Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, August 18, 1859, Image 3

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AtiOtrilintinto / 11/10 . '
C.> - •
... Gtr. IshatA G. liarris (Dem.) is in
eleeted.GOvernor of Tennessee by a majority,
I of 8000. .the Oppotition hare elected seven
out of the ten Members, of 'Congressfr . em
-that State, being a gain of four. • Raneaeort
.Etheridge is among the Opposition Members,l
A rotting mat tWeen Fkira Tem
ple and Princess took oleic on .the . Eclipse
Cotifse, August, 9th.•- -The firsvbeat was won
by Flora Temple, time ..2q3k. ;The second
IMeat was won by Flora hi' the best
time ever made. Flora Olso won : the third_
heat, in the same, time as the first.. • •
-• .... Mr, Rarey it ptill toning: horses- in
Lododn. • - ' •
•' Mr:-Marsh , in able 'ehembst, found,
• 'that iron =long under water, when freduced to
powder, inisariably•beeomes red:hot, and I g.
nitesAnything itymehes. A general knowl:•-
edgof.thii is ithpartant, as it accounts for
many sponeens*fires." A piece of rusq
old iron, b rdught into Contact- with - a toteow
bale-in , a warehouse or on shitiboard, may oc ,
casion much lOis of life and,property..
.... It is said by the first of critics that a
Great Poet is disCerned by tad knowing when
not to write. It is said of Louise ,Napoleon,
hy his admirers, tkatMe is perfect master
Of the ••art of fortification. He evidently
knows 'when to let a'fortificationalone. • '
. ..; The - record of Mrs. Ganes, about to
be carried to the Supreme 'Court, at Wash.
ington, has been made tip at ,NeW o.rieans,
and covers 5,121 pages of:manuscript.
Ker,tz, 'of Berke :Co.,
- has a live vulture, which measures seven-feet
• from tip to tip across the wings.
.'... Mr. H. Smith, of 'Montgomery .Co.,
--N. Y.,-realizedls2Bo this season,. from 'the
product of of art sere of strawberries.
" • . The - Constitutional Convention Of
Kansas has adjourned. .The Constitution•they
have adopted is. strongly Anti-Slavery.--
The Democratic f aper.s point to this fact
-and say it
- is nothing more than - .. was to. . be!
- ekpected • that it shows the folly. of th e great
fuss thelifiepublicans made over that Terri.
•, tory. •• - Some of them-talk as though: it was
-"the.result of the Democratic policy ! • The
idea is so absurd it hardly needs refutation.
After "the Adniinistration had done its beat
to make:itm Slave -Territory, and • failed;
then-to claim honor and credit for the result,
be" moderate--rather ! impudent. -It
is all 'the inore:si) because on the final 'vote
all the Democrats = --13 in: number voted
against it-'
.. it is said that there are 4 ShakerSo:
cieties in Ohio, numbering 1,059: one iu Ct.,
numbering 200; two in 'Maine, emmibering
250ir two in New llanipsliirc, numbering
500; foUr in MamehUiseti, numbering - 700;
two in'Kentucky; numbering 900 ; three. id
New York,nimberingsonndwhere . npar 1,050;
making in all eigtteen socie l ties, each- consti
tuted of several distinct fa tes,or communi.
ties, re o ffulatly.ofricered with elders,. deacons,
care-takers, &c., -of both /Male and female
orders, according to their Lunigne custom,
and - numbering in all some 4,600 -members.
On. Tucday, 2Sth, , ult:, says the
IN'udsboro' (N. Y.) . Argos, John Siblei,
living ntar Cedar Hill, meet -with - a sudden
andkun4pected death from a most-singular
cause. He Was in the act of passing through
the gate leading to his brother's house,. Itiv
inLhie knife in his hand pecling . siime: fruit.
hile thus engaged, the gate, in "cloSing,
struck his arm; and drove the knife into his
heart, causing &Wound whieh . proved fatal
in ti few hours. Ile died. On the following
morning. He was tibout sixteen — years !of
age- -
. ,
, , ~. In 1820 "there were only 6 vol.
umes of novels on The shelveS of •the British
Museum, but there are now - about • 7,400 i. and
all these have been written since "Waverly,"
was begun. --• •
• .. : . Litchfield - county, Connecticut, `bas
Been the birt4lace - of thirteenteited States
, ,Senators; twenty-two menabars of Congress,
twer.ty-four Supreme COurt Judges; ten Pres,
ideate and - eight ProOissora of college/. • '.in
1831,-the Vice President and one.eighth of
the United States Senators were - natives of
or educated.ha Litchfield- county. In . 1840,
one -seventh of the Senators . were found to
' have been educated in that connty.—EFehauye."
. Late - aceonnts from the Pacific coast
; state' that li Republican lvlember• of C9ngreas
-:-.David Logan—has been elected from Or
egon, by ;a close Vote : . - The-triumphant ile.
' 'publicans claim that it ins - a
-dealt', blow .'to
' the Democracy. - . , -. •- -
. ~ ...- The 17'017110t says - t4t
an organ oi'the Democratic peril should be
published daily with / threi_editioesi and ev.
ry faithful DemoCrat Should dotroy 'the l, pa:
per - is 'soon as' he: reads if . , lest what - 116i !see/ may interfere-with' whaqs_espourided
to him to morro w; *-" - -
~_ . : -
.• ....; The Mansfield :(Ohio) lierit .• • i&
formed that a &Algoma residing 'near,. - t
cily,'Mr. D: M Dia, ivelithown as the In,
veutor of the popular- Sorgum Evaporator,-
extensively - Ohl throUghOut the:West, ii p o'w_
s , engaged iii the construction of
.. flying, ma
'chine. , Mr:Coa . viiinite s:uguine oftmeeess,
MO has filed a 'Caveat at 'the.: Patent .Office
at Wa'shington. .. We are ignorant Of ate de.
tails on whichhii air,ship is:to he buile.,... bot
understand that, while a, hallixon, isAO be_Used
.for de% salon; steamls; to betised ! ,he it
. :tnio..
tire power.: The - inventor is finite sanguine.
that he has disep4'relX the,proper tuitehihery ,
whereby.theatmosph"re may • 'De . :.:naVi.gited
~ at will. :Belie - hull orls aboiif to - build a
: house, for the perpiis *or continding,hii labor
t ••
• without being atinoy7l by the' carious;.,
.. :.
.... One Ot the.counterfeit cheeks on :the
Sub-Trease,ry of St. Louis was receivedthere
Aug. 10th., At is:anhdro_irible i lmitatinn• of,
the genuine, and welt, Cile4itted .o . .4neetve.
The toUls.and:iriaterials's,elied by . .the ji..--.S.
Marshal RfereAunci.-lin Ale chure.h-tithing,:4-:
flee o .11r.4 . kbstin Yo gy : • The parties . *rest..
etlaristaid .0 be - M, Trent', .ofirigh, standing.-
t ?'
It ia onderstood th , the:profits, arising from'
the' transaction we.r . to aecur to the benefit,
of the Church., -`_.,- - • I-. '
..... - **On'theAtti, 7th; Bth,' and 9th of Sep;
to ber; s thei* i 0 s - be a; grand `'horse :show
and 101,esr equestrian di;plity - tit Dayton, 0;
Aceorriniodationa on the &ands for thirty:
. thousand ' , spectators will: be Orecte),3, ,inri 'a
very Jnrke- list-of pretniunnsis-,offered; ''As
tr specimen altheliberalifrof therfsmitiins,
_we may mention that for-the faitest trotting
gelding or fillyo - hareess,:the first'preutitim
is the value of IWOO-....inne, lined - red. Of 'if •iti
mill, and a.piece.tif plafe-worth another.sll,
}fir the fastest stallion'to Itirtness„.ihei .
premium is to the value of t 175., There,. are
fyity preiniums offered for . Florae . / :Six,
of the - aggregate vain& of 515,* . i.13, the' lady
equestrians i and it:silveecornet for...the:brans
.ur silver. baud. f ifiniic., -* s: -` '''
~. . • , . - „.• •..
