- • • • • - ' ^walks Noe York Pkapute.. . TBB Dinactrat ERECTED BY- 7 IBM . , _ tr ro " s l a w from the, Vulgate of IL Gooakj ~ . ow a. PO? t. Behold the Matisiori mired by andel Jack.l Hee the malt stored In many a plethorif sack, In thi proud cirque of lon's.bivouac. • • „. , .. Nark the rat ' s feloniOus fangs h i v a d e The golden stores in John's pavilion laid. . : - ' Anon *ids velvet-foot awl Tertian 'strides, . Rohde Grimalkin to his quarry glides,• • Grimalkin grim, that slew the fierce sssisset, • Whisteltooth insidious Johann's sackcloth rent! Lo I- infir - the deep•mouthed canine toe's misault, That vexed the avenger of , the stolen malt, . • Stored in the billowed precincts of that hall . That rose complete at Jack's creative cull. ' Ifeecontßo the impetuous Cow with crumpled horn, Whereon.thi - exacerbating hound was torn, Who bayed the telbsislaughtee.beast, that slew The rat predacion‘whase keen fangs ran s through The textile fibre* that involved the grain That leY,ln lianiinviolate domain • . Here iiinto the forlorn damsel, crowned with rue, Lactiferoits - ipolla from vaccine dugs who drew, Of that corniculato beast whose tortuous horn Tossed to the clouds, in fierce vindictive scorn, The baying bound, whose braggart bark end stir Arthed,the spine and , reared .the indignant fur . OrPuoi, that with ierminicidal claw - . Struck 'the'weird rat, in whose Insatiate maw • ' Lay'reeking Malt that erst in Juan's courts we saw. Robed in, senescent garb, that seems in Booth .-. Toolong a prey to Chrtmos' iron-tooth, Behold the man whose amorous lips incline, fell with young Eros' occulativa sign, To the tom maiden whose lact•albie hands, . ' Drew slim-lactic milk from lacteal glands = Of that immortal bovine; by whose hero Distort to realms ethereal was borno,. • The beast catulean, reser of that sly . - • Mystics quadrupedal, who made Alie The old mordacious rat , that dared devour Antecedaneous Ale in John's dotfiestic bower. ' ' Lo here, with hirsute honors doffed; succinct Of sapeuaccons, locks, the Priest who linked = In Hymen's golden bands the man unthrift Whose means exiguous stared from many a rift, Even as he kissed the virgin all forlorn, Who milked the cow with implicated horn, Who in fierce wr ath the canine torturer skied, That dated to ex the insidious rituricide N Who let aurora 'effluence through the pe l t Of that sly rat t at robbed the palace Jack bad built. The - loud cantat+erous Shanghai tomes at last, Whose shouts artused the shornoceletast, • - Who sealed the vows of Hymen's sacrament. ''Pstlim who, robed in garments indigent, , Escot.stlart the damsel lachrymose, ' , The ensulgator of the horned brute morose, That tossed the dog, that worried the cat, that kilt Theist that ate the malt that lay in the house that Jack built. - • - NE - TICE WHITEWASH Tarss. , --•The ore ist ;shorta7erE -S-fitet4-ike a . flint again 'all against 'a sorts of composition that leaves a coating up on the bark, no matter whit 'they are nor Whiit is claimed for them by --tharlatans ur etp p ides. The at 'aviculturist of Boston Com mon-made a sail mistake in coating those trees with;some sort of composition, of the consistent of paint. The c t bjeetion to this i treatment IS, tltat it interferes with the lime tionwof the epidermis. - But, sty the users of these compositions, they arc necessary for; the destruction of insects. As well might they advocate the whitewashing of men, pro men and - Children, when infested with insects . of the genus Pediculus, in Order to get rid of- them, as the painting or whitewashing of • fruit or ornamental trees to rid them of ap. - habitants of their bark or (inter corer- The tree grows and seems to flourish, - Notwithstanding this tnistaken treatinent, not . , because',of it--it is no more evidence in favor ' of it. than the fact that some person;,. who seldom or, never bathe, yet enjoy good health, is against bathing and • surf)ice cleanliness in general: 'There is no danger of keeping trait trees too clean. and this can be -done with pure soft water,,Or if a little soap be mixed . with it, may'eauie no harm. Aloud and the safest waSli for trees iS pure cold: water., The (tie or plant. is enveloped with an epi t dermis like an animal; and for any one to say that .thiS - has r.o function to' per fortn- bevond 'that of covering. the organism . .animated with life, as the entolope does the letter, is to publish his ig,norance of vegetable physiology. The condition of the covering of -ihe•enitnal is deemed somewhat essential : to . - the state or condition of the animal----so' of ' „the - tree, its bark 'or covering is indicative of the health; or vigor of the tree,or of its oppo. sito ; condition. Any 'one. at all, acquainted with' fruit trees, Whether from •a ,knowledge tongonhivation or of 'observation, is pre-, pared to judge of the condition of an orchard, -.or garden of fruit or other trees, by lOoking at the condition of the bark.—Voile England . . Farsiter. • 'Fit= hisses) or Mstacucx,.---There is no doubt but that, the use of good fruit is highly Conducive -to health, and indeed almost indict petisable to it Much of the sickness , iu the western country is occasioned -by the want of it. -It is the scarcity of gocid fruit that creates such a demand for physic in our west ern country. The various fevers and bilious disorders prevalent in the sgmmer season are more owing to the want o good fruit than any other cause. 