• .''' Our village -was.considerabb Stirred Acoviprom eritrzsmt up last: by the news that .illitge ~Grier, ~ ~,, .., ....,....„..........: -- , -;- ::.7 .4. :::...„: ..., _ ;',,.„, I.T. ,S, District Judge had appointed J., Etim- . , .. t ,» 'l;4 , ,!:4,,pupcan? .pf ,the lt, 'Lem - 1.4 (Isl., ry, 1'1 , 4., of this place;-I{. S. TemMissioner, triptMo.;•'haVeti,retiliMinitteo-140inklfallair, alias " . nittleveateher," T.li this. iregfen. -• The ; it.; Tor Coligreli•: - "=_. ~ • '•-- ' ' --, :: . f' den : leet :its. deelared that His , Honor . offered- . ..; . The BoSlon Trarekiche,ill. long .af.:: the-appoiiittnent to some of the rabidist. Poi:: tide , in favor of COL Fremont as - the' .OPPO: iticians of their st rte resident in the Wilmot - sition candidate.Ffer.Presidentry: •,-, •. - , District, but that none felt it their duty to .The editor of the.. Portland Gazette [ a ft . ,_ 3737 ,n . ft . t-ttie . re ., is "nothing of the monk" underwo. that .kind of inartyrilom—llnion, 6r . , 7,. , ,• . :. , r. no Union:: Mr. - Finery was then appointed, untlt. Wm- . .31' e‘ttre-flisjosed to think; him and,:as-OurAeinocratic !Hernia" dc:elare, aecept-.- a`,little inotiA:ei'say'S .. .lllll - i.Lon' is4fil J — 4 - - .... Ihe . IZepubllpn convention of the edfthe tiiipontinedt. lie,-hoivever, requests a` little, • ~,, '. . .. -...-9- our-Pq - u s t o s t a te that. he.left• lii.s reSifmation on file -reist recently at Al l it r umis p or t., s i i ninth d istri4t, .of Indiana in the-Clerk's offi,ii'e . nt : Plynioukanil nnaniin c onsly nomjilateil non. illat,-It flie appointment was made. it was de•;. dined at an early Moment. ;The.' joke Of Ole SON'lr.r. , q l- ftiFfer .ree'lectiotilt;tieougiot. thing is -said. to locyfn, fatting So flint:Any ,•• .. he 13rownsville filter says - that a Tioaa Dercrat ittribitides of ' -the bad ;coif. I hags Wolfe, of the Licking county species, nen - , 4 -. ,of hunting fugitives; Judge,G; teas con -1 spi=ed and carried ofta,beautiful.young)ady •stralwd, to-forage on the," Black Republican i fronk that -place, Who :has not. been heard of pa n. ..lt was not a . bad "d ri vei" anyhow:: I sitfcs. .7 r. :., ., .: .,' 4--: , .• 1.. '; .!. 1 - .- i • We-should he v=ery lOuth to think map 1 - 7 -..-.... u'X'ivels" ()Oho' Wing;.• In the last . in Tioga . c ount; of..;:toy . party,.'eapi . ible . of-acd :10‘ days no less than 19 • wives, fly ng from .. ee pt.intr. the oillee of.s4ve catcher ; nor'ao wet their husbands, have [sassed. over Le Bufildo bellete that idiy. respectlible .muti• would pi- land State : Lice , k railroad. : Se:k-says, •-! a.. , Buffalo , ther,seek or aei‘erti se degrading an oflice.,ojeaper. ... • ... -.- ••' . • •:,•,-- '...',. . .:._ -.- • ...,,- . And .we do "not just now knew of any neigh- lorhood in this ciiiiiity where a =lave-catcher l i . 'would be able-to dw t irll with' any, considers, i. , ble degree of comfort,. or -where the; fall *sll4 • c hari.reef-his duties Weald be either pleasant ortreditable: For Ono, we' stioaid rather- - 14m to see the experiment, tried I.than..other 4ise, sinee . aothing less than!th.e . naked • °per !ilion of that.accursed law. in :every northern ••meighborhoud, will oven. ilia:eves of sonae„l •p e ople to its utter hideousness. * : Ay, give us 1 .a niggerdt tin t;r, Mr. .13 uchtinan-I We.:'Wrint o see if men wait what they sly. Give us the nest contemptible and .unscritpulons chick •• i n your chop.—Tioya Agitator. , . . . . THE *AV AfriA - I,—Al:6u*t - m - .