M;M=l2!l • ''''''Sonitlck4*4l l Wrant. THE SEWING !MACHINE. " Got one? *Don't say so! Whichstlid you . get! • One of the kind to open - and abet' -' - 4 Owilikaaptire it?, how much did von pay! Itigovrftlieciank,'orm u s tddli!: kw, • rm a single man. and somewhat green , • me about your sewing machine. . Listen; my-boy, and hear ail about it— • I don't I:now.what I sinnald do without it. • . rys owned one now for more then a year, - And like - it so well I colt it "my dear," 'Tie the - cleverest thing that ever was seen, This wonderful family .sewing machine. lea none of your angular Wheeler things, • It'ith'eteetshod bealeand cast bon Wings; . Its work would bother a hundred of his, And is wortha thousand! Indeed it is; And has a way—you needn't stare— Of combing and braiding its.oirn black hair! Mine is not one of Those stupid affairs • That stands In a corner with nhat-nots and chairs, And makes that dismal, headachy noise, - Which all the comfort of sewing destroys'; •No rigid contrivance of lumber and steel, ' But one with a natural spring in the heel. ; Mine is one of the kindto love, • -kml wears a shawl, and a soft kid glove ; Ilifthetnertiest eystarandaa dainty foot, And sports the charm: meet gaiter boot, And a-bonnet with'fcatgers, and ribbons, and loops, With any indefinite number of hoops. None of tour patent machines for me, = , - tales! Dame Nature's the patentee l• I Eke the port that can laugh.and talk. dr:tid ban' toy win Ihr.an evening want;,• i rliattrM do whatheee the owner thpy etoote,j With the alighteNt perceptible turn of the aerews .Oarstiati deuce, and—posaiblyj•--ilirf; ; Yidix. cgkiiY.rdl asi One. that can sing witliou‘dropping.a - stitch; And playethi housewife. lady, or 15itch— , • Trail togirethe sagest adrice,._ - t Or'do ili ?oar - collars and things so nice. •• What do you think of my machine? • - Ain't it the beptguit ever was Ken ? - Tian' t a clumsi mechanical loy,. But fleala:and blood! . tient that, my boy. _ With a turn for goiidip, and household affair a, .Whickinclude,,you know, the sesing of fares. 'Tut, tut,-don't talk. I see You needil keep winking so hard at_ the. wall ; I know what your fidgety tumbling! mean, You suitili like, Yourself, a sewing machine! Well,,vsonettie nee desip.., There'were plentyleftSacei - gek • • • .Wan He Insane? Eh'. Wayne, of the New 'link Medical „College, in a lecture "upott•the importance to the medical.professinn of a careful study of legal ineanity, isith a view to their often be ing called to give testimony on very difficult and &taste questions, quotell the fo'llowing well-put case from Knagg's work on Unsound . ness of mind: . MIMI! 4ars.an - da . Man well Itnown in LOndon during the last century, who was of r• an ungainly-.appearance, anctsubject toot s lOW tataelta of hereditary milanalitly..; So Inconsistent was be in his- habits that some • times he Practiced : great abstemiousness, and aCcither - times devoured large meals with brutish sloienlines.s and - voracity sumetimes • betiouktpersist in-drinkinglmthing-trot wa ter, but occasionally aria wine bY tinti3lers ' full. Hisincoine aria fat.-'. from large, and .mot obi' certain amount, yet he kept a set of old men and women about his house, whom bicketings and diktgrecmentsnow and then drove him 0ut0f4 00 ..T•14 was in general, . very loquaelims but he has been known to sit in company and drink a dozen cups of tea :without speaking a 'syllable; ~when not en gaged in discoursing, it was his custom to pmtteting -,lBimae,lf; in_ walking be _• performed . atrtirgegespitintations; and = would not go i4t at a door unless he could effectZfils entry in a certain preconcuivhd number of Slips, and so as to introduce himself on 'a particular foot—ttirning back and recom mencing until be succeeded as lite r desired. There was a row of posts near his house which he would not pass without touching #ipgly sod if he omitted one of the series be ritticfsdliiliiis to iernedi the neglect; be hoarded--up otangeskins. for some mysteri , ous pitrpose 'never would divulge; be suf fered a remorse of conscience for having tel ken milk in hif coffee on Good Friday ;: he believed-in ghosts and went ghost-hunting in Cock Larteomd maintained that he beard his mothi'r - eallirtg, itirdin the Other-world.-- ~ Yet this man; Dr.' Johnson, was so tar from insane,that by common consent, he was re _ garded as being the most vigoroui thinker mid greatest sage tif the time." To Aootaxr. A BEM. 111 L Fos.u.- 7 Take abundant exercise in the open air—free, at , tractive, joyous - exercise, such as young girls —when not restraind by false and artificial proprieties—are wont to-take. If youxre in thkrotintry, or. can. get there, ramble over the hills and through the woodlands; botanize; geologize ; seek rare fiowers'and planta ; ?Mot birdis-nests, and chase butte: flies. Bea romp, even" though you may he no'. longer w little girl. Ilion - are:. a, wifis,•-•tud a mother, 4 so much the leiter. Romp with your childrdn. Attend also to your bodily positions in stand -sing, sitting, lying, Walking, And . employ 'guilt general or spkcial gymnastics as your case may require. Live, while in•doors, in well. ventilatied rooms; take sufficient wholesome and mowtiehing . ,food, at inular'huun! ; keep iheiniaitctlie and cheerful—in - short, obey all the iaWs of health: • ; Tales lesson from the English girl, as de. scribedin the following extract : - "The English girl spends more than one Italia her waking hours in physical amuse ments whilh tend to develop, and invigoisee, and ripen the bodily powers. She rides, Walks, gives, TOWS upon the water, runs; danpetfiik,YnoiWingtvjumps Oa:ape, throws the WI, hurls the quelf,cliawi the bow,keeips up the sinattlecock. and all this without; hav ing it forever inipreAtd upon her mind that she is thereby wasting her time. She denz • thleeriamintilithecomesa habit;Which • 1470 lokkrup-thrunithlfe.. Her hunk, irtilcausuj . etwati - mienee; is larier, her xnuslstr sys tem better developed, her tar,- •Vims sYlitertt 4 in subordination to the physi cal,her-strOgth more endoring,and the whole tons,of her- mind healthier. She may not know as much at the age of Seventeen as, does *American girlq -so general thing she does not; lint the trowtir ofter. nitellect bas -teen stimulated by no hot house cultpre s .and thong k maturity conteel ater - ,' it trill lest :Oa portionibly longer."