'And not until fruit is gen- I erally cultivated and used at an article of diet shall we be rid of these dismders, which are sapping the life fountains of:thousands of our farmers annually. And if fruit were admin istered, instead of the physician's prescrip tion, we have no doubt it would be far better for the patient. Nature in this, as in all Other respects, has bountifully supplied us with varieties, which, if properly cared for, will enable us to enjoy succession throughout the, year. But fruit is not only a necessary of life—it is one of its greatest luxuries. Whatis more enticing ' to the palate -that luscious fruit' And as an article of diet, nothing equals it. It is easily raised, costs but little, ..promotim'health and is loved by every one.' Most people content themselves by &titivating but two or three varieties, This should not be 7 so. Fruit is more needed tbroughotit the summer season than almost any other part of the year. And the Varieties which ripen at this time are less cultivated. The farmer cannot take a step whirl will add more - to his own joys, and those of his own family, than by, having such asueeession as will furnish him with fruit the entire year.—Spirit of the Times. Pmse.—Pepper is en almost universal condiment. Black pepper irritates and in flames the coatings of tbe stomach, red pee per doles not; it excites, but does not irri . tate, and consequently it shoull be used in -stead of black pepper. 11 Was kfown to the Romans,-and has been in use in the East In dies-from time immemorial, as it corrects the flatulence which attends the large use of vegetable food. Persons in health do not need any pepper in thar food.. But to those of Weak and languid Btomachs, it is manifold more healthful. to use cayenne pepper .at meals 'than any form of wine, brandy, or beer that can be nanied e tiecaixse it - stimulates --Without the reaction of sleepiness or debility. boars Journal of Health. • NOTICE. PSLIC notice is hereby given that S.A. WOOD RUFF is :web* a nee lot of &ores and Wires of ail kinds usually kept in the Stove and that Tinware line of buidneas,among which may be found Uff" L e dical statistics p rove CM. -tvbetter assortment of Sieves, heavier , &Mr, and sumption, where prevalent, originates as oft- mom , dinibk,thin ever w as w o w in t id o count y. en in the suinmer min the winter, and the iAn d ie lwoof y o u n ee d will wood to call and war best autimrities declare 4tat it is more onto-' ine for yourselves. All stoves warranted in every oton in lint than ni . cold iliinate4s. There is 1 1 7 k t.Pee t - tan - 4e a t a ttaire assettaatat aware consumption in the TrdP*l Indit%,both 1 c frar I ells WARZ au nade oat at the' heat sinceigs, East and West, than in the almogt" Arctic which is offend for sale as Ott van tic, boo& sa . Cambs. -The number of the Britieti troopst o as mar k et , Al m on h oo k f oN A ri pe a r a n gip t ' T aitnched with this disease in Jamaica: is an- es.. *—as -and acing tats Chide rump, al! wises mildly twelve in one thousand, while in. Can,. • e. said rosteldraeldeg,sncidubdaeraied son it ,is tally about sir. ,- The Enilish GOV: Irse ilastftdatliklii itiOrVittike Mtd in VA C ill e r ' letraleW , J"° accordinglY resolved upon send - .4.11 geode in the line . Will' be OM ebesitfor lash or ins 'their Aiinsuiriiitive so ld iers to the cold in lanoressti)tredit. B. JO WQMSIFF. 1 reference to .the, warm climate. - ,Noutrose) NV J. 1857 . . , - OF . 0011DRZIE crol A LL who wish to ..bar. Books and Stationery Z. cheap, will tali at the - .310.4N T.ROSB BOOK STORE, - , _ _ , in the Poet Office, where theyean get good . ardcles at a fair price. , . -, Just Reeelved.---A new iot 0:School Books, Tower's and Webb's Salmi ctf Readers, Wayland's Elements of Moral Science, eight different - sizes of Webster's standaß Diction:Wes, at reduced picot. Also.--Dr. Race's Arctic Explomtions, Recol Leedom' ofA.Life Time, by . S. G. Goodrich, dm i A. N. BULLARD.. Montrose, Pa.; May 13. 1857. -.. Tithe, -` Pop Goefi the , Hullo, Stranger , stop a minute— ' Here's a Store, just drop In it And view, with wonderful surprise • The Books and Toys that meet your eyes— At Ilcu.astes.. I have Books and Paper, fug the best, , That you can find, East or West ; If any of toy friends should doubt it, Call in, I, will ease your mind about if— At Bettaan's. Flue Books, Pens and Paper too: AU kinds of Children's Books, and new ; In short, here - everything you'll find In the Book and Stationery line— • At Bcustn's. So come along, come one, come all, Come rich and poor, come great and, small, And I will sell you Books so cheap, . I know I shall your custom keep, At BULLARD'S. Montrose, May, 11351. MONOPOLY MONOPOLY I lIIS is the great principle among. our selfish, L. small merchants. In proof of. this look at the late Act passed at Harris burg , prohibiting hawking and peddling in Susquehanna County; an Act pas sed to gratify some of the Merchants who have ex pleased a desire " lo stop some . lorge wagons." GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM 84; CO. -8 A Y DOWN WIT DIMPLY! Their large wagon will run more regularly than ever before,-until their license fur peddling expires. In