- •... •..-The Columbus, Oe.o. .Eniubr_ Pl°,
- some ten ortwelv,e ; years ages a teen came
t'-' that Place, Arn,tiasPa•joeueiderable ler:tikne, •
: and,exercieed the-rights of it =citizen
.;. ot - the
State and 40enty for ,e• non,tbv Pi.',a• - •--
lie finally left suddenly for No.s. .Orkcilina,
and froth there -went to Western Texas:, - tit
order to avoid Meeting a firmer: frieliCwhe
-he bad it:intimated,' -wished•tosee him. -.leiti*
however„alter a timehrongbt the twoioite&
er-,when the friend-0;11'14mi! thee4iisin*us man'
is his Slave, and nOwilolds.lirEPO'ilge I"?'
; _,-;,,,.A notoriouiTuffian, known in South
westernlricansai as Jack.Cade, was • recent-.
-iy kale& a; womaiLwhosiebaband he had,
shot. The widow:vhallenged hira tp fight a
duel; ad:' the rufrum s daeliffed,sheshot him
with a'reivoier through hia heart.
• ')...: Autireli Mik:ori(Dani.)- is - meleeted.
Governor of Atabahia by 15,E to 20,004
majority , • - , ..
lla. orth • Carolina the Opposition
haveisine two memheis of Congrest, lien.
ry - At. Sit' havingA3 7 een -beaten 'by W. N..,
IL Smiih i the Ist District; incL A.. M.
Scales bi J.I'M. - Leach in - the vrta District.
!almost if not all - tbe Districts 'the Demo.
cratiO may) ities are diminished and the Op
position ma oritiesare.icierettiea. -
The' Kentucky delegation in the next
Congress will consist-of firse opposition Mem
bers and ii , r l p Dernocrats.,\ln - Ahe-last Con
gress it wai tight, Demoerats , to twoOppoei
don. ' -
.... During elate debate in the British'
nousorof Commons, lir. Bright incidentally
mentioned the fact that sonte. tine since he
and Itir..poden hid each a legacy of £1,500
left them' bY a person they had never seen,
its. Some aoihpensation for theirefForta to *op
pose the flu t psia War. _ -
'Hon..Marcusl. Pftrrot has been re
nominated by - the Republicans of kansas for
Deligate . toiCong-reg's from . that- Territory.—
e - vote - in the renominating Convention
kood, (6141. J. Parrot, 57; M. Po Conway,
1 6; Mr. Danford,l I;. Mr. Foster, 3 Gen.
Pomery, 3-1 litirding.l; blank, 2.- Necessa
ry to a dotty,lnnordiately . .on the an:
nonneementlof this vote, Parrot vets nomina
ted by acelantation. .The , best feeling pre
vailed. ' s I
~... COnbt CavOUr ;has left. Turin for his
country .seat; whence be: Will. soon proceed
to Switzer!' d:.' - ; • ,
• .... - The new wire bridgd over the Ohio
at Wheeli , ;is 'composed of four .-i, z - - --
each 1,380-feet long. Each cable is i corn
pOsed of 1,60 strands of' wire, ma f, g a
Single.straintof 9,273,600 feet, or an As in a
fraction'of 1757 . milekin length.,
.. .
- r. TheiNew Tork.i.9iresponderit of the
Riofimond Whig says that the Hon. Daniel
S: Dickiiimi orie l (' . when - Gov. Wise's' letter
was exposed to him, ' ,
. ,:.-.
Genf Houston has probably ' been
chosen Goiteinor of. Texas.; Retcutr from
08 countiCS - iLye: f • him. 4,400 majority over
Hardin Ii; siintiells, the present ,incumbent,
,which it iskinlikely that the counties yet to
be heard froM will overcome.
• .-..A specia lc despatch to the St.. Louis -
Republican, 4ug. 12, contains advises from
Denver City ?to the 3d ;inst. A convention
of one huadrC,d and sizty-six delegates seas
in session, for the purpose of the steps
necessary to to; In the country adjacent to the
mines into alrerritory; to be called ;el .- Term:tn.:-
The intentio is to apply at the next session
of Congress f r recognition as a territorial
- government : _ . { • ' •
:. Patronize those that advertise.
. .
- - Jury C haff for August, 1859.
' • ss.coNn i , ITiffany,Ererett Whitney Auburn-C: If. Pessenden. l Jackson-Eforace Aldrich,
Bridgewriter--L' E.-Chum-I .Orrin Barrett,ifirtliall.
' berlin . - } . ' Jessuit- , -H. K. Sherman..
Brooklvn-O.Fairchild, Liberty-Charles . Adams',
Friucklin Tewksbury.'l
.. Henry Hoirard,Timothy
.Pintock-Nathantßuidick. • - Atoss,Junatlian Howard:
Forest•Lake-WM: Frank s ,l Lathrop-Justin ' M.. Lee.
Judson Stonejjr., JudiMiddletown--Eliab Buz:.
son Burr. -I . ' ton, Corentine Galatia. '
Franklin:-11. It • Trait) .Idoutroseb.L;Brown.
- David Marsh. [ • e ticew ifiltdrd-Robert Gil.
Gibson-William T. Case,l lespie. -...,., •
HenryApo,- ;Wm. lc.palagid—Stephin Farn. -
CtuumbSrlin,!E4.Guild.l ham, Daniel Bond
OL - Bendi-L H. B. Roosa. Susqueltanna Depot-.
Hirford-i•Grthiiel r. vg re tt, ahomto i ngstrurn. '.
• Jackson TinglOy, P. P. Thori M. ton-W Witter. l
. ,
.“k0u,611 S REA n 111. •
COMP*NY, 4I .I6 ;
Ai* herebytnotiftd to Inca at their Engine lkonr,e,
on Saturday, Aug: 20th, at 6+ o'clock; p: m...
E. C. EononAu, _
IF, Cr .Forrin,
; • Ang. 22, 1 39
• 1
- YY
Are hereby notified tei meet aLtleir Engine Hoese, on
hicurdnyi Aug. 22d, of 7 ckloek - ,.p. . , -
• • ' . P. iii. ELLEY, Foreman.
S. M..TiLeon,
N .`
T l o,l6el*". l 'l 4 lF 4 t "r 7 4mar 4.4. 2'm one tboula
.rman.rsrwiViVallthisut. InteLV:E n Zlll: l l,*
seuttrorthr MOM several elppranner upon:bedridden of the material
sewed, and'asamorsaml Ws one of faction machines now in use.
' Personsirishlng tiobialo maalnesare requasted- to calla;
E.. 4. I;ORDILA /Nitntturefito altar .Strect,4l ;Moor brio*
-ROyitak Webster's eorneir, taefort elseishent. Price from
Orturosa or rim Pair4.-:-Tor tOzOnititli; aurablllt y . arid exceed.
tog neatups arork r aitd lu fact - for Crary desirable quality, they
cannot be es cell cons /TIMM &AD Mlll l l l .ll3Glrat.
It is tatiorrestionabir casnaf the bestroar-Cotmram. •
One oj•Clirmost usefuiana effective machines In the eaniketr
• ..Y.i•Daitx Nlnra. r: • •
- -
•-• anaeltMes male remanent . wo r k ,- T. T. Sur.
4 Ts'. rlll3thi •
• PI'.w.AILEY'
. . •
APENT ror4,
-Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing)ffachines,
TILE REST Ilf "ISE.' j• •
.A.nylteh ' eine on lea-laden and hnl. WWI tenure
111 ri lCZB p. its t 9 well cp‘m bllt, Line Wcvleu. d Cot.
sea lattomlak&A. wi th :tenth
and belar=ll/ 41 trhand wort ;
Ti r eprifer'W c ariLEu IV/Laos's Sewing 3fachlnee
WI. 1 anal* •
2eafiaol imagine any thing more pellet
Naw Yoza Eriensuure. -
It surpass/1; al/ pfliess.---liumust
There is 'out one: &wing _Machine .and that ''is
WHEELER 'CIVTLSON'S.-14 raga Metes of the
It.halivativatmertrze.Aetratem.. is iinittelatiaiippilor.—Nmosaar or Mzcau/pe
The mobt utieraeiory home reference sieen u to
escellerute. • • '
itontrirse;Det:2o,- . '
, • .
. _
495 Brillidivity,lFe Ir
Vtork:' ,
18 stimAygn !STF.RT; *BOSTON.
730 Chest fl S[reet, Phll
• 48'We4e 4iji $l4 cinCinnati.
