C=M ~ • , . . , . ~/.IESOLUTION 1 so the quetion was determined in the afftnnatire• 1• On the question, . : - PropoAbg Amendments to the Constitution I . , Will the Sen. ate agree to the third amendur o g jh e . •• of the Commonwealth. - -. ' •, - . - . I , TM. 3 ca 3 and nays -_. 1 kl.r crew: . . . . Peso/toed by the Sen4ite awl limixf of RPO'AcHla - -: provisieus of the Constitutitin, an rc : tines of the ?..onunomeralth .?f Penhxvleiiltia if , Geo , 1 A l f . ; .. V S.2IC' erabil, C res syr d ll, rya' • , Inventb/y neq: That the following-amendinents 1 1 1 - F! AS—Nies:4f . firew•r• i pr - t i p: rnin .t or d all Kii. - .. { .are proposed to tine ConstitutiOn (tf the emunnin- E ly. - Et . a • ms FienniLe ,,, Fro . ~, , . , ,Scut4, : swath, ill aecortlance with the provisions of the tenth ~. ... ' ICC.Ic Struill Wel sh 11 tlkuut and • Lartide thereof. .; t,• 41 ,sk,tattcr,- 9 . •9 .i • runnot. _ I :',.ine'er, Knox, beeibarti..Litivtii.,. Sist.r ~ s co fi e l , i . '! Arrigtit- 24 _ ! N - 015 --xessrs. ColTcy; Gregg,.llarris anti Penrose ' .1.4. . . So the question was decided in the affirmative. 11 • FIDST AMENDMENT. • t`, TIICTO,,SiIAii be an ailtlitional article to said CSmsll , ‘:tntion o be dceignated as article eleven, 3.4 foyon's . . Antler": :1. , . PUBLIC 1)),:f;/: 3 . • • Stserto~ 1 . The state tas:r contract ,tents, to sup• • deficits or future interenue.A, or.. Ltto Meet .re ,:etqlettetes. not otherwise Pro,- idett for; hut- the (vs ',Vat amount of each debts viirectiand contingent, „ obeli:ter ~,,t met ,:4 by vi . rtate of one or more acts of The-general 8.9:4 C /11 or at diflcrcrt pf winds of time, `F.hall.ncvct exceed seven-hondred and fitly thou-card d o n arN -aid the money arising from the creation of such debts, shall he applied to the purpose,for which it-Was obtained or to relpav the debts so contracted, and tto othdr purpose whatever. SECTIOS 2.. In additiOn to.the. above limited power Otc . state may contract dehts to repel intasian, sup : dress insurrection, defend the state in war, or to re ! deem thet-present outstanding indebtedness df the 'State ; but ,the money arising from the contracting of Ruch debts, shall be applied to the purpose for whieb it was raised,•or to repay such debts, and to no nth sg purpose-whatever, SI•CTiox n: Except the debts above specified, in unctions one and two of this article, no -debt whaler '4.tc Still 'created*bv - or on behalf of the state. Sattos . 41. To provide for the payment of th'e pres‘ ent debt,.. and -any additional debt, contracted as a foresaid, the legislature shall, at its first Session, af- I:Or the adoption of' this amendment, create a sinking fund, which shallthe sufficient to pay the accruing interest on such debt, and annually to re‘luce the Principal thereof by at sum not less than two hun dted and fifty.thoosand dollars; which pinking fund shall, consist of the net anneal income of the public works, front time to time owned by the state, or the proceeds of the sate of the SA e, or any part thereof, and Of the income or proceeds of sale of stocks owned by the state, together will, other funds, or;resourres, that i roay be designated by law. The said sinking fund may be increased, from time to time, by nssigoi. fag to it any part of the taxes, or other rfv44nues 4,f the state, not'required for the - orainary and current• Capenscs,of government, and unless in case of war, invasion or inSturection, no part ofthe said sinkinf , fund shall be used or applied otherwise than in ex tinguishment of the public debt, limn the aninunt of Such debt is reduced below the sum of dollars. ~.. SKCfMN 5,' The "credit of the comnio; not la any manner, or crew, be plcdgi to, any individual. company, corporatim leia- Lion ; imor shall the commonwealth here:, mie a joint owner, or t - ,tockholder, in :My company, nslo dation, Or corporation. , - . Sr.caro,s; fi. The commonwealth Shall not-ass:lmo the delis,, or any part 'hereof, of any county, city. borough, or township ; or of ant corporation or dsso• ciation; unless such debt shall have been contracted to enable the. state to repel invasion, suppress do mestic. insusrectiou, defend itself in time pf war, or to OAINLSt tlle stair in the discharge - of-any portion of its'OeSent indebtedness, SECTION `l. The legislature shall not anthot ire any county, city, borough, township, or incorporated dis trict. by cicriteof a rote. of it; citizens, or otherwise, to beccute:a 'stockholder in any company; associa tioni:or-corponation;"or to obtain money for, or loan its credit to, corporation, association, institution, oxfarty. I= There shall be an additional article to *said consti tution, to be designated as article XII, as follows: AnTKLE XII . ~ -.' -... ' • . OF NEW COUNTIES. Nti county shall be divided by a line' ei4 ng 'off over one-tenth of its population, (either to form a new countv or otherwise,) without the express as: vent of such 'courty, by a rote of the electors there-. of ;' , nor shall any II CU' county be established, Contain iniless ail) four hundred square mile's. • . . • TIIIRD .111ENDMENT. ' Prom section two of the firstarticie of the consti . tntion,-Arike out' the words, "of the citv,of Phila. delphiß.,' ,l and of each county respectively ;" foam sec t?,re five, same article, strike out the words, "of Phil4delphia and :he of several counties:" from sec. • seven„ same. article. stt ike out the. words; " neither lion ; four, same article," and in lieu thereof insert the following: "Sr.cTtos 4. In the .year one thousand eight hun dred and sixty-four, and in every seventh year there after, representati% es to the number of mit. hundred, Shall be aivortioned and distributed equally, tin ough out the State, by districts, in proportion to the num ber..of taxable inhabitants in the several parts there d; etteept; that any county containing at least three thousand yc hundred' faxabls, niay . be. allowed n separate representation; but no more trine three counties shall be joined, and no counts shall be divi ded,, in the forma: to of a district. Ain• city con tsining a sufficient,' number' of taxables to entitle it to at leat two rcpiesentatires, shalt have a separate representation assigned it, and shall he divided into eonvenient- districts of contigimus territory, of equal taxable population as near as may he, each of Avltich districts.shall elect one representative." At the end of section seven, same artiele,• insert these words, the city of Philadelphia shah he divi dedinto Ongle senatorial districts, of, contiguous ter ritory (..4 dearly equal - in taxable poPfilation as 'Ms-A ble; but no wr.rd shall be divided in the formation th4reof."', The leVslature, atits first sz. , :::-,1. - .n,•.