- : —Sints totharit'Aturi .li4aßerfestites.. , - GENlill AND LABoa.-Alexander. Ilaniil trlarkpartfald de an intituatejthmk: Men gtvg mb some credit-for"ieginii. -All the gen . ius that thave bea t injust this; When I Mve tessibjest,, irriautd,, rabid/ ^ofoupdly. ff * -i *talidl4l2Cluisloeforeo* J qexpi6Te it in all its bearings,. My mind betimes per vaded with it ' 'Then the effort which I mike irOeirple trte4)le - ased.,to. call the fruit of genius. It is 'the fruit of labor and thought." _ -I m...raribiter.opoe replied to avademan who p--Assedirim tq , speak on a subject of -__great - ithportiriet: "ThelniT . ect 'interests I me ileeply r boti bacepot time., There-Sir," 'painting to a huge Olt ,of letters on table, "Is a pile of -unanswered letters, to which I must. reply, before close of the session, (which I Was then three days oft) I tare nottime Abillarrthe - rrubjeet ,scomi . to do it . jaaticieri - 1 - "Au; Mr., Webster, a few words froth jou - worrld - da.so mach to - awaken public attention - tog" - ulf there be such weight in my words as you re resent, it is because I do not *allow myself to mesh on any iubject till I hive imbued my unudvidrit." • - MEI Dee:A(ll4e" iris ii, urged tip iiiieak on a grad sixl ouddfm, emergeopy. "1 am not prepared,"'onid 'he, 163 of tin Mel refused. Tba:liirbMikter ineqr l o7 l ?lfeng "di gOnfui • • _ ~... s TH2 4 WHAT-Nriti"--•lM2,2pprOprid2 THILW is given to an'-article , of furniture' nos/ foutd in many of our ',pailtirs and sitting rooms, and which may highly attractive and - ornainintat*lth'but litile expense. It is es sentially a aeries of from four to six light shelves, : one above the other, deCreasing in size fiotit,the bottom upward, supported by neatlyautned uprig ,, li Bits. It is usually made, - of triangular shape o fit a corner, the front of the shelves bein, rounded out into a quar ter circle OhOugh ethers for the sides of a room are of rectangularshipe, having upright supports for the ebklves. - -- 'A very cheap and pretty whatnot is made by taking from-three to six light, thin, pine boards - of ditTerent lengths and widths, and boring holes - near the ends, through which four cords are inserted, with knots at at suit able distances to hold them one aboveanother in shelf form. If for the side of .a room, the, lower shelf may be 21- to 4 feet long, and 10' or 12 inches wide; the next shelf above 6 to. 10 inches shorter, and 1 tot inches narrower, and so decreasing to the top piece. If for a corner, two sides of the board must be cut at right angles to fit the walls; only three cords are needed, The shelves of a wall nr,eorner whatnot may:be rounded, or walloped in front, as the' taste may dictate. - The shelve's inky be stained, or painted and varnished. They are quite pretty when only covered with furniture or common calico, or merino, or other fabric. .-A fringe along the fiont edge of the shelves give's a tasteful finish. 'What nots are sometimes used Tor - books, hut they are usually ,iinended to recel63 carious fancy or ornamental articles. vasesystatuettes, curl ens toys, shells; cria•tlowers,-initiiatur cabi nets of insects, etc.; in short; all those little knii.k.knacks, and- r —trhot : not, which display . the ingenuity and taste of : the various mem bers of the family.~ We think this preferable to placing them upon the lmintle-piece— I AmeriCan Agrieilturisty . ': SALTING STOCK.—Th9Se who have traveled in Buenos AYresiand on some of our great prairies inform us that the wild cattle roam: ing near the salt deposits, and had the oppor tutaty of visiting tiiem frequently, are better conditioned than elsewhere ; and the ,same truth May be observed io;stsbles where. the salting of cattle is 66-Ser:iihi - with regularity . . The components of salt' (chlorine and soda,) are to be found in the blood of all animals in health and generally combined in the torm of salt as well as redundant quantities of the sep arate. constituents nut so combined. The same is true in - de.•ree of cow's milk. Sheep require salt,and inaaditon to its other health ful effects, it apmars. to'invigorate them as a stimulant i for after the exposure of lambs to cold rains and winds, and when they seem be numbed a teaspoonful of salt placed in their nriiutb, frequently revives them in a•short time, so that ,they become Cheeiful arid play . - 4 t..• • : Horses, and indeed all aaimafs; man inclu ded, require salt ; and animals confined Mate bles- seTai require additional quantity as comps th those whifti roam at large. Many English herdsmen top-dres*.their lands with five bushels or more of salt per- acre . each year. By this methrid the animals are Supplied in part with the constituents of the salt as forming part of increased crops,. but still they -give salt. The Lime and Salt Mixture e we have so often rei_surimended,when applied to grass - lands, renders the pasture much more acceptable to cattle.—Working Farmer. , Ottne Tea-nut, wJlh is cultivated extensivelysin the vicinity of Wilminguin: N. C. there are from one hundred and fifty thou, sand to two hundred . thousand bushels export ed annually frouithat city. The, candy soils of that section are. well -adapted to their growth, a loose sand producing greater crops than a rich vegetable mold. They are plant ed in drills 3Or 4 feet apart. Formerly it was thought necessary to have the blossoms covered in order to•produce good yields, btit observation has taught that it will cover itself by shodting.the fruit portions of its flower into the loose soil. It is a l curious provision of nature, a knowledge of Which now saves much labor. In the Fall a wide scraping ( plow is tiro beneath the vines, to the rots which the peas adhere. The peas are. picked hy men, women, and children, from the roots, du ring the Winter, and the ‘yinct fed to the cat tle. About forty, bushels- to the acre is con sidered a good yield, the .priek of- which dues not vary much from one dollar per bushel in the Wilmington Market. The pea-nut belOngs to the-order Leguminste of Botanists. So tells us a corr es pondent of the Country Gen glemen. . . Pnorraa* oe Inott.. 