A Ntew.l34U.:—"Pric e - $6O.
_ . ,
fjcrn blue litlittyr4
ofth="tt TelIM azid
4 BuLfrarZiadahtNt cien reatilicow=ion;
olimut recourse to the baltd-neeale, as is tequired by utter
allies. It willaßkbefterabd ebeabeettentegtlian salpauletater
,oven If 44,Fjarks fur pue ap,t Au Lour, _ Sx.xpiPit
It 'moires To A r e:ppooling.—Y: '7. 'Bir , inigrUirt.
We like Groiref i!est;..;:tadi ell t
This•tuttihiye its work—Xosthatniitoit
Tho'keit: poteitt use.--Xas tom . ,
'Tod otirlich ti34o3 7 6toeituipiAtne'l rat*
F. 13 .•cfltiVin... , pti*Ag . e.ite. •
ffiin tlA g Mg - P*ACi%!!!CF. II 4, I O, II7 r..
owumma. v . . -
Whi* iii tqwhil,. :',.'....."', ' . " . " 7 k i 0 ,,. '
- Rye Ii biebel, - ..... ; : t tly • 7 'l-'-',.!-'• 511,50
' ' ' ll-, 10 bugfid,:::..4 .- . 7 . - --' J '":' .... •• : ,
Slidlorheo; 4tbuatte4 . „: .7; . : !,-,:l . *"' •• 14 i t s :
V butgiel . ;;N
Stotnat_ rbite t ti 4 , 5hii , , , ,,,1:4 .- • ~.. 28 0)40 cm:
- ,
roliOes.V.fouslie, , .: 't ' l7 t'f;,-;',", , 1 "fr t• • • 41,4, 00 ,
Vilest tio l i t t. , * lag:- .‘" .. .!*:,-,, ',1,_,• • - •
' Ryelour -VI in l id ee i r; '' '' -...•-•.'•• 4 6 ,z0415,25.•
I Vora 1141:4`_ v h un d r lC''-; "" • - 2 ; 64 Y1N ' tsoo
1 1',4104 . ,- , -- 4 ...",' .1,764 AOO
B a tyvt 31 ,- , , , : -.:! t 01 . 1 -.,, - •'' ..".,?
Iggp A.c. - ..' ,4- ' '4 O ! • !,• •, ••t • • • • - • , 124 IS Oa,
lowee.•••tii'••••'•iii.•;.. .i . . v'il /rah
. ~
_.• ..
Dr.WissitioolkiikainotWild Cherill.
—Where the Ache tweptuatten Is known, it li so well established se .
se Infallible Remedy for the cure °Morena entre. Was TUIWAT.
floesseateas, Bummers, lirtrriart of MUOD.PALIN 1111111 itlltAliS,
rLALNT,thatit yews worker supererogation to tweak ol its remits
'•,_.:atasoeeeed bra wet knows - physician Motartoiln twenty • years
abet. It has byte Imollderfel mires It Isno &Pitted:been absittentir
olitwtsiStitit tit ediettesr..lllltil its we and RI repetatioa Me rdike
universal ; and it lanowit sown snot cumaehedi, st(((and their name
U teens.) 'abuttals. bdtilatored 10 hitisltttitrat Wet/Pe 012 . 4 !r
ltstrapr thrall the disalliegarhich Itaprataties titeurs;. ,
',.. lilt James Clark._ physician to Queen'ltlctorikhae /thin a .. his
Opiates .M ~ CiIkNAMMIPT/014 ear/Mcusxm ~• • •. - -.; :
•It • Weld:tory orthis Medicine' tar Confirm* the opinion 0t...
• , .. Meat - men. thotuands elm teallfr, -- and hate teetted, am
. tall other remedies hadlailed, this has coMpleteir cured ; that
hen the sufferer had Veil nigh deepaired. We hat °traded tinned'-
. le relict ; that when the physidan' had pronounced the .dliesitein- '
'curable thIS has rennovt.d It entirely},, ,
The virtues ot Ibbilt ars alike aPpUcabla to eure a allt
Cold or s Confirmed Cerenuoption. and its power a site, es ~n,
, etwedv. pleasant. r d, idesetnal remedy cannot be led., . •
; lir Carrrtox ! 'urchase, none cedes' It has the, titter". sigostate .
I. BUTTS° on the wrapper , itel well lathe pet ted Fame of Mtn
.Prittoes. , • lid
- .
•• . • Dr. ir4star' s 8a141% . " -- nz :04' -li'ild Cherry.
- .The inunesse sale ottblePreparition • thttt proof of the esl.
in stirm in which tuts held by thsbli
puc,' • ;
. for the cunt otenugha.Colas, Whooping Coligh,Croup,llroschl,
elantlYulmosarr. Affectlonasudidi direwes ofthe ThroatandLungs,
Including Consumption. lie ettieser; la astonishing and Its value Ines;
listable. Theostagenutne has the ardttensignatureot./ BUTTS'
ai weltas the printed name ot 'the Proprietor on the.outer wrapper.
-. • , • - ' SIMI W.• OW= &CO, Proteletook Minton.
...Asticrrs.—ALlEL Tilmcs.L.L. ?Sentra*, WM. C. WARD; New Milford.
Milford. J. TA3A RLISIX, °wit Dend,O. W. woorrx_ti re Dim.,
Oct. DB, J. ti..01.44.8TXM Diustair. MaTCMt&IIIOIII...W, Mae.
ford. '.• ,' -
~ . . tiestembe.rl.s3.lss3.-Tlew
•I. • •
In Bridgewater., on the sth inst., by Rev. IL lA.
.Riley, E. F. ,WiLroi, M. D., Of Oreat Bend, and Min
artworrs,•of Bridgewater. •
In Barfordi orrtho Bthtinst.., by Rov. A. -Miller,
Mr: Roues TINGLEY, and Mies Hite A. TINIAN;
both of Harford.
- .
In Bridgewater on the uth inst., by
-Post,-Mr. Join( le. LAVA of Jessup, and Miss LIMY
'Zitcuma, of the 'former &Cut. • _
In Auburn,' on - tbe Bth inst., by Bev: 0. W. Steel
gere, Mr: IX 11. READKR. and Miss IsAnstE.r. hunt,
both of Auburn. Susq. Co.. Pa.. ,
On the .7th inst.,- by EM. I. J. Bturderant, ot.Brain
trim; Mr. T. R. Arum of 2dontrgise,,anct Miss. Ma
nz= J. CORlai of Auburn, Pa. -•
InSopth Bridgewater; on the UAL Inst., by Rev. J.
P. Deans; Ir. TnottAs VANHOUTEN . of Bridgewater,
and Lai, Prawns R. Di:emus-as, of Lenox. •
• ,-
1).1E.104, ,, -;"
At Springville, on Friday morning. Aug. fith. Mrs.
SARAII LOUISA Pini, youngest daughter of Amos
Williams,'., and wife of Mr. Asa Park, of Bing
hamton; in e 21st yeitr of her, age. '
_P_ ~ (,) suffered much during the year, prey-
Ico, ;r eath from ailments which terminated, in
Consumption. •Throughout it all-she was a calm and
patient Offerer. Through much of that time she. -
was lied by,the solaces and hopes of religion,
and, in , v ow - of _death, looked in 'faith and - assurance
to her deemerouid acknowledged the hand, of :a
merciful 'Whit' in herlailliction. • -She died as Calm- -
ly as she ad su ff ered, and we are well assured -that
she is no safe In the halite' of "'t h e people of-Cod.''
She is d , ply lamented by all who knei her and priz
ed her inlife - for:the many gentle and lovely, qualities
which adotued her. filer relatives, :whilst they must
bear her departure from earth in sadness and sorrow,
"yet "sorrow, not as those who have no' hope" of
meeting. fice again where sorrow lied , death are, un
known. Her "fleck rests in Hope". of a ; blessed tea.
torstion*to life and:glory. at "the resurrection of the
Just."i ef*. ..
. -
. ..
. . eed • ' Wheat • - .'
lifin .13WELS White. Wfient, for Pak,
Montrose August 17,1859. ' • 1
Sole and - . Up per Leather. , •
ALSO Calcutta KIP SKINS; lost roceiva:and for
a* by ' :-" . - RE.AD 4r, CO.
