II RESO 4 LUT 0 ‘, (ming Amenfitioßts to the Coutption • .1 of the Coyamonwealt,h.: . Retolred by the .tienate antiHaute Of Representa tives of the Commonwealth of Penneybanin in Gen• t rat A seem 61 y ma : That the following amendments are propOsed t7P•the &institution of therreolanitin wealth, in accordance w 'th the provisions of the tenth articlO therrof. ' El ?MST AVENDIIENT. There Alan be an additional artlede . to'saitt colisti• tution to be dCsignatod as article '/leren, as 611614 : . • ARTICLE • - OF PUBLIC DEBTS, SIX - molt 1. The state may contract debts; to sup. ply t esuni dclicits or failures in revenues, or to meet expenses ;not otherwise provided fix; but the age -e -grate anuinnt of such debts direct and contingent, wh e ther contracted he virtuebf one or more - sets of i the general tiesembly, or at different periods of time, never exceed se} - en hundred'and fifty thousand I ‘i,llars, and the money arising fronstbe creation of ;' suet defdi, kh a :l be applied to the purpdhe &rabic+ . it was, olei.in,•.l. or to repay the:debts so contracted, , and to no ;other purpose. whatever. , ' j titcorioN , 2. In addition to the above limited power the state M ay contra 1,- debts,to repel fur:aloe,. sup- ; press iniurree:ien.'defend the state to war, or to re- deem the jpresent outstanding Indebtedness of the state ; but the. money ar6ing from_thecontracting of 'such dektl, shall be applied to the purpose for which it was raised,' or to repay suckdehts, and to no oth- ; , er purpose , Ir.:. t.':ver. S'Erttos Except the debts above iperiffed, in j section,: nde and two of this article; no debt Whafev er belc;reated by, or on 'behalf of the state. SECTION To provide fq‘the payment of the prep ant debt, and any additional debt Contracted as a-• foreiaid, the legislature shall; at its lust session: at ; ter the adoption of this refemiMent; create a sinking j fund, *bleb iltall be Pl:theft:tit to pay the , zisiErnin_g interest on! inch debt, and annually, th.retlece. the principal thereof by a Pim not less Iluui two ; died and fifty thoe4and dollars; which sinking: fund ; .. - , • • !.... .', ..• ..,...-jr of the net annual,jnConto of the public \i::. ',.-, t: onU time to time mi,"fieithy the•state. or the ttroeyeds oil tlte; sale of the at ct,' - 'or arts - pait thereof, and of the income orproceetls - orsale of stocks owned be the state, together with titbit' funds, Or resources, that may be de:Agitated by law. The raid: sinking ftind may be in:reased, ftotu time to time. by:assign ing to it any part of the tAxeß,.o.^ other reststies of the state, not required for the ordinary And `current expenses °rigor erttment, and anhosi in east' of war, invasion or f j usit:retion, no part of the said sinking fund shall 10 . 5 used 'or - applied otherwise thin ;., - Iti ex ti ngl q.A nu mit of the public debt, uatil the amount Of such debt is retineA below the attm of five, millions of dollars: 1 . Sr:ems 51 The credit of the commonwealth shall not in Any manner, or event, he pledged; or loaned tc . r any iniiiyhitori, company, corporation, or associa tion; nor sloth the commonWealtit hereafter become a joint owne: 1 1 , or stockholder, in any company, asso ciation. Or COrpOrztt bent. SEC TIO,N G. The commonwealth shall not assume the. debt," or any part thereof, of any. county, city, borough; or township ; or of any corporation or asso ciation; unles Snob debt . sbnil have been :contraeted to enable the! state to repel invasion, • suppress do mestic insurrection, cfend itself in time of war, or io assist the state • the discharge of any portion of 'its:preseta indelth dness. - • - ' ' SECTION 7. The gislature shall not autholizcfany .county, 'icy-, boron, 1, township. or: in eorporated dia triet, by virtue of a' ve of its citizens, or otherwise, to bt•mene a Stockholder in any company, as.socia tion,-Oe corpolutifin; or to obtain money for, or loan its credit to, a;:ty corporation, association, institution, or party. ; 1 • 1 sts.cosp altx,,inuzatz. There shall )..ye an additional article to said eonsti -1 i tution, to be csignated as article MI, as follows: strrfets: Xl7. 0 4' NEW courri. . No county shall be divided Warm.° entrnig off over one-tenth of its population, (either to form a new county or otherwise,) without the express as sent of sncb courts, by a vote of the electors there of; nor shall any nen. county be established, contain ing loss than four hundred square 211111 D A!! ';NIVYI ;NT. :From section two of the first'article of the consti tution, strike out the words . , "of tho city of Phila-. delphia; and of each county respectively ;" front see :tion fire, saute' article, strike out the 'words, "of Philadelphia and. the of 'sereral counties;" froth sec. seven, same article. strike eat the words, -' neither the city of Philadelphia - nor anY," and Insert in lien thereof The words,, " and no ;" and . strike out .''sec tion four, same article," and in lieu thereof insert thefollowing , : "Ssertos 4. In-the year one thousand eight hun dred and sixty-fnui‘,.alid in every seventh year there after, representatives to the number of one hundred, shati be apportioiled and distributed equally, ths nugh out the state, by district=,is proportion . to the 1111111- Yoe:- of taxable inhabitants in the' several parts there of; except that ony eounty containing at least three thousand five hundred taxables, may be allowed a. eparate' representation; but no more than three - counties shall be joined, and no county shall be (Zvi ' - ded, in-the forniation of a district. Any city con taining a sufficient number of taxahles to entitle it to at least two representatives, shah bare a &span - sic representation aSsig,ned it,. and shall be divided into convenient districts of contiguous territory, of euual taxable po'pubt-t-n ss near as may be, each of one rrpresentative.7 ced cf :. 1 , -y;:Liott seven. ,samit article, insert these worcl , ," ti.tlc city et Vi:latiltilpitia shall be 4El'l - into single distrizt,, of contiguous ter ritc, r nearly ctiCal in tat.aLle population as po.ssi ble; bet no wart!. sha',l lie divided in the [urination tliorent." ( • The legislature , ; at its first session, after the adop tion of this amendment, shall divide the city of Phil- . udelpltia into senatorial and representative districts, 'in the manner shave prorided; such districts to re" mf.l•l unchanged .tntil the apportionment in the one thousand ciglit hundred and sixty-four. • For Ern alas nurs . r. - "There shall be an - additional section to the first :tr ftiele of said constitution, which shall boiormbered and . read as follows, : . 