Auditor's Itotice. •--- • . . - D. HOWARD, - — ln the Court ofConimtm ilias of v 5..... Susquehanna County. --An*ust Luke teed, and Term, 185 R. Nos. 545, 506, Chas. V. Recd. - and 507. Sheriff Sale, ke._ The Auditor appointed by the Court to-: report a ( litrib.ution of the fund raised by the : Sheriff ' s talc,- irt th e above na med cases, will attend, for the per pocCS of said appointment, at his office, in for. ea Thursday, the 50th day of Dec. •inst., at. one o'- clock. p. m„ of which all persons interested will take entice and present their elttims, or be debarred from reining in mum mid fund. - W3f. S. TVDRELL, Auditor. • lee. e i 16M- , lw • MEI Auditor's Notice.. E Auditsr appointed by the CoUrt, to audit, sel -1 de. and adjust the achnint of Isanekßtnearson, one of the Administrators of the etttate of Aaron Ry pearson. deceased, on ctceeptions Sled, will Inset the plait*• in interest, at his office, in Montrceie, oriFri aly; the 31st day of Dee. inst, at one o'clock,i.,m, WM, TVIIRELL, Auditor. Mentrosct; Dcc. 8, 1858.-1 w iLLOrscins ore hereby confirmed against trnst ing 00 . named crtAittrs tiorrEtt, , a :4itlar, as I will paY no debts of his enntroadne. A IFS T. POTTER. North -Jackson,' bee. 1, I 'SM.—pc? Administrators" notice. .t . °I)TICF: is hereby giren-to all perenns having de- Inan:l3 against the estate of Justan Ruts, tate of Rush, that the same lutist be pre. r nted to the undersigned fbrate arrangement. ttnd all : ; r; n , indebted to Bald est are requested to make immediate payment. • - ITENRY R. ELIA ) 'FORMAN OttA\OER, lunn'rs • 7 198.-6tt , Auditor's Notice. TETE undersigned', haring been' appointed by the Court of commcin 'Pleas of Smquehanna County, ;.n Auditor to make distribution of the moneYs in the ?,ands of the Sherif of said ,County, arising from the , a l e of Real Estate of N. Billings, will attend to the d z Aks di said appointment at Ms , office, In Montrose, sa Saturday, the 9th day of Jan., at 1 o'clock in the Aerneon, it R hich time mill place all perstms inter iqted in said moneys their claims, or be riueter barred fmni.cominz in pima said fund. triANKLiN FRA....Efi, Auditor.. MontroSe, Diti4 - • '.Auditor's Notice.. undeisigned, npoointed an Auditor, hr the Cotnt...oe,tlanuron-Pleas of Sing. Co., to make ..the funds arising from the sale .of the W..M..S.herwood, hereby gives notice. he *ill attend to the duties of said appointment office in )tontvise, on Priday,. the 7th day of jvc:iry i o ,the afieruckin, *lien all Tcr:ons haying an interest in the said fund if :he? think•pmper. , FßANK. FRASER, Montrose, Dec. 7,15.5.9.-4 W ' •'-"" Auditor's Notice. undersigned having been Appointed by., the ',7,;;rt of Common Pleas of Susquehanna County. r:friart linSti. the ext'etipiMit filed tti the account of E. 11. Mills and A. Cir 1, tiisigUeea bt.tieKet Woodcock, Trill attend to that ditty at his in Yontrose, on the 7th Jar of January. D. Ism', at r!o'ilmk, -m., at which-time and place all persona ;ring any interest in the nim.ter.will nlease attend. F. D. VD , F.ETER, Au4itar. • Moastrt?.e;Dec. 'I, ISSS.---ity IV l Cltiee t 13 lit tint GIVII 4 t that fin atiplitatlon ham. been I made to the Cont eEdommbn flea.' ot.susq9e.; !,Fa Vonnty, for the ineofporation of "-the first Mohodist Epissopal Church. of Lathrop." G. B. R. WADE, Prothonotary. Nr.ontro:e, Dor. 1, ISSS.-Sie - . ATtcnvticsa• t,uttitatoittl.4', dint an application has been 1 n - hvieto the Conti - of etimiiittn Sitertne hint Colon - N. - , for the incorporation of " The True vies of the P . reshyrcrinn Church; of Lenoeville." G. B. R. WADE. ProtlinnotarA Montrose, Dec. 7, 1.,359.7-ii • Yrslaills B. Dav ison, M. D.,s. •nB' qtt.Gt•ta - 1. 4 I,trttrnfte and 1V 1 :',.; 1 ' 54 , 1 .t r ,% . ,... ? ` 1F. „ T'' .. 4, 7, 1 ,..,, Nt. tira5tnn . , County. * tirnvy. tve the .... ..Nf 1' W. Mote tie r, i. ILLIIDENC F 4 turner oppendtd.. Neu. , 4'4: io-,..t. \ . . ,4,,,1., Pa., 17.15t.'8, '- - - "Yankee Doodle came , to Town Upon a little Pony:" • • Nit one day iastjaeek a new lot of-Ilmkat apd Flitiortery came to Town, per Hope's F.:press, were landed safe at A. N. BULLARD'S - BITOK STOREi. Puhtic .A.venne, where tiles. are for sale rhea ? ji,r. Fsery Woinan her own. Lawyer, The. Magician's Ge n Book, Arts of Beauty, Gem of o tlie Seaton, The Kerprake, Book of Beauty. The Family Expense 11.;,ok, Wehster's new, Counting. Rouse Dictionary,- &e. A new supply of Prof. Stoddard's Arith- In.:tiL; &c.; and all selling Q. K. • - A. N. BULLARD. . I,lo'atrose, Dec..lst, 1555. Othe 19th Nov. ult., between M. S. Wilson & -Son's Store and the Livery Stable of 11. 11. Dun- MOT, a Fur Glove, of the kind called Driver's Gleres. The finder by calling at the Store of M: S: Iritlon, can find a mate - to it; and we will either make arrangements to take. both - -or let the finder hire both. , • N. S. WILSON & SON. Montrose, Dec. 1, I St 9. • . - Romelournal f0t1859. IP.t..Series,-..Yett A ttrartiOno--Viw Irtheiß 'MORRIS J“',1:0 WILLIS. EDITORS. nrw/teries of this widely-Circulated family news, _A. paper, will be -commenced on the „first of Jan -,n, wxt—printed on Inc paper and clear type, With the January number will lyi - rdn the publim tin of a series of beautiful ORIGINAL WOliq OF rArr AND FICTION, written - ''expressly - fur the ifOraft Journal, by the beat:At - mons of Ausatra. Tht , first of these is from the pen or a 'gifted *ll - is ft talc of love and lucre, entitled, TWO RATS TO WEDLOCK! by a-lady contributor.