SHERIFF'S - SALES. _. B y virtue of sundry writs isaiketl'bi the Court ofOommon Pleas of Susquehanna county and to to e directed, brill expose to sale by public iendue, st the Court House in Montrose, on Saturdal the 15th ,1 ,, o f January, 1859, at one o'clock, p.m., the' fol. ~ ,,, i tt„ ,I,,,, ow itk i - !pieces or parcels of land, to wit: ' ill that certain piece of land situate in Thomson tow nship. bounded and described as follows : on the t ., A h by lands of Ebenezer Mesaenger, on the east by F 1 „. . n ezer - Ifmenger and. Charles Ik - righter, on the aznili by Charles Wrighter, and on the west by Mi., lor Williams and Alvah Mudge, containing about 223 ' ei es more or less, together with the appurtenances, ;famed house, barn, horse barn, sheds, viroodho s ase, ',el other put buildings, I °regard and about- 140 w lres improved. - [Taken in execution at the suit of • rajah Main vs. Joel Limb; Jackson Chandler, and Thomas Johnson. • Mao all that certain piece of !and altote in Len. ct.toariship, bounded and described as follows: on • t n orth by londa of Drinker and SinSabough,on t , ,, Ki st by lands' of John Millard , on' the south lt, jy. s. Oakley, and onthe west by lands - of A. Sinn cnizh, containinig 57 acres more' or less, with the ap nldienaneesi„ 1 barn, 1 house, and about 30 acreirini. -..mved. [Taken in _execution at the suit •ofJ, C. ',,.„ stea d Y . Stephen S. Millard: Also all that certain piece of land situate in the Gerough Of Montrose, bounded and described as rOl• If 4 : beginning at a point in the Bridgewater and 'Wilke...harm Turnpike road, it being the southeast corner of a tract of land-owned by the late . Samuel were:, deceased, thence north 89i 9 West; 55 and ~.,,a n perchea to the corner of-a stone wall, thence • ,k n ig the said wall south .4r west, 16 perches to the ~,per o f Wm. J .- Tnrrell's land; thence south 89r .. 4 .4 sa and 4-10th perches, partly by land of W. J: Tamil and partly by land of ' A. 0.. Warren to the eente the aforesaid 'turnpike road, ‘ thence along sill roa north sixteen perehea terthe 'place of be ;inning, containingl acres and 95 perches of land, ' 7, .., 0re oo loss, with the appurtenances, 1 dwelling house, woodhouse, barn, orchard, and all improved. ;Taken in execution at the suit of John 11. Sutphin, is. E. S. Park. .. Also all tlfot certain piece of land situate in Oak. lal township, bounded and daseribed as follows : on pe n. by lands of Hiram rooter, on. the east by lands of,E..T:Young, on the south by lands fifyeter Fultz, and on the west b 3 lands of ----=-r—, containing about ff 3 acres more or less, all unimproved. .[Taken in ex• . e ention at the suit of J. T. Carlisle, toteh use of J. c. fah and Ruby Fislrhis wife, vs. George Leach. Also all the right, title, and interest of Wm. T. Gillespie to and in that certain piece of land situate is, Gi-eat Bend township, hounded 'and described as . 1„il ow .; begidning at a canner - in the northern bound s, of the State of Pa., near the 19th milenitone,' and flini thence south le west, by lands of Aaron Thom as. to an Elm tree, on the batik of the. Susi"; river, t hence up the west shame thereof to a post' corner, ; thence, north 49? east,, along .the Lands of Oliver Trowbridge to the place of beginning, containing a. ~,,: t 200 acres more or less, with the appurtenances, a framed dwelling houses, Thorns, 2 horse barns, '1 ~T h wrkand about 150 acres improved. [Taken in , - e teent4on at the suit' Thomas T. Hays vs. Wm. T. Gli;e S TIFREIit GIVEN th :d an. application tins been MO to the Court of Common fleas of Susque hanna County , for the incorporation of "The first Methodist Episcopal Church. of Lathrop." G. B. IL iVADE, Prothonotary. • Moulrose Dec. .7, 18.18.--Sw . Is lIEREBt GIVEN, that an application has been mile to the Court of Common Pleas of Susque hanna Countti, for the incorporation of " The Trus tees -of Ow PrObyrerian Church, of Lenox vine." G. B. IL WADE, Prothonotary, Montrose, TIN'. 7, 15.58.