• •• .taluable Fano for Sale; rIIIIE-subcriber offers for sale the valuable Faim j • end Hotel, lately owned and occupied by Calvin .Summeis„ deceased, and loifg known as the • dimmers Place " s ila.tarm is signaled in the pleasant village of Sum rwnwille, in'tlse,township of New Milford, Sistine _banns countY, P.a.,, directly onsthe lin'e of the Dela- Fore, Lackawanna and NYestern Railroad. fouSimileF Gef if ne jUnction'wilh the New York and ltrii; at rest Rend, and o a half mile from the DePot,•at Nes- Milford: I con c tains about 2.110,acr0, wan gre s improved, f 0 acria woodland. It is well' we d• has alasting street running through, and a ter. • • • ilever•faiiing supply of water conveyed inlead pipes to the house, barns, rind cattle-yards. It le well ;•,:re.Tand under g ona catanktirsn, Is well sidapted to ro wing grain; and 14 peculiarly fitted ,for growing reek, and is one of the best ksiry ••fwms hi the coon t r. It has upon it two orchard.; of choice • grafted t r i t e Li-col, a large and 'Convenient - dwelling, now oc• evied at; a tntel; two large horse and c a r riage one large harn-With two cattle yard 9, ample sheds . s r.d all,the arrangements for feeding •Ftock ; three f ticall hay and barns ice house, briell' smoke ouse, la house, and all other ont•buildingc recessarybn a lirge farm. . IL will be Fold low, and terms of p'ayment made eaily. Fn- information ad- R. L. • . R. L. SUTPHIN, • Summersvllle, Susq. Co„ Pa. Nev. It; - • ,-----; ABEL .. TURRELL ' ,TIAS just returned, from New-York, with a large li. and choice variety of ' - • GOODS, which he offers to his customers and thepublie, at lour prices, for Cash. Ms stock' comprises ; ' - DRUGS, MEDICINES, ' PAINTS . 4 • OILS, • '' WINDOW GLASS, DYE STUFFS, GROCERIES, , GLASS WARE, CROCKERY, MIRRORS, CLOCKS, " . WALL PAPER, • s - • . WINDOW PAPER, WINDOW OIL .., , FANCY GOODS, • SHADES, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, - JEWELRY, : , PERFUMERY, • • ' DRY GOODS; WOODEN WARE, BARD WARE, BROOMS, STONE WARE, `BRUSHES, . . . JAPANNED WARE, * • , . " BIRD CAGES. WIIIIiS., - .- CANARY SEED. UMBRELLAS, , POCKET KNIVES, GUNS, • , , , PISTOLS. . -. AmitimanoN . , - •- -"TURPENTINE, , • .CAMPHEKE, . , . . ` , BURNING ALCOHOL,,.. •.FLUID, • uvoits; , . • -,- s (For Medicinal Purpose s ,.only.) - TRUSSES, • . • Iss i ,SUPPORTERS. • "-`," SHOULDER BRACES, PORT XONIAM ' • ST'ECTACLES, SILVER '.t PLATED SPOONS, FORTS, Lc., GOLD PENS, . STATIONERY, - VIOLIN STRINGS, BOWS, .!kc , And all of the most poiulat PATENT NEEDIPINES.. Thankful tor the liberal patronage hitheito•receiv ed, he hopes to merit a continuance and large in creaie of the same._ ABEL TURRILL. Montrose, Nor. 10, 1858. • • . To the Public : SOME Merchant= publish a few low prices, or the prieds of a few low priced articles, as an induce ment to:persons to make their...parch:l:ms of ihem,un der the presumption that every thing is equally low. Without occupying space in . the public papers .to eriumemte pric; I wish it distinctly Understood, that I will sell GOODS as low for ths , quality, as they ear. be bought in any other ,- Store. in this place or County.' gaits and Rooks not used. " PlllC4lCni Rui gedenilly find good qualities of articles at • - T 11,11. L 5 , . . and in Drugs; • Medicines, Paints, - Oils, and Dye SNIT:, the ift . rst Leaf, and the assortments tall. The . FANCY CrOODS. DEPARTMEN It .' ' I.° atilt extensive. Also, choice' Family Groteriii, Crack-cry, Wall Parr, Jeullrg, Palawan . ; 4:c., de. Ic short, nearly every thing ttsually kept in Country FtOreS. ,As I,..deitl in manydepartnienß; of trade, and bare More artielelt than I can well-enumerate in the limits of a Nevrspaper, I shall not attempt it; neitb. Pr 1:ill it be necessary, under these circumstz&r.ces, to fiii a column with iseleas repctitiou4 and blanks. The people are invited to call and exnmine for them selves. ABEL TERRELL .. _ liortrose. Nov, 10, 1858. , - % • ; ' -; . T. . 1 - WHAT NEXT , ! , . (ri ll VE CANDY - Instead of 3IELtI- 1 ( kW. CINE,is a fact. fat PITIIDONT'S 1•11 /WORM LOZIENdES /lavea entirely superseded.the use of all other kinds of - VI"RMIFUGE wherever they —have hettoute known. They are ts VERY AGREEABLE the taste. - ' -; READILY EATEN - BY CHILDREN PERFECTLY SAFE, and are, the mint : .21FFECTUAJ , 011,1:Reliable anthelnemtic t. - - I • Medicine eine i n USE. -. They CONTAIN . NO' MERCURY , - (or any substance which can injure - -the weakest (infant, but have excellent i . ( TONIC PROPERTIES ( which will INtIGORATR the system and render Sit proof against subsequent attacks: . Priee,2l3 as. ' ManufactuTed by N. F, MARSH & Co., Rmmton, Pa. . Fatale b's Abel Turrell, McKen zie & Eldridge, Zen7lNVere, - Eatnn .k Mosleyrilay don Brothers, J. Dickenzutn, jr:, and Dealers gen erally. , . t0y:1;59,-8m SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY OVAIVOL-0 , J. F. STODDARD, A. M., PRINCIPAL. TI MM next - term of tile u`SrsocanAma Corm 1 NORMAL Scnooe' will cotoneoce on Monday, the . 22d day of Nevi., 1858, - , eettinue'teroegnieter of wrens tart,. under the chine ZPref:STUDDABIA aided DS competent hurzrue . turs. • • LECTUR:eS. Pref. Sredmon will deliver lectures on. Eduarion and the Art of Tmling.sind onsneh trientide subjects-as the totetelts of the stud c rue to require. Lectures will Mac Le delivered by ilev• C. 100.21E2 and others during the sewiern. The opening Ad cr . will he deliSersd at the Academy Dan. en' bipdar, 1i.VCM krt14.153,7,6, at 2 o'clock, P. ik• b e tanLt by Mb* Th. Primary Department et the School wUI Scam Fa ac~ stsientssh not TAIL to be lILINCIT at the 0 TTX7IIC of the 6 hhortl. retort:Wee, will then be iftwiect;.ssid stUMes segued. . ITITION—*O, - zisakieirnia.pe audere ele'n "eki• S e "• t'rnury" nee. Enebb brancbeL sad Lathe. end Greek. do. tad.. ver Nteek: 2P. dad tuition bills be tdin adeuice.ond no &due dm .21 be toads except in eseen.or ;wounded idc'eneon. Studsmsts '-surd themselves. es heretene. C,nnzing stoves and flalarl2ll - Mud of Hr. terms: n .. ewornbie roe. • WM. JESIetT, Prendest. C. F. Zane,. Semen:7. '• _ estrum Noy. Mt, 120e.