Montrose - , Aug: 17,,1859, . i . -
Thompiostiati Compouvt. ComPo
• . sitiou powdes t s •
On of the best'farnify Medic ifiei, In the world,
fbr sale by : & CO.
. •
•,' Cobb r ii. Family .Salve, •
A swexcellent: remedy( for Cul* Burns, &aids,
Flesh Wounds, Corps, &e. for sale
kotitrotie, Aug. 17, 1619,
- N6i l High School,
W E would annonnee tt the public that the next
Term of this school will copunence'on
. Monday, September Sib, - 1659,
In charge of E. 11. Ilairtxr.. I..Mcifortnr, A. M., a
gritdtrate of Hamilton College, N. Y„ is expected to .
attSiSL,Aogether . witla other, competent teachers. • '
Terms of Tmtaon i pez:Terni efl3-Weeks;
Common English Branches, ~, ," •- . . t 3,00.
Higher do. .-inelnding Mathematics, - 4;00.
Languages and EfigherMathematic.',s. - 5 , 0 0.
Incidental Expenses; • . - -' - - - ,50.
Pa • ular attention will be paid Ito those who are
prepay gto teach. The building is being fitted up,
soas furnish ample - accommodations for all whO
may wish to attend. ' Beard triiy be hid for from.
$1,75 to 12,00 per week.; also rooms for those who
may - ehoose to board thems.elres. -"
By order of - Commietee.- . 7,- ..
- J.HICKERMAH, ar.,Seeretar
' New iiilfoid, y. ...
Aug. 10,-1t459.:43w -, ' - -
One oti•the. *cry et hi Northern
_ peanut} annja-: -.-•
• For Sale on Reasonable Terms. •
THB subscriber offers for Sale hig valuable•FAßM,
situated in Clifford township. Susq. co., Pa. , If
'miles from Dmadaff, 6 Mlles fica . Cartnindale, 'an, f
mile from Crystal Lake. It contains.,
of choice and productive land.- - - : abont 14Q. improved
and in a good stateof cultivathin--;.and thereto:ander
, wellembered. - ft•contelng One superior, convenient
and. well-finished FARM HOUSE, arid two TENANT
HOCSES c one large s well , finished,and painted BARN;
and four other frame BARNS, and other Ont,Beild..
entinacing!all thebuilding conveniences deeded
on such .r 'An ORCHARD of Fnui*Grafted
Trees. watered and fenced
.thronghout. • TWo
livings run, 6 living springs ..and 3
good wells are upon it,upue of which have ever tailed.
The'Finn fronts upon A Public Road leading from
the Milford. and, Owego Turnpike to the Newburg
Turnpike, an 4 is, in every :respect; a, pleasant and
healthful location. • -
Forftirther particelirg enquire of the subscriberat
Humphreysville, Lucerne Conutyi:Pw. •
G. W. PALM.,
Humphreygville Aug.lo ,18,5.9.8 w
At Drimock, iiisqn 9 n. County,
TIIE " Manch ffigh.Schoor trill be opened about
the First of October, 38:59, -td continuo
ierms of eleven weeks each. • ' '
. , .
Tanta - •': coimo.. . ITlGlitit.
$2,50. , ..
$3,23. • .-- . #4,'2S.
board ; $ . 440. toi; ; 73. m rent; 13c Leib cte.
per ece)r.: l otlme, pattlit .. ;:t o r . 4ll .) .a'reer n •: t reek .
Pri :Pit
- ..
Nontuiele4tigust 3; 1159. .1 :_. ' ' : ' -
1 '
i:oft(A•F, tioi,pA • , 44,60,f0r 19
9 0
..., lbs., just opened and fo mtio by -
, Aug. 10, I.L.,LYONS-& SON.
Beautiftit isiit :is' Wmiderful I
TT is now no icinger.,rary i tha pne 'shooltl live
1 lili quiet to visit distantlendli. ' ' fleacd by
hia own firaide, 'with hi. fainift Around-Ihp to share
the poteasnre,* can brit* before hiut 4 inalthelti r t:
ling realities elite - the ntostrenowned shim" pfthir ,
- elique ruins,, lakes. and 'ailow-clao
thoutthth i s wi th their-ithl ravides, the remains elm;
dent grandeir, - end the beat, . M
of more modern ar- -
ell4est w a: T he: ' pratellog.lan :seape i the ile that
graze thehftlildeS,-frnikfloWerti anytliiwg.evit-pthiiisr.
are. before you the) rrhig-khersal—Alet e ad of the
pieture.- - 4--Wall My we :lie , proud • of:the' times in
which we live. 'That aim* anti_art can work a tri
umph like, tys. - ..,----,
~ •
. • That Wonderful Instrument!' -.
• - . .
713:8- _
Is the taiXiillii . tbienh Which thae , „..rpliang',ll-
fats...produced: s- , - -- •• , '- - - ;t' •
- - VV . 4.13. "PAEANS:Is the Agent who salt :both ••
StersotooPett and Views. • 'A warferrotanutple. MI
be WieiistlisePicture Rooms In the Bdde Block: , .„-•
In many places the StereoMpe istetteintwa ink
portatkand &lama Intllspenjaple article cf for.itnr..._
1 1 5;810, et:4 erlto; - 'y111444' 1 hnr .you anoediing
that will"taboth enterutining-; Jed !instriefiak ;for ,
- il: 4 /r llO 4 - Itik . fainilyi ilia friend& - - z.--6 . . • ;,--- r
,-,-..- •-,1 7 ', .S:
, \lsontaised . oljl'ii 1859:- :' , :---, .r r - •
-- ' • :
174)1 7 1 4
140GAgaS, OMISIK&ES, :just open - War - o$ man — k
" jaYO24
Moans", di• a, . „ f.
f,koOi_telialiiii oli.ii , tr . ,-',04;,-, ;,
• • ; ; Af/ t e Sher ii of iaist - Otirrlii,,Gaitaitsa •
..AXT.E command YOU that TY . ' attach C. R. Bassi
_ 11" , late of-yotir Bounty, hY all / Rod singular*
blinds and tenements in. whose bands erisasseas' ionl
ever, the same may be ,- and espeel*lVallAltat oerta
,pieeo of -land is the boco llkor l 4o l 4 l s_ 4; 4 1)9 1 / 4
;described-rut-follows t• co 'O UMAg. 4I Ps . Cf...riker l'
lots 77 and ID; thence . a
atheitaterlif pourse, ail
rods; thence along the iitatel, it* _ tliaauise,
eight rods to the,corner of' lot No, - ' ty i'llminco,a,
northwesterly course, ela rods, to-lh, corner otiotsp
77' aunt 79 ;'_ thence li obathWesterkiXitiktiOc.-11 cods,'
.to ,the place of beginning; containing forty.-eight
mplare perchei of land ; being - known as lot No, 76
and 78, as e er survey of - Addison MiKee, inl said
-bon:nigh, and which . wis.'corlimyed " -by James - H.
Smith to Daniel F. Sargent bygleed;- dated
20,3853; -
and recorded ' in tim office of iecerdingi
deeds In the County of Susqachantia.ln Deed Ildok,i
No. 22, page 11; in the possession'cit Hall, orl
any other person or persona Iteldlngmader slel74,litid l
summons WM or them as ganiishees,, BO" " that he. be
and appear before our Court - of CoitunonlPleits,itob'e •
holden at Montrose, In a c id "rar said "cenntitm the
• third Monday of 'August next, - thole...Ml answei• Sui t t
l uei L. Hill, Samuel L. "Ilibkley, Jetties D.' Atkins;
Alfred T: Lilley, ira.Diomelti,lutd Edwin Eato'Ntracl
ing akilioNamiattick Silk-:Crwat payinirot, plea Offiebt
on hook account. Bail in iiii Itundrecldollantreouri;-
• ed. 'And we furtbel; command you that you stimmbn
all persons in whose hands - , r or ! nossessioti,:t e iaid
_goods and chattels may; be aftached,"sotluit, th y rMd
every of them be andappea# before the said' Co6rt
-on the.dayand place aforesaid, to atisirer Wha shil'
lie objected agi . inst theta, and abide Alit:110g e at
the Court tlicrein. And haveseit then Omni thi s wr
Witness the. Bon DAVID. Witxtry, President oft
said court, at Montrose, thei2Oth day of July, A.