—nw r' _ _ Francis B. Davison, M. D., Store of '. W. ! , .sif.t. Evq: ,PI osft< 415.111 'lamb. • liontro,e, ovenar, "Yankee Doodle came to Town Upon a little Pony." A ND one day last week a new lot of Books ana -1 V. Stationery came to Town, per Uope's Papress, And were landed safe at A. N.l BULLARD'S BOOK STO \ RE, on Public. Avenue, where they are for sale rheop for cash. , • Every Woman her own Lawyer, The Magician's Own Book, Arts of Beauty, Gem of the Season, The Keepsake, Ilhok of Beauty, The lamily Expense Book, Websf i er's new Coombe , ' • How Dictionary, &c._ A ;new supply of Prof. Stoddard's Arith metic:, .e., ke.; and all selling O. K. • • -L. N. BULLARD. Montrose, iDe.e. 11i58. _ - Adnianistrators7 VOTICE et hereby given to all persons having de ll' mandsi against the Estate of Jou!: JENEINS, late of Th omion township,(Jec'd, thnt the same must be presented tenthe undersigned for arrangement, and all persons indebted to said Estate are reqUe.sted to make immediate payment. 1 HENRY JENKINS, t 1 - ANN JENKINS, 1 ' Thomson, 1858.-6wp - • ONE_HORSE STORE jSpb p a) ;4 4 'JI SECOND LOT .OF Fall-Sc, Winter Goods Jun recmved and selling remarkably lour, fin at J. S' Coniinced that the " Nind, ble to the slow shillinz," we that phitt. Jac selling Goods not (ail to skit," and paying th ket Pair*, for all kinds pert a RUSH!" Dry Goods - . - 1-)LACK SILKS, Poplins and Plaids, 1.-) PRINTS in endle. variety, Dc Laine.:: and Ginglons, the best to be had From Gig City-of " Great Notoriety." In fart every thing in the line of DRY GOODS going lou "FORITHE PA at SMITH k SON'S. • CLOTHING. , LTINDER COATS, Over Coats, rrants, Vest, and Collars, Ilats; Caps, Boots, and Shoes, • (Iry for the DOLLARS, at SMITH 4; SON'S 6-IiOCERIES. 10 lhs. Good Sugar for 151,00. 20 lbs. Rice for $l,OO. 16 lbs. Salaeratsis for 0,00. 2 -lbs. Good Tea fOr $l,OO, and other Goods at equally low figures, at J. jr. A SON'S. For reasona we know not,we cant make a rhyme, With this )Sind of Goods, at this present time, Suffice it td Pity, we're all kinds, and enough, Froni a bb4.of flour, Sugar, Coffee, Rice, - }l4l, to a crnts worth of Sint . f. T_TITCID!up the team, bring along your Grain,But-- _LI ter, Rggs, Feathers, raper Rags, Sze., and don't forget to bfing the Wife, Belie, and what cash you hare to spare. Yours in Trade, J. SMITII, Jr., 3 SOX. ,Springripe, Dec. 1, MS. fry:FARMERS ATTEND! 11 THE nOersigned would respectfully announce to the ratimsns and all others interested, that 1 9 110TT & TILDES', at the old stand - of M. & E. MOTT, are pre pared to ftirnish PLOWS of the most approved pat terns now in nse, Such as Bintehley's, Molt's Iron Beam, dcj Also Points of all kitids, Landsides, Cultivator teeth, and all kinds of castings for Farm ers and offsers, all of which we propose. to sell as low as can be afforded by any establiShinent in this coun try. - • • ELIJAH MOTT. • G. A. TILDEN. - We are 4 •also agents for Eateq's Horse Powers, Drag and Circular Saws for virood,_also Dog Chfirn Powers, which we can furnish on short notice. Make Notice! The first of January is NEAR AT IIAN11; and all that have unsettled accounts with Oa will eaTe "coat," by caning and settling. MOTT & TILDEN. Montrose. Dec. 1, 1858.—tf _ Rare Chance. lirHE sabserTher proposes to sell his FARM, shoat *ed three miles south of Montroso, on the Turn pike, containing Sizty•Five Acres, (with priv ilege of Rao mom, ) and unquestionably the beat farm in the County', of its size,—in the following manner: , Sealed proposals for purchase will be received, up to the first day ofJanuary, 1859. ittrrXitscr.—Apply 1,0 Wm. S. Turrell or Samuel Bard, Montrose. • For full particulars apply to the subscriber on the premises. M. NEWMAN'. Montrose, Nov. 2A, W • Lamps and Materials for Lights. rENING FLUID, CAMPBENE, LAMP OIL. CAIN DLES, ire., of best qualities, constantly on hand, and prices as cheap as the cheapest. Cus tomers May rely upon getting .Fluid and Catophate new and good, as Laell so fiat they never get male: Also, Cans and'Lamps. • ABEL TUasziag. MoatrOse, Nor._24. 