- Ts° scene i laid in this city during ... the memorable w:mer a the great fire. The incidents are natural sad familiar, and the thl4racters skilfully drawn and pepped : the plot is dearly defined and well.manag td—the style easy,-graceful, tu.d fiowirig, and the de -1,,r,,,,nent conveys a most uieful lesson. I is a work ci s:erting merit. - Thilstory will be folloied by a 'Vale df the South; eneone of startling interest, by nn eminent Southert( tuthor, called Tllr AVENGER I This production is entirely American in construction, plot, iticident,dia e, scene, tone, conclusion. It could not have hen true of any other country, and po4awes at cactioas of a peculiar nature for thnie " to the manor born." It is a tre;alet y—ft bonne bonehe of remark able value. • . . The third of this - attract:lie armies of American Itories is YOUNG Vi 1/.475 DIARY! by a ritueitter of the West.. It contains thew _hole history of roman's trial', and still be read with • the: deeptat• fteling by all eiILSZXV of the contmonitT; • These chinning stsries will be at:Weeded by others , s shrill:tr. - description, seTeral of which are already , In preparation. . All the former itecniiar features of the paper, which hitro! ,, i,ren it siworld-wide reputation, will be con -I.nirti, while the sereral new ones will give an ina tar rariety to its ever diyersified parost: :Among *re a number of fresh, spier, amusting.,Orip inal Comic Stories, which smack and of the wit, humor, raciness, brilliancy, aati sparkle or tlo. times. As heretofore, no labor nor expense will be spared maintain the high reputation of the Home Journal, which it ererywhere, both at home and abroad, ic knewledged to be the most refinedrand elegant rep ertory of Literature and the Arta ort,this side of the ‘.l. and the Bed and Cheapest Farnily .11esceipgRe . r the IroricL As no more copies of the new series be printed thaw are ordered, those who desire fo "'gin with the commencement of .the 'roinme will be Able to do so. by forwarding their oubseriptions without - . Ttsis.— copy, $2; for three cOpies, ss— one 'ppy for three years, $5; for a-club 'Of seven ropier, $lO ; for a club of fifteen copies, .$2O ; and at. at rate - for a Lirger clab—always in aßranee. Address, - MORRIS & WILLIS, Editors aud.rroprietors, 107 - Fultoo-strect, N. Y. Administrators , Notice. N OTICE is hereby to persons baring de mends agahmt •-the &tate of Jose Jractsts, late en -Ammon to'wuthip i dec'd,that the smie must he presented to the indersi,' ped for arrangement, and di ptrsortgintiebie4 to ssidZstate are .requeitted ,to lute immediate payment •' HENRY JESICINR ANN JENKLNK 4.1 duOrk. Thomson. Dee. 1, 18.58.-6wp 44. L midiegTanivi , / low supply. 11 " 49 "=Ki i : loaf --T94f14- Holism STORE =DEM , riiM SPEED SECOND LOT or Fall &Whiter Goods: lasi eft-dyed . ..l6d setting remiiltablf low, for 7171 - W.- - iI:DA:7Sr-: J. smitrit, Jr., k SON'S Convinced that the "47mile sispenee ii prefers. Lie to the atata shining," we propose dealing upon that plan. By selling Gonda at " Altars which esti. net fail to suit,"and paying the'. Highest Mnr "kit Prices fir all kinds of PRODUCE, "we ix. Ted a RUSHP - Drir Goods. •, I)LACK SILKS, Poplins and Plaids, • 13 PRINTS iu endlesepariety, De, latinep and Gingham, the best to he had 0-Rom the City 41 "Wreat t ntoriety." In fact every ihing in the line of PRY GOODS going low "-FOR 771 E PAY" at SMITH & SON'S. • CLOTHING. UNDER COATS,- Over Coate, Panto, Vela, and Collar!, Hats, Cips. Boots, and Shoes. Clerap for the . DOILA RS. at SMITH k SON'S GROCERIES. 1 (1.1b.i. Good Sugar for $l,OO. 20 lbs. Rice for I\l $l,OO. ' Sitlaeratna for $l,OO. "2 lhs. Good Tea for $l,OO, and otheriloods of eqnallr low figures, at J. SMITH, jr. & SON'S. Foie reasons we know not,we cant make a rhyme, With this bind of Goods. at this present time, Suffice it ye-say,we 3 re all kinds, and enough, From a bbl. of flour, Sager, Colkwe, lace, Fish, kc., to a rents worth of Sou/ .up dieteam, bring along your Grain,flut- H r t r er, Eggs, Feathers, Paper Raga, kc., and don't forget to bring the Bal•ir, and what Cads you .hare - to spare. • Yours in Trade. J. AMITIf, Jr., & SON. Speingrific, Dee. 1, 1858; e` • • tt. FARMERS: AIIEIIOIII THE naderged4i iriiatireapectruffy sibtalice to • ith FAagfag.aud all ()theta interesflA trat. . • .fiftiTif . the old stand . of M. & E. MUTT, - are Pre pared to furnish MAWS of the most approved pat terns now in use. such as • IllatrAtry's, Motes Iron Ream, &e. Alm) Points of all kinds, Landsides, Cu'tivator teeth, and albkindszif castings for Farm ers end others, nil of which we.propotie to sell as low as Eln b 5 atibrded bt nny establlshment in this Nom t r:-. - • . 111.1 AM MOTT. - Tr j We are also agenta fit Emeri's ,Hche Drag and Circular Fairs for wood, ststLfitig Churn POwers, which we can furnish on short notice. • _ Take -Notice! Vco flr3t of - Janniry is NEAR AT RAND, and all that . iiiikkithaelfit.(taccVunts nith ns will care "cost,' by callinganti AVM h. TILDEN. Montrose, Dec. 1, 1558:41 SHERIFF'S SALES. -Dy virtue of a wris or , ern.ex, issued by the Court ofCominon Plene of Susquehanna conhty and to me directed, It will expose to sale hr public vendue, At the Cmirt itimse In Mtmtrmr, on Friday the 17th of ;rice., 1-223, at one tielnek, p.m„ the following desCribed.pleees or pareels of land, to wit : ALL thiise ftir6 certain tracts Or parcels of land, one of which i 5 situate in Great !tend towtishlp, coun ty of Susquehanna and State of Pennsylvania, begin.. fling at a stake and stones, corner of lands of Lee Smith; ,thence north 2.1". east, 243 o.loth rods, to corner of land occupied by' McDaniel; dinner! north SO' and 50' emit. by McDaniel'! land, 731 rode to a stone near west side of highway ; thence north 16i° cast 47 rciiis to an elm giant); thencenra - t!: fr east 451 rods3O a birch sapling; *erten north 20 - 2-10th rods; thence east 275.r0ds ; thence ;oath 164' east. by line of tract, 1041 and 22,162 th rods, to an original corner ; Aimee smith 1' and 27' west, 221 rods to stake and !dimes; thCnee smith 1° west 150 rods to cliestnnt stub thence north fC and 5' west 21 rods to a coiner ; thence smith 2 r *eV, roda ; thence south Frir NW, 1201 rods in east *rands .. of said ' tract; 'thence southerly, along same, 44 rode to a point 40 4- loth rods from somheast corner of mill tract ; thence westerly, parallel with the south line', and tilangpirt- of said south line, 435 rods to beizin. fling; containing 1006 and 8-10th wee; of land, with appurtenances, 4 framed houses, 2 harm, 1 Atram saw trill, and about 125 acres improved. A LSO—Another piece in tiliertyiownsliip, nom iv and State afor es aid, and described ac folinzr'g, to wit : Wing the whole of original lots, numbered 67, 6s. 75, and 72. lying together, in the tract formerly of S. A. Law,' and containing in all 443 and 97.100111 acres, as surveyed by Wm. Wentr, April 10th, 1256. - Taken in exeCution at: the suit - of Minerva Sherwood ys:Sterlhen Weed and James A. Wecd. Purchasers will in all cues be required to flay, on the day of sale ; an amount Putlicient to cover the costs of sale, otherwise, the prlmertv will be resold forthwith. JOHN Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Montrose, Dec.l, 185 d. • "Pro bono intblico. 99 A NEw AND SUPERIOR LOT. OF Book* ,a Stationery, just received at the MOntrose BoOk Store, which will he sold extremely low for cash. 14chool Books.—A large Aiaortment. We design to keep on hand IL . supply of all the School Books used in the county, (provided they are not cha»ged oftener than ones a veekjand will sell them 'at prices that can-not fail to !nit They consist in tart, of Algebras. Arithmetic', Grammars, Geogra• pities:and - Readers, front fiye to ten kinds of each ; and others in about the same proportion. Webster's Dictionaries, 5;.7 ii:PR.—A new lot of Family and Pocket Bibles and Testaments, Hann Bolds, Prayer Booki„ . .Gift and Toy Books./Xc.. LanrAßooko.—Purdon's -.Digest for IFisa, Sinn's Justice; nth Edition, Graydon Forms, 4th Etliz tion, Dunlap's, do., do. The American Lawyer. and. Business Maki Form Book. (a hook worth ten times its cost,) and the Constable's Guide. Blank Books—a great variety, and Diaries also, for 1859. Blank :rotes, Marriage Certificates, and Family Register Blanks. Inka.- r -The best in Market. Black, Blue Black, Red, and Indelible. Crayon"' for the block board, Slate Pencils, Wood Peneibl Gold - and Metal. Pens, of the best quality, Quill.. 'Pocket Knives. Shears, Scissors, Tooth Brushes. Needles. Pins, Ladies' Ca llas, American Express Sealing Wax, Fancy do.. Wa fers, Drawing Paper, Fancy Note, and Letter Paper, Envelopes, a large variety and extra quality, 71;11. B.—Subscriptions for any of the Papers and Magazines publish ..Ain the country, will hc"leceired I AT TIIE 3f ONTROSE BOOK" STORE,- t club 'prices, or sold, (if desired,) by the single .. copy. You , is the. time. A. N. BULLARD. - I Montrose, Nov. 24, 1858. A Rare Chance„. TE subscriber proposes to sell his FARM, Pituni ed three mile. south of Montrose, on the Turn pike, containing Sizty-Five Acres, (with priv ilege of 25 acres more,) and unquestionably thelmst farm in the, County, of its size,—in. the following manner : " - • Sealed proposals for purchase- will be received, up to the first day of january, 1659. Rsyssmacz—Apply to Wm..l. Turrell or Samuel Bard, Mont:ok. For .full particulars apply to the subscriber on the premises. ' M. NEWMAN. Montrose, Nov. 24, PISS.-5w HERRING'S PATENT FIRE AND BURGLAR-PROOF SAFES rson Rho shall $l,OOO It prtY one IVARO e that tc'al Ol : rem has seer fail- ed, in an accidental fire, to preserre its:Contents. The BEST SAFES made. • F. B. CHANDLER, Agent. , 'Montrose, 'Wm 24, UM. _Limps and Materials for Lights. - BURNING FLUID, CAMPIIENE, LAMP OIL. :CANDLES. &e., of best qualities, constantly - on bmnd, and a prices as Cheap as the cheapest. Cur tomera may sely upon getting Fluid and Cautphene, new and good, as I sell so fast they newer get stale. Also, Cans and Lamps. • ABEL TT:KRELL New. 24, 1868. - • Ximtrose, The Blind Saudi See. ALARGE new 5414 of Opeetacles, just received., .Call wnd lv, to aid the eye, at Nov. 24,'68. ' TURRELL'S. • . KELM ABDOMINAL •lIIIPPOILTNILI3. SHOftiDNN =MM. 'LUST received ideigeArosesessid of the above sr eN N-tido; as tedwed prices. =The seondhieeh eau ! tech& le betisdisehtliket • Nos. 24, WA, -" ~,, 1858. DIPIEERMEt Jr. 1858, -HARDWARE AND gTOVE EMPORIUM IN IFULL BLAST ! TAE tICOERSIGNED would take thin opportuni ty to inform bit friends and cuatoMera that he hag reeentlyintade largo additions to his former d ie-naive stock of • Hardware, Stoves Rafe Pipe,Stove Tilininings. Zinc, ace., and that he Is prepared to 'supply the wants of the community ih that line at unusually low prices. He flatters himself that his facilities for tnanufaCturing his own Wares, Stoves, &c., give hint a decided - ad- Vantage over any who purchase and transport at a heavy exprtise their entire-stock. He would :;ay to those who - wish' to purchase STDVES or any description,.STOVE,rlT, o r TEL MI XINGS, of any kind, and pay for them, lie is prepat• , ed to give them great bargains ; liut to those who want to purchase on a year's credit and then let it rim two years more, he had rather they would Callon someone ehe, even if they have to pay seventy-fire per cent tuo.e than 10 article is worth. In the line of Shelf Hardware, his assortment is the largest and best selected in Sus quehanna Cdfunty i purchased as his stock has been mostly of manufacturers, he is enabled to offer in. ducementit to those conntrr merchants who buy small ltills,mrely to be found this side of the big city. We can ofl'er special indlicementA to Carpenters and Joinefs who!are in want either of Tools or Building Materials. Blealtimiths can find ANVILS, VICES, TIELLOWS, land, in fact, althost any thing in their Hite, by calling on us, Cheap for Cash ! Our.stock of , Dry Goods, firroceries, Boots di Shoes, Hats and Caps, Yankee Notionsote. is as large aS the times :will admit of. They were purchased at a low figure, and will be sold at prices to correspond with the times. REAOTIMADE CLOTHING I We have Just opened about one-and•a-half cords ready madel clothing. Every hotly says they are cheap. Sonic say they arc r•ry cheap, and a num ber have ventured to *ay they are 'fag cheap. Cer tain it is that a small pilu of money_will buy a large pile of clothing. We would add, in This connection, for the inform tfea yell concerned and the '.