Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, July 22, 1858, Image 3

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on F hE S e p n lt aW a undetidi.x. Pled
NENv Yolk, July 10,=-IT.nis lap - ruing an ,
tuVident occurred:lo the Express train on the
New York and Erie Railroad at, , Shin Hot
loW, six miles•eas.t of Port Jervis, 'lnd •75
miles from.this, e:ty; The twoihiud cars of
the train were throv.m.from the track by the.
breaking of a rail; and' with their contents
were: precipitated down an e mbankment of
thirty feet.
As far A known the following'is a list, of
the killed .
1 —llarvey Wood, Willsboro', Tioga Co.,
• .
German, natile unknown, supposed `
to be Isaac Shutly. •
3.----Mrs. Ray, colored,.wife of Mr. y,
barber, of Binghamton.
child of Mrs. Turner, N: Y. City.
• child -of Mrs. Brown, Waterbury,
W. Robertson:New York. • ,
F6 r are wounded, .
Al11011,:q, the wounded are the following :
s '
\1 m. John. llally, D. • W.. Seely,
• NeW Tor(:; ti. 11, Banard,,,C. F. Budell, of
1 4, - ,, vl d ; C. B. Bartlett, of Cleveland, (thigh
broken ;I Adam Ray', of New •,York ;
Horton, et=—=- - • (biidiy 3.. W. Beals, of
L. F. 'Dowell, of Meadville; .W.
Cliikler, ( - if New fork ; P.
,B, S warts,
n o gart, Miss Baker, J. S. Hill, G. Silver,
Canada; 111. Ostektin, Illinois; J. Brush, 11.
Smith, O.C. Base, Mrs. R. W: Crosby; J.,
E. White, Miss- Wennian' ' F. Bradford, Miss
Esgman and'children, J. Arnet, New York;
C: C: Murray, E. W. Gill, Ohio; Rev. E.
Palmer and Arr. Wallace, Boston; S. Duro
ham, lowa. • • „
.The p a ssengers the forward. poi were
,throvc n .in to the
, greatest disorder by the sud
den brllak, and, on. gaining Their feet, they
opened the windowii and doors of the cars,
and:he:o the shouts and moans of dying and .
wo unded beneath them. The greatest excess
Of confusion here prevailed ; some running
loud fro, 'calling 4 - 41 the conductor to stop
'the train, while: °tits rang the bell attached
to thdengine in rap (:1 sUecession.-
The-erigihe was :don stopped, and the pas
sengers ran to the spot where the wails of
the dying and wounded -wore truly heart :.
rending. •• • ,
The train tifis immediately sen Von to*Pott
Jervii for Medical aid, and in - lba course of
an hour, four medical men from that' place
were on the.ground. •
In the meantime the_pas sengers In&ul been
busili at work in taking-the dead and wound,
•ed from between the broken fragments, and
carried them,a few yards and, laid them.upon
the grass. • •
„The:scene was:beyond deeription.
dien crying for 'their. fathers and mothers,
and. husbands seeking fOr "their wives,' which,
together with the shrieks of the passengers,
presented a scene which is very seldotn met
At the time of the accident there were - no
treiears, which is something.
very Di:esti:Al:on the Erie trains.
PAINT Tttoat Co4L.—A novel, and appatent
ly verilmFortarit, -application .61 coat has re-
- cer7tly beep introduced by G. W. GrisA•oldi
of Carbon Wk.., Pa., in the n:antrfactuie from
it of a paint. The pfoduct is called " Carbon
Paint." This paint is the product Of . the
.pore carboh of the coal, all impurities
rejected,c.and is to produce in many fab
,pa-tent. leather, varnish, LS:c.;.l
'better Mack Than even lamp black. ' It is al.
so superior for enduring heat, -and posesses
a pri.sers.attve power on metals •agaltist..the
welithe..r.—Luzerne Union: 1.
Pel k .roylvanii - St.ta Toacharg'
sociation meets at Scranton, August lath, 18.55.
The Delaware. Lackawana,mul We-tern Railroad
Company have: madearrangetlientS so that those who
desire to attend the meeting..:pan do so by Raying fare
one way—pay going, and return free. Ladies are to
'be entertained tree of charge while attending the
meeting, and as.many can be, .bp the
citizens of .4c . ranion. .
Prof. STODPACD is President - `of the lisociation,
and.will address it during Force of its sessions. It is
alio announced in the Penake7mtaid Srhonl lourzuzl,
hr the Executive 'Committee, that the -Don. 'Horace
Mann, of Ohio, will be present and,pddress the'Ksso
cistion;—and to hear him on the subject of Edna-
Jinn, will compensate any lover of 'truth, ten times,
pw, for attending the meeting.
.The teachers and friends of education in Susque
hanna-County k ilould - reclillect that this is probably
the only chance they will have for mane years of ht
tending the• State Mkting when it will be• so near
The people of the northern part of the State ought
to attend this meeting, of the Association, if they,
. never attend -another- 7 -the honoropd good name of
' this portion demands it of them. This County alone
ought to hare two itandre.: teachers there; shall it
have? No teacher or friend slmuld stay away that
can possibly attend.
All the leading teachers and eduCational friends in
this State- will be there,—al-o those of New Jersey,
New York, Michigan, and Ohio, and many from New
England: -How many teachers will home on
that occasion and.allew thYrborthem part of the State
to be the suliject of 'Aeproach, - by the other portions,
fur a what of interest in such meetings We shall see.
"Some, teachers, determine at once to attend' and
maie -arrangements accordingly,' and SUSCVEIIA.NNA
icipse iepresente,d as she ought to be. -
July 21,'b8.-3w • Comm run%
Board-and o - onislior Use -Norjpal
School.—Those who will tarnish Board for'Stu-
dents,. during the coming TErm of the NOrmal School,
sad those who have vacant rooms where Students can
board themselves, will please inform me Immediately,
as ipplications are already -coming in.. . A large at.
tendance is anticipated, so that will do.w`cli
fo apply- early. -W. B. DEANS,
At the.Finture Gallery, inihe Brick Block.
WheaCre. bushel, .
Rye 1) .
Corn, bustler,.
Buckwheat: iii , k)ushol, •
Oats, 'bushel,T - -
(cans; white, "tA
fotatoes, bushel,..... _
Wheat flour, 11 bbl. - •
Rye f10ur..15 hundred, ' r
$ - .Aaro Meat pl hundred,
Pork, 1) lb -
Card, Te th
Rutter: pt 15..,.. • .-•-• •
7 E -, doz.
• •
'• InMontrose, July 1, by Rec. Henry .A.. Itfiey, Mr: ,
both of BrooklYn• - • •
. • ; DIED.
In Springville, on nesday, June 49th; 1858. Mrs.
JANE Imams Waars.ft, wife of Mr. David Wake.
lee, in the 37th year of her age.
, The decea4ed.wris long afflicted with asefere west
?",:kt disease, but enduretit, .with calmness • and qui:
*nee, to the last. It was evident that the Lord
her affliction the means of drawing away her
Affections arid thoughts from the thingsof earth, to
.--tfa Mem upon " theklgs which are above. "
ita;•e clear evidence b +Sfore her death of having made
:her peace with_God;thrOugh the merits ~of her ate,
, - cepted Redeemer. Shd died 'mineral!) , without
murmur and without a struggle. Death was not to
- her the "king of terrors," but rather as a messonger
[-eat by her Ilfth.ito takeler frcim 'the- carve and
trials.Of this life ton Home in Heaven; and to obtain
'the -" crown of life promised to the "faithful .unto
.I!;:atia.2" • . , [Coit.
