholer lilli, and for littrity--
1 a the Blood. . , . . , . ...._
They we .4?at Coated, to that the most ad:sallies on take them
.pleasently, and they am th e best sperleut in the world for the per.:
pos. of a family physte. • . .
. , ..
Price, 25 2 civet* . per )soxr; Five Rose! for $l,OO
- . .
•Grut numbers of Clergyinoiletans. Stab:mien, arid otnlnsof
personages, have letittimir names to Certify thennparallelled useful.
nese terns* remedies, bat our sparse hue will not perrr.ik the hoer.
hur, antral. The agents Wow named furnish pat* our American
Altoona,'" lu a-hiel, they on even ; Ph also Pill deserlpfkrus of the.
above complaints, and btu treedx:nent that should be, followird fortheir•
eotbe put off beunpenclpled dealers with oth . et preparations
theyauks more pridlion.- • Demand Ayer% and take, co others.—
The sick wan: the not aidl.hare Liar Mum and they should ince.U_
All our ficauslies arc for sate by A- TI.TICIELL, Montrose ; W.
bIiEIiNIAN /MID ; WALTMAN .k !SWISHY-ft, Auburn; and
by an ,
the prlatlpal hiblthalisb 13 bafl• Co.
blucb 10, iBb9.—broo. • , ,
_Examine, •
'• ,SWA NE'S
. • ... .
• • compiousin sipaur.. •
. • _
W H E. R:R- 1 17.-
AII con troubled WltbSco‘ ' lt? Cave you pains in' the side
Al and - tiresst ? -Bare you tick Lingo? Shot to the throe.? Mae'
you the Liver Con I.ltrive you the Bronchitis? Nervous Dei
Lillis% or any symptoms of. Nimonary Consumption? If you-are
troubled with she a( the *boa* symptom* use Dr. SWAIN E S
CO]IPOUND SVISCP OF WILL) CIIEBBN. It will effect's spee
dy and permitattateurs,asthe evidence of thousands who tare been
curer/by. tesUry. . I .
Aubther Itemairkatilt Cu
• Feria err Echo. Frederick County. Yd:
•Dr;l3weralt—Dear Sie,Bellevlng it a dutyl owe t the /Sadie,,
and lh justice to you. I have thought proper to make known one of
Stemma mramdloary mires,, in my own awe. that has ever been
truly kecorded. 1n the shovel of Oetcdsw LIMA was adffeted - srith
-e sermagatheriagln breasitrwhich Messed *tante absaescand.
also communicated to arylungs asstaiiry much affiMed them, gaff
ffiscluirged large Quern tlOwt of corruption, external and internal. My
breath coUld wis i =i. say Lungs - mid oat through the airily of „
my hrent t ease. attended with *wham cough, cough, Mit
and night, tom is/appetite and extreme debility. so theta physic. -
tan thought my mole Mimic.. and beyond th e power or doe. -I
remained In this wretched condition tor long time. 'it I :was
wasted to a -mere skeleton, sod there seemed to be no hope-for en
but I=c t rztlli r the public pa per t
true i l i !=1; wca i d i ertnt ,
Baltimore furtive bolt ' lennad commeneed, len. • and to
my great satistactbui Mil my anxionklinally. tti at. . or tv_ang
1111‘• tuns* began to heil.aud the cuagh =held on ten
-bottles 1 weareatoetd to perfect hcaltb.
over nee years hove elapsed. and / alineT • 4 • a leffeelly hearty
=alto this day. Janet, land. 1 here n days &km= for
. e V w-u nise accept my grateful "
• 'Yours. veryrespectrull DIXON.
The suberather is well - mm*4lM with. Thomas Dixon, andean
testify that be lent been aMided asalsove represented, I regard his
recovery as almost a talraclo—lle is a vraitby member or society.
• _- . ,ILAMES B. DitlttiOßOW: •
- . Pastor of Bata Circuit, Baltimore Conference.
r MAO 5... •
Compound . Syrup of 'Wild' Ckotry,
The orlsinsi =I genuine Merry preparative.. Dew this lit`
Mod. it bpg teenpoftd solely of' linetable lopedients , cp ebe
used with ect Lamy. ,
Birstrie ' s iiiirsigissilla`aad: Tar Pills,
Y. A i n n
p and sitastire '3l/edletoe, far sopesior to the
Swayst4 CeiebraUld Vermaifol i ei
' Er/ ell fa/4 0,11 '0nd the illoOd. •
-Dr..lltwayue2itioweltioNthit ,
-An Invaluable re=edy for Diesh , :/nl. Diner/Y. Cboncs, Cholera
T ' u D d y *U " B6we l ( ?)=.:-.Dr.ewityitt4ivitir Catholic= Is Die
spes - fancl unt nailed . i...._friLosooo cents. • Sold by.