1855. 1858. 1. DICHERMAN, Jr. 1858. HARDWARE AND STOVE EMPORIUM - IN .FITLL BLAST ! IIE UNDE4SIGNED would take thti .opportuni ty to inform his flienas and customers that he has recently made large additions to his former cx. tensire stock of Irardware, Stove., Stove Plpe l Stove Tr4uminirs, and that he is prepared to supply the wants of the community in that line at unusually low prices. He flatters himself that his facilities for nuntufacturinm his own Wares, StOves, sc., give hint a decided att: vantage eve?' any who purchase and transport at a heavy espense their entire stock. Ile would say to those who wish to purehnSe STOVES of any description, STOVEPIPE; or-TRIM MINGS, of any kind, and pay for he is prepat• ed to give them great bargains ;_ but to Those who *ant to.puraase on a year's credit and then let it run two years inure, he. had rather they=would call on ionic one else, even if they have to pay seventy-five per cent more than an article is work In the line of Shelf Hardware, his assortment is the largest and bestmelected in Sus quehanna Cdunty ; purchased as his stock has been nsastly of mannEtcturers, he is enabled to Mr In ducements to those country merchant* who buy small Itiils,rarely to be num(' this - side of the big city. We can offer special inducements to Carpenters and J o iners alto are in want either of Tools or Building Materials. Blacksmiths Can find ANVILS, VICES, BELLOWS, and, in bet, almost any thing In their line, by calling on us,, ,, Cheopfor Cuah•l Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots & Shoes, Bats and Caps, Yankee Notioasoke. is as tares as the times nlll admit of. -They were purhasLd at a lo* flgnre,,and will be sold at prices to correspond with thetimes. - - We have just opcnc,d about. one-and•whalf cords ready Made clothing. Every body nays They are cheap. Some say they are very cheap, and a nom ber have ventured to say thex.are dog cheap. Cer tain it is that a small pile of money will buy — a laige pile of clothing. We would add, in this connection, for the informa tion of all concerned and the " rest of mankind," that e are tired and sick of the credit sys:em; we have suffered enough by it already, and are determined to rid ourselves of the whole"' critter." Believing that the nimble sixpence is the true system, we are re solved to adopt it and Are offering our goods at prices to correspond. Produce taken in exchangeNfor Goods. , J. DICKERMAN, Jr. New Milford, Nov. 17, MS. _ Cash for Pork t highest market price paid for TOgli in the no* J. DICKERMAN, Jr. New Slilfortl, -Nor. 17, lsr,s, Valuable Farm for Sale. T;:,' seoeriber offers for Enle the valuable Farm and lintel, lately owned and occupied by Calvin Summers, deceased, and long known as the -‘Suziuners Place. . Said Farm is simatedin the pleasant village of Sum mersville, in the township of New Minn', Susque h3lllll county, Pa., directly on the line of the Dela ware, Laekas , anna and Western Railroad, four miles , tiont its junction with the New York and Erie, at Great Bend, and - one a half mile from the Depot, at New Milliard. It contains nbCout 210 acres, ISO :acres improved, 60 acres woodland. It is well wa tered, has it lasting stream running through; and a never-failing supply of water conveyed In lead pipes to tlit house, barns, and cattle-yards. it is. well fenced and under good cultivation, is welladapted to glowing grain, and is peculiarly fitted for growing stock, and is one of the best dairy farms in the coun It has upoti it two orchards of choice grafted unit trees, a large and convenient dwelling, now 06 envied as a hotel; two large horse and carriage Inuits; one large barn with two cattleyards; ample sheds and all the arrangements-for feeding stock ; three small hay and grain barns ; ice house, brick smoke house, large corn house, and all other out-buildings necessary-on . a large firm It will be sold low, and