. . -- Predations for this Tep.r. . Tht:Tollowitig sagacious predictions are made for-the Year 1858: i • ,Thro t Ah the..' whole course. Of this year; when the moon; Wanes the nighr, will grog dirk. , On several 'f)ecasiona during the year, the sun will rise before certain 'people - discoVer it, and set before they have •finished their day's work. I r - • It is quite like that when there is no busi• nese doing, many will-he heard to complain of hard times bill, it is equally hertain" that all wbo hang ihemselVes will escape starva tion. . • . If bustles 10'4 hoops go Out of fashion, church pew 'will hold more than three ladies. There willlbe many eclipses of virtue, some visible,thers invisible. • Many delie te.ladies, whom no one would suspect, will ij l b kissed without telling , their If the incumbent ofttat ()Mee dies, there will be a dozen feet ready to step,into I one pair of shoei.ll.- . There-will he more books publishes' :than find n purcliasers, inure. bills made' than will find pages. . • /fa young lady should . happen to blush; she will beeck to get red in the face without use of paint kif she dreams of a: yosng man - three nights M succession,,it will be a sigp of something; dreams of Min tour times, has th% toilthathe, it is ten to one she will ' be 4 long tint in getting eithe: .. .one, out , of ' her. head. - • Dinners an entertainments willbe given . _ to those who) are plenty to eat . at home; and the *Par willireceive mu'eh advree gratis; le galt and medial-exc4te,d. . ' \,7 = He who In rries i this year will run a great 'risk, especiali 'if ha does it in a great hurry. He Who st' Is a `watch gives] tattleis oeca-. sign to gossi . and will be apt to involve himself and 0 ido in disagreeable relations. , Many you g ladies- who hole for it' but tittle expect Iri Will be married 3 and Many corifideutly.anticipatifig the gtorious•constrm mation,'.will 1 1 ... e doomed lo wait another year. ••••l'inrill,r 6 • i 43 exists bet little doubt, that ' this will beti most wonderful year, surpass ed'in interes all that haie preceded it. . - - f• \S Crrissr—Nen r "Metropolis of - America," Oio Emporium," and." Gotham" "Modern Athens," and um." . . ArPELLATi York City tll, "Commereii _Boston,. th: eriry Em the" City of Brotherly Love," of Pena,",,and tho "-Quake': Philadeiplj, • and the - " Cit 3 City ‘ " Baltimore4j ' Cincinnati' the West," - a New Oriel Washing Distances:" p chie t ago,, tpe " Garden Detroit,:the."CitY4f.the'Straits."' Clevelang.the "Forest City." • New the "City of Elms." ~Richruondi Indiana, the "Quaker City of the West." t. • Larayette, l- .the ."St:l3.• City. • -•- Indianapolis, the," 4ailrOs,d City.". St.'•Louls,Vthe "'Mound City." re '"date'Citjk." • a • uro the \ Iron CitY." ;.'Natchez, , e " Bluff Ci: v." ..-Vicksbur . „the "lllll,City." the "llonurnentatCity:" ' • the "Queen City," "Queen of ncl . "•Porkupolis.'i • 4 ns, the "Crescent City." - ton, that , " City -Of Magnificent . . . . • IfEiIICAI..! 4 1 PITAPIIS.-A prolonged me-M -eat stafemeilt of the . dfsease. of which the de. - parted may4cluince to, have died is extremely -popular. - ifit Aetna, in Cornwall, says -a writer in ' Household 'Words,' there is this particular aicount of how• one Mr. Moreton came to his]end : . '"liere,li'es entombed one Roger Moreton, ..:, • Whose sudden death was earry brought on :- . - Trying ote day his corn to mow oil, • 'The razot slipped ind ent Ids..toe off, - -- The toe ( rratherZiffat it grew to, ' • An tnflardmation cpiltikly flew to, • The phrq they took to mortifying And poor dear Roger took to dying." . And here iS I. a still more entertaining one, up on a certal. lady hi Devonshire, singularly free from. < Y nonsensical pi-etetice,;or idle. e t bravado: ." Here. - es Betsy 6tiden', , Site w i lezed but she cooden, ' le - • ' , "rwas n grief na'sorrow as made she decay, But this- ad leg as carri'd she 'away?' . 4 : There is a distressingtnaccurney of metaphor' in the'foll4ing south cbuntry . elegy, but the meaning issainfiilly distinct: .- a " Heri. , lies two babes as dead as nits; , - They ',was cut off by sTe fits" . A doctOr of - divinity, who lies in' the neigh. borhood of:Oxford, has his - complaint stated for him with unusual brevity, as well, as his. place oftnierment :-- ' , • - • '•4 Be died of quinsy, - - :.: • 4.na was buried at Binsr," - , To coinple l te s these medical extracts I may quote 'this warning cypress' flower, 'culled from'a Chiltenham Cemetery : '. - " 'Here Bei!, I and' - my three datighters, • - ' Killed by hi-drinking of-the Cheltenham waters, . Uwe badiktruck to Epsom salts, We'd not -.een a lying in these here vaults." ' 'MRS. P4RTTEGT9N' . .S Yisri . TO ,THE "TENTED FuttoT. 7 '--f`, Did the guard present 117 n-is -to yod Mrs. Partington 'I" asked a co,mtnisgarj+ .as he rnetjhef"nt: the entrance of Ile mar- quee. . "You mean .the century ?" said s'he " I have heard so much about the taint cefield, illatJ believe I could deplore an at ttol hie myielf, and secure them •Ns as' n officer. You asked me-if the guard_ pr stinted arms. He didn't, but -a sweet littte map., with ati epilepsy on his shouldir. and a smitOtat his face, did, and. asked meilf la-01114i% go into :a xent and smile. ' I %old him that we could both smile as well outside, when he politely touched liis chateau and left me." The emissary pfete - nted a hard wooden stool npoii which she pep. sed herself: ' "Thisli one of the seats of war, ,I . sup pose? tild she., "01;_what a hard lot a ;soldier . isubjected ;to ! , I don't ionder : a • mite at the hardening influence of a soldier's life. What is that. for ?" asked the,. as the noise of a canntin saluted het ear. •" I hope they ain'tl firing on my #count." _ There was .a sti4itude inher tone as she spoke,and she was idformed that it was 'the Gover nor, who-ad pit arrived upon the field.