order to accommodate the community and be able to battle Monopoly succetsfully, they have made ar rangements to get licw Coeds weekly from New York; and they will bell the same from 15 to 20 per cent cheaper, titan. any other, establishment in Sus. quebanna County. We have tiow received our • NEW SUMMER GOODS! The largest, cheapest and best selected stock ever offered in this market. It is, not necessary to enu merate the articles which our assortment comprises it is sufficient to say that we have a general stock of the latest and nose fashionable goods in the market and we fail to suit the public, as well in taste as in prices. A few words more to our fellow-citi zens, and particularly to thcts.e who feel themselves independent and not obliged to purchase at some par ticular store. We know that it will be for your inte rt to examine and price our goods before purchas ing elsewhere; that is a bate inotto that "t 'penny saved is better than' two earned." We are deter mined to spare no pains to give general satisfaction, and we shall always be ready and hippy to exhibit our assortment to those who will favor us with s'eAll. GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM Co. Montrose, May 21th, 1857. . - LOOK AND READ! Eir NEM I i • TIE undersigned, 31erchant, at Blalock Four :Corners, has lately discovered that for ready pay, he-can yell more goods and make more money, at one half the usual profit put upon country goods, consequently I can sell goods from fire to ten per cent lower than other estatdishtuents in this section. But do not take my word fur it, call and see for your selves. Bring a little cash, or some kind of country produce, and buy•your goods at a price unparalleled in the history of mercantile trade. My stock islarge and well selected, and.' am receiving new addition* every week. My terms of sale are ready pay. It will certainly be for your interest to call and see me before purchasing elsewhere. . Flour and salt kept constantly on hand. WM. 11. TIIATER. Dimoch, Jan. 14, 1857.-2yl Post Brothers are npvr receiving their Ctock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, and invite their friends to call and examine. • Large Stock of ' Diem Goods.—Stella Shawls, Bonnet., Flowers and Gibbons, Silks, in varier-' ty, Gents. Cloths, Cassimeres and Vertings, Gent . fine assortment of Fashionable Clothing, Parsols, White Goods, Lam., Edgings, FlonneingN Collars and Sleeves, and Trimmings. Our Dry Goods de. pertinent is, we think, well chosen in quality 8 styles. Grocerles.-1 good stock. Also, loon, Nails, and Hardware. " Croekery.t large stock. Mats ac Caps, Boots and Shees, Oil and Hemp Carpet. Large assortment of Wall Paper. Montrose, May New Era in Montrose: THE WAR IN KANSAS CONTINUES! ET those who attempted to get up a fight in B .Montrose.against "second rate goods and high prices," with the fag-ends of three or four old stocks have fizzled ; and SOAP HA?iIIIFACTORY. Keeler and Stoddord, whose BOOT AND SHOE STORE is located on Main I IIIF. subscriber keeps constantly on hand for sale street,South of Searle's Hotel,--with th e largest and I- at his 4 . sStablishtnent in Montrose,the b e st goal best assortment of Goods`ever brought into this mar:: ty of SOFT SOAP, manufactured from the lye of ket, bought at: the I wood ashes and grease, in the old fashioned way,and LOWEST,FIGURE, not by any patent process. an d a lio, they will sell a &die above eost,are de . 1 For 'those that furnish the grcese,he manufactures termined to give "the old codger" a hard the soap for $1,50 a bask! Warranted in all cases We do not intend .to be undersold by any other 1 to be a good article,or the Soap may be returned and establishment in Town. We have onlYto say, Come the money refunded. and See, for "seeing is believing." We do not de sire to ppft our goods, preferring to "let our-works praise us ;” but we may be permitted to say, for the information of purchasers,that we bare just received ENTE.NSIVE STOCK. f Superior quality and style, comprising all kinds of Gentlemen's, Ladies', and Children's wear. Also a genend assortment of Findings, and Leather at all kinds. - Work made to order, and repairing done neatly. KEELER & STODDARD. Montrose, June 11. 1858. NEW MILLINERY, -AND -- Dress-Making Establishment. LADIES HAVE YOU HEARD THE /CETI'S. Yr, 'l DS. DAMS, forme:ly of New York, has opened a Millinery and Fancy Store, in the vil lage of Brooklyn, and 'bail just returned from New York with a large and fashionable stock of goods, consisting of Ladies and Misses Straw Hats of every style and variety, also Crape and Silk Hats constant ly on band of every hue and color, together with a liplendid assortment of Fancy Goods, such as Embroi denim, Bair Braids, 'Hosiery. Caps. Ilead-bresses, Lace Goods, Lc., &c., all of which she offers at, the loWest prices. ' Particular attention pzeol to Bleaching.jlll Alirays at Home. Brooklyn, Nay 6, 1847.-I"itt New Forwarding Line. MeKINNEY, VII SICKLE .& YOUNG, QUIP every day throughout. the SCUM, by the 10 New York k Erie Bail Road. Butter and other Country. produi•C sold at the high est market rates. at reasonable cotinnissicma. The proceeds will be paid is Current money at the old stand. A new stock of good jUst received. -HENRY IicKINNET. Great Bend, June 3, 1837.