:-.411.011011.4k .11111DT" wpm 'comPAirir, l L NO. 1., • Arc hereby notified to meet at their Engine Douse, on 'Saturday, Jane 18th, at SI O'clock, p. m. E. C. FORMAN, Ham Foss, &cedars. El liastllete.=ll is expected that all places of buli mia imltentrote. um be closed' on the 4th. E. C. FORDIiWq, Ml= jjoilipir,s seiDii)9 iffgeitiqes 1111th IS Wegi.ine Llm4 wird erect y family manta. Name' 0..041 thlwk keewttg Imitate witiwatt rale 11.% fa 111 ILE'S 'SIM P:EWINt. AcIIINr.4.. It it•ak , wllw tork .tileh, Inr .wmtn.g the mew. irtoVll amraraure b.,th Damn( the material e• Art .!. Atte ossmor tar. It is one Ow brat machtbog h.ror ma, tvltahle amain... err mtm .t.'4 to t - mil At FAltttlt ktin, Fureatete Slow. Wale eerert, A du.* letgrm 11 , r4 h Welkee: comer, before jentimeitig el. wbete. rzie,le t ere HU. theetehe et , vex rateaw--for ov:red tug te , streme Area, see In Mel fie oferte .Getable qeallty. they A:eget. it even...l.—A.lll.a an. 31 mewl att. It I. waiweellawal.te oar t.l' the 1ve1.,-St OPAL Corm se. t ..f the ne. nfieful atet etttattre mead:lA*4n the market-- N. V. limas' Nees. Tt , er cumatutta make errellewt .ark.-3. T. Sri. • Mead-roar. Aprlll.ll.h. Ita.r.tt J. P. W. RILIY MIRNT FOX Wheeler& Wilson's Sewing Machines THE BEST IN USE. iwfAKIO; ifitch the unit m both aides and that which eanunt el f . It work+ roan, veldt gam Wuoinn. nod Vat amming fanning quitting., beninalig, Jte,orlLLsirx neth and Manly "Pipeline to st.y 410:4111,1, • We prefer WEIRLItit & Witsoes Seethe, Machines for /Inoue . ire eiotol . ispiegioe any- thing more perject.—• TOIK. EVANORIRT. p- Il sorpessee sit ofAers.- 2 1aniie RCPOnITORT. .77.er, is M 4 mi. &iris, Machine aped that is tCIIE it k WILSON'S—JowI Yams u the American inept' It bas en rirot —SiIIOIIITIC AIIIRICAN. - It is emivently suporior.-Dtcrtonum or Meromorr The most aUtefictory have reference given u to their nirrriorits and (weaklier.- Montrose, Dee. 49, 1858.-tf. GROTrita & BAKERS CXLXBRATID, FAMILY SEWING MACHINES 493 Broadway, flew York. 18 . SUMMER STREET, ROSTON. 730 Chestnut Street, Phil. - 137 BALTIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE. West 4th St.. Cincinnati. A New Style.—Price sza TIMM maeldne sores teen trio span/knit larchaoid front the gam rev' s /ring no reminding nf tlanadi It Iletne, Fella; lWhets. and ikhi. in a .peon atti.lniabUyt nark man by Ha ewe operation, virltknut revarne In the ban,14,,,di.., <1411411. It .:11 and CIAP.I.O Daring WA a anagaittro. Eon If Obe 'Kaki foe me end au LOUT. Slav Tot • eI.CLA IL Thin michine finiithesitA work.—Nort.tamptyst The best patent nor in uxe.—Paxton Wld 7. To ill of which the rribtaae says amen.— .V. F. R. CHANDLER, .Asrott. XQNTI:OSE. raterater S. MS. NIONTROSE. PRICES CURRENT 001111V13131 RIMY MI SIX aiiraucAst Wheat VI bushel, ...... Rye ? bushel, COrn, bushel, liockwhest; I# bushel, Oats, Id bushel, . Beans, wbjte, bushel, Potatoes, 31 bushel,. Wheat. Sour, "i! bbl 2%. Rye Ilenw, Id hundred, Corn Year, 7 r i Pork, "f lb • Butter, Sfr 4gb if doz. The Oxygen:sited Bitters. for the cure of Dy.q...pda a lisiteentbm. User rocutdaint. Asthma, Oesevertna, Lim• of •ppettte, Fero and Ave, lloart Bony Water Bomb. Arid ity; S , a Seines.. Scores, Narrows, Headset... e.nni, 1.1 Owners] Liel•lllty ass dlamee baying ha ortain t,, Imis . rfer• abostion- Ttose RITVER.S, Ite all ebtines of one fellow•calrens• Inetuddai Ifenthen of emacres( Lawyers. Physicians. Cle.Tymen, Ftsskra, Fartmem mot othen end V 77, arc the on? Walk fILL-Tant, and ernes. pow SPECIFIC Ow the Immodlate retiefasd armament can of the wary cruel combialsd. which to 5.1.• I.ltamo or caber. of leporepla Oriel sax me e.• The. BITTERS ware dimoowered by Dr. ~.er=e.. D. Gre,..mt In their forrinl• d'fter entirely firm that of saw other reepar•ll.... of mndientb. Costa:slew no alrboni--arnninerst—or. notions wirttoh•A rse-y- AOlktbe: lr nn,at met - o r•d e e n s to o b t i a tu l d n isona atttra 1 , .- . fo . rrtaai tsdnalleotr k.~s.ere .anotatingMnne rad la r u f toe the erraela to s. 101010. sirs and bean) . No matter yr tY. , moo ind , wdo, elinale iu lu,tho asdert, dia • na, Mat ho,_lDo Matt, that it hos battled the AM of ttrebbyskian. sod nd4nl the effort.. of Medicine. • miser 461..4 .boys 13Itreersill sold.- the Nana, that Ma dlomw la alornable lathe imperrilmAy. 10 teltlM•my of the Man, ror, effert...l by this lierionly. reference f. had totnerrOttenceitilleatesfmm dliengulatied Jodi rld . roJaknown all seer the fwd., • yspepsia Cured. The cost somber or curry ereeled ter that .ri.ntllle emor. - .lnd, the re famed oXTOICNA TED ha, ertst.ll.l. , d It In the e..mmn;tr as the rellable medicine for the speedy ems ails.' l alder .T.l4lgrogleat.. init... Leer illiouptali t t. F.nr and A Trs, Water Praia, Aeldnye.ifeart Burn, floglresesa. Piles. Hemel ricbe, Nereortcmr• Debility. and so disorters of the Moria-h mot 1.10.1- lectrr.m... A wade Uhl will satisfy the Titterer if la wonderful punts and !MTH W. FOWLIIC & FrOrricine., FILL TORRELL. Yastrow, P. WA RI., New Mllloot. J. 7'. CA RLISI.E.Gewst bend.). W. WtoiI.RFFF. - ma. DR. J. C. OLMSTEAD, 1.....1•11; RATON & LTl,llar. fond. • Sideleta4rib-1.46.-skiir • VIAIIIIIED. _ . la Liberty; on the 13th mat, by Bela Jones, &q., . Mr. Jscac.DinacaL, and Mum JANK A. Lncx, both of Bridgewater. .. (bribe 12th inst.;by Rev. J. B. McCreary, Mr. FlegTVI H. trAu., Ina AWE SULAM BAIDOCA, both of Great. - Bend, Pa. - In Philadelphia, Jene let, by Rev. Lome Gray, 0. F. Biru.aan, Esq., of Media, Del. Co., Pa., formerly of Smug. Co., and ]liar R. Alone Hrwros, of Rad Li on hundred, formerly of Chester, Del. Co., Pa. A Song. • sisrmitu.7 caeCßter, vo tr. v. a., lIIq. , LID LADY. • (An, "Litoria.") A lawyer down in Media town, Sweet re no wit tuna bum; hue made himself of great renown, Save we 100 wit tann,bum; For justly &ea he gain repate— Bwee Ira km wit u hi ra saw— 'Who in Lore's Come can - win kis snit— Swee Ta 100 wit tum bum. Cuorms.