— " Dear rnp.!" said she, " how cruel it it to 'snake . the old gentleotan come away down here; wh i n he is so feeble he has to take his staff with him whereverbe goes.": She was sotiffecte at the idea, that‘she had_to take 'a ; few drops of whitewine to restore her equi librium,and to counteract the dust fron\ the " tainted field,"—Besion Post: . " BEHI • THE AGE.—Mr.: Leonard .miide a 4uccessfii 'balloon ascension from_ Moiitgoin ery-, Ala. last .week. • .He: states that while ,"up," an, but a . "'hoil distance froMthe ;In 'nal, be . Wyss shot at 'three times by 4 Minnie. rifle-,413 ithe bands of some: one . who . probe , blyloohl; the 'lei iel Suaiigator for a -it.onster } "matiba ," and no doubt a descendant of the Same fin ily whine tart out to stop the' first high :pr :sure steamboat they-,Sw 'pin* down •th ricer, mistaking it for At. runaway sari mill •. , '- % i •-'• • • '. -.- , IR , . . 4 1.1 . . ~Pattiseo, the chaMpion chessplay 'er, has T st completed at Chitgo the feat of pl4ying 1 en simultimeees , gat'o4 of ,tbess idindfol d. 'pi .these he . -woo sevce,, And three' 14 -- e e, draiV /41:a.C.i - 1. . . . , Tns Sans OF PRE-Extant:ex.—The ear liest distinct merition of this - singular mental affection that I gm acquainted , with, is that by'sir Walter Seott hitnself, in one of the most charming of his : prose fictions, viler° the hero of. the . Story, unconscious of Ibis name and lineage, revisiting his. own ',ances tral mansion, after an absence from child he/A-exclaims r .: • I "Why is it. that bomeecenes - awaken thoughts which belong, as it were, to dreams of early and 'shadowy recollection, such at Bramin Moctnshie would have ascribed to a state ofprevious existence ? • .f, 1' How often do we find ourselves 'in society whichye 'have never befere met, - and yet feel, impressed with a mysterions and ill-de ,fined consciousness that neither the, seen, the, speakers, nor the subject are entirely new •,- nay,•feel as if we could anticipate that part of the conversation which' has not taken place.—guy 2tfannerine. That this feeling is not, an unc-mmon One, may be gathered from a late publication by Mr. Samuel Warren :' '' I am strongly disposedlothink," - he lays, " that every person who has Meditated upon et ( the erations of his'owu mind, hi, ocatsion ally d suddenly, been startled with a no tion that it possesses qualities and attributes of Which he has no where seen any account. I do not knpw how to express it, but I have several times had 'a transient efoniciousness of mere ordinary incidents, then occurring, having somehow or other happened , before, accompanied by a vanishing idea of being able to-predict the sequence. I once,, men tioned this to a man-of powerful intellect, and he .Said, 'So have I; "—Lecture at hull. - Sir.E. B. - Lytton - , who has several allusions: in his works to this- feeling of. reminiscence, describes it as " that strange kind of inner 'and spiritual memory which often recalls' to us places and persons we have never seen beff)re, and which Platonist s- would: resolve to .be the unqneached and struggling eon• sCieusness of a former life." A. ITUGF: PETRIFIED Fisn.--Vlre-cepy the following from the Dutittoin (III) Mining .Journal. The article animas new_ proof, if more were needed. that that State was at some former period at thebottom of the Gulf of Afexico; or some other pond of 'salt miler. We. recently' -descended into the_ Black Diamond Coal Mine, for the purpose of.see ing a huge petrified - fish, which is in one of the passages of lthat i ,mine, and which _his gained quite &reputation hereabouts. kTwice' hefok hive We scrutinized a portion Of this petrifaction ; but , on our fait descent, nearly the Whole of it was visible: The fish is about seventyfive feet west of the shaft of the mine, and the roof attic passaffe. •Ainear as we i eould_calculate, it' is a little, over sixteen feet in. length ; and nearly three feet across lAlie'middle. The head and tail of -the .fish' tir- - eNsolitl walla of slate, on either side of the passage, as no attempt has been made to I I uncover them : but enough is visible to the eye-civer elevenfeet—to satisfy any ob server, that it was at One time inhabitant Of the. " vasty deep)' The scales of this "Petrified shark,r as it is 'termed by some, vary in size; some being no.,larger than a dime, 'and others the size a quarter of a dol lar. From what little knowledge we have of -Salt Water varmints, we' are -confident that this - petrifaction -in shape, bears a near re semblance to the shark, The shale or slate in the Black Diamond Mine contains innumerable specimens of per rifiedleaves, flowers, twigs, and limbs ; in one instance, 'we saw what had at One time been a log of wood; fully tweirty-five feet long, and eighteen inches in diameter. Small' fi=b, from two to six inches long, have , fre quently been found in the slate of this mine, an i also in than of the Tetley Mine. With- Out doubt, this section of the State, in form er ages"V•one vast body of wate;";. but we belie.Ve, it is impossible to establish the par ticular period,'as the strata of slate in which. these petrifactions are formed is •overfaid with a bed of solid limestone from four. to 'eight feet in thickness, and over the limestone the average depth of earth is forty feet, and in some places sixty. lin=l ORGA,NIC Tais-sltisstos.