—tf .111111LIFILTI : - Flirt &Me Stock Insurance Copan , _ OF PHIL4D4POIA, N0._86 WALNUT STREET, ABOVE FOURT CAPITAL $3.0,000. Make imestrasses against loss or &neap by lire,' Boildis;^ /Walborn andiferchanXurterab ly. aro. on Horses and Cattle, 'agasnit • &ark from any cause. - Or LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED. =gems: B. R. Miller, Uenry Jones, F. S. Ifoeekley, J. R. Flanigen, J.Crossdale, SamL J. Ustidail, ChM Flanigen, of 'Wilmington; Del. Wu. M. CARTERS; Ste& • B. It. llftct.un, Prat. BILLINGS STROUD, Agent. Montrose, July 1,1857.—1 y Manufacturer's Insurance Company CHARTER PERPETUAL. -• Granted by the State of Pennsylvania. CAPITAL, 9300,000. • • FIRE, - MARINE, & INLAND TRANSPORTATION pan; Company was organized with a Cash Capita .1 and the Directors have determined 'to adapt th business to its available resources—to observe twirl dance in conducting its affairs, with a prompt adjust meat of losses. • . A.S. Lrrriscorr, Pres't. -Wu. A. Room, Vice Pres Atrazo. Wuxi; Secretary.' • • • Diazczoits.—L-Aaron S. Lippincott, Win. B. Thom as, Charles Wise, J. Rinaldo Sank, Win. A Rhodes William Neal, Alfred Weeks, John • P. Simons Charles J. Field, James P. Smyth. OFFICE, No. 10 Merchants' Exchange, Phil. A. N. BULLARD, Agent. Montrose, 'Pa., May 13, 1847.-1. le. 4 I v it i s- t 1 Lycoming Co. Mutual Insurance Company. Capital,—sl,2oo,ooo; • IT is one of the best Companies In the State. IC was Incorporated in 1840, its Charter perpetual. It has insured * Fince it went into operation, thirty . Minions of property, and paid over sii hundred thou sand dollars losses. About twelve thousand has been paid in this County. Applications received at the store of IL IL Lvoss I: Co., I.ancsboro, and at Montrose. B. R. LYONS, Agent. vanly Montrose, Jrn.•1857 CIBIRET MINUFICTORYz ao maiLL ItrANIYFACTUREItand dealer in kinds of /el Furniture; I. now prepared to fill nll orders for Bedsteads of all kinds at wholesale or retail, on short notice.. Retail prices range from $2 upwards, according to style. Ho also keeps on hand Ready-nude Coffins ; and as he has au elegant Hearse, he is prepared to attend funerals on short notice.. New Milford, Dec. 17, 1856.. 40yr STEAM GRIST AND SAW MILL. POST BIIOTEIERS having purchased the above establishnient,will keep constantly on hand Su pet-fine aid Fine it7onr,Corn Neal of superior qua ity,edeo Chop sand Bran at the lowest cash prices.— Custom work will be done with despatch, and in all caeca warranted. - 1381 ti Montrose, July'. 1853. Valuable Lauds For Sale.. VOR SALE IN ONE BODY, &Wet 5500 acres 1. Land on the waters of Spring Brook, a branch of the Ltmitawanna river in LozerneCounty,Penn`a., about midway between the thriving towns of Scran ton and Pittston. These lands are covered with val uable timber, and being situate in the moot extensive mineral region in Pennsylvania—known to Contain iron ore—and believed to abound in coal, and being alio in the immediate vicinity • orsevera/ made and now in progress---offer to the capitaliet an opportunity for the investment of money that seldom occur*. For further information apply to N. P. llo; sack, Esq., No. 11, Wall street New York, or to the subscriber, at Montrose,Susquehanna county,Pa., the attorney in fact of the owners. Apra 6, 1854. HENRY DRINKER., Per barrel Half Barrel Gallon . Wholesale dealers will be furnished—if delivered at the Asbery in Montrose—at the rate of ten barrels for $45,0r at Scranton at ten barrels for $5O. JOHN lIENRY. WARE. Montrose, March 17,1856. ' 10y1 ABEL . ' e't 1: ELL HAS just returned from New-York, With a large LI and choice variety of GOODS, bought for Cash, and selected with much care, from over thirty of the best Houses in New-York, which he offers to his cus tomers and the public, at low prices; for Cash. His stock comprises ; . • • - DRUGS, MEDICINES, • PAINTS • WINDOW GLASS, DYE ST FFS, GROCERIES, GLASS WARE, CROCKERY. MIRRORS, • • CLOCKS; WALL PAPER, . WINDOW PAPER. WINDOW OIL SHADES, FANCY GOODS, MUSICAL' INSTRUMENTS, JEWELRY, PERFUMERY, DRY GOODS, BARD WARE. STONE WARE, WOODEN WARE, BROOMS, BRUSHES JAPANED WARE, BIRD CAGES. CANARY. SEED. POCKET KNIVES, WHIPS, I:MBRF,LL GUNS, PISTOLS, AMMUNITION; TUHPENTLINT,, CAMPHICIE, BURNILNG FLc11); ALCOHOL, Liquoits, (For. Medicinal }lmposes. only.) TRUSSES, . SUPPORTERS. suovizza 'atm, PORT ROMANI, SPECTACLES, • SILVER k PLATED SPOONS, PORES, ke., = • GOLD PEES. STATIOVERP. VIOLIN ETRINOS, BOiEr & , And all of the moit - PAM? arnien4s: moats' . Oxtheliberepatreeve hitherto neer he hoperto =slit a ceetibutatee - abd large • creme otthe buse. - AXEINMISELL! 111 Montrose, Juse 10, 101, • mucgs. $5. 0 0 2,50 ..... 