-tfter the adop tion of this amendment, shall divide the city al:nil adelphia into senatorial arid representative districts, in the manner above provided; such districts to re main unchanged until the apportionment in the Year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. NIENIMMT There" shall be an -additional section to the first at , ftiele`of said, constitution, which shall be numbered and read as follows: • SEcrrio;: 26. The legitdature shall have the power ,to alter, revoke, or annul, any'eharter of incorpora tion hcr&ifter conferred by, or under, any special, or general law, whenever in - their opitfion it may he injurioustd,tbe citizens of thk. commonwealth ; in such manner; however, that no injustica shall he none to the corperators. SENATE, March 27,1857 - Resolved, That this resolution 'pass. (in the first amendment, ydas 24, mys 7; on the second dinend luent, yea.s 23; tuiys S on the' third :upend:ilea, yeas' 24, Oays 4i on the fourth aulendtherd,. yeas.2:l, {Extrnellrom the Jouriml.l -CEO. W. 11-11tERSLY, Clerk 11C TM; 'NOUSE; OF RE:FRFSE:s:I 4 AT/rEty ' .• April 29, Resolved, Tkat this resolution paSs. 1) t ; the firTt twaeridnieni, yeas Ti Ft, pays 12; on the second no,, , t,d_ pieta, vitaS Si, nays 29 ; the third yeas 7: 7 _;, :nays 22; on the fourth ainethneni, yeas tig, nays 7. . [Extract from the Journal.] -- -: ' , 'JACOB ZIEGLER, Clerk Filed. in Secretary's'nffice,•3lav 2, :1.g57.- 1 A. ii.'l 7 ClarN, ' Secretary of the.entonama•caltb _ • SEcra;reriv's WTICy. - IlAuttsituuc.:, June 2.; 1837 ss I dtreertily that the above and l'regoing is a. true and .correct copy of the original "Resolution propo- Fin" , amendiuents to' the Constitution of the Common wealth," With the vote in each branch of the Le,-,bda turo upon Pre final paSSiigpthtlreof, u 5 appears. from the .origimils on file in this office. • In .testimony whereof I I hereunto Set‘inv hand sjand. caused to" be affixed the. seal of the Secr etary's Office, the Slay and year above written., • : . A. G. CURTIN . . • Sfcretary of the Commonwealth. Is SZNATE, March 27; IM7. • The reselation proposing amendments to the •Con saitution of the Conuonwealth - being under consider-. • ' • .. On the question, . Will the Senate agree ;to the first amendment? The yeas. and nave:. were taken agreeably to, he provisions of the emistitution, and were as follow, •:‘ . • - Yr-IV-Messrs. IlreWer,- Browne, Coffey, Ely,'Ev .ans,l'etter, Fiennikthi, Frazer, Ingram, Jordon; KU. linger, Knox, Lanhach, •Lcwis, Myer, Scofield, Sel. lers,.Shunsan, Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins, Wright and Taggart, Speaker-24. " Iciivs—Memrs, Grubb,. Croswell, Finney, Gregg, Hams, Penrose and Souther-7. .So the question siasitletertnined in the .Iffirmative. Owthe question, Will the Senate,agree to the second amendment? The yeas and nays, were taken agreeably to the provisions oethe . Constitution, and wart:, us follow, - • . YEO--Ittors. Brewer, Browne, Crestrwell, Ely; Nranfii Fetter, Finney. F.leirulken, Ingrain, Jordan, Kinexi•Latibacti, Lewle,:Byer, Selere, Shuman, South er, Steele, S;.rifult, 'W•e1811, Wllkiir3, 'Wright and Tag ' garti2Spesker-23. : • CotreY, Cratib, FNIZI;ic Gregg, Ilar;• Penrike and . • On the rynestion, Will the Semite agree to the fourth amendment ?- The yeas at•d nnys were taken agreeably to the provisions of the ConAitution, and were as follow, viz:• YEAs--:-31m:srs. Brewer, Browne, Coffey, Creswell, Evans, Ilettniken, Frrizer. Ingram, Killinger, KMI X ' Lanbach, Senfield, Sellers, Shu inan, Souther, Steele, btrWih,. Welsh, Wilkins . and IWright-23. (7ritlth, Fiiniey,'Jordan and reurbse So the que. , tiun u.L.tlete riui t ue(l iu the affillnaPVe , .. IN VIE 110r$1;i0F.REPRV-9KNTaTirts. I . April 29, 18.:•7. ' • The resolution proposing amendments to the Con stitution of tire Coninionweahli living miter consider . ation, : . ~ . On the gnestioni - • , Will the House nwee to the firi.t. atnendinent? The yeas and itava were taken agreeably to the' provitions of the-CottotitntiOn, ittld were aA follow, viz: - . . YEAk.-111essrs. Anderson, Arthur, Tlackhottse, Ball, Beck, -Bishop, Bower, Brown, Calhoun, Cairmbelt, • Chase, tleaver, Crawford, Vickey, Ent.Eyster, Fan- Foster, Gibbo\ey, Giblet:ol2lnel. Harper, Ilrins, Hiestaud, Bill, Miffittan, (Berks.) Imbrie, limes Jacobs, Jenkins, Johns, Johnson, Kauffman, Kerr, Knight, Leiscnrtng, Longal.cr, Lovett. Ma near, Mangle, Wealmont, M'llvaitt, Moorhead, Mum ma, Musselman, Nichols, Nicholsmt, Nunetnacher, Pearson,. Peters Pctrikim Pownall, Purcell, Bainsec t (Philadelphia,) Ramsey, (York.). Reamer, I/et:41,11011- (Is, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan, Smith, (eauttia,) Smith, (e'enere,) Stevenson, Tobin, Vail, Vanyoothis, Vick ers, Voeghlev, Walter, Westbtook, Wharton, Willis. ton, Withcrow, Wright, 7.7tornminan and- Getz, SpEAKMI-7S. n i ‘",: k ; rt ",„n ii/1 ","• • luror.‘Nr Isivr.NrioN.—For some. five years past. u nnen.c "' n " lnan • t ' e ' lanon 's " rut "' I). M. Smyth of Penns% lvania, (now of this State) , ers, Thorn, Warner and Wintrode---1:1. • an ingenious and scientific mechanic, has cotmentrat - So the question was tieterMiliell in the affirmative. , 1 mind and Ineans upnit invention at length . . Oil the question, • f perectly successul, and for which letters patent bay,. Will the House agree to the second :intendmen t? f rust been issued by th e Clove] Mitent of the flared The yeas and nays were taken ogrecal , lY' to „i; ta t es . This invention is known •as " Stnyilfg Self provisions of the COnstittalon, and were as follows, Actin}: Bent-I,o"i.orm and itsis .. 1 the first public notice of this useful and valuable int :Yr:as—Messrs. Anderson, Ilackitonse, Bill, Beck, proyetnent, we shall take the liberty of expres"ing Bower, Calhoun, C a mpl w ,B, C ar t y , 17,,, t . rall,old, Fo4- ourselves frtielvmpon merits. The platform scale ter, Gildea, Hamel, Harper, Heins Iliestand, ale it abotit V' ler 1t; inches, and the - whole scale gat:. (Becks,) Housekeeper, • Imbrie, about S inches high and w eights entire oohs alit rut Jenkins - , •Johns, .Tphnson, Koffman, Knight, Leiscit , 2 . 