—One of . the most remarkable instances of the transmission of asittgular.physical deformity front parents to chi ld through successive generations, is to be tound in Cincinnati. A man between forty and fifty years of age has four short •fingers on each hand reaching about to the .first joint of a finger of usual. lenwh ; and what is very remat liable is the fact that this physical .deforrnity# the hand cap be traced back through various metiaberi of his family for a period of ane hundred and eighty years ! Another singular feature is the fact that but part of the children of each generation have been similarly afflicted—some of them having as perfect hands and fingers the generality of persons. . • ~ AN IRISIIIIAle; REASON FOR NOT - WANTING A WARANT SERTED.A few days since, 'an Irishrica7ri brought.some trivial charge against a Ml6* emigrant frotn. the Green Isle, and obtained a warrant from Justice. (..MNe foi• his arrest. This morning he called on the Judge and .said, " Yer honor, his the warrant againit Mr. Flanaghan keen served i yitr "The Judge replied -that `he believed not. "Then, yer replied Pat, " mind. yer eye, I - nirer want it served."— "Why-not?" asked the magk.trate,.- "Be cause, ye see, the, man- is dead` and buried, sure, for he died last: Tuesday, yer Honor." • MORSE TEiEGRAPII corn. mission appointed in France'to consider the claims of Protessor - Morse, for remuneration,, because his telegraph was employed in that country, - have reported in his favor, and have recommended the payment to him of 400,- 000 francs. As Professor Aforse's telegraph was first patented in France, -and ha been the one mostly used in' that country, where all the telegraphs are under government.con trol,-the sum is yer3vespeetable. The;re 's nothing worth having that is not difficult. gi life, and, I suppose, the life of. every man who has worked with hand or head, has been one long contest with diffi culties, and none•of us would'be the Men we now are, if we had tamely allowed difficultiei to conquer us,—Sir E. Eulwer Lyt(on. LIQUID GitTE.—This is one of_ the cost convenient appendages of domestic life which Imoderli ingenuity has devised. Every 'care ful housekeeper will flnze it as a convenient assistant in cobbling up a broken chair, of in replacing a bit of loose veneering on thplitr niture. Indeed for all purposes where it *ill, not come in contact nith water, this glue .inay be-used with safety. Bid few - of the many who would like tolave it, ktiow how to mike it s To prepare-if, take glue of good quality and dissolve it in as small a quan tity of 'hot water as possible; then„ while yet hot, remove it from the fire and dilute it to the proper' degree of thinness by, adding - alcohol, after-Which it should be bottled and the mouth of the bottle kept covered - with a piece of.india robber, Cr' anything :else -that willeacli)de the air. Alcohol - - 411 - , - preserve Flue Inaile in this way for . many fors keep mg it' from putt - ilk:Won in summi.ernd from freezing in winter. - In cold Weather it need's only a little `warming to 'make it ready. lor . This eoriveitient article has been in use in England for many )ears, but never has been extensively .known in this country_ ' I fie& lnkS THE SUBSCIFBERS ATE to Le ..EL Medium TIAI6T SUPERIO FOR B T L FL arch 31 Nicholson, NDM FARMERS W please rem - subscribers mber, whe furnishing DOORS, SASE, c towest FACT !that they k (freight added) and large stoe bf P p kos g L If tir@iil band, R] 0 Q @t l DOOR RESI.DIINGS, ' IND ASTENINGS, itc. i ttatfc. i, ost everytitig in the way of first quality and will sell them re from eos for Cash. Thert ! assure builde , that they , will 1 it own lute sts, by giving us a ,g. SASH AND El In fact, wo bare al building materials, . at a very small adva. fore, we confidently materially consult th' call, before p umhasi Lrrrr, NicillltsoN, Marc 31, 1838 FA?9 %II FLou A S D It/I Ia - I BY the load, and for sale of arret, cons tl7 lowest LI7TL $l. isss ICachoLion, March 1i ~~~ OF THO A FRESIL LO 0 EY 0 ALSO. in Bbis rnd hal - Bbls, just LITTLE MEN Nrctiousos, 3 Lji A St 41, GROCERIES] RE!, H2IRD W EERY, An, C 800 CRO i C ARP r ETIA BHEETI GS, A .1?,. am FLO ONE-TC SOAP, GAN Mi which we have not time to entt- T... • te i ive lisve almost:anything\ my • petted tofound at, a store in which we e determined to turn lin the very hoitest possible time. ti rtionl - i ISSUE A' - a head:with gut , merate. Enoughl,t w and everything,. 1 the country, all into' CASH,I .. AND O o_ lo T I E -T *. I USOOMERS. ;duetly witientood, that for - CASH We wish it w6l .ell any :ebo: at, at tar lower Litt Daur, Tcsucoacoce El BA . lEGI d. D, LITY, QII LE LOW U H. A D.t , N > G. 1858. CHANICS , baihling, that the MIN EMI Rl' PRICES, p constantly on ffiZMUM aLu, M tly on hand, and tee, by ck HARDING. 1111 FINE, 11E4 VY g[gl 9 eceived, by • HARDING. li ''' q ES S, SHOES, ONNETS, RIBB ONS, Erffl lOTASH LIME' IN. WARE, dx., ll_ Übe quardy corider. • Cfi Harding. h 31-,-1866.