!a Nicholson July 6th, Mr. N. B. irIICF; of Con
gaup:inn, aged years.
Titus has passed away to a world of rest glory,o
the hu-bond and father, after.a Fong - and somewhat
painful confinement; yck he lingered with -a
, strong .
kW and- great desire of recovery ; bat the angel of
, death had served his summons, and he departed this
life, re , igtied iu full hope of fiktideblessedneas. j - ••••
He'ivaila man of much intelligence -and energy,
and of honesty and integrityin all relations of life,
leaving behind him worthy tame to Ids family and
• flisrmei clitudg. . • " L. B. .
_..... . . .
In Gibson, July Bth, Dear* grig*lill3llll. in the
75th year of his age. , . ,
Be was born in Conn., Oct. 14t h ; .1783: -He dune
to Mount Pleasant, Pa., in .1792, Having indulged
' hope in. the mercy of Godlhrough . Jems Chilati he
I was baptized by Elder-Elijah Peck, and , becatue . s
member of the Mount Pleasant Baptist Church, in
1821. - Five years Inbsequently he transferred his
membership. to the Gibson •and Jackson
,MaOtist '
• Church, in whose communion he died ; having faith;
fully filled the office of deacon for nearly 32 years.—
Stearns died in the fell triumph of filth. He
leaves to mourn him, the conipahion of his 'path, ,
and their six children, all active and useful members
of the-Baptist Church. '-,'
Ills funeral sermon was preached by the writer,
From Matt. :iii, 43. '. Elder R. G. Limb, participating
in the exercises, made an appropriate address, -and
1 the body of deceased was committed to the
I tomb, in the presence of a large number of friends,
who deeply felt,their logs : s W.v. A. Mr !Asa.
At Horseheads ; Chemung Co., New. Teri: f led the
7th of June, Mrs. DOTtiA. LOMA. wife of - Cyrus Bar—
low, Esq., and daughter of Dea. J. S. Hendricks, of
New Milford, Pa., aged 42 ‘Tars. ,
, The deceased had beep for many years t-member
of the Presbyterian _Church, at Horseheads._ and
evinced her sincerity - in her efforts to prOmine its
welfare. She was highly esteemed in life, and. in
death, deeply lamented. - [Cow.
In Brooklyn, June 24t11, airs. ]LBI♦ „L. wife of
Thomas Sterling, aged 29 years.
In Thomson, June.loch, 1859, Basta Sias...-
INS, aged 7 yeari.
PlTE_nort:term of this institutioriwill commence,
.I.i'WEDNESDAY., AUGUST 126, and continue
tw . elvexieks. -
. 113rUnaurpaasPti facilities for preparing for teach
ing, wilttre furnished to all who enter the Teachers'
Department. R. NELSON.
Kingston, July 21, 1858.-3 w . ,
Grain Cradles.
MERCHANTS who are not supplied, can furnish
themselves with a superior.artiele, -at-manufac
turers prices, bylcalling on. -
Montroac, July 21, 1858. 7 3 w -
New .one-Horse .Store
which PAYS as it Goes, and goes for
to.furnish the "Good People" orSirjostrille,
with the eery- bek kinds of GROCERIES, such as
- TEAS, .FISH, s TOBACCO, ke t ,
solicits a shate of their patronage:
• 20 lbs. *lee for $l,OO.
11 " Firstllategnmar, 81,00- ,
•16 " Salaeratu4, - 61,00.
and many other articles at equally low fizures. The
best brands of FLOURaloays on hand? ••••
• L 0 'lll T. 4,7
Ready-Made or Made to 'Order , "slot at ,c Ost,"
but at "fair profitk. 4 ' Call and gOlenear -
Summer Vest for 75,-cronts. -
Try me t and if I,don't "Share you as Cheap as
•A nyhody,—call me— •
Yours Respectfully, / H. SMITH.
- sp!:thp•me, July 21, ISSS.—tr.,
• Dr. BakeesAegetable.Compound.
A Soret'eign remedy for Cholera, Summer Corn
JA - plaints, and Dysentery, for wale by
Montrose, July 21, A I M. •
&scudtanna- Cotinty.
SEVIAII SCOTT, by her In the Court of-Common
next friend, Asa Park, Pleas of s.7id County.
vs. August Term, 1857.
DAVIS D. SCOTT. No. 350.
To Davis D. Scott: Whereas a Subpoena in
Divorce was issued to -August Term, 1857, which
was duly returned non est inrintris, and thereon an
alias Subpoena was issuion in said 'cause returnableto
April Term, 'lB5B, uporj the return of which proof
was made. to the said C)lurt that the -said Danis D.
Scott could not be fousid in my BailiWicic:-
This notice is therefore to require you to appear
before the Judges of the said Omit on the third
Monday of August next, to answer said complaint,
- ' . • JOHN YOU:s.itl. Sheriff. -
Sheriff's Office, Ifontrase,'July 2.1, 1858. ,
Susquehanna Criunfy, ss,
"Ants BA N 55, by her In the Court of Corn
next friend Alphas :Burdick, mon Pleas of said Co.
rs . August Term, 1851.
J. W. BARNES. No. 53.
To Barnes : - Whereas a Subpoena in Di
vorce was issued to August Term, 1867, which was
dull returned non e at tnrentus, and thereon an alias
Subpcena - was issued in said cause returnable to Nov
ember Term, 1857, upon the return of which proof
was made to the said Court that the said J.W. Barnes
could not be found in my Bailiwick.
This notice is dierefore to requiie
,you to • appear
before the Judges of the said pourt on the third
Monday of August next, - to answer said complaint,
Sheriff's Office, Montrose, July 21, 1858.
41,00 et , $1 1 ,12+
, 621-cta.' l
70 (4 715'cts.
~..873 Q. 40 pea:
Z7f eta.
$1,00'(4 1,25
75 eta.
.. 2,00 (4 2,50
.... 1,15 @, '2,00
107@ 12}ctit."
' ..... 12f eta:
1.6 @ 18 eta.
`lO eta.
•. - .
• L: -JEWELRY %/: t e l •
\ 44 - 4 • -V
tar Also agent for the shle of MELODE&S, o
ady desired style or quality . , from $45 to $3OO. Par
'chaserkcan better than to call.
Harford, Pa., July 21, 185 . 8.-3 m ••••
The Artist's Rhymes ,
- About Hard Thins
And Lack of Dimes.
rrHE times are hard, extremely hard, N
- 'There's no mistake about it; ‘•
Tis hard to get a little cash— • •
'• Harder to do without it. •
All classes f.el the want of funds,
The'farmer, lawyer, merchant,
But whip, more than the " Picture, man"
Can show:lease quite urgent.
Be never-`set has learned to live ,
On "false impressions" mere,_
And pictures "only in your eye -
FM up the purse—severely.
'leaae then, remember Phcenix Block,
Two flights of stairs ascend, sire, •
And for a copy of yourselves
- A little - money spend, airs: -
And if you haven't that to spare—
• , - Not even a Spanish quarter—
take your grain, your-britver,,cheese, i
And other kinds of barter,.