5 pounds, slily it has the extraordinary capacity 0' ring, Long-Aker, Lovett, Manear, Maliglet 31Ilra ' n • weighing ally object front one mulct. to first hundred Moot head. Musschnan, NichOls, Nune- Pounds. its form i„ o ,,, h „ wh i s maeher, Pearson, Peters, Petrikin, Powrrall, r , a pp t i ea t ne to. every purpose for which scales of any Ramsey,' 11 ';'Tc' ., kind are required. L'lttler the. platform ',and attachedw Sloan, Roberts, Rupp, Sha, „ h ' -n i t ; , : s ne ,: t ' to the leverage is suspended a weighted arm or pen- Waltin V Wystbr°° " , " -atn. ` on ';`''' ainnern4llllln4 " ea, dttlittn. To this nendultun is attached an indicator, SPEAKEr.-571 hich, to4rther with the pendulum, the instant any NATF-3,e o t,J ect ;,' T ,Liced !Trim the. platit)rm moves from its son, flu hop, Brown, o we ., 0;1,, 1•;ys- ventre gravity to tit: ,point indicating the eNact ter, Gitthoney, Hamilton, liancjnek,-Ilill, Hine, Hoff- wein•lit The, scientific minciple upon which it acts . 1 " ,11 ‘. ti. , ' 1 " 3 "<"".1 •Taecths. Echo, 3 r r 'iliw-mt-, admits t,f no inaceitracv or slit) a giyen pres- MM " it, Sli "," (Centre, ' sure or 'weight upon the platform must alWays catty Stevenson, 4.11mV, t-wttighted. arm and indicator *o the saute point.—; Wagonsefier, Warner, w and 'The principle beyond doubt is the', , cotTect one, and Wright-34 '; '1 th a t it lids been prop:lly apt - died in this instance, the So the question was ciete.rmined in the atilt ; On the question, I lucky inventor has left no room fhtdoubt. lle seems ' to nave attained yell fection itself—at least z." 9 far 11: 1 Will the the House agree to the th:111 :Intendment ? Platform Scales are concet tied, and to have combined The Yeas and nays were taken agreeahlv to the pro in a remarkable degree an i;:variable scientific via visions of the Constitution, and were:as : hithe, ,t k„ wht o f w i th „ mpnettios. Ysas—Messrs. Anderson, Backhouse, Ball, Bock, e vcnience, strength of form, dursbility and accuracy. con- Benson, Bower, Brown,. Gallons; ,Campbell, Chase, But time greTha, and important feature in this Seale is Clearer, Crntrfnrd ` DiAcr • Ent ' Eyster " .r4usnia • the fact that beyond all these merp it possesses the Foster, Gibbonry, Hamel, Harper, Heins, Hiestand. t additionith one n ' t . being cheap, on within the lynch Hill, Hillegas, Roffman; (Berksjiiollinan,(Lebanon,) of every cand y. —Albal:i/ Ere. Jour., Jan. 28, B:e6. Housekeeper, Imbric, Trines, Jaceths, Johns, John• son, Kauffman, Kerr, Lebo', Longaker, • Leivett, Ma near, Mangle, M'C'almont, Moothead, Monona, Mus selman,. Nichol-', Nicholson, Nunermicher, Pearson, Peters, Petrikin, Pownall, Puresill,' / Itantsey, (Vorka -Reamer, Reed, Rupp; Shaw, Sloan, Smith, (Cambria,) Smith, (:Centre,) Stevenson, .Tolan; Vail, Vattroorhis, Vickers, Cctegltley, Wragonseller; Westbrook, Willis ton, Witherow, Wright, Zimmenuan and Get; - ugustine, Backer, Carte: Dock, Gildea, llamilton, Hancock, Hine, Jenk int; Knight, latisenring,'M'llvain, P.arnsey, (Philadel phia,) RoT ? erts, Struthers, Thorn, -Walter, Warner, .'Wharton and \\*intro:h.-22: 1 , • - So the question was aletermined in the affirmative. On,the question, • Will the lionse agree to the fourth amendment? •The yeas and nays were taken agreeable to the pro visions of the Constitution, and were as follows, viz: YEAS—Messi - .4. Anderson,Arthur,BackliouSi‘,llackL us; Ball, Beek; Benson. Bishop„Bower, Brown, Cal houn, Campbell, Carty, rinse. i Cleaver, Cr:to - lei-ft Dickey, Ent, Eyster, Fausold, Faster, Bilthoner, Gil- Ilea • Harper, Heins, lliestand, Hill, -Hillegas, Hoffinan, Housekeeper, !mini°, Inner, Jocobs, Jenkins, Johns, Johnson, Kauffinam.Kerr, Lebo, Leisenring,'Lmig,aker, Lovett, Manear, Mangle, ".4111vain, Mummn, tisselm:tn, Nichols, Nicholson. macher, Pearsttti, Peters, Pe trikin, Pownall, Purcell, Ramsey- ' (1'1111nd:4phi:0 Ramsey, (York,) Reamer, Reed, Roberts, Rupp, Shaw; Smith, (Candoia,) Smith, (Cent re.o Stevenson, Tolan, Vail, Vanitoorhis, Vickers, Vorg.bley, Wagonseller, Walter, 'Warner, Wharton, With-row, Zimmerman and Getz., Sri:Arun—S:l N.tYs- . —liesses. Hancock; Struth er.. Thorn, NYintrnde and Wrig,ld-4. ertz t&Etign wits determined in :enc. afil:mative. S:t•nETA: - .7's Orrirr.. i'e,nrixv/vad;ia, Az: " 1 • _ .. . I do ceitify that: tine above nod Itor...going k a true and eorreet copy IW the " YtNL , " ii:lCi . " S:11 - s" taken on the te,ohnion iPrOpCi: , lllg :1111e11(11171t,IltS in tit* Con stitution of the Cfuninowlyealth, a.l the wane appears on the Join:mils of the two llonsel of 'the Aleneral As sembly of this Commonwealth for the seFsion of 1F.57. Lt • ~. -, 'Witness my hand and the seal of said o ff ic e . 1 !" ' Itlik tiVC):il . .SVCOnti day of 4 une,-ont thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven., 1 . . . A. fi. C1.7.11T1N. jlyBm3l Se,refary .f the1,C0ntn,,,,,,,,,,N. Rittl , . ristrellnl ; afl NYork, with a lli A e fltl,ic„l-act%;l;7/;Sloulit;or(a and siileeted.with much care, froni orer thirty of the best House; in New-York, which .lie orrers to his cus-. toincri• and the public, at low prides, fur Cash. •Llis stock comprises ; DRUGS. :: . t 31ED1 r IN i ES, . PAINTS . • , • .. ti,oll , . ,• • . , VINDOW CLASS, .• • . . . . . - • DYE STUFF :4, • GROCERIES • • ' GLASS .WARE, . . CROCKERY, '- • MIRRORS '. • . uptk s, - , . . • . - . WALL PAPER,! WINDOW PAPER, - . WINDOW OIL SHADES, FANCY -GOODS . . • . MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, . . ' JEWELRY, FERF6IERY, . - DRY GOODS II AR D WA 11 E, • • _ - STONE wAllt, WOODEN WARE, - BROOMS, . • 1 • BRUSH ES, • -•- JAPANNED WARE, BIRDCAGES, • • CANARY •SEED, . . • • . POCKET-KNIVES, - WHIPS, .. 1 UMBRELLAS, . • - GUNS, • i - - . ' • PISTOLS, :-. .. - - • AMMUNITION; :- -.a TE lIREN TINE; ' . CAMPHENE, • . - - ' - - • • BURNING- FLUID,. ALCOHOL, " , . • • • LIQUORS. (For Medicinal Purposes, only.) . - • ' • TRUSSES, , SUPPORTERS, . - 0 • SHOULDER BRACES, PORT MONIAES, SPECTACLES, 1 SIPLVEE dr PLATED SPOONS, FORKS, - &c., - GOLD PENS, '. . . • S.TATIONF!Ry.. . , • VIOLIN STRINGS, I.IOWS,"&e , ' And all of the most, popular - .1 " • PATENT MEDICINES. . Thankful for the liberal patronage hitherto receic• "ed, he hopes to merit a continuance and huye in crease of the ~ a me. 'Ant, tuRRELL. Montrose. Juuc.lo. 1S 57 - • & by the `i . ,arrel or pound, 12 -at . lIAIWLEV-k GUILD'S. . . ti r :... 1.