26 SMYTH'S Self Acting Bent-Lever ' r 1- - 11 ' 4 4 • .."" PLITIMIR SULIL THIS INVENTION claims superiority over every other, In the following respects : In the invaria ble scientific principle Involved,, and upon. which it acts; In its undeviating accuracy; In its_ lightness and strength; In its Wonderful capacity, convenience of form, and applicability to every purpose for which Scales of any kind are required; iu its perfect aim plkity, in the absence of any complicatmn liable to variation, or to get out of oilier ;, and, finally, In the important Ent, that this scale can be afforded at a bout exe-thini the cast of any other Platthrm Scale, of like capacity and accuracy in use. And posses sing In an eminent degree, all these merits, this Invention is conceded to be one of the most useful and valuable ever brought before the public. ,And, coming, is it does, within the reach of all, it cannot but find an unprecedented sale and undivided market among farmers, housekeepers, mechanics, merchants, &c. everywhere, to the exclusion of every other weighing apparatus. The invention of the Scalei and the many invalua ble Improvements which we have made .within the put few months, have brought them to such a de gree of accuracy, that they may be safely relied up on in every transaction of weight. Manufactured and for sale only by R. a. RATON At CO. Ilstronn, Susq. Co., Pa., May 13, 1857. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. IMPORTANT Isvrcriox.—"For some five yeara past, Mr. D. N. Smyth, of Pennsylvania, (now of this State) an Ingenious and scientific mechanic, has concentrat ed Lilt mind and means upon an invention at length perfectly successful, and for which letters patent have I lust been issued by the Government of the United States: This invention* known as " Smyth's Self- Acting Bent-Lever PlatforM :Stale," and -its this is the first public notice of this useful and valuable im provement, we shall take the libZbrty of expressing ourselves freely upon its merits. The platform of the scale is about 12 by 18 inches, and the whole scale is-,;bout S inches high and weighs entire only abut 25 pounds, while it has the extraordinary capacity o weighing any object front oneoutice to four lyindred pounds. Its form is compacesnd convenient, and is applicalde to every purpose file which :Tees of any kind are required. Under the platform and attrehed to the leverage is suspended a weightetrarm or pen. dulum. To this pendulum is attached an -i: • - .tor, which, together with the pendulum, the :,,.c -...t any object is placed upon the platform moves from its centre of gravity to tha point indicating -the exact weight. The scientific principle upon which it acts admits of no inaccuracy or change, and a given prat- Isure or.weight upon the platform must always carry the weighted arm and indicator to the same poitiL— ' The principle beyond doubt is the correct one, and that it has been properly applied in this instance, the lucky inventor has left no room for doubt. Ile seems 'to have attained perfection itself—at least so far as Matrons. Scales are concerned, and to have combined in I remarkable degree an invariable scientific prin ciple, "known of all men," with compactness, cow : renienee, strength of form, durability and accuracy. But the great and important feature in this Scale is ,the fact that beyond all these merits it posses the ladditional one of being cheap, and within the reach f every family.-41bany E're. Jour., Jan. 28, 1856. We have examined this new Platform Scale and lconcur in all 01.m:1s:said by the . Journal. The juin- Fiple is at once finifple and . beautiful, and ensures erfect accuracy, while the price will be three times ess than of the scales now used.—. 4 Many Express, SIErTII'S PATENT PEATEOOI SCALE.—We hare ex , Lined this new inxeuxion. Nothing can be simpler ,r more completely dtnCloped than the ptirciple up- . in which its acts. •Theplatform which sustains the eight lifts a penduinm, suspended and loaded at the nd, through an arc of a circle; and the indicator points out, upon the graduated circumference, the gxact weight. .1u other platform scales the measure bf avoirdupois has to be ascertained by moving a loose weight on a beam, as on a steelyard, till it hits e preciso•point. Smyth's invention is a self-work -1 ng one, and •indicates At once. and to the minutest rsction, the figure. By attaching tho weight on the nd of the pendulum ; the scale becomes multiplied y fires or tens: by 'releasing the weight It' gives 4, tilces instead of pounds. For household purposes, h. as cheap and far better thin steelyards; and Is Onding the way to all well regulated kitchens where the receipt book, with its prescriptions ofwe:ghts and - .roportions, is used.—_ ties and Argun. A Nan. Inca—lf anybody doubts that this is an in entire age, they should tall and examine Smyth's If-Acting Bent-Lever Platform Scales. For simpßc i y of design, and economy of space, they tale pi-me- I. ence of any scales that have vet been invented.— here is one peculiarity about this scale;. It posses- IfTery.little machinery, and can never make a =la ke so long as the laws of gravitation continue.' myth's scale has another advantage—its small cost. 'Knickerbocker. . . SMYTH'S 'PATENT PLATTOSit SCALIC.— , -ThiS new 111114. ... liable invention was on exhibition at our State air just closed. liothing in its department received : • ore attention or was more generally admired or ap ed. This scale, possessing the extra ordinary ends conceded to it at the F.ast, cannot but be ex edingly valuable, and must, we think, come into ..= glcueral use. eiThe Albany Evening Journal pubrushes the above, d adds: This scale (Smyth's) was also exhibited at c State Fair at Watertown, and not only received cry attention given it in Ohio, but carried off the that and highest premium awarded—a diploma and s leer medal—Cleveland (Ohio) Journal. . . • "Ssim's Sus-As-mu Bzur-Lxvsa PA.A1701411 Stxxx:"—The fundamental principle of every hispor 'bun invention has been very simple. In it's simplici ty. is the elements of its worth, its usefulness and a cciptability. Inventions of complicated movement Ibe d visionary theories have never performed the ob.