Don't . wait until another day,
If you do you may regret it, - ;
Somewhere, I've heard Icrinebody ray
There's danger /urking-irt delay. •
This hint you may as well obey— - • •
. perhaps in some unlooked-for way
.A likeness of your:lone will pry,
So haste to Deans an, get it.
• , W. B. DEANS,
• ~ Over the Stole of Bentley, Btrad,-4'Ckr,
Irtobtrose, July 21, 1838,
slltnr:Frs , SALES.
i z
Y virtue of 4Onthy Writaiseued by the Court
ofeorutotet 4ess. of Susquehautui eouutt and to
me directed, IWill exptwe to sale by public ictithie,
attbeCourt HOusei in Imitrose, o flaiirday tht , ,i'l.ith
of Angust,=lBsBilat ono o'clock, .in., the following
de:scribed pieces Or parcels of lan to wit : , •
ALL that' certsAti•piecer,or parcel of, lan4sittiate,
and being hi the township o fifer/kit; Susq:CFinty,
bounded and desc'ribed as follows, to wit: beginning
at a stake and stones corner, south of the Cochccton
. .
and Great Bend turnpike, on the line between lots in
the warrantee name-of John and Isaac C-oxanear the
Lackawanna 'Creek ; thence north west, Si perch
es to a stakeand stones, an original corner ; thence
south 19 ° west, 51 perches to a stake and stones
corner, at said turnpike road ; thence south 10° west,
93 perches to a stake and atones corner ; thence
south 71° cast, 83 perches, to_ a stake and stones •
thence north 5 ° etst,l34 perches, to the. place of be
ginning ; containing 53 acres and 88 perches of land,
with the appurtenances, rine framed dwelling house,
1 barn, I wagon Shop, 1 Blacksmith shop, and about
thirty acres improYed. [Taken in execution at the
suit of Patrick MGunigal vs. Mabit Mathewson.] •
ALSO—AII that certain-piece or parcel of land,.
situate, lying, a t iid being in the township of Cliff
ord, County of S sq.; and State of Penh., bounded
as follows : begirning at a post, the south-west corn
er of Michael Waat'a lot; thence by a warrantee line
north 45 ° west, 62 perches, to a- post, the corner of
Tuttle's lot a thetice by his line, north 15}° east, 266
perches, to a pos • thence south 45" east; 62 perches
to a post, said West's north-west corner; thence by
said West's line, ;tooth 45-ir west, 266 perches to the
beginning, containing 103 acres, more or.less, togeth
er with the appurtenances, 1 framed house, 1 barn
and sheds, 1 liorie barn, .1 orchard, and about fifty
laeres improved. I
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of hind,
situate, lying, and being in the township of Lenox,
county ; and state aforesaid, bounded and described as
follows, to wit: beginning, at a stake and stones, on
the west side and line of Hiram White's land ; thence
south along the lands of Dewitt C. Roberts, 61: west
6 chains and 86 ii , uks, to a stone wall ; thence north
18° west 2 cheihi l ' to a stone in the .east branch of
the Tunkhannock 10 links from, the bank; -thence
north 54* east 5 ;Chains and 25 links, to a stake and
stones on the bahk• thence south 54°' cast 2 chains
and 25 links to.'siale and stones; thence south 77"
east 83 links, to 4a stake and stones; thence south
19* degrees east, 93 links to the place of beginning,
containing 1 acre fled 126 rods of land, (excepting 78
rods of land cotiveyed by Ira N. Hawley to Abraham
Churchill by de.o, dated December IS, 18190 to
nether with the appurtenances,-1 framed dwelling
hquse, and all inprovetL
ALSO—AII that other .piece or parcel of land,
situate as last above described lot, and bounded
and described aSfollows, to wit nbeginning at a stake
and stones; about,2o feet each way from the fence, in
the north-east Oilier of the garden-how occupied by
Adney C. Tompkins ; thence north
. 65°,east '2B feet,
to a stake and stones ; thence north 25° west, forty
feet Into the creek about 8 feet from the bank ; thence
south 65° west, along said creek, 28 feet ; thence
south 25° west, forty feet, to the place of beginning,
containing 1120 feet of land, - together with certain
rights to take water front the penstock of. saw mill,
(reference being had to died from S. E. Tompkins,
it: al. to Ira Hawley, dated the 9th day of July, A.D.
1849, and reqtriled in deed book, No. 18, page 73,)
together with the appurtenanCes, 1 "framed building-,
occupied as a turning lathe, &c.• [The above three
pieces taken in execution at the suit of Janson IL
Phelps and Daniel Searle vs. Daniel Baker.
ALSO-a-All that certain piece or parcel of land,.
situate, lying ; arid being in the township of Auburn,
and county aferesaid, bounded and described as'fol
lows, to wit: mil the north by lands Or Ansel and
Martin Wilcox, on the east by lands- of,,Thomas R.
White, on the south by lands of James Ihfenbury,
on the west by lands ofJohn - Tewksbury, containing
about 100 acres of Land, with the,tiPputtenances, one
saw mill, and about 25 acres improved. [Taken in
execution at the, suit of TaKellogg, to the Use of
Grover, Phillips at Co. vs: W. M. Sherwood.]
ALSO—AII That certain pie'ce or parcel of land,
situate, lying, aid beilig in Auburn township, county
and state afaressid, bounded anddescribed as follows,
to wit: on the north by lands of Samuel Picket and
Collins Wood, chi the - east by lands of Milton Harris,
on the South by Ilanda of -Jacob Young, on the we s t
by lands of G. White,eontaining about 1.11 acres,with
ike appurtenauees, 2 dwelling houses, one barn and
shed, and about sixty , acres improved. [Taken in
execution at the sultof, James Bunnell. 2d, and A.S.
Low vs. R.ll.lbirch, Wiii.Cooley, 2d, and P.t;.Burch.
hat Certain piece or parcel of land. •
situate in the: TO 5 11.4 of Auburn,' county and state
aforesaid, bounn i ed and described as follows, to wit:
on the north by ; land of Jacob Brotzman, en the east
try land of M. Divine, on the south by land of M. Co
burn and I. S. Carter, and on the west by land of
win. I. cUpe, Containing idiom ton acres, together
with the appurtenances, a framed house. 1 log barn,
and tibbut 50 acres imprtved. [Taken in execution
at the atilt of A; Lathrop vs. Joseph Farley.
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land,
situate in the manallip of Liarwony, county and state
iforesaide bounded and described as follows, tool wit s :
on the northeast by land of .1. and .1. Tayler, on die
north-westabv land formerly of Ira Williams, on
south-east by land of J. and J. Tavidr, and on the
south-west by land of - Amos Harries, containina '' abort
35 acres, will the appurtenances, 1 house, 1 small
barn and aboatisix acres-improved. [Taken in -exe
cution at the Suit of David Taylor vs. Philip Ulrich.
A LSO—AII that l eertain piece or parcel of land,
situate, and being in the township 'of. Rush, county
and state - aforesaid, bounded and described as follows,
to wit: on the north by lands of William Ross, on
the east by lands of Charles Jerry, on the south by
lands of Dr. Hiram Cogswell, and on the west by
lands of N. J. Sherwood, being the same lands re
cently convevedaby N. 11, Snyder to S. 11. Canfield,
with the appurtenances, tine saw mill, with lath ma
chine attaelied,l i containing About 11 acres, be the
same more or leas, and nearly all unproved. [Taken
in execution at, the suit of'A. S. Smith vs. S. H. Can
field and Fairchild Canfield.