5131rioN 28. The leghdature shall base the power to alter, revoke, ci annul, any ehartetof iocorpora tinn hereafter conferred 'h,v, or under, anyspecial, or-general law, whenever in their opinion it may be injutiouii..to the citizens of the commonwealth; in manner, however, that no injustice Ehai be .1. - ete to the torporators. _ Ii SEN Arr. March 27. 1857 Resolved, That this resolution pass. - On the ftrgt amendment, yeas :24. nlys 7; on the second amend ment, yeas 2:3, nays S.; on the third - arner.dmeitt, yeas '24, Mays 4 ; on the fouith amendment, yeas '23, tays 4. [Extract Irom the Journ..l.] GEO. W. ELS.MEWLY, N TUE Llorsr. or ItEratsi. - N - r.trifyr.s, April Resolved, That this resolutiaa pimp. Dui 'the, Erst amendment, yeas 78, nays 12; ort the second amend mer.t, yeas V"i„ nays 34 ; on the flare ainJudiient, y 0.11 9, 7fi, nays 22; on the fourth :Intendment, yeas 83, nave 7. • [Extract from the Jaunt:ill JACOB ZIEGLEE, flerk. Filed in Secretary's office, Mat 2, 1557. • . A. 4. rURTIN, • • Secraary ottle fiertotnontrealtti. Sr.tgEtany's OrrivE, Ilannisnrnc, Tune 2; 1557 ,Pennt , plvania; sa certify that the'ubore anTroregoilik is a tree - end oorreet copy of the original "Resolution propo sing -Indictments to the Constitution of the Common wealth," with the - vote in each branch of the Legisla ture upon the final passage thereof, as appeal-4, from the. origivat on file in this office. • Li testimony whereof I Iwo hereutit' eet mt. hand [L. slaud (mused to be'sfrixtxt the seal of the Secre tary's Office ; the day find year :those written. A. (Ir. CURTIN, Secretary of thi Conanonwealth. SzIcATE,' March 27,• 1837. ' 'The resolution proposing amendments,to the:Con stitution of the Commonwealth being under ccittaider atiOn, • On the question, Will the Senate agree to the Exist amendment! The yeas and nays li:ere to:d.en _agreeably to the prorisions• of the Constituticin, and *ere es Mow, viz: Yz.ts—Messra. Breuer, Ph ow'ne, Corey r Eir lath, Fetter, Flenniken, Frazer, Ingrato il lorclait, Mil- Ilnrer, Knox; Litutrach, `Lewis,yer, Soofirrd. Sel 10.s, Shuman; Steele, IN :. elsh, Wilkins, Wright and 'Taggart; -Speaker—Z4. N..vts.—Me;sars. Crabb,, Creswell, Finury, Gregg, Harris, Penrose and Souther-7. So the que - stion wodetermined in the an-native. .On the question, • Will the Senate agree. to the second atnendinentt The yeas and naye -were taken agreeably to the proviiions of the Constitution, and were u follow, Yr.AS--- Mess . rs. Brewer,Browne, Creaswel4 -Errant, otter,' Finney, Flnniken, Ingram, - .71714111:1, Knox, Lauhitell, Lewfs, Mier, Sellers, Shuman, Sout4-, er, Steftle. Sminh, Wilkins; Wright sualm gart, Speaker- r 23. Nars---31essis. Coffey, Orabb,,rrases, Grcu, is, Krtllinger, Penrose undßcofield—,f. ' • .11 , 70: - it - :.0. t ~„ t z:,l.-; _Dvitro., po the onesiTonwalcletertulned In the iffirdAlve. !-•, . st 3 . .........;,..../..,,,,,.7n---,4" t!- i-zo fag -,., Will the Senate - agree' tn„the third amendment! •' • . IF A ! .. i gTh • ' : . , .2, r - t The yeas and nays were taken .sigrelaqlly to the ,• provisions,ol tho'Conatltutlon,. SO were-as follow, 1 - a - ' 7 ' " viz : Ifiatt; , ••Menwrii. Brewer, Thewil,Thl Pairter i Se l f 1 Beittlever Thy. Etwaria,'Flenniketv,-Froter,lngtioni °Wan - • - - linger, Knot,l.anbatelt,•Lwwis, Ilyer' 3 tietlattite l l eriY l Shuman, Souther, Steele, Vtrautt, 'Webb, Wllltfewanor Wright-4i: .., :)- bats-Measn. Coffey, dreg, fl ame a n sr et rse • So . the • Aueitlon • Was &Filed In thifitettlitecre" ; On theivirittion, •' ' ' '-• •''' "-- • ' ;.' Win the Senate agree to the tiiiikii.amituirtienit•„ The yeas:and nays , were liken - aireeablYto the pint-talons of the - Connituticin, ind ,Tire atilbllow, viz : y t :,ts4-11esars. Brewer. ttiitwneXtdray,treeswell, Fly, Ninua ,Flenniken, Frazer Ingrain,,,Kiilinger, Knox, Lauitieh, Lewis, -liser„. deofield, Solidly, Stn.' man, Fictuther. - Stittele, btratth, ,Irelsbt -,WUllaial arid: Itiars,-3tenws. Crabb,Fhtney,4Ortran and ienrOlit -.So thy quegigi vras auttaritnea to the 40'raintire. • Is 'ME Ilorsz or'ESPRESE.STATIVJA: • . • „April 20 0 16574, • The resolution proposing anienamonts to the Con stitutiowof tht . !crinoperenith Otelrtoeir"Fonsiger ati°"' f, p 0,1 the nt,tion;-- Rill the liousc agree to the ant amendment ' . The leaa and 'nalcs.tvere taken sive - eably fo the . pficiltions - bribe ak4feli fan r, YEAS—Messrs. Anderson; Arthur, Mel:house, Bail, Deck, Bislipp.)39!Fer, Brown, Calhoun, Campbell, Chase, :leaver, Crastibilt,"Dicter, Pnt,'Eyster, Fan sold, Foster, Gibboney, Gildea, Hamel, Harper., Ileitis, 'Rita - tat:El, Mill; liiilegatt, (Berks,)••lmbele, Inner, Jacobs, Jenkins, - . Johns ' •Jolinson, • Kant'Bnan, Kerr, Knight, Lei:renting, Longaker,: I.orett, Ma near, Mangle, liCaltnenik Moorhead, ma, Musschnin, Nichols Siehotsbn; Ifbriemieher, Pearson, l'etent, Petrikin, Pownall, Purcell, liatmiey, (Philatielphia,).Rannie3 : , (Volk.) Reamer, Reed, Rob. erts, Ruin); Shaw, Sloan. (Canitnia,) smith, (Centre,) ' Sterenson, Tobin, Vail, Vftrroorhis, Voeghley, Walter, WesihrookViuirton,lis. ton, \Vitherow, Wright, Zimmerman and Getz, SeEstr..a-.78. NATSI7—MeB. , N. - BaCkUit, 'tensor; Dock, Hamilton, Hancock, Htotriti "Lebanon,). Lebo, Strutta• ers, Thorn, Warner - awl Wlntroile-127 So the qnestion was ileterniinerl In the alllimatire. on the question, . Will the lloirso agree to the secoud arnerrlment ? The yeas and nays trcr' taken Agreeably to• the provisious,of the cprzikut!covi and vete tra follows, viz: YEAs—Messrs. Ander:zon:flael:ltouse, Ball, Beet', Bower, Calhoun, CaMpbell, Carty, Ent,"Fausold, Foe ter, Gilda; Hamel, liarper, - .Heins," Hiestrui, gas, Hoffman, (Bertuf,) Housekeeper, Junes, JenkittN4obus, Johnson;Katifinan„ Knight LeUen rirliVtongaker. Lovett, Maier, Min* Wilt-sin, gootkeatt; )friiselreasa,4,liichols. us,- . Nutse usacl>ce~'J'earson, hlerkTekikin, Pownali-riimelk RainsaY, (Plkitsdelpl4).-Panii§T.,(Xia3l_lllo“4:-' Roberts, Rupp, Shaw,;- Sloan, Telari; - VaikArtifirkideY, WalteiZWestbroolc Wharton, 2imshettnan and Gets, • - Crftwfool, Eyn. ter, Gibboney, HatnOtou, Thineock,lllll;Bine, - Hoti:- man, Atelianou,)..JarobSt Xtfir, Arealliont; Mumma, Reed;. Smitk :(Cittatrieryfratith,. (Ceittre,) Stevenson, Strutheri"ijhbitt, Canvoorhis, -Vickers; W. naeUer , Warnerc'' Wlntrotie; With erew and Wright-4 So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question, Will the the Honie agree to thethird amendment? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro visions-of the Constitution; and were as follows, viz: YEAS—Meetcrs. Anderson, Backbone, Ball, Bea, Benson, Bower, Brown, Calhoun, Campbell, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Dicker, En; Eyster, Fausold, Foster, Gibboney, Hamel. Harper. Heins, Hies. mud, Hill, Hilleg,as, Hoffman, ( Berks,) Hoffman, (Lebanon.) Housekeeper, Imbrie, Line% Jaw?" Johns, John son, Katriffnan, Karr; Leho, Lougaker, Lovett, Ma near, Mangle. M'Calmont, Moorhead; Munmia, Mus sclanin, Nichol-a, Nicholson. Nunemacher, Pearson, Peters, Pctrikin, Pownall, Purcell, Ramsey. (York,) Reamer, Reed, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan, Smith. (Cambria,-) Smith, (Centre.) Stevenson, Tobin Vail, Vativoorhis, Vickers, Vorghley, Wagon:Feller, V. 7 .tbrook, Willis ton, Witherow, Wright, Zimmerman and Get; SPEAK ett-72- - Nars--"Slescrs. Arthur, Augustine, Backus, Bishop, Carty, Dock, Giltlea, Ilumilton , flancock,lline. Jenk ids, Knight, Lcisenrinm ^ , phia,) Roberts, Struthers, Thorn, Walter, Warner, Wharton and Wintrode-2.2. So the question was determined in the affirm:dire On the qneation, Will the House agree to the fourth amendment? . The yeas and nays were taken agrecalAy to the pro visions of the Constitution, and were as followa, viz: YEas—Me..aers. Anderaon,Arth ur.Backhouse,Buck us, Ball. Beek, Benson, Bishop, Bower, Brown, Cal houn, Campl,4•l‘ ,carts„ „Chaise. Cleaver, Crawford, Dicke4, Ent, E3 - ine,r,.Ratratild,loseei s ;faihhoner, Gil den, itarnel, Harper' Heins * , Illestned,- Hill, If illegas, Hoffman, Linifirran; Housekeeper, Lobrie, . Lanes, Joeobs, Jenkins, Johns. Johnson, Krniffmari..terr, Lebo„Leisenring, Lungaker, Lovett, Ilanear,3lauri,le, M'Cahnont„.3l'llvain, 'Mumma, Nieholaon. Nunernacher, Pearson Peters, Petrikin, Po7riardl, Purcell, Ramsey, (Philalielphia.) .gainsey, (York,) Reamer, Reed, Roberts, Rupp, Shaw, Moan, Smith, (Camtnia.) Ftnith, (Centre,' Stevens.on;Tolan, Vanlioorhis, Vickers,,Voeghley, Wagernaeller, Wultei, Warner, Weetbox)k, Wharton, I .Viffiston, Witbentor, Zimmerman and Getz 15;ori--liessrs.. Dock, Hamilton, lionrork,_ Htruth ers, Thorn, Wintrode and Wright-7. - So the question nas determined in the affirmative. . -- §ccteriAnr's Orilen, • IlAnittsurnn,Jnne 2. , t 85 4- ' • 4 . Pen rurylvan;a, kr: - I d o ez , rtit' s that the ahore and foregoing tr ue and coCre:t copy of the." TeaS" and " Says" taken on the resolution proposing amendments to the Con .stitution of the Connnontrealtli', as the same' . appears on the Jonrnals of the ..ttro !louses of the General A sentbly.of thIS C,omtitontrealth foe the i.ession of l R 57. s . Wittiess hand and the seal of said office. 0 - 115 twenty-second lay of J nor, On flown rid eight hundred and fiftc-aeven. jlyBm3.l • • • . jupt rettirotd;froto Nefir;Vork, with a largo _LI and choice' variety of G O 0 DS, bought for Cash, and selected with much - care, from °cm- thirty of the best Houses in .New-Tork o orbich':he offers to his Luis tome& and the public, at low pri'or, for Cash. His stock comprises ; ' - DRUG, • 11EDICINF,g, • , , = • • WINDOW GLASS, - • • . DYE STIIFFs, (GROCERIES, • GLASS WARE, CROCKERY, 4 - • MIRRORS; ' - -CLOCKS,- • • • WALL PAPER, • ' WINDOW PAPER, • WINDOW Oil. silApEs, FANCY GOODS, • MUSICAL INSTBEME.NTS., • JEWELRY, • -• 4 • PERFUMERY, . DRY GOODS, • 1: ILLRD WARE, STONE WARE, WOODEN WARE, • . . • . BROOMS, BRITSEMS, • , • . - JAPANNED WARE, BIRD CAGES. CANARY SEED, POCKET :KNIVES, WRAPS. UMBRELLAS, GUNS.PITOLS, AMMUNITION, r TURPENTINE, CAMPELENE,_ BURNLNU FLUID, ALCODOL, LIQUOW. of Yea~dnai Piiiiescii; My.) ritU&SEs, lig . 715!ggyalAtU Ripts, .roui molaiss, • " - SPEOTAtamme, SILVER it PLATED SPOONS, FORSE, • GOLD PENS, - • • STATIONERY,-,• s • VIOLIN sitLiro, 'BOWS, itc , And all of the Most popular- • • PATENT itzincins.- • Thenkftd for the liberal patronage, hitherto met:l,- M, he hopes to merit it continuance and huge in crease of the same. - AVEL TURRELL. Montrose, June 10. t 857. FLOIUR. & SALT. by the buret w pond at HAWLEY & GUILD'S. w=l, . • G. CURTIN% Sprrrfary cf - the Cutnra or. trral .11 SCALIL rrIIIIS INVENTION chilniginieiihrtty over eierr other, in'tfieghlliterhiererrieets : In the le:varia ble seientilletirh,:elpteleielred,,And tpOn. which if, seta ; 14 its undeviating : accuracy- in _its . lightness and strength ;-- hi its .woude4ful ospew*yoonveniettei of form, and applicability to every purpose for which . Scales of any kind at: required ;--in its perfect slap plieity„, in the absence ottitv eon:Meat:on liable to variation, or „to get out of.order and, finally, in -the important iltet,‘thatthLS scale eau he ailbrded et a bout one third the. coatof any other Platform Seale, capecltfand luiciritey h ' posse.- sing in sn t minept degree, all thew merits, this Invention is.eoneeded to he oiie of the - trio:it needs] and valuable ever brought before the mitZe. And coming, - neat does, -within . the leech *oral); it cannot but end an unprecedented sale end undivided miliket among_ farmers, housekeepers, mechanics, merchants, ererywhere,lo:llle-etsclusiiin - of every 'other weighing apparatus.' . - • • The invention of the Scales and the :nary invalua ble itnpr , oveinents Which we have made tbe ISlACTew,•nionths, have.:lwOught to - .. auttb a 4*, gree of accuracy, that they may, be safely, relied up on in every trangaction of , Manufactured and fcii.Fale only by 8.11. kATON & CO 11m:royal, Stieit.. l'a., May 13, !sr; . On\ lONS IIIE PIZE.SS. , 1 1111 1 01::(ANT /NVENTIMi.--1.01 some five years past. Mr. I): M. Fmyth, nf Pennsylvania, (now ofthisStaft) an ingenious and scientific mechanic, hairconeentratt ed his :ulna nod means upon: an isvention at. length perfectly successful, and fcrr*filchletterlipatent have Cust,been issued by the Government of the 'United iFdittes. This invention is known as " Swyth's,Self , Acting:Bent-Lever , Plat'ortu :icale," and .As this ii; the firSt public notice of this useful and valuable iris provement, we shall take the liberty of expressing ourselves freely upon its intuits. The platform of the scale is about. 