-tf . NOTICE Is hereby that B. one of the ae.- 1 4rgitees, forAhe benefikof Cre....litora, of Picket..e Wo , 3dcoek, has:exhibited and filed a statement of big ¢ime as such assignee, in_ the office of the Pro thonotary.ot the Ctinrt of Comnion Pleas ntElusque lenina Connty, and that said . acconw: will he allowed 1 1' said Court, on the third Monday of Nbreinher ntxt,nulwa cause be aho*n she ,inch amount should Lot be allowed. G. B. SR. EVADE, Pray. ; • Prates Office, Itontrote., Oct' 20, 1559.;:4w ISyrap, T HE best to town—et the lowest.price—by • - - F. F, - OILYINAL lioutrotb, Kyr. 3, pB53 4 • - .13TOITEEk. PEP'S ntif 7 . y - . WARE SHEET N IA 4 • .rrile tthilerlgtiedlionlajmnoini _ dui i the :poldie, .1 that he i s again in the above 'mentionedlmaltiesi and may be futind,ooostte his olestand,;:on-Main Street, below Searlei'ti trail, where:AO-WM lie ..bIIPPY to ace his old customers - and an waif new ones as -win-give him a call. tor " 9f the aeliest patterns, aiad atThetheapest. - 4 obbing Done on ... Short Notite.' Produce taken In elating.) for wares.' . - • •8. L WOODRUFF.. ltontrose, Nov. 3, 1838. Exhibitiop at Lynn: NEW ETTEES SOW HELM He N ;tO T o rRYIAN has jut receired a fresh DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, HARDWARE. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, PAINTS. OILS, • DYE STUFFS, DRUGS &- MEDICINES, &c., &c.; all of which is offerd for sale cheep, for Cdxll or REAM?' PAT, . . or on SHORT TIME, to 111 o. 1 Prompt Pay- IngCustoiners._ • COME .NI) SEE ME!! ' Lynn, Nov. 3,108.-2 m • -NEW STONES. HBURRITT is just receiving a large . • stock of NEW STOVES, . including a lull assortment of ELEVATED OVEN LARGE'OVEN, • AND FLAT-TOP PREMIUM COOK STOVES, FOR WOOD or COAL, WITR A SUPERIOR VARIETY OF Parlor, Office ,' and Skop Stores, • for WOOD or COAL : Also Stove Pipe, Zinc, Sheet Iron Stove • .Tabes, &c,, tko. 1115 ASSORTMENT will INCLUDE the MOST SELECT and :DESEELMILE STOVES in market, and will be sold on the most favorable terms, kc., to Which he would invite the par ticular awl:it:ion of CASH BUYERS: N - zw Masorn, November, 3, 180: - WC)TIC3O. MBE 71st Regiment was received with great lion -1 ore* on the 18th, from Quarantine—and F. B . : CHANDLER- has received another large lot of NEW GOODS, which will be sold cheaper than ever, for Ready Pay. 10 pound.; Sugar, for , $l,OO. 25 pounds Nails, for $l,OO. 10 yards best Sheeting for $l,lO. 10 yds best Calico for $l,OO. .8 lbs. good ColTee'for-$1: Small Stork of. Old - Dominion Coffee Pots WaiitCoa gam rielITE celebrated "AMERICAN WATCH"- A made- by Appleton, Tracey, & Co.:, Waltham, Mass., fur sale by • F. 13:CHANDLER. lloutrcwe, Oct. 27 1858. • - 1360 ks & Stationery. A LARGE' addition to my stock of Books and Fancy Goods, School Books, Blanks, Diary's, Almanac . * &c:, Sc., at CHANDLER'S. Montrose, Oct. 27, 1555. , - - Moie New Goods Now beinz opened at the store of J. LYONS &•SON. • OQTOI3ER 11,8. Q Arl YDS CARPETING, new, nice, and cheap. (31.11 l Also, Oil Cloths, for Floor, for Stairs, and Table Covers, Door Matte and Rugs, cheap. - • R- APER WINDOW SHADES, Oil Cloth, do, and 1. Wall Papers in great variety. 4;:OFT HATS, all colors, shapes; sizes, and prices, L., Ito suit i•ceryhody. ran and see. I.: 4 I ANCY WILLOW - WORK BASKETS, Satchels of Oil Cloth, Carpeting,and Velvet. new, lot of tiockery, Mirrors and Glass Ware, lk just opened•at - our Store, • OPERA HOODS k. KNITTEUCAPS, Hoops, Elas and Leather Belts, Bugles, Beads, and Rib bons, a great:variety at our Store. I ELODEONS, Violins, Guitars; Flutes, Fifes, and' .Lll Jews Burps, Sheet Music. (N. B. Anything n the way of sheet' music obtained on short notice.) Violin Pegs, Bridges, Resin, String:4, , &c. Try the Imperial Viatica String,. • the very best string in-use. INSTRUCTION BOOKS —many kinds, tor sale cheap. - LAMP OIL, a-very superior article—:„Also Candles and Burning Fluid. . • • ‘i* IRCPS, MOLASSES and SUGARS. a fresh lot on land. J. LYONS S SON. Montrose, October *27, 1858 Dimock High School. t SCHOOL will be opened intle MOCK ACAD- A. EMT, iu Su* . q. Co., ra., on MondAy; Nov. 8, 1858, to eontinue 24, weeks, under the charge of B. M STONE and competent assistanta. BLAX.F.SLLZ, M. D., formerly House Physician and Surgeon, to thf; Connecticut General State Hos pital,hnd for several year; Demonstrator and Di;:ec tor in theldedical Institute of Tale College, will de -liver a course of Lectures upon -Anatomy and Physi ology, dttrir.g the term. Also, Rev. J. G. BobltEa, and others a ill lecture before the school. • tipeilses l per. Term of 12 Weeks. TUITION—CoMmon English Branches, V 3,04, 4,00, Higher " Primary, 2,00, " • Greek and 'Dahl; 4 00, " English, Greek, and Latin, 6,00, Board per Week, $1,50 to $1,75. ACconinieditileUss The buildings will accommodate 100 students, and those wishing. to board themselves can obtain rooms by applying to E. B. Gates. Clubs of four can obtain board of G. IT, Lewis And E. B. Gates, far $1,50 per week. Students can enter at any time, and tuitioh charc ed‘for the remainder of the term.-, - A teichers 'class will be formed expresily for those treparbqr themselves to teach next year., - AU students that wish:can receive instruction of at her room. on Plano, at,slo,. 10.; in French, $ t,OO ; in Momxhrnmatic and Colored Cray: Paintings; each, - $4,00 ; in Penciling, 42,00 ; in [Embroidery, all kinds, s2,oo.per term. The- Opeiziug- Address • will be .delivered .by. the Rey: .Y, C. BOOMEE, of Montrose, at Dimock, on Monday, Nov. Sth, at 2 o'- elock, p. nx . All friends of Education-are invited to attend. B. M. STONE; Principal:, October 21, 1558.