- A LSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land,
situate, lying, and . the township of Rush,
cotinty and state afbresaidabounded and described as
follows tn wit: ron the north by lands of David Col
lar, on did east by lands err. E.- Brown, on the south
by lands. of George Slocum, and on the west by lands
of B. A. Granger, containing abbut 50 acres, with:
the appurtenances, and about fifteen acres improved.
[Taken in execution at tht.c suit of Daniel Collar to
the use of John Baldwin vs. Nathaniel Billings.
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land,
situate, lying, and being in the township of Jessup,
county and state aforesaid, bounded and described as
l•follows, to wit; on the north and east by lands-of
Austin Sherman, 'on the eolith .by lands of James
I Front, and on the west by landrof Matthew MeK,ee-
Iby and the public highway, containing about thirty
acres,-with the appurtenanCes, 1 dwelling house, 1
barn, prehard, and about 2t acres improved. [Taken
in execution, at the suit of Matthew M,cKeeby vs. P.
A. Field. ,
A 4o—An that certain piece or parcel of land,
situate, lying, land being-in the township of Harford,
county and state armeaaid, bounded land described as
follows, to wit: on the north by the public highway,
on the cast by Wm. E. - Tingley; of the- south by
lands of George Lindsey, and on th,e west by Peter
Williams, containing 8 acres, more :ir less, with the
appurtenances, one saw mill, and all improved. [Tak
en in execution at the snit of Denison K. Oakley, to
aliemse of L. A. Peck, *s. Richard. L. Tingley and
Freeman Peck.
ALSO—AII that certain piece or' parcel of land,
situate; lying,: and being in the towniihip of Oakland,
county and state aforesaid. houndedtind described is
follows, to arU : on the north by lands of John Hil
l- borne, on theleastby lands of A. P. Huppnin, onsthe
south by lands formerly' occupied by David Bond,
I and on the west by lands suppbsed to belong to John
McCarthy, formerly. occupied by -Jeremiah Wilson,
containing 106 acres of land, more or less, with the
appurtenances, I framedhouse, barn, saw mill, and
about 18 acres im-proved. • [Taken in execution at;
the suit of B s S. Bentley vs George Herrick.
ALS 0-4 that certain tract or! , parcel of Ind,
situate in the -township of county of Bradford,
and state of Penn., butted, bounded and described as
follows, to Wit: begi,nning on the county line, at, the
corner of-land hereinafter described; thence north,
along the said line 57perches, thence north 87° west
79 perches, thence 'South 3° west, 100 perches;
thence south 87° east, 21 percheiai thence by the
land hereinafter described, north r-eass, 43 perches,
and thence still by the same, south 87° east 61 perch
es to the place of beginning, containing 34 3-10th ac.
ALSO-a-Ail that certain messuage or tenement,
and tract orparcel of land; situate partly in Bradford
and partly in .Susiatiehanna county aforesaid, bounded
I and described as follows, to wit : beginning at a post
m Ilia line of Lewis Burton's' land, thence north 3*
east, 100 perches to a past, a coiner of land survey
ed for Oliver 'Mayhew, thence north 87° west, by the
line of said Mayhew, 104 perches to a beech in the
county line, gience'south by said line, 57 .perches to
a post, thole-4 north B'7° 'west, 23 perches and 7.10 th
of a perch by the above described lot in the county
of Bistiftird tti a - corner; thence south 3° west, 43
perches, to the e of James House, and thence by
said,James Ho F oe
's land, south 87° east, 124 and
7.10 th perches, crossing thesahl county line to the
beginning, containing 'in acres, with the appurtenan
ces, log house. ban; some fiuit trees,. and 70 acres
improved. [Taken in execution at the of Caleb
.... .
Carrara vs. Thomas 0. Doyd. ,
Purchasers will in all cases be required to pay, im
the day of sale, an amount sufficient , to cover the
costa of Sale, otherwise, the property will
,be resold
forthwith. •-, . JOLTY - YOUNG, Bhertf. -
Sheriff's - Office, Montrose, July 21, 18e.
F - iliUll.4k MALT
_MALT_ilwaye onibasd,
4 •
Grat a,Ciadles.
A N IHPROVF.D ARTICLO, v ia all kinds o f hap
-11 ing took% for sale low, br
MontroneolnlY 18413.-3 rt.
ne r giiter's
DUBUC NOTICE is hereby Oven to . all persons
1 concerned in.the following Eatatei, to wit : '
Estate of STEPHEN HAZLETON, late of Dimock,
deed, Wm. J. Turrell and Elijah BuntiEll, Executota.
Springville, deceased, B. F. Stark, Executor.
Estate of JONATHAN ELLSWOKTH, litte of Mid
dletown, deed, M. C. Ellsworth and &Mud Taggart,
Estate of SAMUEL IfILBOURNE, late of Har
mony, deceased, L. F. Fitch, Administrator.
Estate of WE. 11. BRQWN, lite of Rush, deceas
ed, John W. Remoter. Administrator.
Estate of AARON RYNEARSON, late of Lenox,
deceased, Isaac Rynearson, Adminiftralor.
Final account of R. W. GERE, Guardian of Ellen
Bagley, Brooklyn.
That the accountants have settled their accounts
to theategister's Office in and for the county of Sus
quehanna, and that the same will be presented to the
Judges of the Orphans' Court of said county, on
Monday, August 2sth, for confirmation and allow
ance. CHARLES NEALE, Register.}.
Register's Office, Montrose,
July '2l, t
1, 1858. 4w .
Executors' Sale.
NOTICE is hereby given, that'll virtue of an or
aer from the Orphans' Court of Susq. County, the
subscribers will offer to public sale, by vendue, at the
public house of Bela Jones, in Liberty township, on
Friday, the 13th day of August 1 ail p. nt.
all that certain piece or parcel of land; late the estate
of James Travis, d 'd, situate, lying, and being in
the township of Li erty, in said-county, bounded
north-bv the highw , leading from near D. Baffles . '
saw mill to near T omas Corbitt, -east by lands of
Isaaclmvis, south by lands of Levi, Vosbery, 'end
west by lands of Milo Webster, containing V) acres,
be the same more or less, on which is a house and
barn, and about-one half is improved. '
Terms of payment made knOwn on day of sale,
Liberty, July 2i, 1838.—iw.
FTER the First of Auf,mt nextohe
hooks and Account. Of either of the firms of
Smith d:• Hempitcad, 0. G. - Hempstead, or Hemp
stead and McKenzie, will be placed in:the hands of
Justice of the Peaee for settlement, with " no respect
of persons." All who prefer to settle with theinder
signed must therefore do so previous to tlutt time.—
Those who neglect this invitation mustplOt complain
if invited by an officer, who will add 'a Fee for his
services. All Notes.past due mustrbe paid wrrnour
Brooklyn, July 11, 1558.4ut
1858. NEW ARRIVAL 1858
- OF
TOW ready for inspection, a full and complete as
- sortment of
ray - 1. , c::•4::) . dust,
e for the st=on, In nll the sew dealitut and strlis, in feet nv.
erythlng nitpertening to the Trade, st low prkwa. Om stock of
C)'RE@ CZOD'e "
consists of Wittig. Lawns, Chintz and Gingham'', Brilliants. Plain
Iteramns plain and ggurtni belainsa. plain all` R 00l Basins', line
Black Dom:mine and Alpaszs, ehallitak th.gandle and Lawn Robes,
and Black nod Fancy :Mks at all prism', Shawls. Parasols Plain and
Fancy Fan". Duster'. BOLICIO3. Ruclica, Flowers and Wreath's Bair
Roil". Bonnet and Tairetta Ribbons. steel, Brass. and Reed Hoops,
Berlin Skirting. Kid. Lisle Thteml. and Silk Glossa, GaunUetts,
Linen and GOtton Hose. WHITE GOODS, Bard. and Jac. Muslin*
Lamm Insertions. Embrohicn, Voltam and - Stecree, Dimity and
Idiutty Bands.