7 ln the year 1650 Mr. March, an ebbs chemist connected with the 'Royal Arsenal, discOvered that it is an invariable rule with iron which his remained a considerable time'under water, when reduc ed to small grains or an impalpable powder to become red hot, and ignite with any sub stance with which it comes in contact. This he found by scalping — some corroded metal from a e-Tin, which ignited the paper contain ing it. and 'turned a lole in his pocket. The knowledge of this fitet is of importance, as it may account for many spontaneous fires and _explosions, the origin of which has not been traced. Apiece of rusty iron, brought in contact wittia Late Of cotton in a warehouse, or on shipbotutd, may occasion extensive con flagrations and the loss of many lives. It oughtto be added that Chetendoncy of moist ened particles of iron to ignite was discovered by the great French chemist Lemary, as far /tack tta,the year 16130. • • Beecher told the young men of Brooklyn, at the recent annual meeting of their Christian Association, that health was a truly religious matter, and urged attention to it on this ground. This is the right idea. Not till viewed from this stand-poiht, will it receive, merited attention. lie said young me° shouktne , ier sit up later than fen at night. :Tbet; should glorify .GOd in the body as, well as the soul. Beecher is sound here. lfay..the ieed dropped iron: his lips produce great harvest. e4r• Do nottive and, work on your farm, with, the eipectatioit or rich to. sell ouf. Nothing will keep wthattso ouch in a state of indecision. Living from day to day,..with the idea that _just as soon as you have a chance, you are going to sell, is one of the poorest ways ofgetting along, slake up your mind toetay where you are. Apply energy and headwork to your operations ; determine tomake a home—'one for yourself and your family- have a 'marked nut deftaite purpose in life. - ver At a recent tneetintof the Cincinnati Hocticultural Societythe following resolu. lion "arcs adopted :I"_licsolsesl,, Thatlt is the sense of this Society, that in preparing land cal with a clay subsoil for . purposes, es pecittlly fi*thelcultivitiot — i the Fieids„ per, and 'apple, the fame takonid sebsoiled to a depth of from %r i sen to teen or twenty inches, and thoroughly drained by the use of tiles, stones, or brush.' ' ta r Why is $ csterpillar like cakes', ;4 30 : 1 "sejt:$ IrAt "LW , nibs the 1)14- U:fly. 1; - ,Great TOmiph The Ready Pay System! IT IS CERTAIN THAT moons CAN BE SOLD SUCCESSFULLY LV MONTROSE, A!s'D AT • SCSQUEBAN NA DEPOT, For Et • rpROSF, doubting thin assextkon 1411 to at the Stores of • lattifobehg, Roeseq64loll & eQ. Where it will be proved that the merchar.t, in sel ling his Goode, can afford to sell CHEAPER for CASH, and eaq.ofrer inducements sufficient to make - it an object to purchasers, at whatever !sacri fice, to procure the money to make their purchases on the cash System, We have just redokred, and are constantly re relying a splendid assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER' GOODS, adapted for this 'season and which will ',not fail to give Gen6ral SatisfaCtion, and which was purchased under the most- favorable circumstances, for Cash. • They are enabled to and will offer and yell at prices far below others that have given everlasting credit,-;- no matter whether it is to Tom, Pick , or /tarry. • • THEREFoRE, Examine, Compare, and Judge en 1111 MAK . • . , •: .• an iteiort4ent heretofore unequalled by anj , thing ev er offered in Rontroee.. • FANCY' - 4:cp STAPLE DRY GOODS, Comprising many new and desirable styles Of Goods unknown in this market,mnong which will - be found,iri -Ladies' Dress Goods, all the novelties of the day, cheap at Guttenberg, Rosenbaum; & Co's, aHAWSS. New and choice styles of Brodie, double and !hi gle, Stella, rlniti, Wool, Taints, and Mantilla, and a new sty le of . C SHAWLS, -- • CHEAP, AT Guttenberg, Rosenbaum, it Co's. CLOTH CLOAKS. An astortmetit 'always on hand, also Ladies Cloth and trimming to match, of all shades, Clienp, at H Guttenbereßosenbatun, & res., E - GrrIERCYJEDF.GaIE. In this department we can offer great inducement!, as we are purchasing directly from Importing Bodies. The assortment comprises French Sets, Sleeves and Collars, Worked Edgings and Insertinge, and a great many more articles toonumetous to men tion—all of which may be found , CHEAP. AT Guttenberg, Rosenbaum, & Co's. DTRE@@ .00piD@ 9 Bonnets, Ribbons Moen', Plumes, Wire, Stiff Settings, and ,Fra mes, artrholegale and retail, Cpenp, nt Guttenberg, Rosenblatt)), & Co's. DOMESTIC GOODS. May be found afl i he different quabries of 'HMIS, WNW/3 BLEACHED GOODS, I FINE UNBLEACHED MUSLIN'S, TICKS. ' , I STRIPES, .. . DENIMS,. SHEETING 4 yard., vide, CHEAP, AT • - GUM - BERG, ROSENBAUM-, & CO'S READY-111U OLOTRINGa • , As this is One of theiefirfnelpal branches' of business in New York City, they certainly-haVe one great ad vantage OTIPI all thelest of the ClPthiers, they hay ing one partner steadily in New York 9y to devote all his time to this particular bnumor manufacture. They frill furnivh, at any time, a 'od Garment, at 1 14 , abytifithe price to? which the materials i can be got. They/Fill warrant their work and a Complete ,fit or no baigain. They keep constantly on hand one of the best sucks of - Over and Under Coats, - 6VCII FROCK, DRESS, RAGLAN, SACK, & PANTS, in great variety and different stylea. Vests : Vests : Vests Such as Velvet, Plush, Cassimere, and. Satin, ' CHEAP, AT Gatteuberg, Ilosenbsoni l dc Co, CLOTHING MADE TO ORDIER, 07 Tll II BEST MATERIALS, At Short Notice. For Unde r Garments, For Wits sr well as for Gentleten, ouch • SILK, LAMBS' WOOL, b.c., OM/2', • AT Guttenberg, Rosenbaum, & Ons word is inficienifor vim. To our numerous /Wends and Cu.l4oMal4 : - and is patti' color to Alton ,ktxwring theataeltlaa to be indebted:io ne, we would Oncti trako4 delve will sell for • • READY PAIG hereafter, and ail atwounts must be 'settled without farther swam : We are tired of . writing Dunning Letters, anditurrpoping the PasudlW, to our loot We will take all kinds of Grain at the bighai market price fn payment. ill amounts .a ding over six months an oar tool*, will be left for-leaflet:don, on. law settled by note. . , Gettemberg, Rowell NONTBOI2, April SO, 10.169. Ab:01'; Tarr 0// ICFIB juitietiirfied Pr>inr Raw:Torii; with a large AA, and choice Ttlety,ot 0:0 D , which lie oTeit his cni'ltopiero'iwd die - 1411c, at 14)W price"; for Cash: Ins stock cor s nprises DRUGS, MEDICINES, • • PAINTS, ' OILS, WINDOW GLASS, , DYE STU FF'4 GROCERIES, OLAS WARE, CROCKERY, MIRRORS, CLOCKS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW PAPER, WINDOW OIL SHADES, FANCY GOODS, - MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, JEWELRY, PERFUMERY, - DRY GOODS, WOODEN WARE, - HARD WARE, BROOMS, STONE WARE, BRUSHE S, JAPNED WARE, BIRD CAGES. CANARY SEED. UMBRELLAS, POCKET KNIVES, GUNS, PISTOLS, AMMUNITION, - TURPENTINE, CAMPFIENE, BURNING ALCOHOL, FLUID, LIQUORS, (For Medicinal Purpoees, only.) TRUSSES, • SUPPORTERS, • SHOULDER BRAM, PORT MONIAF.S,- _ SPECTACLES, SILVER Ai PLATED SPOONS, FORKS, Lc., GOLD PENS, STATIONERY, ' VIOLIN STRINGS, BOWS, ka , And all of the moat popular • PATENT MEDICINES. Thankful for the liberal patronage hitherto receiv ed, he hopes to merit a coutiouarice and •largo in crease of the same. ABEL TURRELL. Montrose, Nor. 10, 1858. To' the Public_: • SOME Merchants publish a few low prices, or the prices of a few low piked articles, as an induce ment 'to persona to male their purchases of thcm.un (ler the presumption that: everything is equally low. Without occupying space in -the public' papers to enumerate prices; I wish it distinctly understood, that" will sell GOODS as kw for the quality, ns they can he bought in any other .store in this place or County. Baits - and fools not need. Purclutsers *9 generally find good qualities of articles at TIURRELLIS, and in Drugs, 37id iriues, Paiyis, Oils, and Dye Stuffs, the very beet, and the assortments full. The FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT 1.3 -- nlso extensive. Also, choice Family Groceries, ensekery, ll'all Pager, Inselr . l; Perfumery, de., eke. short„ nearly every thing usually kept in country stor6l. As I deal in many, departments of trade, and have mere articles than I can well enumerate in the limits of a Newspaper, I shall not attempt it ; neith er u ill it be lecessetry. under these circumstances, to fill a column with useless repetitions and - blanks.— The people are invited to calrittot examine for them selves. IBEL TeIIIIELL. Montrose, Nov. 10, 1858. Bugles—Pt Turrell's. QALT' for sale by the barrel, by 1-7 Jan. 5, 1859. ' READ & CO. 3000 ROLLS WALL PAPER 70 DIFFERENT STYLES. Bordering,' Window Paper,: &c. A new supply, just arrived, and for sale cheap, by ABEL TERRELL. 11 Ontroie,. Mouth 9, 1859 • TO the Sneezing Public. ritTIVS.OI.3 cr.itnitATED CATARRH SNUFF, lairarianuc REstrnr, for sale by-D. Thayer, Montrone; S. D. Tompkins. Brooklyn William H. Thayer, Dicooek. Montrose, May 26, 1858. New Goods. New Goods. PO§T BROTHERS ARE now receiving a well selected !topic of Goons, suitable for the season. Among their Mock may be found quite a variety of a Dress Goods, Detainee, Lawns, Silks, CITALLIA, PRISITS,dre. Sheetinge, Bleached 1 4 Unbleached, TICTINO, CHECKS, DEEMS, fit ne Drill, Toweling, Table Linen, VANKEEN, Pants Stuff for Boys* :flees' Wear. Yankee Notion.—Consisting of .Fancy Soaps, Tooth: Hair, Cloth, and Scrub Brushes, Lath er Brushes, Razors, Raior Strops, Combs, Pins, Bon nett pins, and fixings generally. Grocerles.—Such as Telis, Black and Green, Coffee, Roasted Coffee, Raisons, Sugars, Molasltes, Syrups. Soap, Candles, Starch, Zante Currants, .Sala•- mtus, Gelatine Tapioca, Lemon Extracts, Cream Tar tar, Pork, Fish, &c., So. WsiodenwsPails, Tubs, heelers, Mop bandies, Browns, Clothespins. Covered Boxes, Ox. Bows, Ship'lan's itrellandles, fund( ;ram Virg enis Lir!. Oak. . IFlardwure.—Patent Coffee Mills, Nut:Crack ers, BainnierN liste,lietV, Knives and Forks, Butcher- Knives,. Builders' IFunishing Goods, Iron, Sans, and Steel. We tender our ilia nks to all our old friends, and ,assure them that vre now offer a choice stock of goods at fair prices,' and shall be timed topee them Montrose, 3larch 30, 1859. BMM* hem irl toqii.ost. = . _ ... : I BY STEAM! HAWLEY & LATHROP. baring re moved into their new building on Turnpike Street, near L Searle's hotel, are nianufactwing and will beep on baud Carriages,Wagans, Cut. tens, Sleighs, &c. They beet provided theniselres with a Steam Engine and all the necesam7 machinery and Con veniences for doing work with diepatch ; and being both practical meclumicsi of longsexperience And em ploying none but GOOD WORKMEN, they are prepared to do all kin& of work in the Blacksmithing and Cat riage Making Line, in their usual prompt and Workmanlike Manner, Ind by being at all times on band ready and "BEng to answer any orderfor work; and oy uSing • , - Good'Materials, • „ and by MODERATE CHARGES, hope to reeeiverit large 'hereof put& peroe. - • We would tender our t ha to mold oestemers, sad Invite all la ward of workto give tus a and see for themselves. • , • Montrose. August 11, 1858.-1.1 1111111111 MISOPIIITOM at. NALL OF A CT BABE and dealer lo all kinds of /T.l. Furniture, is now prepared to AU all orders or , Bedsteads of all kinds at wholesale or retail, on short notice. Retail prices range front 'spur is, according to style. Hs also keeps on hand Readi-made Collins; and u ho has an elegant Rearm, be is prepared to attend faunas anOort notice. I lc Co. Fo. Milford; Doc.. sfillif#6r,4ll/ STRANGE AND - MYSTERIOUSI THAT every intelligent man in this community J.- -should not know that a new arrangement been made by WILLY= 'e - AnMtTOlti? at th 4 STE A MI .111 ILL, for carrying on the • ing Business. Mese know this to be a filet; but for the benefit Of the.fns..who do not, we'would say that we are pre .pared to do any work in our line which may be en trusted to us, In -the most durable manner, in the most Improved style, and in the shortest possible time. All Work Warranted to give Good Satisfodion. J.turs H. wzAVRE, • - - • JEEkg L. ATIIERTON. Montrose; March 9, 1859.-43 m • s • MEAT MARKET. On Public .Avenu;, near*Searle's Hotel. Tr :ERZ constantly on hand a good supply otMEATS Jl)ks of all kinds. Cash paid for Beef Cat tle. Calves. Slieep, and Lambs. Also for Hides of all klaada. n A. MOON & CO.,"reipectfully inform -1-l• • their fkcmda and the public, that they have completed their large and Superior and commenced the manufacture of all the various kina's of Flour, Meal, and Fe e d, of the purest quality. -To those unacquainted with our tablishraent we. would say : I We 'hare Plow Run of Airellewe Slittei, manufactured by Hart S Yunaon, Utica, N. Y, and sutf4ior Machinery from the Wash ington Iron Works of I. Stanton k Co., of NeWburg, N. Y., with three Bolts of the best Anchor Cloth, and the whole fitted tip with all the Modern Improvements of a First Clam Mill. In consequence of these improvements, the" Screen' in dispensed with and better results obtained. The Flour is better and whiter, and the caving to the cus tomer in grinding small grains will often equal 15 per cent. ' Custom Work executed promptly, and in the hest ncanner: FLOUR, 'MEAL, at.d - FEED kept for sale at the bilfest Cash Prices. Vr Salisfactim. siren-in Every l'artiew tar—Pane Patronage is Respectfully Solicited. Uniondale, Feb. b.:X. 1R59.