terms of payment made easy. For information ad dress R. L. SCTPHIN, ABEL TUBRELL HA s til a r !etlfrile.dt of from - l+tew-Y7k, with a large GOODS, c oice which lie offers - to his customers and the public, at low prices, for Cash. Ills stock comprises ; • DRUGS, MEDICINES, FAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, _ DYE STUFFS, CROCKERY, - GROCERIES, MIRRORS,_ GLASS WARE, CLOKS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW PAPER, . WINDOW OIL • FANCY GOODS, • WADES, MUSICAL .INSTRUMENTS, JEWELRY, PERFUMERY, ' DRY GOODS, WOODEN WARE, lIARD WARE, •• 'BROOMS, STONE WARE, • - BRUSHES, JAPANNED WARE; BIRD CAGES, „, R CANARY SEED. UMBRELLAS, POCKET KNIVES, GUNS, PISTOLS, • - • AM MUNITION, TURPENTINE, • CAMPHENE, .BURNING ALCOHOL, . FLUID, LIQUORS. (For Medicinal Pnrposes, only.) TRUSSES, SUPPORTERS. SHOULDER BRACES, /N'S referu• .r, upon •h (an tra r- IC e cr- Thankful for the liberal patronage hitherto receiv ed, he hopes to . merit a continuance and large in crease 011ie same. ABEL TERRELL. TO the Public: QOME Merchants publish a few low prices, or the prices of a few_low priced articles, as an iuduce rnent,to persons to make their purchasesof them,un der the presumption that every thing IA equally low. Without occupying . spare in the public - papers to enumerate prices: I wish it' distinctly understood, that I will sell GOODS as low for the quality, as they can be bought in any other Store in this place or County. Bitits and Hooks`not used. Purchasers will generally find good qualities of articles at Our stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING: Summersvilk, Su-q. Co., Pa Nor . . 10. 1 ti sN.—:lna PORT MONIAES, - SPECTACLES, SILVER & PLATED SPOONS, FORKS, &c., GOLD PENS, STATIONERY, ' VIOLIN STRINGS, ROWS, &c, And all of the most popular ' • PATENT MEDICINES. Montroi.e, Nov. 10, 1858 TERRELL'S, .and in Drugs, Malkin's, Paints, (Ms, and Dye ; SNIP, the eery text, and the assortments full. The FANCY GOODS- DEPARTMENT - • is also extensive. Also, choice Family Groceries, Crockery, Wall' Paper, Jewelry, Perfamery s In shot, nearly every thing usually kept in country stores. As I deal in many departments of trade, and have more articles than I can'Well enumerate in the limits of a Newspaper, I shall not attempt it; neith er will it be necessary, under these circumstances, to 811 a column with useless repetitions and blanks.— The people are invitedtd call and examine for ihern elves. j• ABEL TURRELL. Montrose; NOV. 10, 1858. - •TO Musicians. • PARTICULAR attention is called to the choices*. zloty of Violin, Guitar, and Bius Viol Strings, some of the hest qualities in market. Also a good selection of Violins, Bows, Pegs, Bridges. Tail Pieces, Finger Boards; Rosin Le., Accordeons, Flutes, Fifes; Drum Sticks, Tuning Forks, lnitruction Books, &c. Call is at the Variety Stoic of - ABEL TL7RRELL. Montrose, Nov.. :1, 1658 • • ' • Second Bawd . Biiriels; IF nearly every description, Utter and cheaper L J - than new ones; for sale by " 1-13-411014.EW Montrose, icor. 24 1858. KEYSTONE HOTEL. • Wm. IL -HATCH, Proprietor. rrll IS new and coromodionalliztel, situated on Main I_ Street - , near the Court &pee; and nearkin the center of the busineit portion of Montrose, is now fully completed and furnished, and was opened ,on the 27th of September,'lBsB; far the 'accommodation of the public and travelers. The Proprietor feels confident Olathe is now prepared to entertain guests in a manner that cannot fail to rive - - Complete Satisfaction. The House and Furniture are new, and no expense has been spared to render it equal, if not superior to any similar establishment in this part of the State. It is well supplied with all the recent improvements and comforts, and obligink waiters wiU always bo- in at tendance to respond to customers:' The Stables connected With this !rouse are, New and Convenient. The Pmpriefor respectfully solicits the patronage of his old friends and the public generally. WM. K. HATCH. Montrose, September 22, 1858.