—Harry burrs,. for tarn andla r, _ Sues Tx 100 wit nhi ra saw, Hurts, hurts for /ow and lay, Sire's vs 100 wit turn burm Iliumif was " plaintiff 'Lis averred,- - And plainly was his plaint'preferred; - _ He "argued" with uncommon ease— • or his "pleadings" were no '!'‘ common plies." ." Defendant" was a lady fair—. _ Bet, - Va a thing in law, quite rare Against the "claim" which he had laid Nos-aheseing of "defence" she made. • She had invaded his " tkquahi"•-•'-'• A " trespass on the cue" quite plain— _ And, to repair the damaged part, _ . lib asked the payment" of her heart. . But, the "hearing" being a private one— , And we not there to me the few— Of course we cannot tell jou all Which to the "'artier" did befal. / EulheiMA, if this " fact" w e Witch, - That rhea he made his " maiden speech," - The maiden "witiefi . ed the claim" . By yielding both her heart and wawa -, Long hie thelawyer and his bride, In all their " courts" may peace preside; Their " pains and penalties" he " brief," And the law of love be theirs "in chieL" Kar t al you chops who sink are! C o practice at the Media tar; ,Get a profusion and ajeffir-- • , A pertneralipio bat for life. Burr', hum, for lore and her, fee. ' - 22. 2. 4. Lost or Stolen, PROY the subscriber, on Friday, Nay 27, one red roan coir, - eight years oid. Whoever returns slid cow sbail benwd. tly rewarded. F. 0, lootrove, June 15,1252.-If - _ INTCi9L7.IEGM • IS EREBY GI YEN, TO ALL PERSONS, that all . narthex depottatiOm epee the p . uhlic growls us and about the. STONE Q UARRY , arturrted Near the county txuldings in th e borough of Montrcee, by the moors] of skate, gravel, or dirt, moat be tied, at as the Couuty Commissioners are desirous of nut only. rescuing that, but alto saving the bah nee or re.ddue of Haiti public grounds from bet:outing a nuir, nue,cl By nrder of the Cougnissiounrs. - CROSSRON; Clerk. • Caumissioners (Mee, June 5, 1559.-tf Cash Paid for Wool. a III(1 ELLST. PRICE - is for Wool, T at the atote of J wicaun- New Efcid, June f, 1851% More - New Goods.-- nIICE ROHE 4 gairml witottneht or Melt 'kJ Susimer Good% h arriving *1 bur &ore; among which may be kmod a very Itiodamite lot of CHALLIS, • LAWNS,: • - . *DeLAINES, - _ ' • CALLICOES,_- GINGHAM'S, &c., which am offered very low for:READY PAY. June is. .1. LYONS & SON: WINDOW AND WALL PAPER. Afine lot of new style!' piper window curtains, end wall paper; some very neat papery ' at only &all a roll, al the a tom of J. LYONS kSON. MATS, RUGS, CARPETS, &c. ARRIAGE MATS, Door MaA , Rug.% carpe ts, CAnil Oil Cloth, going cheap. I.TONS -. li SON. Rill the Rata, Mice, Corns, and Piles. Acheap anq PaSy remedy fur filmie trouble,' can br . found by calling on .1. LTONS,k SOS. Montmwe..lune 1869. First Battle!. Austrians Whipped ! ! B UT that don't interfere with the Fad, that mare GOODS • can lie bought for L ENS MONEY at the in Sealant-tux, than at any TWO HORSE STORE in the country. For instance, • • • ONE DOLLAR, (a cash dislhar,) WILL BCT 10 !anis Good Print!, - WILL BCT 9 0 "'" LIMN WILL Rer 10 " Beat Heavy Sheeting. WILL Dry 11 pounde Good Brown Sugar. Wm. Bur 16 " Saberatda. - Witt BrT 1R " Rice or 2 lbs. Tea Witt. Brr 7 " ICofree or its value in gnything at the same rate. We hare • good ageortnibut•of Dr* Goods, • Groceries, Croehery, Ilartheart, .flye Stag" Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Heat and Caps, Paints aiid - Oils, Nails by the keg, in Ike; anything uFally kept in " all On. )lors. Stores." Givs Ut • C.t . t.t. J. SMITH, Jr-, .4 SON. Springrillei June 15, ISSB. Casli Paid for Wool AT Springsilki„Jume 1 .1 5 . .8 1 1: 5 1111, Jr., k SON'4I ATWATER'S • First Premium, Firm & Elastic Stich $3.5 and $25 . Family SewinglVlach'ns. IT is acknowledged to be= the ...nett Machine for Family Use." It runs without noise. Is not li able to get out of order, and " any person with ordi• stary intelligence can use it. The examiner at the P. S. Patent Office, remarked, " that it 'swathe moat marked improvement in Scriwg Jfarhiwa' he had peen from the beginning." A. 11, SMITH, Agent. Springville; Pa., June 15, 1559:—tr ..$1,25 @-$l,ll 75 et 75 cut. 50 eta. .. 42 @ 46 eta. •1,00 WE we now receiving a second supply of cheap iand Mummer Goods , to which we Invite the attention of the public. READ & CO, 573 eta. .48,00 2,50 Q 3,ein . 1,75 @I 2,(X) 10 i . 121ets. ..... 12} 15 cto. @ 18 ctP. 10 cis. Moiztnoe, June 8, 18.59 French Micah, - 011 A LLETS, Maims, Lawns, and other DRESS V GOODS. READ & CO. Montrose, June 8, ISB9. THE CaI..p.aPEST and Best Stock of Goods IN NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA, Just Anived at the Original One Price & Ready Pay Store HAYDEN BROTHERS, Are on hand with a Large Stock of SPRING and SLIMM E R GOODS, that are adapted to the want of the People. DRY GOODS, 1147'5, CA rS, GLASS ; WOODEN and - - STONE WARE, TINGIIA TOOLS , OI.-c., tte. W A TCHES, JEW E'LE Y, YANK EE NOTIONS; at .Wholesale -and Beta(. The variety of our stork is such, that any one can see, with a moments thought, that we areirnabled to sell goods 25 per.cent cheupeg than can be bought of - any of the fogya in the State eLtim ing to selgoods for " Rendy pay and small profits" likOr 15 per cent below regnlar pricey. Our stock was purehatord for CASH, and a ill be sold Cheap, Cheaper dan Ike (lieepest. HAYDEN BUOTIIERS. New llilfoid. Pa., June 8, 1859.