-Sw 9.. NEW .GOODS. WE in t s in T w o aei o v f ing &'LARGE land DESIRA- Fall- 4 Wintet Goods, which have been purchased at low figures; abd Web We will, sell kir very small prafits„UF Cash or Ready Pay. We can present - 'Great Indricement* to those who wish to PAY JkOWI for what they b u y. W cordially-, invite itieb to ,, cull and examine our stock before purchasing eliowhere. 13-11ichc4 Prices paid forall,kihils of produce . in . ,exclusuge for " goods. axons n, CIARIDGE. axitiam 006 27i Gre t f it triumph— ‘ .68 , i - • TO, adyPySygtem! IT S CERTAIN TEAT MONTI BU` • 11110 SE - clout J. at the St atoiclit) Where it will I! CASH, null Make it an obj, Gee, to procur on the Cosh They have ptst received, and are constantly re ceiving a large) assortment of DRY GOPDS_ANT CLOTHING, 11. N. SHERMAN - Pal and which nre circumstances,! They are en far below ote waiter wh Examine an ngsnrtment I er offered-in STAP CompriAngml uuksown iu U Lad all the novelti GUlterlk New'and choice styles of Broehe, double and single., Plaid, 'Woo), Tahua, and Mantilla, and a new style of Ca An tosertmee dimming to F P - f kii I In this depai as we are pu 'having direetlyfrora Importing fluusez The assortm rit vomprises French ets, Sleeves and Collars, Woe, ed Edgings and Insertings, and a gmlt itiany more article , too ncia4rous to mcn- tion—Jl of `LI .I Bonnet., t:iutte 4 }lac be font: BL! • • 1 -. BEADY'fiIADE CLOTHING Ss dhi ; 6 tine of theirlitincipal branches of htisinesa in New Yolk City, they certainly have otie great ad vantage over all the rest of the Clo.hiert, they hav ing one psftner steadily in York City to devote all his tiro to this particular bracch of manufacture. They will furnish, at any time, a good Garment, at about the tirice for whie•h the material.; can he got. They will warrant their work and a complete fit or no Largaii . They keep constantly on hand one of the best stocks of Ovelr and Under Coats, SOLD S,VCCESSFULLY IN CAN B OSE, AND AT I QUEHANNA DEPOT. I' Si b. git ling this assertion will do well to call reli of iN,:ilosetjb4llN & e proven that the racrchar.t, in Ete I can afford to sell CHEAPER for can biter intlncentents Futlicient to ct to purclia,,cra, at whatever sacri tlie to make their purchases stein. particularly adapted for and Winter, • , Ipurehased under the most favorable for Cash. shbled to and will offer and sell at prices that have glen everlasting credit,— ithet+ it is to, Tutu ; Dick, or Har:ry. THEREFORE, Compare, and Judge BIT CHttlit 'Ol heretofore unequalled by anything ev , loutrose. 1V - '1?" E DRY GOODS, any new and desirable st3lea of Goode irt market,among which will be found,in es' Dress Goods, of the day, cheap at Trg l .Rosenbaum, & Co's. HAWL‘S, LI; SHAWL'S, • 'CRAM' , AT erg ) .Rosenbauoi & Co's. Gutten TAI CLOAKS. t always on baud, also Ladies Cloth and inatch, of all shades, Cheap, at ierg, Rosenbaum, it sCo's. GM Gaffe :5' ment we can offer reat induceinenO, Lich may 4.2 found CHEAP. AT erg. Rosenbaum, 8 Co's. Gutten Ribbons Flowerc, Plumes, re, Stiff Settings, and Frames, and retail, Cheap, at berg, Rosenbaum, & Co's. 4.13,5T10 GOOD 3. allthe-diffe4ent qualities of PREcTS, 4 ES, _-1('IlED -0 GODS', FIVE CS B LE,4 CUED .V..7SLITS, TIC S, STRIPES, DENIMS, SHEETING 21 yards wide, CHEAP, AT El] GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM, & CO'S seen AS ROCK, DRESS, RAGLAN, SACK, & PANTS, in great variety 2111 d dlirerent f•tyles. VestS: Vests :. Vests Such as Velvet, Phoqi, Cas.simgre. and Satin, CHEAP, AT Croi,tenberg,,RosenbTim do Co. CLOTHING MODE TO ORDER, oF TIIE BEST MATERIALS, At Short Notice. Tinder Garments, For Lt)4ieB stg acil •as for, Gentlemen, such tot SILK, LAMB'S' WOOL, CIIKAP, AT Gu#eriberg, Rbsenbaum, dc_Co. :,-FiZtir word is rr€l,Trir nt for the triV. TiVour numerous Friends and .. 1 Custoniers, . .. and is ilartictilar to those knowing themselves to be indebted to us, we could say-once more that 4se *ill sell for ; • . . 1 ' READY PAY, hereafttir, and all accounts must be settled without further notice. We are tired of writing Dunning L 1 Adoliaistrator t s If ol ice. Leiteraj and atipporting the Poetoffice, to our loss.— OTICE is hereby given to all perFonihaving der We will take. all kinds of Grain at ti.e highesti market N Estate of CRAWFORD TITCS, price to • pa• :rnigliL All accounts _•?taltdittg over. i..z mantle against the E late•of llarfortl tow aship,., ti,c..aAcd, that . the same months l i ou our Book-, will be left for cullectiod, un- i t - IllUvt lie T A ieAetit.2l to the tuevAigned for arratige. Ica.; aeti.led - by note. meld, and all per,oes iutiebt.trto said estate are re quested to make'innnoli•de vonent. .datteibergi Rosen b aum , & Co. °BAD! Ail BAILEY, ittintioietcator. . yous,TRIVE, October 2% 1811111 Broal . . p, Qat. 27, ta .ilio . . . - SIIEItIFF'S 'SALES,. .. Y virtue ot Atindry, writs issued by the Court B ofCommon Pleas of Susquehanna county and to me directed, I will expose to sale by public tendue, at the Court House in Montrose, on Saturday the 13th of Nov., 1958, at one o'clock, p.m., pie fellowipg described pieces or parcels of land, to wit : .l LL that certain piece Or parcel of land • situate in the township of Oakland, county of Susquehanna, and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to Wit: on the north by land of .L M. Bald' win ; on the east by the Susquehanna river; on the south by laod of S. D. Benedict, and on the west by. land of David Taylor; containing one himdred acres more or less, together with the appurtenances, two dwelling houses, one barn,,some fruit trees, and a bout thirty acres ;min.:lvo]. [Taken in execution at the suit of C. S. Bennett vs. Daniel Prentice 1 , A that certain - piece or parcel of hind sit uate in tan IleroutcH of Montrose, county aforesaid, and bounded and described as follows, to wit; on the north and west by land belonging to the estate of Isaac Post, deceased, on tlie east by the public, high way and land of the estate of Isaac Post, deceased, and on the south by land of Azor Lathrop, contain ing about. one and-a•half acres of land, more or less, together with the appmtrances, I framed dwelling hoarse, 1 barn, 1 woodshed, and other out buildings, 'some fruit trees, and all improved. Taken in execution at the suit of N. C._ Warner and otherg vs, Albert Merriman. ox township, in said county, known an lot-number 44 of Drinker's Elk woods tract, bounded and described as follows, to wit : on the sonth,by ti tract of land in the warrantee name of road Harris, on the north west by a tries in the warrantee moue of James rove, and on the north-east by lots number. 