-] r The Rouse and Furniture ate new, and no expense I has been spared to render it equal, if not superior to any similar establishment in this part of the State. It • is well supplied with• all the recent improvements and 'comforts, and obliging waiters will always be in "at tendance to respond to customers, The Stables connected with' tiiiti" noose arc AND BENSTOCK k HAWLEY. 6. T. lINNISTOCK. -, • - Y. HAWLYT Montrose, Feb. 16, 1859,2-tf: 0 , :f(g) , :1 11 TAA 4zt,lasAi‘i Exact Jat§ttee to ALL Men. FLOURING MILL ! AT lINIONDALF.,, KEYSTONE 'HOTEL. Wm._K. HATCH, Propriotor. nrillS . new and commodious Hotel, situated on Nairi Street, near the Cart House, and nearly in the center of the business, portion •of Sfpntrose, is now hilly completed and furnished, and was opened on the 27th of September; I rZtis, for the accommodation of the public and out-elms. The Proprietor feels cOutident, that he is now prepared to entertain guests irks manner that cannot fail to glee CompletelOatisfaction. New and Convenient The Pmp•ietor respeetfulle solicit. the patronage of his old friends and the public gensrally. Irsr. !MTGS. Montrose, September 22, 1858.—tf RIGHT IN TOWN,: EXTENSION TABLES 12=113 SMITH BROTHCHS, . of all SIZES and PRICES to suit the Tins;or Walnut, Cherry, and Mahogany, and warranted to work right up to the arle. Montrose, Juno 9,41.858. _TO HUNG! "VVERY day in the week, (Sundays excepted,) 11( over 2 0 0 0 'pieces Wall Paper, besides Border and Window Shades, a large variety. The largeat and best assortment of Wall Paper ever hret into this market, which will be !old for each, as low u the same qnality can he had even in Bi'nghennion. For farther particulars call at A. N. Bullard's Book Store, first door north of L:Searle'a hotel, where you will also lindi large and superior assortment. of Books and Stationery, with a few Yankee notions at the lowest cash prices. A. N, BULLARD. Montrose, March 9, 1859. NWICE. nR. E. PATRICK, JR., would like, aft 11 ter a eilencrof nearly ten years, to appeal to the moral sensibilities of a very generous public. who have always - manifested their sense of appreciation of his usefulness by T.:actin , ' his services when needed or thought to be needed, but who have given no other evidence of gratitude or good-will—particularly in ,fhe way of subrearitial aid" as- Kossuth would say =that he now desires lila and entire settlement of all his accounts, also the accounts of the late firm of Patrick & ; - and be wishes further to state that he desires nothing to be - considered wrong, if, :after ifew weeks, the add- accounts, remaining un bettledshould be placed in the hands of a good sharp collector. and made to account to' him something that will buy Oats and Buckirbeat. , Please notice this and take action accordingly.—Yours Truly, • E. PATRICK,JR. Or If attention should not be Paid to this, Jona R Donions may have something to do with it, .; CC:03313 OFFERS to the, public, at prices that mama fail ll to suit, a large and superior assortment of - GROCERIES , At the old and well-known; establishment formerly occupied by 0. M. Crane. SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEE, SPICE; FLOUR, .ad BALA thy the sack or barrel,) FISH, and all articlevumally found in first class Groceries. Flour by the Wholesale and Retail, • As I mean to merit, I hope to receive a liberal share of public patronage. - B. Thel4gliest maxket price paid for Pelts, 'rind iiideticipsi” and Veal akin. - Z COBB. Montrose, March 16, 1889.4 e - HOWE'S PITENT ELLIPTIC':PRING ;MED. Luxury, &Infer!, and Agse Consbinid. TuEsE cEr" 3 }TED W. BEDS FOR Stlt o ß . Y Moutrir:e. March 23, 1803. A CARD. Dlll. 'THAYER of the Bingtonintii Water Cure, will be at dosquehanna e pot, (Nicol's liotela•on the 6th Of catch month, dar ing the Spring and bummer, for Consultation. Inva lids will Inkit to their advantage to give him a eall. Patients received at all times at his •INTABLISH WENT, in BINCIWITON, N. Y. where every com fort and eosteepienee isay be,kow 3 4 for the meat Cul ttentlass4 of livatiadi., Inolbuftegt,L Y.; larch 93, 1869..,4 okyer's ACoolltaidditenneal. ffilfiblol44ff have bffraiiittaisibffiffe the /AL mom effectual alterative that can bet., Uhl ommetiffry ted extna4 of Am flarupuilia, en colubth24 With otbirentertances of still greater altiretire pawl.( le to affsrd an effective antidote for the diseases Seraparilla le repoted %near.. is beletwed that inch a remedy-be wooded by thole who suffer frou Strums complaints. sod that one which will aornmplisis their fare must prove of mang e some. to thm large elms of our Ultirteitfiehrw tlffuess. Low completely this compound will do it bask...porn by experiment on many of tbe worst lows in the followhte cootplatne. Scrofula, and =IS, &optima, and Rn2ptive PlAeltsea, Ulgerg, Tumors, Salt !thew.. Soli Head, Syphilis almiAlfircliorra Mercurial Dienosra. Toys, tieuneghtet Tic tot, Dell! it y. Itlapepsy mid ludlave tine. Kruirels.; Rose t. - Anthony's lire. and Weed the whole clam ofiemplalabt arising from intensity of the blood. - Xbia cotuponod will be - Mond a gent prinooter of health, when ta ken the using, to expel the foul humors which frail ht the blood at that moon of the year. By the timely estorlal t on of them meaty rzti f lg in d=rs.are Owed . - 12 i the bud, be filogi . udes ,:tted Wow= throug;e7hTe l i m tilte irr a e ' lern will he to ,r. ,tWit at corrup ' tiona, if not moisled in do this through the natural ehanitels of the body by en alterative medicine. Cleanse not the 4. listed blood whenever you find ttaimptuitles bursting through the skin In pimple+, crop ion. or sores; cleanse it when you end it is Ob. strocte4 and Aluggt , r, In the veto.; cleaorer It whenever It IA foul and your feelings. will tell you when. Eriql where rut particular dlomler felt, people enjoy betlerlrealth,ml ino/a for dos.. !Tooth.. Waist.' Keep .tbe bk.od , eithry and l a lla toNla Mit with thin pabolum of ilk disordered. th e reon be no Matte z health. Soon. el.oclaier ouruethlof mod go 'MOO& owl the great, machinery of life Ii disordernl or overthrown. Parraparilla law, and dmerres much the ?embalm otaccomplisie Int thew ends. !tut the world has tern eereniatalT &rely./ by preparations of It, tartly because the drag alone has not all the en , tie that L eJalmed far t 4 but more because many preparations, pre tending to be concentrated entracte of It, contain but little of the 'lr. for g.f. Sarsaparilla, or any tided eke. During late years the public bare been misled by lance bottien.Pre• tem:float° glee a quart of Extrod. of Sanraparilla for one drtUar.