- jct sought to obtained, for with adaptability, ae. c raeyand durability must be combined cheapness. .tll of these desideratums are involved in the invert triton recently patented and known as "Smyth's Self- Acting Bent-Lever Platform Scales." The 'wale in question, from its construction on the principle of g-avitation, is never liable to be out of,order. It must perform its.work thoroughly, because the laws ofna trig.° govern it. In size the scale is a pigmy, but for capacity it is wonderful, weighing any object from cule ounce up to tour hundred pounds. It can be reg dated by any one who looks at it but for a.,moment. An their cost is but a trifle, they will speedily be. as indispensably necessary in the household calendar as at other useful article of daily use.—..E)v...Transeript. I , J o iaminas AND Vai. Lvants tarknricm.—Among o ers„ we have been farored with sn ex;mination the new and valuable invention (r 4 ce , .tt patent ,) known as Smith's Self-Acting 13ent-I.3rer Plat fotin Scale." Mr. D, M. Smyth, the ingenious In vmuor, has spent some five years in the perfection h t v or his work, and that he has attained perfection t seems but little doubt. This scale is construct e upon a scientific principle which knows no' raile d or change, and hence its accuracy is beyond q lion. Its capacity and strength Is unprecedent e4 while its form and the principle involved make it ..lvenient and applicable to all purposes requiring * I les of any description. It is free from any corn don liable, to rarlation. or to get out of order. e great and important feature, however, of the les made under this Invention, is the fact that they be afforded at about one-four/A the cast of any o er platform scale of like capacity and accgrecy in world. The scale we have seen (a sort of pocket ed don as compared with other platform scales,) b the wonderful rapacity of weighing any object, tram one ounce up to bar hundred pounds. Pos. seisdng• the extraotdinary merits and advantages car - .ed to this invention, it cannot but be etceedingly cable, and the sales made under it, brought as 1 thy will be, Witidit the reach ef every tunny. most in et with an unproaedented sale. and come into, im. in . ate and general :nab, sumell to the'benelit of dm p ~ lic, as to those so fortunate as to secure the es ci sire sight of numufacturing, end-setlitiff tbefilem. . , . . . . -mow AND PLANTER. IltHßutdaseeibeep Dow burning eill keep L meow* Aa Wad, Lim oC s miry. aeperhe &fat Montrose Depot, sad k in say .at; - skin.pdoe; - skip intity call be supplied k-,700 Yarn** "Om ' -- --..muend : pasta bokepteuisteatly es 1.-L. POW, - Et: - .1011710ER. W. JUMP. -. L. SLOILD. • hereafter, 1-7 - ontioss DcPot, APtil IMEI ME IMal MAU SHOULD PIIROBA SE ONE OF theyth'i Plait Isiireved sides. MYTHS PATENT lIITROVED SCALES ZEIXEMCD TEE FIRST AID HIGHEST PIM= —A Diploma , and sllver . ♦T 1111 @T ATE FallP AT WAiwaroWN, N. Y. • 17T.'...'W171F.M ' FOB SALE ONLY BY LAI BATON, a @On g HARPORD,SUSQUEHANNA COUNTI; PA ErERy SHOULD PURCHASE 0.11 7 E OF SMYTH'S PATENT IMPROVED SOALES„ Smyth's Patent Improved Scales RECEIVED THE P . Pt M 901 -AND-- IEO-hest Premium, PIPLO.II.I cE SILVER MEDAL, STakTE WATERTOWN, NEW TORR. .THESE SCALES ARE MAXUFACTURED • . „AND FOR 5.41.1:7 R. H. EATON & CO., Marford, Susquehanna Canniy, Pa. Every. Farmer SHOULD PORCH/JO ONE OP hUltitifilhitlitslitfratleritalts SMYTH'S Patent Improved Scales RECEIVED THE FIRST AND IT in -A DIPLOMA AND SILVER MEDAL--- AT TIM State Fair at Watertown, New York. ' THESE.SCALES ARE MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE ONLY BY 11. malTrOri`\.] © FIARFORD, SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY, PA. EVERY .At jam' m SHOULD PURCHASE ONE OF SMYTH'S PATENT 1111Miiii MLR S 3E3CP PATENT IMPROVED SCALES RECEIVED THE FIRST HIGHEST PREMIUM -A DIPLOMA AND - SILVER. MEDAL . 4T VIZ STATE FAIR AT WATERTOWN. N. Y. • THESE SCALES ARE 11.ANITgAMBED 1 / 4 ONLY. BY •11; riateinldD €O. 11Bfklit'41111114Big•gri AT. VIE 4'25 NV-ITNESSES • —rOR-- - as The .POrget Convtited: Joffx &II is in Aunsos. • ingi has bad 10,years experience. is `a ,Banker and Publisher, 111111.kuilkor of • • , ,ef series of its:hors at the , Broadway Tabeflsets . when, fbr 10 ettecessive nigbta, over 60.000 Pao* .11n - • Greeted am with Rounds of Applause, while 0 be exhibited the manner in which Counterfeiters execute their Frauds,- and the surest and ID Shortest Means of Protaan3 :haul; O 2e Bank Ate raifravers all say that Adis the • greatat lags of Paper Moray As • /4.REATEST DISCOVERY . 