-yup FL Q ALT, GRKE &c., for sale 10 irreliasing elselahe Montrw, Aug. 1 Just Published: BRIGHTLY'S UNITED STATES DIGEST, 1.789 TO 1857.' Front the adoption of de Constitution to the end of Thirty fourth Conireo. One Vol. Imp. live., pp:_ll49. Mitt Matter Is funned Atinungettamor, with Ankt.tricst. thrums and Scuntrauons, under which the 01110BOLOGICAL arrangement has been, nester as possible,. prmcrved. It potation MAIOLEAL SJOBBLEECES to each section whereby- Its OOSTEBEI Imo be seen at a glance. The [menet - Jewett!, llactruotecincluding not only these of theScramei Cover or TUN llntrAn STATBE but also thou of the Ciacurr and Durrett? Coon and Cotner or Caine/,, many nf which are scattered throughout the LEGAL PlatlODlegUlalld not to be found elsewhere; many outmost' of the firsenComere, the Ortsiona of the Amman Clianast and Huns or ,DEPAET. nuns are placed at the foot of the page, and refer to the respective Suctions of whichthey ans the Juntemh laturarrssioni , There le an accurate TA BLX Of CROCA, and also a CIBIONOLOGICAL TABLE 01/ STATUES:3. The RETTEOCECLA 10 the Acre. WV placed conspicuously in the margin of the page. The Correa - es comprises_ not only tire Tents of each Sumacs, but also the various subdivisions Into whic.h each Title hanteen dlstribeted. The lanes. Ja thorough and com prehensive, and refers not only to the Lowe but also to the Conan. voiton of the UtIBLO States. The matter Is arranged under LOCAL. u as Gramm Trak.. ; Inc Instance, the names of *earn, Tide annum Cents and nanny of the Porn of the United States, sill be found la their alphabetical order with a Scram' of the Learn L 471011 In which each of them Is Interested. The Strrems as welt m the page is glint by means of which krentlr Increased fear and speed In the use of the work. will Ire obtained, not merely y reOTEMBONAt amok - new. hut by those unlearned In the Law. In order that Ertea might be avoided, the Pane of luny Run nel' has been carefully verified; (In the case of the Notes, by runt. ination.of the Authorities, and In the Index, by comparison.. with the Tdst) after the matter au in tile. Careful regard us bathe cenVeniencT 'of Size and Timm hak been had In the choice of the type , to produce a book,. which, though t , yprph crr lr a K . cl u elr u m nw id , l i e li s t i b ll c k .z. should not ho amenable to the ebarge In order that no Impediment May to' thrown in the war of the purchase of this Digest, hut that, on the contrary, It may become a Legi Manual In use in every Court. Law-chamber. and Counting house, as well es In the Leglitatlve Milo and PuldleOffires, we have determined to nett Uto Work at SIX DOLLARS per copy; and we flatter ouwelees tied a Law Ronk so cosily in Its preparation has rarely before been offered at so low a price. From the lion. R. R. Taney, Chief Jactlce of the rutted Stitoi.' "It to work of much value and well executed. The heads under which the different Acta of Colleens are arranged, are well chosen and appropriate ; ind what 451111 intim important.the Index. so far Its I have been able to examine tt Ls complete. The kook :has evi dently been prepared with. much Care and . Judgment, and will, I doubt not be very deceptable to the public: From the lion. ItnO'. Oder, one of the Justices of the Supreme Court 6f the rutted States. . . 'The work does honor not nnlv to the lettrnlng and' industry ol the author, but to the publishers for the very handsome manner in which It is executed. Those who prefer tit have the atatutesin n dit grated form will find It n very valunble book." From the lion. Leine F. Redtleld. fihlef"Justlee of Vermont. •'/ etite.m it meet excellent work of the clam:" • RAY ertilflTllßß, Law Booksellers, l'ubllslmrs and Importer* ail.l-m9 19 South PhlLstlelphia. NEW SERIES. LITTELL'S LIVING AGE. , , Publishers' Prospectus. /AN the! 9I of April: ISZe, 'commenced the NEW SEIIIES OF Il l - LITT-ELVIS LIVING AGE. enlarged to Eighty Iles, hand, namely Printetimn Fine roper with Cot Edges, !stat ed wet. ty. , The long 1.,4.3b1i5h1•1i deservedly high repnts.tion w hic h this ty'. has teemed work enjoyed., renders It superilous to refer t‘l4. clalms an .11.1.1 dud , and 'ably conducted compendium of 1 ' • The Best Selected Literatnre of the Tites. Comprising, as it does, the "creme de la errne" of all the, woritire: nowned Reviews and Perimilmis pt E111•11pr, as well a; original arti cles and Otvasimul selections from the hest fugitive literature of our own country. It will he at once :apparent that it powe, ea a character alike unique and unrivalled, suitable for all classes of readers,,the Statesman, Studcntd'hilosopher, Circle. In addition to the Intrinsic quality of Its literary contents, the larftg- MY of reading matter ernbMcellAn a singlyearly volume of this work amounts to I 1.11.11 t. THOUSAND ONE 11("XIMF;1") AND SIXTY-PAGES. the ruhscriptlon price of which Is only SIX DOL LARS PER ANNUM ; thus csmstltutlug It the Best nine Cheapest Periodical in the World This work has r.ssived the untoerml apprnval of the pre,, fag- Inns and secular, end,also the cordial nisprobat ion of many eminunt men of unr yountr3 - ---speh a.s. Chief Justice Stag', Chancellor Kent, W. Ir. Prescott; lion. Geo. Bancroft. ' Gco. 7lekner, - J. Q. Adam*, Iron. fared Sparks, . Rev. Albert Barites. Complete. sent, hanittiontelv tionntt, hacked in neat boxinn and de- Ilrered In ail the tirtneirt e4tlea, free of expense of freitht, are for pale'at Two 110tiari a ,•111nr. Any Volsime nay, be had ...parately, at • TWo Dollars, bound, nr a Pedlar and a half Any number n.ray I— had for 1134 evntatt and it may be vanilla whin, f,,,Sob-rrilvr. nr Pnrcha,r. n. 4,11140 e any Broken Volumes titer mar hare, and tlwo mostly enbwko, eanvu...Nern Wantod STANFORD St. DELISSER, opls'On3Pronsor.r..., \,w York. . . OH YES! 0 YES!! HERE WE COME. ,10Y0 & WEBSTER? llAVin'LNT'Grarrcahra,:etplroepf '0 atrd to 10.deorlInirmohidSjetolli who will furor us with theft custom, nt "lire and let lice" prices. STOT - E AND PIPE„* • \ TIN, COPPER, •" ...IND SHEET IRON WARE of erery - ilesciirion•usiallv found in the country. /so ; 11rINDO 11' SASH, P A N EL - I) 0 0 RS, 117ND0 - I I?LINDS, • . I'INE ',UMBER, and BUIL:DIY G MATEL'lALSgenerally.. Designs for Country buildings, with specifications and estimates of cost, &e., furnished to such as may desire them, at moderate prices. Persons about building in theSounty will find it to theii interest to call on us. Come and see us, we intend always to keepthe latch-suing out. • • Tin shop on Vain strcet,a few rods south of Searle's otel. Carpenter snortneat the Methodist Chula. N. B. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for Goods. Wm. IT. A. L. WEnsTER. 1 Montrose, March 3, 1858.-ly NOTWITHSTANDING, 1.4 H A 4 0 TI E%.," ABET. TtRRELL'S assortment of SELECT GOODS, keeps up, - NO col, - and he is constantly receiving accessions, every few days. Prices as low as the'lowest. Montrose, April 7, 1858: Stationery_and Fancy Goods AT REDUCED PRICES FOR CASTI, AT VIE .111 ~IL~YIP3 MU. 31'62.33, in the rost Office, by A. N. BULLARD. • Montrose, March 31, 11388. . . . GOLD PENS d: HOLDERS.—The best article ev er before offered in this region. Also, the bes of Metallic Pens, by o A. NNULLARD. BOOKS, BOOKS.—Seine at Cost, and some even at 10 per cent. below cost, and other articles in the same proportion. Call Ind be convinced at' the Post Qifice. A. S. BULLARD. Montrose, Mardi 31, IgsB • NOTICE.' - To ALL wrion IT MAY CONCERN. The firm of Sfsorse & Nichols; heretofore engaged in the Tannery Business Li thi4 day , dissolved by mutual consent A new firm has also been eftablished un der the name and style of, Nichols, Emmons, & Co., consisting of the folkia'ing members, to mit : ERA N1C1101.3. . - D. W. EMMONS , ' G. L. MORSE. Derrick, Susq. Co., Pa., J. T.-ALDEN. March 22, IBsB:—tf L. IL ALDEN. CIT TU. BRIT. WHILE the hard times continue, it is good poll ty to economize in the matte?. ofclothing. This can only be tione by •atroniiaing a skillful Tailor,who will make up his wor tti wear much longer than the imported ready-made triph. Give the home Tailor a chance, and keep'th • niottcy circulating here.. Call in at my shop, gentl men, and select your style from the FASHIONS , • . are as reasonable as a Ulan can SPRIN for 1858. My prie live by ; and my wo tion. is warranted to give satisfac- tr - Cutting done ed, and warranted t , done without. Montrose, March on' short notice, carefully . 'mark &if paid for; and'no cutting . - JOHN GROVES. 1858.-3 m for gale at TURRELL'S 5 BOLOS Garden HERE t . EB to the public, at prices that •uit, a large and 'superior assort- LOO ZCOBB off. • cannot fitil to merit of C E IT S,. sown establishment formorlfoe- G. R At the old and wen cupied by 0. M. C SUGAR'S, TEA d; SALT, (by the s deice...usually found • , COFFEE, SPICE, FLOUR' ek or barrclo.l'lSH, and all av• n-first class Groceries. ariners is solicited to a superior GRASS SEEDS, Which the hand and for sale. 1110TUY SEED, & GOOD cry low rates (Or CABII. ' , it, I hope to receive, aiitteral The attention bi qUality of GICAIN undersigned has on CL VER cfr H.E AT, avid ac As I wean to me share of public par Montrose, March page. 13, 1858; 'I UR, VISO, ES, TEA, COFFEE, SUGAR, ,',.for cash. • Can and see before". a, at _ S. S. 11.0TTS. !'); 1 857.. Stow_ Evergreen Sweet, .l ' :'Yellow Flint,, tir - -Early Blown, - I •' ly Dutton, • LARGE WRITE . FLAT 7 &VIP SEED. EARLY TURTLE SOUP B (INS, (SS.4I.PS.) 1 ; • LIMA:BEANS,(PpLE.) . . CIIIIVESE SUGAR CANE SEED. PEAS!, PEA I: Large Marroulat, I Early Emperor, Early May, ' . 1• D mid O'Rouke, and a general asgortment 1 )1' , Garden S'p ells. • • I A, BALDWIN. Jtonirose, April 18, 1858 . --tf ( . •-•• ----'------- ---- Ili THE FIELD I AGAIN. TILE SUBSCRIBER IS AG EX T FOR TILE . . 1 • • Greenleaf Improved ITt ei er Wheel . . , - the greateft imprneernent In that kind of ilnery known. They are wSll.lTanted 1,. d" um. third MO, NI, MU% with the Same head and quantltyof wuter, than tilt 144 'l% her , ovary low water when known to the 'sl.l66nd:inr. Theraremimiribly a/UT/tell to either N Grist Mills or Sat; Mills, Or In fact any plarm you choose to put tlitn. Fur. particulars and' m edicatesii eiliiin ((f LOI:ENZI) VAN(' ', Lawsville Cater:Sim. quelumna County, fa. 1 ~ 1 would also otter my servers In the eonl.truction or repair of tko iflffeient kind:, of I ' a -".. MACHINERY,' ~. helleVing that my en/Vett:ice has been sall).eient to give general rat !erection. • 1 . Feeling diepom , l to eueourage linpmveattnta. I would make the tellokine ,afar: a linho, Ititerr,t,tl in Mills, nay relent the taut est unit tuea running Mill that they can nod, and 1. win html myself by ontrant to itgq•rt, lustmd of the kind row in the Mill, a . !GRE I ENLEAF WHEEL, uLldt will ntake one Iltlol Isetter,per rentas.e than t h e hose Flutter Wheel, or 33) . Other of th.. ditterrpt 31welcA ofrnAtlon wheels; tWency per cent- netter titan the Centre Vel.t, and wn.hi* twenty per cent or well as the ()et mbot. In any place. In cote. on a fair trial. I cannot fnln.! am or all of the above, I, will forfeit the whole Job and levyall t 6.1 tholeheel. Let u.. hear front them In favor of improver 4a.. ' (ople,-cd nur ( 1 11,1113 r, ran 1, pr.eured nr the .41thscrtlyer, or at the " Independent 11,1104w:2n" ()Ince.. DeGrath's. Electric Oil,—The great rtmedy for Rheumatism,Neuralgia, LanienesS, Stiff Joint., Pains, &c. Alw, nearly all of tile , kadini Patent MedieirMs in market, embracing a remedy for every disease to• which flesh is subject. For sale by ABEL •TURRELL. Domestic Instrument or Self Syringe, A DAPTED to the different varieties of this ikind 11 of instrument. It is admitted tO be the best in Alsol great variety of ether instruments, for various purroses, usually, kept by Druggists, not necessary to enumerate. For sale at the, Drug Store of ABEL TURItELL. Grass Seeds ! Grass Seeds ! CLO,VER SEED of the LARGE KIND, and TIMOTHY SEED, a new lot, just received nod for sale by FRESH BUTTER ia great dentinal; in New Tork ! Fetch it on. Poultry-too!!! . We advance money 011 these articles. mr- We have just sold Turkeys at 13 co: per pound. We invite .all persons intereste4 to call, compare notes, or try the line. ,We report progresgrfor 1555. "-HENRY MeRINNEY, VAS SICE,LF: t YOUNG, (Ireat Bend , Feb. 7, 1t.58.