--13e.fore' many year's-this new- metal will be eniployi. ed very generally-and profitably in, the matt; nfic/re Oa great many articles that: gold -at - 1 4 d silver are now used for. - It possesses- the re markaVe.quahty of Facing lighter than all -other bodies :of the . luet,aliic class:-that are tin* . in use. The. lightest of . the.se -: i - zinc, which - is: seven tirtio henvie- than . Water ; '..- iron is nearlypeight titues __heavier ; silver is nearly ten,aq, a half times, and scold - twenty :times :..wherCas .aluthinum is - little - more than twice and a half times as- heavy he 'as that , . . fluid2and Mi. fillilith it is onl about one quarter quatter thew i ght i - c)f silver: An ounce of it. All go as far i .ts four ounceS-'ot silver or eight ounees.of gala. COnStani r exposure acid dai ly-use liar e e n4 effect om its .trilliant surface; for it never tarnishes, and the tine will proh. ably coine,when it wilLbe employed for ar ticles of the niost Ordinary dart, .'The supply will be inexlnipstible, for eery clay bawl: cap he made to:Yield - 11,3 ...the . qualities it is already known to . possesi ‘ , ?:k1 . 1 . render .i t an object of great and incrased*Attention, and commerce will of course look: t , - it that the supply: equ(i'l the Nnand. —I? • Times. PcAt. a publte inoolng laid in New. York, in the rarirpart t-aonth, to as-, .certain:hoW bad Veit excluded from-the public schools of the.city, a corn . - mince was a: pointed - . -with power .to take sneh Stop; as in their - -judgment. nrlght see . in best.' for seeuriA! , r.•rnoval of the 4 riev. :Ince coniplained . tif:... Tr mct s . 422 d and ascertained from authorized seirZe.s that the reading,•rtf. the I3ible was tiiiw eicluded front twelve of the,schools of the bits', and partially deluded from. one other, and that this war done on the authority, 'Of the Ineal aral indivirinal. teachers ; and: further t that there was no reasonable ,grtiond if hope,. that she 'l.,cottitrirndations of the Board of Educati . ou,s - at would he cop.plied with,- and the. rading- of lime Bible restored and Indirtf6ned. ;They, theretbre, unanititouslyi resolved that the Beard .of Ilda eat irtn be in ost refhteetitilly and carries:ls. roe ke .. .s:t c d -to . adl,pt as one of its Iluics and I;eguliii ions . for the g, trefoil - rent. rtf Sebt'tols tattier-their control, a provi . -molt directing some .porlitin of the l3ibJe to be readsdaily by the Jet - tellers in . ..each of the Public Schools of the" city. (;iris ,WIDOW.S IN ISDIANA.—A vorres pandent4 !lie Dayton ,ifoitrnyl, who 1135- been travelmr: Opt in itie...W:ibasil regions_of I 100. i4ertityin, kliseovered one peculiarity in cury town lac tallied in.: - - Speaking of grass reminds me of the fa t that Indiala (and paftictilarly the Wabash is literally s.yttrining with gn i ass ft - doves. Every hotel or tavern has orhas 1 1; 4 one i t • or mote- of those bewitching vixens domiciled -with'them - for len days, which: makes ,them citizens and residents of the State. of Indiana, I and with: a little hard swearing, native too. At the expiration- of ton a snit is Clitil menced azic.inst some rile husband, and, as a matter of course, a divorce-is granted, if 1)r I :no other cause, than . iticonipattbilit ' • of tent per. : Here are - 'congrgated from all the .States in theitiniOn (except coinpetitOr for, this profitable laWyer -trade), all the disconsolate grass widnv.. A ease' I herd - tifin.Peru, where the . Vidow -of a mill onaire had come.from -Brazil,. remained here ten days, gouger divorce; with *lO,OOO of alimony. and would have had more, liac old macros had no more in -the 'United States that was comeatible. - . •• - rkt.t,suss.