`t rest of mankind," that e are f i rt .,2 and sick of the credit system; we have suffered enoughDp already, and are determined to Fritter" Believing that rid Oiitsotres, , of the T 1 lit& the nimble sispene,t ;t1 the true my.:!ein• we are re solved to addpt it anditre offering, our gtu,j.i at price! lo'correspond. Produce taken in exchanee for Goods. .; ' J. DICKERMAN, Jr. New Milford, Not. 17, 11.1.:)8. COsh for Pork T""eirt ttntriet take paid far FORK in the 3. DICKERMAN, Jr. New Mileord, , Valuable Farm for Salo: Pin; Rineriber ofrerß for Rale the Talunble Farm 1. R 4 f4 It. cl, IRfett owned Antioccupied by Cal,iip Sommehi, ififf!elstA ottid long Itnown AP the summers Place." Said Farm i sitgated in the pleasant village of .smw utersi:ille, iMtlielowiciliip of Not Milford; Stisque haima comity, Pa.,•directly on the line of the. fiat ware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, four miles from its junction with the New York and Erie. at Great Dend, and one a half mile from the Depot. at Nett Milfrild; It contains alatut 240 acres, acres, improied, ttY gerca woodland. It is well wa tered, has a bating streartt rmming through, and a never-failing supply of water centered in lead pipes to the house, barns, -and cattle-yards. - h is well fenced anal tinder good oltiration, is well adapted to growing grain, and is peculiarly fitted for growing stock-. and Ti one of the best dairy farms in the coun tr. Tt has upon it two orchards of choice grafted fruit tree's, at large And convenient dwelling, now oc cupied as a hotel; twodargPlinrse and carriage harm , : one large biirn two cattle yards; mole shed.; and all the ;arrangements for feeding stmt.. ; three small hay add -grain barns; ice house, brick smoke hense,:large:corn bonSe, and all other out-buildings necessary on a large farm. It will be Fold 13w, and terms of payment matte eau. For information tul &OM ; • R. L. SUTPHIN; Summersville, Snsq. Co., Pa. Nov. 10, - ABEL TURRELL ITAp, J,)%ft returned from New-Torii, with a lar,T., and choice variety of - GOODS, which fie oiffers 10 his customers and the public, at Fasr.prices, for Cash. Hit stock comprises; DRIS,! MEDICINES, PAINTS,OIS, WINDOW GLASS, ; • DYE STUFFS, • CROCKERY, - GROCERIES, MIRRORS: , GLASS WARE, ICLOthiS,, WALL PAPER, WINDOW PAPER, WINDOW OIL SHADES, FANCY GOODS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, JEWELRY, •'. PERFUMERY, DRY GOODS, HARD WARE, STONE WARE, WOODEN WARE, .. BROOMS, i BRUSHES, .. JAPANNED WARE, : .. BIRD CAGES. WHIPS; ; . CANARY SEED, CMBRET.LAS, ' POCKET KNIVES, GUNS, ,f rim's. AMMUNITION, TURPENTINE, . ~ CAMPHENE, • .. BURNING . . ALCOHOL, FIXID; LIQUORS, ' (For Medicinal Purposes, only.) TRUSSES, SUPPORTERS. , , SHOULDER BRACES, MIT ONIAES, SPECTACLES, SILVER & PLATED SPOONS, FORKS, &e., GOLD PENS. • STATIONERY, VIOLIN STRINGS, BOWS,,&c , And all: of the most popular • 4 „, 4 PATENT MEDICINES. Tbankfal for the liberal patninage hitherto receiv ed, lie hopes to merit a continuance and large in crease of the Parne.\ ABEL TURRELL. Montrolae, Nov. 111, 1858. _ . _ • To' the Public SOME Merchants publish afew low prices, or the priecit ofd few low priced articles, as an induce ment to persons tojnake their p'brchases of themoin der the presumption that every thing iv equally low. Without Occupying space in the public papers to enumerate ; b wish it distinctly understood, that I will sell 60 . 0DS as low for the quality, as they can be bought in any other Store in this place or County. Baits and Hooks not used. 'Purchasers will generally find good qualities of articles at TURRELL'S, and-'n Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oita, and Dye Sties, the very best, and the assortments full. 'the FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT is also extensive. Also, choice y Groceries, Croekerg, Wail Paper, le ... weir', Perfumery, de., de. In sheet' nearly e v ery thing usually kept in country stores. As I deal in many departments of trade, and have more articles than I can well enumerate in the limits of a Newspaper, I shall not attempt, it; neith. er willlt be neeessary„ under these circumstances, to 611 a colemn with users repetitions and blanks The people are invited to call and examine fur them. Selves. j . ABEL ITIRRELL. Montioie, Not. 10. 1858. ' , To Zitusicians. . . , JLI3ARTICULAR attention is called to the choke ca. stet,. otViolin, Guitar, and Bass Viol Strings, tome or the best qualities in market. .Paso a good - selection of Violins, &Ts, Pegs, Bridges, Tail Tleces, Finger ikards, - Rosin, kn.; iteconleons, Flasea, Fit* Drum Sticks, Tuningfrorits. /11sfruaic!ii Books) &c. Gaffin at the Vitieby Stote of a ABEL TURBELL. liostnc4e,,Nor. 3;;1135,8 Second Hand Baird% - • va Ilr iieartreveryAescripekm;,j)dia and cheaper Syrup, Sugar, dtiaolaiees then rrplik c . !.. fcy antie %WE shrt in toaa---nt, !Ira: kmeat : • IV 14s WPM*. " -• ' .„ B: caorms. ttaidsvie;t 4 T:i 4, le* • - • EITTSQUESMA COUNTY HOMEaL WHOOLO J. F. STODDARD, A. M., PRINCIPAL "„t THE next t.,?rm of the — IoCSOCETIANNA I:ol72irt NORMAL SCROOL" will, commence on Monday the-22d day of Nov.. 1858, fn enntinn.t.en nuntent. of ltbrYKS wxrxe tut. under the chlese of Prof. ATtmpAint sided by competent instructors. - LECTURES.'