4 45 and 46 of I), hiker's Elk woods tract, containing 107 acres and 40 perchrs of land, six acres improved, with a small framed house. [Taken tn execution at the-suit of •Solomot, Taylor vs. H. T. Davis. ALSO—ill that certain piece or parcel of land wit unto, lying, and being in the township of Rush, in said county, hounded mitt described. as follows, to wit : nil the north by land of Caroline Watterman, on the east by land of Hiram Devine and by the pub lic highway, on the routh by land of William Whit ney, and on the west by land of Chandler Bixby, con taining about 100 acres more or lees, together with' the appurtenances, I house, I barn, I shed, I orch ard, and about 50 acres improved. [Taken, in exe cution nt the suit of N. P. Babcock, to th]Use of A. ....„; B. ertlyer vs Morris Blakeslee. ALSO—AII that certain piece or 4r arcel of land sit uate in the township of Rush, comity and state aforeaaid, bounded and described as follows, to wit: on the west by land of Win. Lake ; on the north by land of Ar Patteratt; on the cast by land of Alfred E-tus ; on dr.., soutli'lly lands of B. Kirkuff anti Abra ham Patterson : containing about 50 - acres' more or leits• with the nopurtenances, 1 log house, 1 log harm 1 orchard, and about 25 acres Improved. [Taken in execution at the suit of M. S. Wilson vs. Miles B. Estuil.] ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Lenox, county and state aforesaid. hounded and described as follows, to wit: on.the mirth by lands 'of Benj. Tourge, Asahel Wes- . con, Warren N. Tingley, James G. sin) Marcus Case,: and Andrew Conrad.; on the east by . Warren M. Tingley, - Benj. Tongie, Elisha Bell, and • Andrew Conrad ; on the smith by Elisha Bell, Mat tin Conrad and Stephen 1. Millard, and on the 'west by James G. and Marcus Case, David - Wilmarth, and George Miles; containing about 450 acres more or less, to gether with the appurtenances, 5 dwelling houseit, 3 barns, 1 blacksmith shop, 2 orchards, (containing about 200 apple and about 40 peach trees) and about 245) acres improved. [Taken ltd execution at the I suit of Grow ,t.' Bros. vs. Rufus D. Clark.] ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land or village lot situate in the Borough of Susquehanna, county and Foie aforesaid, bounded and described as follows, to wit: on the north by this street; on the eart by lot owned by-C',kirrows & Co.; oil the south ' by laud of A. C. Adams, and on the west by lot or. (mitred by school house No. 2 in said Borough; eon tailing ;bent IS roda of land, being S rods in front ! and it rods deep. [Taken in execution ut the suit of Win. W. Stearns vs. .birnes MeWa s tie.,] ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of bind sit mite it, the Borough of Friendsville in the county of SiisquAittinn State of Pennsylvania bounded and de scribed as follows, to wit: on the north weA by }and of Itetjari.in Glidden, Esq., south east -by land of E nztus Day, north east by the old Milford and Owe go turnpike road and south west by land of Caleb Carmalt, containing about one-half acre of land, to- i gether with the appurtenance, one wagon shop, and I all improved. [Taken in execution at the suit of J. I'. W. Riley vs. H. A: Hillard.] . A LSO—Ail that certain piece or parcel of land siowte in the township of' Lenox, county and state , afoc•-aid, bounded and described as follows, to wit : on the no. th and cast by - taird of D. K. Oakley ; on the south by land of Humphrey Marcy, and on the west by land of Luke Reed ; containing about 5 .trees more or less, with the appurtenances; one shop with shingle machine attached, and all improved.-- iT.:lteit iii execution at the suit of D[tilel Wry vs. 1.. W. Reed iind Luke Reed.] ALSO—Ad that certain tract or parcel of land sit uate in the township of Middletown; county. and state aforesaid, bounded and described as. follows, to wit: cm the north-east by Samuel. Spofford ; on the south-west by David Sheldon ; on the north-west and sontb-east by land formerly of Robert B. Ilm•e s , lee'd; comaining about 1113 acres, Ind being the same land and premises which Joseph Ifytie, by deed of con firmation dated the 26th day of - March, then last, but delivered the day of the date of sail indenture of niortgage; conveyed abd contitnteddo the said James Multen tit fee, with the appurtenances, 1 log house, I fronted barn, 1 orchard, and about 70 acres improv ..d. [Taken in exectition`at the - suit of Caleb-Car malt vs. James Mullen.] - al.4o—All that certain piece or parcel of land sit uate in the township of Oakland, county and state afores.tid, bounded and described as.follows, tzr.wit : on the not th by lands of Sell& Payne ; on the east by land Mlf James MeArdle ; on the south by land; belonging, to the estate of John Hilburn, deed, and on the wit bylands late of Selah Payn..., containing 93 acres more or less, with the appurtenances„..and about ten acres partly improved. [Taken in execu tion at the suit of Luther Barnes vs. Peter Pula. ~. ALSO—AII th at certain piece or par m.:l of laud sit uate in the towtfship of Harmony, county and, state afOreEerid, bounded and described as follows, to wit : on the north by lands of David Lyons; on the east try the N. Y. kF. R..