--=-The Utica.7l_cr old, .of pOli-keS thcfoilowil ig extract from a leiter frcn written by Mr. Williams, 'associate editor of.thai Jountal: -" NMl:emus outrages', have thoroughly alarthecl the American residents throughout Palestine and Syria. • - 13oltberies are of, la.- I most daily Opeurretice.•,! Two American tnis sioharies were asi;ailed betweeri Beyrout and ,Serusigtm on Monday htat. byIL -band of armed fled4dins:, who - pointed their gunA at ,tleir,breas:-i- and 'cortimanded theni to sur .;et7der. A sunilar outrage was. committed upon an . Amr:i;cia party 'eoniinge from Da itmqelve a few dtiV - i prex)ous: There,' is'- ntii GovvrniMmt in Palestjne . just now • 11te: 7 130,.: dottin robbers are the virtital rulers of this laid, Itobberies occur altnest - cery day un7: der the eery walis of Jerusalem. • . . . "1 attended last evening an ittlyrical Meet- . - meet in„ of Airier:llr. resider,lFJerni, - ,alent,jnifa, Beyrout; Daniat,-ens - .;:tind Nazareth; to-consith: cr tite:propriety of reprek , nting to the: Geis-: erhrnent at -NVashiegton . the insecurity to life ' and prolierty of Americans traveling, itt -Pal _estate ; rind ; of rerinestinz . . , :ita protection against the "insolenee arid ,ex tart ion • the" Turkilt robbers. : I &4n assure you that the dr . 'ay of faetz• -- 7 - upon which the petitioq he based is 'quite startling.. 1' will . pot enlarge at presilit further than to racy that i£ the "de mand for rr;,reetion - is made. -- the tloVerti-: ment . wi 11-.beTealled by every i:t2ratderation of kitior and d . naglitinimity to exercise an active : and. it neees'sary, jnteiference.with the Turkish Government iti'Paiestine' .•'1 . . 0- tt' Though rile . ReP'eiblienns. ilave - found ATolitoonterV:a polveiful fiyObart,. hope they 14.5 . 1 I,le as. gerikruus in their port of hint ut,the polls - itiOctobeir,;ii's ire h:e bee:l,l4'4a in his support of greatje.ingitiition: princiiilea.-:-Pl'f/upte/phia Preis: A l 'This two:yeamiago:the Reputilie,snit. were denounced . its 4he - "enetriiea . 'or , .the con - stita-d ; .now they are -appealed to ..systain- a . l Peomerat on the ground -or;hls 'g support of great eth'lstitutionril prinilplei : ft ' Then we ar,e' 4 not "enemies . or the eonsiitution," - eh Ga,tetle: • I IME!===M .... The Cleve (Ohio) Plaitidealer sayt; that its editor,vas removed from the Post Office in 'that 'Oty "fur doubting the iminaculate'coneption of the Lecompion Constitution'." ... .. . . . • .... The Ph'iladel'phia papers brink us. in telligence of 06. death oßwo (f Philadelphia's distinguishea - men— , ibn. flobert T. • Conrad and Hon. Zol) li..Tyson. Bothiaied sudden lv. - 7 '• :*:: - .A murderer having escaped from the Sheriff of Webster county, town, nn editor, thinking of the KAUSIIB, facials, 4,4 J ggess that 'a detective be sent to Washington, to appre -1 hena him .befOre Buchanan appoints him_ to Office.. 'did the 'Calculating t, The;force of.lightning, according to, aTecent calculation, ls equal to the. powel?„of t welveof our largest steamers, having 24 :engines of 590 horse poner easchj. .. The St.' Louis Demberat announces • • that the - death of slavery in Missouri is de= erred. The free State men in adjoining States evidently think so. and are moving . oeliApy fhaffaviared land, whose only blight is slave labor. • ,• .. 