01 N'A the Present Century for CD um Detecting Counterfeit Bask Wes. es Describing Every Genuine Bill in Existence, - as and exhibiting at a glance every Conn; terielt in Circulation if CO Arranged so admirably, that BEFERUCE is EASY and DETERTIONITINSTANTANEOUS. • iirio Index to examine I No pages toltunt up ! NI But so simphfied and arranged,that she Merchant, CD Banker and Business Nan eau see Gila/ a Glatsee. ow English, French and German. : • Thus Each may read the name in his 10. sins Native 'To 116° Most asPerfect Bank Note Ltsilublished t so • Also a List of - AU the Private *Rakers in Amer ' w A Complete Summary of the FINANCZ or ItS Ennort & Artmtica will 4 publishlid in each e • dition, together with all the Important NEWS NO OF THE DAY. Also A SERIWOF TALES DM From an Old Manuscript, found in the East. . It furnishes the Most Complete History of ORIENTAL LIPP, and describing the Perplexing Positions in lariat eng the Ladies and Gentlemen of that Country have ; 1 71 been so often found. These Stories s ill continue a ji throughout the whole year, and will prove the O Host Entertaining ever offered to the Public. igk tar Furnished Weekly to Subscribers only, at $1 a year. All letters must be addressed to 031 JOHN S. DYE, Bmker, • pgi Publisher and Proprietor, 10 Wall Street, N.Y.., CD aphiOnl6v33-1 AYEVS CHERRY PECTORAL .11 , 0 R. TUE RAND CURE OF Colds, Coughs, and Hoarseness. . . timurimm. MASS, MD: Dee., 1555. Di. J. C. Ina : 1 ckl not hesitate to say ' best remedy 1 ham ever fond fur' Con lloarseness, Influenza, and the cuncuw symptoms of a Cold. b your CURREY ratio Damns:ant we in my pmetice and my Lu fbr the last ten years has shown it to pus, superior virtues fur the treatment of tt compLsints. YAW: KNIGHT, M. A. D. MORTLEY, Eack. of trts \.T.. writes :.1 hire user your PECTORAL myself and in my family ever since you invented it. and believe it ihe best molkine for its mamma ever pat out With 'a tad cold 1 should sooner pay twenty-dye 41.41a5s fur s bottle than do without It, or take any other remedy."' Croup, , Whooping Cough, Influenza grill-MU/ELT, 3lvss., Feb. 7,1854 Deornis Arcit : I will cheerfully crrtlfr your ruttiest, Ls the best remedy we 'Possess for the cure ..f It'oeTiogr thugh. Crown and the chest diseases of ehllaissn. of your fraternity he the South appreciate your skilt.nia commend your tuedkine to out people. ' WRAY CONKLIN, M. D. • 7.1105 LEE. Eett, 31ofcrourdr. I. writes, flki Jan.. 11/13f.: had a tedious Influenza. if hfrh confined use In lows six weeks: took many roedbitent without tvlicf; finally tried your Pacroatt by the *deice of our elerzynten. The find dew relieved tht soreness in my tbront and lungs; less than one half the buttk made me completely well. Your m«ibines art the chenv-st well as the lest we can buy. and we esteem you, Wrier, and your remedies. will.. Nee 11.1:411 . 1; fri<•ud.' • Asthma or Phthisic, and Bronchitis. =MM!MMIE= Stu t Tour ettatitt ParTur.lit t. p rf maim:, mareetheis cures m this swam. It has mites.al ,esersi from alstuting symptom, yt conmoupans. and I was curio"' A MOMw.II lass Isisured in aSectiatt of the lungs t..Wr the List Cats years. " A. A. RAMSEY. M. 15.. ALMON, Meant CA_ "Qtrs. vette,. *pt.lg.ls: oDUTilig my yrto-ticrof umuy year!' Itseo round twthlng equal to your CIiERST Ih.TSula. for xisluic ow aad se lief to cuteumptitelmtieots, or curing sucla are, curable.' Ra istiAt add yolumes2of evident.. but the most eemtloelny • • of Or virtues or this remmly Is lu ItsolTerts *spar • ' . Consumption. Pre Wyly ao °se tweedy Lae ever been known whieh eared m massy and smelt ,Langereue eseee ass this. "Saw me human 6:0 am mach: but eitto to those the entunr PLClvliltLPlTopts re 114 a.ll romr.M. A.frot Horst. Nr:tr %.. Crrr. Minh Islso DORY* Ann, 1.01r.gL1.: I feel It a duty and a plea.sure to in form you what stme . Carers' Prcion.t. has dnue ref my wife' Slie bad Iwrn Cve menthe hathrinr.; ntokr the dan.,:ereu+ rump „ toms of Consumption. trim. which nn aid we e..uld pn.urrgals bar ninth relief. she war steadily =nine. turn Pr. riZrens, of this city, when we ha., come for advice.. recommended a iris of yen- medicine. We bless his knelt...ea. as .re da your skill. for she has recovered (min that day. :he is hot yet matrons= she need en Le. hut is free trews her oguAlt. and calla herself wadi Yo us, with gt-Jiltilde ilitl , Lrir,:ll74. • OItLANIX) eilt:l.llY, or Ssuzartur. • • O duim pt ; r e,. d.. mil d.voi r f 'pot•ba rn fro's PeCTOSAL.' 111 is mole by one of dm 1.044 ilthikla au-min:sin tin world. trol Its cum all mund us bentnok tbn bigb :unfits of lii firtnes.--P'olisKrhifit Leyfr. . Ayer's Cathartic ruz sties:Ns of Cheer:Wry and ilettleine have been taxed their utustart to psoduee this best most perfect pursuit's which is hungry to loan. Innumerable pronto are abotru ibal :hese ritta hose virtues which surpass In excellence the ordbur ry and that they win nntsrecrelentedly upon the esteem at sll sere. They are mote sxml plouvent to take.but powerful te rum. Their penetrating protertim stimulate the vital acthitiss .14' the body, remora the obstroctions of Its mimeo, parity the 'toed. and expel disease. They purge" out the Bud humors whick breed and grunt dlistemper, stier.olate sluggish or dim:odors& Or gaps late their natural action, and impart. healthy tone mitt strength to the whole system. • my d o th e y tore the every toy complaints of every betty. but aloe formidable and danger ins diseases that- bare ballkd the beat of hymen skill. - While they produce powerful effects. they are. at the sane time: in di minis doses. the outset and bust idspric that can be employet for children. Being suystroottel, they am pleesant. to take sad being purely vegetable, are free hem any risk of harm cures have Leen woks which melons belief 'were they not weis etantiatad by men of such exalted position and character as b twbid the