1869._ ~ . 2 Q. - D. R. WAD, Progonotaro.
- - • •••• - per - Aeon-a
,Warre,'Dep rty.
-lb the lion, the Jitd&es within named.
I do certify that by virtue, of the above-writ to.i
directed; I have this 27th day of. July, A; D. Hsi
attached the hind above derierthed: So answers
• • MEM YOUNG, Shirty;
G.D. Err." tr"---
- •.
V Aassrs winked-in every town and county
throughout the 117nitsflgtates to ettgageln liOtand
easy business, in.whiCh the abov6• profit niateertain
is b e realized: or partierilars athireSs with *nip,
• . / Dn.O. PHELPS BROWN,: •
auglO-4m ./N0 . .21 Grand St., Jersey
Engine for Bale..
ten horse 'power as usually iitted; hail been run-.
ning about eighteen Months: It will 4 sold 'for no
fault, butlecauseeaifiteity not for our
'business. may , be seen running at any time at our
establishment. M. L. MACE 't ,SON'. •
Brooklyn, Aug. 11.1.,
LADrES d' •
DO come and seel.those b'eantiful no springs' ex
tension Skirts,, ; iiist rceidred at the" Beehive!'
}SOO beet quality Steel Spring , Skirts, made with
Patent Fastenings for. Seventy-Five.centi only. Opt!.
vein's celebrated eorsetts, white and enlore4,- •
. at - the " Beehive."
AN immense variety of 'Ladies, Gents;• Infanta,
idiss"es Cotton Lisle Thread and Silk Hosiery,
cheap at the "Beehive.",
. • '.. .RAGLANS.! 1 . • - .
~ . ,
pi HESTERETELD Sacks, Dusters, alstk - the mater
ials to . ials ake them, :at e " . Beehive.".
Union. Crash, Scotch- Diaper To elling„- ,Napkins,
thaeL.Table * cloth, and Huck; very cheap:. .
l b
Also another lot of ,those elegat Demi Yens. ' for
three shillings only, 1'
Kentucky Jean; Satinets, CW34I Beres, Doeskins,
and real Frentb . Dtondcletlis, just icefied - - , .
, . ~.- --- ---- - at ther BEELINE:"
. -.
. .
. •
- Vat ' Bargaur !, 1 - •
GOOD s64le*ork:Collars for ,- : tfeenta,
Fine do •do ' • do. ' 25 14 •
Fine • do ,do ' Bands, or • 18' ",
do "do do' 'Egetta for: 15. " •
'Call and examine for Ohnreelves. --r- • -
...,-_ IfIRSOIIIdANOBO'S & CO. ..-
- .No 20 court at., sign of e "Beehlic."'
Binghamton, July 27, 185: 1 . ' • • ,:".' --
. .
~- SUS (174HANit Aip / insrirr.
_.,, .
tLAS.S.ICAL-& . 110t1Mili:SCHOOI.
. . Montrose,--Pa.;r1859.-
THE Trustees aro happy - 'ft to intiontace to the Pub.
Ji.. e that the next Term of thi4propniar , Scboo/
Will commence on Ilintday,' the 22d:day' of Atk ,
gnit, .4159, :under. tlie.chargetf c ]
.E111)7. -- 11, - .TIDID1111.
A graduate of -Yale College, Print Pal, assisted by
a corns -of' Competent hair odors M.the•various de
part:Tient-at. - -. .' . ..," •l' - -
The Trusties would -refer thipatrons of the Pebooi
and others to the following testimbnialti limn the
• President 'and Professors of Yale (klieg° : - -;•; •
. - .
, . . 1 .
, ' ' Tcptimoniaftii : il
. . - - • --• ~ Yauc Cp4.Lso.s.,Jalue 21, tes . o.‘ ,
lir. Miry Brodhead, a- member of the dais shout,:
to be graduated,* Yale .College,. Lae- held '.•a higlo
rank iu tbe.class-as a scholar: tie fir its I • tun - eel'.
quainted with it,,his moral Characters is
ble. . - , ... i‘ , • TLIKODPIM I, WOOLSK4, :, '
. •: '• "'.• . • , Pteridelit Tale
,rogege r
'}lr. Harry Brodhead, whO'belougsito the gradual-,
ing - elassof this - year,
.hasAuito himpatifnuting the I
two years of his - connection wiga; the C ollege a cepa-, 1
bid and - suceessful scholar; Should he apply hintself
to the work of instruction. I have rforquestion of ,hi.
ablliti, to justif,e•the - colintienee' and Istattory the .ex
pectations of any Who May. avail themselves . or' his' '
services.' • 1 ' ' Jauzis Ilantre, ~:- ' ,
-- • PrOfeelsor of Gieek.-- "
. .
• ,
Mr - ...11. - Brotltiead of .th Cla s s of lan?.in Yale Co!.' al
leg is a good scholar and h.ts a - superior Mind. , . I
have little doubt that he will , reeke `
ad 'effectual' and _ 5 "
successful teacher, and 'can , recommend 4 him:-with '
groat con fi dence that-he w il l-not disappcent his _pat , , t h i
roue. ~•• 3 . . " . ' .: . ' Nunn" PORT t it, . :.I>l
. 2 Xi. 11. itio4lieucl has just .Busked ,hie . course 'of -
tollei;hite 'etitication, Mid will reitive tha' degree :14
Bachelor of Arta at the appiotichidg, commencement.
Übe proposes etigli,;ed for a time in the- bid-,
nesi of teaching, hejet cbeerlulli .r4onnueutled -
T hy
the' underaigned as a petiou well panned by hie
sclittlarship aild ituaininents; - . by' his christian theme
ter and deportment, to be successful o: the instruc
tion and governinent eta school. • -
T . - . Tnoit T ite A. -
..• ' : '-'" ' : • " ' - -Y; T rif T et
•. .
may: - . . •
Students here be oftßitiedieki
advanced claim Many of our Colle - geei
attentionitilltbe - paidi.eir heretofore, t ,
tireparallen cf- o.(t who
,cleaiyin" to P - coot
:Oa; NorirtalpepOthnext. •.` ... -: --- I-
Special instruction' in 'the "latter".:Dr
.lie given - during - the elisufneterm.=::
1 -. WleirPit itooks - liefeWoief
continued ha the School. Is ';'` ~" ' --' 'l'•
Leettereil'on'aubicets 'Qf Phil!.
; b e delivered during the year,
• ~-:,.." :18:00:'.,
'"-- Prate. of ll'llitiloiiperTertit etceen weekk
Normal Department,:
Printery :. do. -.-,: - • -' ' ' -,." . - 8,50:
In' Ilegtiek brioches... an &Ledo end Gteek,, ;:11,1)413
Inatituotentalt Vocal Music, wilthe Laishilf Aladred. -
. Students Niebing la,rootea,.' r ,Inni ,rd„;Call
,be accommodated try:Wtiting., tiiii...o 'l.Bq.;'
'end those *Wan IA 'board: oposely, " :ela :obtain
4 tinuar.,
!stoves and furniture-from ideataii„RieSr *OM; On
realm** WAni;'.. ':. Mee -ef Board Tie.rageiC.froui,
S2,(KI to X2,6o tler !reek:. •.• -:-, le- T , 1
T . - ...-
- 1 .'114m. W. dE.S;E' l'faiif ,,
~ .- • Hos. 0.1. BEAD, Aliteriti' . :I',
'lordrose, July 20, Pro9.4m '•
‘ Raiford varsity
rras Terns of thialtMitutk"duoki4S; binary,
:wfil •eonilisf ettliiveniiieektf - gawk_ The Sint
Tarr *IR coutiltdt*pkiNatatiati-Ostiat thliFtf
Aupailliliitteuoruk on ihe Ot-st Widneadai in De
eUmbirC.snd the ilthA' at'iltecUlPlti the;
• IttpeUsts;,7: •
- in the„Common lIMPOCk Mick% •
Arabia If imlo4er ; •';
NahiridTltatisophy,Thylualogy r ie. 4,01 k
Higher Braneheso x ;-7,-- • -• 45,00.
Music mill.tho, ;•? 500.