ABEL TV RE; l• ..ZBlll4l litaltfOS, liodbyDealent
everywhere ttuutigbuia the County end Nat e . -
Prepared only by Dr. 11. S '
A. 1856. 80-2.1. Ka: N. S. Borth 7th ,
btedleirms retTiurreTheitoetz es •ba
Sound et] at lir. Jaycee J fatly eel /bated rsmily ;
%tyres Cherry natuml and •ftthartie Alia; lialeeraTomat,Wine
amlioreat Wks; 110flatal celebrated Om= bitten : Lowlea's - ser •
ries airway Medielnes;.bterebaura thug .olAtbageestairew
oar for Sputii• maa bema vie& WII; ' al hnibie
-Remedy. sad Ram Remaky Mick% verwuree.-and • emicty 41
other Medi; Taira idelleOlidatent.tbe grtat remedy tee bunn,
rbewastlem, and =motors. complaleis -I"tra.l4 - 7.atmet,
I S r at a ', µdpg for 'UMW pomace as the_above Ofsameat;AAarreee
Pain lteetrosio,e &vista, good Welt emiceeles Balsam Ma }Mae
lazdiceat Jaambrellittam. Canker brow, lalgeorta 4l .l
Dromoy ] )expel
Bakees tagepound furDmieMery itan•hto n .t
rebalb. ter Pltiociaidtnellabtdd *Man e albatbu sad zarraa o f
,j ams wins • rmiewatgalets, the bra lb visalietw Me;
ae altatat endless *eddy of Mai n
eta u, eaulnatit6-4111. imikkis thatilis will WI or.
era's , Wag WW I 'tit lbta = Drug
/WPM *W • V
- .
Wni..K. HATCH, Proprietor.
THIS new and commodious Hotel, situated on Main
1 *Street, near the Court House,
and nearly in the
center of the tautness portion of Montrose, Is now
fully completed and furnished, and was 'opened on
the 27th of September, 1858, for the accommodation
of the ptiblic . and' travelers. The Proprietor feels
confident that he Is 14/1/ prepared to en Urban guests
in a manner that "Matt fldl to give " • '
Ckanplote Satisfaction..
The House and Persiittire arknew, and no 'expense
anybeen spara to/ render it equal, if . not superior' to
establishment in this part ofthe State.;' It
is well'supplied with all thesrecetit insprovementeind
comforts, and obliging waiteni will always be
_in it
lendance-to respond to customers. The Militates
connected, with all Houle are
• NE3W and Convenient.
The PrOpqctor respectfully solicits the patromige
otitis old friends and, the pahlic gene y.
• . • • WM, IL(TCH.I
Montrose, Be . •••• 22, 1858,—tf •
•Exact.llristiceilL Ml e.p.
n A. MOON do CO . re , tfully
-I—/o their friends and the pubV
completed their largo and Superior
. • -
arid 'commenced the . tinankfacturc of all the:various ,
kinds of . FlOur, teal; and Feed, of the
purest quality. To those unacquainted with our Es-.
•tablishment We would say : We have Four Rue of
Excellent; , tonnufactured by, Hart & Munson,.
H*a, N,. Y., and superior Machinery from the Wash
ington Iron Works of L
E tsnton Co., of Newburg,
N. Y., with three Belts of the best Anchor Cloth,
and the whole fitted up with all-the "
Modern Improvements of a First Class Mill.
In consequence of' these improvements, the "Scrien 4
is dispensed with and better results obtained. The
Flour is better and whiter, and the saving to the cus—
tomer in .grinding email grains will often equal 15
per cent. • .
. - Cu4taim 'Work
executed preinptlfr '
end in the beat - manner, FLOUR,
MEAL; and FEED kept for sale at the Lowest Cash
Prices. or Satisfaction given in Every Purlieu-
Zar-Publie Patronage is ll'espectfully_Solicited.
Uniondale, Feb. 23. 11:.69. 1 -1y . •
TtveTy ,intelligent_man 'in this community
should.notimoi that \ a new arrangement has
been made by : )
at the STEAM "AIL L.., for carrying on the
Blackmailing - - ----- and Volt:Loge' Iron
. \big Business. , •
any know this to be a fact ;. but for the benefit of
the feto. who do not,'lre Won d-say that we' are pre-,'
pared to do any triirk In our line which may be eo
trusted to us, in the most unable .manner; -in the
most improved style, and in the shortest possible time.