—tf - lALIZIOM • k ritel l l l l V 4'4 TaMEVIIIL WHOOL. I. F. STODDARD, A. M.,.PRINCIPAL T"'ext tern{ of the. "SCsQCNIIA'AA COCISTT NonitAt. Sown." y?ill commence on _ Minday the 22d day of Nov., 1858, tn I;4.r,lnerdir.x.:ereh,gder the "(Urge vtlV7,lo74ad co:;tib,n. •LECTURES. ?wit Aronnsto will deliver Whirrs on Vines - him and the Art of Teaching. and on inch scientific subjects a. the Interests of the stud. rm. mac SeeIOW require.- Lectures wilt also to deliverer! be Rev. .1. C. BOOMER and others during the session. The opening Ad. ftre.Ol will be delivered at the Academy Dane on Monday. bee Mi. 104 4 . at 4 o'clock. p. m. The Primary Department of the Sehool be taught by Mber Ei.ts.C.Pars. I. - Stndents should not FAIL to IM rREPIINT t the. nrstrtwow of Zbe School, as the slaves will then be arranged, ind Atudies assigned. , EXPENSES. TUITION...NormaI Pelusrtment, per quarter ofeleren week; $6,An. Primary "•• •• In English branches, and Latin and Greek, do. 9.M. licrird. pet week, It I. desirable tltst tuition Idlis i.e paid In sdrance, and no'dedue- Ilan will b mole eseept In ewes of protracted sickness. !students can loan! tlirmArive..sshem•toforeb. looking stoves sod furniture con be rented or kit. !Sayre, at reason:We rot e.t. W.U. JESSUP. President. C , . r. itKAP. Sperrtar.r. Montrox, Nor.* 1114.-tt STOVES, PIPE, TIN, -AVD-...- SHEET IRON WARE. Te undersigned :would announce tb the public hat he is again in the above mentioned business, and may be found opposite his old stand, on Main Street, below Searles hotel, where he will be happy to see his old customers and ,as many new ones as will give him a calk Stoves of the newest patterns, and at the cheapest rates. Jobbing Done on Short Notice. Produce. taken in exchange for wares. - S. A. WOODRUFF. Montrose, Nor. 8;185S 'Vt.:Ott° lan ALLpersons indebted to Dr. A. C: BLAKESLEE, of Mama; arc requested to call and settle their neenithts by payment, or note, on or before the first day of December next, or show cause ten days there after, before Amos Williama, •Fsq., of Springville, why judgment should not he obtain , (1. itespeetfull - y, A. C. BLAKESLEE. Dimock, Nov. Exhibition at Lynn NEW STYLES ROW READY _ I, N. .Sll ERMAN has just receivitd a tryst J 1 • stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, PAINTS. OILS, DYE STUFFS, DRUGS & MEDICINES, &c., &c., all of which is offertl for sale cheap, for CA S or RE.WDY PAY, or on SHORT TIME, to No. 1 Prompt Pay ing Customers. COME AND SEE ME:: 11. N. .9IIERMAN. . Lynn, Nov. S, 1855.-2 in - WHAT .NEXT GIVE CANDY instead of MEDI LINE, is a fact. for PURDON'S WORM LOZENGES Ilare entirely superseded the use oi all other kinds of VERMIFUGE' wherever they have become kno_ern. They are VERY AGREEABLE to tho taste.- READILY EATEN BY CHILDREN PERFECTLY SAFE, ire the most EFFECTUAL and Reliableantliehnintie (-- Medicine in USE. " They CONTAIN • NO MERCURY or any •substance Which can injure the weakest infant, but hsvc excellent ' TONIC PROPERTIES • which will INVNORATE the system an 4 render it proof againat;subseiluent attacks. nice 25 cts. Illanufacturc4:l - by N. F. IttARSII tsz . Co., Scranton, Pa. For sale by Abel Turrell, McKen zie & Eldridge, Zerali Very, Eaton i'lltoxley, Ray don BrOthers, J. Dickerman, jr., and Dealers gen erally. • n0v.4,'58.-6m - - Admini%trator's Notice IVOTICE Is hereby airen Vail persons harinidemands 'against .1.1 the estate of AIIRASI `TAIT. deceased, late of Ilarrord. that the same Must he presented to the tinder:ollrd for arran ment, and all persona indebted to said Mate are requeseted ma s t Immediate payment. ' CHAS. TINGmTes Ammucntiostarnanox e. • Ilarfoni. SUK. ra.. Nor. r.. IfZB,6re Syrup, Sugar, & Molasses, T HE best io tows—at the lowest prige--by F. B. CHANDLER, \ Montrose, Nov. 8, 1858 HERRING'S PATENT FIRE AND,BURGLAR-PROOF SAFES tha t:l t () to n $1 9 000 - R pte E% ve 'Aß n o l tr i nls w e i Tef i fitt ed, in an accidental fire, to preserve