12-hr 18 inches, and the Whole scale is about 8 inches hi hand weighs entire 'only abo;:t 25 peillndi, while it hits the extraordinary capacity o weighing any object from one ounce to four hundred, pount t Ira form compact and convenient, ail is appli ble to every.purposc, for which scales of .aor kind are requirid. Illider e lhe platform and attached to the leverage suspend a weighted arm or pen. dulum. To this penduluin is attached an indicator, which, together with the penduluni, the instant any object is placed upon the-,platform mores from its 'centre of gravity to tht point indicating the exact vs-eight: The scientific principle upon which it. acts admitted' no inaceuracy - er change, and a given pres sure or *eight upon the platform must always carry the:weighted arm and indicator to the`same point.— The principle beyond doubt is the correct one, and that it has heed properly applied intbis instance, the lucky inventeirliattieftto roont foe doubt. lie seem' to hire attained perfection itself—at least so. is Platform Beaks are concerned. and to have comblnini in a remarkable degree an Invariable scientifik prin -dole, "known of elf men," with enl . npactitefts, -con venience, strength of form, durability .and accuracy. But the great and important featurtin this - Seale is the fact that beyond all these merits'it poise4see.the additional One ol,being cheap, and within the of every E.ce, 1.856. We hare examined thisi.iiew Platform Scale - and concur in all that is said by the Journal. Th e p r i n . eiphi iNcitt once simple and beautiful, , an 'ensures perfoct accuracy, while the price . loli-be t ee cimes lea than. of the 14mIcti . niarr titted....4./Saray Krrress. SMYTIECS PAT NT PLA7TOIRM . Scw.EI---WC hare ex amined this new invention. ; Nothing can be siMpler or more completely des eloped than the principle up on' u hich its acts. The platform which sustains the weight lifts a pendulum, finspended and lmnied at the end, through en are of a circle ; and the indicator points out; upon, this' graduated' circunifeierier ; the exact weight 7 In other platform scales the ineasure of avoirdupois has to be ascertained by moving a loose weight on a beam, as on a steelyard, till it hits the precise point. Sutyth's Invention Is a self-work lug one, andjudicates at once;and to the minutest fraction; .therigure.„ ~By. -A tucebbit itift,weybc on the end of the peoduhern, the sealo• becomes multiplied by fives or tens by releasing the Weight it gives entices instead of poundk For household purposes, it is as cheap and far better- than steelfards; arid' is finding the way to all well regulated kitchens where the rceript book, with its pre;criptions of weights and proportions, -is used.-4 stay sad A.Nr.w Tnra,—lf anybody doubts that this is an in ventive age, tber should call and - exalt-tine Smyth'! Self-Acting Bent-Lever Platform ScatleS. For simplic ity.of design, and eepnomi of space, they take prece dence of any'scaks that lave vet been invented.— There is one tlet-iflimity rout this scale ; it posses ses very little machinery,,and can never make a mis take on long as the laws. of gravitation continue. Smyth's - in:ale hah anothceAdvantage—iti'small cost. —it nicke,rbeekri,- - - - OEM Sus-nes PATENT PLAT/101M, Seaute-41tis.usw arid valuable was• on- exidifiilont at .onr Suite Fair just closed. Nothing in its department received more attention or Was more generally admired or ap prored. This sole, possessing . the ex:raordinary merit;cOneedid to it at the East, fitment Ittat'he: 4:m eet:dins, valuable, and must, we think, come.:lnto geriemi use.' The Alban Erenisq Joeirnal publishes the . above, and adds: This scale ( Smith's ) was also exhibited at the Suite Fair at 'Watertown, and not only received every attention even it in Ohio, but carried off the first and highest premium awarded—a diploma and silver medal.—Cleveland (Ohio) Jovro at. " SISSIII . B SELF-A.CTINCi Bssr-Lr.vaa PLATFORII Scat.a."—The fundamental principle of ecery impor tant incenticm bus been very simple. In its simplici tr is the elements of its worth, its usefulness •and a daptability, Inven , timrs of complicated movement and-yi!gionstry• /hoarser haire-neeer.pesibrutedtho'ot•- ject scnlrt r to*olditalnecl, for wltts adaptarditi, ;ac curacy and dnrability must he combined cheapness. All pf . these desideratums are involved in the inven tion rieently"patented and known asi`.‘Sinyth'i Siff- Acting Bent-Lever Platform Scales." The scale in question, from its construction on the prinmplwof gravitation, ir never liable to be out of order. It must perform itr, wo.ck th6roughly, 'because the laws ofna ture govern It. In size the scale is a pigmy, but, for capacity it is wonderful, weighing any object from one ounce up to . lour hundred pounds. It can be mg +dated by ant onewho looks at it but for a moment. As - their cost Is but a trifle, they Will speedily be as indiopenaably. newsy! 7! its the booselsold eisiendar as any ottieritisefultiitialle4faMii; —Ber.2liin script. JUINVTA'II. VALVASILE Lsvractunt.---Aznong otbe.rs,' tre hive - been favored with an examination of the new and valeta* irtrentiop (recently patent ed,) known as Sinith's Self-Aaitig Bent-Lever_rist form Scale." Mr." 11: K. Smyth, the - .ldgenlous In ventor,has spent some Hee years In the perfection of his work, And that he haS. attained perfeetiO'n there seems but little doubt. .Thts scale is construct ed upon a scientific principle'which knows no_vatia don or change., and 'hence Its accuracy is beyond .question. Its capacity atd stren'eh is unprecedent ed, while its.forro.and the ptinciple involved make it Convenient and applicable to nil purposes requiring scales ofaxty thningptiort., It iJroe fresh „env com- Plicationitahle to variation cu. to "get out denier. ?be great " and Important feature, however of ate kale s wide under this Invention 'is the fact thatthey - can be affordetfat about one-for;rth'ihe Cost titan) , other platform sesle 'of Eke eapielty and accuracy. In the world. The scale we here been (o sort of pocket etttion as ciira l iiie• with other platform • scales,l has the wonderful capacity, of waghing any ohjec from one ounce up to four Min de d i)oends." Poe sewing the eitraordinin taitits an, advantages con ceded to thislnienthill irt eitrinetibeibe /exceedingly ralttehla, it.ed thettcsies made veer, it, trough as they will be, within thence's of every - family, just meet with an unprecedented Cale, and come into im mediate and geseol-ase, as well tattle benefit of the public, as Ps those eo• fortunate as to secure the ex clusive right of inansfacturing. and ,vendiug State Register. - _ • LIME D PLAfITER. I lllEksatmeribeafartr war. busting. erd keep EL twarerettly-ewbarel4ditis of -a easy amporpw quality at liontrose Depot, *ad - will sell it In'itny quantities at a fair - price: Pena* oieldwg, twice quantity can be eupplied 1.70 n ail‘utonable 'notice. Superkg grouud fluter will be kept eressuintly hand bereafter. , I. L. POST. H. 