- 3 y ., Ttii.! i Self.Aetbig Bent-Lever 'iIiIr I TDDIE KALIL rimUS INVENTION claims,tuperiority over every - other, in the following reipects : In the invaria ble scientific principle involved, and upon Which . it acts; its undeviating accuracy; in its lightness and strength in its wonderful capacity, convenience of form, and applicability-to every purpose fiir which Scales of any kind am required; iu its perfect sim .plieity-, in the.absence of any complication liable to variation, or, to get out of order ; and, finally, in the important fact, that this.stale can be allbriled at a bout ear-third the cost of any other Platform Scale, of like capacity and accuracy in use. And . pos!ft!s- Sing in an eminent degree, all these merits, this Invention is conceded - to be one of the Most useful and valuable ever brought Before the public. -bud coming, as it does, within the reach of all, it- cannot but toad an unprecedented sale and undivided market ridaopg farniers, housekeepers, mechanics, merchants, &c. 'everywhere, to the eielu.sion of every other weighing apparatus. The iiivention of the Scalea and the many invalua ble improvement: which" we have made within the past few niontlis,.blire inintglit them to such' a de gree of accuracy, that they mar he safely retied up on in every transaction of weight. . . • - ' Hanufictureil and for Fale only hr B. H. EATON & CO: Snsq. Co., Pa., - . lay 13018:i:7. OVINIoNs PRESS We hare examined this new Platform S'lale and eoucur iiiall that is sxid by the Journal. The ruin leiple• is :it once siMple and beautiful, and ensuees lie:feet' accuracy, while the price will be three times less than of the Scales no! used.—..•ll6(my • . 5.1.1111( . .S PATT.NT.r./...m0r,74 - 11:1Ve ex than the principle up on nhich its acts. The idatflum which 'sustains the weight lifts a pendulum, s t usurnticd find loaded'at the end, through an arc of < eirele and the indicator poi n t s ou t, upon the graduated eirrunifetence, the exact weight. Ii otlier platform scales the measure of aVoirdupoiii has to be ascertained by moving a. loose weight on a beam, as on a steelyard, - till it hits the precise point. Smyth invention is st self-work ing one, and Ind:eases at once, and to the minutest fr.n.tion, the figure. By attaching the weight on the end of the pendulum, the scale becomes multiplied hr fires or. lens: by releasing time weight it giv'es ounceS brsteati of pounds. For household purposes,. it is as cheap and far better than steelyards. 4 And finding the wayjo all well regulateiFkitchenii"-- where the receipt Loop-with its prese; iptions of weights and proportions, is used.—A trait and A Nt.tv anybody .doubts that this is an in ventive nge,' tiler should call and -exatnine Smyth's Self-Acting Dmt-Lerer Platftirm Se:deg:l:or simplic ity of design.; and cconothy ofspace, they take prece dence of any scales that Bare yet been invented.— There is one peculiatity almut this scale; it posses- - ...es very little machinery, 4nd can never make a mis take izo long as the Ia v of grayitation continue. Smyth's scale-has another pdvantage--its small cost. ;rkerbocke !.11 - 1•11 4 :: PATT.NT.rLATFOI2II 701t1 valuable invention was oh exhibition at 'our State Fair just closed. Nothing , in its department received more attention or was MOM f.,;enerally admired proved. This scale, poSSe - Ising the eximordimtry men its conceded to it at the East, cannot but be ex reedinzly valtmble, afnd must, WC:6l(lk, come into ~rneral use. ; ' • e The .4 Many Even; air Ji lt rnnl pain:4les the above, and adds; This scale (Startles) was also exhibited at thy State Fair at Watertown, and not only received every. attention given it in Ohio, but carried off the first.and highe , 4 premium awarded—a diploma and silver Ittedal.—C/epc/and (Ohio) Jottrauf. " SMYTH'S • SELF-ACTING BENT.-LETErt PLATFORM' `ca Ihndaniental Principle of every impor tant invention has been very simple.. In its simplici ty is the elements Pf _its worth, its ascii/Mess and a daptabiliiy. Inventions of complicated movement and visionary theories hate never perforated the olt= ject sought to be Obtained, for with adaptability, ac curacy and durability must be combined cheapness. All of these deideratunts are involVd in thetineit tion r‘Xently patented and known "Smyth's Self- Acting Itent4,ever lid:forth Scales." The scale in .roestion,„ from its - con tractionthe minciple of gravitation, it never liable to be out of order. It must perform its wink thoroughly, because the lairs °Na ture govern it. In size the scale is; : a pigtar; - bnt for capacity it is wonderful, weighing any otjeet front one ounce up to four hundred pounds,. It ca n be reg,- 'dated by any one who looks at it but lima moment. As their cost is but a trifle, ther gill Ppeettily he as indispensably necessary in the household calendar as a Eny otherusefurartiele of dltily use.— re.Transeript. AND VALVAIILE IsrErivros.-;—Atnimg others, we have been favored with an examination of the hew and valuable invention (recently patent ed,) known as Stnyth's Self- Acting fler.t-Lerer Plat form Scale." Mr. D. M. Smyth, the ingenious in ventor, has spent sonic five years in 'the perfection of his work,. and that he has attained perfection there seems but little doubt. This scale is construct ed upon a scientific principle which knows no valia -114)11.0r-change, and hence its accuracy is beyond question. , Its capacity and strength is unprecedent ed, While its fornrand the principle involved make it dotiVetilent and applicable to all purposes requiring scales of any description. It is free flout nay com plication Halle to variation or. to get-out of order. The great and iiiiportant feature, however-, of the scales made under this invention, is the fact that they can be afforded at about one:Twat/4 the , cost. of any . other platforM scale of like capacity and amertraci in the world. The scale-we have seen (a sort of pocket edition as cornpitred with otter platform scales,) has the wonderful cupacitv.of weighing any object, from one ounce up to four hundred pounds. Pos sessing the istruordinary merits and advantages con-, ceded to this invention, it cannot but be exceedingly valuahle, and, thescales made under it, brought as they will he, within the reach of every family, must meet with an unprecedented sale, and come into im mediate aptl general use, aft well to the benefit of the public, as to those so fortunate as to secure the ex clusive tight of tvanyfacturing_ and vending them.— State Register. LIME AND PLASTER. , . lIIHE subscribers are now ) bunting and will keep . constantly on band, Lime of a very superior ' THEM SCALES, . quality at Montrose .Depot, and • will sell it in any . • ARE . MANUFACTURED quantities at a fair price. Penton 'visiting a large I , quantity can be supplied 1.:-on a reasonable notice. .