-yuitn:l2'sB 11-11,310 VAL. T UE SADDLE AND HARNESS Sion OF G. F. FORD HAM, • is removed to the tmihiing recently occupied by C. C. Hollister, On Main Street, one door above S. S. Slott's, and where he will be happy to wait on all who may favor him with their patronage. Montrose - Jan. 6, Thrilling incident. TBE Fothsetilter having agaitiresumed the TAI LOIttNI:: BUSlNP.S.S.prrnianenily (Wills health will permit) will'spare no reasonable effort to please all who Mar ece fit to employ him. Shop in the Brick Block over Bentley and Read's Store. llontotise, ° -Jame 1557.—tf . P. LISPS. BOYD a TVE-lISTEIL IN TIMES. BRUSRFSr TIN, COPPER. ; AND SILVER "FOIL, GLASS SLABS A 21711 HULLERS; L1771091:4 I' Hs, dc. , at the Store of ABEL TERRELL. To. Singers and Choristers: JUST the Nicest Thing Out," is the new Eo/ian Pitph§ .tipe, giving The . sounds , on Letters A and C. Ron, tuning knstruments they "Can't be beat," as arb sound may be prolonged to any desira. ble length: Made of the best German Silver,,nnd warranted perfect." Fent to any part of the Coun ty, postpaid, on teceiptof o,on,by A. 11. SMITH. Montrose, Pa., June 24, 1 Ss7.—tf. NOTICE is hereby given, that. thefirm of Hawley iz:Guild is this day dissolved by mutual consent. C. P. HAWLEY, " Gibsor.,'Aug. IT, 1857. E. E. GUILD. The books and accounts can be round at the store formerly occupied by the subscribers. All _persons having unsettled accounts are requested to settle the same as soon as possible. The business will, be conducted in the future by the sublcribers, under the firm of::V. P, &- 0. M. Ilawley, who are constantly receiving from New York and Philadelphia the latest styles of ' Clothing, dm., all - Of which will be sold itta yery small profit, for ready pay. C. P:rIIA . Gibson, Sept. 2, l 857. 0. M. HAWLEY. • STOVES, STOVES, ' • UR stoves have been so thoronghly trikd, to the entire satisfaction ' , AA, that they need no rec• onnnend trout us. S. H. SAYRE & BROTREAS. Montrose, May 27, 1857. - NEW , MILLINERY, Dress-Making Establishment. LADIES RAPE YOU IIEARI) THE NEWS. 3,l7.Ti!littrsi..aar,7'3;ancorrltwre,Tntetillitls lage.of Brooklyn, and has just' returned from New. York with a large and fashionable stock of goods, consisting of Ladies and Misses Straw Hata of every style anevariety, also Crape and Silk Hats constant. ly on hand of every hue and color, together with a splendid assortment of Fancy Goods, such as gmbrol. deries, Hair Braids, Hosiery, Caps, Head-Dresses, Lace Good; &c., Lc., all of which she. oars at the lowest prices. • , 13)" Particular attention paid to Bleaching...al Always at Home. Brooklyn,..May a,l M.-17tf Z. COBB gm 3 BOXES GSR6EFSE:EDS, lust omied . , and for sale, by - 7 -J. CroNs & SON, Montrose, March. 244858.- Flour & Seed Store. FLOUR, I'ORli, A4VD lIA3 S, BARREL SALT, . , PACKING DAIRY 54141: • TABLE BALT, • • • TIMOTHY SEED,. • CLOVER SEED, LAiR6r.A,'" CLOVER SEED, MEDIUM, CANADA, CLUB, and TEA SEED • SEED OAT'S. ORCHARD GRASS SEED. SLED CO*lll. Lawbville CcniTe, .5t1,41. r raj :111nrch,R1.11.:1,4.-3n) C :Wilford, April 7, 1858 Old rorwarding Line!! ARTISTS MATERIALS. Montro s ie, Jari.T, 1 85S DISSOLUTION. Fall and Whiter Dry Goods, CorillVM HEREBY • BEL TIMIILit AS just returned• from New-York, with a large 11. and choice variety of GOODS, bought for Cash, and selected with much care, fromover thirty of the best Rouses in New-York, which he offers to his cult toniers and the 'public, at IoW prices, or Cash. in, stock comprises; DRUGS, • EDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, DYE STUFFS, CROCKERY„ GROCERIES, MIRRORS, GLASS WAR; . CLOCKS, • WALL PAPER, • • WINDOW PAPER, . WINDOW - OIL FANCY GOODS, • SHADES, MUSICAL IN JEWELRY, PERFUMERY, • DRY: GOODS, WOODEN WARE, , YARD WARE, BROOMS, STONE WARE,. •. BRUSHES, - JAPANNED WARE, - BIRD CAGES. WHIPS, CANARY SEED. UMDRELys, POCKET KNIVES, GUNS, ' . PISTOLS I " AMMUNITION, ' ' TURPENTINE. CA3IPHENE, - . . , BURNING , ALCOHOL, . • . FLUID, LIQUORS; ' • . (For Medicinal Purposes, only.) • TRUSSES, - SUPPORTERS. SHOULDER BRACES, PORT MONIAES, SPECTACLES, • SILVER & PLATED SPOONS, FORKS, &c., . GOLD PENS, , STATIONERY, VIOLIN STRINGS, BOWS, Sc , And all of the most pop War, PATENT NR6ICINES. Thankful forth° liberal pationage hitherto receiv ed, he hopes to merit a continuance and large crease of the. same. ABEL.TURRELL. Mont ,, ase, Dee. 2.1857. Lorenzo Vance. P I COr b ;Slab. - TRE undersigned are now manufacturing and have on hand all kinds of Carriage and:Slgigh Stuff, ,such as Felice*, Bows, . }filter-Runnees, naves, Fendcra, ((e,, de., for sale,A - lots to suit pur chasers, very low for cash. ./ Also, all kinds of work steamed and hen t, to order. CROOK &JOHNSTON. \ • Great Rend, Pa.,,3farch 3,1858.—1 y e BiJ R R T is jaii receiving n large L. stock of , NEW STOVES, including a full assortment of ELEVATED OVEN LARGE O.VEN, - II: BURRITT AND FLAT-TOP PREMIUM COOK . STOVRS, FQR . WOOD or COAL, WITH A SUPFRIOR VARIETY OF • Parlor, Offico and Shop Stoy es, for WOOD or COAL Stove Pipe, Zinc, Sheet IroeStove Tubes, &c., &c. RIS ASSORTMENT will INCTATE the MOST SELECT and DESIRABLE STOLE in mar - et, an; will be sold on the most favorable ie?ms, Sze., to which he would invite the par ticular attention of CAS II BUYERS. • YEW MILFOTD, October, 1857. T A , fIE „,„....vibcr respectfully Infoim the public that having 1 bought the. Interest of c: P. Ethi-nrdu in the Whgon.btoiner., St Ilurroves' Hollow, Gibson,*Pa., Is now prep died to sin all-kinds of work In that line, and also that he has on hand a handsome lot of - Sleighs, plain and welled body Cutters, WAGONS,, thst he otters for onle rem low for prompt pay. All kdnds of work warranted. Moat laats oteugorn work done In Illacksmith Shop. And as he is frequentlYssalled upon to make COFFINS, and haring much respect for the deal as.weli as for the Ilring, has been at the expense of rating Ups • SPLENDID HEARSE, sod Is now prepared to meet.all orders on shoitnotlee Gmcks. Doe . 