'DRINKER. W. JESStr-• P. L. EEALR E. Montrose Depot, April 3. Pill RVILA S 84 " alr=riiia fl -11 3, SiltrH'S PAITZIT =nom BC/41,12 TUE FIRST A*D =GAUT PILEBtrUM —A Diploma and Silver Medal— !*. rfri I . 1 _a vE fp a an.' A7' WA TER,7 I O N. Y. THESE SCALES ARE HAbTLIPACITURED AND 1' TPA B.A4P.,9*itT , PX, il' .! ;, - " T i,tl ',7 • "' 77.41;_itrIATillyli - ,AU4i . , tU. 4'o iLD, 8 US' Q 4 7 . ER,11r.Y14 Coc7.N7k, • - se . - E PER r t I[m SHOULD PURCIL-ISR ONE OF SMYTKIATRIT, laPpEl) Smyth's Patent improved Scales RECEIVED THE 3E;IL V"," • ' -AND- • • Elio-hest Premitint, .4 DIPLOMA & S.I.4KER MEDAL; B, .T,' ~- . ,_.i l ij .44:t., WATERTOWN, NEW - TORR. - THESE SC..4LES AIZE if.iNUF4 c7u.kEp AND FOR SA i.E ONLY BY R. 4. EATON & ,CO., Siacquehanna Co not y, ~~. -. ._ Every Farmer SHOULD PURCHASE-ONE OF naithg o Jmpraur rg. 74.fra ' p I ..$ AI Y T ws: , -- -- F Patent Improvd Stales RECEIVED' THE FIRST AND MGM fillffill-sii' DIPLOMA ANDsSILVER MEDAL--- AT Taz - State Fair at Watertown; Nov York. THESE SCALES ARE MANerFACTURED • AND FOR E SALE . VI/Yl3 O r Jra - M nICU ITARFORD, ' • SVSQUEBANNA COUNTY, PA. • _ . . : . . - a EVERY - 41. ft 'Bll'oliiD-*PiffteffASr6Nll OF SMYTH'S PATENT ISPROVAII SOUSE lei DA & 711 9E B -1-1" ISO PATENT IMPROVED SCALES RECEIVE 4 tiirl&FießStd: HIGHEST -4 DIPLOMA' AND SILVER MEDAL— ATT4ER+V./.0" A T • WATERTOWN., , N. Y. 1111.13ElsCAL!* AIiEMiNtrAGTURED - AND FOtt SALE ONLY BY R ? ,l4: . pAton-ar, Co. Harford.'Sesqueisias Co. ) Pa. oNt CCM 11 X 1 . AS T}ZE '` MEI .e, - (tuvlnourat Fire &live. littek hist/ratite conapy, u ; r . .6 , • PM, 86 WALNUTSTRI t IetWEVOURTII. fi r -- APritalt.'"llolM o l6o; dcomvpb S Fre ,, ott AuWiT ti ViAr e widfcrel t liiimat ls l :Pow' 44... VirZo.sszsvrjrcarryArApiverszczi wacarux .11: R. /tiller, Henry .F. s. lit:44l;Y. J. R. Muigen, J. Crosatiale.r._ , SL 3. R 4 11 , 4 11 - Chas...Flaiigott. of WihXingion,:Del.— W. 3f. CaluErr, See. a. R. iftu.gx, Pre*. • • . ' • - Brizirwasrs4up, 4 - gen Rootroxe, July 1, 18.5 . 1.*-1y - -- ' ' 'Masalicit/ter% 'lnsurance Coolant& sea Granted by the State orPenneelvailli. - .-V.A.P1TAL.1.4•500;0011- FIER, MARINE,' k IN.TAND TRANSPOTITAMM: TCoxiiiranj:wis - otganized with (Mash - sad the Diroctore have determined to adapt the hi irineo to its'avartibte - resonrCesto observe- Pt* &nee in eonducting:its affairs, with prompt ailittat ment 7- -• 7 ; •-• LiirtscotirPresl:,Wit. A. litte(Ucs,riieViceV. , At.,rasn Wrsks, Secretary.- • • Deruicrosa:.--4tron 8. Lippineott, Wnt. B. Thong as, Cit.tirle.s:Wise, J. Rinaldo Sank, Vein. A.Mbodes„ William , Neal. Alfred -Weeks, John P. 'Ehnen** Charles J. Field. James P. Smyth. , • . - OFFICE, No. I() Merchants' Es - ch - angc. ?hit. . • • A. N. Btu-tau; Agent: , C; " • Montrose, ph, May 13, 18.57. —IT • • • • - - 1 - ("%- 13 • t ees , s. Lycoming CO. Mutual Insurance Company WM Capital,--$2,200,000. IT Is one of the best Companies in the _State. It was Incorporated in 1840, ha Charter perpetual. It Mts./unwed, since - it went into operation, thirty millions of property, 'and paid over Fix hundred thou sand dollars looses. About twelve thousand has Leen paid hi thi, County-. Applications received at the store of, IL IL LYON'S t Co., lanesboro, and at Montrose. B. IL LYONS, Agent. . . Montose, Jan. 1857. Ysnlll fillikET 1111111FICTORY2 n. mnalL ATANUFACTURER and deMerin 111 . kinds ej .1.11 Furisitaire., is now prepared to fill au orders for Bedsteads of all kinds at wholesale or retail, on short notice. Retail prices range from V. upwards, according to style. He also keeps on hand Ready-mule Coffins; and as he has an elegant Hearse, be is prepared to attend funerals on short notice. New Milford, Dec. It, 185 G. 4951 Farm for Sale ! (ISE of the best and cheapest FAR3IS on Rock k.../ River, 111., for sale. It contains . 1210 .aoozse,.., all under fence, 100 antler plow, all the timbernec essary for use convenient ; a small stream of liritrg water runs through the 'Aare, good new house, well, orchard, itc. It will turn off b "Tht2;ooo worth of grain per annum, or is well arranged fora stork or dairy firm. Is only-one mile from Como, a town of SOO Inhabitants, which contains first rate grist and saw mills, plow, wagon, mid blaCksmith shops, &c.&c. It is only two miles fromß. It. Depot, and four miles from Etcrling, the county seat. • TERMS, $1000; $l2OO to $l5OO dOwn, remainder in nine annual pay ments, with. sis.per cent. interest. Apply to - , , 'Sterling, SFLifeside Coiiiity, Illinois., nr Several thousand acres of Pine Lands, in Wiseonyin, and prairie in lows, for sale, on time. May 20, 1557 —tf. SOAP MANUFACTORY. TTIE subscriber keeps constantly - on hand for sale at his 'estalitatittimitla Montrose, th e best Tl l. ty of 8017S0-4P, manufactured from the lye of wood ashes and grease, in the 014 fashioned way,alld not 'by any patent proc'esl. • • For those that furnish the giesse,he manufactures the soap for s2,so'a barrel. .iVarrar.ted in all eases to be a good article,or the Soap may be returned and the money refunded. Ycr barrel Half Barrel Gaßoa ZF holesale dealers will be -farniShed—i f delivered at the Ashery iuMlintros - e--:--at the rate of ten barrels for $45,0r. at Scranton at ten barrels for $5O. JOHN HENRY- Morittose; March 11,1856. 1931 STEAM GRIST ANDSAW MILL. POST BROTHERS having purchased the ahhre it can rA establiahment,will keepconsuantly hand Su petroviFigt Plisir,eursiMeall, peripr quat. it v,alio" Clop and .ftrini at the how' t eash prices.— Custom work will be done with despatch, and in.all raises warranted. - 13sit1 Montrose. July. 1853. - NEW MILF lUR I URO F Si t oll t E tt . EMPORIUM Two Hundred Sevinty , Fizii Stoves for • ode bg Pickerau *. G f*girpsii4 rece - ipiof 'tfie' r stoc - ICor Stoves erer offered In Northern Pennsylvania, Con sisting of Cooking; Parlor, and Sis-plate, - both` for wood and Coal; also, a full assortment of large sizes, for Stoi - is and Churches.. - . : Would call particular attention to the Jeffersoflian Elevated Oven, the most perfect and heaviest.; p , late stove in market. Among our assortment of la rge oven, Would mention the Empire State improved; as 'being very heavy plates, perfbet finishounl a superi or baker. Farmers of Susquehanna county yen hare been in the habit of purchasing liot stoves and light Loa' s' ming, and paying as much as you ought to for heavy plates And heavy trimming. • We unumfaettir" e our furnitureAud,will sen-StThan u4cturer'sLik those who pay a maker maul compete with us if. they tasn. 