-R.; on the south by the public highway, and on the west by hind of David Taylor; containing 094 one acre, witil the appurtenances., 1 hou4e. 1 barii, - 1 blacksmith shop,and all improved. Inquest held on said prentis,-s. - :Ind - condemned. [Tak - - rn in ..negation at the suit of Elijah Atiestfaa vs. John Fritzley.]p ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land sit trite in the township of Jackson, county and state afotv-aid, bounded and describ-d-as follows, to wit: h• gin , ,irrl at a post ann stones in the west line of Se date GI issvold's ' kn., thence north-474' cast 79 rods, to post nod stones, in the line of - Thomas But terfield; thence south 42+` east 80 rods to post and stones corner in line of the old Harmony road ; thenee south 141.` west 36, rods to a stone Corner thence ioittir 34' east 54 rods to post and stones cor ner in line of Judiimi Tennant'i lot; thence south 411-e west 14 rods to the place of beginning ; - con mining 494 aci-eS, or thereabouts, with the appurten ances, and about IS times improved. [Taken in , execution at the suit of Orlando Gunnison, adtu'r of tie estate of Lafayette Wilmarth dee'd vs. Henry H. TitTanv.] ~ . AT that certain tract or parcel of land sit uate It Tl , l tieing in the - township of Dionock, county and state a tbremid,-bounded And .de . scrilted.as follows, to wit: beginning at a bemli „sapling - Abe southwest corner of a lot of land surveyed for Urbane Smith ; thence by 14014 of Susan V. Bradford, west 37 perch-, es to a tu-st and stones in th‘e east line of laud of A. G. Hollister; thence by 'aid Hollister's land, and lands of Isaac Woodhouse and Henry Drinker, north I 4" east 225 perches-to a beech tree; thenets east 70' and 4-10tio5 perches to a post .ind stoncs, s hy lands of Susan V. Bradford; thence by lands of Benjamin M'Keeby.south 4-" west 114 perches to the State road .;- thence along said road south 71° west 17 perches to a heridock ; thence. north 88' west la perches to a post and stones, on the south side- of, said State road ; thence by lands of slid Urbane I Smith south 2.1" west los perches to the beginning; contaiiing, 77 acres and 80 perches. strict measure, ' 'he the same more or less, excepting therefrom one airs and 116 pereltesotud the right to construct a Milithon. .[Taken itr execution at the suit of Wm. A. Chamberlain to the use of Jols. P, Kirby, vs. Owen Omani() and Elizabeth Doteaho.] ALSO—AII thatSertain piece or parcel of land, situ ate, lying and being in the township of Rush and county of Susquehanna, and state - of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: On the north by lands.of George Bromley ; on .the,'east by lands of Cope and David Swackhammer; on the south by P. N. SiVder, on the west by P. M. Snyder; con taining about two acres with the appurtenances, one saw mill in an unfinished state. [Taken in execution at the suit of Seel Stark and David R. Brown, as Stark and Brown, vs.:Chauncy Shoemaker.] .: Purchasers will in all eases be required to pay, on the day of sale, an amettint sufficient to cover - the costs of slde, othet wise, the property will be resold forthwith, • 'TOHN YOUNG, Sherif. Sherins Office, Montrose, Oct. 20, 1852. TToti,oe. NTOTICE i 3 hereby given that in pursuance of the L Act of AsseniOy, the following named persons have filed their Petitions with the Clerk.ofthe Court of Quarter Sessions of the Pewee for the county of Susquehanna, for Licenses to keep Taverns in said County, for which:licenses they will apply at Novem ber Sessions, 1868. TAVZILIT LICtIiSL Edwin Bliss ....... 11 Birdsall, Erastus M. Rush. G. D. R. WADE, Clerk. Montrose, Oct. 27, 1858 Administrator's Notice. TOTICE_Is herehy.giren to all persons having de- I wands against the estate of SallUCt RIESSZOVIE, dec'd., late of Gibson, that the tame must be pre sented to the undeisigued for arrangement, and all persons indebted to add estate are requested to make immediate payment. -. CITARLER REMEGUIE, Adot rs. REUBEN WHITNEY, October 13, 1853.-6 w Administrator's Sale. XTOTICE IS HEREBY, GIVEN; that In pursnance I.i of an order of sale. is s ued front ' the Orphans' Court of Susq. County; the following , described property, latethe estate of Lyman Knapp, deceased, in Spring : - yille township, will be exposed to public sale by yen due, upon the premises, on Saturday the 2Oth day of Nor., at one o'clock, p. : bounded north'by 0f,.9. Green, east by the Bridgewater and Wilkes 4stre Turnpike road, south and west by lands of :Ins. tus Knapp, containing one acre or [hereabouts, and en which are a house, bans and wagon shop. , Terms of paythent Made:known on day of sale. JAMES QUICK, Administrator Springville, Oct. 27, 1858.-4 w Administrators'. Salo. XTOTICE is hereby given that the subscribers, Ad minstratora of the estate of Luther Price, Jate of I Gibson township, Susq. Co., deceased, by order of the Orphans' Court of said county, will expose to public sate, by vendee, the interest of said decedent tinder a contract, in all that certain piece or parcel of land situate and being in said township, bounded on the north by the road running from the Kentuck school house to Ilarford, east py lands of Silas Torry and Gurdon Abel, on the south by lands of Oliver Payne, and weet by lands of Charles Whithey, con taining eighty acres or thereabouts; about fifty aents of which are improved, and on. which is a framed story and a half dwelling home, barn, horse barti o te. Sale to be held upon the premises, Thursday- the 11th day of Nov, next, at 1:0'elock, p. m. Terms of payment made known on day of sale. - CHARLES TINGLEY ' Adiilrt. • J. K. GRIMES, Oct. 13, .185K.-4w PROCLAMATION. Stu:gut:hi - liana County, s 3. MARtn• Mans, by her next In the Court of COM friend, Seneca F. Tanner, mon Pleas of said rs. Co. Awn Term, \ S.