'The Paris annimnees that phoi(tgraphic, ,experiments were made it;_ France during* the eclipse of the. sun on the 15th "plt.; and estabtOted the Eta that the, moon has an'atmosithere of about twenty -live miles in bight. ' • The Richtnond Enquirer,' now edited lw.one of 'Gov. W'ise's sons, inc•istS,that bougla,s shall not be read out by the. Demo cratic party. It says 'that DetnoCrats cannot he brought to agreentenimon th'e Lecompton giteStion, and that nt; sane man_ will, make the 'attempt 6f harmOnizing them. , , leaves of the eider, scattered over cabbages, cucumbers, squa-hes,und oth. er plias stettject,. to the retages of insects, tect,ually 4 . 4e1d them. Plums . ' l lind other frtiits splject:to the ittvng,ci of insects, may be saved by placing ni - ion the 'branches and througli the tree.lrnocheis,-61.eltiir At Iberville, La., at a publi,e 'sale re eently;- a free malt of color became Me pur i-hast.r of a snuar illantation in that parish,- at the 'Prive. of ,5240.000. malting him the own er alto , ,ether, of 4,500 acres of land'and .200 negroLs .. The Bainlo Express fznys, the water . • • I 1.:11:e Erie is higher than it has exer ben rbiiiiire within the nietnori 'of the "lolAlest 1. iiitnnts." ,The harbor , : along the southern Ishore are siliering front an witifflut%; of their banks and docks. Martin Kosta,. the rlungarian refu nee %%lir, wa:'re.•:cued from the Austrian au rihorities iris LSS3, ll•Comiilandr Ingraham, 21f the United Siates . Navy,died recently iu very itidiAt . ciretimstanecs, on a sugar plan .tatioii,•near the city tf:Guategtaia. A'son ofElijah Bali, who was.arrest ed sometime last felloon'a charge of rob. bianthe United States mail at the Pierce vine Alice, Ws ()Icing, county, was recently brought before the U.S. Court at. Williams port to an;;wer for the offence. He was re leased frOm cuttoily, the Grand Jury ignor-: .ing the Pill of indictment. • :lst•Genin has addressed the Academ ic des Sciences on " the Sett i. 4. 'Eggs." Ile grays'he is able, after three -years' study, to state with assurance that all eggs containing the germs (if males have wrinkles.oh their smaller cad, while female eggs. are equa,lly - smooth at both extremities. .. The llepulAlean _Statc,lConvention held. at.'tiriiC~e]ier, Verinont, Julie 29i.h, notninatalland- Dili of" Bennington for Governor, and..Burnhatn Marter fur Lieuten ant.Go'vernor. , Scnator • Collamer, Hon. W: C. llovard, M. C., from Illirhiaan, and — Oth: tors, addressed the Contention, which teas largely attended and very enthusiastic. .... The Secretary cf . the Navy has in duced the Bureau of C4struction to prepare drawings and plans fur the balding, without unnecessary- 4lay of the eight vessels of war recently authorized by Congre3:4: TWo of fhesex - eS . sels sill probably,be constructed at the Philadelphia Nlvy Yard', and one at each of the „other .yards, witli the exeeptiort of that at Wa,limgton. It is said that. -the:-steamer for China will be builtat the California Na vy. Yard. The Minnesota House of Repre,4enta lives has, adopted resolutions, 44 to 20, de .nOuncing the Knnsas:policy pf- the- Adminis tration,..and endorsing Douglas, and - , Shields.. Thirteen anti;Lecompton Democrats voted for the resolutions. , - .. Mr. Douglas's home organ, the ‘Ciii— map Times.. gives'a o(fiftyltine j(irnak in that State 'which repudiate the Lecompton test, two noncorninatal, and six who "go hi" for Blichanan..: Of the latter, tine