..flll Work si
4 iti Good Satisfaction. .
'AYES II: RiAr6ll, - , :UM; I.: ATIIIIMONJ
1, '-. i
Montrose, March i ß,l . Bs9., m ~ .. . 1
BOhiethillg :ttetil i.y)..iffOoti.Os6.:l
trAWLEt ac t LATIT ROP, having re
moved into their new building dn Turnpike
Street, near L. Searle's 'hotel, are manufacturing and
will keep on hand ;
1 1
lters S eighs &c.
'They have provided theraselvegorithsa Steam
Engine and all the pecefsary machinery and con
veniences for doing work with dripateh, and being
both pntctical mechanics 9f Tong ciperience and em
ploying none but
they are prepared to do a i 1 kinds of work in the
laoksmi $ • $ • and Car-
riage • • 71. Line , ,
in their usual - irompt and
Workmanlike = iser,
and by being at all times oti_ hand ready a d willing
to answer any order for work, and oy usin_
t Good Materials,
and by MODERATE CH GE's, - hope to receive 'a
large share of public • patroilw.
We would terider our thanks to our old customers,
and invite all in want of wiirk to give us, a call and
see for themselves
Montrose, August 11, 1 858.-]y
OM Nl* 11111 0
- as iydniLL
tr ANUFACTURB ind.dealeririall kinds of
.111.-:lPurniturei is now prepared to fill - all
Orders or Bedsteads of fail kinds at wholesale or
retail, on short notice. Retail prices range from $2
.tipsrani, according to He also keeps on hand
•Resd3i-made zCoffins ; and as he kss an elegant
Hearse, he' is prepared t t t attend funerals on short
notice. ,
. New, Ifilford,Hec. 7, 1 56...--49y1
. -
IsraLum.r. Ri .Y, toy: rate by R; Thayer,
Montrose; S. D. Tomp • Droglyn ; William 11:
Thayer, Hawk._ ontroae. May 26, VMS.
, 3Et gE) a a eiOlir is 7
TAE subscriber Having removed his etock goods
'to the' HEAI 0 ' NAVOAT r" where
he may nowte found with 3 lgige k cable itoek of
Ready °thing,
HATS, C otc., &c., _ -
consistinrof eve tririetyrand shade, and.warranted
to be mule' every particulai its good as custom
work, an priceit.that4:nnot fail to suit fdr: ready.
.pay. ankful forspast "rorsjhe hopes to merit
copdbukpace of the Nuns.. '. 1 . S. LANGDON.
'ir9ptrose; April
.29, 18,
firrfAilltilS'l . lllTEND.lll .
EM undersigned would respectfully sinnouhee
the FAILYRIM apd air - others interlined, that
. AOTT, 411 F,
at- he old stand. of. MI 6: Z. MOTT, are; pre=
pared - to furnish,PLOWS of the most- approved pat
noir in use, Biota/dry'', Notes Iron
Becim, he. Also iPoiata.Of all kinds; Landsides,
Cullivator teeth, and all - nds of castings for Partn
ers and others , all o whi hwe propoie to lief.' es/ow
.as can be afforded b auj establishment in thiscoun
try. . •-- . - - ELIJA.II MOTT.
'I - G. A. TILDES. '
'We ace also age to f r - Emery's Morse Powers;
Drag and Circular Saws ; i r wood, nisi, Dog Churn
Powers, which we -can e fu ish on short notice.
- Montrose. Dec. 1, 1868.-tf
-801 P lIIINUFICTon. 4
JAE subscriber Ice'epe lemistantly on baud format
at 14 estabh'shrytetktlit)tontroae,the boest gul
ly of 8011' SOAP, tainufncouvii from the lye of
wood ashes and grease,* the'old fashiotted way,ind
:lot by -any'patent iproe&s: '
For those that tmvishihe'grease,he mimefaetares
the soap for s4&i. a lariat. - itraiientedln all canes
'to be:a - good articli,or thiliSoap may he returned and
the money refundtd.
" • I
-Per barrel".
Ifalf.ilarret •
... . ..-....
- Wholesale. dealers wi4 l ,
at the Aelkery iuMontrod -
for s4s,dr at.Scraatod
Worttrpqe,'lliii.do7, 1,
QALT r oat" itj
J 5 1.4 . 1. 1639.. i .