—bty WET - GOODS• - Trealeadoas'llash at the " Beehive :" A LL Wool Banes, yardhride, slightly damaged, -CAL at - - 10 cts per yard. Beautiful Ifarseilleg,worth T.O cta., s at 20 " " - Fine French Lawtu , " 12} ' at Of " " GoUd-Silk Mitts,nice Embroidered,at 0} " " 6040 Straw Bonnets, roma am low as 25 4 Rich Mantillas, . - - • Ladies caosalting taste and price, should examine our amioripient before purchasing elsewhere. HIRSCHMAN IMO'S & CO - No 20 court et., sign of the "Beehive." Dingiuunto June S, 1852. Hoar Tel Hear Ye! • ALL PERSONS Sr. 18.. s DLACK and COLORED SILKS, Collars and Ihr• II &Metres, Lace Veils, Brown Tissue for Esmeralda", Cotton Yarn, Carpet Warp, Band flos, -Paste Boards, a new Bondi of Gaiters, Corn Starch, and Tapicica for Puddings, Bogie, 124 ftoo- for $1,0; ai . - IL C. TYLER'S. Nonteetse, June 8,1859. . V • ert inidernigned will Pay , CASH for 50,000 'PAR E II4I of wool. READ & CO.' Montrose, June 1 , 3819. :WOOL !"WOOL HITUST . Cash - prhie m plid ir for WOOL * by Neff llSkird, inns 1, Ins. A fee of those Keystone and Jefferson .2 - 1. Cooking Stoves left, vbieb will be sold very low for the reedy. - Also a kir skies of MU SOLE LUTHER. • - - IIeJEDI'ZJE & NICHOLS. Brooklpy - June 1, 1859. Notice in Ejectment. agnspreltattna Coup sr. , 1 .4 XT1 WESTFALL, ty, In Common hew- No. is 321. April Term, 1869. • Wu, H. Patin find IL Summons in Ejectment for C. Gontrilf. ' one hundred and four acres and thirty rods of land, or thereabouts, situate in the township of Oakland, ia said County, bounded as Ml knee; to wit: . beginning at the northmsat Wile, of lands of Thomas Jacksott & said 11. C. Godwin, theme running north one degree , 137 3.6 th rods to a cower, theurm south .391° cast 111 i rods, to a stake and stones in the north line of labia of Jackson and Godwin, thence along said Jackson 'and Godwin's north line 111 i rods to the place of beginning. And now to wit, April 12th, 1839,.0n motion of R, R. Little, Plaintiffs Attorney, Court grant a rnle on. Defendants, to appear and plead, in this action, ft:turnable to first day of August Term next, and di rect-its ipubliultiou according to law. Certified from the Iffxmait. 3fay 30, 1659.: -„ , • - G. D. WADE, Prothostotal, Montrose, dm1,1859.4w - . ' ONE HORSE STORE E..tw MO 1 GROCERIES, ROOTS, SHOES, FLOUR, SALT, P..4.12M, OILS, STOVES I, 10. , . W STRANGE IT IS, THAT the people are all too much in &anent HON": IC-P—.lte• - =--ztm the mamma and beautiful atsles of " • - WALL PAPER AND iitadtk, to be bad at BILLIIIOII -BOOK 87001, WFST SIDPUBLIC AVSNITE, at prime efolcrw ai to surp ec ry body. A new supply of splendid styles of Paper and Border just received., and also Arkher's l'etteta Mu&lsm Curtain Fixture'. the best and simplest ever bro't to this market. Call and see them work (almost alone.) , Window Shades Cord and Zweig, rants and nrilithel% Mini] Paintings, Beautiful Lithographs. A new lot of Marriage Certilleste _Blanks, Blank Notes, Blank Books, /cc.. Ac. Cards.—Printers; Conyeryation, rxehange,Bun day School, Teachers, Normal and Incentive Cards: Newspapers and Ilagazines.—All the Magazines and funny lll'd Weekly or . Monthly nadi r:diens ran he had scion as issued. The trial of the licm. D. F... Sickles, in book them, also Dickens's new work, "All The Itca - r Round," in monthly parts. Miscellaneous and School Books. A well iwlecled stock of Miscellaneous &kilts:— School Books, of all kinds, (or kinds enough in all conscience.) Barrett's 3iew Inductive Grammar, by tho - doz. or single. Also a first rate stock of Stationery, Yankee Notion'', &c. have not time and thTublieber has not room in his paper to enumerate all the articles that Xl,Ol wouhrbuy, but would just say, that you can boy 14 mlls of wall paper fur $l,OO, or you can pay lit,tar for rolls, or you can have 101 yards border for $1,.. or you ran pity $4,00 for 1(1? . 0 yards. You can have from 15 to 75 Hoblo for $l,OO, or you may pay $6,00 for one,and every thing else at the same rateiaccord ing to style and quality. " A penny saved is tiro pence earned." BULLARD, Montrose, Juno 8, 1839. OUR NEW GOODS A RE now on hand And ready for lospeftion._ We 11.. have a full and well selected sleek of Spring and Summer Goods, including a variety of Rich Prints, in IV'sw Styles, Ginghams, Brilliant% Liwns• Challics, Black Ac.A handsome lot of Casmere and'Stella Shawls, at low prices, Mantillas,,Silli Mitts, Bonnet Ribbons, Ruehc's, ka, 250 bunches French Batting. Our usual stock of Groceries, Crockery, iianlware, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, itc. An examination of Goods and prices respectfully solicited. McKENZLE k NICHOLS. • Brooklyn, June 1, 1859. IT IS A FACT, T HAT AMBROTITES can be taken at DEANS' SKY PARLOR, just as cheap, and just as " bruntifur AS at the "Cat on the Breen." Call and get an "impression" and you will be imprused with the truth °tiny statement. W. B. DEANS ,Resident Artist. Phenix Block, Third Floor, Montrose. Sunday School Books. LIBRARIES, &e., furnished to order;on short no lice, by J. LYOSSA SOS. Montrose, Juno 1, 1559. Wool. Wool. Wool. 50 000- twWill pa L y W t t e N7 ,i l; eB f t or wh r i' k e e h t . 1. price- in CASH, &Everett Is our store. TOPNG & SMITH. Summersrille, Ps., June 1,1859.-6 w New Spring and Summer Goods ! rpm: Subscriber has just receiied from New York 1 a tie w and , reneral stock of Seasonable goods,. in all varieties, which .are offered for READY PAY, as low as they, can be bought in the County. Yost kinds of produce taken in _exchange at their highest market value, not excepting good wool socks, when accompanied by a Cllr proportion of other and better pay. & & MALL& Gibson, Nay 25, 1859.