• - AND FOR SALE ONLY • BY . , 1 SuptriorCkround. Per yr iastillbe kept constantly en 4 . - . • H hand hereafter.. • --.• J. L. POST, . 1 11. ARLS:KE ,• R. ' - .1111 -•. Ea on tifir, Co. W. jE.V3151).. • -.- L. BEALR/3. ... llarford. Sasquelailoa Co., Pa.. Montrose Depot, April I= TAINEI SHOULD PURCHASE ONE OP' Smyth's Patent Improvedacales. SMYTH'S PATENT IMPROVED SCALES RECEIVED THE FIRST AND HIGHEST PREMIUM —A Diploma and Silver Bledal— AT THY T - )`..A 4,E v ati T-2 AT WATERT° 11'11; X. Y. THESE SCALES ARE MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE ONLY BY 11, Limo * caL, ri Forel), susQt' c()II 3'7'l", PA ME EPERP trAIRRI E .116 SHOULD PURCHASE OXE OF SMYTH'S PATENT IMPROVED so Smyth's Patent Improved Scales RRcEi I'3) 271); Z"" Pt. -AND ffighest Prentium, if DIPLOM.' ft. SILVER JIL'IML, • AT ' - • 0 _TI 3 WATERTOWN, NEW YORK. 2:IIESE St ES AVE .11-1.,,V1TF.1.C7V7:117) .1 - 1) FOR SA I,ll' OXLI' B 1; R. H. EATON & . CO., Raeford. SiDqueltauca County, Pa. Every Farmer SHOULD PURCHASE ONE OF :;-iltitlfg,patrut,b3lnpratithftaltri. SAIYT ' S Patent Improved Scales RECEIVE!) THE•FIRST BMW MAME ---A DIPLOMA OD SILVER MEDAL--- • J.T THE State Fair at 'Watertown, New York. =9 THEOSCALESARE MAN (F,4 CV:RED FOR. SALE 0117,1" BY c_r& Ein EATCO)?\I ICOD: 0. ? HARFORD, SUSqUEITANNA COUNTY, PA. • I=ll=ll EVERY SHOULD OIRCHASE ONE OF, SMYTH'S-PATENT SMPRDVEU SOILES4 !StllsY'TH'le PATENT IMPROVED SCALES , RECEIVEI4Y'4.FIRST (I, HIGHEST P REMIU M A DIPLOMA IND SILVER. MEDAL= AT TH E 3TATE FAIR AT WATERtOWN, N. Y. - • Fire &Lire Stock Insurance Company, OF PLIMADELIIII2I, NO. SG WALNUT STREET, ABOVE FOURTH. CAL PITA, I. 8300,000. . 1 / a ßrlnsovrtice ayail!slioas O domoge by P7re t on Buildings, FurniturearilJlerehaMliae !later a l ly. Also, on florae*. mot ti • • death :from. wig cause. " 6 "N" LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED...IM Inttl:cTous : • IL R. Miller, Henry. Joues, F. S. Ifocale.y, J. IL Flanigan, J. Crosadale, . Sand. Randall, Chas. Flanigep, of Wilmington, Del. 31. Caurtmx - r, tier. ! D. R. Mits.ion, Prot`i. BILLINGS STROUD, :lucid. IdmityMte, July 1, 18-51'.—Iy 1 Manufacturer's Insurance Company. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Granted by the State of Pennsylvania. CAPITAL, *500,000., FIRE, MARINE, & INLAND TRANSPORTATION. Milli: Company w,as organized with a Cash-Capital, •j and the Dirretors have determined to adapt the business to its available resource—to oliz , erve pru dence in 'co:utile:lllg its with , a pipmpt adjust men r of losses.. Ltepl.m . o - rr, WM. A. Vice ryes% A LPIIED 10E/3:N, Soerctaiy. Rinycrontg:—Aaron S. Lippincott, \Vni. B. Thorn. 84..Chatics Wisc., J. POMO& Said:, Wm. A. Rhodes, 1 \VI Neal, - Alfred ‘Veekg, John I'. Simons, Chprk: 1. yiclnl.3alM-s OFFICE, No. 10 Merclian(A` Exchange, Phil. N. lII*LLARD, .Iyent. 3lnntro3o, Pa.; May 12,- 1 557.--1.• <44 ) • Lyeothing Co. Mutual Insurance Coinpany Tis one of the. best Comp:lnk:: in the State.:,, It ryas incorporated in IS to, its; Charter perpetual: L las insured, since it went.. Mtn operation, thirty millions of property, and paid over six hundred th on .and dollars 1055... lAreiVe thousand has been paid in this County. • Applications reccirtsl at Om store of, IL 11. LYONS & co., Lanesboro, aid At Moutle,,e. D. R. LYONS, Agent. v:11/1.31 Montrnso, Jan. 1557 TABISET MINOFACTOIIYg L A F i r l II TA N . 1.7 F A T 1: El: and dealt rin Al lauds nl Furesit tire, is ilow prcpar,(l to fill all • oroers for BotistvatlF. of air kinds at. wholes:ale nr retnil, . or! 'bort notice. Retaic ii twe: , rang, , front $.2 lip:yards, ❑('cording to style. 11, al , o keep: on liand neatly-math?, he 6a< an. de.-ant -41,c - ,'tie is prepared to attend funeral on shunt notice. New Milfi”4l, Der. 17, 1830. I 'NE of the 1)/-sf and cheapest F.ITIMS On Rock • River, lii., for sale. h contaius • MO satar 4 eiSL, all under. fence, 100 undei plow, all the timber nee ,;.,.s.,:ary fo r use convenient ; a small rtroa In Of liriug ate'r runs through tit, place, good new hou: , e, orchard, &C. It will tam oW::::;• ) ,(Ilf-K.) worth- of per annvlo, or i well arranged for a :'toe': -or dairy farm. 1,o:11y om.:- mile ft em r moo, a town of `foowhich contain: tint Tat, gri=t 31:(i saw plow, svagon, sod lilacksailtll,lloti-„;:eice„ It is only two miles front R. It: milos ; flout Stelling, the comity scat. • TER. - 11,t, S LOGO ; . . 51:1.5(111 dir:F;), remaiinliT in sane; frvnto, with siK per reht. interet G. C..1,1 - 31...1N, • - hite,ide Canute, 114invi:4 'Ulf - Sc.:era! nerer+ of foiii,l! Lti lt d%, 1:: NViscon,l::, ntal ie in lowa, for _ale, on thne. 1557.-tf. /1 1 11 E sul,i , criber keeps con , tiuly on hand for I at.his estahli-lunent in Montro,:r. , ,the hest t v of SOFT So.!. litarnifletnre , l from the lye of wood ashes and gyea.s,e, in the old fashioned -way,and not by ‘ any pateltt proe:,s4. Fur those that furni,dt the gre:tse,he manufactures the soap for $1..50 a bairel. Warranted in all eases to He a good artiele,or the soap ma:)- be returned and ; the rnowy refunded.- • Per iure' Half Barrel dealerA will be furnished—if delivered at the Aebery in Montrose—at the rate of ten ba r r e l s for $43,0r at Setantotuat ten barrel: AVARES. 3fentroFe,.March 1(kyl STIRAYI GRIST AND SA W 3.111,11,. IjOST 11110TIIF,ItS having purchased the abort. I .c:itabl;Amleltt,will keep constantly - on hat* Su perfine (1-1,11:1:te Flunr,Corn .31"ral of ertp. ri:or ?nal i111,(lvo Chop and Bran :it the' lowest cash prices—. Custom wort: will be donewith despatch, and in all rases Ir.t rr.ifl tr.t. 136'1t1 Mont rare. July. 1553. Valsm.blo Law's For Saic. VOII;;SALE IN ONE E /Loma opy,. r acres L Land on the waters of Spring . Brook, a hranch , of the Lackawanna river in Imzerne County,Pelm'a., aboutinhlway between the thriving totins tiin :thill'itt:q.ott. These lands are covered with val uable timber, and being situate in the moat extensive mineral region . in rennsylvania—known to contain' iron ore--and believed to abound in coal, ...and being also M the immediate vicinity of several railroads! tl made and now in progress—soffer to the capitalist an opportunity for the investment of nion‘y that seldom occurs. For.further infornuahurapply to N. P. Ifo: sack, Esq., No. 11, ItTall street New. York, or to the übs'criber„ at Montroge,Susqueliauna counyr,Pa., the attorney in fact of the on-Imeg. ' April, 