its contents. The BEST SAFE made. • . B. CIIANDLER,:..ASent. Montrose, Nov. 24;1858. GODDARD, WARFIELD'S & DR.I. L. ALLEN'S PATENT DEVICES , Yor / 1 0PEL.... T the are of thlelmmovement, the Canine toP ean bingstil or Ell lowered from either thevight or theleft, the outside or the inside. thereby obviating the dleleulty.hertieforeealsting of eprintang one Not and then the one on the oppoette side, as well M. the extreme rare lamasery to prevent the top from Ming so heavily- as to break the bows. poops, at. This le effetted by means of a small lever In connection with the hollow prop, to *Within arm cob or bidder la ai tached. Thelon may also be raised or towered with PEErEET EASE, be Means of the lower lever. which Is usually placed M the right hard ride of the sat, the weight of the top being nearly, hal• anced by two spiral springs attached to the thrones or enrlnattlolf rod. which ease it down while in the act of hills". and moist in 'Mi lne; it. The cat for materials, Ac., en a earlier to but *tiding. etsa• +Merles the great utility. The undersigned Whig purchased eielusire right - of the above Patent, In-the counties of ltusqueharms, Bradford, Luzerne.and Wy. oming, will sell rights in mid counties, and will menniketure Card. &fee with the improvement attached, at Me Mop; inldoritmee: • ' N: ROGERS. - MONTROMfieptembor la, . • • - •3Pcor - HE undersigned are now mannfatturing and T Lace on hand all kinds of • ' Carriage and: Sleigh Stull; - such as Tribes, Boum, 7hills, Cutter-Rujuters Raves, Fendeis, tfe , et,for sale, hi lots to suit par chasm, very low for eanl. Also, all idas of work gosinni and bent. to - -- 'CROOK & JOLISSIQN. Greatleud, ro,, Much 3 a - 18.58.43 , *- - 'Gke,itt„Tirliallipih: lie ReadyPay4stell4 IT 18 CERTAIN THAT , GOODS CO BE SOLD ECCCESSFULLT IN lIIONTROSE, AND AT SUSQUEHANNA DEPOT, for.OEL'S TIMOR doubting this assertion vitt do well to call at \ -the btores of f ilmeqb4llll?& eO. Where it will be proven that the merchant, in sel• ling his Goods, can afford to sell CHEAPER for CA.III, and can offer indscements sufficient to make it an object to - purchasens, at 'NO:never ascii. fie, e, to'proeure the money to make their purchases on the_Cash liC7ll, • They hare just received , and are constantly re ceiving a large assortment of DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING, particularly . adapted for Fall and Winter, and which are purchased_ under the most, faioruble circumstances, for tfash. They are enabled to and will offer and sell alpriees iiir below others that have given everlasting credit,— matter whether it is to 7bm, Dick, or /tarry. TIIEREFORE, Examine,- Compare,. and Judge NM NT GOODE, an mortment heretofore une q ualled byanythiug cr offered in Montrose. . _ ~''ANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS , Comprising many new and deshibble styles of Goode unknown M this markct,among which will be found;in Ladies'' Dress Goods, all the novelties of the dap, cheap ai Guttenberg, Rosenbaum, & Co's. SHAWLS. New and eboiee_styles 01 Brodie, double and single, Stella, Plaid, Wool, Talma, and Mantilla, and a now style ofTLIENILL SHAWLS, CHEAP; AT Guttenberg, Rosenbaum,. & Co's. CLOTH CI_JOAICS. An assortment always on hand, also Ladies Cloth and trimmings to match, of all shades, Cheap, at ,Guttenberg, Rosenbaum, & Co's. EiviiE7F2gonnalozo, In this department we can offer great inducement=,; as we are purchasing direelly from Importing houses. The assortment comprises French Sets, Sleeves and Collars, Worked Edgings and Inse4ings, and a grqat many more nrticles toondaerous to men. of which may be-found- CHP,A.I 3 ; AT Guttenberg, Rosenbaum, & Co's, F.D., FR 0 0 ID)@ 1 Boimets, Ribbons Wire, Stiff Settings, and Frames, at wholesale and retail, CheapOtt Guttenberg, Rosenbaumrt Co's. DOMESTIC GOODS. -Ray be found all the different qualitien of PRINTS, atiVG.T/A ffS, - • BLEAGILED GOODS, NYE UNBLEACILED MUSLIN'S TICKS,. STRIPES, • DENIMS, • SHEETING i 2/ yards