Needles. Pins Fsnc;Sospt;listr Ws, Perfumery' Port 110 ales.
flair Brusl.e.i. Rua,
Ile Combs, Ivory Combs, gunet
Combs. ltublv llalryins. Silver aud Seel Thimbles.
i3i401 6 lolits,
Mack, Brawn and Mixed Csaahneres.
Tweeds, Kentucky Jeaus, Cuttnn ad
Denim s and Satinetts
Grain Cradien. tit.. bent and .ctiraprst In Town. Wiirded
and 4_4rapr rinc Rakes and Pitch Forkn: orica.
13.a.rn Shovel.% Hu... Grind Stones, .tc. A general awr Jrtownl.of
such Wiewt Iron Boot_Jack.. !tarn Dour rt.nem,..nd inugmsliov
r)., and Tong.. Pat.( hate Ptdirt,. Door I.i..cks and Ilium'. Pad-
Look,. Trunk at.d Till I, Fastening... Curtain Banda.
Augur Hitt., iiinildetta. Table CULtic,. l'OCket K/ti‘Vi. :Out Steel
Flattering and 1311 , k Trowels. Wrenches, Spring
Albatta Spoons. Dinner Bells, House Bella and fstures.
Gent. f`X-fresa Galtem, Orford Tire, and. Calf Skin Boot% Ladles'
Coto:real 4alters, Bootem iiunUu and Kid happen. Also,
Groceries, Crockery, and Glassware,
_HATS, CAPS, &e.,
ovr.r:uiTargAVEd.,port'llep';',Wpsecllzolv.usu 4 terma .
We also have on hand a ruivrlor quality of
- which we trlll dispose of at Wholesale or Retail. at fair prices.
Satisfied chat our Stock has been well selected as to quality and
styles. we have ou besitatinu iu luvitlng out Mends to call ERA mine, H
Grain and-Batter Wanted.
Hemlock and Piuc Lumber, Flour,
Bran Chop", at reasonable prices may be
found at our STEAM MILL.
Montrose, July 14, 1858.
Cask for 'Wool:
. PRICE hi CASH, for WOOL, at his store.
New-Minn!, July 7. 1858.
E would call the attention of the Farmers-of
e V this County to the
Independent Tooth Horse Rae. •
This Rake has been proved beyond a doubt to be the
best Rake in use. They will be left for sale at most
of the public places in this County. I would request
those in want of n HORSE RAKE to try for them
selves, and if they do not like them, return them
within three' days uninjured.
All orders addressed to the subscriber, will be
promptly attended to. CHAUNCEY FOOT.
Montrose, Pa., July 7,1858.-3 w
Auditor's Notice.
THE undersigned, having been appointed by the
Court of Common Pleas of.Susquehanna.County,
an Auditor to make disotution of the moneys in the
hands of the - Sheriff of Bald County, arising from the
sale of Real Estate of Cr. S. Mesick, R. A. Mesick, and
Harvey Hall, will attend to the duties of - said appoint
ment at his office, fn Miletrose, ou Saturday, the 81st
day of. July, at one o'clock in
,_ . theVternoon, aCwhich
time and place all persons interested' in said moneys
will present their claims, or be forever'lesred trona
coming in upon said fund.
Montrose, July 7,1858.-4 w
. ExeCuter ' s Notice.• . •
XTOTICE Is hereby given to all pemonaintylng demands against
the estate of GLDEON SOUTSWORM, hie tiLlberty town.;
shlp, &mused. that the same must be presented to theunder
signed- tor armogmnent, and all persona Indebted to old Wile are
requested to ms“ Immediate payment.
- B. W.- sounrwonTn.l
Liberty. Jalf
7, 18Nt.,6yr
IS hereby given that all persons - are forbidden from
making any further excavations, or removing
stone or earth fronythe stone quarry or thereabouts
in the Borough of Montrose, except so far as has been
speciallyßorough permitted to. William 'Gilmore, to remove a
limited amount of stone: already uncovered. And
any person or persons hereafter trespassing on -the
said stone quarry contrary Co this order will be pro
ceeded against according to law.
By order of the Commissioners,
• • W. A. CROSSMON, Clerk.
Commissioner's of )
"Montrose, July 7,'58. 1
Shop in L Berrimaa s Boot and Shoe Store,
neit to J. Etheridge. - -
1111.V114G worked for the past nine years With the
.I.JL most skillful workmen, he feels confident that
he can , do the mod difficult jobs on abort notice.
All work Warrcinte'd to give Satisfaction
Jewelry repaired neatly and on reasonable terms.
'- W. B. Bnrmes ban located for me for eorne time. and lean ten
ommend biro u e uneltal and skillful 1101t141111. competent to do u
toad work as can be done in the country, and worthy of confidence.
• ?Qum*. June 10. WA. Wk. A. Cassuammum
TO WMAChrell, E. W. Baird. E. D. )(Unique, E. 0.
Ehotbery, Tderanda; B. P. Bentley, Pug* C. D.
IsetbsoA J. Wittenhern. Montrose,
M•mtrone, June It, 1e,",£05 •
%-tn ) !-°* ; :i
Foe pin[ Fend, Irswest,lee, As.; to • pin-
I rattly Pooh !tat. T, ey rsitari se Vess,hotter sr
Lemont, Mot Isetaally, sad are MOM waelly seed•d
and OpFaMlUta• Ur ether artle• forth. pe war
hwealed All Wade or woo sad c.nmat ors Epoxy
' dlssioesalds sad newertsto is sesirig,
la rowdies thew arteehe wits puhlis,Sho investor
shall:ape the World Is we latelatte, Amp* Tarr,
1414 Rapt room of tiewneseal Ossiteiti ,
1110 , 11111.15 t sad peseta& MOD who has/tit/anima
Cows any Ahoy are whitest • read.
Th• ess lag is ea so 411ALtro:7 se
vir phee, pa-
tat ill pan tarter dam It Lye sereestl sill! sad
wasst wawa er_finine aid as pate pull tam el. would
40 at and a 1.... Cap. .11.• peinsipw has dos! the
lost the general yews, and the boat settlAcals of lisle.
salon least thew who hare Wed thaw artistes will
.11 De alter.
at the
They we warranted ea reprevented, awl la every
ease of warranted
ntoney'wlll be refmuteel.
ma i.e. are all made of pare whits geed. Pr
eat so—they are Awry strong and will last • Ilfwthee.
as we add nu edict the enamel. The h•!i top of
the Jar Is epee: they met ono wltlkla the Wier 4 se
m. fa i rly E. psekise .;
an kb& of
Tnal:, 4 l= i ;e... P. V2mapainy
s Cabs sal lam
Liberal discount to the MO
Montrose, Juno 16, 1858—Sm
Brooklyn, July 1,186 S.