'Jobbing I=4 - ected with the ,tin trade; done as trail on short notice. • • DICKERMAN & GASZATT. New Wilford, Sept. 18. 1853. Valuable Lauds For sale. 'IT OR .I.llg 45NR. , ,R0DY4 acres o 4. Lod on the wawa of .prrni n ,lfroo ot broach of 419 Lackawanna river ip LuzerniCounty;Priu4, about midway between the thriving towns of &van towand Fittaton: huitli are covered stable ambler; and being, situate in. the moat c . lifottive mineral NOM im-PenusliVania-7known. to.Cniain iron ore—and believed to abound in coal, ant being also In the immediate vicinity of "ser - erid railroad. 3 made-and now in pro - g 'rele---411fer to the capitalist an 'opportunity fot.the investment of money that seldom occurs. For further information apply to N. P. Ho meek Esq., No, , u, Wall street New York, or to the subscriber ; at Montroae,Stumuelnume oonnty,Pa., the 14tonmy in hct of thet•ownen. ' -APrIl e 1854- . .1 HENRY DRINKER: 11 . 01r111CIM. -- EllSONE'dialrons pa3;ing'lde money,on debts P of any description, can doso-Wearing th eir payments with Post, Cooper Co., tthers Mont rose, td.my credit, whose receipts be ' allowed from their date. 0' L WARD. April 18, 1856.-1 PRICES 2,50 .. 2i 14,25 Wan-SSE - SI • - The ,Yorger .ttinviAited. ,l am : 7 4 ‘" 2 - Ic•eit t toricleins. Litertto : lIIINIto boa ttal 1,45 . 4 wit esinfellitik . okia er 1 / 2 4 14 4 Pi i :r _ ,u 4 -A 4 W,° r ~.4 1 ; =,..: .., - ..,,. • * - WV A tt liriet wi tEtaJOT4 diikeff roadway TaiWitacle Mit' - T ickleesTiebetarliVltitrftei`' MN ' ib t tarso,ooo Pe orie4fl • -.. 1 ••"` : -1- as * Oiveletthim -With }Ulm& Of Apphow; *l6 ate eMbitid 'fife tisuperlifittifit Cotinletteiteri l , ttecittelhelelortuder,' 'and the l etristi c arit' ''' I c " IThortiscifitni.bfPiate . ,44t4Ta S , --:, _:- ;72; ( 4(;14.eitie tiiiiiO;ki iiiiiiihat We is .4 76 ? ' .: ' Ore t ki#.l Jigrii orPaPir,lrellei living, _-; ,_ i la rfl Ai EA T SIVS , WS UOVIRIIII,49t ri4,Al, ItStieresetat Centaiiy ter- s betedhitteinlterfdt /kit Nem Desosibing Rveryi4eitiaorßiilinZzbiiito4 - 1 'al • atotombibiling az a gtitoes,etery Cour: ~w•, MD •-, r terfeit io.Cir' calation LI - tr...,_.-ick• 'ID Arran Eed se lidsoiratily, , that -REEEREIicS,Is _RAU and DITECTION JNSTANTANNOWL , ' _,__- ma virSoladea-tio aliantnet Notages 4 tam* 91 AM But so shy phEied end ursaged,iikasikelierriont. 1 Cl. Banker and Busipesa Maki,,mn me aii-ftio Okince , Ifs - m a - T= 41.0/4 Fi , e,VeAdristrtre.-.1 4 L; laTini;lact *ayOsurtVetjiiin:ii* 111 omrBistiviTosiEgux.. ; 10st Peifect Bank•NoteltstPubilsfiek AttitheTrivate laslorkerwlultAlieeti as ~Y'miiplet Surnmary of theirttrAher. ' Ertiorulk-AiritateA will belitiblished in-emelt e «itdldou t6gether with all the IrafetritouttNEWS • id. OF TIEN O*Y. Aloe A SERTES A LEB lON Frei' an Old Nam:(okt, found in the Eon.- It AirritshiA the; . Most Cogittleti of • 11 , 111111 1„ 4 - - OZIEITAt . , _ . . eis and deseribitig the Perplexing PoSiiioria in which N t•.the Ladies and Gentkruen.of .that Country have been so often found. These Stories will continue throulibeut the whole year, and. will prove- the co Most Entertaining ever ullered to the Public. ta or Furbished Weekly to SubscrOlemonly, at $1 a pear. Allietters must be addressed - agi • - JOHN EL•DYE, Broker, Ng Publisher end Proprietor,. 70 Wall Street, N.Y. , •. -apl3oalB,3yl_ ~ ' . ArF., 11 '.S ...- ‘ -- Cll. E it ItY PEE T OR A _ • nil Vi t.: RAMA cur.z.op • Colds. Coughs, atm liciarsemeits. . , muuriux, 20tisPee., - Dc. J. C. Atilt: I do not hesitate to hest remedy T bese• Otte Ibttott for Ilesestroost./tattistus, awl sbor.ooutol symptoms of a odd. I. your eLtriKV P 1 Its socksrunt use la my practice and m: for the tot Ern yenta loss those* it di trapeitor rirtnee the" trestroieut complaints.. A. 12, .11CIRTLF.Y, , Esn.. 1%, tutTA wee your P.OOIVZI4I. lapel( and ILI my Wady ever ainceiou Invented It amtbereire it the te•talittictrie rnr ittpurposti evil ptiVout Witts a taut cold 1 ',bout,' nt.oster, pay Ogroty4hre:droliats6o4 Loots tkati Jo wottoitt4Lir.vamitop4ibtrioniols.", • ; Croup, Whooplug•Coutb,qtillueulist.' Vraimartia.iv, aim.; 7;11)58;.• DITOTTIZIL ATM: willalavrfullycartipLyuar Paczaaa.Lit jJK Lest rennelly 1.0,34* far the-cur l ',avain.c,t (buak, Oaap and the claat diwaa,eo of rlaf•tren. We of yoar ffitaraitiletla. Sean' appretiativjaailkitt. - als4 east meld sat Pride. : - • • ' : • • . AllO9. 'LIM Fag.: Ittormaiti;lk.: arlitaa Jai:, 11154: had a tadioa. Inflomas., whhil rwitiuettilee,is awes-4x watrio.. Wok moony maklicasuar without, NW •; flually*A4aar erc-rua ii el by the advice of our extltent, grit , tkeervilienCtio 'armee' le mr tbFosrand teeniat: lea's than law Wit the battle aaadarate aaatphaoky Yeast wadlicarai ara.:tlaa el!aak-et a. well. az the bestwe CAto-bo3 i .ttdd wo aateeth nub your rem...snot, Aktui,`l,,,or man's . rd.. n 3. ""= :~st~n : a r'~s"fLl~c ;" ~~'`lff6ncX ' iti'd:~" WIWS' SI Q.' litliTEß. L. Veh.4 Is:'•1 Rtx: Your Cr.:llst P •11. 1 10 1 cn th s.w:tfna. It Imwteliore4...4..r.a rtehn:Alarmin— m Nom , rt eonPustriti , n:al l, 4 6 - 41 6 % , ful'ing xFrxu vtlicrb3hAtirontliimisa tin grectina of the lar4s 'Ur th• I tine tv ; - 4.14`.1. A. A. RAMSEY. M. r).. AtitmN. Slovicot Co.. lowa, writes iept. C. ISSS: .Durinrmy pluctice .4' tpa•tc Irgirs.ik bare aothing Naar to cuts eilEtllT Perralcu. teritiitlagem,e au.) re lief to , cuuswapti4e, patiouts, or t urine& Judi 1i art curable: We sided add Tvi..4aicsi ut oviiomeis, 6 !x t_0, 4! ,.".4 vor d ge l l i f prwr of tlar friars of this.rutoesiy is %quid to itsstracts upao Cont;esti,plian. Prt bably no ono romody has eter bein knowtt which cure , ' at, many and such dangcrom , came a; thin. SomC In') human iii rcaoh ; but e".n to flaw. the cariar Prcion,tt arfonl; re Itof and comfort. A yr": nv-t: ,p7w i zA74.,Nver.T. , 7 „ 7 , 110,-rort A tr.k. I..aci.k.: I^ 4,44 :t I.:etetite t o ih form you 'what 3 ,, tr.lcottorPrcioop. 611.4 i Or fiw . .loy.wifit Zito had u.vcils to1+•••• - ing,-,uudrr the ILtr,g. rtikok iytop lotus of eunsimpti.n, fnuu urtii:l: tin NIA orli r^.lll , ' ttroenee prrt tiro nitwit mile. 'Tho Moodily filt h ier *WIC Dr. blrfmr....al this city, who's toe-hire cOlO4o tie r.a4vioc„ . ...nrowolomatird o trio aL pm- zurak-iye.: -IVr I.lhof al, .4% . 