-6 w • Cash Paid fir Wool ! frliChigheet. market price in CASH will be paid for'woal, by the sulwertintr, at his store. Ma; B.i, 1859.-6 w LADIES• GAITERS A T KEELER k STODDARD'S for An rents per .LX. pair. Also x large stock of Booilli mud Shots just arrived. Going Cheap. Noiltrove,May '45, 1852. F - 77arn - r - -11, AT TILE STORE OF ABEL .TURIRELL, 1)!LASTI1 GTOWDER, Safety Page, Gun Powder, _1 Shot, Gun 'Caps, Crockery, Groceries, Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stnfts, Liquors for Me dicinal Purposes, White Fish, Wooden Pads, Cam phene, Burning Fluid, Fancy Goods, Jewelry. Per fumery, Porcelain Teeth, Lithographs, Tube Paints, Brushes, Summer flats, Also on hand a first rate•asnrtment of Wall Paper, Bordering, Window Paper, Whips, Violins, Strings, Accordeons, 'Flutes, Fife's Poeket Knives, Spectacles, AC., New supplies of Goods arriving every week : Cheap for Cash. Montrose, May 2.c, 1859. WOOL CARDING! 'TIDE subscriber continues the above businos usual, at his old stand, in Brooklyn. Thankful for past favors he would Wide a share of the public Patronage- • A. G. REYNOLDS. Brooklyn, May 23,1859.-tf Baldwin & Allen HEVE nowfor, sale, the HUNGARIAN GRASS SEED. Alan P,RINCE ALBERT and PEACH. SLOW SEED POTATOES. Montrose, May 12, I AIM Look Here Farmers: r. V. Wig & 11111PEB B 'WITH WOOO'S IMPROVEMENT. rrqDS celebrated Machine hni taken the FIRST I PREMIUM et various public Wahl and ;Lunen. celled by soy other Machine in the country. All who use it, pronounce it "A Profitable and Labor-Saving Aulsine." Those not acquainted with ire value are referred to LainAo GARDICICS, 1011 X ILISISpTON, F. M. Wm tuna, Bridgewater ; fiffAXLiY Tv inn!, Foreatlake • ' Z.ll. %%mut; Dimwit ; T. P., Pitman; Dander ; I 8. D. Tolman), Brooklyn; and others who have used than, - For Machina., or particulars, apply to I O. D. UTHROP, Agent. Montrose, May 5, 185x.-tf Trig:rub Look, to. Your Interest! 3ELeta-cl. Th:lass H'[~Ll SHERMAN takas this method of e informing his friends, and the community as large, teat he has just received a desirab le , - STOCK OF GO ODS , including every thing wanted in a (aiming communi ty, which be will sell on as reasonable terms as can be purchased anywhere. Ido nothold to - making a great blow PY putting out flaming.handbitho, Ac., but invite the people to trill and , o*Mine for themselves. All kinds of Produce, Butter, itga,he.', (for which I will pay the highest price,) taken in exchange ; al so, a portion paid in_Cash, if requested. . Lynn, May 18, 16.t1.-;lni_ PARASOLS. . A new Pit of tine v!rf. , leige Parasols, ust re 411. - • RIO j CO. NEW GOODS! Cala Eiteuad. litgraltAkont New York, Philadelphia, Bost onoin end IA be sold ht - Great Bargtlith an extensive aitiortment of Goods of every &script ion that may be called for, such as DRY GOODS and GROCERIES, 0-P TEE a general mortment; Ladies' and finis' hits and . Shoes, Wat,ches, Spectacles, Yankee itor tions, &c., &c. • N. P. many of the goods above mcntk n icd, took the premium at the WORLD'S FAIR, in Loudon.— Coll ehti see them for .tourselves. Great. Bend, June 1, 1859.-74 To 11.€33:3.t. THE"PAYTON D OUSE" HOTEL, at Gt. Bend, near the Depot, at the. intersection of the New York and Erie Rallmml, and the Delaware, Lacka wanna, and Western Railroad. Thishotelis located In a beautiful and healthy region ; the huffing is large and commodious, with all the conreniences file a FIRST.CLASS 110111:16. There is an a bundance of excellent pare Rider, on the.premisen, rendering it suitable for either a hotel or a WATER CURE. The abore premises will be rented,sat a reasona ble price, for a year or a term of years. For further particulars apply to the subscriber at Great Bend, Susquchanna Co., ra. S. B.'DAYTON. Gnat Bend, June 1, 1859.-11rn MOWING MACHINE For 'Every Farmer : • Ware now manufacturing the beat and cheap e.st MOWER and - REAPER erer before offer ed to the farmers of Susquehanna County. • Its Simplicity and Cheapness make it THE MACHINE for all. Pr ease call and es amine for youtletres. S. H. SAYRE & BROS. Montrose; May 18, 1850. Good's Falling. LADIES WHITE HOSE, 10 cents; do. GIOTC9, ; do. Linen Handk'fa, 6 cta; Gents Cravats, 6 eta ; do. How, 10 eta ; Cap raper, 12 eta; Sale ratus, 6 (As raTa,solg, 26 cta,kc. &c. Call quick. May lk 1659. J. LYONS & SON. CODFISH, SUPERIOR M . Just ed. o- J. LYONS & SON. May 18. 1859 WOOL OIMING. THE undersigned would sly to the eitizena of SUS quehanna and Wyoming counties, and to all whom' it may concern, that heist prepared to CARD WOOL at his NEW SHOP on the Melhoppen, in a manner uniorpassed. He therefore desires and expects a liberal_ patronage. Rolls ,warranted. GEORGE JENNINGS. Heshoppen, May 18, 1858.—1 m - NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue or an or der of sale issued from the Orphans' Court of Susquehanna County, the subscriber will espose to public sale by vendue, the following described prop erty, situate in Springville township, in raid county, late the estate of Warren Wells, deceased: bounded on the north by lands of Alger, on the easterly .ide by lands of Norman Boomis and bolds of the late Milton Shelden, deceased, on the south by lands of Truman Baker, and on the west by lands of said Ba ker and Ezra Alger, contabing - sixty-seven acres or thereabout+, mostly improved, on which Is a dwelling house, barn, and other out houses. Sale to he held upon the premise., on Wedne.day the tlth day of Jane, 1849, at one o'clock, p. m., and lams of payment maille.loorn on day of sale. wiEtwarrx, Administrator Sp-11'10111e, Nay 14, 1659.