1, IS 7 -in3lim3l - LOOK HERE: stibscriber has been receiving during the pas 1 three weeks a fine lot of & SUMMER 010033 making, with former stock, an assortnietit with which there is no comparison in this Vicinity ; and that they aro being sold in manner satisfactory to' customers is manifest from the fact, that notwithstanding ill efforts at • competition, the rush and ' . sales thus far have been • ' . unprecedented. . Ire mean with frequent additions, to keepkhe as sortment good and ready or prompt pay , ing customers can rest .assured that the old store is not to be outdone. In addition to the late va _ riety kept for. years, we now hare a good assortment of READY-ALOE CLOTHING', BOOTS ct SHOES, . • . . in all varieties. Please give us a call. • Gibson, May 27, 857. " S. S. INGALLS. PE ASEITON SALT, LIT the Sack or Load, for sale by P. B. CII.NDLER. - Montrose, March .17, 1858. POCKET KNIVER.—The nicest lot in town,— Warranted perfect every time, by /FIRE subscribers are now bUrning and will keep constantly on hand; Lime of a very superior quality, at Montrose Dew, and will sell it in any quantities at a fair price. Pkrsons wishing a large 'quantity can be supplied t::2on a reasonable notice. Superior ground, Plaster will be kept constantly on hand hereafter. , • I. L. POST,, H. DRINKER. JEssilr. Montrose Depot, April B. L. SEARLE. CISIMET NIANUFACI4IIt. acj NaLo., • MA lIF ACTH 11HR and flealerin all kinds oi l'arnitnre v -is now prepared to 'flll all orders or Bedsteads of all kinds at wholesale or retail. on short notice.. Retail pribes range from $2 upirst is , accordinglo 410 also keeps ori hand Ready-made Collins.; ; and as he has an 'elegant Hearse, he is prepared to attend funerals on. short notice. Nevi Milford, Dec. y , 1856.-49y1 ScFARMERS A7I I EIEIIII' HE undersigned 'would respectfully announce to T the Pentium and all others interested; that we have associated ourselves together under the firm of • • MOTT dr. TILDEN, at the old stand of U. & E. Mott, where we are pre; pared to furnish PLOWS of the most approved.pat. ferns now in use,, such as Blatehiey's, Motes Iron Av. Also Points of all kinds, Landsides, Cultivator teeth, and all kinds of castings for Farm; ers and others, all of which we propose to sell as low as can be afforded by any eitablisbment In this coun try. ELIJAII MOTT. . G. A. TILDEN. We are also agents for Emery's Horse Powers, Din and Circular i Saws for wood,- also Dog Churn Powers, which we can furnish on short notice. Montrose. 4;1.1, 1857.—tf . • NOTICE. • PRSONfA. deAirons of paying me monoy,on debts of any dekription, can .do so by leaving their, payments with Poet, Cooper & Cm; ain&Ctli t WO" rose, to n credit, whose - receipts will be allowed from their diite. ' ' O. L. :WARD. April 8, IESG;-tj NEW STOVES. 13 Li A 'l C K S I 11,11 A N't ' JACOB tUTCHER. ALSO, DAIRY SALT. A. N, BULLARD LIME AND PLASTER. The Independent RePtiblican. 1_ runusnap EVERT TWURED 4 AT KORNING, AT RONTROgi, PA., ATV-00 PER APNLIM, IM AISVANCE. Rates olc Advertising. k , One square (10 lines or less)one week, , , 3 „ _gu t Qne square ' ' ": : two weeks, • 0,15 One square , , " 4 , three weeke,...,' —1,0) One square , "; ' one month; ' 1,25 One square, " f •• tWo months ,. 2,20 One square .. .. three months, 3,05 One square 4i • s i x months, 5,00 One square one year, 8,00 Two squares one year, • 15,00 Three squares one year, .. 20,0 Five squares one year, , 25,00 One column one yea‘, ' . 40,00 Yearly advertisers will hive the privilege of alter. ring or ehangink their advertisements without ad ditional.charge. , • _ • _ Business cards, not exeecdingive lines, inverted at V 3,00 per annum., . , Job Work. This MEM) is •supplied with a good assortment' of Jobbing materials, and all kinds of Job 'Work, sneb as Cards Posteri, rimphletooke., will be done neat. ry and p;olirotiv BUSrNF,SS CARDS. Wm. W. Smlth & CO., • (..%uutirr ANT) cum: MAICITTAC. Ewers. r Keep constantly on hand all kinds short iittlee. Shop a c e f fl C irare L." Ve rum" .6.". or filng"e4 at totes foot of Mato Street. . • Mouteorge, Pa. "May to, 1F.18.-tf Hayden - Brothers, LI J C . I!,..SnE c.. II v EA w LEIZr" . I S !!. , NIC C I , LE Wildebeit, or Merchants and Pedltr* muppiled at, N o e; yorkdobblng Mae. New Milford, May, iatkil-ik a Boyd & Webster, • TVEALERS In Stoves, Store Pipe; Tin, Copper, and Sheet Ti., BY Ware: also, Window Sash, Panel Doors. Window Blinds, Lab, line Lumber, antral, kinds of Building Materials. Tin Shop Mouth of Searle's Hotel., and Carpenter Shop near Mothodtst. Church, Ilosrusr. Ps_ April IS, 1.4i.:5.-tt • Dr.,E; F. I ItaDEATE of the Allopathic and ilomeopathlc Corleitta hi now permanently located In Great Bend, Pa. Ut flee, corner of Maine and Elizabeth ht., nearly opposite the 1f...E. Church. May let, 1.557.-1 y DeNH• Smith & Son,. SURGEON DENTISTS, ~„- • It(zldente and office, oppdalte the ( 1118.,•.,„, [lambs church, (North idde„) In "...gm - ar flee :it Ole Franklin Hotel. Rome N 0.2. Inaertiog teeth on Gold or dllver plate done In the highest style or the Art. All lobs warranted, Mosraosr.. April i, t&i4.