r is edited by-a_Postinaste.,., one by a mail agent; one cry a.LecOmpton, one bouglit for $ll7, and two owned by Postmasters; The editors of the two yet noncornmhted expect -to be- ap pointed- PoSt m nter s Queen Victoria* it is hinted, wilt ap .. pear in.,t he venerable cliaracter,of grandmoth er in•tbe eouise Of 'a fe-li;,nionths, when a pledge :of the ,loves of Prince Frederiek Vil tiam hi's; ikife' Fill be presented to the loyal, people „of . This title :has not ; been a common 'Onein‘ the ,R4til..fairtily. of England. for many : years,: there .having: > been, but two .grandniothers lit , - that family f r om: the heathofAtieen Ciroline; wife of George 11, in 1.737;- down -tOtth - a birth- of Queen Vic torlass•first child; . The French- Gagettii ,/ifedieale . states that by an accident clirco - been-discov. - • ered to be a cure : for burns. By laying a piece of cold•charcoal.upon the burn, the pain subsides iminediateiy. By leaving the %bar coal-o,n ,oneLlioyr the wOlind is: healed, as has f beendernonstriat‘r oft ses era' odeasions.: The remedy is cheapau simple, and cer4ln ileserves-iitrial. • . . Jaeli:ina Paine, a farmer-living, some five. Ingeg'.fitfti'Mbliin, Orka * ns eotirtty, 'has 'not ' montbs, -- his last flap having been taken in piil,lsv7. Vice I .versa, there , exists, =6 short =distance from gentleman . Minted 'Warner, wli.feltiAsittep the table n February last, and'has riot been :awitte* . since. They " feed him sitlij% spoon." . . • ..-.. Thurhiiv Weed, thd :veteran editor of the 'Albany Eyening Joirrital Say 4, within his recollection, iiiorritoniStif ivas a, ••"-Speck man's hand.",: The -• oiigi . Strkith, came to him only oti, i'ithsthe manuscript of e, to be. printbd. Ile ,then low& (a: respectable - and jf the town of Macedon) who .f r the printing. But, after pters, it seemed such a jutn fle absurdities; that be rte. id wising Harris r !not to tnort , beggar 'his ,cantilv, But a the way to Elihu F. Mar ' " Mormon Bible" printed. not hither titan nal impo . ster, Jo thirty-two years his MOrnion Bib had but tine I . ( Wealthy firmer d °freed security I, reading 4 fuw eh.; ble of unintelligi I fUsed the-wimit, gage his farm an Joe crossed ove Mud!, and - got hi• Furtber Utah news is irezeived by the arrival of thq Salt .Lake tbiait ty the 12th inst:; at •St. Josbphis, Mo, Ju hnstu n was to start, for alt Lake City on the 13th, with 'three thousand men ie.. column. Cu!. Hoffman and Catp t. Marcy had both arrived : • lat Camp Scott.. 1 A diversity of opinion ex isted at the Camp as to the cotnse the Mor: l 'At mons . would pu ein regard tO the troops ' entering the'.vtt i ley: They Inive not gone 1 eithertoto Sonorthor lo the Russian : Poises. sions,huL have, llt is no* ascertained with certainty, Inerery removed thet i r families to Provo; 1 • - • • , .... A conispondelit of the Savannah I 1 Republican, writing from Tam iv. Fla , gives I some detatls - of a strange affairlwhich has al- I ready been meAlone& by telegraph. An j "Evcutive" or " Vigilance" committee is j in existence, the j i e, which seem;" to be alto-1 Igaiter a Hill atnir, and .the victims .of ' 1 which are prom nem Members of -one- pout lea! party—the Americans. Four of them, Lwere w snspendedifrarn so many trees on the r morning of the l'Atli*ult., two of whom have finteresting famiiies to depl4e their murder. Among the two hundred persons who'follow , ed them to the .rave, but two were Demo- Lcrats, and one a ',these was the sextoll. It