. • Prof: STOPPAILD till 11011ret lecture. on Roueattott and the Art of Teaching. tool on Ruth Kieutine .uhieet..e. the intotestx of the stud ent. T' vo•m to minim. - Leeturee arlil also be 4iii'llterest by Rev. f. 0. TOOM ER anslothere during the A04040n. ,l'he opening Ad- Ores. n 111 he ll,llvrrul at the Academy 'Hall, on Monday, Nosorso . Ix- , .114.1 4 n5. at 1 rieock, n. tn. The Peinlvy Inlatnient of the School will be taught by 3114 s ET 1.?, C. PARC. ' stnotelltA 41.111111 of riofto eitasgts - r At the orstrygn of the School, au t he els:sit-swill then be =mod, and studies assigned : • tXPENSES. TUITION—No. II nd Detstritneut, per quatterof eleven wetks, PAIL Primus. - AAA. Engliel brenchen,al4 Latin and Greek. do. LIM. -D. in] pyr t.OO. • It Mat tuflon lolls be mid in athnore. and PO dflitle• linty x a be undo eseeit In C 0,," of protrwte.l sickhen.. Students ("at, them-dive.. t• hert•toinrv. Cooking Movei and hrulinrc• tan h • iente.l of Mr. at TVAIYM/41610 rate.. lITM.JESSUr, e. Y. RE.*. N , ,.trn•e, SA. MS, -It STOVES, PIPE, TIN, =ECM SHEET IRON WARE. Tire undersigned would announce to, the public that he is again in th. 2 above mentioned business, and inn v he found oppos te his old stand, on Main Street, below Searle's Fidel, where he will be happy to see his old'customers fad as many new ones es will give him a call. Stoves of the newest ptttcrns, and at the cheapest rates. Jobbing Done on Short Notice. Produce taken in exciange for wares, - 1. A. WOODRIFFY Montrnie, Nor; 3, 13:;:l 1V 0 0 I e 1111 - ALT, Lpersons Indebted to Pr. A. C. BLAKESLEE. of Dimock, are rent:Mot to ealt and settle their accounts by payment, or_ncte, on or before the first (lay of December next, or stow cansT ten (lava there after, before Amos Williams, E , ( 1 .. of Springville, why judgment should not le obtablyl, • Respoctfilllx, A. C. BLAI:Fq FF Diniock, Nov. lu, 1 S 514.- f -Exhibition at Lynn: NEW STILES lOW READY:, N. SHERMAN ttas ju,t received a fresh I e tock of DRY GOODS, GROCEBIES, 'CROCKERY, HARDWARE, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, PAINTS. OILS, DYE STUFFS, DRUGS & MEDICINES, &c., &c., all of which °freed for sak cheap, roc. CASH or READY rav, or on SHORT TIME; to rya 1 Prompt Pay. lug Cultomers. CO.l.rr; 4.N1) SEE M.E'! 11. N. SIIF.II3tAN. Lynn, Nor•. S, IS:,S.-2in _ _ NEW STOVES. EURRITT 13 jaA rcccivittg a larr.,e • stock of NEW STOVES,. including a full attsottment of EI..EVATFD Ov L EN ARGE OVEN, • • AND FLAT-TOP PREMIUM COOK 'STOVES, FOR, WOOD or COAL. WITH A, SUPERIOR VARIETY OF Parlor, Office, aud Shoii Stores, - for WOOD or COAL z Also Stove Pipe, Zinc, Sheet Iron-,Stove Tubes, &c.; &c. MS ASSORTMENT will INCLUDE the 14tOST . SELECT and DESMABLE STOVES is norkvt, soh! will hr =old on the nuiAt farnratdr. v-rotq, &c., to which he would incite the par ticular attention of CA,SII BUYERS \4s - 3fit.vor,D;Novom-ber, 1S:;:: WHAT NEXT ! - rt i r stead ot 7EDI GVAIAi°a PURDON'S WORM LOZENGES flare entirely superseded the use of all other kiiids of VERMIFL.' GE wherever they have become known. They are VERY AGREEABLE to the taste. , READILY EATEN BY CHILDREN PERFECTLY SAFE, • and are the most EF.Fh i CTU..-IL - and Reliable antlielinintie Medicine in USE. They NO :NIEL:CI:11N or any substance which can injure the weakest infant, but have excellent PROPERTIES which will INVIGORATE the system ilia render it proof ag4inst subsequent attacks. Price tri cts. Manufactured by N. If. "MARSH di Co., Scranton.-Pa. For sale by Abel Turrell, McKen zie & Eldridge, Zeralt Very, Eaton k. 3loxles, Iltfy don Brothers; J. Diekerman, jr., and Dealers gen , entity. IVC7O9LIPIEO3O.. row - 71,t, Rt T iment wits received with great hon I_ ors on the from Quarnmine—and F. B. CHANDLER Las received another large lot Of NEW GOODS, which will be-Fold cheaper than ever, for Ready Pay. 10 ponds Sugar, for 61.00. 25 pounds for 61,19. 10 yards best Sheeting (Or $l,OO. 10 yds-best Calico for 61,(0. lbs. good Coffee for 61. • Small Stock of Old Dominion Coffee Pots WEitelleao ralllE celebrated " AMERICAN WATCH"- ... made by Appleton, Tr.icey . & Co. Waltham, Mass., for snle by F. il. CH AiiDLEA. Montnate, Oct. tri, 185.. r Books di. StdAtionery. • ALARGE' addition to tnyotta.k of Books and Fitoey Goods, &lido' Books, Blqnks, Diary's, Almanac's, fie., , .Sc-, at • •CII . 3tN.DLER'S. _ Montrose, Oct. tti, 18.18. - _______-: • Adminixtrator• Notice. N OTICE la hereby given to all persons Whig &luau& spied the estate a A81t.4.31 TAT. deceased. Isle of.narford,. that the same must be pmented to the mderslgned for arrange total. sad all persons ladebted to yob! Estate are requested to Mite tanned:ate payment. CHAS. TINGLES. Admlnlstrathr. - • Cum Testamettoanneso. narfuri; PI., Sar. 17,162,-0w --,--_--- -Admielistratoes' Notice.' • VOTICE is herciby given toall persons.haiing de ll mends against the &tate of Cas.vrroan Trrot, late of Herrera townihip, deceased, that the • same mtistbe presented:to the undersigned for arrange. ment,.and all persons indebted to said estate are re. quested to make immediate paiment. - OBADIAII BAILEY, Aflmini!trator , Brooklyn, Oct. 2.7,.18.58.—rm Great an_ n t- ,' ,:.ii.„." 1 . Sl ag ,. i ..- Win; ir. ILATCII; PrOprietor: -:, -, Tnentauyrayi abuifil ---.,. , ..-. : ---._._...., y-...-,-. -J._ . ...... rrIIIS new and commodioualTotel,situatedoe Main 1. Street, near the Court House. , andnearly in the . lIT IS CiiivrAiii tizier , ''• -center of the busineat portion of Konica's, Is now . . - - . ' - - - • fully completed and furnished; and was opened . .4 co Ithe 27th of September. 