- - Mod of three bore been fronds upon t:t sick, for they not only con tain littk. If any. Panapsrillo. Tut tett no iventleepmpeqtteelennt - - eve /fence, titter anctpoinful dierkpliointoirnt hex followed tier r. one of the sorb Sus entracte Of nanaparllla .which !Mad the marine% until the pone it Istinetiv despised. end has beentne synonyms wit litutmaitinn and chest, Atilt weitill this compaundfrianaparilla and intend to moldy each a remedy es shall peeper the coped nom the load of *Meetly wh:ch rests upon it. And we think we have ground forbellMnit It hue virtues whichnreirredstable by the anti. 1M) run, of the diseases it to Intended to core: In order to eseurer their emuplria eradication hoes the system. the remedy should bniu dkl.rasly taken according to diredlons on the bottle. • Prepared by 'Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co. LOWELL, MASS.' - • Priee,"l-per Bottle Sic °Wes ler $5. Ayer's Che .Peotoral, hoe wowfor halt ouch a renown for the cure of ie. re variety of Throat rod,tung CompLslot that It I. entirely uuneverrary for nolo recount Cif« evidence of lie virtues. 16 hererer It halt been employed. All it lin. tern In magma not thomehont this sMlott, we need not do none that, assure the people Ito tortllty Is kept up to the lei It ever hoe been end that It may he relied on to do for their relict all It hat ever been found in dn. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, , FOR TILE GUAM OF Costleenese, Jaundice. 'Oripepda: Indigestion •GrehtetY. row Heade:dm, RttetiMatiank„ Eruptions and Skin Warless, ;LA est Compleint.: Drum' letter. mums and halt Rionm, - W omit; Clout.Reuratits, as Pill, uld fur Partly. lug the Blood. Then mot rooted. so that the meet sensitive can take them pies...ldly. mot they are the heat spraienttn the world. for the pr. I.mssa of a fatuity physic. Prier, '25 cents her tor; Fire Bores for $l,OO, Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, Stateemen.and eminent personage, hare lent their names to certify the unparallelled tteeful nes. of the,e remedies, but our space hem will not perm the Inser t:on of them. The t agents below named fumlsh gratis our American Almanac In which they are given; with also full ,i...crittions of the aborecomplainta. and the treagenentthat should he followed fortheir CUM. • not he put nifty unprincipled dealers with other pretarations they make more prat on. Demerol Ayer'e, and take no Others.— Th: del( coot the hest aid there is fur thetMand they should hove It. II our Remedies art for rate he A. TUltltELL..liontnue ; W. R. THAVXR, lihnock/ IRA telisllT. !SWUNG VILLE: R. N. MIERMA.N. Lynn; WALTMAN s 1 SW.lllith.R, Auburn ;*id by ah Um.-gists and thr prim:fp:al Merchants In Smsr.-Co. .11. arch Keep -it before the People TC-Vrthe 1,11.1.1\G used by these lqew York tinker. ..tab. an acid reldch Exrs the leun and volts the:late, Evidence of bleb ran be peen al INS tkodb Fourth,Street, and no Safe c•ta be made under the Champion patent which wind:l.A ten marn before it VIII be owl relv enter. and that the cafe of do.aph, Trie.., Norriatven. that blown iipcn. the ulght of the at of bete. ber.a. alder, and winch la no or said Wad Intended aunply as a neete....f." had on the Wu.. powd, uorl hunlae lock, AXD ancomnothen by l• wet. lienlne.. A Co.. as t e only , proof lock lo roc. FARREL.IIERRING.i CO'S I'ATENT CITA-SIPION SIFES, the only then made in thlahleh hare never been rethbed by , burgiaraor hatt.heir content-a deattoyial by accidental )true—Erma' The Pre& of the alb ult. • i:V•2115.1 . Wanes'. rtILLADZI.PIiTA ANSIIIILI - TO A New tons •Mt.sro—We , the oottosisted. ettlrette of ht. J0...-ph. Mo., do :herehr certify that the rout safe belonging to C. K. -110104 n. made be FarrelA Co., Zi . o. 34 Walnut .1 reer.l%tbdelpitio..whittews. to the tire that occurred 'here; in cot Ore.proof. 'Oa to twee*. "a.. Sm. proof sera: that the books. ‘rs,jewslry. Le. which .were to the nee at. th e time were uretr,• that-the butldhig whith was s ia woo of Fuzz, and only ONE army hhtb, and Mt* a Are oo raiemao settle one which burned over the .ltd sots want doele. lent to hare injured any SAY): purporting to be Four.Piroot. • Signed, W. It. Plows., Orogen ; Joe. W. Tsorrts merchant .A. Itarrta. - bariter Dastr.t..Sarroa A Itulketat.n. forq•LaiAt .T WLti illt KAY. Jars erIDT. 1iALDR112.20.4..1 , 11. EVA & WATSON. •t South FOCIZTiI Street, Philadelphia. lose now net bled the 1117[4 ornotnlvril of SoLtutander Santo the rotted Motet. warranted elm,' to soy otherU. made on reseouZle lent.. !'l woe fit e rata ea:t. DILLLISGS bTßtitat. Montrose, Janna 7 19, 1859.-ly • t • Aozwr. 7HERRTNG'S PATENTfIRE AND BURGLAR-PROOF SAFES iOOOREWARD it.? anrperson iebo shall prove that one or them has ever Wl ed, in au accidental fire, to preserve its eentents. The BEST S ..41fE$ made. 4 . . • • - B. CHANDLER, Agent. itontroat;Nov. 24, an: ' REMOVAL. New Firm. New Store. Public Avenue, lust below ;T. Etheridge's, to the wenid relipeetfitliy.annonnee • to the public that he heal associated himself with WM. L. ALLEN, in the FLOUR, FEED; AND GROCERY BUSINESS. Also, tl.at they have removed Into their newly fitted up building on Public Avenue, just below .1. Ether idge'S Drug Store, where can akways be found the • choicest brands of Family Flour, Meal, Feed, Pork, Hams, _ Fish, Dlppvd Candles, Timothy, Clovei4 Field, Garden Seeds: Also a general aseartmenf of 'Groceries, such as Suiars, Molasses, Syrups, Tea,Voffee, &c. die. Thankful for pest favors, woUlitsolicit a 'continua ance of the came, nyder The new firm, pledging our selves to do the fairihing, hoping' by each bargain to be sure dranother. Being under a different AdMinistration,i it is very desirable to have