i the statements f thi: correspondent are cot% I rect,—and'the ,Repub/ictii.i does not doubt. them—political l proscription has advance-tia I step in Florida. The whole statement, how -1 ever I,;hlts ver much ail; e' a hoax: . t .:.. The electorai vote in 'lB5O consisted ;of two hundred! and ninety-six votes. . The ladmission of l'linnesota will increase that numbEryo thret hundred, and should:Kansas I and OreOm 'be -ad Illi t d. the entire Note will Ghe r.,06, requiring one-hundred. and fifty-four l for a choice of President. Of•this three nun !- red and six thete will he. one hundred - and twenty from Ulf slave-holding States, and one hundred and eighty-six from the ,non-slave holding States.' In the Charleston cOnven tion, unikr the it wo-t birds rule, kt will require two hundred add folr votes to make a nom ination. It toil rilaiie eight);-four northern votes, even wit 1 the united South, to make a nominat lon. . . ;Brooks, Dr:Kane't; first lieu foie expedition, and the last Yof that expedition, died at at iirot,,,,ye, on Tues r last week, flout the efleet-4 of a fit. Ile' is mentioned in raise by Dr. Kane, in hi: liar. •eticrexplorations,and received, medals front queen Victaia, and President Buchanan.' tenant in ht.: A surviving office the Naval -nos' day evening of -a fall while in terms of high rative of the At for his servieesi Lady Frank The e4pepses of -government weer lifty-eight milittuts a vent duritig the last Ad. ministration, Micre x 's.) 'null are now with in n fraction ' One. Hundred . M Forty illionsillnee already Mien-borrowed, and further d t cficioncies will oei:nr, requiring mere loans. These large snips have been burrowed.: hui no provision' whatever has been ii rile tor! pay !mini. An" at tempt will be niade a portion of tiw: Snit h er n D e . moeracy tr. doi_that by Direct Taxation. .. A wiitql'hy farther' in Otsego county. Ne.w y, now on hand cr itito,ooo worilt of hori4.l first refuso thirty cents a pound. deinaniliti thirty vigil: and a halt, and wit• ti off ed flat, he - t:i4inauiled forty eenti,.mo: is lain offered that he still -rose s up- i on the price until (attune, in one of her freaks, reduced the pifiee ti five cents a pound, tear ing the farinee l to hope at his leasure. EXVIBITION. riIIIERF. tic an'Exhibition or Mowing, hy chines, on farm of dons lIARRINGTQS, one mile and a 4.4 . 1 , ..e.h of Montrose, on Thursday, July 15th, at 2 o'clock, p. ni. o.lners of 11a4...e5. and Agent., Are solicited to be present. Judego to be PCle`Ct.l.4l Lifi the ground. 1 ' (111011`AS .TOIINSON, Pre,ident. ' 1 F. M. WILLIAM:4, ) '. MONTI:DST:, A. BALDWIN, ,N.. Cominittfl July 7th, 458. „ S. F. CAI:MALT; ) - Board and Room% for the Normal Selsool.—ThbF.c who will furniSh Boatel for 'Stu dents. diming tl4‘ coming Term of the Normal School, and those who have vacant rooms where Students eau board them , elves, will please inform Inc immediately, a's applietitions:* already. coming in. A I ti*e at tendance is ant4ipated, so that Students will,do well to apply early. W. B. IiFIANS, Ar the Picture Gallery, in the Brick Block. Notice.