wide, CHEAP; AT • -. , . GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM, A: TO'S. READY-MADE - CLOTHING. As this is one of their principal branches Of business in New York City, they certainly hare one great ad vantage over all the rest of the Clothiers, they,ltav partner steadily in New York City to ddvote all his time to this particular branch of manufacture. They will furni.h, at any tithe; a good Garment, at about the price for which the materials can be.. got. They Will warrant their work and a complete fit or no bargain. They keep *shindy .on Bond one 'of the best stocks of Over and Under Ooatp, SUCII AS N FROCK, DRESS, RAGLAN, 'SACK, & PINTS in great variety and different styles. , Vests : Vest*: Vests :. Such as Velvet, 7 Plush, Camimere, and . Satin; CHEAP, AT .... • - Guttenberg, Itosenbattni o & Co. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER, OF TILE BEST_ itIATEIHAtSt At Sort Notice:, Under Garments-' For Ladies Jur well u for Gentlemen, such as - SILK, LAMBS' WOOL, , CHEAP, :Jit GnGenberg,'Haseliba.rtus,;A:C 4 i. One word is sufficient for the utte. To our. numerous 'Friends,and Customers, • ' in partiMtlar to those knowing themselves to be ehted to us, we would , say unee(more that We will sell for READY PAY, . hereafter,. and all accounts !not; he ;settled without further notice. .= We - are tired 'of ; Writing::Dunniec Letteri;and supporting the Postudice, to our We will take all kinds of Grain at the highest market ,price in payment. All'aciountw - standing over six months on our Books, will be left fOr.collectioiy•lin* less 'settled by note:. • - .„ • ' • & Co. ROFIBOSL October 2031,8, New Firil New Store. Publfrp 4**Oust below .1 7, *theridge% . , AA . BALDWIN w_oixid twspeWtfully innounce /IL pabOa•thitt torbil iwitociated hhuselt.. with W3I.I.,..A.LLEOnIhw • . .. FLOURJEED, AND GROCERY BUSINESS. -Also; tat they have removed into th eir, newly fitted. up building on Public" Aienue, just tylow Ether idge's Drug Store. where can always be found the choicest brands of - • • Family Flour, , Feed, Pork, lining, - Fish, Dipped Candles, Timothy, . _ and , ' Also a general assortment of Groceries, such as Sugars, Molasses,: • Syrups, Tea, Ctittec,dtc.dcc: . . Thankful far past favors, wonfd' ancw,of the same; under' the new-firm; pledging our belies to do. the tar thing, Doping by each bargain to , be sure of another. Being under a different. Adininistration, it -is very desirable to have all old accounts settled, and com ntence anew, under the Ready pay System; . BALDWIN ft ALLEN'. W. L. Ata.r.v. A. BALDWIN, Montrose, Oct. 20, 11358.—te AIL IN WANT OF A !,,„; 11334. . • CAN BUY TIIEDI CHEAP -F 0 R SHORT- CREDIT, J. IL EIBILME & ,43013. Shawl and Dress Goods EMPORIUM! NEW TALL GOODS FOR CASH & PROMPT 6 MONTHS' BUYERS. ,H. BURR T T HAS now in Store, and is makintbuge. additions to his Stock of =Pall and Winter Goods --. To which he would invite the attention of buyers; embraein. , the most desirable - varieties of LADIES?* DRESS (OODS, including the New Styles of Rich Prints and Plaids, in Delaines,Pucal Plaids, Plain and Plaid Merinos, Mohair Cloths,. Ginghints, Silks; Brocite, Cashmere, Silk and Wool Shawlit, Rich Rib lions, Bonnets and Flowers, Net Hoods, Ladies' Cloths, Broadcloths, Cassimeres, &m," With a full asz , sortMent of other Staple and Fancy Goods, including GROCEft)ES, C-R.OOKERY,:II.4RDWA,RE, S7'o VES, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS & SIIOES, CAR PETLNO,FLOOR.OiI CLOTHS,PAIN TEO WIAIDO SHADES, WA LL PA PER,CLOCKS,DRUGS, OILS,. EIITFALO ROBES, &c. itc., &c., itc., • dx. • Or The entire Stock being large and bought: for CASH, will give superior opportunity: for Choice Se lections, and be sold'at the lowest Selma to CASH and PROMPT SIX MONTHS' BURRS., N. 8.1-Flour and Salt constantly on hand. New NiWord, October 6,1858: THE QUAKER CITY Insurance Comp. - of Phil'. Capital and Surplus, 11304,000. Chartered Capitals 8500,000. • Office, Franklin Building; No. 408 Walnut St. IRE INST.: NCE ma D gat Stoma Buildings and, r errhandise generally. MA RINE INSURANCE on Vessels. Cargo nod Freight to and from all parts of the World. Also Inland Insurance on tloOds Wand from all parts of the C.oldn. Statem?nt of the Puiiness'and epticlititni of the' Qua ' ker City Insurance Company, of Philadelphia; for Six Mont 4 ending JIM& 30111 . 