Board, per week, Pot ineluding.roon t and •
.- Room . Rent, Per 'ROM, 00.
Expense of Recitation Rooms; - ,
„, •
Bread can be:had daily at the Inatitutien. -.•
-Lectures wall be ~t>vew Weekly "
.rgood Chemical araiyikiloaorido*Apiaratua; with
RiMielptrilrdMap;ottitatifiman Frame, afford a
'good opportunity for stiidiing those -braNitua profit
ably. Ends room is furnished:l4l,44 AtoTe.-
and 'bedstead. It is'uspacted that' ottr , County biu
miqtAdent ..!144 stye some Lectures during thanext
Term,;:andrender other , ass i stance ,- if, ecessary, to
those who Re 'Preparing to teach intbe'Conity.
literarrSodeties have been collection in their
books, Whieh; with , time' , eddittomi made the. past
Year totheir,Libuarieiviumish valuable': reading for
leisure timer * I - •-_
The Inatittition, removed is it is frmn many . of the
inducements to waste - time which surround many
Qfbee Institutions, _afford? • means for. improvement
well adapted to-a region of country, : where the gm*
majority of the Inhabitant:titre ttained•to industriesil
habits.- ";Burford, filtsq; Co„ Jury,„7,
A Arita!e for tale - -in' Snag. Co; only at
tie Bianigaur cloak 28, 44, and 48 ,inclst
t g, :Wide for Tables; Stands, Bar; and Iwo' Counteis,
ifelatleop and Piano Covens. -
•IFlgliked liCableind StiutictSpreadst
- of - various sizes Ind sepesi'And ill3S'artatited to tapd
the test of boiling Witter ; Mat Cora Pot, Campbene,
Spirits; ire., dts.i 'and will not break or crack ku cold
or hot Ireither.: Just i the article to'make old furni
ture new. For sale by A . N . ouLLARp Montrose , Jnly 27, 869.
: •
• .
, J
'Regis'4ies 1190ce: , •
13E4 LTC NOTICE, la ber i "eby.gliett to all persons
JL . concerned la.tNe &Miring Eatatea r to wit :
Estate of France:" Pixiler, late 9I 110 pony, dec'd,
lA. Bushnell, Adlini t st l fator. '-• • • '
I Estate of DaniPaynerigto orllarford; deceased,
LC A. Payne, Admintstrator. ,--
[Estate of Joseph Sharer, late oflackimn„deceas'd,
illiam Barrett;'A4ministratoi. [ :• • -
Estate of Winthrop Allen, late :id Liberty, dec'd,
r W. TruisileH, Adannistrator ,1• :, •, .
' Estate of Sally Ann Millard; letti.of Auburn deed,
8. Lowe4Administrittor. . --''' • _ • •
Estate of.Calrin Wileox,'Ltteof inburit,AleceaSed,
. S. Lowe, Administrator. ' •
.•Estate 01 Luther Price, late . ofiGibson, deceased;
harles Tingley ppd.-T.IK., 9times,. Administrator. ,
Estateof•Abel Rice,',htte of . Hanford ; dec'd, Am. OS& and Petteei Carpenter, Administrators. ,
EState-of Williem-MOrley; late of Milford,,de
. - _Richard Morie,!-Ezecutor. - '. ~, :•
i' Estate of tartlet C., Whitney, late of Gibson, da
mmed, Jab-L. Gillett., Exen ! •. • •• '. '
- Benhand ce n:Cockeyne,l latee oftor.
oseph Coeksyne; Executor. -..-, - .., . i'i •
1 ' Estate of Elijah Skinner; late of Great Bend,' deed;
W.' S. Bentley and Battik Skinner, Executors.; -
I EitatV Of Gideen SenthWortb, lite of TLitert - y, de
ceased; Jared Marsh•luid Benj. W.Southworth, Re're.
I That the ancountanti
.have settled--Abeir accounts
in the Register's Offiee:in and for[Ahe count . of Stuv
" nebulae, and that, the[same• will bo p'resented[tar the
edges of the Orphans' - Court 'of said 'county, on '
riday, AugtistAX, 1859, for eonfirmaticin, andalloW
nee. .- ' I j -CHARLES NEALE,Resister.
1 Montrose, Pa: { July'27,
.1859., •- • : .
Fire!' Elie I=t Tirol!!
reat iVesicrit inzurcome h . 71 741 . Cootiany.- Chap
ter perpetual: Aniiieril:cd Copilot $lOO.OOO.
.Arallobte iA idt :over saao,ooo. office in
Conipaniii buildings( 403 !Palma 'St.; .
GE undei.ggned hating been appointed an Agent
11 . of the above ',reliable - Insurance Company, is
i.epated to Mee risks on village oefarni property at
son:1131c rates;' ;• • _ ' 1_
Applications petsonally. or by jetter,- promptly at
;nded to. lAddrefs •, S. CRABg,; -';
July IJ, 195 . 9.-61' '. ' Great Bend, Pa.
roo , Salto
NE of th most desirable farms in Srtsquehanna
County,leituate one-fourth of a mile from the
village of - Rar,ford,prt the most favorable term: . For
piirtieulai.s.,•inquite of; G. B. GUILE, Haden!, - of G.
B "CHASE:Great • • -
;alp Is, 1859.-6 w r - ' _ '
r imps 006tintl9 oil hand'
, tiftill assortment of
_.., the choicest quartile:col = •
. •," -I„etksl
. 1
• U . 7. .0 0-• D . . s l `
,sl l ich he offers: to his customers and the p I
loir prides; for Cash. ilia stock comprises ;
.... 1
~, .
PRCGS, faRD/CENRS;, ' i SiLVER & PlAtedivoons,
• VnntleAti, ' ', ;:ottits, &c..,
.9NTS„ OILS, '' - • i Oold'rea/3,• - •
It - Taamintica, ~ ' " • - i Stetionery, I ' I. -•. *
W-oinolvilLiss,* - - -', Vicifts, GetrAtt,BAttal l- . -
licleßßlll, - roP4elßill Teeth,
ROERERT, ' Artiat's Tube Paints, - 1
• nnons, Coen, , 'Brushes, &c, t
ARROW PAPER, ', Orr Goolva, - ‘.1,. -
W, LWOW OM SHADES, -Wooden Ware, -
Bittcr , Goons, .• - - Bird and Jap'u'dWare;,,
~. '
itrii,l.Ewstar, " Oaraphehe,, .
Ilmtruittity,l ,
.li.minot., • • ' .
Baommßau • snns, • Turpentine, _
Wain, Umnistuut; s LAY?, Teinner's, NIL? •
' Mari OAsits,' . Fool t LARD:, Olive, Ohs. PPEin ,gNITPAI, l ids, Boiled, and Lair '
Gbi9 l l'isvoti, i . Linseed Oms, 1 , .
Aititeatilor:ii . 1 . • White Lead, , •.= ,
Lioeiinii, insises . ~•.• ; Zullc4 jilt 111 1.1184.4.../
1 SI rrourrts, I = 1- -- ;: . 1. .4 .o zottnn . ratim,
IP wr-Mo:ail.ktr.s,,
„.. illegar, • • • • •
`,SI ormiin , Tlitaczsi' ' II
I 4iIiiIfTISEAP I • --
S' zcvacritetil •• , -I ' •ttiao all pie' I.
• • ' PATENT - MEDICINES, , -, _
and other thiugo too numerous to mentiori. - I- •
Tkankftil for the liberA patronage hititeito receiv
ed, lie hopes M merit a continuance and
cret,of the s,yoe. • III" .ABEL TIIIIRELL p ,
if ntrose, June 29. 1869. - • "- ~
.11116,411;1,INE'l( 801 - I!JLILs,
.:Vk li gt s o 4 ;its 4 Pit t 4 l :ll.4 kS 4lFFelet:l4.r'o4alu& Tails,
io,enot nt,'Otover and TtroothrEsed.. Woo, .
th i:'
' STI II4O E. 4I, N6JOIWARd.ING I -"-• .
r long eviabliihed an l weft - knovin:Storehoine
Ith Canar, Bhiglatinton,li. Y. _
W wenld reepeetfullrlgyite dealers te,glie.tra a
IIX r artielei M Our line,:akire ihall keep a large"
ek on hand, and dell at le ;direst market Prlce.a.