_...__. •
1858.:' ,1291111muulliiir o 1858. .
' ..iIARDAit . F 4 W 1 • .
~: tr.r. -,, '1131:1 • T !ic..
THE ty tot , ' htfri n enda arl i d . cri e s me hl rs ithai 11
has recent! made large additiobs to his foliate ex
tensive, s bf i r
.., , •
Hard ar,Stoves;Stosm • , Stcive
•-• risniiiinii !tine .
~ IP .9 I .
. 1
aifd that he islprepared to Supply *ante oldie
14 1 ,
mimmunity ;Ira line at annually low '
prices: 1 Ile
flatters hi that his facilities for manufacturing
his'owu Vir re , Stoveiv &c:', give:him a 'decided' ad
muitage.ov r any Irbil purchase .and -transport at a
.heavy.expepsb-their entire stock. r. .
I. He vroul . d r ehay to i roie' who wish to 'p urc h as e
STOVES ollini‘deserfption, STOVE PIPE , or 'AIM-
MINOS, of An kind, Sand pay foe them; be Is prepar
ed to give t she 'great bargains ; li t • to those. who
went to pu hese on 0 year 1 credit nd- then let. it
run two ye lin ore, he had Tither they'wenld capon
some one e e; evenlf they have to pay seventy five
per c e nt m re than an article is worth. In the line of
' . Shelf Hardware., :,I ..
,his assort/44 is the largest and besi selected in Sus
quehanna gonnty ;' purchased as his !stock has been
mostly of indemurer*, be is enabl to offer! . in
ducements I. t those country .4nerc nts who buy
small bills, 1 ly to be found this aid Of the big city:
ni l
We can ofe r pecial inducements tol Carpenters 'and
Joiners wit are in want eithenkt Tools or Building
Materials. B acksmiths can find ANVILS; VICES,
, BELLOW. , and, in feel,- almcipt ani thing in their
'Attie, by Mt ing. on us , Cheap fo r . Cairh / . - 1
..,.. • .
' N Our stock - Of. - 1• . 1
! \-•• ...f.
s, Groceries; Hoots A Shoes,
.I. 1
Hats atm Caps, Tankee:Notionsote.
, . ,
is as large 'as Itl)%times Will admit lor. They were
purchased I ,st ' lo Ilgure, and will be sold at prices
to correspon with The times. , 1
, .. ..
, -,„,
. We have Past opened! about one- &a-half - cords.
ready made !clothing. !Eve ti^bod , says they . ..are
cheap.. Seme say they are very elleip, and.' a nom
her have4entured to Rai they are 'dog cheap. pr.
'Lain it is tbatia small . pile of money I will buy a liege
pile of clothi n g.' i. r - \
We wo Id iadd, in this connection; for thelnforma
tion of all , cerned and the' rest of Mankind,,' L that
we are ti - tid ! sick of the credit system; weave
suffered e ough'br it already, and Me determine/Ito
rid ourselrof the'whole " critter' Believing that'
the ni mbi sixpence is the true . aye em, we are re
solved to , Ado it and are offering our goods at prices
Geliefalyiheang . Store
is now replenished with: alari l e variety of
r 0 R 11.I•E N .. J.
AND- . 1 • ' 'l ' . -
We cordially invite the Public to inspect our !
Builders and Cabinet iiiirditrare,
r•ocraT • NID rADLE'ccr l '.illy, ` ..,
If F.snAsici Toots ,q t ) MAkTA RINQ. A 1716141,
FA 1112:13 Toot, t e , .
. -
MISCItt.L.O4.OtS s'n Fescr AnDWAns,
- - - -
Mason's' Challenge Blacking;
always bright - and sparkling, " Itatiorxis• the Palate
of the great, and cheers the solitarrhut of theionely
warranted - 031.w/ true, set well, arty points, and face
all kinds of knots. '
9 J
Naalt • Iron,'end Steel,
_Tsar", Se*s, - Corr,ts, fLusoss, SPICES, Atc4 '
• PI Crockery,
Wasain, tlsawar CASTES, BROWN: VIGNEIT.S,, and
our CENTRE Virisnow SDADZS.
W - •
11 an assorted selection
01111111 G - BUILD' EIS G$ @;
Yosait and othe4 Handkerchlefi,
• AI gS9 ler! MK CRAVATS,
.'LADIES' GaurrtErt, NAlBli•nri;
Sus larry, KID GLOVES, Osisay, BCC., AC.