Administrator% Notice.
IkTOTICE is hereby given to ail persons'
mands against the Estate of T. A. Fsss
late of Bridgewater, deceased, that the saine,Must be
presented to the undersigned for arrangement, and
alt persons indebted tirsaid Estate are requested. to
make immediate payment.
• PERRIN WELLS, 'Administrator.
Bridgewater, Juno 23, 8458,,=6w
• Flour` •
r i , LOUR of the first qunlit constanily on N. n.l tee]
1 for sale iow,by McKENZIE a ELDRIDGE.
TsuScriber is carrying 11n. the ahore business,
s tornsual. A: G. REYNOLDS.
BrOoklyn, June 9, ISSS.--tf
BEANS, LARD, and nucKwimAT FLOUR for
tide by BENTLEY, REID S: CO.
Montroie, June 2, 1258.
C. i - - SH
PAID FOR 20 1 006 lbs. OF WOOL,
by Bentley, Read, & Co.
Montrose, June 15, 185 S.
Wool !\ WOOl !
10100011. i. of WOOL; for which
- we will pay the highest market price; Cash,
delivered at our Store. Young dr, Smith.
Summersville, June 9, 18:55.--4w
We, Mateaad.
- D Y frequent additions to keep our STOCK COM-
L.) PLETE in " all ' We are thank
ful for the encouragement we receirq in "well doing"
and ask a continuance of your faro*, confident that
we can please. ' McKENZIE & ELDRIDGE.
Brooklyn, June 16,
Tne people, say, some one has intrud•
ed a bran new building in the street. The
Town Council served an Injunction, but wonderful to
relate, the building is progressing rapidly, sticking;
out as it does, but the greatest sticking out in Town,
is at the General Finding Store
of SI. S. WILSON & SON, where you - will find Office,
Dining, Parlor, and Rocking Chairs selling at COST.
, Ant kor of " Pirkwirk Papers," " Nicholas
N:ellety," " boatbey and So:i," etc; Re-published
Monthly by the Subscribers, from advance sheets, un
der sanction of the Loudon pufilishers, mu s t bvSpecial
arrangement with them. _Each - 01011011y Mintber con
tains STORIES .V 1) - OTHER A RM.
almost every conspicuous English writer, thus rend
ering it by fir the most interesting, varied, and deci
English lAgnage. No work of the kind contributes
so successfully and so much to the floating literature
of the day ; its sharp, crisp, genial articles , and its
,stories are more extensively copied by con
-temporary publications than those of any other work
Tinms-25 centa per Number, $:3,00 per annum.
•. • A prompt remittance of $6,00 will secure:it
regularly delivery, putt paid.
Two copies for one year, - `• $5,00
Five " " " - - 10,00
Eleven " " " - • - - 20,00
Clergymen and Teachers supplied aE.52,00 a year.
The volumes of Household Words commence with
the September and March Numbers but subscriptions
may begin with any number desired.
Sets of Household lt'ords, 16 Vols.; can now be
had, bound in cloth, at $1,75 per volume. Sent free
by Express or Mail, 'on receipt of price.
• • 'We will send household Words and•either , one of
the folloWing *agazines for one year for $5:
Gocley's ,Emly's Book, Graham's ;Magazine, Har'
era' Nem Monthly, Fivik-Leslie's Alagazine, Emer
son and Putkanes, .• Knickerbocker," Blackwood's
Magazine,' Northßritish Reriect,llEclinbarg Re-.
view, London Quarterly, Westminister Review, At
lantic Monthly.
We will Household Words with any two of
the above Magazines or Reviews, for 1 yr, for $7,50.
Back Numbers of 110who'd - Words can be furn
ished at the Office of Publie:itinn, price 25 cents each.
car All persons, siibsciibing to Household Words
through any Association or Bookseller, must look to
them for their supply of the S
Address, JANEN & CO.,
jne23w6 No 11S Nassau-St., Nei: York.
- -
Eiecntoe'st Notice.
OTICE is hereby given to all persbns having de
-II mends against the Estate of ELIJAU Scar; lute
of the township of Lenot, deceased, that the same
must be presented_ to the undersigned for arrange
ment, and - all persons indebted tesaid Estate are re•
quested to make immediate payment
• • W. M. TINGLEY, Execztor.
, •
Lenox, Julie 23, 1858,—e!w*
A Light! A Light!!
hThat Lthe undersigned,have on hand for sale.
Peters' Non-Explosive, Self- Generating Oas Lamp,
the BEST, safest, and most economic light ever pro
duced, equal it not superior to the best Coal Gas. It
is perfectly adapted to Churches, Hotels, Stores,
Reading Rooms; Private Dwellings, Lc., &e. It only
requires a trial to prove it superior-A° leveryother
portable light now in, use. The material used for
generating Gas is Burning Fluid or Aettereal
The Gas - is generated in the Burner by evaporizing
and decomposing the Fluid by its own heat forming
sure Hydro-Carbonic.Gas which is all eons-eyed to
the Burner, leaving no substance unconsumed. The
Burner can be fitted to any ordinary Lamp,. guaran
teeing it to be perfectly safe and free from any den
ge(of explosion and is entirely free from smoke and
unpleasant smell.
The fol Towing calculation will show its economy
over other substances used for Light:
Peters' Self-Generating Gas Lamp . with
Fluidor Aethereal oil, at . 6o . eta. per
gall., six jet Burner,__ 1 cL per hour.
Camphene at 55 cos. per gall.,
Lard Oil, at $1,2.5
Sperm Oil, 2;60 . 4 "
Fluid with corn. burner,6o cts per gall 1+ "
Gas at $2,35 per 1000 feet, 14 "
ft „ o p 44 6" 44 24
It may be distinctly understood theft , this Burner
will produce more light than any other Portable Light
Sow in use.
The public are invited to call and: examine this
premium Lamp for themselves,. before purchasing
elsewhere, this being the only Burner having 'a non.
conductor. A. N. BULWID..
Montrose, June 16, 1668.
panish or M O
CCIIIII 3lpney taken a
S par for any or all the goods I are on hood,
_ 4.1 f. BULtARD.
Montrose, June 18, 1848.
COmplete ess.9artment at_
P. 4 , 0, 3 1 . 11.4wrxdrs
I Agricultural & . inuctioUllron Works,
ed to
ant* itgeapi
NUE-are manufacturing the abOve.tnentionFd
cellent machine, for Eastern, Pennsylvannyand
the neighboring Counties of New ' I York, and invite
the particular attention of Forme* to the foil‘ing
features or latlß I'S WO IVER 1411 D 1147.A.PER . ,
which webelieve to be superior,t4 all otitirs
in the following particulars : It is:,the lightest in use,
is strong and durable, silliple in consiruction; easily
worked, tidaPted for horses or fen; requites' Hutch
less draughtthtm other machimts, gas no side laitglrt;
though it cuts a wide bw,tli, will work on rough
ground where no other machine dan follow it, very
difficult to be clogged inl'any kimil of , grass, be it wet
or dry, not liable to,det'out of repair, is composed
principally of irun(is a perfect combined machine,
-.lrking equally' well whether mowing or reaping,
the c / he'apest in price— l the Mower being' only
4 dollars, and the,Cemhinen Machine, 120
sg itglitogether the Mott( •
_ Mower and Rear in Markel.
ar Farmer.. wanting RELIAOLE.MOWERS and
REAPERS should by all means see our machine be
fore making up their minds to buY any other. •
Additional and interesting information concerning
the Kirby machine is contained kn our illostmted Cat
alogue, which also describes our other machines, and
implements; among which are
is a valuable =chide, and ninth superior to the corn
upon inclined wheel, atul is adafited fur Dairies of
from sto 26 Cows. Send for t'?,opies of our'Catalogue ,
and Price List for yourself and neighbON.