% RICHARD IIUGIIS. l.griS. No. 141. To Richard Thighs: Whereas a Stibpcena in Divorce Was issued to April Term, 1868, which was duly returned non est ins.ritus-, and thereon an alias Subpoena was issued in said cause returnhhle to August Term, 1858, upon the return of which proof was made to the said Court that the said Richard Hughs could not he found in air Bailiwick. This notice is therefore to require you to appeal' befOre the Judges of the said -Court on the third Monday of Nov. next, to answer said complaint, &e. - JOHN YOUNG. Sheriff Sheriff.'s Office, Montrose, Sept. 29, 1858. PROCLAMATION. Susquehavia eminty, as. - JERCSIIA A. liticEy, by her In the Court of Com next friend Richard Bixby, • mon Pleas of ' , aid Co . vs - April Term, 1554 JOHN BAILEY.. 177. - To John Bailey: Whereas a Sabra:atm in Di iorce was is.med to April Term, 1855 which was duly returned non cad tnr , utut, and thereon an alias Subintaut was issued in raid cause returnable io .Au. gust Term, 1858, upon the return of which proof was made to the said Court that the said John could not he found in my Bailiwick. This notice is therefore to require you to appear befhre the Judges of the said Con: t nn the third Monday of Nov. nest, to answer said complaint, Lc. . JOHN YOUNG, She-h .: 11 Sheriff's Office, Montrose, Sept. 29, 1858. Attattulstraior's Notice. "VOTICE is hereby given to all persons having de ll !mlds against the Estate of Guanos BARkAr.II., late of Ilarford township,dec'd, that the tame must be presented to the undersigned for arrangement, and all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. CHARLES TINGLEY, Administrator. flarford, Oct. 1 1855.-6 w UTIIIER BARNES, Nn. 659. Aug. T. L1§.591 Foreign At , - PETER, PULZ. tact:intent in debt, to November Term, 18511. Surquehanna County, in. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvanin. To the Sheriff of sicid Courtly, GREETING WE command you that you attach Peter Pair., hoe of yOur county, by all and singUlar his goods and chattels, land; 11 , id tenements, in whose hands or pos session soever the same may be, so that he be and appear before - our Court of Common Pleas, to be hold en at Montrose, in and for said county, on the third Monday of November next, there to anew or Luther Barnes, in a plea of debt not exceeding one hundred - dollars, and we further command you that von sum mon all persona in whose bands , or possession the said goods and chattels may be attached, so that they and every of them be and appear before the said Court on the day and place aforesaid, to answer what Andl be objected against them, and abide the judgment of the Court therein. And have you then there this writ Witness the Hon. David Wilmot, President'of our said COurt at Montrose, the 17th day of August, A. ID: 1858. . G. B. 11. .WADE, Prothottoldry. TAKE NOTICE : That in pursuance of the abOVe re cited writ, I have this day, Oet. 1858, attached nil that certain piece or patcel of land, sitnate in the township of Oakland, Susquehanna County, and bounded ar4l desc , ibed as follows, to wit; on the %oath by land of Selah Payne, on ie:east by land 4,f: James MeCarddle, on the south by lands belonging to the estate of John Hilburn. deceased, end tin the wort by lands late id•Selall Payne, containing ninety three acres, be the same moril or less, tocether with the appurtenances, about ten acres partly improved. JOICIYOUNO; Sherif._ Sheriff's Office, Montrose, Oct. ~ 1858. Itraister's Notice. • • DUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to all persons eoneefteil in the following E4tates, to wit : Estate of C. C. RANSOM, late of Suaq. Depot, de ceased, L N Smith, Admittixtraenr. Estate of Wm. BROMLEY, late of Rash, ;access. ed, ilfram Cogswell, Adatta;strater. Estate of JESSE A. PATCH, late of Formit Lake, deceased, M. J. Patch, Administratqr. Estate of ROBERT P. VANCE, late of Franklin, A. C. Lute, iiihninistraier. Estate of JOHN BARD, late of Springville, deed, Thomas Nicholson and Sanauelliard, E're,mnra, That. the accountants have settled their accounts in the Register's Office in and for the county' of.Sas tiudianna, and that the same will be presented to the Judges'orthe Orphans' Court of sal& county, on I Friday, November loth, for confirmation and allow ance. .CHARLES NEALE, .Regitter. RegiSter's Office, Montrose,l Oct. 27, ISM?, 4w KEY*TONE MOTEL. • Win. K. ITATCH,-Proprietor. TIl IS new and commodious Hotel, situated on 'Slain Street, Sear the.„court House, and nearly in the center of the business portion. of Montrose. is now fully completed and furnished, and wilibe opened on the Tith of thu present month for the accommodation of the public and travelers. .The Proprietor feels confident that he is now prepared to entertain guests in a manner that cannot fail to give Oompleto Satisfaction. The llousc.and Furniture art nevr, and no expense has been spared to render it gqual, if not superior to any similar establishment in this part of the State. It is well suppiled with all the recent improvements and comforts, and obliging waiters always beln at tendance' to respond to customers. The Stables connected with this [rouse are New and Convenient. The Proprietor respectfully solicits'the, patronage of his old friends and the public genera K. lly. WM. LIATCII. Montrose, September 22, 1858.—tf Sewing Mtichines; El B. C ISAIi kI DLE B. is Agent for Grorer - 12 • ac 'Baker's celebrated Maeltinea— would be glad to furnish any information, or any of the Ma chines to those in want. obey car. Ss me. New Firm. New Store. Public Avenue, juAt below J. Eth.eridge's A -ItALDlNEtwoulfl respectfully annnunee /A •. ttilhe fmhlie Oaf he has ssiochned with WM. L. ALLEN, in the• • - Friendtwine, FLOUR, FEED: AND - GROEBY BUSINESS.' • Also, tl.at they have removed into their newly, fitted up building on Public Ayoub!, just below 3. Ether idge's Drug `Store, *bare cab always be found the choicest brands of • family Flour, Meal, Feed, _ Pork, Ilams Fish, Dipped Candles, Timothy, QM Groceries. such as Sugars, illoArisses, Syrups, Tea; Coffee, - &c. he. Thankful for past ftvorg, would solicit a continu auce-of the.same, under the new firm, pledging our selves to do the fair thing, hoping by each bargain to he sure of anothet'.'' Being under a different Administration, it is very desirable to have all old Recounts settled, and com mence anew, under the Beady Pay 5Y6,4111. 