40 prir skiil Wr 4.1. hat r.e. , ‘,.r. , ..1:nan that ,!:ty. tver'yet itto. the nw.,.1 to be. lint i. fore room her ro.Ogh.: .401 eons /Irma, well Ye irs, with gill I itlide4UPt-n.pli , Sui Odirinoptiresobrint drrpindit Litt .poti ham\ riod It i s male I. et., h. world.. a al It, cure• all r:.und tla Ai . ' TIM' Mgt, Mriits irtues.- —l!ist.titip4a: • •-•: . ••=• B.yer'sTathattiTic Pillar j retest s.s. test - stf ts , imgat t o ri tit i l ) .Z. l :l4.; I rtar• here 4%l . t ae7, 'bleb lilmnicn luau. ' intitimisatte'possfs eue ' sbOwn t hyi theee-Paishiseeristeee tenets surpass in - entelhowe the online ry mftlieinanond that they s to units eedents 4 y , upon tt*ten.eu at ell men. They are sere and pies...ant to talrl tut ledeerhil n :tire. Their penetrating properties ithenbitt. thivltafiirlivitlet 4 the holy, reamse the.obstructions ante- °hums; purity-the etPehli,Pourc The, Ism:. out the lout Munson whist breed and now d g shintoist,' slogg-Wi K .diperde i ,d oe =ass into their man mniCtlms.' and impart health." tone *ld dreugth to shecibole system: N. 4 oil do they cm* the every lay complaints ot stool ilmableale and dan:ri diemseis Wit "hitefftatffbt the trllreir htniv'srt sttlL I% they produce poweithdellfects. they me. M the MOW tinse„,in soinithed doers. the safest end hierphysic that ran heemploync ibr' children. Being sugsmeoated, -they are pleasant to take end being pnrely regetslie, err hoe frena.arty risk ham 7.urta hate boat' made which surpass edict were they not cab usattated by men of sub esakMd peeition' and character as n turbid the sci,pichm of untruth. Many eminent clerphossoes physicist:Ur hare, lent thdr names to certify to the Relate the ns liability of my remedies, while others base weld me the amen? logs of their mediation that my Preparations conteitint• int tensely so the relief Amy afflidissi. suffering ;ellen-Men. • The Agent below Lumped is Posed to furnisifgratteni,' Amer kan Almanac, containing direethins inn their and eertig entaeof their mires of the hollowing ecsatplainte:— . Comteenees. Siiioa CNomplaints..Rhenlmlitimm, /April's. Limit burn, headman)-atielnfc from A foul4 4 tom^ch, Nausea. Indigos tion,Morloi , llnactieg oT, the tkarelg. and Paln arblim therefrom Flatulency, tear of eaptikits, all Ulcerous and Cut-therms rib NUM which require son seumant Medicine. &Walk sr ,innt . Evil. They *lee - by earthing the blood and sthunleting the sys tem, cure many cs,saptiniitewltlelli It* Volta:a, be. suptoscd thee weld mach, such as Denfuces. Partial 1311ndriess, Sk•euralgia Nertollll Inifithility. Derangement* of the Livermid:Klan*. -flout, and mbar kindred ceneplatutsirieleg from f ArTfitate 0 the body aTilbstruction of Its functioEst ' Do not be put brunpriocipled Joel with some edict pit they make mote profit on. Ask for Acres , and tale Roth In else. -No other th ey can gists Ton otitupareeleith this-th It istrinsie raise or cur:the povies. The aickiwailt the bat 10 there is Sur. than, sail theijitionlit late U., - Prepared by Dr. J. C. Alit-EIR,. Piptir.4l an 4 Analitteat Chemist, Loirftl s. . Paws, .S 5• Cis. ral Box. Fire BJX.E.S ?on $l. • SOLD SI•• :1414.4,1.1.104414, 1 and,by ail Drmians and Med icine Dcalei-A:—nl4vSylcsy f 4 a 4.i3-244:413,i0lipwitig Let t e r; 10: 1 1E. TESTINOY We haw, receii&l fhe - loilg e'er in relatt on to Lyn. Mouses, banks- BotriPitts. - - Aintrui FOCR CORNERS,' 4 t On., -V i• 4rtirri 4 0 1 . 0 1 #M "The Morse' s Indian 404c4 Pilla had from youle s 'uower - Rol salisfactiaiNla ur firmuo Alitthentlar - ahnoict ni‘eiythink: or4uT, haa `een,ruking in this ituattan*lii'lbriti; "ink•iiitnnt, "Firlher t last ilx s4sicsivist*silt ratitily cs capect s - rcir 'titifseitnitit your p`itig,/,;Tri seen usuti`ABkVltlpElCTi*.lit'Odares4e thei-haVq:xsyAit r*Ep: iiiittnitinn,:*iirAbitly aft,l4olup:Arrinii - oh.l.Sejoiler tr.nosSonsiorr. -- ': s o a k igueri'aii)Xeliai t t4•4o no ConininiefFeni they Might to lOnitfriti Afrof"ichat w9frmiy One Dr. Norre's Indian Root PM . atiticitriribest Pill i iirga f Sold it rla lift 14 I Zh riyiejaniby one %pima is-e!ery town, sod lur..*B country litonsv : J. White, & Co.;s - Peters Platt* Xsit York, ill, PropridionLY' 0. I 47-tf , • . , , itirriii ' Jiiiii. AT UNAI,Hfu Tt ie vav a respetai:Aosneto gze l s x o Inkeetaninebse4 norselini tagethei , eiideitbo ti of MOTT it TILDEN, .. at the olersimidet 111.41rEAticilt,Aribrirtse are pre. ac i pars) to furnish PLOWS of the most. T ed at: W terns sow as" such as Illatchley's, otes Pox -Berm, Av. -Also Poiais of all kinds, dsides, Ctetivetiosnitteithintis of neatinge- r r Farm. ere andalmoktaltwf.whick ;se pailsom to sell spas as am botiforded by any estabMmet4 in thikn. try. . - . ELIJAU MOTT. ' - G.. A...T/LDIII. • .. . We are also armta ter Panery'a limns-Powers, Drag and Circular Saws for wood, litleollog Churn Powys, which we can fandalr on short neck& Montrose, Jan. '7, 1857, , 1 tf The llideAtaltWpaliaan . projamoiT11111:linIIIIIIDO 111011=10,4?110111T,11,01; LT loose m Hi ADTMFOX. - .• • „ • Mates of Adrerttstsig. One *vase (Ifi lines or ese)one week, .:, OrtesoOres, " two ...... 075, ' 44 . three Weeks, . , One square . one month, .... 44 taro .. .: . 4 ,24 ORO 1 9. 11840 ' . " t- three niAnthil• • • •:,00 One square. " , si's months, 543 0 erriSisi 'owe' one year, e , „(s ) Tye olier - '4ll' eat ' - 15,0 0 inapea`raparai Ojos 6411 • •••••• . . . .. 1 20/X1 Five itilligrilkatte ye5r,...... 25,00 chwoillapn. one ..40,00 I , 6,oy. i iali ert i eero ystn Wave the privilege of alter. ring/or chinging their actierthententi &dead churre, . • . • .71 - Baines cards, net moats five tines, buvert e d. .4,ssA9 per annum. • : 4.10 b Work: tilielltee is Supplied with' s good assortment es Jabbingniatirlals, and ell kinds of Job 'Work, sad sszeirdw,APietersi Pronpltletkas, will be done am. 15i sod iiroasade. - BI:rSINESKGARDS E A l i c.Wthagto - . OW :k W - l A:Zia tire :AMMO& ilt ki la3er c ej flea come a *tine And tidlndni4 St. Altentli- Menne the M. E. , ....._ . ~ . .. - sl• ;'' ' '-'' '''' • ',Dr' It Smith, i 1 , • --' . QunoFtwii tritirthrt %ill navimi6 bts Offlei ?rem lkories tirmo la ow& twellsitopporite. Oa Bodo' thatch. (Nor th sillejak Ma t t• rose. miters all Dmial ems*" min tst_pStformsd In ids ssualisod slumber.% -„ . -r::. - - - - ,111Ootrose. 11379. lax. , .• C: C; DEALER 3.915;.611„ . _ • rAt r 7 o4 .Eve il XILIbt doo . 