-4 w A dininistratolle _Notice OLTOTICF. is hereby given-to ail per ens having do. 1.11 muds against the estate of ANT Teecsa, late of ITerriek, dee'd, that the same must be present ed to the undersigned for arrangement; and all per ‘.olls indebted to said Estate are Tequestrd to make immediate payment. S. S. INGALLS. GEO. W. BARNE3,.AdminiAirater Remick, Nay 25, 1859.-6 w Administrators' Notice. -NOTICE is hereby given to all persona havingile. _man& against the Estate of HENRY' MOCK, late of the township of Dimock, deceased, that the same mnw be p4esented to the undersigned for ar rangement, and all.persons indebted to said Estate are req - uuned to make -immediate payment. TIVA. ADAMS, Anbnni 2 , dm , ra ABBY MOCK, Dimock, 1 • • Dimwit, May 4,1859.--ew Notice In Netlike. • . , SlisitiOanna County, TN the matter of Partition of Real Estate of the . .1„ Baptist Church at Great Bend, et. a/. To the heirs of Daniel Lyons, late of the township of Great Bend, in the County of.,Susquehanna, and State of Pennsylvania, deceased. namely ; David Ly ons, of Susquehanna County; Sabra Weston, wife of Weston, of Norwich, N. Y., Horace Lyons end Silas Lyons, of the Territory of ICanias ; John Lyons and Joshua Lyons, of the County of Erie, Pa.; Daniel Lyons. George Lyons, and William B. Lyons, of the State of New York . ; and Betsey Leonia, of the County of Sr squelanna aforesaid : Whereas L. Green, Isaac H. B. Roosee, and Elijah Pratt, all of said township of Great Bend, bare filed their petition In the Orphans' Court of said County of Stuomehanna, Setting forth thit they were duly elected Trustees of the Great Bend Baptist Church, and they and their predecessor,' are and were, as such Trustees; joint tenants with the said Daniel Ly ons, deceased, and they now are joint` tenants with the heirs of the said Daniel Lyons, deceased, he har ing died seized as of fee, and as joint tenant with saidvetitioners and their predecessors of and in the lot of land in said, township of Great Bend on which said BaptiseChurcli is erected; and praying the Court in award an inquest to wake partition of the said premises aforesaid, to and among the said parties in terestedtherein, he.: and.whereas in conformity with said petition, a writ de partifione facienda was a warded by the said Court: Taos Z Novice: That in pursuance of saldcorder of the Court, an inquisition will he held upon the prem ises aforesaid, in Mid 'kiwi/thin of Great Bend, on Wednesday, the 29th day of Juni; 1,859, at 1 o'clock, p. m., to make partition of said premises among the parties interested therein, in such manner and in such proportionsas by the laws of this Common wealth it is directed; or, if such 'partition cannot he made without pe4dodke to the whole, then to value and appraise the male according to law. • JOHN YOUNG, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Montrose, May 18, 1959„—em Administrator's Notice. ' IVOTICE is hereby given to all persons having de ll minds against the estate of Lafayette Will. marth e late of Jackson township, dec'd, that the SIAM must be presented to the andaniined kw arrange ment,-and all persons indebted to said watt are re. quested to make Immediate payment. PELATIAR RIINNISON, 'Administrator. - 'Jackson, May 18, 1859.-4. • NOTICE is hereby given to all [lessons having de wands against :the Estate of G. W. nALL, late of. Forest Lake„. -deieued, that the same must be presented to the' undo fined'kr anangeinest, and all pereons indebted to said Estate are requested to make.immediate payment. R. G. BALL, Executor • of the lag trill and testament of G.,W. Ball, deed. Yoreet Late, Ray' tt , - 1859.4 w. - - Administrators' Saki. NOTICE IS HEREBY GinrEs, that In paisitance of an order of rale Wined horn the Orphans' Court of Susquehanna County, the subscribers wad on Saturday, the lith day of June, '5O, extxwe to public sale by vendee, the following described piece er parcel of hind, kW the estate of Robert Hughes, dec'd, situateln the- township of Herrick, in mid counts, bounded as ibliosrs : on the north by ludo of John Stewart; east by land* of --- Pluc k and on the south and west by handier John on ; eotstaining 100 Ares more or lvte, and " whtch is a dwelling house, bun, orchard, outhouses, Le„ rod about In noes of whirl) are under improvement, T Sale to be held upon tbe - PlemNes, at 2 o'clock. PJ II 4 and terms of payment made known on the day of sale. ,TORN TRMAS. t ,idedeistrate rt. ELM HUGHES, Heath, May 110869.4 w AT ,TILE of ill descriptions ; all varietleo; 1 . !. good assittititht of S. DAYTON. Administraror's Sale. Executor's NoUce.,' Anibratypes err 11Clete. _ Now is the time for ti4ee wishing& BEAUTIFUL PICTURE of themselves dt hiend,,to,call a c t the Car on. the Greem , l , We Intend remaining but a abort time. tt adore h will be for your Interest to call soca.: Ferment hitch up your teams and bring down the Welly and gratify Me Andres with a picture of thawing. Metal 41/Mtellatie mode kr boa* , dIH. Work Warretited opt to Facie. - 1 WOOD, Arnit. Emirate, April ft lgirt--0 NEW - GOODS. NEW GOODS. READ Sz. Co. _ A -RE now receixing a LARGE and WELL 'SE EL LECTED stock of " . Spring filimunor Goods wirlch they Invite the attention of their old etts tomens—aurt tiler would also say to the public gen erally, that Girl et! prepared to sell their usual va riety on t'he most flitifin M terms for Cash; Produce, or approval credit. Dress Itioods, in great ir 4 inty—DeLaines front 124 to 2A cents per yard * Challis, loins, Du cal., Deßages, A;c 4 Ac., for sale cheap. ... Ladies RonnetS from 25 cents to $2,75, Ribbons, Resches, Flowers, Belts, Parasols, Mitts, he: Domestics of every - description, including Cotton Yarn, Carpet Warp, Matting, Ticking Denims, Stripes, Boys' and Mena' Sumnuir *err, Ac. Hoots and Shoes, a fall assortineM)wet re ceived--also Sole Leather and Morocco Skins. • Bats.