1858, fonshltaccommodattem of the public and trareters. . The 'Proprietor ~feels -confident that he is now prepared to entertain guests - in a manner that cannot fitil to rye •', . . Complete 'Satisfaction: The Rouse and Furniture are new, ins no expense has been spared to render it equal, if not sinieribi to anideimilar establishment in this part of thiState.:lt is.well supplied with all the recent impromitentaand comforts, and obliging waiters will always be_ in at tendance to respond to customers, _ The Stables connected with this Ilouse are . . • : - CAN BE SOLD SUCCESIMULLT MONTROSE, _ SUSQUEHANNA "II:EPOV, M .) c• imp 40 Ettsia: 11#0SE doubting this assertion will ;to well to call J. at the Stores of • itoseqb4qk & eo. Wheseit will be proven that the fuerchstt, in sel ling hit floods, can afford to sell-CLIMPER for CASK, and cau offer inducements sufficient to make it atf Object to purchasers, at whatever sacri fice, to:proems:3, 6 e money to make their purchases on the Ca4l Sytipn. They have just received, and are , constar4ly re ceiving a large itesorttoent of ."( DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING, particularly adapted for \ Pall and %glitter, \ - \ and which are purchased under the most favorable circumstance's, for Cash. ,' They are enabled to and will olfeT and sell at prices far below'others that hare given everlasting no matter whether it is to. Tom, Pick, or Ya rn. THEREFORE, Examine, Compare, and Judge OR BIT 4114803, nn aßgortment horetnfore nnerLoalled by rtiytbing e er offered in Montrose. FA c "we STAPLE DRY GO( WS ! Comprising many new and &Arable styles of Goods unknown in this niarket,among which will be founcyn Diess Goods, all the novelties of the tiny, cheap at Guttenberg, Rosenbaiim, & Co's. SHAWLS. Sew and choice styles of !troche, don* and sin gle, Stella, maid, wool, Talmo, and Mantilla, and a. :OM style of CHENILL SHAWLS, /Th l CHEAP, AT Gultepberg, Rosenbaum, & Co's. CLOTH CLOAKS: An assortment alerars on hand, also Ladies Cloth amid trintmingaao match, of all shadot, • - .••t• Cheap, at Guttenberg, Rosenbaum, & Co's. [t \ ANEUMBL I ER[rga In this department we eau offer great inducement?, as we are purchasing directlyfrum importing liousct. The assortment Comprises - French Seth, Sleeves and Collars, Worked Edgings and Inserting., and a groat, many more artieleg too ntunerons to melt tion—all of which may tie Mona CHEAP. AT'- Guttenberg, Rosenbaum, & Co's. Drf2r, , &3@(3oPz2),', BonnetS . , Ribbons flowers, Plumes, Wire, Stiff Settings, anll FrameN at erbolesale and retail, Cheap, at •- Guttenberg, Rosenbaum, & Co's. DOMESTIC GOODS. May he found nil the different qualities of MIMS, GINGHANS, - BLEACHED GOODS, FINE UNBLEACHED NUS/J.:VS, TICKS, STRIPES, DENIMS, .- SREETING 24 yards wide, CHEAP. AT • ' GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUII, k CO'S. READY-liPiDE CLOTHING. As this is one of their prhii:ipal branches of business in New York City, they certainlv•have one great ad vantage over all the rest of the Clothiers, they har ing one partner steadily in New York. City_to devote. all his time to this particular branch of manufacture. They will furni4i, at ally time, a good Garment, at about the price for which the ninterials can he got. They will warrant ibeir work and a complete lit or no bargain. They keep consttuttly on band one of the best stocks of Over and Under Coats, FROCK, DRESS, RAGLAN, SACK, & PANTS t in great arty and different s!ylcs. Vests : Vests Vests Sitelt as Velvet, Plush, Cassimere, and &tilt, Gntteubetg, Rosenbaum & Co. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER, BEST MATERIALS, At Short Notice. Under= Garments, For ta - dies ae well as fur Gentlemen, such as SILIc, LAMBS' WOOL, ice:, Guttenberg, Rosenbaum, & One word is sufficient for the tei.!e. To our numerous Friends and Customers, and in particular to would knowing themselves, to 'fis indebted to us, we Would tety once more that we will . •• . • READY: PAY - hereafter, and all ite . couiiii Moat aettled-withclet further notice... We are, tired of writing Dunnhig. Letter*, and supOrting the PoitOffice, to our lioas.-= We will take all-kinds cif Grain ii-ticeldgiteat market prieelicpayment ,- All "aceOunif etaotTing. infer alit months ow our Books, ,wpt be,left for. collection,, qo+ jesiftttle4 6 y. Ottlifiliert,lesenbatun 8 'si R 9 " ui up E5l AND AT lEEE sur II AS CIIEAP, AT OF THE cu r, AT KEYSTO :jam .. • 'New and Convenient Thc I'mprietor respectfully solicita the .patronage fl" 'his old friends and the public generally. WM. K. HAVIL • Montrose, September 22, 1858Af . More New atm.& -Now being opened at the Store:of J. LYONS. &. SON. OCTOBER.. 27, 1858. 800 YDS.CARPMTIn new, nice, and'clieap. ALT, Oil Cintlas,.l4 Floors, for Stairs, and Table Covers, Door 'tato and Rags, cheap. ,_ .. -JAPER WINDOW SHADES, Oil Cloth, do., and A. - Wit!! Paper ingreakvariety; d 0. ,, (ZOFT RATS, di colors, shapes, suits, and prices, kJ to suit evexlbody. -OA and see. "VANCY'W ILLOW WORK BASKETS,, Satcheli A! of Oil 'cloth, Carpeting, anflVelvet. new I .ot of:Crockery, Mirrors and Glass Ware, Just. opened at our Store. . . O"rP .CA, HOODS & KNITTED.CAPS, Hoops, Elas . t',e and Leather Belts, Bugles, Beads,. and Rib bons, n - great variety at our Store. IXI A ODEONS, Violins ' Guitars, Flntes: F ifes, and • detys Harps, Sheet Music. Anything the .tray,of sheet music obtained on- short notice.) las lin regs, \ Blialges, Resin, Strings, 4:c. Tr 7. the - • Iniperial Violin String,. the very best string in use. INSTRUCTION BOOKS —many kinds, tOr sale cheap. - ZAMP OIL, a iery superiorAlao Candies and Rurning Fluid. IRUPS, MOLASSES F and SUGARS, a fresh lot on .*J hand. \ J. LYONS & SON. Montrose, October- 27,,1 i I 8 RPMQVAL. New Firm. New Store. • Public Avenue, just below J. Etheridge& A BALD IV lIN would respOtfully announce .11.1 to thevuhlie that he •hati\ ass'eciated himself with W3I. L. ALLEN, in the- • \ • FLOUR, FEED, AB GROGERY BUSINESS:\ Also, Ant they have removed into their, newly' fitted up building on Public Avenue, just below J. Ether idge's Drug Store, where can always be foUnd the choicest brands of . • Family Flour, - Meal, Feed, • • • ' , Pork, Fish, Dipped Candle", Timothy. Clover, Field, and • Alto a general.assortment of; Groceries, such as - Sugars, inolames, • Syr'll)*, Tea, Coffee, &c. &c.. • Thankful for past fltvors„ would Folicit a continu ance of the same, under the-new firm, pledging our !TINTS to do the fir thing, hoping by etch bargain to be sure of another. - Being under a different Administration, it is very desirable to have all old accounts settled, and com mence anew, under the ROady Pay System. 