0, 1554.. - HENRY DRINKER. E3illifYPOilir • T irrin compliMents to his • friends and the public fin the. subst.mtial and long-continued patronage of his business, would again announce that: he is receiving a `l...uge and full stock of • - SPA: i f-A' G S UM:WE R GOODS, including as usual a great variety of Ladb-sD r e,,s (;owls ift Priatx, Giaalranix, Lafrro.., .Thargc-pc laN, ChallitP, l'lwielllerefreg, l'oplins; Ilro e4de, Illrlek awl ,Poney Drerx Silks; IL-oche, Stella, Silk and eashweie ;5/mldg ; athrortillas, Pararrolly Rick lablowr, flannels awl Flore,ro, Ilroadelothoi Carrihneres,.tke., with a great variety of other • --- 8.7'.41.PLE cf: .1%.1,.:V CY GOODS v f FARMERS ATTEND . ' 3 including Uroerricrr, CrGekery, Hardware, Iron and T IIE undersigned would respectfully aimounee*to Steel, Na;1 8 , MGT . ", flat' and CaP l 4-4°° l • l and Shoes, the FARNIKIIB and all others interested, that we earpoting t . Floor Oil Col/o, raintrd 11 " 7 "flam hive associated ourselves together under the firm of Shades, Wall Paper, Clocks; Prufis, OFIa rf;..Paints , NOTT & TILDEN, ; Arc, k 4 The - maim stock having been bon ht 'for •- --• -Cash and with much care, will be sold at the lowest j at tho old stand of M. & E. Mott, - where we are pre. .figure,:and to meet the views of the closest Cash or.e pared to furnish PLOWS of the most approved pat filme buyers. # terns now in use. such as Blatcliteres, ifoles -trait . Beaus, dc. Also Points of all kinds, .I.andsidis, Ciftivator teeth, and all kinds of castings for Faint= 1 ers and others, all of which le propose to sell as low - 'NOTICE. \ las can be afforded by any establishment in this coon. P.- - ERSONS desirous of paying me money,on debts . ELIJAH MOTT. tr Y• ' . -of auy description, can do so-by leaving their G. A. TILDEN.i payments with Post, Cooper & Co., Bankers, Mont- i We Arealtio agents for Ethery's Horse Powers, rose, to tap credit, whose receipts will be allowed Drag and Ci . reular Saws for wood, also Peg Churn from their date. 1 Powers, which we can furnish on short notice. April 18, 18513.-1 . • C. L. WARD. • Montrose, Jan. 7, 1837: • . ILI • New kilford, Slav 13, 181i7.. - • B. Flour azui S'ali constantly on hand 1 ,1 • 4 4 , $4, • .A" C:tpi [u!,-2.200,000, Farm for Sale ! SOAP MANUFACTORY. rurcrq 0: - 25 WITNESSES , I- The -Independent Re-publican: —OR— . PUBLISHES) EVERT TIIIIRSDAY4IOII9UXG, AT HOSTEBs c • tgarli cAtkrger Convicted.' PA., AT ($1,50 . PY1 jiving. IX APTAXCE. JOHN S. UTE is THE avrtion, • WI Wiwi his kali 10 "years eiperience as a Banker • and Publisher, and Author of • Ll* A aeries of-Ledures aG the Broodecaglliber; ureic 0 " when, for 'ln successive nights, over-. wiwa • tir 50,000 Peorde . • . goGreeted him with Rounds of Applause, while he exhibited the manner in which Counterfeiters execute their - Frauds, and the surest and - c Shortest Means of Protecting them! CZ$ The Rank irotr . .l6igrurers all .sag (halite is 111 i gr«aeset Judge of Pigper Money living. Z, REATEST DISCOVERY of lX Ike Present Century for Deteetjug Counterfeit. Bank Notes. DeiTrilAng Every Genuine Bill in Existence, ,to* and exhibitingat n glance every Cerm terfeit in Circulation! ! . - • " a* Arranged So admirably, that REFERENCE is - EASY and DETECTION INSTAISTANEOVS. oPb tigrNo Index to examine liNo pages to hunt up ! But so simplified and arranged,that the Merchant, =l' Banker and linAlezta Man can see dl al a Glance. *J. ii 4 . .English,- French and Guinan. . t. 3 Thus Each may read the name in Await - • Mo.. own Native Tongue. ' Et 4l Most Perfect Bank Note List Published, . `A l so a,,,List of 4* • . . . All Ilse Private tankerg in Amer f • • - Dr. IL' Smith, t - L.. 1 Cncir:os DENTIST. hati removed Ms Ofrer !torn Sages t o Li tit ' ..S. CoMplete.Stuntintry of the Fittahct: ov 0 amt dtreuieg opposite the Baptlitehtueb. (title tide.) in 3lott. grr, Ernon . & Amvszte.t willrbe ptiblislitid in each c 11,14% .Itvp, all Dent4l operathms will bo t erformed tii bit usual : 46, k 'tog dition, together with all the Important NEWS , n'a"Ltr• ' : 3106020 . 36, 7 11 . /SR. L$ • .OF TILE DAV. Also A SEIIIESOF TALES . 7 0.. c... 1 14- , .oililtir . .- - .. :>^ From an Old Manuscript; found in the East. le r-ii r.. st.LEtt IN SA DDIS-u. narncin. T. Talon. &e, Mahe furnishes the Most Complete History of 1 ..1/ .. t.'n.titor above Ike* Grater'', Mostlnee, rt.-llyt •OEIENTAL LIFE and describing the I'erplexing Positions in 'wilful' ' 4 the Ladies and Gentlemen of that Country-have ...4' been so often !build. These Stories Will continue . r . - ... t throughout the whole year, :mil will -prove the' it z.. Most Evtertaining ever offered to the Public... • j:* —.- Furnislted Weekly to Subscribers only, at $1 a year. An letters must be :tddressed to Lif • .101(N S..DYE. Braker, ?Publisher and Proprietor, 10 \Vail-Street. N.Y is .:11 - , apk3on Wv.lyl ' • AY F.:13 ' S JERRY. . . PECTORAL, • Fon THE RAPID CUM: OF • . Colds, Coughs, 'and - . • Hoarseness. 2r.111 DOC.. IS ,55. D. I do not :.„y th , 1,...‘c re... 4 I have rncr i;turol for Coit,rlm, tloorsetioN, latturovi. and tha coutoluitii rytiiiitoutit of a CoLl. your CurGitl" Its o,ll,tallt ax iu my pr.i.•64:,..:cid toy fatuity tor tlie.l.lot Lir yi at, xi it to Y4Peri.T s - irtar.. for Ow trout:moil t.lirso KNIGHT, M. I). Vfl'" A. li. MOP,TI,Er, Es4..i.frttrt. N. T.. writes: "I have live.' tour PL , TVRAL myself and in family ever sin, yon invented it. and . believe it the best tnedieitie far ita pittp,se over pot oat With a isot .44 ~.sner pay tiventy•fore ..Tiara for Lottie than dun itiantt it,.or Lane mil other reuse lye' Whooping Cough, Influenza. • tier.ver.rtin.rs, 7.153t3. 11::nto err .4.171`. : I will rle-ert•dly ‘,..rtifs: your PE.TNIAL 1. the b.,t rrir.ly tee 1.0.4,1 1..7r 11, .4* (1.49/4 ate l the eitaair dal hon. We ~t• your fal.srleity itt the Sntith appreidate ;sour ntilleate.l r.euntetesl your nnalicins,t a out 11N.V.J. '111i1.4.31 CONK LIS, 31. D. MON - rzr.rY. Arrlt.r.., 3.1 .Talt.. had tmliull• lutht nzt, whirl.. - nu11..41 rip. In , Inor.; sls week., took many up...akin,: widener relief finally tri...l Your l'e:e•fev::st by the advice of our clt.:cyni.ul. The 111 . at ream.-I , tro 4(. etteu i4my I lalsat 'and Inogir pint one 'air !lii• made rile erniepretely weil. Yom tnrdiciuea an, the Oirapoe Kell MI (tin bet Ke nip Lnr, and we e.deetre you, Lh.s.tor, un - Et_ger rrptrdic i. n• the iss.r mare's friend.' 4 , Asthma. or Phtliisie, and Itrunchitis. • - Wx.4l. - 31 vz, - . n.. Ed, 4. You.r ear •r 1,• . tl3 5.N11.4 . 