—Silk, Fur, Palm, Panama, Leghorn, and Colored Steam Hats, er men or boys. Mackerel, by the lb., 4,4, or fbarrell—also Prime Cridfish. Potash, Oils,i and Dyesttillts—a com plete assortment on hand. Poilleoit edlclnes,--All the approved Pat ent Medicines of the day for sale. s itardwisre, Stoves and Tm Wary., Crockery, Brooms, Patent Palls, Tubs, tc., Ac. - Watches, Jewelry, Silver Spoons, Clocks, Ac. Coat Oil.—Just received' another supply of thin valuable Oil for burning iu Kerosene lamps. READ & Montrose, May 1859. - WHAT NEXT , ,1 ( E CANDY instead of MEDI CINE, Is a lie, • P URD 'S • WORM LOZENGES Have entirely superseded the use of all other kinds of VER.MIFUGE . , wherever they Lave become known. They are VERY AGREEABLE to the taste.' . READILY EATEN BY CHILDREN— PERFECTLY SAFE, and arc the moat • EFFECTUAL and Reliable anthelinintic Medicine in USE. They. EONTALN . NO MERCURY or any substance which can injure the weakest infant, but have excellent • - TONIC PROPERTIES • which will INVIGORATE the system and render ,it proof against subsequent attacks. Price 25 eta. Manufactured by W. N. PURDON, lioncidale, Pa. For sale by Abel Terrell, McKee. , tie & Eldridge, Zerah Very, Eaton h Watley, Ray , don Brothers, J. Dickerman, jr., sal:Were gen erally. may241;52.-6a. QNLY $l,OO. OHM= .1* TEMP ' S la the' Ogee to ‘.." get the li(Kr and REST 000D8 kleclla DOL LAR, W-Xontroge. 10 yaiila of the best Callen for ' $l,OO, 12 " "- • Sheeting " /00, 10 -" Delaine, II .100 25 pounds oflinila " 1,00, 12 " beat Drown Sugar " . 1.00, 10 " " Coffee do. " 1,00, 20 , " " Rice, o 1.1,0, 16 " , " lialleratua . " l,OO, . 8 - "" Good Tea o 1,00, 34:anima " Ifolawe " 1,00, 8 Quire s , " qap Paper _ ",, - 1,00, with a large rarieti of other gooria, that we keep con atandy "n hand, wfll he euld equally low FOR C. 14311 Plen.e call and POI . May 11, 18:4 Medical. Copartnership'''. rim, .C. Blakeslee* I'. E. Brt . 1.1 having associated themselve.s. under the n e and fi rm of'DLARESLEFI it. BRUSH for thst.p ention of the duties - of their Prokvsion, ritspectfidly offer their professional serrices to the Invalid public. Office at the residence of Dr. Blakeslee,c midway between the villages of Ditnock and Springrille. A. C. IILAKESLEF, April 27, 186% -11 QUICK SALES. No. 10 ' * .... • • Water St `Beer r (if - t 4 : • te give Great Chance for Saving Money. 11111ri IRSCHMASINIBRO'S & CO. would .1.1 - respectfully inform the citizens of Bing hamton and - surrounding country that they have opened at their Store, the Largest, Cheapest, and Best select ed stock of DRY GOODS ever exhibited In Broome County. Ilaving a constant buyer in New Toxic who is purchasing Goods Sir Cash only, and principally at the large auction siles,'.we are ena bled to sell cheaper than any other establishment We can easily say if you want to save Itt,so out of every ts,no, you :mat call at the above Store.— Among our stock of Goods can •be found Dress Goods, American, Fiench, and English Prints, DeLaines, Chace Brilliants, Printed Lawns, and Jaconets, Camilla both, Ferrates, elegant traveling Dress Goods, Burge d'espagnc, Crepe itarets, bele tiful Paris Croselles. Silks, a most splendid ?a ditty of plain, bagidetc,. 0141, chene-Dress.Silks and Robes, Imperial Foulords. Shawlsand Man tillas, French Cashmere, Thibet, Poplin, Stella, Broche, Mud° and. Canton Crape Shawls, Pusher and genuine French Lace Mantillas, Real Lace Points and French Fkaineing Laces, Talmas, Menhirs and and Chesterfield Sacks: Millinery Goods, White and colored Straw Bonnets, a very extensive assortnient of . Bonnet Ribbons, Flowers, Ruches, Crapes, Bonnet Silks, Joined Blonds, Read Dresses, Coiffitres, Dress and ULM Trimmings Embroid rsiesi Real Lam* Hosiery 'Goods for Metes and Bova wear; llonse-finnishing Goods, and a great many ar ticles too numerous to mention: Corner MM All goods shown cheerfully, represenicd fairly,end submitted to the purchaser's noblemen opinkm. DIRBCBMAN }MOB & CO. . No, 20 Court St., sign tithe "Beehive." Binghamton, May 11, 18p9. auniijnig --Fluid, • WRITE and CODFISH, Ladies' Kid B,S. Roots, and more Gaiters, from 56 cents to $l - ,75., May 18, 385). . AU at TYLER'S. Ailliathalstrattes Plottee. • IVOTICE is hereto. giyen to all persona having de ll numb agaltsit the - estate of .V. 'Coleman Brews ter, dee'd; late otilagorrd, that the same must be pre sented to the undersigned for arrangement, end all pereotie Indebted_to said estate are requested to make , TYLER BEEMITEB, A &anti:rotor. ' Barford, NAME 1859rair Remly Made Clothing TUST AtECVVED a new and well selected stock el of Iteady Wade clodrirnr Grlprlng and Stranner wear, "thick - we will sen ap.fprcash or ready pay. We cordially invite all oar old and new friends toed! 'and eisaninebekwe pureltaising elsewhere, at ••. • • 011ARIARS tJpallPll. 'Montrose, nay' 4 1851.4 . ----4 - "13 reateAVCIEti . 3r . P,TIBURE was an arrival of NEW trioOblli at N. 2. Detainq, Prints, &Oa Shawls, Mantil la; Dusters, Parasols and Umbrellas. Also an kV -AfMNBE-:quantity. eCother Goods wWelv will be 1161111 S et of charge by H . 0. 