—The Rev. Wm. M. PELONG will protch at UNION HALL, in Harford, nn Simday, July : 11th, at 5 o'clock, p. n:h • 'MON TROE PRICES ' CURRENT. , CORIIECTEI WEEKLY FOR Wheat Rye 1;) bushvl, Corn,. lrir ....... Buckwheat, husliel„ . (tats, f r k hirshell Beans, white, IT husliel, Potatoes, T f l Wheat flour, f 1AA.... Rye flour, - -t) Cori Meal, ZJ hundred, Pork, -#) _lb I ,Lard, 14 lb ; Butter, 70 lb . Eggs, doz., I ITIARICAEIL In Montios'e Jtily 4th, 1853, by lter. A: L. Post, Mr. JACKSON Cit,t.N6r.nms, and Miss E. A. LIORTG:S Moutrole. [A gold dol ar for the. Printer accompanied the above notice. "Go thou and do liteivise,r—espe cially as to the dollar.) In Mentrtrel on the 6th inst., by Rev:B. B. Emo ry,.3lr. Sit..ts B. FOor. of Red Wing, Minnesota, and Miss L. Loakt r t; slaughter of .pr!.. E. S. Park, of the former place. In Fcirest Lake, on the Ist insp,- by Ehl. W. C. Tilden, 31r. W. LIT.II7LENNZI:, at Miss ANN E. BOYD, both of Forest Lake. •. 1 • i In Franklin fhine Bth, Mr._ Efrix . 4tu? ConswALL)r.., 'of consumptioi, aged 28 years, ,l , Also, June 21st, of the same omplaint., COIIDELIA J. his wife, aibl. 24 years, *. • Thuit s haveta sb ssed away 'to a lorldbf rest aid fade. jes glory, tht huand and wi, after a long and somewhat psi fulSonfinement; yet they waited with patience, and io.‘)..esigned, in hppe of future hies:led -11C&.. TheiJ •avt a littlegi •rt-SpSme two years old, who may ne vett re n i ember a fathEir's voice or a mpther's cars. Their ,Oinerals were sitelittled at the house of Mr.. 0. M. Ball who kindly watched over them in their last hours wittiout hope of earl f ly i ly reWard. .s. o. w. ~' . - fir. NOTICA" . i yen thititil perscms are forbidden from P.l'm g' m akin g ait y further excitations, or removing stone pr. earth fimn.the stone quarry or_ thereabouts In the Borough of Montrose, except so 4r as has been specially peratitted to William Giltriqrc,, to remoTe a _limited amoant of stone already unecriered. And any person oil persons hereafter trespaning on 'die ii said stone qnsrry contrary to this order will be - pro. candid. igairiit according to law: • ' • ‘ • , fly order or.the Comniissioners, , ~ — ' I 1 'W. -A. Clif) SSMC'S, Clerk. I Conin3Wioper's office, j ' Montrose, July 7, 'AS. f 4w. t 1,60 u, $1,121 (124 cts. .70 @ 75 cca. (i,t 40 (lg. :t73 Cat. $l,OO fit. 1,25 75 ets. $,5,50 i':(,sl) 2,,00 2;50 . 1,75 @, 2,00 .10 1244, As. 111 ...16-@ 18 ct. • .1O cts. DIEDI _ Call f 4 wirier will :pay Hi CkIIEST .L IL. :PRICE in WIT, for Ivipto !f. l .nt. his store. ifew-Ifilford Jul f 7 -rsas - - . , , , . _ IMPORTANT 'DISCOVERY' AAT E would call the .. ettettliUn of the FarMers of T this County to the - •;' Independent Tooth - Horse Rake. Thie Rake las been prpred..lmsoed a dwibt to be tinit best Rake in use . They wilt belOft far sale at most of the public placea in thia - CPtintr. - `I would request those in wailt.af a HORSE RAN't ti): , try, fur them selves, and if they do mit.like then, rettyn them' en.' injured. • . , All ordeis addressed Co _the subscriber be promptly attended , to. .efat'NCEY ' POOT. • ' Montro,e, Pa., July 7, 1.858.-3wy7 Audit Or's Notkie. TILE undersigned, having been . appointed by the Court of Common Pleaß of -SusoitelmtinOCOunty; an Auditor to make distribution of [immune - 3 , s in-the hands pf the Sheriff- of said County, arising from - the_ sale of Real Estate of G. S. Mesick, R. A. Mesick, and Harvey Hall, will attend to the dutiesof saiduppoint.: ment his office, in Montrose, on Saturilay;the 31st day of July, at one in, in the afternoon, at which tine and place all personsintemted in said moneys will preSeuetheir claims, or he, forever barred from coming in upon said fund. • ' FRANKLIN FIFASER, Auditor. Montrose, July 7,1558.-1 w • FRE SURICE—Just Opened. 