-tod J. D. Vail. M.D.", • PRTSICIAII AND SURGEON, has Permanent- I r'fodder! Mame! at Brocknervllle. Susquehanna county. Pa., and.still promptly attend to all =lfs with which he may he favorect..lBl-41 - IL Thayer, PIIiCSICIAN AND fitItGEON, Itowntoss, Omce the ' Fanner e store. « v?a. A. ATTORNEY & COLNULLOR. AT LAW. Office °ter. jA: West's Drag Store, SriNCIIIANNA Dr.roT,P4.-11y1 Xeeler & Stoddard. ' lAEALBILS IN BOOTS & STIQE.s. Leather andFindlrp, :dalne 6t.. ISM door below Stack's Rotel, Montrose. N.-rtal GEOELIE EXCLItIt William H. Jessup, A TTORNRY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC:: 011Sev on Pub Ilgtiqu'arv, MuyriciAr., Pa. Bentley &. Fitch, A TTORNEYS AT LAW. AND BOUNTY LAND AGENTS-2 .111. Oftfce west of the Court Muse. 1.19.0tra , e, Pa.. . , m. R. BENTLLT., , L. T. MCI!. . . 4 _________ ________.‘..... Albert Cham(erlin. ./ . A TTORNEN AT LAW. AND JUSTICE OP ITIE PEACE.— /X Offlev over I. L. re 44 A Co.'t , store, MONIT..mr, Pa. . • . ... Wm.ll. jessup., • A TTORNET AT LAW AND CONINIInnIONF.R OF DEEDS s. for the ktate of Nov York„ will attend to al buldnen entruste. to rdm with pont:intr..* and Ildellty. OM= on Palk; Square, own pled_by Hon. William .lenrup. . . Abel Tunell, iIhEALF.R IN DILITOS. NIEbIetNES. „rair.A\ DE Olk, Dry Ilarduure, Stontarue-1 tila.slwarv. ( . 106C:4, ry, Fil r Spoon,. Spectacles. 31 g• Instrumentp.'rru.iles, Surgical InAgurnent!!„ Llquhrg, l'crfum, gry. Nlirrnrs, brushe, Shocrt, Yaukee Notluns..tc, F. B. Chandler, rtEALER tNI RY liirODS., Ready Groerrics If Book, and Static , Lary. etc:, rublis s ds,:sieel-I.tos:rsoms, Pa. • _ . • • , Post Brothers, r t E.u.rms IN 1 , 111 . YMOI)S. Gmeerie, Trod:err. Ilanilrize, .L.P. Leather. Flour, dtr, corner of Tumplke'mreut an Public tiro- nue, MONTY.O.IE, l'a. ' . J. Lyons & Son., ... I) EALERS IN LIII.I'I3OOID.S. Groceries, Huh:ware, ('rockery, mhke, earrl: on the Lout limpuiti Intilnen Asehue, Morrhotr.,Ta, • J. I.TtoX-P, N Bentley, Read & Co., D EALERS DftY GOODS, Drugs. 3teLllclues. Taints, 0164 GrobtrieS,..lLirdarare, Crockery, Iron, Clocku - Walches, Jew. elry. Silver Spootts, Piniurcery. &c. Brick Block, Ito:creme. o. v. BEN' C r. P, W. nitre. • - Wiili I 1 & William H. 4 - map, TTORICETB ATI LA'& Mosvense, Pa. Practice In .Su.sgets il 4 „tiauna, Bradford; Iyayne, Wyoming:and, Luseme counties. • Ropkwell & Winton.' I Rg.}f:l7 " Ir` , s . 1 1 ; 2 74: e U 410 f Ante. rtl strec . t,'N Eve You:, (up stairs.) s. D. lIOCICW.L. W V. WcYros. A• Baldwin, seed. On. Timoth the Corner enot ot. ' I , «iiprokhers' 'Store, xkotrrnosz. y apll;ce,tf - I Z. Cobb,.• X/EA LER IS GRPCF.ItIES.I . Ve.. at the store recently occupied . by Crane S Ti.o'gers., Montrose, Pa. ' Mo.Fruossz. Nur. V., 185,..-tf ACROSTIC. m y FAIEI, -- ps, low ' TWO APSOBS AND 818 • 0 I) t - m L . ',eetro COLOGNZ, 11 , 011 By= TUB , ALA , R AZORS AND SIti•AVI. Nana RICU ANDrns Poo R EFERENC:r.—Msnaor" rn.er N - E'rn TOLD A rs -LP" I NDyLGENT, GO4-LIVICISB, I E S 11.12.1IPO&int, -I tiressoti, aun AM AT U Elas Ake Shop lito. 3. rasemeiit of Searle's flout, on Turnpike Street. Mosrnost, Jon. '21,1937.4d PATENT MEDICINES: MONO the great variety of Medicines at Turreira Store, maybe . found all of I*. Jaynes Justly celebrated Family medicine?; yred Cherry PeetOral and I.'7attairtro IlaEsers Pereat Wine and Foreat Nils ; Tintiand celebrated German hitters; Lnuden's sr elm of Family tnedleines t Merchant's Gargling 011, the greatest twe edy for sprain In man or beantevet known ; Mathessno's Remedy. and liorwritemedy; (Were Verrolfuge, end a variety et other Ithris ; Tntskl, Jlatmetlc Ointment, the great remedy for burn,. rheumatism. and aj n intammatory complaints; Poi:WS — Extract: a nd E mte thing for al Ilar pump-Nes as the alone Ointment ; mimes Pain Deatroying at wt a good :atlas; Woodcock's Dalsam and Pons Liniment r Atwoodlt JatontlatltitAnt Canker Dram. Liniment, and Mesentery Etrops Otaker's Conapnuntl for Drsen4ry; IlopOteti. for Dripepala iltimbohl's Extract of [luau and Extract of •Sarsaparilla.; a variety oftFarven the bet i n m ar k e t , pub., an kimost endless variety of Patent. Medicines, altogether too !twin one to etrumerate- , t artifice It to :ay. that the public will End near ly every thing In thin hoo t at the Drpgand Fancy Store of Montrone Jnly. . , AEEL TURRELL. • tankiiig House OF POST COOPER & CO: . HENRY DRV RER, •. • 1/ . 0 4. 77 . 405E, WM. lIIINTTINWCOOPER. November 12, 1855 . ISAAC L t .. POST. ' ' - - DRAFTS On'New York City / and Philadelphia;---(Z Collections promptly made and remitted. Office hours from.) 0 A. M. to 3. . Messrs. Allen 4: . Paxton, N. York. 1. REFERENCE, Samuel C. Horton, Esq., Phil's. - Hon. William Jessup, Montrose. Manufacturer's Insurance. Company•i ' CHARTER PERPETGAL - .1- • 'Granted by the State of Pennsylvania. CAPITAL, $500,000. FIRE, MARINE, & INLAND TRANSPORTATION. r - rOIS Company was organized with'a Cash Capital, 1 and tho Directors have determined to adapt the business to its available resources—to observe pru-. deuce in conducting its afiltirs, with a prompt adjust ment of losses. A.S. Lrrrtscotiv, Pre,s't. AVx. A. Enont.s . Vice Pres't. Atrazn:WEEks, Secretary... Drtacroas.—Aaron S. Lippincott, Wmil. Thom as, Charles Wise, J. Rinaldo Sank, Wm. Rhodes William' cal, Alfred Weeks, John Simons Charles J. Field. James P. Smyth.. • _OFFICE, No. 141 - Merchants' Exchange, Phil. A. N. BULLARD, Agent. Montrose, Pa., May 13, 85'10.4 _ aIiOCERIES. A complete :assortment at - .:• C. &0. M. lIAWI,FrS 11-4 r CI I 11-4 N Having secured the right of using -Goddrull's Pa , eat for raising 'and lowering' carriage tops, i 4 prepared to furnish untl.put.thent oti atvl.hesshurtett notice. Montrose, May G, 1'857: Whig's Celebrated Farina Crackers, TuE best thing of the kind ever . made. Ti; he of • J. LYONS .S.• SOS, MoOtrese;- Neu:li . • C. N. TTODE!MID", =I