0 1 . Capital and Surplus...Januar ,. Ist. ISZ.S, g:277.4711 87 Int ere 4. mceired andplerued from Jan. Ist to July Ist... 4993 8.1 Premiums-suet:bred. ' 1.13.074 57 Salvage an - d-Re.lusurmilee -. 4,877'21 Flowers, LOSSES, EXPENSES, ilfe. To Imses paid-464,451 - Re-ln., Ret. Premiums, and Expenses,— 3;894 54—5,5,946 lialatiee renal:gag with the Camp:winly, . . • , ASSETS. - Bonds, Mostgarrs, Stocks, Coupon Bonds, Loans on co. ----- . . slateral and Call Leans, dm-, $164,T0 50 . BIN Receivable. 90,611 79 CAA ou laud and lu Bank, and due ftom ligsida, Z 1,916 06 _ Capital. Surplus, • • 'GEORGE If. 11A liT; Pregident, E. F. ROSS, lui.cuuuswr..t.a., See. ' Treag. I SAL IJUTLE.R, 4tdot t PK.4. Directors.• rsorgelr. /Ind, t. P. Roo* 4. t.'eurtill.,Poner; J.' Exisv:ird.r. J. U. Dale. K W.Ball. v, k",iti. Perkins. C.O. Chambers. J. L. Pomeroy. H. li.eocowell. and S. - joneo. M. D. LITSIC,. - : Agent. 3tklyruosr., September it', • . J. Higginbotham., WATCH FINISHER, General .Repairer, CIF the BElrr Fzintsn, Swiss, Atat,.Cntsass Au:. V m.r.x.WATcnEs, PATENT ViD DETACIILIatriRS, . , _ lIIMEATiItS t LEPINES,,&e.,S.C. Truly proud of the tiattering . enetnnium beito*o on him as an hottest and superior - --, - ' --". '* • . ~ .. . .. - WATCH JOBBER,_-, and grateful to all who have employed him; and doub ly those that have cohtinued to to hitt steady customers since his commencement in Montrose,(now nearly three years,) and encouraged by thoseowho al ready.knoiv his abilities, he now infordts' those" who do-not; - that early in life he vitustaught the art of _ Finiehmg New ,Watches 9 hy Atkin, late of Lord-Strect; Liverno6l; whO was a first rate MAKER and REPAIRER of the. best watches., After having workedlor - him. upwards ,of nine years; ( seven of which as an indentUrcdippren- tice,) he then commenced fir himself, and latterly in- New York, where ho has been employed by some of the first and. mast respectable establishments in, Broadway, Maiden Lane, Bowery, 'lke., and:was bZ them classed a first rate workman. N. B. ile has always on hand a well astliedistoelr.'' . Of Watch Wheels, Cylinders: Watch Jewels, ;Main „pringS, Watch Rands,' and Watch - Glasses, , which still be carefully fitted; right away, and for prices less than they . ean be had in the City.. •.• - • or Shop in Bentley, Read, at. CO'S &M.: - Plums Block, Montrose, Aug. 18, 1858..', MITE man who Iciat FIVE DOLLARS by purchas .ing a second rate cont,:when he could have get' , a first rate - one for the same *ice, .east have the dam age repaired when ho wauts4 new" coat,: by - calling upon the subscriber. The. Fall Styles are now on band, and I.Mit. prepared as . usual. to, aeeetitmodate' the "piddle: irith — ' substantial *cork, pluiisttra fits: • I Iteepeatt4' smutty on hand a largo and well selected asatirtinent of •-- • • Skill • alit Good Temper . • an d can confnientli promise t o . f.tirve.ntigletnersi both In 'gym* and iniee,'lnn Manner that'shall be en tirelp sattifacloay; - Call in,' gentleinen and 'T'oung America; and get.yonr - eold weather' rigs. tar Shen At the old stand, opposite- ths cirri Steam. Printing oilice,_twe doors rt.* of Feetle .l l Hotel. 'cutting lioneal! usual.' JOIIN GROSIM Uone'redie.Septenbei 22; 1838.-8 m REMOVAL. ' Clover, Field, Garden Seeds.- OR EN3 NEW MILFORD, SEPT. 29, 1858.-6 m NEW MILFORD Officers. The:Blind Shall - A LARGE now., ietp - ply of Spectacle, jot L - 5.• received. '"CAA'and tri, to oM the eye. - at ._ Soda Sweet cra ckers. AFRESHLOT, 4rtift received, end, for sale by Oct. la, - •J. LYONS & SON. 1141,627 63 4304481. 33 ~ , .231 SS 200,014 00 104,%1 .t.l