9 9 UN. for ONE DOLLAR—C:\SII. July 7. • J. LYONS k SON Executor's Notice. skTerrlCE leerehe civen•to all vcrw'gr: Laving demands aitstnst 11 the e eaten: fillttiON Se ettTllllltllTll. late ter J.lberty gjseree ship, dtea rd, that tt.e kt.f., nn ult tIF presented to the under shelve! fer arranzneut, and all ilvtlcOr9 lath bled to eratel ertate are requested to ruali.o ituneedlltt telyment. 1, W, 411. T !MORT 't .11:111,I) :k A lull, I.lberty. July 7, IStet.",-rter Executors.- . SPECTACLES. NY one who may have - phi:ea up a pair of Spec tacles, (Silver bowsi , dropped Fomew h&c in Montrose, on Monday last, will be suitably rewarded by leafing LIIOIII nt the Republican (Mice. Moutrose, July 7, 15.55. SUMMER 1858. STOCK 45 GOODS. • E 110 n receiving a well selected STOCK OE VOODS in our usual variety and invite our friends to call and examine. _ , Grain and Butter Wanted. Hemlock and Piu Lilinber, Flou r, Bran Cho at reasonable priceA may be' _. found at Our STEAM POST BROTHERS. Ityptroie, July 7, I SOS. • . WOOL! WOOL! H IG t:ST C ASH :r4lfiDlllll):ll6Tiby Brooklyn, July - 1, 7x'.53 • SCYTHES! SCYTHES!! • 01 SCYTHE'S, nt only six shilling 4 Cash down— t7,7, 1 NV ARRANTED—can be had of July 1, '5B. J. LYONS &SOX. :WM. B. SIMPSON-, WATCH REPAIRER, MONTROSE, P.A. Shop in A. Merriman's Boot and Shoe Store, next to J. Etheridge. H A VING worked for the past Title yeara with the most skillful workmen. he fe(*.confident that ,he can do the most difficult jobs on short.notiee. • Alt work Warranted to give Satbfaction. Jewelry repair‘ed neatly and on reahonable terms W. B. sv.or,as ha 4 for :go nir K nnc thne, and 1 can rPc ill,. 14 a ,Iroful arol u e.mq.otrot to .to a. pa‘ t wort: ro,,aln Sono In thr caOltarr, and worthy qf ronddenov Tem 3 %tit') Wt.., \i'i. A, CH aMti Ent.ll4. Itrytro To IV ro. 1:1, oth E. NV. Mont:roe.. 1 11.0. P.O.Bentley, L. I , rarle. C.ll B * lllo, l ,aw..l4l..ottame. Montrose, lane lg. IF::,L. 1 IIE undersigned will,on Saturday, July 10, 15.8, at one o'clock, let to the lowest bidder, the building of It.Sohool House, near Moses S. Tyler's, in Bridgewater. The: -house is to be 24 YBO feet, stud and brace, and 1 feet front top of Al to under side of plate. Also two old School Rouses for sale—one near S. T. Scott's, antl the other near George FHA's. The :done letting and sale, is adjourned to July 17, 185 S. THOS. .TOHNSON, • MILTONHi N" TER, -Committer. A. 0. WARNER. Bridgewater,,June 23. 1858.-2 w J. LOEB. & STILT )4ays on kind, June 23. 11.-aDEN Administrator's Notice. X . OTICE is hereby given to all persons having de mantis ar,ainst the Estate of T:' A. ,FttssENDEN,' late of Bridgewater, &ceased, that the stone must be presented to the undersigned fur arrangement, and all persons indebted to said Estate arc requested to make immediate payment. - • , " PERRIN WELLS, Administrator. • Bridgewater, June 23, 1,853.-6 w - - STRAYED ME into the inclosure of the.subseriher on or V..) about the ISth - of May last, il nanti BROWN HEIFER, two years old. The ol;rner i requested to prove property, Tay charges arid take her away. Clifford, June 23, 1548.-:Scup DRIED APPLES, BEANs, LARB, and BtiCkWHEAT FLOUR for sale by BENTLEY, READ & CO. 31ontro.ie, J une 4 7 1858. - DAID . FOR 20,000 lbs. OF WO II by Bentley, Read, & Co. 4fontrose, Jane 15, 1858. • .• Wooll • Wool!' 0 • 00011,5.. of WOOL wanted, .for which • .-i 'cc will p:ry the -HICESRT CASH PRICE..,: HAYDEN 44OTHERS. New-Milford , June 23, 18458.-2111 BOYD 8: WEBSTER AGENTS FOR THE SALE'OI Mrs t-, -t•Asi, C b"- iv OM pa r r o ,FVev..tebba. to a poi 'eetly htot. r 7 nn Ce .t