Athens, June 1, 1858.
H. L. BLOWERS, agent for Sasonehanna County.
`Postoface address, 31ontrese, Susq. Co., Pa.
JUne 9,1858.-6 w
MQ -0- )Ej`ji g3COYMOL.
I. F..l* - I.iDD -- A - RD, A. M., PRINCIPAL.
THE undersigned take pleasure in announcing that
win again open in the ACADEMY BUILDINGS, In Montioon; on
Monday the.3Oth day of August 1858,
to continue xx.i.vcr: w ELEA, made: thecharee of Itrof..ITUDDARD,
end aampetent nasletants; aided. also. for to weeks f;. F. Tk"nty.•
scar, Co. Slept.. whose knOwledge of thdecondidien and wants of the
teachers of the County, renders him eminently qualified to oantlib.
ute much to the hitermt-of the school. LIVe deem Kemper, kow•
ever. to state that ]fr. Tewksbury is not pecuniarily interested•in
the School.]
Prof. STIIIMAIOAS character as an efficient Educator and' popular
Author is too extensively known to require comment ; and the mark
ed suecess sod 1111111..1111 tat isfaCtlol2 that have attended his labors a•
mong twin the pact. are s'ufticient guaranty for the future.
During the prevent summer be wit vbit the Normal ;Schools of
Canada, to - poweas himself of whlitexer improvements In the Art of
Teaching that-Daly present.
LECTUR.XS. - . •
Prot. Sroonsen will lecture on the Science and Art of Teaching
and on Sinral Development. Mr. Trzeistormz,,arlli lecture on Phya
lologF and ilygirr.e. The Woo log gentlemen sill 0140 lecture be
fore the school: J. Ln: Mena unarm, CO. Supt, Luzerne 17(1-.N. A.
12o.t.litz:B. Editor of the ...zondent bud iSchooltate. ^ N. T.. lion.
Sir. J roue. It. B. i.triLX., B. S. BZST4ZIr, Extra.. Res, B. B. Ex-
oar, and others.
11l be
Thera Will ben Primer: . Departroco•
undkr the:charge of Miss - ELLIN U. Fart.
iTlON—Normal llepmement, per quierter of de yen :reeks. $6.00.
. o.r
' to I.:agile]: branches. and Lixtin and Oreck, do. 9.0 h.
Board - per wool. 2,00.
It Lo deolrable that tuition bills be p: I 4 to 2.llViitH,C, and no derive.
tlon will. ho made except In cases old prdtmeted olc.%treas. Student,
am hoard thern•elveo. as heretofore. tlorklng stucco aud fandthre
can be rentsol of Mr. Sayre.. at ren.ounehli: rats.
For lufffmetion In regard to rooms. npply_to. W. B.
Mobtrose, Ba., or to the Sr......rtlary.
Studects should cut /All. to be rtEr.,..'so . at the .-OrrrCING of the
School. • W.M. JESnUP, PnLoldetat.
...C. F. R ear, SCcrttary.
Montrose, June 9th,
Atoie Wreatj Goods,l
ItEtttE . Dl
1 . 5 jb 2IrA D RiIY " C
for 61,00. S ec l r ,,o 0 $
0 :
16 " SHEETING, for 81.00.
• 5 1h9. TEA for • . 81,00.
300 HATS from 6al cp. - . •
EoAPlic and I.oc DAR. ,
CARPETING, &c., Ice.; Sc.
Thankful for past favors we respectfully invite our
old friends and new comers to give call-and
that this is the s place to buy cheap for cash down.
J. LVOIiS do : SON.
Montrose, June 2, 1858.
- ~
10 yards good-Delain° for ' .$l,OO
10 _ " Merriroac Prints . • : 1,00
12 -'" ' Sprague Sr Allen's do . , -1,00
17 " --.7daddei_do • 1,00
10 " Denims • '-' . 1,,00
12 Pounds good Sugar ..,. 3,00
25 " Boonton Nails -' `, 3,00
25 1.00
16 " . Rabbit's Saleratui . . 1,00
3 ," Good Tea • ' 1,00
3 Gallons-Molasses' . 1,00
A large lot Of lists and Caps, Lawns, Gingliams, &c.
&c. at-equally low Prices. - - • .
Montrose, May 24 1856. 1 . '
A Large Weekly at 60 Coats a Year.
TT contains a choice selection of ;Literary matter,
1 Tales, Poetry, and a large. =outdid Ootinnercial
infgapartion., The reviews of.the,ltarkets and Bunk
NotC . Reports are of themselVe.4 mirth more thati the
price of subscription, and the;papor itself,before it Le
printed, costs nr a ti , :e than next% (or .
For Ten 801 l 4a we wiU send sizte,en copies of the
Merchant and a -copy of •, at 4 ;three dollar magazine,
such as Godey's Lady's BooJ Graham's Magazine.
Specimen copies 'of the Mclrchaiii will be sent to
any address on the receipt ore postage stamp..
• Active young men wanted to eanvwss for the paper,
to whom a liberal commission will be allowed, that
will amount hr some cases to eighty'dollurs a month.
Address; • ' S. E. • SIITON . Ik CO.,
National Merchant o,§lci,' Philadelphia.
. .
CODFISI4 dry and pickled , bbl. or lb.
MACKEREL in wbole:lbalf and quarter bbla.
Altai BLUE FISH, . WHITE {FISH ip aby quantity,
eaka23r COrie • ,
TN want of a NEW DOUBLE:HAILNESS. can' find
one for sale.cheep at the Store of, • .
June 10.. - NeKENZIE dt EIPRIDGE.
W . COtiOlast -
ITE copartnership hip heretoforeexisting under the
name of ISIGKERMAN it GARRAT'T, is this
daydissolved by mutual consent The Notes and ac•
counts of the late firtn'arein the hands ofiIORATIO
GARRATT for collection.
t DICKERiIAN, t dr. •
June 10, 1858. 'IIOIiATIO GARRA.V.•
. .
The business will be continued lit „
the ,qld stried,hi
the subscriber, who will' be . ham* to see, 'his , old
Friends, and as many new .onek as may be diapered
to favor him with -a call. More hererifter; r i • r
Newafilford, June 16, 1658.—tf ” '
TIIAT I have on hand a good aosornnent of Booby
and Stationery which I will sell ua Ida -as *le
same article can be bought this sick or de other.sitie
of Neir York City. Call and see at , the Montrose
nook Store. A.•ti. BULLARD.
gildruse l Jane 16 ; IB3E, _
rtment connected with the School.