ill old eccoents settled, and com mence anew, under the Ready Pay System. BALDWIN & ALLEY. W. L. Aunt, and e. BALDWIN, Montrose, Oct. 20, 1858.tc NEW - STOVES. _H lB Ri[Tir just receiving a large o stoc9 t of • NEW STOVES, - including a full assortment ;or EEEVATED OVEN ' LARGE OVE N, r AND FLAT-TOP PREMIUM COOK STOVES, FOR ..WOOD oic!COAL, • • WITH A SUPERIOR VARIETY OF - Parlor, Office, ad Shop Stoves, ,foe , WOOD or COAL: Also Stove Pipe, Zinc, Sheet 'iron : Stoll' Talmo, &c.. • HIS ASSORTMENT will INCLUDE theMOST SELECT and DESIRABLE STOVES In market, and wilthe sold on the Most favorable terms, &c.,. to which- he would Invite tbi par ticular attentloil of. CANII BUYERS. Naw Mttroan, i...orembei . , 3, 1858. , OS TES; KU TES,', HERE. WE , COME. BOYD'& WEBSTIBt riAvniG.pirchaiede S. A. Woodruff his Stock in Trade, .are prepared to accommodate all who will *vomit' with-their commix, at *'lire and-let lire" prices.. . . . STOVE Aflp - PIPE, " TIN, COPPER, • " AND SHEET IR OPP WA: BE ..of every description *zonally found in Off country. . Also, WINDOW SASH, .• PANEL DOORS, WINDOW BLINDS, • --- PINE LUMBER, • and BUILDING MA TPPJALS.gentirully. Designs tor Country buildings, with specifications and estimates of cost, ac,., furnished to such is mkj desire them, at - moderate prices. Ferranti about building in - the Countj will Snit it to their interest to all on us. Come • and see us, we intend ohms to keep the latch-string out. • • . TM shop in their new bonding, corner of Main and Turnpike-streets, a few rods south of Strudel' hotel. Carpenter shop near the Methodist Church: N. B. .111 kinds , of produce taken in exchange for Goods. - t r ig• 8 ° 712 9 • t BOYD • .11. Is. W _Jimmie ! : • NantrOse.VuO 8. 1111.8e4y . _. V . l'i , - . 0! :,THE SHIEST ..' . 1.7, ''..*' 111 It _ . .., 0 ..... L 1.6. I: __ , 14J 0 .- Dimly .... CC° , 6 ; 7,2; OF THE AGE. ...,!. - mßcit',Vigt°: - „litizi..Litter.k.—thi "e 01— • . EVERY KIND OF HUMOR, The wotstSerofula down to a tomitmillinple. He hse tried It Su nrrr eleven hundred' eleeteolnd nn e r failed ex• apt In two two, (I.4lltkundter know.) - Ile Lao now 9t•hte pow,. eletri over nne hundred centllates of Its value. all wtttdn twenty Wien of Boston. • • . Two bottles are srartsoted to eon s nursing sore mouth. One to three bottles rill core tbe worst Mud of Ylloples on the Nee. TTO or flues bottles sill clear the sate. of I.lles. To - 0 bottles are warranted to elm the worst 1:1111 .X er In the mouth Or stOtoich. . - - . Tltteejonirebottlesara warranted to ewe tho worst kind of Ery elpelaa. One to two bottles ins warranted losutr* all humor lethiEres.. Two bottles are Warranted to cure mining of Ilse ennead blotch. ,se among the hair. ° , Fourth air bottles are warranted locum corrupt andrunlngelmar One bgittle will cm-scaly eruption of the this. Tea or three bottles ale warranted Wayne the wont kind of ring worm. Two er thrre bottling:a warranted to cure the mod &spend c cue Of rheumatism. • ° • ' Throe or four bottles - ire warranted to eurelealbitheum. Fire to eight bottles will cure the worst ease of Scrofula. A bearftusloaysexperiensed froth. thalinst Imitle,and a perfect Aellesla wurantedatiwn the /Wee quastlty la taken'. MationTkelspStatl9l' SM , /I' I RO u li R ,, T v is , te m . Ind all kind of humus. Is to welbentabliabed by (hr unanimous sobs of all who have ever wed lt, that I need ried ...irtht.g us the waded, as the mod skilful physicians slid the moot earetul Drug° gists In the country are naulussua In Ito prate. •- In presenting the liedlealPbcoircry to your notice. I doll wie - h full knowledge of Ito motifs poker. to relieving ail. Lad urine mind of lluse diseaseCto wbleh yoU are unfortunately au hails._ That most "unwilling Matsu to ins abetlonatemother, NURSING SORE MOUTH, Is cured a. If by &Miracle •, your ovriterurier 6 restored to It. tau mi ....tor., and your lobe from abort sod fretful haps to mho sod erect slumber., and the Italica Illicovery.beaducti a fouutam of bireslng to your hurt&dd and hoisebold. Lri the more admitted doges of • CANKER It extends tcothe etuntscA, eating D P IA , . which Linathiagbatnaltea an'thelitomath :Wm tathianiestliitionil KIDNEYS, creating a shadily awe feeling, sad an ladidercacairwatothe eana of your Wally. Yolic stomach la BAW -AND -./11PLLVED, and , Your food dbitoraionYon,: you Can 'oily tab bruin kinds, and even of that your system doe* not get half themoourishment it hal • tabs as the aerimonoualtdd of the conker est. It up: then your apuplexlen b.xs KS 1.10012r1164 becontessallon orgrestitott, sod yoot best day lo one. Inc want 'of nourishment your Bittern becomes loose and the /beta of your body, bomb relaxed. Then follow trAnotpellrtrlttl Vasa blyetair!Y.d.l o 4 IS C U'WE;":". • Palpitation of the heart, palittn the side. wesknetoo of the spine .4 small of the hack. pain of the hip joint when you retire,lrresubrity of the howeln, and ass, thatinostsumidaling of discalibi rho . I ' PILES. Flow mane thousinda of poor women are audesing from this ease and phang tobwrable llfe.ledl4lll/ !KU dart uelahbor does not kno thee:mac. I Wish to [totem on yedwzolud thas au.vl old proverb, VI; of preveldlentsbetter thee apour.d of cure." In the s ICAL :DISCOVERY you ha...odb the preventive and the cure. with' this mat and rood quality. that lewll I never under any elrennuttancendo you.). Injure No chino okr diet everneerawarf--leat the best you eau art and enoviel it: . - DIANCTIoNS FOR USE.--Adolts. °Getable apoonful per day— ChllAren over ten year., dessert rpoouful-I. 4 hlldren from Ore to elght year& tea spoonful. uo dlreetlona ran be applleableA al o eonstltullone, take'sutheleet . to operate oh the bowel. t wire a day. Yount truly , - 'DONALD KI.IC.NEDY. Pelee Shoo pvehottle. For aaleby ABELTUURELL. Montrose. CARLI.IL,E. &CO. Great Read, and h. R. V;XekT, busque. henna. Depot, . (July 11.1trd.-13". Think,. - Examine, Inquire! DR; -IWAYNE'S' COMPOUNt) SYRUP or \ WILD CHERRY: A . itE yon trembled With a cough ? Have lop pgibt in the so, and hreaq Have rid a tickling eee ride:lglu the threat ir • co the Liver ronsiolatot Have youthilronehitis?..liierrous - De. (. If4,t 41` , 2:,'"i'l eunpt,uNDtrouh'ed with sva r urnv of effect :asps , df and permanent cum as the evidence of thousands who bare been cured by It will writy: Another Remarkable care! . . or Rouge, Trederiek County, Md. Dr. sNrATl'it ...