.PE e p 'V't
TACOST, ,41.1.1f1/ZON, DARROP, -&C.,
'..`" • reign and Domestic Ginghams,
1 - • , • •
ALPACAS, PAnAmEirAlklifittsos, Sc.,
' }llllllll AND BEDSTEADS, &C,', &c. '
We, charge nothing for inspection, and cheerfully
itaparrt infirtnatilidto all. 'Hoping-soon to see yen,
• Woi remain, Respectfully, Yours,
• ; RI. S. Wilson & Soo;
Montroio March 28. 1809. •
I ~
- 2,60
be funtiaited—if delivered'
at. the rate of n barrel"
'ten barrels for $5O.
56.—t.f' _
ban 4 by
A • l v a n ITT . is just receivilig
including !it. pal assortment of•£LEVATED OYER
• " "ILAR:GE OVEIN.;• • •
WOOD Or COAL, ' - - •
Tartar, Office, and 8114 Wives,
- I for WOOD, or COAL,: Able -
Stove Pipe; Zink, Shed' Iron Stove
1118 AsAnz, the osr
in market;anif will be sold on the most favorable
inn:13941n., to which be would invite the par.
-N tier* attention of • .
• r e,Al5 10!•B V EVILS.
TO:rosp, iiinrember, 8,-1858.
~ •. ,
N -
OTIcE. .. : . ,
100EASQNBdesLrons of paying moimoney,oodebis
.1 'of .hy description, can - do soby leaving their' '
,payrileil 4 withPost, - Ctopeilt. Co., ibukkencifont
rose, -- ---- 2 ' - ' hoP' apt' -will be allowed
P.m..y - ort. 1 _Su•
pt;ftne iiul Fss itou Co rn Mea l of sipert
aleolehop and -Bra* at thOoweat timali prices.
Custom work will be donewithtleaiiatchond in all
- Jult.lBllB.—ti • \ "-• • • -
• 1. ae • ,
W PAPER; for sale ettsii;
by .1241 i CO,
." 11Vi1t% . 1 , u . t4
Jane 27.-0- , A portiiiri of Garibeldi's troops
\ • tinder , Major - Medici, occupy. the
• own a Tonal, !between Valmon
. • ,ice and thelyttol,
• ! I !:, The Allies,ermising the Pada, en
- i ter this.Venatith Bates. ; • 1
'June 20.--The ven_guard of, the. Allies' 41
-,-- ; • • veuscre to Villifeimis. )'.
June 30.—The Imperial headquarters re
,' • • moved to Volta--The corps of Prince
'Napoleon joins the main body of the
• -allied army at Villegio—The ,I3ar
: diniane'icomintinee the siege*Of Pes,
,' chiera+The new British Ministry
' declarof in Parliament its determi,
1 • i
- . nation maintain au inviolable rent
,'• trality. ' ` ,
THE; TENTH W Oir 'I'LIY WAH-4131 1. 68E - AT-
I ' 1 'mit turns. , •
July-3.---,Thit p,eror rerioves, his head
1. - quail , from Volta, and !crossing
1 the M' ciO,!fixes them at Villegio.
July . 4.-='.fe', t uiand French troops landed
at Piccolo , in•the Adriatie—
Gran.d A ' a I)eum for the victory of
[ Solfep - * in Notre Dime. ! .
July u.-4-Thfi' 4 strianii relire from BOrrnio,
1 d attee rp action, in which_ they
. : are'
00 ' uid b y- Garibaldi. !,- !
.- 1
1 ' # 'D , ITHE'VEAVE.
July B.—Ar,:, ic*) concluded -between the
two sl4perors at Villafranca—Zara
borribitfded by . the . French frigate
Impette; use: - . '
July li.--- , lntel i reW betiveen. Napoleon 111
• and F - ViCia joseph=the= war ter;
minard,h „ y the .Peace Villitratica.
!qit the Birds ifo.
Farmers,, read dyer the list 'given below
of what a few] femilies of birds are doing ev=
er.y day fcr the . public' good, and then 'say
honestly whether you don't know several fel
lows in ;your neighborhood going abo t u t with
the,ir guns wto are - not really serving ..the
community ali well as the little feathered
families, celebrated by Mr: C. M. Clay, of
Kentucky, in the fellowingrticle, which be
tal i
communicated to the Coun ry Gentleman of
„Albany, from whieh we e it. Twenty-five
billions of caterpillar's and insects 'destroyed
ri;otie year on a single farm of thirty ,acres
gill'sftitretty good year's work. .In that period,
liiiiti f y , well known i Men, M., far from doing any
Vb ic.or etiyati goOd i ire really :spreading' ,
mischief by t . it business—are they II& l:','-'
iicite equal in aMount to the benefits, confer.
l'illtt.y the God-6,in inatinettol, the brutal.