134LDWEs: S ALLEN. ,«y.l. ums_ A. 13.ti.nwm, Montrose, Oct. 20, 1952.-te LOOK . ITERE: Cowl a: ROGERS offer to the - public, at_ prices that cannot fail to suit, a lar,ge told' an / perior assortment of GROCERIES/ At the old and well-known establiAment ftirmerly oc cupied by 0. M. Crane. / SUGARS, TEAS. COFFEE i SPOF., FLOUR (C 5.17.7, (byth, xaek or harm!,) .1 , 17..i11, and all ar ticles 'Usually found in first class Grgeeries. riorty by Ilia.wholcsate and, retail. As we mean to merit, we hope „to receive, a liberal share of public patiopage. We have also opened a Butcher,/ Shop. in the basement of Boyd' & W. k :.lister's new Store, cori:er of Main and Turnpike Shuts. N. Coilf paid fpr peltsland bides. , • COBB S:„ROGETS. lionticNe; Oct. 20, 1i;56. GEZIAT • • INDUCE E N.TS TO. CASH BUYERS! NEW FALL STOCK , JCST BEING OPENED JT Lathrop & DeWitt's. mONTlMSE,.Feptember 15, 1858. BENTLEY, READ, - CO., RE. now• receiving a very large mid well selected amiioctinent of NEW .GOODS; a' to the sen , on and ill's maiket, which they offer on the must f.rvoyabie terms is their old (or new) customerg. All are invited to call and eati,fy themselves as to the truth of the above, before purchasing elsewhere. Montrose, Sept. 29, 185 S. - TUST received a fredi supply of KEROSENE and 11 a great variety Of :LAM PS. We have t.sed the Kerosene for the past gix monalg,.and have no hesi tation in teenoraending it as superior to any other article now in use. For T.:oo(day and brilliancy of light cannot li rqu.alitel. It will five a• light equal to six candles, at one half the expense of either Cam phone or,Fluid, and is perf..etiv safe. tiENTLEY, RESD, 5..: CO. Idontrose,Net. Witi. ' 1 - I NE ONF HORSE . BUGGY WAGON. 11 .5 One tutufier wagon on keel effings for one or two horec.s.'Oac new Cattef. and one Cow. Enquire of BENTLEY, READ, & CO. Oct:l2, 1S:;80 • WA.TED, IN exchange for GOODS, or on account; Grain, Butter, Flaxseed, Uri , d ArtTllt'9, and cA.S.a. bet. 13,'b8. BENTLEY READ, & CO. - 131zokomithing Inackeriithing - !! TtIE underAgnod :weld an:wit:nee to the - citizens of Lenox end vicinity that hail prepared to do all torts of BLACKSMITHINGI • CARRIAGE IRONING, and the IRON WORK far all ordinary kinds of 31A C 14,1 NEU V, at his , hop in Glenwood, in a wort:- manlike 111:11111er and of Owl inateriOs. B. All account,; of a ear's standing must be . eettled, , - C. V. CONRAD. Glenwood, Oct. 6, ISsB.—tf ALL IN WANT OF j ii Wot 3 : 41 1 1, CAN BEY TIIEM it CHEAP F-011 CASH, OP , - SHORT CREDIT,. AT - MUTH A — COW; - NEW MILFORD, SEPT. 29;‘1868. --em Shawl and Dress Goods R EMPORIUM ! • • MN PALL: GOODS FOR CASH 84 PROMPT 6 MONTHS' BUYERS. fl• BURRITT. T.l AS now in Store, and is maklng, large additions' LI- to his Stock of . , . Fall aid oda To which he would, invite the attention' of buyers; embracing the mos desirable 'eaxietici. of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, including the NOW Styles of Rich Full Prints and Plaids, in Didaities, Decal Plaids, Plain and Plaid Merinos, Mohair Cloths, Ginghams, Silks; Broche, Cashmere, Silk and Wool Shawls, Rich Rib bons, Bonnets and !:lowers, Net Hoods, Ladies' Cloths, Broadcloths, Cassimeres, be., with a- full as- Payment of other Stapht and Fancy Goods, including GROCERIES, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, STOVES, IRON, STEEL, AVAILS, HATS AND - CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, CAR ' PETING,FLOOR Oil CLOTHS,P AD= TEL) SHADES,' _WA LL PA P PR,OLOCK S,D I? UGS, ORA • - /N TS,. BUPFA 10 ROBES, the. &c.,,,d:c!., c., av,„: the. ar The entire Stock beittg largo and bought for CASa, will gilie superior opportunity-for Choice Se• leethin.", awl I sold at the lowest figures to . CASH and PROMPT SIX MONTI'S' BUYERS,. R; ?LB.—Flour Mid Salt constantly on band. Sew 149ixii; Oct** 6, 18V8. REMOVAL. Clover, Field, Oarden Seds. Also a general assortment of KEHOSENE. v'ar MILFOBA THE QIS4KEIt. CITY Insuranbe Comp. of Phil. Capital and Sprplufc 6300,000. ChartCred Capital, 13500,000. °S ire, FralskiNe Bni 408 irahint Sr. ME INSURANCE on Stnrer. DorttllnFc_Pobilc'Thithihtjta sod MI ht,rebondhie generallr. At RINE th6I.7ItAXWI on 3.15t010. Vargo Freed to and frOto an carts of the World. AlactinhiM oa Goode to and fro, .1.14 port-stir the taxa. . Statement of the liasineesand Condition of the Qua. •-ker City Insurance Company, of rifilddelphia; for Six Months, ending Joni 301 h, 1858. , . Soidud..tatoary Ist. IMO 6-9 87 latro•A received and accrued front Jan.-lot to July Lt,.. 6...00tt as • t'n.: qn) rf.e.i7Cll v:Agv 2wiltvelusanuax. • - LOSSES, EXPENSES, cte._ To I.na r ;aid, 64 • 1*.e.1n.. Rd. l'Neutunvs. ind Exptaks,.. 33,394 GI-09844d la Batnnee rennening wtsll,l.ht, Campani,'Juir lat., 130031 8.3 .k. ,- A S - S ETR . - ' Bond,. Mnrtrnaf., Fic;cks. Conpun !Sonde, 'Loans on C.. - 'mend and Ciii Lonny. 6x-4 • sisame as ron. Itectiv:tb'e.. i. 90.611 71 Cull an Lund and "u flank. and duo hum Astra; *916, On to on os.?.m. 36 Officers. • • GEORGE H. HART. Prealdent, E. r. ROSS. T 1 Fret:l466i. 11.11.COGGSWELL.S.i•-.4Trem. S. H. BUTLE Aadst. Troia. Director'. MIMI GM= Occrre D. Harr. E. I'. Ram A. C. Caftell.lfon. R.Y. Fulter..T Fdsynr!.. O. DI!, E. W. F C.O. bra,. A It. 4.7143:.i.t.r., J. L. Pomeroy. 11. R. Cornren. and R. Junecld, D WK. D. LUSK, Anent. MONTl:OSE;Septtnaber IS. Ved.