1141 t. NOntltee, May 18,31158, ' For-theSpnng 0f1859, at 'YOUNG & iUNIMEA Summersvillo, Pa. ArbbslbblaPPYrialdt, ofutreesing oar atilt. ts?Mie endemism and the public pnereßy for lharMaldPliketso daring the past year, and will add, that we shateffilenver to., \ lnerit a contlntutnee mun the e u wa me y b t y hat hrolswe ha Ma r g e GOODS h in ere ih ke e fore, that is, at the very lowest neeelibVeY higjust returned from the City, we won invite the attention of the public to-the very Large nod flansfesaMe efit,ortmeat of Goode, the the Poring trade, comprisfng almost every thing that est? be found in a comma non, amen* wit/ Awe will mention the following; A large let of theme small figured dark and tot colored prints at ti# cents per yard. A lot of those limey brown needing. always on hand, brown ewe. iugs and shirting, constantly on hand, and for sale at the most reasonable prices. A large lot of Iterri mac,•Cocheco, Allen's, Sprague's, Butanelre, and Oth er prints, spring styles, for sale at the same low prices at which we have sold them during the! past year. Spring Detainee, and Maine., very banduxue, and cheap.- Chalice, Cassimers, Satinetts, Jeans, Vesting, kr. A good assortment of Bond, Stripe, C,ottonaties, Ducks and Linen Drills, fur farmers wear, Denims, Striped Shirting, Checks, kc. Ready Made CietWorg constantly on hand. Crockery and Glue Ware, a !eve assortment of the beat onierty of White Granite - Ware, ,fast received and for sale by thtr, set or in lots to ssuit platinum's. flirts and' aps:Nous And Shoes, in endless variety. Cedar Ware Tubs, Churns, Trays, Buckets, Palk' i Ladles, ke. k Ware, Its usual, at low water mark. Teas at astonishing figures. Filth I Fish!! Fish!li Mackerel in half quarter, and kits, warranted fall weights or the ntellifl [domed. Shad and White Yoh also on hand_ Salt, itf sarleor busheL Paints and Oils of all kinds. . All kinds of produce taken in rstionge for goods, at the highest market price. - We riolieit an euminatiori of our stock before pet- chasing elsewhere. . YOUNG , Sunaftennille, May 4,1859.-6 w, The New' Bra! .-- SPRING AND SUMMER - GOODS. At Great Bargains READY FAY AND SMALL PROFITS II BURRITTA *ow receiving a foil and -1.14.• choice stock &SPA/NG and SFINNER GOODS including a great variety of Rich 'Prints in New iksks, Gingham., Brilliants, Plain asdFan cy Lannsjlisallies, Rata; Silk Dress Thrwes and fare Des,, Black end Fancy Silks, Poplins, ter., with a superior Inteetiotent of Silk, Rrdche, Cashmere and Solid Meds, Nawfillas, Parasols, Rids Ribbons, Bonnets alai Plowerc,firood Cloths,Cassimeres,Sran mcr Stuffs, dc., with a large tesertinent ei other ' • STAPLI AID F/1110 1 , $111)118i as mai, in Groceries, Crockery, Hard Ware, Iron Steel, Nails, Stoves, Brugt,Paints, Oils, Boots am; Shoes, flats and Caps, Cloirks, Carpeting, Floor Oil Cloths, Wall Paper, Painted IVindoas Sharks, rte. The entire sleek being large, and bought for rash, will giro superior opportunity for choice selections, and will be sold for READY PAT, In to 26 per cent below regular pricer. An esanitfation.of the Goods and Prices will be found profitable to those who wish to buy. • Flour & Salt conatantlY an hand. - New iffreid, Pray 4, 1859. . -- - HOTEL KEEP RS Merchants and Grocers, • CAN now be supplied with the best t omit assortment of jr - WISES and LIQUORS ever offered in this s eounty,consisting of °lard Cognac, Old Port Wine,(Purt j.) Pali and dark Seignettc, Pine Ols(Matkiray Unilca'ropriclorßrandy S. M. Madeira. !leder Bran, I.4rhertkun, Black Berry Brandy, in and Clover Leaf Gin, bottles, ' Scotch cf. Irish intakes, Rose tic.; Cordial, Monongahela. do. . What Brandy; for Pre- Old Bourdon do. serval, Old Rye do. Sour 117 n% for COoking, Old Jamaica Rum, Malaga St Croi.r ' do. CIDER.BRANDY; Nen, England d 0.. ' Rectified Whiskey, by the Pale Brined & Gold. Slier barrel, 'at prices beyond AcOmpetition, either by thoyine, ,Pancheop. Barrel,' or Gallon. Every. artiele.warranted as represented. For the retail trade Vhave a superior article of Itirrassaly, lain, and Ruin, tor Medicinal purposes, in bottlita. Also, Old Port, Sherryand Madera Wine, Bogie Cordial, _k Black Berry Bran dy, for Martha... Store on. Main Street, 4 doork below Bearic's HOWL ' CHAMBERLIN. . Montrose, April 12, 18.19.-lf _ Notico to Farmers. I wish t milt the ATTENTION of Farmers to the INDEPENDENT TOOTH HORSE RAKE. ithis rakerhas been used for the past three Veers in this county and proven to be the Rake, and the only rake suited to this rough country. Any one not wishing totalte the assertien and wanting JI QR SE RAKE, Ei l tette try min, and if not satisfactory, reitiv irwithin 'fee days uninjured and receive his monk. A liberal deduction front twelve dollars• made to Merchants and Dealers, from retail price. All kinds of Grain taken In exchange for rakes, at 11. Searle's mill. '' 12131112373 SMALL PROFITS, i k 8 Conn St. MAO &rend hand Wire Tooth and Resolving Rakes aold very cheap. All orders promptly attended to and rakes deliver ed on abort notice. Residence of the n 'snit.tt miber and Manufiketory one mile from Montrose, on Snake Creek Turnpike. CHANCY FOOT. ' 'Montrose, April 27,1859.-3 m OEM 11300. SEAR IN IvralD-THAT ' R. 11. lIALL & CO. • • Keep the Largest and Beet Seleckd Stael: of Dry • IN BItOOME COMM, AND would invitethi.attention of lnhabitanta ti. of Susquehanna County, and buyers In general, particularly to their Stock of SILKS, RIBBONS, WHITE GOODS, SUMMER STUFFS; _ r '. ' 1 • CARPETSofe., (k e. , which they will 101 l t heap tog CASH; 'at iriolo sale and Beta. ' R. 11: k CO.; 39 Court Street, Dinghinnio. May 4, 1859.4-0 . H. HALL & CO., lIINCIRIARET - 01E; ARE conga* reeeiringidditkma to their task eat large sleek of:. - _ • CARPETS, OIL . CLOTHS, YANKEE MOTIONS, - • , , -MILLINERY GOODS, and every kind of ' • Faitcy and Stage' Diy Goode which will be sold ebeep at. Whole salb and • Bela. Oar term are READY PAY. Conk and see us at • .Mar4,1859.-bty '• 1 , 10. 