13ALDWIN A: A.T.LEN . War. E. ALLEN. Montrose, Oa. IS5b.-tr A. 11.1Loivis ALL Ili' WANT OF 4 , 1 RHEss _ CAN BUY THEM CHEAP F 0 It CASH, Mil SHORT CsREDIT, AT IL SMITH & CO'S. NEW 31Ii,FORD, SEPT. 29, 12n.-Gm -NEW GOODS. IV E D T; Tq o raei o r f ing a LA.II(;E DESIRA; Fall & Winter Goods,, which have been purchased at low fignro; ainl i which we will sell for very =mill profits, for Cash or Ready' Pay. We can pre:ent Great laidnepaiteitto to those who wish to PAY. DOWN .for whnt they hut. We cordially incite such to-call and examine I, our stock before purchasing elsewhere. N. B. Prirra paid for ell kinds of produce inexchange for Goode. • - BIALENZIE 8; ELDRIDGE. • Brooklyn, Oct. Yi, 181.8. • 1858 NEW ARRIVAL X 1859 --Y/F - Fall and Wintei Goods. Nready fur inspection, ;fall arid" complete as. I_l ?minima of - .131.37 5101314 e for tlins.nonn, In vII tln to,sr ttoNlign4 and style'. In fart el , eryttllng apro.rtZning to tile Tn. Ale, al (Jur fanc% of . - . .. -- -.,-ir.----.1-- , P-T\--i'ag" .( t . H .l .lgnns.Q.D° I, ci if ~,,,,io3 n( p.0,,t, Chiuti rate. Glnettarke, Plain Lloareet, plain 100 -gr,ore.i th. La.,,,,,, phria all Wool - Detainee. tine Matt Thebbealne rad ecipaf:ra.chatti.r. And )MO: :th.l Furtry Si lkfat all puree, Shawl*. 1,,,„,". fr,,,,,,, , 1.r. rtuehrA, 11,....ere unit Wreathe, )lair Rolle, Icon .fiet awl ., rit4,171.1re,,ar..1 itemH. pre , ,lletlln Skirt. in,:. Kid. 1.1.4. Thrtott„ nod Silk Moire& tiauntlettri, Linen and C o t ton 11.., Wi I IT - r:64 Y.51.):4. Bard. an.l i.e. Arepitivs: Lar.s. In ..ortionr.,Ealtir,.i4vs lea,Collari and rileeyee:letn:lty& Dimity Dandle. . . . YANKEE- NOTIONS;- , : , ' -. Nv.dlts, Inns, Fancy Snana, Hair 011 a. Preinmary,'ParC.l4nanniel. Hair firwhel, Kulibir fkrktuing •Cnntbs. Iracy Comtd, Hornet Combo, Raider Hair M , . Slivrr and Stvel Tnindes. - g•ifielt . 4l) giv . ir)'.:e. -loills - ,- - . . .. • ........ . . .u . A large goA. of ratoAucuiyit4,. _ . . .. , inuir. urow.n Rudmitot es...irnovi. • •. ' , - - T wred.6. Kentucky. Jeans, Cottonades. , • ' • ' Deulzus And Saleittlii. A ,teatnil !ivortsuent M. HA.RDVAR s E, • - ' • - ineh as vast Iron Itoot.laekti pa P ant rollerAndllingei.Shnv '*.la and Tong*. Patent elate rulley rn n, i)m.r }Pees awl Munk r a t . . Lock', Trunk and TUI Fa.steiddga, Vurtalu Banda; Augur Mu% Ciltnlrts, Tabte Cala". rocket. Kt lvex,' Cast Steel Shear*. Sthouil:Plaatering and Brick 4Trowelo. Wreathes, Spring Bolt*, Atte.rea Sp.ons, Ft:liner 1101.1,11.0115 C Bella - and fliturea,Mun Shovel*, Grind Wane*, kn.. • . .. • . . . Booty :Sboe o #:_ Lon Valf Skin inlC4l4l.dellods. Ladlespnetsefaxitenk MOE, m, Dunkin 14d Kg Flippers. illeo,: . . 6tiferiesi!Crockery,-.antfrlassware, KATs _CAPS 4&c., &c., If 113 ,1 1 1 large stoic -ell cf which we 11111 tell mt oar !Mal lap& 'Tie: CAS' 1:11.0DLICEoe IyROVED CAZDIT. We als,!hal'evn 1040 reellVest!le (113407 BROOMS--41F-110ME. MANIIFACtURE which we "All Opole or,tlkholoale a riiet4ll, Prim; - SAWA-that ouillttek h 0 .140 xek selkted as to qualitell44 styles, websrino I'loo/Olen td Is Atlng our frien T.lllloT d. to eva lIERS, snit n. -- -• • • -- ; - POS , Grain antLThitterWO Ated. neinlotkidid Bran- chow; 4 reasombla vic, ''POST SROTAF.Z;S. rgit.V. Itagtoitcytitiptegatter 29,. 185 E). 7 • NEwitarsi emus . _ FOR CASH st - PROMPT.6.AIONTHSINVERit t H..R It' 'ILT xi AS low in Stem, and 4 making kir odditioog LI. to his Stock, of andllitiaterCloodo . 70 which he would invite he ' attintioti- of West ensbracing the most desirable varieties- Of-LiDUIEV DIMS GOODS, including tits New etyleo Of- Rich Fen Flints *twined+, in belainei, Dnotinsids, Plain and Plaid Merinos, Mo!atir ffioths,-4, Writ Brodie, CssbMere.`4 . 6iilt and Word-Shaw* filch lib. - bons, Bonnebt" v.itt Flowers, Net 'Acesdr, ' Cloths, Brosd.Aoths, Cassisneres, ke g with a lull as sortment of.other Maple and Fancy Gobis; including GROI:BALES. CROCKERY, HARDWARE, 8 7 "OVES, IRON, STEEL, NALWi . -MATS 'AND CAPS, BOOTS it•SHOBC:OAR; , PRTING, - FLOOR Oil CLOTRAPAIN , ' WINDOW BRADEN, - WALL • PAPER,CLOCKS,DRUGB,OLLS, '\ PAINTS, BUFFALO ROBES, tee., Av.; tee. - • Pr-The entire Stock being large end bought fist M CA, will give superior opportunity for Choice Se. • lectiont4, and be sold at the lowest: figures to . CASH and PROMPT SIX MONTHS' BUYERS. N.B.—Flour and Salt constantly on handy 'New lillfor4; October 6,160)1. - . LOSSES; EXPENSES, - Av. an . To Lassen pant. ' W Div., Red n., Rd. Dreailums, and Zzpieniee i ., pi.-eums rs _ firarden Seeds. ~-~ _ _72IE-Ts - *:•.,..._ Sii*liiiitikiiiiitiiids THE . QVAIL ER emit laiunutee Coinp. - OtPhil. ' . Capital and'ilurplas, $3011,1100, Chartered Capital, $3011,0410. o.gfee, Franklin Buildings, No. .408 Walnut St, FIRE INSURANCE on Stores. Dl4lllop. Merebar.dise senerallv. MARI NE IMURANCE irisspelS, Cargo and Freiint to and rrom from ot tae World. AWLS/00 In on lloods to and from all parts arias Uidoo. . - Statethent of the &mitten and Candittong the Achaut• ker City - in .oinno,;aa. of Pirilsdelphio, for Siz Mantles, en&nq Jane 30th, MIMI:. enpital and Surplus, Januar? Ist. lank ASTMS Er intereot received and accrued from Jon. lst. to My fat,,. 1106 116 Premiums received. . - W.IE4 DT N s. Salrne and Re•lsummuce 4.817 1111 lialanee remaining with the Company. July $30 . 