'N and useful birds. \Mr. Clay says f— 1 i
.. .4.ett daybreak - I ettintate that four hundred
songsters, break firth into be grand jubila=
firm of mingled song on my`thirty acres , of
fruit and jileasuregmunds. Aong these I
in \ilk
note the - catbird ; the - thrush, the lack, and
red bird; the'bell martin, the dov`lt lark,
End quail, the sparrow arid hammin bird,
robin and jay, the house-porch and barn SW.,
Imitt, and many varieties of orioles, wria
peckers, sapiuckers, Sm., my mind
running upon the use of birds, I took my '
position'about fifteen feet from'the nest of an
oriole; built in the top of a peach tree twelve
feet high, triobseive theft habits.; The nest
is formed of blades • ofi c grass. :worked , 'into
• basket form onl, the 'hut* OC-the peach tree
acting es brace. This varietyhas the fe.
male of a dusky
,bluisb - 7yellow—the male
blrickheaded 'and blackiih Wrings, withA brick.
dust or robin ted-breast Color on the: breast
and sides. There are four young ones well
fledged„which, every now and then stand up
onl die edge orshe'nest arid try their `wins..
I lay npon.the green swito a long . time= time.: and
observed the movements of the parents, with,
my watch in ' hand. - - They made a visit about
every four minutes, on an' , average, varying
in time from two to six: miwtes. : - They
would light upon, the black loeN'' tree, the
vine, the grass, and other places, clinking at
times to the most delicate wed extreme, point
of the leaves... I observed plainly green) acid,
brown. grasshollpers, caterpillars and antillet.
flies; sometimes one and sometimetas many;
as'eix were plainly fed to the young ones;
whose beide 1 could see above-the nest.—_
They would also carry btick' the ; refuse,littert
ft om the nest, drOpping it: fifty or more yds:
off; which same thing I- sale . the brown
thrush; which has-a nest in a climbing rose
about forty yaeds off, Slim doing, the having
four. young ones.;
2 birds 'maltin'g is - visit every . 3 minutes.
60. minutes divided by 27-30 visitian h.
4 worms on an , average--120 worms an
0 working bra. •-720 a day. '; [hour.
200 pairs on the grounds—l44,ooo a day.
200 pairs an 0 days..-4,420,000 a month.
200 pairs - 13 months-353,600,000.
200 pa old ones; do. by 2-707,200,000.
44XYcrows, do. by 2do 1,414,400,000.
-400 do. eating 4 times,by 4-5,657,600,000.
•Crosis and birds,tpgether,-6,364,800,000.
Double the estimate of birds • - and crows,
which l think fair nu my farm, and wa 'have
6,204,56,0,000 . 1—.25,450, 200,000. •• .
That is to !ay', twenty-five billions four
Ifundred and fifty-nine millions and two hund•
red thousand caterpillars and other kneels
destroyed in one •year-! 'lf these estimates
seem large, wp must remember , that the cir.
culation and igaplration of birds are extreme.
ly,rapid ; and•rof course the consumption . of
fond rapid in 'proportio n. '.• ••• •
" Here is no 'sickly • sentimentalit-y;Aut
plain economies' facts, based upon observa.
tidn. Shall we spate the birds a little' :Corn
and fruit' • or . shall we kill them, and revive
the famines, of the East and the rav ages - of
other, days ? Shall we fire on • their)" in . the
minning, or join in their unversaljubilaticinr
• • -
, .
• I Make Perm Labor Fashionable., .
At the base of theprosperity Of any peo.
pie lies this-great principle—make farm labor
fahionable at home. Educate, instruct, en.
r courage ; and 'offer all the incentives you can
offer,-to gite interest and dignity to labor at
home. - Felliet theheartand intellect • Of thri' , l
'family in the support, ot a domestic - systim,
dist will make labo attractive at the home.:
stead. - By means of the powerful influences'
of early home education, endeavor to . invest
ptics! labor with ad interest that will cheer
t e heart of each meuiber of the family, and
t eby SrO will'igki4 to your household : the
grace, pea,refinernent, and attraction which
Gad'designed a - hotiie to possess.. '
,' !The truth is;we must talk more, 'think
more, stork more,iind eetinore, in reference,
to questions relating to home. • ' ' - . .