• Pairbakee - Ptent Saab; . '
le b karid' Moat. eel:labia ` - Scale in etirei. 2 PliitOrm;
nt; MillounWr, and DiliFsist scales or all
es, in fo b y a
to e .n 7i; ,.. . e y.. :: l l. n .ii iiliar ryir t: i re r : 4 4 - 41i 9N.firy ces, ":11 6 ., y u,.L..:1 I . , .
.. .
r ,
Wh li4 it Atalialei liaise Pewer,
-, • Thresh er- Audi': Separator.
_.... ,
~ i. - 0 , - ,wit•EP:gma •tvesttifit.raerteato
'.L44 . • !id 1 . ,VinttP.we.r, cawble orldittablog'afid clean
inglrian 125 to 175 bushels otirhiat, and tixontlso
'to sQy' bashelo.of oats pei des • - neap rats:elano are :
.adlOgini - eiairii'll*iiiiion iii iiiiPoe , re
'turn it the ea iratiOn or alinbandje thoo tOr trhd.'
4111 ?-' : 11 ti
.R ai l tes .., , ~,,...,,,
1. ,
aa" • 444 lifltti*Vite4r4r file' aEXtutttfacto.,
Xer r is ii . , - ?girt 4/102: , .
f o r es,
1 ' - ~ Mitt OPEET taIRTLL, ‘• -
C. ir ' V 4 Ti: •^I IL- madmitar,. .. .
_-, A. AG i
. 144.4.
:If' ''Y •Julv it • 10119:-K , ' '
_, . ,
Trucseli,. , ,
or, of Lahr{.
the Oorongh
'itfte..ctrittra t in
I)43ilmizat will
used win be'
- •
•we - poi; sing* Apipp • pw ,
- •
'lrlot of
1 4)14
'RAS ._, 'l3 • - •:- .-,-. :' - ':
?. Firsakiks-luirri-.
' ''. • - - , i . . .111P1AD.11 CO:
1111111 STRANGE ITIS • ••
ITIHAT the people ate all so much in favor oalar#
~4.—ffigtzl(7 . 7 4 0- 7 -no the ntmproonut4
14 4 t igk -0 0 4 4. 1
ii, - ;PARVaL eitlYl36llDrii;
,Y; • : 1- 7 • -
~'suLtim url i pliaoiri- s itoßti;
VAT: gm* tltittaikA,LYMMITA - : f
prioes - so: ow:aitb Surprieit' every hOdy.
A new sopply- of splemßd styles'of Paiterss' d Mord.*
just 'teemed, ands's° 'Be/cheek Patent Pendulum
Curtain liztures4: the best andelmilleitiveibros't
this market. Call and see them work"(a7mort alone.)
Window Shades,TadturdiTassets, Paints
1 -and lirtishas,•GßßSPOntingi, BeautifuPLithographs.
A new 'Tot' dfitarriage - Certillcste,', Blinks; Blank
Notes, thuik, Aat.
,- ICortlbt:;4Pririterta Coalinga*, ma iinkeSkin f.
ditYSetnmi, ,Teachers, Normal atni Incentive
_Cards. dlliagazin'es;:--411
Magazines and funny urd Wcekly or Monthly Publl.-
anions our lad soon as *rued: ~ The trial f the
lion.,lk B. Sickles, in book finva; - alsOlaketnkibeit
work,The'Year Bound; in Monthly pieta.
Miscellaneous and) School. Books.
A wet! selected steak Mhstelbtnetrua Boob
School Books, of all kinds, (or kinds elf
conscioncoj . Barrett's Nair Inductive . Grammar, by
the,or s doz.. ingle. Aleo altst rate stock of
_ ,
Stationery; Yankee Notions, dm
I have ciitatirne and_th s o PUblishei has not loom
in his. paper to enumerate all the articles. that $ l ,OO
would buy, but,wordd jest:atiy, that,yottsan buy 14
walfpaper for s io o ),Pr - You'rith pay sloo'
• for 8 Wks or you calk have 100.yarda borderfor $l,
or yin; can pay $4,00 for 100 yards. You can have
from 15 to ?S Bonita, for $l,OO, or you may pay $6,00
for one,and every thing else at the gime rato,adeord
lug to style nod - quality.
Xpenny saved Is. tiro penee earned." • - • '
• • A. N.
Montrose, joie 3, 1856. • .
RC3c rEi
PITOT 1011111!
Two or Three Reason& it is
,better than other Machines'
now offered to.the . Public.
a s a It isyery - much easier Draft, as -it
. does away with - friction." An or
dinarjr light pair of horses oriteeis will dray it "with
case; . •
-It Is simple in its construction,
9 doing away with all complicated
inachinery. f • •
trd'lt is abouto ne third cheaper than
9 any other machine now. manufac-
Don't fail to call and examine' for yourselves. jr.i
ufactured and sold by _
- • S. IL SAYRE it ItitOMERS,
lionlitisse o /uno 22, '59.-2m Eagle Foundry.
HAVE JUST RECEIVED fresh from the Mills,
. -•— 100 BB.ES.
consisting in!part. of some very choice brands, at
wholesale or email also general dealers in all kinds of
Foreign and DUMeatid Fruits, "Qran - ges . and LeMons,
.Nuts of all kinds;Dried PeachisilgApplee. Berries,
PrUnea, Pickles, Preserves, -Olivek:Worcesterslaire
Sauce- FIRE IWORILS in their season, Fish,
Lard,-Tallow, Birk, Sall, 4n., • •
E. BACON; - - E. L. WEEKS.
Nontrose, June, 22..1809.._ . • •
- FRESH :GOODS : •*.
i r
SILKS, Deisimi; kuslins and White
Goads., - large! stock -c Parsisids,.l4antina
Lace and Edging, Ribbon; &c. Our stock is now ,
. - : . Atli at .
. tlontrase,Jime.29; 1859. • . - I ..7'.. t
Dculiettes, Giant p# or pains in theStr!acl4 o r Bow
els, Cholera 41/orbue, tlneipieni„Oagee 6 / 9 1,alera,
' 'tholte..drit .kindred - - • •
mutts oiettlelooltos been thoroughly tested during the last ten
' re jl inelly .t trttlo c t: trre eprh'iltnatotFird:4eltoarbedf""P6., irer.Lorcry:'
teals safe and reliable, does not constipate thebowels,but clients a
radleat And Immediate erre in severe cue that other rime.
diem do not retch.- Severe crailiPs avid pans in the luituach elbow.
els cured in twenty minutes by one or two doses of twenty
dro Ps.. eWmaeh
tin;ulrenaam"nV le dn7Thakllo:torey. qtr . ae o a ample of we daily re it
3firt-cr Vedas; Mar;
I gag teed Wall Stoles Lte 'Drops In my family wine' rig 'or
eight years fiir diarreca, bo chnlic, and other stomach and,
I.owel tlicultlem, and gleefully reconunead then as a safe Sod ettlk
carious medicine. Wennannusr, Baptist Minister.
Transient idiould always take this remedy with thaw when they
learp home: They wotildthen. be able to cure thee oven ache, and'
P* l 9. caused by change or diet d water,) without rreourse to a"
ilrepaird b 7 Telt I: Stow . 43 ncwcry, Itew York, and sold
t rtht t o at t o cottonbuttle—ht Atontrose
I ;r. BOLLARD.liataiisit, - Pci June 22, 1860.41 ct • ,
• 2
Cloth: , Dressiogi -, apd factual',
AT 'PEEOLD•stiain o POPE.
P,opa having tusaocia hirn
ntte; E. - P.PoPe, inky would Inforin all Widiii*
Rork done that they are now - prepared to ll do mu
renFeinable tertha., ' Vandacturfng &tie by the yard
or on Awes. .1 Wk. It POPE. '
' (Won, June 1, 1 . 859. 1'
• deiiroria of eie nit the olit 1'4'1;1,5,
to and owing debts that muse be aid ; in , order for me pny, I must.collect pay a would eay thai all old
accounts along standing ;at be settled. r •
tiihson, "WWI POPE.-
_. • .
.... , . .