1.1a1 36 8$ E T t 9: • • Bondi, MOrtgarta Rtoeks,Votipos Bonita tosas 44 Cob ' - • lateral sad Call Leans, &c., 4111471111 a Rills Recolvable, 10,1111 TO Cash on 40 and lo Book, aud.Que from Meats, • SOS lie .800 - iis-is mow NI Capital,. Scuplus. Witicers. GIBOROP; H. HART. !Wildest, E. P. ROBS, 111terreatot 11.11.COOGSWELL.See:ITreaf.. I S. H. DOTI" AMA. Tram. •-•-- - - Ottettors. • . tleorge Rmt, Z. P. Rom Jl. C. Cettill:Eregi. H.X. rune% Edwanle..l. O Dale. E. W. Batley, re.. Perkin; C:o..rfelig_l. 4. R. Chambers. J. L. Pomeroy. B. R. ColorwelLll Jobe*. M. D. W. D. 1.115/1, 4 9 0 . 4 MONTROSE, September IK+3.-17 . J. -Higginbotham, WATCH - FINISHER; 1=1:1 _General Repairer , oF the Bur ENGLISH', SWISS, 4,D CHINISS Da- ILEX WATCHEN PATWNT AND D wrictio Lavzoo, REPEATERS, LEPINES, &C. . Tray proud of the flattering encomiums bestowed on him as an honest and superior \ WATCH ATOZEKEM lint grateful to all who have employed bite, and doub ly tei,to those that have continued , to be. his. steady customers since his commencement in llfonkrose,(now; • nearly 'three years,) and encouraged bj those who al— ready kinsw his abilities, he now informs thine who_ do not, that early in life he watt taught the art of Finishing New Vira,toliess 9 by Atkin, late of Lord Street, Liverpool, who was s first. rate MAKER. and REP-AIRRR of the best watches. After having worked for him upwards a'f' nine year?, (seven of which as an indentured appren tice,) he then commenced for himself, and latterly in New York, where he'has been employed by.oome of the first and most respectable establishments in Broadway, Maiden Laneßowery, &e., and was by them classed a first rate workman. N. B. He has always on hand a well assorted stock - of Watch Wheels, Cylindei4, Watch Jewels, Main. sprin g s, Watch Hand., and Watch Glasses, -which will h e carefully fitted; right`awiy, and for prices less than they can be had-in the City:\ • Shnp in Bentley, Reid, ksCo's - Store. Phmniz Block, Montrose, Leg. IC,IBOI. • 3U'opr. Met etais THE undersigned . are now manufacturing . ind have on hand all kinds of \\•, ,Carriage and Sleigh Stairi\' such as Feriae:, Bales, Ouffer \ -Runsyrs. Raves, Fenders, etc , &c.,. for sale, in lots to iruit Our- - - chasers, very low for cash.. • \ • Also, all kinds Of work_ateamed and CROOK k JOHNSTON: \ \ treat Pend, Pa., 3farch GODDARD, WARFIELD'Sk DR. L. AtLIN' S PATENT DEVICES, For Lowerilfg and Ridging GB, GE: TOPEL B . T the use of this Improvement, the Carriage top can.* ralrad or • lowered front either the tight or the left, the outside (tribe inside. thereby. &Mating thedligcultrheretofore ezhitlng of abeinging mint Joint and then the one on the °potent e side, as - well Li lac enresoir rare necersary.roynTent the ton from billing DO *IOW tw Wok'. the bows. props. to This to effected by means of a small lever In connection 'with Um:hollow, prop, towhich an son nob we Wider hr , attached. - The !opines , also be raised or lowered with rznirytre EASE. by means of the lower lever:width Is Waft gamed a& lbw s right hand side of the seat, the weight of the telaking nearly 14 1 . .. 'aced hy two spiral-springs attached to the through '.ese onatteetig - rod, which ease It down while In the act of falling. and soidet Isk min. Ins It:: The cost for materials, Ate., on sear:lase *but Utgleg,- on. siderite the great ntUUW.- • • , • The inderslgned haring purchased the eseltiatterightof the iheW• -• Patent. In the counties of Suaquehanna.Bradford,Lneenw.inglgye °ming. Will sell - rights In sold counties, and will manufeetwee Curl: ages with the Improvement attached, at his shop, In Mostecoe. moicrnos.E, September IS, ' iioNnv ,, rouND; , li-;, llllman who lost FIVE - DOLLARS 14; T parelua ing a second rate eoat, when be could Aire sok:: a - firot late one for the same price, age repaired when.he wants a new Cott, by talllng upon, the.snWeriber... _ The Fall Style* ire now on: band, grid Tim " prepnred no tumid to accommodate- the' public 'With aublantial word, and 71C pluaultra fits.: I keepeote. - stantly on haddn large and well aeleeted aliertatetttet Skill, lidustry, and-Good Temper,- and cnn confidently promise to eerie _ my needier:, both in work and price, in "a manlier that shalibe en tirely aftlisfitetory. • C'all in, 'gentlemen - wait yonag America, and get your cold weather. lir. - EN - .Shop at theold amok oppotite the Republi can Steam Printing.ol4re,.two doors treat of Peirle's lintel. • Cntiing . done roi 119110. 1:1ROVV. Montiese; September tr.). BinghamtonNirater Cure BINGHANVION,BROOME, COUNTY N. Y",, TTWS Estardisbment is open for the reception .04', .: the whole,year, and is reran toad with R. - .view to the health and , comport of i s iiitlidg during OW colf weather: TIM - • . '‘ :3&ITN are thoroughly warmed and the entire hoWfst,is kept, at a Summer_ temperature. ; t _ ; - ; • t!'sperieriee has demmietrated !list *V treAtofx4_ ie most suieessful "dtMing tho ;Auttpatraisd Rioter All sick persons whci desire health, (and even those ••• whOtave.not been stmeesfut •heretorove in. their 44 forts tp, obtain this Invaluaide hem, Mud rare opphrtunity to accomplish the great object, ilea Which - the pence, happiness;ind prosperity of dnir , fontre lives depend.' .••• ThoThysicisum, Dr.:Thayer and Vire. - loye_bot twelve year* . esperience ht treating disesswitydmo pathically, Orin wbicit time they have prescribal - for over ten thousaml - riek:pensons, and the success attendifik their TreSeriptirmii is sufficient evidetsee -of theft - skill ss enecessfUl pracdoners. - • Patient, will provide for pens:mil owe, pia • towels, two woolen blankets, two comfortable% three limit or cotton sleets. and Solna , line: for bandages, all . of which should be marked: r - ' -•- • , . Neenistrom $5 to $lO pee ',FOIE. ) 1 ter Di. - Thayer be at SiirreheiwwW 1 (Niehors Hotel,) Oct. llih, for etwietillatiow. For fnrther.particglars; Adress ' _ "- ' • :Minton; Sept. 29, El godis& Sweaters 4. y am ' tor, hit mehalliell'n° aid. is. L Wan lim.iin M