.1 The trainingand improvment of the phys.l
itiet r intellcetwil,[ social, r and. moral powers;
and sentiments of youth of out 'country, red,
more something more-thsn. the' schOol-hosse,l
acadeniboollege, and university. 'The young
Mind should' receive judicious training in, the!
field, in , the garden, in-the:charm, in she - work
slim, id the parlor, in-thit liitchen,--like wordj
around. the *rthstone at. hems. - 1
1- 'Whatever rotelhictual attainments yourt
sun May, have-acquired, he is unht to go
forth into society it he hits not had thrown
around ' him: the - genial 'and PlitifYilli ton 4
carte., - .4 pintail; sisters, brothers,: and t .
man.saning influence of . the= fathily govern,
Ment. The#ation must look for virtue, wy.
dem, and strength, to the eduesslip that con.
*role and shape* the lioras - pofferof the
4y circle. ...There can be no love of count
*hers there•isno love of home. Patriotism;
le and genuine, the , only - kind - worthy cif
the natne, (titivate mighty. strength - frtne
.4biustiiiiii,geit'pik oat 4th. ht
13.. - , -
stone; add those. wit* forget to:eherith the
househOldlinteresta; gill soon teirn 'to loolc :i -
with indifference upon the interests of their ,
common country. i , •- -
We 'must cultivate the; roots—not the
topi, We must. make the family, govern
ma#, the school, the= fitrm, -the Church, the.
it; the agricultural: fairs, the laboratories. ,
of r.future grestaejts. We must educate . -
our Isom; to be farmers, artisans, architects,.
engineers, geologists, botaniatin
a Word; practical men. Their eyes must' be •
turned from to -their States, .
couuties,',townships; districts, horries. This .:,-,.
is title patriotism ; d the only pitriotiim •t
that wilt perpetually pieserve the nation. 7: - . 1 . ,
'Got!. Wright.' I .- .. • •
The Sheep and hlslood.
he'sheep, in a state of nature inclines to
the.bills, and in a domesticated 'state pre- •
fern; the hilly lands, and in such locations
wall live and thrive Where no other animal
,the goat can. ila :winter - the keeping
of sheep-costs comparatively. less than that ;
occiittle, as they need only shede.for shelter;',.
and! willlive On, coarser (odder; two pounds
of hay or ita'equivalent being sufficient per
day! for each sheep- • There is; no dciubt of
sheep being the better stock 'to- bring up
worp - out lands,:as they scatter their manure
more evenly on; the-surface of-the lands, and
it pauses the fiber gravies to :grow ; and on
hilly and rocky land, *here.-manure cannot
be applied, they, are decidedly the best stock
to keep. the soil in heart, and they' kill out
the! briars and bushes - on. the pastures on
which they are kept. . No animal, it is con- ~...,
tended, will return as much tp'. - the - .land in 1 . .
prOportion to what it takes of as 1 sheep ;1 t '
and it la a rule that th4-grenter - part of the r .
crop Of the Wm should be consumed .at borne, f
except in cases wheredmanure is bouglst.=-- - :
With this class of atm*, much ,; depends 'on -
the Object-the farmer has in view, as" to the
chdice of breeds. -If ; . wool is desired, the
Spenish Merinos, or some of the sub-varieties .
argil best ; 'near a market where mutton is .of
• more consequence, the English_ breeds are •
indre'profitable. ' i ' - ,• • -
.I.'have succeeded well by-crossing the Pau-
Ittri Merino with the common sheep; and with
Cotswolaind South downs. The result was
an [increase and improvement ,in stool, and
Weight of carcass. 'I consider the Pular and .
konterko Merinos imported by Col. Humph- i
ry; the best sheep,- all things considered, that'
hatre been intreduced into this country. So
far, as 'my knowledge
,extends,- they have
proved the most-hardy andeatumme the least
food, oompared with the English breed; and ~
the crosses have prodpced . mutton equal to
the best. There is, ne doubt at -the prasent
tinie that mutton can be produced,at the pre* ,
wit paiees , in . market,'et:a greater profit than
any other neat:• Clover hay / is more profit
ably fed to sheep in the winter than -eny.oth
et, especially to breeding eyies. Bowen or
aftermath may ~ be fed to this part of the flock
e4pes.cially before ,droppings their- lambs,
a 4. it enables this ewes -to supply a larger `
supply of milk. Turnips and roots of various
kinds, cut fine and mixed - . With wheat bran,
nWlleed, oats, and buckdtheat, are fed' with ,
gimlet 'results. Experimenta have proveathitt
heat bran, at a rate . of one 'pound to each
perday,fed mo rni ng andeven in g - ewes
. mo to
with lambs, is one of the best kinds of 'food
to produce a flow - of milk. It prodnees no '
febrile action, is nutritious, and peems to ex
ert a specific influence in producing 'Plink.—
Chemical analysis show s. that. :the fattening .