-'usual, solsscsit,cr'continies the above - busineati as
'usual, at hie old ataiiii •in Brooklin. Tininkfal
for past Chore be, would solicit a sharC of the public
patorniagi..r.f.' ' '
''' .'" . ; A: 4 651111F1VN101L19.4
Brooklyn, May 25, .1859 —tf _ • 7
30001101'1S WALL 'PAPER
BokdeFi T:.
ng, Window Pa rnas,
per,. dre:
. ,
of gu.POSAilsCaiifved;'aittl for siteLbhcip, by
, •
.'•.' : AIT IS A"FACT - "
~_ ! : • l k ~,..,-"
rpHAT AltuatOTYPen can be taw et Dm&
1- SKY PAgLOR, ....'-,,,,
just as cutely,atel just aslfrstaffur.tuts the " Car
on the (itten":7' '' Call andi 'sir ." hipistrion" and
,yaa willbeisepreased with ,teettrofsay statameat !
.: .-' W. It ng vs - .Resident '44rtist.
nenix Micel; Third Ilea ' Vonfrose.' ' - '
.fhirigingt. Fluid;
vix*. f il...loQmsg n , upwind s. - 8. Vootai
Y V o
- sad imorAiite rk, &AD'S% telltna $L16..:
May Is, lAb9. . Apr
111"" 4 "7
L -
• •
'rho • Bra! •
itADY - - - AND : OA ebony
BRIERIEWIT !ahoy escelving a fhll and
db. , choice stook of EPREDTG an BUZZER
'GOODS including a great iiiiro j r" Prints In
Nem Styles, Gingamns, Bril liants,P and Pan.
cy Zorn , Challis,, EAU; Bilk Mimes and
Bs es, Black and Palmy Silk., Polaa, de., with
a r sras t e men t of Eilk, Bro*Ontlinureita
Ste Shalii, Mantillas, Parasols. Rich 4205orte r
f/esthete an‘P/owers,Brolsil Cloas,CassimereSSurn•-
mer. Stuff, ske.,-wittt a large assortment of other_ -•••
. .
SIMPLIIIIIII 0/101(11110113;
as mull, in Orneeries, Crockery, Bard Ware,. ron„
Steal; Nail*, &oyes, Drugs, Paints, Oils, Boats and
Shoes, Hits and Cs" (gooks, Carpeting, Plow Oil
Cloth., Wall Paper, Painted Winders Rhodes, di.:
-.The entire stockleing large, and bought for cash,
will give superior opportunity for choice . selections,
and wiR be sold for READY PAY, 10 to 25 per tent
below regular prices, "An exantination of the - Ono&
and Prices will be found profitable to those who wish
it Salt cokistantly on hand.
May .1859.- , • •
Carriages- Bent -Rims,.
. •
~ , . .
'-. -.:
.T.R.1.L1,5, Ô.
Wagoit Poles,and_px4ehAtude g ,
G 144.2
_BEND; SOMIntIt:INA. CcotllTT, PA.
- -- •
- • . -_- • Lhit of Prteot.
1 inch Petrie; ' . 1, $1,2511f iheh Peltier, - 2,00
I+` ,- ' -1, 1,38 2 -,. ." . " - 800
11" “•-' t. 1,50 Balis, , ,eo
If ". " - - '4,63 This, bent heels, ,60
11 . . 1 '1 ." -"- .2.: ,I 5 ... straight, - • ,50
If." •" -•-" '.• ,83 HickoryFoles bent, ,15'
- Great Bend, April
~3, 1858.', ,
1 1- .•.' Looking-
..Giassoiv.. _
ALL IZES, up to 20 4(5, in Gilt ; Aimee. ; ,
lit Pie.trire Frames,
Plain and Taxed Mokddirr.
Put into old . Pratheii on short Notice. •
• the fiery beat is use;
Cabitt.Fprniture and.putirs.
• eoffin gy.on hand, and' on. ,
Graved on short notice; Di' • E. C. rlll4
Montroae, March $9, 1859.-tf.,,_ • .
1 „. •
"NEV*-Q-0 u DS!.
U, on, and from New York , PhibidelpjliOlost•
, and Daltimo!e, and Ird! be - sold at N.;,,
• Qieat Barirains,
an extenaVye assortment of Goo 4 Of *every descri)
ion tiiaTin c airj;;;;FeTior, such ha
• of all ileacriritiotia ;-
. 1 0 O.IE. rt •
• a general assortment;
Ladles' and Gents' BOOts and Shoes,
Varietis;'a . good assortment of.'
Witches, Spectacles, Yankpe No
-4 Aions, • • •
Many of the goods ;above meatioded, took
the preMium at, theWORLD'S FAIR, in London.—
"Call antrsee them for' yourselves. ' 7,
• Great; Bend, June 1; 18.59.-3 m
STODDAYID'S for 50 cents per
pair. Also a .large :stock of Bootarand
Shoe, just arrived. Going etliap."
Mdutrose, May 250.859: • . - •
French Du - cals
C . HALEYS, DeLiines, Lavine, sod other:DRESS
Hoetrose, Jmit2 8, 1889:
Firs:llole -Austrians .. .Whipped
But that don't interfcae faith the Fact, that atom
• .'G. - 0 0 -- D\S-1 '
can botight 'for LES S
,0 E Y at' the
• - • : ' . : ONE ionsti S TORE
io'Seatiovitti, than attany TiFO-110/ISE STORE
in the . ctitintry. . For inetance, ,
ONE DOLLAR, (a-cttigh: 4 deollar,) Wliis
BuT to yards Gooti Print 9 /, - . •
'mu ; Buy • 4 " Lawn,'" . • '
"1 ' Beat Heavy "Sheeting. •••••
Wttl, Bkr i I pounda Clop!), BicoWn Stigar. -
WILL lit'T 1.6 Sulteratua. . •
tYtt.t, " Rice or .21ba. Tea
WIL - CBCI' ,7 Coffee' oilia value In anything;
at:tha.atttrate.. W 4) have a goad - aasoitment or I
.•! CF'oodl3,
Groceries, Crockery, Ilardware, .Stuj:s t Boots
'and Shag*, clothina,lTatß and 'Cap, Palos and
Oita; Naiti:ky the•kei,./n fact, aitythlng tionialiy kept
in 0 alt-O'iie lioraelStatea.": . .
• Oxus liTis:a GALL . J. SVITLIj.3I.,-St SON.
Springville, Jime 16,
.18.% b
.Ir-„' • '
and. Best stock: of
nst Airived at the"; -
, -
Ettiginal One Price &.leadtPay-Store
__ • •••_,
Are on Nes!! with Large, ig
thlt lir e a dapted te the want* 7of,titei'eople:
P 4.1.117 8!
IVOQlli.47l,iput " • ST AVE WARE,
g4TrNci &Oh:
74701244, - •
Yitharkorthmr: •
at - Wholesale
Thevarrefy.ef Our stink Wench: thet an:r one Can
pee, with thotight;itat we ere enibted to
seltrxidsiticper ceint•chesipeit• thiti cache
bought of Any of oldest Fogs in the State
leg to,.sell goods for" f` lietijr-* and StoadLpyofits"
10 - or. Priier:o4l.' bete's. jiigniwprirsikt2- . .thir. stock
_wsepurrhased"for_CASEii stsui.._will be sold Cheep,
tleeper Oen The Choop'est.l' • .
Se ** 1%.,-June ispo.-4)t.r =
for laic=
PUB aubqeriber ofera tot, sale his Lan ni 614ne(ed •.,••
:thttie ntikelieluth' of New l Milford „ eon.
tabling deity aorta of land, oflablah thty urea are
improyee4 On - theiprembourarivt iftood'herned behise, -
anirthnft rake I.Xt,yOuOi 'an . 4 thMyt i . and 20 .
!site beer!
. g tree'. . The'firnila wateied"With
never.' &Meg' For - 'p Mania* enqoire of
Henry O. Lyon, In New ltilf , irlinagei, or of. the ..•
$0 3 00 13 r,0n the peetnlsea:_ , ' DAVI&
- Now' Itiltor4,•,Oly 44'4119 ; • ...
,z, -
News: 0 eel
-PERS. ILiCIAZLVBSikc., - for'salearthe Mont.
rose Book Storm by : BULLitTa'
Iti*syse, Vay, 1869. • , • -
B'6 od.
, ": :. 01t001?RlE8,
I RS ;