5 CORRT ST. IL lUML C 0,,.. atibL. , Dry Goods; Carpetmgs, A. on, ouyriti, At No. 32_Court Street, Binghamton. Binghamton, May 4, 1869.-bty ' Fresh Fluid 1 le u e . itootrOse, Ml 7 411859 : NEW GOODS `~siudoeii~:: t#oss'~''` New, Ready, Ply Store AT !Hi .HEAD. OF NAVIGATION S'''EE anbealber' jest returned ratan New 1. TOrk,would most respectfully inform . . hies friends (1( 6e .has illy) and thepablie, generally, that: be is now pivoted to servo Thai with atm. o®* bought for Cash, at tba, old stand; No. 11, - Publio Av. elate, formerly occupied by C. W. Mom, ,where he will sell for READY, PAY,. akplicel llUst will 'suit everybody. Ilia stock consists of L • Choke "amity (harries, of ALL kinds i &one Ware, Wooden Ware, Brooms, Boots and Shoes, Ladies Gaiters for. 65 cents, . • Prints, Detains, ifecrpg and Pine, Bro. and Bins. . , Moulins, Linens, Can. Flan ' Uri, Drillings, Towelling Iturgard • Diaper, Ticks, Apron Cheek*, Denims, - • Stripped Shirting,, Pants and, rest Trimming?, Smodesa Rags, ton Salts, White and Brown knitting Cotton, Veil Range, Gloves and Hoek; ry, a large assortment, Yankee N 00.918, do. : HERBY C: TYLER Ladies who like a splendid Allele for the please ctll at TYLER'S and buy a bottle of Elmsett's Cocoains,-the Best and 'Cheapest in use;, also Lubia's Extracts for the hdkf, first quality. .Montrose, April 20, 11359.—bty CROOK & JOHNSTON, MANO7AC7URERS 07 Carriages, Bent Us, TRILLS, BOWS, Wagon Poles, and Plough-Handles, GLZAT Bran, S iloatilatALLlL COMM. PA. , List of Prices. inch rake, 111,26 If inch Tellies.," 2,00 If " " - 1,38 2 "3,00 lf " " - 1,50 Bows, = - ,60 11" " - - 7,63 Thills, bent bed; ,60 16 66 1, 7 3 6a _ If , " " 1,83 Hickory- bent, - ,75 Great Benll, Aprill3, 1859.71 y CALPIX).„ 28 PEfi QUARTER, of eleven weeks, mot for Board— with lite of room and furniture— and Tuition in the English branches, at THE UP LAND NORMAL INSTITUTE," Delaware Co., Pa. For Circulars, containing necessary infarination i , inquire of A. N. Bullard, in Montrose, or address the Principal at Cheater, Pa. Chester, pa.,,May 4,1859.-11 w Looking Ghialos. an sizes. uP to 20 x 40, in Gilt.Firaell• Gilt Pietiire Frames" Plain and Waved Mouldings. ' , 1,00111811 GLIM PIM!' Put into old Prunes on abort Notice. - TUCKER'S PATENT SPRING BED. the very best in uie. Cabinet Farnitnre and Chairs.. Sign. Pala:tug' . Coffin Plata! constantly on hi, and en graved on short notice, by E. C. POPHAM ad, . Montrose, March 39, 1859.-tf • unisons, 2 3 GOOD WAGONS for sale, CH, F,AP ! by - F. B. CHANDLER. Montrese, March 80, 1859. • Ploans-and Cultivators. • Is.isinifiELL is now prepared 10 - 41 all kinds of PLOWS and- CULTIVATORS good and amp aa. can be hadtit any shop in .the county. • He has one shop in Montiose, near the coiner of Main and Cherry Stieets,and another inNewMilford, near BoyleN Hotel. Repairing do 4, on abort notice. re - Old Iron taken in; manage for all work. Montrose, March 30, 1859.-48 n Eagle Foantlty Plows .A.l-1E13.r3.1. Axis ash the attention of farmers to our pl o ws - which For combined dnrabilty, hardness, and strength of castings cannot be excelled. Our Iran Beata Plod► we wimhi eapacially call attention to, which cannot fail to pleoxe. S. H. SAYRE k • Mootrost, March 30, 1819. Steam Engine fcir Sale: AIVRTABLE STEATENGINM of from eight to ten horse power as ustally rated; has been run ning about eighteen'montlik. .It will .be sold for no fault, rat because its calia4ll is not sufficient for our twin It may be , seen fining at any time at our ~... eatabliihment. . Also, one pair of Hotchkiss's patent reacting water wheels, 86 inches in diameter. . - . , 1 M. L. M.A.Cg. A 804 S. Bmoklyn, March 16i 1851-$.-- Head of Navigation - • REMOVED.. THE THI' undersigned desires to notify the!pablle that die has removed his store, and may now he Roun d on Main Street, a few doors above Keeler'i *here he will be glad to see his old customers as well as new ones. 0. W. mom - • Montrose, April I tin; . , • New Akrainigenient FB. CRAMMER Ites eseniisted with him in e business, GEORGE A. JEMIIP, at the old stand, where we shall be happy , to see all our old customers and as many new ones u will plena call and examine our new STOCK of SPRING GOODS: ' CHANDLER & JESSUP. IL AL CHANDLER, - - - • GEORGE A.. JESSUE, Montrone; April 1, 1859. ' • . Truth Stranger than 'Fietiaiti . . 11UST1111 ..- "A YONG the hthabitauts ; of Jessup lord vicinity t Everybody llockingin'to ascertain the cause of the Disaster and find that it was brought about by The New & Cheap Assortinant of 1:36 Ci'.o - 30 which has just been purchased fornaah, and Mx:civet:l in Jammu, and which must be sold at ISOM price. for Cash or approved credit immediately. It is needless fbr us to attempt to enumerate the articles for it is an *ter- impossibility.' &Ace it to say,- we have - Little. ofEverythim* " that the people can ask fee.. WO 4 are ,selting. dies' SplemUd s litalters trim folVells t 0.51,00. All we kla a call. Come and see for yourselves.' Try at. ire wansait you your moniya' worth at RUMS MAP STORK OsEPP, Sun • e 4; April 90,1888.-8 m Fresh Arrival ! OF - NETW ,- ::GOODS FOR THE: SPRING TRADE, \ AT • LATHROP &.--DE Mostrose, Maich P. 111511. ..erEicliV..als Tl4sittoctjber hat;tag. removed aleck,ot gOoda .to got " READ,.OF NAVIGATION," where he nuy no* be fottud witli A loiie & desdroNe stock of Ready Made Olatidair, • HATS; CAPS, f&c.; • consistini of everi variety andishade, and warranted to be- outdo in every partieulae as good as noncom work, and at pricy that cannot fail to suit for, ready pay. Thankful for past Worst ho hopes to merit continuance of the same. 8. LAKIPON, lionticse, Aprll2o, 18108.1 • - 0