suapiciun of untruth.. Many eminent clerwrenen ant Phakisne have lent their names to certify to the public the n liaty of my tesuedles, while others have scut me the /WM snot Of their conviction that my Preparations contribute im 'melody to the relief of my afilirtesLauffering fellowstnees. The Agent below named is pleased to forma, gratis 101 Amer ban Almanac, containing dinectisme for their use, amt certill cafes of their cures of the felloseing ounplainter— Costiveness, Bilkam Complaint:, itifKinsatism, Dropsy. Iteart burn, Ileadache seising from a foul Stornach;Nastsea. Indigos Morbid Inaction of the Bowel:band Pain arising therefrom flatulency, Lows of Appetite, all Ulcerous atni Cutaneous Die toms "which require sal esacuant Medicine, tterofula -or . King' Ertl. They also, by rattling the blood and stimulating the aye tam, cure many complaints which it would not be supposed the 'tould yards, such as Deabsem. turtbd Blindness, Nefrodeia an. Nervous Irritability. Derangements of the Liver a n d Kidueyr Gout, and other kindred complaints arising from a low state o the body or obstruction of Its ftmeilona. Do oaths put alr by unprincipled dealer s with some other they make mon pro ! t on. Aek for Asses Puts, and take moth has eh& :Co other they can give you compares with this. le it intrintdc value or curative Powers. The Ark went the best ai there le ibr them, and they should hare ft. ' • Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYES; Practical and &Witte al Chemist, Lewitt Yak Pisa, *1 Ca. scs Box. FnE &au rot $l. SOLD BY • ABEL TURRELL,. and by all Dr.uggists and Med , kiwi Dealer!.-nl4rByicw Bend the following Letter. HOZIE TESTIMONY. We have received the following letter in relation to Ds. MOSSN'a INDIA% ROOT' PILLS. . Atrovnx Foes Comm," • t Susq. Co., Pa., Sept. 28th, 11356..) Messrs A. 3. Wnirs & Co., New York " The Morse's Indian Root Pills bad from You give material Astiafactiow, in nVialr INSTAXWC, and_our formers use them for almost everything. Tbe Lin' has been raging in this section to an alarm ing extent, for thelast six months, seaacety a smuts tinily having escaped,' ssocrr moss wants wow pine hare been MD as A PAIIIIIMITS, in - which Me they have mat VAILIttI. 1 wilinform you shortly how to seed a frutheraupply. Your obl. Fares: ALPRONSO A. slant Such letters as the above Dead no moment front RP, they ought to mariner all. of what reefirisay believe that Dr. Rorse's Indian - Root fine . 'ore de very best Pell ever made. • ' .53)d ha 'owns' biS.ll(k D. Sayre, Lod by one person in every town, and in all 'country stores. A, J. White st Co., 2 Igt. Peters Place, New York, sole' fir FEVERS - -ATTENilttit:'.i. riiaz undersigned *Os tespeethall . y stinounee.ro she F.uotoss and all others interested; hare - aisochibed barielses, together tinder tho: _fiiyu of MOTT ilk TILIDEII6 at the old siseket - 11. 4 8, Nets, Otero we ere pre. pared twirrnhh-nOW9 OP InOl&APProvad tens OW in sia t ineb. as .1 1 41415ecc.ilrota Base, Also - - Points _et st Liv dshiesi Vetivatet teeth, led' lifiltsle4f emotive for Pow sn ialltekbitik or obkb we ryes* to sittseirld as can be aJbeded . by any, estabilihnstritit thisberust • - ' EtZTAWItOTT. itaaarts.siscrritenti *snare* = Ilene Powers; boo Sell'efreVerikawier - weed, •alsettrog Churn fimsti e " Nobel (Si sh.Ott *Wee • ifOutronolallt lit 11 1.. 'PA PA'S, 31.rehnnt. The Indeikeident Reintbliam. eIMIXXXO XXXIIT intiainumaio*ia, A? nee7m szt i . • Pe. AT 44 ' 30 ern .. .eXXVII, IX AintaXel. . ..-7, , tes.iSil Advertising. st . One aq (Id Hilda or leas)one Week, ' go A ,„ One lig • . 44 twoweeka; . 0,7 1 O ne 6 1 ' - 44 _ ' . lbw's weeks, ...... I,eo One equine ; 4 6: one montli, IA - One agitate _-• 46 - two months .. ......... One - square • 4 ' _ three mond:it,. •• • „a . m One square • 4, _six months, . am One square - - ''' - one year, - - 8, 00 Two riquares one year, . is - Three squares tine year, - 20,00 Five squares one year,'- , :um One columnone year,..:. • .•........-.. .„....40,0 0 YeariYadverthiers willare the privity of alts,. ring or eluinging.their. . Advertisements without a d. Maxims cards, not exceediiig flit lines, inserted et tt„Oct per . initinut; - : " --, A. . ... Jab ilrorii: - This offiSsis swpidied wfth avortniat of Jobbing osatorigils, sod all kinds:of - Job Nisi, s te t es Conti, Patten, rastiiblets,*c., will be .done ow. ly and prsmptly: . • - - CARDS; ;Brats re AlLlotettde_ mad - Mecnersti , ic ati rti Medicine. is acre pennauceny L. dee.eocreer /bine diMiNin"th .31,1 1 17141857.4/ . . . s m ith, QUEOZON DMITIST.Ian retnneed Ogee limns iguiesie;lis 0 own dwelling oppadte trie Bagtbdittiurelt. (eighs/de.) in 11w. re/ .1 Dinialoi;nun4lito lielnirtonued In Ids isausigto - g mitt, • . • Moatr?er Xay 21,1867..4 _ . C.. D. RESIDENT DZVTLSTb retaored Oaks to cam. text dOor abort-Dr. Putrid' ' , • ail ibia P i la l ' eve =street. wberebe bas atoll* roun4 a a_tyle of atataosa and contralti:oe belle hie profeadon. akorrtoar...Octobts 1847.40 _ _ . • • • .C. C. Hollist,er,:•-• DEALER r, SADPISA Trituka, Vance* &c.. St.. Snot door above Motto Grocery; 3 L loutrasr, ra.'l7yl IDUTSICIAX Ald) SLIAGEON.** pettaaaentlp will lama? at Bradme . yville., Susgaahaana county. Pa. and procapd, -attend to sill dna with arblat he msy be tatceed,lftrlyl LAW. .." AL. Bushnell; A TTOWSEY,V