qualities of wheat are inolay .contained in.
the bran. Corn , whether f' s .vhole or ground,
Ilconsidet•so far as food far ewes with lambs,
and 'so fit as milk is concerned, - fed in any
quantity ; is dangerous.. Where 'the farmer
ii feeding for mutton, corn fed whole or fp - a
iround state, in moderate quantities, mixed
With other find;cl, and cut turnips,. I cOnsider
ki gdod and profitable. ' .
to all cases lei us return, to the trneprinci
. _ , . •
pies of agricultersi eminomy,—that he who
produdes th'e. most' at the least expense is
most deserving, and the - sheep that returns
the greatest profit is the most valuable.—
mer. Stock4ournal.
' Planting and Cultivation of Apples.
The distance at which the trees should be
planted -in an orchard, depands. upon the
mode in which they are to be treated.. - What
. t, is desired.finalito cover and devote .the
whole ground to dui trees,:thirty feet apart
is,the proper, interval, buCwhere the farmer
e; iss
Wishes to- k p the land between the trees in
I , .
grain and - , fi fty feet is no too, great
a distance in strong soils - Forty feet ipart,
however . , is the twill distance Oa/ trees are
plartted t ;-•, - •
T Before 'transplanting, the grind should
'e well prepared forithe trees, anti
Scattily young trees should be selected. fro . 2
~he nurseries:. Althere is it great differettml
in the natural grciWth,lshipe, and size of thh
.various sorts of apple trees,: those of the
"came kind shOuld be planted together, or
near each other; this wilt not only facilitate ,
l iculture and gathering the fruit, but will add
Ito the neatness and orderly appearanceot the
orchard. ' , • - •
It is an indisperisablereguitite,ies all young
'orchards, to keep the ground mellow and loose •
by cultivotion • at least for the first kw years,
mail the trees arf well establisteo. 'lndeed,of
!two adjoining orchards one platted and kept
t in grass, and the other plowed for the ' first
five years, there will be an incredible
ence In favor of the latter. . Not:only will
these trees show , rich dark luxtufitult . foliage,
smooth stem; while those' neglect,
ed will lave a starved and lickly. look; - bit -
the size of the "trees in the Cultivated orchard
will be treble that of the otheriat the end of
I this time, end &Area in one will berready to
' bear an abundant; ciop,,before,the- other has
commenced yielding a peek of good
Fallow crops are , the best' for orchards—pa
tatoe; beets,carrOts, bush beta; and the
but ishatevercrops may be grown it should
constantly be borne in Mind that the roots o f . ,
the tree require the sole' occupancy of the
grourid so tar u they extend, and therefore
that en - area of more than tbellianieter 'of the -
head of the tree; •Ishouldt be kept clean/of
crop; weed; and 'gnus. 1 •
A WitiolLaw.—This Ohio I' er rails
tor the-passing - 0 a stringent law - to - compel
the - destruction of noxious.:Weeds by every
persim on the land he-owits; before We seeds,
are ripened, Abe 'penalty of non•performanee
Loh!, a, fine Le go to the school fund. Thu
sante paper says that traveling threshing ma
chines are evil monstece—they distribute
vile; seeds everysihere ;:and-that the farmer
who employs them regularly, wtil soon - ad, -
that by their free (wrier systethle wilt *get
* m
iedisoug kis grain:
etiAtionsa writer, in the, New
England Farmer says' his potato' cr op
. has
increased from fifty to ono hundred pericent:,
by procuring seed , potatoes which grew on
an entirely different soil,. fifteen 'or twenty ,
iniles_apart fram his. This phin.ofclianging
iwpil every' year is a' good -one, either for Po
titans or any ottiii seed, such as grain slid
garden. -NW.; 'even If -the change -4 1
made only between - cultivators in the utn e
vicinity, it is still bineficiit. .
Provoking=-- to dream that you
nave mut of !away, sad then wake up sad
fold yourself a 'winter, -
fr(wfwiti thittl; tan takes to M lifele • it--ibislN