1. 1 n!: ,4 r 4 if tialAl: t•ia. att i ..11:/1114. a Mal? WIWI 1,0•4 al, TOW .110 rat , . • • '•-•• -• i:Y PARKS.. 3/.•.•chant. • • .%. A. RAMS.EY. D.. Atiz , ..N. ,Af yt •ti . .l Irtve f t ir tt ; tr.thittl: t.. Cu v f o r , to are We! mij t attil volumes er but thcrnuvit catt‘lnciu{ prod td . t - Ile L.:llc, .1 :hi, nuut.,t . ; r.uul to ite vrreetr. ttirtm Ito ow, tontray'l,-.• ev,r cony •otrli o!tri...,vrotti en-, :Ow 5 , 1, , no littnuto nit roa,-13; 1.;:t ei tot to C.", Cutr.V.tV itri.t,ln arid comfort ...• • • • , .!l. t it yr: MI3I ( ICif• 111'0 I ' iill-111 - 11j•;: • , 1:o :1 Pirl 11r r••=1.1 . 11 , 1 , ..51,•• t is 1.11 , 1 t 1 e • issf.. F.ls•j; .rite. o;•.1 ~,, . t Tc•NeVt•rt•st • • • ••...1” dat7i • 1: ,, t .11.• 11-4•1 t.• :••• ir I:•..• hsl nV:: ' Wel{ 41: I 01::..k.Nie.)-:•111:L1;V; 0:7;.07.1 11 / 1 :7 re". , 70 1,0 11.:11:1: 1 ( 1i:: 1:171 7111.' 0: 1 1r-: (1177:0;1 Net:. - 0- • it %..;!, • or w , r;I:o 1 , 1 r ,‘ Ayer's Catharte Pills. pay- Ipi ;r Ii) la TIE n ienee of Cherids.try and Medi 1111, teen .taxed their utin,st to prod this teed. 111 ,, •t 1.1 .- Urt 111Fgatj, 101i111 ix k 11. 1 ,11 L. :120, "1111111:: , ..1,:.1.• t• do, ' " that :Lost Pltd-s h ,ea ie:,i• th ,. alit 0p4 , 11 1.1,11 . if all men. Thee are ',Or 1-werfal r.netratitig prop...rti, stimulate It.. air 3: ntli , "l:iot j( the rt•liirlyn I tic. it„hi,. did,.;;_oo. They :Te.,,e not tl,l foul hatnnrs nrisstatel crow ilio;coirer:onii_aiate slittir,;isit, or :Nom-deo-4 o r ',ran o int. their natured setion. stealMiletet 1:e , a11117 tow. Witt dre,gthlo the is h t.l, . ' ,rdo they cure the neery lay complaints ~ f -every t:wmiilatle AM; char,. dideak . ll that Lae.: 14 , 1 1 14. , 1 the 1 e-t of 44111. n they yr...lime-pee metal efftn•l 4. they at:. at ti.. 'ram. time. in dl minishasldrea- , . the en%-..t and hest physic that ran Le elrplayee tar children. l3eit., sugar-coated, they ere pie:loam to Ll:u and being . purely vegetal:de, a , e free from\ any risk of harm bane been main uhirb surrass loli,f weir tiny not rah stantiated by men of such exalted pesitiart mid character nth tt flirbid the smpicion of untruth. - eminent clerg„.ei t i e n ant physicians I,3Te 'frut their names 1 ,, Vertiry t:. l the ptidtic tiat re (lability of my remedies, while ethos have tent the 'the assur once of their cnneictian that nos Preixtrationo contributa Its tnenoety to tho relief of me fellow-men. The Ageut isdlegionnsi is rdist,,l to (model) gratis my Atnei Lean Almanac...Sl/Wining t.r their use, and cettifl totes of their corm of the_ followinc eemplaints:— rlotitiecneso Camplointo. ithenntatistu..4:ropoy. Mu t t burn. Minim:lie aridtig. from a Mid stnna r i t . tion, Morbid Inertia:l of the Dowels. and Pain arieing therefrom; Flatulency. Leo , . of Appetite, all Flour has and Cittaneono tan which minim an Ovum:nit Me.licinr. rkndula or bane Evil. They aloo, by purifying the I drool and otilmilating Aye tem. cure many complaints which it would minx supise e el th e : mold reach, ouch 101 Deafness. Partial illimbiesa. Nettrudgia. au, Nervous Derangements of tiii l Liner and Kidney? (lout, and other kindred centrditlnts arising font a low state o the body-or oloitructlem of its functions. ... - ,(ill 2,54 `2..i -Do not be pot off by anprincipled .!ealers with some otheepil they mate more proftt on. Ast. t:w Arra'a -I'n.t.s. and take noth ing else. NU otlwr they ean give you eotnpan., Ankh this In it intrinnit value or etirativu i , .a•er'. The rick want the bent al. there id for thew, and they ?hyoid have it, Prepared by Dr.:.l. ALIEFI, Practical and Analytic:4l Chemist, Lowell 'Kau. Pax; 25 Cr. PER Ikx. itvz Yo $l. EOLD BY ABEL TtilthELL . , and by Druggist:: aad Med . ieine llealers.—nLiv3ylew- . _ . . Read the following Letter. • HOME TESTEMONT. We have received the following letter iti relation to Da. MonsesiNortx Door Pais. ACHURN Fora Cot:xi:as, / Susq. Co., Pa., Sept.::.lBth . , Isso. f ;.MessrsA. J. Warm & Co., New York • • 'The Morse's Indian Root PilL. had front von give • ?interned satisfaction, in at.tMli INSTANCE, and oar farmers use them for almost everything.. The Drs- ENTERS- has . been raging. in - this section to an alarm : ing extent,. for the last six mon ths r scAaCELY a SINGLE. ran . alv having cAmpetl, ENCErt. THOSE' wilt:at: your , • pitta mire 1-en CSED AS A Pnavayriva, in .which mse they have NECF:P. ?AILED. I will 10 . 01 - 111 von shortly how tasend a further supply. Your on. gerv't.r ALPIfONSO It. SMITIL . Saell letters as the above aced no comment from tts, they ought to rentvince all If what tee - firmly Hieur,• thdt . Dr. .I.lorse's Indian, Root Pills - are the very best Pill evrr made. • • Sold in Montrose by S. IT. k D: Sayre, and by one person in every town ; and in tdl country stores. X J. White A: Co., 2 St. Peters Place, New York,-sdle Proprietors. -s Consumption. e:rr. A+l , r; Xgv Hates of AdvertislOg. One square (16 lines or less)one week, $0,56 One square " - me weeks, ,16 One square ' • " three wees, ' 40 0 One square " onomonth, ... .. ... I,tz, One square " two. months. -.....4, 25 One square '• "• ' three months,... - .3,u One square " sis months, 500 One square .4 one year;.... ,Clo Two squares,one year, 61 160 a Three squares one year,...: .1 -to Five squares one year, : 'Um Onecolutnn one yea., .40,00 Yearly advertisers will have the privilege,of alte r . ring, or changing their : atirertisements . without ad. diticutal eharge. ' . Business mrds, not eiceeding five ltnes, insetted at f 2,00 per annum. Job Work. This office is sopped - with a good assortment al Jobbing materials, and all kinds of Job Work; stai r ns Cards, Posters, Pinuphletsote., will.be done nat.. ly.and prompt'? BUSINESS CARDS. Dr. E. F. W CrLADi'ATI . : of the Allopathic aid liomeapathic College, o V Medleine. f 4. now permanently locatedln Great Brad, jyt, o f , fee, etinier of ,Maine arol Ellzalaiii Pg., nearly oppoalto the 11:11:: (.'hovel), ' . St -.- ay lot , lax:,-l7 . J,• D: Vail, N. p.,.. - Doiymci.c Ntlsu.ra; EoN. hai penianent4 , looted blisd( I. at Itraetneyville. SAmitiehama entlnty, Pa.. end will promptly attend to all 01111w1th which he way he Catrored..46l2l. 1 • A. - Buihnell, , . Tr() cerun.43.l..cat AT LAW. ora S. It k weA's Drug store. Srsorauss.s. Erma, iti..:llyl • .. . . . . , •T. 8.. Orchard,- M. D.. •-. 