444 T V " • - ~ ..per D ' siL , D.,:::, •_ rptinllClAN APTitd e riXON, haiptanaattatly lixstedlatruier Jr at Drult n estille. balm comity, Pa, - eta will prottaptlT angled tug! ally wittt tat& Wy al ftwomk4Bv27l A. B 11 WI • • . TtORNEY a COUNSELLOR AT LAW.. Odee_aver S. Er Wertli prig Jitort, Sorinataria Munn; Pa. -141. . , - , .M. D.. ippklrtiBtC/AN - AND SURgsoly, Janksno.Rdsginallt!tts Cocatr, - Pa. Residence at the Fit omoc. • Keeler & Stoddard. TILEAEILS IN 'BOOTS I SHOES, Lather sad Irtndlip. on JlJ.lsre et.; Drat door Weir Sdariel Hotel, -Mdatrdfie, k4i.-T2Ed swum Lunt. c C•01+174261... ~! William IL Jessup,: ATTO.RNEY Ja LAW a; .h71".%.4 111,13L . M .(:)ace on Pub 111e Square, Itormicat. ra. • dc_Powler;, - . • Trokamys AND couxspgaz us AT LAW:inct Solkiton to thucorr. Me* N0..44 Clarke Bentley & Pitch, ' ♦ A TTORICETS AT LAW, ATM BOUNTY LAND AGMS, :tt, Office w*st of the Cowl. Lioune:Montrowl'a. • Albert Chamberlin. • . Iton:4:kr AT LAW.Juin . = OF TUX PEACE:- IL - M.:es over I. L. Post A Co.'s Store. Morracitz..Pa..,• AITORNEN AT LAN AND . OO3LIALisLONLit O = ' tar the Stateof New Yoilt,lein attend to an Detainees .to wm wkb Peonsndidelity.. Waco oft ruLLie Squset oecti• pled unam Jean*. _ Abel. Turrell, Ix.r..AT.,zi is riguos. MEDICI:NV, ClitiliCALS_. . r3bat:l4 :1 OCK Dyviitidkiltioriair;torr Ow* Ifsedware. bran, tiWarorare., ClockaLWateh •,..14:Irclry. Eli t et Spoothi m 3pectieleek, mu st•W- lestrenumts,Tmeea. Smiled Instrtnacetk. ant, Perftw leg, X irrcws, Fdaliwnry. Boixtics, WY" Sankas-li &c. . • 7,11. Chaildler, . TILICALtit IN DST 011014, Reddy Madd titithlSlL IGITCaltd. Bop*, and Stidionery, etc, rublicdnenue. Atowpconr, - .1.14 Post& Co:. - rkz.tLEasll D - R .GOODS,Get6rIet, Crockery Mud . ware. /3"l.atther, F7kwt ete., corner orrunapLke Wee sad Palle Ave- J. Lyons & Son., - ir t s..m.zos .fl DRY G00D.4, Gineccica. liaithnit, poticery. Ik.okkac. aim, cant ea tbe Boot Brsataa buslikso Amur; Mnxi:mat. Pa. , " ..... . T ♦. 1..T0.TA 'llk EfiLLEILS. - DRY, 000 M. Drvirfliodkinesy. Prlntr, JLP Groorrleft.sllarduraric Cmekerr, Iron: apart. 'Wltebro. Jew ebT.Slieeetilewews, Portunutry, duo: Brick Mock Merriam William & William IL ATTORNEYSAT LAW. Mermen; Pa. Practice in Snare hanna. Liredeord Wayne.. Wyonlion , and I.vacine counties. DE-ALM; Stares and Headings, Ilampolea, Barivin, FLrklng. Murex; ke..; Birxr. SusqC4l7. A. A U odes* from re owtualnle lOarten, pnuontsy =4 and shappinim ittranion.-vnu9sl Rciekwell & Wilton. • , ANCTACiIIRERS and Dealers la Same 090041Iste. Cam, Fete, Umbrella. Perusals, L nibbous. he., &c.; No. 40 Courtland street. Ns* 'less, (up slam) s. D. 11041LWV.L., • V. V. +/rums, ' A. Baldwin. ..WHOLES.II.X.sad Retell .Dcder is Flour Eatt. y Lard:Ora! ft. Feed. Candles. Clover sad Timoth seed.. East end . of Cbandlres gore. lgoirrsass; .•, y '-. each 1867.-St I)IISSICIAN.AND SpKIEON, 3ip.irrsou, ra.o2lSee , tst the Farmerle skim: - , r „ 1.21?54 , .-- - t -,. •F. Niffoore, , . ; C ... . Mmr, *ritLei'ar., Line:wet ommotompi.. ie;ir ki,,t. ha,. ing Welted In durzuettoana Couuty., would o ar bra mirk= to e about building' or Itparlflit Geist XII* or Ober sarchlosrr. Mettng.ttod blueipodettoo wurouto Um to &two. Peet *Zee ad 4rv u Glenwood, &sq. co., P. . rulyl . • Comes - TIMADERSA In retailed and /12nettesellastdsalloataanda,Ife;id Rom* Table .Topa..te.. pitathatattel New. Tuck. 13 uldnamPer• taktog tbt step. s. ~ d.cd to with dispatch, by O. W. 'AUK" Ageot,l3tooltiya, Bog. Co.; ltait72 re4i44;: - :e*s;::All,kobAter, 1 • LOOKING-GLASSES ; . N 0.76 WARREN. St%tEET: - - Encren Cartmarrig. T. er. Citrussrxi.n, nein S. Knapp. New York. W. A. CarLDNIISIL. l - - - subscriber hawing connected himself with QC abort Haase in the Csoctr lUDs, In Mitts vatioustusecher.aronid ramp- Tai sa to.hinto. hotel. sod bowthtehonae kaspas. In Susque hanna and adjoining counties, thst their stock is one of the lawn of the kind kept in how Tent their likkairsebt, Islarge_ snit general ; their goodsars ofod quality sadebeioe Patens: their *teem Pm as the trade can odor with referees= to pronta • and that he in i'erT - SallotirtoSell WWI who =ay think it infibeir interent to give him k - • - - HENRY. S..KNAPP. New York. Janata,' 1; .(1«, 'F; rosonApp o • . SADRETIMESSIIKER -• -,- AND - TRINI3III3IIt, ,'• • :TedEakin of d..redwilt. (lade rorem and Sitlth,) in tba abarelmaineak wittelter on goad to of,vost hla WA." au&sa _dlaajtaraga; Trunk*, &T. _Hanna made of thabest eattanned . Mper.- Carrtars oral} kinds dove ananort. =the., All Ma& ilOarsiaila Tetsantigahme . anbaudsad tandabad ebeaper than tan tc ranchnipd ebiawb 4 l: nbr Penn esyy lima:. t, , and 3, Basement at Seek ilatell„ ----- . -Baiski!ig , Homo .--- . POST cookies . , HENRY DRINKER, -••-- • • -••-, ~,,,,,4...;, '.. • WM. RuterriNa coopEß.- - . 4 `z '' . . iv' 4 ws-a. -.- - Norm:abet" - IQ' 1855 ISA..&C L. POST .: .-' --- •7' , ' . .;.',. - : - IRAITS . on Nerrifork Cltf and Philadelphta.—, -i. Collections promptly madennd remitted. `Oftiof hours from 104. si. ttjt 3.• .', '"T ! • • - 4. - 1 - ' • Messrs.' Allen Paxton, N: York. REFERENCE, Samna C. Morton, EstY.,.PhWu; • -- - lion . William Jess . . Montrose. . , . ' -.' -- l'"-t'''IPAIINFOIT-41111111011011111119 1 / 4 4 'l,-, r: , pored ticaiit ineeletyetitiitictiesiditimairtistoesow i. hu.11,1 . 1t...,11 , Dr. Arrarßi,,,,,celeteablei malkta4: Jr ... 1 . i=4,tv— ivimilallo. 0.,., Wlne . Pala t oelebtaalktiosa Waft* "11 se . TAIIVI . 11 1 14 1 Mint u kregorlitella r Lustlyin n t= . Idiett7Rolat er rja r atVetedOilet.eads, l irtiliittPof 'iM ithen tW e t 011110144=stMrAnt Awoke wt ttooloakbatimat Aset ka le: ‘ii ,0 4, twoorA ism.tt ßEltoa l . W .11111 M ald __ usg=i t• lot. sost -- - r u t s tr o p ria atri prat*, vilietY `Z ... 34' ..... rav il tat .TM '•lte,. ar , 4 lie donotaidlatatia 7 aria,* laaNtromatiaithartoo wooer oas to to u Vo-Stut max It to ay, thaVolle 0-111 AO aft ly very Wm flea a the Dlog OM Atone a ~,,' ;411Gysibdiste,, 44.11=. I ---',. ' EL TOBAKILL. "V" . N , tik . P ', kited the t fit Witaing 90d4ard rat .eht AM, Pi Ong rrta&e,tOps, ta Neffe44,l4o4,stakput them on at the shortest flottee. Montrose, Ifey 8 18b7. EMEI Wm.. H. Jessup, Bentley .& Bead,: E. S. rawNELL E. VAITLDWELL.OL SON% mows= or Aro osAimui WC= 2. r AND AfORTYIHORSRITOWER 11111111 111111111 - 11111.11.-iiiiti GOOD -on-Drat. . .• Q-kszT-oot fact ;drake; 14 ikch .COnder, boa lance'whietllAM Tann. s - strong well built machine. Sultible'roie Cast Shaft or Tannery, and •iUbesolyd viteleen.", r. Achdreak • - BROTHiRS.; Jan. 14, 1851. .Yontreow; Pa. t LAW1114!1" XTEW STYLES 'at, fediicaprices, a$ 11 NOTT.h = EX= MEM