-dy ,J. Higginbotham, WATCH FINISHER, General Repairer, ( -IF the BEST ENotastr, Swvis, AND CHINESE Dm.' 1,/ MX( WATCHES. PATENT AND DerrAcnrn LEVEII2, REPEATERS, LEPINES, Sze., &C. Truly proud of the flattering encomiums bestowed on him as an honest and superior - WATCH JOBBER, - and' g rateful to all who have employed him, and doub ly so to Thome that have continued to be Ilia steady- . cultonters since his commencement in Montrose,(now nearly three vear9,) and encouraged by those who al ready know his abilities, he noW informs those who -do not, that early in life he was taught the art of Finishing New Watdhes; by Atkin, late of Lord Street, Liverpool, who -was - a first rate MAKER and REPAIRER . of the best 't , S 'watches. After havirig, worked \ for him upwards of nine years, (aeven s of which as all indentured appren tO,). he then commenced for himself, tind latterly in *new York, where he has been employed by : , orne, of the ftis4 and most twreetable establishments in Broadway, Maiden Lane, Bowery, &c., and was by - them classed a first rate workman.... . - . . . . N. B. He h.L‘t alwarg on hand a well assorted stock of Watch WhoelF, Cylinders, Watch Jewels, Main spri::ns, Watch Itrbrid.4,* and 'Watch Glasses, which will be carefully fitted, right. away, and for pricea less than they can be bad in the City. ' M . " Shop in Bentley, Reaa, S.: Co's Store linenir. Block, Montrose, Aug. 18; - r ll / 4 :7)3r; undersigned are now manufacturing and bare on band al: kinds of Carriage and Sleigh Stuir)fr such naHors, L'bul, 7 hills', Cutter-Runners, ltaver, Fender., &t. , d-e., for sale, In lots to suit.pur chm;e!s, very !ow for cash. Also, all kinds of work x!.enrned and bent, to order.. CROOK & JOHNSTON. Great Bend, Pa., March 3,1.858.—1 y GODDARD, WARFIELD'S DR.I, L. ALLEN'S PATENT DEVICES; PO Lowering and 11 , aising _CATMLIA. GEI TOPS. PY tho use Of this improvement. the Carriage top can tie resell or lowered front either the riehher the left, the outside or the Inside. reliv oLvtatir.g the ditculty heretofore existing of rpringlng Ono es :thd th-ii the one on the ripp-iiite gide; as well as the extreme ' core nve.,..,ry to preveril the too from falling AO - Leachy ASV) break the •yr no. &e. This is effected by means of a small lever In • Alm, with the hollow prop, to which an arm nob or holder Is su totted. The top lane also he raleid or lonered with PERFF.C'T E:tel, t o neare of the lower hoer, which is usually placed at the rivet bah,' idde tha oat. the weig ht of the top Ewing nearly hal aheol liv two spiral sprlnas attached to the through or connecting red. which once it down uihile In the act of failing. and assl.4 lb rah. Ina It. The oat matTrtale. Ste., on a carege I hut triflng, cou• • sidering •he client 'utility. • The uoihiniened 4,lva purch_ared the'exclusiveriglit of thcabove ratent, to the eiuntles of tilhiNavhantia. Veadforrhliarenic. and Wy• 0n1i11,7. wilt veil light's In Via courrics, and will runuufactuse Carla agea with the Inprovement attach,. Ida @Fop. In 11.-..utrow. E. H. ROGERS. MONTIIOSE., Feptennher 19.'d.-1p -rdomair roumsmon' TMITE man who lost FIVE DOLLARS by purclias -1 lag a second rate coat, when he , ,could lutie got a first-rate one for the same price, can haie the dam age repaired when he wants a new coat, by calling upon the subscriber. The rail Stiles are now on band, and I am prepared as u4ual* to accommodiite the public with substantial work, and 71C pins., ultra fits. I keep con stantly on hand a large and well selectedlissortment of Skill, Industry, and .Good,Temper, and (no confidently promise to Eerce my customers, both in work and price, in a msnner that shall be en tit ely satisfactory:. Gall in, gentlemen and young Ameri , a, and' get your cold weather rigs. n'Shop at the old stand, opposite the Republe- Tan Steam rtintirg, Office; two Boots west of Searle's Hotel. Cutting done as usual. JOHN GWyES. Montrose, September 22, 1'852.,-3m NOTICE'. -A LL persons are hereby 'cautioned against Pia /IL chasing a note given- by the undersigned to Joan 11.,thisterlinut, for thirty-fire dollars,. dated. in the latter part of August, 15.57, said note having been paid in fliil. - -GEGfIGE WELLMAN. :Great bend. Oct. 20, I StiS.-3a p Binghamton B 'Water Cure, BINGHAMTON, BROOME COUNTY, N. Y. MITTS-Establishment:is open-for the reception of 1 patients the whole year, and is arranged with a view to the health and comfort of invalids'during the cold weather. The . I r AIATE are thoroughly warmed and the entire houie is kept • at a Samaer temperature. • Experience has demonstrated that water treatment is most successful during- the Autumn and, Witter - months. All sick persons Who de:Fire health. (and even those who-have not been succesful heretofore. in theircf forts- to obtain this invaluable boon,) will here-find a rare opportunity to accomplish the great object, upon . which the peace, happiness, and prosperity,af their future lives depend. The Physicians, Pr. Thayer and Wife, have had twelve years' experience- in treating diseases Ilydro •pathirally, during which time : they have prescribed far °Nth. ten thousand sick persons, and the. success • attending their prescriptions stillicient evidence - of their skill as successful practioncra. Patients will provide for personal use„„ six towels, two wpolgn blankets, two cemfortables,T_three: linen or cotton sheets, and ifirte linen for bandages,. all of which should be marked.. Terms from 95 to 610 -per week. re 7 - Dr..27 l gYer. will be at Susquehanna Depot, (Nichgre Hotel,) Oct. 11th, for corm/lotion. For-further particulars, address 'O. V. THAYER, 31, D. . Binghamton, Sept. 9.9, 1555.-tf TREIVIENDOTJS EXCITEME NT ATTH6; :in • • le.t.4zei• Alba_ elolB \viggius, • AND ALSO AT THE ' Montrose Book Store wniFßE i the subscriber is receiringa large roan o SCHOOL BOOKS, such as are to be used'at the Normal School,*to corn: pence the 30th inst. Also - INCitscellaneons Books, a good assortment, and • STILTIONERT -- of tti,e best quality. all of which will fie sold for Cash at Live and Let Lice price*, by . H. BULLARD. liontrese,' August 18, 1858. • Preoh JUST RECEIVED , AND PP sets BY Aug, 'lB. • J. LY015.4,-SON. .00d4 . & 131Nreet radgerii. ' A FRESH 10T, Just recelyed and for rale, by Xt. Oct. - 14c11113,8 60* 113.0407 • 4,827 24 $102,627 sa 6104.231 M k