—PearSlr—Relleving It a duty I owe to the publid add idatkve to von. 1 Imo ettlamgilt proper to make known tog of the most entraonlftatry cured; 22 - 21 own owe, that has 01, truly reconied. In the month of Wear? last, I was afflicted with I severe ,tetthering In my breast, which formed a bode thscese. 2,4 12/2n r•mummlekte.i en 19F Lungs alarvery notch atitlered them, ate, discharged huge 46'101de. of corruption, external and Internal. II y breath could pass through my Lo'ngs and out through thresvity of my trteast with !apparent moe, attended with 2 violent goneh.ase and, mat. km otappellte„ and extreme deldEty, aO dot my pluct lan thought my woe hopeless and !growl the power of !nacho.. I remind In this wretched awatition fora lour, time, until wastedifee more 'skeleton: and there smuttily be no hope for me but hating read In the public papers of the many wonderfql taro eerfornied be roue I %arouse Sever or WtinCnsay, 'loaned:at, y sent to liidilmare for Ova Nati** and rforaneticed Its use, and to any great eat Isfaction and mytnnsions fasully; the stoats or opcning in my lungs began to bell, and the cough !subsided, and on whir ten bottles I was restored tosfe , ct halth. Over lee years have e and I still renchn a perfectly hearty nasts to this day, Join. 2, 1 ' Huse not bad a day'a sisky!to fee eighteen mooths. •* Please accept asigrateful aek:" U.k./k 4 2 .2 . 2,2 . 12n.. very respeitfolly, T Hull A F , Date,: The sulaselber ha well acquainted with' Thotuatr Mum« =ld ras testify that be has been strOkled unlade repreeetted, regard his 'recovery . as almost nadricle.--Ue worthy Member or todety . ! !JAMES R:DIlltlIOROW, • l'adoi• of Berlin Clreit. P.ltizorg Conference: • • rztacias,rasnomueLy tor. • sayue's • Comilotuld, 4114 of Wild Cherry, The miens) and only seuillne" Cherry preparative. Sur ktde 17 mind.. It tolu composed oolTof eget-able ingndlento, it= be used with perfect safety. . - Swayne's Sarsaparilla and Tar Pills, A irentle Tftatlve arvic ideasUre sr;e'eLithar, far supertor'ir Fin* In genrrM we. Swayste's Ceiebetiled VermitugO, Dr. Swarm's Pause, torpurifying the Blood. Dr. Swaypes Bowel Cordial, ..it , -s temlnablii remedy far Madam Dysetateryi - littolics ,cholers and all Board eamplairds. - t • Ilrersrstallacararara :—.Dr. Swayze. liattir Catholleen 5 the great and. nnequalicd renaCily. ' Price el Il 80 cents. Sold by _AI,IEI. TU RRET...I, J. YTIIT,RII)43 earase, and by !keels ecerrahere thronghout the Connteand'.. tate. • Prepared all nt Dr.,H, SWAYJIE dr NOS, lie. I. forth. nth Streelltidadelphla. - aug.4,18534y II PATENT MEDICINES. . - '4 EEO:Male great variety of Id eilklnes at Turrell's Staregnay De found all or Dr. Jayne'. justly celebrated Family medicine:: Ayes , . Cherry Pectoral and Cathartic Pula; Halsey'a Forret Wine and Forest Pills; Holland celebrated German bittern Louden*. sr ors of Fpzully.rnetgelnee.,• Merchant's Gargling 011.thr Mate! t rem 'dr for sprains le man or, beast evert pawn.; Slatbertenia Remedv, and Horse Remedy T•litreek's Vel•anlfietc. and a variety of other kinds; TrasEs Magnetld Olutnivetthe great remedy for burn., Themes:lm. and• allintimmatory einuleetints; Pond's Extrui.n first Tate thlrit foe Andlar puniow,xas the W above Ointment; Andrew's -Palo Destro ig ageoti,a good ankle ; oodeock*.lialsam .4 Rote I.trdnuut ; tworara Tanndice letters, Canker. 1nc1.., Lleitneht.iird Dysentery Drops; Baker*. Compound for Dyeentery ; Houghton. Pepsin, for 1131Liailla; Hebubold $ Extract of Ruche and EXtraci of s .areePalina ; a variety of Salem the lestto !Omelet, 1111...0., and an almost - iodine variety of Patent 3tedicleenaltoirether too mune, ous to. enumerate — but cake It to say that the publie grad near ly erery thing in this Hoe. at the Hsu and Paul hitore of . Montage July, ldt7. • ADT.L TERRELL. THE QUAKER CITY _ • Insurance _Comp. of Phil. 'Capital arid .Surpins, s*lo,ooo. 'Chartered .Capital, 11500,000.. Olcee, Franklin Buildingh . ,Aro. 408 Walnut St. FIRE INSURANCE on Stoma, Ehreillapjoblic Building" md MerchoniSve annemll7.. MARINE INSURANCE on V Coign and Freight to sod from oil parts of the World. Alto hdard Insurance. on Goods to and from alrionta of the Union. l • Statement of the Business and Condition of the Qua. ket , City insurance Comp - aux-of Philadelphia, for Six Months; entl;ng JuniBols, 1858. 'Rapala and nal l ais. January lat. lAke Interrat received and seemed from Jon. lot to July 14,.. 6,811 sd Prvutlums received.. • 11U.74 Stlysae sualiauraage 1.5:: 71 LOSSES, EXPENSES, de. • To LOW, TIM, $64331 64 Div., Ito-to, net. Yrezoluxos, asaispeoloo... 3. I 4 64-49F.246 14 Balance remaining eritlai Company, July Is!, *AgSETS. g o ods. Bosirsius, Storks. Coupon Bondi, Loam on Col• losers! nod Call Li...3r $113,7..1 BIM Refelratatl. 110,611 3 Cash oo *id and Id Bank, and doe Bonk 14 EEM I=2 Of(IWO*. GEOTIOT. tt. )(ART. PresiderA,l S. I'. ROSS. Vice Pr. 4.!... ILILAVUUSWILI.I, Be r.. &Vas. IS. lI.III.7TLER. Amdst. Directors: Otero 11. Haft, S. P. Rms. A. C. ChM!. Ito. R. M. Fulw, .1. Dale, E. IV: Witty; F tt. Fertlns, C. O. In IN , . A • Clausilnas.7. L. rotpeny. IL R. ( ~ 1•swell 23..1 31. 31'. D. WM. D.'l;bBi. AgeniN 110ATRCISE. SePtember 15. 3 1 1 11 4- 1 v ' ' _ :.f.AN..II.OROST'/C. COME sic me, OFFICE Is grand snl ELTERB, HEADSTRONG RO l z l .o l /• OEIO, and see me, caste b. H A . Av 61.31.41, R E Ie my Roctxx.where pan wilieor liprrrsß , lite4TI01(" - IMPLEASILEE•mid low laths TA RE , TUVE:O MIELIS. :•, rpm . , Xonli j Dress!rStlluß ti tioileo:i;Dsis ; tie& of Sc Mgiitl:oi Turepike Mme 31„Garsossolpitu411, 047.4.0 • sTovElq, sTovics, . riUltstovso have been so tborouibly tried, to the NJ entire satisfaction of all, that they need no rec• ommen.al from u. &g. SAYRE k BROTfIEIS. /M4 0 ' 81 4.1 111 7 - Vd e6T. . 'NOTICE. PERSONS desirous of paying me inoney,on de b!I of any description, _can do so by leaing thar payments with Post, Cooper sk: Co., Bankers,Mot* • role, to my. credit, whose receipts will be allowed from their date. C. L. t'Alip• April 8, 1858 • • stEmor AND SAW INILL. 1100 ST BROTHERS having' Purchasedltbe above estiblishment,w)ll keep constantly on hand Su perfine aid.biu Moir, Cora Meal of-superior qual ity, _aturel.top and Ztratit at the lowest Celli prices. Pullfmil! work be done with despittckl and in. all 11 01 410,0 . JulLlB6B.—tl tir. tawley it I,4throper building; up 'am - W.1::3, =9E 4301 . !.1 . ;; CDC= g