13 ilysici.i..); A1%:114.4.71161 7 ,0N, Jack.ma, SusquAw , y county, I: ra , Itt,ld..ncv :it tilt , 1'0.4 offlcr. - Keeler & StoddiroL' DFA I. ERS IN n)TS SIWES; Leather and Findley, on tr.t dour below Se... Arlen Motel. Montrone, c. , 1: - ; C STODDARD. • • • William H. Jessup" .- • k TrpRNEf . - I.r LAW •NOTAiIY rciTurc. - - (Mice. on P Va. • • • ' -Miller & Fowler, • Trol: F.: TS COITNSELLOIIS AT LAW. sad V tioUdbn th t Olnev No. 44 CLince atreet, enza4so, Bentley & Fitch, TTin:NEY::: AT LAW. AND DOUNTY LAND AGENTS.— ..A wrc, we , t of the Court Musk:, Moat:ow:Pa. • Albert Chamberlin. i t TT: aINEY AT LAW. JUsTIM OF THE Prjam._ iwur I. L. Pont S Co, 3 :gore, Win. H. Jemip,. 4 17011 . NFY A.T LAW'AND . CO3iMISSIONER OF 1/EE.Dii, L, I, 6.: the State of Near fork. will attend to all business entrusted 1., pm : with proathita* alai titlelity. Office tet Public S. , rate, ocest• pied L. film. William .I,sap, . . . Abel Terrell;. • j)1 i,. . , - 1, 1 , ..1. - i t i k ; i:;: i r a ) , R i t; r tl o .s . . ,„l 3 ,,,. l , Eß rT lCll,!:ES. ; :l2 l llE3llCA,le t . Tab:l 4 Wal.hea. Jovelry. Silverkipnc, fink NPettlidel. MO. CAlmt Surr.kal In.strementn Liquors, Bilip• tqagonery, 8ra,b4.7, Shoe% Yankee :Cottons. ac. . . • F. B. Chandler, - E,ALFJI IN DRY GOODS. Ready Made Clothing, Groin% IJF 1;....,1 - o and statlucery, etc., .oel2llr-.3IONTRUir. Fs, I. L. Post & Co nny Goon. e 1;!!,pUn: glrect Aaa rubric J.-Lyons & Son., - • I‘ , l : ::A L F.g.s DRY-Cott - 1)S. Coverlet. lizobzusa. Crueksir. 1 Mt:4We .i{l , ok4. Sze. ; ca.. awry un the mei teem .V.l hualtuy, MCINTWAL7, Bentley & Read nh,: 1;31:: Jew ory crfunwry, , Ic. Brick Bbaz...Vorractiz. tigNTLET..., I. • • William & Wiliiam H. Jessup, . • TronN EY SXr LAW: Novel: oar., Pa,. Practice In 3aire -11 haram,l3radfi,nl Waym, Wnautar, sad Lnrarue ecambos. " • - • E: S. FIINNELL. • 4-IE.ILETZ in Snit c.'and Mnotin" finninan:tni..llartelf. Firkin', Sc G tutATsLSD.Dlntt.( . o. oder,froma re. s pou,ibliriv;art pruanytly nintsLlPlsAfrer dlrchnkm,r3n9,l Rockwell 42' Wintigt- • ill'i- -N A, - ,,,'.'i'V . .,ZZ El L s rl i ."l, l ,ll't;i7SZZio- a tt h i tt % cr '''S v.)._ o n , Ntairp.) S. U. u• ....... ........... 'MON. A. Baldwin, ' _ j 'cud .d . (1,3:11.11,.-CA.stzau. Ilkfrreorte s tnelt j, 1 , J.17.-tf . . . . . . • It Thayer,. DiITSIC IN N A St) , $ t 110 EON', Sto=ettfir.. Pa. Office in tfier 1 Fartncea stun; - .1r1r..., .. • E. - N. -liciore, ILL Wr.:6117% f..rut•niy rtf r Or.hige Centar,"Sevr- thrk. conlity. w.tait offer bb agirVitiOLLl a'atit iatiltihig repatriutt Gthtt. , vc (Abet ltlithistelr. that exo-rit nee warrnnt,lihn hi drillg AO, roil Oak* ad. t , ltt.q. IrSeyt Son, - . . Comes & .. . : • - . .. .... Ir:ti.F.ils in Yi , relpi am: American illarbic-,_3lscoameati,l7earl / 5t. , ,. mi,:t.t4,l, s.c_ Bil,ghzuhton New Tod. it:4nm per t: i- m ~I.t.c t.) the ut•ove :xtteml6l to m ith 411.vatclt, TT ig. W. PALIIII, A ;Via" I:reoLlyt,, ... , :._-q. Co.: P?, ... : , sspbyl. '''', V. CAULDINELL flic SONS.; '- IMPORTERS OF AND DEA/pIi4DS,,U aigss, • LOOKING-.GLASSES fe .: 2 . N0.,76 WARREN : - STREET, C.11:1-DAP:L . L.) T. G. ( . ..WI,PW ELL, nen r y S. Kn a pp.: N ew y o ft cAria,writ. „. ..ginseriberinwing e;innecte.r himielf %Id the -at llosser "1 Inc h ; VcovKI:IIT Insnp_ in ail its d Mutt. Iv ,ay t.. tnen:!nutts..- - IP.tel, anti boartilog-honwkeeiNets. polliNe" liannrt and ntl j oining - eountles. shat th +Sax+. eir Is one of the burrat of the kiwi kept In New litsic ;' thelt.t.e.sotment it , Large and genets': their plods:we of go.;tlquallty. and choke tgateras: their prlero &I low ns the trwic - can offer with reference to profits; and thgt : he eery o zheu. to tell to all who 1113 Y think It tr thole Interest to i&e tam t 1I.• • - • HENRY s: KNAPP. 'New Ycirk,-Janttary 1, 1831 -4y -- • - r 0 f a i I F IF g P / 4.. Alil • - SADDLE ~ . AND TILIALVEIII".I . 4rcel - ssonor.A.A,"- F.. Baldwin .(late Fordlnun 'alad Smith./ In I. the al.a . clorsine,c, will nfrer t good al tonna, all kinds of week in 1.04 line," miciunst Sraitt7cp, Harness. Trunks..ke. - Harness made ~ t the be 4 oak•tanned leather. Carriage Tan:oiling of all kinds done on rlo.rt not hv. All id:14 . 1,f t 'arrh;e Trimmings kept on hand and_ furnWali ch,,i.er than can la. purthaSed elsewhere in Northern Penn sylvania. Nu, I,.::, and Zl. llamenlent %X:len:lea Hotel.. MOSTItOPB,, • . OM. I. I . ela•-if . . . . .. . Banking House: • POST. COOPER .& C0.:,;',7,.5. , 1 HENRY niuskEit, - - ,masTROSE. W ,3r. lIUNTTINGCOOPEI, - x citeniber ...ir. 1855 ISAAC L. POST. TARAFTS on New York City and Pkilfatlelphill..— I. 1 Collections promptly made Onkremated. , Office hotirs front 10 A. ft. to 3.'-' 1 • Messrs. Allen 5: Paitoi; S. York; REFERLYCE, s•ttitttel C.3lortou,.Esq., rhiri. - . lion. Wiliam dessupOlontrese. , PATENT MEDICINES. - . k MON': the gnat vati'ety Mediednes TurrelFs Slam, rosy • Ifatuni all of Pi. .layne's tulle cerebrated Fandle intedicineet Fherm Fe , taralipti (latharice fialsey'a Flirt* Vint awl Fore**. FUN• florand celebrated German bitten: Louden's se ries of Fandiv medicine*: )tenisanes (larding 011.1 he Ptylgat"ak edy for sprains in manor beast ever huoterter Malhewsou's InGlllbte Remedy, and llorst. Remedy; DrrieWle Fenulltig% end a.yruietv of ether kinds ; "Traaic'n Magnetic Ointment, the great rernedf Torben.% rheumatism, and alling ry ainatato :Teed% - Extract. a first Olt , thing for AniherAturnrees tithe above ointment; Pain Dm:roving agent, a gtto4 article ; Wooddldie lidrant anal Bono Liniment ; rlitier.mrs Jaundice Hitter% Canker Milt% Llnhoect, Ind Dysentery Drops; linker's rompoutal for Myantery lioughtun'r Pepsin, roq DysisTria% Ifeir i t,ol" listract of Machu and Faired of tlamtgarilla ; a vasicty of Snivel% the be , ttre market. • 1111% an almost endless variety of listen! Medicine% alt s toeitaluff ,lt., to (limner:de—hut sunk,: it to any, that the putute wilt Bet neat ly every thing In this line, at the prug and ?Otte,' Store of • Montrose. July, I:Z7. • Ltim i TuaRELL . . v . " • Ak • if al 17 A l a.-1 / ( p, Havinwst•cured the tight of using t;od ilard'a at cut for rfwing . and ioweitng -carriage tops. IA prepared to furnish and put them on Itt, ttle..rptiPt notice, - 4 • 4 3iontio4e, May 6, 1857. • . 2 - FORTYTORSETOWER . STEAM ENClNClOttifirs IN GOOD OUP EII• FEET eir.,ht, inch - stroke, .14 .inCh .Cylirtder,... bal. lancewheel, three tuna. Is aft rang r 441 built machine. Suitable ftir a Coal ShafE.or Tuttnery, antl titillbc tzold.re6 kw. - Addrez4A, z.. MST BROTHERS. • Jun. LI, 1857.. . Moiniafo, Pa. • . • LA W 31714 - LANVIN NW IiTYLES, at - gOTT.4- MI ErNEEM M ell!! M M I 2 Mi.E! MI