. •
l it •
• •
. Govern Yonrie'' . cordingit;
• -
••- • .
at i iive q bto7 9 ,,il44bqtik & eie,l •
R the benefit of theme/rex and theEti Til • '•'E old lin La DE •
TERIIIICED • to receive. " "' • Y e
In exchange for ailirioda purchased at, their entabilthcamik t'aniftiry
. W ilCnon4nne Wadi gouda from ' ' •-• .1,- • ,
than an other eatablirlanrlt In Northern PNnursirankt: . There Iv . ; •
at th waent time a large amount lifSPANtall C 011:, in. clecubillon to
ihi nn; and haring men with surpriae. in the peaollc'prbati of.
t • • Connty. a notice to the elfcct that add coin Is -
Vblztri b ilNA t el h gr i .m. Tn en • we t deCn 't it of" Pel ey to ,',
1 and ma tho mucb iibtanni SPASISTI coin Is the heatslicer warkerk,we
advise those haring such in their powinnion Iling It to
who wit! take it at ita FORMER VALVE: • •
We an comrtantly receicink,
r a
of the latest styles arui•olthefia , e4 quality ;
Shawls, Mantillas POnnets,
• A. superior hack of •
:111 - LLINERY . COCOSi:
a whteh the attention counto NUM:Erni are resireettallit hatrthid
We hare& beautiful aarartntenta.
Embroideries, Collars, Steerrt, Lin
ens, Laces, and While Goo . do,
uneimuelt.q..:.:lti:4yle, and feces. . •
We dAiele a great awl of atientiUn to the
31111111 , " NAM -87.112311fiti =
burinest, hating an eilensire tattering otahliAnnent eonneetedtilthi•
our Stares, al MONTMOSI: :kr.d SCSI:WEI] A NW& DEPOT.. Wo
asiterwirselvis that a e castor a man—te he drat or giant, ad nu
matter Lorin-aliapen—in Aprcmentabie sty ie.
that his Purt•Monnale Is-STUFFED with the "NMEDFlA.."(witp
taeied by us to coneht ef SPAN ISM as a ell as Auntie/es ruin.)'
Call and get your MQ.NRY,'S WORTH" at the store of
Guttenberg, Rosenbaum dr. Co. •
moNrivlsE, Pa.. May ik.ISSS.-te
• Important. In . fortatiot
INAVE recently made arrangements at consider'.
ible expense for doing work in the
on very short notice, in a neat, durable, and fashion
able manner, and at •
_ _
I will furnish garments - to order, if desired, or ren
der the customer whatetw assistance he may - need
in selecting materials of the best qualityand at the
Lowest Market
All m}• work will he crumbled as to fit, finiSh, and
duribility. No customer need take his work km.
the shop unless it suits him. -.
Being permanently and exclusively engaged in Bar
bnsiness, it shall be,ny great aim to please the pubr.
lic and thus secure their patronage. P. LINES. :
Montrose,, June 10, 1558.—tf
F il 4COr SlELlelp•
LA.--cost, $5:0, be. sold fiir $30,00. Enquire
Montrcise,lune 2, is:is
for sale cheap. • C. NV> MOTT:.
Wool ! Wool !
20.000 of WOOL waited, - lor which
pay. the. IMRE:4 ICASq
New-Milloril, June 23, 1353.-2 m
15 ' 1,121. ',
ONLY ro::
TTAVING tried_ the old way of char g in g and never
II- !waiving pay, we lia , Le concl*le , l to ,
_Nimbltixpenee instead of the Siti6Sl4l.lii)g.
We -eep cou,, t antiv on lanai :1- g oOtt assoptment, tit
all kinds of CABINET FURNTIUr:.E, oOtrnished
at slim t notice. All-in want of - •
at low prices will please g ive ua a'<-call."-,.k . 'word to,
the wise, &c.
Shop and Warez Ro o ms foot of Main• Street. - •
_W M. W.' SMITE( & CO.:.
Montrose, May 2 ~
p, 1853tf •
MIIH SnentEnst
of all SIZES and PRICES to suit aic i TIIIES, of
Walnut, Cherry; ` and ,hogany,
and warranted to work right up to the Orli,
Montrose. June 9, 18,e,9
Binghamton, BToohte County,
THIS • Eltablishnient has been greatly enlarged :\
and intproied during the present Spring, and iS
now ready for the reception of patients.
Few similar institutions in this country cOihidnests
many-advantages for the.successful treatment - of in
valids. The loation is „beautifid, house new and
commodious. The rooms large. airy, ie,ll
and every way arranged with a view to, the health
and comfort of their occupants. - -
The Physicians, Dr. Thayer and Wife; ,have-hit
twelve y,cArs experienZe in treating discasei, 'Hydro:
pathically, (the last eight at Binehailito#;) - (hiring
which time they have treated successfully thetisanda.
of sick persons, main after their diseases hall. been_
pronounced fatal by eminent physicians.. In addition
to the ritients ai the "Curd;" they have iilargiprie
tice in the village and surrounding cOuntry,.which
makes them fatniliar'with the treatment ;diseasei •
of every grade and character. They planiieC Aa; ••
and owl! the "Bingparrifon . ..ll'airr Oure,T.' 'conse
quently it is under their entire control and manage
In all those diseases to which the peculiar aitafitiii. •
Lion of Hydropathie treatment has betel
• demonstrated, they will genirallY guarahtee a Speedy'
and perfect restciration, such are the following,ctizt
Acute and Chronic Rheumatism ' Nervous, Discaies,
Dyspepsia, Scrofula and; Spinal Complaints,-Fet ! ers„ .
Liver Complaints, Tumors, Ulcers, Enlargement of
Joints; Diseases of Throat.and-LUngs, Dropsi;./cri•
and Fever',2 Female comptaiids of every\ tirdik and
character, Skin diseases, Catarrh, ,
Persons who have been long sick .or
and who have, not succeded heretofore intheir efforts
to regain their health are especially invited to 'give
them a call. ;
• Terms from $5 to $lO per acreelc,
lar..or. Thayer will Le at Montrose . ISeatle's'
Hotel,) i>terhuriuti4.. Anynxl . sll9,-1858, - aird cordiati.,
ly invites Invalids to give him a call: -•- ,
, ,Forlurtber particulars; ,addre.m. _ • .• - , •
0. V. THAYER, M. •
BinAitnik,m, May 19, 1855.—tr, •
New Spring Goods:
• [3aREE , . •
Would inviteattentjpn to his Now Siook of
... . _
Just received, including, as gam}, R great varlettor
Leunee Dreis God s in Prints „Gingltairue,-,Zinviss;
Robes, Brilliants, Challis*, Bareges, Bnplistrant.
,firoehe, Stella, Silk Caslaitarte Shnests
Mantillas, Parasols, Rich Itioboits,lemetits. •
and -Fleysers, Broads:oats,. Cassimeres
• &Omer 'Staffs,. ait?t' a.fall variety, f
: 5 . 1014 vc,)1 7 ,4176 .0600,5'-',-
Bahlding Groceries, Cr..orkery, Hard
tare. Stover, Iroia,.Steel, Rata and,
Capi, Boots and Shoes: Carpellitg,Tionte Oit.
• Cloths, Painted Windaie Shades, lVall Fake,.
Clocks, Dells, Oils, Paints; Brooms,liTsh,h4.,'&o:
The entire Stock, having been Wightfar CASH.
and at Panic Prices. will be sold at - the }invent 6inni6
to CASII . apiI.P . iI9SIPT - SIX 110N,TBS' Bil 3111:
Ni ii.—Tioniad Salt constantly`on tuulds
V..ert.Yilfurd, May . 1?.,